/ TTVHE OMAHA UNDAY BEE PAGES 9 TO 16. HJUSn JUNE 1 ! > , 1871 , OMAILA , SUNDAY IGIININGOCT0B.EU 24 , 18J)7 ) TWENTY I'AG-ES , SINGLE COPY F1VI'3 ' CENTS. Headquarters The Best roit for the Least Money Fashionable Keeps the Millinery Big Store Busy f Again 'the enlarged Big Store takes the lead in low Q price giving out-bidding , out-classing , outdoing all others with. each , succeeding day the crowds increase heavier buying's done our own best past pales before the store achievements of today. The great good news is spreading. "Go to Hayden's , " they say. One tells another , another tells another , 'till the Big store's'better buying advantages has become the talk ol every household , every home , " 'Tis true , " says one , and then " 'tis true" say thousands. co.Conceded headquarters for the best at the lowest prices in Fashionable - ble Dress Goods , Silks , Cloaks , Suits , Blankets , Flannels , Ladies * and Gentlemen's Furnishing goods , Boys' and Children's Clothing It's leaked out the truth is known. We Undersell Tlnem All : " No end to assortments , no limit to quantities , Silks anl Silks from every mar ket IPJ tin- world from the lowest numlior In a plain Jap , up to the most luxurious of rwdcrn Illnck Silk DreM Silks , each posscsjlng that exclusive character and excellence to bo found only at Hayden's. ? 1.00 HLACK nUOCADBS COO Colored Silks 10 pleoos flnu Ulack Ilrocadcil Silk , large 00 ? Io'C3 Changeable Lining Silks , In all spray and pompadour designs , worth $1 , J now fall shading , gooil weight , very for COc pretty , worth -I0c , our price , per yd - 23c 750 CHANGKAHLK TAFFKTAS C9C CU FAMY ! IinOCADES FOR . MC 100 pieces Changeable Taffeta Silks , In all 37 plc-ca two-colored fancy , nrocndcs , the row shadelngs , to match any cloth , showliiK nil the tastclest effects , and beautifully finished , very desirable , newest siiadlnps , for waists and gowns , worth 7fic , our prloo per yard G9e worth fiOc , our price r > cr yard . 39c $1.33 FANCY PLAIDS AND STHIPE3. . 9SC $1.00 NOVEI/TY SILKS KOH . COC Extensive assortments of New I'lalds and 'Uxtonslvo ' iiKsortments of exclusive styles la Strlpos. the embodiment of every up-to- 40C LININ'O SILK . 2SC date oddity , showing all the dash and Novelty Silk , now , beautiful effects , no ctlat , so desirable for waists , etc. , worth two alike , worth $1.00. our price , yd. . COc ? 1.33 , our price , yard 9Sc $1.25 BROCADED GHOS GRAINS 9SC Black Silks 55 pieces Just received fine Ulack > Ilrn- . 390 cadod Gros Grain Silks , heavy , just the COO BLACK BKOCADR5 FOR right texture for skirts , Immense de- Hrocade lllack assortment of 40 pieces Mgns , assortments , worth $1.25 , our right tcx- Sl\ks \ , large , graceful patterns , tuic , ilehly finished , worth COc , our price , yard 9Sc . Royal value In a Heavy Black Satin jrrico V VBC ULACK TAPI.-ETA . Duchess at per yard $1.00 pieces plain Hlack Taffpta Silk. gooJ. 50 pieces fine Silk Velvets , full line of weight , rich , luxurious finish , worth i&c , colors and black , close , glossy pile , cur prlco G3c woith 75o , our price , yard COc Exti ordinary Sale of High Class Fashionable Have you In your mind's eye a stylish dress for full something now , out ' of the' ordinary particularly rellned and sylishV You'll Find it Here Fresh From Fashion's Home. A Cf it B.'n'i ' in Pices. ( Colored Dress Goods. Black Dress Goods. 40c Values 55c Values In a fine assortment of weaves and colors. Select assortment J31ack Fancy Brocades. The new "llrodnac" Check and Stripes , Crocodile and Jacqnard Weaves , well finished grand texture , serviceable , will sell at very dressy , worth Otic , our price For 25c Only 39c Yard 47c Values $1.00 Values Plalda thowlng every now effect In style nnd color combination , choice styles for ' . In Ulack French Storm Serges..18-Inch wldo .wnUts , etc. , worth 47c , our prlco beautifully woven crisp desirable tex For 35c prlco ture dust and waterproof worth $1.00 , our 65c Values 50c Yard 200 different styles In 40-Inch Fancy Wool Dress Roods , showing all the new In $1.00 Values laid plaids , checks and rough surfaced cheviots and other new weaves , our prlco In a 47-Inch Serge , made of fine Mohair and Combed Wool , silk finish , pure dye , flno For 49e Yard lustre , sold elsewhere at $1.00 , our price , 59c Yard 75c Values A granJ assortment of choice new weaves 40c Values nnd coloring's In the latest French and English Checks , Stripes and Mixtures In Hlack Wool Surah , made of finest Aus- jnakes owe ! ! gowns for street and traveling tralUn Wool , exquisitely woven , perfectly .wear. finished , elsewhere , our price , For 59c Yard 29c Yard TRADE WINNING PRICES ON Cotton Dress Goods Standard Dark prints n laul colors fast Art Sateens- 15C Yard choice designs Silkohne . * Yard C for Comfort covers Select , line 36 in , D , K. 1'ercalcs all new 25 pieces 33 in , ' laiu Simpson's Percales 12k Iast ? Black Sateen lard li < ; Heavy fleece „ „ , . . \Vrapper \ goods llllu UNUSUAL CLOAK ' AND JACKET OCCA ! Big Offerings in Collaretts and Skirts TOMORROW4ml coiiiiAitKT'rs. . . . COM.AUHTTS. . . . 100 Elcctrln Seal , Bilk lined , full DS very choice Astrakhan , fancy rlpplo Collarette , our iirlco silk lined , full rlijplo , prime fur , our $2.98 prlco . j $3.48 LAUIIOS' JArKKIS trnd > o. " Rood hi-iivy bfiiv.-r. now shield front , LADIES' SILK DUKSS SKIRTS , lilirli storm collar , liriild trimmed , thoroughly well made and llnrd , lu-iit ly flnlsho 1 throughout , well graceful hanging , .vorth $7.00 , for worth $ S to for tomorrow only $398 $3.48 Infants' 13IDKHIXWN CLOAKS , ' In blue , pink , cardinal and white , S3. 50 SCO LADIES' JACKETS , mndn of Worth $ : t W , for Astrakhan cloth , curly boucle , ker Ladies' seys , Irish frieze. In bltio , black , $1.90 brown rod . Skirts for , and tan. made mid lln- l-hpd In the holKht of fas-ion worth 2CO MlFsos' JACKETS. 111 lioucles. up to $12.00 , only fancy mixed cheviots , two-tone frieze , in the newest Empire mid $6,98 reefer styles , storm nnd sailor col ICO Ladles' Skirts , 309 LA DIBS' JACKKTS , repre- lar , ages 1 to 14 , worth W.Ol ) . for made of choice styles rontlnj ; the very choloost styles of $3.98 in Novelty Wool Suiting tvic season , In French bouolos , cnl- ' ing , graceful hanging , orplllars , rough cheviots , 1'erplun Ladles' Plain PLUSH CAPES. CO eels and astrakhan curls , all high or 32 Inches Ions , trimmed wlh ; well made , worth ? 3.30 est grade garments , posaosslnR. martin fur , lined and interlined , at our price ovcrv c li'mont of JncVet newness , ' worth JD"(0 our price tomorrow $7.48 $1.75 , SKIRTH-L idles1 h'aclt Sl'k Skirts , $12.50 made of h.imlsome brocades , lar e , RADIUS' PLUSH CAPKS , 2- ' graceful designs , J12.10 , values for SER Oim HAND- Inehi's lonR. lined with plik , em $7.75 , SO..M10 LINK OF ' > broldcred'with Jet , edied with thi SK1UT3 SELLING AT bet. full sweep , worth $7.0 } , for Ladles WHAPPEHS , dark colors , $3.9a 39c $398 Rare Bargain dinners hi Our Superb Lineri - - Buying Time It has taken years of energy nnd hnril thought to build thla Linen business. Here , ard with full knowledge of Omaha linen condtotiH ! ! , we KHV THIS 1.1 T1I13 TIME TO 13UY. I1A1IASKS > > For less than other 2"i tiloce- ; 'II Iliipn cream TAHLK DAMASK , nice aiso tmint of p-ttcrns OKAXD SI'KCIAI , SAI/K ON TIU'ST- ' worth : ffic. lor , > arJ lie \\OUTI1V SIM'KKWAUK- 42 i/Iecesf fancy Persian patterns In stores for them TAliLE DAMASKS va.ue , for , pay 1 < K ) Crystal Tankards , silver trim- " il ininss , start sulllii ; ; loniiirrow sit. ! lSc 30 pieces extra , heavy Scotch DAM- I'OO Tea .Sots , quadruple plate , weld ASIC , ( lorn ! and Greek designs , reg ular Me " Krade , for , yard "Me lined , liiiucl engraved , . < 8. ) val- KO plcren oil bollfd Turkey Hsd fi-lb 10-1 blue gray wool mixed blankets tu's , > .ro at set . < ; : ( . .is UA.MASK , deoi-.iUie patterns , i"c fl.HO others asking , our price 95c pair. Cciiulno Cut , Class Ollvo Dishes , value , for , yard sc ' , 2S p'ecps ' extra heavy , 72-inch Scotch 11-4 silver gray or tan colored fleeced . regular 'J.Ott oods. jo at $1 .10 ! DAMASK , In nil fie new designs , Slot lint ; Silver Tea Spoons , for set > . - uni'lu ' for , yard ! < 9c blankets , elsewhere. S5c , our price 75c a pieces fill ! bleuchni 72-Inch double pair. Sterling Silver lion ' fold SATIN DAMASKS , flew f pray , lion Spoons. flora' ' , Greelt nnJ houafiiold pat 10-J brown and black mottled bed blankets Olive Spoons. Cream Ladles , .Meat terns , ! > 0c v.-lue for , yard C3c Forks. Itutter Knives , Sucar TO\VICIS AMI TOUW1,1.VG _ kets See special at 0c ! ) a pair. .SIUIOHH , Htiller IMi-lcs. regular value K ) dozen extra heavy Catto'n ToweU , Grand offering In fine all wool blankets . ' . t2.\50 , i Uf vuliie for , each TUc ue .fl'.OO each for ' , .if " Ladle. ' ; ' and Cents1Vatelns. . limit- 3S 9o il.z''ii value fni-Be for. llor.ey eu-h Comb Towels , nc at $2.50. $2.75 , $3.00 , $3.50 and $4.00. In ease , old lilted , warranted li ( > 10J dozen line heavy Turk'sh Towels , NOTE Worth 25 per cent more. ' woven selvune , 22x-ir ) , worth ISc , for , years beantii'iilly engraved , line each 12 ,0 No burrs , all fine sanitary combed wools. Kltilii and Walthain works , Js'JO 530 dozen Uncle and Satin DaimiKk ' 5c White Shaker Flannel . , 3VjC. values for . .ij > U.riO ! | ToweN , a bai-Kain nt 2r c , our jirlce , Solid Cold Speelaeles , with Vim- M each pieces all linen Crash > Towollnir . . . . . . .l"i/c Cc Unbleached Cotton Flannel 4c yard. Atistralian pelilile lense , refill ir i _ worth e , for. yard ' ' . 5c 7c extra Heavy Cotton Flannel Cc yard. prlco $ . i.N ( ) , 'for ' tomorrow < _ ' . . ( ) ! 7fi pieces Class Towrllnc , ynnl ic ' Skel .Spuciaeles and ! 18-Inch extra heavy Cotton Crash 4c 25C Ilevcrslblo Swan's Down , 15c yard. Kye CJlasses 10c IC-lnuh IIone.\ ' Comb up. \ Toweling 2V " c L'fic New Ilevcrslbie Printed tlemlns , IGe up.Xiekle LM-Ineh all linen half bleached Crash. Xiekle Alarm Clot-lcs , r > "c eai-li. ' only / 7'/.c yard. Klslit-Dny oak Clocks , with lialMiour SIIUKTI.VC.S .VXD > H'SII\N _ strike , alarm , . ' .IM. 4-1 " extra heavy Mus'In at..j Jc 2Ic now style In Crcton. . ? , 15c yard. ' ' Crand Knamoled Kl "Fruit . of the Loom'1' and Lonsdajo 35e all wool Checked and Striped Flannels ' lit-Day Clot' ! ! " , .Muslin , r.vp ina < le of iron , cathedral KOIIK , and hall'- n-1 DlPiirheil Shoetlnp " "l'/c nels , for 20c jard. hottr strike , i.1. : ! ) , " ) . Kxtra heavy rundy-mmlo SlltwIZxHC. . . Ac 90c Iteady-iiindc Sheets , t-Ize 2lix2'/I ' . . . . /5 all wool Skirt Patterns for COc each. IN MUSIC'S REALM. 2nd Floor 3rd Section. Magnetic Price TheChickering Piano LO WWESS ON AUTISTIC STANDARD OF THIS WOULD. To own ono Is to enroll yourself among that circle that bcllovo the best Is no".o lee Kooi. { MODERN We also carry a fine selected stock of "STI31NWAVS " "FISIII3U" and oth er makes , altogether the largest stock of Btandard pianos In the won. NEW PIANOS FOIt HENT. { . FURNITURE Prices have touched Low prices on high class goods has h the low notch on Wall Paper , Paints rought our furnliuro bUElncEs up to the a nil Itnishcs. pi emit great magnitude , the public are nu Ick to din-oxer wnero the best for the lejist WALL PAPER Is lo be money founJ , handling nothing ex All our regular line , Cc and Cc white cept the proincts of the most famous mak blanks , for 2 ! c and 3fcc. . ers , always the first to show new oddities Our regular 7c and Sc Glimmers for 4o nnd Improvements , hence from day to day and Cc. our big furniture business Increases. Now select line , styles and patterns , showing all the now ahados In blue , terre- rottas , greens and reds , at lOc , 12V4c. 15c , ( FOR MONDAY 17c and 22Hc. You'll pay more elsewhere. \ IRON BEDSTEADS Ingrains lOc and 12' ' c. PAINTS ' The advantage In buying Iron JledeteadR > from us that you can have choice of your Host Mixed Paints $1.00 gallon. all the best makers and at lower prices than Carriage black , vermlllloii , half pints , 25c. , are asked for Inferior goods elsewhere. Each Pints. 40c. kind wo sell la the best of Its kind. Green Schromu Yellow and Maroon Paints , 35c. AVhlte Knamel half pints , 20c. Special Prices for Tomorrow ' 'Pints , 40c. Varnish Wood Stains Half pints. He. 'ilron Dedstcads , white enamel , brass trim Plntu , 25c , ; mings , at $2.65 , | 2.85 and $2.95 , worth 33M1 per cent more , BRUSHES u * l-lnch Chisel Varnish ' . . - . . . lOc IMPORTANT TABLE SALE Hi-Inch Chisel Varnish , . , , . ISc 2-Ii > : h Chisel Varnish 25c 1-Inch Tomorrow gome 50 tables start a selling - Common Varnish Cc > at 35c and 45c well wonderful values. l i-lnch Common Varnish Sc Oak Clialru , cane teat. C5c. . 2-Inch Sidclng llrush liruah ICc Oak -Itocken $1.00. $1.25 , $1.50. .TUj-incti Bidding 25c Much llrush Extension Tables $3.25 to $5.00. Sidclng 40c Tomorrow we will sell limited a quantity White Wash Heads 1 15c ' of 'bed * . Tin KaUomlne llrush all bustle 15o , 3 feet wide , fitted with Hangers' Dry Hrustica all bustle 8-in.1.10 supported springs , , , - } . complete , $2.95 while they last , Hay den's Great Never in Omaha's history were first class goods quoted at prices so low as Hay den Bros. ' Great Transmississippi Headquarters quote for Monday at their Provision Depart ment , Butter and Eggs Crackers and Cakes SIrli'tly Ii-irt.li KKKH 12 < 4o .tllclilKiui llcnUli I''OOIN ! , Sanitari Country lluttcr lie- mill I Ic um Onliiical anil < lraliain CracU- Host i Co n 11 try ItiilUr.llIianil ! li- ! CPK , 11 UK " ' K3' Crcntucry ISc anil SO r Oatmeal \Vafcr , only lUa < Funcy .SV.puralor Croiintcry , Jlie Oiilincnl JIlMi'iilt , only I-o llt'Ht Ilimll' . . . . . . . . . . . U.'IC Soiliu Mini ( Ij-Htcr CrnckcrN fie Cilpi' Cixl CriiiiliorrluN < ! u ( iliiKcr SniniH 7t ! We carry a comiilcle line tit CnkcN at Ilic loucsl prlccN. Our Great Meat Sale We arc liciiiliiuarlci-N for J llcallh F IH. Suit Pork , He Pli-lclc Pork ' OUIl WHAT'S TIIK JI.VTT1311 WITH Cornell Ilet'f Plus 1-Vi't mill Tripe Lard Sale ? llllNtOll Plclllu IllllllH Ilullril linniN , only 1H : : -ii > iinil CHUN , only . . Irlo lipped llcef I . ' -liiiiiiiil OIIIIN , only . . . . . -T o I'lnc Uncoil lO-lioinul 1'ililN , only . IDu Slimir CiiriMlo. . 1 llniiiH \V < - carry nil Ilirn nils of ( lie Omliiliy , Head ChfcHC Sivlft anil llaiiiinoiKl PackliiK Coin- . HaloKiia KriiiikfnrlH " ( MIVIIA'S LAIUSKST AM > KIXISST Tli9 Big Pish Bept Cheese Department Inilii-rlal SxvlHN Kinillcrrlni ; for \-ufi-lind-l ( . 'Ill-CMC : i'.ia Club HIMIHC -r " Aiicliovlcs , new . . . ri Itoiiticforl , In JnrH -i > o Ili-il Snlinoii I'roiniiKi- ilrlc liflo While Klwli Mtickcrcl . . . > r.c llrlck ChccMC Coil l < MNh . V4 ' YOIIIIK America T--J ' llolliinil llcrrliik. n > MIL lump CIlCCHC UCBH l5l- < > < > ol \ iiiiNlllvcly NIIJno Nlo ivcMt Conic lo the lllKT Store 1'or all UlnilH ( /'hlciiKo ciui Mhow yon III line ot iif I'lHh. CliccHc WK tin , mill at Niicli Save money by getting your Groceries at Hayden's Very best Minnesota Flour ( warranted ) , per sack , $1.25. Teas and Coffees ! Fruit I'uddlne ' .assorted flavors ) , per pack age , 7c. Acorn lirand flat Salmon Steak at 7'/4c. ' Itollc-J Oatu , per package , l'/C. Wagner brjmj Canned Gooseberries at 7'/4c. Tea Sittings ( now ) , only Kcw Mustard Sardines ot Cc. Whole Hlo Coffcu , frt-fh , only Macaroni 'Jc. Imported cnly Oolden Hlo , very best , only 2lo Now V'ork Buckwheat ( Just In ) , 3'/4c. ' Hattlo Ax Chewing Tobacco , 19c. Ilaskct Fired Japan ( worth r.Oc ) , only. . 80 Evaporated Itaspberrles , per lb. , 19c. Fancy English Ilrcakfn t worth 75c , only 3Bo = I'ltted I'lums , this year's , per lb. , O'/ic. Itrgular COc Unrolorcd Japan , worth 70p , Largo red Huby 1'runcs ( very flu * ) , at 9'/ic. only 37'/itt I v ItP rw