THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , OCTOBER 2. * . 1807. COMMERCIAL AND FINAXCIA1 Huge Expert Engagements Give Wheat a Ferrationai Jump Upward. CORN AND CATS ALSO SHOW ADVANCES I'rli-oa .Mnlrrliill.v Alilcil lij Merion of Ilic Urolith ( InKiiMirn Sfitli-i . PIMM | N | IIN Higher. , ( M. 22. Seiumtlrnn. ! nilVRTit-e. today's wM'lon In wheat , Docemhc rloMnn So hither nml Mny nt a 3vc ml vnnnp. Tlit' mlvnnr-e which was nttcndei liy the henvl.'Hl trnillnK In several Werk \van rniiri-i ] iirlnclpnlly by th huat > cxpor DliKHKciiiotito. HensaU'.mil ' i cports UP to the drouth condition east or the Ml-Hlsj'lppl on no Hiniill figure In the nrivnnre. Corn \vn nlso a tlvo nnd nilvnncrd 1'io , tipp | < < l li > wheat and a Rood ( hipping demand. Oittn ndvnnopilTic nnd provisions rliMoil 2'ic JiKliir for lard to 1'Hc higher for pork. Wheat trailLTfl wore nt the opening ' the llrmiips * ot Liverpool , Hint in.irkpt nil owing a t4 < ElW ii'lvnnro ' when tradltiK opened hcrp , notwithstanding yes terday's wvnkni'Mi. The result ot the unex pected ftlreiifilli abroad \MIS a firm opening liere nnd n further Immediate mlvnn ? that put prlrps within n tnnll frnrtlan of yes U-rdiiy's highest Ilgttre. December , whlcl cliMi-iI yesterday tit ! mo , ntnrtrd at 9l iti ' . % < anil ndvnnrrd to IB'-jr , wtillo May which was pi'fiiipi tlie more nctlvo nf UK two luturc'H , iippnoil 'tic higher at W i'nni advaneofl to Ulc. lluyiiig or.'lera for Maj wher.t from tne United KltiR-.lom were In thv hntid.'i of several comm'H'lon houses li I'hleiiKn it ! the op < nlng , "Ml their execution In ' .he pit raiixed a turther les.'enlntr of the premium at which December Is celllni , over May. What are stjlcd ' .n tlie provision trudn hrro the "Untllsih houses" had a Kood Hhnru of thow liuylnt ; ordent for May when' . Very t-iiriy In the scualon Now York wired 25 hontlo'idH had been taken for export , and claims were made a llttlo later In the day that l.OOn.fnjo bu. hud been Mold. Htronjr I'nl.le * were not the only factor In the eurlv * HretiKtn. Heports from the wlnler wheat district ! ! east of the Mis- HlRtlppl chowetl a decidedly cloomy , not to nay sensMtlonal .stole of alT.ilr * on account of the drouth The ilIhiLolT of the do mestic rto-iptn nlso nttrm-led attention. ChleaKO pot 141 cam nKiilnst 211 a year IIKO. Mlnnenuollu anil Duhlth" reported Sr > 2 rnilomlH , i-ompared with 1,072 a week n o find 1.2J7 the rreHwiullrK | day of the yeui before. Tlu receipts of western pri mary nmrket'i were ] ,0ln.0f0 . liu. , aK.sln-it l,131oi l l > u n year ano. Ijiti rln the SCH | HII there was n brli f tterlod of rea < : tlon. Tlure wan ' - -Ill-appointment at'the compirn- tlve weakness In the Paris' market , the consequentIJP'IIK necombcr , which had m-.Mi.whHe advanced to flSfti1 , declined to Wi'vl'lle ' ' May o "d off from ' .1 ! ' ' to 91V' Tln > reaction lasted only a few min utes and was su-ceeded by a brisker de mand tiian at any period of the day. Al though It could not be userMalned with any dp 'ee of accuracy whether the sales of win'i i ni'.1e nt Ne\v York for export W'-rc l.xo.KX ) bu. , as K.MIIP elalmed , or only 10 boittf.nd.s CGO.oOO bu. ) according to other r pi > riH It was not iluiilited by any one thai the export demand wnt K"3d , and fortlllec : with that conviction all the old local bulls t.-ok a hand buying. About fifteen inlnuten from end of the H' . i'.oii the inarkel besnn spinning around In an excited whirl that c.iuuht uj > Derember to iUNc and M'ty to ! Ol c , and those were the clo.sliiK ll.jures. Torn was active and stroiiK. Some of lhi 1 < i nvler s'lortH were the most consnlc- UMU. " buyer" . The phlip'n ] ' lniiilry | was nKa'n ' Ki > d , wh'.i'h was one icns'in for Hhorl" beli'ii anxlouto i-ovcr , and the extraordinary streiiKt-li of wheat did thL l-p-t Ciearan es Were 401.0M bu. tSe'-olpU were posted at CIO cars. Cables were Wi \d hlsher. December r.inBod I rum 'W i 2li7 . > to l > : i'c ' , oioplnn at the top Usurps , an m\ " -i f i-f 1/1'ic ( ! Oils wat tlrm nnd hl 'ipr. The advance waIn fymp.itby with wheat and corn and on better ( " ' buylni ? . llilil offprlnorn , . h-"l u fiaod df.'l to do with helpln ? tri prl " . The export demii'id w 13 seed , ill. . nit : n , ( ) I'll. leliiR > old here for thai pun Jft > . UerelptH were 2Ti ears. Decem- b-r r.-HKi-d from 1Si4ii ( IS'io lo IS e. and cl < H d V1 hlKher at ISliiiilS c. 4n provisions rrnorts that froit had oc- rui.i-d In the yellow fuver district last n'rlit ' helpMl tt > make a Btronff market Tni' i-treiifrtli of wheat and corn wa o ] coiu-o a feature. OfferliHV ) were very lltjht $ i.ti5. F I'lninted ' receipts for Sntiirdiiy. Wheat , 1.10 riirti ; corn , 573 cars ; oiUH , 2 : " > cars ; IIOKS , 1S,000 heml. heading fnlnres ranged .13 follows : " " ArTlclctirroiiJii. I HUH. I t , } x , | UUnj7"lYwUly" WhnT" Oc.t. nn > Dee . 110 W May. . . U.IM Corn Oct. . . um 1H-C. . . - Mny . . . Oatn- Oet. . . . 17Hi 17H 17M 17 Dee . . . IHliij May. . . 21) ) JIM MM 2 IK 1 ork- IH-o. . . . 7 go B ( I7W 7 85 8 03 H7K Jan 8 M-JW B ! > 7 > i 8 H-J ! < Luul- Dco. . . 45 I II II ) Jan . . . I (10 ( 4 lit ) Girtltlbn Oct. . . 4 rr , 4 IIB 4 HIT < y > < Dec. . 4 115 Jan . . 0 4 ( ! _ " 1 70 " No. 2. Ciub .iiiiilnll.ins . were nt follows : Fl.oril Steady : wlnliiftralnhts , I4.50fl4.70 ; tprlmr iiatentH , J4.l'055.CO ' Inkers' , $ WllUATNo. . 2 KpihiK , h7'iil.v9iic ; No. 3 spring , 1151 SIJc , No. 2 red , U.V/i.c. I HNNo. . 2. 23'/j 25c. OATS-No. 2 , IS'/iC ' , t. o. h. ; No. 2 white , 22f 231.f. . o. h. : No. 3 while , 20ifj22'io. ! ) UYINO ; z. 4ri 4c. HAlll.KY NO. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , SOffllie ; No. f , . l3D-No. 1 , 11.01 W1.03. TIMOTHY SKIMi-Prlme , J2.CO. plltJVISIONS Mf H poik , per bbl. . JS.OiSOj. ) ) I/ird , per ICO Ibs. , J4.42'iff4.45. Khoit ribs sides ( loose ) , Jl.5051.(0. ( Dry nille.l . BholiUleis ( boxed ) , ) Short clear sides ( boxed ) , fo.Cdtfr " \VHISKY Distillers' finished KOO.IS . , per Kal. , " : ' " 18 Cut loaf. fS-Sa Braiiulntnl , 15.31. On the Piodiico P CIUIIK | today the butler market WHS steady ; ciejiiietle * . iMflZc-j dairies , ISJfinc , Cheese , nulet at kS | > 4c. I'KKK , Meady ; fiesb , UHc. Poultry , easy ; tirlieys , ku'jc ; rlilckeliH. CW" ; rprlnsa. 7c ; diieks , T jtiSc. M\V : VIIHIC , MAIIKIT. < lllOllllI ilN Of Oil * I > .V ill ! ( if lllTllI ClIIIIIIIOllltll'N. NIJW YOUK. Oct. ! 2 KljOl'K Itecelpts , 50- 3h ! ) bll . ; rxpoio , II. H5 bbb > . blioin ; nnd hbihev , with demand shut out by thu ad vance ; Mtmusota patents , } j. IDtfj.W ; Mlnnefota liaUers , I4.50if4.5i ) ; winter patents , | 5.005.'i | ; winter stralKlits , JI.CMd.TO ; winter extras , $3 2u Cf3.w ( ; winter low Kiades. $ XOOUJ,15. lly > > Hour , steady ; fancy , K.kJJfl 40. Hour , ollli't. lH'CKWHUAT-tJulet nt 37 Sc. ( -ilt.V MICAI.-yulet. JlYK Klini ; No. 2 western , 50c. HAUUKY-l-'liin nt 2kHc. PAIM.HY MAI.T-Hull. WI1KATIticelpts. . 1T5.20C bu. ; expoits. 48,058 1m. ; IHI | . btroiiK ; No. 2 led , tl.O Options opened Mrontc and advanced all duy , with scarcely a pnupe. closliiff with a bull lloinbb nt ' . " ; 4i'3c net rb > e ; buyln ; ; mollxes were extravagant cxpoit rumors , lilchcr rubies nnd u bad retire of hliorte ; No. 2 red. Nou-m- U > clmfd at 'JJTic ; lei-cmber. 94TiflSI4e ! , cloa- hi ) , ' Ht OT-'ic. COIIN ItecelptH. 1 S.OJ5 bu. ; e\ports. Si , 111 bu. . tput , ttronu : ; No. ' . ' , 3J".c. Ujitlons ppened tlrm i. ml had n bit ; advance on exptirt talk nml the > l e In wheat , closing lo net hlKht-r ; No- M-mlur ( W'.tdSOI.c. ' clorlni ; ut 3U ! c ; Uecember. SOuMJlSi' , closliiK ut 3Hie. OATH Itccrliitn. ll.CUO hu. ; e\poit , 155,187 bu. ; rpat i-troiiK ; No. t , tie. Options quiet hut btioiiRFr at ViiV' net advance ; October clo od ut SJ'.c , DecemlM-r , 23'i ' < l > Kr , cloclnif nt ! 3c. HAY Dull ; shipping : , J4.W'U4.50 ; iood ; to choice , . I HO. HOISQuiet. . Pncino coast , 1605 crop. ! S9d crop , CfiUc ; 1SS7 crop. IHDKS-.Steady ; Oalvfston , l.lCATUKIl-Hteady ; hemlock bolt. Iluenoi Ayit-s. Unlit to hruvy weluhin , c ; acl.l , 20'iWl'Jc. ' Ill'TTKHllecelpts , 3.215 pk . ; firmly ; west- eni crvamrry , UiiKIHC. Iil8ln , tne ; factory , i ? . l-lll-iSi-ltecf : : Hits , 4.900 pkgs. ; quiet , arEV , white , 94i'JV c. umall , wlilte. 9'4 Uf ; large , col ored , ? c ; mmll , eoloied.ii1'tc \ \ \ ; part ktma , li'illTc , full nkliiis , 3iitf4c. KIH1SIleceliiU. . 1 , 7iH plB . ; aulet ; ilito and Pennsylvniilu , ICiflSo ; wentern , I.e. MOUVS-SIW teuily. New Orleans , oprn kettle , cooil to cliuU'c. iKjjic. PUOVlBlONS-IIwf. jlfndy ; family. $ fl.f 10 M ; extra imsa. > I.W8 < 8.V ) . btef hiims , IS ) OOiTSS. * ) . rut meat * . Ilrmj pickled belllen. ta.3I'.OOi jilckled nhouldrri. 15.75. 1-ird. llrm , wtXern til-urn rlaitcU nt Il.n'ij4 > 5 , ivlhi.a , llrm. Pork , fleady ; old me , } 8,75b5i new me , J9.5W 10. W. Clll.8 Petroleum , dull ; PenniiylvanU crude , m mnrkft , nomlnnl'y S.V. noiln , * Uady ; irnlnp.I. common to Kotxl , | t. l f1.45. Tiirpentlnf , lemly nt J2H , fnttonxecil , quUt lint held prime nummT jcllnw , sJVUiSJHc , off yellow , 23JH3"4c. iirlme winter yellow , . Hlr-B sti-nly ; ilomestle. fnlr fo txtra. 4 4B 6'ir. I-'IIKHJIITS Stpndy. MHTAI-H-PlB Iron , wntrnnt < i Imri-iy steady ; tl y > lil.l , J7 ni-kp.l. Ixik t-opp r , ennlsr ; JI1 bid , til. II Bikod. Tin , fultj | Jl.l.iO bid. $ . ) nxki-d. Spelter , quiet ; Mii bid , M.25 nsked. l a.l , ex.'lmnce bnrely steady fir fput nnd near m.rthn. nnd weak fnr late deliveries ; 13 90 bid , 1.1.95 askH ; broker * , dull nt JI. OMAHA UKM-Jimmi VIIKIVI'M. L'linilllliiii , , f 'I'rnilr nml ( tiioliit IIIIIH "i Stii | > l < % nml l-'niu-y I'rinliiei- . lnlS-Uood : stock weak nt 13o. UUTTIJIl-Common to fnlr , OfllOc ; choice lo fin-y , J4fll7c ; feparntnr creamery , J2c ; uatherea crenmery , 20c. VKAICholce fat. fO to 120 lb . . quoted nt 8c ; lajKs nnl coarse. 4 6c. K ' " " ' ' ' TUY-Hens. ! ? ? 54c ; co-ks. 3Jc ( ; 'llr"i < hli kens , per Ib. , fie ; Jucks , Cif7c ; turf - " " . ' f , 'flPC. I' I Jvo. 7ln : dend plucons not wntiten. . , ' . „ -'I'lnnd ' , r M ; mldl.ind , JVOO ; lowland , T4jO ; p-e straw , | | ; tolor makes tha price on na > ; lleht bales sell the best , only top Ernucs hMtiR top priies. iiiiOOMroUN-ExtremPly slow sales new crop. uenvereil on track In country : choice green self. 2IlviJlr ! ? .r"r.ptt. ' " 'r " ' 5'fZHc ; choice erecn. nmnlne to burl. 10:140 ; common , lV4c. ( MT-1. , . , . ViUKTAHI.E3. _ ' . . ' . - \ Block. Inrsc. 40c mnll ! | ) . . ; , 5ff bu. . 40fl33c. , t Hnnd-iilckeil navy , per bu. , J1.40. ' : - | ll1'1:5' Brownl0' Browni m" c ; WC9tQrn . - ' 1 > o * . it.2sni.i- . ' .M \\lnter stock J2.75ff3.00 ; .loniithnnt and fnncy varieties , > 3.nofl3.3 ; California Ilelle- > boc" > " C0 ; Coloimlo Jonathans , boxes , H ' < 'oilAPn.q-Callfornla , U.K. ' 'AI.II-OltNIA AM1 > COLOItADO PKAUS-Oon.1 . " ) " 'ptnrllls ' , j.COT2.i5 ! ; : other varieties. ll.W 71 * 1 1 * V l5'i'W : VOIIIC ° IIAI'KS 1'cr 9-lb. basket , 131.1 PI'I'.MS Idaho and Oregon. 75f7M.OO. ! CUANIIKUUIICS C'liin * fnd , per bbl. , | 3.COJ5.6 > ) ; \ \ Isconslll , boxes , Sl.rOffl.lO. TI1OPICAL , FnUITS. P"'Vs'nBS-Mcxlc n. I' " "JOx. " I.CO. l.HMlJNS-Mcsflnus , JI.23U4.5u ; c.iolcc Call- fornlu , J4.00. , largo stock , per bunch , ' 2.2o ; medium-sized bunches , Jl.73If2.GO. JIISCF.I.nANnOUS. NUTS Almond * , California , per Ib. . larse lze , Me ; Hrnzlls , per Ib. . lOc ; KiiRlljh wnlnuis , I'01' I" . , fancy , snft shell , 13c ; MnndanK lOff lly ; Hlberls. per Ib . He ; pecans , pcdlshe.1. . law , 9I10c ; Jumbo. 11012o ; large lilcitory nuts , J1.23 per bu. ; cocoanuls , 4Uo each ; peanuts , raw , 5W .i'-.e , rmsleil. C'lfG'sc. Fiqs Imported fatiey , 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes , 2c ; 5 crown , 50-lb. boxes. 13 14c. lIONKY-Cholce white , lie KltAUT Per lihl f 14.01 ; half bbl. , 12 ' 25. MAPLE SYHUP Ftve-g.'i'i' cans , c'ach 12.25 ; Knl cans , pure , pr dot , J12.00 ; half-gal , cann , S6.25 quart cans. J3.CO. DATKS Per GO to 70-lb. boxes , 5c ; Ford 9.1b. lioxus , 9c. FlliSH : MMATS. nUKSSKO IimSF CJnnd native steers , 400 t. . > COO IbK. , 7c ; Rood fire.iuarters . , sleers , lie ; Kood blnd.iuarlers , 9c ; weslern steers , f.WO'ic ; fnm-y heifer * , fit.c ( ; Knod heifers , Cc ; unod fnrequarteis , helfeis. 5Vic : vood hlnd.iuaiteis . , heifers , Sijc ; K' ' "d c iws , 5V c ; fair cows , 5'ic ; common cows , 3tcow ; forequ irters , I'stiSc ; cow bin.Inuai . tens. 7',5f'lSr- . lliiF : : CUTS T.-ndetlolns , 15c ; Inneless ptrlpi , S'ie. strip loins , CHc ; mils , Sc ; shloln butts , M- ; shoulder rloilH , 5Ve ; rump bulls , 5t ; sleer chucks , 5'/ic ; i-.iw . chucks , 4'ie ; bnneless chu.-ks , 4'ic ; cow pi.lies , 3e ; sleer plal.-s , 3'.c ' ; Hank sleak , ri,4c ; loins. No. 1. He ; loins , N < C 2 , lovfcej lolni , No. S. Sc ; sirloin ends , No. 1 , So ; ribs , No. 1. lie ; rllis , No. 2. S'c , ; rlba. No. 3 , fie ; steer rounds , 7'i.e ; cow rounds , 7c ; cow rounds off , Sc"tilm- ; mliiKs , 4c ; beef shanks , 2' ' c ; brains , tier d.iz , 3 > ; sw.--etbr.-ids. per Ib. , lOc ; " . ( rnlves ) . per Ib. , 40c ; kldnevs , per dor. . . 33c ; us tails , each 3c ; livers , per Ib. , Sljo ; hearts , per lb.t 2.tonfiues ; , per Ib. , lie. MUTTON Limbs , 7'i-c ; sheep , 6'4e ; maiket racks ( long : ) , M/e ; h.itel racks ( sheri ) . He ; b' s and saddles. Sc ; lar-ib U-RS , lOc ; breasls and slews : ic : innsues , each 3c. POItlC Dressed piss , Oe ; dressed IIOKS , S'-je ; Icmb-rloins , itc ; ; Inlns. " c ; spare libs , 4c ; ham H.iusaije , bulls , CVje ; shnulders. ritmh , 5c ; sh.iul- . ib'is. skinned , fi'ic ; trlmmlnKs , 4'bc ' ; leaf lard , not rendered , a\e ; heads , cleaned , 3c ; snout and oars. 3c ; baeklxuies. l'ic ; cheek meats. 3.neck ; lionet 2e ; plKs' tails , 3c ; plucks , e.ich 5c : chlt- lerlliiKs. 5c ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per dnz. , 25" ; slitmchs , each 3c : tongues , each 7c ; kidneys , pr doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 13c ; I > 'K ' * * ' ftet , per dnz. , 23c ; lUeis , r.leh 3c. IIIDKS , TAI.I.OW. KTC. HIDES No. I Breen biiUs , 7c ; No. 2 irreen hlde . Cc ; No. 1 suited hldtB , 8',4c ; No. 2 Kre n Enlted hides. 7',4c ' ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 lo 12 Ibs. . fc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 lo 15 Ibs. Cc ; No. 1 dry niul bides. 110-13 ; No. 2 dry Hint hides. SiilOe ; No. 1 dry snlled hides , 9ff0e ! ; pan cur-d hide ? , Vic per Ib. le.s than folly ( .urc.i. SHHKP pni.TS C.i-een salted , each 15fi73c ; sreen sailed shearlings ( short wooled cany skins ) each liin ; dry sliearllnss ( short woole.1 early skins ) . No. 1 , each 5c dry Hint. Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib , , actual weliht ; , Ii33c ; dry ( lint , Kansas nnd Nebraska murmln wool pelts , ppr Ib. , actual weight , 3if4c ; dry ( lint Coloiado butcher wool pelts , per IB. , actual weight , 4ff3c ; dry Hint Colorado murrain woo' ' pelts , ppr Ib , nctual weight. 3ff4o ; feet cut off , ns it la useless to pay freight en them. SI. Inull Ci-ncrnl ST. 1-OfIS , Oct 22. KIjOl'll Strong In pathv with wheat , but unchanged ! n price. WIIKAT HlKher. closing with December nt 3c and May nt ! 4- above yester.lny ; Derembei opened HC higher and eventually sold 2'ie above that , closing with buyers at -c below the tup. which was JI. This morning saw the liveliest opening and the must nctl\e trading fur mint- time nfteiwnrd In some weeks past. There were eager buyers nt a coed advance nnd richt at "call" prices , Ihe market soon soailns e nold- erablv nbove them. Foielun advices were won derfully strong. Spot , strong and hlgh.r No. 2 red , cash and elevator , ! )7Hc ; tra.-k , ( I7fi7ije ? ! ; No 2 harl , cash , Sfic nominal ; December , ! i95sC ; May. S7c. COUN Fulures held up well , dropping when wheat let down , but qulcklv rallied with th ceroal. closing Ic nbove yesterday. Spot , quiet but stronger ; No. 2 cash , 2l'Jf2l'Ac ; December , 24"Hc " bid ; Msy , 2'c. OATS -Futures stronger- nn advance of ijj ftc for the day ; spot , higher No. 2 cah eleva tor. 19e ; track , lH'ic ; No. 2 while * -nsh. 2Hf 21"c : Derember. 19c bid ; May , 21'iQ21-c. IIYU HlKher nt ir.Hc bid. COHNMKAIStendy at 11.43 11UAN CJulet and strong ; sacked , east track , 49c : thin side , 552c. ! FI.AXMKKD HlKher nt 51.02. TIMOTHY 8El-r : > Prime. K.ffi. HAY Firm , pnilrle , JC.flOff7.00 ; timothy , $7.00U Ul'TTKU Film ; creamery , lCS23'jc : dairy , llfflde. KCiiiP Firm at lc. . POri.TItY Chkkens. nrm ; old hens , W4e : Kprlngp , 7ffSc ; ilucks , CJTClso ; Reese , Cc ; turkeys , WHISKY $1 20. COTTON TlTS-77c. : HAOOINO C % 7'ic. MCTAI.S-T.ead , lower nt J3.75. Spelter , nem- Inal nt } l.02iA. PUOVlSIONS-Poik. higher : rtandird mps , Jobbing , JS 50 I/inl , hlirher ; prime steiirn. $130 ; choice. Ji 37' , . llncon ( boxed lots ) , extra short clear. $1.75 ; ribs. J5.75 ; shorts , | 6. Dry salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders nn.l . c tlrn shnrl clear , $5.50 ; exda churl clear nnd ribs , J3.25 ; shorls. 15 57H HE-KIPTS ( Flour. 4,000 bhK ; wheat , S3 OfO bu corn. 102 TOO hu. ; oats. 33.00.1 . bu. SHIPMENT. * Flour , 7.f'00 bids ; wheat , lO.OM bu ; corn , 7C COO hu. : onts , 29,000 bu. KIIIINIIN Clfy > lnrUi-lH , KANSAS CITY , Oct. 22.-WHHAT Acllve ; ueneially tiffin hlKher ; soft uliout steady ; No. 1 bard. 83VjO ; No. 2 , 6WJ83'e . , ; mixed , siio ; N.I. 3. 7Wle ; No. I. 77 < ffMc ; Nn. l led , 02c ; No. 2 90'jffM'aipom , : - , f9c ; No. 3 , SCc ; No. 4 S3c ; No. 2 sprlmr FIlUc : No. 3 , 76 f"Ct e , COIIN U i4o hluher : No. 2 mixed. 23f(2"Oic. ( OATS-Steady : Nn. 2 mixed , l&j019Uc. ! HYII Firm ; N > . 2 , 41c. HAY Firm ; ii--elpis readily nbsorbed ; choice tlniolhv , J-i.iWfS.50 ; choice prnlrle , $6.50. ' IH'TTKU Firm ; all grndes t-hort of demand ; cieam-ry. 2l@23c ; dilry , lC20c. | KOOH-Very dim ; Mltaciirl and Kansas , l.p. HUClllITS-Wbenl , 110.400 bu. ; coin. S1.3IW bu ill" . 20.P.W . bu. BIHPMKNTS 93,000 bu. ; coin , 27,800 bu. ; nils , 3,0)0 bu , . i-iinol Crnln niul ProvNli > M . MVKHPOOJ , . Oct. 22.-PUOVISIONS-Hnmi' . short cut. 14 lo 1C pmm1 * . llrm nt 33s. Hacon firm at 3"is " Short ribs , tlrm at Sin ; long clear middles. Unlit , llrm nt 33s ; lonp clear , heavy firm nt 34 ; short clear back * , llrm nt 31s 61 ; clear belllef. firm at 4Js. Mrd. prime western , firm al 23s 3d. Tallow , prime , iteady at IS * Cd , WHKAT Spot. No. 2 red wetlern , winter , llrm nt 7s Til ; No. 1 red , northern spring , new. firm nl 7i 7d. OOlN { Spot , American mixed , firm nt 3 > id October , dull at 3i : No , 3 , dull at ta M ; lit. ceinber , dull at 3s Hid- irnlii lli-i'i'liilx nt I'rliK'liui * ! Uiirlotn , CHICAOO , ' Oct. 2-Ht-ceipts today : Wheat , tl cars ; cuii , 540 cars ; onts , 33 cars. MINNIAPOL.IH , Oct. : : . tteceipu : wheat. ci3 \ ' < , f IJIPIS Ocl K.-Ueeelpli : iVhCTt. 51 rnrp DI'l.VTH , Oct. 22. HrceliU ) : Wheat. W cnrs PIVIIIA. Oct. 22. Il"celpts : Torn. 33.C.V ) bu. ; ats. 51COO bu. ; rye nnd whlfUj. n < mevlient. ; . .SO ) bu. Shipments : Corn. 7.000 bu ; oats. 13.000 m. : rye. none whisky. 1,0 1 bbls. KANSAS CITY , Oct. M. llecelplaYhrnl : , 184 are. Toli-ilo TOI.nnO Oct. 22 , WHKAT-Hlgber and flrm : No 2 cnh , & 6c : December. 97c. COHN Active and higher : No. 2 mixed. : : ' 4e OATri-Dull nnd llrm Nr Z mlxe-l. 19c. IIYI1 Dull nn.l steady ; No. S cafh 4c. CI.OVKHSKKD Active nnd lieady ; prime radi , 13 40. OII fnchanged. Sun l'rniit-l rn AV In-lit nml Hnrli-j'- SAN FHANCIBCO Ocl. 22.-WHr3AT-Qulet ! 3e-fmber. $1,49' ; ; May $ I.471J. 11 Altt.m' Inactive ; December , M'Jc. ' I'riirln ' - 'UiirK-rf . PFOHIA Ocl. 32. COHNStea.U . No i. tic. OATH-Flrmi No. J white. 2i < j2)Vii ) % WHISKY lllvli proof splrlls , $1.2. ) . riiliriirnla Drleil Ki-iilln. NF.W YOHK , Oct 13.-PAUFOP.NIA * av FIU'ITS Firm , e\-pir. . ' -d M' < ' . I'lnmion ' , 5T Te.pi-r Id prime wire tray Vc. wood drl-d. Prime , 9C , rholc * . > , - 9o. fan. . y. 9 9 c. pinn-s , ; * / < ' ) p r | h , a. t"It" mil nunlltv. nprt.-ou , Uoynl. 7 rM . , , r P.iik i flic. penuhcit , unpeeled - peeled , 7 < jll < - , peeled. lS ! ll7.per _ Ib. STOriS AN UO.MS. llnIN unit llonrH Arc lloth nnd Tlirlr Kll'nrtKro -nriill7-il. ( . NKW YOUK , Oct. St. T < l y' stock nintket was n onntest betnpen prif > - li.ii l tra.lprs . , nnd tliB re ult shnns n drawn battle between HIP bulls and bears , net clunges bphiR extremel > narrow In all case * , but thn p on the lde of gains being % ery few. The bulk of the d.iy'a Undlm ? was done nt a level of prices eiy matpilnlly below that of yesterday. The openlmc wns nt shntp declines , In sympathy with Irfin.lon. . at which point fpeculatlon wns ery dull , owliiii to the hnrdenlmr tendency nf Iho money market , nnd fears of Impending stringency Ih'fe. The old appiehenMon ol Spnnlsli complllcallons was al o useit with Rood erf pel by the bear trader * . The declines of the mnrmnn reached n point or o\erln a large number of Hocks , Including the leading Industrials - trials , the manners , ftilon Pnclllc nnd the southwestern * . Pnlon IMclllc was affected by the tepnrts of the foimutlon of an opp.isltlon syndlr-nte to bid for the property nl the fore- clo ur mle. The turn In the market came \\lth n sharp rncovery In L'.ilcngo Ons on n detlnltc rep.rt from Chicago Hint the conlrol of the threatened opposition had passed to ft lends of the company. This stock wns qullo stronw during the remainder of the day. sellIng - Ing at one time ! 'l points nbove the lowest. Sugar wns nU quite n strong factor , rising nhote 1at night's close on the estimated bene- llln to accrue from countervnl'lns duties on rellned niRars from foreign countries which pay u bounty. t-'nlon Paelllc wns nlso re lieved from the eatly piessmo by slatrments fiom Inlereiits nllPKed to be ldentlllp.1 . with the opposition syndicate denying t.ielr connection with It. Hceoverles nt one time dutlng the afternoon were complete In nlmost nil cases , hut prices fell slightly In-low the best and below lust night's close In the llnnl transactions. Dealings In Hay Slate Una were on a laise scale , very heavy blocks changing hands. The lluetuntlon of the prices was limited lo % . There were limes dutlng the day when the market was almost stngnaiit , and there was no evidence of any outside Interest In business. The money market tended toward an easier tone , no call loans being leeorde.l . nbove 2 per cult , though the nsklng rate Is still letiilned at 2ta per cent , by some banks. Tomorrow's bank statement la expected to show n marked Increase In the surplus reserve. Over $5,000.000 of gold teeelved from abroad last week was not In cluded In last week's statement. The neck's mibtteaMiry operations nnd the Interior move ment ha\e also resulted In n net gain to the banks. Outside banks have continued to bid in this market for commercial paper , which may have led to n further decrease In the loans of bullies. As a lesult of the&c opprntlons , llin statement Is expected to show a handsjine Increase In cash. lluslnefs In hands was quiet , nnd prices moveit In sympathy with slocks , but over n narrow range. Iron Mountain 5s nml Oregon Improve ment Issues were notably weak. Total sales , United States new 4s. leslstered , were nilvnncrd % bid ; 4s coupon , H. and 5s coupon , H. The levelling Post's London tlnai clal cable gram stivs : "The stock markets were quiet nnd dull today on the tightening < if the mnney mar ket. llfiiowers today were dilven to the It-ink of l nglalid , when * 3 per cent Is chatmed. Ameri cans were lifeless nnd dull. AH affecting fu ture gold movements betweeen New York nnd London , I learn that Nev York l.s llauldaling considerable sleillng engagements here. It ap peal's nlso that early ihls year cerlnln of the American railwav. * concerned In refunding schemes borrowed large sums here fnr nbuut six ni'inths nt 3 per c ° nt. money then being cheap. N iw that money Is tight and reitnln lefundlng schemes have been parried through considerable repayments are expected in November , thus to that exlent decreasing Ibe chance of gold ex- purls to New York. T.he Paris and Itcrllu mar- kels were quiet. " Tlie following were the closing quotations on HIP leading slocks of the New York exchange today : * serond nsses ment paid. T > tal sales ot stocks today were 207,451 shares , niluilniK : Atchlsm prefi-ired , 3,115 ; Chesapeake Ohio , 4,40) ; ChleaKO , liuillnRton , t Qulncy , 19- fit > ; I/Hilkvlllo & Nashville , l,45u ) ; Mnnbattnn 1 * 7.71S ; Mlswiuil Paelfle , lL'.3C'i ; New York' < 'entrnl , 4,321 ; Northern P.iclllc prefeirccl , 7,8i' ' ; Ifork Island , 7,503 ; St. Paul , 23.750 ; Ouuba , 3,470 ; t'nlon Paelllc mist receipts , seeond nssessment paid , l'i.3C3 ; American Tobacco. 0,3tO ; Hay Stiil" (3as , 11.033 ; OhlcaKO Ons , 41,111 ; Supar , 30,801 ; Ti-nnensei ? dial and Iron , 1,110 ; Chicago Gieat Western , C.370. \IMV Vnrlc Mom y > inrUikt. NKW YOItlC , Oct. 22. MO.VMY ON CAI.f. Kaslcr at 1512 per cent ; last loan , 2 per cent ; closed , rffered nt 1 per cent. PIUMK MUUCANTlLi : PAPRIl UJl',4 per STURI-INP. KXCHANOB rirm. with actual business In bankers' bills at $ I.S4ifllS.i for do. maud , and at J1.S2lifM-S2Vi for sixty days , Postpd rales , Jl.k2U.f < 4.S31,4 anil Jl.SS'i. Commer cial hills , JI.S1. SI I.VI3II CKIITIFIPATICH WdMc. HAH .SlI.Vl'IH 5S"iC. MKXIC'AN DOLI.AUS-430. OOVKIlNMnNT HONDH-Htrons. STATi : I1ONPS Dull. TlAU.UOAn nONDS-Plnn. Closing quotatlnns on bonds were ns follows : \i > w Vorlc Dry ( looilx Market. NKW YOHIC , Oct. tt.-The < lry Hoods market Is Bill ) without featuiu ct moment , the only change In thv situation leing u sllshi Inert-use notlcrd In thu bids for export Kunds. This l not believed tn be nny rndli-nl change In | h" want * of export Luyurs , but Imply a ili-nnnd uf thu inomenl , which bus lo lit i-uveied. lie ) * rn from varliu * m-rtlms . .r the ciunlry show Jhni ( iihiributl.n . Is Ri.tnewhat fr.-pr than H hn * bc n for HIP last few weeks , Imt It Is by no m < " nt ncllv < \ In nny section. Wookn RooJs an.l w.-rsteJs . tn both men's wear , fabric * nnd < lresi re A stmnic feature nf I > K > mirk' t. Snii 1 VIIIK-IM-O 111 Hint ; Onntu llntot , SAN niANCIHCO. Oct. tTh oniclal closlns quotations on mining mn ks tcui\ were ns fol * Ions : AlphaCoti H Jn iln' . " .V. . ' . . . 30 Andei 27 iKyitue'.tv Con lielcher 41 . llpl.1IIolaiior. . . . 47 Oc.'Meiit.ilCon. . . . 110 Uulllon 7 Oninr .u Cale.dom.-l 22 , . 1:1 : ChalleinroCoii HI Potoii is Chollar. S7 Sav.urn 40 Conndoiioo O'i Sc.o.'pioii 4 Con. tint. .VV.1 ! ' . ' . " Slprrt Sjv.idi. . . . 7H Con. Imperial 1 IJnrou On.i 4i Crown Point S > J UtlliOoi 14 KxcULHjurr VellowJaJkot. . . . 47 . : ) . ! Sl.-iurtnnl Kin Halu.w .Sorcros ? . . P.M ) Rllvpr bars. B7 < ic ; Mexican dollars , Jrafls , sight. KHcjjlrnH1. t lt'smpb , SOc. Loiiililll Stuck IliintiltloiiM , Oct. I2.- < p.ruinrio lng : Consmls.m'r II IH'SuiMul ' 00,11 ' non. . t)0 ) ( Consols , aco'l. . . . . 11 m Ni Y. Uoutru HU < i can. Pactno : i > t ' I'enn-vviviuun Mi'4 Krlo Kim' IK > idinr Erie 1st nfit 8114 M < i Un. now 4-1. (17 ( 111. Umitr.ii loil'i Atchisrn 1 4H Mr.Mcnii onltnarv. Ill U.V N 071 > UAU StlA'Kn-SiHJ per ritmce. JIONKY I'iOlS per cent. ' Tinmte of discount Irt" the ! open market for shoit bills Is SH'liZ-'ii ' per centj foi' tbren months' bills , 2 < Hy2i , ? per ceni. Oold H quoted nt llncnm AVres today nt 1S2 ; nt Lisbon , I6',4 ; nt Home , W.37. . NIJW YOHK , Oct. I2.-iJnt'rlnKS , $130,152.700 ; Imlances , $7,919,500. HAI.TIMOHK , Oct. M.-il'learlngs. J2,37 , KS4 ; balances , $ 0,5SO. PHlLADKM'lllA. Oct. 22.-Clenilngs. $11.KC- ) 102 : bal.uices , $1 , 20CS1. Nl'JW OHI.HANS , Oct. SJ.-aearings , $1,343.- 077 ; New York exchange , liank , par. CINCINNATI , Oct. S2. Money , 2ifi' ! ' per cent ; New York exchange , par ; clearings , JI(5C,100. " MttMPIIIS. Oct. 22. Clearings , $3Si,572 ; bal- nnces , J53.VJ3 ; New York exchange , selling nl par. ST. I.OP1H , Oct. 22. Clearings , J4.C04C71 : bnl- nmis , $349,115 ; money , MiS per cent ; New Yolk exchange , 25c discount , par nuked. CHICAOO. Oct. C2.-Clenilngs , $10,029,417 ; New Yntk pxchnnge , 15c premium ; posted rules , $4. ! > 3 mul $4.S3',4. Htjckn dull but llrm. doling : New- York DKcult , G2"i ; I.nltp Slrect U 19 ; Alley U ii ! 2 ; Mctroiwlllun I. , 7 > i ; Weal Chicago. li'O'.i ; Noith dilcngo , 22S"j ; Diamond Match , 148J4. PAH If. Oct. 22. Tnfce per cent rentes , lO.'f 19c fjr the account. linill.lN , Oct. 22. MxcbaiiRe on l ndon , 2i ) marks 34 pfgs. for checks. COT'l'OX MAItKKTS. Afti-r OpoiiliipVfll : PrliTH lli-oonic \Vvnt HIM ] CliiNO I.ii vcr * NI-2W YOHK , Oct. SB ! . The cotton market starled with the advantage of encouraging cable advices from Liverpool , filtures there holding an advance ofOld , but later the feeling here be came weak nnd untetllcd. After opening qulot but llrm nt nn adaiice of 2fM points , prices de clined 9&11 points. The selling was led by n prominent house with wldesprend connection1' , but ! to be largely for Wall street ncc.ninl. Aboul til. ' only support the m-irket had was In the wny of buying to cover shnit contracts. Tin- low price nt which cotlon Is selling ailracls i : good deal of nllentlnn , iiut while recelpls ate si > heavy nnd while coii iimeis nf eollnn ut home niul abroad conllno tb"lr tnklngs tn actual neces sities Imestment buying continues to show marked hesitation. The maiket cl' seil steady at a net decline of GiffS points. Closing prlct-s : Jan uary , { 11.01 ; Februniy. JC.OS ; * May , $6.12 ; .lune , t .24 ; July , JG.27 ; October and November , $6.U1 ; leLvmber , $0.02. Spot closed , easy ; middling up lands , C'v ; ml.ldllng . gulf , Cc ; middling , G'ic : net lecelpts. Ml b.ibgros . ( i.lfiO bales ; expoils to the conllnenl , 3n92 bales ; firwarded , 1,72 > bales ; sales , 100 bales ; slock , 57ilH ! bales. Weekly : Net receipts , 4.S55 bales ; gr < ss , 37,29 ? ba' s ; oxpnris In ( .real Itrilain , 3.C1. ) Uiles ; to Flam2,94l bales ; to Ibe e. . utlnent , 5.025 li.lles ; fotwai.U-d , 17'JIS bales ; Fales , 2.0GJ hales ; spln- m-i-s , 1C2 ball' ! " . Tolnl today : Net .recelptn , C2..VH bales ; exports to ( ireat Itrltaln , 21,011 bales ; to Fiance. S.515 bales ; to the continent. 13 27S bnlet. ; stock , CC0.7W b.iies. Consolidated : Net rcei-lptf. 3 ( ,3W bales : expirts to clrent llrltnln , 10S.479 Vales ; to France , -I2,1SC bales : to OILconllnent , SS.272 bales. Total since September 1 : Nel n-- ceipts , 1.753.S5 ! ) bales ; exporlH to Great Illltaill , 4M.139'-s ; to France. 121,711 biles ; tn the con. tltunt. 33' , 110 biles. l'\illowlng are ihe ti.tnl net reeelpls of eolton nt all ports since Peptembpr 1 , is.7 : . : O.ilveslon. 5u.SV : ] b-iles : N.-w Orl.tins , 3.TO.5-JI bales ; Molille , C7.57S bales.Savannah. ; T31 , CIS bales ; Chill lexton , 111515 l.ales ; WilmlnKton , 124,792 bnles : Narfolk. 131.22 ( bales ; llaltlmore , 4- 2J | ) bales ; New York. 13,70.1 bales ; lloston , 11,502 bales : Newport News , 2,433 bales ; Philadelphia , 10,3V ) bales ; Hruiihwlt-k , 25f , : > 2 bales ; Pens.icoln , 14lift ) bales ; 1'ort Hoyal ; 7i > Sl bales ; total , 1- 7Ti3S39 bales. IjlYUHI'UOU Oct. 22. fOTTpN Spot , fair ile- mand ; prices hlcher ; American middling , fair , 33-32.1 . : g.iod . middling. 3VI ; " niPrlcnn middling , 394d ; low middling , 3 .1 . ; good onlinary , ; or dinary , 3 3-lGd. Tile sales of tlie d-iy weie 10.W ) hales , of which 300 bnlej wcie for speculailoii nnd export , and Included 9.000 ba s American. Ite- celpis. 2,200 liali-s , all1 AJnerlcan. l-'tittiren openpil steady with a moderate denvind nnd closed quiet ; American middling , I. . M. C. , Oc- InlxT , 3 31-fiM , buyers : Ortober nnd November , 3 25-OM , buyeis ; N. veihlier nnd 11-cember , 1 22-B4IM 23-64.1 , fellers ; Deeeinber and January , 1 22-fild , buyers ; .lnnuanp"snd February. 3 22-C4il , Imyers ; "February and March , 3 22-HHJ3 23-Cld , buyers ; March nnd April , X 23-fi4if3 2l-C4il. sellers ; April nnd May , 3 M filil , buyet-s ; May and Juhe. 3 25-Old , buyers ; Jim nnd July , 3 2C-OI.1. buy ers : July nnd August , 3 27-04.1. . buyeis : Weekly cotton statlstk-s : Sal'-s. fiS , < 1 l iles ; sales. Ameri can , 52.011 bales : trndetaKlnss , ot.ii-M bales ; ictliai imporiH , J.unr irut' ; unp'iriH. l.illll , . ( .icju bales ; Impoits , AiiiPiican , SH.fl * ) hales ; stoclc , : ntal , 2SS. . )0 balps : slni-k , American , 21000) biles ; nllnnt. total. ilfl.M . bales ; , ntlnat , American , 2.10.- 000 bales : sales for speculatl.m , 300 bales ; pur chases for export 2G"0 bales NIJW OHM-JANS , Oct. H. COTTON Market opened steady but closed weak ; sales. 4,300 bales ; onlinary , 47 e ; good ordinary , 5'c ; low middling. 5 9-lCc ; ml.ldllng . , 57sc ; good middling , ' . 1-Cc ; ml.ldllng fair. ' C 5-lfc ; receipts , 11.94S bales ; stnek. 13S.2IS bales. Futures steady nt n decline ; sales , 42.100 bales ; Oclober. J5.CS bid ; November , J5.7Wi.72 ; Uccember , 13.70(75.71 : Inminry , J5.72W5.73 ; February. J3.77ir5.78 ( ; March , r5.s2fK .si : ; April , J3.is7W5.SS ; May , $ ri2f(5.S3. ! ( ( Secretary Hester's weekly cotton htalement shows that tile crop movement has passed the maik by 3CC.OOO bales. Tne total movement to date Is ahead of that of 1891 by 261,011. . ) bnles. For the llfty-two days of the reat-on the movement Is behind that of last year by 264,000 bales. The amount brought Into sight during the past week has been 403.213 bales , against 434S73 bales last year. Total movement from September I Is 2,303,532 biles , igainst 2t2'J.'i03 ( ' bales Inst year. Hecelpts nt all United States polls , 1.735.0S5 bales , ngalnst 1,931,610 bales last year ; ovtrland to northern mills and Canada. 150,703 bales , ngalnst li2OI5 ! iiales lad year. Foreign exports for Ibe week were 230.72S bales , against 277,149 bales last year. Total takings of American mills noilh > nd south nnd Canada , 512,473 bale * ; ngalnst 51S.47S bales last year. Ills estimate of the total world's visible Is 2,178,528 bales , ngnlnst [ , SiOC94 ! bales InFt week , nnd 2,873,1CS bales last yen.1. Of this the total ot Amerk-in cotton s 2.0B2.522 bales , ngnlnst 1,727.691 bales last week , and 2.5S3RC5 bales last year. MUMPHIS , Oct. ! 2. COTTON Htcadyj mld- lllnif , 513-lCc ; lecelpts , 0,016 bales ; shipments , 3,701 bales ; stock , 53,73t hales ; tales , 7,000 bales. ST. LOl'IS , Oct. 22 COTTON Steady ; mid- Ulna : . 515-lOc ; sales , 315 biles ; receipts , 5,711 lales : shipments , 4.T24 bales ; stock , 22MC bales. C3AI..VKSTON. Oil. 22. COTTON quiet ! mld- lllnif , 7c. . NKW YOHK , Oct. 22. COFFKIO-Optlons opened sleady at unchanged prices , ruled more active on switching , with but llttlo further change , prices hell by fears Hint the market ins been oversold and generally bearish condl- lens morn than In present low prices ; closed Flendy net exchanged to 5 points lower ; sales. 26,300 bags. Including December. JC.205Vfi.i5 ; .Ian. inry , $0.25. Spot coffee. Ilo [ , qulel. Mild , quiet Total warehouse deliveries from the I'nlted Mates. 18,861 bags. Including 17,70 bags from sVw York ; New York stock today , 384,111 bags ; 'nlted tiintea flock. 492.841 bag * , afloat for the lulled Stales , 403.000 bafr ; total visible for the Tnlle.l Hlates , MJ0.841 bags , ngnlnst 593,110 bag * an yenr unil 570,271 bugs In 1 93. .SANTOS , Oct. 22.-COFFn-Slea-1y ] : : Rood average Santos. S.OCO rels ; receipts , SJ.'JOO bacsi stock. l.HO.Kib bags. HAMIlUIta. Oct. 2J. COFFKi : Opened un changed to V4 pfii. net dtx-llne. IIAVIIK. Oct. 22. I'OKFF.H-Opened quiet nnd mchanced : closwl rtrni ut ( i pfg. net advance : alts. 22(00 bag * . IHO 1)13 JANniHO , Oct. Z2.-rOl-VKK-U4rely ptcndy ; No. 7. Hlo , 3 rels ; exchange , 7 13-32d ; re ceipts. 21.COO | I KS ; clenred for Ihe United Btnto , .00) bags ; cleared for IJurope , 12.COO baga ; stock , 11,000 bags. .Slum mul l , < > iifIi < T Ho.vliMV. CIIICAOO , Oct. 22.-The Chicago Shop end rather llevlew of tomorrow will cny : The hide nnrkets are imdoiibtnlly stronger. There In nothing like a rush of buyers.'but-tho packers are holding limited storks nnd me able to run- ro ! the situation ivmllv , > Octn < > trnHtve | sleei- ildes were hold nt II" and lOc fi.r the heavy nnd lent wrll.t . Texas steer bides sold at K > ! ie nnd one | > acker ban lefured lii tell for less than 0i ! < ' . A few Colorado liters were let KO nt 9i > , ut an offir nf He. for 12tOO has since been de clined. Hrniided cows were told ut IM.jc. but u llbsequent bid of 9',4c foj.5.000 was rejected iromptly. Country hides ar6 also vtroiiKvr luffs cannot hu had for prompt delivery f < r lets ban Se. \\tHll ST. I/31'IH. Oct 22 - WOOIUnchanBed me- Hum. I5fflc : ! , light line IS IlHsc. heav > line 10 ifHe. tub washed , 2J (3e. ( | NKW YOHK Oct VfOOlr-UletLtr. . domes le fleece , 238 2c I/XSPON Oct 22. A Halo of Clp nf Otol lope iind < f'Mal shrepskink fn-as held hero today. There was n gocl utUndWic * , flic dfmand very BPO. | nnit the quality . ! f th offerlnK' fair I ins woolol w-is < idU4 < - - -V 1 ' , _ t , j . > > ' * OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bigger Run , but Longer Coming , and n Slow Day Results , BUSINESS IN CATTLE IS BACKWARD I.ntc Arrlvnlx Hold I InTrndc In Sun- III-IINC , but 1'rli'CN Short1.It lie CliniiKi * lliiK" Strong nnd I llliiber. , | SOUTH OMAHA , Oct. -Upcelpta for the days Indicated were : Catlle. HOB. . Shorn. Horses Octobpr 22 2.M7 Jfi63 2,2 , 7 October 21 ,1,7i2 4.SOCOS 2,1 October 20 3Wr , fi.437 B.K'I . . . . October 19 4,177 2,623 3.361 October 18 6.CS7 f > 71 10,154 14 October 1C. , IK3 .3.337 4.42J Octobrr 16 i. . . . 2,72 < 3,153 6SI October 14 6.MG 3,3iu 1,091 1 October 13 3.M1 3.25S 703 OMober 12 ( ! ,11S r.,0.3 . . . . 2S October 11 7,13.1 1,453 4.SWJ 3 October S 1,043 3.372 Ml October S 1,771 4,973 l.H'H C October 7 4,910 G,5:6 3.9J9 23 The olllclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wast : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. , M. & St. P. lly 2 O. & St. 1 , . lly 1 Missouri Pacific Uy 8 Union Pnclllc Syftem E5 10 14 C. & N.V. . Hy 3 R , 13. , < t M. V. R. II 21 21 C C. , St. P. , M. & O. Hy. . . . . . H & M. H. It. 11 23 IS c. , n. .t q. Hy 7 1C. C. & St. J 8 C. , H. 1. .t P. Hy. , easl 2 C. , H. I. it P. lly. . west. . . 11 1 Total receipts 120 77 19 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Uuyom Catlle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co C.O 1,171 O. II Hammond Co 2W 1,127 Swlfl and Company tiS2 927 4,12s Cudahy Packing Co : : ra 1.19J 257 H. Itecker r.nd DeRan. . . . Wl ) Vansaiit & Co 41 J. U Carey S2 Kobman & Holhschllds . . 270 \V. I. Stephens 174 Henton & Underwood . . . . Si ! Huzs 41 Cudahy P. Co. , K. C ICO Nelson Morris , Chicago. . 22G Planklnton Co. Milwaukee . . . 1S2 Other buyers 751 . . . . 747 Left over ICO 2.0CO Totals 3.KH IC9 ! 5,13. ! Only 179 earn were reported this morning , but the later trains came In more heavily loaded than exptcted , which run the re ceipts up to 2A ( ) cars and over. CATT1..1C Keeclpls of cattle were about the name n. * yesterday so fjr an tno numliT nt curs was concerned. As has npen the ease on a good many nnys icvrr.Uy , a eon- f.derable proportion of t ! " call's ' -Id not arrive until late , which mane the market lather baekv-ard , FO that the day was well adv.u.e.d before everyth ng was w.lguel u ; > . Tlio nupiily of cornfed beeves Aa'i Hinall nnd the mnikel juwt about sttu-lj. The best cattle here were only good enough to bring $4. < ! 5 , but there was a load of yearllnps which sold at $1.02" . . Cow- and htlters also sold at yesterday's prlccH. The supply was not especially large , while the demand was good , so that the trade was fairly active and the market as a whole In Ratlffuctory condition. Stockers and feeders were In large supply , a good many rattle having been held over in addition" the receipts , which were liberal The dunand was pretty fair and rattle that were especially desirable sold about llku yostcrdnv. On the other hand the fact of the large receipts ami the near- neas to the end of the week had a ilepru j- Ing Influence upon values and the general run of tlie cattle sold lower. Representative 'jales : NATIVES * . nuKK STIKUS. : i I I I I i 21. . . . 39.J . 4 10 2. . . . C05 4 15 MII-KKU.S AND 8PHINGiit8. No. Pr. I milker $23(0 1 springer 2S 00 ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ' ' 1 cow nnd'caif' . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . 3)00 1 cow and calf , . . . , 3200 1 springer ' . . ' . 32 CO 1 cow and calf 3300 1 cow aild calf 12 00 WESTKHN8. No. Av. Pr. Na. Av. Pr. 1 render. . 4SH f3 50 2-.I feeders. . . . 78P } l 00 'J feedeiH. 574 4 10 5 bulls 12W 2 10 IS Lull * . . . . 70 79 feeders. . . . 9L'3 3 I 3 tailings. S3C 3 00 1 feeder ( .00 4 0) 7S helfi'i . . CIS 333 II feeders. . . . 520 4 2o NiHHASKA. Scows 905 3 2.1 23 feeders. . . . 903 4 CO 3 feeders. . . . 973 3 25WYOMING. WYOMING. C4 feeders IHO 4 05 23 feeders..1159 4 10 I bull 12SO 2 SO 5 cows 1121 2 60 17 cows 1011 3 25 43 feeders..1133 3 80 t feeders..1191 3 SO Cl feeders..1150 3 95 102 feeders. . . 9.17 3 no 1 cow MM 3 10 10 cms 107C 3 CO i 4 tailings..12 < 2 3 25 73 cows KO8 3 43 4 steers 1277 3 .V ) 11 sleeis 1219 350 1 lulling 1140 3 00 Hilling 1370 3 M y cows iioi 3 15 52 cows 10C3 350 1 bull 1120 2 kO 1 bull 1330 275 C cows 1000 3 00 2 feeder * . . . . 98) ) 3 25 1 steer 1210 : t ro , 13 steers. , .1302 3 S5 C steers l.'TO 3 X' 10 feeders , .1212- 3 C3 3C feeders..1111 : i 75 97 feeders , .10'JI I 01 CO feeders..1107 4 C3 7 feeders , .1154 3 lift IH feeders. . . . 978 3 90 COL.OHADO , 2 cows . 900 2 l ) I cows 922 2 40 1 cow . 1110 2 05 1 cow 1030 2 ra 5 cows . 1011 2 C5 1 bull 1300 2 ' . ) 3 cows . 1133 300 1 cow 9.10 3 00 1 COW . 1140 3 00 1 bull 1510 3 15 2 cows . S50 3 25 G cows 1171 3 25 1 stun . ISM ) 3 25 1 stag 1100 3 23 1 cow . 1100 3 35 0 lalllngs. . . . 12S3 II 40 1 freder . 1320 3 f,0 13 feeders. . . . 1082 3 75 1 feeder . 930 3 75 3 steers. . . .mo 3 75 1 fcteer . 1100 3 75 130 steers. . . .12711 3 S'l 1 steer . 1410 3 85 10 fcedfrs. .1245 4 00 13 feeders. . . . 7 2 4 00 2 cnlvcH. . . SCO 4 75 23 Btoers . 1270 3 C3 IS sleeis. . . .127. ! .1 fc'i 2 feeders. . . . 1075 3 r,5 2 feeders. . H5.1 3 95 3 tallliiKH..1100 3 25 3 hteers. . . .12.i3 3 S5 9/-OWS . 103 $ 330 14 feeders. . 909 3 K5 1 feeder . 1030 3 t't 1 feeder. . . 991 3 95 0 steers . 1145 .1 70 H feeders. .1030 3 95 4 sleets . 1285 3 S3 HOdSTllihoi ; maikrt looked up a Illlle this murnhiK , the prices puld beint , ' slroiiK or a shade ilKher than yesterday. The IIOKS wild at J.1.43JC 3.75 , as fiKalnfst ji. : < ril(3.C7i ! yeslnrihiy , the rniiKi * 'or thu two days belni. nbiut Iho saino i-xeepi on , hu top loads. Theio were , however , fewer Biles .oday at $3.45 , I ads nviTHKlns 300 pounds nnd over sold nt ; 3.45 { < 3.57'.i , hut largely nt $3. 1 J.r,3. The nudium weight nml light louds broiiKbt )3.riOi.1.73 , The nvern e of nil the HFJCU | was about 2c higher than ' ( 'sterday. Hepresnntntlvo S'o. Av. Kh. Pr. No. Av. Sb. Pi. 20. . . . .33 40 | 3 40 CO. . . . . .28S . . . 53 521,4 43. . . . .119 * 120 3 45 70. . . . . .210 20 3 55 15. . . . .321 40 3 45 * ' ' . . .278 120 3 55 ll . . .375 ( D 3 45 57 ! . . . . .SMI 210 3 f5 45. . . . .322 fc'l ' 3 K 57. . . . . .29) 210 3 53 40. . . . .331 S ) 3 45 . . . . . .270 200 3 55 4'J. ' . . . .3f lly ) 3 45 41. . . 3 C5 47. . . . .330 tO ' 3 4i 13. . . . .337 3 (5 J. . . . .333 40 3 I7'A ' M. . . . .2i3 SO 3 C5 43. . . . .371 3 47Vi f.9. . . . .2J2 40 3 55 rt. . . 80 3 M 116. . . . .272 ice 3 55 40 3 50 54. . . . .313 3 55 47. . . .299 40 3 M 53. . . . .315 jsi 3 r,5 . .31S to 3 M 12. . . . .30) 3 f.5 .0. . . . .323 3 M II. . . . .251. 3S > , ,3. . . .323 zsi 3 , ' ,0 1.9. . . . .271 200 3 5- DO. . . .310 ice 3 50 M. . . . .Z57 ISO 3 C7 ! ' , M. . . .304 1:0 3 50 . .309 3 67l5 iO. . . .331 (0 3 (0 61. . . 250 3 . ' .Hi 3tl so 0 TO 63 . .2S- . 3 571,4 . .2SO ice 3 M 03 201 3S7W to 3 50 51 . 3 57',4 . .8i5 so 3 50 4C 300 i j 23 3 SO 6 ? . 6) SO. . . . . . . J S DO SO 6)W SI S40 S 5JH 40 COCO M t > 5 41 COW M 312 3 M H ft ) } N 1W 47 3-U .1 MU 10 Sffi 1WM CO SO 8S6 3 MH f.7 JIS If- ) ( COW 270 3 521 $ 71 S57 " (9 294 3 534 73' 2M 8" 303 3 53'i (8 ( 2ii < ( S SfiS 3 MH 41 213 70 303 47 503 40 75 ANU KNPS. 75M 4. 1 > M 1. . .3(0 1 70 2. .275 r.o 1. IM 1. . .275.Mi r.oW 4. .152 S M 3. .30S ' . ( I ' .4Sn 3 30 1. .310 4. .370 3 40 1.r. . .212 Oil 4. 3 4'i W S77 62'i 2 3D .t 45 75 232 * 1 570 3 45 M 101 C5 3 45 SHUKP Thue wn n llliofnl run of nhccp nnd the lanrkpt vena n little Jtrotiwr. Sonip wru lambs pnM nt IS.OO. Hrim-jentatlvc > ics : N > ' . ' Av. Bfti , inltfd ttpstcrns ili 26,1 wontern IntntH , so 113 wcnttrn wctlmrs 1M SCO Wfstfra Inmbii , tallhiKs M t'2ip ) lcrn Inniln c < ) 1 M-psUrn ewe so lil.1 wesli'in Hi'lhors 7S 54 ui'stern Innilw f,0 2CJ western Inmlis. fed 81) OIIIUACO MVI3 S'l-oriC M.VIUvKT. Cuttle \ti llelter U'rnU , lull CllliihiK Sbcep S CHICAGO. Oct : : . -Tlu-rc wns R ( poor ilcinnn.1 . for entile nnJ price * were no bptti-r. the nmrket showlnsr a wenk umlcrtonp. Mat he beef ntrors sold nt from | 3.7fi to } | .W for tlip i orpnt up t" Kt.ut ) unit J5.30 for I ho best slilp | > lMK entile , by far Hie Kivfltvr part K.IIIIK botwepn J.w ( anil fS.OO. VVw really choice cattle \u-iv mnikciml niul nuincnius finl woslonis m > | tl nt ttoin .l.ii > lo J4.J3. Hiileliera' nml mum-In' entile dlil not fl\o\v much cliniiRe , iiiul cnlvi-a sold nt the fainipr.cos as n week n a. Sl.Tckers nnd recOvis nulil ni fniin W.W to J1.65. A good ninny western nui era went nt from fS.W to tl.lJ. In IIOKH the mniket WIIH wonk nml n pio.l mnny IIOKS tteic sold ut en li-r III-IIVH , hut n tintliu uilvnnenl value * ualti.M Mnsmlli until iivt > niKi- ilimlntlan * were a Hhnilt * lilKlior limn nl tinl l > - i Him" yententny Tin- bulk of tlie IIOKS liroiiRlil from JJ.fii ) 10 J3.II3 , commiii imi'lu-ra Hi'lllng : nl from } J. 10 to Ji.ii3 : ami prime assorted IlKht nl fivm J4.l to J4.M. 1'lK * snM largely nt frum CI.40 to $ : t..Hl. I'arklnir IIOKH solil unusiinllyMII Price- * for nheop nml Iambs mU-il IHIVKK . Sheep were siilnlilint fiiun JJ.firt to ) for tlin poorest ID from $4.25 to fl.W for tinboit tin lives , while ttpstcni rniiKi-is noM at from M.S. ' to $4.15 , a git-nt many fwMlt-i's itoliu ; for frum W.70 lo J4.OO. I < nmb * * oM nctlvely at fiom $3.So In SC.Onml ) n cnilonil of i-\cfitlonnlly | rlinleo * - leclect lauilis liniiutlit fc.15.Vistiin Inmba t , ilu freely nt from 5 1. CO to $ VM. IU-celHH | : I little , 3.1HM heml ; lugs. 2S.UOO he.iil , Hhecp , ' . ' ,000 Ill-nil. St. I.IMllN I. ! > MllclC. ST. I.O1MS , Oct. M. CATT1.K HffBlpU , : POO hi'iiil ; sliliuiunts , 2.0iV ) heml ; nmrkct > trontr. with no KIWI nntlM-s bore. TPMIII * rtCHdy ; fair to choice unlive slilpi'llii ; nnd e.\init | steers , Jl.Tiiir R.tri ; bulk of sales , JIiri'ff4.C.'i ' steers iimler I , Clio pounds , J.l.C.Tl.r.O ; bulk of snli-s. 1 73ff1 < l ) stockers nml feeders. j.C 5M.i i cows niiil holfi-rs , fj. ( 5fl.-'j ; Texan nnd Imllnu steers. J2.S'ii I 23 ; bulk of sales , J3.riiS.Wi ; ( cows mill lu-ifers , fi.W 5(3. ( .ID. lions Itpcc-lpl ? . 7.00) bead ; shipments , 5. 000 heml mutket r.c higher ; lbm , M.7Dli3.VJ ! , nilx.M. Jj.r , ii3.70 ; heavy , RSOjiS K ) . SlllilJI' liecelpls , WO head ; shipments. UiKi head ; maiket strong ; native muttons , $ J 2.17. i.M. ! Mm-U-rn. $2. Kj2.7r > ; culls anil bucks , JJOfllfS..O . , lambs , I ) . 00513.30. tiniixtiH City l.lviSloi1. . . KANSAS CITY. Oct. 22. CATTLi : Itcci Ipts. 4.r 00 bead ; market i-teaily lo strung ; Tentee s. ; Texas cows , $2.23631-0 ; luthisteers. . J3.2rii3.10 ! ; native eiiws nml lu-lfors , tl.rn l..K ) ; KtooKers and feeilers , 1,1.001/4.30 ; bulls < ) . 1IOHS Iteei'lpts , U.OOi ) bead ; mniket steady lo strung , active ; bulk of sales , $3..03i3.Ci ? ; neaICM. . $3.i. : > 5j.0.-i : ! ; packers. 13.10573.6,1 ; mlxmi , J3.OJf1 , C2i- llK.Hs , $3.4a5l3.C"i. ; Yoi-lvi-rs , } 3.IOfi-3.G7ii ; pigs , } 3.40i3.n.-i. HHKKI1 Hreelpt.s. s.flOrt licad ; maiket Ilrmj lambs , > 3.3.1if3.2,1 ; muttons , $2.75I3.fO. XIMV Yiii-U 1,1 vc SlocU. NB\V YOUK , Oct. 22. IIKHVBS Ileeplpts , 4- 2,13 head , native siei-is. J4.01i3.VIO ; mass nml oxen , : bulls. fi.B S.UO ; dry i-ows , $1.95 SiS.OO. iurop : an cables iiuolu Anu-rlcnn steers at Iti't5llc ( ; lefiiKerator beef , " 'U&S ' c ; no ex- porls. fAI.VKS Uicelpis. ir.l . benit ; veals , } .1.0'li7.r,0 ! ; grassers , t3.vfifi3.S3. KHHIiP AN'I ) I AMItS Ileeelpts , I.77S hrml : sheep , $3.00ttl,50 ; lambs , | 5.iiiW ) ( ! ( H. IlOOS-Hecelpts , 3,330 head ; lower nt Jl.lOSf 4.30. I'.iiNt HiilVnlo l.lvr Stock. HAST HUFFAIX ) , Oct. 22. CATTI.i : About steady. IIOOS Yolkcrs , gold tn choice , f.1.10 ; lollRhs , rninmon to good , $3.Cli3.SJ ) ; plgj , good to choice , * sill-UJP AND I.AMI1S I.imbs. cholre to ex- Irn , J3.W575.75 ; culli to fnlr. Jt.lOfr.1.10. Sheep , choice to telectud wethers , $4.40fl-l.50 ; culls nnd common , $2.50 T3.C3. Stm-U 111 Sltrlit. Hecord of receipts of live stock nt the four principal markets for October 2" : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Om-iba 2,917 4.1(11 ( 2297 Chicago 3,0 0 2S.IIOO 9000 Kansas City 4WO 9,000 2.iOo . St. Ixiuls 2CKlO 5.000 l.,00 ( Totals 12,437 46fi < ! 3 11,297 OH MnrUi-t. HHE.MEN , Oct. 22. OILr-Polnileuin , 4 marks 93 pfcs. LONDON. Oct. 2 ! . OIU I.liiseed cake , .Co per pound ; American strained , 5s. Oil. CITY , Pa. , Oct. 22 Credit balances. C3e ; certlllcales. no bids ; shlpmenls , 141,233 bids. ; runs , 10J.C13 bills. SiiKnr llnrlii-m. NRW YOHK , Oct. 22.-St'OAH Unw , nominal. Helined , 1ull ; Kranulated , die , NUW OUI.EANS , Oct. 22.-HUOAH Steady : centrifugal whiles , l ijf I 3-iCc ; yellows , % § > 3 , ic ; pecomN , 2Sv3e. ( Molasses , steady ; ojiun Ket tle , 21fcc ; syrup , 17 < ff22c. know Dr. Davis' DrtiKKli-ls Anti-Head ache Is b3l of all ticadacho remedies. Head "Simon Dale" in The Sunday Doe. If you don't take It , suhjcilbo now. And Surgical Instituta 1005 OotUoSt. , Oinnliu , Noh CONSULTATION FIJIjn. Chronic , Nervous anil Private Disease ; niulnll WKAKNKSS fi CM and DISOKDKKSof lllblt HYUIlOOKLKiiiid VAUWOCKLn i ' . 'iiiaiiuntly and Hiicci-ssfully cured Inovi-ry I-IHI : . III.OOI ) AND SKIN lliea . 'H. SonSpotB. . Pim- I-H , Scroful n.Tumnra , Tetter. Kczi-mit ami lllooil Poison thoroughly ch'unsoil from the syatom. NKUVDUS Debility Spr-rnialorrluMi , H.inilna J.oHhrH , Mulit lOmlKsloiiH. I.OJH of Vila ! Powura pormam-utly and sp M-dllv t-ini'd. WHAK MHN , ( Vitality Wc-alc ) , mnilo HO by too close apjillcatlon to btisliiiiHri or Htiuly ; Bi > vi-ru mental strain or pl.-f ; HKXIJAL KXUKSSKS In mlddlo llfo or from InnlTfilH of youthful follli-s. Oall or wrlto thorn today. Uox 'J77. Omaha .Medical and Surgical Institute. H , W. Cor. ICta and Dodge , Made a well Man of Me : TIIKUIU.AT _ . . . HINDOO REMEDY V&/XWCT pnonuorsTiiF. ABOVE X _ * r vJ JleiullitiillOilav * . Ouroa -i- V A , f A nil NirToui lU o 3 , Fulllnt' Memory \ " /V > oVv 1'arcili , Hlociilebtnesi , liillr ! Kml- \ _ I * , / lonaotn. , caude.1 bf paat nbusei , nivftu vlKorandBlso to shrnuken orff&ne. nn.l quickly but urel ; rBilorci I-oil Jlanlionil tn old or > oim . I.uillrenrrlo.l In vect pocket , Prlca jtl.OUnpackaRe , Six for ffif > Owtth a tvritttn f/iioranler lo rure or 1'iaiinirrfiiiiittil. . DON'T Htiv * M IMITATION , but laiint on huflnu INDAl'O. If tour druiulnl linn not tot U , ne ollloendft prepaid. Ill.MJUO IIKHLUI (0. , 1-r.f.r. , ! , III. or eor ic < ° ' > * imm .V Co. , CMT I'-th nnd Dduiilush Sm. , and J A 1'I Co. . Hlh & DotitflaBS 8ts. . OMAHA. KlU * DO VOB KROW DR. FELIX LEMRUN'S > Steel § Pennyroyal Treatment 1 3 is the oriRlnnlpnU only FRENCH. / [ eiifo and reliab ; corn on tlu * mur. S " r ket. 1'rie * . Ct.OOi sent by naiL r Mlcnuir.o Hold only by Myer 'lJon | | ! Druu Co , , B. K. Cor ICth and Far- naia Strectt. Uniahu. t'.ta. "CUPIDEME1 * MANHOOD RESTORED . HPDYAN lurt-nrm of dl - be crrnlpd r * . chnrne in : i mrdlo - treat * HttEs lent that has Y A N curei b n produced losses. HUD- by nny coinhl. Y A curet nation of ilinhw , no Tlio H U D Y A rem. urea plmplm. Mli treatment U U D V A N Jtires the dp. .l tr-a } llltr ! > nn.l OH Men of faes of men , I Ht'DYAN Is m Innb.lltjr t remedy for look fintiKIr mpn , HUD- Into the cyei VAN c r e s or niiolher. rr eaknp II U D T AN 1 II t' D Y A N cum li .id ch i cnrps s hair fnUlnn ! lorrhoea. nil. dlmnera nt HUDYAN ilKht , nolsri In mr prema. the bind and rnre. weak memory , loss of voice , tnitr or * mMU IHIDYAN cures nunUfn ryen , PtrntrJ growth. pulpltntlnn , Hiniltir fl nf lncath. dyftpopsla con * rtlpatlon nml MattiU'tioy , Hl'nVAN cures ncnk. ness or pnlnii In the small of the bnck. los ol muscular power. Kloomy , melancholy torboJlnyi nnd ( llRtnrbcd rdfrp. Httl YAN can bf hml from the Doctors of th HiulFon Meilloal Ini-tlhUo , ami from no uno fUs. You neril 1UTDYAN when the fiu-tal nervm twltcti ns l.'iere Is crrtulii to be an Irritation nl their centers of the brain. You nctul UUDYAN when there Is a decline of the nerve force , because thl decline shows n Inck of nerve life , and may ! - velop Into nervous debility and then Into nervous prostration. If you Imvo harrn fd your nerves. If you have knotted or knarled them , If you huv abused your nt'rven. to Mralchten yourself out 5011 ulll u t HUD YAK No one clae cau glv you UUDYAN except the Hudson Modlcnl In- tltute. HUDYAN euros \nrlco1cle. hydrocele Jm * potency , illzzlness , fnllliiK Brnxatlons. bluet * despair , sorrow nnd misery. WU1TB FOR OIH- CUUAUS AND TESTIMONIALS OF T1IU TIUDYAN. TIUDYAN.M12DICAL M12DICAL INSTITUTB. Stockton und Kllln tit. , Gun FrancU SYt'HIMS ) uriinlen to < Tlti : AIUNKV Km NPKIK Our cure H ppiiiinnpntftiul not a pa ! ehln ff up. CAFS t rent nl tfii jpAiHngn tme nrvt'i t-ei-n : i hjinpum tdnco. lly itenr'illiln yom cnsflnlly wucnntteiit > uubynmll. pud woKl u tliuvniiu'stiont Ktintt\ntoc tocuiooricltutd nil money. I1 hose who piefr to conic huto lor tirnt- inrnt can do soandvp will itiy inllioad tniu both n0 and hotfl bills while henIf no lull to u o , Wochal * KMKC the \voild fornruto that our ITIit lc Iloinctly xvlll tut c'liinVilte Inr Mill paitlcuiftic mul K * L dm ovttliMit'cVlnutw that > oiiHHtfUf I'ticftl , JuMly t-otoo , an tlui itinnt eminent iilijuklan * havu mntt1 tiorn ahlo to nhtnioio thnn temporal' ? i-cllrl. In our Icujrarn piiu > tl < T with IhiItiKlt : 'ti-riUMly It ba luvn tnuit illllli-ult toovni'tinMtlu > pirJiullicKiuroln t nil iu-cnHcd Kperlllc" . Hut iiinler 0111 ctionK trttftiiuiteo JDII should not hi's-ttnlf to try tH * U'invd ) . You tnke nuclmnri-ot losing Mini * money V'o mnimiiti't1 to cuiir lulutut r\t'rv uotinr nnd us o \\t\\c \ a reputation tn ptotrct , ulxn'llnnm'inl ItncktitK of l ; ri ( > O , < MK > . It U puifcclly fare tt > nlilio \\lll try the tu-iuiumt. Hoix-tulom jou lm p boon putlfiip up nnd nijliiff nut your money for iJIIlcirnl ticnlniruthiiiul nlthuupli you nionol jctriuvd no unit lm paid bacU tour i.iotiej. Do not \\n8tu nny inoiiMnone > until you try tia. Old , chronic , cU'i'i prnlod cnnet cuictl In thlity to ninety Unytt. InvrMlKMo our ti'iniirlal stAiirllntr , our reputation at but ( ness tin n. \Villti us for nnmi'H and mldn tu * nf tlioho wo littvo rnrtMl , ho hnvu Klvcn petinls loti to icier to then. It coftiou only poi-iiitri- do tnlnt it will wveyu im \\otld ol hutlviln c f i "in niiMi tul hi inln ; ind If jou to mauled what nmvjonr olffprlnK fuller tlmmuli yttir onnncKlltTt-'iu'rl M jour pymj'toniM ' ai plm'Hoii | ] tnro , POUI tluout , nmcoun hate hen In nioutli. iu"nimtUin ! In boiu'M and joint * , hnlr rultlntr out , nutKloni en nny itAit of the body , feeling of ircneml depiefhlon. palm * In head or I OUPR , you hnno tlmr lo wdete. Thou ; Alto nro constantly laklm ; mi'ieury niu * jiotusli ulioiitd dl * eonltnut'lt , ( 'on lnnt une of Uit e druwH will finely lirinjnoitHfind t-utliitf ulcers In Hit * end. Dou'l Inflta write. All ec > rrrpon deuce n'nt R-uled In plain tuvol- open.'c luvlle the mo-tiitfld investigation aiid will do nil In uiirpuwer to aid j on la It. AdUifss , goi , \ \ In tinS | > l'liiK will IKTronit'iKlniiH. . fl'lu * iniiHt iirofllnble ItiiHliii-NM irlll bo In TriiiiNiiorliitlnn iiiul . li-roliruiillNliiK nml In FiirnlHlii NK I''ixnl nml SupnllcH ( o tiniiliiltltinlc of ( inlil Ni-i-kiTK 111 Nliorl , n Ki-iiffiil Triiillur ; , Icrc-mi- Illinml Slt > tiiiihlili liiiHliirxx. It \\u no In ' - ) _ . ivlll lie so In ' 1)S. The Alaska Transportation and Development Company ' " " Sfp'iS1 ! $5 ,000,000 " " " ° To meet this dcmaml will own unit openito Id OW.V STISA.MHUS , I1OATS A.V1J IIAiKMI.S OX Tlll'3 Vl'KOX. ConiK'cUiiK vlili Its CMVII line of InrKo mill iiiiiKiilllin < OUIMIII MlemiKTH. specially mlupliMl for paHsciiKcr buslnesii cnrry- Ing to that country an lininc-iise amount of HUI' . PliIKS AND HQl'IPMKNT for tin- miners , ni well as furnlslilnR tin-in TIlANSPOnTATKW for. thenint'lvt'H nmi tliclr tood9 niul pNtiitillnhlntf TirADINO STATIONS nt different polnl . An nfipni tinilty Is tiifi iud any pen-on , lie they of ( > inall or lurRf ni''anH , to buy tdKirca of .stock In this company nnd PAIITH'IPATK In the euro to he earned within lliu next 12niontia. : sn Aitios AIII : ii'i'iitii : ) AT i.ou IOAUII. jar value , nnn-nmtrximhli ! , nnd will he offered for a limited tlmo only. SAKHIt TIIAX SAVIXHH IIA.VKS AMI HANK STOCKS. Paylni ? laiper dlvlilendn. While numtroiiB rnv- Int'H ImnliH and liankH have Husjumli'il , trinK/r- : tatlon and trndlnK compunlcs were never ( tn In the lUt nf fallUK'S. Thin tluck U one of I ho nioft desirable InveetmeiitB offered ( he pulillo. The Ini'uiiHJiatuiH nnd HtneUholdtTQ who lire con- neclud v.llh thlH coiiijiiny | lire men ofvlJo ex. peilencc In similar under taking * and men wliono names nrc Fulllelent KUaruntcu of thu Hanjanl of the company , to wit : AMIKUT C. IlhATX , I'res. Vnl. lllutz Ilrcw. Co. , Milwaukee. HON. W.M. 13. MABON , United Stales Benafor fiom Illinois , 1) , ( i. EDWAIUW , Vnn. Tratllo Mer. C. II. f , I ) , H. It. , Clnrlnnall , rilANlv A.HKCHT , of Clias. ICacttncr & Co ChleaKO. C'llAH. 11. IIOCKWKI , ! , . Trafllc M r. C. I , & U It. It. ( Motion Home ) , I'hlciiRn. W. C. HINKAHKON , dcn'l PAKH Agt. . C. N. O. & T. P. If. It. . Cincinnati. 11. W. ami'l-'ITII , Pros. Tlret Nat'l Hunk. Vlrlitihuil , ' . MlBS. KIll-'D A. OTTU. past < 'lnhte n yfar with Khcltir Hank. Hhelhyvlllc , Ind. J. M PHII.I.IP.S. Cakhlcr I'll nl National Hiinl VIcltdburK. Mips , And ImmJrriln of others equally prominent , AdilrexH nnd multo nil money paynblo to me riioska ncrscofioiicn and Deveiopireni Co. I'lnlu-r llnllilln , cor. Vmi llnrun niul lifiu-liorii SlH. UIIICAi < ) , II.I , . ' " " JAMES EB0YD & GO' , , 'J'clcphonc lOUO. Onitihu , Nub COMMISSION , GRAIN , 1'ROVISIOXS undSTOCKS IIOAII ) 01' TIJADli. Direct wires to rhlcnga uml New Vorlc , CurieiponilfntHt John A Wurrin & Co.