Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Decline In Prices Appears to Bo Hearing tbo
End of Ita Course.
PlH'iiuiiM-ntil KiirnliiKi of Ilic Ilnll-
ronilN Will llnvc liiiinirlniit Inllii-
cncc on tinSioi'U i\rliiinau
Win * u Iliu Turn Conic * .
NRW YOUK , Oct. 17.-Henry Clews , head
of the banking1 house of Henry Clews & Co. ,
writes :
Wall Ptrcct Ims not yet recovered Its cqitl-
llbrlum nfter the recent radical process oJ
liquidation. The reallzlnsH of larso holders
Jmve deprived tlio market of of Its
Important element of strength , and the
minor operators nro left to mutt , the shock
of viRoroiiH bear ottackH as bent they may.
The pessimists have been doing the work of
tlie prudent optimists who have weld out and
want to Ret In again , by putting down prices
to a point at which the latter will tiny. How
much further this pioccss may run It Is
not easy to say. As yet It has not reached
n. point at which the "bears" have lost
their daring , but thorn are Indications that
the now level of prices Is bringing out n
cridually Increasing volume of buying.
! \Vli ! ! Ihu dally tally of business rlfics from
203 CM share * to MXKXO without any break'In
jirlcv * , It Is rather lin evidence of courage
ous buying than of bear sales. It Is to be
assumed that the Inlluentlul operatic who
nri > v.altlng their opportunity to buy In for
ft fr < sh rise would have somu regard to
maintaining the "bull" temper of the mar-
It , t. It can hardly IIP to their advant-ge
to k L'P tie market exposed to the ravage ?
of t e "bears" until the nprculatlve spirit Is
iTiiiui'il , for In such ca p , after having tin-
iU-rt.i'cii : a fresh pampa'gn tiey i.voii'd
liav , no active co-operation from the out-
xlile element and might have to unwillingly
tnk from them a considerable amount of
s'o.-'U Intending buyers , of course , have
th"- ! own Ideas of tin- prices at wlilrh they
Hhonld buy In again , but the following com
parison of cnnent prices with tho.-U' ot aep-
tnnber 17 , when quotations i.vcre about at
thp hlghes : , would srcm to snsrgesu that val
uer must now bo * clo > o upon buying
point :
A. , T. * H. ! . . nfil. . | "SHI
Central of N. .I. . . 10t > i
O. . "i " 0 . 2iiK ,
( ' . . II & Q . lot'i
fit. Paul . ion ;
t' . & N.V . 132'.1 '
llock Island . iiiii
12. , ( ' . . C. & St. ! > . . 41' '
J ) . K. I. . iri'.i
D. & II . V"
V"1SW UV4i Ifi
lllln is Cent . HST4I lii. ! | H I'4 '
I. . & N . C2/4
M. . Iv & T. . pM. . . . 41 %
Mlwmrl I'll Mile . . . . S
N. Y.V. . , 0. , < iV. . . 2 > )
O. It. & N . n-j'i '
lUndlng . :9
Airier Sujjar llnn' i.vtii
CIl.i-nR.i CJai . I074 !
W. t' . TtMoRi-aph. . . . > ) ii
We rerently showed that on the 20h ! of
Scp'.e-muer prices had , on the avcnmo , fallen
from the standard of the 17th nine points ;
the n-lnve comparison .shows tha : sl.iee the
ft 29th cf St-iitc-mber there has been a further
nverace decline of S > , i points , so that within
the r > ast four l.vceks there has been a fall
of i-y points. That Is certainly n very sub.
etu'itlnl decline under anv rondHotiP , and
cnp elnlly .such ns surround the present mar
ket The ! wits st.irted less from a con
viction that prices were- inflated beyond the
now Intrinsic value linparte-d by the recov
ered condition of the country than because
speculation had run to sneh excesses as to
thrmten n serlono breakdown unless Ihe
eve - lo'ticere checked and r.-meulleil. That
check 1ms been most vigorously applied ; a
vast amount of liquidation has effect
ed ; t-.ero Is no ivek'.ess buying , but rather
nn excels of caution , and the conviction N
KPiirrnl that , when the present mood Is past ,
prices will ngnln materially recover.
At the moment , thre > e Influences are af
fecting Hie maikct unfnvornbly thu yellow
fever , the election excitement and the new
phase1 of Cuban affairs. The latter Is nol
colculated to prec.'pltnte any immediate ac
tion on the ! of our government. The
pioml'es of the new Spanish administration
miggests u possibility that something may
us effected toward tie cone-Illation of Cuba ;
the > latest symptoms from WnsMng.on arc
favorable , nnd on that account our govern
ment may IIP expected to refrain at least
from any Immediate. Interposition ; In brief
the ne..v situation means pos.ponement. The
yellow fever begins to show somiabate -
in'nt ; It Is now well under quarantine regu
lation , anel the needless Interference of
nhotgiin methods of protection Is being so
controlled as to ( prevent unnecessary Inter
ference with tr.ide and tr.insporintlon ,
which has run Into Inexcusable exeesbesi.
JJcaKy , at present , there Is no serious quar
antine ) embargo upon Ihe trnflle ; of any Im
portant rnllioads. The ln-erferenci < with
the market arising from the city election
canvass Is. nfter all. chlelly a matter ol
sentiment and ' .ins no direct relation to the
value of the properties represented on UK-
Stock exchange. The "bears" exaggerate
this factor by mngnl'ylng the chances of
candidates whose election would lie least
comluslvu to the Interests of the city , but
tl cy do not succeed In e'onee.illng from Wall
stieet that the local Interests of Greater
New York are not the Interests of 'the
United States.
In any event , each of the ? < ? three factors
lias already been made to do duty for the
pessimists' muc'.i beyond what their Intrinsic
Importance warrants. They have been used
to force ) prices to a point which It
would ssem must bring a turn In the mar
ket. The men who are holding back 1m-
fliortant buying orders have so far kept close ;
rank , but should one or two of them be
tempted by the prevailing low prices , their
notion might easily precipitate- buying
rally In prices. T'.ere Is an Idea at the mo
ment that the market will continue In its
jncsent unsettled condition until after
election. Wo do not deny that possibility ,
but there Is perhaps quite an equal ehanei-
tha1 a reacllon from over-discounting the
thrco factors"we have mentioned and tin-
Htronpr temptation affordc-l by low price *
jnay start up n buying movement that will
urlng out large operators sooner than they
have calculated upon buying.
In the meanlline , the condition of the
rnllroads , which Is the commanding con-
ntdernt'.on nlfertlng the value of ferurl-
tlcp , passiu as a HWcnt factor. The earnings
In all sections continue at the hleh rate
recently established , and the September
from hu.sJnem will nhow phenomenal llg-
ureB. \ \ hen the market e'capes from Its
Jirescnt dumpy mood these facts will re-
celvo duo consideration and counteiact the
minor Inlluenees that for mine days pisl
liava been Invested with mich exaggerated
No further arrangements have been made
far the Importation of gold , l ist weekV
cnpngemenls , amounting to Jfi.OdO.coJ , have
Induced efforts In London to check the cut-
flow , which for tint moment has diminish !
tlm niovomont ! iiiuli nn rnuit-ulni. tlm linn
of Ungland put ut > llr rnto from ! . ' ' , : to : i
per cent. Drawers1 here , however , have re
duced their intes and further engagements
for bringing gold from I.ondan'or Paris
may bo expected , unless sterling hills
should be bought vH-5iere as n temporary
Inv B'ment , * P'nn " net entl-cly Imp obibl > ,
IIH the banks will soon be receiving back
Jarw amounts of the currency fvnt to the
iiuvr.'ur for moving the crops and do not
care to Indefinitely Incmi-e their slocln of
idle specie. The effect of such an nrraiiKi'-
jncnt woulil be to Htri'ntlH-n ( the local rate
of Interest , to vase they London money
market and bridge over foreign
debts to this country for two or
three months and then to uffpct
Imlancer against the I'nlled St.ites.
and thereby prevent exports of uo'd which
otherwise we ihoulil In the usual course.
hnv to make. A year ago transactions of
th's kind were donei to the amount of fome
J .WiO.C . and nt prc ent It look.i likfly that
the operatlonH may bo icpe-ated. This
method of ndju tlne International balances
Is wholesome. Inasmuch as It tcnilti to keep
the money market on both sides the At-
la-ill stable and prevent * tlm cost and In
convenience of exchanging large amounts
of gold between tlm tw-o continents.
The uilvtnco In the Hunk of Knglaiv ! rate
to 3 per cent Is what I , foreshadowed
time ago , and fram appearances It Is more
than HMy t" go to 1 per cent at least very
wecrti The bank reserve Is now } 3),000 ) , X )
lower than It 1ms been for u similar period
Blnco U93 , while Its loans are ) t7.ftiO.GOG
larger than for anv October month In eight
years. The Immediate futures moves of tl o
Dank of England will bu Important factors
at all the great money centers and oporn-
toin on this * ldo will have to keep a watch
thereon for their guidance.
KM Kit nil ( J rut u AliirKrl.
LONDON. Oct. 17-Thla U Hue sowing
weather. As wheat Is supported by the con
tinental demand , ICngllah buyers are care
less. California i.vheat , October and No
vember , last week brought SSo per quarter ,
ana Walla. Walla September brought 37s 2J.
Flour wnn rather lower nnd the demand poor. Maize fell nnd there wns little
cnll for It. For mixed American mn'zo
November and December , IKs was asked ,
and for Danuhlnn 14 ? . Spot baric } ' wns
steady , but American barley was not of
fered. Oats > nere active. Mixed American
I'pi-d oats were sold at from 13s to 13s
Hid , October and December.
Kcfidiri'H of ( be Tr ml In it nil it Cloning
I'rlcen ii Sutiirdny.
CHICAGO Oct. 1C.-H wns n cane of dog
ent dog In the wheat market todny. Krotn
the scarcity of December offerings and
the quickness with which anything wns
token , a badly congested condition In that
option wns Indicated. The close wns llrm
at a Ic advance. Hnlns west and disap
pointing Liverpool cable. " cnused a slight
opening decline , the only weakness tha
market , displayed. Corn wns tlrm , but
clo.'cil unchanged. Oats wns a shnde higher
nt the llnlsh. Provisions were weak , prin
cipally from the yellow fever scare , and
'e > . " ( l from 6c to 12'.4c lower.
Wet weather throughout the greater part
of-tho winter nnd nil of the spring wnent
territory , disappointing foreign markets and
n very markei Increase In the wheat re
ceipts In the northwest confronted the
wheat trade nt the opening. Though the
effect was partially offset by the surpris
ingly large exports for the week , there
wnrf nevertheless n general selling out of
wheat by timid holders , nnd the opening
market was lower , December starting nt
from Ul to ! ) l'ic , ns compared with yes
terday's closing price of StlHiiOUic. The
wcnkncKH wtis short lived , however , us the
lowtr prices , ttlmulatcd strong buying nnd
caused n rnlly of Ic per bu. In a very few
minute- . December aeivanclng to 92ViC. The
December future acts ns tnough U were
considerably congested , as It sold at 2'ic '
premium over May. The Hradstreet's rep -
p rt shows whe-at and Hour exports equal
to 0,030,000 bu. , ngnlnst l.KG.COO bu. u week
previous , nnd 4,157,01) ) bu. for the corre-
Bp-ndlnf. week last year. Hcvlvnl of the
olil rumors that Iluwsla would prohibit
wheat and rye txportu and that France
would abolish Its Import duty on wheat
created a little bullish Hurry an hour after
the session opened nnd December advanced
to y2Tc ( , whl : the news was circulating.
' 1 northwest receipts 1,170 bu. at
Minneapolis ! and Duluth , against 1,1-10 bu. a
week ngo and S35 bu. hi't year. The re
ceipts ) at all primary markets aggregated
" .VJ.liOO bu. , against i37,0n ) bu. for the cor-
i pending day a year ago. Chicago re- were 1KI cars. Llverjiool opened % d
lilglu-r , but closed only Hd hlg'ner for near
months to Vid lower for deferred. Paris
closexl unchanged to 10 centimes lower for
wheat , but U to 40 centimes higher for
Hour , and Antwerp quoted wheat unchanged
to 123 ! centimes hieher. Despite the apathy
shown In their own markets , however ,
there was evidence conclu ive that the
fm lgnert' were also buying liberally to
over sales abroad , nnel the strong tone of
the market for ocean freghts : Indicated
that the ca. = h stuff was going out. The
advance for the day was tempting enough
t. . Induce many owners of wheat to sell
out und take their prollts rather than carry
the proprty over to next week. The re-
. ult was a slight reaction from top ligures.
December was selling nt ! )2',4c ) at the cloy ? .
There i\vas a fairly active trade In corn
with orts again liberal buyers. At tile
opening the market was weak on the large
local leeelpts M7 cars the rains west and
poor i.vcekly exports. There was a strong
demand at the decline , and helped by ihe
advance In wheat , tlu- market rallied
sharply. The Inquiry droppo 1 off toward
the close and prices sank again. A large
amount of changing of December contracts
to May was done during the day. Decem
ber rnngei ! from 27'4c to 2Cli2G-'hC , und
closed urinnnned at Sfi'dc.
The market for cats was linn on n de
cidedly narrow trade , conllned mostly to
exchanging. The tone , .wl.h exception
of a lltttle 'weakness ' nt the opening , was--
linn nnd prices riiltd a shade higher.
Sympathy with wheat and corn and a le-
newal of fie car.h demand were the In
fluences. Hecelpts i\ere liberal II ! ) cars
lOxports were over 200,003 bu. December
ranged from lS7fcc to l&lift l&c , closing a
shade higher at JS-Kc.
It was a rather quiet day In the provision
! .lt. The market ruled weak early on 'In-
lower hog prices anil on the yellow fever
news. There was commission house sellIng -
Ing on a fair tcale. There r.vas a ; < arlal !
rally In sympathy with the advance In
wheat , but the general tone was easier
throughout. Stocks of lard are said to be
under I00.(0) tierces ; ribs 13'0'/0) pounds.
At the close Dei-ember pork was IStJc leiAer
at $7.75 ; December lard , tic lower at $ l.27' ' , < .
nnd December ribs , lOc lower at J4.W.
Ksiltnatcd receipts Monday : Wheat , 210
oars ; corn. 940 cars ; oats , 330 cars ; -hogs ,
HXCOO head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
ArtleliH.I Opan. I Illtli. I fj-i.v. I CloioTTVesTdy.
Oct. . . .
le-c ) U16JU O'JU niu lU-Hit't
.May. . . aoaw IW u SOHci's '
( 01 n
Oct. . . ar.ii ' snm S5 < 4
Di-c. . . . H7H ' 'tw'afa 2U'k ' JUii ;
Jliiy . . . : i ! i OH : < O.H' < : ! ( > HS
Got. . . . 18 18K IK 18l (
Dec. . . . lri'MH 1K-C IKJi 1KH
Mny. . . aiwM - 13 Jl a Hi
I ork
Die. . . . 7 so 7 SO 7 70 7 87H
Jan. . . . H 7'JH 8 77k 8 7--M B 87 ! <
Dec. . . 4 aB 4 MO 4 an 47S , 4 a4 !
Jan . . . 4 41 ! W 4r > 4 411 4 4JI , 4 .0
Oct 4 1)11 ) \w \ 4 ISO 4 II'JH 4 70
Dec . 1 VM I f.O -J S'l 4 til )
Jan. . . . 4 S3 1 till 4 f.-j ! 1 57 ! $ 1 US
No. 2.
run.i limitations were as follows :
I-'IjOUH Steady ; winter FtnilshtH. H.f.Offt.TO ;
t-lirlnit patents. J.900.CO ; IJHUPI-H , J1.MiiT4.tK ) .
\VHBAT-No. 2 Hiring , b7S.No. ; . 3 sjninc ,
Enfvrc ( ; No. 2 reil , ' . 'IXe.
C'OltN Nei. 25Si(25'Ac. .
OATS No. 2. IHic. f. o. b. ; No. I white , 21JJ !
22ijc ; No. 3 white , 2Ciifi21)4e. ; )
UYi : Nn. 2 , 4Jc. .
IIAHM'JV No. 2 , iionilnnl ; No. 4 , 2ji,4Q2So.
KI.AXSEKD No. 1 , $ l.n01.01.
TIMOTHY 8KKD rrlme , J2.C3.
J'llOVISIONS I'urk. mm ? , per libl. , } 7.7.T
7.10. Liinl. pe-r 100 lli . , Jl.23W4.27lj. Ilacon ,
short ribs sliles do - ) } 4.4'fl 70. Dry sille-il
flmuliliT-B Ihnxiil ) . ; 4.7S@3.00 ; ehcrt clear slile-s
WHISKY nibtlllera1 nnlsheil gooils , per nal. ,
h'l'OAU Cut loaf , J306 ; KranulntcJ , } 3.3f
Oa the I'rculiice exchange today the butter intr-
ket was stonily ; creameries , 1502114 ? ; ilalrleB ,
121I19C. Cheese , quiet at fi&SHc. KcBf , linn at
ll'/iic. Live iKiiiltry. easy ; tinkovs , iljtlllc ; chlck-
etis , 7c ; springs , 7o ; eluckii , V'.iBFc.
ro.viirnox OK xu\v vomc II.IXKS.
SlirluUiiK < * of I.IIIIIIN IN a 1'Vntiiri * ( hat
IK 11 n I'll to K\plnlll.
N'RW YOHIv , Oct. 17. The Financier says :
A ft : > .lire of the statement of the asso
ciated banks of New York City for the
week ended October I5 that has attracted
fomei attention MUS the shrinkage In loans.
It Is rafier difficult to explain the lo s , cx-
cert 0:1 the theory that there has been a
great deal of liquidation In stock exciange
business , and In analysis of the Items of the
Individual banks shows that the loan
changes In two large Institutions the Na
tional Union and the National City banks-
account for the difference reported since the
previous week. The effect of the gold Ini-
5101 ts Is shown In the cast < of specie. The
gain of legal tenders the first expansion In
this Item since August 2S seems to show
that the Interior movement Is nearlng an
end. This Is not exactly to ! case , although
the ilrain miring the week has In en less
than usual and the trcasmy demands have
betn light. All the gold Imported hist week
doen not figure In the totals , so that It Is
renttissahle to suppose that the position of
the. banhw , so far as cash Is concerned , I *
stronger Indicated. The statement
points to an easier money market , In the
absence of any marked nctlvl y In specula
tion , and 'he otllclal ftatements of fie ri-
tlonal bnnks of the 1'nlted Stiles as pub-
lls.ied last week , showing their strong poil-
tlou with reference to reserves , strensihen
this view. The rising rates for money
abroad and the continued ease here , fore
shadow a Httuatlon such as prevailed last
season , when the United States sent large
iMiiou"J to Kurojie on sterling bills. The
quo at'ons for money In New Voik and Lon
don are undergoing changes lAhlch will
probably place them above domestic rates
for some time to come.
Iiiiiiilini Money Miirlict.
LONDON , Oct. 17. Thursday' advance In
the bank rate was not n surprise , since the
million gold sterling had been wlihlrawn
within a wee1 * , making 3,000.00 , ) sterling
blnce June last. Gold conlnue ; > s In strong
demand , but the wlthdru.ui ! of eagles has
been checked by the raising of the orlco to
7 ( ! IHd per ounce. Higher rates and dearer
money may be looked for.
Stocks are Inactive , though homo railways
have Improved. American railway securl-
ties have Flittered u s'inrp reautlou of from
2 to lUi points , owing to liquidation In Nen
York and the tendency to uwnlt develop-
mi nt. Grand Trunk railway shares lost
through speculators selling as the result of
the semi-annual meeting. Grand Trunk
guaranteed Mia res fell 14 point and Grand i
Trunk first preferred V4. Canadian I'aclllo 1
shares advanced H on the line tralllc re
turns , at one time touching S4 % . The Nor
folk ft Western dividend announcement Is
taken as a sign that the directors believe
they will bo able to contlnun dividends. The
favorable reception of tbe London commit
tee's proposals as to Central raclfle man
agement Is encouraging. Mexican railway
slmres are firm In anticipation of the divi
dend on the first ( preferred stock. Central
1'aclflp shares advanced 1 point , Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul , ' 4 : I * & NTV " ' '
; and N. I' , preferred , H. A. T. & S. F.
preferred stock advanced > , Ontario &
Western preferred.V Hrlc preferred , U.
nnd D. & It. O. preferred , \'t. Illinois shares :
fell * J , and New York Central.'t. . Argen
tine and Hrazlllan bonds are better , while
Spanish bonds are * ,4 lo.\cr. Argentine Kaf
firs arc sluggish.
Print Cloth
FALL IllVnil , .Mass. Oct. 17 Thc Fall
Illver print cloth market took another tum
ble yesterday nnd reached the lowest point
In the history of the market In this city , n
small sale being made at 2-Hc.
.Supreme Court \Vj-oiiilnnr I" A
CHKVBNNK , Wyo. . Oct. 17.-Speclal.- ( )
Thcro wns argued before the supreme court
of Wyoming yesterday a question of vital
Interest not only to the state of Wyoming ,
but to the neighboring states. Tlio decision
of the court will settle the right of the state
to tax large bniuls of sheep which are driven
tbrough this state every fall.
For scvoral years Wyoming legislatures
have adopted laws authorizing the taxation-
of such sheep , and many bitter contests have
been waged In the different legislatures with
reference to such provisions. Tlio 1895 legis
lature passed n law making It the duty of
thu county assessor to assess nil live Block
brought Into the state for the purpose of
grazing and to collect a full year's tax from
the owners of such live stock. In 1895 one
John Kelley of Nebraska was driving a band
of 10,000 sheep from Utah to Pine Dlults ,
Wyo. , at which plnce they wetc to be loaded
on the cars and shipped to the Chicago mar
ket. 0. P. Hhodes , at that time assessor
of the county of Laramlc , taking with him
a deputy sheriff , demanded n full year's tax
from Kelley's agent. The agent refused to
pay the tax , whereupon llhoeles threatened
to seize enough sheep to satisfy the claim
of the county and sell them. Thereupon the
agent paid the tax , and suit wns Immediately
brought against Hhodes for Its recovery.
The district court of Laramie county re
served the case to the supreme court of the
state of Wyoming , asking the opinion of the
latter upon ccttaln < | uestlons of law.
In the argument yesterday Mr. Kelley'n
attorney. Secretary of State Uurdlck , Insisted
that the act of the legislature of 1895 wns
void as nn Interference "with Interstate ccm-
merce. It was claimed that the sheep were
brought Into -the state for the purprse of
taking them on their way cast to market
and that being merely In tra.islt through
the state the provision of the United
States constitution denying to states
the rlgh : to tax Interstate commerce
applied , and that the act ot the Wyoming
legislature was therefore void. The act was
also attacked on the ground that It lock from
the owners ct property their property with
out due process of law , and wns therefore
void as being In conflict with the state and
federal constitutions.
The county ot Laramle , through County
Attorney H. W. Brcckous , claimed that the
state had the right to adopt such legislation.
H was said that the act , merely taxi'd sheep
brought into the state for the purpose of
gracing and did not , by Its terms , Include
sheep In transit through the state to some
neighboring state. While Mr. Kelley claimed
tlmt hl3 sheep were merely brought en hoof
through the state of Wyoming for the pur
pose of taking them to market , this claim
was controverted by the facts In the case.
The usual inethcd of shining live stock at
the picscnt time wns by rail and when sheep
were carried to market in a different and
unusual manner and increased in value while
being so carried it was , plain that the evldsut
purpose of so taking them to market waste
to Increase their value and to get the benefit
of the open range In the state. This , the
ceunty claimed , was an Identification of the
property with the mass of the property of
the state , and It was therefore taxable.
The contention of Kelley , that the act
permitted the taking of property without
duo course of law , was denied. The consti
tutional rule was applied In cases only w'ncre
the duties ot the assessor were judicial in
their nature and not ministerial. So far as
the duties of the assessor In the state of
Wyoming are concerned , It was said that
they were purely ministerial , since , by the
constitution ot this state , the state board
of equalization has power to fix the value
of the sheep , and the only thing left for the
assessor to do Is to ascertain the number of
the sheep.
Other qiiestlona were also raised by the
parties In their arguments , presenting prop
ositions which have never been settled by
the supreme court In this state. It was
claimed In the argument by the county that
the payment by Kelley was a voluntary pay
ment anel that no recovery could be had ,
and further , that the suit , Instead of being
brought against Rhodes as assessor , should
have been brought against him In his Indi
vidual capacity.
The decision of the court In this case will
settle to a large extent the. validity of the
act of the Wyoming legislature for 1S95 con
cerning which there was so much dbiusMlon.
The act of lS9"i ! was repealed by the 1S97 leg
islature in a bill enacted which also pro
vided for the taxation of sheep bro'uht Into
the state for the purpose of grazing , and
settling in detail the manner in which
county officers should proceed In the collec
tion of the tax.
The decision of the court will be awaited
with Interest by both cattlemen and sheep
men. The cattlemen maintain that. Inas
much as the sheep owners not only share the
benefits of the state with other property
owners , but that their property ruins the
range , they shoulld bo compelled to pay
taxes with other property owners. On the
other hand , the sheepmen claim that they
have the right to take their sheep to mar
ket In whatever manner they choose , and
that whllo passing through any given state
thcv arc protected by the provisions of the
Ui'ltoil States constitution relating to Inter
state commerce.
At the conclusion of the arguments , which
wore very lengthy ami exhaustive , the court
took the matter under advisement.
An Honest Itenu-il j .
"Wo could not say fo much In favor of
Chamberlain's Couph Remedy. About three
years ago one of our children had an attack
of croup nnd we were afraid that we would
lese him. Seeing Chimberlain's Cough
Remedy , advertised , we decided to glvo It a
trial. It gave almost Instant relief and we
bollevo It saved the child's life. Rlnco then1
wo have never been without a bottle of this
remedy In the house and we recommend It
to every one as being an honest cousih rem
edy. " L. W. Nichols. East New .Market , Md.
MlKNloiinrj ConviMillon.
INDIANAPOLIS , Oct. 17.-Over 2.0OT people
ple are here to attend the opening of the
convention of the foreign Christian m'B-
Hnnary convention In Tomllnfon hall toinor-
i.'W , The annual report rf the board of
managers will flinw that the society began
the year with S7Ui0.7S ! on hand. From nil
t lire1 * jieu. ii.ui wat * receive ! ] , nn increase
of $12o.71.39 over last year. The expendi
tures for the year were fiii,19..2l : ( ; of the ri--
celntti ffi.K'O belongs to the annuity fund
ntnf will be expended on building's at on"1.
The | - rmanciit fund was Increased f3'J.0 ,
leaving $7,677 C2 on hand lo begin the new-
year's work. The permanent fund now
amounts to Jlfi.lKU During the year $ \ -
StS.15 was recflvd from beiiie | > , sts. Durlmr
the year MS Kndenvor f-oectle | contributed ,
a gain of 2G3 over last year. They gave M-
lir.S.GH , a gain over ! a't year of $1,377.7(1. ( The
churched gave to the cans- during the year
J.,9rCS.2S , as agaln-t J39.M2.20 the previous
Small t > ! ll , fufo pill , best pin , Do Witt's
Little Early Risers euro biliousness , consti
pation , sick bcadachn.
Hotel Mil n Mnrilereil.
FOND DU LAC , WIs. , Oct. 17.-John Hea-
man , aged SO , proprietor of the Heaman
house * , wns murdered nt 3:4i : ! o'clock this
morning by WlKlam Payne color d In the
presence of several white men In the hotel
bar. I'.iyne was Intoxicated. He escaped
during the excitement. Several hundred
men organized In squadu and are scouring
the country. TAO hundred dollars reward
lo offered for I'ayne's arrest. The murderer
will probably bo lynched If caught.
MIlllTM CriiHlieil to Dentil.
DBNVUH. Cole , Oct. 17. A special to the
Republican from Crested Hutte , Colo. , saya :
Two miners were crushed to death In the
Colorado Fuel and Iron Company's mine
last night just at quitting lime by the fall-
Ing of the roof. One was an Italian by the
nameof John I'ltonl , who had been In this
country but a .few months. T ; o other was
Fiank Nardln , a native of Tyrole ,
Druggists know Dr. Davis' Anti-Head-
ache la b t of all headache remedlci ,
I ininger &
u Mefealf Co.
Agricultural Implements.
Dugeles and Carriages , Cor. ( th and Pacific Bti.
Harli J
Jobbers of Farm Machinery.
Wacom and llugclen - Cor. 9th nnd Jones.
P icture Moldings.
Mirrors , Frames , Backing nnd Artists'
an ti'itisa ,
Eleventh nnd Howard Sts.
M'frs 1 Jobbers of Foot Wear
The Joseph Hubbor Co.
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
Omnliii , Nell.
Boo's , Shoes and Rubbers
Salesrooms 11&2-110M10G Hurney Street.
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
Omcc and Salesroom 1119-J1-23 Howard St.
Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers
Western Agents Ooodyear Glove Ilubliera.
1114 Harney Street.
T. Lmdssy ,
Owner of Chief Drand Mackintoshes
Importers and Mauufacturcrs
614-16-18 South 11 Ih Street
Mousses , Sorghum , etc. , Preserves and
Also tin cnns and Japanned warn
Growers nnd manufacturer * of nil forms of
Chicory Omaha-Freinont-O'Neil.
Nurvlviirs of < ! ' < Itc'lu-IIIiiii Hi-iiii-in-
IH'1-l'lI ll > " Hie C ; VIITIll CSllVITIIIIllMlf.
WASHINOTO.S . O-t. 17.SpeclalI'en ( ) -
MonH granted , kHup.ot September 1:5 : , is 7 ,
were :
Nebraska OrlcJilal : Ilelzy M. Alkln , > > ! -
ton ; Alphtus Andruw , Htrtrand ; Jacob 10.
Krlon , fcoulh Om.iha ; Oe ! Itlcherd3on , I'tilr-
mount. Increase : llnrrlton Crawford , ( iateB.
Iowa Original ; Murshail Sherman , C'Min-
cll Hlnfi'a ; Jamua . Vernon , Council Uluffn ;
Uavlil K. Culver , JlpK .MolneH ; Alexander S.
Chadbourne. Vliilon ; Charle-H Knapp , 51ns-
catino. Kc5torutlvn and reli-ue : Christian
KInlcr , David. Iirerrai e : Hurbert H. Jnnen ,
Iowa City ; Hurnatr Ten Uyclc , Vlnton ,
Stephen SliiBlcton , IT Porte City : Henry
M. Snead , Seymour ; Warhlnh'ton W. Gard
ner Itock Hapld'J Charles Miller , I iUe
View ; ( special September 30) ) Jame W.
Davis , Ottumwa. Original widow , etc. :
Minors of Tnhall J. Conn. Des MolneH ;
special Sepliunber 33) Catharine Hlnckley
( mother ) , Cedar Haplds.
Colorado Orlfilnal : Joseph MOBS , Grecley ;
Hamon AraKon , VlKll.
IFUB of September 27 :
NebraHka Original ( special Ottober 1) ) :
John-T. Joyne- , Omaha ; Scott Urownlee ,
Gordon ; J. Frank Morgan , HalUr. In-
e'reuii : Wllllum R Dadils , Columbus ;
Luther M Davly , Hebron.
lowa-OrlBlnal. Ciourec W.Hilte , Hrlsh-
ton ; Stephen Sullivan , Wall Lake ; Asa II.
Park , Indlanola : James J. Itetzcr. Sioux
City ; Absalom Williams. Llbertyvllle. In
crease : Jacob Miller , Manchester ; Patrick
H. Pierce , Uedford ; James A. Uralnerd ,
Cedar Haplds ; Jone Jackson. De .Mclne.i ;
( Hpeclal October 1) ) John Hall , Montezuma.
Original widow , etc. ; Mary A. Wllmn.
GolJlleld : m.norof Marshall IJ. IJilnk , C dar
Ilaplde ; alary 55 , McCaffrey , Boone ; Eliza
beth Pllklnt'ton , Llttleport.
lti\t > orttr and Jobber
' . C/ifur , G/asswatv ,
Silver Plated Ware , Looking Glasses. Chan.
dellcrs , Lamps , Chimneys , Cutlery , Ktc.
1-110 KAH.VAM ST.
Creamery Machinery
and Supplies.
Hollers. Knglnes , Feed Cookers , Wcoel Pul
leys. Shafting , nelttns. Huttcr 1'ack-
nses of all kinds ,
907-909 Jones St. - - - - - -
Odlce 1C05 Fnrnam Street.
C. N. niotz , President. Clo'.iM Dlclz , Sec. * Trcs.
, Smith & Go.
Importers and Jobbers of
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods
902-906 Jackson St.
J. C. RICHARDSON , I'rest.
C. F. WELLE It , V. I'rcfit.
The Hereer
Stunil ir.lVi'irut lasntloiit I're xira-
ia , tificcittl l-'ttrntitlttf I'rcjmt'i'ft to
O refer > i iidJI * ( ' < t ttiloytH' .
laboratory , 1112 Howard St. , Omaha.
E. Bruce 6c Co.
Druggists and Stationers ,
"Queen Tioc" Rpoclaltles ,
Cigars , Wlneu nnd llrr.nilles ,
Corner 10th and Harney Street * .
Supply Go
1S04 Farnam St ,
& So ,
Commission Merchants.
S.V. . Corner 12lh nnd Howard Sta.
Mcmbeia of the National League of Commls
slon Meichants of I he United States.
Fruit and Vcge'ablts
SPHCIALTIES Slrnwliprrlea , Apples , OrnnKen
Lemona , Cranbenles. 1'otatoes. 1017 Howard St.
F lr1l ture Draperies
Farnam Street.
j ? real Westsra
Typo Foundry
Superior Copper Mixed Type l > th bett on
the mrrkct.
1114 Howai-il Street.
llJth and Luivcnworth : St.
Staple and Fancy Groceries ,
ItA AM ) COrrtt HOVSUHJ , Etc.
South Dakota Inert-tine : William K. Dun
ham , Saddle Creek.
North Dakota orijrln it : Hlrhmond I < * ad-
dtn , Arvilla. OrlKlnal widow , etc. , rc.-i.uru-
ton ! : Mary Hewitt , Karfc'o.
Montana OrlKlnal : Adolph Kchwade ,
Issue of Septernbfr 2S :
Nebraska unslnai : Jacob North , Pawnee
Pity ; John Ilager , hurhton ; Walter Divan ,
Seward. Increase : Itlchard H. Taylor , I < ln-
( Oln. ItelsKue : Abumen Starr. ICxctcr. OIK- !
Inal widow , 'tu. : l-'ernella Smith , Aurora ;
VlrKlnlu A. Hall , Grand Itfand.
Iowa O.ltlnal : Adam W. Cramer , IJav n-
port ; Alexander R Stewart , Western Col-
leKe ; Harris.n II. Iloye.sKoland ; Daniel N.
Uun'np , roiuanelle ; John O. C'rary , Lar-
lali.-e ; ( -piclal Octoher " ) A inn-'a i'lili ) | > ln ,
i'lynic'iilh HoeU. Additional : oe : arel-
lirausfii Sioux Haplda ; An-tin li. Ull-
bert , Ke-auqu i ; Jolui liarnilll , Hunlnmon.
Uectorallun and IneTca * * * : Juhn F. Ilrown ,
Center I'olnt. Iiu'reasu : AIIKUSI We ! e ,
DavenpiTt. I'elssud ; John \Vruton. North-
wood , llelssue and Increase : Albe-rt M.
Cooper , Tracey ; Jo ; pli A. Fllzpalilck , Ne
vada , drltjlnal widow , etc. ( special October
4) ) : An in M Walters * , arlnnell ; Henrietta
Neupert , Mu.seallne.
Color.-ido OrlKlnal : KrnnUlIn Cook , Den
ver ; CV-phas K. Murrh , Monte Vlata.
iHeuo of September 29 :
Nebraska Incrrait : JanifH I > . McKlnney ,
Harvard : 1/-VI 8. Husivll , Krem 'nt. Original
wlilowtc. . ; Mary A. Out.-.iall , Wyintre.
Itemoratlon and supplemental : Minor of
Christian I.ynn. I Instinct.
Iowa Orlirlnal : Francis M. Wax , Ifiio-
Kenc ; Lasranse Tiffany , Clarence ; Henry
II. Swore Ipi Molnes. Increawe : William
While-head , New Snaron ; Ileubtn A Clearwater -
water , Ottumwa ; Josrph Spoor. Fl ris.
South I > ukr.ta Addltl. . nal : Thomas Vojnt' ,
North Dakota Mexican war nun-Ivor , In-
creaiie : Cyrus 1'Ynncln , Mlnot-
' HcUsuo and increase ; EUwara
TCAS , Eplccs , Tobnccc And <
1403-1(47 llnrney Street-
Oaiiagher Go
Telfphono JS3.
tJobbrra of Leather , AiuTiffcrj/ / < ' , Kfr.
\Vo solicit your orders 1315 Howard St ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
Wholesale Hardware.
Illcyclea und Spnrtlns Goods. I210--J1-23 Ilar-
ney street.
Wholesale Jtwelry.
Intli anil Ilaf.icy ; Oni ilia.
We cin : Hliow yon the ! i - , ! si uk In the west.
Nil IL'Ulll.
e & 0
SH-21C fc'nuth Ht'i St.
East India- Bitters
Golden Sheaf Pure Ilyo and Bourbon Whiskey.
Willow SprltiKS Dlbtlllcry , Her St. Co. , 1112
Harney Street.
Liquor Merchants ,
1001 Kurnam Street-
Liquors and Cigars ,
1118 Ririiam Street.
Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
413-415 S. 12th Street.
DUMBER . . .
814 South MthSt.
C.M. Dlelz ,
Onice and Yard 13th and California M.
11. OlientliMin , I/inde-r.
Montana Itrpirnt'nn nnd Increase ( pprcliil
Oct'.her M : I > 'ir K. HOIKS | ,' KalK
Issiiu uf Si-iitcmlje'r 'M :
NVIiriiHkii nrlKlnul : I'rnruMi S. Koontz ,
lllckmnn ; Alexander Moore , Anslcy ;
.MlfhiK'l Whltinoyi'r , ColninluiB. nrlclnal
\vldo\VH. etcKutliailna : H Z'lnil'lcr , Mn- !
dcn ; Murlha A ( Jilison , ( Jurdon , :
Ailullnf liiKallH. .Shf-lhy.
Iowa OrlKlnal : Sc-lmiitliin Illnncenn , New
Ilavt-n ; Alfied Cle-mcnt Wood , Wayliitid ;
llfiijiunln K Hone , F.ilrfux ; Juint's A.
Hicks , Sioux city. : lli'Btoratli n and rcl > un :
HI rain p. l.illli' , Uanhuiy ; JnineH 1'ile. tly
( ili'i'faac-il ) , C'arnll. IncrcuHe : l.ewln W.
UlcliiirdM , O'tninw.i.
North Dakota O'lslnnU Asa J. Cole1 , Mo-
Montana Original widows , ete : Lllll-in
C. H'moiiH ' , llutte City ; Anna 1 * .Macomber ,
I ted Lodge.
Istuo of October 1 :
Nebraska OrlKlnal : Ilobert Nl h In
HuM'lnnd : Thomas A. Lowe , Hardy ; Wil
liam 1'ittH , Western. Increase : Amos W.
( Sandy , llroken How : William R I'lirlntun ,
I'tlea. Original widow , cte. : Karah II
Smith , Cilihon !
Iowa Original : Thomas r'lunc , fenw ] | > > oil ;
( tpeclal October fit Knrnuet H. llulno.j.
1'eiu. Additional Juhn .
: Mlllsap , .MarHlmll-
town. In"rea - : La-dy M"'iee-y , Otlumwa ;
Jonas I * . Cupp , ( 'orninis' Levl f'haplii , Kl-
dcra ; Charles II. HrooUthlcr. lO.dcin. ! ! < -
hfciieIllram Hutelie-fon , ' KradJyvllle. Orig
inal widow , etc. : Anna Voggenthaler , 1'u-
Sout'h Dakotu-Orlglnnl : John O. Ulxon
( deeeaned ) , I''lan'lreau. Increaus : Wllllum
O. Hantce , Woon ieket.
Colorado-Original : .Michael Sche-ll. l.'lor-
em-u. Original widow , ete. ( special October
6) ) ; Nettle H. Webster , I'ueblo. '
Wyoming Original. Jutnt-H JI. Cole , I-ar-
Isvuo of October S ;
NvbraaUa AdUltlonal ; IJiram &
G@9. A. loagland
_ . . . . ,
JL ' - -JJ' -'r-i'L".1--1 - i.
Wholes alt Lumber
Lime , Etc.
Oth and Douglas Sts.
6th and Douglas Sis.
Telcphon : Jpf ,
id Cob & Go ,
PACK 15118.
1013 Hemiml St.
Air Floated M. ncral Paint
And I'liim * of Ml KfmN rutty , Eto.
1015 nnd 1017 Jones St.
J. A. Morret. 1st Vlco 1'r , - . I , . J. Drake , Ocn JUr
Onto. Inc. Tuipcntlnv , Axle Orcnfo 15tc.
Om.ilia lii.-inrh nmi ABOIIC ! " * . J"lm II. Hutu Mcr.
arpsssfer IPajsar Co
Printing Paper ,
in < r P.ifrer , Srationeryt
Corner 12th and Howard atrcet * .
Wrapping Paper , Stationery ,
1107 Hnrney Street.
Sis EMert
Photographic Supplies ,
Furnnni St.
Matlti.icturar.H of
Sash , Doors , Blinds , Etc ,
12th nnd Iz.ird Sts.
1OM-IOI6 Doni'lns Street.
ManufncturerH and jobbers of Steam , das and
Water Supplies of All Kinds.
TroS-u 10 I/arncv St.
Steam Pump ? , KnRlnci nnd Rollers , Pipe.
Wind Mills , Steam and Plumbing
Material. lieltlnc , Hose , Utc.
. Hardy &jCo .
L '
I m
'Joys , Dolls , Album1 ; and
flou e KurnlthlngB. C.iliJicn'i. CarrlagtB , Eto.
1319 I'ainuin Street.
n Tims Yeast On.
.ManufaeturerH' cclelirnted "On Tlmn Yi'ai't"
' .ind Oerinaii Unking 1'owile-T. Satlsfactioo
. / joe 4321 North
Twenty-eight Street.
JAfriES E BOYD & CO. ,
Tclupluinc ( ) ; ! ) . Oinolin , Neb
IHrcct wlr < > n l > ct.lriiKo and New York.
( ' nm. Julin A Wurnn & Cu.
Of Clilfiiuu .ChiiililUlinl IMJ ; : .
1)0 II Rl'IMTIll I'llNll urillll llllMllll'HS- .
i\ < - < | iliuriliiN | iriiniilly for Cului-it
ili'llrcrmi Clilrnuii , UliiiifiijiiilU tinil
.VIMV Viii-U llourilM. ( dunlin ( ) | | | , . , . jijioiu
I , .V. V. l.lfiIII.IK. . 'IVIi'iiliuni. Hill.
KMM I ) .1. C\UI'lliil , , .MIIIIIIKI. | .
pawson. Iiii-reuco : Adolihus | LanlerKr , n
Omaha ; Kdwaid W. lluti-ic | oii A"'fo1 I-
Kranrl M. HllllgaH , .Mat. uett"1 '
lowa-OrlKlnal : KraiiclH A. Necilhain
Newton ; -NVIIilam P. HenderVon ' ;
Sainnel HeynoMr. Krcdei.ila ; A .Ip' K" , '
Tripoli ; John l.otr. Sioux flty ; t/cirK- / I '
Whet'.o ; l , Ottumwa : Jeremiah t' [ jr , wn
rihenandoah ; JnineH r. Vorhlt-H 1 u.-ifL . A ' - '
dlllunal : Tliomuii c. fldp n "s'lnle'ri'-t mm'
Hal Oe-lober 7) ) Wlllluin1 n xU ? iTko SU
IncreiiBU Ilertranel Sfmrf-r , Anlliiri..ric.
W. WMtfall. C.Iumln.H jJnclion Aibert
; -
burn , Oskalooa : Hobert McHiinna i > alr-
lleld. Helwue : Silas Hartihorn
Original widow , elc : Bophronla Halill
" , Ucs
keta " ' 1U-B'UO | : Jr ! " ' fu Harrier"Miuiuo -
Houth Dakota Increaise : John Uroiden-
Montanu-Orlflnal : Btcpljtn Potter , Fort
JJbliVV * * * A
" " "
iifiiirfiTi a