Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Furnished rooms , C25 Fifth avenue.
Harry Murphy , coil and wood , 37 Main.
Di. Shrlvcr , dentist. Mcrrlam blk. , rom 246.
Oscar Baurnclstcr has returned from St.
Louis ,
Smoke Ollle * Choice , 10:3 South Main
street ,
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph ncno left yesterday
( or Chicago.
tliiy coal ar.1 wood of It. H. Williams , 150
Uway , and get premium stamps.
Satisfaction gimranteed at the reliable
Bluff City steam laundry. Phone 314.
Mrs. J. W. Hartman and children arc the
guests of Mr. mid Mrs. T. A. Ilarker.
R. H , Wlllhms , 150 Ilway , will glvo pre
mium stamps on all sales of wood and coal.
The South First Street Social club will-
meet this evening at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. K. It. Gardner.
Nos. 1 , 2 and 3 of "Ireland In Pictures"
can now ba had at the Council lUulTs office
of The lice , 10 Pearl street.
P. R. Nicholson Is cnrrylra a heavily
nntidlgcd hand , which was Injured n few
days ago while handling some barbed wire.
Thomas Hlsliton furnishes only the best
KW'Ics of coal , guarantees correct weight and
jirlcss as low as anywhere In the city. 2406
\Ycst Hroadway.
MUses Clark and Wctzcl have Just re
ceived a new assortment of gocds and have
on apodal sale a fine line of sofa pillows
nnd stamped linen.
O , II , tlallard of Cajfl county has been In
the city several days consulting with hln
mother , Mrs. Dr. Dallard , concerning the
dlspaslt'on of her property.
Mrs. Askln , wlfi1 of the former paotor of
the First Congregational church , who has
been the guest of Mrs. Henry , returned to
her homo In Tabor yesterday.
Around everybody's neck Eagle laundry
work the klml that nulls every patron and
the klr < l that Is hnnvJn everywhere < xs good
Wo-Ic. Four wagons. 721 Hway.
The district court was engaged all day
yea cnUy with the case of D. F. Kruso
against Sclffer & Welso Lumber company
of Nrala. H Is a suit for wages.
'Wallace A. llownwn has secured the posi
tion of traveling for the Sprague Rubbi-r
company of Omaha and left yesterday for
his first trip through South Dakota.
Council IlluffH people can obtain copies of
the International art scries. "Ireland In
Pictures. " by calling at the Council llluffs
onice of The Ilco , No. 10 Pearl struct.
Now Is the time to lay In your supply of
winter fuel. R. H. Williams. ISO Uway , will
cell you coal and wood as cheaply as any one
and will glvo you premium slamus besides.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. P. Ocrts of cistern Pot-
tawntlumlo weru In the city yesterday on
their way to Parsons , Kan. , where they will
Visit a recently widowed sister of Mr. Gerto.
The tuucral of little Hazel , daughter of
Jlr. and Mrs. W. II. C. Mason. 1218 Maple
street , lias been postponed from 10 a. m. to
ii p. m. Interment will bo In Wnl-
nut Hill cemetery.
D. ' O. W. Gordon 'began foreclosure pro-
cctdlngs In the district court yesterday
agelnsi Thomas J. Peterson , Maggie Peter
son and Frank Peterson on a note and mort
gage for several hundred dollars.
A man named Jumper , home Is on
Upper llroa.lway , came nearly losing his life
OH Tuesday night by drinking wood alcohol.
( Ho was found In time to secure medical at-
tentl n before It was too late.
N. W. Williams has returned from Idaho ,
where ho has been looking after business
matters for the last year. It was originally
] ils intention to make his home permanently
In the mountain state , but he has changed
his mind ami will still be a citizen of Coun
cil muffs.
The Woman's Auxiliary to the Union Vet
eran Legion has called a meeting for this
evening at the residence of Mrs. Charles
liUnkley for the purpose of making arrange
ments for the annual banquet. The sccr- > -
turjMrs. . W. S. Paulson , asks for a full
attend nice of the members.
Mrs. A. M. Smith of Rlchland Center ,
VVia. , Miss Lizzie Jeffries of. Canon City ,
Colo. , and Prof. F. C. Smith of Dcadwood ,
S. D. , are the guests this week of Mrs.
George Sanford of H20 Plainer street. Mrs.
Smith and Miss Jeffries will visit In. Los
Angeles , Cal. , after their visit here.
The police would like to find an owner for
a line gold hunting case watch which is sup
posed to be worth nearly $200. H is a solid
Kold Duobercase , movement numbered BG4-
138 ; case number , 38,799. It has a half
carat diamond In the back and onthe front ,
of the case uro the initials "C. A. U. "
The Rebekah Relief association will meet
this afternoon with Mrs. Flues , 410 Fifth
somematters of importance
avenun. There are some-
tance to bo cTnrldered by the association
relative to the relief work during the com
ing winter awl the oillcerB of the association
desire full attendance of the members.
T. 'F. ' 'Maxwell Is walking on crutches as
the result of his efforts at wcod chopping.
He was engaged In cutting a number of tall
locust trees and hail felled one of them.
"When he chopped the second down It fell
on the .other and tilted up the log end and
threw It across hla foot. The foot was tadly
crushed , several of the smaller bones being
A young son of D. L. Carpenter , reoldlng
on Broadway between Eighteenth and Nine
teenth streets , was kicked by a horse yester
day and severely Injured. The boy was lead
ing the animal around In the yard with a
long halter strap , when Iho horse turned
and kicked him. One of the hoofs struck
the hey In the face , fracturing his lower
Jaw. A physician was called and dressed the
wounds and at last accounts the young man
was Buffering gratly , but with good pros
pects of recovering without serious facial dls-
C. II. Vlavl Co. , female remedy ; consulta
tion free Olflco hours , 0 to 12 and 2 to C.
Health book furnished. 320-327-328 Merrlam
N. Y Plumbing compiiny. Tel. 250.
To use oic. ; third fuel than
any uiulcr draft soft conl stove
made. To ulve u good base heat
and an even heat never before
seen with soft coal. To hold tire
perfectly and to burn hard coa
economically. With a good iluu It
Is do. m as a b ise hurn.-r. tice it
running at our store.
Democratic Township OfRoars Not to Bo
Denied Any Right ? .
\ iKlf t f \oinlnatliip : Convention
May lit * Itrnilcri-il Im-flri-llvi ; If I \ VnjIK Dnoncil
to the Auditor ,
The two democratic township candidates
will not be left off the otndal ballot If there
can ho discovered any means to prevent It.
The offices are minor ones , but Mr , Swearcn-
gen , candidate for justice of the peace , saya
he Is determined to be Just as persistent as
If his nomination was for the office of gov
ernor of the state. Paul Aylesworth , nom
inee for township trustee , nn olllco that pays
about $7.50 a year , announces with equal
vigor that It IB the principle of the thing
that Is compelling him to make a fight. They
do not think they should * uTcr ( on account of
a slight oversight on the part of the con
vention officers In falling to certify their
nomination to the county auditor within the
tlmo prescribed by law. Yesterday they ap
plied to the district court for n writ of man
damus to compel County Auditor Matthews
to place their namcn on the ballots. The
writ Is made returnable on Thursday and the
attorneys for the candidates resort that un
ices there arc objections filed with the clerk
of the courts before that time they will bo
entitled to the writ prayed for. The only
P rsou authorized to make these objections
Is County Attorney Saunders. and he had no
official notification of the application up to
last evening.
The democrats assert that the republican
auditor refused to file the certificates of the
two candidates when they were presented on
Tuesday , but this Is a mistake. The cer
tificates wcro filed but there was a positive
refusal to place them on the nlllclal ballot ,
for the reason that the law says the certifi
cates "shall be filed not sooner than sixty
days nor lets than twenty days prior to the
election. " On the face of It this appears to
bo mandatory , but there Is some doubt In ( lie
mind of Auditor Matthews. He Is Inclined
to glvo the candidates the benefit of the
doubt and will place their names on the
ticket If ho Is convinced tint ho Is not abso
lutely forbidden to do so , and for this reason
luIs anxious to have the matter Judicially
determined before the copy for the tickets
Is sent to the printer.
There Is some reason for believing that the
law Is directory rather than mandatory. The
Rcctl' n of the new code providing for the ill-
Ing of certificates of tax levies Is couched In
identically the same language , but the
supreme court has held In the case of Taylor
against McFadden , 8-lth Iowa , page 262 , that
this Is not mandatory , and that the auditor
must receive- the tax levies If presented
al'icr the period named In the law. U may ho
held that this case will apply to the one under
consideration when the court comes to hear
the arguments. The admission of the names
will not delay the printing of the tickets erIn
In any manner discommode the auditor , and
for this reason he Is very anxious to comply
with the wishes of the canJIdates.
The attorneys for the candidates say there
ore several other ways to secure the printIng -
Ing of the names on the ballots , and they
will be resorted to If the mandamus proceed
ings fall. One Is for the candidates to re
sign and create vacancies on the ticket. The
now law provides that In that case it shall
be the duty of the party committee to select
and certify the names to the auditor , and
that he shall have them printed on the
tickets. The law even permits , If the vacan
cies occur by death or otherwise , within eight
days before the election , the auditor to
destroy all of the printed ballots and print a
new set , with the names of the new candi
dates upon them.
Investigation yesterday showed that there
were several townships In the county where
the tame oversight has been made ,
Wife of R l.aliorrr DlMapiicarM for Xo
Apparent HUIINOII.
Mrs. H. R. Smith , about 25 years
of age , Is missing from her homo
on Twenty-fourth etrcet and Avenue G ,
since last Saturday noon , an.l her hus
band and friends have become greatly
alarmed. Smith Is a laborer , and as far as
cun be learned , lias lived very happily with
his wife. He has steady employment all
summer and has provided well for his home.
On Frlduy afternoon he gave his wife a small
amount of money for the ordinary household
expenses. On Saturday forenoon she epcnt
a portion of It and when she returned at
noon from her Saturday's shopping she still
had about ? 2.fiO. After dinner her husband
came up town leaving Iris wife busy about
her work. When he returned at supper
time the house was closed. Nothing was
thought of It until the hours passed along
Into evening and Smith began to make In
quiries among the neighbors. He then
learned that she was seen leaving the cot
tage shortly after noon , carrying a vallso
and going cist on Broadway. Investigation
disclosed tha fact that all of her best cloth
ing was gone. The only trace that Smith
or her f i lends could discover was obtained ut
a Droadway restaurant In the vicinity of the
Northwestern city depot , where she stopped
and purchased a pie SHuyJay evening.
Smith and his friends say that.there Is no
roison for the woman going away In the
manner she did. They fear she has become
suddenly unbalanced mentally and has wan
dered away. The police of both Council
Bluffs and Omaha were asked yesterday to
assist In locating her. The couple has no
HllNlllfNH Mrll'N AhHIK-llltloil.
The Council Dluffc Business Men's asso
ciation will hold a cession this evening. Pres
ident Hell and Secretary Judson are making
an extra effort to tecure a full attendance of
the members , and have followed the pnn !
adopted by the Transmlssles ol association
and will hold the meeting tonight In the
Grand hotel , Luncheon will ho ferved during
the evening. In aripeallni ; to the members
to bo present the secretary nnd president
flay :
The next twelve months will mean n great
deal to the liurlnpHH men of Council UluffH
anil the surest way to get the mo.-n out of
the exposition period is to iinltu In nn effort
to bring all the irmlp our way that Is pos
sible. This effort H'louli ! begin now If It
ueompllahes anything.
Uo not think that your absence from thlx
mooting will not make nny difference. If
ninety-nine otln-rs think the same way thu
rt-sultH will not amount to much This \
a matter of co-operation , and co-operation
requires that every one whall do a part.
Come ready to do your .part and brlna
your next lieHt business friend with you.
Wo want his assistance , too ,
HUM l.liui > anil from ( InIntrn SHiool
for tinlliaf. .
Commencing on Monday , October 18 , 1S87 ,
M. K. Weatherbco will run a 'bus line to and
from the Institution , leaving the city at 0 a.
m. , 1:30 : p. m. and 5:30 : p. m. each and every
day , and leaving the. Institution at 11:30 : a.
m. , 3:30 : p. m. and 7 p. m. each and every
Parties wishing to go to the Institution
will meet 'bus at Atklnu' drug store , Grand
hotel or Kiel hotel at times named. Fare ,
15 cents. M. K. WKATIIBRniiS. Prop.
( iiNiiii'H Suit finl > iiiiinK.v.
Aloug In Augiut Henry GI'CBOH wan hurt
while engaged in the work of removing a
wooden railway viaduct at Fourteenth and
MJSOU streets In Omaha. James Snguln of
this city , had the contract to 1)0 ) the work
and Gt'ozon waa one of his workmen Yes
terday Gerson filed a very full account of the
accident In the ofllce of the clerk of the dis
trict court attached to a rctltlon in a imli
( or < IO,250 for damages against bis employer.
Money to Loan Reduced rate on first class
Improved farms and Inside city property.
Apply to JM. N. Casady , Jr. , 230 Main Bt.
stnvivoit or siiKum v.vs mm :
W. II. Surra T-IN Slt.rlr * of the Ilvoiit
oil ( lit * AnnlTi-rnar- ( lie * Hay.
Yesterday was the anniversary of the bat
tle of Winchester , the fight that gave Gen
eral Sheridan the chance to make his fa
mous ride from Winchester to the battlefield
at Cedar creek , twenty miles away. Major
W. H. Spera of this city Is one of the few
survivors of Sheridan's staff and mute the
famous darh from Winchester with the gen
eral. Yesterday he was the center of an ani
mated group of old soldiers and spent sev
eral hours In detailing his personal experi
ences on the battlefield on that October day
thirty-three years go. Every Incident con
nected with the day was vividly fresh In his
mind , and ho entertained his audience In a
highly satisfactory manner. Mr. Spera was
major of the Seventeenth Pennsylvania
cavalry and commanded Sherldin's escort.
In his narrative of the ride and the great
victory that marked Its close he shatters
several of the cherished superstitions that
have become classic In war literature , espe
cially the one that describes the gallant cav
alry commander stopping the hordes of
routed soldiers who were ficelng from Early's
victorious army and shouting , "Face the
other way , boys ! Face the other way ! " It
was all that Sheridan and hU escort could dote
to make their way along the pike In the
face of the advancing columns of the re
treating federal troops , but he says Sheri
dan did rise In his stirrups several times
tnd use some vigorous EnglMi In telling
the boys not to get too far In the rear'when
the battle was being fought. He Is In
clined to sustain Thomas Duchanan Reed's
poetical description of Sheridan's horse , the
famous black charger , "Ulonza , " which he
dcsclbcs as a big , ugly , vicious brute that
nobody but Sheridan could ride.
"Sheridan was notoriously profane , " said
Major Spera yesterday , "and I never saw
so much real good come from a genuine up
and down orthodox cussing IR came from
his appeals to the men to form line nnd
wall until he got hie promised 'twist' on
the enemy. He didn't spare his cuss words ,
but poured them out right and left. They
had an electrical effect upon the crowd. "
As a coincidence Major Spera received
yesterday copies of an eastern publication
contaViIng a lengthy account of his per
sonal experiences In the battle and on the
rise. Ho prepared the account some tlmo
ago and offered It for publication. The re
ceipt of the copies was the first Intimation
he had received that It was considered avail
able by the eastern editor.
Hi-puty Sheriff llakor Hi-torn * .
Deputy Sheriff liaker returned yesterday
from Anamosa , where he went to assist the
warden In returning""Doe" Hutlcr , the Grls-
weld bank robber , to the penitentiary after
he had given bin testimony In the McIIugh
ease. Haker was somewhat surprised to find
a couple of Council Bluffs men doing time
In the prison. They were WlllHm Mackaben ,
commonly known hero as Shustcr , and a
young man named Sorrenson. They had
been tramping In the eastern part of the
state and had been convicted for breaking
Into a building. They were serving three-
year sentences for burglary. While waiting
for the "train at Marion the officers had to
stay all night , and when they went to the
county jail to deposit their prisoner for fiafe
keeping Uaker found a young man In JaJl
there named Dungan , who was well known
In Council lilufts a year or two ago. He was
awaiting trial on a charge of burglary. While
hero young Dungan was connected with a
hardware store.
Tore IIIH Koot Off ,
Charles Green , a young farmer living on
Keg creelc seven miles from the city , lost
a foot yesterday by the accidental discharge
j of a shotgun. The weapon was loaded and
! was hanging on the wall In the house , muz-
I zlo downward. A large hawk came In the
I vicinity of the house and young Green made
i a quick movement to get the gun. In taking
1 It from the nail It was discharged. The load
| of shot grazed his knee cap and struck
squarely In the top of his foot , tearing it to
pieces. The young man had a narrow es
cape from bleeding to death before a phy
sician could be secured.
i .
I AVoiiiiin'N VrM-raii ltllof Union.
j The newly organized auxiliary of the Vet-
l eran union , known as the Woman's Veteran
Relief union , will meet In Farmers' hall In
the county court house this afternoon at 2
o'clock to transact- some business of Iir.poV-
i tancn in connection with the order and the
, relief work that has been planned for the
, winter.
Suit to llov -r a Xolo.
Edgar Zabrinskle , receiver of the North
western Cereal company , brought suit in
i the district court yesterday against Sackett
! & Preston nnd William Preston to recover on
i a note and mortgage for $750. Foreclosure
proceedings were Instituted to secure pos-
I session of the real estate property covered
by the mortgage.
For rent , three rooms In dwelling , near
business center ; furnished suitable for light
housekeeping. Address X , Iee.
memo's A TIP.
A Far KiiMU-rn Plan of UrliikliiK With
out ( icttlii * ; Drank.
The glasses were going round , relates the
Louisville Courier-Journal , when the man
who had been in the navy spoke : "Walt a
minute , boys. We've hid several. Let me
give you a tip that I learned when I was on
the China station. You are pretty good drink
ers , you Kentucky bojs. and you can hold
your own with anybody east , west or north
who tries to put you under the table. Hut
unless you carry out my plan don't you ever
etack yourselves up against an Englishman ,
and especially an army or navy officer. You
could knock them out on whisky , but they
don't drink It , except In the shape of smoky
Scotch and Irish abominations. Hut with
champagne , Hurgundy , claret , ale , sherry ,
Madeira , port , pulque In Mexico , sakl In
China , palm liquor In Africa , bamboos and
shandygaff In India , steep clear of them
tmt U , unless you hive the good luck to
meet a certain little yellow-faced , wizened
creole from Louisiana whoso recipe Is passed
around the mess table of United States men-
of-war to this day. It started In the old
days when the British olllccrs always had
the pleasure of mislaying their American
guests or hosts whenever two ships met on
foreign stations. Then that little yellow
devil came along with h's ' trick and the
ITiigllslimaii has never since come out better
than second In any drinking bout. The
secret ? Olive oil. One wlncglassful bcforo
the fun beglnn , and If possible another later
on , and you can keep your wit and legs
throughout the dampcot evening. I suppose
ono of two things happens. Either the oil
coats the stomach and keeps the alcohol
from being absorbed by the system or elao
It floats on top and keeps the fumen from
rising to the brain. Hut you'll have to ask
the medlclno men about that. All I know
Is Its practical result , and that has enabled
us Yankee Doodles to go homo cheerful and
clear-headed many an evening when our
foreign cousins were speechless. "
SAYS sii.vnit i. . rsu ilT WAXIXCJ.
\V. U. P. > nniu Slop * On Hoar at
Slim * ( Ml- .
SIOUX CITY , OH. 19. ( Special Telegram. )
William D. Hynum , chairman of the na
tional committee of the national democracy ,
arrived In the city this morning and re
mained here for an hour. Freaking of the sil
ver question , Mr. Hynum ( aid Irom what lie
had seen and heard on hU tour ho was con
vinced It Is decidedly on the wane. He say *
ho does not think for u. minute that silver will
bo the paramount Issue of the campaign of
1900. Hynum has been speaking In different
parts o. ' the state In the Interests of Judge
Cllggltt's gubernato'lal candidacy , and also
for the purpi to of keeping up the Interest In
tilt ; ptrty organization. Ho will -docc hit
work In the state at Mason City on Wednes
day night , and opecls to return oast.
lit-pull Hi-ail Vallt-y at Jtl vt-rton.
R1VKRTON , la. , Oct 19. ( Special. ) Hon ,
J , C. Mllllman spoke In the opera house at
this place last even-Ing to a full house. Ills
speech was well spoken of by parties on
both sides.
Permanent Organimfoft to Bo Effected at a
State Convention.
l-'lfty Delegate * TakeI'nrt In nn Ultnrl
to 121 vet o'rrWrn at Cnliir
llnnlilN- . i\\K \ \ Camiillrc
J1 I'roiulHetl.
CEDAR IUPIDS , In. , Oct. 19.-Spcclal (
Telegram. ) Tlic Union Vclcrnns1 Union or
Iowa met here this morning with about ( Uty
delegates present from nineteen , camps for a
three days' session , for the purpose of term
ing a pcrmnncnt state orRnnlzatlon , the pres
ent state organization being only provisional.
Today was taken up with the appointment of
committees and the reports of the provisional
omccrs. Tomorrow night a big campflrc will
bo held In , the Uows auditorium , at which
tlmo addresses will be made by Colonel
Chnrlcj A. Clark of Cedar Haplds , Colonel
A. L. Llghtfoot of Port Madison and Colonel
W. O. Cummlngs cf Clinton.
C. A. HulTiiiiiii Ilelli-ven ! ! Klin VIM of a
Cure fur TuliereiiltiNlM.
SIOUX CITY , Oct. 19. ( Special Telegram. )
C. A. Huffman , a strange German , has
been taken In charge by the authorities of
this city , as he Is evidently Insane. . He
claims to have a secret for the cure of tubjr-
culcsls and the doctors In charge are sur
prised at the wonderful knowledge he dis
plays of medical matters. He Is supposed to
have escaped from an eastern asylum.
Kouxn MiritDKitKHuTn KMIOUA.
Farmer , n Father of Twelve Clillilruii ,
I.lrn Demi on the Trail < x ,
ELDORA , la. , Oct. 19. The mutilated re
mains of Jorm Hanson were found today on
the Northwestern railroad between Olfford
and Lawn Hill. His watch showed he had
been kllcd last night at 9 o'clock. Hewas
a farmer and leaves a widow and twelve chil
dren. He was known to have had money
with him and Is supposed to have been
SIU-H on I'roinlvsiiry ( < -N.
ATLANTIC , la. , Oct. 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) T. O. Stclnke , receiver of Cass
County bank , brought action against the
John Hopley estate to recover on four promis
sory notes given by John .Hopley , which with
Interest now amount to over $15.000. The
Jury lu , district court this afternoon found In
full for the plaintiff. The defendant tried to
show the signatures were forged , but failed.
Dr. Prancls n. Packard writes In the
Journal of the American Medical association
that the first medical degree granted in New
England was an honorary one. bestowed on
Daniel Turner of Connecticut by Yale col
lege in 3720. As this was Intended as a
token of gratitude for Dr. Turner's liberal
gifts to the college and not as a recognition
of any particular fitness on his part to
practice medicine a wit of the time lr >
terpretrd M. D. to signify multum donavlt
ho has given much.
"The crowning exccllpnce of Major Glnter'o
character , " says the Ilaltlmore Sun , "that
which gave It at onto Its strength and beauty ,
was the absolute supremacy of the moral
sentiments. One of his oldest friends re
marked the other day' that he never heard
him utter a profarie or an unchaste wort.
Another trnlt , whlch-nftne who knew.'him can
ever forget , was an Inexorable sense'of duty ,
which allowed no concession to Indolence or
st-lf-lndulgccce , no discrimination between
onn class of duties and another , which knew
no grades In obligations. It did not spend It
self ; in occasional' acts -conspicuous
heroism to duties -with which even , com
mon nature may be inspired , but It was
evidenced equally In an unvaried attention
to the dry routine exactions of dally life. "
Alexander Ramsay of St. Paul , now 82
years of age , who was appointed by President
Zachary Taylor first governor of Minnesota ,
is still prominent in all great public move
ments , and speaks with nearly as much
energy anil forceas he did in his younger
days. It is related of him that when he first
vlilted the territory In Ills ofllclal capacity
he refused to allow the military commandant
there to fire a salute In his honor. "Very
well , " said the commandant , "but let me
call out the guard to receive you. "
"Don't do It , " replied Ramsay ; "I don't
want arjy fuss made about my being here. "
"As you wish , governor , " said the ccm-
inandant. "but I want to do something to
show a proper respect to the chief executive
of this territory. Is there anything that you
would suggest or desire ? "
"Yes , " said Ramsay , "If you have a I ttlo
good whisky about the post I II take a tup
In the workhouse of Heldon , In DIP
of Appcrzell , Henry Dunnar. ' . , the founfrr of '
the International tied Cross society. Is paw-
leg the closing hourt of his life. His
Is Impaired so that It Is ijoubtfui whether im
will ever know that It wus to him thai the
International medical congress , held nt
Moscow a few weeks ftgo. unanimously
awarded Us prize as to "tho man who has
dor. ? the greatest service to human ty and
medicine In the present age. " Some years I
ago an announcement of initinant's destitute |
condition atouscd universal surprise , which
was only set nt rest when a statement WHS
publUhcd to the effect that the dowager
empress of Russia had settled upon him an
annuity sufllrlcntly large to enable him to
end his dajs In comfort an * peace. In-
forturatcly. these good Intentions of the
czarina do not appear to have materialized
or C'SP the money which she Intended for
the fourvler of the Red Cross has been
diverted and misappropriated by those In
trusted with Its Unnstnlsslon.
The grandfather of the late General Iljur-
bakl was a Mediterranean pilot , who once
took the flagship of Iljiupat'So to Malta.
After his usual fashion , the great soldier
chatted with the man. and. recognizing him
to be Intelligent and resolute , charged him
with the doll ate tc. k ct convo Ing dispatches
to 1'Vanee. On Mi deathbed the sailor
commended his two sons to the emperor's
care , and they worn admitted to the military
8' ho 1 at F n'n n Ween One of h m Ocn-
i c.-al Dourbakfs father followed Kins Jo-oph
! Into Spain , remained In the service after the
restoration , and In 1827 obtained leave to
fight for Greece as a volunteer. Ho was
killed by the Turks near Athens. General
da Rumlgny tok charge of young Dourb.ikl
who was .brought up at La Klcche , where he
had Trochu ami Ducrot as schoolfellows.
General Casslus M. Clay of White Hall ,
Madison county , Ky. , who will be SC yean
of age on October 19 , Is to have a cataract re
moved from his eye. ilio and his youmt
ibrl'le. whom IM married s.-me time ago. ami
whom he afterward sent to school , atv llv-
ing happily together at his handsome country
, seat. White Hall. The mansion Is surrounded
! iby the finest forest In Kentucky , embracing
| every variety of tree Indigenous to the Koll
! of the Etato and many varieties from foreign
' climes. "Yes , " he said the ether day , "I
negotiated the purchase vif Alaska while min
ister to Russia , and the price , as near as
I can remember , was $7.200,000. or about
that. The emperor presented tint money
to some of his Indigent nobles an 1 court
favorites. I knew then that there was gold
In Alaska , as reports of It had come to St.
PtvcrsbutK. but the Rus'lan nobility were too
indolent to look after It. Hesl.les that , see
the vast ( juantltlco of seal skins and salmon ,
the finest on earth , we have got from that
country , and the 'bargain ' 1 made for our
government Is Incalculable. "
At Gullford Me. , the 1'iscatan.uls Woolen
company's mill Is being run overtime.
At Cohoes , N. Y. . McDowell & Co.'s Cas
cade knitting mills are running nights.
A mill employing fifty men Is now en
gaged In making paper from the bagasse , or
sugar cane refuse , which was once the great
est nuisance to the sugar grower.
Application has been made for a charter
for what Is intended to be the largest tin
mill In the world. It will bo located be
tween New Caslle and Mahonlngton , Pa. .
and will cost $1,000.000.
Some people in the south are predicting
that the current trend in cotton manufac
ture will Hood the north with negro opera
tives and the south with Yankee white gir's.
Preparations are nearly completed for be
ginning the manufacture of linen goods from
American flax by a company recently formed
at Woodvllle , R. I.
The Oldtown , Me. , woolen mill Is running
part of the card and spinning rooms until
II p. m. , resuming work again at 3 a. m.
According to a leading mercantile agency.
] the number of men now at work not count-
I Ing the recent coal strikers. Is some 'UO.OOO in
, excess of the number employed at this time
In 1S9C.
| A number of skilled men arc arriving at
Bessemer , Colo. , from Illinois and Pennsy- !
1 vanla to assist In taking down the old ma
chinery at the steel works preparatory to re
placing It with new.
The south now absorbs with Its own ma
chinery moro than one-third of the entire
cotton consumption of America. The total
takings by southern spinners In 189C-97 were
1,042,071 bales , against 1,80-1,080 bales con
sumed by our northern spinners out of a total
crop of 8,757 , 9C4 bales.
There are four cities In Massachusetts
which , under a recent law , are entitled to an
appropriation of $23,000 each for the cotab-
llshment of textile schools on condition of a
like sum to bo raised by those interested.
The tea from Dr. Shepard's farm , at Sum-
inervllle , S. C. , sells for $1 per pound is of
a high quality , and It Is believed that his
success established the fact that tea can be
grown In thin country so as to be commer
cially successful.
Mrs. Pinkham Declares that In the Light of Mod
ern Science no Woman Need Despair.
There arc many curable causes for stcril-
ity in women. One of the most common
is general debility , accompanied by a
peculiar condition of the blood.
Care and tonic treatment of the fe-
iale organs relieve more cases of sup
posed incurable barrenness thttn any
other known method. This is why
i Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound -
pound has effected so many cures ;
its tonic properties are directed es
pecially to the nerves which supply
the uterine system. Among other
causes for sterility or barrenness
are displacements of the womb.
These displacements ure caused by
lack of strength in the ligaments
supporting the womb and the ovaries ; restore -
' store these , and thu diilictilty ceases , ' Here ,
again , the Vegetable Compound works won
ders. Sec Mrs , Lytle's letter , which follows
. in this column. Go to the root of the matter ,
restore the strength of the nerves and the tone of the parts , and nature
will do the rest. Nature has no better ally than this Compound , made of
her own healing nnd restoring herbs.
Write freely aufl fully to Mrs. Pinkham. Her address is Iiynn , Mass. She
will tell you , free pf charge , the cause of your trouble and what course to take.
Uelieve me , uuderoright conditions , you have a fair chance to become the joy
ful mother of'children. The woman whose letter is here published certainly
thinks so : ,
"I am more than proud of Lydia T3. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , and
cannot find wtmltxto express the good it has done me , J was troubled very
badly with the' Iducorrhuiii and hevere womb pains. From the time J wa's
married , in li | ' -iintil , , ' last year , I was under the doctor's caro. We had no
children. I have b'ad nearly every doctor in Jersey City , and have been to Ilelvin
Hospital , but allto no avail. I saw Mrs. Pinkham's advertisement 5n the
paper , and havti ! ied five bottles of her medicine. It has done more for mo
than all the do'C0'rs I ever had. It has stopped my pains and lias brought mo
a. line little girl I have been well ever since my baby was born. I heartily
recommend Mrs. Pinkham's medicine to till women suffering from sterility. "
Mua.Lucr LvTMi255 Henderson St. , Jersey City , N. J.
WOODBURY After July ist father Dr.
H A my ,
n. A. vv uuuouni
, E < L widb'win ,1BVO , chn1,0 | ( of
DFNTIST woi > k" in ' " > ' ' nleo and l wl1
L"JA' A ikJ A , jtvo , , , y uUentirm 10 Operative
Grown and Hrldgo Wurlc.
No ! ± „ ! ! : . . A. H. WOODBURY. D. D. s
Non-residents of Iowa now liavs uo exemptions under the new
Cole which went into effot October 1. We can COLLECT HAD AC
COUNTS IIB of old , against MAIUUED or IJINOU ; employes of Hall
ways , Express , Telegraph , Telephone and Sleeping Cur companies.
NASSAU INVESTMENT CO. , Conucil Bluffs , la
CoU Core cures colt ! < In Ilia
rijmiiitu 1,111 u w * * u\.u % * i i.4iov 4\ + * MI ii fcni.i
ss conn n vial. If you ticul imxMe.M tuUlea t\ilt&
Prof. Munron , 1504 Arch Street , VhUiulelpblft , It la
on .vxn K.VTKHV.U. rsn.
fill KM AMI 1'HlJVHVrS
I'olilK , CoiiKliN , Sin-o Tlirnul , InlltieliKii ,
llruneliltlN , I'nnriiiiinln , S > relllnu
ut tin * .liitnto , l.iiinlinuo ,
InllaninialliiiiN ,
ItllKt VTI.SM , M'.LIl Vl.til.V , IIUVII-
. \rill-J , TOOTH \rilK , ASTII.MA , I IK-
KirfiiT iiuiTIII \s.
ItailmijM1 lleiiil } llellef IN a Sure Cure
for I'.vei-y I'liln , SiiraltiH , llriil-x-x ,
I'nlns In tinllatli , ( lieht nr l.lnilix.
K * IIN Hie Klrnt anil In the Only
PAIN ui < : > n-nv
That ItiMnnly elops tie : iiio l rxctntlitliiR pnlns ,
nlln > H iMlluiilinnllon , mill CUICH Ci iiKi-rtloiiH.
whether of theI.IIIK" , Sliimacli , Houels ir other
Klnmln or oririn ! " . by rno ni'i'lli-nllon. ' '
A hnir to u tenvpuonrul In half u tumbler nr
water will In n few mltmlc-.t etire cinlni' " .
SIKISIIIS , Sour Stniuach. llcnrtbiirn , Nervoiifniss ,
PtetpleFi'iiess. Slel < llenilnche. llnrrho- , HJVLII.
tery. Colic. I'liitulency nml nil Inteliml pains.
There In not n itim-JInl micnl in thrvorUl
that will cure fever mill ngue anj nil other
11101011111 ! " . blllGii.-t nml other feveip. nMi-iI by
HAIV.VAY'S PILLS. FO iiuli kly ns HA1 > -
WAY'S Ht.VlV Hillll'HOf : n bnltlc sold by
& Co. . New York City.
fie l lrii St.
ft ? ItUI W T * f Stf Ai t3f > KD I
t.ou ; )
* . AVrlttcn nnnrnnlvp to Cl'llK r.XT.KT
Our cnro Is permanent ami not pAtcliitip up. t'n ec
trc tU trn > tat 111110 liuvcmw'i sccna b.uuptim t-liu c.
lly ilcfccrlblnir jour c MMllywi ran timt > ou ty tuutl.
Mitt wpulxu liit * tAiiie Mi miff KU.tiantoc to cut cor let unit
all money. lho u who nirlur to conic licit * lei tu l *
tiifiil f n * lee and we will ray rat I load tutv both WIIJH
oiul hotel bills while line ft vc loll lo * , . WvchM *
k-nifp inewoild loraca > c th.nt uui .Iliiifir Itcmrily
Mill n ) t cui-o Wiltc lor full and trot the
ciitlfMirp. \ \ > knowt tint joiiNifpKtt'tlfAl. JnMlj to ton ,
nti tht * most viulnrnt ph > rU'Un * > Imvo .ir uf been nblo
to [ ftvo moie ttitti ttiuiotaricllcl. ] . In inn trnrHnt
prnrtlce with till' Mnglc JIcnttMl.v It ! m I eon liu.M
tllini'illt tnuvcti'onio tlic pipJniULC npnliift all n rnlUil
Kpcclllex. Hut under out ftioiitf inimanttcjou ilxitilfl
not hecltjite to try tMcicmrcl ) . V m inki'iu-clunce ot
loilntr 3 r money We eimrniUri * t i cnro or idttnd
e > ei > tlolinr und nt we ) M\U a irruiatkut to piolect ,
nlvo flnaii-lJil imckltif ; ot S.1OO.UOO , It pcrfccll >
rdfc toall v.ho ull ! tiythe trt'otint-nt llriftoloicjov
! IA\I * bini | iuttliiir tip ftiut pfi\lntr nut your iitnticj Tor
dlllrient iimtiiit'iitMtml Altluxitrh you nitnot } ruml \
no onu IIHI- paid tifu'k your tnutio 1'u ' not vault' HII >
mori'tnoiH-y until3on try us. Ol f chionlc.dccp naltM
cavpH ciiuul lu tliltty to nhirtj < lni . InvrMlKntc our
ti'innrlM KtMullnp. onr lopniH.lon a ? iniiitH-fs men.
\Vilto ut ft r nunioft and mldicssc1/ ttiOM ) we Imia
cnicil.lio tiatfixcn pcimtrvlon to tot or to Hit1 u.
It c < ) - * * } ( , enl > | .o ni > in do tills ; It \\lll n\\e yo la
worldot fetiitctlim IIOHI nu-mal Mtnln . ind It > uu 10
inuiik'd what tnav your ottcprlTii : Miirer tin intuit jc nr
o'Annt ll LMK't1 ! 11 your 13 nit tuiiiKuiorlnt | It'n ' on lace ,
poie thinat. nui"utH natchc In month , t lit IMII tn
boncx atnl Joint H , lu ) r falling out eiii'Uoii ' en HIIJ
rait nT tlit * bo'ly , ft'i-llnn * 'l rt' ncini depieshlon. paliif in
! it'.id or t one , you lm\e no time to wa tp. Thou < lie
nit * Loiilnntly lulling nicirniyatut j-utiv-h f-ln > uM di-
contluiiLMt. Constant u e ot tlirM , ilniKi * " 1 miely
bilntr itorr unil cntlnir u Ice re In the end. Don't tall to
wiite. All coitctHiiulrncu | n-m n.aU-d in plain iincl-
ope ; * Wo Inrllr the most rlirlil Jmt'i-tiK itfC'iL ' euiil vrti ?
( Jo all In our power lo aid you in U. Addict ,
OBOK REMEDY GO , , Chicago , III ,
Steel | Pennyroyal Treatment
is the original pnd only FlfJNClI
BHfo nnd rolinb v euro on UKranr -
kot. I'rlco. Si-00 ; eont bynail. .
* ( Jcnnino sold by
Myers lllloii Uriu Co. , b' . K. Cor ICtli nnd Far-
r.ain Streets. Uninhii Neb.
III the Sprliipr will lie TreineiidoiiN.
Tbe nioHt prolltalile ) IIIHIICNM ! ll be
In Transportation and MeruliandlNliiu
and In KnralHliIni ? Food and Supplies
to the multitude of Ciild SeeUei-M III
Hliort , a general Trading , Mercan
tile and Steamship hiisliir.tx. It wax
HO InID It will be HO In 'IIS.
The Alsslo Transportation
and DevelopiiiGiit Company
S5 ,
To meet this demand will own and operate Its
OX T11H \ I IvIIX.
- ivlili HH oivii line of lurne
and niaunlllL-ent Ocean Sti-anii-i-H.
Fiu-cl.illy ndaptril for iianM > iicr lJUHliiL-sb carryIng -
Ing to that country an Immense umoum of SU1'-
I'l.tlJS AND Ktlt'Il'MUNT fur the inlnvrn a
well ns fuilllnllUlK them TIlAX.-'l'OltTATION
for themselves nml their Kooila uml oxIalillMiIni ;
THAlJJNd STATIONS nt different i inl * . An
opportunity IB offr-rod any i.tuon , he they of
cnuill nr large means , to huy t-hnrm of mock
In this company ami I'AllTU'll'ATK In the
K.YoiMiot s m vim\js.
sure to beparneil within the next 12mont'.is.
par vnlue , non-annrcnahle. nnd will he offi-red for
u limited tlmoonly. .
I'nylnff lnr er dividend * . W ilk- numerous FBV.
Ingit luinkn uml banks have 8iiitni ! < > d , trantpor-
tatlon and trji.llnn fompanleit were r.c\vr fce n
In thu list of falluieb. This Mock It itlc cf | ) , e
moft deMraMe InveMmrntii UTrri-d the imbllo
The lnr < iiioint | r * and tuutldioMr H who me i on-
nectcd with tliU company ure mm of wide ex
perience In Mmllar unilerlaLliiKs and minvliotn
naim-H ure tulMchm guarantee ut ilio tlaiidard
of the cumnany , lu \\lt :
AMIHUT C. m.ATiC , 1'ren. Vol. Illatz Ilrew Co
Milwaukee. '
I10.N. W.M. 10. MAHON , United States Senator
from llllnolH.
It. O. KlAVAItns , I'ats. Trallle Mifr. C II &
I ) . It. It. , dm Initial.
I-'IIANK A.lui'HT , of Clma. KueHncr & Co '
fhlriiK" .
CHAH. II. HOCKWKLI * Trallle SIgr. C. I & U
It. II. ( Mutton Home ) . Cliluuso.
Ami liundrc-dx nt others equally prominent
Addie * and lnike ; all mom y payable to
FUber IlnllilliiK , i-or. Van llureii n
Ilearborn . rillC.UiO , 11,1 , .
127 W. 4S < \ Bt . N. Y.
In I'liciicr Building.
DR. Ii. E. ROE ,
Itiioia 'fJ'J , Uerrlaiii Illiiek.
Take Klevotcr.
v J"'xv < v
vvkrt xvr WFwnys < > - _ _ .
Undo lot tale or rcot , Day Sf lltpt , U i'curl
IMllillo 1 Ill.-liry.
Ventliiiae llotrt ,
GiMUMiTHold Xevi-M Stiniil.
. ! AV. Shearer.
l\eete llroi.
William Shield * ,
10. A , tojriia.
Cheyenne dull.
Aiiilltiirliiiu Hotel > ! Slinnl ,
Aiiilllnrtiini Vnnex .N un Stand.
< irent Xnrthern lintel .NIMVN Miami.
I'lllniiillouM - Nt-us Slaml.
l' < > - < toM ! < -i- \ < - \ M Stand , No. 1217 Dour ,
born Mrcol.
U'eilllell tlltllse.
'l'lii < llollenilen ,
ronimerelal Traveler * ' As.miclli Unfit
MiiMOiilc To in | ilo.
llrlNone llroN. , No. Ill ) Smith Tejoll SI ,
Harvard I nlvorslly Library.
ItriMvn Hutcl VIMVN Sin nil.
Hamilton .V KriulrleU.
Mol.aln , Pitt .V Co. . SMS SlxtrcnUi SI.
Pratt M.-i can tile Cfi.
The Stationery C ; ,
Wliiilhor lloli-l Ncx\s Slniiil.
MONO * .Inrolis , Itiu-k Inland Depot.
Kind HiiruuiiN.
W. A. Moore.
llolcmi Public l.llirnry.
Kolii-rl ICt-liI.
CoalON IIiiiiNC XrtVM Stand.
V. M. C. A. II m ill n p.llooai. .
CliarU-M A. rillllti. > < > V Strniid.
Standard Xn Co.
Public l.Ilirnrv.
AVi'Ht Hotel \ctVK tt
Ciopr t'nloii Iillirary.
I'lfill Avcatir lintel \iMtn Slniid.
riftli AviiiniIlotil Hi-ailliiK Ilooiu.
Ilrooiiif Strci-t Ulimr.v.
Ilnllatiii IloiiHt ! llcnilliiK Itooin.
llolVinaa HOIIHC.
linpi-rlal Iloli-l \ < MM Stand.
Mri-litiiiti't , ' t Tradi-rn' Proc Library- ,
\d. IS Kant Sixteenth Street.
I'resN Club , ! - < > NIIHKIIII Nt ,
\VeHtnilnsler Hotel Keadlni ; Itooin ,
\VliidMor Hotel ItendliiK Itooin ,
V. M. C. A. . U.'td Street and -till Avenue
Oimean lintel \IMVN Stand.
Missouri I'aellhIlldu , I-\po. Crt/und *
M < 'Cnrtne.v A : Co.
\V. Webb.
\eiv York lleralil lt < iiillat ; KooinU
Avc. lie l'Oiera.
V. C. 11 ne tier.
\V. 1C. ilolH'M.
I'oi-tliinil Hotel \IMVM Stand.
MrrcMinlHii I.llmiry.
I'ulllle Library.
I'nbllc Library ,
I , . F. Hummel , l.jceiim Theater.
Salt I.aUe NIMVM fo.
C. R , Oyxtoii ,
A. T * Lnmlbei-K.
( larrellNOii Hotel \e M Nlnnii.
Mnnilainla lluli-l .VeivN Sliuiil.
Hotel Veiiiloine .VetvN StaiKl.
UeorKi- - Hunt ,
Public Library ,
John \V. ( > raliiiin.
IlraiiiliMi'Hen Sluinl ,
K. T. .letl.
I'lanlerK1 Hole ) XetvM SlaiKl ,
I'nbllo Library.
Ulllaril'M lintel .VeivH Stand ,
Arlington IInlcl.
roiiKreNnliinal l.llirur- ,
Aurleiillurul Deiuirliiieiit I.lliriirr.
Semite * lleinlllitv lluiini ,
The Bee.