10 THE OMAHA DAILY inflBi SUNDAY , OCTOBJETl 21 , 181)7. ) T he famous "Estate Oak" S-o you ask why week of msdersellingsacrifices in every Our Carpet Department Redtiins ; in endless vari- Estate Oak are such great stoves department that will positively make this occupies the entire W ety ol prices and pat the busiest third floor of our es terns. This department ' ' ' week b the season Those who are looking for BECAUSE 'I'nsv ho'd fire longer w th one ordinary charge of any household tablishment. It inc'udes has reached large proportions sale goods cannot afford to miss this special kind of cither hard or soft coal , or w iod , or lignite , or corn cobs , if you great the products of the largest tions with us , and it will plouio , than any ether oulc on the market. What do you think of these furniture bargains ? and best mills of every carpet surely pay you to investi BECAUSE They arc th in Jit baa-Uifu' ' stovjs artistically , and pet and rug producing gate as to what we are do mechanically the unit ps-fojt on tin mi'kot. country in the world. From ing in this line B OAUSE They 'lave ' a jointles ? ash pit section in which all the the thousands of patterns Ml.Oil sofa I'llloiiK several plates are -skilfully iniultlud in -jolul pieoj. As a result of this , exhibited we can satisfy fhlM ttfi-k SJUC lat'tjo ash pins uro ivido 1 therein * break pr ilioy novoi or crack , expan sion and contraction ' the wishes of the most exacting Kit.DO pi11' pitlr ll-piiiiiiil ran novo > sopanuo the p.i * ts , or cause the slightest I'lJioviM draught suction into the st > vo , o < ( ' | ) thrju h thu screw rojlsto.M. In acting purchaser at these UilN ui-fU I i < jr U b ises m ulo of pioXi , such sopa-atum of and sit ition through the joints are inoviUblo , honci unusual air-tight t-.nl llrolcooin.r qualities , vvl.ichuro low prices. Sll.odoot IMiiiiUi-t 295 indlspun-mblo to succors , tire m.i lo lin. ) nsiblo thcroin. tlllH Ul * * U iiviu .intiiini-Mii iitin . BECAUSE Instead of sliding draught registers becoming qu'ckly loose and out of IVOI'tll Ciiri.OO tills UIM'U 198 tirtlct , nnd with which tilr tightness and perfect cintrol over lTr i are imp > ssinlo. "Estate O.iks" are till * UCfli . 13.50 " ( I , * O Cotton llllllil.i Is - 75c pinvidutl with orow icgistera inall th j dons , which uro llttod tigcthor bv centrifugal grinding 7\1 < ll .III | IH MONO IttlUS , ( Ills wci'U and which never got out of order and conveniently xupoly the air required and the Tietu deslicd Mill-Ill hli neck I ! > . < . ) < > 850 H l.dd Coinrorts to produce either the largest or smallest volume of heat tleslred. thlN vM-i-.e 175 < l\l .liiiini'Ni | > HUH : . Uoi-lli BECAUSE They have stood the test af years. Thousands of Omaha householders SIT.r.O 7.50 IlllH t oniforls 98c wbo htuo once used them will have no other. Those who have not the cash can btii thoMi on ( l\l . .lutert Hiinri | 7IU1 ColiifortH credit with .ut . any oxtia cost and cot the IKO of It while put lutr fui it. Wo are solo agents. iN WIM-K 1.98 IlllM MI'OU . . . 38c Lbtutc Oaks guuranteed to hold lire with ono charge of soft , coal for 41 hours. xl.no ! l ( \II ( > iil It me Hits n.-cK 198 ir , tit ) Ml-.lit llrilKMI-IlN - of Peninsular base beautiiul 4-ho e he Famous t nrpct Mrjries-Every ona The . 675 ti'ese items a bargain thl. vc.-U . . is burner is the perfection cook stove , trim Stir Estate - fection of hard coil med iik-olv , good baker Steel Range Kid. ' ( Id lllsllt limnilu gain that greets you and worth i-l.'l.oO on sale this I'liriK'l asks do not accept 4.50 why heaters guaranteed week on sale this tills t > < U . ' you SMc > * - , it a'nd make < | ti-N AMI rlli money cept to heat 3 rooms a 1 week Sfl.dO for 111 It \ ck . i.48 . . ml Loiich winter with 2 tonof only ST..Id IIM ml ' . " I.-IT. iimlH r , ' 1111111111 MI-US ( -tuti * Q QC coal on special sa e Mf-IlM Clirpct , > \ in-Ill 81. 115 thin iifi-k 0 SO till * n IM U . 38c this week 6 50 Oil . SI.7. 'lilM'str | > 'I'nlili' ii.riOO tnrilN ri'iiiiiniit In- Co > < ! Stove Oil Kiiiln.voifh 7f > * M-U tills < at tills \ \ < > < > U . 25c s- ClK-ullli- III SI n SOO tnrils ri'uiiiiinlN Mill- > tin w , north ; tr t * t ox i r this ufi-u . 08c tills u < < ! . . I . . - ( ( I ( HI i loth nnil I , lii- .si , "d llnmlioo ( uitnllis nli mil sitinr < * s , \\iii | h tills \ \ -i > U from ! IOo lo lldc _ Of Interest to tills iti'rlt . . . . . . . . . J5c S7.MI I hiMillli * t urliiliiN womankind. M.dd lltisHOcKs , tills H M'lv . 48c Sll.-ll Tnpi'Mi.1 ( nitiiliiN tills \ \ i-i'U "fit * Hour Mills Are rich ' you a Fine ioo-piece Dinner Set superior pride of English semi-por this vvi'cU . 29c thin \MM-I Tide 1)11 man's wife ? ) CIiilli celain , with a neat bat dot design , in a peacock blue , green or pencil tills . Mfl-li . , S.rl ( ! ( slllv tiiitnlns lit we will make colors , hamlaomelv undoi gln/ed all the pieces are shapely hands - 7. I- I.llloll'IIIIIS - tills \MM-K s mn c > upe - < ous | , prottv tea cups. largo e noted diihos and plutterx , ( his u.-cl ; . 38c your home luxuriant in ikliiK It i himl-omp table so' RIHII mtu d not to ci irltlo or crarc This SS.OO MiiisNolls Ni't ( ur- not Is hold tei'til in * .111 % win re * In the fnlteil S'i s for ubont $1SOO We litlns n uriant ; a mer otter it tills % uik as . --pctliil b again for only ( Ills > M > fU I2ic this ufK tj. chants's ? We We also p'ace ' on sal ; a pretty Toilet Sjt. Tne shape is new On it Mil or : tlli this * Hi-nip toU ( .u pi-t I4c l r..rll " | 11N li Isli 1'iiliit t ui- $ ! . ( ( > per > MU ur SI.OO piin ( li. l.li * ItiiBr ( ' ' decar.ition in tliruc attractive oil- 'nrpi't , and hit go. * v ith a hands mic , very - this UM > U furnish your orN ithln ' f the .inywheio b it here. Sot on n tiiii ur SLI.in : ( tlllH H l'1-K 23c or- > < r ni'tir as nicu > r nunuy ut i.r > pi uri'U or sr < MI i > IT niinith. l.U.'l l.lll-C llllllllllS p residence with duo includes lo , > jar. Worth logititirly 8050. On H.ilo this vvook On n lilll nt MO.Ill ( TdiVII \\ool liiKinInx 39c this - .k 9 C regard to elegance ) Sl.r.d pi -ni'i-K or SI ! Ol ) pi-r niiinlli. anil icflnoniont. A On : i Uill or S.-.O.OII illli * 'I npi-Nli mechanic'uo lit ' i-ill.dO pi'r i\ii > K in S .dO pi-r iiinnth. this ni'i-l. 49c H masterful handling of up yt ur homo com- List , but bv no mein the least is ths third birtTTi'n of this series On n bill of S7.-NI _ SI.I ( lloiM III IINSI-HH # & nletcly. tastefully It is a bountiful H. and II U \ Binqviot Lamp , with Kirfje , round SJ i"J | i * \\4oK 01 I1. ] ) OO prr nuintli. this > \oi-U 98c resourcea bnng- > to a n d substantially , bin nor , Balearic center vvhicfi i- > the very hit -bt theto is -t i ethec On n hill of * l < ld.0d SI.S5 \ i-lM-t gether in our store the best . . HL'.r.U ' ivi'i'U - 1OOO IIIMmonth. 78c pi'i or > IIIM- this wiM-U and v\o do it as well with ) ld douotutod ylobe. This combina ion generally a prottv JJ on ii iiiii or s-od oo _ . , the world has to offer in nnd willingly for one sells for is".30. Wo place it on bile this week for . . . ' . M.rnilnstci ; > s . SI.OO piiVM.1'U in .Sl.'tIO p * i month. this VMTlv 98c as for the other. household goods. The logic of our low prices is in the immense quantities han- d'ed ' , constant inflow and outflow keeps stock fresh. You'll never get a sta'e or ) lli shopworn piece from us. How Vincent Redwood Camu to Knter the Continental Army. ' B ' y P. Y. It LACK. Tf "And , midumc In brlgliter Uajs. shall bo honored as one wbose tact nnd patriotic ondca\or sa\od her countrj from the fiuy of war. " Mr. Ralph I-ldpett bowed slowly , with a emlrk , and my aunt curteslcd and wriggled , nnd looked at him ocr her fan with a deprecatory bahhtulncEs I had no business to be In the window seat behind the Hcicen nt all , but I wtnyed , although no eaves dropper , because I knew my aunt would sand mo from the loom , and that Indignity I had no mind to buffer. "M > countiy commands me , and m > king , " said my aunt "If a humble gentle woman nn > be of set vice In bringing them to nn understanding and ending this un happy quart el. ho sure Susannili Hed\\ood shall do her part. " "General Howe's representative will bo here from Staten Island totnonow aftei dark , " Udsctt raid , Just OH I thought the minuet would burel ) commence " 1 promise ft gentleman of miitiulo rank and with full nuthorltj to treat with the eongrebs' gen- oial Hut I beg once more to lemind Mine Redwood that Mr Washington Is not to Itnow beforehand for what rail puipose he Visits joii " "I entlrtlj comprehend , " said my aunt "No one knows bettei than I how Eolf- wllled Geoige Washington can be , obstinate Indeed , when ho gets a thing Into his head " 1'aidon me , deal madame"aid Halph , breaking In on m > aunt's Ktorj with 11 temerity which 1 confess I envied , "time presses , and 1 must be gone Already I bhould be on my read to join the genual 1 hear jour message to him " "I tiust " bald inj iiunt a tlttlp wistfully , "that events \\lll Justify the llttlo deception I have told him I am In greit tioubleso Indeed I am ; EO Indeed are all the Americans and he alone can assist me And this Is turn also If he will consent to do ab our giaciou king advises through Onera ! Howe all will bo nell and I am sure the king lias had moio experience than ( Jeorgo Wash ington , and Its only icsnectful for him to meet his majesty's messenger , and como to terms. Still I do not wish even the appear J mice of deceit was avoidable" "Deceit , madame1 It Is diplomat * } " "Uveythlng Is understood. " Udgett went on , "Tonight Ocnerul Washington crosses to inspect the force at I'aulus hook tomonow night ho will return to Brooklyn Hcighth On hla way thither ho will stop and sup with jou , perhaos test all night among your charming orchards At the right time Howe's iilcnlpntcntliry will present himself end Mr. Washington cannot hut lUten to him tind , listening , content to his majesty's gracious u > mi * . Then , madam , your name Blull pass , most honored , to history as one vvho achieved peace , the sweetest victory ' They bowed and pranced and smirked them- eclvi-s out of the loon ) then and I was left to conslor ! tin- greatness of thla news which tesolud Itself for mo. but 1C years old , Into thu ono exhilarating thought that 1 should sco George Washington , the general whom congress had sent us to d ho the ItrltlBh from our free land In faith the news set me u ire.nbHni ; In my window seat , for , If General Washington were actually coming to sup at my aunt't. house 1 had a favor to beg of him , no IMS than to over rule my aunt's command and take me with blm a-soldUiiiig My Aunt Siuaniuh was a Kind and worthy gentlcwonan. though a trlllo vain In all thliiRH , save for a blind and most Onrrasonahlp ndoiatlon Tea stupid and pig- headrj old nun across the ocean whom the lir.iyel for as her beloved king , and bellc\ed Wall hie A IIKVKUATIQN It fell aboiit the twilight of the day of AVaehlngtqn'a expected visit that I was lu the orchard , rehcursluff my request to the fienetal for leave to follow his fortunes , and , in my walking back und forth , I heaul earnest voices approaching from the fields' ' which stl etched to the Hudson rlvei. LM- KcHt s was the louder volco , and 1 drew behind - ' hind a tree , for no better reason than that I' ' disliked the man , and always avoided him when I could IP was an Instinct , for he had I never hurt me I hated his face his manner , I his \oUo and used to wonder whit people 1 saw In him that made him thought well of by high peiFonagcs like the mayor and my aunt I saw his ftlend's Face then , und knew It for one of Washington's guards A shrewd and nlottlng face was that , but not so 10- pulflvo as It looked not long after , beneath the gallows not far from where he now stood "Tho meyer Is well Informed of our pur pose,1 said he , speaking excitedly , 'and Goveinor Tiyon , on board Lord Howe's ship , OH well Tie loyal element In the town will rlno If there ho an alarm , and afford a dls- tiuctlon " "Hut " sild Ralph , very nervously , "I had thought wo were but to sebe him " 'Tush' " said the guard ' U Is simpler to send his hcud nlono 'to Temple liar. I tell you so Is the safebt " Ralph Lldgett was visibly trembling "I do not like it , " lie muttered , "nnd Mistress Redwood " The othei laughej with a great con tempt "Tl'p fussing old fool has already played her p-irt " ho replied "She hab decoyed Ulm , and ho need novel entet her house Ho comcb with hut one friend 1 mean to have him surrounded when ho steps from lita hoit 'tis a most quiet spot , 1 those It my' elf und ho titisth me I'ven ntw ho should be on his way nnd tomonow wo will sail for England , Ralph , to claim our ic- ward for bringing to the king the head of thi ) traitor , Washington. " My suspicions hid been aroused already , but at that I lost all control , and , the plot rev oiled , I cried out and sprang from my cover "Traitor ! " I cried. "Nay , but 'tis you that are the murderous traltois ! Help ! help1 hero's murder doing1'1 In truth there was , and on my body , not on Washington's , for my cries were choked at once by the guard's llngcis , and Lidgett had a sword point at my ribs In an In stant , peering meanwhile at my face "How's this ? Vincent Redwood ? " said he " 'TIs but a child , no iwcd to slay him " And ho thrust his handkerchief Into my mouth and t > wlftly tied It fast round my head with another They were mightily alarmed however and made fiom the spot , dragging me along , each by a shoulder Hut my cry , choked too Koan , had brought no help , nnd after a whllo they paused in the shadow of a wcod , t.onin hundred yards from shore and debated In whispers I am of a mind still that the guard would have stabbed mo there for he dallied most de sirously with a dagger , but Ltdgett's pity for mv years which even then fretted mo as unduly contemptuoin saved me "Then have It so , " said the guani Im patiently , and Ralph tied me to a tree , smacking my face as he did so foi always meddling as he said which notified mo that my aunt had likely told him of the little love I bore him They hurtled from mo through the dark toward the river and I pulled and twisted vainly In my bonds Mj horror of the treachery the'y had conceived and were now about to execute was Interne Already General Washington wat > the object of the her < worship of Umerican hoys for we had liiMrd tinny ttorles of his leadership In thu Trench and Indian wars AUo , however , many of our eldere nuy bavo wavered be tween a eentlmi'iilal love for the English monarch and the new-torn spirit ot free dom , we boy s had no entangling doubts Wo were patriots , every one , apd now , tied Inglorlously to u tree , my wrath and horror were aroused Indeed Jt the danger to one great man's life , but as much at the peril to tne country. A TUS3LC TOR LIBERTY. Ralph LldRett hid undfci-reckoned my strength and agility , doubtlesb because 1 vvab , and am still , of a slender build and not noticeably tall your grosser men I hive over pitied he imagined him catlly sup pressed I wriggled and struggled , how ever , to such excellent purport that five minute * aftci the rascals left me I slipped free and tore the stifling gag from my mouth My first impulse was to tun back to the house nnd alarm my aunt and the servants , but that was some distance away and I knew that Washington's boat should be already coming up the river from I'aulus , Hook I had a slight hope that he might come with attendants sulllclcnt to protect him , but I kne\ . that the British were as far as Staten island , and their ships In the bay , and instinctively felt that the ger. ° ral , as yet untried by black Ingiatltude , v ould Icel hhrstlf safe In paying a passing \lblt to an old friend so far up the Island An' ' there was tlut traitor guard's tunning , for 1 realized that the deed might be done nnd Washington's dead body be borne or , boatd the king's ship before nn alarm could beat the patrlotb to arms I turneJ about and ian to the shore In the diibky dimness of the now fallen night 1 perceived , as I lesaned my pace tea a walk on approaching the river , many silent , shadowy forms scattered along the edic They were seen by tut against the water , but cou d be scarcely teen from u boat against tne black hills of the Island They were evidently thus picketed to meet the boat at once wherevpr. a few hundred yards nn or down she should land I hesi tated n minute desperately turning in my mind how to warn the general To right and left were the3 watching traltoik , nnd , to give the alarm successfully , I must not allow the boatman to land I taw but one courfe and that I took I crept down to a point which obtruded on the water , and from which I had often bathed I knew the watei was deep enough there to dive from A solitary man skulked on the edge in tently watching for the boat , and him I rushed past silently and suddenly , and , grazing his shouldeis , dived Into the cur rent The man gave a btartled , suppres. ed cry as I plunged , but when I came to the surface , after swimming under water as far as I could I heard no sound , and I con cluded that he fancied me borne frightened beast. The waiting wretches suspected nothing , they could not distinguish my HE REMAINED CALM AND LISTENED T 0 MY AGITATED STORY , head in the dark waters and I took car'1 to swim nolsele sly out upon and down the river GnORGC WASHINGTON. I was juct In time. I had not swam 300 yards before I heard the beat of oarb I made for them , ftnrful to icry out lest I Ehould alarm the boat's occupants and Biasped the stern A tall man , wrapped in a boat cloak , sat there alone save foi the boatman at the sculls I thanked God tliJj Washington's fearlcosness and tru'-t in going n'ono to viiblt even an old friend in such disturbed times had not led him to his death Per It was ho , and thouph stirtled at my strange apparition , he remained cilm and listened to my agitated story While the amazed boatman lay on his oaib the general said not a word until I hail finished , though I felt his grind frune tremble with wrath At list IIL ! hand gripped mine with a convu'slon ' of grief and "So boon are there traitors' " he said. "Indeed sir " I broke in "my aunt " "I know I know " he tald with n llttlo laugh "I remember her well , my lad Mistie s Rolwoods heart was always in' advance of hot head " Ho thought for a few moments and then ordered the boatman to turn down stream and pull Ills hardest Wc had not gone a mile befoio we overhauled a barge with many men , who , at Washington's voice , came alongside us with many expulsions of Rirprlso Washington stepped into the larger boat w th mo by the land and I1 found them then to bo ills s'aff and guard coming fiom I'aulus Hook Many of them piessed on me and shook my hand when thev I hoard the tale , but one tinned to the general reproachful ! ) "General , " ho bald "you take too much ilsk Will chance always stand between you nnd treason , do you think' " | "God , " said Washington , gravely , taking off his hat , "always watches over the tight. " i And I lememberod these wo'ds at West ! Point four yeaifi later Wo landed by the general's eider , down I the rlvor , and , matching no the hlioro , sur prised the tialtors still waiting foi the boat , ami tlurc was hut a shoit fight for the wretches ian Of all of Hint band who that night wore carrying out the ideis of bigger men , ono only wab klllod , ami that was Ralph Lidgott We bore him to my aunt's , thn nearest haute , and let my diar relative's horror and contrition at the black crlmo meditated by those whom she had looked upon as well-meaning peacemakers be oawsed i over with this vvo'd She was ovoicome but ! Washington took hfi hand most kindly and ! bpoko clicutingly to hoi "I should be ungrateful to many dear { Virginian memoiies , " xald lie , with aj courteous kindness , at which none evcr | equaled him , "If I believed that Susannah Redwood ever erred but with Iho best In tent. " "Hut my fault Is beyond pardon , " she said , weeping "Stay geneial , take the last of our f imlly with you to the wars I believe , If ho be like bin fathci that ho will earn forgive ness fci me , though , indeed , Indeed , I nought but to eave you both from war. " Anil so my aunt herself sent mo out to fight , und that my general lorgavo hoi un timely zral I Imvo his own word , when ho sent me Kick to her years afterward with a colonel's rank , to tell her I bait earned her pardon well \ I'lv I--1 * rnr-Olil Ili-io , The B-y ear-old son of Iicnjamln fioshoin , living a half nil In cast ot Wabiu.li , Iiid , proved himself a hero last atuiday , when he rercucd his Infant brother from the WabaMi river Tht little child was In the arms of his 13-year-old sUtcr , who dropped him Into a deep hole In thu ilvrr Instead of attempting to save him the Kill ian eeroamliiK toward the honee , while a 7-year old brother also took to his lieels \\nli extraordinary presence of mind the D-yiar old boy jumped Ir..o thu stream uri thu babe was sinking and dragged It to thr shore j just as the mother came nulling to the bank IMITTI.I : or TIIIJ \ orv.s i IHS. : " .Now Hobble" suld inainmu just btforu th company eat down to dinner ' roniember you must not ask foi more pU " Hobby ] didn't , but he finished his first piece with ' much promptnrtH took a long breath und | addressed hlmot'lf very audibly lo I lie guests ot hlb right "Ain't that dandy plr ? " he Ofiked , " aa4 } , the schoolboy's mother , 'do you like your nrlUimi'tlc ' ' "No'm. I think the Inllucnec of thut book is nnwholp f oine and depressing ' "Why01 ' llecniiKP It in full of hoiilblo examples " "No , thank yon' ' I've got sonic money if my own , " bald Tommy pollteh whin ID plate w.ib handed to him at church Hln Mamma Don't yon know Johniu that disobedience to your pirents brings i a o\vn puiilbhinenf Have yon forgotten th U the commandment Buys "Honor thy fttli r anil thy mothei tint thy days may bo Ions in the land' " Johnny Huh' ' The davs a o too lo-ig alreadv We want "c m Hhortcr' Tirst Smiill Hey T ought vou was gem to went your hair foothill style' ' Sccon 1 Sin ill Hey Old man said II I went nroun 1 I looKin' like a mop he'd v\ipo ile Moor su ' meA lltciaiy man in Hcoto.i has a BOH who is to him ns the apple of lilb eje The elli r day bo noticed a sipiarc" hole In the troimi- of his v.ell-beloved a Baiii-klng hole ju " this' iihki 1 ' ' ' above the knee "How ( a sire And the boy leplletl on IIIIOH 1 ' i hive two pairs my best and tin o'h r T couldn't tell them apart , M > I nit i hole in ' the beat , and now I can tell cm and Know which to put on. " j ' Little nimei ( who is a great nailer ) I'u1 I'rof nroadhead Well , my nn * Mttle 1-1 mer Pa , do you snpprnc Cnoih Anl n mtr till ho was sure that his vvlfi had munU 1 again befoic lie came hick9 Teacher Willie cm vou tell me what i kleptomnnho Is' Willie Vefbiim one of them tilings y' look through The liaclicr Wc > ar told that I've was qullo unclothed yet not aslniincd How Wul tint ' The Mttlo ( llrl rwaii prob ly thu dicssmaker s fault Caller Neille , Ib your mollu'i In' Nelllo Mothei Ib out whopping ralln-When v\l'l ' ghe leturn , Nillle' No'llo ( calluiK Int.Ki- Mainma , what ahull l say no * ' A miTiT MT ' < -i i" III iper a lliiunil Till li .lu-t one more Mi > foi t. o 1 ni lit nnmini , .lust ono moio kl'8 foi need nltbt And then yon nniy K" to mv ii ' ' l"I ' And V ( vou may put mil Ihi IU it Tor I'll piomlw you Hilly I won 1 l n ' , As I WIIH li t nlglit , you'll MC , ( mine I m KOiiiK to be pap i 1 > 1 iv " ' malil , AH he told mo 1 ought to be IJut the Hlindovvs won't j-eim i-o > l i H in ininm , If you'll kH' mo n little * lilt more And , you know , I can Iliten and IHUI vvl o yon ,11 o , If you only won't < hut the dooi Tor If I can beat von talk'ng , I think It will iniiho mo so Hlcejiy , mavlK Thut I'll go to nl ( p juHt aH ( ] iil < k IIH n vv Ink , And fotel | to to cty like a bfiby You needn't IK laughing , my tnammn dear , Willie you'io buying1 mil up ho tlKht , You think 1 m trying to keen you beic. You , and-I gnf-.s-thc | | flil I'leano kl-.s me good night once more , mamma ; I lotild HI iioely my promiw ke ( p If yon'il only may with ni ( Junt as yuu nr And kHa me till I KO to kliep hklns on flro with torturing , Itthing , burning , bleeding , scaly , and pimply humors , Instantly relluvtd by a warm bath vuth CUTICUHA HoAi' , a single application ut ttriLUUA ( ointment ) , the great nklii euro , and a full doau of Cu riutiitA Ui oi.v CNT. ih wcild I'OTTI : D fcO.Cour ft- > 'owlo ( u BABY'S ' SKIN