Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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May Wheat Advances , While Dccomber
Ehows a Slight Decline.
Hull ClliiniSHI * ( he Xrnr Muntli niul
Jill ) H llu.11 ot-f H Miuili-l'ro >
vinloiiM A mi I ii SulTrr fruiii
ClltrAOO , Oct. in. Tlio most notnblo
r-liaiiKG In the whcnt mnrkct today was nn
ntlvnnce of ! 4o per bti. In May. while De
cember declined He. Th til represents the
Htylo of llic ilny'fl operation * of tlio bull
cllitic. | Tla-y nppcnred to bo nMlorH of December -
comber ovcry time It Kot up to Ol'Ac ' , nnd
) ) iiyer of May on nil weak trots. Corn w.m
lloivy nixl closed % l < &a lowr-r. Oats rtc-
flliH-il % < : . Provisions wore weak undur re
newed yellow fever reports and declined
no i j .
Liverpool Ki-nt some very dlacournRlriB re
ports at the openlnp of tlio wliont market
here , more e pcclally for spot wheat. Cal
ifornia was reported Vt l l"r cental lower ;
red winter. Hd lower and No. 1 northern ,
iiprlni ; , 2d lower. Futures were radically
weak , nhowltiK only VffMr'l doc-line. 1'rlvatP
milk-Brains s.ild tlio market at Liverpool
wn do.pri-Ktrd by excessive supplies and
lack of demand. This wenknrsa nbro'td WHS
Pillllrlent to oausp an easy feeling nt the
opening. I'er-Ptnber martlnc at fn-'KfiWHc , as
oomparcd with ycHterday'x cliutlnK price. * of
UlfiiilViic. An Impression prevailed that the
loath of O. M. 1'iillman would cinlse the
HollttiK out of Bomn wheat which It was
rmnm-i-d he wn.s "lonp of" at the time of
lilfl death. Tlili helped In the opening w ak-
ilcss and the Mlhscriuent ullj-ht "di'dlne
TrailliiR all morning was nnitlurcil and In-
tonHccurntlal ! ] and thin fact made It easy
for news of a very ordinary character to
Inllui'itro prleeB one way or the other. Min
neapolis and Uultith , showed some tendency
toward leduellon. the number of earn re
ported there today belm ? 1.130 , ncnltiMt LM7
last week and t.lST on the oorn-sipondlnR day
of last year.Chicago - receipts were 203 ears
nunlns' 277 lust year. Atlantic port exports
were equal In wheat and Hour to fi.Ti.ftiO bn
A renewal of drouth damnK" pomplalnts
from Argentine helped to star' a little rally
about nn hour from the opunlns and Decem
ber , which hud heen selling at 80c , ad
vanced to ! H'p. Then prices slowly saRtced
off nguln. The hull clique In that month ,
which lias t en steadily disposing of 1 :
holding" lately , was a seller of December
n nlil today every time that month Hho.M-d
sIjriiM of life , and a buyer of May. The cun-
srqiii'nrrwns a material lessening of the between those two options. One
liulllsl ) f.iclor which was apparently over
looked WMS the small Increase In contract
H'Ortw for the wi-olc. only IS.oTO bn. belnu
tidded to the < CI , ( 0 bti. on hand. After the
ndvanco to ni"ie Decemher eased off to ' VjC.
This was followed by another advance to
! il'Me , lull llheral "wiling- pounded prices to
WW ! Deccinlior closed at WWiUle.
Corn displayed more weakness than at any
time "Once the present decline beuan. There
was n little covering by shors early In the
Nrsslon. but the majority of the shorts anil
there are iplenty of them held aloof. Out
side of that the market was almost without
Htippor : . Kli'v.itor si-lllnj ; prominent
< -trly ; .mil this wils followed by commission
liouse offerings. Hrcelpts , PT cars , and a
pnor whipping dcmaml , all contributed to
the weakness. December ninged from "t'.ic
to 2.V [ C' , closing ' .VfiSnC lower at 2"ir ; c.
Oats was > M-nl ; with corn , selling off Jc
nnd I'loslni ; at the bottom. A lack of n ecu-
latlvo trade helped to en-ate ihe weak feelIng -
Ing which ruled throughout. Katiern houses
were good buyers early , but after their de-
ir.iiiuls were satisfied [ sellers had some dllli-
oulty In dlxposlng * of their offerings. Snip
ping demand showed a falling off. Receipts
were lor * cars * . December ranged from IS'/fci '
to ! S'c ' ( and closed at the I.liter price.
Yellow fevjr again resumed Its sway over
the provision market and c.iust-d It to resume -
sumo the weakness It appeared to he emerg
ing from ve terdiiy. He-ports of the appear
ance of t le disc.ise In Mobile caused a weak
opening. Prices were maintained tern-
luir.irlly oiMng to the falling of a few or
ders , but selling soon gave hope to
many who bought yesterday , disposing of
their lines ap.ilu nnd a sharp decline fol
lowed. Toward the close the feeling Im
proved sonui.vliat with a Hllght rally In
prices. December porlf closed \2Hfil7ic \ lower
nt * 7 7. ) , nnd December ribs 101) 11'Ac. ! lower ; ft
Jl 47'4.
Estimated receipts Wednesday : Wheat.
170 cars ; corn , 571 cars ; o.its , " 70 cars ; hogs.
37 CW head.
Leading futures ranged aa follows :
ArtlcltH.1 O.uii. | Hlrh. | Low. i Oloiu. lYcstdy.
Oot 91
Dec. . . . Dim1- ! ( ) ' . ! 1 niau
MM Will HrtVi.sTW'fH .
Oot. . . K.n < 1
! ) . - < . . . . 5.V.--jil
May . . . J ! > H Siix JDtl ,
Oct. , . . IS IB
Dec. . . . 1MK ISM 1MK
May. . . 207S-21
li c. . . . 7 Ml 7 H.-i 7 7(1 ( 7 " , 7 00
Jan. . . . H HI ) S SO 8 il. H 7MK M 85
Dec. . . 4 U71- !
, Ian . . . 4 JO t 40 4 61 !
Oct. . . . 4 OTS i as 4 70
Di-c . 4 fi.- , 4 474 i TTW l 17M 4 C l )
Jan. . . . 1 ( ill 4 tVJ'n i r. . . ) 4 OS
No. 2.
nmh ipi'il.illiMiB were ns follows :
KLOl'lllUrely Hti-aily ; winter striilKblH , .
470 ; Bluing pntentB , Jt.SOffj.OO ; luikciH' , J3.80W
4.00.VHKATJfn. . 2 sprlnir. bl 3'le ; No. 3 spilnu ,
77mrS3c : No. 2 ted. ! > Hii3c.
lfIINNo. . 2. l'ffai'lc. ' (
OATH NIL - . ISc f. i. b. ; No. 2 white , SllffilUc ;
No. S white. Si'iir21Kc. )
HVHNn. . 2. 4" > e.
IIAHLKY Nn. 2 , nominal ; No. .1 , 2Wllc ; No.
4 , 25'sWS'ic. '
8KKl > B-No. 1 Iliixaeetl , DScyil.OHi. Tlmotliy
seeil , prime , JJ.CJ.
I'ltOVlSIONS llcss potlf , per bid. , J''lfi'.SO.
I.-u-il. PIT Ji Ibi. , H. * fT1.32',4. Short rll BI.I.-H .
( loose ) . Jl.t'Hn.T.'i ' ; dry miltwl MlioulilvrH ibnxi-tl ) .
} l ; H5r4.3' > ; ulinrl clear Hlden ( InixiM ) . JI.ST'-JiJ.OO.
\VlIISIvY Dlctlllem' llnlnlifd nooda , per enl. .
xi ° "
loaf , } 0.9ii ; Kinniilnli-d. J5.3I.
On the Pnidtice exehan.-ie tinluj- the bittti-r
tnniUct WJIH llrm : eieanii'rlea , lMi22o ; dairies ,
iNI9c. I'lK-ene , ipilt-t. BOSV-ic. KB , llrm , fn-bli ,
( 'lllllllllllIlllt-N.
NBW YOIIK. Oct. W.-KljOrU-lUcelliU. 4J.303
bbU. . xpxrtit , 21,43 Ibbln. ; fnlrly a > Ilv and Hteaily ;
Minnesota pnU'tils , t5.CHKT3.40 ; lllnnftotu bukt-ru ,
J3. lOill.M , ullitiT iKltelltH , | j.0 > ili.25 : ulllli'r
tniltbt . > l.f.OIf4.70 . ; xvlnler i-\frna , JS.JOjfl.M.
Hy Iliiur , qul.t ; fancy. )3.0)WJ.W , lluckwhent
Hour. , .n v. * l .Vi l CO.
IllU'KW'HKAT l > ulli 40fl lie.
lOllNiliLWenk ; yellow weMerti. 510.
UM : Uury , No. \\tfelern , 4Si- .
11AU1.KYllulLt nt 2M4e.
ll.\ MALT-Nnmlnnl ; western. MW&lc.
Wlll'JATHecilptB. . : ; i'J73 bu . e p irt , 184fiOO
1m. Kput. Ill in ; .No. J rod , 97H ! > ; , e. Oil.nnn |
opened cany under fublfk , but rallied
und were llrm nil day on laler forelcn buying.
vmall liortliui'iiti'lli receipt * . coverlUK und llnul
leudlni > nl Liverpool ; clo.i-l lUiVic net higher ;
No. red. October , cloned al iMfru ; IJovcnibfr.
J3ff9l'.v cliii-i-il xt 11111,0.
IMIINHi' flptn. 140. CCO bu. : exports , 10.S09.
Im. pot. w uk ; No. 2 , 3iAe. Ojitloiw en y unit de
clined nil ilay wllh few luiu'tlonn under wcakneaH
nbroiid und ll > | uldutljn ; tlo-lni ; TiSo luni-r ;
May. SH.SlJI'i.c. rln-eil ut Sl'.ie ; November , -i-Vi
< r3'V o. i'Io ed ut 2W.ii. ; Dcceinb-r. I'J ffJlc. closi-it
at M\c.
OATH lle.-rlpln. 37S.OOI ) bu. ; ex'ports. 300 bu.
8pot , ui'iik , No. 2. 22lC. Optlnni nulet and fnlrly
Mi'Udy , vloalnk' ) > net lower ; doted ut Mjc ( :
IK-cviulier , 2J ( i23\e , cloned nt 2J c.
11AV Kiuy. ihlpplnir , Jl OOU4.5' ' ; B0vd to clio'ca
HOI'S fillet : U35 crop. 4ifV- ( ; ISM eri > p ,
1W7 fnip. IIKld1'aelllc ; coatl. U9i crop. < 0t'c ;
1 > 'X , crop. < > < l9c ; IS'j ; rrop , 14U1G .
IIIDHS Sleudy : ( lulvetton , UtjlCo ; Tt-xna dry.
ISiffJ'irallfoinla. . 17riSi- .
LI > : ATlliil ( julet : bemlork vole , lluenon
A > l < - . liKlit Ki hi' , ivy wi-lKliUs , MVntiil'ic ; uelil.
. . . .
, JS.iftl9M. rut mrnlf. dull : pickled
IIP It i. ( VuMfcc ; pl'lilml hi u dt-r. < . H,9V. pickled
IUIIUK. > it ! > c. Ijr.l. dullvt' ; tfin > | ram. SI. 70 ;
nlliH-.l. . ' . . 1'nrk. . .
. .lU'.vl. ijulet ; old mttt Ji.Wita.fl ;
nrw me . J9WJI175. Tallow , lluctlve ; clly ,
3Vue. . eounlry. J'jc.
- ' CVlt"ii rd.
< ' " -i i- .
MOLAb'SIWQuiet ; New Orleun . open kettle ,
xwil 1-1 i "IK Jii.tle
1U5TAUS I'li ; Iron , warrant ! 13.75 UM ; | 7
tk l. Copper. $11 bldj tll.8 niknl , Tin. I
H1.80 bid. JU.SO asked. Fpller , 11.15 bid. II IS
n k.t. I act , exoti n e. J192H I > IJ , nml $ l.57i !
mtkfJi broker * , t n > t > * at 11.73.
Condition of Yrno- mill ( liiotittloui
in Staple nnd 1'niu-y Proilncv.
KOriS Onml tock weak nt 12'te
HUTTilt- Common to fnlr , 9W10oj choice to
fancy , HfllTo ; rcparator creamery , 2Jc ; KatlierffJ
crenmtry. S0i\
VKAl-Cholcc fat. 80 to 120 Ibs. . quoted at 80) )
large nj co rs , 4j8c.
MVB l-OUI.Tlty-Hens , 5 5Hc : cocks , Jfirle ;
i-tirlnK rhkkea.i. per lb. , 6c ; ilucks , C8c ; turkey -
key > , f'u.
I'ICJKONS Live. ? V < ! .lend plRconn not trnntfd.
HAY L'plnnil , IVM ; tnMlaad , 13.00 ; lowland ,
JI.M , rye ttrnw , II ; color makes the price on
h.iy ; llcht bnlon tell the best , only top itrailei
brine top t > ntc § .
IlltOOMrortN Kttremelr low imlcs new crop ,
delivered on truck In country ; choice Riren felf-
workltiR curpet ir lb. , 2f(2Vic ( ; cholco green ,
rtimilnc to hurl , 2fl2'-5o ; commoa , IVic.
ONIONS-I'er Im. , .
1IKANA Hnml'plrkiHl navy , per bu. , 11.40.
HWI3KT I-OTATOKS IVr bht. , J2.25.
CAIlllAnn-llomo grown , le.
I'OTATOFllome itrrnvn , iMJSSo ; western
stock. C07tc. )
QtJI.VCiS-Cnlirornla : , per lx , tt.2r .
API'LKH-l'rr bM. , fall Hock , JJ.5 5.M ! winter
tntk. I2.i > ft3.0) ) . "
OltAl'i-t-rnllfornla , Jl.l.-iWI.K.
l'OI/li.\i > o PKArilKS tame. McBJl.OO ; me
dium. MifTSOe.
Block. 12.00ft 2. Z.I.
NI\V YOUIC ClUAPfM-Per 9-lb. banket , H',4
ri.fMS-I.laho nnd On-con , tl.O
niANIinillllKS-rApH Md , per
Wlaremxln , boies , JI.OOS1.10.
rnoi'icAi. rnuiTS.
I.KMONS MessliiHs , J4.2JSl.6flj choice Call-
totnln , 11.00.
IIANANAH Choice , lar > j stock , per bunch.
S2.0-HI : . : : ; ; innllum-Blxnl tmnchra. { I.lj-Ulf l.
Nl'TS Almomls , Callfnnila. per lb. , larre
l7.o. ic ; llrazllfl. per lb. . lOu : nneltsli walnuts ,
I"T Ilk , faiiL-y , Hiitl lii-l ] , 13f ; KtnmlnnU , I'J'if '
lie ; Illbi'itx. per Hi. . He ; pvonnn , imllshed , InrKe.
10c ; jumlio. tHflcj larsa lilcxorj" nuts , $1.25
lu-r ttu. ; coeonnutft , 4t.o fach ; puanats , raw , C ( $
S'.Jr ; niaKtnl. f.4JB'4o.
I''IOH Imtiorleil fancy , 4 crown , 20-lb. boxen ,
12c ; 5 crown , f,0-lb. linxes. UffHc.
IIONiy Choice white , lie.
KIlAirr-IVr Mil . Jl.oi ; half Mil. . 12.25.
MAl'I.K SVUUl'-Flve-Kiil. cans , each 13.23 :
Kal cons , pure , per floz. , )12.00 ; half-gal , cans ,
50.23 quart cmm. 13 SO.
DATKS Per CO to "Wb. boxes , ! cj Ford 9-lb.
FiiKsu MI-ATS.
DllllSSnu DKI-ir-armd native stecm , 4W to
COO 11 . , "o ; gixicl foreiiuarti'rs , stcira. c ; good
hlmliiuniters , Uc ; wrsti-in steers , ( IJH'ie. ; fancy
l.i-lfrrs , C'.Jc ; Rood liolfcrs. Go ; KO < J < I forniuarlpm.
lii'lfci-d , fi'ic ; KO < | lilniliiiinrtniH , hflfera , 8'tc.
Koo < l CUWH , u'ie ; fair cows , G'ic ; common cows ,
3r ; row foronunrU-rs , 4'.i1f5c ' ; cow hlndiiuarters ,
7'sWi' .
IIIOi : ! ' ' CUTS Tenderloins , 13o ; boiiPlesa strips ,
SV.u : strip loins , fi'te ; rolls , 80 : nlrlnln Imttn. kc ;
sliouldrr I'loili , B' u ; rump butts , 5c , steer churk * ,
"i > io : cow clnii'kH. Oic ; honulem chucks , 44o ;
i'n\v platxR , 3Lsteer ; plates , 3'.5c ' ; Hank uti-nk ,
j'tc ; Inlns , No. 1 , llo ; tolas , No. 2 , in'icj lolm.
No. 5. ic ; sirloin umls. No. 1 , 9e ; rlli-i , No. 1.
lie ; rllw , No. 2. S'4c : ribs. No. 3.Co ; slvcr ruuniU ,
7',4c : cow mime ] ? . 7c ; cow loumls off , Sc ; ttlm-
mlnt-s , le ; beef sh.mks . , 2 0 ; brains , pi-r tin/ . .
3.V- ; sw.-etlirend.i. per 11) . , lOc ; mvivttiienilx
iralvr * ) . per Hi.I'V : klibifv.i. per iloz. . 3.V ; ox
lulls , encli 3o ; livers , pi-r lb. , 2W ; hearts , per
Hi. . 2r : IOIIKIIPS. per lb. , lie.
Mt'TTiiS Ijiiiitm. V' ' o ; Hlieep , C' e ; markol
racks llnnn ) , S'ie ; lintel rncks ( short ) , lie ; It'KS
, mil KaiMles , 8.1 ; lamb legs , 10t ; breasts ami
stcun. Sii ; tonnueH , earb 3e.
POllK Diessnl plRH , fie ; dressed hoRS , Bl4c ;
tomli-rlolim , I3c : loins , "V e ; spare ilbs , 4o : hum
sall'aK'1. lullts , ( iUe ; plinulileiH , rillitli , Be ; shoul-
ib-rK , hklnned , 5Vi < ' ; trliiiinlnu"Pac ; leaf Inrd ,
not rtiinli-reil. rLhentls : , clL-anetl , 3o ; stiout and
"urn. 3o ; barklKinp ? . lijc ; cheek meats , 3c ; neik
lunis. 2e ; II\KS' \ tails , 3e ; plucks , each Sc ; chlt-
! > > rllims. He ; hoeltK , 4c : hearts , per Ouz. . S3c ;
rlKiiinelix , each 3c ; totiRUes. each 7c ; klclm-ys ,
PIT iloz. . iDo : brala * . per doz. , 13c ; pigs' feet ,
per doz. , 20e : livers , earli 3c.
s No. 1 Kreen hides , 7c ; No. 2 Rreen
Cc ; No. 1 Milted lildm. S'ic ; No. 2 green
salted hides , 7'-ic ; No. 1 veal cnlf , 8 to 12 Ibs. ,
Sc ; ; No. 2 veal eulf , 12 to 15 Ibs. . Gc ; No. 1 dry
Hint hides , lli13 ; No. 2 ilry Hint hides , blflOc ;
No. 1 dry palled bides. 9fflOc ; part cur-d lililcs ,
' ,40 per lb. le. < s than fidly t-iireci.
Slll-ii : * IM3LTS Oreen baited , each 13ff7r > c ;
creen anltud slTearlliiKs ( short \vooled early
skins ) eaeh l&c ; dry itliMirllnga ( short wooled
early slilns ) . No. 1 , each 5c. ilry flint , Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , jier lb. . actual
weight , IWIc ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebr.uKn
murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual welKht , Stflc ;
dry flint Coloiudo butcher wool ] ielts , per lb. .
actual welRlit , IP'ic ; dry Hint Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , Sjflc ; feet
cut off , as It U useless to pay frelcbt on them.
SI. I.iilllH i.flK-rnl MlirUftM.
ST. IXJUIH , Oct. 19. KLOL'li Quiet and un
\V1IHAT l"n "Pitied ; clo lnir tin- same ns yes
terday for December , but with May T c hlKher ;
Heeember cix-neil ' ; c lower , advanced ' -c. de
clined -yte to Te. ( , reacted 1 1-lfc , iteellnfil 'Hi'ir'-c ' ,
and' closed tame. May ransed He to l e below
Deei mlior. Hp it , higher ; No. 2 led ra b. el-vator ,
Pli9l'ic bid ; track. ! G5Wic ; No. 2 hard , cash ,
HifiM'c ; I > w enilwr , Si iO bid ; Hay , ! > 4'ic.
roltN l'"utures phowi'd consldeiable strength
nn outside lullui-nces. and there was steady
buying of December , largely for export account ,
but declined later and closed fractions bf > lovv
yestenlay. Spot , lower ; No. 2 eash , 23U'g'23 ' > ic ;
Deeember. 23V bid ; May , 2d'c bid.
OATS Futures weak nnd declining ; buyers
were si-nreu ami held olT. uml there was some
pre > suie on the selling side. Spot , lower ; No. 2
cash , elevator. ISc bid ; track , 19 : ; No. 2 white ,
21c ; Deeember. IS'lc ; May , 20 > tc , asked.
1IVK Illshcr at Me.
CXUNMi\L : S1.4 > .
HHAN-Dull. but stronKPr ; sacked , east track.
IV bid. anil sold at mill at WfiT , : , : .
| ' 'I.AXSKID Uiwer at a5c.
HAY c.nleiKrades , tlrin ; prairie , J7.0)ff7.rjO ) ;
llnmtliy , Is.OOIflO.CO.
WTTHH Mntket llrm ; creamery , p8-3Vjc ! ;
dairy. 16ffl c.
KiOS Market f-teady at 13c.
I'OULTHV nilukens steady ; old hens , CHo ;
springs , * i,4QFc ; ducks , GBC'/'c ; Reese , Re ; turkeys ,
IIAIilllNtl < p > tiii4c.
MlCTAI-S-lA-ad dull nnd easy at t3.T2n.W51- , .
PUOV1SIONS Pork. 1'jwer ; i-i'indar.l mc-s. Job.
blm ; , $3.2. > . l ird. lower ; prime steam. (4 10 ,
choice. Jl.27'j. llaeon ( boxed lot > , extra short
clear. 13. 75 ; rll , S5.75 ; horts , { 5. Dry salt
meats ( boied ) shoulilirii , (3. " 9 : extra short clear ,
J5.S5 ; ribs. 1J.371shorts. ; . f3 r,0.
IlKl'KII'TS-Plour , 9.0cx > bbls. ; wheat , 39.0W
bu ; corn. lO'J.CDO bu. ; oats. iii.OOO bn.
H111P.MKNTS nmir. 14H ) bids. ; wheat , 87,01
bn. ; cum , 111,000 bu. ; nats , 37.010 1m.
KiuiHiiN City llnrUftM.
about slendv and fairly active ; No. 1 haid , f4i c ;
No. 2 , 8i { | Slc ; No. 3 , * 7 < iSIlie ; N'o. 4 , " .liitTSc ;
No. 1 red , ( Me ; No. 2 , EfW-SHc ; N > . 3. SliiSOe.
lattnr for ehnlr" " No. * 4 , S17jS3c ; No. a sprlni ; ,
fOWSIe ; No. 3. 70C. l (
c.'OHN Maikvt ulrly active und about uteady ;
Nn. 2 mixed. 22V40WC.
OATS Market slow , but tlrm : No. 2 white , IS',4
IIVK Mnrkct Orm ; No. 2. .
I IAV Market anlvj uml higher : choice
timothy. JK.OWS.2. . ; choice ptahle , Jii.SO.
Ill'T'l Kit Market steady , demand poor ; cream-
fry , 205 22c ; dairy , HOITc ,
inn : Mniket llrm at ll'.ic.
HKCKIl'Trt-AVheat , 4'JSCO Im. ; corn , 3.700 bu.
oats. 3.0:0 bu.
HIlll'MfONTS-WhiMt , 133,100 bu. ; corn , 25.300
bu. ; oats , i .WO bu.
lliiKlniorc Uili'lielM.
llALTIMOllhl > i-l. ll-l''loril-Qupt | am
fctendy , uricf.aiiKcd ; receipts. S5,2iS bblc ; exporti >
J.lMi bblf.
WHKAT Firm : No. 2 red , spot. OViflOrHc
October. KiVifitCiic ; December , Sj tf''Cc ' ; steame
No. 2 led. ( lOifiTOJc ; soulbiTi ) . by sample , P0 (
0V southern , on'Krade , M { fttV3 ! < . ' ; receipts , 9i ,
131 bu. ; eM.ortu , fn.QW bu
O1HN' 13ni > y : mlxi'd , spot. October , MijQWir
Peermber. 30'4f30Vjc : Hteumer mixed , 2 jfi:81ii'
soiitbern white. 31'iMc | ; romhern yellow. Wi
5Cc ; iccelptrf , 31.743 bu. ; exports , kl.l.'S bu. sales
2S.OOO bu.
OATH I'lrni : No. 2 white. 2C'iIT:7c ; receipts
il.'ir. bu. ; exports. S.f.TI bu.
HAY Steady and unchanged.
OltAIN I'llKltlllTS Slcajy ; moro actlva ; quo
tatlons unehan eil.
PltovirilONS llutler and eggs , tlrm nnd mi
Chaiiiied. Cheefe. ( leady and iincliaiiBet
( Jrnlii IteeelplH nt I'rlncliiiil > lnrK'clH
rilll'A iO. Oct. 19. llcceliits today :
203 ears ; corn , S35 cnr ; oats. (05 cars. Kutl
mated u-celptH tomorrow ; Wheat , 170 cars ; corn
& 75 cars ; oats , J7D cars.
MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. ! . Hecelpts : Whent , C4
l'riT. IJll'lH. Oct. -Hecelpts ; AVhent , ill cars
Dl'H'TH. O.'t. 19 lU-i-elpIs ; Wheat. 453 curs
I'lIOIMA. Oct. 19. Itecelpts : Corn. 78.200 bu.
oal , 19.300 bu. : rye , SCO bu. ; wlilnky , none
wheat OW bu. Khlpmenls : tVrn. 3.351 bu. ; oats
4.170 bu. ; rye , none ; whisky. 740 bbls. ; wheat
KANSAS CITV. Oct. lO.-Rerelptu : Wheat. S
Liverpool ( irnlii nnd PriivtKloiiN ,
LIVI-'lll'OOL. Oct. 19. I'UOVISIONS llaeon
short clear backs , llrm. Ji's ' ' t : vicar bellies
linn ( On. Lint , pilme western , tlrm. 13s Sd.
WIIHAT Hiiol. No 2. red winter steads' . 7
7d : No. I red. northern ; > rlnu. new , steady , 7
G t.1
t.1COIIN American mixed , rpot , uM , steady , !
* ld' tletober. quiet. 3 'jd1 Novt-mlier , ipilet. 3
Tid ; December , < | ulct , 3s l\d.
Toleiln MarUi'tM.
TOLMDO , Ovt. -AVIII-3AT Higher , steady
No. 2 cash. 93c ; Decenil > er. 9lc.
roilVActive. . lew r : N" S mixed. 2l'jc. '
OATS-Qulet : Na I mlied , IS'Jc.
HYK Dull , uleady ; No. 2 cnsli. 47c.
C'lXViHRHii- : . bte.iJy ; prime rash
and October. M.37H.
San I'mncUi'ii U'hent niul llnrlej- .
tvi | > ; Dw-finber M.IHj. May. ( Ml.
il.UU.KYInactive ; Dvcemlwr. SITic.
HrncUtrrcf lli-iorl Dflni > il.
NKW VOltIC Oet. 1 Ilrailmrrefi usual grain
clock rportnil ) n t. be Issued today , owlns
to the iwn r tlpt or tci Rrtnn tr m Important
ifnl r-Q
Plilln < lrlt7liln PrinliiciMiirU.l. .
rilll.MlKU-IIlA Oil l II'TTLU Mrin. ,
rints , t , | th r. fancy wr.t'in . lejmery. . . , - ,
nnc > - nvsitm Ptnnsylvnnln nnd western prints , j
/K -Firm : ft h. noniby. He ; fienh wtalcrn. \
Clltisi-Qult : but steady.
PLIOllIA o-t | 9rollN-Market easy nnd ; No. 2 , Jlo.
OATS MfktkPt slow ; No. 3 white. 21c.
llYK-Market Mulct. No. 2. 4.1c.
WIlISKY-Kruh hUh proof spirits. 11.20.
Mnrlc ( AKiilii I'.vlillilli n Declileilly
SlriniMr 1'nilorloiir.
NI3W TOUK , Oct. 19. The undertone of to-
ay'a market was one of strensth throURhmit.
'he volume of transactions was not Inrice nnd
hero wen prolonged pcrluds of when
rndlnir praetlcally atngnant , but the opern-
lens of Important Interests , which were prom-
nut In tin ; late bull market , were manifest.
'lip tone of yesterday's market had apparently
ptcniiincil laiKC profwslonrtl operator * to under-
ako ( i movement for n rise today. The break In
hi- price of I'ullnisn , due to the news of the
eath of the head of the company , halted the
peratlons of thin element for n time , but thu
weakness of thn Hut In the face of th break in
iillman nnd the marked weakness In Chicago
HH nnd the stronif itupH | > rt which wan uffered
ho Pullman stuck encouraged thu bull operators
0 renew their campaign In an aggressive wny
atcr in the afternoon. Tli result was thnt the
horts were driven to cover nnd prices through.
ut the list mounted strunKly upward to n point
materially above lust lllKlit's close. Tlio Ix'iirs
ad made the most of tin * sympathetic effect ] > rj-
aeeil by the oix-nlnsr weakness In Pullman , but
he moih-ratp decline In the general list failed to
rlnc any heavy llipjldatlim or to dislodge nny
real nmount of stop loss order * . Tlio manifest
rmness of prices discouraged them and their
ush ti > co\er nt the close was precipitate. The
trength of the market dcveliped llrst In the
"andei bills. Michigan Central was the sensa-
lonal feature In the group with a. Jump of 5U
olnis , but nearly nil of these- properties , In-
luillng' Northwestern nnd Omaha , were quite
uoyatit nnd closed with net gains of from 1 to 2
olnts. Him-ar nnd Chicago Has laiiKiM o > er
learly 3 iiolnts nml the coverlntr of shorts In
heso stocks on the rise was nn Importnnt
lenient In the strength of HIP market. Dealings
n Pullman were on a very large scale nnd o\er
1 rantfo of 7 % . fn estimating the flgnlllcanco of
his movement It Is to be considered that the
tuck jumped yesterday on a small trnnsac-
Ion. siirli ns often affects nny Investment
stock. The closn today Is only half n point be-
ow the price ruling before yesterday's snle. All
: he news of the day continued favorable , rail-
oad earnings continuing to show Improvement.
Louisville won 11 notable exception , with n de
crease m earnings of J7.700 for the second week
n October , due to continued Interruption by yel-
ow fever quarantine. The adjustment of pas-
eiiKer rates by mime of the western railroad
lines removed a recent CIIUFO of apprehension.
Lnndnn continued to be a good buyer In the
Ni Yoik market , and In fnct offered the prin
cipal suppott dm Ini ; the early trading. The ex-
chang market showed n distinctively Hrqicr
tendency , though ttip only announcement re-
Kanllnic gold from Kurope was of the with
drawal for shipment to the I'nlted States of
.t3.1ooi ) In gold from the Hank of Kngland. OeM ,
liowexer. Is In transit from Australia to Sun
Krancl'pn. The local money maiket contlnueil
easy nnd outside banks continued to take a
arge amount of commercial pajx-r In this market
Dutstdit of the oases above mentioned special
strength was sli.nvn by Ix > ul vllle on I ondon
luyinc. by Missouri Pacltlr. Oregon Navigation ,
I'lttsburg. Cincinnati. t'hleago & St. Loul
loeks. St. Joseph , t rinind Island llrst prcfcned
and Leather preferred.
A feature of the ! > end market wns a snle of
15 < . ( W ) nnil lOil.oio. respectively , of Union I'acinv
collateral Gs at unchanged prices. Dealings In
tionls xvere not on n large scale , but prices gen
erally showed Improvement. The totnl sales
were J1.G.VI.OOO. Vnlteil States new 4 . renlstereil.
adxvineed'K \ per cent bltt nnd the 5j declined V , '
! ier cent.
The ivenlnc 1'ost's I indon llnanelnl cable
gram sayt : "The stock markets were dull today ,
xeept Americans , which were heller on tin-
New York lead , but transactions were few. To-
lay's miltby the Hank of nngland of eagles at-
racts attention , the withdrawal , though small.
icing the llrst since the price of eagles was
raised. The Paris tiourse was better after dull-
IP S and the llerlln market was quiet. "
The fnllmrliiK were the closing quotations on
he lending Blocks of the New York exchange
oday :
\rw Viirk Miinr
Many ut SJiHx : last loan , SJi ; clonil , 'i\t&iVi \ pt-r
I'lll.Mi ; linilCANTILI- : > AI > l-Ul-4ffl',4 ' per
' '
s'r'r.itMNa ixi'iiAxri--ririn. wiib actimi
Inislnosi In b.inkiTB' bills nt tl.SH-j for demand .nml
ill $ l > 2fJIS2il for MMy ilajs ; i.iatwl HUM. tl.S2Vj
Iffl.Slu and tl.Ra > i ; coniniHrrlnl bills' . 11.81.
MKXU'AN' 1)O1.IAIIS ll'ic. .
(1OVKHNMI1NT ( ItONDS Irri-sular.
STATK 18ONI > S Dull.
HAIl.ltOAO 1IONDH Ktionif.
Cliwlnu iiiMtatloim nn Irani ! * were BH follows :
II. S. mnvls.ivi. . . . .lJ7'X. . J. O. IHUOII. . . .l-J7'- ' N. C. Un
tr , ? N.O. Is 101
U.S. iH.coup Ho. P.ialllc Isn. . . .
U. S. 2 S'o. I'.iulllo Us. .
Pt-uiillm , pored firm. WrMwuy but recovers
n..tln and , i.m. il firm , with n m derate ilfmnnd.
NI.W York Imylntf nldnl'lht ' .inward movement.
Loiiilnit Slock ( timtittlotiK.
I.ONDO.V , Oct. 19.4VCVslns ;
Conjoin. in'rrr.TTrTl I IH i Ci'iimToninioit. . HTT
ton : ol . jjcoi.lll 13-IO'N. ' Y.Citntrn 113H
ran. IMclno H.V t'fliinsviv.inl.i 6s
Krlc istfnfil. . . . . ' . ' Hlli uMox On. Vtow'Vv H7'l 1H lAtciilion 1 4 t
Mi-\u-ai orlin.\rv loiJiL. .V N ( )
HAH SILVKll-Rtendy nt 27 J-18d jer ounce.
MO.Vi.Y-l tHt per cent ,
The rnte nf illsitninl In the open market for
short bills M HifiSH per cent ; for three month * '
bills I * 2'i03 per cent , i
Unld la nuote.l todnyiint liucno Ayre.i. 1ST. 10 ;
I.l-lmn , tCi ! ; Home , IK.35. American etgU-J ,
7Cs 7d.
I'llllllirlnliilrn. .
N'lnV OltLHANS. Oct. U.-Clenrlngsi , : , :34.-
110STOS. Oct. -C1enrlngs. ! > . J19.I9S.797 ; bul-
nncrs. | lit3,12V
11ALTIMOUK. Oct. U. Clenrlnss , $3MO.MOi
ImLincen , $ SM,8fi7.
NKW YOIIK. Oct. 19.-ClearlnK . ) 9.793.40I |
balances. J .SWS27.
I'ltltAnKLI'HIA. Oct. 19.-ClcarlnKs , JU.5W-
615 ; b.ilnnceH , Jl,977,716 ,
MHMI'HM. Ocl. -ClearbK ! . Jlll,2 ; bnl.
nnces , JW.273. New York exchange , selling t
nar.CINPlNNATf , Oct. 19.-Nw York" exchnnitc.
par anil We premium. riearlnfis , J1.9IS.KO.
Money , S'.4 6 per cent.
ST. IXt'13. Oct. 19.-ClearlnKs. r..Ur.5 : ln | .
nnees. > ; i7,92l. Money , f > WS per cent ; New York
cxchnnRp , Kc discount bid ; par naked.
CHICAGO. Oct. -Clearings ! > , 1R777.MI. New
York exuhntiKi' , Bo illncount ; poati-d rule , } l.S3'4 '
HM.SJH. Stocks largely Intltienceil by DeorKc M.
I'lillman'n death ; Diamond Match nnd lllscult
bulh cold ult sharply , but recovered partially ;
clonltiK : West CblcnRO , 10I ; Dlatnnnd Malcli ,
111. Uikn Slrect 1 19 : New Ynrk lllscult. 0 i :
City Hallway. 230 ; Alley I , CJiJ ; Mclropalltan
L , 8.
l'tirl n I'lniiiu-liiL
1'AHIS. Oct. 19. Three per cent tvntcs , I03f 8 > 4c
for the account.
limtl.lN. Oct. U. Kxchnnse on I/mdon , 20
nuirkn 31 pfRs. for checks.
IXINDON , Oct. 19.-The nmount of bulllnn ltb-
dmwn froiii tbe Hank of llnsland n bnlancc lo-
duy wns 135.034. Of this amount 3.1,000 was
In AtiK-rlcan caKle * .
Sluirii Unity In tin * Afti-rnoon
I'rl-t-H lri a ! ' < I'n111 tit.
NRW YOHIC. Oct. 19. The cotton market
opened steady , with prices unchanscd to 2 potnta
lower , early KtiRllsh market news belnu dlsnp-
poIntltiK ; buC there was some good forcltni buyIng -
Ing and sellers wllhdiew , Southern selllnR order -
der were numerous during the forenoon , nnd.
with Indications of n heavy port movement ,
chocked confidence on the lonR side of the iu--
counl. There waH n sharp rally after noon on
coverlnR. The market was llnally steady at a
net advance of 7 to 10 points. Closing prlres ;
Jnnunry. , ; Kebru.iry , 56.19 ; March , J0.22 ;
April , $0.2C ; Mny , $ l > .30 ; June , JC..S3 ; July , JC.37 ;
October. JC.13 ; November , J6.0-.I ; Det-entber , Jti.12.
"pot clnseil tlull ; ntldilllnR uplands , BS-lUc ; mid
dling KUlf. C7-I6c ; nildilliiif ; . 33-lCc ; ncl rerelpts ,
none ; uross. ri,2. bales : exports to C.reat Hrltnln ,
2.1" ! ! bales ; to the conllnent , 2W bales ; furwardetl ,
2.1SD bales- ; sales , 227 bales ; nblppeis , 27 bales ;
Block , rO..W4 b-iles. Total today : Net ri elpts ,
Sl.OI bales ; exports to Great llrltatu , 23,0:0 bales ;
lr > the cnntlnent. ll.VH bales ; i-lock. CH.4I9 bales.
CVinwIldnteil : Net receipts , 19S.311 bales ; exports
to Oreat llrltntn. 74 , < OS bibs ; to France. S3.9H1
bales ; tu tin.conllnent. . K,833 ) bales. Totnl since
September 1 : Net receipts , l,5S2.sril bales ; ex
ports to rcat llrltaln , llfi.lU i tiales ; to Krnncc ,
10l.42G : lialea ; to the eontlnont , 2S3.C97 lmlc- < .
LIVI-ntl'OOl , , O-t. 19. COTTON Ppot. fair de
mand ; prices lower ; Ameilcan mlddllnKfnlr ,
331-3M ; Rood inlddllnR. 3 > id ; Amerli-an middling- ,
3\d ; low nilcMlliiK. Slid ; Rood ordinary , 3-M ;
ordinary , 3-3-15d. Sales , 10,000 bales , of which
l.OOi ) bales -\voto for speculation and export , and
Included 9,100 bales Aniurlvun ; receipts , 10.100
bales , all American , uturen opened easy with a
inoiIerutLtlemand and closed steady ; American
, . . . October 3 31-0-ld bu - de-
middling I M. C. . , - - > i-is ; -
toliur nnd November , 3 21-611 buyers ; No\ember
ami December , 3 21-fllr3 ( ? i-fitd buyers ; Dei ember
and January. 3 21-Gld buyer * ; January and I-Vb-
ruary. 3 21-Rid buyers ; Kubruary and March ,
3 21-64W3 22-i4d ! liuycis : March and April , 3 L2-64
03 23-6ld sellers : April and May , 2 23-6Id buyers ;
May and June. 3 21CId buyers ; June and July ,
3 23-61(1 buyers ; July and Augusl , 3 SU-Cld buy
ers.NI3W OHl.HANS. O.n. IS. COTTON-Knsy ;
sales. 9,330 bales ; ordlnaiy , 47 c ; wood ordinary ,
fiWc ; low middling. 5 9-lCc ; middling. BTio ; Rood
middling , C l-Kc ; mldilllm ; fnlr , ( i D-l'Jc : tccplpts ,
2S.US bales ; stock , 117.2 bales. Coiifolidated
statement : Hecelptp , net , 108.311 bales ; exports
to flreat Hiltaln. ! 4SOS bales : to Ki-ance , 1-3.M1
b.iles ; ti tlic continent. 2iE. ! > 3 Inleo ; slock. C14.4I9
bales. KutuicH , easy ; sales , 31,200 bales : October ,
} "i.S2iio.Sl ; November. $ r.s,3iiiTi.s.'i , ; Ueceinber. S3 S2
iij.SI ; January. J3.S1' D.S5 ; l-'ebruary. tJ.S9ii3.iO ! :
March , $ ; .SIf3Si | ! ; April , f3.OSiQC.CO ; May ,
li.nv.MIMIHIS. . oi. in.-COTTON' steady ; miii-
dlbuc.5TMt' : IL-ct'Ipts , 3.GSG bales ; sblpmc-llts. 1,289
billet ; stock. t , ! 20 bnlca ; sales , 4.WO bales.
ST. 1XJI7IH. Oct. 19. COTTON Steady ; mld-
dllnir , C 13-liu : ; sales , SI biles ; tecelpts , 7,093
bales ; stock 111.711 bales.
"OALVKSTON. Oct. 19.-roTTON Katy , but un.
chanKcd ; tpot mlddllni ; , r ID-lCc.
Di-iiuinil Is ( Juli-t. lull ( In- 'I'nniCuii -
tliuifs I iilllnililiiKl.iFirm. .
HOSTON , Oct. 19. Tlio wool market here con
tinues tiulet , altli ) UKh tbere is no sign of weak
ness In Us tone. Terltory wools continue to lead
, n sales. The tone continues to bardcn and line
waidifd di-lalnc.s Imve sold at 30c. The demand Is
ciuiet , wblle liuld.-rs anIndlrfeient and look for
combing. & .K- .
MOW YOIIK. Oct. 19. WOO1. Firm ; domestic
lleece , 201i27c ; steady and unchaiiRod , Texas , 13
il 17e.
ST. LOIHS , Oct. 19. WOOI.-Qulct and un
changed ; medlnni , 13g21e ; IlKlit line ,
heavy line , JOijlle ; tub washed , S
NIJ\V YOIIK. Oct. 19.-COI'FKi-Ontlons
opened IrreKUfcir at unclunKed prices to 10 points
leclliuniled quiet and ftMturelcra with a weak
unilertiino un ! er dis.ippolntlnK iiirtipt-aii cablc-s
heavy llrav.lll.-iii receipts , absence of ppivulatlve
suppoit , Indlllfreiice of spot buyers nnd ieneru
I'esslmlstlc teelliiK , fcelllnR thct'ked by Increasei
\viiu IKIUSU deliveries ; clased iMiely tteiidy. will
prices B to 10 points lower ; sales. Pi. COD IriKs. In-
fludlnir Dfceinber , JO.i' , ; March. Jil. 43S.0. 60
Spot corfre , Kin , dull ; No. 7. Invoice. ! J7 , No 7.
JoblilnR , } 7.M. Mild , steady : Coidova. 10.Cfl/5
13.1/0 ; dales. WO liana M.irae.ilbo. Total wiire-
house deliveries from the fulled 'Stales , 17.2S4
b.iKs , InvliidliiR 17,117 IIRKH from New York
New York tocl ; today , 3'J3,19 ' < ; bag * . Unite.
States , stock , i.a.-iCS7 biB : : niUmt for thu IJnltei !
States , 425.000 t Kr total visible for the Unite. .
States. WS.tM IIURS , QKalnst oW.rj'Jingn \ last y-u
anil r.Cl.r.37 ImRs In Ik'Jo.
HAVlti : , Ocl. 19 COFI-'lJIS-CliHeil quiet nl
Vie not tleellne ; rales. 2I.IOD liaiss.
SANTOS , ( let. 19. COKKl-'K Qul-t : Rood aver
age Siintoa , Sl ) ' ) I'L-ln ; receipts , < .r > , CO ) ba H ; stock ,
1,098. 1)00 II.-IBS.
IIAMIIUIIII , Ocl. 19. Op.-iifd > , i pf . lower.
closed ' , if4 pfR. net lower , sales , C,0' baits.
niO 1)11 JANIJIHO , Out. IXCOri'KI'IIl.irelj
Hti-ady ; Nn. 7 I llo. 8.0W relsi oxuhniiRi * , 77-1W-
reci-lpls , 22i ) baRB ; i-leared for thii Dulled
States , II , TO hnKa ; for Kur"- ! . -1.0 IMIKH ; stock ,
NKW OHL1IANS , Oct. IJ.-SftlAH Quiet ; npt-n
kettle , KVifMHr ; centrifugal white , 4 1-1W4'C
yt-llonii. S'.if/aHc ; Heconda , ifitc : syrup , 19f(2'u.
Tin :
INSTRUMKNTS placed on recor.l Tuesday
Oulolier 10. 1HJ7 :
John'Subek unit wife lo Think Suohy ,
lot SO. J. Ii IlHey's sub. ! f 1
Charlf-a Neher anil wlfi > to UHlt'hn.i
.S.iuttor , lei ? IS nnil 1C , block 21 , Wil-
i.-ox'-i 2il niUI 2,00
Thompson Itatllff and wlfo to L , n.
Stret-t , lot 1 , block 9 , Vfeal Kml nilil. 5M
O. 11. Tzsohuek nnil wife to SI. T. .Me-
l > onail. ! lot 1U , block ) , W. U Helb'n
1st , mid -Ol
Thomas Hart nnil wlfo to Union Trust
To. , trustee , lot 9 , block 2 , UOKK ft
H'H 1st add 2,50
Albert IlorclnnP.n nnJ wife to A. L.
Smith , lota 3 and 14 , block 20 , Orchard
Andrew Hummel et al lo Charles
Hummel , lot 4. block 197 , Omnlm. . . . 1
Sime to Kathurlna Jorg , s CO feet lot 1 ,
block 21. Omaha 1
Saino lo K. H. Hummel , e 33 reel lot
2 , xiune
Some to J. n. Hummel , n C'j ffc-t lot
1 , waniii
Frank Thompson , executor , Pt nl to
C. M. Hroadwell , lots 12 to 17. block
2. JutterV ) 2d add. ; lots 1 , 2. 25 and
20. blo.k 2 , Coiner & A'rt add C :
Andrew Mllen , executor , to Frank
Thompson , uxeculor , ct al , same. . . .
Special master to w. S. FHke , 7S
feet lots 1 to 4 , block 21 , Walnut Hill. 3CO
Total amount of transfers ? ll$5
Htm of CnUlo Decreases nnd Hog Supply
Shows nn Increase.
luyrr * All Looking for Killer * nnil
tlio Oircrhmn CluniKr llniuU
1'reely UIIKH ( Jet Hark 11
IJiioil ItlK McUel. ,
SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. ID.-Uecelpta for the
nys Itullo.ited were :
Cattle. HORS . Sheep. Horses
Totnl receipts . 170 44 12
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each Yitivcr purchasing the num-
) or o head Indicated :
Hitycrs. Cattle. HOBS. Sheep.
Omaha 1'acklnp Co . 3.1 113 . . . .
O. H. Hammond Co . 470 MS 330
Swift nnd Company . . . . ret ! 1,283 ! 'i" >
Cudahy I'acWilK Co . SM 709 123
I. Becker and Dcian . . Ml .
'ansant & Co . . . r > 7. > .
. L. iCarey . 43 .
\ \ ' . I. Steplions . SIS .
lemon & Underwood . . 'Jl.T . . . .
lustoiv & Co . fi3 .
vrebbs & Co . M .
.IvInKston . 131 .
Jennls .S : AVolt . ISTi .
Nelson Morris , Chicago. . M'J .
Other buyers . 1'Ca . . . . 1391
Left over . 300 . . . . 100
Totals . Tc77 2,610 2 S91
. . The receipts of cattle iwcrc lib
eral today , though short of yesterday's run
> y sixty-three cars , The cattle were nearly
ill from the ranges anil few1 of them such
as the killers would want , the majority ot
ho steers being nut table only for feeders.
There were about four loads of cornfed
steers In the yards , and , as the buyers all
vanted a few good cattle to kill with the
commoner range cattle , thev fold a little
ilghcr. One bunch was good enough to
irlng $1.73.
The marled was well Miipplled with butch
ers' stock , thirty to thirty-live loads of
coves und heifers being ottered for sale.
\lmost all tin- cows were from the range
uul a good many of them on the com-
iiotilsh order. As to the prices p.ild , the
nniltct was at least steady and the offer-
ngs were for the most part taken In good
x-ason. One two-load bunch of. choice corn
ed heifers sold up lo $4.1 0.
There was free buying of feeders and the
market was fairly active at just about
steady prices. Representative sales :
1. . . . lilO 200 ] . . . . 470 3 S3 4. . . . 8.17 430
2 93) 430 1..101) 430 23..812 430
2J 790 430 1..1120 431) 1. . . . COO 2 M
IS 91X1 300 1. . . . C-0 300 2. . . . 715 330
1..11SO 2 DO 1..17U ) 3 40
L. . . 2,10 I 00 7. . . . 12.1 4 23 2. . . . 3CO 4 DO
3 ISO 3 00 1. . . . 110 G SO
M .107.1 39.1' 3. . . . MIS 420 1..420 4 fiO
1. . . . r > 0 I 3T 1. . . . 490 433 1 810 3.10
B. . . . S5S 3 71) L. . . CCO 370 4..73J 380
II 929 3 M
1 cow SSO } 2 75 S cinvn 1102 J3 23
T bulls I4K 2 SO fi feeders..12. 3W
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r.
1 bull 9 > * 75 4 feeders 7.11 $3 no
33 feeders. . . . 771 I 10 1 cow 030 1 73
3 cowa icjii ) 2 SO'feeders. . . . . Mi 300
1 cow 110" ) 31- ) 1 i-ow 1230 300
1 cow 970 325 1 cow 11"0 32. )
3 feeders. . . . 823 4 ( 19 feeders. . . . fS'i ' 4 0.1
IMfeodeiH. . . SIS 420 13 feeders..1101 440
2 feedeis. . . . S40 440 10 cow * K * 2 . )0
U cowa 958 310 92 feeders..1141 420
2 COWH 1200 310 1 cow 1000 310
21 rows 1022 310 2 Cows 113.1 310
9 feeders. . . . Ml 32.1 S heifers. . . . Ml 330
1 tailing 930 3 2u 2 feeder * . . . . S15 3 fiO
7S feeder ! ! . . . . 109 3 to 105 fei-d-r-f. . . . Sfil 3 90
2 feeders. . . . 1000 4 no 2 feeders..1010 4 W
3 feeders. . . . 100S 4 li ! 13 feelers SI4 4 l.i
1 eow 920 100 19 COWH 9.10 2.5
2 bulls 13.10 280 1 COW 920 2 S. ,
S eows 902 320 7 cows 914 3 2j
20 sun Tex. . 947 33.1 30 cuwa 92(1 ( 330
1 feeder 1410 340 1 feeder 1040 410
34 feeders. . . . 940 I 10 24 feeders 1010 373
15 feeders. . . . 921 37.1 17 feeders. . . . 9CO 3 i. >
139 feeders. . . 911 32.1 M Rlrs TeMl J %
9 nteers 1171 370 24 feeders..1011 375
20 cows 1015 310 Pi feeders..11M 3 R.1
1 calf 320 4 73 C COWH 91S 3 23
1 feeder 1100 370 1 feeder 930 3 iO
- feeders..10 0 370 1 feeder 1200 370
' 1170 31" )
1 steer 12i'0 390 1 tteer
j nieer 1160 3 ! H 9 ptcers 12.1.1 390
1 talllllK 130) 323 1 llllllni ? 1HO 3 .1
1 tailing 13-JO 32.1 7 steers 12,2 38)
IS cows 921 250 11 bulls 122S 2 ( B
1 tallln ? 1330 300 121 COW. " 1031 315
t cow 900 313 C'J cows 1MU 323
1 tailing 1230 321 21 1271 3 hr ,
1 tailing 1020 325 2.1 tailings..10 ? ; 3 r ,
129 feeders. . . . 104.1 37.1 1 bull HSO 270
1 hull 12iW 300 1 bull I3f0 2 fn
fi l.-.lllnis..10IG 323 103 cowa 9M 330
24 fe 'ders. . . . 950 175 10 feeders. . . . WO 3 73
93 feeders. . . . 81'J 3 C , 71 fieilers. . . . MS 380
41 feeders. . . . 139 3 r,0 49 feeders..1053 370
3J fei > ilers..lO'.iO 370 4 feeders. . . . ! 03 370
r. feeclei-s..1102 3.74 . 31 feeders..1017 JO )
Gl feeders. . . .1030 3 C4 I i ow fCO 335
1 bull 1350 205 13 rows R13 275
9rowK 937 314 4 cow ? M7 310
14 Mrs. Tcx.lorS 335 ( ! belfer. < ' 0 315
It heifers 876 3D fi tnllln s.,101-ii 344
104 COWS 031 344 ! l ftrs. Ti-x. . Ml 310
17 sirs. Tex..1051 324 1 cow 1120 335
Ustis. Tex..1114 3 4" 21 < tnTex.l tS 3 4i
| cow 1074 2 f.4 45 fnv/f SSI S SO
H cows 1014 325 C tailings. . . . i'lfi 325
37 ntrs.-Trr. .1102 334 S ! cnlvrj 1 354
44 fedcr . . . .1037 3 l 1 feeder SIX ) 3 ( fl
24 t\rx. Tsx.,1031 343 12 ft-eders..1061 374
llnti'irs 1178 370 2 feeders. . . . 44 4 SO
3 calves 10) 500 17 feeders. . . . 1U47 3115
11 fr < * nt..l417 3 f3 1 feeder 1204 4 DO
1 feeder 11SO 400 4 calvi-i 3i'2 I i )
Sculves 310 454 5 calien 220 475
iicj\es : | 311 485 23 calxcj 217 525
1 steer irco 335 12 Hteers 1281 S .13
2 Fleers l.T > 5 4 04 1 fleer 1K4 400
M ) fdi-i Tux..1433 3 7'4 IM I ha Ti-x..lOC7 3 C7 > 4
19 cows 1033 325 S feeders..1UV ) 370
1 l r KM 3 S'i 2'icown 11)27 ) 323
3 tteerji 120) ) 3 83
1IOH ! Vestetilay with light receipts and nil-
fuvornhli * maiket condltlonu the > * took off a biK
Tie. Today , with iirelpt larger und with market
Intluriicex moiienaiuraglng , they put It baek on
airaln. In other w .nls. the Iiognild In Just
nltont the same nott'heH as oa Saturday , Die
dt-ellno yenterday being lerovi-red.
Tin * market was artlvo nt UIH advance , end an
early cleaiiinn' was effected. The f.ict Is. Ihi'ie
weru not hugs enough ht'ie to supply the de *
inand , the recelpu bulnt , ' light for a Tuesday.
HepreHentatlvu tiller :
No. Av. Sh. 1'r. No. Av. Kb. IT.
32 3V ) 124 $3 54 f.5 33 ! ) . . . S3 C4
.4 SS2 . . . 3 SO f.'i 233 S'0 3M
27 32-i 124 3 C2'4 ii.1 2S4 10 3M
34 316 84 3 r.5 f.8 2)2 . . . 314
17 313 . . . 3 K , M 315 IJO 3 f.
C4 273 124 335 M. 29) ) SO 3 C )
61 3 104 331 Bl , 321 . . . 3 M
37 321 44 3 SI 54 315 . . . 3ft )
41 2M 124 353 52 2SO W ) 3 64
43 37S IM 3 Ki 6) 324 80 3M
fj 2W 204 3 K5 hi 2JI W 3 GIVj
27 33i . . . 3 57 % 04 290 . . . 3 i
( r MS 120 3 57'.i C ) 235 80 3 C.1
f,2 279 M 3 B7'j 01 -V > 4' ) 365
C9 ? j8 1C4 3 M C2 Ml . . . 3 f 5
3 273 SO 3 (10 ( 57 301 fO 3
,5 233W 3 M C < 25 > 84 3
f,4 K 3 80 364 C7 237 . . . 3 fS
f,6 2J2 2U ) 3C4 14 210 . . . 3 74
M 332 SO SOT 87 S)3 374
31 4 . . . 301 W 233 84 374
52 3J3 . . . 10 f,2 J76 . . . 374
1 374 . . . S 64 1 434 . . . 304
" ' . . . .SS4 . . . 324 2 ICO . . . 3 60
J. 410 . . . 314 2 S10 . . . 3 C4
; j 121 . . . 340 8 SOC . . . S CS
1 340 . . . 3 ( U
HIIK1J1' There were about five loaito of mutton
, iurp und u bit ; Htrltii ; ( it tcedern In the yurda.
The market did hot how uny material changu ,
value * being just about iteudy.
M weitern wether * 143 Jl W
18U western wether * 103 3U
430 western wellil-IK lltt 3D
149 wc.-tfrn 1nmb9 , 11 4 M
< i7 wwttrn Unib * U I U
ciuc.voo i.m "STOCK MAIUCKT.
Cuttle llnrrly StctiiljIIiiB * Active
Stii-rn U'pnU ( o LIMA IT.
CltlOAtlO. Oct. 19. Chltl buyers took hold
CAUtlounly todny nnd price * were l > nrely steady
for the bulk of the onVrliigji. So ft\r nutlve
cattle were offered Uml price * weru InrRt'ly
nominal. ! < belnu on < i l i l of from II to
$4.54 for poor to pretty Rood dremed bwf Meera
and from JI.W to JS.3S for uhlppltiR cnttlc.
Storkern nd fcptlcr * wern fnlrly nnliiiAteil nl
from S1U to tl.SO. Cm , Milb nnd lu-lfrrs sold
nl former price * . fYilvoa were nct o and gen
rrnlly unrlmnced. gimU-s brltiRliiR t6.1" > to
JS.7J. Tlie bulk of Ihe western * went In feeders
ami cnnnorx nt prices innglnc frum | } . ! > 4 to JI3o
for steers up lo from J2.75 lo II for cons nnd
UORH were nctlvr , prices rullni ; steady nt Mon-
day'a tlitures. Sales were Inrgely t from IS.W
lo J3.90 , common packers oelllnii for frani J3.31
to J.1.M nnd the best llRht weights nt 13 M nnd II ,
Plus soM mostly nl front USD t Jl S3- Sales of
butcher hogs wrlRhlint around 514 pounds were
made In several Inslnno-s nt $1.03. The Into
market wns very lo on parking hefis. prices
ruling weaker.
Trade In sheep nml InmM wns fairly active ,
prices ruling weaker for sheep , lOfflSo 1onr for
i.iml > . Native Rheep w m sAlable nr fnmi $3 to
$3 for the pooreM , up to Jl.2 > > nnd J4.U for rlinlce
flocks. Western range sheep were In demand nt
from 11.25 lo fl.15 for common to prime Krnde * .
l mtis sold nt from J.1.75 to Ji.75. ( treat n\uub rs
of westerns sold nl from J4.25 tr > 13.4 1.
Hecelpts : Cnttle , 5.0i hend ; hogs , 28,000 head ;
sheep. 17,000 hend.
SI. l.iiuU I.- ' Stoi-k.
ST. 1/3UIS. Ocl. 19.-CATTI.i-ltecelpIs , 4.000
hend ; shipments , 100 bend ; tnntkvt , xtciuly for
both natives und Teians. Nnttve shipping
steers , scarce , but wouM bring | 4.3T tri.l3 ) for
fair to choir * grndes. with the bulk of sales. Jl 60
tr.YOfl ; ilres ed beef and butcher steel , I3.10IH.75 ;
steers under l.Grt ) Ihs. . llFl fl.:3 ; slockerx unit
feeders , J2.40O4.10 , bulk of s.ibn. J2 ; r.fi3 TO ;
Texas nnd Indian steers. l2.SJiM.C5. bulk of sales ,
IJ.IOir3.S4 ; cows nnd heifers , JJ..1ff3 K.
1IO(1S llecelpls , ! UV > hend : shipments. 5 fOO
hend : market. So to 10 > loner : lluhl. J3.7iHM.S3 ;
mixed. I3.50iij.73 : heavy , 13 SO r3.S5.
BIIKKP llecelnls , 2.004 liea.l . , mntket. stromt.
bill dull ; native muttons. I3.2573.94 ; cujli and
bucks , Jl.6003.54 ; lambs , fl.MC5.25.
ICnnsiiN City Live Stoi-ki
KANSAS riTY. Oc-t. IS.-CATTl.H-Hrcplpts.
D.&OO hend ; market steady ; TCMIS steer * . J2.5H ?
S.IM ; Texas cows , t2-P01fl : 0. . ; unlive utiers. J2 23W
5.13 ; native COWH nnd heifers. J1.2.'i73.W ; Mockers ,
nnd feeders. 12.751(4 4,1 ; bulls , J2.2r Tl.IC.
1UK1S Hecelt-ls , lH < 4i ) head ; maikel wenk to Co
lower : bulk ot sales. J3.32iri3.CJ'i : heavlei , J1.45 ) ; puckers. $3.15 3.62' . ; mixed. $3 Mitt.70 ;
lights , IJ.rM'sijS ' O ; Yorkers , MC 4f.70 ; ! ; I.IKS. . JL'.SO
KI IRKI' llecelpls. 3.0 < V ) head : market llrm ;
lambs , J3.255J5.30 ; muttons. J3.WffJ.75.
Xoiv York - Slin-l .
Ni\V YOIUC. Dot. 19. HHiVMSlUrelpts : , 3S
head ; no trndlng ; cables ipi < Me steers
nt HHiliillc for ilrcssed weight ; refrlKernliir beef ,
7 7 sc : exports. 414 lieeM-s anil 2.214 ipiarters of
beef.AljVKrt Uwelpls. 7. ) bend ; stcudy ; veals , J3.M
07.B4 : grassi-is , J2.M'T3.25. (
SlIKi1 ! AND l VMIlS-llecelpts. 2.riW ln-nd ;
acllM- , slightly tinner ; Hlieep , > ; lambs ,
. .
1HH1S llecolpls , 2,814 bead ; steady nt J4.15W
Stuck In
lli-cord of recelptH of live stock nt the four
principal nwrkels for Oclobt-r VJ :
On ttlo.
Omaha 4,477
Chicago 5.0X )
KntimiH City ; ' .r.'i4 '
St. trills 4.04)
Totals 2..977 4S.623
Xi'iv York Dry < ! OIMN 1lnrk < > t.
N1JW YOIIK , Got. 19. The situation In dry
gondrt IH by no means Hallsfactoiy. Store trndlng
today WHS light and showed little prospect of Ini-
lirovt-mt'iit. Mall onlers wt-ri- decidedly Irregular ,
particularly In cotton goods. The situation In
woolen good.H wns maintained In a manner which
sutpasst'il t-xpectatlons of tr.uleis geneially.
1'rlci-n weio lirm In both men's woolens and
worsteds and In women'H diess goods , and the
ileinand for spring was n-portiil to be very
steady. In silks the nmiket. was strong , Imtli
for dom.\stlc and Imported goods. Knitting and
hosiery showed some Improvement. Htnplo nit-
tons were q'Het. l"rlnt ollhs have not sold as
heavily , under the very easy market prtnallIng as
was i-xpeeted. At 2c npnt extnis could only
IK- bought In small iiunntllleK. Kuluu-s were ob
tainable at 2 7-lCc In small n < > anlltle.s.
1)11 ) MnrU-l.
Oin CITY. 1'u. , Oct. 19. Ctcdlt balances , C3 ;
certllU'.tles. no bids ; shipments. 111,523 bbls. ;
runs. 118.K12 bbls.
CIIAHI.1WTON , S. C. , Oct. 19. Turpentine ,
quiet , 2'Jo. llosln. llrm.
SAVANNAH. Oa. . Oct. 19. Turpentine , quiet ,
30ic. ; llosln , llrm. Quota closing : A , II , C. I ) ,
11.23 ; K. ! ' . J1.30 ; O , $1.33 : II , $1.44 ; 1 , $ l..Ti ; H ,
Jl.tW ; Jl. $1.80 : N , J2.24 ; W , t2.4'VW. ; . J2.S4.
WILMINGTON. Oct. 19. Turpentine , steady ,
2HsC. llosln. tlrm. lliiI12 < - ; receipts , 37 bbls.
Tar. llrm , Jl.f.O . ; receipts , 22(1 ( bbls.
Ciillforiiin lrl.-l ( FriillN.
Pltl'lTS Quiet and tlnn ; evaporated apples ,
commi n. r tl7c prime wire tray. Sl'ic ; \v < wnl diied.
pinne. SU.C ; choice. fe j /N r : fancy , ! ) e. Piunes ,
C'iiS'ir ' per lb. . ns to * > lzo and quality. Apricots ,
Itoyul. 7S8'.c ! ; Moor Park. Mi'llc. Peaches , un-
pci-lod. 74/llc ; peeled , 12's5rl7c. '
> Iuiiflif it4 > r 'ri * . tllik Trnilc.
YARNS ( Julet. with less disposition to buy.
Mother lil.'iillltcs MIT Chilli.
KANSAS CITV , Ocl. 10. Mr.s. Knnlce
Uivlnc. ; ineil 2i ; years , today Identified the
icily of a 2-yenf-ohl Klrl titki-n from the
Missouri river Sunday mornhiK ns that of
her tluiiKhlcr. Upon her Htatenu-nls a war
rant has been l ? ued for Ihn are-rat of her
Itusliand , ho Is In hliliiiK. The body when
found wns weighted down with a heavy
Htonp and bore tin mrly ' .vonnd on the head ,
indicating murder. Lnvlnu and his wife si- | > -
irated some time since after quarreling
over the disposition of Ihe child.
Ui-iM-lvcr fur IiiKiirn m-c Cum pnii y.
HAIUUSIUTHCr. Pa. . Of 1. I9.-D , puty At
torney General Herder today applied to the
I'Otirt for a receiver for the I run City Piro
Insurance company rf I'lltshui-f ; . The ap
plication wan Brantod and l'itnerV. . Sloore
of I'lttslniff , ' was appointed receiver. JtidK-
incntn to the amount of & 'AO'X ) have been
enti-fpil aR-alnst the company and a nuinliT
ol1 executions aqaln t It huvo boon returned
marUeil , "No futtdM. "
Slrlki-rH < Jn. llncU to Work.
PmijADKM'IIIA , Oct. 19. The SCO em-
ploycH of John anil James Dobvjn'H lirad-
ford cloth mills , who have boon on n. Hlrlke
for several we < UP , returin-il to work today
on receiving a proml'u fnnn the Hupetln-
li'iulent Hint tl'u 10 per cent Increase In
watii-.s iisked for would bo granted In the
near fillure , probably In D-Hvinbi-r. All th"
old hands were taken back by thii llrm.
Will lie TrliMl , f r I'm fi-Hslniin I Nm.
NI3\V YOJIK. Oct. 1 ! ) . Tie ! Journal nnd
Advert.s ! , r fs\ya : llernard \Vefers , eham-
piDii imatctir short dlstancp rurinrr of the
world , IM to have a pnlillc ( rial on the ch.irne
of iirofesuloiiailsm. The hc.i.'lni , ' will take
| ilac < ! ntj thu Aslor liouse on f-'alti'day , No-
vrmlier 1 , nnd will ho co'i'1tn-l il by Ine
rcul.itr.illon committee of the Amateur Ath
letic union
i\l : > lo lim In llli'clrli-lll lloiim.
SAN KIIANC1SCO , Oct. 13.Ilyan \ cxplo-
! on In the clcclilcal room of the C'olnin.
I-'itso Works , Mary lleck wns Ul'.led and
twelve other employm were Injured , i-U'h'
Hprlotifly and four slltfhllv. The remains
of the dead Kill have not yet been recov
Tcii'iiiHiniior > : t.
H. R , PENNEY < S CO. ,
110 Jloanl of Trade.
' Omaha.
Grain- , Provisions , Slocks ,
llranch OlTlce 1023 N Sticct. Lincoln. Null.
'I'cluplioiic 103 ! ) . Oinulia , Neb
HOAItl ) Ol' THADIi.
Dlrei'l wlre to Chb-ufo und New York.
Correspondents. John Aurrm & Co.
Of Cblca o llHlalllUlinl
1)11 II liflKTIll 4'IIKll K till II llllNlllt-MN
i\cfiiti' nrilem proiiiplly fur In Inn ;
llrllvcrj on Clilcillto , tllniii-apiillH iliid
\ < MV VorU HiiiirilM , Oiiialia Ofllrc Itiiiini
1 , .V. V. IIff , lllllK. 'I'l-lfl'lllllllt 1)111. )
l-'l.OVI ) .1. CAMI'HKl.l. , ManiiKrr.
Raruttnie and roonerbf reading the Kloiidlke-YU <
kun ( iiilili ) Hook. It < .OMlatn mupii of all tberoum
to tliu culd ttrliUitoiule frum urror ju t i uiplttua.
t < eiit.po > tiulil furllMJ. pi ktclllce uroi ( > ru mon r
Older , Tradusupplied , ilcbnV. . llolldny.Kr.-y.
.Votnbln ( inlhrrliiu \Mlrniintm r l
In .Scwulon nt Wlllliuun liny.
Wlt.UIA.MS 11AV.Vls. . . Oct. 19. Tlio ft.
crclscs tncldrnt to the dodlmllon of th
Yrrkes observatory bfRrtti here jeslrrdny. A
proRram IMS been arrnnRcd focaiU of iho
remaining iloyn ot the week.
The fourth nnitual moetlne of the- board o (
editors of the Aatro-l'liyslail Jounidl win
ItelJ yrslcrvlny , 1'rof. ! * . C. Wsdswurth read
a p > xper on aRtronnmlral mo.iauremetits , which
was lllustrfttivl wllh the forly-lncli lelencope.
I'rof. lliirnlmtn of fhlcflRo showed a uttmhcr
of double stars. AlnaiiK other visitors present
were : I'rof. Slmnn NowontiibeVnshlitRton ,
I ) . C. ; I'rof. K. C. rickerlnr ; . Hnrvixrd Col-
cse olwervntcTy , Cnmbrlilie : I'rof. .lames K.
Kcolor , Allexheiiy. ! ' . ; I'.of. . llrm-y Crew. '
XorthweRtcrii university , Kvanatnn ; I'rof. H. )
C. HuiiRoe. Hanover , Oerniany ; I'rof , B. U , s
Krost. D.irltnoulh collcKe ; t'rofs. 11. 0. Cotu-
slock ami A. 0. I'llnt. W hVi rn university ,
Madison , \Vls ; IVof. Sweczy. I'nlvcrsity ot
Nebmskn , Lincoln ; 1'iuf. C1. 1. . Doollttle. I'nl.
vorslty of I'ennajlvnnU ; 1'rrf. Van Vlcck ,
West l.ynn unlver lty. Mliltllrtown , Conn. !
I'rof. J. T. Hcesti , Columbia university. New
York : 1'rofs. B. V. Nlclioln nnd S ( ui , San
Kranclnco ; Prof. II. 0. Lord. University of
Ohio , Colitmhtis ; I'rof. M. 11. Snydor. I'hlU-
dclphlA UlRh * chool ; Dr. W. J. Humphreys ,
University of VlrRlnM. rhartottcsvltlet 1'iof.
U. P. Lrttvenworlli , University of Minnesota ;
Prof. Hedrlck , ncorRctown colleRc , ( IrorRC-
totvn , 1) . O. ; Prof. Wlnslow l\Unn , Ilrowa
university , Provlilence. U. I. ; I'rof. p. K
I'oor. Johns Hopkins university ; 1'rof. llenty
M. Paul , United States NV > val olisen-at < iry ,
\VashltiRlon. I ) . C. ; I'rof. William H. Collins- ,
Haverford collesc , Pennsylvania ; Prof. C. U
Miller. Kansas university. Topokci ; Prof. 0.
W. Meyers , University of Illinois , Champaign.
Miss S. T. Cunningham of Swarthmnro col-
lest' . Pcnnsylvnnlrt , and Miss Mary Whitney
of Vassar college re the only women astron
omers present.
( irnlii lcnlirI'ln.i - tinVlrld of Corn
ill - ( II.MI'SS lltislu-lN.
PR01UA. Oct. 19. The Illinois Rraln deal
ers meet In convention lit this city lod.iy.
This morning n reception was tendered them
on the Hoard of Trade. " 11. S. Tyler of Io-
cattir , secretary of the association , will this
afternoon submit a report on the condition of
the corn crop In Illinois for 1S97. Iteports re
ceived hy him cover seventy corn-prodticltiK
counties , from sources lie considers rellabln
and nrc given by competent judge * , practi
cal business men find grain hu > ers. Kor
some counllin reports were made by as
many us thirty different parties , and they
were averaged , llo consldcra It safe to
figure that Illinois has this year produced
fully 12. ! > per cent of the entire crop of thn
United Slates. The average for
seventy countlcd Is 70.S. ! pe cent , ns com
pared with the crop of IS'.ni , and he estimates
Illinois' crop for 1S97 at OI.fifiL'.SSS. and
thnt of the United States at lCIL'.r,03.110.
The. amount In farmers' hands in Illinois on
October 1. LSD7. was 17 per cent of the
crop of IS'.IG ' , or IS.177'l70 bushels. Of the
crop of 1SU7 lie expects that 77.6 per cent
will bo merchantable corn.
l-lllllli : Alii : WOl'.NDKIl l\ A
Olio In D.vlilK mill Aniitln'i- In a
DiiiiKoriniH Coiiilll Inn ,
HOT SPIUNGS. Ark. . Oct. 19. As the out
come of u three-cornered Unlit hero C. II.
Johnson , a prominent druggist , Iks nt the
point of death , Samuel Watt , u meat market
proprietor , Is In a dangerous condition , and
his brother , William Watt , Is Ixully wounded.
The affair grow out of curtain derogatory remarks -
marks that Samuel Watt had nuulu concern
ing Johnson's business. Johnson shot Watt
with a revolver. Ills brother arrived upon
the scene at this Juncture and wrenched ths
weapon from the druggist's hands. A rough
and tumble fight between the men ensued ,
during which Watt , tliough badly worsted ,
managed to hcut Johnson ovur thu head with
his own revolver , fracturing his skull In
several places.
Or. I'nltou HUN Itooiivt re > il.
PlTTSIlUlti : , O 't. 10. Pr. Franc s U Pnt-
ton. president of Princeton university , left
for the ca.-n hist nl ht. Mrs. William
Thaw , tit whose rosldu'iec the fin Incut
theologian had heen staying1 wlillo hero as
sisting in Ihe .services oonpoiiueiil on the
moving : of Ihe Third Presbyterian church ,
said that l > r. Patlon had recovered from
iilw sliRVit illius and was iptltc well cnougli
ta take the journey home.
Anthony Hope
Author of
"The Prisoner ol' Zenda"
Has completed n Now Story of
Love , Intrigue , und Devoted
Gtilliuilry , untitliul
For Horlul publicntlon In F3f
tuon InstullmuntH , In the
Sundnv Hco , G.Jininoncud Oo-
tobur 17.
Anthony Ilopo'n inastnpy of
xvittv und inlinllably rac
illulofruo , in well aa his wonder
ful skill In tlio wuuviii" ; of a dra
matic ; talc , ia admirably din-
± 'od in tliihiiow Htory ol inifon-
count' notion and mistainod
inlorortt. l * ow Htork'H , nvon of
Me. riopo'H , ace mnro ropluto
with iiu.'ident , nioro rapid in
inovumunt , or tloal nioro pictur
esquely with n group of histori
cal eliaractors than this of ' 'Si
mon Dale. "
The period is one peculiarly
Hiiititblo to the uuthor'H ( 'iniiim ,
Tlio hero IIIOVCH in the roumntlo
dayw of Cliarle.s II , nnd his for *
tunes tire entangled with tliono
of the diHholuti ) Stuart , und
of Louis XIV of Franco , A
witch's in-opheoy ut his birth
lias foretold that "lie will love
what thoKliif , ' loves , know what
the Kinu hides and drinlc Irom
tlio Kind's eup. " How Simon ia
hewiichcd with saucy NnllUwyn ,
hut is at heart faithful to hlHilrst
love ; how ho he ; art * himself like
an honest gentleman through all
the court intrigues ; how lie do-
fcnilH Ins lady wllh a wit und
with u Hword point equally Iceon ,
to win her to himself at lust ,
Mr. Hope tells In u brilliant eor-
ies of vividly picttirctiriua BOOIIOH.
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