THE ( KM All A PA FLY 111313 : SUNDAY. OCTOBER 21 , 1S07. 11 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADli Weather Hoa Been Both Favorable and Un favorable for Business. MONEY G .NERALLY REPORTED QUITE EASY JiililinrN Mini II n n n file-1 n rent I Aollto Ili-niiiiiil for crrluiiHllie MIT litinln llti ) nllli Cnu- Hilcnuo of Hell I UK Kurl ) . The .v.e'a'her during the greater part of thu past wnk has bp n a decidedly re- Rtrlctlve1 Influence- over fall busltnss of nil kin Is , thrf temperature ruling much too high for this season of the > ear. This ap pears 'o be a general complaint In utmost all thu inarkitM of the country 'Ahue the consequent light consuming demand has bce.l plainly rciloctcO In the sales of mer- chindlst at first hands. At Omaha , how ever , ti. Fpltiof thu weather there has bceh n. eontlnued active dimnnd for metchandlse of nil kinds and Jobbers without exeeptlon j havu betn Very busily occupied In caring j for wants of customers. The traveling men on HIP reid are meet ing wl h the vir > best of success and mall orders In most lines me very Hatlsfactorj Country merchants arc buying with con siderable of the1 o'd-tlme freedom bus Ing as If they had unbounded eonllduice In the future of trade Th retail trade , cHi > cl.illy In Omaha , has been hampered to a greit extent bj the continued unseasonable weather , consu- meis be'lng slow buyirs of cold vseathir goods -.o long as summer he it prevails Still thin1 Is a fair business doing and let ill merchants are gimrnlly taking u very clu 11 fill view of the situation and fault finding and complaints arc the excipHon uml not the rule. In some loialitlps east there Is great com- Iililnt as , o the harm th it the warm tivcnlhcr Is uoliiK tr.ldc and business seems to tiive curfered mui h more teverily from that eause thin lure Kiistern Jobbi rs are nl'i' compl lining that Hie warm weather In thu north and the yillovv fever In the south li.wo had a very detriment il effect upon Hales uml thpj are anxlouslj looking for- vvi Ml 10 the time whin the coming of eo'.d wiatliet will compel freer buying of winter goods mil tit tu s.une time stiunp out > el- IOA fever Htpr" i ntntlvPH of eastern manufacturing ind jobbliih hoiisn who have hem In OmrMii during the pist few ilaja generall > r-jidit tnat lU luis In this city and state- is nuipi betti'i than In most other localities. In fait , some go so fill as to s ly that there ! s no Htato In whlih the business conditions nti f-o favorable as In Nibraski , 'link ile.irlngs eontlnuc to show up f ivoi- tHiiy for this city the percentage of giln as compiled ivvlth lust yuir bplng larger than for tne bilnnce ot the counti > . JOUHKHS AND MANUrACTUItnitS J I Kelley of Ilutte. Mont , will ftait out on the load Monda > for T. 1' . Kit'ten- dull At Co The npplo InntkPt contlnup-i on the up h'raile and tho-.e wln > would e it applus this vvln'er v\lll raveto pay dearly foi the lUXPl V Si lesmen ropusent'ng ' Om ihu vvhole ali Mioi houses me out on the road with their Hpiln , ? lines and are mietliig with very flit tering sueeess The Omaha School Supply eompanj fig ures out tint theit > areIn Nebraska 12000 to 14,100 tccthi r actively employed ' 1 h\- \ Includes those enpai-id In the public , prl- \ate- and state sehools California n ivel 01 inges will be In the muket In time for the Th inksgUlng trine WhileIt Is 11 little eiuly to name tno pi lie It Is afe to say that they will Bell a little under Mexican onuses 'iho National Oil nnd Pilnt company I" ( quipping Its factoty with 'team heat and c.ectrlc light The comjunv madea verv tmiiP uhlpmenl of air lloited Iron paint to .Dead vrod the past wee It. 5 Louis Gl'.Jtte , general superintendent o. ' VIP cinching lUipirtment of the United iSirt 1' 'bber lompiny , was In the elty the Vani > vee-k r.nd reported finding trade here i'l oettiti hhaic thin In any other part of the countiy , U If Summ rd , who travels for Drew , ' * .Vz Co l/jti" minufacturers of Ports- inoutl O. Has In Omaha the past 'tt < eek rejorted finding business In this section of the eountry in very good shape and the Ueiieral situation mobt emouraglng ThereIs cnnsldeiabli- demand for compe tent and exp Ieneed clerks In some de- pit tmeilts A jobb r remaiKed the othei tla > that he- knew of plnces for at least three boot and bhoj c.erlts , but they had to bo expelleneed help , which was not easy lo get. II C Jack , who tiavels for Ilaren II Ooodilch1 of Ilavirhlll , Mass , and who has been coming to Omaha icgulirly every sea son for th" past twenty years , has been spending a few clays In the city the past week ealllng on the letall trade He le- portu llndlng tinde at Om ilia Ve-ty peed , mid he will endeavoi to Indure his hoii'-e to nink" an exhibit of sood-i ot Its in.inu- fueture at the e-xpo'Hlon J. r Pollard , rcpiescntlng 1 P Young Al Co , in inufui Hirers of hoe findings , etc , of Jloston , was In the- city yisitrdiy c illlnt , upon the letall ti ulo Mr Pollard has. beei romlng to Oinah i foi a good mnnv yiars and he says th it he does not renumber tin time whin the pro-pcetlve trade londltlons looked any buter to him In his opinion Nebraska IH In the best shape of any st iti In the union so far as business Is coneerned The wel weather In this section started up fice1 buying of rubber goods and J"b tiers In that 1'ne ' have been kept awake nights tiylng to flg-uro out where th y could pce'iut' the goods to fill nil the order received and keep theli customers geol jiature-d Tne demand foi rubbei ( .oodj has been more than iqual to the output of the fnetoile * and all Hindus stocks were long since exhausted The eomlng of mow is * likely' to witness a Ptlll grentel scramble lifter rubber goods , A wholesuli ) de.ilei In produce remarks that It Is a pity that Nebraska farmers are po flow * to grit'p a situation when It Id jiresented to them This state glows \er.v line potatoes In some localities that will ell In competition with those from any H'ate but the glowers art" .so c.irele"-H about mixIng - Ing all kind- " together that the ntlractlve- ncm of the potatoes Is ruined Sometimes the fault lies with the shlppei who buys different varieties nnd ships them all In one. ear Colorado growein minagebcttei nnd In eont.equence stock fiom that state IP piefened and brings ! bolter prices The Sou hern Merchant pay that the = e "Who have watched the course of wholes UP trade In 11 iltlmoro during the lust month have observid a characterlstle dlfferenee In the demianor of the western and the south ern meiehant The former Is nervous , ex- cltable- and bubbling over with eneigy , while the latter Is modeia e , contented and socl i- ile to a degree A merchant from tin west gets off his train at the dtpot , halls a cab , files to the w holes ile store , and begins buying with gill ) ° aek In hand Ho luirrl-g through hln purchiises , orders largo Invoices , moves rapidly about , and haves thelmprts- nlon that he Is foiever on the hustle The merchant fiom the south H exactly the opposite II" comes to town and Ids- tiroly walk" to his hotel or rides there In i car. He attends carefully to the details of hiring a comfortable room and looklne nfter his meals 'I hat done nc ihanges his raiment and puts himself In prpMiitab'e 1011- ( II t Ion He then visits out or more tvhole- fialo houses where he expects to buy goods , nnd mains an appointment foi the follow ing day At tin- hour ife-ned upon hu np- jiear and proceeds Homnnlmt slowly to t-x- nmlno stock and to fill out his orders , nldtd liy obliging cleiks and Hilotmen The vvi-nttru man buys largely and does it quleklv , but the southern man ( .etw only xvliat hi needs , buyt * elosely nnd tpreuds the woik of MJeetlnt ; goodti over two 01 thne day.x in st joiuiniis VM > iivMvnits 1'iilkO of Oinilllil'n Triidtdm I IIIIII'M llfiilhiK I'ull nml siriniK : . " \V 11 lltiberson local manuger of II a Pun & Co's mercantile agency , speaking of trade for the wetk , says. "Tho jobbing houses and inanufactureis continue to nnoit exes-Hunt trade , good col lections and tiood prkts All are woiklng full time and over hours to fill orders , anil buylntr continues strong , although the de- pletid s OIKS of eountry merchanis are now well Forted up The best put of the new condltl in la ihe fact that cash contiol * ii Mlitf now Ci edits iiu < easy and safe , but country ineulmm are taking their ills- counts , and t-c collee Ion ugtnc'es ' are Ian. ClllhhlliK foi business "A new bank at one of the Interior ill- jngts orgiuilrid during the week lenilmltt jne It Is u fact worthy of note that no bank HiH'eif-lons In Nibtitika have been an nounced for siv trnl months The last report - port to the s > ate bond fchows tint tivmty- llvo binXs went out of bus.Ine-'S In isii. but the dipoblts now. notwithstanding , are $ J. CX .0 greater than lust year , uml are In- creating at a gritlfylng rate , The nilni of he first of the wcik were general throughout the state , nnd have baved the full Kraln and put the soil In ex cellent condition for fall plowing. The com. jnerilal bky In Nebraska U as clear as the bcautlfdl October day a , and tbo oiono oT trait fiuito OM I'lUgorntlng as that In ho ntmo i > luTc g , S iii.i Om.ihn , forges right nhe-ail Itn HOB l > < Vc for the stetson of 1st ? to rtntc M nc-nrly 1ono , rt hogs , n tfnln of nlmo t T00 , < * 0 OUT tlio corrt" ponilliiR period of lsi < ? "At the risk of tlrlns your rencler- ? with r < - | > ( tlllon. Inn In the belief that exin now our people do not fully niipreclito Ahit na ture and n restored Iiu'lnes confidence have done for this tate , 1 wlrti to Invite atten tion to the inormomnlue of our icn on' crops 'InkltiR the \iliir of our ccr al pro- ! nets a the lowf-st estimate of the most ron or\utKo iicKHlin'it , 1 have hoard qumul , niul thi > vlold for 1S97 Is agreed to be worth j > ) nnt , > i , tttJutUe of siiKiir bents , chicory , hay rind \fRCt.iblp ! * , that Is the corn , n he-it , niln I\P , llnx and barltv are wcrth $ SiO fiv > , . ( VH Now the total product of Iron In IVM n is 17,08,69(1 : of colt ] , r > 7OiW.jOi ) , of copper , Jlv.7 % n > n and of il\cr , J32 200,0 0 In other word" theN liri > ki crop represent ! ) more In Kold dollar * than the total American product of both mild nnd silver Amcrln produces one-fourth of the polil and ono- tourth of the ilhet of the globe Nebraska , with tlip Tirorc-eeli of all 11 Heidi , farm1" , factories nnd ranches contrlbutpd a \ olmne.of wnlth to the world's store In iy thin nil the Bold fines of the eirth added In 1W If we add the Value of the product of two South Omnha picking house * to the cereil cion of 1S17 the sum . \lll exceed the totil worlds product of silver In 1V > 6 We Imported foi tie use of the Amerlmn people In Kt ? JW.OOO.OV ) worth of foreign sii ar. Nclirn'ki's ceic'il product U suniclent to piy th" entire bill The coffee Imports were J8V > OO"0 and a single crop from our tlilds will more than piv for ail the ( offee uird In the Pnlteil Sta es It will be observed that without a mine In the "Into almost without a stone quarry or a sawmill thl creit agricultural state under not mat conditions such as previll a' this time leads every state In the union In the fet \vnid march of commercial progress Stand tip for Kebru ka' We have a right to be proud of Its achievement and we ought to tell the world of Its prosperity" < MI\II\ < JIMKVI , M viucirrs. ' Coililltloii of Trnilianil on Mnplenml riiiuPriKliKc. . KOO flood strck wrnk nt 13c HUTTiit : Common to fair SJUOc ; choiceto fnncy , lliJITc , scpirator crcnmery , 22e , gathered cmme-ry 20c VUAI-Chnlce fat. SO to ISO Ibs . quoted nt Scj large nnd conrs . < JJ5c U\I ! I'OUI/nU-IIens , G05 e , cocks , 3ff4c , sprint ; chickens , per Ih , f.c. eluiKs. OOTc , tur- kevs , fflSc riCU.ONs I.lveTr ; dend plpcons not wanted IIAfplind , r > rx ) , inlellimt , T'OO , lowlanl , V " ' ' ' * . " Flriiw * l. color makes the price on "ay llRht tnlc-s tell the best , only top grades brlnir teip piues M ' " X Hand plrkdl niuj. ptr bu . $1 40 : ° TAIOrs-l' .r 1.1,1. , J2 .5 . Ic - . - - - - . . .v Blown , 40f35cj western ruuiTS. QuiNc-rs- - Al'l-I.ns \ \ Inter stock $2 T'.iTI 0 < 1 Tomtlnns and fancy varieties 3iOJI325 , CnllfornK llelle- . " . - U03tes , Jl CO , Colorado Jonathans , bo\cs , , llHAl'nS-Cnllfornln tl r , CAI.II OIINIA AM ) ( OI.OUADO PHAnS-Oood winter lullls. } 2 C0ff2 2r other varieties. } 1 90 ( r ( J IK ) j'jI'NV "VOHIC QKAl'lIS-l'cr 9 Ib luskct. 13to I'Ll'MS IiHho and Oregon , 73cfil 00 CU\\lliHItlhS Cm i- led per bbl , $ jCOT353 , vv Ifleonsln , boxes $1(05110 ( TIIOI'ICAL , rilUITS Oil XNOKS Mexican tier box. Jl'0 LIJMONb Messlnns , JISSQICO. choice Cill- fuinla Jl 00 00s , " ' s clullcp Inrnc stock , per bunch , JJOHlJJj. iiiidluin sl/i ( I bunches $1 7oi2 CO MISCHLI. N'EOUS NUTS Almonds , Cillfurnln , per Ib . large size , 13c , lirazlls. per Ib . l&c , English \\alnuts. | nr Ib fane. ) holt "lull Uc , .tnmliriN , 10W IK , Illbiits per It , lh ptc ins pollshe ! , I irte < { J10c , Jumbo , 1HJ12C. urge hlcKory nuts. Jl 23 per bu , coconnulK Wo , peanuts , mw , L'tf oHe , rnastej Cflf'Jc riOS Imported fnm j 4 crown. 20-lb boxes , 12c. u crown CO Ib boxes 130HC. IIONHY Cliolce white , lie , KHAl T-IVl 4.1,1 . tl < rj. hlf bbl , $223 MAri.n SI UUP rivo-Kol can * , ench $225 , Kal cans pure , p'r cloz . J12 00 , half-gil. cana , JC 15 quirt cans $3 50 DAT CS-l'cr bO to " 0-lb boxes , 6c , Ford 9-lb boxes , 'Jo. rursit JIKATS nilESSr.D HPir-Good mtlve steers 400 to C"0 Ibs , 7c , goud fjrequarters , Bteers Cc , good hlnilfiuaiteis , icestern h leers , Cf/C'Sc , fnney helfeiH , C'4c , good helfera Cc , toud foiuiuarters helfera , S'ie t , led hlndquaitds , heifers , S'tc , Booil cows 5'ic fair COWH S' c , common cows , eow foreiiuurteis , 4'4ji3c , cow hindquarters , lliir CL'TS Tenderloins , loc , bindess strips , S'-.c , strip loins C"c rolls Sc sliloln butts , fcc , shoul.U . i clods 5Vjc , rump butts , oe , steer clnicks , 3 c , to\v chucks 4V4e , boneless ehucks , 4Hc , cow plates. 3c steer plates 3'fcc II ink stenk , ii'ic , loins No 1 14c loins , No 2 loiie , loins No 3. Sc. sirloin ends No 1 9i , libs , No 1 lie. , rlks , No 2 , 8Hc , illn No 3 , be , slier rounds 7'4c ' , cow rounds , 7e , um rounds off , Sc , trlm- mlnis , 4c , beif shanks Z c , bnlns , per do/ 15 * * Hwe'etbrends , per Ib , lOc , F\\eotltreids leases ) , pir Ib 40c kldnexs pel doz 3".e , ox tails t ich 3c , ll\ers p r Ib , 2' c , heiits , per Hi. 2c tonKUes peril , lie MUTTON Limbs 7Vit , sheep , C'4c , imrket neks ( lonK ) 84c , hotel r icks Ishoit ) lie , leK' and Middlis , Sc , lamb le s , lOc , breiBts and steus Jc , tonKUes , each 3e I'OHK Ditssed pigs , Oc , drepsid hogs , 5'4c , ttiulei loins 13c , loins 7V4c spirt ribs , 4c , ham sui'age , butts , C'ic , phoulders riukh 5c , shoul- diiH skinned , r.'iC. trlmnilnss 4V4c , leaf lard not nndtred f > ? < c henda , cleintd , 3c , snout and tain 3c baektKtnes l c cheek m ° its 3c neck Nmis Zt pigs' tails 3c plucks etch 5c , ehlt- terllngs IJe , hocks , 4c , hearts per tloz . 23c , stoitiiichs. each 2e toncues t ich 7c. kldn\s. per doz lOc brains per doz loc , p'fcs1 ' ftct , IHI di7 , Zie , llxtrs each Ic nines. TALLOW , KTC. HinE' ' No 1 green hldCB , 7c , No 2 green hides Ce , No 1 salted hides 140 , No 2 green tilled hldee , 7isc , No 1 veal calf , 8 lo 12 Ib , Sc No 2eal calf 12 to 15 Ibs fc , No 1 dry Illnt hides Ilffil3 , No 2 dry Hint hides SiilUc , No 1 dry salted hides liflOc , part cur > d hides , V4c pe-r Ib lets than fi'lly turea SltnnP I'l-LIH Oreen salted each - 15ft7r > c. green salted shearlings ( short wooled cany skins ) each IBc , < lr > fchearllngs ( short \\ooled carl ) tklna ) , No 1 each Bo dry Hint Kansas and Nolmilca butcher wool pelts , per Ib actual weight. 4S5e , dry Illnt , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 3j4cj dr > Hint Coloiado butcher wool pelts , per IB , actual weight , 4rc , dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts per Ib actual weight 304c ; feet cut off , as It Is UBClt'53 to pay freight on them. SI. I.oulN ( it-neriil MiirKrtM. ST LOIT1S , Oet 23 riXUH-l'nchangi il \\IinAT-lIlihir , closing 'ic for 1) cumber nnd \c for May abne > tslenli > Detembei opened > tc higher uiUanciil ( , c , decllmd 1 lent and subm , uentl > n gained all at tin closing Mlltm at the tip Spot lilkhu No 5 rid c.isli , ele\a- tor 'He track HS'iifi'iic No ! bird tish , SS'ic , nininber Jl ( " ) ! ( , , Mai 'iS'tc bid ( GUN * -picul itlve markets strong the close' hi In- < 4c for Deiimbir anil < c fur May above > < stndii ) Spol slioni ; ami hlghei No 2 cabh , Jli bid Dftunbir SIV bid Mo > . 2 ! > > , c O M'h I'ulures dull but Hun with no tiadlng "l H , Htiad > , No . ! cash , elcitor , lUt bid , triuk l'J ili'4e No 2 whin , 21S21WC , December , 19c bll Mi > 21c bid I.-tl 45 Hit \.N I mil ipiUI. with offerings small Sales on illu'ft outers areon a basis of Mo this bide and last track riAmniiiighir. . $1 01. TlMOTlH-l'rlmi' , $3 C5 HV\-lull , prulrlf , $700S7,0 ! , tlmatliy , J7 COO 1000 lil'TTnil-rirm , creamer ) . lCS23'4c ; dairy , > rinn J3e. \\HHK\- $1 .0 s 77o Ml"lAI 8 Uml ilull , ear$3 ) 73 nskel , ( Jpel- ter nominal $4 OJi , I'OL'I/l'iV I'lilikiiit. stead > , old luns C'ic , springs 7uSc ( , ducks , SCC'ic , geiw , Cc , turkejs , 7ii8c I'HOVISIONH 1'ork unchanged , standard miss jobbing , $ S S1 Lard lower , prime Btinni $423 cliolce $4 3."i llacon , short ills ( Ixixtd luts ) loTJ. flioKH JC Drj Mil intala ( boxid HhiuldirH ) J5 W ixtnt thurt ch.irs , 152'i. rhorts $ ' . 371 ? shorts $5 SO HKCUnH Hour. 6000 bbls whejt , 33000 bu corn 14 $ Oon bu , oals 37 Ok ) bu MIIPMKNJN Hour BOD. ) bbls , wlitnt. 18.0W bu , coin. 71 000 bu , outs ll.OW l.liTpnoI ( ! rn I ii anil l'ro\ | KOIIN , i.iviurooL ot ° j \ viuTNO : red HrBtein wlntir linn 7s M. No 1 red , northern spring new Hrm 7s 7'fed COItN Aniirlcan rnlxt 1 | kit firm 3s 1'jd ' Oetoler leail > 3s l'4il , November ( lead ) , 3a I M December stead > Ss ! T > d ri-Ol'H St l ) ul fane winter , steady. 10s HOI'h Al London (1'acltlc ( coaH ) , Head ) K. Gc&t 1'llOVIKIONS lleef , extra India ine s , dull 7f Cd prime mess , dull 11 Cd I'urk prlmu me > tine wtstern dull Ws , prime mem me ilium wmlern dull 4C 3d Hams tin rt cut It to 16 Ibs firm Ms llacon Cumberland cut Hrm t ( C < | flurt ribs , linn 31s M. lung clear nil Idles light linn 36s 61. long cleir mid lies heuv ) Hrm 36 short clenr back * 11 rm 3J Cd clour billlts. Hrm 42 Shoulder * square , Him' ; S I.arl prime wrettrn llrm S3s W ' CHUK1I3 Amerlian tlmst white and coloreJ. fluulj 4 , ' TAWXUV 1'rlnie clt ) steady Ifs 6d Oll.S-Cottpnseix ) Liverpool refined , dull , Us Turpentine. n > lrlt itead ) 24s 2d ( i I'll I ll Ht'i'flplN al I'rlui-lpnl > liuKt-H. | CHICAOO , Olc 23 Tola ) ' * ncelpis M heat , ISO lain , curn 533 cam , oat > 232 C4ia MINNIUl' , Oct. J3-llecelpt todu > . Wheat. "SO tnrs , I'EOllIA , Ocl = 3 Ilecelpts ; Corn. 92.SOO bufc.1 outs 1J fW bus. , no. 60) bus , whisk ) tune , wheat , ! 40) ) bus MitpminU : Cr > m 4VO. ) bus. ; oats , IT.JV ) bun , r > e , 11,200 bus ; whisk ) , g.-O bbls ' wheat , none. KANSAS CJTY , Oct. -lUcelpts ; Wheat , 20S COMMERCIAL AND FINAACIAl Bull Sentiment Prevails throughout the Short Session. WOT CLOSES FRACTIONALLY HIGHER Corn mill UnlM slum Ml tie Althoiiuh llt'lil rirni l > > the l.tMlilor l'rov | MIIIIM Art ? \ \ ink. N'G\V YOllK , Oct. 23 The bull sentiment which prevailed In wheat at the close lust night was nppirent today nml the prices were s.rong throURhout the action , show- Inc un niHanco of He for i.Mny anil He for IJccember. Corn easier anil held In place by the streiiKlh of wheat Today's closing showed prices about unchanged O.ita followed com and price changes were of no consequence. Provisions TV ore wi-ik Pork was oft 15c , lard /4S)10c < and ribs 2Hlf i 'The revelation through yesterday's nd- 1 vnncc In of the amount of bulllsi I feeling underly Ing the market Ignited n good dell of smoldering benllmctit of n similar j Lhnractur that appeared to have exls cd throughout the country The market fell the effect of that at the opening Commis sion houses hnd nil the buying orders they could manage for half nn hour nnd selling was conllnecl chlelly to the people who hid good profits In long wheat they were willing to The elevator people also had n little vvheiet to sell , presumably against pur- clinses of eash wheat through the country at least that was supposed by the traders In the pit to bo the basis of sales by Ar mour eCo nnd the Wenre Commission company of about lOO.WX ) bu e ii-h Tint had no Influence , howe\cr , nt the time , for fie sales referred to were made al from Sic to SIHc for December delivery and the price roe Immediately after to S46 c , or He above the closing and highest price of the day before Liverpool mas l'4c abo\e yester day's because of the more ma erlal gain lire The oxpotts from both coasts this week amounted lo 5r > 22,000 bu . not any mole Ilian had been foreshadowed by Ihe dully clearings , but showing the Immense proportion tion oC the nuropein shortage Ihls country- Is being called on to m ike good The Chicago cage receipts were IT ) cirs , of which thir teen were ton raet The receipt" ! aeir ngo weio 1SJ > cais Minneapolis and nulutli gel 071 cars , against 1 170 the preceding1 Satur day Argentine shipped no wheat this week agiln t 00,000 bu a ngo The diy s clear inces from Atlantic porls were 433000 bu wheat and flour together The Decem ber future was the stronger today , May get ting from Ic discount , as It w \esterday , to l\c ted iv The advance refe-ried to above , when December rose to l4Nc , was followed by n reaction to9ir > sc , bill it quickly re-covered ag.iln to lie , and later , on tin receipt of the Paris quot.illons showing an advance equal lo 3Vic per bu for the Jan uary-April term , the early bullishness re vived , December rising to Cc and May to STSc .it the close Corn moved through sympitiy with wheat and after selling a "hale hlghei early the mirkel turned easier and the decline car ried Alices He below Ihe close yeslerday As the session advanced , however , the mar ket developed a steadier lone and at the close v lines were about unchanged from vesterdny. Car lot recelTs were not as large as anticipated , 511 cars being In spected In. mid the out Inspection mod erate at 271,500 bu The local movement mile the receipts { . " . "Oil bu and shipments 521 < . < ( ) bu , whleh indicates n vnst Improve ment in the shipping demand December opened .at from 2i > Hc to 2iV4c , and the higher of those iweie the best figures of the d ly The lowest nnd closing nrlce was 2GrBc Lllev itor concerns were good sellers of o ils , but outside of business done by them trading was of no consequence The greater part of the trading was centered In May and was greally In Ihe way of profit-tnklng bv those who bought yesterdiv December opened nt lSiifflV.c ( , touched lSe , dropped off to IS c , and closed at IS TdS'Hc May- ranged from 21Hc to 21Hc ; was offered at 21"c at the close. Hog products had a sharp reaction from the adv inceof vesterdav on active selling by the local crowd nnd from the fact tint there was little or no support , prices met With little resistance on their dovmv.ard course. Larger receipts of hogs than ex pected with the lack of outside support were the factors which encouraged the " -piling. December pork opened at from $7.97 . to JS and sold oft to $7 Si ; December lard started at $142" . and declined steadily to Jl T.VJM 17'A : December ribs ranged from $1 r > 7' < . 4 00 down to ? 4 .7H Hstlmated receipts Monday : Wheat , 103 Oct lec J in Eh'tlt Oct Dec No 2 Cash quotations werens follows- ri/M'H-rirm. Bprlnit P it. nts , Jl Mffo 00 bakers' . $3 COffJ 80 , straits , il 4001 70 \VlinAT-No 2 sprlnif , SCc , No 3 sprlnp , SOffi 8Sc T.0 2 red ( l5c b , No 2 while , 22c , u ' No'Vwhltc , 21C21C. s'niJlTs-No' llaxseed , Jl 02'S01 OC'J , prime tlmothj J2 CO , , , . , , . , , 0 1'HOVIHIONS Mess pork , per bbl , J7 Sol/7 leI I itel , per 100 Ibs , Jl 3JifI 37'i hhoit ribs sides ( looseJl \ 154(4 75 VV HlblCV Distillers' finished goods , per Knl , s'uOAll-Cutloif , J590 , grnnulati-d , J3 34 On the- Producecxihmge - today the biitte maiket was steady , creameries , 2Je , dairies Jc Chief. , steady , fiesh kSS e Kggs llrm , 14'4c Poultrj easy tuikcvs. SflJc , chickens , CViC chickens , springs 7c , ducks , 7'iiEc M\V OHIC CIMIIVI ; , Mvitiiirr < liiotuti iiM of tin' ! > " " Genern ClIIlllllllllllll'K , NiW 1OIIK Oct 2J ri.OtlH-Hecelpts , 23- 2ui bhls , expoits , 4 2C1 bbls ; fairly nctlve ani firm at full p-lcea Mlmusutn pilents ( j IjQ ( 6 DO , winter extras , J320S363 , Minnesota bakers J43.1IJ4W , winter low grades , 13000315. Hye ( lour llrmer , fancy } 3 WffS r IU'Clf\\IIiAT-Dull : at 3W&C C.'OHNMI2AI < Dull , yellow western , Me , HMJ rirm No S vvetttrn 5IHa HAHI.KY-rirm feeellng 2'Jc. IIAHI.UY MALT Dull , wmtern , 05ii < 'Cc. VV lin.vr Itectlpts J3t,0U4lO , ( , exports Jl Kit D10 , spot , quiet , No 2 red Jl 01\ Options opened off fiom thecuib price and ruled qule and rnilitr easier all the murnlng iniluenccd by liberal realizing and some fore Inn selling , clotei Irrtkular nt une'ianged prices No 2 red May ' I 1 irfoH5c elofid l)4'sc ) , December ! )7 ) S-IOtf 97 13-lCc closed U7\c COHN Hwelpts ill 07S bu exports 20 213 bu fpot e'-us No 2 32c Options opened steady but eatnl off under realizing and thesetbick In when nnd clewed 'i&'jo net lower. May. 35' ! fj354c. closed Sj'ic , Drecmber , Jl'sfUJ'iC , closee OATS Hecflpts 112 SdO bu , export ? 69 402 bu > | Ht e'ull , No 2 23c Oitlons were dull and featurrlirs at unihankeil to 'Vi net lovvel , lie- eeinler cUsed at 23\c. HAY Dull , silpplnif , 14 0034 50 , B9od to choice , fj ( K > J UO IIOl'S Quiet utate common to choice Uiil crop 4Jfc | , U'Kl crop Ci' > c , 16j7 crop HfllCe 1'aclt'o coad li'ij crop 4afc , 18i crop , CiJc 1H > 7 crop , KW16 < . Ixindon market Wjir.c HIlis : steady , ( lalvedon , USICc , 'lexas dry iail2' c I'allfernln , 17lt > c I.nATHUH-hteHdy , hemlock foleIluenos Ayres light tu heavy weights , Qii21c , acid . 'D il23c PHOVIf.ION'8 Ileef sleadv , fanillv 1 COJj 10 V ) extra 7Mfi3'XJ. beef hams < 240ifi21GO Cu meatx firm pickled bellies , fo 37'.07.83. ptcklrc ficulders , 5 75 plcklul hams , tSOQS12i ) ! Lire ! lasy , ttetlern steam closed at 1470 , rtllned , Si" I'o k dull ohi mess )8 7Si9 SO , rvw mess I'J 23 ( I10W family SlIdKilSW Tallow quiet , city 3 i CJuntry 3UC3Hc OILS I'elroleum dull Unlled closed nominal Pennsylvania crude nominally Uc lluiln steady , stralne-d , comnvn to good ill frl Turpentine. , Heady al SJffSJVji Cottonseed steady. prim * cruete , Zc , prime crule f , o b mills , I'iilCc , prime summar yellow S3HSI3' * ' ' . on" summer yi-llow. 23eM'ic. liulle oil. 2H 428oJ prime numiner while , prime wlnlrr yelh'w , S3c 11ICI3 rirm ; domestic , fair to extra , Japan , ( V4jj6' c MOl4AbSUri Quiet. New Orleans , open kettle good to cholte , SiOJlc ' Iron , iteady ; touthern , lllo nnd Santos nnd lower siwl buffee markets ' ' ( Hint ? checkeil lomiwhilt l i-hcivv t'ntted Stales warehouse deliveries ' "t.lofel barely sleuly net unchnnued to So lowH. " 'ale * R 750 bnK' Incluillnit December J6ZX , Mnreh J 4) , July J6M Spot coffe-e lllo .WM . Mild , quiet , C.rdavn , J10OI171100 Tolnl ware-twus deliveries freuii the t'nltc-d states Ifi pi | ac InchiellnR K 137 l in from Niw York ; NM York stock todny. 3fS 0)4 tines t'nlled Jtai. ( slock 47 , SSfl IfiKS , nllont for the I'nKed Mntt 40 < i > i > ) bns > lotal visible for the Vnlteel Slni.SSI.ISS bngs , ncaln t KS7.S92 baRft Inst year nnd (64 HH bnKs In 1S15SANTO1' , Oct -COrrnn-Steady , peed avense ' nnlns , 8 Sie ) rels. reielptn , llrt ' stock 1,177 W l > nR9 IIAMllfHO , Ocl 23-COrrnn-tlpene.l j rlnwel nbout 'i pfg net hlRhcr , sales , 2900) bllKS HAVIin , Oct -COrrniV-Oivned slcnilv. ijf lower nt noon i4f hlRher tnles , 10 000 IIHKS mo nn JANUIUO. oct -Tirrni : iiar iy stindv Ni 7 lllo , SO ) rcli , exchange , 7 r.-ldl , rcH-elpts , 13 0)0 luiRa , cleared fur the t'nltrd Stales , 9AV bflBS. for Ilurope 8 0)0 baK , stock , 427,000 ' llnltlinorr > lnrKt-tM. ItAI.TIMOIli : . Oct a K1X1I ll-More nctlve , mctinnRcd , receipts , 1Z.9C7 .liWs , exports , 110 htilnWIinAT Stmnc No 2 red i t , month nnd Novimbcr , lS'4rtl9He. lecomb < r , 'rtiiwijc Meamer , No 2 red , iJ SCHcj recelpti , , S1 025 bu exports H9 W hu , southern hj munplc on Kride , OI < 40WHc. C-OItN Quiet nnd firmer : mlxt-d spot 31N.C new or old November or Utcemlier lift HHe , stenmer mixed ? > ' 4 I2'"ie ncelts | 37089 bll , southern white corn , 31i1.1c , yellow 32i33c OATH-rirm , No 2 mixed white , IS'iigzic ' , re- relpts 16 7'0 bu H12 Active nnd hlKher , No 2 wc tern , B3f 5lc receipts 10,491 bu HAY Sleailv , choice tlmothv J13 01O13 TO OHAIN rur.inilTrirm ; Menm to Liverpool , per t.nshil . , 4Vfcd Novimlie-r. Ilt'TTnU-.SIi-ndy , fancy creamery , 23024C , fnney Indlp 13U1IC 12OOS rirni unchnnRcil Clliisn Steady , unehnnRpil KIIIINIIS Cll > IniUrtM. KANSAS wn Oct 2.1 WHEAT Aliwl 2c ilulier , wood Kintles falrlv active others slow , N'o 1 lian ! , i'No 2 0 SI'Cc to arrive , Sj'jUJ Wic , No ! > SOifiinc , No 4 , ? J iS3c , No 1 red Me , No 2 , " 2'i OIC , No 3 RVn'iuo , No 4 , 81c iuctr R c , No 2 sprlnp SG'ic , No 3 , 8lc * C'OUN Atout stt.ids , flow , No 2 inlxnl , 2314 n \TS-Abont steady , rnther slav , No 2 white , 19 20c. H\I2 rinn , No 2 42Hr HAY Active , firm , choice timothy , J80WIS50 , choice prairie , JC SO 11PTTOU More plentiful but quality poor , trtamerj 22tf23c , dilry. lfG20e' 1X5OS Iltcellils llKht , lit in mil heavy , Ml ourl and Knn-s 11 124C eat , 121 < iOO tin , corn , 41 200 bu , bu T1'hent , 143,400 bu , corn , 2J.700 bu , oils , 1,000 bu Toli-ilo MnrKi-tx. TOLKnO , Oct 21 WlinTIIlRlier and iteidy , No 2 cash nnd October , S e , December , )7'4c ) ( OHN Dull nnd hlffier No 2 mixed , ! Cc. OATS No i mixed , IS'ic HYi-Dull No 2 cash , tic. CLOVKIISUED Active- , prime capli and Octo- he.J3 82'j Ollj LnchanBed rnlirornlii I ) r I i-il rrnllN. NIW OHK. oct 23 CAuroiiNiA niiinn rilUITS CJulet , evnporated npples , common 5 { i"c , prime wire tray S'fcc ; wood dried , i > rlmc > Sc. choice S j5fac , fancy BfiH'tc , iirune IS } S'c IM r Ib ate quality and p7c | , apricots Knynl , 7'sisiie ' , Moor I'ailt liillc pe idles , unpeeled - peeled , 7JU1C , peeled , 12'iri7c ( [ per Ib I'lilliiiloliililn I'roiliuilnrli > l. 1MIIUni2I.riII \ , Oct 23 U1IT1I2II rirni , JOT < I demand fancy VMsternr crewmen , -3c noOS rirtn mil 'ie hltfhts' , fie h ni tiby , 19c fresh western , IBc I'ciirlii ITOIIIA , Oct 23 COUN-JrirriV and higher , No 2 24 'ic < J f M O \TS-Innctlvc , No 2 whrterf19i TMc. WHISKY High proof pplr ts , $120 Sun PrniK-lsco \ \ licill ( Viinln UOIIN. " ? AN I-RANCISCO , Oct 23 WHUAT Quiet , December , Jl U , May , II 47 , > STOCKS AMI IIOMJS. Ilt-nli-rM l"onr iiiinlNli Ic elojmtciits niul Vrt ; Cnudoun. NHW YORK. Oct , 23 Todaj 'afHeonrlty mar. ket was Intensely dull throuBhout. riie onlv business done wns by profftslonnl traders nnd this Included some belling for foreign account Some of the selling represented the plailns of short contracts by iie-ir traders , -nho arRiieil tlmt the danger of the Cub in question lo-KllnR to slnlne-d rel itlons with Spain Indicated Hint Prices would decline. The- Sun lay Interval befor& Hading will be resumed in ide the-'e opei nois cautious In their ventures for of developments that may change the Flu uitlon before Mondiy. The disposition to restrict oper itlons for short turns was very obvious , and the only movcmeni ot prices seems to be due to professional manlp- ulitlon 'Ihe lotul Miles , vveie le s tlnn 90 l X ) shares a IlKtire lower tlnn for nny t-itiirdav In months The greiter jnrt of the--e' sales was of slnns of Industrial spe-clultles , the nllw.iy list Ijtlng dcilileily netlected home flrmnest was manlfebt In the irinKer shares on the theory that they will benetlt from a favorable dtelslon In the Nebraska maximum freight late case which Is expected from the supreme court on Monday that Is to say a decision denjlnp the right of the etnte of Nibratka to llx m ixl mum frelkht charbes hy the rallxvaye hiiBier dUplayod some strength during the- day and closed with a sm ill nit gain Chicago Oas and Unlun 1'aclllc were Ihe only stockb traded In ID the extent of more than 10 000 sh ires Union Paclfl" was wcalc on the doubt cast upon th& success of Iho re-organlzatlon plun hy talk ot an ipposltlon syndicate which continues to bo talked of In nn 111 defined way. Xet loits art , gonc-nl , but reach a point or over In only a fev\ cases 'Ihe Increase of the surplus reserve of the binks of IS ,130,200 , even with the letal reaer\e -t n > un lncrejtc In deposltx , WAS not counted n favorable factor In the stock market , though it naturally lends to eui-e In themone > market and to strengthen the position of banUb technically The Increafc In the holdings ot actual cash was J8 026 600. the gold arriving fiom Ihirope last I'rldav and Saturday being In cluded The liquidation of loans In face of this t ity eomlltlon reached the large total of tH ! M1 . CO ) This vvas In lan.c part due to the buying of commercial p iper In this matktjt by western iMiikx , choice t-lnhle nnmid short paper having been pi-iced with a e'hlcago bajik dining thfc wtek at i"t per ceni , according to a prominent authority Numerous other wftern centers have offered money In New York and their deposits me reported lo bo hlshu on account of Urxo piymints of Indebtedness by fnrmerj and west , em business men who have lcall/ej on tha Kin In croj. Iho igulck movement of the grain ercp has led to nn early cessation of demand for funds for that purpose nnd the Interruption of the movement of the cotton crop defers Ihe dun md from that qmrter 'Ihe release of funds In New ork , as u consequence of this condi tion has lid to a marked easing of the money market call loans yesterday anil today being offered In abundance at 2 per cent , nnd in some cuces below mat The money market Is nl most plethoric and fulling off for funds is not looked upm In Wall street as nn altogether fa- vonblc indication of prognss of business It l rei jrted that a movement Is on foot among New York banks to ruluci- the Interest that they piy on the lulanccs ot out of lovvn banks fium L to 114 per cent Thla condition of the domestic money market Is coupled with soimthing very like stringency In tlm Herlln money mnrknt owing to keen activity In business nnd lees n- Ing of rates 111 the Ixmdon mil ket as the result of effirts of the Il-ink of KnUand lo prevent gold romlng to the- United Walts Them effortd consisted of raising Ihe price of Bold bars and of American eaglti nnd of borrowing IniKt-ly vvllh n view to bringing up the On | , market rate of discount to n parity with of tin bank , whlih remains nt 3 per eernt The. open maikcl late 111 Ixinhm yeslcidny nnd I'WY lini1 nl" " " reached that | > lnt nnd It Is ; reported that appll cations for loans are being madto the bank Ittelf The l onelon rate of rtlsejiillllt has crossed the New York rule , nnl Hitdliarlly , | | ten Is to Ineiense so tlmt Ihe priseivt m v jment of gold has come to n , stop. In spite ! of the heavy trndi luUnce In favor i.f this ce.unlry Kxchange Is being allowed ta accumnlatr at ) lil center I2x- thangi- bunkers sell ilemand .steeling for fuluru iceount nt a rate which nnki-K U prolltable tc buy these futures nnd bort-ow i nmny on h nie sterling bills as collateral unttt i they malute Ihn effect IH the sinie ns ihoyph gohl iluei lo tri-dlltrs In this country were placed at higher Intertfct In Ix > ndon Instead 'of " Impjitiel Ihe uperHtlon Is I asfd un the ttridcncy of the balmco of trade to shift | later In the na BCIII TTiegrcaUr ease In money has not re sulted In any Increiso In vpcvulmaii In Iho stock miiktt , theundirlylng wrillniNU belnif that gtniral bu lneis has not fulla hi-ld Its own wit ] Iho first Improvement IlnUrpad earnings con- tlniie huge but H > mo nue'silon lins'ix irun to arise ) whither general traffic will ku-i < up earnings nfter the grain movements tend Iho ant-aragm of soft teal Inline have subsldtd Home speculative activity has been shifted to the mlirnt niaiket with Ihe fresh ndvance there. The lice In stotks eaily In the etk see-mii to be largely due to covering of shortt and the jailer days hive seen reaction due lo prollt taking nnd itneweil shoit selling The market has been dull and professional throughout ! I/inilun was a t.uyir . tarly In the week Th ndvance nt the Illfh pulnt runge-d from 2 to B points In the It id In * * active stxks but the lattr rcnitlin has left the net changes unimportant Pullman , whlcl fell almost 8 points on the announcement of tlm elenth if Ihe head of the company shows only a small net change hugar has risen over 6 points Oihrrwlse net t > alns of over 3 points are In- frr < iu ( nt Hands havtt been moderately active ami have held Ihflr uduinct-s more llrmly than > rains ranging up Ij 3 per icnt T"tnl salt-n JU > > .0"0 I'nltld htale-s 4a , coapcm hold at 18 the hlehest on rc-coid The bid prices of other IM-UOS Inive movetl up | n cynwiiucnre with the < .i n In the money market The Kvrnlng Post s Ijjiulon financial cablegram says "The Block markets weie uulct ami steady toduy d tplte Ihe elrarnem of money TUtes for money on thu market ui.aln drove brr- rovvtrn to the Dank of England today Klnancla houeea ara drawing tills on Jirlglum and I'ani thus raltlne money from IV e nuarters , Amt"- | . cans were steady , The publication cf full tie- nlU of tht corr < - pondenc - with the t'nltfel t lKi blmttnlllc comml Moneri on the ullvtr quotlon hod good rffrcl , nlthouKh the drninndu tniidf In behalf of ullver were cvrn Rrf lfr thim he city hnd Imagined. " Ths follow Ins vrern theflo lnir quotntlonn on h < > IrndlnK stocks uf the New York exchimge odiy second nssesMiicnt palil Total sales of slocks today were 81,500 shares IncludlnK the follow Ing Atchlton iireferred , 2CSJ , ChlciiRo Iluilhmton A IJulncv , t.,01' . . NnrtliPin 1'nclllc prefeired , 3 OK ) , Hock Island , 3 , < \ * , ; . M I'nnl , 4rj , Union 1'ncltlc , 12.J30 , Chi- iaKO Cms , 13.0JS , .SUKUI , 0,740 \IMV VeirU MomMiuKct. . Nn\V YOHK. Oct 23 MONEY ON CAI.I- Kasv at J per cent PH1M12 Mr.IlCANTII.i-3 PAPii-4J ! > m per cent STIIIILINO UXCI1 VNOt : rirm. with nctunl business In biinke-rs bills nt il k5 fol demand nnd at J4 S2'4 foi slxlv days , pi "ted rates , Jl S1 { ? 4 83'i nnd * t SO i iierclnl bills , Jl M. HAH SIIViH-rU < - MIJMCAN DO1.1.AU4 4V. SI1.VEU cniini ICATEb-C'OFCel al eVIHffCQc STATi : IIONPS Hull HAILHOA1) IIONUS rirm OOVEHNMENT IIONDS rirm. Closing quolaUons on lionels were na follow9 ! hllvor Inrs , 57'4c , Mexican dollars , 43\04C < 4C , drafts , sltht , li'/ic , drafts , tclegriph , 20 Ne-vv Vorlc Vlliiln r Qiiiilnllniiit. NEW YOHK , Oct. .3 The follovvlng me the eloslnir nilnlnn quotntlons. short bills Is "j per cent , the rite of dlieount In Ihe * e pen mil ket for threemonths1 bills It jy.Ji 2'4 i r cent Cold U quoted today nt Iluenos Ayres .it IM 2) ) , I.lbhrn , 46 71 Home , 10337 Ameilcan eagles ale- quoted at 70s G'L'l ' Ne-vv eirU VV < M-UI > HaiiK Slnli-iiii-nl. Ni\V YOHK , Oe-t 23The - weekly bank stale- mem shows the followhiK chances .Surplus , re. serve , Ineicase. Jj. . iO.JK ) , loins ikeieabiJ6 ! )41- ) CtK ) , tpcele lnclen e , Ja iC'i ( VK ) lenal lender , In- ereime (2 7C7 000 , deposits , Incnvise I13S1COO , cir culation IneietiM1104 'CKt Th hanks now hold Wi.'M 700 111 e-xciss of requirement of the21 pel cent rule \nie-rle-llil 'I'l-nrUli'M In I.eiiiilein. LONDON , Oct L3 The market for Ameilein FccurltliH vurlel hut little all day owlnir to the inaetlvlty of opetators Ihe clot > e- was quiet. rjiiiinclill .Nole'K. I1OSTON Oet -Clearings , } 17,4C1 , 22 , 1ml- nn es tl ' 03 .11 IIAI.TIMOHi : Oct 23 Clearings , } 2.280,3'J1 , halances , S 47 J51 NI3WOliK Oct 23 Clearings , J123 S30 031 bilnnin J7 4'0 110 l'IIILAIii.l'lll.\ : 23 dealings , JIO CS7 , . 20 ha lances II M8,30 < ! NIW : OHUANH ot 2J cie-arings io270i lulunces , > 7JOiO New York exehangu bellliiK at " ( IN'C'INNW Oil 23-Ncw York exchange , 25o premium , money , 2'4S6 per cent , eliarlngs , tl J&I3IO HT I-OI'IH Oet 23 dealings , JJ COI 4J1 , bal. nnces 1:01 rC Money 5KS per cent , New ork exchange 23c dlrcount bbl pir a > ked , rillCAOO. Oct -C'learlngs IH 377.S.-2 New ork cxe-hange lOc premium. foreUn txchnnge. llrm hdk dull with Inslgnllle ml lecessloni In New or ) > Illscult an ! Ulamonl .Mulch clou- Ing prices Chicago Pltv Itallwaj 2 0 Diamond Match HG'tent Chicago lOfi' , .South Bide I , C2 , , New York Hlscult. Ct 4 , Like hlnet I. , Ni\V YOHK Oct 23-Sl'ClAH-Hivv , noml mil fnlr leflnlrg 3C-lCe , crntrlfiiKal , 90 test , 3'to Heflned iiilet | and uncliaiied | , crushed , r.l.c powdered 'S.c ( , rjnulatfil DVnC Ni\\ OUIIA.NS oct -st'UAit Hiodyi centrifugal white 4'Q43-lCc ( , yellows 1"f < )7.c ) , seconds Sijoc Molasus , quiet , open kettle 23G28C , syrup. 170 22c IHini.l.N" , Oil 23 nxchanse on I/mdon , SO milks its pfK > for ehickii I'AIIIH Oel 23 'Ihne per cent rentes , ] 02f dJVif for the account , exchange on I.jfidon , l0r ! 18c for checka , Oil Oil , CITY. I'n Oct 23 Ci edit balanrn We , certificates cloud at U c bid ; no sales , runs and shipments not reported I OS'IXJN Oct 13 Calcutta llnuecd spot 3's near al hand delivery , - ' Pull Illvc-r I'rlnl cTotli tlnrUi-l. FAUi niVKH Mais , Oct 23 The local took market continue dull and lifeless , with no apparent desire on the part ot buy/erf , , OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Winds Tip with the Usual Light Run of lattloi CATTLE BUSINESS HOLDS VERY STEADY Miullfil OfforliiKN sell In ( iooil at I'ncliuiiKi'il ' I'rlt-i'M HI.KM OIK-H Me-iuly , Hut CliiHo niul l.nncr. SOUTH OMAHA , Oet. 23 Heeclpt * for the days Indlculcel were : Cattle. Hog' Sheep , llorrcs October 23 1,175 4,2sO SoS Oclobcr 22. . . . . 2Mi 4tlJ 2,2 7 . . . . Oclober 21 3,7 2 4M tS 21 October 20 3.KB f.,417 B,2i3 October 19 4,477 2,023 3,301 . . . . October IS 5,007 071 10.131 U October 16 023 3,37 4,4 October 15 2,72 > 3,153 GSI . . . . October 14 5.MO 3.303 1.091 1 October 13 3,911 3.2SS 705 . . . . O tobor 12 C.11S 5os . . . . 2S October 11 7,433 1.453 < , v ) 3 October 9 l.Ot'J 3.172 511 ; Oclober 8 1,771 4,975 1,351 u Receipts for the week vvllh connmrlsoiis : Cattle Hops Sheep Week eliding Octobi-l 21 2J.2V2 2J.4V ) 23,2-VS Week endltiK October 1C 27,170 1M12 11 , 1 Week ending Oclober ! > . 27.V34 27,162 11 ( X.I Week emlliiK Oclober 2. 21.6MJ 27,307 6,4M The olllelal num'ier of cars of slock brought In today by each was : Cntlle HOBS Sheep C , M & St. 1' Uy 5 O. ci St b Ity 1 Mo PncHle. Hy 10 3 Union 1'ueillu System. . . . C 11 4 P , 13 .V M V It U. . . . J 20 C , SI 1' , M & O Uy. . . . 5 1 11 X M U U K 10 19 C. , 11. A. Q. Uy 1 ! fi C , U I .VI' Hy , enst . . 4 C. , H. 1 .V 1 > Uy. , west 17 . . _ Tolnl lecelpls 04 t- i The disposition of the dny's receipts was us follow K , e.ich uuver purchasing the num. ber of head Indicated : Buyers Gallic llo s Sheep Omnhit I'ackltiK Co 4 1.011 C ! H Hnmmond Co ! > S l.OJO Swlfl nnd Compiny. . . . . . 131 V3 ( Cndihv Pai-kliiKr Co. . . . . . 3.11 l,0sl It lit i Kir .mil UtKtin. . . . Ki 11111 .V Ue-vlq Co 2S Uenlon * Underwood . , ' . ' Hitsz i Hnmmond , K C M ) Cudnliv I' Co , K. C. . . . 379 I'lunklnton 1' . Co , Mil 2ol . . . Other buvers 4 . . . . WO Left over TOO . . . . 1,200 Totals M 4,212 1,700 CATTM1 Of the foitv- even cars of cattle leportcd In this moinliiK , fourteen wue eonslKiied direct to pickeis , eo tiuit thelo wns not niiK'h here upon which to biBe a maikel. The nltu itlon as regards cittle. however , vv ia .ibout as usual on n Saturday The few euttle offered suld In irood hcaBon and t prices not in iterl illy different trom yesteuliiy. 'Ihit mas c.inally true of all kinds , fat cattle , butchers , stock nnd feed ers. Heiprescntallve "jli-s : NATlV E4 No Av I'r No Av 1'r No Av IT. 31 1'KOJI 21 ! K,3 Jl rl ) 1 U73 4 .V. 1 130 2 7r. 120 J 75 1 SfO 2 76 1 KXO i 75 1 .1070 3 ID 1 WO 175 1 11V ) 3 I" . 15 cUr , J0 i 7W i J ) 5 IHI3 0) 2 11C5 3 40 niirius : 1 . . 150 3 CO 2 fW ) 3 35 17 . 936 3 UO HULUS 1 1S20 2 C5 1. . . OW 2 00 1 12 0 J M ) 1 1150 3 00 CALVIS : 1 310 325 1. . .SO 423 2 . . . 250 500 1 . 210 5 23 bTOCKnilS AND riJEDKUS. 1 . . 800 3 00 27 9 * , 3 CO vvisnr\s : SOU'lll DAKOTA. N'o Av 1'r Na Av. Pr 78 cows . . . 'Ill J3 3u 9 eows . . 40 } J 78 1 CDVV . . 750 3 i \ Ocov\s . . . . 'Jl 3 2" . 9 feislers . .1070 3 f > > 23 slcrrs . W < 1 3 M 5 fe cell IS 1136 383 SeOWJ . . . . 9SO J 75 6 cows . . . VJt 3 25 . 25.WYQJMINO 28 feeders 1063 3 SO 10 cows. . . 153 275 90 COWH . 1013 32) ) &Oco\VH 1001 3 JO 3 Hillings .13fO 3 2J 1 feeders 11GJ 3 61 1 cow . . . . fCO 2 50 7 cows . ! > S2 3 I' 2 talllllBS tin 1 X 7 fePd-rs. . 10S8 3 50 8 steers . HJO 3 r,0 1 ealf . . too 4 D 15 sirs Tex ItXil 3 ra 15 sirs , Tex 12" > 2 3 W HOGS There was a fair run of hoRs for Ihe list of the week hul tic demand wan also { f llbtral proportions FII that the arrivals vveio all taken e lie of At the openlmr the market WTS steidy , but toward thu last It caBi-d off and closed slow and lower Ihe hops sold at a ranee ot S3 40 to J3 ( S but laritely at JS WSi 13 , the bulk Belllnir the sime as jesterday. The average of all the sites was 1'te lower than yesterday. The rangeof the market WHS narrow this week the fluctuations bolne unnll , first up and then down , so that nt the elote of the week vn'ues were not miteiliilly different from whal Mcy were at the ojienliiB Tuesday was Ihe high day and Thursday Ihe low day of the week and the- dllfereneo between the U70 days only SfflOc The receipts , thaugh heavier than for the prcv I ous week weie fimller than tie averaue for the past few months Tie demand on the p irl of leval huvtrs both parki rs nnd fhlppers was lood nil the v ee-k and arrivals K'lif rally met with uaely alu at cuirent pliers Hepresciitn tlve. fcaks ciiicvno MVI ; STUCKHICIJT iutii < -i'N' c.'idiiin noiiiiiiui HIIKTH \cllvf In Snllf of MlK SnpiiU. rillf'VClO , Oct J3 Catllei eloicd caHir after n eiulel v\iek Medium n.illvcs which came Into romiietltloii with wiMcrns lire selllnK slowly but butchers are In bilsk lUmund , extra , JilS to J5SO , common Uef tleers JJ C5 lo JU'O fair tJ prime fiedcis ti 'iO to K 63 , cumnun looui stoektiu > J CO to U 81 cows nnd heifers } 3 4 to | 375 , T < xu steers , fair to choice. 1323 to 53 " 0 , 'lexus eows nnd heifers i.M'J ' | c > J3 7j wihterti raiiKe fleers & 3 J ) to 1125 Iho ruil In hoKH was viry Ijikt for t-.ilurdiiy TrudcWHS active pickerj op-ialln at yetler day prices kn\f \ were largely ill from JJ ( .0 | e 1390 , . piekeiu ( .ulna at fiom 1340 lo > 3 Ul nnd [ uliiKIlKlit welitlils al from 131.0 to II 00 I'rlcis we e Uixely lOc per t > U Urn IOACT than a week ate l'll , sell largely at from 1340 lo 13 'Hj fulr ly choice $3 W to 1400 , common ti choice , < 3 < lo IJW , locjil tu iheUc t i to It W lomniun to goorl UK U , JJ CO to 1 J S7'i culla ia ( to (3 25 In sheep th Htlit supply today was soon din pjt-ed of Ijimh * avirape u triflcf lovvir hhcei v.eie stlib o at from 1250 to 1150 fur natives nnd nt fiom t ! 10 tj J4 30 for wc-tlmi ronue n feideis letehlri : from 1360 to II 15 I.imlH were In drnidnd at from | 4 CO to I' ' , CO witteum ee-HIni at from ! 4 CO to fS CO and feeders nt from Jl CO tn HW HCCLII'TH Ilco , 21 , OX ) liead , euttle 4W head thecii , 2 COO head M. I.eiiilM I , InsincU. . HT I/UIH Oct Jl-CM'llJi-Ilrerlritii 7W ) Iliad shipments 400 hrud iiiurk. t pleud ) fair to choice native shlpplni ! nnl txpni sie < rs il l"u" 05 bulk Of b | cs t4 3Hl4 W ll > f tv I I f and hulcturs fier i3 ? t'0 bulk uf sjli-s II 1'ftl 65 stiers under 1 < / * ! | ioune ) t3r > T4 fl bulk of f.iloi i3 651/3 (5 ktcckirs nnl ff Urn It CJiit is bulk ut rale * , 13 W < J4 oo , CQWM and helferu , i2 OOC4 25 , bulk cf C" s , i. 6043 25. prn.l M II IS nnd Milk of rnt ( nt JJ. ce.iv * mid heifers J } t < Mf9 IS Urrrlpts l.(00 lira < 1 hlpm-nts ( , none ) mnrkrl tnt\tr \ lo l-t hlghrr lltht u TOIfJ.JOi mt\Pl J 7 ( 3 ? V ailKI. none , shipment * | ( irt hr .l , market steady , nntup unit inn * . H pnffJ W | cull * nnd buck * II SWJ i stockers and ftpjcr * , $ S W fl S , Ininbs , 13 7'.ff Vi H Clli l.U r siei-U , K\N A4 CITY O.t t3 OATTMllcclpt . 00 bend mnrkFt uiKtinnRrd , unlv retail trndc. ; Txns steers It oviri (0 ( , Titn rows , Klill.i.W ; nativeslfcr , 13 SV S 10 nnllvp reivvs nnd hflfrtt. 1 IWffl 0. stockrrs nnd feeders ja IH.HH 10. bulls. 12 7' . < n 10 , HODS UcccMiits. ( l.OCO head innikct Mcnitv to wpak , bulk of sale's Ii 5Hf1 W , h < "ivlc , * 3 < * > ; f 3 K , tmckers 3 4i'fl1 ( * . , ml ed II tO 3 W , llcht , I3SO (3C ( ; Jorkris fulfl fi , UlRS 13 601J3 W MIIii3P : Iteielpts 5 WO head , market steady : lamb 13 TOCf 1 iO , muttons It Hf3 o NCM VorK 1U ( > siocK , Ni\V YOllK. Oct -lllIIIVKS-ltccelpts. . 1. . 00 bond , no chniiKO In rubles , exports , 1,40 * twvis. IX ) sheep and 40-11 uuartirs of l > ccf I'Al.VIN Itiielpts , : head , steidy llll nrauiulj vcal . JS ixnr * ' < > Rtatfc-rs Jl POfil ! > " SHiii' : : AND l.VMIKhcfp llrm , bimln , tendv.shnp J1 W 4 f2'i , Inmlii } 5 CCf. in llOHS-Heciliits , 15 i hcid , stonily lit | 4 lt > < r stiieU In > -KI < . Iti-onnl of reee'lpls of livestock nt the four irlnclpal mnikets fir October M . Cittle HORS iHlin . 1,175 4,21C Chlcnco . 400 si ox ) Zf io vnnsns City . 500 C CeM t.000 Rt louls . 7iO ( 4 COO . Totals ! 673 S3 2 < f. Mvuicr.m. , } | < 0KH , , , , , | i > rcvn \Bnln Clnsilo < r , Ni\V AOIIK , Ort 23 Holievv0,1 se-lllnu bv the onus much of It fmeed IhroiiRh marRln ex. ilratlons , was n fcntuie of tolaVs mirKet , iv- silltliiK In n loss ot s lo Irt p Inls at the weak , cot Interval January contracts rclIhiR down. The scllliiR wan led b > a prominent IIOURO with comuctlons all ovir the countiy nnd In Huronc , and cspi'clally aellvife > r \\all street accounts , Ihls coneein was an nctlve seller yesterday mil Inllueiuel b > Its p , ntlnued nllliiK today less Impoitant hoii'is thiew cotton over vi-iy ticclj The only support Ihe nun kit Kill durlnir the brief n' lcn VMIS In tinwav of buvlnir by shorts This Just be fore Ihe clnpo led lei n rally of 2 lo 3 per cent from the lowest level of the moraine Themm kit opetn 1 i > an I further ili-cllnoil as Indlcalrd with the t ne of themaiket llnallv lutilj ste-ady nt n net lors of 6 to 7 iwlnts and total sales of futiins 125. COO biles nie- weakness of the mierke I was In- ireased b > n tendiiicv to make Hige-r crop cf- tlmalis and he aw receipt- ( I islnc prlresv lamiaiv H fs Tebruary ! e OJ Mnrrh 16 M. April If Oi Mav Jt. 11 Jiuu | i. 17 luh , 1C Mi Oitober Jl 'if Novembei fill IVi.mber $5 18 -pot clei'od iiulet mid UliiK upl mils 6'tc mld- dllllK KUlf. 6\e M.\V OIU.UANS Oct II-fOTION Qlllct ; sales , 4 "XJO bales , otdlnaiy l\e , pnod eudlniry. THc low mlddlliiK el 7-K u , od mlddlliiB. 1 If , 16c nilddlliic fair 0 11 IPe . ucelpts II 510 biles stoek 11 > K6 luhs lutincs vvire > iiulet ami tte-adv , sule-s 'x iwi bales Oe tobcr J" ( X ) bid , November ) iUi ( > ui Deeember J5 (2j ( ) R T3 , Jnmuiiy H fir , rc IMumrv 11703571 , Murh _ , i'7oir376 ( , April ! 1M4isl , May , } > U ( ? . . S6. \ \ nol Markets , NP.\V } OUK Ocl 23VOOIQulet , domestic Ib lie 2iil12e Te\rts 13fTI7e sr I.OI'ls Oel 2S-V\l)01-Culet steady and unchanged me-dlum r.iii lc Mtht fine 13 Ullf'tc heavy line Kfillc , tub wntliie ! ! 2f(3lc I.MHN Oct 21The nirlvnls of wool for the sixth i-oi ICM to date are as fedlowH New * -outh Wales 4377 Im'is l > neen < land 4k04 bales Vletorln 2121 bales nulli Auft nlli , I , . 07.1 Inles , New Zinluul 4 . ' 01 I des c"ne | of flood Hope- and Natal t isi bales maklin ; tie lotal 234-4 bales Imiiiillnir 6 i txi b lies i-old dlieet The UnpoilH fin the week ilkKreiled 101,11 bllM , Inrlmllny Nnv South Wales 170 bales Mel- bouine rio liiilci , South Ain-linlln CMS biles , New /ealand 6 3 n biles I'mt Howard f20 Inles Oi.e of Ouoil lleipe an 1 N Hal 1 22S bilesi Marseilles If I bales Tangier , ni bales St I'ltiishiirtr t bibs China 3Ji ( bales , Cudlz 2 bales , sundrle-s 137 bales Ne-i\ \cirU lr > ( .neiils 'MiirUe-t. NIIVVO1UC Oel . ' -The dry ROO la market closed for Ihe- week with nultt eon lltlons pro- vallliiK and a week t lounh not falMni ? market. The print iloth nmiKit madea deeldpdly poor tdinvvlnir In staples the marUe t Is quiet In nearly all grades Hi own hoods iL | subject to n more lirli-k dem mil bv mill than In spot trad- Intr Hh ached cotte ns are- without fi iturc nnd oimy to pnuhnpo PrlnlH and KliiRh uns show no change In any KindH ' 1 he market Is RI ncrally iiulet Woolen nml worsted Koodii are In fair rciiuest for ISIb nnd 'Ihe prices are- generally pntlsfnelniy lo huyeisnnd then > Is In the main , little to prevent buyers and sellers meetli K Nf 1 ork Imports mill HvpeirlN. NIJ\V 1 0KK Oct 21The exports of specie from the port of New t ork f r the week HBKre-- Kate > d $ "ir 70J In slhe-r an I if. iCO In ( fold The Impoits for the vvnk were Onl 1 } 4 662 Ell sil ver , f'i6236 , merclinmllv , . JSTOOI7. . Henry E , Monlgomery fi Co , , Bankers and Brokers , 47 llItOAOUAY , NHViOUIC , iNvnsi MIN : r bix-rm i ns. SlOCIvS , I1ONDS . . . . OIIAIN , COTTON. noi ( jar oil hoi-u ion e-Ahii on ON MAK- OIN i.Minisr : AM/\MI > ON DII > OSITS SUB JECT TO C'liniK AT SIOIIT IIAVH rosnni : INI OHM VTIOV uiiAim. INO ri"n HI : M"MMIN : is or i\u > AIM vn S1XDCKS WIl.I. AlISII Sl'l.e I IA'10HH WHO uiu , DI\iun I'liinrA iNroitMA- TION is I-OSITIM ; AMI CAN m ; ACTID ownii UTMOST covriinNcu AIDlli-h 1' O | ! j.\ I 3R ! ) NIIW 10HK CI TY CHRISTIE-STREET Cuiillul , ! . - , ( ) , ( ) ( ) ! > . I'nlil. SfooksGrainand Provisions , Itnoia 111 iIloarn of 'Irailc llltli ; . ( Tel IWu ) U. C. CimiSTlK . I'resltlcnl H 'IHftlFnV . Vice 1'ro.iaSS Cl. W. lvUNN3\ . Borrctaiy UavlelT ncaia , Prcet. KO 36:7. F. P. NCBl.VleeI'reR I nlon Niilliiniil Ilniilc Clias. II V. Lewis , Cash. Capital. ItJOO.OOO , KANSAf C'fTMo , , April U , 1197 , We hereby eerilfy that tl.e ChiUtlc-Street Commission Company lus Ihls day eomiMi.ccJ tumncES with UK by u < .pucltlng 1 Ifty ihousund Dollars ( JluOOOOO ) In cafli , rUiclateo ) CJIAItl.LS H. V LHWIH , " mm E DOYD a co , , Telephone lOJH ) . Omaha , Neb COMAIISSION , GRAIN , 1'ROVISIONS andSTOCKS IIOAIID OP TIJADI ! . Dliert wires to Chluiko and New York , Coriespondcnta John Aarrtn i Co or ( hii-uuii -isiniiiuii.ii Do il KC'iieTiil e'ii li urn In IIIIMIIIUHH . lOveeiilioiiIcrH | iriiiiill | ) for fiilnru ili < ll\i-r > oil ClileMK" , llliinc'iijieillu niul Ni'vv > oiU lliinrilM , Oinnliii OllliMitooiu I , N. t. IIf i' , Illeli ; , Ti Iciilioui. 0111 , IM.IMH .1. ( \MI'IirIl , , MiiiuiKcr. Branch Olllce 10J8 N Street , Uncoln , Neb , Ti- 1. < Ii. R , PENNEY & CO. , 110 Hoard of Trade , Omaha l " & } Grain , Provisiois , Stocks , C. H. AlAGOON & CO. Stocks , Braio aod Promioos , 314 Souti 15th St. O i AlIKEB / , CUR * U MleU for unn t. . _ dUrnarici , Innammtllooi. lirltallvui or ulcirallool of inuruut uitubrtnu. l'i 'jlcti , ud not i ' K I.I or i ' H lel I , or Mat ia plila witpp r , frnf. ' Pv.f.K