THE OMAHA DAILT B3SIS ; SATIHIPAY , GOTO RISK 2,3 , 1807. COMMERCIAL AND FINAXCIA ! : Unga Export En agomsnta Give Wheat a Sensational Jump Upward , CORN AND CATS ALSO SHOW ADVANCES KlnliiK I'rlcra .Unli-rliilly Alilnl It ; StnrtlliiK .Slorl.-n of ( lie Drimtli 111 tinin : ti-rn Slnti-H I'rut iNlotit III ; lii-r. i CUirAnO. Oct. K.-Scnfntlr.nnl mnrhod today's st > > lon In wheat , December rIo--lng Ho hlpher nnd Mny nt a 3r-iC ! nd- f vnncp. The advance which was nttcndcd V by the heavli-st trading In several weeks rnnrcil principally by the ntign cxtrort Li * . Sensational I opart * UP to the drouth condition east of the MI Hlsjippl | rune < no Htntill riffuro In the mlvnnce. Corn wns nlso a-live nml advanced 1'ic , help-id by wheat nnd a Rood chipping demand. Oats advanced yto nnd provisions i-lnanl Slic hgher for lard to I'tfcc higher for pork. Wheat traders were surprised nt the opening nt the llrmnes * nt Liverpool , thnt in.irkft Bhowlng ai@ ' tl advance when trading opened Jit-re , tiotwlthutandlng yes terday's wenktiPi-s. The result ot the unex pected fUreiiKth iibroad was n llrm opening here nnd n further Immediate advance thnt put prices within n moll fraction of yes terday's highest figure. December , which c'l ( < -a yesterday at IH'/ie , titorted at 3laiW 9ic and advanced to 'J2'jr ' , while Mny , which wn iK'rivips the more active of the two Ititut-cM , opened % c higher at DOV. nnd nilvnncod to Ulc. HuyinR otdcrs for Mny whcr.t trom tne United Kingdom were In th ? hand.of several comm'silon houses In Chicago at the opining , iiril their execution In ' .ho pll caused n I'tirtlirr lesonlng of the premium ut which December Is selling over Mny. What are st\led ' .n the provision trade hero the "ICnKllsli houses" hud a good sharof ! those buying orderti for May when * . Very early In the seaalon New York wired 2."i bontlo-ids hail been tnketi for export , nnd claims Were matin n llttlo Inter In the day thnt I.OOO.CIM bu. had l.een Hold. Strong enile were not HIP only factor In the oarlv lrengln. lieports from the winter wheat itUtrlctii east of the MIs- HlRslppI showed a decidedly clonmy , not to my sensational .slnto of aff.ilr * on account of the drouth The f.illlni ! off of the do- nicstlc rtppiptn nl.'O nttrnrlcd nttcntlon. Chicago got 141 car. * , ngnlnst. 2lt a year ago. Mltinenuollu and Duliith'reported Sr > 2 carloads , ronipnred with 1,072' week ago and 1.2J7 the i orrospaiidli'K dny of the yeur before. Th * receltils of western pri mary iiiurkotn weru l.OIO.OCO . liu. , ng.ifn-lt 1 , lll.uiiO ! bu n your ago. l itcr ln the nwflnn there wns a brkf i > erlotl of reaction. Tin re wan pome dlrappnlntinent at "tho comptra- tlvu weakness In the Paris' market , the coiisrqucnc0bohig December , whleh had m'-jir.wlillt' advanced to 'J2"di' ; , declined to K1 ! , ! ' , % /l'Ile Mnv pn - > d off from ! ) ! % < to OINc. The reaction lasted only a few min utes nnd was succeeded by u brisker de mand tiuin at any period of the day. Al though It could not be ascertained with any degn-e nf ncouraey whether the sales of win ai ni".lo at Now York for export wore l.oco.MV ) bu. , as Homo claimed , or only 10 lo.itlc.nd.s CGfl.OOO bu. ) ni-i-ordlnK to other ripon1It was not doubted by any one that the export demand was good , and fortified with that conviction nil the old local bulls took a hand buying. About tlfleen minutes from end of the fo sion ; the mniket began spinning around In nn excited whirl that citughl up Ueeember to ! ) | 'HC nnd Miy to On'io , and those were the closing figures. Torn was active nnd strong. Some of the Innvlcr s'lnrto wore the most ronsnlc- IIOUM buyer- " . The shipping Ituiulry was again gmvl , which was one icasoti lor nborti lii-ltiif nnxlotilo cover , and the extraordinary strength of wheat did there ret. . Cienrnn-ea Were -UH-OW bu. r.ecolpt < were posted nt . " 10 curs. Cables wci'e ' d'if ' \ thigher. \ . December i-.irgeil irom "ffl\lt \ "r"Br to 'JIVic , e oKnH at the top llUres , an ad\-r"-i-e of H/ile Oats was ilrni nnd hlg'ter. The advance waIn fymp.ithy with wheat and corn and on better buying. Light offerlnes iilM. h 'l a g.'Od lo do with helping the prk-o The export denut'iil w ui seed , aljJiti : ! Ki , "n l-u. being s-old here for that purl ose. Ileeelnt.M were 2""i cars. Decem- li r ranged from IK'.UilS'ic to IS'/ic und cli s d 3ir higher nt ISIjiiilSTiiP. Jn [ irovlslons reports that fnm had oc- c-m.-eil In the yellow fuver district last n'glit helpwl to make n ftronff market. Thi , streng-th of wheat and corn was of cottr-e n feature. OITerlnp,1 * were very light and prices ruled higher from the Ftarc. At the c.'osn December pork wa17'.e ' ' higher ut $ S. December bird 2Vi"f" > c high-r at Jl.12',4 ' ( if4.4j , nnd Docembcr ilbs 7'/iiC higher at Jl.r.,1. Jl.r.,1.RUlmnted rerolpts for Saturday. Wheat , 150 cars ; corn , 575 cars ; oats , 2r : > cars ; hogs , 1S,000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows : tlclcHTl QIUII. 1 lllth. I f.7.7. | Clo < r. i Wheat- Dot. . . 1)3 ) Vt Deo. . . tmii 1) IK IMW nous May. . llll'i Corn Oct. . an 14 Mny 1. UO > B < l | OatB Oct. . . 17M 17U 17M Dee. . . IBbft'l May. , I'JM -'Us loik- 7 0 S 071 < a 03 7 S7K Jau. . . ti''M B D7W S 07W H K'J Lit Id- Dec. . I -1.1 4 II 4in Jan . . I .15 i un 4 lit ) 4 6u 6h'tltlU > Del. . 4 nn t IIS 4 11.1 I U.V 4 ( V.'M Dec. . i no i nr 4 113 I fl7Lj Jan. . . _ i o.i 4 71) 4 III" . 4 70 4 li'Jh " 'No. 2. I'usli ipiotntlotiB were n-f follows : Kl.Ot'llSteady : winter Rtrnlslits , J4.00fi4.70 ; fpring patvntH. 4.C-0 5.CO h.ik r.s' , J3.FO 4.dO. WHHAT No. 2 spriiiK. I > 7'iili9ic ! ; No. 3 sprlnit , BOIiSCc , No. 2 red , D-Vie. ( OIINNo. . 2. ISVSWSH c. OATS-Nn. 2 , ISUc , f. o. h. : No. 2 white , 22f 23V.e , f. o. h. ; No. 3 white , 20tiJ22'ie. IlVH-Nn 2. 4f ! )4c. ) 1IAHI.KV No. 2 , nonilnul ; No. 3. 30SJI.V ; No. S.n'.ATCtMJEn-No. i. ji.oiV4fli.03. TIMOTHY BKHD-Prlme , I2.CO. I'llOVISIONS Mem polls , per Ijlil. , l.1.0)8S.Oj. ) I -trd. per 1Cfl llm. , I4.i'iff4.43. Shoit rlhs sides ( loosi-i , JI.SOJjU.fD. Dry failed ehoiil.leiH ( lioxed ) , Jt.' Short clear fides ( lioxed ) , JS.OOJr " 'willKlCV Dlt-tlllerH' llnlshed Komls , pjr Ral. , jl 2j. Ht'OAHS Cut loaf. J3.0u ; Kf.-inulated , tV3l. Artlclns. I'lotir , bbls. Wheat , bu. . Coin. int. . . . . Oatn , bu . liyc.bu . On the Produce cxchnnKe todny the. butter i.iarket wns steady ; rieJinerlei" . l.WL2c ; dairies. 121fl3c. Cheese , quiet lit kSiS'ie. l'KK , tti-ady ; flesh , HHc. Poultry , easy ; tultey : . We ; rchlckeiis , CVjo ; rprlniti ) , 7e ; ducks , I'.i'ifSc , NI-JW VDIUC .MAHKiri' . ( liiolnlliiiiN of ( InItny on ( ; i- tie nil ( "lllllllllHlltll-N. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 22-Fl/l'U-llecelpts , 20- 390 bhl . ; export * , II.I'-J bidMaiKet t-tlinit- nml hlther : , wllh demand shut out by the ad vance ; MlmitKota patentH , } 1.lciT5.40 | ; Mlnnofotu baiter * , } 4.SO J4.W ; winter p.itenti , J3.00Jj5.2i ; winter slnilslita , JI.CO j4.7l ( ; winter extrna , J3.2U fi3.C5 ; winter lo urnden. J3.OOif.U3. Itye Hour. Hlendy ; fitlK-y , J2.S3W3 40. Hour , ' Se. lIUt'lCWHEAT-QiiIet nt S7t COHN MHAL-gulet. It YE Firm ; No. 2 wentern , We. HAllLEV-Flim nt 2-Vjc. ! HAIll.EY MAI.T-Dull. WHEAT -Itiielpt" , 175.200 Im. ; expotts , 4S.05S 1m. ; upot. ( truiiKi No. 3 led , Ji.OIS. Ojitlona opened itronR nml advanced nil day , nlth Bcnrcely piiune. closlnjr wlt a muntlnnal hull ilouihsh nt 2 ! ; Mc net riff ; buyltiR mollvrs > vero extravagant export rumors , higher cnbleii mid n bad tcnre of thort ; No. 2 ted. Novem- lier. clotfd ut 95tc ; December , 94i9H' ! . clos- tiu : at irr'ic. COHN-llecelptu , 123,025 bu. ; c\porl , 81.147 bu. . n > ot. ttrong ; No. 3 , 3S'ii' . Optlona P | > ene < l firm and had a hie advance on export talk und the it" < > In wheat , I'loslni ; lo nut higher ; No- \embi-r. 304j30te. climliiK ut 30J c ; December , SO'-iU'Sn. ! ' . clotltiK ut 31c. OATHllecelptii , 11,0)0 bu. ; expoiU , 159,157 bu. ; upot. ftronK ; No. J , SJc. Options quiet but rttonKrr ut HIlH" net advance ; October doted ut S3Uo ; DecfiutK-r , WtttSWie , clonln * at HAY-Dull ; n'.ilpplnb' , H.COtll.W ; food lo choice , IS.iiKlI.IX ) , HOIS-Qulft. Piu-lllo rouet , ISM crop , 4iCc ; JM > 4 t-rop , 69o | ; 1 I7 crop. Hi/lBc. HIDES-Htemly ; Qnlventon. 15HJKU- . LEATHEIl Steady ; hemlock salt. liuenoi Ayi . l' ' ht tu lituvy MelBhtx , 20V uUo ; ncld. Hl'TTKIlHfcelpU. . 3,815 . pkB ; ttfndy ; wet- -rn crcanifry , HtlKIV : Elslns , M'.sc ; factory , tto. C-HEESE-Recelptii , 4.900 pk J. ; quiet ; large , while , SiiVV c. nmull1ilte , mf ( Jej lurge , col ored , fo ; tmiill , calor J , li4ii'.ic ! ; part ktm . 6mf7o , full rktiiu , SH 4c. EtlOSHecelpn , 4.7H1 pkuii. ; quiet ; it t and I'cnniylvatila , I6lfl9o ; w trrn , Uc. MOlASSESHtrudy. . New Orl an , oiifn kettle. t-ixid to ctiolcr. : iU31e PHOVISIONS-llfff. jtfady , family , Jl.WniOtO : extra mem. ( T.tUWD.M. hfef hHim , .i.O. Cut meat , flrntj pickled l lle | . JIL3ISU8.M ; pickled ihouldrra. J5.7S. I ird. nrm ; wcitern etrm clawd tit JI.Mi 4.H ; lellmd , linn , Purk. Htfiidy , old mem , S.7iJj . :3 ; new me , J9.2iu I.WI. O11.S- Petroleum , Uull ; I'ennjylvanla crude , 'tb4t , % AftS&m.s&&i ' ni mnrk't , numlnnpy 8.V Hnsln , otpady ; trained , common to Rood , J1.4 < HJ1.45. Tun > enllnc , m-ady at Z 32't < rott.m , > > eil , qtilft hut held stMdy : prlmf umrnT yellow. ! Ji4i2Iie , oft ummer yellow , 233M'c , prime winter yellow , ! S ? . HfK atMiJj-s ilomcstlc , fair tn extra , 4 il8 * FltEKHITS-Htendy. METALS-PlR Iron , wurrnnls Imrel1 steady , t ) bid. J7 ni-keil. Uke coppi-r , ennler ; JI1 bid. JII.10 asked. Tin , quiet ; J11.RO hid. J1.1.S ) nrked. Spelter , quiet ; j | 11 bid , JI.25 ftskeil. Ix-ud , exchnnKibnrely steady f , r fpot nnd near mr.ftln. nnd weak for late dHUerlea ; J3.90 bid , J.1.93 asked ; brokers , dull nt J4. OMAHA t l'JXHliTir"MAHKHT > l. Conilllloii of Triuln mill ( { nn Hlnplc nml l''nnoy Priiiliu-r. Ends-riond stock w sk nt 13c. llUTTEK-Common to fair. OiJIOo ; choice to fanr-y , 14flI7c ; eparator creamery , 22c ; fathered creamery. 20c. i JlA' ! ' cholcc fnlfo lo 12 ( > " > quoleJ nt Sc ; f.1 nn' ' eDS . iSJBc. LIVE POnLTItY-Hens , D f5V ; corks. 3 ( c ; J . . ff ' 'h'll ' * n . per Ib. , fie ; ducks , C 7c ; tur- "PJf , 'i/lPO. PIflEONS Llvo. 7' j dcml plRcons not wnntert. fiA ' ' ' ' " " ' ' 'r'0 ' ; mldl-ind , J.1.00 ; lowland , 74 i ) ; rye utrnw , Jl ; color makes tha price on P'y ' ; 'I1 ' ! ' ' ! bales sell the test , only top Bradei hrlnir top prices. , l'00-VroUN-Kxtrernely ' Blow mips new crop , uenvered ' on track In country ; choice crcen self. .rar.peli " "r 11)ZfTJHoi cholco sreen , to hurl. 2024c ! : common. IHc. VEOF.TAHLES. 40o ; mnll. 23T 'er Mi. . 40ff.1oc. rJInn'-l'l ' ' < 'k'il nnvy , per hu. . J1.40. . ' " Krown' lc' Mock " " Brown > m"jc' WD8l < ! rn ewoo. . box. Jl.2.inl.31. . ter stock J2.73W3.M1 : .Innalhnns nnd fancy varieties. J3.0033.23 ; California llellc- flowei- , boxes , JI.CO ; Colutado Jonathans , boxes , ailAPEH-rallfornln , JI.25. < 'ALIFOIt.\IA AND COLORADO PEARS-Oood A)1" nfllla' 'S' ( ; < lir2.23 ; other vnrlcllc.i , II .SO fl ! ) YORK OHAPES-Pcr 9-lb. b.isket , 13U , „ ' MS ' 'Inho ' nml Oregon , 7rcftJ1.00. , 'llANIlKHUIKS-l'iiiio rod , per l.hl. , J5. M5.60j \\lsconsln , boxes. Jl.eojfl.10. TnOPICAL. FntHTS. OKANOKS Mexican , per box , J4.CO * l.K.MO.N'H Mcaclnus , JI.25U4.Oi ) ; c.iolce Call- fiirnla. J4.00. I NAN AS Choice , large stock , per bunch , J2.0i/iff2.2j ; medium-sized hunches , J1.7J02.00. MISCRI.UANKOUS. NUT3 Almonds , California , per lh. , larsc size. IJc ; Hrnzlli. p r lh. . lOfl ; Rngllrh walnuts , per Hi. , fancy , soft shell , 13c ; stnndnid" , 105f lie ; filberts , jicr lh. . lie ; pecans , poll-died , laine. flS10c ; Jumbo , 115J12o ; largo hlcicory nuts , J1.23 per hu. ; cocoamits , 4M.C each ; peanuts , raw , W He , rrnsted , CffSUe. KIOS Imported fam-y , 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes , 2UB.croivn - 5 ° - lbboxes. . 13S14c. HONIjy-Cholce white , lie. KUAUT Per bhl , $4.D ) ; half 1,1,1 , , J2.25. MAI'M-3 KYUUP I-Tve-Kitl. cans , each J2.23 ; KAl cans , pure , ptr doz. . J12.00 ; half-gal , cans , S6.M quart cans , J3.C.O. DATKS 1'cr M to 70-lb. boxps , Be ; Ford 9-Ib. hoxus , ! ) c. I-'IIRSH MKATS. DllKSSHD llii-i- : ' ( ! nm1 native steers , 400 to GOO llm. , 7c ; RIMJI ! fireipiartera , steers. ( Jc ; Rood hlndiiuarti-rn , DC : western steers. f/GHc ; fnncy hi'lfer6'fC ; Bond heifers , Co ; pied fnreqiiarlers , helfeiH , BVir ; kood hlndiUal | leis , heifers , 8'ic ; giind c HVJI. ri. > c ; fnlr cows. r ' , ic ; coniinon cows , oe ; rn\v foieipi.trters , I Cl-iL ; co\v hlndiiuattord , llii'lfltTS : Tendeilnlns , I3c ; Innelcw Ftrlps , < , ! ; strip loln.i , C' c ; rollsi , Sc ; sliloln liutts , dc ; should-r rinds , BI C ; rump Initts , 5t ; steer chucks , 3'4e ; cow chucks , 4Vic ; Ininelcs.i chucks , 4140 ; cnw pl.iti-s , 3e ; steer platen , 3V4c : Hank steak. CAic ; lolni , No. 1 , 14r ; lolim. No. 2 , 10- ; loins. No. 3 , Sc ; nlrloln ends. No. 1 , Sc ; rlhs , No. 1. lie ; ribs , No. 2. SVi-c ; rlh. < . No. 3 , Gc ; steer roundg. 7Ue : cow rounds , 7e ; cow lounds off , 8ctrlm- ; inliiKS , 4c ; l > pf shanks. 2Vic ; liralns , per dtz. . 3.1'1 ; sw.'etljri'iidH , p'r lit. , lOc ; "sweetlireads ( calves ) , per Ib. . 40c ; Uldnev , per dnz. , 3.1c ; < ) \ lulls , L-ncli 3c ; livers , per lh. , 2Vfee ; lioarts , per Hi. . 2e ; tonunc * , per Ib. , lie. MUTTON liiinbs , 7Vic ; sheep , 6'2c ; market racks ( long ) , 8c ; hcit-I racks ( .short ) . He ; h'gi nnd saddles. Sc ; lamb legs , lOc ; breasts mid stews : ic ; tntiRues , each Sc. POIIK DresMwl plK , < ic ; drcKsed IIORB , BVic ; tvndi-rlnln , 13c ; loins. 7'uc ' : spare tlbs , 4c ; hnm H.un-aKe , butts , GVic ; Hliouldprs , mmli , rc ; should - d -rs , skinned , r > ic ; trimmings , 4',2C ; leaf lard , not rendered , .l c ; lieads , cleaned , 3e ; snout and jars , 3c ; backlwines. U&c ; cheek meats. 3c ; neck lnmi'H 2c ; piss * tails , 3c ; plucks , each lie ; thit- lerllnfis. De ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per dnz. , 2.1c ; stonnchs , each 3c : tongues , each 7c ; kidneys , per doz. . 10c ; brnln- . per doz. . 13c ; P'RH' ' fict , per dux. , 23c ; llvi'lii. i.ieh 3e. I1IDRS. TAM.OW. KTC. HIDES No. I green hldts , 7c ; No. 2 crecn hides. Ce ; No. 1 Balled hldcuj 8V4c ; No. 2 Kre n calteil hides , 7 > 4c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , fc : ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. Gcr ; No. 1 dry flint hides. 11013 ; No. 2 dry Hint bides , Sjillle ; No. 1 dry salted hides. 9W10c ; part cur-d hide ; . . Vic per Ib. than fi'lty i.urc.i. SIlEr.P PELTS nreen E.ilted , each 13fl7.1c ; Breen salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) each llies ilry i-heHrllnKi ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1. encli Ee. dry flint. Kansas nnd Nebrai-ka butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 495e ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murt-'iln woo ! pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 3W4c ; dry Hint Coloiudo butcher wool pelts , per ID. , actual weight , 4Mc ; dry flint Colorado murrain woo' ' pelts , ppr Ib. actual weight , 3J4feet ; cut off , as It Is useless to pay frcluht on them , St. LiiuU (7 ( < Mi < > rnl AIiirlii-tN. ST. I-OflS. Oct 22. FI/JI'R-Strong In rfym- pathv with wheat , but unchanged in price. WHEAT Higher , closing with December nt 3c and May at 24- above yesterJny ; Decembei opened 'ic higher and eventually sold 2Tio nbovo that , closing wllh buyers nt % c below the tip. which was Jl. This morning1 saw the liveliest opening and the most active trading fur mmu time afterward In some weeks past. There were eager buyers at n good advance and right at "call" prices , the market soon soailng cnn ld- crably above them. Foielun advices weit ? won- dL-rfully Ktronpr. Spot , strong nnd h'ghtr No. 2 red. cash and elevator , 97He ; tra'-k , 97W)7'sc ) ' ; No. 2 harl , cash , S6c nominal ; December , 9isjc : ; May , 97 ic. CORN Futures held up well , dropping when nitwit lei down , hut quickly rallied wllh thft cereal. , closing lc nbove vesterday. Spot , quiet but stronger ; No. 2 cash , 2l'i ( ? 24i..c ; December , 24c bid ; Mny , 2 c. OAT , Futures stronger-nt nn advance of ifl e for the dny ; spot , higher' No. 2 cah eleva tor. We ; track , in'ic ; No. 2 white cash , 21 21'le : December , 19e bid ; Mny , 21'lQ2l'c. ' ! RYK IIInhiT nt 4,1V4c bid. CORNMEAIStendy nt J1.43 IIRAN Oulet iiml slrong ; sacked , casl trac ; ; , 49 < > ; this side , 31 T.12c. FLA\iiKED HlBlifr nt $1.02. TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme , I2.IK. HAY-FIrm : prairie , JG.OOJf7.00 ; timothy , J7.COSJ 10. CO. Ill'TTER-Flim : creamery , lCS23He ; dairy , llfflGe. HfHIS-Firm nt ISe. POFLTItY Chkkens. firm ; old hsn ? , f.'ie ; tprlnjts. 7TSc ; - lucks , CffG'.ic ' ; Keepe , Gc ; tutkeys , i 7Ki % , WHISKY $1 20. COTTON TlTlS 77c. HACOINn-G' ! ! , < i(7ic. METALS Lend , lower nt J3.75. Ppelter. nom inal at JI02W. PROVISION'S-Potk. higher : ftandird niesi , Jobbing , JS r,0 Li ill , higher ; prime steam , $1 " 0 ; clmlci' . l < 37'i. Iliii-on ( boxed lots ) , extra fhorl , J1.75 ; rllis. U.75 ; shorts , JO. Dry salt meats ( bo\ed ) . slioulder1 * and eitrn short clear J3.50- extra. Fbort clear nnd ribs , J3.23 ; shorts , J3 57H RECEIPTS-Flour , 4,000 liM . : wheat , 23 OTiO bu corn. 102 CCO Int. ; oats. 33.0011 1u. SHIP.MEN'W | Flour , 7,000 bids. ; wheat , 10,000 bu - . corn , 76 CM bu. ; onts. 2COO ! bu. KIIIINMH CIlj- > lni-ki'N , KANSAS CITY. Oft. -WHEAT Active ; liard generally 'af > lo hlglier ; soft abaitt steady ; No. 1 hard , S.IVjc ; No. 2. &MJ85'ie ' ; mixed , SCc : No. 3. 7'Wlc ; No. 4 , 77 7Rlc ; No. 1 led , 92c ; NO. 2 JO'iffM'iipnir : , S9e ; No. 3 , SGe ; No. 4 , S5c ; No. 2 Mprlnv KVJe ; No 3. 7Wf7Gi4c. CORN- 'io higher : No. 2 mlx d. J3irJc. ! OATS- Steady ; No. 2 mixed , l&.sfl19He. RYE-FIrm ; NJ. 2. 41c. HAY-FIrm ; teoelpta readily nbsorbed ; choice tlmolhsIS.iwaR.60 ; eholco prnlrle , JG.50. JR'TTKR Firm ; all grades thort of demand ; cieam-'ry. 2I023C ; dilry , 1CSI20C. E(3OH ( Very linn ; Mlcu-tirl ami Kanras , 12'-e. RHCEIITS-Wheat. 110,400 bu. ; coin , 8S.300 lum . 2'.0bu. ' ) . , 03,000 bu. ; corn , 27,000 nl. ; i ills , 3,0 bu , 1,1 viM-iMinl fii-nlu iiiiil I'l-nvNImiH , LIVERPOOL. Oet. 22.-PROVISIONS-Hnm > . hoTt rut. 14 to 1C pouu'x. ' linn at S3s. llacon , firm at 3R . Short rllm. Him at : i ; lone clear middles , light , llrm at 3.1s ; long clear , heavy firm nt 34n ; short clrar hncki. llrm nt 3I 81- clfBibelllep. . firm Ht < : n , Lird. prlma western. nrm nt 23 * Sd. Tallow , prime , itendy nt 1S ftl , WHEAT Spot. No. 2 red wrttern , winter nrm nt 7s 7d ; No. 1 red. northern pprlnn , new , firm t 7 7il. CORN Spot. American mixed , nrm nt 3a id October , dull ut .1-1 Vn1 ; No. 3 , dull at Fs Id ; D * . cemher. dull at 3.1 1'id. < ; rnlii ItriM-lplH tit I'rliiolim' 11nrlii-l . CHICAnO , ' Oct. 22. Receipts today : Wheat. ! l cam ; cirn. 640 earn : cats , SH cnr . MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. : : . Rrcelptui Wheat. C4J r-V , f" f il'IS Oct 22. R it > lptH : Whett. 51 rnrp IVni.S'TH , Oct. 22. lUrvlptc Wheat. S"H " cars. PI-VRIA. Oct. 2J. Receipts : Corn. S.tM ! ) bn ; nut" . 21 Ort > bu. ; ryn and whisky , mine ; whi-nt. 1,80) Im. Shipments- Corn , 7,000 bu. ; oats. 29.000 jit. : rye , nonewhmky. . I.OAJ bbls. IfAN AH CITY. Oct. -Receipts : Wheat , 1S4 corn. Toli-ilii Miirlcrtx , TOLEDO. Oct. 2J.-WHKAT-Hlshfr nnd nrm : No 2 raidi , 9Gc : December , 97c. CORN' Active- and higher : No. J mx | d 25'4c OATS-Dull nnd llrm Nr 2 nilx | . IS , , RYU Dull and tfady ; No , 2 ca h 4Sc CLOVERSEED Active nnd etcady ; nrltnt ca h , 13 40. OIL Unchanged. Sun K run INCH U'licnt ntnl llni'Ii-y. SAN FRANCISCY ) Oct. 23. WHEAT-QuIfts Dovmher. Jl.4 i ; May J1.47U. IIARLEV Inactive ! Dccfmbtr , f4Uf. Ciillforiiln Urli'il Km I In. NKW YORK. Oct.C'ALH.Xr.NIA DRIID ! J-'RI'ITS Firm , ex.-p.r.i'ed . M > lc . r.immon. . 5JI 7e p-r Ib prime wire tray SV - ww > 'l drid , pflm * . c , cholc * . SV-,9c. fan.y , 9 r3 > . , c , ptjin-j. { yv- f > , r | | , „ , , , , , | Zn ntl qtmlltv , apricot * , Hoyal. 7 re ; M.vir Park 9 < Mic. peachen , unpeeled - peeled , 7 llc. peeled. ISi Kr-Jwr " ' Hulls nml lU-nrn Arc Until AKUr l vo nml Thflr HITorln lr .NfiilrnllKfil. NEW YORK , Oct. 22.-T"dnys stock matkel as a betneen pr > f > - * lmial trnders. nnd the remit shows n dra n battle between the bulls and beats , net changes bflns cxtremelj narrow In almost all cases , but lho e on the eldc of gains beltiKcry few. The bulk of the da > 'n trading wns dnne nt ft level of prices eiy tnaleilnlly below that of yesterday. The openltiK was at stiatp declines , In nympnthy with I indiin. at which point f peculation \\n ery dull , owing to the hiinlenlnr tendency of the money innrket , nnd feur.i of ImpendltiK stringency tlure. The old appiehetulon id Spanish compllleatlons was nlfo u ed with good effect by the bear trader * . The decline : of the mnrnlnK reached n point nr oxer.lti n large number of Mocks , Including Hip lending Indus trials , the granger * , t'nloii I'nctllo nnd the southwerterns. i'nlon IMclllc was nfTected by the teports of the foim.itlon of nn oppjslilon ymlleatp to bid for the property nl the fore- clniuro inle. The turn In the market came with n Bliurp recovery In C.IICBBO Clns nn n definite rep.irt from Chicago that the control of the threatened nppo. Ulon had pnssed to ftlMids of the company. This Block was quite atronx during the remainder of the day , sell- InR nt one time ! ' .t points nbove the lowest. Sugar wan nl o quite a strong factor , rising abo\o tilglit'n clone on the estimated bene fits lo accrue fiom L-ounterrnl'Ing dutle.i on refined F-tiRnrs from forelgti countries which pay n bounty. Union Pacific was also re lieved from the early piessuie by iilatoncnts fiom Intel i-tti alleged to tic Identllled with the rppositloit sndlcJle clrliylnn t.ielr rontieftlDn with It , Recoveries nt one time during the afternoon were complete in utmost all cases , but prices fell slightly In-low the best nnd below hint nlght'K clone In the final transactions. Dealings In Hay State Uns were on it IIIISB scale , very heavy blocks changing hnnds. The fluctuation of the prices was limited to X. Thcie were times dutlng the day when the market wns nlmost stagnant , nnd there was no evidence of nny outside Interesl In business. The money innrket tended toward an easier tone , no call loans being recorded nbove 2 per edit , though the asking rule Is wtlll letnlned ut ! ' ,4 per cent , by some banks. Tomorrow's bank statement Is expected to show n marked Increase In the "urplus reserve. Over J.I.OCO.vOO ot gold received from abroad last week was not In cluded In last week's statement. The week's BUbtiensury operations nnd the Interior move- menl haxe ulso resulled In a net gain to the banks. Outside banks Imve continued to bid 4n this market for commercial paper , which tuny have led to n further decrease In the loans of tne banks. As a testtlt of lliese operations , tin ! statement Is expected to show n handsjmc Increase. In cnsii. Hu-MnoH In bunds was ijulet , nnd ptlres moved In sympathy with stocks , but over n narrow- range. Iron Mountain 5s and Oregon Improve ment Issues were notably weak. Totnl sales , Jl.301',000. United Slales new 4s , mslstored , were advanced * 1 bid ; 4a coupon , ' 4 , nnd 5i coupon , yt , The Evening Post's London tlnanclal , cnble- gram savs : "The stock m.trki'ta were iiulet nnd dull todny on the tightening nf the money mar ket. liutrowers today wete dtlven to the IVink of England , when- per cent Is ohaVised. Ameri cans were lifeless and dull. AH nlTectlng fu ture gold movements Iietweoen New York nnd London , I learn that New York Is liquidating considerable sterling engagements here. It ap pears nlso llinl early Ihls year certain of the American railway. * concerned In refunding schemes borrowi-d large sums here for nbotit six mouths nt 3 per e nt , money then being cheap. N , w thai money is tight nnd cerlnln refunding schemes have been rnrrlcd through considerable ivp lymiMits nre expected in November , thus to that extenl di-m-nslng the chance nf prold ex- purts to New York , 'the Paris and llerlln mar kets were quiet. " The following were the closing quotations on th" leading Blocks of the New York exchange today : do ] ird ( Pi Am TOO.ICJO S2i Lake S-ior' 171 do pfd 110H LonlHvillo ANasli. fi"M Chicago ti.ia DS Manh-ittan L 10.1)3'Cons. ' tJ'is 'J1'2 ) Mot.Traction. . . . 121 IConi. CtbloCo 17.1 Michigan C.-uti-.U. . ICol. > ' . .t Iron 2.1 Minn. A St. L | do prd 8.1 do 1st nrd I Ren. Klectrlc : H4 Mo.Pacltlo Mobllii.VOhlo Mo. 1C. .t T 1SIJ1 do pfd do nfil 10,1 New AH ) . A Chi. . . . Nat. Lin. Oil It ! do prd . Oregon Imp Co 13 N.J. . . . . . . . I'nclllc Mall : n N. Y.C'-iUr.-il 10'J I'nlltiiaii Pal 17lii ! N. Y. Cil. ! .t St. L. . Silver Oortllle-itos. . 67 dolst pfd 74 iStnuil. llono 6rT. . . . rH do-'d pfd 115 | Stiar 143u ! Norfolk . \Vnstarii 13 do pfd 115 Ko. Anier. Co 4K.T.O..V . Iron 'JH No. Paulllc lit ! ! U.S. Leatlior 7k do pfd 014 ! < do pfd tltVj Ontnrlo. < i W HIM U. S. Hubbcr ! ( ) > iiy-.iv H5 do pfd 01 Ore. Short Line lft ! ( Western Union H8 PlttHourir lili" Chi. ( \Vesl8ru. . . . 10 Heading 24-K Northwestern 123 Koelilsland 87U . .do pfd 1(13 ( St. LoulHiS. F B "loUi-aml West."J do pfd -o do pfd n.m second assessment prfld. Tjtal sales of stocks today were 207.13' ' ) shares. Ini ludinR : Atchlsm prcfeired , 5,115 ; Chesapeake , * Ohio , 4,46) ; ChlcaKO , lluillnBton , t Qulncy , 19- 611 : Ivmlsvllle & Nashville , 9.4.10 ! Marthnttan U 7.71S ; Missouri Pacific , 12,363 ; New Yolk' Central , 4,321 ; Northern Pacific iirefetrcd , 7.2J2 : Itock Island , 7,503 ; St. Paul , 2.1.750 ; Olu.iha , 3,470 ; I'nlmi Pacific ( tust receipts , second assessment paid , lO.Sf . ) ; American Tobacco. 6,31-0 ; Hay Stale Gas , 14.635 ; ChlciiRo Oas , 41,141 ; SiiRiir , 30.801 ; Ti-nnessee Coal and Iron , 4,110 ; Chicago Qrcat Western , 6,370. N.W YOIIK , Oct. 22. MONKY ON CALf < Easier nt 16i per cent ; last lo.ui , 2 per cent ; closed , rrren-d nt 1 T'er cent. I'llIMi : MEHCANTILE PAPEH-lfflI''j ' per cent. STERLINC EXCHANOE-Flrm. with actual business In bankers' bills nt JI.S4T ( j'4.85 for ils- niand , and at JI.82UT4.S2 . for sixty days. 1'osled rates , J4.b2V4f4.S31j unit Jl.85',4. Commer cial bills. JI.SI. SILVEIl CEHTIFICATES-57'/-e'39c. 1IAU SILVKIC BS'ic. MEXICAN DOLL AI IS 43e. noVEHNM ENT noNDS-Stronsr. STATE IIONDS-Diill , RAIL110AD liONDS Firm. CloslnR nuotnttnns on iHinds were ns follows : IT. S. now4s > ? . J. i ) . 1'is II'JH U. S. now In cou j. o. iis iaa II. S, ? J. C. 1 < 10'JW U.S.-iH.uotip fo. P.tclilo IHU..I' . ' ! ) U. S.'H. ro ? . , w ' ' U.S. : n.raf v1141k So ! I'acllle 4s' ; . ! ! ! ! ) i ) U. S. . " . . coup. 1 V. V. o Jtst , L. Is..1(11 ( District H.tns .limi'i .V. & W. Us li > ; lj Aln..clais A - ins V. W. Consols I IIH ; N. W. Dob. An 11751 Aln..cliHs'J : HID Oro. Nav.lsts 111 ! ! Ala. Oiirn-iiey. . ( I. * Oro. N'nv. In . . . . IH' ' AtehlHOti IH MtlH O. S. It. ( is , t. r Atehtsona-ll. 4n. . . . 'UIVj O. S. r , ( is. t. r Canada So.'nils..lo.lij O. Imp , Dits , t. r Clile. T.irai 4.1M O , Imp. ra , t. r O..t O. ,1s H2U P.icltlutis of'1)3. . , ( MI. .VI ) . llui 1IJIH I ) . ,1.11 (1. ( iHts Ill II. R.Woit IHts. . , , , I > . Ai U. ( i. 4s 8S ! < St. I , , .t I. M. Con. X _ KuHtTimn. ( HIS . . .ins St. L. , V8. ! ' . Ron. 0.1111 $ KrloRen.-Is 71 St. P. OoiiHOli 141) ) V. W..VD. Is. t. r. St. P. C. .VP. lst3..11IM ! Sen. Kleo. n-i. . . . toil , st. P. ( ! AP. s linn O.K.VS. . A. Us. . . . urn is. o. iioiiriind > t ( i. 11. AM. A. .ids. . Southern IlY. 5 . . . . ill II. .VT. Cent. fts. . . .111 S. H. , tT. Us 1)0 ) II. AT. O.con ( li , . .101 Tniin.iuw set 3s . . Ullf Iowr > ( J. Ints Tux. t , U. iHts ILIi * K. P. con. t. r Tux. P.I3. Hf. ( 'Jd . . _ "XI K. P. IHIS. t. r Ill ) II. 1' . inn 10IM I.a. Now Con , ts . , . lid U. P. D. , tG , Isti. . 4Sr L..VN. Unl Is. . . . SI Wab. Ist.'n KI7J Missouri Os. . , . lot ) M. K.tT. LMs lim Woat Shore Is M. K. AT. 4t. . . . HHKj Va. Coiitttrloii. (17 ( N. V. O. UU 117 IV.i.ilurorril. . . 4 llimtoii .HIin-1 ; ( linid-.liiiiiK , IIOSTON , Oct. 22-Cnll loans , Sf ? 4 ptr cent ; time Idiim , 3VM4' per cent. Cbmni ; prli-i fur stocks , bunds nnd mining shaies : A.T..fJ. r' l.TlW. | Khia. pfd American Huirar. . UiJi : Win. Cunt Am. S.iirar uM . . 114 Kit. Et 3. Ill Hay Stats O.-is . . . _ > Onn. Rloc. pf.l. H' . ' Hell TiilBiiltoiifl. . . 2HI ) Alchlsoii pi [ ( , lloston.V Albi iv.Jin Now Enitlunit Us , , 1 PJ IIOBton.V. M.ltno. . . juj Oon. K.oo. til UD q. , . .A llS'.f ' WU. Cent Allonoz Mining O ) BO ( t Atlantic , Illinois Stun. llOBton ii Miint.iii t Muxlcnti Caatral. . Hutu.V lloitcn. . . . N. V. .V N.K SO fl.llllinut.V IIij = ll. . Old OJlo.iy 183 Conlnanlal 17H , O.s. j , , VI14 Uubber Ke.imr/o. . llnioa I'.icill-j HflU OsoooU. . . , Oiilnoy 111 Went Enrt pfu 101) ) Tn-iiariPK ; . W. Eloo WolveriKi \i- v Yni-k .M . NEW YORK , Del. 22. Tie ) followlns are the closing mining quotation * * : Choll.-tr no Ouurio 33) Crown Point flJ Oniiir t > ( ) Con. CV I. it Va. . „ 1'JO I'lvmoutu. , IH Dead wood ml QiilciHtlvi"HID Oouldi curry : i.i Oulciiatlrur Dfl. . O'K ) lluluA Nororo . . Ill ) Slum Noir.iU. . . . 7d llomeiiUiku V'JOll SUndn-l. : . , ( At ) Iron Silver -id Union Con. . 33 Mexican , US Yillowja.aUut . . . . 41 Xciv York Dry ( Jimiln Mnrket. NEW YORK. Oct , 22.-The dry Hoods market U still without f fa ui ic uf moment , the inly chaiiKf lu the ulluutlnn I.eiiiK u .slight Inrrrim- notlcrd In the b'.d for export uuodii , This Is not believed I" be any radical rhungf In ill" want * of export buyuru , 1ml ( Imply n ilennnd of the moment , which Imn lu bo covered , Rep. ru coming from varl > us wri ! m * . .f the cnintry that ili irliiut-n | In hitnewhat fr.-er thnn It him liern for the last few wn-kn , but It i * by no nctlvti In nnjr section. Woolen RooJs nn.l ds in both niwn wear , fitirlc nnd drew are A stmnn t > nttire uf lhi > m-uk-'t. UAH HILVHIl-27Ud per riunce. MONKV I'lOKi per cent. " The mto of discount Irt' lli'd ' open innrket for shott lilll-t - Is 2n : * < per c'cnij'for throe montlis' bills , 2H 2 i per cent. ( lold Is quoted nt llueno A--r a todny nt 1S2 ; nl Llabon , 4C.4 ; nt Home , MK37. NKW YOIIK. Oct. :2.-i-niiYlnKi ! , J130.152.7CO ; Imlnnces , J7.949.500. I1AI.T1.MOHE. Oct. 2i.-i.'leallnKS ( , } 2,37fl,5S4i halnnces , J290.5SO. PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 22.-ClearlliK3 , J11.900- 102 ; balances , JIC20tSI. NEW OHLEANH. Oct. 22.-ClenrlnKS , J1.343- 077 ; New York exchange , bunk , pnr. CINCINNATI , Oct. 2. Money , 2'.4 per cent ; New York cxchanRe , par ; clenrlms , Jl(5n,100. ( " MEMPHIS , Oct. 22. Clearing , J3S0.672 ; hal- nticen , (33,023 ; New York exchnliKC , selling nt pnr. ST. J.01'1H. ' Oct. 22.-Clenrln s , J4,00-lf,71 ; Iml- niuiM , J.)4'J,143 ' ; money , MiS per cent ; New York exclwiiKC. 2,10 dlBCOUnt , par nsked. CHlfACIO , Oct. C2. ClrnrliiRD , J10.029.417j New Yotk exchaiDre , 15c premium ; posteil rules , J1.83 nnd J4.Sj'4. Htjcks dull hut firm. ClosinK : New Yotk Illsvult , 62 i ; Luke Street L , 19 ; Alley U 623 ! ; Metroiwlltuti L , 7(4 ( ; West Chlrapi , U'OJ4i Noith LNilcngo , S2S'i ; Diamond Match , 148i4. KorclKti I'liunu-lnl , P.SHIS , Oct. 22. Tnrce per cent rentes , lOJf 13o fjr th" account. DEIILIN" , Oct. 22. Exchange on London , 20 marks 34 pfe . for checks. COTTON MAUKKT.S. Afti-r OpoiiIiiK Well I'rlocsi lleromi * \Vcnlv nml CloNO I.IMVCI- . NEW YOUIC , Oct. 22 The cotton market started with the ndviitiluge of enceurnKliiK cable advices from Liverpool , ftltnres there holdliiK nn advance of 2-64d , but later the feelins here be came wenk nnd unsettled. After opening quiet hut linn nt nn aduticiof 2T4 point * , prices de clined 95/11 points. The selling wan led by n prominent house with widespread connections , but bald to bo latKely for Wnll .street neemmt. About the only support the m-irket had was In tlie way of buying to cover shott contracts. The low pi Ice nl which cotton Is selling attracts a Kiuid deal of attention , but while receipts me so heavy and while cjiisumei.s of collnn at hnmc nnd abroad conlino thrir tnkliiKs to ai-tual neces- Mitles Investment buying continues to show marked hesitation. The matket cl , sed steady nt a net decline of C$73 points , rioslti prices : Jan uary , JO.OI ; rebrnaiy , JU.OS ; * May , io.12 ; .Ittne , J0.24 ; July , tG.27 ; Oetoln-r and November , ffi.Ol ; December , JG.02. Spot closed , easy ; middling np- lundt. C se ; nilddllni ; irnlf , 0c ; mlddlliiK. dic ; net receipts. S44 IMK | * ; Kros , li.lfi' ' ) bales ; expotts to tlie continent , 3ii92 bales ; forwarded. 1,72s bale ; sales , 100 bales ; stock , 57,919 bales. Weekly : Net receipts , 4.S.13 bales ; KIOS.H , 37,207 baU'i ; expnits to Creat Hrltaln. Uiles ; to b'iani'0 , 2,940 bales : to the erntlnent , .1.023 bales ; futwanU-d , 17.9IS bales ; sales , 2.06J bab-s : flpln- net.s , 10'J bakTotal today : Net ireculpln , 62..VH balei ; exports to Oreat Hrlluln. 21,014 bales ; n < f-'iance , 8,515 bab-s ; to the c'liitin ' nt , 15 278 bales ; stock , f.Cii,79i ) b.iIe.M. Consolidated : Net rocelptr. 3i , UI9 bales : cxpirls tn Orent Hrltnlii , 100,47'J lales ; to France , 42,180 bales ; to the continent , S.272 hales. Total since September 1 : Not re ceipts , 1,753,8.19 bales ; expntts to ( Jn-at Hrltaln. 4SJ.139 s ; tn Krnncc. 121.711 b-ilps ; to the can- tlnent. 33S.11G titles , l-'ollowlnc are the ti.tal net rerelpts of cotton nt all ports clnce September " * 339.3'jl bales ; Mobile. C7.57S bales ; .Savannah. 531- CUS bales ; Charb'ston , 11ISI5 lales ; WIlmlnKtnn , 121,782 bales : Narl'olk , 131.22 ( ball's ; Unltlmore , 4- 210 bales : New York. 13.70.1 bnlcs ; Itneton , 11,502 hales ; Newpott News , 2,433 bales ; Philadelphia , 10.3' . ) bales ; lirunswk-k , 25.r,2 : liab's ; Penp.icoln , 14.HOT bales ; Port Itoyal , 7i > Sl bales ; total , 1- bales. LIVEHirOOU Oct. 22. roTTON Spot , fair de mand : prices hlfirher ; American middling , fair , 3 3-32d : Rood mliUlliiR. STil ; "American mlddllnR , 3 < id ; low mlddlhiK. 3Vid ! ; Kooil ordinary. 3'id ; or dinary , 3 3.1Cd. The sales of the day weie 10,000 bales , of which 500 bnles wcic for speculation nnd export , nnd Included 9,00i ) bales American. He- Cflpts , S.200 halt's. nil Aincrlcan. I-'iittuen openeil steady with a moderate dem-ind nnd closed qulut ; American mlddllnB , L. M. C. , Oc- tob-r , 3 31-04d , buyers ; Ortober nnd November , 3 21-fifd , buyeis ; N < vctfiber nnd December , 3 22-04SO 23-64d , s-ellern ; December and January , 3 22-Md , buyers ; January " ml February , 3 22-C4d , buyers ; Tebruary and March , 3 22-Olff3 23-01.1 , huyent ; March nnd April , ! T 2.1-rl73 ( ! 2l-C4d , Kellers ; April and May , 3 ? 4 old , buyers : Mny nnd Juhe. 3 23-Old. buyers ; Juno nnd July , 3 20-Cld. buy ers ; July nnd August , 3 27-04d. buyeis : Weekly cotton statistics : Sal"s. SS.fV1) lilies ; sales. Ameri can , 52.0ii ) ) bales ; trade ' -laliinss , 01old hales : actual Imports , 3,010 bales ! Imports , totnl , M.OOO liales ; Impaits , Ameilcan , Sfl.OO ) bales ; stock , total , 2SS.HOO bales ; stoi-li , American , 210.001 Inles ; nllont , totnl. 291,0 bales ; , a'loat , American. 230- 000 bales ; sales for speculation , 300 bales ; pur chases for export. 2.C"1) hales NEW OIILKANS , Oct. S2. COTTON Market cjiened stendy but closed wenk ; sales , 4,300 bales ; ordinary. 4T e ; good ordinary , 5'ic ; low mlddllnB , 59-10c ; middling , 5'8c ; Rood inlililllmc. 1-Cc ; middling fair. ' 0 5-lfc ; receipts , 11.94S hales ; stock , 13S.2IS bales. Futures steady ut n decline ; sales. 42.100 bales ; October , ? 3.fS bid ; November. tS.71W3.72 : December , $5.70(13.71 ; January. J3.72W5.73 ; February , 13.77(83.78 ( ; March , f5.2K > . < > .1 ; April , Jj.S"lM.SiSj [ May , { .1.92 5.93. shows that the crop movement has passed the S.OOOX)0-bae ( ) ! tnatk by 300,0)0 ) bnles. Tne totnl movement to date Is ahead of that of 1691 by 261,000 bales. For the llfty-two days of the. season the nio\emcnt Is behind that of last ye'ir by 264.000 bnles. The amount brought Into slKht durlm ? the past week has been 403,213 bales , against 434l < 7.1 bales last year. Total movement from September 1 Is 2,305,532 biles , against 2,029.003 bales Inht year. Hecelpts nt all United States ports. l,75r .GV bales , ngalnst 1,9.11 CIO bales lasl year : ovtrlnnd to northern mills and Canada. 150.702 lin'CH , nRalnsl 1W.045 bales last year. Foreign exports for the week were 230,72'i bales , against 277H9 bales last year. Total takings of American mills noilh mil south and Canada , DI2.473 bales- ; against rl,47S ! ! bales last year. Ills estimate of the total world's visible Is 2,17S,52& bales , nghlnst 1.890.091 bales lapt week , nnd 2,873.408 bnles last jcn. ' . Of this the. total of American cotton Is 2,032,522 bales , against 1.727,691 bales last week , and 2,553,368 bales last year. MEMPHIS , Oct. ' . ' 2-COTTON-Steudyj inld- Illnif , 5 13-lCe ; lecelpts , 0,010 bales ; shipments , 3,701 bales ; stock. 53,731 hales ; sales , 7.0CO bales. ST. LOl'IS , Oct. 22 COTTON Steady ; mid- lllns , 515-lCc ; sale.i , 315 biles ; receipts , 3,711 bales ; shipments , 4.C24 bales ; stock , 22MG bales. OALYESTON. Oct , S2. COTTON-Oulcl ; mid- lllnR , 7 c. NK\V YOIIK , Oct , 2. . COFKEK-Optlnno opened steady at unchanged prices , ruled more active on switching , with but llttlo further change , prU-eii lieli by fears that the market has been oversold nnd generally bearish condi tions moie than In present low prices ; cloved steady net exchanged to ft point ! ) lower ; sales. 20.301) ) bags. Including December , Jii.jnjjfi.i.l ; , lnn. unry. JO.2.1. .Spot cnfVee. Hlo. ipilet. Mild , iiulet Total warehouse deliveries from the I'nltcd ( States , 1S.S61 bags. Including 17,720 lings from New York ; New York stock today , 354,141 bugs ; United Mates i-tock. 492.841 bag * ; afloat /or the United .States , 404,000 bdg j tolal vUlhle for the United Slates , 900.841 bags , against { 103,110 bags Inn year and (70,271 bag * In 1893. SANTOS. Oct. 22. roiTI-JK Hten-ly : good average Mnntos , S.OCO rela ; receipts , 33,000 bagai stock. l.Hfi.000 lingn. HAMIIUItO. Oct. 2Z.-COI'Tl-i--Oiened | unchanged - changed to i pfir. net decline. HAVHK , Oct. 22-rOI''l-T.i-Opened nulet nnfl unchanced : closed firm ut U pfg. net advance ; rnUs , 22 (00 hag * . IlIO DR JANUIUO , Oct. COKKKK-Harely steady ; No. 7. Hlo , S It-Is : exchange , 7 13-3M ; re ceipts , 21,000 bugs ; cleared for the United States , 8.00J bngii ; cleared fur Kurop , 12.COO bags ; slock , 4ll,0i)0 bags. Slim- mill Leather HqvltMV. PHICAaO , Oct. 22. The Chicago Shoe sml leather Itevlew of tnmonovr will my : The hide markets aru uncloubtedly stronger. There In nothing like a rush of buyers'but- packern are hoMlm ; limited uteckg nnd Hie able to con trol the situation ivmllyOctn'f r iintlvo steer hides were mid nt It and lOc fi.r Iho heavy and light wcllit5. Texas steer hides Enid at H-'ic ' nnd nnn packer ha lediFed tii tell for less than lOiicA few Odnra 'o itt-cra were let go nt He , l-tit - mi offir cf lc ) for I2ff/o ( has i"lnce been de clined. Hrandcd cows were c-idd ut ! > ! ic , but u mbsequent bid of Uc fqj,5.000 wan rejected promptly. Country hides arc also stronger. Huffs cannot he had for prompt delivery f < r lif than 0c. ' Wool ST. LOUIS , Oct. 22. WOOI. Unelmnced ; in - cllum. iseilc ; light line. ISjjKHic ; heavy ( In ? , 10 CHc : tub washed , JJfiJlo. I ' NIMV YOIIK. Oct it WttI ) < 3teaily ; domes tic ilecce , 2SO2e. I/NDON , Oct 22.-A - Mnlo of fiiK ! of firo-1 Hope und -fjilal htewklni. | VKB held hero today. There wa § n goo.1 altfnd ir # , the' demand w fffho vtry good nmJ the ijuallty At the offerings - - " ul ° fair lyiiur wooloi was ' VI i"- . * . Is said to I.6' 'have * iSat Vff.OOO * ' la hets. Clayton was I the Jockey engaged to ride for Croker's stahle for 1897 but throughout the season ck , ( Coutlnuc4 on Second I'age. ) . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bigger Bun , but Longer Cominjj , rind n Slow Day Results , BUSINESS IN CATTLE IS BACKWARD l.nlc Arrlvnli Hold tinTrnilr In Sun- IICIINI- , tint 1'rli-i-N Slmtr 1It lie 1I ( > KN Slronn nml SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 22-Hecelpts for the days Indicated were : Cattle. Hog ? . .Sheep. Horses October 22 2.9H7 4f 3 2,2.)7 October 21 .1,722 4.S02 6rt3 2S O.-tober M 3.0.V1 6,437 S.02i > October 19 4.177 2r.2j 3SG1 October IS CGi7 ( 071 10,154 14 October 1G l',23 .3,337 4-121 . . . . October 15 i. . . . 2.72 3,153 631 October 14 fi.MC 3,3iVi l.O''l ' 1 October 13 3 , ! > 41 3.25S T05 O.'tober 12 6.11S 5,023 . . . . 2S October 11 7,13.1 1,4 3 4Sfl 3 October 9 1.0J9 3,572 fill October S 1,771 4 , ! > 75 1.M1 5 October 7 4,910 5,5:6 3,909 23 The olllclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wns : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. , M. & St. P. Ily 2 O. & St. U Hy 1 Missouri 1'acillc Hy 5 Union I'nclllc Sytlom 65 10 14 C. & N.V. . Hy 3 IR. . K M. V. H. H 21 21 5 C. , St. I' . . M. & O. Hy. . . . . . H & M. H. 11. 11 23 IS C. , U. & Q. Hy 7 K. C. & St. J 8 O. , H. 1. & V. Hy. , east 2 C. , 11. 1. & 1' . Hy. , west. . . 11 1 Total receipts 120 77 19 The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Huycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co f.O 1,171 O. H Hammond Co 2X ! ) 1,127 Swift and Comptny G 2 i'27I.12S ' Cudnhy Packing Co Sia 1,19. 257 II. Decker r.nd Degnn. . . . r.UD Vansant & Co 41 .1. U Carey - 2 Lobman & Hothsehllds . .270 AV. 1. Stephens 174 nentou & Underwood . . . . St ! . . . . . . . . Uuzs 41 Cudahy P. Co. . K. C ICO Nelson Morris , Chicago. . 216 PlnnUlnton Co. Milwaukee . . . 182 Other buyers 751 . . . . 747 I eft over ICO 2.0CO Totals n.MI 1,6 ! 9 5,13.1 | Only 170 ears were reported this morning , but the later tmins came In more heavily loaded Uian expicted , which run the re ceipts up to 2A ( ) cars and over. CATTISH Itueclpts of cattle were about the same as yesterday co Car aa tno numb-M ot curs wiis coiu-ernod. As has neen the case on n good many unys recently , a con- fi.derable proportion of Ui cattle -Id not arrive until late , which mane the market lather backward , FO that the day was well advai.c.d before every Hi ug was w.lgucl u ; > . The supply of cornfed beeves was small nnd the mniket jtii't ' about stiad > . The best cattle hero were only good enough to bring > , but there wan a load of yearlings which sold at $ I.G2" > . COWJL- and lu-iters nlso sold nl yesterday's prices. The supply was not especially large , while the demand was good , s-'o that the trade was fairly active nnd the market as a whole in satl.nfactory condition. Stackers and feeders were In large supply , a good many cattle having been held over In addition to the receipts , which were liberal The demand was pretty fair and cattle that were especially desirable sold about like yesterday. On the other hand the fact of the large receipts and the ueir- neas to the end of tnc week had a depress ing Inllueuce upon values and the general run of the cattle sold lower. Representative Jules : NATIVES. IIKEF STIMSIIS. N-o. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. IV. 2.1..10SO J4 C2Vi 3S..K5S J4 < V 2..1270 $3 60 IB. . . . 864 4 10 17H..1115 ICO 10. . . . 702 400 1..13M 4 00 43..12S7 4 70 8. . . . M2 4 13 IP..1318 4 70 cow.s. I..ICOj 2 2ri 1. . . . 660J 73 K..112S 2 SO 1..10.10 2 83 6..104S 2 95 1..110) 323 17..1011 323 2..1330 3 CO 2..WI3 2 SO i..nro 303i..ior.o sir. 3. . . . sco 2 n < t ! ) ; - , 320 2. . . . 783 22.1 2. . . . SM S M 1..1C : ! ) 300 1..1COO 333 1. . . . 910 2(10 ( 4..1033 233 7. . . . 937 233 1..10JO 313 HKIl-'KKM. I 2. . , . G73 3 W 1. . . . 720 233 1..730 340 I 1. . . . 030 .1 W 4. . . . 7 323 2. . . . 120 313 2. . . . CIO 3 10 1. . . . 7M 3 33 1. . . . 720 3 33 I 1. . . . C70 323 2. . . . 770 323 1..670 323 ! , . . . . 740 3 73 1 11ULUR. 1..12SO 3RD 1..1300 290 1..13IO 290 1. . . . 920 300 1. . . . 710 300 1..10SO 223 1..1400 2 70 1..10iO 2 73 STAGS. 1..10SO 2 23 1..1030 2 SO 1. . . . SIO 2 73 CAI..VES. 2. . . . 3CO 400 C. . . . 151 17.1 1..2SO 473 1. . . . IS ) 560 1 ICO 530 1. . . . 240 5 ! X ) STOCKEIia AND K13CDKIIS. . . . . 4DO 4 CO 1. . . . 410 400 27./.10 : 343 SI. . . . r,02 4 CO ' 16. . . . H13 3 SO 21.C30 4 C3 24. . . . 590 4 10 2. . . . C03 4 15 MII.KKItS AND Sl'llINGEHS. No. 1'r. 1 milker J21 ffl 1 sprhiRer 2S 0 * ) 1 sprlimer . , " 'J 0) 1 cow nnd cilf. ; . . 3) 00 Iconnnd calf. . . . , S2 00 1 Hirlnger ' . . ' 32 TO 1 cow nnd cnlf 3 00 1 cow uild cnlf 42 00 WKSTEHNS. No. Av. Pr. NJ. Av. Pr. 1 feeder ISO J3 M 29 feeders. . . . 7 P } 1 n ) 9 feeders. . . . 674 110 6 hulls 12 < ! C 210 15 bulls 129J 270 79 feeders. . . . 923 380 ! l iniMiiE'q . _ Klt \ : ( K ) 1 feeder ( .00 I 0) 4 bleels 1235 3 81 JIOJS The lioir mailed Inuked up n little Ihls morning , tlm prices paid being strong or a nliad > > higher than ynsti-rdny. Tlie hogs wild at 1.1.4Vic 3.7.1 , us against J3.455i3.G7Vi yesterday , the range for tlm two duy being about the name except on thu top londi. There were , however , fewer KICH | today al Ixiarts averaging 300 pounds nnd over Hold nl J3.45ii3.374. ! hut largely at J3.MOa.fiS. The medium weight nnd light lo.ula brought J3Mif3.7.1. The aveiage nf nil tinH9leu wan about 2c higher than yesterday. Jtepnwntutlvo sales : No. Av. Bh. I'r. No. Av. Hh. IT. 20 3 40 J3 40 CO 28S . . . J.1 ' , 1'a ' 43 409 120 345 70 27i ( 20 355 25 321 40 3 4S G5 278 120 3 55 41 275 SO 345 67 2S8 2(0 ( 3 f5 45 323 M 345 67 lai 210 3 S5 40 331 M 345 G5 270 200 3 G.1 4'J 3M 1BO 345 41 SSi . . . 3 C5 47 330 iO " 3 45'S 337 . . . 3 65 57 333 < 0 3 47V4 [ 0 263 SO 3 C5 43 371 . . . 3 47Vj 2 40 365 4il 'M SO 3 WJ M 272 ICO 365 S3 311 40 360 64 313 . . . 365 47 299 40 360 63 315 280 365 6G 318 VI S 60 12 301 . . . 365 60 325 . . . 360 11 2.11. . . . 3 K 53 323 280 3 f,0 G3 OT 200 3.15 60 310 IGO 360 M 257 120 3 67' , 53 301 120 3 50 91 303 . . 36714 20 351 fO 3 60 250 40 3 KIV , 53 341 10 2 fO 68 2I > 5 . 3571,4 5G 200 160 3 M 65 . . . 25j . . 3 67V4 47 197 10 3 W 61 . . .203 . 3 57'i 51 325 SO 3 60 4C . . .ICi . 3W M. . . 2 tn jsfl 7 . r.i sea 20 . s tn * M ss. . . t so J w M . 840 to J SiH . SM 40 3 CO M . IM 0 J Sl't R > . JM 41 3 BO M . 3i : SO 3 MH M . ICO S M 47 . Ml . . . .1 M 4 10 . S R W 3 CO 80 . SSO . . . H4 67 . JI1 160 S M 4 . 270 160 3 Uli 71 . ! 57 . . . J 6JU 89 . 254 ffl JSJUj 73' . . SJ3 . . . JM M" " . MS . . . 3 SIH OS . 2W . . 3 ( S Bi ) . : ra 1ft ) 3 S1H 41 . JI3 . . . 370 1 ! > . 303 . . . 3 SSi 47 . 503 40 S 75 PICIS-ODDS AND HNPS. 4 . 57 . . . 1 M $1 . 101 . . . 350 1 . 3(0 ( . . . 170 ! . 875 . . . 350 1 . 50) ) . . . 2M 8 . 3i * . . . 3W 4 . 45S . . . 380 3 . SH ( ! . . . S f,0 6 . 4M SO 330 1 . 310 . . . S f.i ; , 4 . 370 40 341 ft . ! 12 . . . 3 BO 4. . . . S"0 . . . 3 4 * M . S77 SO 9 < J 5 . 311 . . . 3 45 7S . 232 40 3 G.'U 1 . J0 . . . 3 45 SI . 101 . . . 3 C5 6 . WS . . . 345 SHHKP Thrro was a llhernl run of sheep nnd the innrket was n lltlle stronger. Some \\rnlrrn lambs mild M 56.00. Representative * aloi : M- ' . ' Av. 1'r. Stiff mixed westerns . o > } j ; s 2I > .I western lnml . so 500 11J western wethers . 105 3 FO SOO western Inmbs , tQllliii ; * . CS 3 so 820 we lern Inniln . CO 4 T5 1 western ewe . SO 325 103 western wethers . 70 3 S1) 54 w-estctn Intnli * . < ! i ) 435 2(3 ( western Inmbs , fed . SO COO ( MIICACO I , | VU'.STOTK MAUICIiT. XH UrtU'r lliiuNVcnk , lull C u I n I n K Nh rep SlroilKiT. niUCAHO. Oct 22. There wan n Ipoiir demand for entile nml prices were no better , the innrket showing iwcnk timlertone. Nnthc beef steers Bold at from J3.73 ID } I.O ) for the poorest tip t" $5.00 ami $5.30 for the best nlilpi'ltlK cattle , liy far the Knitter | i\rt Kolni ; between J4.W anil $5.00. 1-Vwr reully choice cattlt were nmikctiil and numuiiiu * rod \\i-sU-nis sold at from JJ.70 to J4.25. Hatchers' nml eimncm' cuttle did not tnow much change , nml calves sold nt the r.inie prices us a week nito. Stackers and feeders wild at from $3.00 to $4.55. A K"ud many western runt ; era went at from J3.W In SI. 15. In IIOKH the inatket WIIH weak ami a seed nmn > hiiRs ttete sold at eawter pilcm. but aa the iln > ndumced values Rained MtrnRlli until nveniKe iiuntatlons were a hhmli * lilKhiM- than at the l > ? st time yesterday The bulk of the IIOKH brouKlit from JS.OO to $ ! , comiii m paekera HellliiR at from $3.10 to ji.05 ; and prime assnrtisl llnht nt fivm } 4.W In $4.05. 1'lKs sold larui-ly at fiom $3.40 to fi.Vti. raekhiff IIORK si-Id iimmunlly well I'rlces for nlieep and lambs itih-it atroiiK-'r. .Sheep were salable at fixim $ . ' .50 to $ .1.0) for the poorest ta from $4.55 to $ I.W for the best ni : lives , while western raiiKeia sold at from J.I. : : : , to $4.15 , a Kieat many feeders ivoliuv for from f.1.70 lo $4.00. Iximba sold actively at fiom $ .I.V In JC.UO and a cailond of excepllonnlly eholee se lected Iamb * brought $0.15.Veatein lamba ulu freely at from $1.50 to $5.M. Ileoeliitn : ( attle , 3.1W head ; luss , SS.OOO head. sheep , 11,000 head. St. l.olllN 1. If" MDI-IC. ST. l.Ol'IS , Oct. 22. CATTI.K llccelpt * . 2 TOO head ; shlpim > nts , 2.0nfl hend ; market 'ftronir , with no Koal natives here. Texuns atendy : fair t- > cholre native xhlpplm ; and expott fleers. } ( . : ! " , < ) r.15 ; bulk of sales , SI.35W4.C5 steers under l.too pounds , $ n.C5Jfl.50 ; bulk of sales , $3 7JJ4 ( 40 stockers anil feeders , $2.P < > < fl.M ! ; cows and heifers. I2.00fri.25 ; TeMis nnd Indlnn steers. $2.SWi I 25 ; bulk of sales , SJ.35iT3.STij cows nnd heifers. $2.00 j < llOrtS Iti-celpts , 7,000 hend ; shipments , 5.000 head market r.e higher ; lluht , $ a.70Ji3. ' . mlxeii $ J.r.i'if3.70 ( ; heavy , $3.li01i3 So. SllKlor Heueipts , CCO head ; shipment * , 2iK head ; nuiiket strong ; native inuttont , $3 2.ff3.M stooliers , S2.0HJJ275 ; culls und bucks. $2 004f3 f,0 lambs , Jt.005J5.30. KlItlMIN ( . ' ! ( . > llv < > StOcli. KANSAS CITV , Oct. 22. rATPLK IJcci Ipts 4.500 bead ; market steady to slront ! , Texas stec a f2.JOT4.00 ! ; Texas cows , $2.25(73 M , natl\e sti-eis , { 3.25(15.10 ; native cows ami belfeia , $1..V gf3. ' . * Ktoekera and fcedeis. $ J.OOf4.30 ; bull" , $2.7'i I 40 1K11SH lleeelpts , U.OOO brad ; luniket steady to strung , active ; bulk of sales. $3.Ofa3.CO , ; neavles $3.iV3.Si : [ | ( ; packers , $ .1. IO i3.C5 ; mixed. J3.n j3r2'i ! , llB.Us. $3.4053.C7' ! , . . , ; Yorkers , $3.(0r3.r,7ii ( ; plus , HHUKl * HiTdpta , 2.001) lienil ; maiKct nrm ; lambs , $ : ) .35r5.25 ; inuttom' , $2.75i.1ro. ! XIMV Yorli llv Siot'lj. N'E\V YOIIK. Get. 22. ] liiO\MCS-Uecelpti. ! 4 , 253 hcail ; native steers. $4.0) ) 5.10 ; Hta a am nxen. $2.r,0'il.rj , ; bulls. ti.B IJS.OO ; dry WV.K , $1.9. 5(3.00. ( Kuropf-nn cables quote American steers at lO iQllc ; icfi Iterator beef , 7iGS1 , c ; no ex- Iiorts. fAI.VES Ilieelpta , 151 head ; veala , $5.00S7.r,0 AND LAMMS TterelptR , 4.77S head nheep , $3.00511.50 ; lambs , in.tii ) tM. : ( HOGS Itecelpts , 3,330 head ; lower nt Sl.lOii 4.30. I'.iiHt llullnlo I , I viSluilc. . IAST : HUFPAI-O , Oct. 22. CATTM : AI U steady. IIOOS Yoikers , uoiil to choice , 54.10 : rnuRbs comni'in to KOOI ] , $ .1.CO f3.SO ; pltf. * , Rood to choice M.05WI.10. KlllOI-jr AND I.AMUS I.-imbs , choice to ex trn. J5.COi75.75 ; culls to fair. SI.lOfrj.10. Sheep choice to fclectod wethers , $4.40TI..W ; culls am common , $2.50i3.f,5. StorU In Record of receipts nf live stock nt the four principal marketa for October 22 : Cattle. ITofrs. Sheep. Omilm . 2K7 ! 4. CM 2297 Chicago . . . 3.0 ( ) 2S.IKJO 11000 Kansas City . 4. MX ) 0,000 2,000 St , lx > uls . 2.000 0,000 1.C01 Totals . 12,137 46 , C3 14,297 , OH Market. liHUMISN , Oct. 22.-OIl Petroleum , 4 marks 95 pfcs. LONDON. Oct. 21. OIL Linseed cake , , Cc per pound ; American straliml , 5s. Oil * C'lTV , I > a. , Oct. 22 Credit bnlnnces , C5- ; certlllcates , no bids ; shliiments , 141,233 bills. ; runs , 102,013 bbls , NR\V YOIIK , Oct. 22. srnAU-Ilaw. nominal. Hellned , Jull ; Kranulnted , 5'ic. NKW OIll.HANS , Oct. 22.-StOAIl-Stenily ; centrifugal whites , 4H < iJI 3-lGc ; yellows. 3W 3'/Bc ; Reconds , 203e. Molasses , Mcady ; open ket tle , 27ic ; syrup , 17iQ22e. DruRKlsts know Dr. Davis' Anti-Head- ache Is bsst of all licvxdacho remedies. noad "Simon Dale" In The Sunday Roe. If you don't take it , subscribe now. BIBI Surgical Institute 1005nnln'oHt.Om.ilia , Neb CONSULTATION FIHiH. Chronic , Nervous and Private Disease ; amlnll WEAKNHSS PS CM nnd DISOKDIUIHof ltiE.ll IIYDROCKLKnml VAUICOCELn pivmani'ntly and Hiicoi-HHfiilly c'tirinl liiiivi-ry IMHI- . IILOOD AND SKIN DlHeaui'H. Sore SpotB. Plni- i' , Scroful n.TiimorH. Ti'ttcr. Ki'zi'inu and Wood PolHon llioriiiifhl.v cli-anseil from the Bystom. NKKVOIIS Didiillty , Spormaturrhi'a. Hiimlna l.onBi'H , MKlit KmlHsloiiH. l.o.m o ! Vital 1'owurn purmam-iilly nml Hp-i-dllv I > III-IK | . ) ( Vitality WcaU ) , inail'i ) HO by'to'o close application , to bnsliii'SH or Htiuly ; m-vere niniitnl Htralti or irrlefi SEXUAL EXCESSES III middle llftiurfrom I InntltclH o yuntlifnl follies , fall or wrltu tliuin Omaha Tledleal aod Surnicil Institute. H. W. Cor. ICth und Dodge. INDA 'lllKUItl.lT HINDOO REMEDY' MlOTlUCKSTnE AMJVE Ilmilti ttiiotayi : ( lore * nil Nirrouj DUncsos. FulliiuMrmory > 1'nrcili , 8locidi)6cni , NlKhtlr Kmln- vfona , etc. , cauaej b7 pe t nbnten , aivf vlBorund lre to nhrnuVen orRuni , and qulcliljr bat Huroly reEtor&tt.on / . .Uitfi/ioor/ old or ) outiu , in : llrcRrrlod In vnctpocknt , J'rlco $ 1 MO nimckaee , Hlx for ftf.nitwith a written tnaranirr ( ttfttrp ur lionry rffunilrd. Dov'T litIV IN IMITATION , but la na on lietlni ; INDAPO. If jour drumtri linn not cot It , ITU wlllnenillt iirepafd. Ill.MJOl ) IIKHiUYd ) Cr > rrH CtUuro , III. r or Actnlh iiiuii , V Co. , Cur I Mh and Douulns * Hu. . and J A iillur 4 CO , 11th A Douiilaiis t t . . OMAHA. KKI < DO YOO KHOW DR. FELIX LE.IRUN'S Steel | Pennyroyal Treatment 1 1 fathoorlKlnnlpndonlyFHGNCH , / f flafo and reliab ; euro on UK- roar * S * - ket. Pries. C .0fi ) sent by rwiU r ' ( lenuir.o Bold only by Myers-Dillon Drug Co. , B , E. Cor ICth and Far- luni Strttu. Omalia. jeu. ' del MANHOOD tlonoIof mou Frenclipbyelclaiiwllloulckl'7 > u i Hlchttll waa swept and drowned. Since thB ! \ at" ills new palace In Avenue do I3ols de Doulogue baa Involved him In an enormous expenditure beyond his calculations for the actu-il outlay nearly trebles the original es timate , i There Is a rupture In the Churcjijll family over the christening put/ ( flitK3J5 | ; "was ucnt the tclegiaph Hues liavu again been broken. ( rtH ii llfr Si-iili-iii-r. CiUCAjao , Oct. 23.-Harry Uunker who shot and killed Arthur Story und hlM wif ( , Hattle , plead guilty to a churcu of murder In Judjjo Gary's court today und wua to the penitentiary for 1U * . Hl'DTAN Is turenrM of dl * . ho crentMt t * . charge In ttY mrdlo treot- nmt thnt ha > Y A N cure * b > fn produced osses. IIUD- by nn > - comtil. V A N cttrrt nation of phy- dinltiM , and lcliin . rim II U D Y A N 31'DTAV rcm. urea pimple * . treatment II U D V A N Mires the de- Jllltlrs nnd C1U fuses of men , Ht'DYAN l Insb.llly t remedy for look frnnHly mm. HUD- Into tha TAN cures or another. II U H Y AN i curr i hair fnUIn * ! torrhoea. nit. dlmnera nt H U D T A N ilKhl , nolsei In mr the htail unj far > , weak memory. Ions of voice , tn te or ismtll. IH1DYAN cures minlten eyes , xti > ntej Browth. palpitation , rhoitnesn of Inenth. ilyupcpjl.i con * Hlp.\tlon nnd tlntulency , Ht'OYAN cures wenk. ness or jmlns In the vn.ill of the bnck , loss ot ninsculnr power. Kloomy , inelnncholy foreboding nnd dltturtied rlter , . IIITHYAN con hi- had from the Doctors of tin Hudson Medical IiiFtlmtc , and from no one elds. YQII need HtlDYAN when the tnclal nervm twitch' as l.ierc Is cerlnln to be un Irrltntlon nt their center * o ( the hinln. You need HUDYANhen there Is n ileellne ot the nrne force , liecnusc thli ilccllne shown n Inck of nerve life , nnd may de velop Into nervous debility nnd then Into nervou * prostration. If you hnve harm-tied your nerve * . If you Imve knotted or knnrled them , If you lmv nhUKed your nerven , to utrnlc'iten ' yourself out > tm lll u e Ht'DYAN No ono eliie can glv you ItUIU-AN except the Hudson Meillcnl In- tllute. HUnYAN cures xnrtcolcle. hydrocelc Im. potency , dlr.zlncsB. fnllliiK en atloni , liluei. despair. Borrow nnd misery WHITE roll n - CUL.AHS AN'l ) TESTIMONIALS OF T1IJJ OIXEAT I1UUYAN. IIUOSON MEDICAL. INSTITUTE StoclUon nnd Ellis St. , Bun Francln' COIl SYPHILIS ) a "Written nimriinleo tn rritr. RVRKT Our cure Is i enimnent and not a pntchlnff tip. CIXSM treated trn ) Alh HK < I Imte tievel t-een a j mptonKlnco. llyilen-ilblniryoui ensrlully weenntirut juiibynmll. end wuKho tinklnln < ' tton { . Kiinliintee ( o cute oriel und nil money. Those who pi ftr to come hole lottlenl - iiifnt eun do no and ue will ) u } ' lAtlltiftd Inie both nna nnd hotel Mill while hole ( f we lull lo , ! . vVcrliul- Kime tluotld iorneHr.e that onr JTIu lv Ilctncdy Mill cum Wille lor lull paillculnii' HIM ! KCI tlio evlilenee. We knowthnt > oil HI it sUrpt leal , justly KO loo. nft ( he moHt einlnrnt ph > ttUlann have ni'ellieen able to idvc inoio than trtiiiKinir.Y rctlrl. In our tenjrarii pini-tk-cHllh til- ! Mimic Ilenteily II hn been matt illHli'llIt ton eteonu- the prcJudUCMiiralll't nil so called spet-ltl- ( . lint nuilor cmlloll ; ( riianinlcu jou should hot he.-ltalc lo * ry tl'U lenu-il ) . Yon taUe tin clianeeot toslni ; jour iiiony Wo K imntt-e to cine or u-liind e\t-rv dollar ami as we hmc rcpuliitlt'li to prolret , alMi'llnnnrlal ImcklliK of t5HI , < l < IO , It IK pcllcclly infe tonll Mho w-lll try the tti-aiiiirnt. Ilelx'turoin uu Imve iN-i-n pultlnK lii nnd lujlnir out your money for ( Jlffctcnt tientinriithiind altliotiirh you me not jrteiuea no one IIHK paid bacU \ ouii.ioney. . Do nut wasln itny IIIOMMHiiHi until juu try us. Old , chronic. deife | n-d easi-ti vtiietl In thhty to ninety dayn. InvestlKate our liaiirlal standlnK. our repiltn'tlun IIH Iiii.lncKH iniiv Willo us for iiiiineH and mldrcina of thono wo liuvo eured , who have ttlvcn iieriiilH. . ! ! ! ! ! to icier to then. U costs > ull only iM > . .la todolnlx ! U will save yo in woi Mot xullciliig rioiii nu-ntalittialn i mil If } nu ID marrlrtl what ma > your ntrsprlliK sillier IhiniiKh yi.ur ownnrKli elu-el II jour symptoms ate pi mplesim taco. soiu thloat , mticoUM patches In mouth. ihi-'ll'latlMii In boiict * nnd joints , hair fallltnr out. riupllons en any Iialt ot ( ho body , tci-lliu ; ol general deplecslou. pains III lead or hones , you ha\o mi time to waste. Tlu c ho are constantly taking meicurvnlid potat-h bhoiihl rllrt- eonllmiL'lt. ( on tant use of tticio dings will itiiely brliiKKoit-iaiiil i-atlnir ulcer * In the cm ! . Pon't tail to wtlte. All ctrii-sionilcncc ) M-nt f.t-aled In plain tlivol- open. Ve Im lie the most tlirld lnvc inratlon olid will do all Inourpuiior to aid you In It. Addiv&u , REMEDY GQ Chicago , III In will Trcnii-niloiiH. TillIIHIHl lirillltllllll' llllNlllCNH Will llO in TriiiiNpnrtiiHnii anil M < * i-e1iniiiIlMli > pr nml In FliriilHlilnn I'lioil mill SiipiillcH to ( lie iniiltltinle < if ( inlil Si-i-UerK in Hliot-l. n Ki'iK'i'llI Ti'ailliiK , > Ierenii- 4II < * Illlll Slllllllhllll llllMllK'HH. It M'UII NO Inll > _ -It ivlll he no in 'DM. The Alaska Transportation and Development Company " " SPpIKi"1 $ S ,000,000" ° ' "nsso"0 ' To mtet this demand will own and operate Ha Ott'.V STKA.IIKIIS , HOATS A.V1I HAt < ; iC3 < > \ TillYl'KOX. . Comifc'lIiiKvlili Us o > vn IIiii * uf InrKo mill iuiiilll < 'i-li ( Oi-i-mi Stt-iiini-i-H. specially ndapled for pasyctiBCr business carry- In ) ; to that country an Immemic amount of SUI'- PLIEH AND EQl'IPMENT for the mini-la. n.l well IIH furnlsliInK them THANSPOnTATION foiv themselveH nnd their tood9 ; nnd establishing TlTADINn STATIONS nt different points. An nppoi tuntty Is offited nny peri-on , be they of f-tnall or laree IIII-IIIIH , to buy chares of stocK In this company nnd PAllTH'IPATE In the DIVIDIM.S. sure to be earned within the next I2niontm. : siiAitns Aiti : oi''i'iiii ] : > AT MI.OO KACII. par value , non-assessable , and will he offered for a limited time , only. H.VI''KH THAN SAVIMiS HANKS AM ) IIAMC STOUK.S. Paylm ? IniKCr dlvliIc-mU. Wnllo numtroUB rav- IngH bunks and biinkH have nu3pcnded , trantpor- tallon and traillnu companies were never netn In the lUt of failures. This stock Is one of the mart desirable Invest MR-ntu offered thu public. The liicuipuiut.iiH and Kiocl < hold < -is who are ( on- ncctt'd with this company are mc-n of wide cx- petleiice In olmllar uiidei takings and men wlmno names lire eultlck'tit Kuarunlcu uf ihu utandaril of the company , to wit : ALIIKIIT c. 1ILAT2 , Pros. Val , Illutz Urcw , Co , , Milwaukee. HON. WM. E. MABON , United Stales Senator fiom Illinois , D. O. F.DWAUDH. I'aes. Tralllo M r. C. II. f , D. It. U. , Cincinnati. FIIANK. A.JIECHT , of Chas. Kacstncr & Co. . ClllcUKO. C'HAS. II. HOCICWELL , Trnlllo Mur. C. r. & U It. 11. ( Mniion Iloule ) , ClilcMEo. W. C. HINEAItSON. ( Jcn'l PAHS Ast. , C. N. O. & T. P. It. It. , Cincinnati. II. W ( IltlFFITH , 1'rcs. First Nat'l Hank , Vlrhsburtr , Miss. FKED A OTTE , twit 4-lKhtcen yearn wllh Shelby Dank , Shelbyvllte. Hid. J. M PHILLIPS , c-iulilcr Flmt National Diinl Vlcksburi ; . Mlrs. And hundreds of olhem equally prominent. Address and make nil money payable to Tlie filosKa TicrsiioriDUGii end Deyeiopireni Co. I'Mnln-r ' IlullilliiKi cor. Vim Iliiren mill IJi-H rliiii-n S < M. CIIICACO , IM , . WES E. & GO , , Telephone 10M : ) . Oinnlia , Nub COMMISSION , CHAIN , PUOVISIONS RiulSTOCK9 IIOAIll ) Ol' TlfADI ! . Direct wires to C'hlciiBu und New York , ( nrieapondenlii : John A.Yurrin & Co. or riiii-ai * " isiniiiuiiiMi ) o n ui'liernl e-nnli urn III luiHliifNH . ' -ili-rn pr. . , . .1" rt , . . { . Snip VM , , Prtihamiv . linrn . .V.V. . . . I VITV Oil CPi ' . , * , , vevc.v ulaile BtrujiK f"rc | ) ontal-jni | ! on hla behalf a low dies ago. All cloubtH ait to tils confirmation ul | | be removril within a ( ortnlKtit. An olllclal o ( lli Qurman olllcc. In an Interview on this uiibjuct , said -there was absolutely no objection on the part o ? the government t > Unllcd St te cnnsulu bvltiK of Uermuii birth ru long as there were no special rcauopg of objection In Individual cases , Just now there arc over 100 caeca of young Jncu being drafted a recrulU luV9