Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1897, Editorial Sheet, Page 11, Image 11

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    " 1
.Evorjone Doing a Largo and Entirely
Satisfactory Business.
Inru < * Hunk ClenrliiK DiliIn Part to
Heavy < 4tuuk JU'oHplH nl .SoiiUi
Omnlm Dry \Vrntlipr llt'lnn
II it 11 LT ! 111 ! Miiiiiifnctiii'er .
Prom every section of territory tributary
to this murkut anil from every tlcpartmcnt
of trade come reports that are moat urutl-
fylr.KNot only hns IniHlnusn Improved In
Nebraska where the crops ; Imve been large ,
lint In the fur wetttcrn Mates there U a
coiTL poiulliig revival unit buslticHS men
without exception are most urntllled at the
present situation and future prospect. Not
only Is the country buying freely , but what
In better still It Is piiy.tu P > emi > tly for
what It buys. Jobbers say that the number
of merchants who discount their bills is
greater than over before and that It Aould
bo i. aril to Imagine a condition of buslnuis
wherein collections could be uny more sat
TnrouKhoiu ull the territory within reach
of Omaha there Is nio.t activity on the part
of consumers than ever IK fore and stocks
melt uway rapidly umlur the pressure of the
demand. The great mass ot the people Is
llnanclally uiuipped to supply all necessi
ties ; ili I IIH ilure is evoty I ke.lnooJ of money
becoming sull more plentiful us thu season
advance. ) the future prospect Is very brign , .
Omaha bank deal-Inns for the last week
iwere .nr er loan for t .0 ( previous week anil
larger tnan a year afc'o by C3 per cent. Tnc
( , 11111 for the whole country outside of New
Yoik was only Ul pur cent , Oimina. HhowlliK
the heaviest Increase In clearings of any
of the mriu cities. The clearlns lor thu six
days a Omaha footed up } CL'30,717 ; SI. I'.iui ,
ft.tiNi.l.i'J , , ] . " ) , ! TU.'i.'o ; Denver , * - , -
MuiUM ) , Milwaukee , flUlXII } , ! ; Uctrolt , lli.SI- : !
7'Jl , and Cleveland , ? ' ! , IG'j.OVJ. . .Mlnne ipoils
and Kansas city tire tno only cities of
about UK1 same size as Omaha that lead this
city In the volume ot cltarlngs.
As to thu source of the larpo Increase In
the banking business at Umiuia there can
be no ilotib : but wliut a very considerable
proportion of It can bo credited up to the
Keneral Improvement In all departments of
trade. Cashier Mcl'herson of the Union
Ktoelc Yards bank points out that South
Umah.i Is contributing no Inconsiderable
eharc to the Omaha clearings , but jus ; ex
actly ! U.\ much It Is Impossible to say.
Hlni'i * the llrst of the year South ( Jm.thii has
received stock to the value of 5:11,872,1,3:1. : :
When It Is taken Into consideration that a
good deal of the stock received changes
hands twice before It leaves the yards , the
possibility of a live stock market as' a
builder up of clearings becomes very ap
It may not be out of order to remark
that the live stock business at South Omaha
Is In a most nourishing condition , and bet
ter than even the most sanguine dared to
liopc for a yinr IIRO. Since the beginning
of the year 1MI ? IxIo.uW cattle have been re
ceived , as HKII.IISI 4211.000 for the same period
last year. This Imnanse gain can hardly
be a.-crlbed to the general Improvement
In business throughout Imi west , mil rather
to the Increased popularity among ship
pers of the South Omaha market. Tilt-
dry weather on the ranges kept the cattl.
from accumulating fat , and Inmuid of hlp
pingUK in to Chicago for beef , the owner.
.sent them to South Omana to be sold at
The Union Stock Yards company has--
nlso put forth greater efforts than evei
before to Eei tire the range business , ami
much of the gain in receipts In due un
doubtedly to that cause. General Managei
Kenyon , who was formerly connected with
the llurllngton & Northern , Is well ac
quainted with condition * In Montana anu
"Wyoming , and naturally gave a peed den.
of attention to thofe states. The result
was that In September the receipts ot
cattle from Montana jumped from a paltry
2.G71 In isiiij to jfi , while Wyoming
showed up 31 , 1K ! ! , as against. 15L'S7 a yeni
In the hog department the showing 1 =
equally favorable , the receipts ) for the year
to date being1 l,2iUOm ) , a gain of 331.0UO over
the corresponding period of last year. The
receipts of sheep during the same period
were double what they were last year.
1'mhr .such circumstances the friends of
the South Omaha market can hardly help
but feel considerably elated.
The great Inroads that South Omaha has
been making this fall upon the range cat
tle business has brought down the wrath
of Kansas City , and the western country
la Hooded with misrepresentations to the
detriment of the former market. The bur
den of all these attaiks Is that South
Omaha does not pay as much money us
Kansaji City , and on that ground stock
men are urged to make their .shipments
there. A letter of this kind came to hand
yesterday which wii written by a Kansas
City man to Hunter & Miller of ICcho , Nev ,
In which the writer , after a number of mls-
etatcmcnls , ends up with this sweeping
assertion : "Just comi > are tne two maikets
by taking the actual mles on beef , feeders ,
COWH , helfern and bulls , anil If we do not
beat them I cannot Kad 12nglUh. " It hap
pened tlmt the recipient of this letter had
already made up his mind to come to Sjtith
Omaha , and he arrlvtd at that mailcot
on Kilduy of the past week. The sainf
day his partner reached Kansas City with
n train of the same cattle , each navlng
ab nit twenty c.irs. The * ' .eeiM sold In Omaha
at prices that netted the fhlpper $1. while
the train that went to Kaunas City brought
only l.70f 13.75 per hundred. If the gt-ntlo-
men follow thu advice of the Kansas City
letter writer , It will be very easy for them
to tee which Is the hotter market.
Following the custom of the past eleven
years , Mallory Sou it Xlmmcrinii'i com
pany of South Omaha has compiled a llvt
Btoclc report showing the percentage of cat
tle and hogs In the country , a compared
with a year ago. Nebraska shows a large
Increase ot cattle with Kantvis next In the
list , while all other states repartee ! Ehow
u decrease , as compared with a year ago.
Nebraska Is also the only one of the Im
portant hog growing states that fhows an
Increase In the number of hops. Wisconsin
also Dhows a gain , but that Hate cuts a
very fmall figure as a grower of hogs ,
The following ilgurcH represent the re
sult of this year'H report , compared will.
last year , taking 100 as a basis :
Wales. Knt IIogH. Plus. C'mles. Cattle
Illinois . W ! I'.i 21 II
lima . 92 JIT fcS '
Missouri . S > 03 ) 92
Wisconsin . to : 03K r. 92g
! K ) IS g |
Smith Dakota . Mi S'J 7 Ki
Kvhrutkii . 100 101 4.'i 12ii
KruiKaH . 92 'JO IS liM
In. Ilium . ! i Ill ) 15 89
Michigan . 93 ! i 1
Ohio . 92 iM 3 i'O '
KuuthiTii xtatt-H . 90 101
TotalB 92 7 2,1 53
The Sheridan Fuel company Is putting
an cxlmuxt fan In Us mlno which will be
a great addition to the iplant.
The \\Vnro Commission compony , which
was established In IS'i- . being one of the
oldest In the country , has opened olllces In
the New York IJfe building In this city.
The local manager Is Kloyd J. Campbell ,
formerly of .Minneapolis ,
The annual meeting of the Omaha mem
bers of the Manufacturers' and Consumers'
association of Nebraska will be held on
Tue.'dny evening , October 21. N. II. K"nda'l ' ,
.president of the State Millers' association.
will bo present and deliver a short address.
Other prominent Nebraska business men
am expeuted to be present and an Interest
ing meeting Is promised.
Siiulro l.oomls of l-'ort Dodge , remarkel n
local business man the other day , U with
out doubt ilui luckiest man In Iowa.
lOverythlng tlmt he looks at turns Into gold
l ast spring when there was not the re
motest .prospect . of n shortage In butter
this fall he commenced contrac-.lng at the
cic-anierles and ho now has SiWO tubs In
Htore upon i.vhleh ho cannot fall to make
ut least JiWOvX ) .
According : o the decision of Judge Sho-
malter of the federal court at Chicago , tie
millers of this state can ronllunu to brand
their Hour "Mliuu'nnalU" l.vltlumt fear o'
Iinuri'iitlun. Consumers appear to judge of
the iiiiallty of Hour by the name on the
sack. If I Is branded "Minneapolis , " they
buy It and call It good , but If bramlt'il
" .Nebraska , " they return It to the groom-
mid complain of thu Quality.
The Shain'.es company reports that farmers -
ors are grasping the Idea of dHvrsllled In-
duxtlles and Instead o ? binding all their
' . . to the
t' growing of u corn cron
ulono are each year giving moro atti-n-
tlon to t le dairy uiKlnrm. This U shown
by tie constantly IncreanIiiK demand for
timiill ft'parntora for dairy use. The cream.
4-ry nuestlon ! > . being discussed In all sec
tions of the state and them are very . -ood
rftisons for believing that It mill become
ono of the great Industries In t ° il see- Ion
of tht > country In thu near future. New
cieamrrles are being established at Km-
rrlek. Nuwman tlrove. Tililen. Orafton.
Cook und Silver Creek and preparations are
belntf made to build ono at Spauldlng this
n'rhintiru.tih .of , ! he ° w "aylns that It U nn
111 wind that
blown uo 0110 vood baa becu
nga'n OPtnon trateil. The hot nnd dry '
weather that prevailed during the pnst
month or fix < * oeVfl destroyed the oastures
of the country and production of butter In
nil sections cast , went nnd south , has been
greatly curtailed , While this has been
hard on the farmers nnd dairymen , It has
been the opportunity of n lifetime to the
butterlnp manufacturers. The boom came
Just In time to gK-o n. new lease ot life to a
hiidnr. 9 that was nil but done for by
' the hostile edicts of state legislature ? .
, Omaha Is being supplied > by the Kansas
City manufacturers , who are shipping In
great quantities of the stuff nnd soiling It ,
contrary to the stnto law. There tire prob
ably very fnv buyers of huttorlno otitslile
of hotel nnd restaurant kcupers , but at the
same lime It Is asserted that there are
very few people In the city who nrc not
eating butterlnc. It looks like butter , tastes
like butter , nnd for nil that thny can tell.
It Is butter. Genuine butter lit very scarce
and country towns , which are generally sup.
p'lcil by local farmers nnd hnvo n large
surplus to ship , are now buyers. Towns
like Weeping Water , I'lattsmouth , Gretna
nnd many others have had butter shipped
out to them from Omaha the past week.
The rame Is true of Iowa towns nnd to a
greater or less extent all over the country.
The best creamery butter Is worth at whole
sale markets about 23 cens ; and sells at
retail at S : > ff2S cents. There are three
grades ot butterlnp , which cost at whole
sale 10W cents , 12i,4 cents and H',4 ' cents
per pound. At rptall these three grades
generally bring l"i ! , 20 and 2" > cents. The
profit to the retailer on n pound of buttcr-
Ino Is therefore 7 to 10 cent ? , while on n
pound of butter he makes only 2 to &
itirrt it.v OK TIII : coon oi.n TIMKS.
Diinn'n .MuniiKrr IlevleTVM tlio HIINIICHM |
' .Sltuatliiii.
W. II. Hoberson , local manager of II. G.
Dun ft Co.'s Mercantile agency , says :
"For several years we have been kept
busy removing names from our reference
book In this dls rlct , but within thrcn
months the tide has turned nnd now we
have our Tuinds full of new linns. Scores
and hundreds of new names arc coming
to us from local correspondents. In Jobbing
centers moro opening stocks are nt A sold
In a week than were sold In the last c : > :
months of 1S56. Dealers are no longer buy
ing from hand to moir.h , but are tilling up
their stores and sorting their stocks with
entire confidence. Kor the six months end
ing December 31 , 1SU7 , I expect to make a
showing of new linns In Nebraska exceed
ing any similar period In the last ten years.
The beauty of the business , too. Is In the
fact that credits are safer than at any
time In tfn years and more dealers are
taking their cash discounts than at any
time In the commercial history of Ne
"The week's transactions In all wholesale
and manufacturing Hues and at the banks
have been very large. Everybody Is very
busy. Purchases which three months ago
would have been announced with a blare
f trumpets are now accepted as a matter
of course nnd > pass without comment. Busi
ness men complacently contemplate their
enormous sales and are surprised at noth
ing. Having satl.slled themselves that pros
perity Is here to stay , they arc buckl'ng '
their energies to the task of keeping the
supply as nearly as possible equal to tla
"NebiaPka Is the most favored state In
the union , though bnslneii prosi > orlty Is
i-onlliifd to no .section. Noverthelc.m this
state lead.1" them all In happy conditions.
Newspapers and citizens cannot say too
muih regarding our resources. We arc en
titled to nil the becnllts which abundant
crois and peed prices bring to a merlto-
lous commonwealth. re we choiild
keep It bi-fore the people that Nebraska
rap- her cereals alone , are worth ti day on
nir own "oil nt our own markets about
100,000,0(10 ( In ffold. to uny nothing of live
lock , dairy products , sugar beets , chicory ,
v.inp , llax , vegetables and fruit.
"In real estate circles there is less activity
ban Mingulne operators anticlpited , but
purchases for Improvements are frequent
and some of the transactions are quite
"In retail circles the weather Irresponsible
"or n lagging trade In the clothing and' dry
aods stores , though dealers In dally neces-
Itlea report p-oocV sales.
"At South Omi'ha trade Is better than
7ood and the magic suburb Is enjoying a
very rapid growth , which the new enter
prises have stimulated. The Stock Yards
ompany will replace the cheap exchange
i.ulldlng with a fc00,0000 ! structure.
"It has not escaped observation that
HtrecL corner polltlcn this year gathers only
groups , where last year It attracted regi
ments , anil few Idle men are now found on
the street ? . In fact , any honest , capable
man who really eleslres employment can
jbtaln It Without dltliculty. "
St. Louis ( ieiicrul .Mnrkftn.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 1C. FLOUR Dull und un-
WllMAT Higher , but tame and very unsettled ,
closing c above yesterday for December , with
May aIwut the same. December opened Uc
lower , advanced le , Ml back ' ,4c , leaded He
and later declined He , closing with buyers at
that. Spot , steady ; No. 2 red cash , elevator , Ooc
lild ; track , B.lii'JOc ; No. 1 ! hard cash , kGc ; Decem
ber. Sfi'ifiC ' bid ; May. IKIKfiiHViu.
COltN futures advanced with wheat , but
Inter declined c and closed higher for May , but
lieavy. Spot , steady ; No. 2 cash , 2l,4c asked ;
December. 2'e lild ; May , 27ft26c.
OATH Futures , stronger nnd higher. Spot ,
iteady ; No. 2 ciish. elevator , Ihijc bid ; Hack , 1'Jc ;
No. 2 white , 21021 ' ,4c ; December , 19c bid ; May ,
llYE-Steady , 42'c. '
IlllAN Dull. In light demand ; buyers InldlnK
If for lower prices ; sacked , east Irack , 47j4Sc
bid for lids side.
FLAX8EED Ixiwer , $1.0014.
TIMOTHY SKMD-l'rlme , > 2.C5.
HAY Firm for choice grades ; prnlri * . $6.75 ;
Imotliy. $7.5'XjflO.SO.
IIUTTKU Quiet ; creamery , lCfi23'/ic ; dairy.
linos-Quiet. 13c.
POULTRY C'ldckens , firm ; old hens , C'ic ;
sprliiKH , fcc ; ducks , Ci ! ic ; geese , Cc ; turkeys ,
WHISKY $1.20.
METALS I-enil , dull , declining $3.SOJ3.S5.
Spelter , nominal , $1.00.
PROVISIONS i'ork , steady ; standard mes-s ,
Joliblng , 1S.2.1. I.inl , lower ; prime steam , $4.15 ;
holce , $1.2214. Uacon , extra short clear and
ilbs ( boxed lots ) , $5.75 ; short clear and ribs ,
5.37ii ; shorts , J5.DO.
lll'X'UHTS Klour , C.OW bbls. : wheat , 38,000
bu corn. 133.000 Im. ; oats , f,6,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Klour , 8,000 bills. ; wheat. 38,000
bu. ; corn , SS.OOi ) bu. ; oats , 23.000 bu.
Liverpool C rill M and ProvlHloiiH.
I.lVHHPOOIj , Oct. 1C. WHEAT No. 2 red
western , winter , steady at 7s Sd ; No. 1 red north-
! rn , rprlng , new , faleady at 7H S' d.
l"OHN American mixed , spot , new , Meady nt
Js lf d ; American mixed , spot , old , etcndy nt
3s Hiil ; October , iUlel | nt 2a I'.LI ; November , dull
at. 3 Hid ; December , ciulet nt 3 2',4d.
KI/JUU St. Louis fancy , winter , dull nt 10s.
HOPS At Ijondon ( Pnclllc coast ) , steady at
" "
"PROVISIONS Uccf. extra India mes-s , dull at
C7H r > d ; pilmc mess , dull at Ms 3d. Pork , prime
mess , hue western , dull nt 50s ; prime mess ,
medium wcttern. dull nt 40s 3d. Hams , short
cut , 14 to 1G Ilia. , steady at 2iu , 11.icon , short
ribs , Heady al 33s ; long clear middles , light ,
steady nt 33s ; long clear middles , heavy , steady
at 32s ; short clear backs , steady at Cos ; clear
bellies , llrm at 3fs Cd , Shoulders , xiiuure , llrm
at 2Cs , Lard , prime western fput , llrm nt 22s 4d.
C11I3KHK American llnttt , white and colored ,
steady nt 4Js.
TAI.I.OW Prime city , nominal.
OIKS Cottonseed , Liverpool refined , dull at
15s 3d. Turpentine spirits , steady ut 24s Cd.
liouln , common , dull at 4s Hid.
IVIIIIMIH ( 'lly Mnrl.-clM.
KANSAS CITY , Oet. 1C. WHEAT Hnnl , 1C
higher , slow ; soft , llrm , slow ; No. 1 haid , E.ic ;
No. 2 , b34iSIie ! ; No. 3. 7UfiS2Hc ; No. 4. IWftc ;
No. 1 led , ! ' 0c ; No. 2. SSfisitc ; No. 3 , SliiSOo ; No.
4 , 8'Ki 2e ; No. 2 rprlng. t''ii c ; No. 3 , liHiSIHe.
rOllN i c higher , fairly active ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATH About steady , tlow ; No. 2 white , ISSf
RYU-Klrni : No. 2 , 4lc.
HAY HlKher ; cliolce timothy , $8.50 ; choice
prairie , $ C.2.'i.
lltJTTHR-Bti-aily , active ; creamery , 20S22c ;
dairy , lliil'e.
lOilOS I'nehangpd , demand Incrensliig ; Hi ?
HUi'EIPTS Wheat. K ,200 bu. ; corn , 23.900
bu. : on fr. 21.000 bu.
SlIIP.MENTS-Whcat. 130.SOO hu. ; corn , 23.2CO
bu. ; eaU , 1S.OCO bu ,
llnlllinori * 1lnrl < ilH ,
IIALTIMOHK. Oct. in.-KIXiL'H-Uutl and
clii.nged : receipts , 15.513 bbhi.
WHEAT Strong : No. 2 red. spot. I
December. WiHfiWic ; tteamer No. 2 red ,
.He : lecelpts , 47b72 bu. ; expurt'J , 32(0) bu. ; touth-
irn , by tninple , tlU7i' ) | . i
COHN-StrotiK ; mlved rpat , 31C3l"ic ; November
or December. 30Ti3Pe ; steamer mixed. 23if
KHiis ; reeelpts , is.iijj bu. ; exports , none ; eouth-
ern white , 31il33c. [
OATH Steady ; No. 2 while western , 2CVlj27c ;
neelpts , 12.314 bu ,
HYK l-'lrmer ; No. 2 weslern , 5,4c : receipts ,
25. .72 bu.
H.VY-Steady ; choice timothy. J11.f < Uj:3.50. :
C.HAIN KHKinilTS-l-'Irm nnd uneh.insed.
PHODl't'E-llutter , llrm und unrlmnjjed. IKB ,
llrm and uncliangcil. Chi etc , teudy.
firiiln lteci-lils nt ' -
| I'l-lnrlpnl Miirlii- < .
CHU-AOO. Del. le.-Hn-elpts : Wheat. 133 ears-
run , M7 cars : tuits. 419 cars , llsllmated leee'pts
Mondiiy : Wheat , 210 cars ; corn , SI ) earn ; uutfc ,
300 cum.
ST. LOI'IS. Oct. IC.-Rpcelpts : Wheat 5S car
MlNNn.M'OLlS , Oct. 16.-Hecflpls : Whenti HS
1 l:0l"A : ; ? ' " ' > 6Relpts : Corn. Siw - bus. ;
nail. 2C.7W bus. ; rye. 1 bun. : whisky none : i
v-heal. 1 00 bus. Shipments : Vrn. 7.1W bun. ;
oat , 21,000 bun. ; rye. none ; whltky. l.SOO bbl . -
\\heut. none.
KANSAS CITY , Oct. IC.-Hfcelpta : Wheat , 232
1'iMirlu ( irnln 1liirK-ft.
. Oct. lG.-CORN-Actlve ; No , J ,
whlte- HOM c.
Sroor plrlU ,
Small Offerings of December Wheat Cause a
SliglrAdvance. .
Corn IN Firm , but Clu ot Utifl
nml ( tnln > lnkc M Niiinliiiil < ! nln
Vvllmv ! ' t-r
l'r it Ixlnim.
CHICAGO , Oct. 16. It wns n cnse ot dog
cat ilof , In the wheat market today. Krom
the scarcity of December offtrlngs and
the quickness with which anything was
taken , n badly consisted condition In tlmt
option wns Indicated. The close wns llrm
at a le advance. Halns went and disap
pointing Liverpool cables caused a silent
opening decline , the only weakness the
mniket displayed. Corn was llrm , but
closed unchanged. Oats wns a shade higher
at the llnteh , Provisions were weak , prin
cipally from the yellow fever scare , nnd
closed from. 5c to 12'.4c ' lower.
Wet weather throughout the greater part
of the winter and all of the spring wheat
territory , disappointing foreign markets and
a very marked Increase In the wheat re-
celptH In the northwest confronted the
wheat trade nt the opening. Though tliu
effect was partially offset by the surpris
ingly large exj > orts for the week , there '
was nevertheless a general selling out of
wheat by timid 'holders , and the opening '
market was lowtr , December starting ut !
from 81 to PHic , as compared with yes |
terday's closing price of .ilftUM1. * * ! : . The
weakness was short lived , however , as the i
lower prices stimulated strong buying nnd i
caused a rally ot le per bu. In n very few i
minutes' , December advancing to ! > 2ic. ! The I
December future acts afi tnough it were
considerably congested , as It sold nt 2".c
premium over May. The Hradstreet's re- I
pjrt shows wheat and Hour exports equal
to O.Oia.OOO bu. , apalnst 4MHiCOO bu. a week
previous , nnd l.loT.tMJ bu. for the corre-
sKndlng | week lust year , llevlvul of the
old rumors that I HIM In would prohibit
wheat and rye exports nnd that France
would abolish Its import duty on wheat
created a little bullish Hurry an hour after
the session opened and December advanced
lo 'J-'ine , while the news was circulating : .
The northwest receipts were l,17fi bu. at
Minneapolis nnd Duluth , against 1,14.0 bu. a
week ago and Mi bu , hut year. The re
ceipts at all primary markets aggregated
l,2o.JWO bu. , against 137,000 bu. for the cor-
tetponding day a year ago. Chicago re
ceipt. ' ) were 1U3 cars. Liverpool opened Xd
higher , but closed only lid hlg'ner for near
monlhs to I4d lower for deferred. I'arls
closed unchanged to 10 centimes lower for
wheat , but 11) to 40 centimes higher for
Hour , and Antwerp quoted wheat unchanged
to 12Vi centimes limner. Despite- the apathy
shown In their own markets , however ,
there was evidence conclusive that the
foreigners were nlso buying liberally to
iover sales abroad , and the strong tone of
the market for ocean freights Indicated
that the cash stuff was going out. The
advance for the day was tempting enough
to Induce many owners of wheat to sell
out and take their prollts rather than carry
the property over to next week. The re
sult was a slight reaction from top figures.
D-cember wns selling ut 92',4c at the close.
There twtis a fairly active trade In corn
with thorts again liberal buyers. At the
opening the market wns weak on the large
local lecelpts 107 cars the rains west and
poor weekly exports. There was a strong
demand at the decline , and helped by the
advance. In wheat , the market rallied
sharply. The Inquiry droppe 1 oft toward
the close and prices sank again. A large
amount of changing- December contracts
to May was done during the day. Decem
ber ranged from 27'ic to 2fillj2CJic : , and
closed unchanged nt IIC sc.
The market for oats wns ilrm on a de
cidedly narrow trade , confined mostly to
exchanging. The tone , -with the exception
of a lltttle weakness at the opening , was
llrm and prices ruled a shade higher.
Sympathy with wheat and corn nnd u re-
nuwul of the cash demand were the In-
Mtienccs. Receipts r.\ere liberal 111) ) cars
Exports were over 200,000 bu. December
ranged from 18c to JSHQlStfic , closing a
shade higher at ISftc.
It was 11 rather quiet day In the provision
pit. The market ruled weak early on the
lower hog prices nnd on the yellow fever
news. There was commission house sell
ing on a fair scale. There lans n partial
rally In sympathy with the advance In
wheat , but the general tone wns easier
throughout. Stocks of lard are said to be
under 200,00 } tierces ; ribs 13OVO ) pounds.
At the close December pork was 12l/ie lnver
at 17.73 ; December lard , 5c lower at Jl.27',1.
and December ribs , lOc lower at $4.50.
Estimated receipts Monday : Wheat. 210
cars ; corn. 040 cars ; oats , 3JO cars ; hogs ,
33,000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
Arllcles.1 Opon. | lll.'li. | Low. I Cloaj. | Yestdy.
Oct. . . . 02
Dec. . . . O'JM 1)1 H'JK
May , . . HO H9
Oct. . . SSJ *
Dee. . . . 21114 UOU
May. . . HUH auk SOMfflM
Ocl 18 IK
' ' '
May' . . ! VIM Ul'4
Dec. . . . 7 CO 7 80 7 70 7 S7' <
Jan. . . . H T 8 77W 8 7SJX B 87 M :
Dec. . . 4 IT. 4 IK ) 4 26 4 27K , 4 It'JH
Jan . . . 4 4i ! 4 45 4 41) 4iJVt 4 it )
Oct. . . . 4 fi2i ! 4 GO 4 2H 4 70
Dec. , 4 fir , 4 no 4 Cl ) 4 CO
Jan. . . . 4 III ) 4 SJ- ! 4 57 H 4 OH
No. 2.
Cash quotations werens follows :
FLO I'll Steady ; winter straights , $1.5004.70 ;
spring patents , $4.905)5.00 ) ; bakers , $ J.bOT4.lHI. |
WHEAT No. 2 spring , S7ffiic ; ; No. 3 spring ,
SOffkSc ; No. 2 red. 'Jl c.
CORN No. 2 , K % < ti'KV c.
OATS-No. 2 , IS'.ie. f. n. b. ; No. 2 white , 21 ®
22140 ; No. 3 white , 20i021c.
HYK No. 2 , 45V4c.
HAHLEY No. 2 , nominal : No. 4 , 25iiS2Sc.
l-'LAXSHED No. 1 , $1.0Jfll.OO.
TIMOTHY SKED-Prlme , $2.63.
PROVISIONS Pork , mess , per Mil. . $7.750
7.fO. iJird , per 100 Ibs. . $4.234.27 . llacon ,
short ribs sides ( lo.ue ) , $ I.40J/4.70. Dry baited
shoulders ( hoxfd ) , tl.75ffJ.00 ; short clear sides
( boxed ) , $4. ! < 7 > @ 5.CO.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
SUOAR Cut loaf , $5.56 ; granulated , $5.34.
On the Produce exchange today the butter mir-
ket WIIH Kteady ; creameries. 15 21' ' u ; dalrlet ) ,
ISKl'Je. Clieese , quiet at 6S8Vtc. EKKK. firm at
H'.jc. Uve imultry , easy ; tuikevx , liiilUc ; chick
en' ! , TV ; eprlrik'a , Tc ; ducks ,
xi\v : voitic MAHKUTS.
< lu < ilntliiiiH of the liny un Gcnernl
Coinniiiilllli.H ,
NK\V YOllK Oct. 1C.
, KlXJUU-Ileceliits , 2C-
CIO lilils. ; exports , 4,410 tililv. ; ( jult-t lull llrmer ;
Minnesota patents , J5.00j55.40 ; Minnesota bakers ,
J3.4'J ' < i4.DU ; winter patents , } 5.0)i3.23 ; winter
MralKlits , ll.COifl.70 ; winter extras , t3.20ij3.CJ.
Hye lljur , ijultt ; fancy , J3.oa03.M. Duckwheat
Hour , easy. 11.5'Jijl.CO. '
llt'CKWHHAT-Qulet , 400llc , Irack.
( . OUNMiAIIJull : ; yellow western , Clc.
HYK Finn ; N < i. 2 uvblfin , 48'Ae.
HAIII.KY Klnn ; feeding. 2S',4c.
IIAIU.HY MAl.T-Wull ; western , 55BCc.
WIIHAT IteeehilH , 173.SW hu. ; exp..rtii , 1SC.W3
bu. H | it. llrm ; N . 2 rid , ! > 9Vic. Oinlona opened
Iliiner and udvaneed all the morning on llberul
aeceptances. eold ueatlier rcpurtH , lur e weekly
clearances from hutli coants , forelun hiiylng nnd
local voivrlnK , cloned unchanied to o net
IllKlier ; May , M 11-1C 'J3UP. cljbed Ki' c ; Deceiu-
ler , iHH < rJ3 l.lCc , closed UlTic.
roit.N'-lleceliils , 234.300 Im. h'iot | , llrm ; No. 2 ,
3IT e. Oiillrna opd'ied Meady arid advanceii nn
ce\eilnif Induced Ly hlKher cables and the rise
In wheat , cloted ' ,4c hlKher ; May , 3 j'j i UJTic ,
eliotd 3j'.c ( ; December , SHaifSl'iC , cloned 3U c.
OAT.S ItPcelptH , 224iiiil ) hu. ; eipjiis , 1J3.SCJ i.u.
Fnctt utendy ; No. 2 , 221tJS3c. Options dull , but
lilKhvr wltli corn , clostnt' UO'.tc net hlKher ;
Uecunher closed 23 > ic.
HAY Dull ; slilpplnB , t4.W'H.50 ' ; good tu clulee ,
HOI'.S Quiet ; state , common to choice , Haj
crop , 4iiCc ; IfcW crop , CtfSc ; 1K)7 ) crop , llfjlie ;
Paclllc iimsl. U95 crop , 4ijOc ; 1E80 crop , CJi'Je ; 11S7
III'DUS steady ; Qalveiilun , ) J81Cc ; Texas dry.
12til2Uc ; California. 17tilSc.
I , I.'ATHIMI Kteady ; heniUck Bole , Huenoa
Ayrti , llshl to hmvy MelBhtu , 2U'i621Mc , ; acid ,
2 < i'sU23c.
\VHL nrm ; domollc lleece , I0027c ; Teias
I'ltoVISlONS Ileef. ttefldy ; family , t9 ( fJJ050-
extni mess. t7.MKS.CO ; Ltef ( iiini * . JZO.fORM.O')1
packed , iS.MKl9.CO. Cut meats , cjulet ; idckleii
hellien , CUfih'ic ; pickled Bhoulderi1 , Cc ; pickled
hnnm , Hil''tc. I.inl , steady ; weslern steam ,
4 CD ; Ociolr , t4 M. numlnul ; reHned , iiuU-l.
Purk. ijulet ; old mem. li.BlfcH.W ; new mffb.
fa.w't'9.i6 ' ; kluTt cleur , tia.POU13.00 ; family , til 0)
ei2. < X ) Tallow , dull ; city. SHi/3'jc ; country ,
3vC , as in ijuallty.
ill'rrKlt-Hecelpt * . 2,3de pkgs ; nrm ; western
cieamcry. H0-3c , IJIglns. 23c. factury , * 8l3c.
( UiKSiltfiiptn : , 3,426 jikK . ; nuletj large ,
white , DC ; mn.ill , while. 'jUOs'sC , lurne , coloied
Sc. small , colored , Ii4a94c ) ! , part iklnw. Cl
( ull bklma. 3'sO4c.
KaOS-liecelpI * . J.676 pkgs.s quiet ; state and
Pennsylvania. ItfflSUo ; westerns. ICHCHc.
OlLS-1'ctroUum , dullj I'tnniylvanla crude , no
m.nKi-t ti'itnlnslly i.M- li , iln ,
iM , n t K'nl , lltKftM.- , . 'In i'Mmr , 32'4 f
3.i lilli , > iir nl , naivi utitl n' lai M. dy. prlm'o
trtul * . Stff70' c Prime i > umtner , .
llutter nil. 2j'i : ' . | irini" wmtai y lkw 32c '
HU K-Strndy. ilonu-Ktlc , fnlr li extra , 4Ut
' , e ; JH | . II , 4Mfi'i- ' .
MHI.ASSHS Mcady ; New OrlMnJ , open kcltlr ,
Roud to eholc * . 21frlc.
MKTAl.S-1'IK Iron , qukt ; > ! , ul'tiprn , tlO.SW
11. as ; notlhMn. SIO.O'HH.n. ' ( Cippir , dull ;
brnkoiB' , tll.lSH. I end stndr '
< , < ) ; brokers' . J3.7C.
n , nult. . , , ,
Toi.Kho , Oct. K-\VIHAT ; i.uii , < - k ; NO. i
cn h And October , M c ; Deftmt'OT , i4He
< . OIIN Active , lilKhrr ; No. J lnUel , a.iic.
CiATS-null. 'i-leiidy.
HYK Dull. Bteady ; No. 2 Mrtf nnd October ,
4"c. i " i
I'UJVKHSKIJO Actlvpi prime. ta h nnd Octo
ber , $3.35. ,
OII I'nrhnnRri ) . ' '
I'lillnilclplilii I'roiliiec ItnrUet.
P1IH.AII-I.P1I1A , Oct. 16.-HCTTiil-Steady ,
hut iiulet ; fancy western creniniMj , 22c.
KIUIS Stonily ; frten nearby , c. fresh west-
cm. Ifil ilTc.
Cl I KKsB t-'nclmnKcd.
Sun I'rnm'NcoVlient Iliiotiitloim.
SAN KltANCISlO , O.M. 16.-WllEAT-lnnctlve ;
December. 1.4S > 1 ; Mny , tl.46.
llAltMY-lnnctlve ; December , iCc.
STO cKs A.\n no M > S.
MnrUot IN Finn , lull There IN No
iif Wlilfh Way I'rlffN will .lump.
Ni\V YOHK , Oct. 16. Thrre was nothliiB to
Indlcnlo any urpoul covering of short contracts
n today's inatket. tuch as Iscry often cus-
ternary nt the cloc of n weik of n bear cnm-
palKti. The day's market plioued n Hun lone
am mg the gieau-r I'.ut ' of the o.ij'n triuilng , but
the nuctu.Uii.Ms \cry luuiuw and tnu clo > , u
\\u at enmll utcnin-a Hum tiu-e. 'nicyeie in
iyinpatliyMlli n. uieak ot v per inn iniiiu -
luillan on short MI KB ana ol u polni in CIUCHKU
( Jan , ulncli "as tnc mo i strikinc ueinoimiaiiuii
li > lliu bi.urs ituutig itio uu > . iuln parlies In
tnu market fcvtmeu tuu.iliy upaihctio. uiou vvus
bowl tm > ing in me. IAO uuinln ; upeclailies , Ciil-
cngu tJaa and sucar , tile tonner triuully at-
Iliuuteil lo u inirjiote ot llisluc interests to au-
iltnlu block anu a inaluiui.- Miutize the shorts.
.MUtouri I'ucliiv tuiftleo to tonic eMent , prob-
ably in tjmpaihylili the unve. UKHIIISI .dan-
liattan. Union I'aelllc exntblteu borne dfpres-
Hun on account ol the cxptesgcd criticisms nf
thu ininlmum bid agued to by the tio\eriiinciit
lor ihu Mitiiluition or Its viulm iiKicemeiil to
the lotcclobuio bale. London \MIB a bti er oil
Lull a rue touiiy to u tmail extent and au'iiideit
bomo suiiport lo the. mniktt. None of the lead
ing stu. Ka show linportani net chanties , but
must ot itiesc me gains.
l.-xjieits hiiM- been watching the maiket now
for sluiis that It hus turned upward ngiiln.
ijueh n. process bus apiiienliy | been liuuiguiated
luk-e ilurliiK tile unK , but the upwind COUIEU
came to a blip with the closing of bhort con-
tiactb and i ucllon tcsumeil Its sway. The le-
aetlonary movement lias continued dominant lor
u month , and the movement li.ia been aOnut halt
the rite in tlic previous four months In tnc bull
market. tatlbtcs : might , bu cited ut the pro
portion of rencilon to decline lifter picvlous
great bull lual kits' , but pic-.ediiits lire mislead
ing and various. The main fact Is that even
In the full tldu of thu conditions which Induce
an ail\nr > ce In prices of bccmltits it is Invaria
bly the lule that a. backward ewhiK occurs , cov
ering a material purl , though not the whole of
the advance. The professional traders bold out
their t-tocks a month ago at the high pi Ices.
und thi'j do not line to buy again bo lout ; a. I
there is a prospect of further decline. During
the week holders ot blocks who have been per
t-latent In holdliiK on for a turn have become
disgusted and have llcmlilalcd on a large bcalu
to fa\e luithtr lets , thus KhltiK iin.tcrlal | is-
slstancc to the bear party. The motives as
signed for the pelllUB ale various anJ of llltle.
real force , as In demonstrated by tlu > fact tlmv
when the alleged cause is rtmoved tlirie Is no
cessation In the decline. The reaction begun
with expre Fcd fear of a stringency in the money
market. There has been no stringency , and 11
Is now evident thai there will not he. The mo
tive of lust week's * clllng 'wan ' alleged to bo
fears of damage by the drouth , but the break
ing of the drouth on last tjunday has not re
stored conlidenee to buyers. Much lias been
made of the unfavorable" , ' cffivt on rallroa )
values which would follow an. adverse decision
by the supreme court In the Nebraska maximum
Height rate ease , nnd Ihu John Tratllc astocla-
llon case. Yet the prevalent/bellef in the street
l that the right of the state of Nebraska to
llx maximum fie'ght ' rates uMll 'ic' ' denied , and
there has never been much doubt felt that the
Joint Trnllli : association wlll'lfe1 declared
as was the Trancmlsrourl Fi eight association.
There Is more sincerity 111 the aiiprehcnslun ex
pressed that the Cuban problem will ultimately
lead t a rupture with Spain. The substantial
harm done by the yellaw fever outbieak and the
consequent Interruption to rallrynd trallle Is
brought In evidence by the decreased earnings
shown by Iheiiilhoads In the territory affected.
The admitted rate cutting by the railroads l
uls.0 feared for Its elfect on earnings , as Is the
falling off in the grain movement. The returns
of ralhoad earnings ncverthtlni-a continue to
make laige showings , said to be due to the
movement of general merchandise nnd paa-
s-engcrs. The trade icvlews itll report continued
expansion In their lines , the Improvement In the
Iron Industry being especially marked. The In-
citMisu In the output of pig Iron and the de
crease In the stocks Indicates that the rate of
consumption lias Increased about 40 per cent
since July 1. Further engagements of gold for
lni | irt were expected to have been made this
week , but Ihe purchases of exchange bills ngalnsl
last week's engagements have kepi Ihe rale of
exchange above the Import point. This polnl
has also been lowered by Hie advance In Ihe
pi Ice of gojd bullion in L/indon nnd by Ihe rise.
in discount rates nt Ijondon , Purls and ISerlln.
A very heavy movement of gold before the sea
son ends is consldeied inevitable. I indon has
ceased to sell American securities In the New-
York market nnd thin week has been a buyer.
The government's trno > statement for Septeml > er
shows a balance of trade for the month In favor
of lids country of over JG2.000.000. The move
ment of cotton , which Is but just gahiln ? full
tide , ! expected to give a heavy balance for
October In this country's favor. It la to be
borne In mind , however , that the low price of
cotton prevailing- will make n great difference In
tlie amount of exchange demanded to pay for Die
exports. Today'B stateinenl of impnrls nt New-
York for the week nlso show n 'striking In
crease. over last week , of $2,883,551 , while the ex
ports from thlB port for this week fell off J2.454-
304. This must mndlfy the Internal exchange
situation to an appreciable extent. In the In
crease In specie of fXMi nO bhown by today's hank
statement there Is included only $700,000 received
from IJurope. Yesterdnv's receipts of Jl.OOO.OM
nnd today' of nearly JI.IOO.O'V ' ) in gold by In
coming steamers are not 'ncluded In the return.
The return IM a strong one without this , thf In
crease in surplus reserve being due largely lo
Increase In cash nnd In les < degree lo decrease In
deposits limn hns been the cnse of late. An
nctual Increase In legal tenders Is a. surprise
and Is a measure of the * large diminution In the
demand for money from Interior points , ll.inks
of western nnd central cities have been bidding
In New' York for commercial paper and the de
crease In loans of $2,014,100 may bo accounted for
In parl by Ihls fact. Theweek's drcllnes have
been heaviest In the sneclaltlcs. HiKtnr nnd
Tobacco lending with C',4 nnd & ' , } . respectively. De.
dines In the railroad list range from 1 to 3 per
cent , the grang * is , southern nnd southwestern
roads leading. Chicago Gas sold as low ns 87''j ,
but recovered to 04. Railroad bonds were less
active nnd wealc In sympathy with sloclm , 1m t
the declines were less Important. Total miles ,
tlO fiSO.doO. United States liondH have been sliomj
nnd higher , the new 4s , coupon , selling nt 12716 ,
a new high record.
The Evening Post's I-onflon financial cablegram
says : "The Block markets were good today.
The feature wan the revival In Americans and
Kalilrs. In tbe former Central PncillcM were es
pecially good , A strong pool Is fald to be
formed In them. NmhhiK definite Is yet known
In the city about the cabinet meeting to frame
Ihe answer to the bimetallic commission , but nt
the time of cabling sliver is being uold freely for
forward delivery. "
The1 following were the doling quotation * on
the leading Blocks of the Neiv York exchange
today :
1.1 St. P.-iul ( VIde
do pfd iiH : ! (
llalllmorn.t Ohio. , in St. P. d Om 77'ii '
Canada Pacific . Hlk ; do pfd 141) )
Canada Soiitliurn. . A4 St. P. M. AM 121
Central Pact He . lll 4 So. Pacific HIM
Chi'H.i.Olilo . ' - > H < So. Ilillwny 10
Chicago A , Alton. . . .ini do pfd : iM ( )
O. . II. .tQ . tl TfX.iH.fc Pacific. . . . 11
O.AK. I . fill Union Paclllc 'J0 ? (
c. o. c. .t St. ii . a i U. 1 > . I > . .VO 7 <
WnlMili 7I <
D.l..vHud on lift do | iM. 1H ? (
Del. L. & W Iflt WheeL.V L. K Ui (
DeiL.VltloO 1- do pfd 1IU
do pfd 411 AdnuiH U\ Iflt
Krlo ( nmvl l.r > ' < Kx Ill )
KrliilHtpfd : I7 < 4 UilllvdStatus Kx. . .
VI. Wnvno UI7 WollH rariro KX..10S
( J real Northern ufj. IM , "i A. Cfil.Oll -'Hi
Hnrkln ? Vallnv. . . . "Hi ( loipfd.f 74 . . . 101 Am'ji Spirits , . llli ) | '
do pfd. ' . ! }
' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ,
'do'pfd . . . . . . . . . . . 74 > ( An Tirtfaeco Nl
flo pfd . _ 111 ! ) '
' ' ' ' '
MaiVliXt'tan L" . . . . idOli'dinti ' , UIIK . . . . . . . . . 'Jib
Met. Traction. . . . I''O | Cd'l ' | . C.lblnCo 175
Michigan Central..lOIK'Col. ' R ft Iron ' . " . '
Minn. .V Si. Ill )
do 1st nfd HI . Kluetrlo . nal <
Mo.Puctllu W , .
-MobllD.vnhlo . . . . ' . ' . ' . I..TdiM'1'OaH ' . 4'JU
MO.K..VT 14 i.eoii. ' . . ' . : side : >
do pfd 3o : < ilo.nrd. 111:1 :
Now Alb. A Chi. . . . ' < Knt , 14 > l-Oil ill
ilopfil Sl 'Orl'POif ImpCo 14J (
N.J. Cmilral O'Jhi I Pacific Mall : ! ' < lUilN'l'uHui ' iliI'al iT'J
K. Y. Ulil. * St. It. . IHt lHllv rCtrtlllral ! H. . M
duliit pfd 71) i8niil < li < | P'J AT . . . I )
do''dpfd 3:1 : 'Suirar ' 13 1J
Nor oU fc Wiwtern 14 ! < ! < lo pfd HiP *
No. Amer.Co 4t < T. CVA Iron ' 'llti
No. I'aultlc IHHiU. > > . leather 7
do pfd S1V dopfil ii : <
Ontario A W lili ) II. S. Itubher
Ore , H. A Nnv 'J dp.iifd 01
Orj. Short Line It ) Wi'Hleru IT unit h'7l
I'lllsuint- icn fhl. ! ( it. Wiwt-Jrii. . . 1SV
jbi.'aiiiii t + . unimt'Htern i-n
Itoclt Inland t'5U dopfd Hii :
S.LouiBjiS. P 4Hi Hlullraiid Went. . . . ' 'a
do pfd II i iloiiM 44
Total sales of ktocks today cre 136,100 shares ,
Includlm ; : ClilcaKO , ilurllnttcll A : Cjufi cy , H,2iJ ;
l , ul vllle k .Nanlullle , 3,010 ; Nurlhern Pacific
preferrid. 5,425 ; Hocli Itlanil , 3Sr. ; St. Pnul , 10 , .
IM ; t'nlon I'acllic. k.f'/J ; Amerlean Tobacco ,
C.1C4 ; Hay State Gas. 7,300 ; fllli-nno Unv , 2JUS ;
Sub-iir , K.ulO ; C'hlcucu Grtat Western. 3 , 0.
Ainrrlcaii ScrnrllK-H In I.oniliiii.
IX5NDON. Oet. 16.-The marliet for American
srcurlller , ufltr n moderate ilurtuatlon , ttieiK h
end ] on nn Improved general feelliiK. Tliv
lone wan meady und thu demand moderate ,
AVrclily Hunk .Statement.
NEW YOllK. Oct. 16. The weekly bank stale-
mem bhoHit the following changes : Burj > lu te-
lerve , Increase fll2'jW > ; loao , decrea < J2C14-
' '
100 ; Kr 'ic. incroan tM.SM. lejnl londfrx. In -
.r.-iisc $ H.4fX ) ; ilrn ll , iKvrei$457f. . . clreil-
Ifttloil , InciYnre t CK < 0. The bnnks now hold
llt < 14X ! In emu of the nilremi-nti ot the K
ppr cent lulc.
Xrw A'ork MIIIII * } ' Jlnrkrt.
Nfinlm lly 2iki8'3 per cnt.
PHIMU MK1ICANT1LK P.\Piit-4i4fl4'i : tr
BTKUMNO CxntAXdi : Mnrkol llrm , with
nctunl btiFlncts In bankers' bills nl SI ? m for
dMimnd nnd II f2'itf4 SSh for flxty d y ; poMed
riiter , Jl.St'iJll.SS'j and JI > SH ; commercial bills ,
yii.vnn rHHTiFirATns-ci.wea at tsttssuc.
ll.MI SllA'KH-tSVjC.
.MT.X1CAN l > OU.AHS-4mo.
PONDS Stnte Unids ritilcl ; rnllrond and gov
ernment bonds drm.
Closing quotations on txmd.i were ns follows :
I'IIIII IK-1 111lltPH. .
NE\V OHLUANS , Oct. 1C. Cleurlnes , J1.SC2-
HOSTON , Oct. 1C. ClearliiKa , J23,804,371 ; bal-
nnces , 2KW,510.
NKW YOHK. Oct. 1C. Clearings , $130,713,100 ;
balances. $0.470.010.
11ALTIMOHH , Oct. 1C. Clearings , } 3,001,221 ! ;
balances. } 31'J.212.
PIIlLAni-lLI'lllA. Oct. 1C. Clearings , 12,027-
Ml : balances. J1.3M.SS.8. .
CINCINNATI. Oct. 10. Money. 2iQO ! per cent ;
New York exchniige , par. ClenrliiKS , J1.777.SSO.
MICMP11IK. Oct. 1C. Clearings. J41R.SS4 ; bal-
nnces , $ T'4&y4 , New York exchanRe selling : at
par.ST. . LOUIS , Oct. 1C. Clearings , $3,656.279 bni-
imcm , S40ti.CS7. Money , f.iffs per eent ; New York
excbiiiiKe , 25o discount lild ; par licked.
C'lriCAOO , Oct. 1C. Clearings. $16,724,332. New
York exclinnKe. par to 10c dlfcoiint ; posted rates.
$4.S3fi4.S.Vi. Trading In Ftocks Is cnnllneil mostly
to West C'lilctiKT nnd New York Hlsciilt : cloylnt
prices : North Chlcngo. 228 ; West C'hlcago , lOP-i :
Slniwlionrd. 3014 New York Hlr-ult , < U < A ; Dlri-
monil Match , 148'A ; I-nke Street L , 19) ; ; Alley
L , Cl.
ForclKii KlnniK'Iiil.
PARIS , Oct. 1C. Tlnee per cent rentes , 103f 5e
for the account.
IIHKLIN , Oct. 16. Hxchanso on London , 20
marks 3l'j ' pfKS. fur cheeks.
Wool .Mil rlcclH.
I/JNDON , Oct. 10. WOOIThe arrivals of
wool to dale for the sixth series of the wool
unles , which will open November 2. , nre as follows -
lows : New South Wales , 1..WJ liHles ; Queensland ,
3.MKI bales ; Vlclorla , 10' ' ) bales ; South Australia ,
300 bales ; New Zealand , 4,200 bales ; C'npe of
Cliod Hope and Nutiil , 4.r > 00 iuiIeR. The Imports
for tbe week aggregated 13,4j | bales.
NKW YOHK. Oct. 1C. WOOL Klrm ; domestic
lleecc , 20ff27c , steady and linciiunged ; Texas , 13
ST. IXUIS , Oct. 16. WOOIQulet. . steady and
unchanged ; medium , ir.jj.'lo ; lUht line ,
lieavy line , 10S14c ; tub wnaiied , 2Ji
LONDON , Oct. 1C. OIL Turpentine spirits ,
Cl I.\HLU.STON , Oct. 1C. Oll-Tiirpentlni > ,
iiulet. 2'Jc. Hosln. Urm.
SAVANNAH , Oct. 16OIL Turpentine , firm ,
W/- ; i-nles. 1,211 bbls. , at SOUc nnd 3.r.fl bbls. ut
SOVic ; neelpts , 1,078 bblf. Hosln , firm ; sales ,
1,700 libls. ; receipts , 2.S.V ) bbls.
WILMINOTON. N. C' . . Oet. 1C.-OII , Turpen
tine , notblng doing ; unchanged. HoHlii. llrm ,
$ l.lDm.20. Crude turpentine , linn , $1.10 2.bO.
Tar , llrm. $1.W.
OIL CITY. Pa. , Oct. 16.-Credlt balances , C7c ;
ccrtllicates. cloi-t'd at C7c ; hldi > mvitH and runi :
not reiwrted ,
\ MV YorU Dry Hood * .tlnrki't.
NKW YOHK. Oet. 1C. The woeli bus been
Kitlhfactory In dry goods. Hellern , however , do
not believe Unit the continuance of quiet condi
tions Is to bo expeete ) . The net weakness ill
print cloths lias had n bail effect on the market
generally. In staple cotton lines the demand
hurt been quirt. Coarse colored goods arc with
out feature In-any grade. Print clolhs are quite
dull , considering the i'ity maiket. Prints nnd
glnKhnms are llrm. Woolen and wonted good *
arc without change.
StiKiir Mnrlii-IM.
IXNION. Oet 16 Kl'clAH fleet , October , 8s
7Hd : March , fs IP,4d.
NiW YOHK , O-t. 16. - SCO.HHnw , nominal ;
fnlr rellnlng , 3 C-lCc ; eenlrlfugal , US lest , 3 I'M Co.
Hellned , steady ; nlnmlurl A , ro ; conCtctluncru'
A. r , ; cut loaf , fi'lo ; granulateil , CUc.
NKW OHLKANS , Oct. 16.-Sr AH-Qillet ;
open kettle. 'iWtfir ; centrlfusal whites. 3 15-16
4 3-lCc ; jellows.3ijfi3Ti ; bc-conds , 2jl',4c ;
hyriip , 25Q29C.
KIIIIHIIH Cllj- Live Sloi-k.
KANSAS C'lTY , O.'t. IC.-OATTLK-Heeelpts ,
2,000 bend. moKtly Hmthern ilock ; market iiom-
iniilly unehanied ; Texas mers , J200H4.0J ; Texas
cows , $1 7W.MO ; native steels , $ 'I.GCjj.03 ; native
rows and heifers , $1. 0 3.7.1 ; slockers und feid-
CTB. > 2.7 : l.25 ; hulls , $2 10f3.l' ' ) .
IIOOS Hfcelpts. B.OOO bend : market weak to 60
Irwer ; bulk of sales. I3.CO3.70 | ; heavies. I3.50C ?
3.674 ; pacKeis. $1. IVfiJCS ; mixed. $3601/375 ;
IlKlitH. 13Kj3.r > ; Yorkers , t3.70ft3.7J ; pigs , 13. W
KIIiiil : > HecrlpU , 1,500 hend : market nrm ;
lambs , J2.a001. 5 ; muttons , (2.COff4 ( CO.
V < > \ YorU llvi * Sdicl- .
NiW : YORK , Oct. 1f. Ilii-Vid-Rcrpplii. : : |
1,450 head ; no trading. Kunpean eablen quote
Air.erK-nn steers at loyifill'io ' ; rt-frlKCrntor txff.
7Tific ; export * , 1.7tO bt-cves and 4,000 quarleru
of l eef.
C'AI.VIU Receipts , 233 bend ; very dull ; veal * .
SI1KKP AND LAMUS-RccelPts. 1.CO head'
lnw and steady ; Mieep , JS.f.dfil.OO ; lambs. J5.tVj
5 .
llOCS-Utc < litJ ; , l.MC head : tteady at 14.109
lOiini iiiiirniii 1.1visiiMu. .
IART IHTKAIOct. . w. rATTi B-uu y.
HOOS-Yoikera. good to chnler. tl 2004.M
roughs , common to good , $ , plg . Jl.OC
4 10.
HHKRP AND I.AMlS-I.amb choice to extra.
J.3i.W culls to fjlr , i .U6K ( ) , Khtti > , choice
Only a Handful of fluff is on Srtlo for
Ibo Eay.
Only 11(10 ( Itci'clvtMl nml Mnn > - of Tin-ill
Are Coiisl iuMl Direct lion"
I.ONC n Molifl a lid CliniiKc
SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 10.-Hccslps : for the
days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses
October 16 6:3 3 , : 7 4.4W
October 15 2,7'S 3155 6S4
October 11 GKG ! 3.3C3 1.W1 1
October 13 3.9U 3.ZNS 705
October 12 C.11S 6,03 . . . .
October 11 7.433 1.4&J 4Sa 3
Octobers 1,019 3.672 511
October S 1.771 4.H75 1,361 o
October 7 4,910 6,5:6 S'J09 26
October 6 5,9:6 5,713 l.tSS
October 5 7.374 5.M1 2.S10 19
October 4 6.3C6 1S75 J-51 lf >
October 'J f.51 6,777 126 26
October 1 2,2iG 5,317 2.120
The olllclnl number ot cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hous. Slice ) ) .
O. & St. U lly 1
Mo. Pnc. lly 13 7
Union 1'acllio system . . . . 7 8 16
'C. & N. W. llv 1
! ' . 13. K. M. V. lly 4 IS
C. , St. I1. , M. & 0. lly . . . . . .
11. & M. H. 11. 11 S 15
C. H. .t Q. lly 5
K. C. & St. J 10 1 1
C. H. I. & V. lly. , west. . . . 1
Total Hecclpts 45 69 17
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , eaciii buyer purchasing the num.
bur of head Indicated :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co ' < 75
n. H. Hammond Co Ill 7'JJ
Swift and Company . . . . M S31
C'tidahy P. Co. , K. C. . . 311
Cudahy Packing Co. . . . 63 1'05 ' 533
It. Decker and Degan . . 273
J. L. Carey 409
Cndahy P. Co. . K. C. . 311
rianklnton , Milwaukee 176
Other buyers 337
Left over 350 . . . .
Tola's 1,323 S.C2S 531
CATTU5 There were only eight loads of
cattle on sale this morning , the balance of
the receipts being consigned direct to pack
ers. Consequently there was no market , the
few cattle that changed handa selling on
about yesterday's basis , licprcscnlullvc
sales :
uciiF sTiins. :
No. Av. Pr. Nn. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r.
1. . . . SHO J3 23 1S..142S M Co 18..1 M 75
1. . . . 610 175 1. . . . 910 2 < X > 1..11SO 300
1..1100 .1 W 1. . . . SCO 210 1 UCO 2 W )
r. . . . . W8 2 SO 1. . . . SIO 3 W 1 1070 3 15
20..10'JS 3 23
nti > i > s.
1..1230 2 90 1..1140 2 M
1. . . . 330 S 23 I. . . . 335 3 SO 1. . . . 1M > 5:5
3. . . . 140 5 M
2. . . . C93 340 2. . . . MB ICO 1. . . . 470 400
C. . . . 415 4 50 I. . . . f0 3 3
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
1 bull urn J2 r.0 1 feeder C.HI } 3 50
12 bull ? 1217 2 CO 1 feeder 1050 353
1 bill ! HM ) 2 CO 4 feeders. . . . WlO 3 53
Z cow ? 730 270 1 MnK C40 3 S3
8 eowa > 2S 2 70 11 feeders. . . . ( Xi7 4 CO
I litlfir fCO 310 1 culf 310 4 & 0
3 heifers KIG .1 25 1 Clllf 3.0 4 75
II feeders. . . . 7C1 3 00
3 cows S33 2K ) 2 cowvt IC33 323
1 cjw 1C20 2 50 ZU feeders ! > ; 3 I 10
1 bull 1KO 2 50
1 bull 1300 2 ( X ) 1 tnlllnp 1230 300
HOGS The. reeelpts of boss were lair for the
last dny cif the week , nnd the innrKet opened
ulKjilt steady. 11 did not , however , lemnln long
In tlmt condition , but dropped about 5c under
tbe Intluence of the reported break In valuen
nt Chicago. Tbe demand was lenponably K > "d at
Ibe decline , and un uarly clearance wan vf-
The best boss cold up to J3.73. the top being
the Fame us yesterday. On tbe Inte. market
heavy lings Bold largely at f3.OJ73.63. The sales
us a whole averaged Hie lower than yesterday.
The bop market of the pa t week was devoid
of any especially IntcrestliiB features , and while
theiv was some fluctuation In values , the ranne
was narrow. The market opened the week with
an advance of 5e , wan u shade hlcber on Tues
day , 5c lower on Wednesday , steady mi Thurs
day. 5c ( duller on Friday und nhnde lower
on Saturday. It lias been tbe low week of the
month to date. The demand for hotts Avas KOOI !
all tbe week nl prevailing prices , nnd all arri
vals generally met with ready sale. Representa
tive rales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
41 3CS 1-0 J3 50 44 312 . . .J3CO
46 314 S1) ) 350 54 300 80 360
57 3C4 SSO 350 4S 315 . . . 3 f0
M 320 40 35214 f.0 2:2 120 3(0 (
33 310 40 3 52'4 65 291 . . . 3 ffl
BO 324 120 3 B2V4 M 301 SO 3 f.0
4H 331 . . . 3KU < , 53 308 ICO 3 M
37 SOS 40 3 f,2'.i , 5S 307 120 3 CO'
47 326 tO 35S4 ! fG 31S 40 3(0
52 333 40 353 57 ! 2 40 3 fiO
51 321 120 353 52 297 40 SCO
53 321 ICO 353 74 217 . . . 3 C2J !
C2 330 Kl 353 50 21'2 . . . 3 C2'-i
57 32S ICO 36.1 H ) 2S7 ICO 3 ( i2"j
Rl 2S9 120 355 6S 20 ! SO 3 C3
m 2S9 40 363 67 277 40 3 C3
43 333 SO 365 EG 270 210 3 f3
21 2SO 40 353 C4 2U1 HI 3 03
M 310 1C1) 365 47 Sll ! . . . 3 ? >
f.7 2ir ! M ) 353 7S 2(13 ( 40 SIS
43 341 . . . 353 6S 273 . . . 3 C3
31 322 120 353 CO SCS . . . 3 G"
65 333 40 SCO 7fl 231 40 3 C3
31 239 2fO 3 00 69 250 SO 3 C7'4
73 2S1 M SCO l 275 40 3 C7'4
CO 311 K.O 3 CO 09 231 40 3 70
49 2S7 tO SCO C4 207 . . . 370
U . 795 40 SCO U. , . t71 , , . 1
61 . ! 71 50 S CO
I . SM . . . 1 M 5 . 41S 4) S 4
1 . l . . . ! M Cl . 109 . . . JM
1 . K > > . . . JW 1 . 27 * . . . J M'.l
IS . 103 . . . 335
SI1K1IP Thciv ci * moro hpp thAn nnvthlnR
clue In the > nnl , but out of nil the rrfflpls
only two lends were .iffnfd for fnle , nnd thry
Mid nlrtniR. Itciire.ootitatltc * ale i
No. Av. Pr.
iis Mexlrnn mixed . ill SI M
SS7 Mcxlcnn Ininlis . SI 4 25
l-'orpo llojts | ) IM\II \oirh _
Stu-i-p Mend- .
OIUOAOO. Oct. It-The nmikrt for cattle , m
l UMial on fnt nhnont ( ntltcly nom *
hint. IA'M than & 00 hrndverj > received , nrnrly
nil wojtfrnK. Three were tllnpirnl of ( lowly at
> e leriliiyii prcvnllhiR nrlcec.
In IIOKS p.U'krri held hack nnd vuccrrdcd In
forchiR prices tMV ( < lowrr. Bjlcs weie nt frtim
J.I.IM in } l. W , the puorot rrlllnK nt from J3.S to
f3. 3 nnd the rhulcent nt trvim 1 1. Hi to (4,10. 1-iito
siiles were So below enily uno , packers Kolng
lniKely nt trein M.R5 to J3.lw nnd better drovta
nt from n. ' < l to $1.00.
M.ifcp wrre utoady nt the rprrnt nilvnnco , being
fallible at from H.W t- > > ? .M fur the poorest nn-
tUen up to from to J4.r > 0 fur c od to citra
llocksi. Western rniiKer plicfp wri-c t.Hlnblr nt
from (3.4U to 14.10 , tredeiHif > \ \ InrKely nl from
J3.W to J3.70 , Iwimba were III dcnmiid at from
II ( H ) to } 3,7.'i for the poorert to fiom S5.W ) to
JB.OO for the bet. choice weslirim n-lllns nt
J5.W nnd feedcts nt from JI.40 to 11.75.
Receipts : IMttie , 3M bend ; IIORS. 16 , ( 0 head !
K.ieep , 4 , POO hend.
.St. l.ouU Llvt > Murk.
ST. LOl'lS , Oct. lG.-CATTLi--Hpcrlpl : . 1,000
hend ; fhlpmcnls , l.oto liend ; maiket ituotcil
Mcndy on whnt wns mdd ; no Rood dock or
Texan cattle here ; fair to choice unlive ship *
pine and export fleer * , ll.35ffu.lSbulk of snlei ,
J4.4S04.J5 ; dresned beef and biiteher steer * , H.fO
< f4.7.'i ; bulk of snips. J4.WN.CO ; Fleers under
l.OX ) poumlK , M.r.Olfl.25 : bulk of cnlcs , J3.W1J
4.M ; stockcrs nnd fecdeis , J2.40(74.10 ; bulk ot
sales. .00(74.fO ; cows nnd heifers , JJ.OHif4.30 ;
hulk of row * , 12.40(73. .1 vnnnltiK rows , > l.'Pf
2.fO ; bulls , J2.10if3.CO ; Texns nil I Indian lcfr .
J..JOffl.r , ' ) ; bulk of sales , tJ.3SU3.rO ; ecw * nr.d
helfcr . J2.o (3.25. (
HOCJS-Hecelpts , 4,000 bend ; shlpmcnls. 3.000
hend ; mnrket steady ; IlKht. 3..K > tjI.W ; mixed ,
t3.M > 4fI.liO heavy , } 3.fO 4.00.
SIIKKP HerelptK. f.Od . hmd ; shipment * . 400
bend ; market stendy ; unlive muttons. ? 3 > 10
If3.n ! ) ; culls nnd bucks. i1.4flf3. * > 0 ; slockers , J3.40
(12.W ; InmbH , JI.Vi.3 ( : , .
Stoi'U III SUOit.
llcconl of rceol | > ts of live Ft irk nl the four
prlnclpnl mnrkets for October tfi :
Cittle. Hoes. Sheep ;
Omaha < -1" " < < <
Clile.iKO . 310 K.iOi ) 4.000
KniiFiiH Hly 2.010 fiOM 1,6(0 (
St. Louis 1.000 4,000 KK >
Oiipllnl. tjtr.lKid. Fully I'nld.
Stocks , Grainand Provisions ,
ItoDlll 111 lItiinril of TrailItlilK. .
( Tel. 1135. )
U. C. CIHISTIts I'resiaent
K. J. STUI313T Vice rrcsldcnl
O.V. . KKNNHY Secrctury
David T. Heals. Preet. No 3C27.
F. 1' . Ncnl.Vlce J'res I'lilonntloiiiil llnnk
Chas. II. V. Lewis , Cash. Capital. JtiOO.OOO.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. . April U , 1S97.
We hereby certify the Chrlntln-StMct
C'omniiKSlon Company has llilp dny
tu lticsa with UF by de'tltlHB | Kitty Thousand
Dolbira ( JJi.DW.OO ) In cnt-li.
( Dlctateo. ) CllAltl.HS II. V
, ,
Telephone ! ( ) : ) . Omolia , Nib
lllMl ) OP TIA1)B.
Diroot wiviBti Chleajo and New York.
CorrtuiionuKiitH. . . i , . rrenJLCo.
Stocks , Grain and Provisions ,
314 Jouti loth St.
u * _ uiiH
Banker and Brokers ,
Of CllUMIKO KHl.-lllllHllCll 1 , ' < ( I .
Dll II KI-IUTllI f-IIKll KP1I III llllNlllfNM I
lOvt'i'iilc iinlfi-N promptly for I'liliirU
ilfllvfi-y 011 ClilciiKo , Mliiiiciiiiollx , n i ) ( V
\ < MV VorU lloiirdN. Omiilin Olllci * Iloniit
I , .V. V. Ilfi > , lllilK. Tclrplioiif 1)111. )
ri.OVI ) .1. CAMI'llI' ; ! . ! , , .11 a miner.
, , , , , ,
Id the safe ? ! ns well as the nine ! prolltnhlo for parties of modcratp mciiriH who ilcxlro
to rciip the bc'iulltH of Hpoetilatlon without liability of any kind huyon 1 the amount ln <
T11I3 MUTUAL CONTH ACT COMPANY , Incorporated 1SS2 ,
will IKMIIU In amounts to suit Investors
comblnlnK' all of the elements of security nnd profit. They till a Ions-felt want , -IB It
enables Investors of limited means' , without experience In niieeulallvo transactions-
Invest with the name assurance of safety und prollt as the capitalist.
No Pools , \No Cliques , No Syndicates ,
No Combinations of Any Kind.
No knowledge of Hpeeiilirlon necessary on your part , aH all transactions are mada
liy experienced men ! all transactions Kurroiimleil by every Hiifecimril that IOIIK expo-
ilinco and extreme caution can stiKKest.
Wo do not claim to lie Infallible , or that It Is Impossible for us to lose. All iwn
claim Is that our average transactions will show u good protlt , and wo show our faith
In our ability by guaranteeing all contracts to the i xtcnt of our capltil. In other woiVtt
wo take the risk , as we asr. c to redeem a I contracts ut their luco value * uny tlmu
within three years , at the option of \vbtorx. . Our ,
will bo Issued In amounts to suit InvoHtors , from the largest to thu smallest , Ilio
smallest receiving the Mime attention us the largest. Holder * of tlitse contract will
bo entitled to
Six per cent , interest and
Eighty per cent , of the profits
realized by the company each month during the life of tbe contract. I'KOKITS AND
All correspondence strictly confidential ; plain envelopes usedVo do not use the
namea of our clients for reference under any circumstances.
We arc In direct communication with sources of Information likely to prove a
great value to u In the future.
We n ro always on hand ready to take advantage of Information before It bccomcH
Kvneiully known und are frtciuently ready to ? ? ll out at a good piollt by tbe tlrne the
Information Is made public , and iho.-io at a distance are rca'ly to buy. Thu disadvan
tage ol living at it , distance Is that no matter lieu valuable your Information may be ,
the deal may culminate und the cream of to ) ) profit be gone before the Information
can be utilized.
Our facilities for obtaining reliable Inuldo Information ; our long practical expe
rience in handling' i-peculatlve transactions ; our conservative policy ; our HUCCOSH In
the past and our facilities for taking Immediate advantage of advance Information , to.
gelher with the fact tb'it all money to the credit of any contract holder can be with
drawn on demand , should commend theinuclvcs to conservative people who would like
to get the benefit of the large profits of speculative tiansactlons , but -wrno look llrst to
thu safe.y of the principal Invested.
Full particular free on application to
Sargent , Wright I Co.
60 Wall Street , New York.