I 10 THE OMAHA DAILY 1VE13 : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 15 , 1807. SPECIAL NOTICES i-rtlfK-niciHn fur HIL-KC viilnmtiN be ( iilii-n until Ii ! in , for Ibc ovi-iiliiK nml iinlll H | i. "i. for 'I' " iniiriiliiu : HIM ! tiiiiilny nlllliiim. AilvvrtlNcrx , ) r < - < | iii'ntliiK n mini- licrfil oliec-U , oiiii luivc nninvi'rn ml- ilrcnncil to n iiiiiulii-rcil teller In cure of The HoiAiiHUtTN no nililrf < n'it irlll ! M ilrll\cri-il on : tfi > Ni > n < iitlon of < luI'luclc mil ) . ' ' -n-oril nr l liiM-rllimi lliitrn , 1 l-'c n lo 11 wnril ( lifri'iiftor. .Nollilnit tnki-n 1ur It-it * limn lir.ifur tinllri t ln -r- iliin. Tin-no iiilvcrllneiiientN limit lie rim < ! iniM < 'iiill < ! > . \VV\TIJI ) SITUATIONS. WANTKI ) . POSITION IIV A KlUST-J't.ARS lady MtnORMplier ; references filvtn. inciulrc at 1IH4 lloanl of Trnile. A-MliO 1 \VANTII : ) JIAM : 111:1.1 * . CANVASSIIKSTO TAKB OUHKUH : NHW LINK of world no lieavy KOO < ! to entry ; filmy or conimlnslon. C. K. Adams Co. , 121 S. IMh yt. U 515 BAMSMKN : roit CIOAUS. $125 A MONTH AND exponnsii ; uM firm ; experience uniif'fiiJ.iryin. . iluccmentii to cuitomcrg. C. C. Ulabop & Co. HI. i'rN ANI ) AVOMiTN POMCITOH8 VMl TUB Nnttonnl Itci-erve np.'orlnllmii the IpeM. 'nfent nnd oimie t rrnternm orJer Hi ttio tlcld toilny. AOJri'ns 1' . A. C. Htevcns. H11 N. 181 1 M. , Ornahit. n . li 1IKN AND WOMKN OHriANIXKItS AND SO- llcltnrn for bnut friternnl bpndlMnry society In tlm Helil ; K"0'l ' pny. Ailitrem Siitiirine Sen- rotary Htnr of Jiniller , McCunk. Ni-liraiikn. It M"ll " Ni WANTii ) . SAMvSMHN TO PAItin' A OOOD- felllnK "I'Je line to the Kroeery Iraile : llliernl rnmmlKslon , A-lilrefs Krcil It. 1'ntten , Hocli'-Jle. WANTKD , I.ATIOHI'.HS FOH WYOMINfl AND lown , extra K.IIIR wuiU ; KOOC ! linker. Krnmcr & O'llenrn , llth nnil Rirnnm. n .MlwJ li > ' \VANTUI ) AT ONPK. 10 TINNKHS ANM ) R'U- n.ici ; men. Milton lloRrrn Sr S < m. H Mia .A vn , nNionoi-iTio MAN IN Ni-liraKkn for IK-HI oM line Fraternal Infiir- iinco lo. . with Inrce mirplmi. Snlnry or mm- mlHSloii.V 3 < i. Itec OMV-e. H MI7 17 _ ANTED. TAII.OU. A rinsr ri.\as. AT.I round mnn. at onre M. Jn ten. Mlnilen , Net > . U Ml 16 * \VAXTHII''HMAI.I'J IIKI.l' . IM ailll-S KOU Al.l. KlNtlS OP U'OltIC ; M TO | 7 week. Cnnuillnn Olllcc , 1522 nuiiRliin. "WANTRD. A C1OOI ) nmi I'OIt OKNUUAI , liourpivork. Apply r , < 3 3. 26th iivenue. ( . -MIOl WANTKD. ntlll. 1'flll OKNKIIAI. IIOIISK- wurk Oiiral wnRa to competent Klrl. 1123 Si. ! Stli St. _ _ I' IIS I3 WANTnn. ntitr , rou OHNKRAI. nofsn- wurk. Mrs. I ) . II. Clooilrloh. 1117 I'.irk Ave. C-Mlllll 1C' WANTKD , HOI'SHKiaCI'KU , Oil MAN AND wlfi * to Ktt I i th > eomitry ; rcft-rt-nrt's ipipilrt',1. Apply ICL'I Olpltr , ! nvc. I' 173 nn. A noon HKI-OND ntni. . WITH city references. Mrs. Marsh , cnnt of llrf-unetl liall. C Mini 17 WANTKD. DOMESTIC' . OCNKIIAI. IIOI'SK- work. Mrn. Wlllliim llciry , 1411 Nonh Wth Btr.-ct , Siiutb Omaha. r .MUG 17 KOH ItIJNT HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis Company. 1M3 Farnnm. D 519 HOUSES ; HENEWA & CO. , 108 N. liTIl ST. I-520 IIODHRN HOUSES. C. A. STARR , 923 N. \ \ IIOUSKRVAM.ACH ; , IJIIOWN HIXJCK. IfiTII im < l DouKlnR. D 522 CHOICE HOITSKH AND COTTAOHH AT.T OVEU city. J5 lo } 73. Flile'.lty. 1st lloor N. V. Life. D-C11 _ IIOUSK3. rOTTAC.KS & STOUKS , AM. I'AHTS of city. Itremian & Ijyve Co. . 430 1'nxton Mnek. D TJ3 LIST. M'CAGUK. 15TII AND D 321 joUSES. FLATSJ , QAHVIN IlllOS. . 1613 FAK'M D 525 HOUSES FOH KENT. DHMIS. \XTO.V I1I.1C. n 525 HOUSES , J. II. SHKPWOOD.123. . N. Y. I.IFK. FOR KENT , CIIOK'K 12-ltOOM Din'ACIIED modern bouire. luqutru 2313 Capitol aveiiun. D-W3 JIOVINO 1IO1TSK1IOI.I ) flOODS AND PIANOS. Oin. Van & Storage Co. , 1511''j ' F.irn.im ; i < - | 15" > 9. D 520 CIIAS. E , WILLIAMSON , 001 HEE IILDO. Tel. 717. - ILlPlL FURNISHED nousn , MODERN , s ROOMS , oak finish , choice locnllcn. Farnam car line , with peed bnin , 110 00 per ininth. Fidelity Trust Company , llrst lluor New York Life bldir. HEARS RENTAL AGENCY. 210 Mi-PAOUE Hilt. ! > - * TWO LT\ROE HOPSES IN DUNDEE PLAPK : cheap. 0) " > Hue bldi ? D AI3S3 WANTED. AT ONCE. I1ET\YEEN 23 AND f,0 hounen to rent ; crcat demon I fi r hoii c' ; r"ntij | u cpcclalty. J 11 Sherwood , 153 N. Y. Life. D M721 IlENT. OESIKAIILE 6-ltOOM COTTArjE. iiKiJein. 2J2 N. SCIh. D M122 17 iJNT , IlEHIUAIILE NINM-ltOOM IIOPSH with Imrn. 22d ft. near California , with nil Improvements. Inquire COO N. Y. Life lnilMIni ; . FOH IlKNT. NOV. 1. SKVUN-HOOM MODEIIN cottiiRe , SOJ'i Lnivenworth SI. R D. llrown. Trensiirer'H ollk'p. Mlnsonrl r.tclllc. D MIIA 13 MtOOM MODEIIN' PLAT ON KAIINAM ST. 3 blocks went of court lioupe. Omihu Heal Ma- tnlo nnd Triist Co. , 211 So. ISth St. D-1M rmsT ' C"LASS TIODEHN r > HOOM COTTAOK. with bath. ete. . compti-lp ; Hlrlclly Rood , $14. KilH N. liStli. keys at 2S10 Seward ; m-w luiin. ! . ! , K31I * C t'NFl'IINIHHKIi KOOMH. ALL MOIinitN. 2711 No. 2nd SI D-2J7 OJ3 HIOIIT-noOM MinpHIN FI'HN'ISIIED IIOPHH near Eximsltlon Starr , 523 N. Y. Life D-M183 n KOIt Itr.Vl' Kl'll.MSIIKI ' ) UOOMS. FUHNISUED HOOMS. 1CH CALIl'OltNIA ST. I7ilO2i ! TWO LAIIfiK PPHNISI1KD HOOMS , MODHItN. Boilthcrn rxiioKiire. Slur DoiiBliB. 1C J112I Ik' BOWTH IIOOMS. 1WO CAPITOL AVK. 1I-MI23 IS * FrilMSIlED HOOMS ; IIOl'SICKEKPINa. 2C2I St. Mary's. i-MI3.l 16 * t Fl'ItNIHHED HOOMS AND IIAHP.MUNT , kllclicn ii nil illnini ; roum , wllli KHS plove. menni lienl ; for man and wife. 2UI South 21th M. 13 M133 15 . HOOM , HHITAIILIiou : mun and wife or sliiKle i-entlenian ; ntvain lieat and nil eonvenluncea ; lut llwr over ilrin ? Htore , L'lili nnd Farnnin t. I ! 132 ir > " ! oT7 HAHNKY STIIKKT. J-j ] , ) ) J J' n -FIIONT HOOM WITH ALCOVK : modern. 2CRO Hartley Ht E-MI70 SO * Fllll.VI.SIII'i : ) ItlHHI.S AMI HOAItl ) . NEATLY FUKNISHEl ) HOOMH. 19IJ DODOK. F-M2UO 01C' BTI5AM-HEATKD HOOMS WITH 1IOAHD. SOW ILirrey. F-M3 N12 HUUTII FHONT HOOM FOU TWO ; other ruonn ; KW < \ board. The Him1 , V23 liar- ncy. F-MS9I MOPEHN 1IIMCK , HOOMS AND 1IOAHD. JJ.W up. 514 Noith J9lh. F MII3 19 * HATES AND THE be t fure. A home. Sherman ave. car pauses door every eight mlmiten. Newly furnlnhed ; nuiv nmnii cement ; adjoins i : po lilon. Sara- togn Hotel ENTIHTAINS HB KUO IS. F-M7H N3 UTOPIA , 7:7 DAVKNPOHT ST. BTEAM HEAT. K HO-H * J'l'ONT HOOM si"wiTH olTwTTHOtlT IIOAUI ) . r.M Hatney. F-M51S 15 * NICELY PUHNISIID"FHONT | : HOOSIS WITH board , T015 DoiiKlas. I'-MIU 15 * HOOMH WITH UOAHD ; I'HI- vatcamlly : beautiful locution. UM South 3l t. F-M145 li Bt'ITU OF HOOMS Fl'HNISHKD OH I'NFUH- nUlied , with board ; Hi urn beat. I'topU. 121 Daxtiiport. F-133 u rou in\r IIOOMS. tJNFUHNlSHKD 8T , U roll III\T rvrritMSHKu UOOMS. ( Continued. ) TWO UNFt'HNISHKD HOOM3 , liT I'LOOH. ITU flilrnK' ) 81. O-M91I ! Foil HUNT. TWO PAIU.OHS ON 1ST F1.OOII , iinfiirnlshed. llet I ov tit Ion In city. 2Bt F r nain St. O-M111 rou un. > TsToitis AXD FOP. HUNT , DP.PK HOOM IN OHOt'ND FI/DOIl Mllce , Ilee biilldlnR ; wnter , * te.am heat , electrlo light and J nltf > r fervlce. Apply to It. W. Haker , euperlnlendent , Ilee liullJinK. 1 W/ FOU HKNT-THlTl.HTOUV Illlli'It Ilt'ILDINO nt SH Fiirnam t. Thli liulldlnK lias a fireproof cement basement , romplete steam lieallnir llx- turm ; water on'all tlooia , gan , etc. Apply nt the office of The Dec. I 910 FOH HINT-IN TIU : IIEI : On Iace corner room , 2d floor , with vault nru | irl\nte olllee , water , etc. One latRe front room. M Moor , divided Into twp rooms by partition , water , etc. Onlarsc corner room. 2J floor , with vault , water , etc. Ono front room , divided by partition , third floor. One eorner room with vault. thlM lloor , One larse room , third floor , with partition di viding It Into rno larRe room and two smaller rrlvnto rooms , water , etc. Two large Brouinl Moor rooms with vaults. Several nmnll rooms on fourth floor , with vaults. All these roonn nre heated with stenm , electrlo Ilichts Minplled , with first-class Janitor > erv- ee. nievators run day and all nlsht. llulld- Inir slrletly nreptoOf. Apply to II. W. Ilaker , uperlntendcnl. room 101 , Dec building 1-19 ? \VAVri31)TO IIH.XT. WANTED. TO HENT OH IIL'Y F1HST-CLAS3 residence In ironil loenllon ; nine to twelve- rooms ; state full paitlculare , Address W10 , Heo office. 1C M832 15 WANTED-HY MAN AND WIFE. 3 OR J TI.V- fiirnMied looms In norf.i part of city ; modern ; nddress W a . iico. Rlvlns location and tcims. K-11C 19 WANTED. TO HUNT FOUR UNFURNISHED rootii. . with Menm heat nnd bath , by n small li'-'Ui'5" ' nnt | 0 | > fa * our. Address , statlnc prlre , 36. Hee olllee. K MI7i 17 STOIIARR. ACIFIC1 STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 90S-DIO Jones ; Rene-ill storage and forwnrdlns. M & 34 OM. VAN & CTORAOE 15I1V4 FARN'.M. TEI , IVa. M 53 : > FRANK EWEIIH. STORAGE , 1ll HARNUY ; hauling & tucking , cheapest rates. Tel. 9,6. M-783 WA.VTiiTO HITY. 11EST PKICE PAID FOH OMAHA SAVINOS bank accounts at room GOO , N. Y. Life liMir. N-33U CASH FOH OMAHA SAVINGS HANK AC- coimtK. o. o. Wallace. 312 Brawn blk. , 16th nml Doiifjlas. N 39J WANTED , TO III1Y A SECOND-HANI ) HAD1 nnt Home liote burner. Address W r. ' . Il , > i > . N-1IJ 13 100 SECOND-HAND WHHEIS. NKI1RASICA Cycle Co. , corner 15th and Hartley FlK-ets. N-M1C4 18 I'Oll SAI.K IIOHSHS . .AXIIVA I > XS. FOR SALE , NEW TOP 11UGOY AND 3-YEAR- nld eolt , eheap , or will tiade for clear lot. A. P. Til key , City Hill. P-176 11 FOH SALE. ONE CLOSE CAIUUAOE. ONE P.irk WIIRIIII. one Blilesaddle and nne slelith , all In comideto order. Apply nt M4 S 2Hlh avenue. P Ml < 2 17 * 1 TOP lll'C.OY. HALL HEAHINC AKLlwritrH- IKT Hies , "own make , " cost $3. > i > , now less tlinn i ; 3 Kam\ \ phaetons , 1 Snyder make ; 2 Colum bus ; 2 KOOI ! Fiureys. Dnimniond , IS , < ; llmm-y. P M1S7 Nil rou SAWDUST , HULK OR SACKED-CRIIIHING and bos fence. C. R. Lee , V01 Douglas. Q-537 HOG FENCE , ALL WIHE , DEST ON EAHTH , lawn nnd yard fence. Wire Works. 103 S. llth. W3-O 2S UPlliailT KIMIIALL PIANO. LAHOK SI'/.lT only JS'i.Ort. Aibln-iH W 31 , Itee. Q'n 15 * .IIISCKI.I.AMSOliS. Tin : KLONDIKE. HATES. HOtTTES , WHAT to lake , reliable information. 10 cents. Al.isknn Iliirpau of Inform.iMon , 202 Park st. , Strralor , III. II M ! I9 1G OLAIIIVOVAXTH. MHS. PAUL. TUANCrj MEDH'M. 20' N. 1GTH. unl'cs tbe separaLed : chansc.s luck ; tellers ton- talniiiK tani | > pioinptly aiM. hull..s. 5i > c. S M772 vi * MASS.\K ; , IIATIIS , KTV. MEDICATED IIATIIS. IIAIlEUn , SEA. SU - phur. massajje. Mr.ie. llilhson , from Paris. 10 ? N. 12th St. T M333 O2I * MVUAM SMITH , 1JI3 DOUGLAS MASSAtt steam baths. T ISO 19 * IIATIIS , MASSAGE IAUHA ELLISON , Cioun.-i ! blk. , 113 N. luth ' , . , room 12. T MM1) ) 1C MHS. DIE. LKON , EI.ECTHK. ' MASSAGE parlors ; lustful nnd curative. 417 S. lllli , ni- stalrs. T M1U8 17 I'HHSO.VAL. VIAVI FOH tlTEHINK TllOUHLKS. 3II5-S HEE Hid } ? . , iihyslclan , conbitltailon or bealth Loolj fiee U--,3'J IIATIIS , MASSAGE. MME. POST , 313Vi S. ir.TII .U 5'0 H ! HAAS. FI .O III ST. PLANTS AND CtT llowert * . lK | UetH , hall , residence and wravf ilecnrntlnnx. Plowers , boquetB nnd ilnc iratlons delivered to any part of the rlty. Onb-rs b > lileiiliiiniproniplly attended to and tilled In two hours. Telephone 77C. 1S13 Vlnton St 11-931-011 Hl'PTl'HE CtlHED ; NO DETENTION FItOM bu.lneh ; no jialn ; wp refer to hundiods of cases cured ; piles cured bv a Hlnsle , p.ilnl-'sn treatment. Call or write The Empire Huptun I'ure nnd Medical Institute , succesMim to Tin O. E. Miller Co. , 032-3 , N. Y. Life Hide. Qm.ilm. U 511 CLOTHES CLEANED. rilKSSKI ) AND UE- palrod ; day or nlKht ; dress nulls for hlie Pantorluiu , N. E. cor. 14th and Fariiain. Tel 903. ! . ' -MJlI ? _ HE YOUIl OWN DHESSMAKEH , INVESTI Kate the Joy Tnllor System ichool of dress cuttliiR ; only complete * klrt syslem ; | HIIK | you dresses nnd make u 111 If lenrnlnR. 403 Kurhacl block. PiittL-inH fieo Thursday. AKenta wanteil U Iii3 O2i > MOXHV TO LOAX II HA I , I3STATK. MONEY TO LOAN AT 1X3 W HATES. Till O. F. I > a\l ! ' „ . . l.'iiij Fainam St. W 512 ANTHONY IX3AN * THUST CO , . 316 N. Y. U ( lUtck money nt low rates fjr choice fniin land III loun , niirthern .MUUil , eastern Nt.lnahli.i W-513 LOANS ON IMPHOVED & I'NLMPHOVED cm property. W. Fiiinam Siiillh .t Co. , io Fiun'ni MONEY TO LO"AN ON IMPP.OVED OMAHA i fa I estate. Ilrennan , l Jve Co. , Puxton Hlk. W-515 MONEY TO LOAN. HE.MIS , PA.NTON I IXCK. W-54U MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA liropci ly. Piiuey & Thomas , SOI l t Nat. Ilk. li'dz ' SIX I'EH CENT CITY AND FAIIM LOANS. O.irvln llrod. , ] G13 Farnam SI. MONEY TO 1X1AN ON IJII'HOVEI ) CITY property. .4. 1' . llustwlek & Co. , 311 I'-nton Ull : . W-M793 1100.00 ANI > HI' , F. D. WKAU. 1C & OOITOLAH. \ vao NO 6 I'EH CENT MOUTOAOiS : FOU HALE , I'ltOI1- erly of non-re ldenU i-ared for byV. . II. Melkle. Flral National I.mk Hlili ; . , Oinnb ; MOVKV TO I.OAX CIIATTKLS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FUIINITL'UE. I horneti , WIIKOIIH. ete. , al lowest rates In city : no it'inoval of Kouda : ttrlclly rontldenlhil ; you ran piy th 'Hi. in off at any lime or In nny amount. OMAHA JdOUTOACJE I O.\N CO. , 30G S. K.lh St. X-&M TO ( SET IN Oil OUT OF IH'SINESS < 1O TO J. J. ClIbDii. 511 First Nat'l Dink. V MS51 11AKEHY AND CIOAH KTOHE UOINCi C1OO1) J. J. Olbi-on , 6H Ut Nat'l Dank. Y-603 18 FOU SALE Oil HENTJ A fSOOD. NE.V11LY new hotel In ll\e town. AJJrens M. Hoffman , Carroll. Ja. V-M9V3 16 * HALF iNTEUEST IN A KLONDIKE AT THE vxponltlnn fur a hotel man with J 1.000 , Sara- toiiii Hold. Take Sherman ave rar north. Y-ilSlI-H QA Ll.llltY WOUTH ittO , TO BELL Oil THAOE , ( or Nilirniki land. Addreo C , M , Vuorhfi-B , Wymorc , Neb. Y-M1J3 U ( Oontinned ) REND FOU FUEE HOOK "IIO\V TO PITri * . lale In Oialn nnd rrivlslnns on Smill Mnr- Kln , " we cxeeute ortler on wheat In l.'MM ' I bushel lots and upward ; dally inarket letter , ttrt. 11. J. Kttuhery & Co. . M tnl > r ! < Hoard of Trade. SW Illalto lllds. . ChlenRo. Y MHO 14 * FOtl SALE. A WELL HQflPl'MH I'llOTO ( Jnllery In B K < MI | pinintv nd town In Ne braska : county sent , main line r. I' . It. H. ( lood trade and prices Addre B W 3T Hre- Y Ml RO 17 * roit I'jxi-ii vx si I WOI'LI > LIKE TO THAlin OOOI ) MOHE11N s-room hou e , full lot , barn. Rood title , nml clear , for Rood it-Mdenee propelty cnmenlent to ear line , will nsmimc teasonablc Ineiini- bnnre. Addresn w 3Ilee. . 7.-133 I''OH S.\tl < : _ lin.\lj I3STATK. AIIM LANDS. C. F , HAIUUSON. HIS N . V. U HE ! > M-C1.1C' KOITNTHK t'LACE HAHOAINS. 2.W ( > , W,7Srt TO ! . . * < ) ; K-O photos at 16th nnd Fainam , Morse HldB. J. J. Oll on , til First Nat. HinU Hlds. nn-.i:3 _ HOUHES LOTS , FAHMS. LANDS , LO NS. Oe. I' . Hernia lleal Entato Cn. . I'axtin 'd"ek. IlT d-M HOOM HOUSE. > 2NiO. 40-foot corner lot. S. W. eor. Uth and Iznrd. 100 | r acre buy 40 nctvn nne mile south of tnsers , llooin 1C , Patterson Ulk. HE-M1S2 O 1S IAVE POMIC HAHQAINS MYSELF. CITY AND farm. Cnll for particulars W'mson , 601 Ilee bli'B. HF.-938 _ TWO S-IfOOM COTTAOES. BO FT. FHONT. 10 blocks north or P. O. ; cheap. Mt SI th ave. nn as-H * HOO.M TOTTAOE AND LOT WEST OF EX'- p-sltlon ground * , nearly new , for (950 ; JIM i-anli nnd montlilv rnyninit * of > f > on Inlnnce. Hyron H. HnKtlni' ; ! ' . 212 Si. llth HI. HE MtOl IAHOAINS. IIOl'RES , I.OTS AND FAHMSj sale or trndc : F. K. DarllnR , llniher Kill. 'Oil HALE , ON IX1NO TIME. AT fi PEH i-KNT Interest , two Impniveil farms ndjolnlnR City of Mlssouil Valley , la. Ono of KO acres ; nn- other of 2IH nen-s ; all In cultivation. Will be sold on 10 yearn' time. Address , IocV Drawer "I' , " Shenamlnnh. In. HE MT93 N5 "INE HESIDENOE IX3TS WITHIN ONE MILK went of postotlleo nt prlees too liw lo Kl * ' ' t ° the titibllr ; i-rent barKaln for Homebody. Come nnd see me about them If you want to buy. O. O. Wallace. 312 J. .1. llrown Hlk. _ ii-iri , ir. C50OD Ht'lLDIN'O I/IT ON DIVIDING LINE belwnen Omalin and Po. Omaha. * 3r > 0. Fine corner lot with bouse. N. 21th , 1u t south nf exposition enlrnnee , very " 'heap , 53..VW. 2" , ft. lots 27th and Ornnl , KOO eaeh. O. O. Wnllaee , 312 J. J. llrown Hlk. iys r.3 iff FAIl.M LANDS. C. F. HAnillPON. PIS N. Y L. HE M1S1 NI3 * AU'MIKOICHll.S. H. M\11OWITS ! I/3ANS MONEY. 41S N. 10 ST. TYl'KV.'HITKllS. TONS OF ENEHOY WOPLH HE RAVED DAILY If every operator used llsht running Dense , more. 1M2 Farnnm st. . Omalia. 53 ? CO \ L. IIUIILINOT'N Nl'T , I1KST , CHEAPEST PIIH'K J3.73 per ton. 'Phone S4S. llnrmmi , t We th 'o SJIOHTIIAM ) AXU A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. V. LIFE. .I , ' , I AT OMAHA UL'S. COLLEC3E. K.TII & IJOPGLAH. r M'CAIlTItY'S ACADEMY. 17TH & DOfOI.AS , Osl N3 LOST. LIOIIT HAY HOUSE , 7 YF.AHS ; WEIO1IS about 1050. rather thin and hlKh backbone. Ite- waid for return to 171S Cass bt. , Omaha. LiiHt M1SH LOST , HLACIC LEATHER POC'KETHOOK containing annual railroad passes favor r. c. HiiRlies. nrn'l Snpt. F. . K. .t M. V. : tinder will be FUltnbly rewarded by returning to llk- horn sene-al otllccs. r isl MII9 19 LOST. SEVERAL ANNL'AI. PASSES. FINDEU will plea. e return to ( ' . H.'Duxbury. H 5 , U. S. National bank , and receive reward. I.ost MIIS 17 LOST , CnEAM-COLOHED PIT ( NtO IIAH- ncsa nnd tasr ST'J. Iteward for ri'timi lo K2 No. 19th. r t 177 16 LOST. NEW SFIT OF PLOTHES AND HAT. between 17th nnd Dndse and Irvlnslon. Re ward If returned to W. P. Welch. Irvlnstnn. Neb. Isist 174 14' KKATHKIl HKVOVATOIt WOIIICS. FEATHERS HOPOUT AND SOLD. MAT- treppes renovated and nrule to order. White Swan. 1701 N. 21th. 'Plu.ne 1013. Ml-lS MUSIC , AHT AXI > PROF. CIIAS PF.TERSEN. INSTRFCT1ON IN piano , violin , Kiiltar , mandoline , zither , voice. 20eara expiTlentv. Terms reasonable. StU'llo. ' 513 Sheely liloek. 7S3-N4 * MISS MINNIE LOVI , TKACIIEIl OF PIANO , removed to 1'JJl Cor by at. Terms reasuiulde. Iteferencea. Sll-lli * EVENING CLASSES IN ENOLISH MATHI mattes , booltkeeplntr. M. S. M.-iVuithy Academy. 17th and Doiila.i | Sts. 0-0 11 IOX ! I.\KHH.S' .VXD AUTISTS' SITPPLIHS. NOTE LIST OF GOODS PAOE 8 IJEE OCT. llth : the prlc-v * I cannot diiiillefite ; eatalopue free. Alvn J Grover , 318 South ir.th . St. , Omaha. M1C7 Nil MATTIIKSN HUNOVATIXn WOIIICS. MATTRESSES , COITHES. PARLOR FI'RNT- ture to order ; repaired , K03 L'avc-nw'h ; tel. 1VE. XX M S , WALKIN , 2111 CUMINO , TEU 1331. r,57 I'ATHXTS. T5 A HPTC'T T P C1 Sues & Co. , Attorneys- JL Ji 1 * - * ± i IJ at-Law . nnd Patent Ext - pM.tgi Ice iimidlnir , Omnlm , N b. Hrani'h ofDee at Wnshlnslon. D. C Send f.ir free Advl-e nnd Patent Hook See Sunday lieu fir our Maehlni ! Movomentr i-up > rt li'ed IMr T''l 'i > hnr.e Ili2.1 SHIP points In mixed oar Iota at cut rntuB. ; nnd Telephone 155D. Omaha Van & Storage Go1. POSTOI'TICH XO'I'ICK. ( Should lo rend DAILY by nil Inttrcs'ccJ ns I'hnngea may occur nt nny time. ) Korc'lsn iiuills for the neck cn.llnt ? Oc tober 1 , U 7. will c-lono U'HOMl'TIA' In ill c'ftsi's ) nt the CJeneral I'oHtolIlce ns follows r'Ancnns POST MAILS OLOSB ONU HOUn KAHIJICIl than closlnt' time shown below. Triilin-AUnnl'l. ; .IliillN. SATUIIDAY- 5M : n. m. for per . . t'arnpiinla * . vlu Quei-nstown ( let ters for Kranoe , SA-itzprlnnil , Italy , Spiiln , 1'ortUKnl , Turkey , Hjrypt and Uritl h Inillu must l > o dlrei'teil "per Campania" ) ; nt 7 n. in. for KHANCH. SW1T.I'3IIIND. . ITALY. SPAIN. POUTL'OAU TIMKBV. UQYPT Hliil niHTISlI INDIA , per H. 8. La I'ri'tnRiio ' * , vlu llavro ( letters for other parts of Kuropp must bo dlreou-'l "per La liretiiRno" ) ; tit 8 n. in. for NBTllKK- LANDS direct , per . H. Maasdam. via Hotterdam ( letters must 1)0 ) directed "per Mnasdam" ) : nt 8 n. m. for OKNOA , per H s. Kins ( letters must bo directed "por Urns" ) : nl 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND dlre.-t , per Ethiopia , via Glasgow del ten * must lie directed "per ICthlopla"'at ) ; 11 a. m. for NOUU'AY direct , per s. s. HeUla ( let'era must be directed "per llokla" ) . PRINTED MATTEH. ETC. German etenmera HalllnE on Tuesday take Printed Matter et" , for Ucrrr.sny. and Specially Audrtbsed Pi luted Matter , etc. , fur other parts of Europe Ameri can and White Star uteiimrrs on WeilneMnys , ( lerman ftrumers on Tliursdiiyt. and Cunard , French and iH-nnun steamers n H.iluriliiyn take Printed Matter , etc. . for all countries fur which they are ad > ertb-pd to carry mall After the oloilnir of tbe tiupplenunlary Trani- Atkinllc Mall < named above , nddlllanul > ui > i > ln. nienmiy inalU arc opened on Lie piers of the American , EnglUh , Frmclrund Oerman jteam- ( is , and remain open until within Ten Mln- utcj of the hour of laUlne of steamer. MullN for Sniilli nml On I nil Ainerlcn , \Vont InillfN , itt , PHinAV At 2:30 : n. m. for NK\VFOl'ND- LAND , per . s. Assyrian , from I'hllnJol- nhlaj fit 1 r m for NOIlTIt nUA7.tt. . T > r s. f. Hointlo , viix 1'nra , Mnrantmtn nivl Onrn ; nt 2 p. m for POHTO HIC'O dl- roit , per s. R. Arka'llni ' at n p in. f-r - NWWr.'OfNni.AND ami ST. PIKHUK- MIQt'JJLON. per . s. Ollvcltc , from lns- ton. SATrunAY At in n. in. ( snpplemcntiry in- ) n. III. ) fr.r I'OnTt'Nli ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANMLUV niul OUKY- TOXVN. i > * r s. s Altnl ( lotlcr * for I'wti Him mnpt be directed "p.-r Altnl" ) : nt 10 n. in. ( "tihplempntnry 10:30 : n. m ) for HAITI , vln Port mi Prince , Petit Heave nnd Jpremle. al o CAHTUAOBXA. 1'pr f. 11. Alps ; nt 10Jfl : n. \i. for CAMPKCIIK. CHIAPAS. TAHASro nnd Yt.VATAN , pfr n. t. Concho ( letter * for other parts of Mexico and for Culm mu.it be directed "per Concho" ) : nt 8M : p. m. for ST. I lBlHK-.MIQUKt.ON ! , | ior steniner from North Sydney. MnIM for N'ewfounSlind , by rail to Hnllfnx , and thence by Mrnmcr. close at this olllee dally nt S:80 p. m. Malls Mr illn.iic1oii , by rail lo llos- ton nnd thenee bt < ntminer , eln e at tills olllee , dully nt S:30 : p. tit. Mulls for Culm eli -e at this ntlleo dnlly nt 7:00 : a. m. . for forwnrdlns by Bteniner salllns 6lniiiys | and Thuri-'ays ) from Port Tainpn , FlnTlrfMbr malls for Mexleo City , overland , unlem rUf < , Ully addre cd for dis patch by ntcampf-fl'Rp " . ' . this ottlce dally t 12 m. ; paper malls' nt'ii ' n. m. "Ucul5li.ro I mall closes nt :00 : p. m , previous day. Mnlla for China 'uM Japan , per s. .1. Vic toria ( from T.iroifld ) , close here dnlly up to October ! ( , 'itt' CM : p. m. Mails for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Xoalaml , Hawaii hnd FIJI Islands , per P. s , Mlowcrn ( from Vancouver ) , clofu ? here dally nfler October' ' * S nnd up to October 11 , at 0aa : p. in. MnlU for China , Japan and Hawaii , per ti. s , China ( from San Francisco ) , cloSiJ here daily up to Oc tober 1T > , at 0:30 : p. m. Malls for the So ciety Island : * , | ur ship City of Papeltl ( from Sun KranclHoo ) , close bore dnlly up to October 2 , " , nt Clfl : : p n. Malls for Hawnll , per s. n. Australia v'froin San Francisco ) , clone hero dnlly up to October 2" , nt ti : 0 p. m. Malls for China and Japan ( fpeclnlly addre.'Wd only ) , per s. a Kmpre s of Japin : ( frpni Vancouver ) , cKf hero dally up to November " 1 , nt t > : : V > p. m. Malls for Australia ( except these for West Australia ) , wliicb nre forwarded via Kurope , New Xealnnd , Hawaii , FIJI and Satnonn Islands , per . s. Alameda ( from San Francisco ) , clo i > hero dally up to November ' . " > , at Trftl a. in. , 11 a. m. ami fiM : p. in. ( or on arrival at New York of s. . Campania with Drltlsh malls for AiistrulkO. Trans-Pnclflo mails are forwarded to port of nalllM ? dally and the schedule of closing it arniiiKed on the presumption of their unln- leimptcd overlnnd tran."lt. "Heslstcrcd mall cbwes nt C:00 : p. in. previous day. Postolllce , New York , N. Y. , October S , 1SD7COHNKHUS COHNKHUS VANCOTT. Postmaster. P.All.HOAHS. MIEMONT , EI.KHORN & Missouri Valley RnlHvay G n- erul OltU-es. United States Na tional Hank lliillilliiK , MiuUl na in Streets. Ticket Olllei. ' , went Corner Twelfth mid Far. 1101 Farnnm Stn-el. TeU'iihone , SCI. Depot , FlCt-enth and Webster Streets. Telephone ; IMS. Ijjave. Arrive , lllacl ; Hills. Deadvvood and Hot HtirliiKK 3:00 : pm 5:00 : I'm Wvomlnfi , C.is-per and Doimlii ? * 3:00 : inn " D:00 : pm Instills" . York , David City , Supe 1 r. Geneva , Kxeii-r mid Sewnrd. . . 3:0) pm 5:00 : pm r , rfo k , We t Po nt and 7DO : am "H.Siaii Lincoln. Waiioo nnd 7:50 : am "lOiUS nm ' ' ' " " ' ' ' ' ' Fremont Loe'ai. . . . . . . . . . 7iO : am illy. Daily except Sunday. Sunday only. * Dally except d.itimlny. . Daily Mondny. JKIOUX CITY & PACIFIC HAH.- mini Genetnl Otllces , United States National Hank Huild- Imr. S. W. Coiner Twelfth nnd Farnam Streets. Ticket Olllre. 1101 Fn mam Street. Ti'b'phone , Kfil. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Stnvts. Telephone. 1133. Leave. Arrive , ilmix Cltv. Mankato , yt Paul , Mlmu'iipolls C:13 : pm 'J:10 am Dnlly. Missouri Valley. Sioux city. St. i-uul and Mlnncnpollit r.IO : nm * 10I5 I'm Missouri Valley , Sioux Cliy 70 : nm 0:03 pm r > i'nnlsnn. Canoll , Wall. Like I . 7:30 nm 0:03 : Pm astein E\prei < , Di s Mi lines. Miirhhalltown , Cxd.ir Ilaphls , Chlenco * 10I3 : nm 4:10 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chlc.-iK nnd East ; 4:13 : pin * 4:10 pm Flint Mail , f'hlciijfo to Omaha 3:10 Pm Missouri Valley. > Slnux City. Ht. Paul , Minne apolis Limited i , ' : , " , pm 3H nm Omahn-Chleaeo Spocl.il. CSO : inn SW am Dally. Dally wept Sunday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNE- upolls NT Omaha Railway ( Jeneinl ollires , Nebraska Dl- vlnlun. Flfleenth nnd Webster Stieets. City Ticket Ofllcp , 1101 Fn mum Stieei. .Telephonu Ml. Depot. Flfli-enth and Wt'baler Stieeta. Telcphime. 1118. Leave , Anlve. Sioux iMty Acc'onunnd.i , * SiTii ) nni 8:2) pin Slonv City Aeenniniodu , , ' 9:5) : nm 8:20 : pm lilalr. Kiiiei-Hon. Siiiujc t'lty. I .ini-.i , Hartlnff- ton anil Hljomfleld. . . . 1:00 : pm ' 11 : " . am Slmix i Itv. Mankntp , St. Paul , Mimii'aiioll.H . . . ' , ti:13 pm 0:10 : am EmerMin P.i'nner . . . . 5:10 : pm :10 : am * Dal'y. Dally rxren ! Sunday. Sunday only. This train stnps at i-tiitlont Florenee to So. Itl.ilr. Inclusive , Simdays only ; on week days So. lllalr only. I3URLINGTON K MISSOURI River Knllro.id "Tha Iturllnir. ton Ri.utt" General Olllces , N. W. Corner Tenth and Fnrnani Streets. Ticket Olllee. ir.nj . Street. Telephone 23" ) . Tfiith and Mason eave. Arrive. 8:1 j am 9:33 : am 1:05 : pm * 7:4 : ! pm 11:30 : tun CH1CAOO , IinitLINOTON & ( julnuy Hnllroud "Tho Hurl- liiKton Hoiite" Ticket Ollk'O , 1.VI2 Fainam Street. Telephone 850. Depnt. Tenth nnd .Mason Streets. Telnphoiip , 12S. Airive. 7T : am -1:11 : pm 7M : Pal fiilO pm 2GU : pm KANSAS CITV. ST. JOSEPH Council IIIulTn Hallniad Thi ! llurlliiBton Houto" Ticket Olllee. IMS Farnam Street , Teb phone 250 , Depot , Tenth and Maton Strtets. Tele- p.ioiie , 113. L ° avH. Arrive. Kansas City Pay Ex. . . . 0:05 : inn till ) pin Kansas city Nlsht l'\ . . ' 10:00 : pm C:30 : u m I'NION PACIFIC1 "THE OVEH- land Houte" Ocnernl oIllceH. N. E Corner Ninth nnd Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllte. 1302 ] ' "arnnin Btreet. Telephone , 310. Depot , Tenth und Maion Streets. Tclcidione , 12S. Leave. Arrive. "Tho Overland Limited" for Denver , Salt Lake , western points . S:2 : < ) am MMjpm Piiht Mall train far Denver , Salt Lake , Paelllc coast and ull wcntern pnliUH . 4:03 : pm * 10SO : nm Lincoln , Ili-atrleo nnd StromslmrK Ekprets . . . 4.0 * pm 30 ; pm annul Island Express. . . 5:33 pin 3:50 : pm Dally. "Dally except Sunday. Council llluffs ] cal-Leave . 5:10 a. m. ; C:50 : a. m. ; 7:30 : a. in. : S:25 : a. in. : 10M > u. m.Sn ; ! p. in. ) 1:30 : p. in. ; 5:55 : p. m. Arrives. 0:20 : n. m. ; 7:20 : a. in. ; 8 a. m. : 9:23 : a .m. : 11:3' : ) u. m. ; 3:10 : p. m. ; 5:10 : p. in. ; li:05 : p. in. ; 30:1' : p. m. _ OMAHA. KANSAS CITY K EAKTEHN HAIL- road-Oinahii & St. IxiuU Ilallroad 'The o. K. HoutH11 TIcUi-l Olllcc , HIS Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. Djpot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , ' 128 , Lave. Arrive. Pitton > .bur ? . Kliksvllle , ijulncy ! < > H-al ' . 5:40 : am ' 10:15 : pm SI Louis. New York Llmlifd . . . . . ' . . 4:30 : pm ' 11:30 : tun Daily. MISHOI'HI PACIFIC HAILHOAD Umi.ral OHIcci and Ticket Of fice JliTrli.imu Nallunal liank Hullillne , IS. ' I Furnini Street. Tel'iiiu | | : . lul. Depot , Fifteenth anil Wtlwtrr Strittn. Telephone , * Hlffi ? ' Lenv . Arrive. Kansas City. St. Louis and southern pulnfr.1. ' , ' 3i5im : ( | ' 1J:5S : jun KOIIMH city KXIIM * ! . . ' , * 9:3i : ) pm 0:20 : uni Ft Crook & lfnlun LI9W ' : pm 7:00 : mil Dally. , , CHICAOO , MILWAUKEi : & ST. ,4 , . Paul Hallway-City Ticket /If. . . } , rr * * > Oilli'i'i I'.H Fainam Street. / MILWAUKEETtfcinone. . -M. Depot Temu * f * / und Mison Streets Telephone , jif 'i/ 1.Y ii"/ / Arrive. ii"Limited Limited UK ' t > :05 am Oma.i4 nnd Chicago Ji ) Jim IJally , IIAIMIOADS. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAMi .t Pa ilk Hal reid "TinOr m HI. l < Inland Rout" " city Tb-ki't Oftlee , Ittl Fntnam Street. Telephone , 4M , Ixtynt , Tent i nnd Mnfon Streets Telephone , 1"5. Leave. Arrive. Paul i . . . . < : W pin lr. : pm riirblo Demer und west. . . ' 1:86 : pm MsOSpm rhiinK'i ' , IVs Molne.i nnd Rock Island 7:00 : pin S:1S : nm Allnntlr Expios * . ( or Dei MoltiM and onittrn lolnls 7:00 : mi :5B : Pm Lincoln , Fulrbury and llellevllle SI5 : | ml " 10:40 : nm I'ally. Pally except Sunday. W.M1ASH HAII.ROAD-TH'KET OFFICE. HIS Fnrnnm Sin pt. Telophone. Kl. Depot , Tenth and Mason Sttrets. Telephone.2 < . Irfive. Arrive. St. I.niils "Cannon Hall" Express 1:30 : pm llMnm : Dully , TOI.I ) OfT 01. ' COIiUT. .Hni'or.i.xriil Hhill Worki'tl by n Kit-ill HiiK LIUVJIT. "Along about the middle of February , 1S77 , " said Justice JarvU Illume the other ilfty. recalling some of his experiences , lo a | Chicago 1'nst reporter , "while I wna at n I llttlo western town called Polk City , a liain- i lot of same 300 sois. ! n man came throur.h the fields bitlr-ss and breathless and accosted mo wildly. askltiK If I was n lawyer. I s-ild that 1 'Was a member oP the bar and hoped to bo n. lawyer some day. " 'Yes,1 gasped the man , 'but 1 want n lawyer now. " " 'Well , then , I am your lawyer ; what can I do for you ? ' "In his wild , rambling western style ho told cf an attack on his home by some coun try roughs , how they -broke up a dance , knocked down his wife and dragged hint around on the lloor ; that tha case would eome up the following Tuesday , nnd ho wanted a lawyer to 'iiorsecuto 'em. ' "In my anxiety to get a CJsr > In which to tnako my debut as a. forensic pleader 1 never thought of fees , but with utter reck lessness I told him I could take care of his case for him. The court where this cele brated rase of the 'People of the Stnto of Iowa Against Peter Illalno , John Hoffman. Shakespeare Snyder et al' seven defcnd.ints In all was to be tried was at Squire Shercr's house , n log hut on the banks cf the lrs ) .Moincs river. On my way to the station In DCS Mollies to lake the train t met a , great big Jovial lawyer of DPS Molniis , n noted man In that section , whom everybody called Colonel Illssell. I timorously asked him a little advice. This was In tlu > street. I told him I was grlng to prosecute some Holers up near Polk City and asked him what I would have to do under the practice In Iowa. " 'Well , my boy. ' said he. Til tell you. Don't try to be a. gentleman. In the llrst place. He a rnlllan. talk loud , talk much , saw the nlr. sta'rnp your feet , cr.jcn your eyes wide , dishevel your hair , be theatrical , be plucky , sail in , sail In , scare the daylight out of them , make them think you are not afraid of the devil and you will win your case. And , on the other hand. If you go In norvnns. as you naturally might , being raised In Hoston. and undertake to bo mild-man nered and gentle , \\liy they will mob you , Ulume they will mob you ! Those cut throats any ono of them would dean out you and the entire court room. I know 'cm all. Now. Aomember what I tell you. Illume. Show them i that your are not afraid. Now. then , I don't know what else I cnn say to you , but go in on your muscle and you will win. " "Well , the colonel nearly scared mo to death , but I gritted my teeth and made the trip through the crazy woods , arriving at' Squire Stiver's the night before the legal' battle fhotild begin. I undertook to be jovial and companionable to the squire , thinking to' curry favor with him. called for his library , which consisted cf a. dilapidated copy of the' code of Iowa , turned to the section classified ( is 'Jllot' nnd read. I undertook to Insfnct the squire as to what the lav/ was governing' such a easeIn advance of the trial. lie eyed mo with a look that I shall never forget and remarked : , " ; Xpw , see here , mister , don't you come any gum game on me. I guess I know what the law Is. I havon'-t been a squire for seven teen jtars for notbin' , and I know my blz- ncss. ' "The room In which the case nas tried , an ordinary sized room of a country log house. ( he door being left wide open , with a little alleged window , the rafters being In easy1 reach of the uplifted hand , contained about sixty-live persons. Including the seven de fendants and two lawyers for the defense from Des Molnes. "The trial lasted tl roe days and two evenIng - Ing sessions. Sixty-seven .witnesses testified llrst and last nil nbout the knockdown and dragon t at this country dancu. At length the dcfcrse was all in. When the Iwo learned lawyers frcm Dos Mclnes hud. finished sum ming up the testimony on behalf of the de- ffiidniilii I thought my heart wctild jump ckan out of my left breast at the fearful ordeal through which I was about to pass. I rever can be too thankful for the timely and Invaluable advice of Colonel liissell. Kvcry word that ho uttered at the station came back like an oracle at the supreme moment. I wns as white as n sheet wliep. I got up to reply to my legal opponents. My hand , as I made gestures. I know trembled , my lips qulvcrc.1 . and my voice had n peculiar tremor In It. I remember the first two or three sentences and my gestures must have been expressive , as I skinned my knuckles agalr.it the rafters. I saw that the culprits on trial were getting serious , had quitted grinning and were about to mob mo , ns I feared they 'Would. "I called upon his honor In impose the severest penalty upon these scoundrel. ) that would thus Invade the domestic establish- Jiient of my poor client , a peace-loving and honored cltlren of the county. " 'fir. ' I thmvJercd , as I raised my hand ntrd lost another bit of cuticle against the rafters , 'if you do not make nn example of thrso rulllnns , these Infamous outlaws , these scoundrels , your own home In not safe , your own fireside will lie polluted , your own wlfo nnd children trampled In the dust. I I call upon you to vindicate the law , which ' has been most foully outraged by these low brewed rulllins that look us In the fate as if i'iow to defy us. Sir , they must be made examples of so that the poice-lovlng rltUuu may bo safe In his own homiehohl and around his own fireside safe from Intrusion , safe from pollution so that he may enjoy I in peace and comfort and security the result i of his labors ; that ho may protect his family I and provide for them without tbn Interference | of these unbridled loafers and roughs that ; ' piesunie to invade the dwollliifls of decent people and assault and maltreat women and cl.ildrrn and more to this effpct. ' i "I saw the squire pale In no time n ho i gazed. 1 felt myself rising to heights of I eloquence which I never dreamed I was I capable of nnd which I have never nlnco been I ahla to equal and It WIH all from sheer fright. There was never even a smlli > from any or.t ? of the seven defendants. They were not only respectful , but scaroj actually frightened by my wildly dramatic effort in this my Jim lawsuit. I have always been profoundly grateful to the court that he took thn case under ndvlsumonl , as I wished to escapu under cover of darkness and gel I away from I'olU City for fear the effect of I my speech would be lout on the < e seven { defendants and they would clean thn whole i party out. I had followed Colonel Ills-sell's advice to thu letter , and it was a grandly successful bluff. "H transpired the following week that I the seven defendants were each fined $25 ' and costs , and two of them the ringleaders , < SO and costs. I went book through the driving snow storm In au open wagon over the rough roadi and through those wild woods the happiest mnn In tbe United ] Stales of America. If I had had a retaining fro of Jl.OOO f could not have felt belter. I I never have In all my life felt mieh absolute. ! glorious exultation as I did when I emerged In safely from that court house and got on 1 thu wagon and was making my leturn. "Fees ? What cared I for feis ? Hut It Is I proper to alalo that my client , a poor , i honest farmer had no money to pay me , but I he gave mo a note for $30 , which I cashed i at a reasonable discount , < itwl liio proceeds I became extremely useful to mo In my 1m- pccuuloui couultlon. " Cliniiilii > rliilii'H Couiili Hi'ini'ilj Stuier- lor In tny Otlirr , George U. Secord , the well known con tractor of TowandH , N. V. . sj > s 'I have used Chamberlain's Po-jgh Hcniedy In my family for a long time snl l.uve found It j superior to any other. " j Tie ( ibovi ! ( "stlmonlal la from a promi- j ncnt citUer , h'le. A. C. Tuck , UruBtlst. N- TowanUa , N. V. ILLEGAL WORK OF THE LOBBY Operations of tlio Legislative Foodlcrs at Missouri's ' Capitol. DICTATING WHAT LW3 WERE PASSED ItiMiiiMly Miiil lie l > r < i hliMl or \i LcwUIn Him Cull He Socni'cd 1'fllliUlrs fur linlili ) Inu' In , ViirloiiH .StillCM. The practice of lobbying , not only In the stale legislature , but In some of our munic ipal assemblies , has resulted In serious Im pairment of the public service , says n writer In the St. Jxiuls Republic. It Is uniiecefsary to enumerate particular Illustrations of this fnet nor to go Into ancient history to find them. They nre so well known that no par- tlcularlzntlon of specific nets Is required to refresh the memory of nny MUsourlan who has read the public prlnlH. Meisures nre frequently passed or defeat- ed In both the house and senate of our legls- latnro by men who nre member.ef neither body ; who are neither authorized nor desired by the people to Interfere with legislation ; who are constantly suspected of resorting to questionable and unfair means ; who nre ac tuated by purely selfish motives ; who are the paid agents of outstrip parties ; who wield n more absolute swny over the people's rep resentatives In the Iron commonwealth of Missouri than does the king of Prussia over the German Parliament. 1 allude particularly to the lobby , and those who have felt the power of this tyran nical Junta of asttito politicians know that I spcnk thu truth. To antagonize this formidable engine of ultra-leghhitlvo power Is folly , nnd to at tempt the passage of n law In llio face of Itr. opposition is always highly Impracticable and often utterly futile. The Interests of the public demand that adequate means be devised to exterminate this growing evil. 'Whose ' effects upon the legislature of a free slnto are of necessity so pernicious , corrupting nnd enervating , and so 'Inevitably destructive of all public morality and Integrity. The ultimate effect of a power which , through doubtful jneans Is able to intercept and obstruct the pas'- ' i page of nny benellclal law. or force the adop tion of n bad one , will bo the subversion of all Justice and legal authority. The general assembly should be entirely free nnd nntrammeled In Its deliberations , nnd no considerations but those of reason nnd Justice should sway Its members. An appeal to the understanding l.i the only lo- gltitna'o one which can bo made to a mem ber of the legist i litre. Yet none can doubt the existence of fuels which occasion n strong and nlmrat conclusive presumption that recourse Is frequently bud to arguments and Inducements not properly within the category of reason or justice. Professional lobbyists also employ methods which , thonili iir > t necessarily criniln.il , .no notoriously unfair and unjust. Their paths He pvrv In the shadows. Their tactics are a system of amlwsndes and masked batteries. This kind of warfare Is not permissible In u court of justice1 , and should not bo allowed In the committee rooms of a legislature. Iloth I sides should bo nreonled a fair hearing , and all surreptitious maneuvering should be pre vented. HKSTIUCTINO THE PnOKKSSION. In England the evils resulting from the ' abuse of the privilege of lobbying have been i in a great measure obviated 5iy reducing pa-- j I ' Ilamentary agents < o a profession , bound and ' regulated by the rules cf Its constitution ; but I In America no such safeguard has been | ' orcctod. and In many of tht ; states , as has ! i been Justly remarked , "tbe confusion nml I want of system In the committees make it ' rapidly degenerate Into a process of Intrigue , nnd fall Into the hands ot tlio worst of men. " Advocates of the lobby urge the impossibil ity of troviding an effective remedy without an Indiscriminate exclusion of all outsiders I from the assembly , and further Insist that the i Missouri statutes against bribery snlllclently I cover the case. The-legislative history of ether states , however , demonstrates that It Is . not only qulto possible to devise clllcaclous | | meant ) of suppressing this evil , but that such i means have been provided and are satlsP.ieto- rily enforced. The inadequacy of the Mis souri law- appears upon Its face , and is sufli- clently proven by experience. It may be conceded that lobbying , logrolling - rolling and klndredi tiractices are Indigenous ( , to popular assemblies , but It cannot thence ! be inferred tint &uch evils are Irremediable. ' Ths II st exhibition of log-rolflng ( i. o. , "you help roll my log and m help roll yours" ) , In vongress was at the third session of tiat ; j bady. convened at I'hllmle-'nhla ( Cooper Am. | Politics , Hook 1 , p. S ) . Hut this was merely a contrivance among members of tbe'legls- ! lative body , which. ha l U been so confined , j i hawovcr censurable stirli practices may be. would l.avo boon Incapable of developing into iihp prodfR'oiM scandal go frequently exhibited I by tin * l.i'o'oy. j Tiiat legislative corruption has become a , repi'iuch to our government cannot be denied. , The subje-t Is severely but Justly commented , upon by Mr. Hrleo in his American Common- I wealth ( Vol. II. , pp. 124-129 ; see also Vol. I. , ' pp. 415 and fi"3 , and note H. to chanter xvl 1 "Tho Lobby" ) . LO1IHYI.VO DBN'OUNCRD. Calm nnd thoughtful minds have nlwnys opposed the lobby system. As early as ISO" | j Thomas Jeffer oiii wrote : "I am averse to ! i glv.ng contracts of any kind to memhera | of the legislature. " Log rolling anJ lobbying | are bold in such 111 repute by the courts that contracts made. In furtherance of these cortupt practices have been condemned with almost unvarying unanimity nnd are usually 1 I void as against public policy. Cooley , Cwvst. i Urn. ( fith ed. ) , 1 ,1 ; llllss , Code pleading Cd ! oil. ) , Sec. OT ; Dlshop , Contracts ( l < : nlaned ; ed. ) , Son. 4ri ! > , and eases cited ; Am. and Kng. . Hncycl. Law (1st ( cd. ) , vol. ! l , p. SS8. I A masterly arraignment of the lobby BJ'S- j tern la found In ii Allen ( Mass. ) , 152 , where , Judge. Chapman says : I "The husinoas of lobby members Is not to go fairly and openly before the committee ! and present statomen.ts , proofs an I argn- ) monts that the other side has nn opportunity i to meet and refute If they are wrong , but to : go secretly to the members and ply them ! wltii statements and arguments that tlu > ; other side cannot openly meet , however oi'- , ronooiis they may bo , and to tiring Illcgltl- ! mate ir.'luenccH to boar upon them. If llio 'lobby member' Is selected because of bin political or personal Infliioncu It aggravates . the wrong. If his business IB to unite va- I rlotiM Interests by means of projects that lire j railed 'leg-rolling' It Is still woiso. " | The number of citations and extracts presented - | sented within the limited scope of tills iirll- j clo must bn few , but the writer cannot for- j bear quoting u brief excerpt from the strong j nnd energetic laii'XiiagH of Mr. Justice ( irler , In tlio case of Marshall against Hallway , Ifi How. ( U. S. ) , ,124 : "lirlbos , in the shape of high contingent compensation , must necessarily lead to iho I use of Improper means and thn exercise of i undiio inllut'iice. Their necessary concc- I quoncit Is the demoralization of llio agent j who covenants for them ; he U soon brought ' lo bellovif that any means which will produce - duce so beneficial a result lo himself are 'proper means , ' and that a share of these proiltH may have the simn effect of quicken ing llio perception. ) and wirming the zral of influential or VareiobK * members in favor of lilu bill. The HMO. of such moans and such agents will have the effect to subjoin the state government to the combined capital of wealthy corporations , and product ) universal corruption , commencing wjih the roprespnta- | live and ending with tho' , elector. .Specula tions In legislation , public and private , a j compact corps of venal collcllorfc vending ! ; their secret Influences , will Infcsl llio capl- I tal of the union and of every utalu III ! cor- i ruptitm fchall become the normal condition of I the body politic , and it will .be said of u as of Home 'omne Jtoinao venale. ' " Tlieso words , uttered prophollo In their ! character , were uttered forty-four yt-aw ago. and our legislative history since that day too well and tuo plainly proven that thu observa tions of Justice Urlcr were foundnd upon , something more than the Idle conjectures of fancy. There ran be no manner of doubt thai In M'suouri liiy lobby has often shown Itself to bo an intolerable grievance. The public weal imprral lvel > rpqnlrui tl'ut foraothlng be dulloiiimon ; prudence demands It. Othwr s'liiet hive luiii'rj'i'd ihU evil wltSi Jtuccea * . Why cjiino' ? Thu curuututioii of California declare * lobbying to bo n felony ( Const Onl , Art Iv. , Sec , So ) , aiul this consttulonM , piuvlftl a was subsequently followed with a very stringent statute ( IVcrl'g's Annot Code and St.tt . Cal. , Vol. IV. Tl . VI , Set. Sol. In New York oarh hmuc has | -owcr to pun ish , as .i eoniempt. by Imprisonment , any of Us members , for certain specified ofTciinvM , among them the following : "That of giving or offeHiiK a bribe to a member , or of at tempting by , menace , or any other corrupt means or device , directly or Indirectly , to control or influence him from giving tlio name. " H. S. N. Y. IlanJ < s A Hro. . V.M. I . p. 4M. 4M.Ono Ono of the very best l.twa upon tliti sub ject Is the Virginia statute. It prohiu.s the employment of ti.tlil agents for i > o jir j - pose of giving Information of any n.i < > u which may be taken by the general assem bly. If such Information Is to be use , ! f > T the purpcise of securing the passage or di < - ft\U of any measure by the gei.cral assem bly. Those only are exempted from the pen alties of the sututt * who have obtained per mission or are Invited to appear before c MU- inlttcM. Virginia rode ( ISS7) ) . Sees 3T4G-7-S. Another excellent provision Is tli.it of Georgia ( To li is , Sec. 44SOa ) : "l.nbbylng Is dellned to bi > of any personal sollcitaMnn f a member of the general assembly during a session thereof , by private Intenlew or let ter , or message , or other meatu ami npiill- rcices , not addressed solely to the Judgmcno tt/ favor or oppose , or to vote for or ai ; > lnst any bill. " etc. And the offense Is declared rt , crime , punlsliabtc by ImpriRonmcnt in the penitentiary. In the criminal code of Oregon ( Sec. 03S ) , provision Is made to render lobbying under the circumstances therein described crim inal , end not to render lobbying under a-iy conditions so far lawful that th < cuurtri would enforce contracts for such services , Sweeney ngalnst Mcl eo.l , 15 Oregon , 330. Montana ( Penal Code , pp. "Sfi-"S ? > punishes log-rolling and lobbying. Massachusetts ( Acts 1S ! > 0 , p. r > 2 ! > ; Acts 1SD5 , p. 454) ) has likewise enacted connnt'udnblo laws upon this subject. UIWOUM IS NKCKSSAHY. Missouri should not be slow to follow In those wholesome reformations en cted by her sister states. Our present statute Is to tally Inadequate to the exegi'iicles of tin case. Sections : i.71ti-1" , U. S. , ISSli , nre on'y statutes against bribery , and so generiT In their terms that unless the offense U of tlio most tlagrant and glaring nature the con viction of a lobbj-lst Is very ittillcull If mt Inittosslble. The Missouri repotts do n it show a single case , tint I have been able to discover , where n lobbyist or any of b a confederates have been prosecuted to con viction under this Inw. Those who urge the coerclvencvis of public ) opinion as n sullldent Incentive to homuty and fnlr dealing Indulge nn mnuir intablir assumption. There was ii lime In the history of our country when nun came forwar I tid the pnl'llc service from motives of patriotism - ism nnd love of country , but in this d ly many of our public servants do not servo for the mere honor of serving. Yet they bn\o tu ! > address to procure their election to 01- llce , and tboy must be dealt with an any other unavoii'ible and undesirable condition which confronts us. The Kngllsh plan conlil be followed : bill * might be-dt all with > y n s-ml-Judiri.il pn- ceilure ; v.r. perhaps , not the leas ! riTeriu.il method would be ( ho enactment of criminal statutes of such undoubted stiltueno .is would render their violation extrmielv inju dicious. A combination of the Vligliun and ( leorgla slntutes would be tin ndinlriiMe \ . \ A 'lilll ' eirjbo lying the best provisionnf these two stntute ? . was lulrodiicel In Hu ll.use during the last session of tbr Oi-iu'i ' il Assembly of Missouri. 'It ' was refirred 'o the committee on criminal jnrisprnd 'iii-e an I. although confronted with Indisputable i\ > - dence that these laws were satUfacorll : > i i- forced , l > otli in Virginia nnd in Georgia , a . 1 that the lobby evil did not exist there M the face of these .facts , that committee n - [ used to favorably report the bill , s me of the members giving aa n reason thai ' b nil the bill become a law It could no ! be 111- forced ! However. Ibis committee flni'U offered a substitute , which was pa * > d 1n 'M house and sent to the senate. It was tin n i ferred to the senate committee on crli" il jurisprudence , and was never bearl o' n ' The senate committee failed tj report n i 11 so ends the lil.itnry of this mensure : a in , lire which , bad It become a law. mlRlr lia\ - done much to pi event the further em Inu- ance of a practice which reflects no medii to the criminal Jurisprudence of our sar : : The facts rcgardlnw this attempt ni legis lative reform are si 111 preserved in the olllco of the secretary of state at Jefferson C'i v. and , presumably. In the consciences of 111 ne men who hindered the prcgrf.is of tills measure. It is with pleasure thai thev nr recorded here , and the writer truly hop a that another legislature will not adjourn m Missouri without having given to this sub ject the thoughtful and earnest consideration it seems to deserve. TO CUHU A COM ) IN ONR DAY Take Uixatlvo Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All druggibts refund the money If It falls 10 cure. 23c. KKII.S OK Till : til NT I.IVOM I.IIH ! IliirliiK : Hi n Klrnl WiM-k < if tin * Si'iiHi > ii III Inliie. After nearly a week of open season in Maine , reports the N'uw York Sur. , the vi i' ' Ing hunters who are filling the c.impx m 1 hotels and hiring all the guides 'and < an < < that can be found , have come to the ei n1 lu- slon that there aie more sportsmen than ] r in the woods , while reports from plafis n northern Malio Inllcati * that the IM-II'ITK and guides are shouting and drowning marly as many men as deer. I'lvipor.ons ho been drowned and two seriously w mud I within ten miles of Norcross since \u u8i I Two men bavo becri shot and killed in Aroostnol : county since the open a > - 11 bi- gan , and ucehlenln in other parts if II < > state liave nwelled the number of fiitiiln.i .1 to nn even dozen. If Hie average of tin ( Ii wwk holds through the open scat > . , n nni > u irore than 1SD persons will men dm Ii n Maine fiom eareles-ii'-BS or ai-rldin * ) . n now and January I , 1SS. ! ) Most of thu trouble is due to li < m.ranl ami Imompi'tcnt giiidOH who have ibijnud licenses without passim ; an exToria11. i , and whose only acquaintance with M n woods has been derived from rlvi-r ! i i and lumborlng. Wishing to give rvcr > . > MM y guide a chance to gfl a living HKJ. . 11' ' r.- -f his odi'ciitlon the commitslon 't ! > . ! - I IlnnsL's to ! ! aily every min wli > m i -I' cation. The result is ( lint m ry 1.1,1 > > ' i ) liad rnorey enough to get a rill"1 . I u Is here holding up his liccnaa and 1 > m.n f $ U u day and expenses for Mer.n > i Hhllled guide. Threo-fmirlliB of tin H..I . . . . who cnino to Maine know initb.ni ; ' > ' woodcraft , canoelne or camp n ilna \ 'I / want a deer as soon and aa cheap ! ' > I slblu , and nrn willing to pay a guide i i o ks so Icng as ho can bo of HI i . ; 'c V gnr I number of the visitors nre on v.i < i nnd , having but two weeks to M > CI1 - feel as If time woi more predom ' n. . > or money. Stimulated by the offer ( n < "i the guides take foolhardy rlaka 1- their palions. I'liough the open season has lasted hard y n week ( hero Is already n gnat 'luiim ' ' iicnllmcnt legardln.tin ; - ullllty of the n guides' UCCIIBU law. Hotel kccpi-rs. raili < l men and old huiiteri now bclU'v.Ia ) ' Inw Is neeileil. ami that the comi.u-- . Bliould enforce It by requiring ' v" > a J to pass u rigid examination befm t ' reives a license. The .visiting b'ini.- . o not qunlllU'd to Jii'lgc ' when a i > ' . . ' ' < r a stream Is safe for iiavltjitlnii. The BUJ ' > r- > paid for knowing mich things. 'I'lic Siniaiv iinil lint ritiiiliit'lor , A fleeplng car parnengt-r on u lrai , > ni'- , nlng Into Portland , Ore. , strolled Into 100 smoking car and took a scat lust obpa i "f a squaw. He was pulling vigorously * ' cigar and the IndiJii wonun KI I more < smoke tl'.jn she IlkcJ. Bbe protcH'i- ' ' ' ' IKintoinlnio to the conilurtor. who > Bomcthlng of a wag , Indicated 'hat t , < > a should make use of an IIIUDLMISIinutji > 'i HJIU bad by bringing It down on the mac head. Sim naturally prcHumed that tin 'i" ductor'B authority wan all-oiillli/iei.t ami forthwith 3Ktnion \ hU auggcKtlon wlHi n t o vigor. The man's hut nua knocked il o over his eyes and all but ruined. ai > i U.n cigar wan sent spinning gullcy wewt vvlicii liu got out of bin hat he turned v-Uli not i explicable ferocity upon hlft aHuallam ' u1 Ihu squaw merely looked at t.'Im wltb ai" > r- Iglnal Immobility at countenance jed wouldn't underHtand flthcr Kngllsb or > Kn lungiidge. and while the other pa seiigtr Aero convulsed wltb merriment ho had to retreat to another car. Tliera Is uo eod of lltti < rbilrirt-n bolnn tortured ny scald bead , eczema and skin crupilomi De Wilt's Wllrb ir.il | Salv jivcu Instant relief and cures permanently.