Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1897, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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Carlisle Indians Go Down Before tli
Princeton Tigeis.
< of olil .N ! ! < < nil \Vlii
Out h it ji-oro of IS In O _
Itvi-iirit of Odivr Col-
I'RINCP.TON. N' . J. . Oct. 16 The Indian
and the Anglo-Saxon met In battle on thu
gridiron today and the nt/blo / red men were
trampled Into the nod Once their o\vn by
the giants who wear the im > lc kln nnd Jer-
tejj o ; Old Nassau. Thu contest was one
of the most furious In the history of gridIron -
Iron sport. The rcoro of 18 to 0 would Indi
cate a comparatively easy victory for the
Tigers , bin nuver was alctory for the
orange and black attended with so much
ciiort and BO many Injured men. Unlike
his ancestor , the Indians fought mau-to-tnan
with a fierceness which perhaps he has never
betoru flhowu ou the gridiron. Chceilng
thousands Illled the stands aud witnessed
the great struggle
'Iho game began with a kick off by Hudson
to Ualrd , who ran thirty yards. The pigskin
was tumbled and an Indian fell on It. The
ltd men tried a mass pla > , but lost the
ball on a fumble , Itcitcr falling on It. Heller
went through left tacl.le for ten yards.
'U heeler pulled him through the center for
eight jareis more A wedge play isas stopped
by MuimiH 1'lerco on the llfteen-yard line.
Hannnrd ami Wheeler pounded the center
foi short gains and in a mass plaj Dannaid
was sent over for tne llrst touihdoun.
lialrel mlsseel the goal Score. 4 to 0.
Halril eaught the kkk off and punted forty
jatds to II 1'lerte Jamison fumbled and
the Tigers fell on the sphoie Ilooth ejinshed
a center play , illiidson crashing through the
Indians for a forty-fitc-anl run being run
iloxtn iby Seneca .Mttoxcn , kicked Armstrong
and a wrangle ensued , Armstrong nnd Jaml-
aon being laid off and Wards and Ca > ou tak
ing their places After the flrat gains Hotter
made a xplemllil run for fifty > ards The
Indians got thp hall on dowiu , but lost It
Imniedl itely Short runs were undo and
Jlannard went over the line for another
touchdown Ualrd kicked the goal. Score ,
10 tn 0.
The lonuliuler of the half was plajed In
the center of the Held and the half endcil
with the hall In Princeton's territory.
The hot weather affected the players , hut
they fought fiercely during the hceond half ,
which ' mimcnced with a klckoft by Haird
out ot hout Is 1'lcrce returned with a punt
from the ten > ard line , \\heeler fumbled and
luthrop fell on the lull
Three downs ami Wheeler punted to Mct-
o\en , who was elonncd In hh tracks b >
Cochran Uannird , who hail played bril
liantly , way replaced by King Kelly , who
with Keller pomulcil the Indlain' right with
no gain 'I he Indians got the ball , but nmle
no gain , and Hudson tried to punt , but the
great Holt blocked the kick and Heller , pickIng -
Ing up the ball , made a niugnillcent run of
seventy-live yards for a touchdown. Ualrd
inlsvieil goal Score It to 0
ilaird caught the Ulckolf and ran twenty
yards Heller anl Kelly went through the
line for twelve yarels Dalid ran thirty
yards on a trick pabs and steady gains acl-
vancel the kpliero to the Indians' five-yard
line and Kelly went over for the last touch-
ilmvn Holt missed nn easy goal Scoie
as to o
Beams I'lerce called on his Inavcs for n effort , lint without avail , and the gime
endcj with the Kill oi > the redskins' llfteen-
y aril line.
YALH. 10 , NI3WTON 0.
N13WTON , .Miss , Oct. IB Yale defeated
the Newton Athletic association team here
this aftcinoon , 10 to 0 , before a crowd o !
: i 000 sne'ctaiors The Yale team wus > a big
dlsai polntmcnt Their pUy was loose , their
hicks showed little good Interference and
the way the Newton lucks repeatedly ripped
up the holes In the visitors' Hues showed an
unexpicted weakness In their defense at sev
eral crhical points Iheie watt ically but
one releemlng feature In their work as a
team , anil that was In the iiulckness wltn
which the hacks got under way In receipt
of a kkk Hut the Yale backs favored
punts In fchunl hey fltylc.
I'HNNSYIjVANlA , 31. DARTMOUTH. 0'HIA. Oet IS The I'ennsyl-
\ mil foot bill eleven today elefeited Dai l-
irouUi bv the si ore of 31 to 0 10 111 the
Hist mel is In the second half wentv jiolntb
moie than Hiirvnid scoied against the same
ti nn last Saturdiv rennsyIv.inln i as
I vi ike m d by the absence of Captain iMInds
HI fiillbiilt , and Cnrni'tt at lift tickle
Hut e-veu with this handle up he Dutmouth
boysi\eie no matih foi the stuiely 1'e iin vl-
\anialis At no time during the gime did
the visitors mcniice the led and blue's go il
WI1ST POINT. N. Y. , Oct 111 Ilarvud
met tlie i lib ts on the grlellron this ifter-
110011 with the theimomcter it "ri elegitis
anil no breeze The game lesnlteel In n
hi ere of 10 to 0 In favor of the ci Inihon
tlnelei the die umstanies , tne result w is
lemarUable , aat times II uvarel was cleiily
iitp'a > ed by the We"t Polnteis and only
.succeeded III g lining hei distune throng. )
good tvoik by Dibble and rtmaikable iiin-
lllng mil good definslve work Hart irel's
jilnv was loose at all times Attendance ,
I.niHGII . ' ) . WIMJAMS. 0
AMUNY , N Y , Oct IB One of the most
Til ( Jnlii KlfKli. ( o Mrrp Wfll , i > ICni
U ! ml VlM'ctlti * nnel ( .noil DlKCNlloi
Me'iin , .tlaKf a ' 1'e-Nl of Stiinrl'N
Inli-i i-NtliiK i\ieeTle-neM1 of ail Iiiillan-
aiioIlN l.clil le-innti.
No trouble Is more common or more mis
understood tlinn net v ous djspepsla. People
having U think that their nerves are to
blime and tire burprlbcd that * they .ire not
cured by netvo medicine and spring reme
dies ; thu real scat of the m'hchief ' Is lost
sight of , the ttonuch Is thu organ to bo
looked nfter.
N'urvous djspoptlcs often do not have any
pain whatever In the stomach , nor perhaps
unv of the usual bjniptoms of stomach weak
ness N'irvous djspepsla fchows lUelf not In
the stomach so much as In neatly ever )
iHher organ ; In some cases thu heart pal-
jdtates and Is Irregular ; In others , thaUd-
iie > s are affected ; In others the bo'vclo are
rjiistlpated , with headaches ; still others lire
troubled with loss of flesh aud appetite ,
\\Uli ucriimulatlon of gas , sour risings and
Mr A. W Sharper of No Cl Prospect
St Indianapolis , Ind , writes as follows"A
ninth e of pure gratitude piompts mo to
wrlto these few lines regarding the new and
\.iluablei medicine , Stuart's Dyspepsia Tub-
lets I have been a sufferer from nervous
dyspepsia for the past four yearn , have used
various patent medicines and other remedies
without any favorable renult They some
times gate temporary relief until the cf-
fortc of the medicine wore oft I attributed
this to my sedentary habits , being a book
keeper with little physical exercise , but I
ii m glad to state that thu tablets have over
come nil these obstacles , for I hate gained
In flteh sleep bitter and am better In etery
vny The above la written not for notoriety.
but U based on actual fact. "
Respectfully yours ,
A. W. Sharper ,
Cl Prospect St. Indianapolis I ml
U Is afc to say that Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will euro any stomach weakness or
illness ? ixcept cancer of stomach They euro
i. iur stouurh , gas , loss of Ilesh and appetite ,
tdccplcsdnets palpitation , heartburn , con-
Ht'patlon ' and headache
Scud for valuable little book on stomach
dlseaon by ndrcssIoB Stuart Co. , Marshall ,
Ml oh
All { Itugelsts sell full sized packages at 50
clo ply contostflil pirnr-n of the seison
idiyi-d hero today be men I.MtlRh amill -
I luna , nnd hut for nn accidental goal from
the Held , neither side would hnve icoreel
William * wm much heavier ihnn Lehlgh ,
lint the latter played a quirk' r Rime
Holdtnnnn kicked a soil from the (1(11 ( four
minute * nfter hull ( at * put Inpi ty nml thp
n\f points wore nil that iere madeSi ore
LehlRh. 5 , Wllllnms 0
CnnNF.LL , 4 ; LAl-AYim-H , 1
KASTON , I'l , Opt IfThe ! Corn , ll-l/i-
fiiycUe game here resulted In a tl < ouli
having four points. The re tilt wn * no ur-
jirl e to the friend * of the homo CO | | K , >
Her three Imck * . WorthltiRton , W rbrlilj.p
and Hrny were on tn < - ! ( k llt nnd In no
cctill'lon to KO on the fluid , nnd be-fore tli < -
end uf the game , the trio was coinpellcd to
give up pliylng i
MINNMSOTA , c , GUINXIM : > , o i
MINNHAI'OLIS , Oct -.Minnesota beat
Orlmii'Il toduy by a score of G to 0 It was
the r > oore t foot hall the present Minnesota. ]
team ever playeil nt thli time of the > eir
and the iliimnl and Mtuden s nre ill ioiir-
agcd Urlnnell hid the bill In Mlnne-iota's
lerrltor > during the llrst half , nnd WIIM ro-
puitodly on the live-yard line Captain llnr-
rlioii did not piny , being out of the city I
Attendance , 2VO.
1'ITTSHrilG. 0.
WASHINGTON , Oct IG-l'ltHburf * eol-
le-i'e made a btine ami stubborn relsfime
today , but could not withstand HIP terrible
mu .M pi iyt of their henvlcr opponents , th
\Vaalilnctoii and Jefferson el'-von The
game was one of the cleanent nnd hniele-
( ought of the eison here Two ton h-
ilowns and toiiN were scored by Washing
ton and , JelTer * on In each half , miking
tint 'Hire 21 to 0. No brilliant plajM were
made , and thp SCOIPM weie made b > sur-
ci'.slvo mass plnjji. uldod by a few urouiul-
the end run
DROWN , 2t ; WISLIYAN. : 12
I'HOVinnNCi : , n I. . Oct If ! llrotvn de
feated Weflcynn at Adelalile park this
itf lei noon bv ,1 icoro of 21 to 12 The game
was close and e\elllng Twice thp wire
was tied. In the Kcoml half We ioyau
weakened , while llrown showed Improve-
nunt , and the result was a clean \lctory
for the home team.
MICHIGAN. 31 ; Ohio. 0.
ANN AUUOIt. Mich , Oct -The Tnl-
\eislty of Mlchlgin clc\on defc-xted the Oh'o
State university by a score of ,11 to 0 today
This HI ore vviu > made In the llrst twenty
minutest , aftei which the play assumed the
foim oC n piactlco game Men were
ch ingi-el and Kicking and elefeti'Mve work
was the ft'iture The Ohio plajirs made
no Itnptesslem on the ejnlvemlty of Ml < hi-
Kan line The 'varsity showed up In line
f ( ii in during the lirt half , the piny being
fast and the work Hle.uly Heft. IIP , J C
Knight of Prim eton , utnplro , U llsiu of
Ypsllniill , lliu.siiien , Hldei and Slmniuim.
OTIinil GAMKrf
ANNAPOLIS , Md , Get -The IVnnsvl-
Minlii llcwieNiunl foot ball game was
well attended this afternoon It the
n , ivy's Rame from the start Total stole
Nuvy , JO. PcmusjUanla , 0
CHICAGO. Oils It. The I'nlversltv of
ChlCMRo foot ball team , ( .efentt-d the iielolt
colIcRp at MnrMilleltl this aftcinoon lij . ' )
to i > The R imp was Iniiiu terlzed by
fumbling on both sides , but the visitors
wire outpl.ijed and outweighed by the I hl-
catfo nu n
HVANS'ION , 111 , Oct. 1(1 ( lown defe ited
the Northwestein unlveislty toil.iy b1J
to t ! 'I he lesult was a suiprise to both
vletoiM nnd vanqulHhed
CMl"iiND , O. Oct 1C The Wcwlt ril
HeserM ) unUer.sltj defeated Kenjotii colleije
on the Rildlron toda > bj 30 to 0 The
K'-njon bojs weie outclassed by the Clie -
C5KI3RNCAPTM3. Intl. Oct -Purdue
defeated Depauw heie tndav bifoie 510
p"ople , ba --toio of S to 0 11 id Dijialiw
pi .jeil the Hist half as the last half , neither
sldu would have stored
NASHVILM : . Tenn , Oct. -root imi
VamlLrli'lt ' , 14 , Cintial t'liKeisltv of Kon-
tucUy , 10 Centennial GuinK ] J , Hethtl
colloqe , 0 University of Nashville , b ,
Sewanee , "
IAlinNClJ. . Kan Oct 10 Kauris
State L'nlvcr.sltv , JJ , Wairen burj , , Mo ,
Noininl school , 0
Nl/W HAYDN , Oct 10 Yale freshmen ,
\\oicistcr lllRhcliool , 0
OHUHMN , Oct 10 Obeilln college , II ,
Ohio WiMejan iiniverslt > , . " > .
\ \ lilsl Null's.
After several attempts tie Omaha Whist
club has succeeded In framing satisfictoo
rules for the Situtdnj nlRht trophy con
test These rulis are , In t ffect thit the
holilers shall defend It every Pu urdav nlh
'I ho other intmbeiH of the club i < n lenl on
Satuiday nights shall play "proKiisslve
fours , " mill the four winning the
number of matches shall iplio the holders
on the following S iturtlay l ist Siturdaj
Hurklo's team , the original holders weie
defeated bv liurrell's teim , composed of
DrHi.rrtll , Siimney and Crumnur and
Joseph .loplln , who aie the piesent holdeis
In the "progressive fours" the ) result was
as follows
Team i'iituln | M itches \\irn I oit Sec ri1
1 limts . 4 0 21
2 Allee . 3 1 'I
j McDowell . . . .
I ( 'oinMock . )
5 stnuisi . 0 4 U
The winning team consists of Jones ,
Meikli1 , C'oe and Shoo
Many whist plnvers of Omaha hesitate to
Join the club bemuse they are ivlthout HK-
ular ] ) artners anil conseeiuently vvlien the'v
appear foi play tliey get "Hobson's choice , "
and possibly the lowest Ecore Tor a pei-
" on who fee's ' that ho knows the game to
get the lovvist score ht-veril evenings in
succession Is nndoubtedlj very elisiourag-
Ing , but the fault Is notmhollv elneto hev-
Ing n sti inge pinner PI tyers who ire , u -
c iistomed to home pla > plav iire t > mile h
the s line game at each bitting ami r in
IP id the tards very accurately U lie n
they conic to the club the ) meet ill kinds
of pli > ers They run against the Ilowell
Hvstom , fie Work svstem the Stieet sjs-
lem and a numbei In ho have i > sUms of
their own , and a number who haveno s > s-
t m It Is the personal equation of ihe
various members that Is lesponslble for
the low scores , and these IOT scores are apt
to continue until the new member h is time
to si/e up his adversirlfs
It Is , of course , unfortunate that th re
> houlel be such i * elllfcien o In the fltvle of
pi i > of the membe'i.s of the same ciub , but
loiiinament vvhlht Is icsponslblp to a cert -
t iln e Ment. foi Hiich a suite of affairs Tlip
tare onjovmcnt founil In an Inte'lllgont
game of whl-t Is lost slsht of , or vvllllngiy
iicrltlpil foi the puipose of nniKing tricks
I"nl P o.ud" , "Inglotona. etc , aie plajed In
liopi.H of making a tuck or twi > the
hand Is not e-ntitled to It sometimes wins ,
hut as Hamilton HI > S , "It Is not whist , "
anil It IK n well known fact that the
" "klrmlsheis" of the Om iliu Whist club
selelemi we their names among the "llrst
ten "
The score's on Wednesday night lesultcd
us folleivvs
Nni 111 and South
Conisniok iind Johnson 21(1 (
\llep and Maishiill 2n
Heed and Hlnehart Ull
.MrNntt and Ciummer , J. 15. ' . 2n
iiiiiner and liruncr n
Jones nnd Melkle 213
Ilimlunan and Thorn in , Tj
MoMinan and Itodlek JIT ,
IlnvvUs and TneKci U.J9
Average " 10
i.iHt anil West
{ 'oe and Shea 230
Lawrenceanel Shipley 231
Stmdfoid and Scilbnor , G , 0 2il
Klld anel llrvnnt 2U
( aim nnel MeDowell ill
Douglas nnd Stuhbs 2.'I5
Itunell nnj Sumney Ji
1'etei.s and Co.ikley > j
Seannell and Conner 513
Aveinge 22S
The tlr t ten for the month of October are :
Names Seoie > INnmes. Scene
I < iwrence 1'SiAIIee ;
I'ou ISShea is
Dmrell . - . . . ITHtplndorff 37
Sumney I'lCiunimer , J. H. . , . IT
Scrlbner. G 0 17Joplln | , J J4
lllei'IUI HiMIlN Sprinter ,
WASHINGTON. Oct 1C The ince between -
tween II J Wefcrg , the champion sprinter ,
anel Pred Scnaele the hlcjclo eraeK , which
wa mhi'duleel is the feniure of the George-
teivn unlvirsltv blejcle mret ted ly did not
take" plirp , owing to the Illness of We/fers
Ho wan on the trick , but In no hipe to
do hlmwelf Jimtlce His place -was taken h >
\\llllam Codj , n sprinter who has pushed
Mofora on several occasions In a run of
inn > mils Codj on foot and Schnile on a
wheel , the former was allowed n handicap
of ten > anlH and the Inslele of the
Codv led at the start , but was he-aten out
bj five jutils Schade won In 0 II 1-5
VllllTll'IIIIH U | | | ,
COLT'MUPS , O. Oct. 16.-AI > oitt COO people
ple wltnenstd n cloHo nnd cxdtliiK game be
tween the IJaltimore nnd
tinms O'Hilen's bad error In the eigh.h
allowed the All-Americans to Inln Dnhlen
was slightly Injured when Jennings sliil
Into second , but vviis able to play out the
g > mo at llrst base The scoie :
All-Amerlcans 0 D
H.lltlmore 3 0 1 1 G 1 0 0 2 S
Ilase hits. All-Amerlctns , 12 : Ililtlmoro.
1. Krrors All-Amerlcans 3 ; Haltlmore , 5
H itteileH Allmerlcans , Powell nml Dona
hue , IJaltimore. Corbent nnd ClaiKe.
\inrili-nn ( "limit * VnHoelnllnu.
NI3W YOHIC , Oct 1C-Tho Pxccullvo coni-
mltteu of the Amorlciui Cinoo association
held Its unnuil mpctlng at the Clarendon
hotel today Pi eminent canoeists from all
over this vounirS nnd Canada mere In at
tendance , The moat Important busings U
the selection of a si to tor the annual cam ?
next > Thin will bo one of the loou-
Inland * . Commodore Dunnell ap-
THIS OiMATTA "DATTA" H13R : felfryiAY. OCTOBER 17. 1897.
It's And st It In Ilkfly to hnpi > n nny
time The' pip ? mn > lirak opil
elolugc thf hou > with water Tlia
Provoking Internnl vvnrklnss of jilr > e , drains
nml ( ilumblnR nre lx > onel the nn-
irnl of more mortnls. Tluyiiftro
' like vnlcnnoes llkrly to go .Into
Isn't it ? uny moment , . , ,
Better be on the safe side and let us examine
them for the winter. We'll do U right nml ont overcharge
you \nluo ( ji\on for ovtry dolhir.
11 to Farnam
Krttger Tel. 1270.
Free to every visitor A cup of our 350
three iiouuils for n $1 Moclm tintl .Inui Blend Colleo intulo
in the
This coffee pot costs but little more than the
common old stvlo pots unel stives its cost each month in the
saving of coffee besides insuritiR1 you ti real cup of the genuine -
uino ' 'Amber Nectar. " Como in un-1 try ti jup.
fl Child Can Buy as Cheap as a Man.
This week \vo want to call your attention to our
Ladies' Shoes
A shoe that we offer at $2.00 , $2.50 and 53
made on the new lasts all the coin toes vici kid and viui
kid with vesting tops Flexible medium heavy \vinlersole
a shoo that wo know has the vuUto to it and a bhoo that's
sui o to please the wuat or.
A D. Morse
, . ? Douglas St.
This warm weather would be a o-ood
time for you to make your selections of winter
j suitings our line of French English and Do
mestic woolens was never as complete asuiow
our prices never lower we'll be rushed as
soon as winter arrives by placing your order
now you'll be better satisfied.
Tailors and Furnishers. 1404 Farnam. ,
There is no exduse
for not smoking cigars and good ulgurs'tuo
when ono can get bovcn for -5 centa
kTll6 Old is the smokers' delight full
Havana , Illled bust quality Connecticut
bintlei fine Smnatia wtappct
Seven for 25c is the way we sell them.
Merchants Club , 3 for. . .
General Aithui , , ! for.
Hoffman House. 3 for. ,
Nunon , ! for
Golden Crown , 3 for . .
All high grade smoking tobacco at wholesale prices.
1 nrnnm St. W.
That's what
POUNDS you jjct vvlten
HARD you Ic i to your
order with tit > .
It may go up but we'll book your order now
at that price.
Those cool mornings and evenings HARD WOOD
CHUNKS aie just the thing for your furnace or grate Wo'vo
he chunks just telephone JO ! .
pointed the follow liippominlttoos On nip
Hlc | _ II i , Quli-k .me ] Iloiirv t * Morse of
I'eorlilll Ti.insiort.itlnn Wlllien i : H ir.
InnSliiK Sine , C V Wlnne ? . Alb my Au-
elltliiK Messrs Mow bray , II > aU , Houan und
" \\i-ft rioHi-N.
DAVnNI'OUT , la , Oct. 10. The AtiH'll-
cnn CourHlnjj club's ineetlnt ; lirociBlit
to a conclusion today. The Waterloo cup
was Won by the Minneapolis grejliouiul
At the club'H annual ine-e'tliii , ' the follow
ing olllreri were clee-teil for the on-ulnR
> ear. 1'iesleletit. Herbert Wntson , NOW
York ; vl c pitalelent , Basil llajinan , Chl-
c.iffo , treasurer. Arthur MelrosO. Havvarlen ,
la ; Bccietuiy , II CJ Nichols , Mitchell. B U
DeloKates to American corn-tint ; board , llor-
beit Wuts-oii und John Charlton. executive
committee , .1 A Graham , St Louis , John
Charlton , Minneapolis 1 U Seai.n D.ivcn-
port ; M Allen , Chicago , J. Uussell , Cable ,
The four RrevhoundH left In the Ameri
ca n cup , the Kteat event , fought out the
Issue an follovvH. John Chirlton'a Minne
apolis beat I b Sear. * ' Hot Stuff , John
I'liiulton'H Itochester beat 13 Nallj's White
Dlamonil , belonfrlns to the same ottnei.
Itochester and Mlnneapoll.s divided Iliot and
M-concl moneys. $700.
In the Waterloo plate , M. Aliens St.
Clalr , Chicago , beat MelroHo anil Uurbln'H
Ha el KliUe , Hawarden , la . Okeaf anil
Mulcoster's Queen of Heart" , St Louis beat
Uusscll and Wlluon'8 Olen Ho a , C'lible ,
III , J 8 Smith's Twin City Cllr ) . Min
neapolis , beat A MatHcy'0 Uielj Kalcpnir ,
St Louis , A Massej'a Lluht Kewt beat H.
H Uood'H Luck > Collars , Abeieleen , S 1) .
In the llnal course St. Clalr beat Twin
City Girl anil won.
In the elerby Hussell and WHHOII'H Jennie
Wilhon but I" H IloblnsJii'H Cro * pitch ;
Walter Martin's Glen Chine. Winllelel , Kan .
lieiit A M Hose's Cojne'H Hubs , Hu > hBll
A : Wllhon's VI toi Queen beat J U Smith's
Ida , Minneapolis , John Chailton'a lien Holt
beat H. C. Nichols
OiirNiiinii U1IIU Ceinilnur.
CAMnitlDGU , Mass , Oet -Captain
Geor ? e Dench of the Haivard 'varsity crew
paid this afternoon In regard to the report
that II Willis , who him rowed third on the
Leander crow- for the labt three jejra w is
coming over this fall to help In the tialnlnj ;
of this i ear's crew , that he expected Mr
Lewis and Mr Ix-Iimnn would arrive In
NIR ( York next week , but he considered
that thu trip would be onu of pleasure , al
though MrVlllls ma > probibl ) do a little
\\ork In helping the coaching
TiilmrIIIH Iriiniinllj. .
TAHOIl la , Oet -Special Tele
gram J Tabor defeateel Amity college todio
In foot ball , H to 0 In order to save them-
t lives , Amity forced u safety In the llrst
Dr. Davis' Autl-Headacn ? It , superior lu
( .very t < ay to all remedies lor headache.
We are d01112 all kinds of
Grate , Tile
and Mantel
For $30 we will
give you a nice
quarter sawed
oak mantel set
complete in your
Carter Hardware Co. ,
1105 Douglas Street. Tel 1/121
Fifty Thousand People Turn Out to Welooma
the Oulmi Heroine ,
Si-iiatiip Tliin-Nlnii anil lli-iir > CfiirK
AnVineiilK IliiSpiaUti _ Ne-lirnnUa
Man I'riM-lalniN III * S > iiiia-
111 } fur I lie Ii
I i !
NIJW YOniC , Oet. 1C The popular recep
tion to i\angellna O'taslo y Cihiierce In Mad
ison Square tonight , v as an e'xtraonllnary
demonstration Fully , SO.OOO persons , prob
ably one-third of thorn well dressed women ,
crowded the upper half of Madison Semare
park and'filled UroaeJ\\ay \ and Fifth uvcnue
and waited patiertly fnr the congrnlulatory
speeches to bo nnl hod and the Cuban hero
ine to appear <
A stand had bebn1 elected south of the
Worth monument , .from which the speeches
wcro delivered unl'-oit which the Seventh
Hcglment band WUH Stationed The crowd
began to grow a Iltlle restless and It was
decided at U o'clock that the young woman
must bo brought out , J Lincoln do Kay as
was speaking when a canlage containing
SIlss Coislo and Karl Decker , her rescuer ,
appeared at the stand Attired In white
satin anj enveloped In a huge fur-caped
cloak the Cuban girl mounted the platform ,
bowing and smiling to the people Mlta
Coaalo y Cisncros * appearance was the sig
nal for a tremendous demonstration by the
great crowd , which stretched uut for a hun-
dieil yards before her The men yetletl and
waved thc'lr hats , the women waved their
handkerchiefs and the ban ! played a Cuban
Uattlesong With a bouquet In her right
hand and a pleased but diffident cxpreaskn
on her face , Miss ClEiicroa bowed and then
turned to Mr Decker , Indicating that she
wanted him to undeislanJ tlm the applause
was as much for him as for her For sev
eral moments the two biooj forth while the
cheering continued Then Mies Cisncros was
led back to the rear of the platform where-
she smiled und bowed to the crowd on that
side Then she descended the steps to the
carriage , which was driven around the
square and back to Delmonlco's.
Previous to the appearance of Mies Cls-
neros' arrival a number of short speeches
were interspersed by belettlons by the band
Murat Habited was chairman and introduced
thu speakers
United States Senator Thurston of Ne
braska was the llrst speaker lie wab very
hoai d and could bo heard for only a few-
feet from the stand. Senator Thurstou said
It WPS the duty of our government to grant
belligerency to Iho Cubans
"If I hail my own way , " ho said , "not only
woulel the belligerency of Cuba bo recognl/cd ,
but I woulel pond a battle-whip to anchor In
Havana harbor In order to Inspirit with hope
and courage these who are struggling for
freedom "
Congressman Sulzer was the next speaker
ami he was followed by Dr do Saya , who woo
the chosen representative of the Unban
colony In this city. Ho described the woik
being done by the Cuban army and scored
Woylcr. The crowd frequently applauded
It had been announced that nearly all of
the canlldatos for mayor would bo present
to speak , but Henry Oc-oigo was the only one t
to appear. ! Mr George fipoko briefly Ho
said "We ate hero to pay our respects to
and extenl our greeting to our hitter who
has been rescued bravely from Iho .Spanish
prltoii I am here as a representative of u
body of the true democracy ( applause ) , as a
man who has been honored by the mandate
of his fellou cltUciid to take up the work of
Thomas Jefferson I am here to say In the
luiiio of the great democratic party that we
feel sympathy with you In the atrugglc going
on Ii Cuba Miss Cisnero * Is rescued Ooel
bless her Wo extend to her a glad wel
come to our freedom "
Among tlioao present at the reception at
Delmonlco's were Former Ambassador Kits-
( Is and wife. Colonel Ktlian Allen and
Charles Dana Ulbson Nearly every prom
inent member of the Cuban colony was
American I.ady Corsets aie tne Best.
tlm < > IIII-IIN eif Oi-i-iiu VI-KHI-IN , lle-l. Ill ,
At New York-Hilled-Campnn'u. for
Liverpool , Munltobi. for London , Li Cias-
logno , fur Havre , LT Hrotazne , for Havie ,
IIIIH , for Oenoii , Maufcdam , for Kotterdatn
AnIveel-I'mbila , from Liverpool
At Liverpool Airheel TaurU , fiom New
At Havr > Sallc-el La rimmpagnf. for
Ni w York
At Southampt n-Silled-St I'nul , f' r New ' .
At MarHllcs Arrived Ilrnaiin'i fnin
NewYoi It
At StettinBilledThlntvalla for New
At Hoiton-Arrlved-aallla , from I.Ivet-
Special Sale
now on at
siXTir.NTii :
And square yourself with your girl.
1520 FAHNAM.
The firm of Roberts Bros. , wholesale
rubber iliMlors of Cliic.i o , failoil : t short Utno n < jo
nml tto IUMU forUmato c-niiu h to iinichtiMj a jront
li [ * line of tlicif Maoliinleislii-s Wu'vo jilui-oil thc'tn
on Milo tit nb iut."iJ percent loss
than vvbolestlc ! prlu. an opporlnnit.v OMAHA TIIIMT
you'll never luivo ti'jtiin. They iiti'till u '
niittlo of the lc" ) t itnility ] of yixuU in tlio i
> in | | > ri > pr\
itULSIiLii LU.
very lateststyluiQ iSviSj s v iS iS ?
1.111 FAltMAM.
Every painter that use-- .
Patton's Master
Paintei-'s Finishing White
Comes back for mot o. Tt is the boat. Try it.
All kinds , all sios , all coloranj ( ptaty. Kvon if you only
want "that broken light" toplnccd call up IU ! ) , give us the tiv.o
and \vo will ha\o the hole stopjied "quicker. "
JA . ? Cor llth and
Is Home With a
Poor Stove ?
llupjiinpss cnn only bo io-.t ic'tl when
your stove is It\i-il .ti'd works well wo
will bi in luippincs-s b.ic'li if jon ciili it ] )
Tclopliuno 7)0. (
Omaha Stove
Repair Works ,
Pcrff ctcd Order Woodcraft. Popular and Proiressivc.
Woodmen of the World.
\VANTir : > OMAHA , M II
Our 1'opulni mil Orlulnol ruiti.roi Poinim ml tlm
order to favm ihle > eoiiHlele r etlun i
sroo10 itooo : iu\irri i vr UIVTII.
Rnielcil niwossnienl i ile- < A JIW ineiniiimnt place-1 at HieKrivo of
rvtrv ileccaFPil ine-mlicr 1'nMiie-ni if nsfeiiiimi inn nml eliies K.IIJ nt llie >
nut of 20 to 30 jenrs ace .i.lliiK t' nir il Juiiiliiv iiii ; rir. mi f'lii I
ktiii. ossemimint nt n inliilmuin fcft)0 ) incnibeiB tl 3,0 fCO 00 lu , > e < in Id
ami over i > 0' ' ) inoniiinenlb ere'elnl ti elite Aelelitss
T C" HOOT , Sovereign Coinmandur ,
orlUIINT , VATHS , Sovereign Uerli.
Omaha Nob.
Shecly Block , ,
Union Stook Yards Company Lits Coutraot
for Bonn Extensive Improvements.
f I'IM-HH | llrli-K ,
Striiriir ( U III "
Mini < * ' ' "
Sleine- mill Iron ,
Ur Comnlftfil l > > "c
feiiilier Ifi. i
An Important mcetltiK was liclel by the
Hoard of Directors of the South Omalm Stock
Yards company In the olllce of I'rralelc'iit
1'axtcn ) estcrdaj Ab Imn already been an-
nounccil , the company ha had iinilor caiiHlil-
1 rratlon the construction of a new exchange
building at the jards 'Iho plans which have
been drafted were prtocntcd to the ellrertors
yesterday and were accepted
In Hpeaklng of the now Improvements
President I'axton stated lust evening 'Tho
boird of ellrertoih and mjfct'lf have gene care
fully over the plans of the now exchange
building , and with a few alterations they
will be accepted The Improvement will bo
ejuito an extensive ono The exchange as
contemplated will comprise two Imilillngfi
which will be connected In uuch manner that
they will practical ! ) form one The llrst
structure will bo erecteel upon the ground
west of the old building and will bo rnn-
nected with It. The dimensions are GQxlOO
feet , with a height of two stories 'IhU bullel-
Ing will be subdivided into olllrea both floors
being urt'il for tills purpose Adjoining thu
first annex on the north will bo the second
building Thlx Is slightly larger Iho di
mensions are 75x100 feet with the same
height This last strmturc will bo need for
a reataurcnt. dining room and Kitchen to
liether with a bar. The upper floor will be
divided Into rooms for the cinplojes and for
other purpose * *
"While the buildings will be plain In finish
wo will spare no expense to muko them
'durable They will i > ot only auommoilato
Ihe overflow of business from the old ex
change , but will bo built la stand for all lime
to come It U tbo In'entlon of the company
to tear the old building doun at some future
date and to substitute a new cue of similar
design to Iliu ono whldi will t-oon be con-
"The btruitiires will bo built of prc.Ted
brick and Btcuio lion will alro enter laigjly
in the constiiu tlnn of the roofs and other
poitlonx The tonfs will be Hhcathcd with
slate so as to form a lire-proof building.
The gutters ami tiimmlngs will be of cop *
per The Interior wood vvotk will bo of
hard plno finish , 01 nthci hard woods , and
will be neat and hutulHomo
"Tho contract for the whole with the
exception of the plumbing , wan lot to Con-
tractots d Jackson They have III-
btnictloiiH to push the bnllelliiKs forward * R
raplelly as pcxslblc , and It will bo Htlpulutnd
that Iho work bo coinplt t < d by December
IS Of couise. It Is pouslblu that we may
not taKe po2Bi'sslon of the new annexes until
the first of Iliu yeai , but It will not bo later
than that The rnniiact price was a Irlflo
f.lioit of JSQ.OOO Aftei the plumbing Is c.m-
pluted the entlro expense will upproiilir.ato
this amount. "
In addition to the supervlMon of the nx-
uhaiiKi ) bullillng the board donated a tract
of land of nix acres to the Cuduhy Packing
company Thl land Is located noith ol thu
present plant of the company und will be
Ufceil b > It foi ( hi ! crculon of Its now addi
tions. This last named Improvement It U
oflie lally amioiiMiei ] will cost In the neigh
boihood of $100000
You can't tuio cuiifluiiiptle > n lint yoi can
nvolil It and cure every other form of th oat ser
or lung ticiuble by t.'ie use of One Mlnuto '
dire1 , f.
( < iin ( lull Toiiriiiiini'iit.
UOI'ai/AS , W > o , Oct -Tie tourmi-
inent of the Douglas Gun club was a suc
cessful ( Vint , n liitge number of eon estants
t.iklng pir ) from < 'ahiei , ( ilinroelc and
other iintr.ilV > oinliig towns In the e lull
< oiU"-i for the e up uoil last , it C'ij.
IMT , by the Douglas team , the homo
ti nn again won , und will r tain
tbo tup permancn ly The i-coro vna ,
Douglas , TO. Caspir , & 2 In the- live blrel
xhoot , entries } 10 uuch. 'mil moin y to high
Kilns , he he'ore on a poxulhle fifteen stcoel ;
Ji Mill mi , U , Hlie , 13 , Morton U , Koxtou , U ;
ItlmlnKton , b The match shoot for } 5 < )
showeel poor shootliiK the seme standing
In a possible flflv Ifxuiiin lf > Itlee , 15 ,
total 31. Morton. 15. Itlinliigton , H. total , 2 <
Hi'iii'1 % fi1 fetr llolfl l'roii | < H > .
f'HICACO Oil 10 A bill , tsklng for a re.
< e He r f ir the pn lols. s anel prnoi r y of the
Li xlnglciii Huti I I'ul dint ; < o m my tiled
In tie cinutt c iiit twilii ) 1 < > CliiilUu M ,
Tiiwlkr Ji one of ihu boiulholdilti
Small rill , rafe pill , best pin fro Witt' *
LI'tlu ' Ilarlj UlierH cute blllousticia , coiutl-
patlon , tick headache.