Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE ( VM UTA DAILY ITEE ; FRTD U" . OCTOBER lo. 1897 , 11
Corn Loads the Grain Market * ami Drops a
Cent nnd a Traction.
rrnMOIIN , Helped liy nn Improved
Drum Mil , Clout * IIIIf n Mi'lU'l
In u Mrlii'l mill It ) tliilf
IllUlivr. , !
CHICAGO , Oct. ll.-Corn led the Brain
m.'irkc'M today. Jt sold at the lowest pclnt
In months and curried and oats lA'lth
It. Changing from December to Miiy and
Rfiieral liquidHun ; ! by disgusted longs re-
HiiHcil In u decline of 1UTIV | C for Decomher. ilecIliiL'd 'Si'DTie ' , hulllsh foreign news
steadying the market to a certnln extent.
Oats closed > ic lower. Provisions were
lirdppd by fin Improved cash demand nnd
ulo'ed 2'ift7'Ac ' higher.
About nil the strength the wheat mnrket
I owed to-lay was confined to the llrst few
minutes' trading. Dot-ember started tit Wi
finite , with one or two mles IIH high as
2c , ns compared with yesterday's closing
jirlco of WSjC. ntiil for about half nn hour the
prlco held nt about f.ia : llgure. Opening In-
llilences affecting wheat ( Aero the higher
cables and I hi- revised estimate by the llun-
iKiirlan minister of nKrlriiltuni regarding the
world' * wh'-iit and rye jirndurtlon. Liver
pool bet iithe opening heie , had advanced
V'lHd ' over yisterlays pili-e * , whin1'itrU
WUH uti'-h mged to 1.1 centlmi-s higher. The
Hungarian llgun H made the world's wheat
pioductlon for tils year 203.0),0) ) ) biuholit
lens than lust. The world's rye crop this
yi-iir was i-itlnmtcil at IOXx,0 , < W bushels less
tl an hist ) i-ir. Nortliwustt-tii n ports showed
n marked , Tilling off. The total ut Dultith
and Mlnni-.ipolls ' , vus 7SI cars , against 1 Oiii
a week ago. Chleauo receipts were iilao
Ugh' , Hi. ) cars. The effect W.IH olTnet In
ineasure by the Cincinnati Price Current's
statement us to the bem-llt of the rains.
Although the opening was strong , ther.1
quite a number of holders who were willing
to taltitlulr prollts , and selling nf thU f-or ,
wan siilHi-li-nl to start the Helllim In ii i ipr
direction. | 5ad reports on the Russian
cnnill' ' " ' ! ( 'nine In whin Huiimr'o - i-
wonkost. hut their effect was not noticeable ,
lirooinh. . ! ! ' * special correspondent sain tin-
C'nlieiiBUS province * would not export over
2ltyXiiO ) ( ) biiKlipIs of i , * , heat. agaln.- -SSOW.OiW
bushels las' year. A'ery little life wns shown
after the op nlnjr Hurry. Heallxlng < aliH by
lonecuuiiled with the weakness In corn ,
mud- i-oinblnii'lon which the market could
not oviri Diiii' , .mil i.iere was a steady drift
iliHMivv.ird. The decline was not iu * > ld. as
thtnidi - too Unlit to warrant much
lilnvniint. . The early --elllng by the longs
sunnily supplied the more urgent of the
s | niter which the market i\as left
l.irn.'ly . to Its own rcsourc" ! ! . The expor's '
tor i lie day wen- equal to rmox ) . Primary
n > irk.-t i i Ipts were l.OM.CO" " ) bushels.
aM.ilii" ) a ago. Deeeniher grnd-
I.J tnilly - d down to W-sTiSJ1 , * and clcso.l at
. 90'- > ( ' . " ; v hid.
n developed great weaknefM almr > = t
from tinstart. . An allempt was made by
the hli rs of the December future to
tm Ir property to May. In doing
( In- ililTi-ri'iici' between tlio months
widi-ne I Mil to lc her bu. December de-
1e pi-r nu. durliif ; ' the llrsl hour ,
l.-irge qn.intltlrs of com were thrown on
tli < iniuk'-t ns the session ndvunccd , much
nr.til < -ii was ct-tfdlted to New York longs.
Tn n-'i' ' ' to the wt'itUness tin re was njipar-
i-nlly mi ' "ort IntiM-e-t and nt times It was
VIM V - ' - to dlBpOHC Of Off l Illf. " * . Ctlfll ll-
m.iiid 'ioui-d a Flight Improvement. He-
t-i-ld | vv" > "Kl lars. Clenruncus were
sin ill 'il.'t i bu The I'rlcu Current raid of-
l'i new torn will IIP eirly. Decom-
I ) r ri'in-'d - ' fruni 2'lc ' to 2i-ic ! , closltif ? l'i i
l i"Wi ! r at W-ie bid.
( iitx . with corn. There \vn = no
tinde uf liinortnncp and the market wuo
cct nd-v i' r.ynipathellc one. Tncre wan
HI > ! - M Minn of oats ngalust purchases of
( nr-i. U eilpt * were light , 2M cirs. ( Mmr-
t- i r < v. . r. f-r 2GoOCO bu. Docmber rangei
f , irn l-c to closing = ) ic lower a
ivx IH.
( 'i.- . M I'ng ' the weakness of corn provl-
H'CIII- ' , ; -i-wid - eousldenible Htr-nBth. The
in.irliet started fttonp , with Bom : ? outside
* ui. | | rt u"d on the better cpah deman I.
Tin ri \\-is .1 period of weakness , due lo the
' hut . ti-udy buy-
ilnlinin grain , llu-n iiub't
ii.a liy -.ierl- > started prlctH upward again
and k'-j't the nt'iiket ' llrm again fur the rc-
rn-'ti ' ! "r tn * s > i-son. | At ( ! " plo" 1'-
1-1 : - 1. r p-.U wan 2Hc higher at $7.7."i , Dec -
c u b iI.itd 2'-u hirlicr al $ I.27V and Oe-
C'-mlH-i ' iln ! ilfiT'iu hlKhi-r at S-I.M1- ® ! . * , : . .
I'M mated ncelpls Friday : Wheat , 210
c.iiciirn , SLM cars ; outs , " 1 > cam ; hog * ' ,
2"vi hid. .
Li ad'iig futures ranged an fo'.Iows :
Arllilm..iT'7rT"ill.Mi. . I iTTv. | Clm * . IV
Ocl . '
lei- lllljM'll U. Ill ) . ' ( , i > in K
May . -.10' ' ( tl-j bDJi
Oe : . sr.M
1 let- W -7-J Ci.VlS .
May Ill's '
Del. . . 17U
inc. lli'i ' 1S' ' (
M ly Jt ( i < : - I ) ,
I Jr
Die ' 71) 7 7-JH
.lau . 711 ti HO H 71) )
IH-c. . 1 ll'JK I - ' . - .
Ja-i l l-JM 4 II ) i -i.-i
Ol't . I H-i I li.'H
liee i ri-w 4 'l7 ,
Jau i ii'j )
were follows :
ri.iri ( Siow.
A\lli\l' : No. : uHtis. Wie : No. 3 sin-Ins ,
lid ic N" 2 ted. ! OViO IVjp.
CiiHN Nfii. ! . ISWBtir ; Noyellow , "iie. "
< > \'IS N" ' - ' sprliiK. ISVie , f. o , b. ; J > o - '
wlitii : ; ineNii.J..wlilti : ! , 20i4fl2P4c.
IIAUI.KV No. 2 nominal ; No. 3. ISfflOc.
t. M ! > No 4.2rC37e. .
LAXSHKIt No. I Jl.03SI.fXi.
TIMOTHY SKKI * I'rlnie. J2.GD.
I'IHISIiiNH I'ntk. ines . | ) fr libl. . ii.ilitr
7-0 Larl. | > er Id ) Ibf. . } l.2. ' > 5l.l'7Uj. Sboit rllw
KM- ' iiiM-i-i , SI1VGI75 : dry Halted iuiuldi-ia
d ] D.-ill ! .7. . r > .iO ; whorl clear tildes ( bo\eil ) ,
} | ; 'y- ' | , i-O. I
\ \ IIIHKYDlstlllirs' llnhiliPl Kooils , per sal. .
Jl 2. .
Ht'il M ! - Cut Inaf , { 'i.O'ir ' Ki'i'.nuluti'il. J.i.31.
* j On il-e I"iiduc ( > excliaiiae toitay the butter
iti.itlvt \\.i-i Hteady ; i-rt-uui'Tti * ! ! . iriffSl' u ;
il.uiliH. IL'ti , ! 'e. Cluese , iiuli'l at SflS'Se. I'RRK ,
flnn. tri -h H'.e ' Ll e pi ultry , tlenly ; lurki-ya.
it liU > Si , In-k us. To ; HprliiKS. tu : dill-kit , T'.iiiSi- .
MMIKIC CISII\L : AiAicici-vrs.
tillllllltlollN Of ( III * lll > Uli ( il'IICI-Ill
( 'olllllllilllli'n ,
NIM ; > ltlv , Uc-t. H.I'UlfIllleet > lpU , K-
321 lililH . i-\i | irtfl , ? ! , t ? < ) tibls. ; w > * iik and luvvvr
wnli ki.u.i. Mlinu 'ol.i pati-alH , i5iX@S.0 ) ; .Mln-
li.-i..ui I I. is' , j ; ) . < OJll.W ; winter KlralKhlH , II.C' >
4ii in. vvin'.r exlr.ia , W.20CKI tli ; winter l w
ni i.l. i. > l--'ii J.L'i' . It- ilDtir , dull , lluukwhi-at
limn , - .ij < s at Sl Ul.t ) ? .
liri UWIII-\'lt-cnet ; | at 40u"ll track.
cuCNMl.AL Dull ; ) i-lluw weuleru , C3c ; city.
ItYi : \ \ ik , No. 2 western , ISlic ; car lots , 4'J
HAltl.l'Y ijulet ; feeillni ; , 2SU c. I. f. lluffalo.
WllKAT-lteivlpls , 1T7.U75 bu. ; exports. 171 , 15S
bu spilt , \\.ik ; iiptinns opened Htm , on xtrjiiK
i-nbli-H but tinned weak nnd declined nil day
wiib i 'in. ' iKiiorhiK such Indl news as unfa
vorable Huian crop ic orta , bl evp'-it irnde.
uilt-mi-uiK r.iii-liii . ; nuiiKi-u nnd Mini 1 1 vprhiK
wliiMi it-i-v'pitt ; closed VulUc net lower ; No. 2
led. * , l.i > , al IS-K-d-Jll 13-ICc ; ced | , 'jS'.e ; Oc-
Mber rl H ,1. Sl'.c ; Decembt.- ! ' , V3 la-lliijliji.e ;
Cli .Hi-d V'ftV
I'OltN ll---e.pls. . 2A500 bu. : e\Kiits. | 2i.ilS ; bu.
Sli it. ucau. Nn. i , S1VOptluns declined HliMd.
ll > ( mart to llnUh. Ininleiied with heavy
nrf-ilni , "f Imm Muff and cle ed MfHio net
Mat. 3J tl.l6li8Slic ; rlosi-d , S.'BC ; O.-lober
.1 . " . - , . Deceinln-r. 3ISi32'.ir ; closed , Sic. |
VIS U , ITD.'JiV ) bu. ; ep'rts. . 32.17-J bu.
No. - , SiHViOiii.qJjilii'il . dull and
i-irn. clotlnir ViJWo iiv-i lower ; I't-
-i-inl r .1 , SlUe.
IIY ij . tdilppliu ; , 40fl5u ; Rood to choice ,
; male , poramon to choice. U95
cr | > < f C'1 ' ! : ! crop , (0o 1VJ7 ciop. llfflTc : 1M-
cllbam \ * .lup. liiii.- ; ISM crop , ( H)9c. ) W7
i-r i > U ii7i-
LI-.ATUl-lU Sieady ; hetiilrick nule , lliienon
to licit * . y. iO tfSl' u nclil.
IHIiKH "i.-.tUr ; Texan dry , iai2lic ; Cali
fornia ITUISc.
Ill rnit ; Uecelpts. 2.IW pks . . mniket li'.idy :
ventiTH rri-nmcry. lltric ; iiuln , 2JIJC , fac
tory. 9H13P.
t'HBKSK ItPClpU , 8.101 market aulet ;
cnlnml. sv iurl klniH. r : full klini.3ijHo
| - : ( ( ! ll. > reiii , 5. ' ,77 ; maiket < iul-l siaia
nnil renn * > Uiinlj. wcatt-rn.
I'KOVIKIONS Hi-ef , llrm ; Iwef h.nns jii
6.0- ) . ( . 'in iiit-aU , ntfaJy ; pk-kled Uelllen , 0.374 !
ysi'l pii kled nhoiildt-rH , | j.5udi7j Uml. llrm ;
\v--si-rn tU'uln. JI.TO ni < k l. OctoU-i. (1(7 ; re-
Hnrd , uli-ailler IMrk. p.i > y ; oM mo.-M , ( t.S-lfr
9.UO , new met * . l . v > fi9.7J ; nhort clear. J1AOOW
H , IH , family. ( U.OiVim.oO.
TALLOW Slow , nominal : clly. J e.
Oll.S. futionwpil , quiet ; prime etude. MHW
Ilo , prlnm yell"W. J3 2Ji-c. retnlnini , nonil-
nnl , I'l-niinylvanl.i t-rurte. nu innrkit , nominally
tic Ilnnln , utrady : utr.ilnrd. rotiimoii to cuuil.
It 40U1 (5. Turpentine , cany ; S2flJSc. (
Stcudyj fair to i-xtra , 4t u t i Japan ,
'lg Iron. wurraUK. | C.Wu-7.W.
i.i | . r , n i- ( - ' 2Tin. . frm. IP 7'w i
: s. . "pelter , nuM. H.l tfl.Zt. Ivad , U.10V
r. . , urn-item , 14.
MOLAH.vs | ; Slen-ly. New Orlennn. op'n kptllo.
K.UI | to ii'ili- ! < * . ! 5 31c
Ciitiilltlnii of 'rriuiLnnil < luoliitloi
on Stn pie nnil I'liticy I'rndilcc.
KflOS Oood l ick weak at ll'te.
HIITTKH t'ommon to. fnlr. 9fl Mc ; tholfo to
fancy. l ! lc ( ; wpnrntor ctenniery. 21ci IWtlnrrt
crcnmery. 1f l ! > e.
VKAICholoc fnt. SO to 120 Ibs. . quoted at 8c ;
arge nnj course , IftSo.
LIVi : I'liri.TUY llenn , fc ; cocks , HJIc ;
fprlnn rbcketi | , iwr Ib. . nie ; Ouckn , Cfl7c ; tur
keys , f tc.
ridl-KiNS-Llvp. 7fl | dMil plseons not wanted.
\-Lpland , > i > ; iilAHiin5I.W : lowland ,
Jl ; r > e strnw , Ji- > lor make * Ihe price on
my ; llRht bnlos Dell the hMt , only top BrnJcj
bring top prties.
lIUOOMCOItN Kxlrrmely slow fnle * n"W crop ,
dellvprpd on Irnck In country ; choice preen self-
working carpet pi-r lit.- , 2 2'4c : choice green ,
runninu to hurl , 2fi2Hc ; common , lV4c.
viai-TAiiLi-H. : : :
ONIONS-1'er bu. . 40ff.we.
HIAN.U : Hiind-plcked navy , p r bu. , tl 40.
SWIIT : roTAToi-s-i'er : i > hi. , U28.
CAIIIIAOK Homo irown ; , lc.
I'OTATOKH-llomc Ktoun , OflS3o ; western
utoik. CDtf70c.
QflNrKS-rnllfornln. per l"iic , tl.2.1.
Al'1'LKH-fir SJ-2JO.r-0 ; winter
- bbl. , fall Mock , - -
Hlork , 2.WiffJ.i ( .
OltAI'is-Cnllfntnlil. J1.K > 1.25. ,
COLOIIADO I'KACIIKS-l irKe , 0 < ) cqil.OO ; me
dium. * W.K > e.
stock. S2.-l1i2.2.- | .
Ni\V YOltlv ( lltAl'KS l' r 0-lb. basket , ll'i
I'LlIMS-ldaho nml OreKon , I.W ) .
CltANIIMIIUIKH-CfltiB C < ld , per bill. , IS.COjfj.C ) ;
Wlscunsln , boxes , tl.roui.lO.
LKMONH-Mekslnns , H.tyjt.W. cliolco Call-
fornln. H.CKi.
ItANANAH Diolce , Inrse stock , per bunch ,
.O''fU. ' : . ! ; meillum-slzed InineheM. Jl.7ot(2.00. (
NUTS Almondn. Cnllfprnta , per Ib. . Inrse
size , 13c ; llrnzil.i , p r Ib. . lee ; Ungllsli walnuts ,
per Ib. , fancy , neil shell , 13c ; slandntds , WM
lie ; filberts , per Ib. , He ; pecans , ] i-dlslied. law.
e ; JuniU ) , inrizo ; lauo lilcKory nuts. J1.25
bu. . ciii-inuuils , 4-u each ; peanuts , inw , oif
n'ie ; n-asted. "i-TiBiic.
KIOS Imported fnney. 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes ,
lie ; D croun. 1.0-11) . boxos. 13'ifHi : .
1IONKY Ulnilcc white , lie.
KUAl'T I'er bid. , S4.0) ; Inilf bbl. . I2.2o.
MAlT.n BY1UJI' rivcnl. . cans , cnch J2.Z3 ;
nl cans ; pure , pr do ? . , (12.00 ; half-gal , can * ,
. "ituart cnns. (3f C.
DAI KS 1'cr W to 70-lb. Ijoxes , Ccj l-'jnl 0-lb.
boxes , tic.
SI. Iouli Ccneral > lnrK'e ( .
KT. IjOtJIS , Oct. II. l'I/DOIl Quiet , cnny but
unrbnnied ,
WHI-IAT Ixjwer , rloflni ? mni'ic for Deccm-
n-r nnd 2c for May liclow yesterday. December
jpened % 5i' ' , c lils'ier ' 'H ' th Ihiropean crop
hltuatlnn. but the market weakened and do-
cllned l ic. ilosliiR with buyers at the bottom.
Jlay minted from l2o ! to 3c below December.
Spot , dull ; No. 2 ted ein-b , ele\ntor , tile bid ;
truck. ! > : f ( ! > feV ; No. 2 bard cash , We ; Do ember ,
li'iC bid ; May , iC'ie ni-kcd.
CdllN Kutures declined on liquidation by lonu.-i
and this nloni ; wllli flee selllUK for siiurl nc-
eounl foiced the market down lUdtmc nnd the
clnse. was nt the bottom. Hpot , dull nnd lower ;
No. 2 iMBh , 2l',4c ; Deecmb'-r , 2iai. | bid ; May.
275 - .
OATS Kutinrj declined wllb oilier crtenls and
eliiseil frnctl ma liiwcr than yi-Menlay. Spot ,
liivvci * tn FI * | | ; N'o. 2 easX elevator , ISVn * ; tr.lck ,
VJa ; Ni > . 2 while , Ml-tHillsc ; Dei-ember , ll'c bid :
May.21'ifl2Hc. .
IIVK lllKhi-r. * " , c.
coit.VMKAl. Stcailler , S1.515T1.5- .
IIIIAN Steady ; rant track , eackeJ , SlQj2c ;
trnk. . Itiln ulile. fine.
KLAXSKlin-lllshPr. 9SVtc.
TIRI'ITIIV HMUD-l'rline , $2.70.
IIv - ni i- uiichangeili pnilrlc , | ri.50S.OO [ ;
timothy , J7.25ffS.51.
l.i i.-- . . . , ; cicalnery , ICffSle : dilry , 11
liilOS rirm. 12c.
I'DI'LTIEY Chickens , easy ; old hens , CVfcc ;
yprhiKri. 7iLducks ; , CfltJi ; gctue. tk : ; lutk ys ,
" '
"u-m'sKV i.o.
MKTALS-L.-inl , dull , weak ; J3.95 nrked. Spelt -
t - ldull : ( bid.
I'llOVISlONS Pork , linn ; standard inofs , Job
bing. W.K. Ijtnt. bctlcr ; iirlmu Bteam , fl.7ii ;
ehol e , Jl 22 ( . Itaeon extia short clear ( bnxeil
lot ? ) . J-.871 ; rlba. Jo.RTii : . horl.i , J6.12V . Ury
HII. ! nit-ulH , hhonltlei-H ( tiexeii ) , J."D ; extui short
Hi HI- unit libs. ? "i.a7'/3 ; i-hnrts , J5..V ) .
KKCKll'TS l-'luur , 11 iV ) bills. ; xvlu-nt , 3I.O )
I'll ; in. . 'JI.OiKt tm. ; oalt. 3-1.1) ) " . , u.
lillll'MKNTS I-'lour , H.iOO bblii. : wheat. 25.010
bu. ; cm n , lu.,0gu bu. ; oatB , Pi.OW bu.
ItnllliiKii-e Itai-UelN.
ItALTLMOIlH. Oct. II. KIXJL'H Dull , un-
chunsed ; receipts. 10 , COG bills. ; e\poits , i.MS
1. 1 , U- .
WIIKAT Steady nt declines ; No. 2 red pjiot
nnd O. tuber , JS'/uTiO.nU' : Deeember , MUJtlijc- ;
ttraimiNo. . 2 led , liGVi-'U'.iO'he ; s-outhern. by
Kiirplc. Illfj'.l7c ; Eoutllern. oil Kni'le , tilUliiljiuc ;
ne. bits , "i.sui bu. ; exports , 132.0W bu.
COHN Weak ; mixed spot and O"tober , Mil
3H4e ; new in- old , Noveml-er or December , SO'H-II
3lc ; - ite.imcrnixed , SS.g23V4o ; snuthern white
c-iiii , 3WBe : southern yellow , 3li(3Jc ; receipts ,
3U.771 bu. ; exports , 5-J.09S bu.
OATS-l-'hm ; No. S white , 2 < ! 14 i27c ; No. 2
tnUfil. 2te ; receljits , ST..M7 bu. : hlock , IIR.OW bu.
It Vli Firm ; No. 2 itarby | , 51c ; No. 2 western ,
ulVfcc ; leeelpts. lil.223 bu.
HAY Slendy ; clndee llmothy , J13.00ifii.M. :
liUVIN KUIjKill'rH-guk't but ib-ni. un-
ellallK I. , "
l'OtjSFirm , uiiciiaii.-ied.
( 'lllisiSteady. : . ,
ICnnsns dry
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 1 1. WHI3AT Market
nln.iit 1 1 * hlRher early , closlns with most of Hie
nil vu me lost and in-live ; No. I hard. blWl e
No. 2. S2fiMiic ( ; No. 3. iSesiV : N v. | . 7t5i'7sc ;
Ni > . 1 red , i'lc ; No. 2. jSJTS c ; mixed. Xe ; No. 3 ,
WJffi4c ; No li SOiQMc ; No. 2 unrlng , 82iNtc ; No
3 , 7S.- .
COItN Miiikct MfflSe lower , closlns weak ; No.
2 mixed , 23ii2'tV4e.
OATS -Mniket fairly iietlve , mostly i.c lj\\'er
No. 2 white , ISi.iWIOe.
ISYi : Miukvt llrm ; No. 2. I'fljlO'.te. '
HAY Market fairly active , Him nml un-
cbanKi-d ; timothy ji.oo ; jiralrle , JD.ui ) .
llfTTKIl-Mniket linn : demand IncieasbiB
creamery , 20f | 2Vic : diilry , Httl'c.
KCOS Market llrm nt lUio.
IlIU'KIITS Wheat. 110,100 bu. : corn. 50.70- -
h'l. : oats. IS.tx-o bu
SIIl'MiNTS ! : Wheat , IM,00. > bu. : corn , 40 OCO
bu. ; unls , 13000 bu.
( i l-li I ii Itoeelpts nt ri-liii-liiil | AIni-Ui-N
( TIICAOO. Oct. II. Itfcelpts : Wheat , 41
cms ; en n. Wi ) cnitfti oats , EM , eats. Kstlmili !
recelptsi tomiirrow : Wheat , 210 cars ; com , 2 ! > ;
cars ; oats , 32J cars.
MINNI-I.U'OLIS , UL-I. 14. Uecelpls : Wheat , 7,8
' I'KOIIIA , Oct. 14. Itecelpts : Corn , I07.0-M bus
iinUi. B2.OW bus. ; rye , CO ) bus. : whisky , nune
wheal. iOO bus. Shipments : Corn , bus.
oats. GiO bus. ; rye , none ; whisky , aiili bbls.
wheat , none ,
ST. 1/I'1.S ) ' , Oct. H.-llecplpts : Wheal , 45 enrs
KANS\S CITY , 0-t , ll.-ltecelpts : Wheat
1S4 cars. '
'I'lileilii . > IM--I-N. : | (
TOLI-jrO. Oct. ll.-WIII-'AT-Ijiwer ; cash and
OctfliPT. 92Vic ; Deceinher nnd May. D.1W' .
COUN Aellvi * und Inwer ; No. 3 mUed , 27c
No. II * .i'llnw. 27Vjc ; December , 27Hc ; May. 31p.
OAT.- Dull nnd Kteady , Nn. 2 while , 22e ; No
3 while , m-e. .
ItYi : Dull and lower ; No. 2 , ITc.
CLOVIilSlnDctlve nnd 1-iwer ; prime , rnah
13. 31 ; October , { 3.30 ; Deeember. $3.3iMiircb
Llvi'riiool ( iciilii mill ri-ovlNloiiN.
I.IVIJItl'OOL. 0-t. | | I'llOVlSlONS-llHins
ijliort cut. dull. Mi ; shoulders , sitiare | , bleady
( ) | Turpentine i-ptrlts. stemly , 25a.
WHKAT Spot. N , . . i iet uuitlirrn ,
now. hlendy , 7s 9V. I.
I'eni-la liriilu > lnrlii-t.
TKOUIA. Ocl. -COItN-Mnrket lower ; No 2
OATH-Mmket aetlve : No. 2 white , 2V
WHISKY-I'-rich lilsh '
proof uplilts ,
Plilliuli'liiltlii I'roiliifi'
iMiiLAiinu'iiiA. o-t. II.-IIITTTKU-HIIII
and iiiii-l anueil ; fancy weMein i-reanu-rv 2V
' ' " "
rnns-i-'irin : fie b wi-nn-n. i7e.
Hllll I-'l-llllclNI'll \\TIll-Ill IllllltlllloilN ,
HAN KUANVIBfO. t-t. ll.-WHiAT-Julot ( :
DiHi-nilrer. JM7V May.
ColVee lin i-Uel-4.
Niv\v YoiiK.Oct. . ii.-rorrnK-optiiuiH
opt-neil Minily nt lliii-hnrvtM prli-es to-r. polntu
ndviiiiro. ruled Kmcrally quiet but sti-ady nnd
mutely ilt-priutf-nt Uioa | local iii > i > i.iilon ; timalier
Ilt.ulllun rei-i-liin | ami linger uareluni * ! . , | i--
llverli'it In Ihe fnlted Mlutm and f.-aiy ut ovi-r-
dlHeoiiiilliu ; brarlvh ciinlltlDlm eliiu-keil n-lllnt-
unmilliifiirtory cables nnd ( IIUIIIIOUH fupiilli'n
e.ieeke.l bu > lnK. I'll np-1 iiiln | ( . n t iini-bnim d ti )
S points mUmicr : wile , 7,7ii IIUKI. Ini-luilln :
Oi-trbfr at J ? EO ; NnveniU-r. lii > 0 ; Mun-li , fii.60
Sit | i-nlTfi' . llln iiipt | | ; No. 7 Involeo SI ; Nu 7
jnliMnir. J7..V ) . Mild , nulfti Curdov-n. tl'i.w ' iii rn
Tout wurt'liiiujp di-llvvrliM frn"i ( be I'alti-d
Wt.ilcn. tc. ui : bam. inuhiilliiK in iwi ILIHH from
New Y rk : New Voik loi-k to-n ! > . 3M , > k : . baas-
t'nlti-d Clateii nlo-k. laj.dv bagn ; fnr HIP
rnlte.l . Slali-i" , 3M mm Jmit * : vl | ti | . . fnl the
rnltid > ! tjti , . k7J tW -
tmsa.iBuhul fill,111 bag *
Un year an I 573.S.-iii Imiiii In IBJ.
HANTOH. O.-t It - ( iiri-'Ki : rtl-ail ) K'lod
nvc-raue Siinii-ii - * ' < * u-iw ; u-it-linn , 2i.iiO ( b.iu * ;
stock. 1.1M.NW bagj. ,
SllUlllMnrKcln ,
LONnoN. 0-t. -IIKKT HUdAR-Ortolwr.
fs 7l-il : Dci-pinber nml Marrti. 81 HHd.
-srOAU-llaw. . quiet :
fair nflnhiK. 3 B-fr : emtrlfuirnl. 90 te t , 3'-
Ki-llni-l. Hi-ailv trannlnt
: d. nvte
NKW OHLKANH. Op- I l.-SI'f ) Mt- ( > . | | . -t
i-lifii kettle ! iii73\e : ci'ntrlfiu-nl r-n- li-t of t < w
llrnt nvflpti of Ibe nei , ) ji ( clann-d .in | ilaiila-
Hon ) KranuliitiF.I. rnn \ | 1 MHo : wliiteivia
Ml 1-1& * : yrli-w | ( , jynV : necnnJ. . ! „ p.1 | , , .
. . kS barreU of n rw | ' . - l f , | . the fi.t of
the i on. rla rd fair am cyld for 27i inr
California Hrleil I'rnKn.
KlllirrtArples , ftMOy ; ot.ter frulu quirt.
ni-nprirutr I apples. . oniini n ' .in 7- per b pilinu
wire tray R'evol dried iirlme R'lioi'f. .
fancy , c. 1'ruiKs. 6C to iUo jn-r lb. ,
' > n.-.i un I all > A ' - ' - ' n' ' , ' ' ,
l--i > r I'-ik u , 1' . i Inmi' ' l > 1" '
x-eled , la > st ( , tr Ib.
OH irlul
OIL riTY ' - Ml-
ncs , . M : cP-tlflo.t. . n.- bl.l * ; .
' " ' ' ' ' '
WNVWV ruo'c , "li'i'on'-i icutt , 'jffn.Wd.
cpot , ! ( . 9,1 ; niir t l.nn.l . delivery. 3U 9J. fur-
| iirlt * . ii > .
Strive llnril d Him * . ' ' " " "
I llerlj.
NKW YOHK. Oct. H.-Tno nation of prices In
' 1 lo the effort * of
ti'ilny'itnntkpt mlRlil be liken ?
a weaken * ! to Hlmb to n ( t-cure situation
only to be tumbled back by a slnnlo hostile
stroke. The ready nueccas of the bents In de-
pmtflnic prices led t.iein occulonnlly tn take
pn > ntii Th p fpnsmodle covcrlnR moveniMitii
were achieved without effoctliuc nny nwiUcil
clmiiRP in the Kfneinl level of price * , nnd the
upward course soon resulted In nn nlmost
stagnant londltlon. There wns a spirit nf ne-
tlvlly whenever the bear * ti'Mwcd their rnM
-ind apparently the desire t" i-fll " ly ceite-l
wlicti tup bears censed In tettlnn tlm example by
short selllnK. I'lilcaKo ( las c mtlnui * * tn occupy
by fnr the larRest share of nttcnllon nml rimse. . !
over IS points durlnn the day. Unite nupport-
Inir orders were III the mnrKft nt opening ,
mi that the Initial sile was nt n fractional ml-
vanei * ovei' last night's close. Itut thlii was the
highest iiuntntlnn of the day nnd the majority of
the dealtiiRs were nt a level considerably over a
point beliw last nlRht's close. Sugnr. which
i-nine next In point of nrttvlty , wns also under
very heavy pressure and tlecllnnl at one 'tllno '
three points below lnt t nluhl's li-vel. The tlrmest
Inne of the market during the tiny was nn the
last hour and It looked ns thimitli prices Would
IK * allowed tit rt-'itver to within a fraction ot
Inst nlihl'n cl we. but a rem-wed drive In the
lust ten minutes of trading knocked the toilsome
climbers iiKnln. Net losses Hinged from 1 ti >
pt-r cent In Ihe mosl nrtlve stock In ( b Hit-
The southern railroads nnd the BouthwcsUrns
and fonie of the coalers showed the greatest
wenknets In the railroad list. Manhattan was
nl-o quite Heverely handled. There wn-i no re-
tU-ctlon fif any devel ipmi-tit In nlTiiIrs In Ihe
day's course of prices , the mniket belnii wholly
professional. The fact wns ileiniinslialed wllb
milllclent clearness that yesterday's recovery
wns not n rtuumptloii of a siistnltu'd upward
course of prices , but wui simply dun to profes
sional manipulation to f < m-e n covering of the
short contracts which Imd been freely put out
for n day or two previously. The gold which
was shipped from Kurope last week besan to ar
rive toilny , J2iX.Oi ) being deposited In tile iissay
olllce ami JJoO.Oii ) In the clcnilng house
vaults. The money market continued easy.
tlioiiRli with no npiireclablc cliatiKc In
rales. Kterllnc exchange was tteady In
Hplto of tinndvnncp t > 3 per cent tn the Itank
of Kngland's rale of dlseounl. No fill ther en-
KiiKrmentd of Rold for Import nre announced ,
bat they ale consHered likely before the week
clones nml the shmp fall In the mte of excbniiKP
on I'nrls lends to the supposition that the next
shipments will b from there. The trade state-
nii'tit for September Issued by tin * Kovernmcnt
mnkci It likely thai Hie I-M-CSS of pxp-irtd over
imports for that month will be found to foot up
to j"i.i W.OiTO. iualiist nearly $11 000OK ) for Au-
gint ami over J17.W" ) 001) fnr July. The delayed
cotton moM-ineiit. which has lint yet attained
lit full furce. lusutes an nddltlnnal heavy traili-
ndviinei * for this eoiintry for Ilic nionlli. Th *
mnvement of irolil for Ihe season Is therefore
conslibreil certain to IIP very heavy unless the
ratert for money hi foreign tln.inclnl centers
shall nilvanci- fnr as to make It more proilta-
lile not to draw on these fo elRii credits for Bol.t .
DcalhiKS In bonds were on n reduced scale nnd
the tone was weak , though llucttintlims were
unimportant. Total sales. } 1.S.O.I > X ) . t'nlteil
States old 4s weie advanced ' per efiil bid.
The i\-pnliiK 1'ost's l.iiiiilnn Hnnnelal cable
gram mys : "The utoi-k tuaikets were quiet niul
IrreKUlur today. The rise In the It ink of Kim-
laiid's inlnlmuirl dlsi-niint rale from 2j to 3 per
rent hail no effect. There wns a phaip decline
111 Clrniiil Tiutik because nt the meeting today
tie priiposlll > n was made by Ibe dlreclors for
funding the nccumulateil detlclts. The lest la-
foruied people , however , neither expected nor
ilmlred such n BClu-me. Ttie spi'ctilatloti InVest
Australian mines Increases. Americans were
dull on the New Yoik lead , but they milled to
night on New Yoik prices. Tie dl--poiltlon beie
ts to Mand in-ide on Anu-rleans avvaltln r n
clearer delltdtloti of the New York position. I > e.
till 11 of the Kold mnvcnient for the weuk show
the sale of U."il7iMV ) In eaKles , the expoit of 21 * > , -
nro to KRypt , of 2O.i > ili ) to the ruatlnent nnd of
CIO.OO. ) to South America , nnd the lecelpt of
JC2.'iOOi ) frem Australia- I undci-Uaml , but can-
n > t coiilldently ass-i-rt. that t'u ' * hank has today
boirowed money on consols. If tills policy has
been ndi > | ited It Is an Important point , because It
menus rather tighter money here. The 1'arls
und Ilerlln maikets were quiet. "
The following were the cltisttiK quotations on
the leading blocks of the New Yoik cxelmtiKe
today :
Tnlal sales of ntockn today wore. 201 < KO
iliaie.Incluillnc ; Atchlion prefeiipd , ll. < 31 ;
CliPKapeake & thlo , 15,03' ) ; Chlc.iKo. llurllnKtoii
ti IJulncy. 2t , OM : Louisville and Nashville.
l.l.l.Vl. Manhattan , ; Missouri 1'aclllc , 8.317 ;
Mli < MUl. ! Kansas , t TI-MIH preferred. "t.lO.'i ; New
Jersey iVnttal. 3.r > l.'i ; Noitliern I'aclll" pre-
feriod , IO.G11 ; Northwest Terminal , 13.dX ) ; llead-
| HK , . " , . Ui'i : ItiK'k Island , 11.907 ; St. 1'mil. : : ; . : . . ' ;
Omaha , 32rl : I'nlon Taclllc. 12.010 Hay State
(3as ( , 5. H" : clilcimo ( ! n . 7US20 ; HiiBiir. 37.0t2 ;
Weileiii I'liluii , 5,075 ; ChlciiKO ( Ireat Wcslern.
n. : i : . .
\IMV York Money llnrlel.
.Steady at 2V5C3 pe.1 cent ; hint loan , 3 per cent ;
cliihlllK. 2Vj5l.l per cent.
I'HIJIi : .MiniCANTILi : 1 > AI > I-U : IViW per
< vnt.
hTKltLINO nXCIIANOIC Steady , wllh actual
Im.slnesx In liankcrH' blllii. 'I.Sl i for demand and
} I.SHift'I.S2 for sixty d.iyH. postpil ratejj , ) t.S2VrR
4. SI i.j and fl.vD'nl.s''a . ; cummeiclul l.llle , ( t.SHj.
H I f A'K 1 1. CICI IT 1 I'I i 'ATlW SIwasSe.
HAll HILVilt : "V.
ClosliiK ijuutatitiiiH on ttoinla were an follows :
' " " ' " '
lJ.'S."now"iH7r.Ti'2nurif N."J. C. . 'it. . . .ll'JHi'
IJ. S. ii'iw IH eon. . I'7t u4 N. O. IN . r. I
tl. H , N'.C. 14 . . . . . . . . . . .ill. ! .
U.S. la.coup..11.1 No. P.I Hlli ! Inn. . . . I ill
U. S.iM. r-f .
U. S. .Yt.r.i/ ll.Vn No. . li
ir.S.fis.e.oiip..llo)4tl ) N. V. C .V St. L. IH
Stn ( ' mi-lit of tinllnnk nf
I/JNI 1N O.-t 14. The weekly itaum'iil ul
tlir iniiK < ( inirlun < l > ln w < the following
rlunx > 'J jr. 111,111- 1 in'H ' the pi" luu * it
The pr-portion of tiie Hank nf | . ; i gund'n re-
wrve to liability whl.'h l t ivi.i , was (1..V5 lr
cent , Id now 13.71 per Cfnt.
Sun Mlnltitt ( litntnllnitn.
SAN I-MlANrisra Oft. 11.-Tlie olll.-lnl clnslnu
qU'iiatlon ' * on mining stocks I , . | .iy were in tot-
Iowa :
' ' * ' ' ' ' ' '
Alliha'cj-.i. . . . . . . . . II'ucm. . . . . 's .
Andes : j' . ' | Memo in j.j
Hi-Idler nil
' * ' '
lirttlAt ilulonur. . . . ill Oiililr . . ! . . . It'll
llulllnn 11 111
Oall-ilOtim 41 I'olo-u ( ! !
ClmlliMizu Con 411 Siviy. 74
Con. Cal. , t V.i 1:1.1 : Strut. . . . 110
Con. Imtxrlil 'J SIlvVs ? 11(11 ( tl
Crowti Point T'J tlnto.i ( S ) i .V )
KXCIICIller I Utah Hill 'J'J
i.oulil.vOarrin. . . . 47 VoUuwJntn. . . . 04
Halo * Noftfroy. . lilt ) - ISO
Sliver bars , 571je : Me.xIcnA , dollars , ISHiflOUc :
drafts , idiiht , 15c ; drnttn , frJ.iKrapli , HVic.
Loiidoii Stuck ( llli'lullou * .
IX3NDON , Oct. II.-4 p. nitr-Clmlne :
Consols , m'.v III IMllStTl'vil'Vo ] utujnTIISH
Consols , nco't. Ill 11-Hl'N Yrr-niru . . . . 110- ,
Can. I'.icltio KIIU Potlhn'J'viini i 5i !
HuUtiu -
KrlolHtsitM Ill MOT i ; : . * ! t . now II. (17
111. 10'tH AtaLIXon 1
Me.Mcinoritui.-vrr. 1HH * " t'V
px dlv. '
UAH HILVI-'H Rte.idy ntiSOKil per ounce.
MONI-JY 1 per cent. r
The rule of discount In the open market for
short tlmi. bills Is 3 * * l > cr cejil. for thtee nunthV
bills. 2'j per cent. ,
( lotd Is ipioted today nt IttlMina Ayres nt ISO.
at Lisbon , 46i,4 ; nt ItotnCi 'lfl.3j.
\ev Yttrk Mluliiu ; ( tiiodillnnsu
N1-W : YOHK , Oct. 14. The following nre the
closing mining ciunt.itIons :
SSInleiiieiit of the llnnU of I'l-iinei- .
I'AHIS , Oct. II. The weekly stiiteinent of the
11,1 nk "of l-'rnnce hhows the foIlovvltiK' ehntiKe * ns
compared wll'.i Ihe previous account : N vtei In
circulation , Increase. 11.5'W.OO ' ) francs ; tmiaury
nrcounts current. Increase. 3.i2-iuuu tunics ; cold
hi hand , decrease , 2S.lon.WO fraiu-s ; bills dis
counted , Increase , fS.73i00 ; tranca ; silver In
hand , decrease , 3f30.000 fi-uics.
Anu-l-lcnii Seeiii-llleH In London.
rXNDON. Oct. II.-The market for Anu-rlcan
securities wns weak nt the close after conitd-
ernble tluctuntloii on iv desire of holders to real
ize. The tone was Blcndv with the demand
I-'liiiiiirlnl .Votes.
NI-IW OHLKANS. Oct. 14.-ClearnRS. ! % \\V-
IIOSTON. Oct. It-Clearings , $16.493.230 : bnl-
nnccs , ll.31ft.107.
IIAI.TIMOIIi : Oct. ll.-Clcarlncs , tS07.2 7 , Slili.iBil. Mont' ) ' . unchaiiKcd.
I'HILAnilLl'IHA. Oct. II. Oil-minus. J11.S70-
0.11 ; balan.-es. . Jl.lKSCi. Jlnney , Iffl'.i per cent.
CINCINNATI. O.-t. H. Money , S'i. i ; per cent ;
New York exchange , par to 2oo premium. Clear-
hiK-i. $2.t3i.OSC. (
ST. LOIMS. Oct. It. riparlnus. J.i.l.VI.IMbnl -
nnces. J40S.S21. Mntiey. G5iS per cent ; New York
exchange. 2."c dlscoiml bid , par nskcd.
MKMl'HIS. Tenn. , Oct. 11. Clearlnus. J3IO.OS4 ;
balances. Itii.lKHi ; New York exchange , al par.
NUW YOltK. Oct. It.-ClearliiKs , J1IS.M1.7S3 :
balances. t'.lSI.US.
CIIICAOO , Oct. H. riearlng" , fI7.KT.020 : New
Yerk exi-hnnge , , " , e discount ; | > o ted rates. JLTiW
4.S31. . . Stocks , active nnd weak ; West Chicago
sold at lifiVi : closing : West Chicago. 9Wj ; Ula.
moiid Match , ISO : Noith ChlciiKo. 22"i N--w York
Uiscult. C234 : Strawliuaril , SO1 , . ; Lake titieet L.
1S5 ; Metropolitan L , 714.
I'lii-i-lpn i-'liiitticliil.
IinUI.lN. Oct. 14. Kxchnnge on London , 20
mniks 3314 pfgs. for checks.
I'AHIS , Ocl. 11. Three | ier cent rentes. 103f.
10 fnr ttie ai-count ; exchange on Londuti , 23f
111 for checks.
c 'i"i'ox MAIIKi-rrs.
Several I nlliieiil-es Ciiiulil ino Heint
NKW YOltK , Oct. 14. Tin * cotton market
opened eas-y at n decline of t to 7 points ; f Hawing
the llrst call thcie was a fuitlu-r ileellnv to a
net loss of S and 10 points. The was ilue
to unsatisfactory cables , expiM-tett heavy n-L-elpts
at the ports nnd Interior towns , with fears of
a glut of rotten following the ralslnc of the
qiiainntlniTin - iiti-ni-o ! of outside spvculallon
and ttie procrastinating poljcy of epot buyi-rs
contrlbiiteil ( M the wcukin-sn. l'avoiabliweathfr
for securing- * - err-p wns nnothi-r buarlsb faetor.
The maiki-t partially li-coveteil on euverlitK to
si-cure prollts. prli-cs ndvancJiis 2 to 5 pclnta Irom
tinlivvist level on this olasjiof buying , with
the market , finally steady al a net decline of 4 to
S points. The fi-atuie of toJ.iy's trading was
steady wlUiitf by the German rontlngcnl , paid tu
be for continental nnd I'hllndi'lphln nccount- " .
( 'Inslnir prli-Hs : .lanuary , * D.2) ; l-'tbruary , JG.2S ;
ilarch , Jti.31 : Apill. . : : May , JC.S'i ' ; JuuSi , 41) ,
July , Jti.46 ; Ociobfr. Jii.lD ; November. Jii.13 ; le-
ci'inlit-r. Spot eli-si-d slnndy ; mld'llln ' ? up-
laiulK , 0 > c ; middling KUlf , ' ) ( ! < ; nildilllne , 6iic ;
net ivcclpts. 1.122 bili-s ; gmss. r,63S l.ik-a ; for-
Si-pti'inber 1 : Nft n-celpts. 1,313.439 bates ; ex-
pui-trt to Ori-at Hrltain , SGI,762 balM ; to l-'iniicr ,
7S.C23 bali-s ; to the continent.213,313 bali-s.
LIVI-ntl'OOL , Ocl. ll.-t'OTTON-Spol , K'md
Int-tlnpM , d me ; prices lowwr Annre | n inlddllns.
fair , t 1-lftl ; good mlildllns. 3 ! 7-32d : American
middling3233M ; low mlddllns , 3 in-32d ; good
ordlnaiy , 313-32d ; ordinary , 3tl-32d. The sales of
the day were 15,0-10 liales , of which 1,0'X ' ) were
fur Hpfculntloti and export nnd liichuli-il 13.3UO
ball's of American ; iccnlpts , 2.400 lilies , all Ami-r-
Knn. I-'utuies .ipi-nnl btt-ady. with a limb-rate
dt-ni.ind and closed i--my ; Amerleiui middling L.
JI. C. , October , 3 3.t-iff3 ( 3i-fid ( | value ; Octnlicr
anil Nov-i mli'-r ' , 3 2-i4d ! * ( Hplli'i'H ; November and
Di-ft-niber , 3 2iGI selleis ; Deci-mlier and January.
3 2r-.43r3 ( 2S-R4d M'llers ; January nnd Ki-biuary ,
3 2'i-jlft3 ( 2id * : sellers ; I-'i-bruary and Marc.h.
3 2C-Cid value ; March nnd April. 3 2'5-iifJ3 ; 27-Wd
buyers ; Apill nnd May , 3 27-rfi3 2S-iMd buyers ;
May nnd June , 3 28 nt'ii'l 23-Cld s"li ! > rs ; June and
July. 32'J-liH(33D-Cld ( ; July and August , SSO-Gljf
3 31-Cld fcli-ri | = .
Uf ! i r-i'cn. ' .t .uu naietiiies ; , L.inn ) II.lies.
-.i. i.ot'is , Oct. it. COTTON-Clict. ) t-iuc
lower : middling. Ce ; Hides , 273 liales ; rnceliils ,
4,271 bales ; e'.ilpinents , 4,120 bales ; block , 17.WT
balen. ,
Wool Mnrki'fN.
LONDON. Oct. 11. Tlie present series nf the
wojj auctions closed today , with a laige nt-
luiilame of buyers. The niiinli-r of li.iles ctferel
WHS 10,641. of whlcli 1.10) ) lialen wenwlt'iilinwn. .
The calaloBuea offered wcie of a ni ei-ll.ineoua
e.iaraeler and eonlabied K"od Queensland K'e.isy ' ,
which ii'iilUcd fiom 'J'iM ' lo ll'-jd. Kume of which
WIIH tnkPii on American nrcmint I'urt I'lilllp
er'nnr wool S'dd ul Is. New X-aland tdlpra were
In good HUpply uud sold IrreKUlarly. The closing
tone of Ihe falevah linn. Dinini ; Die series
l l.ion | liales were patnlngiivd. of uhleh ICO.OOO
lialen were Fold. Of Ihe latter number WOO
lulcx were taken by the- home irade , G.OtO ) Imlex
liy the renlliicnt nnd 2O > 0 b.tles by the American
repie enlatlves. During Ihe > .erlex good merino
- . "ouiod and grea&y hhowoil fimn ' . d tu I' ' d
hK-lii'r and other descriptions from ' .id lo Id
higher. I'lne Kieafy cro hbiedn fhoweil an ad-
VHitcn of from ' .jtd to Id and faulty nnd Inferior
Hock from * 4d to Vjd hlnlier. l-'lner scoiirt-dii
also show-Pi ! an ndvnncp of ' , -r-l and iiiedluius un-
cliaiiKed ; faulty and Inferiors , however , tliowed
pait of jrl lower. Sllpes weie. uncliitnKed to l il
lower. Capo of Cunil Hope and Natal gieasy
Hnow white wrtilern gold par to ' -jd higher , but
medium snow nhltu reillzed pur to U'l lower.
Kimlm showed par lo > ! > d lowt-i and others gn -
prutly iini'haiujeil. It IH the abuve ad
vance wis due to ulmrt slocks. Thu HPXt heilra
will commence November i'3. A flieepsliln sale
will Inhfld OUoher 21. I'V.llinvlns arc today's
Hnp In ill-lull : New South Wales. Isal lulen ;
noured. SidiJI ! Slid ; nrfaiy , iUdfflO'l. 'Qurens- '
land , 2.1jiJ liales ; Bcoured , In Id ln 4'id ; creany.
C ? O1IViil , Victoria. 1.3ST Ultra : ncournl , TiiiliT
ls2 < Xid ; greasy , Sdfjls. .South Aumralh. 113
lmle ; ureusy , BHft7'id. West Auslrnllu , 1:7
haled ; greasy. Slbfii'id. ' T.ivmanla. 12 bates ;
wcouii'd. M. New /.ealand , 3. 2 bale ; scoured ,
0.1ilU3'id ; greasy , tH6'-.d. r.ipe of Ouod llnpe
nnd Natnl. 1,311 liuli-u ; keourt'd , . ' , 'idftU lli'l ;
greasy. Sf7d.
NKW YOltK. Oct. H. WOOL Klnn : ilrtn'Mtli
lleece.2iS27c ; puller ] , No. 2 extra. JIO PP. ; Texin.
I0 < il6c. , . ,
ST. l ll'IS , Oct. II. SVriI-l wer ; niedluin ,
ISiC.'lc ; IlKht lire t'Jil lU'-c ; In-ivy line , 1061k- ;
tub waidic.1 , 82031C.
\IMV York Dry ( iiioilx Unrket ,
NR\V YOltK. Oct. U. Trie dry ciiods inailtet
In : illll Innellve In r.vist eoltoh linen. Tlio mar.
kei nh iwn no rhnnge cxri-iit III print clalhu ,
which have w.-.ikenrd iiKatn. but It U lirobjblt )
thai setlerii will make com c t-l ns uulplly to
n > -curi > ordein f any niiimeiu In staple roltons
and Hlml'.ir llm s. Whiten. > { iii l lire well sur-
tnln d n the nther Imiid | U"l the ilrmand tl'la
I fair tbe IK live , buth nn'Jinibli' govlj and
fall linen. Imiuliles tor whlnli ari ininli from
Mini * lo time. Jobbers rcjiort f.llr buslni-pn 10-
I UH. | | but n-lnlliTH have Iwl falllnu elf In
i trade lately , due to iin caHiidP ! vvt-ither eop-
I dltlim * In varliam n | or the country , rt'apl >
I riitt inn are < iuk-t In nil KriileH 1'rlnt rinth
I sold yenleidav ut Kill Illvi-x at 2 7-l r. which | i
' lew . Inl arlie-l In tile eh'- "
ni u p. ne van ever/.r -
cnx'ern maikrl. 1'ilnU anil clnb'iiin ! : * liow r , i
; clianKeu.
I -
" Ml Hlv-r 1'i-liit riillh M-M-kcJ.
' 1'AMj IIIVKH Marn Oei I Print t-loth
marl.ft qukt anJ stra'y at 2 7w. \ .
Arrivals of Cnttlc and Hogs Show a
OousiderAblo Increase.
lluycrx mill ScMc-ri Still Utinlilr
AKI'CO < in I hi * SI ill i * of TrniH *
I'liili-r ( irluU'H I'Mi'iu lldK"
Shinv Xo
SOUTH OMAHA , Oct. U.-llccclpts for the
days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hops. Sheep , Uorsss
October 1 ! 3WO 3100 l.U'l '
October n It..Ut ' .V- ' ' * 703 . . " . .
October 12 U.1IS 6.023 >
O.toher U 7.4IW 1.453 4JM , 3
October 9 1,019 3.R72 61 } . ;
October S 1,771 4.37J 1,3l ! 6
Octohcr 7 4.SIO 5S : < 5 3.909 M
October 6 6,920 Ii.713 1.622 . . . .
October 5 7..V4 5.501 2.S10 19
October 4 C,3fiG l.ST. . Sal 9j
October 2 fill 6,777 KB < >
October 1 2,22. . ! 0,317 2.120 . . ; -
September 30 2,270 IU.V ! 3,315 .S
Heptemher Vi 5.904 4,930 SS2
The otllclal number of cars ot stock
hrousht In today by each road was :
Cattle. H'g * . Sh'i ) . It'ae ? .
O. , M. ft St. P. liy . . 4 1 2 '
Mo. I'ac. Hy IS 2 . . l
Union I'aclilc System G3 13
C. it N. W. Ily 1
K. , B. A M. V. H. U. 85 30
S. C. & V. Hy 1-
C. , St. P. , M. ,10. Ily 16 S
H. & M. K. It. U. . . . SO la
c. , n. & g. liy
c. , u. i. . < t p. uy. , K. - 2 : : 11
Total receipts . . . .212 00 2 1
The disposition ot the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber ot head Indicated :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 37 601
The O. II. Hammond1 Co. 1ST. - ;
Swift and Company . . . . -V ) V. . < ij
The Cudahy 1'acklrg Co. .ITS l,03i ) .0
11. Hoeker and Uegan. . . . 405
Vunsant ft Co 321
J. L. Carey 1 * > I
Lehman ft Itothnchlldtt. . 21 ! . !
V.V. I. Stt'phcns 201
11)11 ) ft Lewis Co 11
lienton ft Underwood . . . lift
Huston ft Co ! ' !
Krehbs ft Co S
Huss l > >
Dennis " ' ?
Cudahy P. Co. . K. C IV.
NVh-on Morris , Chicago. . 2ID
Other buyer * n" . ; .
Loft over 1.0 * ) . . . . J& >
_ _ _ _
Total Fales 5ir.n 2,401 l.'JSl '
CATTLE llccelpts of cattle were con
siderably above yesterday's record , hut the
market was not mnpn-clably changed , values
for the most part being about steady.
Cornfcd beeves were a Il'.tlo liu'llned to
slowness , owing to difference of opinion
between buyers and sellets regarding \atttes.
Still the cattle kept selling and as the supply
was light Itvas soon exhausted. The price : )
paid were just about the same .is yesterday.
Co.vsaml htlfers were In good demand und
sold freely at llrm prices. The most of the
cows wen * westerns and not very jjooil.
Feeders were this lies' buyers and the de
mand from that source , .supplemented by
the requirements of the killers , served to
clear the yards In good season.
Stockers and feeders were at least steady
and deMrable kinds met with re.idy Male at
llrm ptlces. Hcpresentative sales :
uiin < " STKUUS.
Vo Av I'r Vo Av I'r. No. Av. I'r.
H luM'jlSS 72 . . .13SS JI35 IS..IMS H 05
-J..107J : i GO G2..1UO is ; i. . . . iu ) s oo
. . . . ! . 4
1..104) 2OT 2. . . . R75 315 4..10-13 2 fO
i .122i ) 2 73 C. . . . UK 2 75 19.- ' . ' -II - 1J
1..122i ) 32i ) 2..1031) 20- ) 24..10JO 275
3" ! ! i 3l ! 2 s't 2..1030 20) L. . . M 275
3 . . 91 2 75 1 ! > ! ' > 2 75 3 VIC 2 .5
Ll.illW 300 l.--MH SO- ) L. . . 910300
' '
I. . . . C'W ' 223 l.- . io's't' ' ) 1. . . . CIO 325
21. . . . rail 33i ) 5. . . . 030 27) 3. . . . < M < *
L. . . 79i ) 3 ) ! ) . . . . fiKi 3 IM 5. . . . 4W 3J
1 750 3 35 L. . . 750 3 35
1..1270 2ft" 1C..1227 2 L..1CO 8 4.1 .
2..130275 ) 2..12U3 2 85 2..1135 2 Sj
2..1105 309
L. . . Sro 4 S" 1. . . . 1(0 475 12. . . . 374 4 00
" - ' % ? ? AND KiiUi : s. .
I 1ISJ 325 3. . . . Ml 3 ( A 10..1032 3 SO
Bliiii. 5'J t ( W L. . . 770 3 DO 3..1020 3 SO
7. . . . 120 4 GI > 41. . . . 4(1 3 5- - ) 05 SCti 3 bo
No. Av. IT. No. Av. I'r.
1 co\v- J'W $2 'JO 1 cow 'JUO J1 w
3 feedeis. . . . ssr 3 J3 .11 feadois. . . . ' & ' ; i ' 0
W feeilci-H. . . . 785 3W 33 feelers. . . . S-il 10)
SI ) feeileiH. . . . ItO I 05
1 tov. 910 1 M 2 feeders. . . . > , . > 3 , , i )
1 bull II ID 233 1 steer 1230 350
.1 | , ulls 13C2 2 SO 10 feeilPis..HS2 3 fti
3 cows 1128 25- . 21 lei'ilers. . . . ttti 3ft.
1 cow US ) 275 8J era. . . . ! IU )
1 cow 1030 3IW a fei-ileis..lll. J pj
I covvs IKO 3 I ) " . 9 feeders. . . . iWJ W
li tallbiKs..101(5 ( 3 10 0 feeders. . . . 811 10
Scows 1130323 4 feeders. . . . 83. l.j
1 cow . . . .1070 335 8 feeiIers..lOS1 I l. >
1 cow 1350 335 4 feeileia. . . . 772 123
( S feeders..1214 3 UO VI feeders..1131 430
C2 heifers 782 320 2 steers law 3- . ,
3S slei-rs 1030 375 111 feeders. . . . IO I 3.i
2COVVS SS5 223 I bull 12-W 22 ,
' > linlls .12S9 2 8D 1 cow OT ) .1 W
isliws . 5sa 300 i in-irei- rs 3 ro
Wcows ! 9'Jl 320 G2 sirs. Tex. . 9'JO ' 333
! S feml.'IS. . . . S3G 103 1 COW ! ' 30 2 iJ
1 cow > 60 310 4 cows Sb. 310
3 cows. . . . . . . 'JOS 310 I 1 cow 10OT 310
2 fii > ilers..lOV 325 7 feeders. . . .1031 375
2 feeders. . . . 853 375 2 feeders..1323 3 W
.1 fi-i'ilers. . . . < / 10 1 calf pj 5. . .
1 bull 1710 2f,0 C cows 10-.I 3fii )
i 1U1 | 1210 2C5 1 cow 7I 300
a cows 1273 300 B COWS 1070 3 CO
9 CJWS 1011 301) 1 bull 1470 21.0
1 feeder 00 340 1 foider UN ) 3 oO
10 feeders. . . . 1242 383 * stiis IISI 3 t
3 tailings..l' ' > 335 istoer 13W 3 fco
18 rows 1002 325 lox. . ISDl 3 TO
i hteer 13HO 340 1 fceiler CM 40 *
3 fi-eib-rs . . . 77li100 OS ffrileni. . . . HI I 4 113
OBteels 1171 4 ID 1 ule.-rs 10W 410
1 f.ier | KOI 100 2.i fe-ik'rs..lll' ) 4W
' ' "
63 sti-er . ' . ' . ' . . ' SW 1 ox..V.V."lW ! 400
1 tnllliiB 1370 283 20 feeili-rs..l217 3d )
1 cow 1530 2OT B cows 8,2 2 M
1 | JUll 1170 263 Stows lODO 2 HO
Drown 103fi ; 'jo 15 cows 1000 3 liO
10 raws Mil 310 2 cows l')73 310
119 heifer * . . . . "SO 330 3 fc-t'ilT8..l3'JO 360
n ranters..1113 390 16 ler.ICC3 3W
220 feeaers. . . S',10 410 7 liilllnffu. . . . B 2 420
IS cows M2 3 10 112 cow.t 5,3 3 40
4 enuH 1)70 ) 340 2a re < > ib > * . . . . 3 M
iil : fi--ilers..It'll . 3 f5 4 fecileiH.IO'J3 113
5 hulls 11M 230 23 talllllKS.20 ! ' 3 3i
a Hl.-rs 132" . 3 45 3 a-diTS..llSO 3 75
" 1 K'i-Ui'is..l250 3 ft ) 31 fu.-ilors..litl3 3 0)
13 fcciIerB. . . J1S9 100 11 feeilors. . . . CM 4 12V1
f fi-e.lcr * . . . . W)7 ) 3 M 23 feeders..IM ) 370
JI2 fei-ilerH..1022 3 83
lions linn ; * HolU rlfiht where tlu-y did ycslcr-
diiy , nnd tiniiliirliet WUH vvllhnul clianKe or
nntli'i-atilu fe.iiuio of liny linpoiuinre.
Tin' npenliK wa it Illtle ( .low , hut when once
fairly under wny the market wu ii > nii.iljly
I'l'tlve anJ an iMily clrar.mrc was i-ffecti-il.
Th * prlci's p.-dil rriniti-il nil llio way from S3.- ! )
ID ji,70 : light and ini-illuni welKhts selling t
{ : i ( WirS.70 , niiil lii-iivy IWKH UiKfly ' W.Bi ill'i.
Tin1 nvcuiBe of all the naleu wns a fraellon of
. Ihi-ru were not
a fi-nl IOWIT than yenlenliiy. IIH
si ) iiiiiny IlKht wi-wlits tf'ilny. lleprowntntlvu
s.ilen :
No. Av. fi'.i. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
27 3-jj 40J340 71 W ) 40 f.211
31 330 I ) 340 D7 2JS 40 3 f,2',4
3t 316 ICO 34) M 30i ) 40 3 S3
| 311 100 345 CO SJ 121 31.1
U 3tti . . . 34) 57 2 > J 120 363
53 31S . . . 3 4Hi C3 5SS 1 0 3 B3
0) ) 80S 120 3 f,0 S3 292 . . . 3 f.1
52 304 . . . 3 M 4'J ' S3I W 361
r.l 323 100 350 BO 312 ffl 3 D3
C ! S'fi ' IW 3 & 4'J 82' ' ) SO 3 TJ
K 420 . . . 3B ) 67 30) 200 3 B7"i
41 , . 30 | 10 3 50 C2 2CJ . . . 3 BHi
Cl Z'.Mi 120 3M 2'J 2'Jl . . . 3 GO
CO 3U 10 3W 73 23 < 40 3 M )
o ; 335 110 350 52 SO ) . . . 310
IK 321 Si ) 3 M 71 2M M 3 t )
r 310 . . . 350 5' ) : : < } . . . 3 LO
4.1 33:1 : 40 3 S ) 7S 2lli M 3 tO
M 330 120 350 77 237 120 3 KVt
a 234 ISO W 51 285 SO 3 214
51 315 . . . 350 5S 2 . . . 3 C5
11 320 211) 350 M Zl ) 49 315
61 30J . . . 360 K 21 ? . . . 3 C7'j ,
57 311 . . . 360 C.1 KI ) . . . 3 C71i
19 3-j ( n 351 3T iZI . . . 370
10 312 M U BO Cl ! 10 40 370
56 21)0 ) 10 S 52W 52 JIO . . . 3 71)
47 2i)3 ) M 3521J 23 M3 . . . 370
Cl 224 10) 3 5 W 7'J 2IS . . . 3 70
l'llS-fJIS ! AND B.S'Urf.
1 . . . 510 . . . 2 M 7 302 . . . 3 50
a. ! 331 41 3 Si 2 2i . . . 350
4 33' ' ) . . . 315 1 270 . . . 3 W
8 3K . . . S 15 B ! 1 . . . 350
2 < . . . 15 I ISO . . . 305
, ; 21,6 . . . 350 B 153 . . . 3 S3
i 3i8 M S50
HI113I3I' Tlw were > nly tWJ frenh loads of
sheen In lli jarilrf nnd the innrUet was Just
* ' ( , LuiilM Live Kliii'l. ,
8T I Ol'Id. Oct.PATn.l | | - > -II' < > i1lli' . 20M
Im d ; th'pintnlii I 0"0 b ill : mi-li I bur-ly
svi y f-r nil > rlii Tivii < a - n-i IP e.i-li-r :
f Ir i-i cli.iii . rMlvirhiii Inuin I " > . > rt n'ler-
, ' 3 't- ' i b Ik l m i * M i ) . ( ' ! I b-ef
a.1 I -t-1. i - - I li i ' " ( > ul. R.
M -0--.4 i l , r - ' l ' - . - ' < : ' ! ' .
liVl'ftr.- . MI'in. * T * i , , , .j 1.1 I' " fl ra ,
Inilh nf KnU-n , tirfl 70 CMWH nn > l
, ,
lines Itcccliits. ( l.Oul hcnd ; Khlptnrnlii , J WO
ho i | . mnrkfl steHity tn lr.-in . . light.
. . . ,
SllKir 11.XIpto. . 20i Ill-mi , chlpmcntd. Six )
mnl , m.itket slenity nnlli-i > milttnn' , W'VMMtk ) ;
rulU ami Iviu-lt. ) l .VHfl.GO : Unitw. J4 Mff ; , . ,
ClllfACO | jiv"il
Cuttle nnil llimi Ini-liii lined tn Wfiilc
SliiM'ii s trim it nml Illuhcr.
OIIirAilo. Oct. Il.-Theri * was n fairly KOO , !
dettiniiil for collie and prices * liow < * d no pnrllcti- chaiise , nlthoueli undesirable cattle were
mil to rule M < * k. Tlie bulk nf the nnllxe beet
entile brought from JIM to SJ.I * . ooiiuiion Ion
Helll'DC to dressed beef concerns nniund from
UPO to 11.13. while prltno uhlpplnn entile brought
from J.VJI to $3 3il. Tlie sleeker and feeder tr-i-b *
has revived thin week mul better prices weii *
pild today , fen mien bi-ltic lini-le n low us
{ .t fo. CnnnliiK . 'nttte xhmvedenkiic * < , but fnt
biilclterlnt entile irninlned ftcivl * . ; \.e ti-rn
ratise entile vvere In patllctilftily icnod dt'iimnl.
with lnrK < * ( rude In feeders nt from $3 M > li >
11.10. aiul some choice ' . " 73-lnnmd feeders sold nt
Prices for IICKS wen * steflily for ROO , ! loti nt
yestenl-iy's tlRun-s. coni-re p-icker * nR.iln Tttliiif-
wrnk. Cotnmoii IIOKS mild al from H < 0 to J3 fill
nnd pritn.o n snrteit llKhls liroiiRtit from 41 to
Jinn. th bulk of the boini itiMiie for fiom J3 Ci )
in W.10. Tics sol.1 InrKoly At from $3 II In W.95
Thcr wr i nn nctlvo ileninni for Mifep nnd
prices nre strotu ; nml lee bluher nt frntn J1.25
lo ti for western rnnse ulu-fp. fccillnit uliecp
KoliiK In InrKe numbers nt from M.2 , " , to M 70.
Native slieop sold nt from $2 to JJ.f.0 for tbo
poorest to from II to JI.33 for choice to prime.
Liniln were nctlve nnd tlriu nt n further nd-
vniice of 1S520e. tetllntr nt from t.73 to f5.9il.
Rienl numlHTs of westerns sellUut nt from J4.25
tn i.i.10. Westcin fcedliiK Inmbs sold nt from ) tn H.r.v
IUcKllT4 Oaltle. 10.W ) head boss , 23.0i
heml : sheep. ll.CO ) head.
Knii.iiCl ( > Live Mock.
KANSAS CITV. Oct. -CATTLK-llecelpts ,
lO.PUO head : market wenk to HV lov\er ; Texas
steers , 12 HMT4.O ) ; Texas eowi. f2.lilir3.S5 : native
slci-ra. } 3.Flru.2t ) ) : native co s nnd lieircrs , J1.I3
8M.75 : stockers nnd feedcts , ; 2.509I.C.'i ; bull" .
| 2.S5ff3.35.
IIOOS aroelpls. SHOO ; mnrket stendy :
hulk of sales , f.1 "iJrS.M ; lieavlcs. 13lji3M ;
packers. $140jfJ. 2ii : mixed. } l.r.rti3. ; ; , . lUbts.
J3.mif3.7r , ; Yorkers , | ] .7ni3.7. , plK-i , tJ.OOKr.l 75.
S1IK13I1 Heeflpls. R.onu heiui : niniki-t llrm :
lambs. $3.00 5.35 : imitions. | : iTl.oi ) .
XinA'nrli I.lStuck. .
NK\V VOIIK. Ocl. -ItUI'VP.S llerclpts , 1.1
head : no tnullni ; . Kureponn cnbti-s quiilo Amerl-
ean fleers nt 10inije | : refrlKiM-ator beef. 75I. &
" " c ; pxnortH. 3S2 bcevi-s.
* ALViS Iti'i-elpls , S2 liertil ; nteaily but slow ;
veals. $5.00S7.r- ) .
SHKKP AND LAMlllleelnts. . 3,051 ! liend :
leep. $3.0imi.23 ; lambK , Jl.73ff3. 2" . .
"Otis Iteeclpts , 2.5S3 bead : weiflc nt JI.2.I >
4.50. ,
llMNt lliin'iiln l.ivc Stock.
I\ST itPKi-'Aux Oct. ii.-i-.vrri.i- : -adv.
HOOS-Ynrkern. KOO , | tn clinlcc. 44.l rl.l5 :
rotiRlii. roiniiiini to teed , $ .15'lif3.70i ( plus , KOM |
to eh.ilpp. ( I i | ) .
SllKKI * AM ) lAMim Lniiitn. eliolce to evtra.
J.V3W , M : eulls tu fair. JI.Kfl-ViX ) Slie-p. cli > | P
to kelwl.-il welheiM , Jl.lOSfJ.r , ; eulls nnd com
mon , | 2.rxi3.25. |
StiieKIn Slight.
tlpeord of recclpti of live ntnek nt ( lip four markets for October II :
_ , t'attti' . HOBS. Sliefp.
Oiiiihn r. ! ( > 0 3 IM i MI
I'hicnRo inoiM s.-.nii ) iiiiM
Knns'in City 10.000 ( MO ( I.i-Oi
Wt. I.oulH 2.0iTO .i ) 2.001)
Totals 27.MO 42.IW 2HO-J1
IVIMA.V ronx run i < : ritoi > i < : . \\s.
I'lniiM ti ) Scnil Aiiierleiin Surplus | o
( he OtilViiilil. .
Mr.William Stuede , the export sraln
htiyer In the employ of n St. loul enniinls-
.slon company IM a llrm bcllpvrr In Amerlc.'in
corn. He reRards it as a food staple next
In Importune ! ' to wheat , and Is of the opin
ion its Introduction In Kuropo could
bo. accomplished with hut eomp.iratlvely lil-
tlu effort or expense on the part ofho
United States government. He talked eii-
tertalniiiKly on the suhject to a reuorler of
the St. Uouls Itcptiblk * . This Is what he
sakl :
" \Vlth the tremendous corn crop In the
united States this year and the bljr suiplus
lolt over from last year's croj > , It si-iins
to me that the price of corn Is hound to
drop fully I cents as soon as the. market
regulates Itself. This Reason's yield wi-s
ahotf 1.7ilVKOOl ) > husht'ls , and fiilly 1,1-OU-
( WOO ) busncls were left over from last
yea r.
"Kven if Kurope nvould take 101.0iO.OX )
bti'jheta , It i\ould leave more corn in the
country than we can possible use , .nnl ac-
cordlnsr to the Immutable law of supply and
demand prices are certain to decline. The
market has hold up remarkably well thus
far owlntf to the Immense Increase In the
demand for domestic use and the. fact : lmt
the crop In somewhat smaller thnn
of last year or even fian the croi ,
yet the country has too miic'i corn a con
dition that Is bouii'j to CTlise a decline In
the market
"Slmv the United Slates are able to uro-
( luco such vast , quantitles of corn , it would
certainly be avlso move on the ji.irt of the
Kovcrnment if the tlep.irtment
or some oilier branch a : Wnshluttton wmilil
take some steps to secure the Introduction
of corn iproilucts In Oermaiiy and other ICu-
ropean countries as a means c-f Incre.ulru
the foreign demand for thl < Rruat food
product. It could bu done through the dH-
trlbution of pamphlets or books dealing i.vllli
the various corn products and the best
methods of preparing them for Urn table
and with comparatively little expense the
export tr.idc In corn could be enormously
"Germany , with a population of ril.ivio.ono
people , Is a rye consuming country. Corn
is cheaper and with a llttlo exertion this
country could supplant ryewlth corn irtlthln
a comparatively s-'hort lime. Suppose , for
instance , the government were to start with
the German nrmy and secure the adopllon
of certain corn products for Its consumption.
Within the two years for which every able
bodied man In liermany has to serve he
would become accustomed to eating corn
food , nnd when he went home ho would con
tinue Its use in his family , 1 am of tl.o
opinion Unit this could bo done wllhou : much
expense or trouble to our government , and
within two yearn at the outside a .stciuly
demand for American corn would be estab
lished. I came to tills country i.vhen 1 ' , vas
2J years of age , and 1111 to that lime 1 > ad
never seen corn used as food In any shape.
The riM.ion was that the Germans do not
know howto prepare corn -products for the
table , and iminy of tliem am of the c-in- |
lou that corn Is only lit for feed for stock.
"In addition to securing the Introduction
of corn products for the use of the army ,
the wholesale distribution of pamphlets giv
ing recipes for rook IP g corn starch , corn
tm-nl. corn Hour and the thousand and one
good things manufactured fiom ' 'orn. or
evi n t'rio opening of cooking schools devoted
to that end would certainly prove a jnylng
Investment to this country within a com-
paratlvi-ly short time.
"Four years ago I returned to Germany
on a visit and found that the Germans had
learned the use of a few corn products , but
even corn Hour they mixed with wheat and
rye Hour. It has only been In recent years
that they have begun to nut roasting eaiv ,
and even that has not yet become a general
custom If they could ho taugM the many
delicious dl'i'ies they can get out of Ameri
can corn the demand for It from that itiar- |
tor would become a vast source of revenue
to this country.
"What 1 say of Germany applies to Aus
tria , parts of IliiHHln , and In fact all of the
surrounding country. It ! s a iiuestlon that
IH ' .veil lAorth a Iltlle Investigation on the
part of i his government , and onn In which
every farmer and mere-hunt In the country
Is directly Interested. "
run itKAi/rr .MAIIICKT ,
INSTIUT.MKNTS placed on llio Thursday.
October II , 1W)7 ) :
J. M. Ijowe and husband to H. II.
Harder ; lot : ! , block S , I'.itrick
Hnrntog.i addition f 2
II. II Harder nnd wife to .1. H. Ad-
nni.sainu ; CM
J. T. Murlnrty to I' . O CnHwell ; lot
10 , block I. Muhoney & M.'H addi
tion 10)
G. ! > ' . Heavers Jiul wife to 11. Ji-tter ;
Hoiilh I'W feet Inti 1,1 and H. block
1 , Jettei-'s addition 3,000
Charles Flnlev to li W. Gnue'4 ; '
lot. : ! , block 13 , rrcillt Konclur addi
tion 1
Delia McCnhu and husliind to Mary
Ulley ; wr.-it 'H 1-3 feet lot 1 , block
4 , Hlllsldo iiddltlon XD. 2 1
Qt'ir cuAi.M nntsus.
JoHtphlno Jensen and huHhand to I. .
C' . I-Jnewold : cast CO | lot 7 ,
Howe's addition 1
G. O. Wallace , trustee , to I' . I. . . Per-
Ino , trustie ; lot 20. black 1 , Mutt-
llinulh I'e.rk , . 1
a C * Gaunt and wlfo to G. C ! . Wal
lace , trustee ; im . , . . 2
IMtrlik Slcvln to IJelln Jl Cube ; west
l 1-3 feet lot 1. lilock 4. HIIlH'du ' ad
dition No. 2 ; i
J. H. Hnslgn to I-J. W. l'--ndleti > n ; lot
r . block .1 , Mnyne'H addition' / / , 2
M. P. Harris to UrltlKrl AKh t-t al ;
lot C , block 3 , Hogvti & II.'s addi
tion 1
Total amount of luuisferB J3.7I3
mm r. , BOYD & co , ,
'J'cluplionu 1 Oii ! ) , Oinnlut , Neb.
Ol > TI Ml ! .
Iilneiwlr nlo l. - -j , mil New York
Curr bi ii'Vnifi Jiiin A Warren i Co ,
I'uhllc Library.
Vt'iuloiiie llolrl.
ttOllfKCt' IllltL-I Nl'WN Stllllll.
1Vi Slifiiri'r.
ICt-ofi * Itron.
William .Shlolil , , , ,
K. A. l.nuan.
Clicj'iiiii > Club. i
AiitlKorliini llttlcl \ MVM Slniiil. i
AiiilKorluin Annex New * Stniul.
< 5r < * \iirtbei-n llnleti > * nm Sdliul.
I'M I HUT llolINCIM1N Slllllll.
run In III ceIMVH SUuul , Xo. HIT Dent *
born Klri-et.
WtMlllcll llllUSC.
Till * llulll-lllU-lt.
Ciiiiimci-clal Trnvi'lprn' ANMiiclutlno ,
MllNllllll' Temple.
llrlHcuo ItriiM.o. . : t ( ) Soutli Tejilli St.
Harvard L'nlvi't-slty Library.
Itmvvii IIii ( < -l Ni'ivs Stand.
tliiiiillliin .t Ki'iiilrli'k.
.Mi-Lulu. ! ! < ( .v Co. , SUB Sixteenth St.
I'riitt Mcrenndle C < 1.
Tin * Sintlum-r > < ; .
WlinlKoi' lintel \e\v-i Sluml.
.1INCI .lllI'Dll.N , IllH-li iNllllIll DctlUt.
Kuill IIiiriAciiH.
\V. A. lliiuri' .
lleleiui rulillc l.lbrai-y.
Itobert llelil.
( 'nates Unlike N'IMVS Sliind.
V. M. C. A. ItcaillllK HIM .
KluirlcM A. CillllK. Ni. . ! > Htriuul. I
Slniiiliird XriVM Co. \
" , 'iiblle Iillinii-- .
\\Vst IInte1OIVH Stand.
Cooper I'nlitii Iillirnry.
l-'Ifth Avenue lloleleivn Slnnil.
I-'inii Avenue Motel Ill-lull HIT Unont ,
llroiiiue Slreet Llbrnry.
llollniitt llniiHiItenilliiK Itoom ,
llofl'lllllll HOIINI- .
Iiniierlnl lloli-l .Vcivs Slnnil. "l
MecbanlcM' .t Trailcrn' Kruc LIIrnrT (
Nil. IH lOnst Sl\-i-nlli ( Street.
I'rcMi ( "lull , llnN.iau < ) St.
XVcHtinliiNii'r lliiti-1 lii'iiilliiKICnoin. .
\VliulMiir Ilott'l Iti'iiilliiK IliMini.
V. .11. C. A. , U.'til Slrei-l anilUli Avenue.
Iliini-iin Hotel N'i'iVN SI
> Il NiilirI I'nulllt ! ItlilK , i\pu.
> IcCnrm'y ( & Co ,
Veiv York Herald Iti-iulliiK Uuoni , 40
Avc. lie IMIiiiTJi.
V. ( ' . llOflllT.
\V. I" .llllH-H.
I Iliuiil lintel \I-IVM .Slnnil.
.Mercantile Iillirnry.
I'ulillc Lllirnry.
1'ulilli ! l.lbrnry.
I , , If , Iliiiiiiiicl , Li-eiini 'I'lieul'-r. '
Suit LnUi * N - -x Co.
n. C. OyHdin.
A. T. Liindb'-rtr ,
( iiirri'ttMiiii llulclIMVM Stnnu ,
Miiiiiliiiiilu Hotel NI-UH Stailll.
Illlll-l Vl'llllOIU" .VCVVH Slllllll ,
( ii-lirne Ilimit. .
I'ulillc Llliriif- ,
Jolui XV. ( irillllllli.
' \e v .Slnnil.
K. T. .It'll.
1'lanler * ' Hotel .Neut , Mauri ,
I'ubllc Library.
U'lllaril'M lintel Ni-tVH .Slnnil ,
IrlliiKl'in IIiileL
CiiiiKi'i' ' * l < > iiiil Llbi-iii-y ,
IIIUUH HllllHI * .
.ivi-li'iilliii-fil lciurlnieiil Lllirary ,
Si-nuli * I tend I HUT lliiiiiu.