10 OINrAITA'lXATTAr HEEt FKTDAY , OCTOTVEK 32 , 1807. SPECIAL NOTICES AcUrrlUl'HIIMll * fill * III I'MI'llllllllll * vrlll lie InliiMi tnitll ia in. lor tin- rvriiltiK mill until N p. tn. for Ihr mornlnic mill Sniiiln > i > illlliiin. AiUortlxrr * . li > rnitii-Nlliiu II nilin- 1 > rrnl rliiol. , i-nn hii\o miKMorn ml- IrcKM-d to n iiHiiilu-ri'il li-tlcr In vnrr c r 'I ln Ili-i- . Aiixvvi'i-M HO iiililrexMi'il nilI hr delivered mi iircnrnlatliiii < ' the i-liccU < > nl > , ItntON , 1 l-ar n mini llrat Innci tlnli | 3c a. ivoril lliiM-cnrior. Niidilnit : ( nUcii i r II'N tlniii U.nfur ( Inllrnl IIIIHIM- il IH. 'IllCNL- TlNclllClllN llllINt llC ran cuimri'iillt < lj. w % \Tin _ < 4rii VTIONS. A finNTLHMAN W1H11I : * POSITION OP IniM , cns.der , tninahtr etc inuli fccurltj , BO agents luctl anincr. Address VA 56 , Ike A-Mlil B % VANTID : , POSH ION "by" COMPUTEST" - rV-e man , n yean ecperlenre , icferenc s Klvin. W. W. lice A SSI Zl SITUATION WANT 1JD HY OP.NKHAL 1ILVI Iv- jmillh W 57 , llec A-37S 21' vvA.vni : > _ ii vi.n 111:1.1' . CANVAHSKHS TO TAKBoYlUuTlS NKtt L1NU et work , no htnKuods to catry , pnliry ur oimnilxton. C. P Adams Co , Ml Ho Kill St II-,13 BALI.SMI.V roa OIOAII , $ izAstosTit AND expemes ; old linti experience iinnecessiry In- dDitmenla to cu tuni < ia C 0 llhshop A. Co , Bl. Louis. ll.18 XKtt AND WOMK.N hOI.lCI TOIH POH T1IK national Ilcrervp iipFoclnllnn , the belt , rarest anil ponnflfM frnternil order in the fleM totlit ) AiMrcis P. A C. Stevens , fill N ISIh Si , Omnlia. II "ilT MKN AND WOMIIN OUUANIXIiUS AND SO- tlcllors for besl frnletnal benellclary soil l ) In the Held Rood | > a ) Address Supreme Sec retary Hlor of Jupilei , Mi Cook. Neb II Mail Ni WANTED. OP.NO MEX ' 1O I.EAHN II Ml- brings enl ) elKht weeks rctpiliol , cntnloMie imlldl free Moler Sstcm lUrbr Schools , Clark nnd Van Itiircn streets Chlci > , o II M220 52" iii'RTi.iu AT TIII : sTFtATOOA TAKE Klierrnan n\e car 11-MJI2 21 JIUIOUT MAN WITH SPVN or 1 O tan enrn $ " > a it" ) nml hoiril roll will H't n yenr. " 123 Ain H n\e , Oin ilin , Ncli lohn It. Pierce , I1-M340 2S WANTED. E.VPPHIENCED HUNDLE WHAP- l < ? r , ' only those that hive had ixpeilem.1- dry Roods store wrapplnff packriRes need appl ) IV slon Store Oiiatin H 3 r. 21 VANTED. ENGINEER POH PILP. DHIVEH , Re per hour for nrsi CTH mm P II Green Affrlcullurnl lildg , liansml sls lppl Kxpo-ltlon Company H M591 JJ * , \YAN1EI ) , SVLESPKOPI.E AND VVH VPPEHS at Nebraska Clothing e'o 11 .villl JJ oitorcuv SALESMAN i oit i" > rth\\e itorn louu prefer pirty nopmlnted in thlH territory , non bit e\perleiutd inles- MLII nitd Hipl | ) Lett1) rittchir C"otiipiin > , ( Sirnill In II M4I7 Ji w TII _ I'IIIir. nr.i.i- . M outi.s rou AI.I. icivns oronic lo J7tek Cniuidlin OfT c 1"2J DoiiKlan < IIS VAN ! Ill ) A OODD CJIItlj roll ( HIM. 11 SI. hpurenrrk Apply CC3 IQ -'ttli mcnup 1-MiOI I\ANTID , PAPAI u.n oiiti. i on aiNiiiAi. : : hniw orh sni ill fnnlly , ro > < l \\IIRIS Oill BOIl I ) ml KB M C 583 22' \YAN1 HI ) . \ TOOK AND Ij\t7XIlliSS , AI.iO t Fccoiul girl to nflst In the cnn of n Imln references reiiuhed Mr * > .1 M I'ur e s 1 2 North 22d bin el P MOT Ji' iiuij rou aiNr : Ai. norsi\\oriK I qulre 1010 Park iixenue C US si * -C.IHL POH OE.VCHAL , IIOPSE work S32 s Jth i.t C Id i JI KOU Ili''NT 1101 SI1S. JIOUSI > IN ALL PAHTS OP THK CITY TUB O 1" Divli Compaii ) I'D" P.irnam D 11 i 1IOUSI-S HENEVVA S. CO U)71s ) i3TIt ST D-.0 niN IIOUSIN r1. A bTMUt ' * V \ Life.niN l > -.il WALLACE IllIOVVN 1ILOCK 1CT H an ! DoiiRlit ! D oi : orsn AND cm r.\ois AI i. ovr.u city. J to $75 ridelltj 1st tlooi N. "i I.lf < D fill lOUbl ? * . COTTAOI's S. TOltrAI.I. ! . I'\nT- nf eltj. Iliennan S. UIMCo 430 P.itton lilprk i.Ancin LIST M'c\nnn urn AND 'i FLATS f.AiiviN lines D " 2o r ron IIINT IIIMIS P \ XTOHI.K 1) t.C nousis , T H &UKKWOOD 3 N v von HINT : rnoici : 12 HOOM iMr.\rmi > modern houce. Inquire 231S Capitol inenue J ) oJT 1IOVINC IIOUSr.IIOLD OOODs AND 11NOS Om Van & SloraBC Co , 1311 Tarnam , ttl 11 ' -wo r\nm : HOUSIIS IN DUNDrn I-L t'icnp C03 lice bids n WANTP.D 7\T OVfK , HUrWKKN 2i AND " 0 houses to rent. Krrat ilennnil for houses icnt- Is n fprclalty J II Sherwood , 2 N V Life. D M72I FOK KENT , DESIHAHLE NINE-HOOM HOUSE with barn 22d st no ir Callfoinla v\Ith Jll Improvements. Inciulie 500 N. Y. Life hide 7-KOOM MODERN PLAT ON \HNVM ST 3 blocks west of court hous * Onulin Iteil E - Into nml Tiust Co , 211 So ISlh ipt. D 150 6 UNPUHNISHED HOOMS , ALL MODEHX J7II N'o 22nd St. D JJIO.'I FOR HENT , MODERN PLATS HPVT IN THE city , In New DavldK * building opposite City lull ; nlT ! > Hteam heateil store cjnii building 10 room modem house and birn In llit-class repair nn Noilh nt i a c-u- 9 room houK- and him In 1,001 ! lepalr , coiner 14th Hiid I iiniam John W' Itohldns nuent 1S02 Pnrnam StDM27S D-M27S 4 A 6 ROOM MOPP.HN PLAT , 1112 K llTH D-JJ1 21 MODERN TPN-HOOM HOPSE WITH HOCViT- rrs and boaidets furniture foi sale tns ) h nils lo r < liable put ) Iil7 No JOth D 331 21 * BI > r AND EIOHT ROOMS , CEN1RVL TpI'lX' 2C10 Capllol AVI- n J5" J- v RitooM iiot'si : rou SMii ISIS Cnss. I ) 376 2C 1IOUHE SIX ROOMS 2SU MIAMA * IO W newly lupered and palnled Ten rooms PaiK nvinue fl'i.ro , modern tottaite In nundee 11200 e'ol IIIRO H .10th near llanrrolt J12.0U tielb ) Hoard Trade . D 379 HOTELS , si ORES llTJH : P VXTON' HLK" l > -Mini i\vo PINE S.ROOM HOUSES , ju.sr PI.MSIIEI\ X'lh nml Piiniam Porcelain bath hot water mantles , clttlrln lleht nnd can , fiirnaie liun- ilr ) ' . i le . ilellKhtfull ) nrrunscd Tldellt ) Trust Co , 1st lloor N Y Llfa D 4W GOOD G-HOOM IIOIJHE. WATER AND KEVVEH Iwrn. rent cheap ICI ! Da\eniwrt Cil ) H21 D-HO 2t I HOOVIS. PUltNISIIii : > HOOM 1C18 CALIPOIINI.V HT E-670 Oil * YOU CAN OUT tl'LUNDID ItOOM.S WITH steam titat. tas ami electric UulitH at veiy reukonablo rates ; m > dirl. roonn. Ihr Midland hotel , ICtli nml C'liknso K lllli.l . ' . ' ion niTNT. fiiiH ruKNisinaj iioojas with RUS , nuiKf fui light lioutekreplng , to Krntleiimn nd vvf | without chlldnn. refer- encea. Address 41 lint cHUe , 13S5S sNr Lttclun an. I dtnlns room \\ltli iii ktuve , btea heat , for man ami wife , SOI Soiitli Stlh HI 13 MSdS 23 nlslml or unfiirnlshi'd ] parlor Miwr : IOI Hurt. H-J75 2l 6TEAM 1IEATKD HOOMH Wl hO 13TH Kl' E-3M N1S DOUHLR PAHI.ORH AND HINOLE IIOOM vlth furnace Iieitt. 1923 Doilce Ht , E MV K * FUHNIHHED HOOMS , HOUSEKEEPING SCiJ St. Marj's E-M410 : : IIOOVSMI 11(1 iltll. MAKING boanl rail on ui uiul It't u i > h ? ) uu nlrc iiKmm. llh ftnim lirut eii .vleclilo IlKlits ; ratf v try reasonable. Tlio MldUml Hotel Ht i mt Chlcairo , F MWI tl ETKAM-inATtri ) "JuJOMS VlTtf IKJAllD. tin Itarnej K S3S NIS LU1QK SOt'Tu"yUONr HCXJM * TWO ; otbtr wm , tu < 4 bojrJ , Tha Il M Hiit V-MSM itoovm VM > no\itn. ( Contlnurtl > l t tute A liom * Bhrrman avc cnr pnwi i ilo > r ever ) flulit mlnutra Newly furnlhwl rew mnndK innnt , xdj Ini Hpo tlon Sarntosa Hotel nNTintTAINH Its guc t < 1--M78J N3 _ UOOMS UITII OH AVITllOt'T HOAUtJ Kt IlNAfK AND ClS ( THAWD HOOM' ' 1919 F-M1H I 2 * TUB Miitin\M : nnsT CLASS FAMILY no tel nth and Dotlffn St P M S ' " ' tN lIIIirK HOOMS AND 1IOUID f3 FO up Ml North 15th P MW4 : C * L uuitrsot-rTr TIOOM TBAM iiilAriTn t w C > | ) ltnl Ave PH02 57 Ni\\LY ; PpTtNM llii : ) 11DOM1 WITH HOA11D li t water. iK-at 14)2 Pass si T-M413 ! 4 .si7 7LY : pniN'Kiiii ! > i HONT iinmis. WITH Ix > nrl MIS Douglas. P-M412 t\ \ * POIl HUNT I M't IIMSIir.ll II4MMS. snco.N'D ri.oon sis s nri Htrr t 0-401-21 on iu\TSToitns : orncus. ixit HUNT I VSK : HOOM IN nnoUND PLOOH mile. ' , Ht-e UillUlnft ! vvnur , steam lnnt , electric llKhl nml Janitor service Apply to Superin tendent , Hep bullillnB 1 197 POH HnvT rmT7-mmV IIHICK IUTILDINO at lie Parnam St Thla hulldlni ; hai n lln-pnwf comFiit lasiMnenl water on all limns , Kas , eir. , Apply at tinolllco nf The llee. 1 010 POH lti.vr I.N TI1I2 HKIJ 11U1LDING. One UrK" rornei rcom & 1 II r , with vault nml pllvntr ( rfllce , water , etc Oniliirse front room 2il lloor , divided Into two rnomi by partition water , etc. OniInrue roincr rewm , 2il lloor , v\lth vault , water , etc Onfinnt rvjni dlxlded hy p-irtlllon thlnl lloor One corner room with vault third Hour One hirjfp room third lloor vvlth partition dl\lil- Ini ? II Into one larsc room nnd two snnller irlvatn h > oni w.itei , tic Two laiR ( > Kround lloor roomi , fronlliiR 17th St , with vault Ono law Kroiuut door loom on Parnnm St . larie vault. Sevirnl sinnll rooms rn fourth lloor with vaults All llifu' iijoms ire hentod with 'team electric IlKhlR siipplled , with first class jinltor servlci- lii > Miters tun day nnd all nlRht , ImlldlnK stiUll ) lluproof Apply to Superintendent , lloom 101 lleo bulldlm : 1-111 STOUI : UOOM , zssr PIIT , GOOD lusement vvllh elevntor , steam heat fit N 18th st AppI ) ' at C19 N 16t i st or lei KOli I-M418 \V\NTnn. L\DliS : AND OnNTLnMEN AT ONC1I Hoom 7 , Prenier block opposite P O J-M3J3-23 * U'ANTL'n. HY A JlP.SPONSIHLi : lompan ) hilslllns nKenis for Nehri ka titles lllwrrfl compenn tlon Adilr si Mannn'r room 1112. 3 > ( ! Diurbotn si. Chic iff ! J MW ! 4 PACII 1C STORAGE AND WVREHOtSE e'O ! MS-r19 Jcncs Kencrnl slori > , e und \\nrdliiK M 331 OM VAN" * , si onGC IMIH PARN'M. TEL ! - , ; ) M-W. itANK iv\iits : sToit\Gi : 1211 \uvnv II lullnc inJ packing cheapest i.ites Tel 3" G u vni > 'i o nnsT puici : PAID poit OMAIIV. SAVINGS Ijinlk accounts at room UOC , N S Life CVSII POU OMMIA SAVINGS HANK Af1- countd O G Wall ice 12 tlrnvvn llloik Kill nnd DotiK'as ' N 5'i3 WANT HO A GOOD SINdLR DItIING IIOHSi : suitable for lad ) . 11 C 1'ltnv ) South Oni ihi N 27 J ron s\iiri'HM ' rum : . i POU SAI.n PLPC V\T POI.ISIIPD O\IC DlTT InR in bit Hut 9 DivldRu bullilhiK ISth and Pninam street" O M3M 23 * PI HNITUHP. 1OH SAI.n. INQPIIin C153 Locust O M"9i ! 4 * nut s\i.iiio sr.s VM > I TOf I1UOU1 UALL Hl.AltllsU VXLLb , HUH. bei tires "own make " cost $ V,0 now Uss than Ui , 3 sooil phactom 1 sndu make. 2 eoluni- blis 2 KOod funejs Diummoml IS & II irnej 1' Ml * " M4 run \i.iiin > irii \MOI SAWDUST HL'LIC OR . , . , v o.-v.lvll and hog fence. C. It. Lee T01 Douglas Q 337 HOC PENCE ALL ) WIRE Bl1sT ON LARTir lawn anil ) ard fence Wire Works , 40J b 14th M9 O US vniiY CIIIIAP POH - , right | il inu 70r No 1Mb t Q M2iJ 234 POU SAM : L.IPIJ SCHOI.AIISUII' IN OMAII "v Comniei < .Hl Collese J. J Gibson 5H I'lrst Nullonil Hihk _ POH SVM : CHUMpouTTsil rm class lllclinrdson .t. Ho > nton fiiuncH , nan call todi ) 1313 Ilov , .ml st Q 119 ; > ( - ! < \IIIVO1 VN'I'S. MILS PAPL TJlANCi : MIIDIPM ISTi N Jim unites the epirattil chdnpes luck letters con laming htamp piomptl ) ansnereil , Indies 0 S-M77i N4 IP 'iou vrti : IN NHID : OP GOOD ADVICU lenin nt once from the vv rlil renovvlied life irniltr the way In which jnu shoul i Iravil , reads ) our life fiom tie cradle lo the Ktave , lo\erH liupbimN and wives leunlted Qpecl ) mairlahc to the ono of ) our choice. l < est or stolen aitlcles rtcovcied ilia run and all kind of amulets thous inds have consulted ami learned tlio truth , price Jl CO Cal on I'rof VVhltnei 1" > 22 Hownnl "treet. cormr Ibth and IIo\vartI slieets , bouts D n m to 9 ji in S-M3C3 N19 * i : , Jivriis , irr. : MADAM SMITH 1315 DOUGLAS M VtS VGH ctcam bains T JISW . ' 6 * MrDicATii > HATIIS. IIAHKGI : sm , SPL- pluir numaKe. Mmt llrls on from 1'arls VII IlVTIIh \SS\Gi : LAI UA HLLISON , e'roun o MS. , 119 N ICth et. , loom U T-.M322 2T MHS DIt LiON ni.nCTHIC \SSAGP. I1 AT1I lurlurs , leslfu ) und curathe. 417 s nth up- stalls T M3.'J 21" PIII.SO\ , . VIAVI POH UTUHIM : THOUHIHS ads IIIB bldK phsl Ian , tcn ultatlon ur heilth boo'i nee U 5VJ nulis. MASSAGE MMI : . i'0b7 3m7"s Is'fiF -510 HUintlHi : CPHUD. NO DKTi\TION" : PHOM business no iulii , we reft r to hunduds of Ktes turtnl , plks cured b > a sliiBle , iuiInlet.- ) lieatmtnt e'all in write 'Ihe I mplri' Itupturu Cuie and MedUal Institute , successors lo 'Iho O i : Miller Co , W.-3 N Y Ufe Hlilg , Omaha U 541 ci.oTiip.s CLIANID : , I'luJsHiTir vNiritnT imlrtd , day or nlMit , dresn bulls fni hire Pantorlum , N i : 101 lllh and Pjimin Ti'l WJ U MS 17 _ HiiOUH OWN DIinsSMAKHH. I.VVMIsTT Kute the Jo > Tailor S ) lcm hchool of ilre s tutting , enl ) complete sllrt HjXeiu , lulng ) nui rtresses nml make wnlle learning 403 Karbich block f'attfins free Ihurbduys Agents wnnteil C IbS Oi8 i < vines' SKND IOC POU sTMpiTir sTnr Kuunl. pealed Oem Itubber ( o Kansas City , Mn U M.'IO 2J TOI.ON HIII , IST\TI : : . MONKV TO IXIAN A P lTo\V HA'fiS "Til 15 O P Da\Ii , l > > . 1505 I'llrll'iin St " W-54i ANTHONV 1X3AN & TilI' r CO 3U N \ LTT iluUk nune > al low rale : ) fi choice farm lands In Iowa , noitliern Missouri , eastern Netru kH W 313 _ _ _ MONUY TO I/DVN IlHMlri , I'AJCION IJIXK'K LOANS ON IMPROVED X. UNIMPROVED CITY property W Pnrnam Smith A. Co. , 1310 I'am m W 341 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA rial estate Iliennan , Love Co. . Pnxton Hlk ' > W' 545 MONEY TO LOAN C1N IM11RQVED OMAHA properl ) 1'UM'y & Thomas , iol lit Nut. Hk bids W-518 s"lX PKIl CENT CITY AND PAHM LOANtT Oanln Uros , 1CI3 PnmHin SI W-S4J MONEY TO ION ON IMPROVED CITY property S. P lloitwlck A. Co. , 311 Paxion Hlk W M79J $100 W AND UI1 K. 1 > . WUAD , 16 & DOUGLAS W S34 N-C 5 PKH CKNT MORTOQES POH SALE. PROP , eity of nuu-te ldinU caud f r by W H Mel'iK , PI 1st Nallutial Hank 11JC. . Omaha w ; i TYI'KWmTKKS , 1100 I'KH MONTH. lilJ i'aroviu Ut ut MOMJV TO 1.0 \ > _ CIITTnii1. . MiJNlTv"To"l/J7\M OX PtllNITPHP PIANO i horses nntron , etc , nt lowest rate * In cliy. no nmovnl f ( rnols dlrldly mnfldenllnl ou cnn p > Ihe 1 > an off nt nn ) lime or In uny amount OMAHA MOIITO UH2 LOAN CO 300 S 16th > < t X W ) IH'SIMSS rnrr.s. . PO oirr IN OH OPT OP HPSINESS c.o TO J J Gibson 314 Plrsl Nnt I Hunk * .1 - KOIl SALE CHEAP CAsiToXLY. STOCK OP merchinil ! e nnd IKtuies In southern Neb , cheap rent best Ii > ntlnn In lown. tl 00) v > lll buy It , has established trade Ions "tatnPns Hex ' 06 Omahn \ MIW S ( * HALP TNTEIIUST IN A KLONDIKE AT THE exposition for n hotel man with H OX ) Sari toga hotel Take Shetman nvc cnr noith . t NDHHTAKINO KSrAHLISHMHNT COM- plile outllt r ean slnck , chenp renl Invcsll- Bute this AddtetsV 61 Omnli i _ llee . , rou I WOL'U ) LIKU TO THADK GOOD MO J11JHN 8-hoom hnimc. full lot barn Km ! title anl clear , for good residence property convenient ID cnr line Will assume icasonnble Imum- brince Atldrcm V30. . llee / 133 ni'novioo.Acit ! : PAHM IN I count ) for hardware stock J J Gibson 611 Plr t Nalllcnal Hank ! - 4DI * roil svi.i : UK vi , KSTVTI : . zn PL VIM : H.VHOAINH. sstoo HTM TO J J Gibson 611 Plrst Nat 110PSia 1/3TS PAHMS , L\NDS LOANS Oco. P. Ilcmls Heal l > tnte Co , 1'axton Illock Hi : o > 3 HAVI : SOMI : iiAiio v INS MYSILP. CITY AND farm eiill for particulars insoii , e.ui nee lids ni-os POH SALi : , ON I/.NH TIM13 , AT 6 PIJH CP.NT Intere-t , two Improieil farms niljolnlin ; Cll ) uf Missouri Vallc ) , In One of Ifi ) ncres 011- olher nt 21) ) ncres , nil In ciiltlvntlon NVI1I be sold on 10 ) nils' time Address , Lock Dinner ' C , " Hliennndonh II. HE M7W-N3 PAHM LVNDS C P IIAHHISON HZ N Y I. HH-MIM-NIC' 1IAHOAINS HOPSnS , LOTOND PAHMS , BJlior trade P K DarlltiR , llirker Hlk Hi-M778 SIX HOOM HOPSi : AND LOT MIAMA ST on inonlhl ) pasments , v\lll take vacint lot on llrst painent Selb ) , Honid Trade III : 3SO LOST. AI3AR OLD SPLIT NOSH POINT HH Hn ml 1119 Doilse Ui l MI01 24 LOST OCT 21ST \ \ HITi : SPVNISH POODLP. pupp ) 7 nnnths old. had collar v\lih sllvei lutr altae ied eiiBrmid "Dot" llbiril lexvird Cigar store , HOO P itmm st Lost M413 "J * n\CIM3nilS' VM > VIlTIbTS' SLPPI.Ii : ' . . NOTE I 1ST OP GOODS PAGE S T1EE OC r lllh , the prices I c innot dupllcnU , titiloKiie free AUaJ Grover 31S Soulh lllh st Oimh i SII2 ; Nil Ml SIC , VIITM ) I.VMilCES. . PKOP cii.vs pirinsoN : INSTRUCTION IN plino violin Kiiitai mimlnllne 2ltlKr volet JO > eirs experience Terms reisonible Studio 51S Styely Illock. 7S1-N1 * SIIOHTHVMJ ) TPEHII'INO. . A C \ VN SANT'S SCHOOL 513 N \ LIP13 C34 AT OMAII V IIU.S COLLKGi : 1CTII & DOUGLAS. C..3 M'C.\HTII\'S ACADnMY , 17111 .1 DOPGI.VS 951 N9 iinMiv\Ti\n WORKS. MATTRESSES COPC1IES. PARLOR PI RNI tui-e to ordir , Hpilitd 1603 l .ucan h , til 1 > Jj I-l'HMTllli : P\CI\EI1. M \AALIvIN , 2111 CUMtNO IHU 13J1 S37 LIPK LNS POLICIES HOT VY. P. 1IOI.DIJN CO VI , . Ill ISLINGTON MT HHST CHIIPPST PIIIcT : JJ 73 per ton 'Phone SS Harmon A. VVeeth eo EVTIIIU HNOVVIOHOHKS. . [ n\THKUS HOl'OHT AND ' 'OLD MT - Ue es iena\aled and msile lo order While Smin 1701 N 2llh ' 1'hone 1043 MS4S ! II M MIOWn 55 LOANS MONEY. 41S N 1G ST. C39 i' VTHNTS. D A HPlj'TVT'T'O Sues & Co , Attorney a- i A i fclN 1 b t-Ua Omnha , Nb Branch office at AV'ash'nslon , D C Srml for free Advice and Palenl Bool , See Sundaj Hee for our Machine Movenuntt. copyrlgUted. 1S97 Telephone 1C23 SHIP Ilousohold goodi to all polutrt In mixed oar tote ut cut ratoa Parking , moving and Telephone 1S50 > OTICE. ( Should be read DAILY hy all Inttres'cil , , ii changes may occur at any time. ) rorelfjn malls foi tlio nook ondlnd Oc- lobPr AM , I1-1) ) ? , will close ( PROMPTLY In nil cases ) at tlio Oenerj' I'ostoIIice as follona : I'AHCEJLS POST MAILS CLOSH O.VR HOUR EARLIER than closlne ; time shown below. Trillin-Mlniitlt : JIuIlH. SATURDAY At fi JO n in for PRAXCH , BWI rX.ERLAND , ITALY. bl'AIN , I'OR- TIK5AL Tl'ltKUY , HOYI'T AND 11IUT- 1SII IN'DIA , per . s La G.IWORIIU' , vln lluvrp , ate O.i. m for GERMANY , DEN MARK , SWEDEN , NORWAY ( e'hiifu tlnnln ) and RUSSIA , per s s Havel * , via Hremen ( letteiri for other jmrts of Einopp , via Cherbourg' , must lie illructed "jiei Havel' ) , at S a. m for GENOA , pel s s Wcrr.i ( le'tters must he directed "per Wcnii" ) ; at 10 a. in for SCOTLAND ill- root , pei H Anchorln , via ( ilnspmv ( letteis must he directed "pei Anrhoiln' ) , at 11 a in ( < upplementar > U CO p in ) for EUROPE , per s. a. t'mbrla' , via Queena- tovvn. I'HINTnn MVTTHIl KTC Oerrann tlcnmers silling on 'llies.tnj-a take Printed Matter etc , fet Oe-r-any and Specially Audrrsted I'rlnleii Miller elL foi ollic-p iris of Kuropc Amerl ' time iTinivu juuuer , eic. , jur uii countries lor which Ihey me advertised lo cairy mall After Ihe clonlne of Hie Supplementary Trans- .Atlantic MalU named above additional tupplo- mrnlnr ; mull * ate opened on lie. piers of the American EiiKllMi French and Germ.in steam ers , nnd lemuln open until within Ten Min utes of the hour of tn ling of steamer .VI u I In for South nml Ontnilmerlcn , " \ \ i- t InillcN , I'.lc. rillDAY At 1 p ni. ( supplementary 1 30 p m ) for TAPE HAITI , ST DO.MINOO and TUHKH ISLAND , pei H s Cherokee SATUHPAY At I.TO n m ( supplementary 10 u in ) for ST. THOMAS. ST CItOIX , I.iiJ\VAUU and AVINDWAHIJ ISLANOS. per H. H. Pretoria ( letters for Grenada , Trinidad nnd Tobago inuL bo directed "per Pretorli" ) , ut 10 a. in ( supple mental y 10 M a in , ) for KOHTl'NK ISLAND , JAMAICA and 8AVAN1LKA , per H , . * Adirondack ( letters for Costa JHca must lie directed "per Adirondack" ) ; at 10 u : r. ( siii > ilcmcntai > 10- . n m ) for HAITI and SANTA MAHTHA. per H n HolHteln ; at 10 3 a m for CAMPKCHU , CHJAPAB. i f\ 4fUS anil YUCATAN. pet B. a Orizaba ( letters for othei parts of Mexico and for Culm must le directed "nor Orlzaha" ) ; at 11 a m for NEW- 1'Ol'NDLAND. pel H. B Portia : at 11 a. m ( supplemental y H SO a in. ) for YEN- E/.t'ELA and CURACAO a | o 8AVA- NILLA and CARTHAOENA. via Curi- oao. per v e Philadelphia , at 12 in for 13RAXIL. pei s s , Dalecarllala Pernani- liuco ar.d Victoria ( letters for North Hr.i- zll must be directed "per Dalpcarllu" ) ; Jt 12 in for GR11NADA , TRINIDAD and TOI1AQO , P"r n. a , Irravvaddy. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax and Ihence by steamer , clore at this olllce daily at ( .33 p m MulU for Uliuelon , by rail to Ilo > . ton and tlience b ) teainor. dose at tnti ofUor , dally nt S JO p. m Mills tor Cuba cluse at tliU olllco dully at 7 CO u. in for forwardlnu" by lenifr untllns ( Mondajs mid Thursday * ) from 1'ort Tnnra. J'la. IrftierroalU for Mexico Clly , J , unles * p . .Ultailjrctud ( or oli- posTorricnoricn. . ( Conllnueil ) p lch by ftenmcr c'n e thl PlUce Onlly al 1 ! m. : pap r moll * nt r n -gisicrej mull cloi nt 6M : p m Trntix-PnHno Malls for Clilnn , .Tnpin and Hnwnll , per s HclRlc ( from Sin Prnnclsco ) . rlex c lirrr m MnlN for Hxvvnll , per s i AiHtrnla ! ( from S ill rranc'lsco ) , clo'e iiere dallv un to October 27th nt p in. Malls for Chlm nml Jap-in per a * Ol > nip'a ' ( from Tniomn ) elnse herdnllv up to Oetoher 11 t nt < ! TO p rn 'Malls ' for China and .tnpin ( xpfclnllj litlflr < . sed onlv ) . p. r R. H 1 l.mpro'E of .Tnpnti ( ft'oin Vancouver ! , elc-ii1 hrre ilnllv up to NKvemlxT * l"t at r n p m Mills for AUtrAlla ( evcept th s ? forest i \\est Aus'ralla ) , liwh are forvvaided vln llurope , Ne\v Xpnlnnd , Hnwnll , Pljl and H iiiioiii Islands , jier s s Alnmrda ( fiom Sin IVand'cojoInse licre ilnll > up to November "ith nt 7 W n m 11 a m and G TO p in ( or oil m rival al New York of 4. a Campania vvltri Hrltl h innIN for Australia ) Mallg for Ati'trnlln ( except \Vrst Austrilli ) New /.p-nlnml. Hivvill and MJI I'lnndi peri's \Virrlniro ffrom Vancouver ) , clowli rc ilnlly after No vember .tli and' ' itt'to November 1.1th tit C.,10 p in. Trans Pncldo malM'nco forwnrded tn port ol rnlllnB daily nml the schedule of closing Is nrrnnKCil on the preemption of their unln- tcrrupteit nxerland/translt. HeRl lere-U mall cUei nt 6 Oil p nmpnvlons ilaj Postolllce , Now York , N Y , October 15 , 1SD7 i CORNELIUS VANCTiITT Postmaster U.Vll.ItOADS. iPUHMONT , HLKHOHN . Ml outl Vnlle ) HalUvnj tlin- eral OHIcci. t nlli-il States Na tional n.uiK llullillni ; MHitn- nam Streels Tlcl et Oltlce eit e'orner Inelflh and Pir- 1401 Karnnhi Sllect Ttlephone Ml Depot , Plftoenth und Ueb'ter Street ? , telephone 145S Leave Anlve Hlnclt Hills Dciiluood nnd Hot SprlnsM 3 00 pm 3 CO pm \ \ > omlnK , Cupcr nml DoiiRlts . " " 3 00 pm " " 5 00 pm Hn tliiK 'Sorlt , Davlil Clt ) , Supcil r , Oineva , 1 xeter and Sc-nnni 3 00 pin " 5 TO pm N rfo 1 % , \\c t Po nt and 7 50 nm "D 2i an Ptemonl Lincoln , Wnhoo nnd 7.50 am " 10 2j am Preminl Pn mom Local . " 7 " > 0 nm Dill ) Doll ) except Sumlaj. Sumlty enl ) " "Dall ) except fiatiudii ) . " ! ) ill ) except Monday. sioux CITY'S. PACIPICUAIU load Gcneinl Ollce ( United St.itCB National Hank Hull 1- IIIR , S. VV Corner Twtlflh nnd Pin nam Strecl TliKet Olllce 1401 T'arnnin Slicil Telephone Dcput Plftccnth and Webster Sire'Is Telephone , U5S. Lo i v e Arrlie ' 'loux Clt ) , Mnnltato , St Paul. Minneapolis 1 C.15 pm ! l 10 am Dall ) JCHICAOO i NORTHWEsTern - ern Hallwa ) i It ) Tie kit Olllce 1401 P.itnim Stuei Telephone Ml Depit linth and MaMjn Streets Telephone IhS Leiv\ ArrUe Missouri VidlP ) Sioux e it ) , st i > , , , i and Mlnnoipolls . 5ID : nm 10 4pm Missouri Vnlle ) , Sioux City . 7 " 0 am 9 03 p n Dennlson. Canoll AVnll 1-ike . * ' 7 33 nm 9 Oi Pm Lnstein Express , Des Molnes Maish illtonn , C ed-ir llnpldi ' ' ' " 10 n nm 4 10 pm Atlantic PlLr. Chlcngo * nnd llast 4.13 pm 410 pin Past Mall ChlciKo lo Omah i 3:10 : pm Ml-souil Vnllev Slouv , Citv. St Piul , Minno- npnlls Limited . 5 "i pm * ) .o nm Om ih i e lilciKn Speclnl C " 0 pm * 8 1) Mm Dill ) Dill ) excipt Sundi ) CHICAGO ST 1'AUL MINNE. npnlls & Omihi Rillttiv GPIlei ll ulllces Nelllli n 1)1 vl-lon Plfttenlh and VA , bstei Slieils Citv Ticket orme. 14(11 ( Parmm street Telephone 5CI Depot Pifleenlh and Websler Stiieta TLlephone , Leav e . \rrl\e Slou\ City Accommr > iln S " > ) am " 8 Ji pm Sioux City Accommudi 9 3) am * S 20 pm lllilr , Emerson bioux Clt > , Pone i , HartlnK- ton anl HI ramlleld 1 00 pm ' 11 3j am Soux | Citj Mankato. St. Paul , Minneapolis ' * * li 15 ntii Ifl nm Lme-son Pis = en0'er . 3 10 pin 8 ft am i enl ) This train stpps at tatlons Floience to So IJIalr , Incluslit , Mindina enl ) , on das So Hlali enl ) CHICAXSO ROClv ISLAND A Pacillo Rnilroad ' Ihe Greit Rock . Islind Route" City 'Uckit' Olllce 132J Parnam Srreell' , i i Icltphone 12S Depol , 'I rnlh ami . StriUs Telephone , 12S „ Leave An 1c St . , I'S" ! vestlbuliil Express . - 4 50 pm 1.1" , pm I.lnexiln CVlorado Springs Pueblo Denver ' and uest . , .j. * 133 Gi.nenl Offlccs nml Ticket Of- Ilce Merelmnts Natlon-il H.inlt llullillni ; 12J4 rirnim Stieet Tekpliuno 101 Depot riftcentli an 1 Webster Mreetu. Telephone , Leav c. ArrHe. Kansas & Nebraska Llmltel . 3 Oj pm 12 5 , pm Ivans is e It ) w _ ht Louis Lxpress . . . 9 30 pm C 00 nm Nebraski Local . . . . " 4 30 pm - 9:43 : am Dally Dili ) Ex Sunday UNION PACIPIC "THE OVEU- land Route ' General ollicet. N E Corner Ninth and Putnam Streets City Ticket Olllce. 1302 Parmm Street Telephone. 310. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 12S. Leave Arrive. "The Overland Llmlled" for Denver Salt Like , vieslern polnls 8 20im 4 43 pm Pukt Mail train for Denvei Silt Lake. Paclllc coast and all v\estern points . 1 3 TI ) pm 10 20 am Lincoln , Huitrlce and SlrcmbnrK Lxpre f 1 3.0 pm 3 00 pin r.rnml IK ] mil "i pm J 50 pm Dall ) Dallj except Sunday. Council Illuffn LOCK ! Leaves 5 40 H m C 50 a in , 7'30 a m , fc 21 a rn 10 43 u m 2 15 p m , 4 30 p m 5 " 3 i > m Al lives , C 20 in , 7 20 a m , 8 a m , 9 21 a , m . 11 3) a in , J.10 p m , a 40 p m , U 03 p in , 10 41 p in. UAIIASU n.viLno.vn-TK'Kirr orricc HIS 1'i in am Street Telephone 22. Dtpot. Tenth and Masun Streets leleplione , 123 li\e Arrive St Louis "Cannon Uall" Hxprets 1 30 pm 11:00 nm Dall ) J _ , L Ll T L CHICAOiO MILWAUKEE & ST 1'anl Hallnay City Ticket Olllae.J P.04 Far nam falrect Teltphboe. 9SI Depot , TentU and M spn Htreets Telephone , .y 'neajr ? . Arrive. Cnlc KO Limited E- > * -6Bnn\ < -Wm Omaha and Chlcaco Ex. Ht am JrfO pui Dully. SZfVt k > TN ) Ci > llinu" t of ( InMoiiXi The openlnR , settlement anil ile\clopmenl of tlio sroatost forms n fruitful and fis | clnatlni ; theme for tlto historian The h trd- j ihlps anil privations , successes ami dMast rs tif pioneer tlA > s. the tragedies enacted , tin hopes reallrul or wrecked in tlie wllilci- ness of phln and mountain affords nn alwn- djtire of material , the faithful recital o ! which tenders fiction dreary nnd common- plicc The truth well-told iioods not the iarnl hlnRS of IniaRlnatlon. Thi part taken by the army In defense of tlio pioneers and In the protection ol border settlements from the raids of ho > - tllu Indians forms n record of valorous dicJs and thrilling Incidents surinssitifi nctiul warfnro amoiiK civilized nations. Tnt auto had to deal with a foe Rcr.arally KteM- tr In numbers. thorouqhl > famlllir with the countrj , | > otscssliiK bodily strenRth and en durance unsurpaised , and \encd In tliotc sawgo wiles and treicherous deeds thai l > ro\cd the dcith knell for nun ) n br.nc tornsoldler It Is with the Ami ) branch ol Western hlstor ) that the "Warpath and Ul\ouic , or the Conquest of the Sioux" deals , particularly by the campaign that begin In May , 1S7 ( ! , and clewed In 1ST ! ) , when the Indians sought safct ) In the British pos session The author Is lion John K Finer t ) of Chicago It was first published SB\CII ) ears ago , but n newly rolsed edition li' popular form is now being Issued by the Citizen Publishing Compan ) of Chlcigo , The book ! a faithful record of that portion of the expedition against the Sioux com- niamld b ) Ocncral George Ctook In which Mr rinerty boie a conspicuously honorable pm as corrcsponrtetit of the Chicago Times In the opening chapter Mr I'lncrt ) relates an Incident showing the high esteem In which General Crooks ability as an Imllin campaigner was held "You are going with Crook's column , " said Hdltor Store ) , reply- ins to .Mr. Klnorty's request to bo assigned to the command of the Ill-fated Custer. "Terry commands o\er Custor , " continued the noted editor , "and Crook , who knowii more about the Indians , Is likelv to do the haul work " Ocncral Sheridan rclnfoiced the opinion of Mr Store ) , which subsequent events affirmed "Let me warn ) ou , " he said , after linnJtng the correspondent ,1 letter ol Intro luctlon to the commander , "that ) on \ \ \ \ \ flml General Crook a haul campaigner" The campaign was ono of unexampled haidshlp , disastrous both to the army and the enemy It was the last attempt of the allied Sioux tubes to sU > m the tide of chll- 1/itlon At that time the Sioux nation held posbcfaslcn h ) treat ) right of an area ol 240,000 square miles including what Is now the two IJakotas. northern Wyoming and H portion of Montana 1 ho only pirt of the \pst domain disputed by the whites was the Black HII's and the Invasion of that section in 1874-75 was largcl ) responsible for the hostility of the tribes The stake foi which the IiulHns fought was irretrlevabl ) lost , bill at a gieat cost of blood and treasure to the go\ eminent The diath roll of the Heno and Custer commands \\-ib 121 , ainotw them four teen commission olllceis In the lloacbui ! light umlci Crook nine weiu Ullleil and twent-ope woutuled anil In the Slim Hutte * affair live Ihea weio lost and twentthree wounded Crook 3 column. 1 100 sttong , was com manded b ) men well known In Omihi and the west llesldes General Crook there \veic Colonels Hoall , Stantou and Ilcnr ) , Majois i\aiiSj Nocs Anson and Furcy , Cap tains Nlckeison Mills , Van Vllet , Sutoilous , Wella , Metihold and Vioom , Lieutenants Kandill Law son Ilourke , Hetiolds , Craw ford Siblpy and Schwatka The loute traversed b ) the troops from Port Ilussell tc Fort FettPiman by way of 1'ort Laiamle did not impress them vei ) fdvorabl ) Ml Tinerty declares that olllcens and piUatcs as well as the correspondents emulated the historic army of I'landew and cubaed tin country vigorously Iteond Fottorman. however , their bentiments changed to ad- mirntion and tholr delight icmalned un changed until they met the hostilc-s In battle airay on the Ilchehud , Juno 17. The icsult was indccl ive and unsatisfactor ) to Crook but v\23 sufflcienL to convince him that his force was InsulHclent to cope successfully In this emergency Crook decided to detach a poitlon of his command. l. > 0 picked men and march for relief to tlio Jllack Hills , 200 miles south , with only two and a half das' latlous The troops under command of Colonel Mills moved southward on tholr perilous mission , September 7. Two days Inter General Crook followed with 100 men , joining Mills in time to participate in the , Slim Huttc battle , In which American Horse < ind Ills followers were routed Three ilas after September in the ti oops reached Dead wooil "B seedier mores tattered and gener- all ) dlsieputable looking group of cavaliers , fiom the general downward , than wo were , never rode Into any town , ancient or mod ern " A bath in the neighboring creek , a raid on clothing stores and coplouH draughts of champaign and other liquids effected a tranbfoimatlon agreeable to soldleis and civilians. A winter campaign followed un der General McKen/le , resulting In the do- Htructlon of Dull Knife's band of fierce Chcy- ennes on Cra/y Woman's I'ork Manv thrilling incidents of the campaign , entertainingly related , give the book a dis tinctive charm. The Slblcy Scout Is a fascinating story of aflventeure , In which narrowly escaped from the twent-ftve men Indians In the nig Horn mountains Huf- with the Indians. A period of Inaction fol lowed awaiting the arrival of reinforcements under command of General Wcsle ) Merrltt Itcfoio ho arrived , however , General Custcr and his comnnnd lode to their death in the valley of the Llttlo nig Horn , Juno 25. The disaster to Ciibtcr changed the plan ! packed h's ' of campaign Crook immediate ) and stores nnd struck out northward wagon In the hope of overtaking and dealing a blow to the retreating hostllcs Hut he was too ' nowovei. late Ho met Tern's command , they followed the trail for i and together fog distance , along the YellowMoni- he Little Mibsourl Toward the end of Angus half rations and were rc-ducr-d to the troops fe to sustain slaughteml be had to 1 mses ' comlwt with Yellow Hand on Aar - ' a o Hill's scouts. the . the sleuth work of week , th" exhaling rapid matches , the heroic at Slim lluttes are ' o tlm Indians 1 e'cnso obiorvv detailed with the fidelity of actual concluding chapters of the book deal under uncr.il of 1879 the expedition with "s and drlvo Into the Ml , sent out to punish llrltUh provinces the Sioux ra ders , nnd of thn N also the pursuit and capture I'crces under Chief Joseph Mr Tlnert ) ac companied the expedition and at Its con- of moe ing the privilege cluaon enjoed and Interviewing Sitting Hull ami other Sioux chiefs , then under the protection of the Canadian authorities Twenty-ono ) ears have past slnco the principal ovcnts recorded tiansplrod and OIIH may easily comprehend the mighty achieve ments of which the cair ? algn was the fore runner Out of the territory Involved four states have been carved , prosperous com munltlcs built up mountains and valleys respond spend abundantly to the touch of enterprise two transcontinental rallruads traverse the country and branch lines penetrate every where In fact the heroism of the army In that momentous contest laid the foundation The details - commonwealths of four prosperous tails faithfully recorded Is an admirable con tribution to the history of the imperial wes1 I. cur n IH. Myths and Legends of Our Own Land , by Charles M Skinner Cloth two volumeo J II Llpplncott Co . I'hlUdelphla The wealth of legendsry lore furnished by the vast extent of territory comprised within the boundaries of the United States hag been fragmentarll ) gathered together In the past , b ) several compilers to whom the beaut ) , and Illness of local m.vths and their Mrli tlons ln\o appenlod It his remained , however - ! ever for Mr Charles M Skinner to make I tlio earliest recorded attempt to uncover the j whole rich and apparent ! ) Inexhaustible de posit In the molest preface which Introduces - ; duces the rctdcr to his first volume Mr Skinner las no claim to ether thuci a be Binning of this most Important work "Tho hlbllograpli ) of American legends , ' ho siv 1 Is slight , and these talcs have born gith orel from sources the most diverse records hlBtoiti's , newspapers nngazlncs oral nir- latlvo In e-vory cac > o reconstmctod. Tlio pursuit of thorn has been so long that i claim ma ) bo set forth tor some measure of completeness The Held onterci b ) the writer Is ciot untrodden Hawthorne and Irving tmo made paths across It. am It Is hoped that others maj deem Its further exploration worth ) of tholr efforts " Mr Skinner's researches , the admirable result of which Is made mcnlfest In these two hand ) and handsome volumes , have been confined strictly to legends Ho excludes nam s rldo down ilrcaknock Stairs , as having been appropriated , properly or Improperly by history , and as to folk lore , "that ol the Indian tribes and of the southern nesrc ! s too copious to be recounted In this work " He has classified the legends which ho presents under various sub-tltlos "Tho Hudson and Its Hllla , " "Tho Isle of Man- hattocs and Nctrhy" "On nnd Xeir the Doliwaio , ' "Talcs of I'urltan Lind , " "Light1) ) and Shadows of the South , " "The Central States and Great Likes , " "Along the llocky Range" nnd "On the 1'aclflc Slope" will be > seen to Include meat paiU of the United States , and there are furthei chapters , headed "As to Hurled niches' and "Storied Waters , Cliffs and Mountains " Mr Skinner has added to the intrinsic valtio of the legends the chaim of a poet's fane ) and the grace of st\lo of a practises wilter Eich volume is lllustiatod by four cMiulsltc etchings The work as a whole lilts a place hitherto unoccupied In litera ture , and Is certain to enlaigo thu knowledge and promote the pleasure of Its readers besides stimulating thorn to fuithcr Investi gation of a very interesting subject ramlliar 1'eatures of the Houlsldo b ) I' . Schuler Mathews. Cloth , D Applvton Co. My Studio Neighbors by W. Hamilton Gibson. Cloth , Hnrpet . Hrothcis Wild Neighbors , b ) IJrnest Ingersoll Cloth , MacmllKui cnmpjii ) Citizen Illrd b ) Mabel ttsgood Wright and Elliott COUCH Cloth , Macmlllin comptii ) Life Hlstoiles of Amcikxtn liihects 4 > \ Clatenco Moorcs Weed. Cloth , 'Macmlllan ' Co. Co.air Mathews has left to others the con templation of lofty thcTnM and Ins direct 1 the attention of his readers to the hum- bio beauties which beset the vvasldc pith l"low cis , blids and Insects arc the subjocl of bis pleasant discourse and he finds am : points out , as theio are "sermons In stones' and ' books in the tuning brooks , " "good In cvcithlng" The book Is Instinct with the spirit of the true natuic-lo\er , and there Is A vast amount of Information In it , gentl ) con\ocd , about the "familiar features which the majorlt ) pass dall ) and hourl ) unheeding , but which ate full of beaut ) and Intetcbt to ecs which are alread ) open or ma ) receive their sight b ) moans of such bDck-3 as this A vcr ) Interesting "feature" pel haps the more so fiom not being "lamillar" is an attempt b ) Mr Mathews to set down the songs of man ) birds and some Insects in musical notation The book Is profu el ) and apiiroprlitclv Itlustiatcd and has a vcr ) attractive outer dtchs. Ihe beautiful exterior of this pcsthumous woik ot the aitlst , William Hamilton Gibson would awaken anticipations of a feast within even in minds hitherto untouched b ) the chat m of that giacoful vvleldcr of the pen and pencil In this cas as with others of Mr Gibbon's books , the promise of the cov er is moie than fulfilled b ) the quality of the contents Nearly ouo hundred Illustra tions by the author's hand enrich it , am' thute Is much familiar gossip of blids .me their ncbts , of ants ai > l tholr associates ol spiders , bees and wisps , of caterpillars and animated thorns of eggs , seeds , poller and dow The contemplation of this book can only cause an aesthetic pleasure , mingled with rcgrc't that no moio can come fiom the same source , Mr. Ingeisoil's book is furnished with a cover beat inga very llerco and vei ) ) e > llow Mger , designed by George Wlmrton Kdwards Several of the essays contained within 1mo been road with interest heretofore In various pcriodlcajs and the ansembllng of thorn to gether , with eepj.ilI ) important additions v ill bo generall ) welcomed Trom ono chapter much mav bo learned about the habits ami qualities , good and bad , of that mephitic beast , the American skunk Another con tains valuable Infoimation .is to "The Service of Tails , " upropcs of which the authoi sug gests that "to the light minded a. bettoi title would be 'A Tulo of Tails , ' or something ot that mlseiible sort perhaps 'A Caudal Lec ture. " " Ulbovvhcro In the volitmo the au thor pictcnts many Intoicsting facts about squlrielii , panthcis co)0tes , bidgcrh , porcu pines , wondchucks and laccoons , ami oven about elephants , although the lattoi , Inioi- csting as they Invailabl ) aie , seem out ot place In a book the mib-tltlo of which Is "Out-door Studies In the United States" If the study of the wnjs and pccilllailtlcfi of the feathered trlbo docs not iccelvo a notable Impetus from "Citizen Hird" it will bo because an altogether delightful book Id not read as widely as it deserves to bo. H ' .s the lesult of a collaboiatlon of Mabel Os- gocd Wright , who hah done other excelli nt work In the direction of popularizing the science of natural hlstor ) and nillott Cones who is thoroughly competent to euppl ) any details of scientific accuracy which might be overlooked In a hook which must ho atlrac- tlvo as well as useful. The text IB lu story form , and nairates the agrc-eablo and fiultful adventures of tlneo or foul chlldien who from being caicless of the rights and Immu- nitlcH of birds arc led to enroll'thomselvos aniong the most /ealous partisans of winged crenturrs through the Instrumentality of a klndl ) naturalist who tpichcB them Indoors on rainy days nml In good vveither afield The book Is admirably Illustrated charm ing ! } wiltten and ma ) bo read with pleasnio and profit b ) young and old I'rof Wood's popular treatise on Amerlcin Insects H designed to set foith "In a non technical manner the llfo histories of KOIIIO of thn most Interesting" native members of that branch of the animal kingdom It ficems well adapted to accomplish Its pur pose It Is clear ! ) and simply wiltten , com bining with a high degree of uccurac ) In point of fac s a notable absence of perplex ing scientific terms and obstruso discussions Its readora will gain from its pages n greater liking and Interest foi man ) of the creeping , crawling and Hying thing1 ? that at tend their dally walks They will IPBHI how giaBshoppers change their sklna , how beetles , flies and crickets live , mo\o and have tholr being , how the locust and the aimy worm proceed about tholr devastating business , how waspa and ground spiders build their curious nedlH , how the walking stick lives h's ' wooden life and how the "daddy-long-legs" behaves under the ordl- nurv circumstances of his strange existence Prof Weed has given to the lay public a valuable work on a fascinating subject lliioKH fur IOIIIIMT H 'i il ' " i Captains Courageousby Hudyard Kipling Cloth , The Century company Aaron In the Wlldwoods b ) Joel Chandler lU'lls. Cloth , Houghton , Mlflllu & Co Master Skylark a Story of Shakspero B Time by Jorri Hennett Cloth , the Contur ) COThoan [ > anted ! Desert' by Kirk Slunroe Cloth , Harper and Brothers righting a Klre b ) ClurlcH T Hill Cloth , The Century company With 1'rederkk the GreJt by G A Ilenty Cloth ; Charles Pcrlbner's Sons Iludard Kipling's cxliuordhury versatil ity , manifestations of which are never lack- lug In his lltorar ) work , has seldom bec'ii more contcilcuous ! ) displayed than In his Btorj of the Newfoundland fishing banks , to which ho haa given the follcltous title of "Captains Courageous" Mr Kipling conies nearer than any Kngllstunan who over vvrolo to handling American slang and dlalc-ct us one native and to thu manner barn Somu slips are Inevitable. ) mt they ale HO ram of occurrence , and the dialogue comes with such fluency and so complete an asjuranc * ) , that It all l ssca for the genuine thing of nblcli it U so near'un imitation. Thu story I of "O.iptnlns Courageous" Is Hint of the pampered son of n fabulous ! ) rich American , who falls ovrrbonrd from the dock of nn At- Ifliitlc liner nnd Is picked up l > y a elory op- pertaining to the "Wo'ro Here" fishing s'lifione'r of Olouceslrr , Mass. Ills stories of his own egregious wealth and prlncoly lin oorlnnco , ire tldlculed by his now associates who refuse to lose a whole season's catch by tikltig him back to New York , ami ho < n fouod willy nllly to shaio the life and for tunes of his rescuers The work iidiuus and distasteful at first , becomes more ami moro to his tiisto , ho gains Iho friendship nnd estec.ii of his shipmates , and < it the end of the scnson , strong1 In bed ) nlert In mind and thoroughly Imhued with a love of the se > a lie Is tnnded over to hla parents , who reward the orew of the ) "Wo'ro Hero" with stich recompoiso ns honest Amorlcui fishermen ma ) nocept and pack the reclaimed son off to college ni preinratlcn for the mimgemont of the pi- torral licet of tea p.iokoti Hveiv character In the stor ) has a strenii ; ! ) markixl Individ uality which will linger lonn In the me-mory of the re-ader Especially mo the llshormen tpca vlvldl ) depleted Dlsko Troop , thnt adamantine navigator with whom oven ) ouiiB Harvo ) knew bettor than to trifle , ) oung Dan. his sprlghtl ) and progrcsalvo son , Long Jack. Tom I'latt and the I'ortu- giitoe Miiuiel , tlio Capo llrcton negro cook , who speaks ( Indie and the faimtr Sailors and his pUhetlc protogo. all must have place In that galler ) of cliatactor nkelchca which began with Mulvr.ii ) Orlhorls nnd Loarod "Captains Courageous" will bo re-mi with pleasure by all real bos , nml he In an ex tremely good boy and ought to bo trntmliicil forthwith who will not be benefited b ) a careful study of It In "Amon In Wlldwoods" Is told tlio further adventures of that Interesting \rili who was Introduced to Mr Harris' readers In an earlier work called "The Stor ) of.nron ( so named ) , the Son of Hen All ' It will bo romonibered that In the formei stor ) rimo- lom tlio black stallion Gruntor the whlto pig Gristle the grav pen ) and Ilamblor the track dog , -told enl ) what tlo ) were asked to tell , and did not volunteer mi ) further In foiniatlon , setting , theioli ) , as the author says , "a woith ) example- men and women , nnd to children too ' This later bock con tains man ) curious additional fu-ts ab mt the fugitive gathered from outside1 source' ' , but equally Important and reliable , and Huster John , Sweetest Sun in , Llttlo Ciotche-t Randall nnd Uncle ranntnln are on hand m usual , not to mention Llttlo Mr riiimblo- llngot , Mr Kov. , Mr Wildcat Mr Itabblt and Mrs Meadows and the girls Just what hap pened to Aaron In the wlldwooils can only bo leaincd from the brok. nnd Ills n ven ture's , ns there described , are Interesting enough to absorb the attention oT n gicit man ) ) oung > itors for a vei ) long time to conio Not enl ) Is Mr John Dennett's "Master Sklark a stoi ) of Sh ikcspoiro s time but the bard of Avon himself flguics In It ns a character1 not a prominent on1" , but Imp i- tant enough to be the means of rescuing the ) outhful heio from the distressing predica ment which furnishes the main Incident ot tl o nil rathe Master Skv lark scPi.il leil bo- cau'o of his beautiful volte Is the son of a crabbed and impecunious tanner of Strat- fordtown. and Is kldnappciV b ) a compiti ) of strolling plaers , ono of whom Gaston Circ-w , Intends to use the lad's e-xtiaordlnai v vocal powers to amend his own fallen for tunes The little Sklaik cirrii ! iwi ) t ) London , makes several futile attempts tj ( scape fiom a captlvlt ) which is ouls par tial ! ) lightened b ) the ministrations it ' Ciccl and Is finally Caro\v'-s small daughtci ) restoicd to his home and faint ! } through tl Ir.tcimediation of no less n pc-isonage than chikespeiro 1 Imse-lf It Is a piett ) and In teresting talc which lias been running seiblly In St Nicholas That prolific wiitcr of stirring books ' IP l > os , Kirk Munroo , comes foi ward will i stoi ) of the little known hml of the 1'iu-bl s cajled "The Painted Desert ' A lad ot IT attached to a sclc-ntlllc expedition ot which his brothel Is the chief , leave * , i patty's route in a nt of petulance and I subordination and gets himself 1 s * In desert n-glons of Arl7oni Ilov. ho lln' < vvate. , food and human companionship h i he assists In frustrating the designs of i r tain villains who infest those pini I how aftPi numerous ' moving iccldonis an 1 hill-breadth 'scapes , " l.o nnnagcs to n J i hit , friends in timeU enter college In ih fall arc sot forth at le.igth In the rou a of Mi Munioe's Ingenious nirathe Chailrs lliaxtet Hill IH an 11 list In V w Yoik who his been nctlvoh Intcrcstod in fnos and liremcn foi manv ) ous III0 invov- tlgitions of thcbc favoilto subjects have been uuch tint he piobably possess s a. clor nccimlntance with the tlio dcpirtinert In New \ ork thin any other man not olll- clall ) connected with It 'Iho present bo ilv is thei efni e > the ic'Stilt of man ) Jcars ot close acquaintanceship with firemen an I their wa > s U presents n giaphle pit tin a of the perils , Iho hardships and the almost daily hctolsm of a fireman's life. Kvery branch ol the bc-rvico Is descilbud , including ' riio i'l itlng Tlio nnglaes , " 'Tho I'll' Patrol , " The School foi rlromcn" an 1 the-i. > is also a chaptei devoted to ' I'ctc-r Spoil , rirc-m in " a pel dog of one of the onglm * companies that lias attended almost ill the laigo Iln-9 In icccnt } eais with all the /eat of n unifotmcd member of tlio foico Of the nuking of hojk * b > the Indefailga- blo Mr Hcnt ) thc-rc would seem to be no end , and this IE especial ! ) foi lunate foi ha ) outh of the Hnglish speaking world for hM stoiics are invarlabl ) clean v\hrlc-HOme In teresting and Instructive , and the pill ot do historical Infoinutlcn Is so palatably sugar ciHtoJ by mens of an onti I tamii g shell of fiction that the li ! who Ins n de-i gene al tlioiougli courto of Ilont ) has pro j- bl ) al sci bed T deal of useful and falrlv accurate knowledge about gicat e-vcu s wlthoit being aware of It "With I'rodi'rl Ic tlio Great" pTrssos all the good qualities of Its Innuniei'iblo ptcdi-cfshors and n II loubtlcss bo appreciated by a world wile Henty clientele Ollii-r Hi . ( Itnol.N. 'The Hiftor ) of the Lad ) Hetty Stair" by Molly Klllot Scawell published by tfcrib ners Is a chaunln little stoi } of the p i ol succeeding the I'rcnch revolution whin nany nohlo ic-fugon from the sloim - . iak u and acres1 * the- channel follow fd the C'jn o 1' Arlo's ' mil his pilncess Marie Ilicic e t'j LIolvrooil and set U | ) a mlnatuic couu Uic o n nicmoi ) of tlio old d.ijh at Vereall. > ) oloui ! iiHint IB the hero cf the nini | lo ti . , ady llett ) Stall , the hoiolne , Hast on tl > villain nnd the Abbo de llonceray the g > I irlcst , wlioso act was so mlsieprc-M-mc 1 l/y lie M-oundrc ! Ilaslleri , as to unhlttei t\\o Ivo" Tin ro am no othc-i iharatters of mi- loitancc LadyHett ) Is lid by an unfavuiij suilor to bolli > vo that the soldier Do Hnii - aoiit , whom she loves | j the mmdeier it lor brothor. who has died yeu § bi forely ho hand of an assassin Slio r > imunr s ilm with n breaking heart anil takes tlm rri-vocablo vows of a conventual llli finally iorotlug lieiKelf to Iho nick and w HI til < I on the Held of battle Do Huurmont rl J ilgh In the inrvlco cud In in lomnund of lie ricnth tioops dmliiK tlie Algerian ( am- lalgn of 18 7 There Is i moving B e-ne , vhcio her old lover ( lecoiatio SUtoi Chin \itli thu cro.-is In pretence of tlic ami ) , and ho pathetic Htoiy ends with an lnter < ! mro of letters between ( luse two Slsh-i Claru reads hers aloud to he.ai > - < ocll < > , who np- iliud Its loft ) ijcntlnunU and its 'c "I'rtr ntly all went Indoors , e\copt Sl-"ttr Ularo Slio lemaincd. walking up and down , with hot beautiful cjcj Hxed on the etarn bat Hliono with soft Hp ondoi Heav-.il bci.'iiicil very near to her "Afar off , on the mud ) plain Ut ; Dour- no n I .sat on his horua qulto motionli'uu ami onked toward the whlto-walled IOIIVIMI' Uilch held Slnlr Clare Ills eyes were fnl1 i ! toarci for the broken hearts ot tlu Ir jotilli , nit ho said ta himself , ' 1 would not have It Ilffprcnt now " ' The Evolution of Undd'i Hlstt-r ' sub- Itle'd "A Tuigedy of Kvcryday Life " Is tlm tory of the unwise training anil the unfor- unato development of o modern vnii > rlcm ; lrl of thu decidedly middle elass A tragedy s Indeed depleted , but the style of the book < too aggressively dogmatic to commend It o readerH who might be bumfltcd by a iroadcr prc entution of thu problem Bought o bu solved It In wrlttpn by C'harlotln Vhltnoy Kastman and published by Hand , IcNiIly & Co . Chicago I ) Appleton & Co publish a two-volume - edition of fJeorK Kbors' mpt-r historical ro- nsnco "Haibara Hlombcrg , " which U ranslatpd hy Mary J Safford The storv g of a lowly girl who attracted the royal ancy of the might ) emperor Charles V and jore him a son , who bccamu the fatnoiU ) on John of Austria. American L dy Cnr pfs are ibo Heat. Kead "Simon IXiIe" In The Hunday Hun. f you don't take It , oubuciilju now.