Remarkable Achievement on a Sunken Stepmboit in the Enltic. A SMALL PUMP DOES THE WORK Amttlicr Cininplc iif DC I.mnP * Invcn- lltc .Skill , I'rvNiiKliiK n Hotu- Itillott In Milt-Kline STOCKHOLM , Sept. 2S. A few ilaja ago I had a otcamboat ride down the blue watcis of tbo Malar In this beautiful northern city , which In come icspccts had unique ele ments -Indeed 1 do not think tbcro ever was another steamboat ride just like U. 1 liad been Invited to go with a party ot gentlemen up thn Malar a few miles to meet an Incoming steamer fresh from the bottom Ot llit ocean , and U was upon her that I rodo. Our little flte.imcr swung alongside the gicat l 6it , and after much difficulty the Bnuller uiaft was made fast and wo went on board. A strange looking craft eho was n she lay In ths smooth stream , her mon strous bulk , free of all cargo , but lightly resting upon the water. On her sides were the ilccp sea Incrustations and much ( ( how of rust , even to the topmost Inch ot lnir funnels the rust could be seen. She had been at the bottom of the Baltic for upward of tincc years , and yet she wts working her own engines and when wo had inspected her hold and had looked Into the cavernous depths where of lito the fish iiad had their home , tihe started once more S2 ? & SriSrJxTM ' i sl S tes-i-r. . UjMS1. _ _ * IHt , Krr zrr _ INCIDENTS OF THE RAISING OK THE WILTON. * cn her Journey and pulled us steadily up to the city's harbor , a great , gaunt , unsightly Iiulk , yet marking what promises to bo anew now epoch In the marine life of the world. Something like three years ago this boat , an English ship , the Wilton by name , en gaged In tine ore trade from Gellvara In tha north of Sweden , ran onto a rock In the har bor of Lulca. at the northern point of the EalHc lu the gulf of Bothnia. It was u huge hole that was torn In her side , forty feet long by ten -wide , and she went speedily to the bottom. She lay there some time and at last a proposition was made by a company , organized to raise her , to put 'her. ' on hw feet , or on iher sea legs perhaps woulJ ho a better term to float her for so many thousands of dollars. It was a tri angular affair between the ship's company , the Insurance people and the company formed to raise the boat. At last the deal iwas effected and the company proceeded to raise thq boat to the surface , a most diffi cult thing to do. SANK fHE SHIP PURPOSELY. When shcujvjs well'afloat ' the financial part of the deal came up for consideration. There , , was a hitch of some kind and the Insurance people and "tho Neptune company , organized to" raise her , could not agree. After a deal of conferring back and forth , all of which proved fruitless , the captain of jfho'.pr.o.w , that had raised the ship towed her out In the harbor and sank her. It was an audacious thing to do , but It was a thoroughly effective way of settling the difficulty. The Insurance people would not pay what the Neptune company ssked. The Neptune people had raised the boat , lint tlioyJud not stipulated that they would keep her raised , They believed also In putting things back In the place whcro they were llrst found , so doun she sank among the fishes of thu harbor of Lulca. It la a little to\\n on the far north coast of Sweden , and not much uas known about the.affair , but the heroic treatment of tlio case by the captain was long the tilk of UIL town. Two years pasted by. The boat and her cargo of Iron ere weru rusting at the bottom of thu Daltlc , and there waa every Indication that they would both stay there , DI5 LAVAL. STEPS IN. Dut a number of Stockholm gentlemen de termined that they would make another ef fort to land this huge aquatic prize , They organized a company , entered Into negotia tions with the owners of the ship , agreed to ralso the boat and deliver the cargo to the owneis 'If , In turn , they should have the ship far their trouble and expense , and the deal \\iiit through , Dut they had far bet tor arrangements for the raising thin per- liap * any other ship-raising company had over had before. Tha king of all SueillsU Inventor ? , 0 ? Laval , who Is known the world over for his Invention byhlch milk and cream may bo separated und for oilier In ventions of International 'Importance as well , liad Invented a steam turbine pump , a tur bine wheel operated by steam Instead of "wafer and' capable of great power with a .very . slight weight In the engine. The hole In the bow of the boat was patched up , t\\o hugo steel tubes , each as largo almost as a mans body , \\ere sunk Into tia ! bolt's hold and connected with tlio Bteam pump above. The water waa only about twenty feet over the top of the sunken boat , so that the divers could work in the hold In tlio water and on the outside to patch up the hole , puMi'nn nuv IN FIVE nouns , 'Finally u huge caisson of timbers and bcardi , the latter about two Inchrti In thick , urss , was made and sunk to the deck of the bcut. With Infinite difficulty this catcson vas mc'lo fast to the deck with a water tight Joint. When everything was In readl- ncsK the tiny engine , not more than four fict In length by three feet In height , nas eet to nork , and In Just five hours the entlio b > at WUB Clumped dry by this tiny but all powerful token of the magic of De Laval , The old boat rote to the surface the moment the water was out of her bold , anJ an she di'l so she- gave a splendid proof of the inogrtsi ot tlio world the raising of , this boat Is of great s'grlflcancc ' to the maritime Interests ot all lands. You may bo quite sure there was great re joicing when It became evident that the tiny pump attached to JU great t ul tubes bad done Its work end the ship was afloat. The cargo was unloaded and turned over to the owners 2,300 tons of ore worth 11.000 kroner , and the boat became the property of the Stockholm gentlemen who had had such faith In the enterprise. The boat was not so seriously damaged as might be suppose * ! and was worth at the least calculation 10,000 , a neat little sum of $50,000 pumped Into the pockets of these gentlemen In five hours' time. UNDCn HER OWN STEAM. So well preserved was the boat. In fact , that with some careful cleaning up the engines were set to work , and a few days ago they began purling- their way out of the lurbor of Lulea , bound down the coast to Stockholm. It took several days for the trip , for she made only six knots an hour , but she came 'the ' whole distance by her own propeller , and on the bright summer nftcr- noon , with the Swedish colors at her mast head Instead of the union jack of her former owners , she came steaming Into Stockholm , the most .remarkable vessel that ever went alloat. There was much gaycly on board on the way to harbor after the party had In spected the ship all they wished , end many were the bottles of champagne that were emptied anJ many the cigars smoked and hearty the Mpccchcs that were made over the success of the venture , this opening of a new era In the life of the sea. The host Is now In n dry dock In a Stockholm helm shipyard being overhauled , When Captain Nleburg , In oharge of the raising of the boat , was photographed at Lucia ho htood , even though a short man , head and shoulders above the pump. The caisson and timbers afforded ample room for the pump to work It would * sit easily on a smalt center table. It moved BO smoothly when at work one would hardly realize It wto , tn motion. It is of 33-horsc power. Twelve men only were employed In the preliminary work of raising the boat , and the flvo hours' pumping ilntshed up their labors. And yet perhaps even more wonderful was the recent raising of the Swedish steamer Sodra. Sverlga , a ship which ran on to the reefs of the Baltic coast , an hour's rldo south of Stockholm , .about two and one-half years ago. The beat waa sunken In 200 or more feet of water , far too deep for any diver to work without peril of Jils life. A Swedish engineer , Mr. I > . A. Walles , turned his talents to use and invented a ihuge tube of steel about four feet in diameter , which was let down by the boat's side. There were wlndjws of heavy plate glaibs in the tube , so that work men on the Inside could see the form of the vsssel. Various appliances were put In use- , so that chains and tackle could bo attached to the boat , and little by little a firm grap pling contact was made. Above the boat huge floats of heavy timbers were made , from which to work. The tackle was fas tened and the boat was slowly hauled out o ( the ooze toward shallower water. In which divers could operate with safety. For six months , from October , 1S9C , to some time In March. 1897. the tiny little pump was working on the Inside of the boat , to keep the water down , or up , so the work might proceed. It Is a De Laval pump again this man eecms to have a hand In about every enterprise in SweJen. The pump Is smaller than the one which dicw the water from the Wilton. So light Is It that one man nijved the table on which It rested with ease. 3,500 REVOLUTIONS A SECOND. It has only five-horse power , but It makes 3.SOO revolutions per second. In the case of the Sodra Svcrlga the use of the steel tube , combined with the pump , solved the still more Important problem of deep t > ea raising. The engineer who Invented the apparatus expects now to be able to raise boats that arc at least 600 feet deep In the ocean. When ho came to apply for a patent for this really wonderful Invention he could not get It , because of the very simplicity of the inccluntam there was no such thing as patenting a steel tube. So his Invention must go free to the world , liy the raising of these boats , the Wilton and thu Sodra Sverlga , the Swedes have demonstrated their sea power In a now way. The possibilities which now open bcforo mailtlmo commerce are of vast significance. The Sodra Sverlga had a cargo of some 1,000,000 kroner In value and a very large amount of It was bound to bo not seriously damaged. The health of the inventor of the tubes was drunk by thu King and other dig nitaries In the liquor which hud lain for nineteen months In Usr cargo at the bottom of the sea , Much of the Immense loss which has been the result of the coast dis asters , and which promised to continue for all tlmo to come , because man could not conquer the sea , will now. It is believed , bo obviated 'in the future dealings with old Neptune. There is great rejoicing among the Swedes here In Stockholm , not only because - cause of the success of these two enter prises , but because of the additional pres tige which such practical successes glvo to the Swedish name abroad. Darly In June the Sodra Sverlga was towed into Stockholm. Slio , llko the Wilton , rose immediately to the surface the moment the water was pumped out of her hold. Tne boat was Hed up at a wharf at theWorld's fair exposition grounds , where thousands of people looked wl'h deep Interest on tue strange product , or , to strengthen the figure , this strange prophecy of the seas. Arnold's Ilromo Celery uurt * neadachej lOc , ? .r > c and BOc All druggists U.UXiUT A \V.\lICI\i I'l.SII. II Hud \o ( illlH , hut Hail Knur ! . anil ICiit-n ll w In lihiTlii'iii , Frank Davcy , a San. Francisco photogra pher , Is the possessor of a very strange fish , which after having exhibited to a number of friends while still alive , ho put Into alco hol to keep , The flub. Is known to some people ple , but Is quite rare. Its home is In the deep water , and If the tjtory told by the Chinaman who procured It , namely , that the catch was made In comparatively shallow water just outlde of the harbor , Is to be depended on , the occurrence Is Indeed un usual. It Is about three Inches lu length , and ivhcu alive wjuj ot a bright yellow hue , with spots of black hero- and there. Hi mouth Is quite large , and the part of the body neur on t Id correspondingly large. It then tapers off to a small tall , Dut the peculiar part Is that there are no pills or what are popu larly known as such. Where these should bo the skin Is just as It Is nil over the body , At a distance of about half an Inch and protruding from the belly near the central part are what might bo called arms or legs. They arc Jointed and have some ten very line clawe. These , together with another pair further anterior , the fish , when alive , used to walk about with on the bottom of the jar In which It was contained. It would show flght Instantly when approached preached , and gave every sign of being endowed dewed with the spirit of the evil one , brist ling up Us fins snapping Its sharp teeth , elevating A sharp , knlfellko appendage on the top of Us nose , and sending two cur rents of water from holes or false gills just back of the large , armllkc appendages men tioned above. When the fish was killed and placed In alcohol the bright yellow disappeared en tirely , and left In Its place a whitish color. TO CURE A COLD IN dNE DAY Tnko Laxative Bro'mo Qulnlno Tablets. All druggktR refund , the money If It falls to cure. 25c. 1 mnt.vrof ) 'i-iin mJVii , . Ooromony nt < li - llnrvrM Fenilvnl of I'nrllniiil'N Clilnrne. The heathen Chinee Is once more Indul ging in ways that are dark and tricks that are vain. In his pecullar Nax he Is returning thanks to Joss et"ttl. for the bounteous harvest. It Is true he gets no direct benefit from It but he docs not overlook the .fact that ho Is tolerably certain to get his "bit" out of It In one way or another1. Therefore his shrunken bos > om swells with gratitude. People who Hvo lu the vicinity of China town do not entirely approve of the Oriental method of thanksgiving , relates the Port land Oregonlan. They think that John could as a rule be happy If ho tave thanks In secret In the privacy of h''s ' closet , as by parading the streets In the watches of the night , becoming as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. They do not approve of his Wagnerlan idea of harmony. Dut John has made- himself solid with the chief of police and If he chooses to make the listening W'.l- lamette tremble underneath her banks to hear the replication of his Founds , made In her concave shores , it Is nobody's business. Ho has culled out a holiday , put en his best attire , and sper/Js the hours when less poetic people are dead to the world strewing flowers in thq way of his satanlc majesty. Last night Second street , from Oak to Taylor , was a glistening line of lurid nut- oil names. A flourish of Chinese clari nets , which can give a farllament of tom cats cards and spades In a nerve-destroy ing contest , fo-ced the unwilling attention of the populace for blocks around. Uril- liantly robed priests , singing songs of their own devising , marched up and down the line behind the music , and the entire pop ulation tf Chinatown gazed In awe-stricken admiration at the beautiful spectacle. That was not all. The devil was there by proxy. The proxy was constructed of vorl-colored tissue paper , and if sinne s could be convinced that It resembled the original , there would bo a sudden boom for membership In the churches. After being carried up and down the line a few hours , the elflgy was plunged Into consum ing lire , and the last of him curled up In a spiral thread of smoke at 3 a. m. This week his funo al will be noisily cel ebrated , and ho will bo burned again at the end of that tlmo , so as to make a sure job. Two burnings keep him dead a year , when another harvest brings another tide of grat itude , and two moic burnings stand the devil off till the seasons have again run their course. Dlstlgurement for life by burns or scolds may be avoided by using Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve , the great remedy for piles and for all klmlc of sores and skin troubles. AT TIIH WIIII'I'I.VU TOST. Tin * I'ulillcAilmlttril ( < > WlliK-HM Di-ln- iinri-'M llnrliiiriiiiN fiiNtnm , Within the narrowly confined walls of Newcastle's historic old Jail yard five pris oners , four negrces and one white man , weio publicly whipped and pilloried a few days ags , recalling the barbarous days when the thumbscrew and the rack were not uncom mon means of punishment for crime. With the exception of one man , a negro , who had attempted to feloniously assault a little girl , and who richly deseivcd his fate , all the other culprits were cjnvlcted on various counts , charging them with potty larceny. Following each quarterly session of the general sessions court of Newcastle county , relates the Philadelphia Times , there are usually a number of culprits condemned by the Judges to the pillory and tbo lash. While the offense for which some of these prison ers suffer Is no greater than the larceny of a pair ofboots or the ordinary case of purloining a pokctbook or robbing a roost , the prisoner must undergo tbu usual term of Imprisonment , and If the judge deems It an aggravated case the pillory and the "cat" are also added to his punishment. In every Instance , unlcns he Is disabled by slckneas or death , the sheriff must Inflict the corporal punishment , Ho has no alternative but to obey the court's directions. Usually the prisoner who Is to bo pilloried Is brought out first , and while the crowd of Impatient people gather about him and make all man ner of Jest of the man in the Blocks , the prisoner wriggles and squlnra at the post , beating a tatto upon the floor of the stocks with his feet , as If to make biiro that llfd etUl holds his twisted and distorted body to gether. Owing to tbo tardiness ot Sheriff William U. Flint * , who was detained at court In Wil mington , the whippings did not take place on echedule tlmo this morning. Usually the hour set for the whippings la 11 o'clock , and promptly at this time the gate U thrown open JOBBERS RND Of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I inisigeriS * - ftetcalf Co. WHOLESALE DEALKH9 IN Agricultural Implements. BugElca anil Carrlngo. Cor. 6th and Pacific St . l/ingman V Implement Go. Heorganlxftl * Wagons , Drills , Buggies , Etc * Ninth nod Pacific Stroota. Parlin , Orendorff & Martin Co Jobbers of Farm Machinery. Wagons and Hugglcs - Cor. Oth nnd Jone . T T.G. Wholesale Dealers lu Agricultural Implements WAGONS AM ) UUaaiBS. lltli and Nicholas St. ART GOODS T Picture Moldings. Mirrors , Frames , Hacking nnd Artists' Materials. BOOKBINDING , ETC &es Printing Go. iztiTixa A.\I > nuuit JJ/.VO/AO. Eleventh nnd Howard Sts BJOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , M'frs | Jobbers of Foot Wear WKSTEIlN AGENTS FOIl The Joseph Bonigau Rubber Co. Rubbers and'Mockintoslies. 0111 Him , Neb. F.P.J ! Eoo's , Shoes and Rubbers Salesrooms 1102-1104-1106 Ilnrncy Street. Boots , Shoes , Rubbers , AT WHOLESALE. Office and Salesroom 1113-21-23 Howard St. Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers Western Agents Goodyear Glove rtubberg. 1114 Ilurncy Street. i. Lindsay , WHOLESALE RUBBER GOODS Owner of Chief Drand Mncklntosher BAGS Irarortaraiitid Manufacturers BAGS 614-16-18 Sonlh z Tlh Street BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS' . SYRUPS , McIaEfes , Sorghum , etc. , I'renervcs and Jelllen. Also tin cans und Japanned waro. to admit the multitude. Young men mil young women elbowed each other In their anxiety to get iDsidothc Inclosure. while not la few gray-haired 'old men , and even chil dren mingled with tho-morbid throng. A few minutes after 12 o'clock the dcor at the end of the Jail corridor opened , and a negro walked side by side with Deputy Sher iff Crrinor. The crowd opened a picBageway for the oniceii and his prisoner , anil an soon aa the Utter had been cuffed to the post and stripped to the ao ! * of his clothing , the olllcer drew a paper from hla pocket , at thJ tlmo calling out : "Edward Winder , larceny , ten lashes " Ho had no sooner said this when Sheriff Pllnn , holding Irr hU hand the "cat , " raised It on a level with his shoulder end brought It down with terrific force upon tbo ncgro'a back. back.Vben WlUUm Flavor , a tall , angular mu- Utto , made his appearance on the scene ho was hailed with mingled Jcera and curses. Planter had pleaded guilty to attempting' to asaault a child , Ills punishment was five years , ono hour In the pillory and thirty lashes. Sheriff Fllnn had little mercy for tbo negro brute. Ho brought the blows down upon tue man's b&cU wlta Jull force , cauilng CHICORY he American I Chicory Co. Orowera find manufacturers of nil forms of Chicory Omnha-Fremont-O'Ncll. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. H Bliss H , , Jm | > or < r and Jobber Crockery. China , Glassware , Oliver Plated Ware , Looking Glasses , Clmn- dcllcrs , Lampi , Chimney n. Cutlery , Etc. lliO KAKNAM ST. CREAMERY SUPPLIES The Sharpies Company Creamery Machinery nnd Supplies. Bollcra , Engines , Keed Cookers , Wood Pul leys , Shafting , Beltlntr. nutter Pack ages of all kinds. 907-909 Jones St. - - - - - - COAL. S OfUco 1C03 Farnam Street. SHLR1DAN COAL. C. N. nigtr , President. OouM Plots. Sec. & Troa. CO XFBCTiON. KY CIGAR i Manufacturing Confect oners , Atlit Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Fruits , Nuts , Cigars and Crnzkcnt. 1108-11IO IWH'.lieU AT , DRY GOUDj. Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods AND NOTIONS. DRUvl : . . 902-906 Jackson St. J. C. RICHARDSON. Prest. C. P. WDLLEU , V. Prcet. E. Bruce & Co. Druggists and Stationers , "Queen Bee" Specialties , Cigars , Wlniu and Uramllcs , Corner lOtli and Ilurncy Street * ELECTKIGAL SUPPLIES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES U04 Farnam St , HIUIT-PRODUCE. Commission Merchants. S.V. . Corner 12th nnil Howard Stn. Members cf the National I.o.itue of Commit slon Merchants of the United States. & JOHUKKS Fruit and Vegetables SPECIALTIES Strawberries , Apples , O Lemons , Cranberries. 1'otatoea. 1017 Howard St. FURNITURE & WHOLESALE Furniture Draperies 1115-1117 Farnam Street. TYPE FOUNDRIES. Type Foundry Superior Copper Mixed Type Is tha best on tha inrrket. ELECTrtOTYPE FOUNUIIY. 11H Howard Strict. GKOCEKIKS and Lu.ivemvorth St. Staple and Fnncy Groceries , ICA AM ) COmC 110SU1I5 , Etc. huge elts to appear upon the turlico of the fikln. John West got ono hour In the pillory and twenty lashes for robbing thu store of James Uankln Armstrong , at Newark , and ho took It chrcrfuliy. William Doulden , another negro , was given flftc-n lashes for abstract ing a pair of chickens from a hen roost. Hairy \V.kon , the only white man Hogged , was an old offender. Ho had been whipped ciicu for stealing a pair of bhoi-s , anolner tlmo for taking a watch that did not be long to him , and this tlmo he got tlftecn lashct ) for stealing a pair of llatlronu. Tills ended the show and the crowd dispersed , The cs'cful mother always kcaps Salvation Oil handy , for cuts and bruises. AIIOI T HAIMIOAU ACOIIHJ.NTS. \Vli > ( irt-ut llrltulii HIIN I''i ' > irer Tliiin the I nlti-il Stati'M. It Is recorded , relates Leslie's Weekly , that the first railroad accident In this couri- try occurred to I't-ter Cooper , when he tried to race his little machine with a. pair of stage IIOIBCB. A band slipped , and In the at tempt to replace It hU finger was severely In jured , That the horses won the race ig alio GROCERIES. eyer & Etaapke , WUOLESALt ! FINE GROCERIES Teas , Spices , Tobacco ml Cigar * . 1403-1407 Hsrney SireeU and Paxion Gallagher Go GAS COFFEE UOASTUHS ANi3 JonniNO anocmis. Tilephon * SSL HARNESS-SADDLERY J * HHaney & Go. M'frt IIAltNim1 } , HAlHtLIN AXD COi.Tt.4HS Jobber * of.ralhrr , AniMlrrjItanlieare , Ktc. \Vo solicit your orders 1315 Howard St , HARDWARE. 'ecferSWilhslgny ' Go . > Wholesale Hardware , Oin.ihn. Wholesale Hardware. Bicycles and Spin tin ? Goods. iyt'J-Ul-23 llar- nuy ntroot. JEWELRY Wholesale Jewelry. IStli aiut Hartley ; Otn ihi. : \Vo ciin show you the ! nst st ) jk In the wo t. LIQUORS. oise & Co WHOLESALE LIQUORS. Proprietors of AMERICAN C1GAH AND GLASS WAHH CO. 214-210 South lU.i St. I ! © r's East India. Bitters Golden Sheaf Pure Rye and Bourbon Whiskey. Willow Springs Distillery , Her & Co. , 111S Hnrney Street- Wholesale Liquor Merchants , 1001 Furnniu Street- Wholesale Liquors and Cigars * 1118 F.trnaiu Street. WHOLESALE Wines , Liquors and Cigars. 413-415 S. 15th Street LUMBER WHOLESALE DUMBER . . . 814 South 14th St. WHOLESALE AND rtETAU. LUMBEF OHlco and Yards 13th and California til Qeo. fl. Wholesale Lumber Lime , Etc Otli unil Douj-Ias Std. a part of the history of that first test. Hut since that day , some sixty cddar ago , there have been many inllrnad accHonts ( r. this country , and in all parts of the world , Se\cral tlire * each year the world Is shoskcd by Homo railroad accident : hut as u rule railroad travel Is s safe aa s'aylng at home , and It Is astcnlshlrig how the various at tachments and the block felgnal and other appllinres have added to the security ot and limb , Ilut wonderful as has boon the Improve ment lr this country , which has more rail roads than any other part of the world , the i showing of safety Is decidedly In favor of Kngland. The npeclal report of the British ! Hoard of Trad * on railway accidents , which I has recently bewi published , shows that the I total number of passcngeia cud employes I killed by train accidents of all kinds on the I railways of Great 'Ilrltaln ' In 1800 was orjy eight , and that the number of persons Injured I was only 549. When we cor no to think of 1 the hundreds of millions of people carried 1 over these roads each year the figures are 1 truly astonishing. < Ilut the causes are easily j found. In England the grade crossing Is eliminated ; single tracks are rare , an/1 , pos sibly most Important of all , the strictest kind ot official Investigation and supervision LUMBER : Bady Lumber Co 6th and Doughs Sts. " Telephone OILS-PAINTS and Paint Co. MANUKACTUHinS Air Floated , Mnsral Paint And Palnl" nr Ml ,1'mty , 1015 nnJ 1017 Jones St. J. A. Moltel , 1st Vice 1'ics. L , J. Drnlte , Ocn Mer OnFo.lne , Turpentine , Axle flrcnsc. lite Oniulrn llinneli nml ACICPH. | John 11. Until M I'ArKnitS. KING COLE OYSTERS , CiuitY : AND 1'OfI.TUY. \015 lluuaiil St. "PAPEK- wet D .JN v/AR b\ Printing Paper , ppinz Piiper , Sfationc'ys Corner 12tU and Howard streets. arsiblS Paper Go. Paper and J- ! 0"-210 212 S CICMnth St. r Wrapping Paper , Stationery IVoodcnwarc. 1107 Harnoy Street- FHOTOG 1APHIC SUPPLIES. T Photographic Supplies , 1-15 Knrnnm St. SASH D0HS BLINDS. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Etc , 12th and I/.ird Sts. D STEAM-WATER SUPPLIES. 1014-lO6DoilKlat Street. Manufacturers nnd Jobbers of Steam. Gas and Water Supplies of All Kinds. III uoS-Tiio Harnev St. Steam Pump , Engines and nolle , Pipe , Wind Mills , Steam nnd Plumbing Material. Uclllnir , Ho e , Ktc. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. Hardy & Co- 'toys , Do/Is , Albums and - FANCY GOODS. flouee Kurnlehlngi , ChliJien'i CurrlaEti , Etc. 1310 Karnam Street. Stand up for Nebraska ! DC it "by subscribing For The Bee And sending it To all your friends. The Bee is a thorough Nebraska Newspaper. Is maintained , It makes nf > difference \\o\t small an accident lh it IK Immediately In vestigated and the Mamo u promptly placed. The Importance of this la Been In ( ho fact that over CO per cert of the collisions were caused by misunderstanding or disobeying : signals , In Kngbnd , ab well us In tills country , the mechanical equipments of the first-class railroads aio well-nigh p'crftct , and It ' .s extruncly seldom that they go wrong. The great safety , therefore. In duo In a viiry large degree to the strict dUclplIno and the absolute fixing of responsibility In the operation of the trains. That Is a les son which many of our railroads and rail road men must learn more perfectly , for It \ti \ the ono thing which can largely decrease the number of accldtn.U of all kinds In tula country. Cluiiiilirrliilii'H CoiiKli Itriuril ' ) Super ior In Aii > - ( Mlu-r , George U. fit-cord , the well known con tractor of Towanda , N , Y. , sayu ; "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy In my family for a long tlmo and buvo found It superior to any other. " Tne above testimonial Is from a promi nent citizen bore , A. C , Tuck. Druggist. .N , . Tow nd , N. Y.