10 THE OMAHA DAIL.V . BEE ; cmnSTVN 1SSDA , OCTOIM5H 20 , I8 { > 7. SPECIAL NOTICES \ilicrllscmctil * for Ilioxo piilnniiiJi nlll ho tnlicu until IU in. fur Iho i-vciilnu : unit until H p , in , for the lit i > nil UK nml Siindii ) filllloiiN. VH crllxofM , hj ri'iini'NlltiK a niiin- lioril ohcok , oun huso MIISVIT > ml- ilroxNoil lo ii iiiiinlioroil lollor In oiiro ( if TinItoo , \ iivv'rs HII nililroxKOil nlll lie < li-l I v crcil un prrxciitittliiii of I Ini'lie ok mil ) , Union , .I I-'Jo n word llrxt liisorllnnt 1 < > u vvuril Ihoronftor. Niillilnit tnKou fnr IONM tliiiu y. . ! ' fur I Intlrnl I list-r- HIIII. 'I Ill-Mi- nil v i-rll > ii-iii'iilN niiinl he run i-oiiNOfiillt ol ) . \ VrHIKSITlTHI.S. . \ \ . \.sri. i ) , I'HAUMATrsTT HIOIHTIUKII. : CiiniH | irnt , Hulii-r. hunot tniin , lianl worker , uisiiis nti'iiilv gltuntlon In RIMH ! town In Ne- lirnnka. r firencwi No I Aildrrm W Til. cnr Olllallil llee A MJJ1 JO * A UKNTM3MANvTslTiS : POSITION OP tnmt ; cn , ilcr , mnn.mcr , etc. : cimh rccurlty ; m MRr-ntK ntcd aii wer. AildrttMV K , Uf < > . A MJ74 IS * w A > 'iTiiI.M ATrrrTiiTM' CA.VVAKSI3IIS TO TAKK OllDIMlH. N13W 1.ISI3 of work , no linivy Koixls In curry ; nlnry or commission. ( . ' . P. A'lnini Co , (21 Ho. Uth HI. IUIUSMIN : POII CICIAIIH. mi A MONTH AND i-Xiifiifi-i. olil Itrm e iwrlenco unnecessary In- Uuiftmliik Iu LUilomer * . C. C. lllihup & Co. , St IJOIIK II 0 I'i JH..N AND \VOMiN 8OMl"lTOIW Poll T1II3 Nutl'.niil lleruvu imoclatlun , the beat , fiifi-it nlul toiiiuleitl ri < Uin.il onlrr In the Ili-M toJuy. AiIilitMi P. A. C. St vtn , Sll N. 18th St. . Onmlm II " 17 S113N ANlTTvoMIIN OIHlANI/.mtS AND ( ) - llcltom for IK-HI frnttrnil be-tiflkluri coel'-ty In tinIlilil , KIKH ] pn > . Adilre-xs Siipuni' Kee n-tar ) Star or Juiiltur , SlH'nok , Neli \VANTii : ) . OPNO MP.N TO I.P.AUN 1IAII- I'orltm. only clalit weeks rciinlrcil : catalogue miilleil free Jloler System Ilnrlnr Sihools. ClarU nnd Van Ilim-n utreilK , ClilniKo JIPS'I I.IIll AT T1IK SAHA100A TAKK Slu-rninn nvo. ear II-M3I2 23 UP. | ( > riT MA N WITH HI'AN OlIlltl In1ij1j ! ctin e-nrn r. a il > anil lumnl J l' , will lii.sl n vi-iir SI23 Alum live. , Onmli i. Neb John H " Pierce. H-M3IO 23 A iii\v M m77riN : iTiiniNC"swp.i-rr POTA- loes. Thro.MlIl.iins , G7th nnd Mllltiirv nventio ; take IJcnjon motui. II 113.11 'O * WANTID. i\"piuii.N : : : < 'Ki ) nrsin.n WHAP- l e-r i enl > tlinm- that luive luul c\n-rltnii | > In ilr > KiHiiIji utoie wrniiillii | ; paiUaRca III-IM ! iippl1 , . llo-ston Stuncim.ihn. . II r.r , 21 > \TA'NTi5i Ti7i7ii7"sTi\PV : : MP.N POII THAV- I'llni , ' KilmniPii , Kiilnry , J.'O nnd txpi-iii 'Bante t\w ntui 'iiruintlnn , inn-it hfivi' K"oil n-fi-n-ncPH ami mil-ill titpltiil for iiish liiniil. .1. C frulK- nh mK it Co , 31. Times llhle . KIIIIMN rity Mo \ VANTnu"AlTllNTH ; SIINP 2' . CMNT8 IN utiuopa nml neelviiinslpilil .12 pictures of tht > mule 111 nrt Ait Pulilljltlnn Co. Ill Nnsnu St New York City II-M37J20" ( lb\13UN'MiNT : POHI rm.NS DON'T PlliPAII13 : foi thttnMi | illitoi nllii'r civil servlre i-\unl- inlliin wllliont i-pi-lnn our Illuitrnli l e.inlfisut' of Inf'Hmillion : sent free , ( "ohimlil.in e'oire- cponilfiiiil'iilliqe. . WnshlnKlnn. D C 11-M37' ' ! 21 * \v\NTi3i ) . PIW : S.\IP.SMI.V. : PRIIM\NINT po iil < ni. feai"in Jiift on > m-il staple line , ml- nry or tommlpslnn vvllh exien | t . l.nUi' llroth- ( is Co , ChluiKo 1I-M3V ) iii ft ill G 11 T , AT-rn-TrTTuHTf .1 NI i o HO , \ v i / i : i m for fiaterniil nnli-i , llceniu'd In N > 1 -Un i , Brenli-pt cclentlllc lilnn of Kli-k , ncrllptit ill a- lillily ami ilciith In > nel1ts extant , tc < llent In ducements. Mluslvp tenltorv : write ipilrMv. I P ( } , . iII.IUKI' : bulMlnj. lln'lon , Mns . II-MJB1 20 * fWANTPD A COACHMVN TO T\KE CARE one hor--p and IniRKJ , mu t have icferences. C ill at once , National Clothln ? Co ' orner llth iind DouKlnH Sts ll-A13r,3 20 \v\vrii > _ ri3ii.vi.i : IIII.P. irJO OIULH POII Al.I. KINDS OP WO11K. J1 lo K we-i-U. C.innillan Oftlit1. 15DoiiRlis C MS WANTED. A GOOD C.IUI. KOR GENERAL hou cvviuk Applv 5C3 So. 2tUh avenue C-MIOI \VANTED , C.IUI. POII nENEtlAI. 1IOPSE- vvoik , fiiinlly ot two. Apply 11J3 CastelUr St C 330 19 WANTED. O1R1 , KOH riENEUAL HOL'Si- : vvoik MrH. 13. V Low Is , 2101 Win StC C " 17 20 n i\Tiiot sis. ; HOl'SIis IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. THE O. P Dnvls C'ump my , 1CW" > Painam. D Mil HOfSES. IIENEWA .t CO. 10S N 13TII ST D-O MODP.HN IIOI'SIM f. A STAHIl ' 125 N Y MfL. D-3J1 _ HOl'SEtT vTALLACE , IlllOWN 11I.OCK K.TII ana DoitRlns. D ' - - - _ " cm > TciTrioTmEs"AND COTTAGES ALL OVER city. K. to $7 = Kldullty , 1st lloor N. l-lfe HOPSEd. COTl'AOES .1 STORES ALL PARTrt of city Iliennan . < i Love Co. . 430 Pa\ton bl.iek LARGE LIST. M'CAGUE. P.TH AND DOI1OE. 4 1J I- * lloUSEH. PLATS OARVIN I1HOS 1GI1 IJAJP. ' HOUSES POR RENT. 1IEM1S. PVXTON LK iliJt S. J. II. SHERWOOD , 423 N. V. lKNT CHOICE IMIOOM DETACHED n liou-,0. imtulre KI8 Copltol | nenue ijn IIOPSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. " v"n L StoVakCo. . , 1311" . Parmm : teMTO Pec lililB. J " " \\NTKD "AT O"NCI : . UETWP.EN 23 AND ro IIOIIMS to rent , ( jreit ilom mil for IIOUTS ri-nt- iilB u H'lclalty. J. IL Slicrwixid. 12. j jjl-if"- rmiPNT. ' DEmRAiuNiNn-iiooM im'si : with born , 2.'d Hi. neui C.illfoinU. vvlili nil I linpiuvcniintM Inqulie COii N \ . Life IldK. li-MUS TTiToilNr MOlTinrN" ' PI.AT ON KAUNAS ! ST. S liloiks vvi' t of i-oiirt IIOUHP Om iliu lleil I.a- tiito ami Triml Po . 211 So 18th St. D IM 6 l"NKPItNIHHIU ) IIOOMS , ALL , MODI3UN. 2711 No 2iml St. It i'i' O2J " " . "iTiTHoATiT 10-IIOOM HOPSI2 with larBe liain , Ktili-t'5 moilt-rn in ever > ! - ppecl , haul vvoml llnlnh , nt.-im hent. poreelnln lioth ft milaumlry tuliB , ilcrtrlo lielU. sprnlc- Intt lulim , eti . rent $10 per month to ile lr liln tenant. Onmlm Umn und Tiust Co. , Ifth ami FOR TinNTMODKRN IM.ATS. I1P.ST IN THE city. In i New DnvldKe bitllillns. oppublte City ball ; ulfii Hteam heated btole , i.unbulldlm ; 10-room modern house nnd bam In IIItt-ilass rcpilr .on North 2711 IIVPIIUP. f-rtom lioiifp nnd bain In Kood repair , corner 21th and Knrrmm John W Riibbln * , iiBent , 1802 Parnani St. 7 jrT ROOM. MODERN PLAT , 1112 S 1ITH. C-ROOM IlllICK PLAT. 10111 PAI'IPH1 ST , ALL modem liiiprouMiicnts ; $2000 per nmntli. Clns Hmiley. ! ± LM31 _ 2i' _ lioDEHN TEN-IIOOM HOPSE WITH ROOMers - ers and boaideiH , fiirnlluie for Kile , ca y teims tn ii-llnblp pirl ) " ' NJ 'J ' ; l > -51 " ' * fiTvm > P.IOHT ROOMS , CENTRAL APPLY MIC Oipllol Ave ! > - % 23 * FPRNISHKD ROOM. 1CIS CAHPOUNIST. . E ti7l > O2. 1't'RNISHED ROOM. 2017 HARNEY STREET K-IM W LAROI3 SoTVllONT ROOM WITH A7.COVE ; modern. 23W HnrneSt. 'ir ' ll70 :1 * _ YOP CAN OET SPLENDID ROOMS WITH ctrnm bent. K " Jnd electric IlK'iU at very rva on blH iiilea ; no dirk rooms. The Midland hotel , ICth und Chlcaco . E-MHU 2J POII RI.'NT THREE PPRNISIIEI ) Ri KIM'S with K" . rnnne for llnht houreKeepliiK to K-t-nt'cniun nnd vvlfu without children ; refer- Addrem W 41 , lleo olllio. E-25'i imilNISHED ROOMS ; IIOPSEKEEPING 2 3 St. Miirj'n. E-M3JI21 * BTEAM HEATL'D ROOMS , 0)1 SO. 13TII ST. l SJi N18 PPRNISHP.O ROOMS AND 1IASKMENT. kitchen and JlnliiR room , with nun time , steam heat , for man an I wife. SOI South Vlib SI i-M : > i4 23 oiMILU PARLORS AN'T ) SINOLE ROOM with MrnacB hent. I'JM DodKB St K MS62 3J \M ) liro.UI3 ! MAKING ARRANOEMENTS POII lioard call un us nnd let u > sluw ion nli-u niotoa , ulth sleiim heut , KIIB .elvvtrle light * ; ralf very rt-utonablit. 1h Midland Hotol. li > fi 4lJ Cblcuto , K M1SU. ! PI llMSIir.l ) HOOMH VM ) IK ) VHP. ir'onllnunl ) HTIAM-IIIATIII : : FIOOMS WITH nauin. Hnrni-y K-s Nil * i , . \ nni : sot TH ruoNTioo iT > i TWO. other ninins , go l Itoxnt. The llo c , SOW Hnr- npj P M 4 Tin : t/MvisT POSSIIIM : IIATRS AND TIII : Le t fnre A home. Sherman nve < > Hr pntim ilo ir every elsht mlmitm < N 'wly furnlliwl , new innnriK men ) , mljilnt IlM'O-tlon Saratoga Hold 13NTI3UTAINS UN KUCKIO. r-MTSS N3 rito.vT HDOMH. WITH on WITHOPT IIOAIIM. ft-,11 llnrnoy. it'in.v ppiiNisini : > rnoNT HOOM , MOD- ftn run\enlrnco , private family. 702 S. tOtli St. I'MMSI' AND GAS nTATi : IIOOMHmo P-M3U 2 .VK'IM.Y PPHNIRHti : > PIIONT HOOMH , WITH hoard. l.r , UouRln f M34I 2P N IlllICK. IIOOMS AND IIOA11D. up M4 North I'-lli. P M31I r ui Hi.vrvroiu3s AM > OPKICKS. rou HUNT. ni.'Hit IIOOM IN anouNU ri/jon ofllce , Hco Inillillns : wntcr. steam heat , electric IlKht ami Jnnltor service. Apply to It. W. linker. ut > erlnteiutent , llee bullJIns. I 1 7 rou HUNT-TUB 7-HTonv nulcnc IJPIMHNO at DID rnrnam l This building lias n fireproof cement liasf-menl , roniplele ftcnm hentlnir fix ture * ; water on nil floors , ens , etc. Apply nt the onicc of The llee. 1-910 POII ni3NTN TiiK nnn ntm.uiNO- On" | H KC corner room. M floor. with vault anil private ofllre water etc. One Inrwe front room. 2il llonr , divided Into two rooms by partition , water , etc. On } IniRo corner room. ! d floor , with Miult , wntcr etc Ono front room , dlvMed by pirlltlon. third floor. One corner room with vnult , third floor. Ke r'- H'lr'l ' floor , with partition ill- Millmt It Into on * large room nnd two smaller prUniK rooms , wntcr , etc. Tno Inrse ground door rooms with vaults .1 ! ' ° . . Rlral1 rooms on fourth lloor , with vaults. All ttifte rooms nre heated with ttenni , electric IlKits dupplliMt , with nrst class janitor nerv- lre > . riev.-itorK run dny uml nil nlBht. lliilhl- InR strictly fireproof Apply to It. W. tinker , siipirlnlciidont , room 101 , lleo buMdlng. I-19S A < : i3vrs I.ADIKR AND OBNTI.KMKN AT ONCE. lti > om 7 , Picnror block , omioalte-P O. .I-M3S1 S3' WANTIID. noon i.ivi : AGENTS or 1:1 T n i : il Ft'i. foi Inli-sl no\elty , profits enormous ; Kdls tci nil cla - w of merclmnls ; no fake , Invrs- tlRRte. Pnll 11S1 Norti 18th ftreut ; fn nt li.no- nient J M1i > 7 2U nni.iAiit.i ; MAN TCI iiANm.n A INTS KOU t'lcplinne tnblrlR nnd M'wlallle" ' . pn\B 5" f > n Ji'.ir , ( iirlcnH htanip Victory JlfR Jo . l'l \c- Idiid , O . 1 M3fO y * WAM'IJI > _ TO \VANTii-llY : MAN AND WITK , fc. Oil 4 t'N- fiiriil hol rooms In nort i part of city ; modem , addrews AiU. . llee , Blvlns location and tejm K 11G 19 WANTii.S13 : | 01" IMANO POlt ST(1ItAfir. ( S' ' . HIM. . K M3U , 2I STOItAOi : AND WAIHJHOtTSi : TO POi-310 Jimca ; Ren.il storaKU and for nplliiK M--511 OM VAN ,1 CToflAOIJ WllVKAHN'M Tl : ! . rr.tT .M---.T. THANK iWI3U8 STOHAOi : , 1211 HAIN'iY ! : , biuilhiff A. packintr , cheapest intes. Tol. ! > T , M-7ST \M-nnTo IIUY. n : ST ; iri : PAID KOU OMAHA SAVIN-OS bank IIC.LO.II'S at roDin 5 % , N V. Wfc bldi : CASH rou OMAHSAVIIIOS HANK AT- co\mts. O. G. Wnllais. 312 U--ov n bllt , ICth and notiRlas. N 59J WANTI3D A GOOD HINOI.13 DKmNO 1IOIJ8R Miltnhlc fur Iml } . II C I'llnej. South Oimli i _ N 273 KOU S VI.r.IIOItSI3SMJ 1 TOI" lU'OOY , IJAM. II3ATtINr AXI.HS , Itl'n- b < i tires -nwn nniKirn t 3"M , nan liss thnn "b ; 3 KIWI ! pluipmin | , 1 Sn d. r mike. 2 fnlum- bus. 2 K UI | hUiiejs. Diummond , IS ,1 Hniney I' M1S7 Nil s vi. r.Miscjiinois. . SAWDl'hT. IIUI.K Oil SACK13D-CHIIIHINa and ho r foiuu C. It. l < ee. 901 DoUKl.ih. ( J--37 HOG Fn.vrn. AM , wmi : , HIST ON IAUI-H , lawn nml jnnl fence Wire WorKs. Wl S Hth 1 9 O 29 VI3IIY CHKAP POII C'ASH. nKAPiTpPr , PP- rlRht piano. 70S S'o ISth St Q M.-S3 23 * CI.IltVO V VXTb. Mlt . I'AUI. . VTIIANPI : MlIllli'.M , 1ST N SITIT. uiillf-s tlu > yepiinti-d : chaiiKi's lurk , MIPIH < "ii- tiilnliiK stamp prumiul ) answered , ladlis nv S M77Nl" CI MllVOYANT II' ' YOU AIII3 IN NI3I3D ( ) ! ' sooil uilUre li-ain at onto fiom the world-ri noHiiPd life rcnilei theui > In which > nu should tr.ivol ; readi ynir life frrm the cr.ulle to tht * Krnv * , ID\CIH , husbandu and wives le- unltid. ' Speed niairlaBP to the one of your choice. Lost or Htolen urtlcle * recovered , Uianus and all Kind of innulrtH ; thoiifnnds have coniiiiltcil and le.irnul the truth , price , Jl 00. Call on I'nifVbltiipy. . rJ. Ilnwanl trt'it. coiner lull and Ihmaid etiects , hours fr un ' > a in to 1 ] > m S MWi 2G ITC , MADAM SMITH. 1313 IOl'GIAS , MX MJi sttam bathii T MJC11 26 * MKDIIVAT13D ll.Vns RAItnOi : , SIIA SUI pliui. niissagi ! . Mr.it > . iivn : | > n , from Tarls. 11)7 N 12th St. T-J133D O2t MATHS. JIASSAfli : IAfllA liMSON : Crounse blk , 11J .N. 16th at. , room 1. T M3t ! 2J MHS nil. I.iON. I3r.KCTniC' MASSAOI3 "AIM imrlorn , restful and curative. 417 S. llth up- stalls T MJ27 21' VIA vi rou fTiiii.M3 'iitouni.i.s asc-s ni.i. lildi ; , . physician , Lon > tillirlni or health I OO'K fiec I' ' MJ 1IATIIH. MASiiAGi : MM 13. 1'OST , 3UH H. IVPH U -"ilO ltt'l'Tl'1113 rilllllD. NO DRTHNTION 1'IIOM biulnesH ; no pain , wileft'r to hundredn of CMSeH cuied ; plhH cuiPd bv n single , p ilnlrsb tientiTO.'nt Call or wrllo The Kinplre llupfure Curp and Mtdlcal Inntltutp UCP SIIIH tu 1 IIP O 13 MllleCo. . 83-3. N Y. Life Itldu , Omitlii U 511 c'i.OTiir..s n.KANni ) , i'itissin : : AND un paired , day 01 nlKliI , dietx milts for hire I'antorlum. N. i : . cur. llth and I'arnun Til 9M IT MS17 1113 YOI'll OWN DltKS MAKKIt , lNMSTr Rate the Joy Tutlor Sjstem ichool uf ilreut cut HUB. mil ) complete skirt * } > > ltm ; biiim > uur iln > ss > and iniilie while Iciirnini ; 4UI Knibacli b'oclt ' rutternu fuc Tliurfjn > . AK > 'nta w intcd U 1' ' , ' . UJ , , LiADlHS M3ND 101. ' I'OU SAMI'I. < 3 HAKI3- Ktiuiil , btMkd. Oeiu Ilulljpr C K'lns'ix i'li\ Mo. t'-.M-2IC 2J ' MOM4Y TH I.H V > ltI3 4I , KSTTi : . MONKY TO LOAN AT LOW IIATI3S T'II3 O r DavlH .V.JMT. Kmniim III. W-3IJ ANTHONY LOAN * TI1UST CO , 31.1 N. y U iiukk mono > ill low rates for cliulco furm l.iniU In Icivni , nuithcin .Mlswurl , c.itjtern Nebraska AV-513 LOANS ON IMinoVI3I ) & INIMI'ltOViDL'ITY ! : property. W Jain.im Smith .1 Co . iiu Tarn'm W-4II MONUY TO LOAN ON IMl'UOVKD OMAHA rial vatnte , llrunnun. Lota Co , I'nit.in . Itlk W-515 MONI3Y TO IXAN. 1II3MIS , TAXTON IILOI'K W-MO MOMY : TO LOAN ON IMPHOVID : OMAHA piuperty. rune ) & . Tliomus , 107 Ut Nat. UK. hldi ; W-143 HIX l'iit : CUNT t'JTY AND KAIlM IXJANH. tlarv In Urea , len 1'arnnm St. \V-5I3 MONKV 10 LOAN ON IMPllOVnD CITY piopeity , U , I * , lloatwlck & Cu. , 311 I'.itton Illk. W-M793 tlOO.OO AND Ul1. T. P. WI3AD. 16 A DOl'OIAH. W S30 N8 6 i'i3u CINT : MOUTOAOIW rou PALI : , i-uoi erty of non.residents curiil for by W. 11 Melkle. rirxt Natlonul Hank Illdt' . , Omaha W-517 3iH\ir TO ' MON13Y TO LOAN ON KIJKMTlWi : . PIANOS. horeeii , w Ken , etc. . nt lowent rate In city ; no removal of good * , utrlctly contldcntlal. > ou can pay th loan off at any time ur In any amouut. OMAHA MOHTUAOKJO.tt CO . aos a , isth si. in IIMSS CIIVNCKS. TO off ? IN on orrT- SINLSS "OO TO j J Olbsjn , SI I First Nut I Mink Y M"l STOllK Of MiniCH VNI11SK. niilil < iin. io > r clear Otrahn Uienc < - J J. 'lll ) on. 511 tut Nnl'l untiK Y MJ7J 71 POII s.\Ei : rnnvp , CAPH ONI.Y. STOCK op niercli nill i nnd llxtmes In xintli rn Neh , cheat ) rent , t - l 1 mlnn In lovvn. II M > 1 wilt hiiy It , hnn e. tnMI hil traili * loin ; titnmllni ; Ilnx MB. Omatm. Y SI15 < SI- HAMINTIIIinsTTN KUONOIKi : AT rill' eipofltlon for n hotel mm vvllh Jl.OOO Sara toga hotel Tnke S-herinnn IIVP. mr nort i. Y-.M3I1 23 nisTAtnANT : rou SAI.II. rntsT n.vss i.o- ration Inquire of .lovph r. Murphv Souih Omnhii. Y 353 19' POII icnNii : , ! WOfLD 1.1K13 TO TIIADH GOOD MODKUN S-room hou p. full lot , barn , BOO , ! title , and clear , for Rood residence propertj convenient to car line. Will nroumo reasonable Ineuhi- brnncp. Addrpss W 30. llee. 2-133 wANTiD-iAiim : sTocK"oiTN"iTiTu71iHir chandlse In exchnnKc for line rich well locitel vnlunble Texns coast land. Krnnk M. Terrls & Co. 831 N Y. Life bids , Kansas City , Mo. H-3M W _ _ _ WANTHD , TO TUADI3 IIAUDWAlii : STOCK for proin-rty In city or countr > . Address W M , Omaha Hep. / MT73 2o * Xi : I'LAt'i : UAllGAINS , J2.SW , 3.7JO TO | iii , ) . J J , aiusm rll riist Nat Itmk llldit HK-V.2 uofsig. LOTS. TAHMS. LANDS. LOANS Oe , ! Ili'tnls llenl Hitiito Co. . I'nxton block Iin-5Vl IIAVIJ SOMi : I1AHOAINS MYSKL1' , CITY AND i fatm. Call for pirtlculars U'mson. COI llee hli' ' Hi : MS roil SAI.13 , ON LONO TIMI3. AT ( ! ITU rHNT Interest , two Improved farm * mUolnlnc flt > of Ml wtirl Vnllpj. In. One of IM aeies. nn- nlhpr of 240 ncrt-s ; nil In rultlvnttnn Will be wild on 10 iPirV time. Address , Ixuk Drawer "C , Shennndoih , In. 1113 M793 V5 I\IIM LANDS."C. r. IIAnuiRON. sTrN"Y l7 ni3 MI63 NIC * . iiorsnq. I/ITS AND . sale or trad" : r R. Darllnu. Ilirker Illk Tin M77li i-'iNi : IIPSINH .S nitric AND JIOM TO j.iiio eash for Hrue farm , ncnr Onmlm ; One rental hloek. for farm within inn miles ( , f omalm. nne liuslnevs eorner nml cash for film within < iO miles N.V. . Otniha , Mn-nero rmih. $10t > 1 per line. 14 In Omilin vacant pioperty ; 1100 IICM rmiili , J13Hi per nctc , i , In Omaha prop- I.OHT. LOST. I'ASSliOOK WITH 1'ASSL'S. CHKCKS und pijiera , Under leturn to this office nnd n > t Jpw" " ' Lost-no . _ _ - ; Q. UT T. A 1 ADV" * IlH'13 SIUC nAHTlTll WITH 1T ! * m $ Kllt 1 > uclileM"ni'"v ' nlRl'l ' wll Under kindly retmn to this offhp I.ojt T ! | 11 * N < JIM3I3IISVM ) VIITISTSSMMM.ins. . N' ' 1RT Af.lTTlinTr Ti13 , ' or OOOI1R . OCT. lltli : HIP pilcr-s I onnnot dupllcite citnloi-uc Onnlm frto Alvp I Oiovpr. 31S South nth St. -MI27 Nil SIIMC , AHT . .M ) PnoP CI1AS PBTI3U'5i3N l'x > < TlTiT < T10N IN piano , violin Riiltir ninnd llnpIther voice ii uca' ? . , evptrkmv Terms iuismhle bill Ho , 313 Sheelj Illock 73 N4 \w\niioivnus. . II. M UIOWIT2 LJ3ANS MONI3Y. N 10 ST r-o , SIIOUTII \ \ | ) AA-I TYPI3\VIUTI\f3. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 5U N Y. L1PI3 AT OMAHA nr.S. ( XLLiOI3 ) : 1GT1I .1 DOI'OLVS Bu M'CAHTIIY'S ACADEMY. 17TII & DOPOLAS. tS ! N9 IIATTUISS m\nv\Tivo AVOIMCS. M\T'inn. = ! = ; ns , coprnr5 ! PARLOR PCIUNI- ture to oidei , icpalrcd 1(03 ( Li'av > nw'h. til 1V3 550 i-TisviTuun r\ci\i3D. M S VVALICIN. 2111 CUM1NG , TUI , . 113L LIPU INS POLICIES I'.O'T W V HOLD ! Pi3\viiirnits. TYPEWUITEHS RI3NTUD , { I 00 I'EU .MONTH HtlJ Painam St r.-.c CO M , . HPHLINOT'N NI'T IIEST CHEAPEST PRICE J3.73 per ton. 'Phone Ms Harmon i We. Hi Co 923 N9 ri3VTiii3K IIIM > YATOUVHIIKS. . PIIATHEIIS HOPGHT AND SOLD MAT- tre-pes renovated and imil to 01 ler White Swan 1701 N 24th 'Phriie 1W3MMS I'ATK.NTS. AtlornejB- Omaha , N'b. Drain h ofnco nt , D C Sen ! r ir free Alvlce anl Pitent link SPP Siiniluj HI f , i our Mir-i ine Moveniiiitt , i fi'ilhhtel U > r Tel , ph. ne 1021 SHIP IfoiiRoliolilcoods to all points In mixed car lots at cut rati'B. P t'-klni ; , moving nntl MtnrilUU. ' ? elephoiio 1010. inn ; furnum j J. DERIGHT SCO. , . < . , S > ui > c'cs > > ori to A. Z. > Deano & Co , Wc-torn Aufi'ta ' Tel , , ' ! "ll. lllli Farnniii , Oinalia I'dsTOFFIC'IJ MITICK. ( Should 1)0 read DAILY liy nil Intt.-es c , n chiiiiBt'S may occur .it any Unit- ) KorolKii in.iiis for the wc > ik CIKIIIIK Oc- lolit-r &I < I , is1' ' " , will close ( I'JtOMI'TLY in nil disco ) ut tilt ) Oilier. * : Pnslolllci' us fo.ljvvM. PAHCULS POST MAILS CLUSK ONH HOUR i\HLIiU : than ulo lni , ' time ahoun below. TritiiM-AllniiOi ; Mallx. WiUNK3lAY-At T a m fur 13ur < pe. JUT H H. Pall * , vl.i boutliaiiiitun | , at 'i a in ( aujilnniiu.iiy ) | 10 M a , in ) fur Kl'Hop ] ; , ptr H. R llrilunnlo * . via Qneeiihtovvn , it 1U .1 m for imi.Oir.M illri-ct , pt r b. n. KeiibiiiKton , vln Antvveip ( letterti inu.n b- dli-fetcil "per Kenulnijtoii" ) THUHRnAY-At T n. in. fur UUUOI'K , per H. a Normannla * . via I'lymouth. C'hi-r- liouu : uiul Hamburg ; at S a in. lor KirriiKHLANDS illrcct. ' Oli- . pt'r H s - dani , via Kottenlain ( luttvrs inuat be dl- rec-led "per Oliilain" ) . SATl'linAY At UJO ji. m lot , SWIT/.KRLAND , ITALY. SPAIN' . I'OU Tl'OAl ' * TUHKRV. KGYPT AN'D HIUT- ISU INDIA. p r B. H. La O.iscoune'U llavrp ; at B : . m. for UKIt.MANY. DKN. SIAKIC , SWKDI3N. NOUWAY ( I'hrlH tUnl.t ) and Ht'FSIA , per s. s. Have ! ' , via Bremen ( letters fnr other partH of 10uroi > . \ia ClHTliuurB , must Ut < llrc ted "p r Ilnvel'1) ; at 8 a. in. for OKN'OA. pi r s. H Wcna ( letters must be directed "per \\Vriu" ) . at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND ill- roet , per s. s. Anchorln. via Ulasiiovv ( letters must bo directed "per Anrlioria" ) ; at 11 a. in. ( jiipplementuiy 12:00 : p. in ) for lUTllOI'K , per a. e. Urnlirla' , via Queens- ton n , PRINTED MATTER. I3TC. Clerman steamers un Tue < da > u take Printed Matter , tit. , I'OSTOI'K-U n VHTICK. for ilt T nv ( ,114 , sil > t.liiMy Ad Ift xxvl Printed Matter ti f r , , i\ \ f parts of Eurnpe Annrl. cnn nnd WIUIB t , r Mpnmrrji in WcdnciHlnM" ( letinnn l > im m , , „ Tlnniiila.v ind I'nnurd , I rench nnd Uiimnn t ( > amer < un Sattird > s tiike Printed M.iM . ete. . fur nil countries for which they nte'iilrWll ed to mm mall After Hi * clr , in * , \f tlc | Supplemrntar ) Tr n - Atlnntlr Mnll ttr > ii > il above sddltlonul mipp- ! mentart nill irt. rip nnl on tnt > plfrs of the A'nerlcati Eng'tui ' pjencli and Ocrninn JIM-II- crc , and remain , i nintll within Ten Min utes of the hnir if i\.llng of stcampr Mull * fur Smith uiul Ci > iilrul Vmrrlcn , -At 2 TO ii. in. for POUT AN- lONlci. p-i < tti < amer from I'lillidi-lphla ArtiJvJJ ; JV ; fnr I A''II. nnil LA PLATA COrNTUIKS , pit- . f. OiUllooln Por- nnnibtioo , ll.ilml and Itlo Janeiro ( letters for N'orth Hrnisll mnut be tllrcoted "per Gulllpo " ) ; at 10 n. , „ ( Mipplcmpntar.v 11 a. in. ) for CiXTUAI. : AMKUICA ( ovct-nt rosn nua ) nml SOt'TH PAHIP/r / POUTS , pots Advance , vln I'olon ( Irt- tcia for ( .tnnti m.ila 111111 bo dlri-rtcd "JIT Advance" ) ; nt 11 n , til for PItOmiso ( : , per t. n , Pnnimt ( leltei-s for other paits of Mexico " I'an- must lie dlrortoil "per - nnm" ) ; nt 1 p m for CU11A. pot H s. Senrca. via Hu\ inn ; nt ! p. in. for POUT A-VTOMO , ] ( er Micnmer fiom Hnaton TIlfllSnAV-At IDi.-W u. m. for HAITI. Cl'.MANA nnd CAUl'PANO , per K , H. Prltif lntiilt > > ( loltei < 4 for otlior p.itU of Voncr.neln , fiirnonij. Trlnhliul , llrlthh and nuti'b ( Inlnna " Pr'n nui > t be dlrecttd "per Mnnrlls" ) , nt 1 p in. ( aiippleni"ntory 1 . " 0 P. tn ) foi nnilMXTDA. per s. p. Orlno , < : at 1 p. in ( supplemental v t' . " . | i. ml fir NASSAU. X. p. . nnd SANTIAOil DK rt'HA , per s a. NlttKara , at : t p. tn for JAMAICA , per > < Aidniiilhtt ( letters for Hellxe. I uerto Cotlcz nnd Cliiatomnlii must lip dlroctpil "pi > r Ardiuulhu" ) . FHIDAY At 1 p in. cmpplemcnturv 1.1) ) p in ) frr PAPK HAITI. ST DOMlvnil ind TflJKS ISLAN'D. pn M s Uiornki'i . SATt'linvY At nm n. m ( siipnloimntno 10 n. in. ) for ST. THOMAS. KT fHOIX , LKMWAUn \V1NH\VAHD ISLANDS. pr r > s. Pietoil.i ( l tlor' for Droniutti. Ttinldad ami Touaso mii't bc > dlreuod "per Piotorln" ) , at 10 n. tn. ( siipplo- ipcntnry 10 to a. m ) for I'Tm'n'XU ' ISLANl ) , JAMAICA and HAYANIM.A. ntr M. } < Adirondack ( Icttots for Co ta ll'.cii inii'l bo dlipcted "per Adlrondm k" ) , nt 10 n r.i f-m > iil < ? inenl.ir.v 10 ' 10 a. in ) for HAITI nnd SANTA MAUTIIA , l > > r . Holstoln ; at 10. 'W n. in. for CAMPKtMli : . CHIAPAS. TAHASrO and YPCATAN . psr y. H Oilzaha ( iPttrri for other p'irts of Mexico nnd for Cuh'i intisl l > dltoolol "per Oilzahn. " ) ; At 11 n m for NKW- KOITNDLANI > . per iH Portln , nt 11 n. m ( supplement arv U "D n. in ) for VI2N- KXI'RLA nnd ( TUACAO. al-o SYA - N1LLA and CAUTIIAOKNA. via Curi- in ( . nor > . ? Phllndelplila , nt 1. ! tn. for ItllAXIL , pr s. s. Dalccarlla , \ In I'prnam- buco and Victoria ( letters for Nortb llrn- 7.11 must lie directed "per n.ilwnrllu" ) . at K tn. for GliUNADA , TU1XIDAH and TOIIAGO , per s. s. Inmvuildj M.\lls for Newrouiicllnnd. b > mil to Hil'i'aT nn \ thence by Pto.imer clo--e t this olllre dilly nt S.0 p m Mulls for Jllquelon. by rail to Beaten - ton nnd thence by Fteimer , tloc nt thl * olllce dully nt S..W p. tn. M < IN for Cuba tluM ! at thU olllce d.ilb nt 7 00 ii m for lonvnrlliiK by steam < < r Fiillnq ( Momlrijs nnd Thtn1nv ) Iiiim Port Tin ) > i Pla. Letter malls for Mexico City. overland , unless jpec'.tllv ' addie eed for dl * liateh by Meamcr , c'.o e at this ofllie dally nt 12 in. ; pupfr mnlls lit U n m. * Ii' > Bl > itctciI nmll cloEca lit H. O p m. previous dav 1 riiiio-l'iti > i > lu V.tlls. Mnllt for China , .Inpnn and Il.ivvnll. per K. B IlelKle ( from S.in Krtiiii'Nco ) , clo c bore ilnllv up to October 21th nt fi " 0 p m TiTu- ! fcIH > - Scieletv Inlands , per "hip City of P.nnelll ( fiom Sun Prnnel-w-o ) , olo-e lute dally up to1 O tolior 2" th nt ( i M p. m Mulls for Hfnvall , per H. a Anstialla ( fioni San Kranchi-o ) , olosn iiere dally up to Octobct L'Tth at < ! " 0 p in. Mails for China nnd Jup.in ; per s. n. Olymplu ( fiom Tacoma ) , cloye hei e dally up to October ' .fin nt t ! ro p in Malls foi China and Jap in ( sppcl.Jly ) iddre'-sed only ) , per s. . Hmpre-s of Japnii ( fr.nn Vancouvei ) , olosf heie dally up to November * 'lft at fr1 > p m. Mills for Australia ( except th-s for \\Vht AustraMn ) . wblch nre foivviudpilvia ICnrope , Xew X.enland , Hawaii , PIJI nnd Si 1110,111 lsiiinilH.pi i ! - . s. Al.uneda ( fiom San PrnnclHro ) , irlo'-e here dallv tip to Novembei 4"jth at 7 : . ' ) n in 11 n. in nnd ft " 0 p in. ( or on1 nrilvnl at New Voik of n s. Campania- with lirltlsh malls for Australia ) -.Malls for Au-tinll.i fcxiojit Wf.Mt An > .trhllii ) , New Xi-nland. Haw ill and Fiji Mail'ls. per s. . Waiilmro ( fiom Vancouver ) , close liore dully after No vember "Vitli and up to November 15th at 0"rt p m. Tians-Pnelflc mill1 ! are forvvnided lo port of sailing dally and the j-chedule nf closing Is nnanBed on the piciminptlon of their unin terrupted ove-land trniult "Reglsleied m.iil clnjes at C On p m previous dny I-ostollico , New Yolk , N. Y , October 13 , 1WCOUNKLHIS COUNKLHIS VANCOTT. Postmaster. PIMJMO.NT. I3I.KHOIIN & SIl'ouilnlley Iliillnu ) U n. eial elhies. I nltnl Slates Na tional I lain ; llullillnK , r-outn- nnin streets Tli Kt t Ofllei- . Wfst Coriu-r Twelfth anil l-'nr- 1401 Punnm Strict 'lili-pln.no , "i K Depot , Plttei-nih uiul Aihtir htuitf. Teli-plione. H'S l.eive. Anlve. lll.icK Hills , Deinlvvooil and Hot SprliiKS . 3:0i ) pm 5 CO pin WjniiilnK. C.I-MICI d DnitRliH 3:00 pm " " 3.00pm IIi'stliiR" Yi il. . D-ivhl CIO , hupe I r , I'nova ' , ) , in il Sevwml. . . " 3:0pin . ( Opm NI rfo k.Vo t Po nt nnd 7 M nm "ii 2 , u n Pii-mnni. . . . . Lincoln , Wi'hoo nnd " 7W : am " 10 23 am Plenum Piemont l.oeal * 7 IiO nm * Duly " Pall } t-NCcpt Siimlay , " 'Sunday only. " Dally except S.iluMn > . ' " "Dally except Monita } . ] hIOPX Cl I'Y S. PAClriC UAH. . . roail Genet ill Olllces , United States National Itank IJallil- IIIK , S W Comer Twelfth uiul I'niniin Streets. Ticket Olllce. HOI Parnam Street. Ti lephoin vi Depot. Plfteenth nml Wchstei Htii ! Ti Icp 10110 , 11" ? l.eive. Arrive. Inllx fllv Manknto. f-t Paul , Mlmuapo'lH ' 0:15 : pm U.10 om Dally ICIIIC'AOr , . NOflTHWnST- 7 < irj ' -HI llnllvrjy I'll ) 'Hc-Kt-t SJiWiiPiVKuiSyy "Hl-e. H'JI ' Painam Strtei , nlHlLi"-5 r leleplmne , ail. Depil. Ti nth ] j f 'J'1 J1'l ' > 0n hticols Teleph nt- . l.eav * . AI rive Miisuurl Vulli y. Sioux ' n > . Si Paul nnd Mlnne ipuliH 5:4) : am 10:15 : pm MlhHiuil Valley , Sioux Ciiy 7CO : nm 9:03 : pm Hi nnlson , Ciiiro.ll , Wall , 1'ilie 73) ; nm 9:03 : pm L.i"tt > in I3xiii | > t,9 , nca .Mnlni.f. Mui hnllloun , I'eilnr Itnphls , Chicago " 10:13 : nm 4:10 : pm Atlantic FI > Lr. ChlcaRO ami Haul 4:15 : pm 1:10 : pm Pnut Jlall clili IIKO to Omah i 3:10 : Pm Mlxsouil VnllSI , nix fltj St I iml. Sliniic- apolls l.lniltu , ! . . . . < S : " > pm 9I5 ; am Oinnha Clilrat'o i-p-rlnl. ( , ; : iO iim S.10 am Dalh "Dilh except Kunilij. ji-IIICAUO , ST PAPI , , JIINNI3. ipollH A ; Omaha llallvvav Hi-neral ulllwH. Nil'i.iKki Dl- vlHlnn , Plfleenth ami \\f , hsti-r Mii-cis citj Tlckut Olllce. Mil Painam .Slim. Tclephom- Mil Iiipjt Pifti-inth unil AYehater KtieetH I.L-av e. Arrive. Si us city Ait mimmli. 8:51 am fc.'l jim Si nix Cits Aiuuiinneli. " 9:3) am 8SD : pm I Uui imi > i ji flliiux city , I'uiii-a , llnillim- t.ni ami III iiimiii-lil . . . "lrpm : > hiox , ( Its M.inl.aio , HI. Paul. MlnmiiiHillHi . . . . " ri5 nm 'MO nm Kni'iMiin l'i .t'ny , p . . . . " 5:19 : pm * SH3 nm Pal i > liiili ) , < -xii > pt Sumluy. " Suinla > Thla ti On lit MntlniiH Plorenco I , Bo lllalr Imliitlve , only , un week dayH Su lilnlr < nl ) CHICAOO ROCK ISLAND .t Paelllc Railroad "The Great Itoek Uland Iluule" City at ket Olllce I12J Parnnm Stieet Telephone , CS. Dtput , iViu i nnd Matoii Slrecm Teliphone , 12S Leave. An hi' . Chi aKiT * ima St . Paul \i-nlliultil EMIII'I- " , ' L50 pm I : Pi pin I.lmnln , Ccloiud.piinB ! , Put bin Dunn nnd viest . 1:55 : pm I Vi pm Chliatso. Den M"lneii nnd Rock Inland . 7:0 : } pm 8:13 : am Atlantic Exprem for DCS Mi Ines nnd eattern joints 7:00 : urn * 55 ! Pm Lincoln l-'ulrbuiy unj IlillfVllU' . i 13 pm " 10.40 am Dall > Dally except hunduy. MISSOPR1 PACIPIC RAILIIOAD Oineral Olllccn and Tltket O.- tlie Mtrchantii Nuilonal ll.'ink Hulhllr.K UJ4 Puiii'im Stitei. Telephore. 101 Depot Klftffnth and Webster Slrtctn Telephone , H5S Leave. Arrive. Nc-bra ka . . . . 3:15 pm ! ! 53 pm Kuiwaii city & Pt lyula ExprpKB . . . ? . . . . 9.80 pm 6 00 am Nebraska I/irul . " -C3J pm 9.13 am Dally " Daily Ex. Sunday. WA1IASH RAILROAD-TICKET OPPICK. HIS Pitrnam Ktnet. Telephone , 322. IVput , Tenth und Mueon SticetB. Telephone. 12S. l jve. Arilvv. St I-oul "Cannon Hall" Espies . , . 4:30 pm 110 ; am Dally. 111 MIM : tit * M IJM. t HirAOO MII.W U M I sf I'.iul llnllnn } i It. n.ket / , , OftliC. l iCI PHIII in < Mrppt MlLWAUMEl THcpljone Viv , . , Tent , , ' " Si- I nnJ.Mnpon Streets n lentum ? . ? rDir > i / / Arrive. I'd. nun Umlic.1 13x - J.J' ' ) ' ' . ' ! ! I ? ? " " H.W m . iinm ni nnJ < hlrHRO l > x > l.uOpm | D il > PNION ? 'Acipic-"riiP. oYini- ntul llonte" Hone-rnl ot1Ui > , \ . p Corner Ninth mid Parmm cjlicPtu e'lty Ticket Ofllie. IM I urnniii Streel. Telephone. 3fJ. , Depot Tenlli nml Mason street * . I.ea c. Arr've. ' in-1 Miiilll" 'i i ' 1'iivn * * I'l I.K\ we tetn poiuin . . ' > ) n > < : P , pm Pai-t Mall tnln for Dem PI Suit l.fike. P u lili eon t ind nil wcntcin iiolnis * 3 : inn 'lu.2i am Lincoln Henlrlep nlul Stn nulmti ; Kxpivm . . . " " : " 0 inn SsJO | un Otand Ulntnl i\press. . . i:3S : Jim 3M : ) I'tn Dnllv. "Dailj execpl Huiulny. Counc-ll lilufT < Local l.i-nvr , 6:40 : n in . fl-'fl n in. . 7.3rt n. tn . 1-35 n. in. : 10-15 n. m.,2Pi : | i. m ; 4 . ' . ' ) p in f.-Vi | > m , Airlvcti. r:2U : n 111 ; 7.10 n m , s n. m iia'.ii .tit. ; H:35 : u. m . 3:10 : p in . " IN | i m , " 1(15 ji m. , 10fi p in. ItPllI.INC.TON A MH OPIU lllvir llallrnjil "The tlmlltiK. ton Ilniitni.'liNiil Olllces , N \V Cuner Tenth ami Painam Streets Tli Let Olllee. 1C2 , Painuin Slieet Teleplune 251 It nth ati'f Ma-tun ' Leave. AI rive S-3. > nm * ! ' It.'i n m I ' 3" , pm 4:0" : , pm 7fl"i : pm 7. PI pm S"i : pin "II..10 inn rillCAOO , m'RI.INH'ION St Qiilncj Railroadhe Ilurl- hiKton Iloute" TliUet Oltlce , 1MJ Piuniim Slieet. Teh phone Depot. Tenth and Mnron hlrettB. Teliphoii ) ; . 1J < . Anlve 7 : C am 4.14 pm 7:53 : PH " % Hi inn 2:50 : pm KANSAS CITY , ST. .lOSEPH Council lllulTs Rullloiid -Ihe Rurllimlon Route" Tliki't Otllce t'OJ Pniiiiini Stieet Telephone 2"iil Depot. Tenth and Mason StrictTele - p nine , 12S. L , ive. Airlve. ICansnt Cltv Dn > Ex . 1 IG .1111 5.1" pm KuininR Cltj Nlihl ; Ex . ' 10 00 pin * ( i0 : ! am OMAH V KANSVS CITY S EASTEItN RAIL tn ° nl-Omiihi St I.ouls R illrond "The ( ) U. Route" Ticket Olllre 1113 fainam Stieet Telephone 1:2 Depot , lentil and Mason Stieeti Telephone , 12S Lcivc. Anlve PiltonOiiiii : . Klrksvllle. Qulnev I ital 540am 0.13 im St Louis , New Yell Llmlled 4:3) ) pm * 11 30 nm D.illj. I IIIIII ( MICC r.XITtl'll ll > ( IIIRl'l'llll , - ! ' - lllIMM ( if \ ( Illlll. It Is a well hianvvn fact that one's lit erary U&tra chaiiKe wltn aiivaneliis years , and It Is riiHtnimry to attribute the cliangt1 to au Incieaso of knowledge and improve- nieiu of the judgment 'lliese are no doubt factors in the change. jajs > the llaltlmore Sun , bill there Is another reason why the boohs we enjoy in our youth differ from those which plcise us as wo grow older. The joiing live In the future ; their Odors in the past. The > OUHK enjoy books that appeal to the Im igination and picture n world to them unknown. The mature man or woman knows the world ami values most hlslllv the e works of fiction which describe it as he or she has sion It the books that awaken pleasant memories In a quaint old ballarf n hn bciid : describing the future to his , joutig wife says to her "And when with envy time , ti tnspoited , Shnll think to lob im of out Jovs Vou'll in 5our Rills again be courted And 111 go a-.voolng ulth inv boys" It is In temlnibeeiiceo simiUrl > aroused through the loading of tales true to nature that men and women of mature yeais nnd icilected happiness. The tales awaken pleiaant memories of the. past , than which there Is no more lasting cnjovinent Our keenest joys ni.i > come from anticipation , foi the leallty is nlwa > B moie or leis dig llipolt.tiiiK ; but the Joja that are lasting come to us through memorj. The memories should , of com so , he pleasant , anil therein lies the lesson for tlioie who are still young and ate making from day to day tile ex periences upon \vlilch the > will some day feed im recollection. A pine life and noble hrL-igs. tn one who leads it pleasant memories to bo treanired In old age and awakened by tht ; books one reads A biography , or \vl > at Is better still , a novel written by u master historian who makes his fictitious characters lelate ical experiences of life conjitrts before the mlnii scenes long for gotten companions long since dead. If the reader has kept Ills heart and mind pure and undolled the memorlea are sure to be pleasant and healthy , and literature then takes , on a new phase and becomes a source of continuous enjoyment. It Is not alone In lileratuie that onelinds the stimulant to pleasrint memories. Our young friends , our children , are constantly reminding tis of the scenes of our south. Even the. sad events vleneil thtough the vista ot jears Lecotne plecaant memories if their sad fea tures are not associated with faults of theli own. Who his not enjojed the overtonfldent alls of the young gnui'iiate ' , lemenibeiing though not confpRsltig , perhaps , that luig ago ho also once thought that ho had mas tered a profession , when. In fact , ho stood upon its threshold ? Who has not enjoyed the tcicuis air of the j011115 lover , ex tremely self-conscious , yet tiylng to ap.ioir utuonceincd , while jealousl ) attentive lo his mistiess ? Does not the scene awaken pleasant memories of the long ago. when the piesptu oLaervei was engaged in a blmllir impossible task of concealing from the world hia heart's affection' The memorle , rpcallciO to th < > matute and aged by the flceues about them .ami by the picture scenes of song and stoiy ought to be pleasant , hut the o.ilyvjy to make them pleasant IK for the jourig man anil the joung wninan to lead pure and helpful lives. Then their en joyments mill be of a character to be re called In later jears without a pang of regret - grot , hut , on the contrary , with an cnjo > - nient more lasting , if less vivid , than that which attended the scenes themselves. \lniiinl Inslilc Out. The stomach that Is not turned thus , by a shaking up on the "briny wave" must he a well fortified one. The gastric apparatus can IJL > rendered proof against tea sickness with tint stomachic so popular among trav elers by sea ami land Hosteller's Stomach nitteis. It defends the system against ma laria anil ihounutlsm , and subdues liver complaint , constipation ml dyspepsia. DIpllHIIIK-V . Chicago Hcroril : " 41 have come , " said llio young man , "to ask for your daughters hand. " The proud banker Kate 1 over his glasses at the fellow and sjhl : "Well , have you any means of supporting her ? " "Alas ! I am poor but hear my story. " "Go on ! " "When I spjke to Claudia about coining tn sou son xlui toll ) mo it was useless that her mother was the man o [ the house , and that I had better KII to her. Hut I said 'No ! Your father may permit your mother to think that she Ii the man of the house , just to humor her , but I liivo seen enough of him to know thin when a matter of im portance conies up hU strong will must al ways assert Itself Ills strength of charac ter may not be brought out by little things , ' " still - "My hey , " Interrupted the old gentleman , luting him upon the shoulder. "I have knov.n all along that you were not one of those ordinary duties who arc Incapable nf underaUonillng what U going on In the world around them. Take her , and may you always bo happy. " of 'HIIIIIVullmrx. . Tennyson received $30,000 for "The Holy Grail " During the last few 3 cars of his life .Macmllan & Co. paid him $50,000 to $00.000 a > i > ar. For "Tho Jtevcngo" alone , the Nine teenth Century gave him $1,609 Dlckeim left $500.000 ; Lord L-ytton. $100.000 , Mrs. Henry Wood. $160.000 ; Mrs Dinah Clark , $83,000 Victor Hugo left property ID UnglauU ulouo valued at $ ,157,000. T-niPivp Tiin iMittttr ipi\pp IRACINlt TIIL I'AHILY ' IRlil ! . Romarknblo Interest in the Pursuit of Ancestral History. SOME TRAILS DIFFICULT TO FOLLOW lion l IIP Sen roll Mn > Ilo I'rnso- cliteil vvllb lloxf lp | < iiill KiMt Mnxt.v Tiintlis In Ait- olont ( JriM > ( mien , AVlthln the | U t fc'v JCMM there linn been tlev eloped n remarkable Interest in the pur suit of geiu-aloRlcal Investigation. Step Into an ) , historical llbr.ny , says a writer In'the New York Independent , ami > ou will see men. nnd still more women , trying to hunt up their ancestors among the \arlous historical nml KenralogUMl books. U Is a fascinating study , and glows more fascinating ns Hie In- \ostlg itor iirorcoilB , but It Is beset with Rilbtlp dllllcultles , which at times dlsheirten thu most courageous seeker. If one enters upon a search he must expect lo ( Ind his trail suddenly disappear , ami he will be com pelled to put forth his best efforts lo discover its onward course H may be , however , some consolation for him to know that n clear , i\isy search Is most unusual. The majoilty of those who ant tn know ttbotit their ancestors who they weie , where they lived and whether any of them served In the'colonial nr revolutionary-wins , have only llie vaguest Ideas of the wa > In which lo proceed. "The trouble , " Raid one ol our librarians , "with the women who attempt 10 trace up their ancestors Is that they don't know how to nnke un Investigation. " This remark. It Is needless to My , is unite as ap plicable to the men who undertake a search , without Homo previous training. Now let us watch a genealogtcil expert as ho conducts an Investigation. He starts , let us say , with the following dalir That Mr. llrown's grandfather. Jonilhan lU'own. lived In Coventry , Conn. , us late as 1SOO. when he it-moved to western New York , where he died some twenty Jtiirs afterward , at the age ot "ti. Ili had married , ami his chlldrcM were nil born before his change of residence , but the mjldeli tame of his wife , the time nf Iholr marilage and the dates of theli ohll- diun's births < ire not known The gnmlsun has found the tiall clear up to ISOO , but back of that he Is wnolly in the dark HOOKS OP HICOUDS. : What will the genealogist do with these data' Firstofall , hiM'ill ascertain whether the grandson has piopor'y searched tin- printed hooks ( hut nui ) contain the leiiulslle In formation. The chances are. that he bus not ; so the genealogist will begin b > con suiting at least three standard gcmHlogicitl works , which arc to be found In every well oqulppoil historical library 1. "Savage's Geneilonical Dictionary of the 1'lrst Set tlers of New England , Showing Three. Gene ral Inns of Those Who Came Ik-fore May , li > ' 2" (4 ( vnU ) ; 2. "The New England Ilistori. cal and Genealogical llegister ' ( I9 vols ) . ? , Illiman's ) ' I'm Han Settlers of Connecti cut" ( I vol I The o three works , to gether with the "isseInsMtute His torical Collections" (1,1 ( vols. ) nre well nigh Indispensable to the student of early New ICngliud genealogies Of course , the genealogist will notice whether there Is a "Drown gencalog > " ami such being the case , whether it treats of his paitlcular Mr. llrown of Coventry ; he will also ascertain whether there Isi history of the town of Covcntty , and if theie Is one. whether It contains the genealogies of the old families there. Hut suppose all these souices fail to give light' Possibly Ml Uro\vn's ancestors were too obscure to be mentioned , or no one has over triced them out ; ami , generally speaking , the facts most essential to obtain aie not to bu fotiiul among the ptlnted iceords. x MUSTY MANU3CIUPTS. In Connecticut , however , there is ono Im portant exception the names of those who servetl in the rcvolutionarj war and in t'ao war of 1MJ have been printed h ) the state , ilthougli thcjc lists are. unfortunately , somewhat incomplete. Having exhausted Hie pi intcd works that might bear cri his ease , the genealogist now turns to the most fruitful iouiccs bf information , which ma ) bo ter , "d "tho manuscript iccords " Tncre are at - i four sets of these records , vvli'ch ' lie will c-lrrcly and carefully examine be fore he will bo willing to make a report These are : First , the land lecoriU of the town ; second * , the town records of births , mairlages and deaths ; third , the church records of baptisms , manlagea acid deaths ; fourth , the probate records. A few words of explanation should be given about thcso different records Im tiie first place , then , It Is not safe to trust the Indexera of the early land iccords In some Instances they maj bo accurate , hut , ordi narily , they have been carelessly made. Over and over again they have failed to reveal Important facts hid away In theli musty tomes We must "wado" through them , if we wish to he sure of our results Ami us so much utterly untrustworthy work has been produced by simply glzricing through the Indexes , one should not rest cnn'entod until he has patiently gene through those formidable volumes , page by The town rccoids of births , maniages and deaths aie sadly fragmentarj as a rule , and rach naino should be deciphered , without de pending upon the Index. Sometimes such lists aie to hi- found , scattcicd among the volumes of laud iccords In most of the old New Hngland towns them are early church records of Iwptlsms , mairlHgcs and doitns. which fieauentl ) HUP- ploment the corresponding town lecords They are usually kept with thi > clerk' of the church or the minuter of the parish. Anciently - c-iently the minister made the c-ntrica , and their fullness and accuracy depend upon his falthfiilnoos In entering each record. Oc casionally when an examination of all these records fails to disclose u much-coveted fact , Ilko the iigo of a child or tne maldent n ime ot a widow , the probate recoidi ? will jleld the Information. The wills , Inventories and distributions contain a vast amount of cu rious anl valuable Information. IISCOViiU13S PUOUAIILH , When the genealogist has completed a thorough culmination of these four sets of records , II will be stiange If hu docs not make fcomo Important discoveries. In our supposed cusu nf Jonathan III own , the land records of Coventry will show whether he owned property In that town , and If BO , when ho bought ! n anj when ho mild It , Perhaps the will of his father. If found at the probate olllce , will disclose the fact that lie Inherited It. ami ills marriage will piobauly appear cither on the church or town records And BO , step by step , the line Is followed back , and generally several towns have to bo vlt- Ited. Possibly the genealogist will bo com pelled to Bean the headstones In H me old chinchyaid to supply u missing diite. In Connecticut If a record of service In the colonial wins Is deslrc-d , he will have to i..x- amlno the manuscript nf imu-tor ami pay lolls In the state library at the capital , Hartford , and In earning his Ke-irch Htlll ftiithor hack ho will bo likely lo consult thu early court records Hut enough has now been given to show the seeker after gcneal- cglcal Information IIOA' to go to work If ho cannot undertake a personal Investiga tion or fuels Incompetent to do It , his wisest course l to select an experienced genealogist familiar with every blanch of genc-jlogical work. Learn his prices in ad vance , nciul him ull the data ami ho will bo able to trace the family line if any exist ing records hear the Impress of Us rmime Ho cannot do Impossible ! things , for ho can not ascertain fads when thu fjcta are want ing In the records but ho can often dlsen- tunglo a very peiplexlng genealogical snarl And , finally , be It observed , that It IH only by much patient und persistent delving that real genealogical treasures are iineaithed. An llinii'Kl lloiiicil ) . "Wo could not say too much in favor of Chamberlain's Cough Itemcdy About three years ago ono of our children had an attack nf croup and we were afraid that wo would lese him. Seeing Chamberlain's Cough , Hc'incily , advertised , we duclded lo glvo It u | trial. It gave almost Instant relief and wo j boliuvo It Bdvcd the child's life. Since then' wo have never been without a bottle of this r nu > dy In Iho house and wo recommend It to every one as being an honest cough rem edy. " ! , . W. NlchoU , Baal Now Market , Md. V Ml Ml"tlt4 IIKST.U IIXVI' . V > nvrl ( ' ( i-Ol > crullvi > Insllliitliiii lit Pr nn IMS The latest Issue nt the bulletin * of the U iMrtmcnt of MboonUlns nil Interesting flceoiint of the muHlcljMl or co-opcral-v. ) roitauraiit of Ore-noble , l-'wiieo. It Is talk I a co-opemtlvp siclety of shareholder. * be- c.ilijo , according to Its published sl.irt-.nin's It Is "n union of persons vrhn cause ihrlr ' 01 1 o lie' prepared In n common kitchen Thrso shareholders are thousands In tiumhp un I In elude many of the bosl citizens of 0 ono'iii > The food is eflher delivered ni the PHI- timers' homes or iMten nl the rcstniiMitu To nht.lln membcivhlp In the asso li'inn n < s only upcos'Arv lo take out .1 raid eos'tng .v cents. There is thus nlwnjs n largo hol > of Interested citizens from among whom M choose n coitimlssloii of nfteeii whlih in lurii elpets a committee of lOil. tlree of vvh'iu meet each day to eoiinl the rlieeks anI , a-i.i t the Ilimnccs. Tlielr only coirneiisation r , r this wwk Is n good dinner from Hie res IvUirxint The restaurant ocvtiplcs nine build lugs , rounecle.l together about a lariio eontuii court , which Is decorated with Mowers , foun tains nnd statuary ami furnished wild tablc.s for those who p'ofer to take their meals in the oiion nlr. There nrp ll\c < dining rooms , to each of which lavatories , lltteil up In marble ( ire attached. There Is n styarato dining hall for women ami children , to which men unaccompanied with women are nol Admitted The menu Is reflated by metal ch"cKo , which nre ptireha cd by cnatomerB frun a box-office situated at the mnm entrince The prices nnd the tiunntlty of food called for by Hit-be cheekH uro ns follow a Soup PUP oitiirt , 2 cents ; meat or ilsh , four nnd a hilr ounces. 1 cents : n plate of voget.tlili-s v' crnts ; wine , half-pint , 'J cents , brea 1 rmr and Ivvo-lhirds ounces. 1 cent , ( lessen ! cents. There Is a vnrletj of soups nuats vegetables , dessert , etc. , nnl I ho ptt'on spicllles his choice as he presents the chreKs at the wicket < if the kitchen on his win t , 1110 of the eating looms. Ills soup cheek for Instance , calls for four Kinds of oui > from whleh he can make n choiceIns ( heck for ninl Is good for c-lthe-r a hpi f steak , ,1 cutlet , n slice nf lo.ist or olnci lints. So with the other checks , with the CMTeptlon of wine. Only one kind of wine is often d ted wine. Htoreil apeoullng to law for about two jears In the vvlm cellar iml absolutely puie The cheek for dcs-sort Is good for nuts , sweetmeats , seveial km la , r ehcise , etc. According to a stringi-nt rni , which has been In force since the u-slauinn stilted , mil ) pure nrtleles are purchased \ hujcr , usuallj the head maiuRpi. Is in > , h o the- time absent among farmers , from < > h m he purchases the supplies , pas lug ea-h c them. The emplojes of the csMhllshtnent nt only thirteen ; n head manager at $ 's'i ' , > a mouth , a receiver of money for checks i\t \ $ u a t'h'ef ' cook nt $ ! Ti 14 , an assistant cook .u $1311 a slore Keeper al Jll.'iS , a potter at $772 , four wallets t from $ .t SI ! lo $ " < > ! > two janitors nt $ l ! > ! and one accountant for tlte city at $ > > 01 T110M- , with the ovtplim n the uccotintnnt. live al the cslabllshmt-nl a"d receive Ivoard und lodging in addition v > their wages. In 187 ! ) the ndministration of the e" > tahlis1i ment devoted -10,000 fiuues. which hail .ii-eun.nlaled In the icserve fund , to Hit to stltution of a fund for Insuiii , . ; tbe u it > of employes and for awarding the-m u | ie i , u after the y bad served a ceitaln tiumliti r yeus Another fiatnte of the Institution i latt.s lo Its claim ns n proiuoli i of nm perance. Although-i CC.M tain nm mm of wine- Is nllovvcd , il eiinnot li > law be mure th ti a pint. nr < l must be pine and two > eit Id AlihotiRh the original objett In the f > r- matlon of this uiatitutlm wns lo impi'MO ' the condltlin of the worKlnp , pe-oph who o this day ale its most numeruii.- - onn vet numbers of wealthy glove and mantifactniers as well ns plorg > ni n i 1 ipe-rchants are constant Iu their pi t , i il patronage A'iltfllciilty which has besei i'i enterprise as a nu.nit Ipal undertaKiiiK 1 - bei u the opposition lo It frjtu otl'm- . rail's ' , coffee houses , siloons and o'lu t m > vislcn dealers of all kinds In Orenolde in 1 tii'lKhboi IIIK towns. Although in ! > p. thus e-nmpe'ted 'wilb ' succeed In ttirnluu i i- llc opinion t , boniL- extent against i „ lanr.int , they are forced by It to s II i n .iili'lis. ' and at a lover profit. The latest statisti'-s cjtic-eriiin ; In in tutlon show tint It ! serving an av i u * - 1.27 meils a day , not conntliiK the m < served to the schools. The nu n'i -i i checKs for each inc-il uxcragis Ii-.s tlin thiee' , the brcaUfast helni ; nsuallv n ( | iiir bo\vl \ of 'beef ' stc-w with an adinhtiire of btead , which f r the worklngni in Is thought to be blllllcient until noon , when he lM\s four or more dishes and oals In n il Those who have been watching the nmu Ing of this institution say that It lui ! > ci u a gieat bcncnt to the wnihlnqn en anl women of Grenoble , and alsn to ; hi > 11 > m that It has raised the tone of the pm , e , -i - c-vorjb dy on their good behavior at Ii t during mealtime- , and has brought c" . ' and emplojer closer to t-thc-r. Dr. Davis' Antl-IIeailacii-- I : , supcn r lU every v > ay to all remedies for licadiicha. \ TI13 IIOIM3KI VIM , . l'lniiii-lnl nml Pli.vii-n | | XiH niiliiiveK of tinPlnii. . The tendency to apartment houses ivlierc all can bo served from otic- table Ib nol a cording to the Cooking School Magi'lne llm best pcsbibio one , 1'it cn'opcrHtm' housuke-epiiig I3 the thing. As regurjh or nary housekeeping , It la „ moie onitoti task tbnn it oncewas. . Thenioilein lions kecjior has Ideas I'botit oanlt.itlon Sin n slstn upon cleanliness A-lth a vlior ntid h otiglincFrf bom of conviction. There IIIUM ni , bo within her domain any InlKfimm f "dlit disc-asps , " such ns illphthei.a suil favor , smallpox and the like S'u ' > has il o new caicfc ns to cnicleul ventllnlloii ,1 , j ugo nnd KPweragc- . knowing hettei thai m r grandmolhor what h > glcni ! lequlm , t'oinfo , t nowailajo Implies also a iiiultitudi of iu . \ applianres forint'ilj nonexlHtcutav ' -i , t t Ing of the more etai'tlng n-'iuircitu .it , , ilit"H. , To make- the home what It i u ,11 n I " la , thercfmo , it Is , iifued ; , a taM\ \ . i 'i ' m v well employ all the mnnoy and i-i r --i , [ thu lies' of mothrrs , without the | , 'e ' I ln-- dc.no of marketing conking nnd laim h-r- lug. " \Vliy , " it is naked , "should 'he i'n-U f. . and laundering continue to he perfoinn 1 n Hit ) homo at gieat waa'o nnd dliidvnnt u-t v the motlier of the family and SUP'I ' . ss n" < dH shu may bo ablu to protuir- ' ' \\lij u it take cooking and laundering nut of no fun lly by co-operallvu hoiikckctplm ; ' ' " I u i can bn done , it Is , illluni-d , with profit u- nil eonci'iiieil. The-llrst step Is co-upeiaih 'i'iv Ing. "If twenty-llvo faiiillltR " HI maga/lnc. , "tinito in tha pmiluso of -i by the wholesale ) which ure Indi . .pii i il | ( > all , and vhleh each buys at retail , NIK h fuel , Hour , lea. coffee , Migar. elc. tlu > a from $12 to ? lfi In cvc-iy | 104 of i'i ' r i prmllture'.s. Kxperlcncu ban ileim > air i ' this to bi1 the gain of the inmhlnaii buying. If. now , tbcso twenty-live fm would go one step further nnd co nljiui tn rcpanttc bills of faro Into one , and tin i In this nnn cooked ov r cno fire , line , , 1 sovo two-thiri'n of the fuel consiup-l in " a xeiurato cooking of the tut'ir > llvi fina IliCH. " MIC' iiropLsltlon Is alluring. In HJV 1 > par cent of the fred bill nnd Oi ! | .i i i t ' the fui-l bill would ha equivalent to a I > addition to the family's ter.nurds for iiitu-it cr accumulitiun. Many u finally run il ue > ( I , to patninUi ! the Havlngj bank II it may ho apprehended that Iho same e u would overlako this plan Dial ban i/vrrtak ; i other si-hcinca for living luxinloiiNh , , i to nothing In the | lrt > l place , pic , > .a tl'u these- frugal dovlcca umicr dire i i H'OII ' , md when they tiy them dn not il lirnl HiL'in 1'ijiidl to their expei tutlm. . v Cihvard Atkimion has shuwu us luw UP i all live beitlc-r than wo do now at a * each of I or G cents n day. piovldcd ive i his lump Htovr- . lilt ) IIOH shonu us hu - make liiicli a stove- out of a lot of old t , i t , ami tin cans at a minimum figure 1 o ' of us aru not pbllosophc-ra and few vi h ' bother with the nice calculation * of i v economy There is. perhapn s' , w lonu yatoty pleasure In Illngiix our inunpy al freely , though Mr. Agpmuin dtmonstrj to tin how focllsli It l vo do so At o rate , the lamp Htovo Ii | ilu c'lnployt-d HM vvoiklng people have ovc-n gent , no far a ropudlalo It , saying whit they wanted not to know how lo Ilvo cla-aior | , lint > n Income to Ilvo as they 'Ilko on. Still . . . is gome-thing , U nuy be concede,1. , in ' co-opt-ittlvc idea H la - already acted u , in part. The dllllculty Is to flr.l ih ( jttlrcd numbcT of families uo nearly idenu In taxtc's and so possessed of tolf con' ' an to be able to co-ojmrato any convldcru * lergth of time with harmony and Buei-rt Where the conditions favor the experiment f cu-oporativu houstikivjilutj. It U v.'cll worth trylug. ,