12 THE OMAHA DAILY' IJK'J : TUESDAY , OCTOBER 19 , 1807. THE WRECK AT ROOBIDEAU Tlio Bridjo Was Gone and the Enjincor Did Not Discorar Iti A UAP INTO GJNNISON RIVER DPKIIII'N I'liniKc lulu H Torrent of Ice Cnlil WitdT , UN Swim for I.ire mill HIM .VnrriMV / ( Copyright , IW. ty Cy Wnrman. ) Houhldcati bridge was a long , wooden structure spanning the Gunnlson a few hun dred yards to the cast of Houbldcail tunnel. IJmcrglng from the tunnel , eaatbound , the engineer found rail curving to the left , hugging the hill that hid. the bridge from vlow until the engine was almost upon It. That was when the road was now. Now the hill has been cut away and the track straightened from the mouth of the tunnel to the bridge. One day In August , 1883. there came a cloudburst that flooded the western slope as , old-timers said , It had not been flooded for years. The steep water- fihed , tlppVig toward the sunset , spilled the flood Into the Clmnrron and Uncompahgre , and they In turn poured It Into the Ounnl- son until the stream was full to the bank tops. tops.And And while this wild river went roaring down toward the cataracts of the Colorado , Is'o , 8 came screaming up among the curves that wind away from the Utah desert to the dark Efiil dangerous crevice called the Illack awfulness of the wild scene. When first he found himself at the front of a fast express timing the train with a touch of his hand ann fixing the speed by the turn of a lever he had marveled , on most men do , at the speed and power of the locomotive , but ftll that was mean and tame compared with the force of this fearful flood. Here , Indeed , was energy ; awful nnd Irresistible. A mighty force that only the granite wnlla of the canyon could resist , and he , 'a tiny speck upon the heaving bosom of the seething tide , was fighting , even hoping for life , for an engineer raver gives tip so long as there Is breath In his body. Degan was feeling strong again and was now watching a chance to pull for the shore , when the leafy top of a falling tree raught him and dragged him below again. Tangled among the bough with his waste box the desperate driver fought with all his strength , and In a little while felt the waste box hearing him up and on once more. He was now In a narrow , straight chute , at the lower end of which the river made a short bend to the left , and away from the railroad ( rack. Dtgan saw the curve nnd hoped that ho might be thrown upon the bank at the be'nd , and the next Instant the box was driven hard. , against a huge rock and went to pieces. When Degan regained consciousness he was laying full length upon the flat top of the rock against which his life preserver had been wrecked. The gray dawn was UKm | the river , that was already settling hack to Its normal bed. His clothing was torn , his hands bleeding , his bones ached with the chill of the morning. Ono of his legs was broken , and the pain of It made him fcol faint. The river was falling rapidly. If he could walk at all ho eould walk ashore with out gcittlng water In his trouser pockets. The sun came up artl dried his overclothes and warmed the rock upon which he lay. Presently he heard a locomotive screaming down the canyon and when she came round th' curve flagged her. Uchlnd the engine was a wrecking train , coming up from the Junction to find arl fish the Uockaway out of the river. The crow was greatly rejoiced to find HE HELD TO THE WASTE liOX , HAVING A HAND IN ONE OF TUB HANDLES. canyon. Andy Degan , a "Q" man who had come to Colorado with a good letter and ono lung , had the first section of No. 8 , an express , mall and baggage car , out of Grand Junction that night forty minutes late. What the Mormon had ) lost climbing Soldier summit Degan was expected to make up going down Ccro hill. Down there In the canyon ho was striving only to lose no more time , for he was a new man running for a reputation. Like all the old Burlington men , he was an expert driver , and , It seemed to me , took hazard cheerfully , realizing , it would Ecetn , that he had at best only a few years to live. He had , this night , what wo called a Uockaway engine ; a high , short , compact locomotive built for the kinks , so numerous in the first rough draft of the Denver & U'.o Grande railroad. The night was still and starlit , the earth was dry and the silvery river on his right rippled away over the rocks clear as crystal. The Uocka way made easy work of the 'three light cars , steamed llko the Sprudcl Brunn at Karlsbad , and ran like a deer. When the fireman was not fool'.ng . round tin ? furnace door he hung over the arm rest and watched the world go by. Degan , gaunt faced and silent , sat at the open window trying the water and whistling for curves. Uncle Sam's servant In the mall car was shullling letters and newspapers. He had finished the Ouray bag , which he would leave at Mcntros3 , the Crested Duties and lluby Camp bags , to be dropped at Gunulson , and was now making up the l-eadvllle pouch for Sallda. Over In the express car the messenger , hung about with six-shooters , stretched upon a canvas cot , billed to the agent at Sapanoro. was stealing a llttlo Bleep. Degan , being eastbound , had the right of way , and only looked at his watch occasionally to figure where No. 7 would meet them. His or ders ran him thirty minutes late , and mude It the business of No. 7 to fix and make the passing point. The first section of No. S was probably making forty miles an hour when Degan whistled for Uoubldeau tunnel. A moment later they were swinging round the curve where the dark river lay In the shadow of the hill. While Degan , leaning out of hla window , strained his eyes to get a glimpse of the bridge , the Uockaway turned sharply to the right and headed straight for the open river. Below the tunnel It had been a silvery starlit stream ; here It was a. roaring river , running bank full of black water. For an In- etant Degan thought the engine had loft the track , but feeling the rail still beneath her wheels , ho realized a second later that the bridge was gone. The fireman saw the break in the track and leaped out of the cab as the engine plunged Into the boiling flood. Degan at the first scent of danger closed the throttle - tlo and applied thu air. As the engine dropped over the bank she turned on her aide , releasing the patent coupling and nt the same time , parting the air hose , applied the automatic pressure to the wheels of the three light cars no suddenly and so effectually that only the mall car tipped over and hung with her nose In the water. The mall agent climbed to the aide door and finally , with the help of the bleeding fireman , succeeded In escaping from the slintlng car. When the postal clerk and the fireman pounded on the door of the express car the messenger , wak ing suddenly , warned them If they attempted to enter the car ho would shoot. The deaf ening roar of the river made It Impossible for thorn to hear "what hi- said , and when they began to heave great stones against the ear door ho made good his word , nor did ho stop until a dozen 45-callber bullets had crashed through the door and sides of the car. After waiting for some tlmo the messenger con cluded that the robbers had been frightened away and cautiously peeped out. "Well , you Idiot , " said the pcntal clerk from beneath the car : "Aro you out of 811111)1111111011' " Degan lived a lifetime In the moment when tuo Uockaway was leaping Into the flood ; andj now , when the engine struck bottom , twenty , feet from the surface , she began rolling ovorj nnd over , llko a corncob In a flooded turn- j ] yard. The picture of his pdst Ilfo which had been suddenly flashed before his eyes now disappeared , and the engineer , hopeless as It may ceem , found himself watching for an cportunlty to slip out of the cab of the roll ing engine. Now ho felt the engine slam up against a big boulder In the bottom of the river , und at the same time his hands granted A floating something. It was the fireman's waste box , and the engineer , holding har.l to It , uas dragged out of the cab and carried to the surface. He had barely time to breathe when a floating drift swept over him , forcing1 lilm Into the water again. Hu held to the waste box , having a hand In ono of thai liandles , and was soon brought to the breast of the river again , . - . ! ! this imd occurred In a very brief space of time , but Degan wan not u strong man , and the strain was beginning to tell on him. Once In a while above the bil lows of the boiling flood ho got a glimpse of the low banks ot the river , running back ward In the dim starlight. The roar was deafening. The river surged against the sands , the banks crumbled and great cotton- treed trees that had stood there for half a century swayed to and fro , and finally fell Into the roaring ilood , At times the wa ' .e box swung neir the tho'o , eddied back like a girl on ultates and then shot down the mUMIu of the mad river at a furious rate. Unless1 . you have seen a mountain stream at flood you can form pnly a faint notion or the force end speed of the Gunntson running bank full. Oreat rocks , the sire of a sleeping car , arc rolled along the bottom of the river as mar bles are rolled by the stream of a garden hose , and hero , at the half open door of death , turned to took , and wu awed by the They bore him tenderly to the way- car nnil part led him to the conipanj'b hcspl- tal at Sallda , and there It was he told me the story ot the Iloubldcau wreck. \VAHMAN. . titton inti-i-ii\ ( ; i.\ .IAI-A.V. \Vberrlu ( lie Oriental ICxeelH tlie \Vextern Horn. Lafcadlo Hearn has probably done more thpn nny other nnn to make the western world acquainted with the real lite of Japan The story of this man's life is one of thu strangest ever recorded. Ills mother was a Gmek , his father an Irish officer In the English army. He early had to shift for himself , and eventually found Ha way to the-.United States. Here he was , ictluccd almost to the condition of a tramp , although he was finely educated and a man of rare gifts. At length ho secured employment in newspaper work , and then his rise to an exalted place In literature was rapid. A visit to the West Indies awakened In him the slumbering desire for a home amid greater refinement and mere aesthetic In- tluonccs than were to bo found In America or Europe and where climatic conditions would be more to his liking. He settlpfl Ir. Japan , married a Japanese wife , took a Japanese name , embraced the Japanese faith ami became an oriental In every respect save birth. He Is now a professor In the uni versity at TokloHo Is afflicted with an affection of the eyes which makes It im possible for him to turn them 'o their sock ets. A story Is told that ho did his first work on an American newspaper In Cincin nati. It is said that he applied for work one night anil was refused. Just then a message came to the editor to the effect that a murder had been discovered at the gas works. All the reporters were out on as signments , and th < < editor turned to the rn- couth applicant and asked him to look Into the matter and report. Hejrn returned In the course of an hour or two and eald that a man had been murdered and his body had been thrown Into cne of the furnaces. Hearn WBS ccmm'sjloned to "write It up. " Some time later , so the story goes , the editor went Into the room where Hoarn was writing and found him stretched at lengthen on a table- with a tablet under his face on which ho was writing , his aflllctlon making It easier for him to write In that position. The editor picked no several of the shcetc and perused the delicate handwriting. He was amazed at the literary quality and laid his hand approvingly on the writer's shoul der. A hilf-sivago growl was the response. "Oh , that's alt right , " said the editor. "You may give us all that kind of stuff you can. " Hearn's story Is known as "The Gas House Murder" and Is regarded as a reportcxrlal classic. It secured for him a pc-manont posi tion and evened the door to his future suc cess. cess.Tho The Boston Journal has .1 somewhat differ ent story nnd relates It after this fashion : "They were talking at the Porphyry about Lafcatllo Hearn's latest book , 'Gleanings In Huddha-Plelds. ' 'Do you know why Hoarn determined to live In Japan ? ' asked the professor. 'After he left New O'lcans he went to Cincinnati , where ho did nowsp ior work. Ho soon suffered terribly from an en larged and projecting eye th.it disfigured him and made him grotesque. He was stared at , ho was mocked and Insulted , and , what was oven worse , ho wns pitied openly. A sensitive man. lie kept the house during the day and took exercise only at night. Occasion called him to Japan. To his a-.i'.azeiiK'iit , In that country nobody , not oven a humorous boy , fhowed by sign or word that the stranger was disfigured or set apart In tavern , street shop , field. Mr. Hearn was treated as though ho worn a normal being. Thankful and over- come , he raid to himself. "Here Is the land of true civilization , and here will I live and die. " Ho has taken to himself a Japanese wife , he Is known by a Jaoaneso name , and the last I he.nl from him ho was professor ot ISiiKlUh In a Japanese university. ' " 'Such civilization ' fold the , telephone ex- liort , 'must be the result of generations of training. ' 'H-m ! ' answered the professor ; 'the rude Japanese were undoubtedly put to death years and years ago. I have seen much of their country and never have I found there a boy who by loik or gestire would express surprise at any dress or. speech or habit tliat j might seem to him outlandish. How different ItMs hero In Huston. And yet there has been Improvement 1 remember that I as one of the first to wear a helmet sun hat. Hoys Jeered , women giggled , old crusted Ilostonlans looked at me superciliously and susplc'ously , exi. ) esstncn and hackmvn would often address mo Jocosely or coarsely from their vantage scat. I have sometimes thought that the yearly execution on the common of the con ventionally rude would make much for civic civilization. Hut It this ceremony had been performed twenty years ago the town might have been depopulated. ' " Did You Kvcf Try Klcctrlo Hitters as a remedy for your troubles ? If not. yet bnttltt now and get relief. Thlfl medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to thu relief and euro of all FViualo Complaints , exerting a won derful direct Influence In giving strength anil tone lu the organs , If you have loss of Appetite , Constipation , Headache , Fainting Spells , or are Nervous , Sleepless. Excitable , Melancholy or troubled with Dlrzy Spells , Blcctrlc Hitters Is the medicine you need Health and strength are guaranteed by Its use. Fifty cents and Jl.09 at Kuhn & Co.'a : , 'I10\V ' \ SEED IS SCAIM'.D Marvelous Means Supplied br Natnra for Disseminating Plant Lifo. SOME SEEDS PROVIDED WITH WINGS . \VIml , Witli-r mill AnliniilN Supply the I'ourr of l.oi-iniiof Ion _ The 'J'rninp Trim-1 or mill tlic Kx plosive 1'oit. Plants have most Intimate relationship * with man , ( or they furnish to him hia fooil and clothing , and enter Into the construc tion or manufacture of everything pertain ing to his necessities or luxuries. .They . have relations to the animals that are quite as Important to the latter , since they fur nish thorn with food and homes ; they have relations one with another of their own kind , and they depend upon their surround ings. It Is the setting forth ot these various relationships , says a writer In the Bostcsi Transcript , that lies at the basis of Dr. Gcodalc's scheme of exhibition at Cam bridge , and the result as bliown Is testi mony to the value of this scheme , i That part of descriptive botany which has attracted the most nttcutlan on the part of popular writers is perhaps the distribution or seeds , and with a larga case full of speci mens at the head of the stairs In the hall way , the Cambridge collodion may bo said to begin. It Is philosophically a proper be ginning , for It Is the most Imparunt rela tion that the plant has to anything , since , without facilities to perpetuate Its kind , no other relations would have a chance to exist. The plant may struggle along under adverse conditions of soil ; it may adapt Itself to disadvantageous kinds of climate ; but Its story Is ended If Its seeds fall to garmtaate. Ono of the Important factors to the growth of plants Is , therefore , the trav eling of the aods. If no means existed for lium to got away from their parents they would drop to the ground at the foot of the mother stalk ami taking advantage of the movement of other things , and sending the seeds abroad with them to seek advantageous places In which to live , SCATTKU13D HY TUB WIND. Some cf the little seeds In the showcases are so light that a breath will blow them away , so that there can bo no possible dllll- culty In their dissemination. All seeds arc. however , not so light , but those , perhaps , sprout wings , llko some of the conifers , or they may have plumes llko the thistle down or dandelion , and float away with the breeze. Then , again , It may he that the fruit enclosing the seed 1ms wings , as have the inaplo keys and the elm seeds ; or , It may bo that the seed case Is light and rounded , so that It can roll over the ground before the wind without really being lifted. The pine colics arc of this variety ; when dry they are very light , their rounded shape Is adapted for travel by rolling , and In some of the species the seeds , which lie between the blades of the cones , are themselves furnished with wings , so that they have a supplement- ivy means of t'nvol after the cone has come to rest. Of the rounded thorn would be n superfluity of plants In one place and none at all in another , the specie" would be con fined to their original localities without power to get away , nnd the places would know only those kinds of plants that had always been there. The prolific ones would grow In clumps about the parent and would choke one another , or , maintaining their growth , would exhaust from the soil Important ele ments of ( > kint food , and thus In a few yrars injure the whole group. Travel Is , thcro- I'ore , essential to the best development of plants Just as It Is of- men , and name Nature knows the fact , and In considering the prob lem of distribution has been exceedingly olover nnd Ingenious. Indeed , one could hardly credit the number of different ways Invented were not the exairoles at hand to P'ove them. Hundreds of species are hero In the cases ready for Inspection , and they niustmtc the different methods with a clear ness that description In books can never hope to equal. MEANS OF LOCOMOTION. Plants have within themselves no means of moving from place to place , and with the exception of o few which liberate their seeds with little explosions , like the balsam , : an m t of themselves send their sseds on Journeys. They must , therefore , avail them selves of the things In nature that do move , and these include the wind , the water and the animals. So there have been developed In a hundred different ways some means of seed- caFcs which are light , no one Is more curious than the California cucumber i great gourd a foot or two In length and three or four Inches In diameter , a con trivance with enormous furfaco proportion ate to Its weight , and splendidly fitted for traveling before the wind. In other species it Is not the seed or the fruit that Is sent to travel , but the whole head of the plant , as In the hydrangea , falls otf , dries and becomes a light ball that Is a mere plaything to the wind. Even more curious Is it when the whole plant leaves Its former place , nnd like thu rose of Jericho or the tumbling mustard , becomes Just Jnother such rolling ball. Thus in seed , fruit and plant there has been established In many different ways and In many differ ent parts of the plant an ailaptiblllty for movement with or before the w'nd. It may be the Inflation of a seed , fruit or pod , It may be a flattening nnd twlstlns of the seed-case , as In the locust , or It may lip ono of a hundred diversities of outer form or Internal structure which lessens die comparative weight and permits the wide distribution of the seeds. FLOATING ON WATER. It Is no surprise to one to find that na ture Ins taken advantage of the movement of water In streams and the ocean to secure the distribution of seeds , and the division c plaining such things Is well represented In Dr. Ooodalo's series The variety In form Is not so marked as In windblown Ercdp , for while there may be great diver sity of wings therj is really only one prin ciple in boats. The essential feature of a boat is that It shall float , and this Is al ready a quality cf many of the wuods and seed ? , so that they may go on short voyages without special adaptation. Hut for travelIng - Ing grc-nt distances , iilor.s a coost or across an ocian , an ordinary seed Is 111 prepared , slrce Its thin coat Is not sufllclently proof agulnst the softening influence of the mois ture. With a hard coat like that of the r.uts the ability to float U lessened , for the denser woods sink In water , so that some provision' must ho made to Increase the slzo of the shell by air chamberK within it or bj providing a float. Examples of the former construction may be noted among the tnplcal nuts , while a most familiar and utrlklii ! ! instance of the latter Is the cocoanut - nut , which , with Its hard shell. Is able < o endure the longest voyages , and with Its fibrous husk Is In condition to float along for months. Many of the seeds that fall Into the water sink to the bottom. If the stream Is deep tlHbc may ho lost , but In shall'-w places they find themselves Imbedded In I hi' mud , whence they are moved about Eomoiimeu by the fishes and more often by the feet of wading birds. This last strange agent lu the distribution of seeds Is nnirh moro Important than ono might Imagine , for t'io birds flying from place to place , often over great distances , carry upor. their feet the seeJ-laden mud. and the plants growing therefrom may establish themselves at hun dreds of miles fr m the homo of their parent. Some experiments made by different natu- lallsts show that the bottom of shallow water Is burprlalngly rich In seeds ; and In enme Instances hundreds of plants have been grown rpoiManeoiuly from a slnglo tcaspoonful of river mud. aiut tl'l ' means of transporta tion Is one dependent upon animals and be longs to another group. THE THAMI' THAVEM5L. The seeds that steal their rides by attach ing thcmtielvcs to animals are very numer ous and strike one at once on account of the extreme Ingenuity that lies been ex pended In doviulng means for accomplishing the end. Meet of them catch In the fur or the feathers of the wild pr the tame crea tures and remain there until brushed off cither accidentally or voluntarily. Anyone who has gathered a choice assortment of beggar's ticks on his clothing can testify to the pertinacity with wulch they cling , and cannot help but admire the ingenious way in which nature has taxed him for a portion of the carrying trade In seeds. Sometimes tbo seed adherui by means ot a Kino which cca's II. one ot the Virginia mlsfctocs bcliiR of mis kind ; but the more common method of attachment Is by hooks , A single cdftWo hook x > r n pair Is unite suf ficient for tmmo of the larger seeds , whoso weight might rrac.ntt ) nner hooks ; others , llko the carrot , have n few hooks , ami from th's they grade upward numerically till vo recosnlro- our close friend the burdock , whoso adhesion is eo vcrfect that one might roaillly believe It to bo gummy. The hooks may appear on any * or on all parts of the seed or the cafe contilnlng It in Infinite variety In form and position. Tl'on again seeds steal transportation In other and stranger ways , Some of them en case themselves In toothsome fruits or ber ries which are freely eaten by the wild mil- mala and birds. In this group the seeds have n. hard coat which Is not affected by the dl- gcstlvo processes , so that the vitality and germinating powem are not Injured by the short sojourn In the animal's stomach , and at last find themselves established In life perhaps at a great distance from the an cestral estate. Others otlll present their credentials to the anlmale In the shape ot no1-esculent pod like the St. John's bread , whl'e others have still different forms of at tractiveness as food. AUNKNOWN' COUXTHY. Home of ( lie SlyolN n ( the ToitnoMt Corner of .Mongolia. Far away to the north of the Desert of Gobi , wl.cretho Solan range splits the tributary waters of the rising Yenisei and the Chinese empire melts Into Russian Siberia , right ot the topmost corner of Mongolia , lies the territory of the llttle- kiown Slyots , says the Pnll Mail Gazette. Three hundred years ago , when the pale- faced Russians broke Into Siberia , the Slyots fled before them. They alnno would not lift the knee to Russia. Southward they Ik'il over the Salanskl passes Into the king dom cf the dragon , donned the pigtail and became Chinese , dispossessing In their hurry a fine race ot people. The Slyots of today are divided Into two classes with diverse occupations. Those of the north , Inhabiting the slopes of the S.ilan. are hunters , worshippers ot devils , e-itltiK meat ntyl even carrion. Those of the south , who dwell upon the plains , are herd ers of horses and cattle , Uuddhlsts by re ligion , men of cleanly habits , eating only milk and millet seed. So wild and desolate Is the region of the Slyots that even the government maps are utterly wrong about U. lllvers are omitted , m.splaced and transposed ; crors of seventy to 100 miles arc common. . Even the Intrepid Prjevalsky , who passed through I Ullassutnl , Knbodo and Urga , did not turn ' aside Into this great northern waste. A strange face Is never seen there , and life ocs by queer ancestral customs. The Slyots live In round "karals , " or tents , built of movable lattice , with u felt- covered conical top. Inside Is a neat hexag onal arrangement of boxes or cupboards , wherein the stores are kept , Very scornful are the yof the barbarous Turbets , their nearest neighbors , who have no boxes In their tents , and arc otherwise uncivilized. i'h'it manner of boors are these ? " asked a Slyot , on coming to a Turbet encamp ment ; "they tether their horses to their i tents , instead of erecting a horse-stick ! I They deserve to have their teDts pulled ! about their cars. " Even less complimentary were his remarks upon the Turbet women , who wear blue smocks Instead of the gay | green knickers of his own girls , and do nol i plait their hair. I As touching the jilalts ot the Siyots , the custom is as follows : When a young man wo33 a maiden he calls at the karal of her i father with presents of oxen , sheen or goats ; f om that time the girl divides her single I .ilait . into two. Six mouths later he repeats J i'ho ' visit , and the gifts ; then the plaits are Increased to three. .Six months later the marriage takes place and the maid , now wl''e ' , surrounds her head with a glory of nany.alts ; The dress of the Siyot youth is simple , consisting oP reindeer skin , hair In ward , with caps of manifold variety. All officials , as lu Russia , are distinguished by Duttons of colored glass upon their caps. The commonest official Is the starlsta , or village headman , -who finds post horses when the traveler isin need -and keeps a kind of order. Further up the scale are dispensers cf Justice , dread officials with summary power o dock the frequent offender of hand or foot , but not of life , or to send him to Urga o be Hogged for the delectation ot his Chinese masters. Horse-thieving is the most fre quent crime calling for punishment. Up to twice , or even thrice , a village will pay lines "or a suspect lurking In Its midst , but at the fourth time It delivers him up to bear his own burden of whip or maiming. On visiting a Slyot In his karal the follow- .ng Is the unalterable procedure : From your ; > oot you draw your long Chinese pipe with Its ornamental mouthpiece and fill it by thrusting the bawl Into a lobacco pouch slung at your girdle. You light It with flint and steel , take a i.niff , then pass it between two fingers cf the right hand to your host , who meanwhile has lighted his own , and slips It in exchange for yours under your thumb. Each smokes the other's out , nils it again and re turns it. The same thing Is then gone through , but less fonmlly , with the women of | the establishment. Everybody smokes and : takes snuff. The ceremony of taking snuff i IB no less elaborate than the foregoing , even ' the manner ot holding Uio snuff bottle and stopper being fixed de rigueur. The saluta- Llons also require knowing. A man's health is not Inquired after until curiosity has been I glutted respecting his flocks and his family. Then his last night's rest must be ascer-1 talned. Meantime the wc-men are busied about the central fire and the great cocking Kit In which milk Is kc < it continually simmer ing. As the thick milk rises to the top It is skimmed off Into another vessel and collected , where it serves as a sort of cheese. Some times the scum Is mixed with water , boiled up , and a fatty butter collected off the top. This Is stored in bladders and Is much p-lzed. For fo3il the skim cheese Is handed around , mixed with a dough of millet seed or pasty flour. The religious customs of the Slyots are not their least Interesting feature. Every where , on the banks of rivers , or at the top of a difficult pass , are stones or sticks adorned with little rags. Sometimes wisps ot horsehair are attached to them. These are "god-sticks , " and are an offering to the demon of the place for averting thu dan gers of crossing. Whenever a Slyot acted as a mountain guide , or forded a river , he expressed his gratitude for safety by adding a quota to the "god-stick , " or at least by placing upon a cairn ono stone for each of the party saved. Should a Slyot fall ill and smallpox 1s very prevalent among them ho calls In a medicine man to drive away the devil. The medicine man is dresbed In a long red robe adorned with Imitation snakes , brass ornaments and fin ery. Beating a drum he yells all night In the chamber of the sick man , turning and twirling upon his heels. Finally he falls exhausted In a sort of trance , biting his lips so that blood Is spread upon his face. Then ho Is considered to be In the very act of exorcism. Vaccination , lately introduced by the Russians and the Tartars. 'Is eald to be Interfering with the business of the medicine men. The custom of devil-driving seems to exist only among the northern Slyots , who live upon the mountains. South ward the people are strict adherents of Huddlm , and It l common among them to see the long yellow-robed or red-robed Ui- mas. There are extremely superstitious , and willingly pay large presents to the pHcsts for fancied privileges. lA 1/ann has a vision and announces that A. will die within three days. A. gathers together his possessions , never doubting of the fact , but before he dies Intrusts his servant with bribe to be conveyed to the Lama , also through the me dium of a servant. The Lama protests agJlnst bothering -tho god with so trumpery a matter as the life of iA. , but , being per suaded to do so , gets him respite for three years. At the end of this time the pro cedure takes place again. A rich man , on dying , will dispatch his servant for many miles with gifts to the nearest Lama , to In quire after the futura of his soul , and know where and In what form ho will reappear on earth. And the Lama accepts the gift and tells him. There Is , however , a phenomenon greater than the Lama. This Is a "gig ! " or holy boy. When a community acquires unusual prosperity , its first ambition takes the form of a glgl. U sends to Thibet tor htm , ail : obtains him only at a great price. The glgl rides roughshod over the Lamas , and Is re garded by them consequently with sonic jealousy. For this reason , also , his acquisi tion costs the community dear. The Slyots , both of the north and the south , have n curious method ot asking favors , in the north a man comes to you , ! greets you with salutations , and presses Into your two palms a little cell or roll of leather. If you accept It you are bound to grant him anything in moderation that he may nsk , Among the southern , or Hud- dhlst , Slyots It Is a Illmsy rag of coarse- wove silk that the suppliant presses upon you. These rags are held devoutly to the forehead when praying. All pious Slyots will Invest quite a largo proportion of their Income on them. What the meaning of the leather roll may 'be It Is difficult to say. The Slyots are secretive , and prefer to communicate nothing. Ask how many they , , number In a village , ami the reply will be- "Every day some die and some are born ; how , then , shall It be told ? " To those who have lived long among them , however , they will expand upon many sacred subjects. They will even show the much-dreaded caves of the ancient race they dispossessed , situated 200 vcrsts southwest of the Junction of the Llel-kem and Kha-keem , sources of the Yenisei. Russians who have Inspected these dwellings report vast finds of el' , bone , charcoal , and oven of brass iinple- | ments. Hut few know certainly about them , for If the Lamas heard of It It would go hard In fines and damnations for the luckless Slyot who betrayed the secret of his race. A KiaiKICIOL'S CAT. Tilt * I'et , .TeuloiiM f II KlmliicKH to n Dun , AttneUx KM Mlnln-SM. Ada Gray was attacked by a bis black cat last night , relates the Buffalo Express. She had a terrific battle with the animal for about three minutes , and was rescued by a man who was passing the house. She then took a hammer and beat out the sav- age creature's brains. She attributes the cat's onslaught to Insane Jealousy of a dog. dog.Tho dray woman Is one of the old-tlmero of the slums. She lives In one ot the shabby dives of the district. She has associates of both sexes , but she was more devoted to the cat than any human being. It was one she had raised from kittenbood and had had It for three years. The animal had never shown any sign of violence. Inl fact. It was most affectionate and was the pet of several women of the neighborhood. About 7 o'clock last evening , while Ada was eating a frugal meal of cold meat and unbuttered bread , a little fox terrier strayed Into the roam. He sniffed around and halted at the table with the scent of the meat in his nose. He looked up , as if begging for a morsel or two. The woman looked down and recognized him as a neigh bor's dog. He had never entered her house before , but she didn't want to be unfriendly to him. She picked out a scrap of meat and threw It down to him. Her cat was In the seat of a chair that stood near the table. It had Its back up and was bristling at the dog while he was licgglng for food. The moment the woman threw the meat the cat leaped at her face. It burled the claws of Its forepaws In her cheeks and clung there , with the claws of the hind paws fastened In the bosom < : f her dress. dress.With With a scream that could be heard to the farthest end of the slums the woman Jumped from her chair and tried to pull the cat down. She grabbed it abrut the body and broke Its hold , but the moment its fore claws were released it used them In a most vigorous pawing at her face. The cat seemed to have supernatural strength and the woman could not entirely free her self. The animal still clung to her dress , and when she tried to dlrengage the hind claws the beast used its fore claws on her face and neck. During the struggle the woman kept up a series of screams. A man who was passing the house rushed in. thinking a woman was being murdered. The moment he entered ho saw the woman and the cat In crnfllct. The cat was spitting and clawing and tryIng - Ing to bite her face. Its back was toward the man. Ho grabbed it about the middle of the body and gave it a Jerk , and a throw at the same time , which landed the beast on the door. Illood was streaming from the woman's cheeks and neck , but , now that she was free , anger overcame her pain , and , llko a maniac , she grabbed up a hammer that lay on the table and pounced upon the cat. She caught It between her knees and held It there until she could get a grod grip on the back of Its neck. Then , holding its nose close to the floor , she struck It a blow on the head with the hammer with all her might. Its skull was crushed In and It was as good as dead before she struck It half a dozen times before her fury was spent. Then she picked the bleeding creature up by the tall and hurled It Into the street. < American Lady Corsets arc the Rest. An Kvenlnn ; Symphony. Judge : They were sitting In the quiet moonlight , gazing upon the various heavenly boilles visible above the chimney tops. Ono of his arms was around her waist , one of his hands held hers , and. If he had possessed morn arms and hands which unfortunately ho didn't they would probably have been similarly engaged , The music of a line old organ from a church across the way ( loafed toward them , and the shrill churr of a cricket calling to Its mate In the grass occa sionally broke the stillness. Altogether It was a heavenly time. "kn't 'It perfectly beautiful ? " filie softly raid as the music paused for a moment. "Yes , " he answered musingly , "and they are said to do It with their hind legs. " And so the charm was sadly broken. Small pill , fofo pill , best piii. Tie Witt's Llttlo Early Risers euro biliousness , constl- patlon , sick headache. WE ATUS ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA , " AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " AS OUR TRADE MARK. / , DR , SAMUEL PITCHER , of Hyannie , Massachusetts , was Hie originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " the some that has borne and does now ZJ&j on everY bear the fac-simile signature of Cfrattyxl & < & 44 ( wrapper , This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which lisa bean used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years , LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it fo the kind you have always bought , /r-rff y/v/j r / > " on > e and has the signature of ( d.o&f/- M wrac- por. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which C/ias , H , Fletcher President. March 8 , 1897 , IHt CCNTAUn COUPANV. TT MUHRAV TKIIT , HI * YOUR CITTi BDtDtNLT and tick thl B4M i , CM lh Ubacco you r > 4tlt * tnd Uk < Htco-C ro. Itli IhtOrlf laM GartBtt ( moatMfondil If U r l i to CUM ) . 8ACO- Writ * f rpr efi CttRO BOtlltl JOB of tarti , BOe. to itop by rt t bo I r in. th dttlrn. It UATII the iyi- t m fr from Terr tt > ci f Blcotln , Eureka Chemical end Manufac turing Co. . La Crosse , \ \ U. Ht'DTAN la turcne of dla. he Kivnteit ie charge In 2i > mcdlo - trcnt- flays , llt'D- n < 'nt thnt IUIB Y A N cure. been produced lessen. 1HJU- by nny ccmbl- Y A N cure * nation of pliy- tlrulim , K n a Mclnna. The H U U Y A .V = IUDYAN rcm. 'urc plmplm illi treatment II U D V A N iuren the .Ie- 2uros , i pr-a * Jllltles nti.l dig. < lon of > plrlt , enrcs of men , Ht'DYAN Is a . Illy to remedy for look fi-nnkly men. IIl'D- Into the cy ' S'AN cures or another , w e n k n e n n. H I' 0 Y AN II U D Y A N cures headache cures sperma hair railing torrhoea. > ut , dlmneMi ot H U D Y A N ilKht , noluc In lures promn- head and c.irs. wenk memory , loss of voice , tiute or nmcll. HITDYAN cures sunken eyes , Blunted Krowth , palpitation , Khortncts of brrtth. .lyvnepMa , con- Ftlpatlon nnd flatulency. HI'IJYAN cures weak , ness or pains In the small of the back , loss ol muscular power. Kloomy , melancholy forcbcUirigs una disturbed sleip. HUDYAN can lie hart from the Doctors of the Hudson Medical Institute , und from no one else. You need HITDYAN when the tuulal nurvdi twitch as l.loro Is cerlnln to be an Irritation ct their centers ol the brain. You need Ht'DYAN when there Is a decline of the ner\o force , because tills decline shows a lack of nerve life , iind may de velop Into nervous debility and then Into nervous prostration. If you have Imrrn4ed your nerves , If you have knotted or knarled them. If you havi abused your nerves , to straighten yourself out jou will uic HUDYAX. No one else can ( five you IIUDYAN except the Hiulron Medical In- stltutc. HUUYAN cures varlcolcle , hydrocele Im. potency , dlzclness , fiilllni ; sensations , blues , despair , sorrow und misery. WHITE FOH ntl- CULAHS AND TESTIMONIALS OP TUB QKEAT HUDYAN. HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Stockton and mils St. , Gal ) Franclit-o. Ca'ornl ] | - Searles & Searles. SPECIALISTS IN PRIVflTEm SEXUALLY. All Private Diseases & Disorders of Men. Treatment by Mail. Consultation Free. Curort fnr Ilfo anrt the poison thoroughly cleansed from thOHyKtoni. Spormatorrhi-a. Si > mlnal WpakncRH , Lost Man hood. Nljrht KmlHSloiiH. Dccaveil Kaciilllns. Ku- mnlo Weakness , and all ilolleato dt orders p eu- liar to either sex , pnMtlvoly cuntl. I'ir/KS FISTULA anrt HECTAL , ULCKIIH , IIYDIIOCHMS AND VAKICOfELB P prmanrntly and succussfully cured. Method now an d unfalllii ! , ' . Cured at home by now mnthod without pain or cuttlner. Call on or addtctm with Htnml 119 S. I4th St. . DRS. SE 8 SEHRLE8. OMAHA , NI-B Li B ONf8 jforiiiF.it : Thlw remedy being In jected directly to the Boat of those dlHonwcu of the cnlto-IJrinnry Orffimn , rcuulrcH no chauco of dlot. Cure Knaritntecd In 1 to S dnya. Hnmll plainiinclc. nice , by mall , si.OO. Holrt nniy by Myers-Dillon DrttR Co. , S. E. Cor ICth and Fur- nnm Stieete. Omsha. Neb. WEAK MAN CURE YOURSELF Ur. Grady'g wondeiful Irish InvlKuralor , the nre.Uctt- irim-dy for Ioi-t Manhood , overcomes prnnatuiencss and Mc/ps nil unnatural dialns and lospe. . All unall , weak IIIK-IIIH enlniKfil and MiuiKlhi-ne.l. Suffeicrs , by it'nilttliiB Jl n Feolril pack- aKC contnlniiiK 60 iilllu. carefully - fully rouiiiuunilnl , will be tent by mall from our lubor- iilmy , or we will furnUh tlx , . - - . - packages fnr JJ , with , T.ri : i a Old ) . lr. ( irmly dfAUANTKR to cure or fiucCHsa for M years money lufumled , All letters 2K > . (00 euied. lonlldi-ntlul , and ( joods tent with ( ull liittiiuUoim flee from I liiT\nlloif AdiliesB , fVUBTAI MUD , CO. . IxnvHl , Mass. ( VIE A AJAX TAHLGTSroHlTIVKLY C'UHl Al.l * rru fXurrort ralllnic Mitiu ory. | lll | > oleiic-Kli'Bilehsiio .iilotu.l . > Aiiui-x i.ri'l oinor KIOKKCH nntl In < tU crtlloun. 'tl\'V ; ' < < < / . / nnil nr < - / [ ' l lolii Ityl Vlliillly la old or jounk , unt , il ! nmuu for flinty uu.lun.sor mnrra ! s - „ I'rjyellt Iiibanll und ) Communion II eii lu llniu. Tli.li111.7 , ! " > llnmou.UB ; Iniproro rasnt uad infect ! a CUHK where all others tall. In ilttuion havma tlin conulnn AJux TiibloK. 'Jl , hiiVHCiuoil tlinnumdniinil will curn jnu.V ijlve i IKiiltira written cuaruniua lu nfTrct < i cura In mcli caner or ri > funa th money. 1'rlr. 6O eoam nt > r pttckauu ni liiiftckiunMlfiill tmalnieiill for $2.10. lly mnll.li pluyi writer , upon rji-olrtof i.rlre. clrriiUr free. AJAX REMGO" CO. ' " . ' " " ' For tale In Omuha uy Jume. Foreyth , 202 JJ ICtli Btreet. Kulili & Co. . Kith and Douglai Hlrfeti. RftcCREW IP. TIIU ONLY SPECIALIST WHO TIICATB AL1 , Private Diseases Wfikiiiii d Uliorllr f WJEN ONLY DO ViuusExiKirienco. 10 Yo-irH in Otimhn. 'K.k . Free. Conmiluv tlual'rtio , Hm 700,01 1-ith and I'uroam 8ts > OMAHA. KKI2. CURE dUinarcci , IntUmraatloni. Irrltatlucj or ulctiilloQi of muouui iurutr u . raialtii , mi ) not tttrla * | ? StHeEMiiiCHtuieuCo. * Bt" poi moin. or itnt In yltlo wripH'i vr txprtii , prtpalil , ( ffoo. or l Calliw , IJ.7 . ClKaVjr ial fe run % WHEN TRAVELING HERE IS WHERE YOU WILL FIND IT IN THE PRIKGIPflL CITIE- BOSTON. Public I.lli.-ar.v. Venilnim * Hotel. BUFFALO. llcnencc Hotel Xeiv.i Stand. BILLfNGS .Ii AV. Sbearer. BUTTE ' I ICeefe llros. William .Hbleldx , i CHEYENNE. II. A. I.OKIIII. CbejoniuClub. . | CHICAGO. Auditorium Hotel NIMVM Stand. . Vudltortuni Annex \iM\-t Stand. \ ftreatorlliern Hotel X - H Stand. J Palmer HOIINC NIMVM Stand. , . I'oNtollleeCVN Stand , \o. illT Uunrt \ , born Street. \ > . > ' CLEVELAND. ' . : U'eddell HOIINC. I'lic Ilollenden. Conuncrclal TrnvelerN * An : .MilHoiile Temple. COLORADOSPRINGS llrlxeiM' Urn.- ) , , \n. HO South Tejon St. CAMBRIDGE , MASS Marviir.l I nlviTNltjl.llirury. . DENVER. llriMvii Hotel \IMVN Stand. Hamilton .V ICeli.lrlek. Uul.itlii , Pitt .t C . . si5 : IHxtceiitU St. I'm It .Mereiuitlle Co. MIC Slutloiier > C < > . YVIiiilNin- Hotel \e < v.s Stiiiuf. DES MOINES. Mnxrn .IneoliN , Itnulc iNlnnil lleiiot. HOT SPRINGS S.D Km II IlnriioiiN. 3ci PKe Clinton. HEUENA. \V. A. Moore. Helena I'ulille l.llirnry. KANSAS CITY. Itoliert Itclil. ContfH MOIINCIMVH Stainl. V. M. C. A. ItctulliiHT llooin. LONDON , ENGLAND. CliarleN A. Clllltf , \ < > . U Stratul. LOS ANGELES . Stniuliivil X 'WN Co. MINNEAPOLIS. rulttlc l.llirnry. West IIulvl A'CWM Stiinil. NEW YORK. Cooper I'ulon Mlirnry. Firth Avenue lintel \IMVH Stand. Klfih Avenue Hotel IteiulliiK Houm , llroonie Street Llhrnry. Holland HoiiNe UeiuliiiK Hoom. IlolVnian lloiiMe. Imperial Hotel \eirN Stand. Mechanics' .t Triulerit' Free Library , No. IS KiiKt Sl.vlcciilh Street. I'rcMM dull , 1-O Na.sNaii St. \Vc.slniliiNlcr Hotel HciliIIliK Itnom. XVimlxor Hotel Iteailliip : Itoiiiu. Y. .11. C. A. , Uiil : Street amiIHi Avenue , NASHVILLE Duncan Hotel VCWM SlniKl. Missouri I'nelllu HIilfT > K\io. Groiiml * . OGDEN. MeCnrtiiey .t Co. W. We lib. PARIS , "FRANCE. Xow York Herald HcailliiK Iluoiu , Avc. ito 1'Oiiera. POCATELLO V. C. Harder. PORTLAND , ORE , \V K. JOIH'N. % Portland Hotel \CWN Stand. PHILADELPHIA. AlereaiitHe. IJIirary. SACRAMENTO. I'll.lie ! Library. SAN F RANCISCO. I'ublli ! Library. SALT LAKE CITY. I , . F. llainincl , l.yeeiim Theater , Salt LuUe. JVetvu Co. SEATTLE , c. n. ojHion. A. T. I.iinilberK. SIOUX CITY. GnrretlNiiii Ilolel NetvH Stniid. .Moiidaiuln Hotel .VetvN .Stand. Hotel Veil.IonicUVM Stand , CeorKc I. . Hunt. Public Library. w SPOKANE. .Tolln W. Cirabiiin. dl ST JOSEPH. Ilrandow'M VH .Stand , ST. LOUIS. 1C. T. Jell. I'lanlei'H' Hotel Jfrv Stand. Piibllii Library. WASHINGTON , D. C Ulllaril'H Hotel \IMVH Slanil Arlington Hotel , eMNlonnl Library , lluilku Aurlciilliiral DeiiartnieiK fclbrnri- Senate Heading Hoom. The Bee.