PART > III. OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.AGES \7 \ TO 20. ESTABLISHED Jt'Nli1 , in , IS 7,1. OMA1LA , SUNDAY IGllXING , OCTOBER 17 , 18)7 ! ) TWENTV PAGES. SI NO LID COPY" FIT 13 ( .J13 NTS. mi one so \ \ Each one so adapted to your present wants That you are bound to attend them all. Indeed , our Ic morrow's bargains will be the sensational topics of the people for many a day. BOYS' CLOTHING ISlIt and Douglas Tremendous Sale About Half Price Omaha. MEN'S CLOTHING Tomorrow. Write for Catalogue In Our New Department. 1260 PIECES FINE 1,600 Monday is Boston Store's big bargain day. Ladies' New goods from the Sample AT LESS THAN Jackets Importer's Cost. Capss . Wraps One case mill remmnts , llcecod back Our fii'foinl woi'U of Importi'tl JlrcsH Goruls Sulo nt lc-s than half Just DOMET FX.ANNEL Itniiorlor'.s cost , from tln > grunt salvage stoi'k of Tli. Mli'lmn Ai Co. , 'liCi . AYnKlilnxtoii street , Now York City , consisting of lilai-k and I'uluroil lion- About as lon as it lasts , go at , rleltiii , Cashmeres , Mlscovlcii'to , Olgti , Foulo , ( irnnltu. Satin , ( .YuNo Half Price Vigouri-ntix , black and rol-in il Surge , Illiu-k Cimtlng , Ariimrc , .I'toquiml , Three cases UlagoniilM , Wliipc-ord.s , Clii'vlnt , Oliovlotlo Vlgouvuaux , t'ti1. , which wo At $10.00 fine Rngllsh Tan Kersey , fly front BLACK and WHITE PRINTS will sell nl luss than half value. All tlii-su goods are line reefer cloaks , coat collars , tailor made llrc'Ks Hoods and are warranted all perfect. throughout , Jacket lined with extra quality at 3-ic yard changeable Tnffeta. actually worth $17.50. DRESS PATTERNS all in perfect condition but being sample garments , on sale at $10.HO 12 cases full \Vc will put on Hiilo 600 druse patterns of double width , two totunl -voltles , rough olToots , so stylish now , all At $4.98 a handsome all STANDARD DRESS PBINTS dark c ilm-s , entire dross puttum of 8 yards , actually wool covert cloth jackets , tailor as long as they last , 3c yard worth lo ! ) yard our price foruntiro pattern-joe ; "l | made , Inlaid velvet collar , In the Whole United States of America worth $11.118 , goati4.i > S , 2 i cases full piece J ALL WOOL DRESS PATTERNS At JIG.Ot ) 10 assorted model Jac'-ce's r.o two I.IGHT SHIRTING PRINTS 200 utriullyiill wool ( It-oat ) patterns in pure wool honviottas , alike , black , royal blue of , tan ICiiKllsh , l.rown . Kersey and We are selling the entire bankrupt stock of the Greatest Shoe made yard those are 2 Yz c . ' , fancy So itch mixtures , tw. > tonol ohoolc.s , every green KO.'giM " Cloth tailor finished , lined throughout with Store in Atchison or for that matter in all Kansas yard w.'tl . > ' ) . ) . on bargain stinaro , seven yards iti a heavy satin to mato'i , and ncually : wortli pattern , for SI.US only ono pattern to n customer $ i1. l. but having only one of a kind they it's the well known shoe stock that up to last Monday Eictra Heavy CANTON FLANNEL go at $ lo.0i ) belonged to A. F. HEINZ , but now its ours wo I2.\c \ ( rrade , at 50 yard , BLACK DRESS PATTERNS At J7.30 to $39 00-handsomo . it from the for the all sound and perfect Russian Hlousses. A bought attorneys mortg All in purfoct oimlltion 100 black dro-ts patterns in Imported cloth and velvet jackets , je.t-'lL $39 SPOT CASH brooadiM. a dozen dilToront patterns to seleet from , cither ted. embroidered and fur FOR an loc qua uy caslinuvo or satin burber grounds these are actually trimmed CAMTON FLANNEL worth 'Ma yard the entire pattern of 7 yurtU for $2. IS ) . . . For All the sample Plush Cipes. : wide plain or sweup em- , 2 i/c yard * . . . . . and broldeied , peed length PLMN AND NOVELTY DRESS GOODS- i.\or h tl'i.OO , on sale Just at $7.uO Just opened again 17 cases all All now , bright plaids , so stylish for waists , silk stripe-i 109 assorted Black Kersey Cloth C\pe : , all About stfic'.ly all wool impurteil henriottas and series , all silk lined throughout plil'-n ' backs ami Lonsdalc Fruit colors , largo variety < > [ high cost novel tics , including high storm collars , worth $10.00 , In this sale There Is too much of It to place on one kinds muslin , , ofg rough otTuots , all pi-rfoet in bargain Hanaro at IIDu yard. . at $ I8S On fflain Floor floor and therefore you will Jlnd that It Is In Basement Loom Utica. Lonsda'e and Wamasut- " " wool Kerss-y Jackets , fly front , over crowding the men's shoe department the , . - on the main lloor that the women's , ml < rsi , ' At Me and 7Sc wo " .vlll soil $1 ( Kl Dress hlsi storm collars , half silk lined. The-'e children's and boys' shoes on Ufa main ta Cambric , all absolutely sound and per Goods for Monday from this above Innjc worth $12.00. on sale at J39S Iliwr are piled hljih everywhere In the saoe Jackets are 29c worth iGc and free feet all at yard to auction site , all . Kimniiuood snund department. In the new hisemcnt they are , diy long 5c , up fiom any da mane. , In granites , satins. Croiso thrown on tallies and on counter * . In heaps , VlKOine'iux , .1 u'fiirirds. Whtyrords , and piles and stiicKs , where yon can pick them Olii'vlotw , Im-'mlinjr nil the new materials In for ac . up a pair and up. ! . ' ' . ami . etfiTts , so My- anne co'nr. change.ildo 59c Tomorrow we will have lots more help , ish far t.iCiir-m.idc drus i . actually ' . \oith s-o yon will have to wait hardly a minute 29c $1.00 , on sale at .V.'c ' and 73c\ IMPORTED MODBL HATS before you are served for that matter you eai > t = erve yourself In thu basement , but on Never before have we been Back Picture hits are perhaps the center the main lloor where all the shocn are still In the original cartons , you will have to be ab'e to give such exceptional of attraction just now in our Millinery K wins. wailed on by a salesman. Half price is just about the right way 39c . In I'runella Cloths , Chy Worsteds , to call it , although there great values in high class black dress goods. have as many models displayed ar a many Poplins , sa'ta rloths. yard and half wide , satin finished cashmcre-H. with heavy We probably two millinery houses In the nl-yes' and children's shoes in this sale SAc yard , worth 250 played as any that for less than half . . Serges , at epeclJl prices In our go price. . S.iarkins and Storm hacks : al-n L > z7 < ird Cloths. alone the quantity that ' ' . cl-y-ihut It Is not Tliu men's and women's line shoes that ( Black Roods Department at 7Gc , U8c and $1.25 yard , many worth up to ? 2.50 attracts the favorable comment there is sold for tl.CO , $ .1.00 and J'i.OO ' , go at $2.00 and a yard , guaranteed perfect. not a common looking hat In the collection $3.00 , and there Is most every kind of a 59c LACE CURTAIN BARGAIN nhoo that you can ask for in this stock of JLUUiEv OJrlllwl C'DTTfT A Xij T T3 OJilJTlvJiiilN A T5 ft A YTvICJ O TlvT J.iN OlJjix TYRPT . elsewhere neither iM there In Omaha. one that Most finds of Its thcs duplicate hats Helntz'.s All we can fay Is that of all the shoe sales All the Hottingliain Xiace Cur have been Imported at a cost of JJn.OJ but that ever were held , none could ever com tains in the new style plain centers An oxtrii wide It Jinnn striped silk , bright and now combinations - for Monday and SO to select from at U'J-OJ pare with this one. 75c tions , ll c quality , on sale at II'Jo ' yard each. ' * -Saturday people came In out of mere and insertion effects , heavy notting- curiosity nml bought whole armsful of leO ! to select from In exact copies of MIOCH before they left because they were bams , heavy Scotch Guipure effects , Sncciul t-alo of 8,000 yards of pure silk satin duehosso. extra Imported hats not one common lookIng - set good and .sold so cheap. wide , faiioy weaves , all evening shades , $1.0(1 ( quality 49c Ing hat In this asortmem every one stock Hemembfr , but a this complete is no , bran old. new knock-around , well selected 89c lacy Brussells effects , all go at , , sale at 4c ! yard trimmed with the very best material lected each worth on . and . stock of this fall and winter styles $1.25 , S3 oo at J5.00 $7.SO of shoes , made by the host mnkern of 300 yards black , extra heavy brocaded silk , worth $1.00 , At K.OO you choice of large assortment of HochuKtcr , Philadelphia , and New York , and All the finest curtains in this lot sale fifio Turbans , Bonnets and Dress Shape ? .ill of In addition ty this we personally guarantee , on at yard In the sale , not , that them . trimmed very stylishly for Monday at $3.00 every they are single peed pair shoes and In the latest only style , 98c Irish point , Brussels lace , real FishNets Pure China silk , in all colors ot the rainhjw , a quality that $3.00 . but also that yon can practically buy two ' ' Nets in fact a'l the c'ass 25c for the of . , high lias heretofore been hold utftOc , The Cowboy Hat 'eather trimmed pair prlco one. in silk department at 2'ic Lace Curtains , worth to $ up $7.50 , med , sold in millinery stores up Boston Store Selling the Bankrupt Stock of Shoes Formerly 81.50 quality silk velvets , all c : > lors. on bargain square for go on sale at $2.50 pair ; all pair Monday at It'Jc ' yard to $1.25 , for Monday at 490. . . , merly Owned by A. F. Heinz , Atchison , Kas. nearly sound and per.ect PARENT OF NOVEL ROYALTY Eobert Knrr Writes About His Literary Ocnnado , Anthony Hope , NCDiNTS IN THE AUTHOR'S ' CAREER How ll ii > KM-IIIHM ! llfliiK Inlrrvlowril _ llarr'H 1'll-Nl At'iiiinliitiiiicr ivllll Him Tin- Author lit 11 tune UlN UiimlivritliitT. I was very much perplexed when a school- 'txjy In endeavoring to fathom the meaning of a phnise which had something to do with a verb. The phrase was "to bo ; to do ; or to Buffer. " Grammar was a deep mystery ' to me In my youth , and Is yet , as any one J may learn by a perusal of my Immortal I works. This phrase recurred to me as I * sat down to write the following Interview with Anthony Hope. Which Is worse , to bo Interviewer ; to do an Interview , or to suf fer an Interview ? When Macbeth says , | "Take any hapo but that , and my firm I nerves shall never tremble , " one feels sure that the ghost of Hanquo appeared with note book a nil pencil In hand. Of all forms of fiction the Interview is the most brazenly mendacious. It purports to give a man's Ideas in his owti words , whereas Umerely _ gives , In the Interviewer's words , the Interviewer' * ; version of what a man's Ideas should be. The public Is entirely In 'error about the real purport of the Inter view , and when the Innocent man who has been Interviewed denies next day that ho ever said such thlmgs , nobody believes him. When HuJyard Kipling landed In Austra lia a breathless young man seized upon him and said : "I know you won't be Interviewed , and I don't want to Interview you , although I am tent to do HO , but I have a first rate scheme of colonial defence , which no editor In Aus tralia will print , tocauso I am a simple newspaper man without reputation , so I have thrown It Into the form of an Interview vlth yen. and If you don't mind I can thus Klve It In to the paper. " "Why. certainly , " said Kipling , who U l- wa > H ready to hol | > a fellow creature out of a hole. The Interview was printed and waa most enthusiastically received by the Aus tralian prcfs , us going to show wliat a gri"i > the great novelist had on matters Imperial. Thus , the corrojt function ef the interview is to tpresd abroad the opinions of the In terviewer at the oxpcnso of the person In terviewed , so If any thoughts from the brain of Anthony Hope creep Into this Interview vlth Mm. It will be because they have es caped my notice. UOUUI.NG AN INTERVIEW. When 1 wan asked to interview Anthony Hope. I thought It only fair to send to the novelist a brief note cuitaluiug useful In formation. I said that It had been wettled J was to interview him ; that I would call At tils rooms for that purpose the following .vcckj that there wore sixteen railways leadIng - Ing out of London , teveral of which had close cennoctlcMs with Franco and that In- certain specified toctlons of that country , wine was furntahed free at lunch and dinner. By a etrango coincidence , when I went up the two ( flight * ot * Ulr to Uie door of Ur. Hope's rooms , wo found a paper fastened thereto with a Gone to the Continent. Hack In ten minutes. A. H. H. And BO "Mr. Witt's Widow" had come to us from the Temple ; from a room with windows looking out on Lamb's flue Elizabethan hall , and this , too In direct contravention of the rules for the guidance of the Templers writ ten by St. Barnard , first abbot of Clalrvaux , composed of no less than seventy-two com mands , the sixty-fourth reading , "No widow shall bo allowed to dwell In the prceei - lories. " Furthermore , another clause en joined that "No knight Is to talk to a broth er of worldly frolics. All jeots and Idle words are to bo avoided. " The Infraction of which rules led to certain penances "In such case made and provided. " as ono might say , to drop Into more modern Temple verbiage. Ah Anthony , Anthony ! did your conscience chldo you for the Ignoring of these rules governing that spot BO many centuries ago , and was that the reason you persisted In quitting the clat-alc shades ot the Temple for moro commercial and commonplace rooms In Ducklngham street , In spite of all my ue- ! seedlings to remain , for , not being allowed to have chambers In the Temple myself , I wished to possess ono friend there upon whom I might occasionally call. BEARDING THE LION. Well , to make a long story still moro j lengthy , I may add that I ultimately visited I Anthony Hope at his chambers In the Turn- , pie. going boldly up one flight of Rtalrs with absolutely no excuse for my Intrusion , but being resolved that If , In my reception , there was any sign of that Dritisli intolerance , of which I read In the American vapers , but ! which , up to date , I have never met , I would deftly switch off from literary matters and tackle him on u legal basis , eaylng I wanted to bring an action against FOUIC one and dt > - 1 sired advice. I discovered later that this mwho.l of retreat would have been a dclu- Blon , for Anthony Hope was a barrister , and as such was only to bo approached most re- iuectfully through a solicitor. You couldn't go up , give him a dollar , and come away with a quarter's worth < /f advice. I knocked at the first landing and the door apparently opened of Its own acocrd , typical of the oaco with which thu entrance to a quarrel Is accomplished. A youth seated on a high stool turned half round as 1 went in. Uo had a quill pen lu h's ' hand , with the foithery end of which ho tlckod ! his llpa. looking , amid his severely legal surround ings , as If ho wore enacting a character from Dieketis and doing It remarkably well. "Is Mr. Anthony Hope In ? " I asked. "Mr. Anthony Hope ? Oh , you mean Mr. Hawkins. Yes sir. " I know my statement will not be credited In America , but the youth did not drcp his "h's" lu pronouncing such of thu above words as are currently held to bo a pitfall for Ills couutrymen. Ho slid off the steal , rapped at a do : > r , and presently desired mo to enter. I llei'ore doing so , I would like to make a few remarks about the door In Temple Cham- i be s. They are double1. There U a green I I'vzc or black leather duor on the outside ; I then an Inner ordinary door of oak. Like many ottuv things lu this slowly built ui.i old country , these doors have a significance ; a language of their own. When tlio outer door stands open , It means that the persan within Is disengaged. When It Is closed , thu oak Is Fportod. 1 found out these interesting particulars by tunning my head against the Inside door on various occasions , for having been brought i : ' . > In a one-door country , the double event seemed to be a constant sur- * -ls9 to me. "Mr. Hawkins will see you sir , " said the youth. There ran through my mind the line which Chevalier sings. "How'd you fancy Hawkins for your other name ? " It neemt-d then , that AiiUiony Hope Lad another aatnu whether he fancied It or not. For the purposes of this article. I have been looking through the writings of Dickens and others , hoping to meet an adequate description of Anthony Hope's room In the Temple , but I cannot find anything that exactly fits It. The room which Tom Pinch had to set to rights was naturally all In disorder , the hooks lying In hears on the f"or , while lu the chambers I speak of they > wcro all nicely arranged along the walls. In somber leathern bindings , lookIng - Ing very solemn , legal and uninteresting , lloswcll's account of Dr. Johnson's room and Its occupant will not do at all. "It must bo confessed that his apartments , furniture and morning drJss were sufficiently uncouth , " writes the gossiping Jimmy. "His brown suit of clothes looked very rusty ; ho had on a little old shriveled unpowdered wig , which was too small for his head ; he had a pair of unbuckled shoes by way of slip pers. " I cannot find that any one visited Charks L/amb's quarters and described them , but Charles himself wrote to Coleridge : "I have two rooms on the third lloor and five rooms above with an Inner stalrcaso to myself and all new painted for 30 a year. The rooms are delicious and look backward Into Hare court , where there Is a pump al ways going ; Just now It Is dry. " .Many a dry throat has existed In ( ho Temple - plo besides that of the pump , and perhaps this accounts for the existence of several commercial establishments In its environ ments , where material for moistening Is vtmlcd us occasion demands. Thu prices for rooms In the Temple must have advanced since those spring days when Lamb -frolicked within Its precincts. No man could get seven rooms now , or even one , for 30 a year. Hut iiH the humorist remarked when told that George Washington had thrown a silver dollar lar across the Potomac a dollar went further In thosu days than It docs now. THE SURROUNDINGS. The furniture In Anthony Hope's room Boborly accorded with the somewhat gloomy wainscoting of the apartment , above which wcro the dusky rows of books. The brcad table and heavy chairs fell well within the limits prescribed by the fouud-r of the Tem ple , who said ( see article 29) ) : "If over that furulturo la given to a brother in charity It Is to ho discolored to prevent an appear- anc9 of superiority or arrogance. " And I am pleated that truth enables me to add tint there was of superiority or arrogance about the man himself any moro than thrc was about his furniture. He received mu with a look of gentle surprise upon his face which I took at the time to be In the nature of a mlvd Inquiry regarding the cause of my visit , but which I afterwards found to be Ills habitual expression , an expression that has added au Interrogating wrinkle to a brow wlnsa youth disentitles It to the wme. I at- trlbuto this questioning glance to Oxford. An Oxford man Is never quite certain about anything. Wo rough-hewn uncolleglato per- E'ns are positive that Mack Is b'.ack and whlto la whlto , but a llalllol graduate Is not so sure ; ho keeps an open mind and awaits definite cvldcuco that teems never qulto to reach him. In perional appearance Anthony Hope re- mints one of a Gibson drawing of a hlgh- claBs KngllBltinan ; Indeed the author might well have pose-l as the model for many of the artist's finest efforts , ills clear cut , In telligent fact ) Is a pleasure to behold ; there U something of the monk lu his demeanor , and nothing I have ever heard him say has been out of keeping with monastic purity of conversation. Ho seems ta think no c-vll cvei of the living , ami certainly speaks none. ! Ho Is one of the three men In England who I have not been spoiled by succtss. and IH exactly the same now as he was before pop ularity tame to him. If I am prone to over value his quality it U on account of Its ex treme rarity , ft must often have puzzled Anthony Hope to know why I called upon him on. occasions when I had nothing In particular to say , and my excuse Is merely that I delight In looking upon a finished product of the nineteenth century. A thou sand yearn ago , moro or less , Alfred tbe Orcat founJed Oxford university , and ever since that Institute has been turning out meiii in lots , each group an Improvement on the one that went before , until at last we ar rive at Anthony 'Hope. ' And curiously enough America with one strUIo takes its place at the head of this thousand-yiar procession and produces the only man who can draw a picture of Anthony Hope and place In its Hues all that we fee in the original ; and this man Is Charles Dana Olbson. Thus It beems to mo a great pity If the two coun- ti les are to wipe each other out , to make a .Morgan and Lodge holiday , as Saladln anni hilated the former Templers at Ascalon. Let us have peace. The mission of Anthony Hope to the L'r.ilted States will not be profit less If it shows America that the Englishman Is not as black as he Is painted by an enter prising dally press. HOPE'S PEN-.MANSHIP. The editor was very much disappointed at this , for he had come over to Europe mainly lo set us two at each other , so that we might give expression to various , learned opinions In the paKes of his paper , but I pointed out to him that this absence was 1'or the pitfall of the interviewer Is the Inevitable denial which follows the [ uiblloatlon of the Interview ; If Mr. Anthony Hope should see fit to disown In the columns ot the peycrs the expressions I attribute to him , I can answer conclusively that he was not there at the time he was Interviewed , and consequently dcctm't know what he la talking about. I therefore now set out to Interview Anthony Hope , not knowing at the moment of writIng - Ing where ho Is , and he not knowing where I am. My acquaintance with Anthony Hope began on a ya'iht off the Norway coast , ami on that occasion also he wasn't ( he'e. On a steamer chair lay a book entitled "Mr. Witt's Widow , " wlilch I picked up , and'bewmo Interested In UK > lady , as one so often' on board ship. The greatest compliment n man can pay au author Is to buy his bonks , and that trlbuto Auth.-ny Hope bad from 'mo as soon as I reached London. S.atncjjaw , I fcare : ! "Mr. Witt's Widow" ns a ffrst book ; It had all thu humorous exuberancp of youth In It , but I learned that there were othirs , and 1 read them with avidity. CONCOCTING A ; .MEETING. Various mutual friends promised mo an In troduction to the wrljer of these charming bojks. but the meeting never came olf. Per haps the author had an Intuition that I waste to Interview him In bis absence , and so en deavored to make that absence as i.iurmunent as p'-bslble ; anyhow , the ( ! od was never In the Car when I was there to witness Its descent. The Man of Mark remained In visible. From the langorous Immpr that pervaded his books , perhaps It might be called Lam- horous humor quiet , qualut , nonlnslbtent tun , together with the evident love o , ! the coun try. Indicated In "A Change of Air , " I was led < to the conclusion tint Anthony Hope llv ( < J In some delightful rural .village , possible in Surrey , revelling on the royalties that pou cd In upon htm from grateful publishers , there fore , I was surprised when a friend walking with mo through Kauntaln Court In the Tein- ( ) Ic , jerked his thumb over hls'slioulder In a casual tort of way , and and said : "Those are Anthony Hope's n.oms. " "Let us call on hltn , " said I , stopping thurt. "We don't know him , " objected the other. "What difference does that make ? We represent his public , we'arc ' hla customers ; he is bound to be civil t'o us. " "I'm not so sure about that , die's a llal llol man. and thesa llalllol chaps are prone to ho high and mighty. " "In that case , " suggested I , "let us follow the example of the Oxford guide with the Master of Ualllol himself. I'll tlirow a hand ful of gravel at his windows , and when he appears we will bow to him. " "He'll not appear ; he'll merely send for the police. " Much that Is Interesting In life is missed in London through fear of the force , and en- terprls-.s of gieat pith and moment , with this regard , their currents turn awry and lose the name of action. After all the author , in sending forth his books , was asking for hi cad , so what rjght had we to throw him a handful of stouts ? We passed on , leaving Anthony Hope unaware of our vicinity. The world seems to become more sedate as it grows older. On that very spot Charles Lamb used to play tricks with the fountain , and no bJhby molested him. The genial Charles gays : "What a collegiate ? aspect has that line Elizabethan hall , where the foun tain plays , which I have made to rise and fall , how many times ! to the astonishment of the young urchins , my contemporaries , who. not 'being able to guess at Its recondite machinery , were almowt tempted to hall the wondrous work as magic. " Later this same fountain played merrily toTem Tom Finch and his sinter , persons quite as real to most of us as Mr. Charles Lamb or Mr. Anthony Hope. The worlii has long been waiting for an expression of opinion from mo regarding the writing of Anthony Hope. This Is the Ilrst opportunity I have hart or unbu dcnlng my self on that subject and I have no hesitation In saying that It is vile beyond expression. To prevent error I should state that I am talking of his penmanship and not of his hooks. Ho lues sheets of blue foolscap. lie- Bins at the top with a long line , writing each following line a little shorter than the one above It and thus the bottom line Is about half the length of the nnu at the top. Per haps in this lies the secret of his popularity , HO I set forth his methods that any reader may try the experiment. I can read with casoiiabln facility the hieroglyphics on Clecratra's Needle , whhh has been set up on the embankment coposlte Anthony Hope's now rooms , but when I come to the more mcdorn Imndwiltlug of Anthony Hope him self I am staggered , I speak feelingly , for fate once played mo a scurvy trick In this regard. There was given to mo the first six chaptcTs of "Phroso , " beautifully typewritten , ami , verifying the adage that a certain class of persons will rush In where an angel would have somu hesitation In going forward , I plunged Into the six chapters. Every one kucws now abfeorblng "Phroso" is. I con sider It the best bto.-y for serial purposes that ever was written. When I finished the six cl'.cnttTK I was consumed with curiosity to know what happened next. I rushed breathlessly to Ducklngham street and uo the two flights of stai by which Anthony Hope now discourages men accustome-J to elevators , burst In upon him and demanded tlio rest of the novel at the muzzle of a revolver. lie leisurely pulled out a drawer and his smllo was chlldlllfc and bland as he handed to me a mass of manusc'rlpt. "It has not been typewritten yet , " ho said , "to I am glad for your sake. If you are InlercEted In the story , that I write a clear , plain Land. " I hoped the end of eve y chapter would bring a partial solution cf the difficulties which Involved the characters , but there was uo such luck ; trouble kept hci.v nenlng right along to the end of the book. I uas In the condition of the man who had the tiger by the tall ; I didn't know whttlur to hang on or let go , but I finally plowed through the appalling conglomeration of aibltrary sigui which Anthony Hope HaUiTb by calling It his hamlurltlng. In a former lutes-view. Anthony Hope Is alleged to have cald that no one over helped him in his literary career. This is mis take. I have myself been of the gruacst : atisU'anco to him. In bestowing upon him good advice. On several occasions when Anthony Hope Ins Jxen uncertain about a course of act ! n in fact , this condition of mind Is chronic with him I have shown him clearly what he ought to do. ami. thanking me. he has at once gene and done the op posite , if this Is not aeslstance , what U ? I Implored him not to leave the Temple merely because he gave up law , holding that If Charles Lamb were satisfied with the sight of a dry pump , he ought to rest content with in view of a playing fountain , That settled it. He moved at once into the house in Buckingham street , where Pcier the Great lived during his residence In London , not withstanding the fact that Peter said ho had ibut two lawyers in his whole dominions and he Intended to hang one of them as so.u as he got home. Krom his window Anthony Hope sres oppo site -to him the house In which Samuel Pepys wrote his jus ly celebrated diary ; a house now occupied In part by Joseph Pen- nell. the artist. The last time I visited Anthony Hope at 1C Buckingham Ftreet he hail just received an Invitation to go to .America . to lecture , and had made up his mind not to accept. I applauded his resolution , telling him that the United States was an Interesting country , but that It was a pity to spoil his visit by a lecture tour. It was like having to speak at a public dinner ; one never could enjoy the dinner because of the fear of the speech that was to follow. That settled It. The next thing 1 heard of Anthony Hope was that he was going to America to lecture. J fear that his legal training loads him to un derestimate the value of advice that co.sts nothing ; however , I bear no malice , and sincerely wish him the success ho undoubt edly deserves , In galng through the big coun try. HOIIEIIT DARK. * niinim ; > . It Is proposed to build a railroad to Mount Slnal , where Metres Is stated In the bible to have received the law. There Is a Christian church In Japan that has only otic male member. The women have their own way In all mattrrw. IllHhops Ilowmnn. Tons , Nlndo and Vin cent fuvor the representation of lay men with ministers In tint Methodist general conference. Hlshon Fitzgerald Is "content to leave the whole matter a It Is. " The Methodist Episcopal Church South pa > H nLout $150,000 annually for the support of worn-out preachers and the widows and or- pliann of deceasc-d preachers. This Is about ( ! per cent of the salarleH paid to presiding rlilCIT , and pantor& . It Is stated that ninety-three years ago , when the Dlblo society was formed , there wern only about 4,000 copies of the bible In the whole world. Since then this society has circulated 151.M2.S02 copied In 300 different languages and dialects. Emperor William has begun at Merlin the pracMco of keeping the Lutheran churches of the city open throughout the day and on week days. Until now only the Roman Catholic churches have hern loft thus open to stray worshipers on week days. The fifty-first annual meeting of the Amer ican Missionary association will be held lu Minneapolis October 10-21. The annual ser mon will bo preached by Rev. Jamca W. Cooper. I ) . 1) . , of ( Jcniiectlcut. This Is the flret annuM meeting of tlin nsooclatlon ever held west of C'hlcago except one. Rev. Dr. Joro Wltlierspoon , pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Baltimore , has been called to the pastorate of Grace Preti- hytoriari church of Richmond , Va. Ho was ono of the orators of the centennial cele bration of Presbyterlanlsm In Philadelphia In ISbS. and preached at the reinterment of the bodies of President and Mrs. Poll : . In 1847 a Lieutenant Maclagju joined the Madrau division of the Ind'lan army , and , In isr/j. after applying hlnibelf diligently to the dutlta of his profession , t udylng languages and eventually becoming the Interpreter of his regiment , retired. ThU Lieutenant Mac- lagan and the present arcbblshop of York mo ono and thu same person and besides lib pension ho now draws a salary of $50GoO a year. The government of Helghim , which has been a stronghold of the Roman Catholic church , guarantees liberty of worship to all religious denominations. The Belgian Mis sionary church , aa tuu 1'rotCQtant body lu that country Is railed , lias Increased the number of Its churches and stations from twenty-six to fifty-four and the number of pastors from seventeen to thirty In the laH ttn years. Nineteen new clupels have aUo been built and the receipts increased. A church maid is now en.ployed by the up-to-date New York churclicii. She wears a plain black gown and white cap and apron. It Is her duty to answer questions , direct persons to the sexton , or tell them to whom to apply for other Informitljn than she maybe bo able to give. She Is to rcmu'ln respect fully near Htrangers , for visitors sometimes "lift" anything which may titilke their fancy. The maid albo cares for the mlnlstcr'H study , and gives such touches to the edifice as only a woman can. IV. Roberts hen Instituted what he calls the Church of the World lu Kansas City. Ho conducts services on Sunday mornings in a theater , where the s'.age Is ret as a drawing-room in blue and brawn. No col lection Is taken up. 'The ehurches li.ivo been begging for a thousand years , " ho said , "and ale still In deb1. " Ills subject last Sunday was "Tho Gospel of the World. " Ho thinks tlui churches should progress as the world progresses , bo that a mediaeval monk returning to life woul.l find the creeds tbe only things which have net changed slnco his exit. SOMU HKCK.VT IXVU.NTIO.VH. An Ohio man lian Invented a school desk In which the supports slide In two sockets In tin ) base to muke it adjustable for large or small pupils. To prevent the stealing of whips from wagons a newly Invented whip socket has aleck lock which holds a clump around the butt of the whip. A recently patented nickel lu-the-slot ma- chllin polished shoes , perfumes the clothing , opens a mirror and gives the uner u stick of gum In one operation. To safely carry hata In truiikn a new device Ims < i hage plate whl h Krcv s Into the bo'tom of the compartment to support a paddcil block , over which thn hut Is pressed , To Iron the neckbands of shirts and set them In position a new machine ) has an Iron ring with two flat wheels Insldu to press the band against the ring as they turn around. Puillcckn are being manufactured with an auxiliary cliainbcv which carries an explrHlvo to bo fired by a hammer Insl lo the lock and give an alarm when the lock IK tampered with , In a new hand welgh'ni ; M'oop thn handle Is made hollow , with a spring surrounding the shank of the sccnp and Hupp3rllii Its weight to Indicate the quantity contained In the scoop. A handy vise for mncliln m and bicycle , manufacturers has two circular jaws , with grooves of different slzca cut In thu gripping eurfatrs. An eccentric lever Is used to clcaa the jaws , the outer jaw being mounted on a idldtng rod connected to tlio lever. KlouciH can bo held In the buttonhole with out pinning by using a new device consisting of a folded metal olli/ ( us cned In the but tonhole , to be spread apart when the utenw are liibcrtcd , after which the opposita sides spring togctlier and hold them fast. A portable burglar alarm has jiut been In vented for the use of traveling inc.u , consist ing of a dry battery to which u bell Its at tached. A cord IK fastened to the door and runs to the tnvltcli to pull a lever over and clobu thu circuit UK scon as thu door la opened. Liquids can bo me-aisured an they are drawn from harrelH and tanks by a recently pat ented device , consisting of a glass jar con nected with the key of the faucet , so that when turned down thu liquid will flow from thu barrel Into the jar and when Inverted the faucet Is closed and tlio jar emptied Heelt though tUo outlet.