Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1897, Image 1

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Blanco Will Take ffith Him a Largo Body of
Han Experionoa and is Oonsidowd an Active
and Conciliatory Rulor.
Military OpeintioEB to Bo Pushed in
Santiago and Puerto Principe.
Ue-lIi-vi-M the IiiHUrrcftlott AVIII Sunn
U" Kllill-il If TlilN Country Will
Ue-nlNl from Inte-r-
fe-n-iiui- .
( Copyrltciit , 1M7 , by 1'rcss Publishing Company. )
MAUItll ) ( via Uayonne ) , Oct. 17.-New (
York World Cablegram Special Telegram. )
Marshal Illanco leaves the capital tonight
for Corunr.1. , where no will embark on Mon
day with General 1'arraJo , second In com
mand ; Generals I'ando , S-ilccdo , ,
tAguierre , Flgueroa , Valderrama , Ceballos
and iicvcnty staff olllcers , the llrst batch of
reinforcements to go to Cuba. Five 1 ' will go before the end of October and
15,000 in November , With a view to keep uji
for the present Jii army of about 145,000 ,
winch Is co.itlilered necessary until the pu-
clllcallon lo cjinplet'-d.
Ex-Mlnls.or of Jun'.lcc Canalyas , a demo
crat , whu see = ded from the liberal party be
cause It declined to fce-o the urgency of. homo
rule1 , goes out to Investigate the state colony
on the tame steamer.
Hlaiicn W.IH selected because he was backed
' 'by ' a powcrtul military clique who thought
lilm entitled to some compensation for his
recall fiom Manila and the severe cc'uune
then passed up-ii UU glaring shortcomings ,
tin his policy during his first live months \ \ \
'the Philippine insurrection lllanco w < is
backed by Marshal Campos , who was elected
to stay In tpaln in cate of need to de
fend the monarchy and the dynasty against
the CarlUls and republicans. Dlanco wr.s
selected on account of his experience of
Cuban aiTalrs , us ho held high commands In
tno colony , and during four yoais as gov-
e.n.r general steered a course pretty well
between the old Spanish party , the
autonomists and the separatists , though he
had some trouble with the separatists , which
Ills more energetic ; lieutenant , I'olavloja ,
Stopped sternly In Santiago de Cuba.
Last , hut not least. ISIanco was chosen
because the government no longer wanted
a of action but a steady , -conciliatory ,
lenient ruler with some soldierly qualities.
Illanco was a brilliant commander In the
Carllst war twcnty-threo years ago , but Is
now much age-d. He has become very stout
and Is well advanced In" the sixties. Since
Ills appointment ho has devoted a whole week
to long Interviews with the queen , Sagasta ,
the ministers of war , marine , foreign affairs
and colonies.
Morct , whoso policy Is about to be In
augurated , lies given Illanco full powers
and iratructlons , of which part has been
kept secret even from most of the members
of the cabinet. These reserved Instructions
cover all of the International aspects of the
Cuban question , especially the relations oj
the United States , treatment of American
subjects , strict observance of the treaties
of 17.sf. and 1S77 with the United States , re
spect for forc'.gn projcrty nnd possible ne
gotiations with a view to leading the In
surgents to submission , such negotiations to
lie conducted according to the time honored
precedents of the Spanish. Civil wars , even
In tlio peninsula , Wlll be conducted behind
the scenes. No money will be spired to buy
off chiefs or mike their departure easy ,
whl'st on the surafce all such proceedings
, \vlll be olllelally denied.
Military operations are ahr.ut to bo pushed
on a largo scale In the eastern provinces
of Santiago nud Puerto Principe from No
vember 1 to April. These will be seconded
by the underground work of the autonomies ,
and Dlanco Is authorized to assure the Cu
bans of the establishment of reforms moro
libcial than the Abaszaza bill of March 1C ,
1S95 , and work for pacification. In one
word , the new government affects to con
sider that the state of the Insurrection
now In Cuba resembles that of the year
3878 , when Marslnl Campos used the same
devices , coupled with promises of reform ,
amnesty and vigorous military operations at
the closj of the llrst great rising. The autono
mist leaders In Cuba will bo excellent aux
iliaries In bringing over sro many of their
rank and file driven to the rebellion by
Giborgu spent tma week twenty-four hotiru
in Madrid Incognito to see Sagasta and
fllorct. The operation of the Canovas bills
( Will depend upon 110 rapidity and complete
ness of the pacification Indispensable for the
ulncerlty of the execution of economic and
administrative homo rule , which , however ,
are not 'Intended' ' anyhow to go BO far as
Canadian self-government. Spain does not
doom the crititlon i.f an absolutely Inde
pendent colonial Parliament and executive
compatible with the condition of the colony
and Its own Interrhta and sovereignly , au a
majority of the autonomists are said to hi
disposed to accept Installments of homerule. .
Sugastu and Morct make no wecret thai
they firmly hope that the United States will
understand that Spain can fix no date for a
completion of the balance of the work ol
Mibjiigatlon. and coiiriequontly will not only
desist from all Idol of Interefcreiico , but will
In fiutiro uxorcteo Its Intlucnco to Induct ! the
Cubans to accept the Spanish terms and
cease filibuster expeditions. Should Insur-
Kontfl llko Callxto Garcia mid Gomez persor-
.vero. Illanco , his lieutenants feel confident
( Will soon crush them , If the United fitatea
only keep * UH hands off.
SIIVN Spain Hflnrnn to 1'ollry of Clu'iil
HAVANA ( via Key West. Kla. ) , Oct. 17.
Ja Lucha. In Its leading editorial yesterday
attacked the Sagnsta cabinet and said : "Wo
pra returning to the policy of cheat and In *
CoiuUtency. "
Commenting upon cable dispatches fron
New York City , which assert that Consu
ficncril Kltzhugh l.eo will soon come to
Ci.'ba with a ei/eclal mission to obtain the
Views of Insurgents regarding autonomy am
lo put a Ktop to the enlistment of cxpedl
lions In case thu Insurgents should not ac
cept autonomy. I.a Kucha says :
"These reports are not credible , as Mr
'Cli'Vt'laml and President McKlnley hav * .
both cxpUlncd that under the American con
tltutlon and laws the expeditions canno
tie ftcfiped. Therefore , If It be true tha
1'rcRldent McKlnley can stop expeditions b >
applying Uw > which have not been appllci
up to date , the responsibility of the Cleve
land and the McKlnley administration
would be great and their bad faith minlfest
If the Spanish minister at 'Washington
could hive foucid In the American constUu
tlon and laws provisions to chrck the en
llstment of expeditions he would have de
minded their application. Therefore the
policy of tlit American president as. soon an
he ascertained the feelings of the Insur
gents In the matter should be Ignored by
us. "
WOI.COTTVS wonic Tx r.xrsi.Axn.
uf the ilrlllNli ( lovprmiii-nt
llnokcil liy tinHniiUi'f * .
LONDON. Oct. 17. The Sunday Times , In
Its review of the bimetallic negotiations.
says : It U an open secret that when Kng-
land wan asked to Join the bimetallic ag ce
ment the government reviled that public
opinion did not favor any alteration of the
basis of Kngland's currency standard , but
having an overwhelming Interest In seeing
a monetary peace established In the world
It would be glad to assist In the good work ,
and basing Its actl-n In the resolution unani
mously passed by the House of Commons , of
fered what the liberal government of Mr.
Gladstone * offered befo'e now , regarding sil
ver In the bank reserve nd the reopening
of the India mints to sllve-r under certain
conditions. On this promise , Mr. Wolcott
set to work. His chances or success scorned
almost hopeless , but he succeeded In ob
taining the promUo of Krano and the
United States to co-operate by opening their
mints to silver. In both cases the unex
pected happened. The city revolted , thanks
to the letter published at the time , and
egged on by newnwiper comments an outcry
was raised which resulted first In a meeting
of the clearing house bankers and next In n
petition to the chancellor of the cxrhcqucr.
In tplte of all this uproar , we do not think i
that 'this ' protest really hal much Influence.
U bore the Impress of class Ideas , that the.
government , whose duty U Is to safeguard |
the Interests of the whole country , was not
unduly Impressed. Against the city , I au-i
cash I o weighs In with Its millions of work-j
( rs , all well dleclpllncd voters , raising n
crusade against what they termed the sel-
flshnt-ss c f the London bankers , who assumed
to dictate to the government on what Is
rttilly an Imperial question , and which they
claim fc-lull be settled to suit their Interest.
Unfortunately the government Is menaced
with obstruction In a more unexpected qviar-
te'r. In a long state paper thn India gove n-
ment puts forth the reasons for Its reluctance
airl aveis that the India currency experi
ment has reached a iiolnt when It will be
come a phenomenal success. An exchange
rate cf Is 4d per rupee has alivady been
tuiahcil , nnu will soon bo permanently estab
lished , the rupee will cease to fluctuate and
that desideratum , a gold standard without
gold , will appear. The India government
goes further , and alleges that the reopening
of Its mints with France and the United
States at a bimetallic ratio of 15M : to 1 would
be ruin to In.lla since a 2s rupee would kill
exports and render our dependency unable
to compete with the markets of the world.
The Irt of a cabinet minister Is an un-
ha.oy one. If ho casts his vote on the lines
of the Commons resolution he will have the
Indian administration in revrlt. If lie re
jects the nroposals of Mr. Wolcott It will
ook like England's going back on her word.
nd in that ease Lanashlro threatens to turn
tit the whole front bencii.
Al.l.sIU'ItV ' l.IlvliUY TO HRTIItK.
Curly UITOMNIriii-lion of ( In ; Cnliliif (
is I'foliulilc * .
LONDON , Oct. IS. The Chronicle an-
ounces that In view of Lord Salisbury's
esiro to resign the premiership an early
construction of the cabinet is probable.
According to the Chronicle no serious dlf-
erence of opinion exists among the ministers
n n.-itters of policy , but Lord Salisbury
inds his health unequal to the strain and
lurdcn of his two ofllces of premier and
orelgn minister. So great Is his dcslro for
est that on his recei-jt visit to Ilcaullcu he
lid not even take his secretary. Moreover ,
he premier Is much concerned about the
icalth of the marchioness of Salisbury , which
s far from goad.
The Dally Chronicle hcnrs that the omens
> olnt to the duke of Devonshire as the next
iremler , and that the Tories and Liberal
inlonlsts will become futcd In a single
VIol.M.t Riilf I'r.-vallH.
LONDON , Oct. 17.-U dispatch from
Quecnstown says a violent southerly gale
prevails off the harbor. The Lucanla ar-
Ived oft port at 7 o'clock this morning ,
jut was unable to make the harbor ttnill
lalf pist 10. Advices from many portn re
port that the coasting steamers have suffered
severely from the gale , which has only
slightly moderated this evening ,
Cli-un ! ? . .IHIO Out uf n California Slum-
OltOVILLE , Cal. , Oct. 17. When the Ucno
stage was leaving Qulncy early jestcrday
nonilng the driver and express messenger
'ound that the office of Wells Fargo & Co.
' . -d b en robbed of the express box conUln-
ng $2,000 In gold. The telephone- and tele
graph wires leading from Qulncy had been
cut , so that no Intimation of the robbery
reached any other town ULtll brought by
stage today- thus leaving the robbers ample
opportunity ta conceal their Identity and
in like good their escape.
The details of 'the ' express robbery at
Qulncy received here are meager. The mcs-
tengcr whoso duty it is to guard valuable
shipments goes up there twice a menu on
the Ifith and on the last day of the mon'h. '
The robber was probably aware of when
these trips were made and the iirrlval of the
messenger was oufllclcnt to Indicate that
treasure was to 'bo ' sent out of Jown. The
stage for Ucno leaves Qulncy at 4 In the
morning and the driver , James Dempsey , has
a key to the express oflicc. He driven up and
gets the express box himself , as the agent
does not get up to deliver it to him. The
express matter Is put up at night by the
agent , the coin Is placed In the box 'JnJ the
box left In the store and ofllco combined.
The driver and express messenger each has
a key to the front door. On Saturday mornIng -
Ing when they opened the door and looked
for the box there waa none to be found.
They hastily examined the room and found
that the Hansom over the back door lad
been broken open , showing that the robber
entered the roam at that point. It Is not
krown here positively whether he carried
off the box or whether he broke it open In
the etoro and carried off the cold. There Is
no clew to the Identity of the robber , nor
is it known at what time of night ho com
mitted the crime.
Thorn was $2,000 In fe-old In one package
and It Is thought there were other valuable
packages , so that the loss may bo from $2,000
to $2,500 ,
Mo mi tin-nt lo SifvniNon.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 17.-A monument
to Robert I ouls Stevenson was unveiled to
day at Portsmouth square. Addresses were
delivered by Irving M. Seott and Hruce Porter
ter , the artist. Mayor Plielan then accepted
the monument in behalf of the city and read
fiom "The Wrecker" Stevenson's descrip
tion of San Franclseo. The monument i.\ns
designed by llrueo Porter , nnslnteil byVI1 -
UH Polk and iMrs. Virginia Williams , the
woman to whom Stevenson dvdlra'ed the
"Silverado Squatters. " acorgo Pipes was
the Hcu'ptor. The shaft Is made of Cali
fornia granite and Is tt-n and a half feet
b'.fli , on top of which Is n cap , also of
gninlto. This Is surmounted by a bronze
gallron of the sixteenth century. The vt' -
Bel In tunning before the wind with all fall
se' . niul co subtle Is the work of thi uriilp-
tor that the Idea of a ship In motion IH art
fully carried out.
Uannllt'H * SullH Attiiln ,
SAVANNAH , ( ] a. . Oct. 17The famous
tltlbuHU'rlng steamer Datinf.o. s mc.unfil
away from Tyb < jo In a southerly direct Ion
Saturday and has not returned. It IH i up-
posed It IB on another filibustering expedi
tion and will meet u vessel at ica , Wiilch
will transfer to It a cargo of munitions of
war for the Cuban Inmirgentg.
Movriiu-nlM of Oi'enii Vi' * rU , IH-c. 17.
At New York-Arrlved-Havel , from
Uremon ; Obdam , from Rotterdam.
At I.lvorpool-Arrived-Corlnthl.i. from
At Movlllc Arrlvcd-Clty of Rome , from
NuYork. .
At Antwerp-Arrived Noordlaml , from
Nf w ork.
At Phlladelphla-Arrlved-Pennlaml , from
At Havre Arrlved-La Touralne , frcm
Now York.
At QuceiiBtown-Salled-Uicanla , from
Liverpool , for N w York ,
Statistics of Value Given Out by tlio
Postoffice Departmert.
1'xtlimitnl K\irtiiM'M | for ( InCurrent
Your i\i-i-cil Fifty-Dili' Million
anil it Half I'mof 1'ni'ii-
iiinlle TutiCM. i
WASHINGTON , Oct. 17. The report of
W. S. Shallenbergcr , second assistant post
master general , made public tonight , gives
an Interesting review of the prlnclpcl de
velopments In the entire postal trtnsporta-
tlon servlc" of the United States and con
necting foreign mails.
It shows an aggregate of appropriations
for the postal service for the current year
of $31.1-11,238. The probable deficiency Is
$500,000. making the estimated expenditures
this year $51,541.238. This will be $1,023,015 ,
or 3iJ per cent , more than for the fiscal
year Just closed. The estimate for the fiscal
year 1S99 Is $53,337,260 , which Is $1,790,021
rore than the estimated expenditure for the
cm run year. The annual rate of expendi
ture for the Inland mall service in the year
Just closed was $49,862,07-1 and for foreign
mall service $1,791,170 , after deducting
$25S,029 for Intermediary service to foreign
The summary of all classes of service In
oporatlcn Juno 30 last follows : Number of
toutes , 32,491 ; length of routes , 470,032
miles ; annual rate of expenditures , $49S62-
074 ; number of mllea traveled per annum ,
120.8.10,479 ; rate of cost per mile traveled ,
11.S4 cents ; rate of cost per mile of length.
$10C.OS ; average number of trips per week
Kor star ir.all service the estimate for the
fiscal year ending June 30 , IS99 , Is $5,435.000.
Last year there was an Increase of 1,330,149
miles of travel In star service , so essential
to rural districts. A current year deficiency
of $30,000 Is estimate ! for the steamboat
mall service.
The estimates 'for ' the fiscal year 1899 In
clude ftcamboat service , $170,000 ; mall mes-
a-ngir service , $950,000 ; transportation by
pneumatic tubes or other similar devices ,
by purchase or otherwise , $225,000 ; wagon
service , $780,000.
Last year there was only one pneumatic
postal tube In operation In the country , that
In Philadelphia. Since then four more con
tracts have been executed In Philadelphia ,
New York , Dostou and between New York
and llrooklyu.
Cencernlng this new postal feature. Gen
eral j-hallcnbergcr reports : "It Is quite pos
sible to carry second , third and fourth class
mutte'r as well as first when It can. be made
profitable. Extension to stations several
miles distant fiom the main office eventually
will save clerical force as well as expedite
delivery In distant cities from twelve to
twenty-four hours. The most important
source of revenue to the department will
bo the large Increase of local correspondence
and special delivery letters. The Introduc
tion of the tubular system will necessarily
be slow and coitflned to populous centers. "
The amount reported withheld from the
Pacific railroads on account of transporta
tion Is $1,132,023. The estimate for railroad
transportation for the fiscal year 1899 Is
No estimate for special mall service Is
submitted , as It Is stated the service In
general .will . bo better -if the special facility
appioprlatlon Is discontinued. The estimate
for electric and cable car servlcu is $375,000
and 130 applications for establishment of
new service of this character are on file.
An to foreign , malls , the report makes an
estimate of $1,901,200 for transportation and
$1"-12,000 for balances due foreign countries.
The aggregate cost of th'is ' service was $2-
019,199 , including $1,100,170 for transatlantic
and $179,132 for transpacific service.
The report takes an Important position as
to newspaper mail and plan to make the
profits on short haulj of the long rui.s.
General Shallenbarger says "There teems
to be no good reason why the great bulk of
legitimate newspapers carried by the gov-
ernmcat at great loss to remote places should
bo permitted to be taken uway from the
malls by railroads and express companies
whenever there Is a short haul that would
make the carriage of them profitable to the
government. The carriage of newspapers ,
packages , etc. , by railroads atv.1 express com-
pjiiies may have been just-Illcd , perhaps ,
years ago , when tue railway service was less
efficient , but with our present facilities , such
as may easily bo obtained , I am convinced
that the department can and should carry
the great bulk of newspaper matter that has
been for yedra pent in baggage cars and
special express trains. "
An abstract on the annual report of the
general superintendent of the railway service
follows :
At the close of the year there were 11S1
railway poatolllco lines , manned by C.S51
clerks ; 33 electric and cable lines , with 1C2
clerks ; 42 steamboat Unco , with 57 clerks ,
making total number of lines , 1,229 , and total
number of clerks , 7,013. In addition to these
there were 711 clerks assigned to duty at Im
portant Junctions and depots and 23S detailed
to clerical duty In the various offices of the
service , making a grand total of 7r,62 clerks.
Tlio miles of railroad covered by railway
poatolllco ear service wcs 154.225 ; of electric
and cable , 303 , and of steamboit lines ,
7,159. The grand total of miles traveled of
all c'asses of acrvico was 2S2.830.031. There
were 51 whole cars In use and 173 In reserve -
servo and 2,024 apartments In cats In use
and 540 In reserve.
The number of pieces of nil kinds of mail
distributed during the year was 11,571-
510.6SO , exclusive of registered mall matter.
Of registered matter there wete 16,250.fG3 !
pieces In all. The amount of city mall dis
tributed for stations and ears during tti ;
year aggregated 462,469.010 pieces. The In
crease of ordinary mall h-ndlcJ over the
prcvloua year was 3.07 per cent. A com
parative table covering a period of ten years
shown that there has been an Increase lu the
amount of mall handled of 77,2(1 ( per cent
and of Increase In thu working force of IS.fl
per cent.
The number of pieces of mall matter han
dled correctly to each error In distribution
during the past ten years has Increceel
from 3.69J to 11,960. The number of errors
In distribution during the year was 967.53S.
a decrease of 14.GC per cent. The number of
pieces of matter Illegibly addressed handled
during ho year was 11,972,104. There were
5S9 casualties during the year , In which
fourteen clerks lost their lives. Thirty-
three were seriously mid seventy-five slightly
Injured. This IH a larger number of casuil-
tlew and fatalities than have occurred dur
ing any previous year since the organization
of the service. The paetago of n bill for the
relief of the families of clerks killed In ths
line of duty , of clerks Injured and unfitted
for service pernnnently or temporarily and
retirement on partial pay of clerks who have
served so Irng as to be unfitted for service
has again been urged.
The reorganization and reclnsslflcatlcn of
the service la strongly urged by the gone'al
superintendent Recommendation Is maic
for the enactment of some IrgMatlon to p e
ve'.t unwarranted and unlawful Interfeioncc
w'il < rostal clerks while on duly In mzll
cars.The dlrtrlbutlnn of et'cond clars mat : mat'
ter.-i by publishers and mailing agencies has
Keen follourd up durl. g the pitt yer with
cc : ilderahc ! nuccess and the congested con-
d tl n rf affairs in the larger pcsiolnces has
been thereby cratnliribly relieved.
lllxhoi ) Wurri-ii 1'rfilflii-H nl Mitchell.
MITCHELL. S , D. , Oct. 17 , ( Special Tel-
egram. ) Bishop 'Warren preached a sermon
titU morning at the Qraad opera bouse to
the Mcthcdlst conference. Over 1,000 people
were present. Ordination services for min
isters were held thin afternoon at the Meth
odist church , twelve , mlnlttcrs being' re
ceived. Tonight the Kpnorth league annl-
vomsry was held andk'thc ' visiting ministers
occupied the pulpits In the cthor churches
A heavy rain made the gathering very small
UtriC I-'UDM THU I'HO.V.V01tTtl. .
Stcnnirr Miuinlir ArVlvm at Sun Kran-
I-IMIMI front .Vlimkii.
VICTORIA , IJ. C. , Oct. 17. The steamer
Danube has arrived , ten days from St. Mi
chaels. It brought eighty-two passengers ,
most of them men who failed to reach the
mines by the all-water route. Some go : as
[ ir as Fort Yukon and had to turn bacl : .
There are twelve miners from Circle City
who brought about $72,000 In gold dust. Most
of them have been working around Circle
City , but n few are Inttreatrd In the Klon
dike clalrr.M. A lot of provisions In at Fort
Yukon , but It Is feared that If there Is a rush
from Dawson It will cause a shortage fur
ther down the river. It Is predicted that
many men will perish In the attempt to es
cape from starvation by coming down the
The steamer P. W. Wearo after being on a
sandbar twenty days got off and arrived at
St. Michaels September 20. It started up
again with a load of freight , but It la feared
It will never get up the river. The steamer
Allco arrived .at St. Michaels September 21
with 120 miners , and after starting up ag.tln
on the 27th. ran aground at the mouth of
the river. The steamers Mare Island ami
Merwln tried to get up but failed. The Mer-
wln and Alice at last accouuts were on n
bar and freezing up. The Mare Island had
returned to Stebblns , twelve miles from St.
Michaels. Few men with very little go'd
were at St. Michaels when the Danube left ,
and they will all como down on the Ucrtha.
The North American Transportation ami
Trading Company will build their river
Ktcamcr at Onalaska on account of the
schconcr lluencme having been lest In Unlak
pass. Five other river steamers are to be
built at St. Michaels. The Uc was In the
tipper river when the Wearo started down ,
mid Icicles were a foot long on It when It
reached St. Michaels. The steamers Ilcrtha.
Cleveland , Portland , 'Excelsior. Dear and
Iikkame were at St. Michaels when the Dan
ube' left , also the schooner Queen. A party
which arrived at St. Michaels from Stebblna
October 3 says that the steamers Merwln ,
Allco and Mare Island are frozen In at the
mouth "t the Yukon , and fears are enter
tained that they will all bo destroyed when
the river breaks up in the spring.
Passengers who started up the river on
these steamers were endeavoring to get to
St. Michaels overland. Thi steamer Ilcaly ,
which , with a barge , wasj loaded at St.
Michaels , unloaded when the news came
from Stebblns. The ExccJMor and steam
schooner Navarroe , with a tow , arlrvcd at
St. Michaels on October 3.
H H Tucker , correspondent of the Asso
ciate press of Troy N. Y. , died from ex
haustion on the trail a few'inllea from Ram
part City. He and a friend started out at
night with little food to 'locate ' claims on
Hoosier creek. They spent two days and
nights In the woods , then turned tack.
Tucker fell from exhaustion. His friend
went for assistance , but when It arlrvcd
Tucker was dead.
Of the men who reached St. Michaels re
cently most of them have been working for
wages In the vicinity of Circle City. They
made the trip to Fort Yukon lin row boats
ard from there came down In steamers.
There was not $100,000 in ; the whole crowd.
„ „ Mm rest nf the boats this fall will
bring very little treasure. There Is con
siderable talk among the , , men who failed' to
get in of taking action against the steam
ship companies who took tlicmUP' particu
larly against the owner oljtho , Eliza Ander
son Of a thousand odd mtm. who started
since July hone reached thq mines. Some are
still at Fort Yukon , hoping to get in early
lo the spring , but a , large ( number are com
ing ( -011th. Mayor Wood of Seattle and
party got their steamer built and started up
the river , but they cannoi go far , as they
are sure to meet Keating Ice U they escaped
the sandbars. There are now eighteen
steamers on the river. OB against five last
year so that there will be lots of food at
Dawfon soon after the river opens In the
spring. Some of the men who reached Cir
cle City on the steamer Hamilton will try
to push on to Dawson over the Yukon. No
news conies from Dawflon. .
Strlki-H It llloh.
YOUNGSTOWN , 0. , Oct. 17. Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas S. Llppy of Kinsman , O. , a few
miles north of here , have returned from a
successful trip to the Klondike gold fields ,
to which place they > went In April , 1S96. Mr.
Llppy w-as seen at his home by an ASEO-
clate-d press representative and affirmed the
report that he had cashed In $65,000 worth
of sold and had a claim" there worth $1.000.-
000. Mr. Llppy said that he had left five
men to guard his claim and that he and his
wife will return to It In March and remain
through the "clean up , " when they will
Egaln return to civilization. They made the
Journey back on foot and by sleds and boats
until they reached the Yukon river , when
they took a boat to Seattle by way of Bering
sea. Mr. Llppy advised all not to attempt
to make the trip before spring sets In.
KlvcDi'lllliM iiiiil T-vt'only-I' " ! ! ! ! ! ' Xoiv
CiiMfH a ( XIMV Orli'aiiK.
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 17Tho official re
port of the board of health for today Is :
Casen of yellow fever today. 24 ; deaths , 5 ;
total cases to date , 828 ; deaths , 93 ; recov
ered. 409 ; under treatment , 326.
It having been currently reported hero for
some days that the fever was prevailing at
Hay St. Louis , Dr. S. R. Olllphant , of the
LnulFluna state board of hea'th ' yesterday
communicated with Urn. Haralson and Gunt
of the MlssUalppl state board at Dlloxl re
questing them to Investigate the cases at
the hay. This evening Dr. Olllphant re
ceived a message from Dra. Haralson and
Oar ! , dated at Hlloxl , .saying : "Have Just
returned from Hay St. LQula ; visited eight
casen , seven yellow one very serious.
Surgeon R. D. Murray ot the marine hon-
pltal service , who accompanied us. concurred
In the diagnosis In each cape. " Upon receipt
of the tele-gram from Dra. Haralson and
Gain. Dr. Olllphant promptly promulgated a
decree of quarantine agalpst Hay St. Louis
and all of Its environs.
M0.3ILE . , Ala. , Oct.17. . There were five
now cases of yellow fever reported today.
Tl'oro were four rccqrcrtes nnd no deaths.
Total cases to data , * 164 1 deaths , 21 ; dis
charged. 101 ; under treatment. 42.
JACKSON , MIES. , Oct. 17. The ntate board
of health In Us official statement tonight
chronicles one noW case of yellow fever at
Cayuga. At Clinton there are two new cases.
At Edwards K. J. Noblln died this morning.
Tlireo new cases were reported there today.
Tncro nre lx persona -nerloualy 111. two of
whom will probably die within the next
fcrty-clpht hours. _ _
ChllilKllliil nidi n
I'ltelifurU unit UN II nil j Itnrni-il.
DETROIT. Oct. 17. A special to the Free
ProjB from Charlotte , Mich. , reveals a horrible
rible efry of depravity- . John Hlgley and
Frank Miller will be charged with the mur
der nf an Infant with a pitchfork and the
burning of Its body. The child waa born
to lllg'oy's ' ueiraarrled daughter Tucbda )
morblct ? and waa reported to have been bora
dead and burled on bin farm. An Investiga
tion was ordered , resulting In Iligli-y and
Miller he-lug locksd up Yesterday Miller.
wlo is the hUHbznd cf Blgley's older daugh-
ttv coafcs-el that the child .was born alive
a'd that ho killed It by running the tines
of a iltcbfark through lt b dy , being forced
to the horrible deed by Hlgley , who stoo4
over him with a knife and swore he would
kill him is ho refused. After the child wcs
dead he says Hlgley took the body into the
house and tosied It Into the stove. The
sheriff has found cousUerab ! * evidence cor-
roborratlvo ot Miller's story. The supposed
grave ot the child was opened and no body
found ther *
Fire Wipes Ont the Greater Portion of
Windsor , N. S.
I'ropcrly I.OHM IN Tliri-c Million Dill-
Ill rf. . Only I'nrllitUy liiNiirril
II VON Lost In a
California l > 'lro.
HALIFAX , N. S. , O.-t. 17. Historic Windsor -
ser was devastated by fire this morning.
For six hours , bglnnltig shortly before 3
a. m. , the fire , tanned by a violent northwest
gale , raged so fiercely that the local fire de
partment was utterly helpless to cope with
It , and within half an heir after Us discovery
the mayor began to call for outside assist
ance. Lang bcfCTo noon the town had been
eaten up almost completely , the area covered
by the tlamcs being nearly a mile square ,
and of the 400 or more buildings occupying
the section barely half a dozen scorched
structures remain. Among the buildings that
escaped were the Windsor cotton factory ,
Kings' 'College , the Anglican church , the
Edge-hill School for Ulrls and the UulTrln
hotel. The latter Is the only hotel left stand
Of the 3,500 people that Inhabited the
place few have homes ot their own tonight.
- Over 3OCO have been taken In by the resi
dents of the surrounding country and neigh
boring tcwna , while the remainder of the
sufTe'/ers Lave gone to Halifax or are sheltered
In army tents , erected In the vacant lots to
night by a detachment of Ilrltbh trucks fiom
the garrison city.
The lire started In a barn behind the
Mailne block In the heart of the business
I district. The high gale prevailing carried
i the flames to other buildings before the fire
men had time to got at work and In a short
time the showers of sp-U'ks carried In all
dltectiiiiis had Ignited a score of buildings.
The occupants of dwellings had time to
hurry on some clothing anJ to drag some
household Into the streets , but there
was no place of safety to which anything
could h } removed quickly enough to save It
from being destrrycd or damaged. The
flames cut a clean gap from the water's edge-
on the business fron.t to the forests In the
tear , bounded by Ferry Hill on the south
side and by Fort Edwards on the north ,
dall. In a very amusing monologue. Owing
The origin of the lire Is mysterious , but
many strongly suspect that the conflagration
originated through the carelessr. < > ss of some
drunken man. When morning broke the
site of Windsor was a scene of desolation
with hundreds of frantic and thinly clad and
destitute men and women und children rush-
Ins back and forth through the smoky
streets. Fortunately no lives were lost ,
although the streets were perilous with flying
bricks and slabs which the fierce hurricane
drove like thunderbolts from the roofs. In
the hurry and excitement horses and cattle
in the stables were fo'rgotten and many per
ished in the llamcs or were suffocated from
Miioke. The ruins of the fire are ablaze
Relief measures were started in. Halifax
at an early hour and this aftornooii a train
load"of .provisions , tents , blankets , < eic. , < ar-
Vlved from the provincial capital. Aboard
the train were General Montgomery Moore ,
Governor Daly , Mayor Stephen and 100 mcm-
of the Royal Ucrkshire regiment and Doyal
Engineers , who were broujjnt to attend to
the erection of tents .ind aid In the relief
work. The total loss is estimated roughly
at $3,000.000. While a number of the
heaviest losers are partially Insured and
some of them pretty well covered , the total
insurance Is calculated to be not moro
than a Inlt million. The principal losses
are the following :
C. M. Shaw's Marine block , $17.000 : W. 11.
Curry & Co , JIO.VX ) ; Shaw Bros. , .CM ;
Paysant'p block , $1S,000 ; Graham's blick.
J20.0 0 ; Victoria hotel , fl.l.OCO ; Blaneh-ml
bloe-k. J22.100 ; C. & O. Wilson's blo k. S1S-
( CO ; Ulmork & Armstrong' ) * block. J22.IW ;
J. H. Shaw's lilork , tSl.Oiy ) ! C" . H. Dlmork'a
block. S14.X10 ; building of F. F. Murrnv nnd
\\'nml & Murphy. Jlfi.OCO : Commercial block ,
$2i,0',0 ( : C. I' . Shaw. $12,000 : C 1) . OMert &
Co. , SSOCO ; A. no | nron , J12X ( ; Chin-chill's
block , $ L'v'f > r " ; Wlipon Uros. , JS2.0T ) ; Gerrish
block , J21.000 ; Bordon'x block. $14OX ) ; , , o = t-
olllfe and cu-itom house , fL'O.O'Y ) ; Empire
blr.c-k. S16.(00 ; .1. Lvnch & Sons , $1000.1 ; Avon
hotel. $0,000 : Somert > 8t house , Jli.fXM ; Oer-
rl h hall , $1.- ) , < VW : court house , $19,010 ; Meth-
nillat chtirrh , Slfi.i'OO ; Haptlst chunli , $22/00 ;
I'n.sbyU-rlan rliui-cli. $12MO ; Catholic
church. $1,000 ; Dr. Haley's rcs'dpnee. $11-
frv.1 : r. DeWolf Sm'th's residence. $20. :
Windsor Foundry company. $40C1 ; Electric
LI s lit company. $ : ! 2,000 ; Windsor Plaster
company , $12,0.0.
IOWA HILL , Oil. , Oct. 17. Iowa Hill , a
mining town situated In the mountains of
Placer county , was visited by a most dam
aging fire early this morning. The flro
started In the Central hotel and within a
very few minutes the hotel was a mass of
flames and the walls were falling In. Two
of the lodgers In the Central hotel , William
Golden and William Owens , perished In the
flames. From the position of the remains of
William Golden It Is supposed that ho never
awakened. William Owens , It Is supposed ,
leaped fiom his rojtii In the second story ,
but landing on a fence was seriously In
jured and unable to go further. The re
mains of both were burned beyond recogni
tion and the only means of identification
was the location of their rooms In the
hotel and the positions of the IK dies in the
ruliiD. As to the origin of the flro there
are conflicting stories , many fioemlns to
think It was the work of an Incendiary.
Coroner Mitchell of Auburn Is on the ground
The total loss is estimated at about $10-
000 ; Insurance , $10,000. The flro destroyed
cue of the oldest and most prosperous
mining towns In Placer county. Fortu
nately for the few remaining buildings , the
night was calm. Had there been a wind it
Is probable that all would have boon burned ,
as there Is absolutely no protection ogilnst
fire. Ducket brigades wore formed and by
dint of hard work the Stehr hotel and other
buildings were saved. <
NEW YORK , Oct. 17. A $300.000 fire In
the Beven-story factory building at 279-281
Spring street taxed the energies of the lire
department this morning and twenty enghtts
I and a largo force of men were called out.
i The basement , first and second floors of the
building were occupied by Fitzpntrlck & Co. ,
manufacturers of mirrors , plate gKas , coach
and carriage windows. Five upper floors
were occupied by the Hrad'oy-Ciirrlcr Com
pany , manufacturers of doora , sabhes. frames
and man'clB of the most expensive sort. In
all , five calls for help were cent out , wMch
brought fully half of the lire engines and
hook and ladder companltM to the ecciic.
The building was erected ten years ago by
the Trinity Church corporation at a cost of
$100,000. Nothing of It remains but tlio
blarkencd walls and they wl'l ' have fn bo
I rebuilt. The stock of Fllzpatrlck & Co , and
! the Dntdley-Currier Company , all of which
I was destroyed , was estimated to bo worth
1 Cormtis Chrlstus fiO yearn old , and hla
'nephew ' , MlcliL-1 Chrlstus , occupying an apart-
i mcnt on Rocr.ovclt s'rect awakened from a
i nap to find the houre en fire. They climbed
| through R window and down au air shaft ,
! where they were found after the fire was
isubduoJ. they were terribly burned , end the
old m n dim ] the hoopltal scrti afterward.
i COl'DERSPOUT. Pa. . Oct. 17Distruc -
I live fires are raging In this rectlon. Nelson
Run teven miles from Austin , Pa. , in tbo
Quod ) car district , was burned jcs'trday ,
I with a heavy low In logs and bark. About
twenty camps were burned , the occupantH
liming barely time to escape with the-lr
stock , leaving alt hoimehold goods and workIng -
, Ing outfits behind. There arc other lire *
I which , unless checked by ralo , will soon
j cause additional lose , j
( iroiinil ltiMM-l > I-N ii Crni-roux Contrl-
Inilloii of Molxtnri' .
Hour. llru. Hour.
The sun received a complete shut out
yesterday. The day opened with rain and
cleisfd with clouds. The total precipitation
yesterday was .27 of an Inch.
I'liltiiiMlt \ < -\v York .loiirniillNt I'IINNCN
\\vny nt tinAm - nr 7S.
NEW YORK , Oct. 17. Charles A. Darin
died at 1:20 : this aftornocci at his home lu
Mr , liana's death had boon expected for hours and his family and physi
cians were at his bedside when the end
came. His condition had been such for sev
eral months the tucmbevs of his fam
ily had kept themselves In constant readi
ness to go to his bedsde ! nt any moment.
On Saturday morning he had a relapse and
It was apparent that recovery was Impos
sible. Several times , however , ho rail oil.
but toward night began lo sink. During
the night there were feeble rallies , but they
did not last ! ng. 'this morning It was
teen that the end was but a few hours off
and his attendants remained almost con-
Etnntly at his bedside. The end came
The extreme holt of Saturday and Fri
day had to do with hastening death.
On Friday Mr. Dana showed signs of dis
tress and everything possible waa done to
relieve him. Ho luid been weakened by
his long Illness- and during the summer
was several times thought to bo on the
verge of u fatal collapse , but rallied. Ho
did not Improve much with the cooler
wcsthcr and the sinking spoils became moro
On Friday Mr. Dana was able to take j
only the slightest nourishment and this ;
condition continued. Paul Dana and hU sisters
tors , Mrt > . Draper. Mrs. Underbill and Mrs. |
Dtanan wno at his home on' Saturday !
morning and wore wJnwl to remain there.
They were at the be-dnlde when death C'line.
The cause of Mr. Dana's death was cir
rhosis of the liver. On June ! l he was at his
olllce , apparently strong and healthy. The
next day ho was taken 111 and he never
afterward visited New York. He was 7S
years old. Preparations for the burial have
not yet been completed.
Chark'u Andorsoi Dana was born nt
Hlnydalo , N , 11 , August S , isin. He en- ,
ti-reu Harvard c'c-ile-t-c In 1VP.H , but remained I
thrrp only t\\o vi-ara In 1SI2 he bcame a
member of the Itrnok Farm community In '
Rc/xbtiry , Ma'--- ' . , nnd remained there till i
1SI-I. During- the throe following years be-
rdltc.l. In ronncctlcn with rsc-orB" Ripli-y. :
I'.irkiGoodwin nnd John S. Dwlsht , tin-
Harbinger , n wn-kly journal devoted lo I
snoliii lefi'i-m miii , ; cir-nil | literature. In I
isi ? be ln'came connected with the New I
York Tribune n"ilviiq Cm- four or llvo
yeiirrt the managing- tor , iviniiliin tti-re
until the cpiingof 1S.12. In lS"i he pro-
k-teil Apple-Urn's "Ameilian Cyclf psdla" !
InIxtion vi.umcsi and In conjunction with
( eorffo Rlpiey was itc responsible editor
until Its completion In isra , tind lie was also
editor cf tbo re-vLood edition brought out
frciM 1K73 to 1S77. "The Hmisphold Hook nf
Poetry" was compiled nnd publis-'noil by him
in IfciS and revised nnd enlarjie-d ' " lsi > 2-
From 1S02 to UuTi he was in the government
service , during the last two years us a -
slstant secretary of war under Abraham
Tnesln. ! About the boglnnlnc : of ISliC he
became editor of the Chicago Hvpubllcan. n
dally puhllslif-d In Chicago. In 1SGS he bo-
cnmo editor and clilof prcprletor of the
Sun _ , unpolitical ami literary dally of Now
Mr. Dniia wan a man of ptrons character
and robust constitution. As a newspaper
man he often allowed hi ; ? personal dislikes
to woik Injury lo his llnaneial Interests. His-
loll cf Cleveland In ISi'l , wlKn he came out ]
In that absurd campaign for lien llutler ,
con the Sun a goodly portion of Its circula
tion , especially In the south , where Duller
was most cordially bated. His dubblnr ;
Cleveland as tlio "Stuffed Prophet" Is said
to have caused the ox-preclilfnt to pnnrl
and mar more than any epithet that wns ! :
ever applied to him. Mr. Dana wa rf- I
luctunt to adopt the "blanket sheet" form !
for the Sun and Mien only uniirr protest. ;
At the present time- the editorial page of
the piper is set by hand compositors. He-
was the hist of that dlKtli-cuIsbPd cotcrli-
of editor.Greclsy , Wood , Rip' ' < y , Hnvm ml ,
( U.rtlon Dennett the llrst nnd McCuiiiKb. :
Now that he IP dead , the future of his paper
Is problematlual.
SiTvliM-N Wlll IIIIllIll n ( llrn trier
Tomorrow Aftrriiiion.
HEATRICE. Neb. , Oct. 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Senator Paddock's death was a
great and sudden shock to the pen-
pic of Hcatrlcc , fenof whom
knew of his serious condition. Nor
was It thought by the physicians and his fam
ily that death would como so soon. That his
health was falling was manifest when ho
last returned from the east In May. He
gradually grew worse , but as ho took daily
drives over the city until Saturday , his con
dition was not generally considered alarm-
Ing. He continued to the day of his devilh
to care for business matters and In planning
for the future , and hla never fallHg generos
ity was Shown In his constant cas for ( lie
welfare of others. Ho never tired of pirlur
ing the revival of good times , which IIP as
serted , was returning for all. His life In
surance , amounting to $30X)0. ( ) was all In the
-Mutual Life of New York.
The funeral will bo held nt the Paddork
hotel , whc-ro the family now roM-los. at 1
o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The emalnH will
bo taken to Omaha Wednesday morning for
burial by tlio Hide of Major J. W. Paddock.
Mrs. O. J. Colmun and Mr. Fran't ' Pad lock ,
tin daughter and KOII , who rft.iid" In Chicago ,
will arrive tomorrow. Moro than a scorn of
telegrams have been received by the fam
ily today , hearing messages of love and ex
pressions of sorrow.
nrmiAvr is IIIUAKInoxv.v. .
\ irviof MlnnliWIIIIiuiiN' Mnrili-ri-r
IN Piillliii : Him.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 17. Theodore
Durrani , the convicted murderer of Minnie
Williams and Hlanclie Lamont. whoso fate
depends upon the action nf the supreme
court of the United States. Is reported to be
breaking down. Within the past few days
ho bos betrayed signs of nervousness and
Irritability and evtci the vUlts of his
parentft , to which he formerly looked for
ward to with almost childlike eagerness ,
have been received with an Indifference
which Knocked his visitors. It Is the Im
pression of the Jail officials that ho will col
lapse completely If the decision of the supreme
premo court should prove averse to him.
AVoiiinn Siilt'rnirlNtN to Mi-cl.
CHICAGO , Oct. 17. The National Ameri
can Woman's Suffr igc association will hold
n conference In Chicago Friday and ftatur-
iluy , November 1 ! ) and 20 next , at AKdncla-
tlon hall , l."i La Sallo street There will bo
both ilav and evening sec lons. Bus-in H.
i Anthony and Mrs. Carrie Chapman < 'att of
' New York , Ri-v. Anna Shaw. Philadelphia ;
Mary C ! . Iluv of C.illfornli. Mrs. .Iiilla Mills
Dunn , prc'Mld'-nt of tbo Illinois Equal Huf-
frago aHHoclatlon , and others will Hpt-ak.
IMMV Slorm In Colorado *
DENVER. Colo. Oct. 17-A cjieeliil to
the Diirmb'.lcun from Cre-sti-d Dutte. Cole .
Haye : A snow storm struck this locality
thirtv-Hlx hours ace whli-h has broken nil
record * hero for thl time of year. In ad
dition to thirty-fix bourn1 eontlriuoun fall ,
It IH xtlll snovtlnn. with no Indication whnt-
evi r of u let-up.
[ < M | > - < if u Sulohli * IN l-'oiiinl.
KLOIN. III. , Oct. 17Thebody of Albert
Hummer * , an ofllclal of the Modern Wood
men , who disappeared three weelcH ago , and
for whom all " \Voodmon camps had been
searching , was found today In an aban
doned mill a fd v mllca north ol here , He
had taUea bis life , ' >
Specialties of the Exposition's Superintend"
ont of Construction Exposed.
Opens Bids in Private nml Lots Contract ? ; < |
Just os Ho Likes.
Misleads His Immediate Superior Regarding
tbo Cinch Resignation.
'IVllM ( die Stt > r > - < < > tin * ( ' 111111111 ( too anil
N Alllilnvlt In A not In-r mid
TIIin in SliiiUM NoKhrr
IN True1. ,
The danger of having a innn In n respon
sible position with the exposition who IB
there for thu purpose of lurtlu < rliiK hla own
ends IB iMpldly becoming apparent to the
most casual observer. 'I'hat such a man la
now connected with the Trarsmlsslaslppl
Imposition there IB but llttlo doubt , anil
that man Is Dlcn ( icraldlne. Tlicru la ill-
rcct proof that ho Is using hla connec
tion with tho' exposition for the purpose
of paying oiT old obligations and taking
every advantage of 'the situation.
It Is the practice In > .ill public work and
In almost every kind of private work to
have the architects open the bids for con
struction. This la done on the theory that
the architect Is the man who Knows moro
about this matter thin any other and he
should pass upon the bids , lint this sort
of practice did net meal wUh the approval
of the ? f > 00-n-month man finm Chicago
and ho arrogated to himself the right to
open bills and , for a tl'no , assumed to han
dle them to milt himself.
When bids were fln > t received Guraldlno
would take them Into the remote precincts
of his Inner sanctum , whore no person ( lured
Intrude , ami there he would rpen the bids
and make the tabulation to mil himself.
Evidence that there was a reason back of
this secret manipulation of blda may bo
found without much dllllculty. Ocraldlno's
arbitrary methods of lrndllng blda caused
ti uproar iiijiong tbo lil.Ulers and a
storm of protest went up. The executive
committee limilly took c.gnl/.anco of the
matter and ordered Gcraldliic to open the
blila In the presence of the bidders and ol
the executive committee.
A report of the Ilradstrcct commercial
agency for Juno C , 18UG , contains the follow
ing paragraph :
The Gates Iron Works Company n few
days ago Hied a bill In the circuit court
against Smith Eastman to enjoin the
commissioners of the snnltnry dls'trict from
paying JIM.OOO due on contract for work
on section II of the Chicago draltiago canal.
This suit Is based on a clulm of $ jCjO for
miiuiilnery. The plaintiffs assert that the
niuclilnery In question was ordered by Dion
Gcraldine as agent for Smith & Eastman ,
mid the'court Is asked to hold that the de
fendant should pay his claim. It IB thought
that this suit will be nralcably adjusted. For
the ( Icrendiint. Smith. It Is Bald Hint he la
not directly responsible for the bill and that
Dion Gcraldlnc had no relation to him In a
business \vuy except as a sub-poiistrnctor
for a part of the work. T.ils Geraldlno
failed , and there are , U Is said , n number
of claims against him which cannot bo col
lected , and tbat he is Indebted for advances
mailn by Smith , and that the latter seized
the machinery In satisfne Ion of Geruldlne's
debt to him.
The llrm of Smith & Eastman mentioned
In this report Is the ftrmi which lias already
secured the staff contracts on the Manufac
tures , Machinery , Mine. " and Agriculture
buildings , and was the rrily bidder on the
Art building. In other words , the firm to
which Dion Gcraldine stands indebted for
large sum * has secure' ! the contracts on the
four largest buildings on the exposition
rjrounds and is the only bidder on the only
remaining building of any considerable size.
Leon lionet secured the contract for the Ad
ministration building , a small job , and John
L. Nelson & IJrotlicr of Chicago bccural the
contract for the other email building , the
Liberal Arts building.
It Is In his ability to pervert facts , how
ever , that Geraldlno Htands pre-eminent.
Convincing proof of one o ( his very slight
efforts In this direction la to be found la
the testimony given at the recent Investiga
tion of the charges preferred against him.
'fills was In connection with the charge that
the ground plan of the bluff tract had been
ohnngcd by Gerald'eio without the knowledge
of the executive committee , In reply to tlila
charge Gcraldine made the following state
ment :
"Tho supplementary pUn of the bluff
tract , drawn by Mr. Ulrleh , was designed at
a time when moro money was expected for
landscape work than la nc\v In Bight , and as
a measure of cconmy 1 have been obliged to
modify hla plans with the full consent of
Mr. Klrkcndall , 'also Mr. Wattles while he
filled Mr. Klrkondall's rlaco. end the super
vising architects have approved the change. !
suggested. When they are completed thuy
will bo presented for the approval of the ex
ecutive committee. "
A llttlo further along In hla verbose ex
planation of this matter Mr , Geraldlno cild :
"Mr. Ulrleh regretted that he camt hero
and Intimated hla dctilicto withdraw.
Finally , August 7 , he to me liU final
resignation , which IK hereto attached. I did
not make this public , knowing that the with
drawal of a man like Mr. Ulrleh would" hurt
the exposition. "
The exposition records KIOW | that at the
meeting of tlio executive committee held
September 28 a motion by Mr , Roacwatcr
wan adopted , providing that Mr. Ulrleh
should be recalled , lo Htav uh long as might
bo necessary. Mr. Klrki-mhill WOH present
and voted for thU rev.ilutlon , raying nothing
whatever about Ulrleh having resigned , At
a meeting of the r.xcuiitivo committee held
Immediately after the .nviallKatlm of Gcr
aldine Mr. Klrkcndall W B shown theprirj'cd
statement of Oeraldlnc t quoted heretofore
and expressed surprise at the statement
therein regarding Ulrleh. Ho mid he knexy
nothing whatever about the matter and had
never heard of Ulrleh resigning , Mr , Klrk-
ondill also said he had never glvrn Gerald-
trie any authority whatever to make any
rhungt's In the plan of the bluff tract and
said lie dtd not know that any change } h-i
been nude Mr Wattles , .who wan present
at this meeting , stated that he had ordered
i GcraKmo to stop the grading which.vp ?