Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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Liquid ion Cansss Weakness In All the
Grain Markets ,
< ! vi-rtiiitriil Cruii Ili-itorl In n I'roiu-
Iin-nt Fnctor In the li-nllii
j'rovlNliiiin SufTor friuu Vel
io v 1-Vvcr Xenn.
CHICAGO , Oct. 12.-U was a day of
liquidation In nil the grain and provision
markets. Tllu government crop report wns
especially prominent. Weak cables nnd n
large visible decrease also affected wheat ,
which clospd ut a HVSHie decline. Corn
lost 7ic , oats t > and provision * , which had
( llHcourncimr yellow fever news to contend
with , declined 20c for pork nnd 6ft lOc for
lard nnd ribs.
Wheat wns cuilto weak nt the opening ,
December , which closed yesterday at 919
Sl',4c , starting today nt WMjflOTie. The gov-
trnmcnt statement ! n Its October report
thai Dip estimate of area nnd condition
of wheat was withheld pending special In-
vest'Kntlon was given 11 very hulllHh con-
Btructlon by the trade. H wns tnkon ns
notice that the previous estimate of area
wan to be Increased. This and the weaker
tone nt Llvcn > eel , whli-h market opened
% Wid lower , and the local decline In corn
made the trnde bearish. Despite the weak-
nes.1 In Liverpool , the French markets were
llrmer nnd there were Indications of con-
tlnniMl French buying at the seaboard. 'I ho
northwi-Htfrn rccplptn "showed a jnarkcd
falling off. Diiltith nnd Minneapolis re
ceived 1.2G7 cars , ncnlliHt l.fifKl cars n. week
ago and 1,4.13 ears th corresponding day last
year. Notwithstanding the bearish temper
of tliu trade , the market declined very
slowly. It even sold up n trifle fhortly after
rh opening , December advnnclng to Wv'n'
Die , Hy 11 o'clock It was selling around
DOc. AH the day advanced , however. It be
came decidedly unpleasant for bolderw of
Wheat , Th" Uradstreot'j ) statement Hliowed
nn Increase In the world's visible of S,212,0",0
bu , for the week , when ; 'in Increase of not
over flOCOlofl bu. was expected. This caused
renewed soiling , December declining to % <
under decldolly free liquidation. The Liv
erpool closing wns y.Tild lower than yester
day and the continental markets , which had
been strung at the outset , closed at s Ight
declines. There wn. nothing In the day'8
record of wheat movement to dlsrourapo a
holder Primary markets received nifl.tO bu. ,
Milnst 1BIO. < ) bu. n year ngo. The At-
Inntlc exports equaled 770.COO bu. New York
reported export engagements of llfty boat
loads. After thu effect nf the llradstreet * ?
statement had been spent the tenor of the
news seemed to change. There were denln'n
that the Argentine drouth hail ben broken
and renewals ot the assertions of damage
by locu.'ils. Very strong local buying nt-
tcniled these bullish reports and a gradual
recovery In prices ensued. December was
bringing fW0 nt the close.
C'orn wns very weuk on account of the
Itovernment erop report. This Indicated n
total yield of lS2Sf/rOoip ( ) bu. . or fully 100/00-
< HH bo. more thnn the trnde hnd estimated H ,
nnd .severe liquidation was the consequence.
The shipping demand showed no Improve-
m > ! it. notwithstanding the break In prlcfs.
Liverpool cables were ' /Vfi-Tid lower , nn add1-
tlonnl depriving factor , lleeelpts were S17
oars. Then' wns n partial rally lute In the
session In sympathy with wheat. Derember
ranged from 2S'/jC to ii ic , closing "feu lower
nt 27.f asc. ' '
In oati the government report was the
most InllucntlRl feature nnd WUH mainly
responsible fnr the decline In prices. A
yield of 722.IW.OOO bu. Is expected , or 40,000-
000 bu. more than Indicated In September.
That , together with the weakness of wheat
and corn , enured liberal Mdllng by nrofes-
siinals. OffcrlngH were quite readily ab-
ao'beil. The market experienced a slight
rally When wheat innde Its nnnl recovery ,
'llecelpts ' wore -127 cars. December ranged
from I'J'.ic to IS jr and closed % c lower nt
Provisions started strong In sympathy
with an advance In hog prices. The slight
udvanco illsappinred at once under free roll
Ing by K'hKllsli houpes , who found It dif
ficult to ( ) lcpo e of their offerJnps. Discour
aging yellow fever news nnd the extreme
weaknp-tt of thu grain markets caused the
market 'o rule weak until near the close ,
when prices recovered a little. At the close
Dercmlier pork was COc lower nt $7.150 ; De-
poinbiT laru He lowi'r at $1.22 . and Decem
ber ribs 7M-'TIOc ' ( lower at $1.40.
Kfitlinntpil receipts for Wedncsdav :
Wheat , 17"i rnrs ; corn. 475 cars ; oats , 27.
cars ; hog"O.COO head.
Jjcadlng futures ranged as follows :
ArtlcicBT ; Illrh. | Clos'3. | Y flldy.
Wn ) ! : t
Ocl nou SOU
Doc. . . . UOJt-ltl
May. . . 81) ) ! * UH six * vt
Ool. . . ! -i ! ! < 2I1H S7K
Di'O. . . . U7I
Mny . . . : lUi J
Out. . . .
Di'O. . . . 1IJ ) < 1HH 11) ) inn
May. . . 'lit aa ! ! ' . ! Ki
Dec. . . . 7 fi''W 7 fill 7 SO
Jan. . . . 8 77 S a 77 S 47 hi o oliHi 8 73
lh-a. . . 1 fill i an 4 20 4 22U 4 27 H
Jan . . . 415 i jr > 4 : i7it
Ocl 4 .17 4 l-i 4 47H 4 Gl )
' ' ' 4 40 4 50
Dec -1 fi'-'K 4 fi'JV
Jan. . . . 4 uS 4 fi5 4 4U 4 45 4 r > 2l
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
l'l Ol'R Kanler.
WIIKAT No. 2 spring. SS'.ic ; No. 3 spring , 78 { !
E7c ; No. 2 red. ! 1Vfr. ) } ie.
PORN-No. 2 , 2C > c.
OATH No. 2 , IH4" f. o. ti. ; No. 2 while , 21 ®
2c ; No 3 white. 20' , { j22c.
HYK Nn. S. 45c.
11ARI 1JY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 2Sffll2cj No.
1 , 25Mif3S'l.
V.ANHFKD-N'o. | 1. $1.0081.02.
TIMOTHY SlIFD-I'rlme. 2. ( .
1'ROVISIONS Mess pork.wr bbl. . $7.fr5i7.M.
Ijinl , per 1UO llH. , $1.22. Sheri rlb-i hides ( loohe ) ,
JI.3Sffl.70. Uiy salted slioulderi ( boxed ) . $ I.75W
B.OO. Hhr.rt clear sides ( boxed ) , $5.0)iff5.12l/i. )
WHISKY Dlstllleis' llnhhed gooils. per gal. ,
SUGARS Cut loaf. $5.9t5 ; granulaled , $5.31.
On the 1'roduce exchange today the butter mar
ket wax steady ; creameries , IStcilHiu ; dairies , 12
ri9c. cheese. q'Jlet at MifcHe. IlKgs , nrm ; fiesh ,
llVio. l < lve IDU Hy. eak for hens , otl.ers tteady ;
tuikeyH , Vfrlilc : clilckemi. 7c ; chickens , fprliiB ,
Sc ; ducks , VallSc.
iN of tln > Day on Oeiiernl
NKW YORK , Oct. 12.-FI.OlR-Recelpts ! , 32.079
bids , ; exports , 38,215 bids. ; maiket suffered from
the break In wheat nnd was weak all day ; Min
nesota patenls , f5.10f75.60 winter straights , $ I.GOff
4.70 ; winter extra , $3.2 ft3 GO. Rye Hour , quiet ;
fancy , I3.00OI.CO. lluckwheat Hour , qulel ut $1.75
- . .
< u-l.U3. i
III'CKWIIMAT Dull nt 40ffllo IrncU.
CORNMI-AI : < llasy ; yellow western , C3c ; city ,
11YHliisy ; No. 2 western , 49c.
WHUAT- Receipts , 23S.050 hti. ; exports. 491216
1m. spin , weak ; Nn. 1 northern Duluth. M' c ,
nlloat. Options opened weaker owing to liquida
tion and brut lih cable * , ruled generally weak all
ihiy. Ir.lliieneed by IS.IKW.OOO bu , Increase In llrad-
Mreet'a visible , hut rallied slightly near the clew
on export demand ; vlosed IHHJo net lo er : No.
2 red. October clowd , 9l"c ; December. SJ i D-lCif
Si 1M C , closed , 93TIC.
fOUN-Reculpm , 21I.4.V ) hu. ; exports , S1.C7I hu. ;
spot , i > ii ler ; No. 2 , K\c. Options opened weak
nnd diellmd under dlsappolntlnit cables and Iho
break In uln'M , cloning Hi n slight tally on cov
ering at Nmio net decline ; December , 3S iW334c ! ,
closed. 32\o.
"OATrf Hfi-flpt * . 213 foi ) bu. esports. 3I3.SI1 bu
rpot. cuki-r ; No. 1. 23e. Oulloiu dull nnd heavy
all day with corn , clonlns 'if ( io net lower ; Oc.
Julie- closed nt lie ; December. 23\e:4Jc ! , closed ,
SMfiic"1" ' " ' * l111'11"11 J0(3 ( ° i Booil to choice.
ll ( i"j-Fiiu | : state , common to choice. 1MIJ
crop. 4Sdo ; H9i ) crop. 6fi9c 1S97 crop , 14WI7c : I'd.
lrU ° "IM'JIUW trol > 1 'B6v'i 18118 cro1 | > Cf"c : IS1 > 7
: t ; ( lulvcston ' . ISOICo ; Texas dry ,
12'iifnc , California , 17 lSc.
IiATIIiit-Quli't : : hemlock volt. Ilurnos
Ayr . * . IlKht. to heavy , 20\4/JlHo ; ( icIJ. 20V4tf
2 > > o.
o.1UITTKR RpriMptu , 7,702 pkm. j western cream-
' " 'lIKl'sl * ' R''I' ' ? ' Jci.f'lct"r : ! > ' ' 9ffl3c-
white'Hmrci > lorel ! " , i'iI , } * } , ' 'wluVi'iini ' cSfl
7o > Ci l > tt > kl"4O7o ! ; MR .klms ,
OILS Tiutimneed. uleaily ; nrlme crude JO'ift
Ilo ; prline yellow. ! WJJ' c. Peiroleum. duIlT re.
flnml , ull port. 3.50fi565 ; I'enn.ylvatila ciiiSe.
no market , nominally Me , Ilotln. nrm .trained
B ° ° J' " -40 < " 'aTurprtiilne , ra.y nt
' * 11 * " ! Mr > < > "tru , 4iC6 o ; Jupan.
In Ihe metal market con-
tlnue unmfl f ctnry. The metal exch ni tfpnrtu
th closing of the various department * n * rot-
low * ! riff Iron , wnrrnnti , cnitr t JIM \M. (7
Mifctdj Ink * copper , unchnnitedj tin , nulet but
nrm at J13.70O1J. 0 ; upeltcr , dull at I4.2084.U ,
1 J , caller at t4.lsq4.HH ; rpeller , (4.
Sun PrnnrlMFii Wlirnt nml Hurley.
nnd dlcnrtyi l > ecember. 11.47 ; May , 11.454.
liAIlbKY Quiet ; Dccfml > r , Kc.
Conillllon of Trnitv anil Qmilallnn *
on .Staiilo nnil Knncy 1'roilncc.
iGOSloo.l m ck wenk nt 12'-4c ,
HL'TTKR-Common to fair. DWic ; choice to
fancy , 120Hc ; fepnrator rrenm'iry , 2to ; pnthcred
crenmcry , .
VBAICholce fat. SO to HO Ibs. . Quoted at 8c ;
large and coarse , JQCc.
I.1VC 1-OUi.TRY-IlP.ns. Otic ; cocUs. 3 4c ;
fprlnc chlckcnr. per lb. , "c ; ducks , CS7c ; tur-
ke > n , CflSc.
I'lGKON'S Ilvc. T.'WJ ; denil pigeons not wanted.
HAY-Uplnnil. IS : mldlnlia , ; 4.M ; lowland ,
; rye lraw , $ color makes the prlco on
hay ; iluht boles tell the best , only top sradei
brlnR top prices.
11ROOMCORN Hxtremcly flow dales new crop ,
delivered on track In country ; choice Krten nelf.
working carpet per lb. , Z 2'/ic ; choice green ,
running ta hurl , Jt ? ! > ic ; common , IJlc.
ONIONS-I'er bu. , 40iS5c. (
IIKANS-Hand-plckml mivj . per hu. , 1.40.
SWIIirr POTATOErt-1'er bhl. . U.K.
CAllHAOH-Homfl srown , lo.
I'OTATOK.S-Home Krown , 40355c ; western
Klock , C'H/70c. ' /
QtllNCKS-Callfornlft. per Iflx , $1.25.
Al'l'I.KH-l'cr hbl. , fall flock. | 2.I.Wr2-M ; winter
stock. J2.BOf/3.W. \
ORAl'ES-Cnllfornla. Jl.15fil.53.
COI/JR.ADO I'UACIin.S LurKu , DOctJM.W ; me
dium , Mllt'JOc ,
Block , $2.lli'n2.2J.
NI3W YORK GRAI'HS-I'er 9-lb. basket. 1114
I'l.UMH-Idnho nnil OrcBon , I.CO.
CRANIIKKRIICH Cnp < < Cod. per hbl. , J5.OOflG.BO ;
Wlsconnln , boxes , JI.OOJfl.10.
I.iMONS-Mcs : lnas , Jl.2504.50 ; choice Call-
fornla , M.OO.
HANANAS Choice. larRC stock , per bunch ,
I2.wy2.2jj mi-dlum-slzed bundles , J1.75ti2.00.
NUTS Almonds. California , per lb. , larRe
size. I3c ; Urnzlls. per lb. , lee ; English walnuts ,
per lb. , fancy , noli nlii-11. 13c ; mnmlnnls , lOfr
lie ; Illhcrtg. per lb. , lie ; pecans , polished , InrKO.
WlOc ; Jumbo , llffllc ; terse hlcKory nuts , J1.23
PHT bu. ; coconnuts , 1'AO each ; peanuts , raw , Btf
S'- ' ; roanti-d , GyGHc.
FIGS-Imiwrled fancy , 4 crown , : o-Ih. boxes.
12c ; fi crown , B0.b. | boxes. 13OI4c.
IIONEY-Cholcc white , lie
KRAl'T-IVr bbl. , JI.OO ; half hbl. , J2.I5.
MAI'I.R SYRDI1 Five-gal , cans , each J2.25 ;
gal cans , pure , per doz , . J12.00 ; half-gal. can ,
JC.J5quart cans. J3.BO.
DATEH 1'er CO lo 70-lh. boxes , 6c ; Foul 9.1b.
boxe * . c.
nilESSED IlEEF-Good native fleers , 400 to
GOO Ibs. , 7c ; good foreiiunrters steers. Go ; good
hindquarters , 9c ; wcslern elcers , CfTC'.ie ' ; fancy-
heifers , Co ; good heifers. CHc ; good forciiuartcrs.
heifers , Be ; good hindquarters , heifers. So good
cows , GUo ; fair cows , Bic ; common cows , B'Jc :
cow foreqimrlers , 4',4ir3o ; cow hindquarters , 7H
I1EEF CL'TS Tenderloins , ISc ; bomle s strip' ,
? c ; strip loins. 7o rolls , 8c ; sirloin butts. i'c ' ;
shoulder clods. Cc ; rump butts. Be ; steer chucks
Co ; cow chucks , 4Hc ; boneless chucks , 4'4c ; cow
plates. 3c ; steer plates , 3Ho think steak. G'4c ;
loins. No. 1 , He ; loins , No. 2. lO'ti' : loins. No. 3
8V4e ; sirloin ends , No. 1 , 9c ; ribs. No. 1. lie ,
ribs. No. 2 , S'.fcc ; ribs , No. 3 , 6140. steer rounds.
7V4c ; cow rounds , 7c ; cow rounds off , 8\4c ; trim
mings , 4c ; beef shanks , 2'/4u ; brains , per iloz. ,
35c ; sweetbreads , per lb. , 12c. sweetbreads
( cnlvcm , per lb. , 40o ; kidney , per doz. , 33c ; ox
tails , each 3c ; livers , per lb. , 2c ; hearts , per lb. ,
! c , lonKiips , per lb. , lie.
MUTTON I.ambs. SHc ; sheen 7lic ; market
racks ( lone ) , 9c ; hotel racks ( xnori ) . 12o. logs
and saddles , Sc ; lamb legs , 9 : ; breasts ana
stews. 3c ; tongues , each 3c.
1'ORK DrcB cd pigs , Cc ; drested hogs , B',5c
Icndcrlolns , 13c ; loins , 7c ; spare rib" . 4c ; ham
sausage , butts , Cc ; shoulders , rough , 5V c ; shoul
ders , sklnnfd , Cc ; trln-mlngs , 4i c leaf lard , not
rpiulcred. Cc ; heads , cleaned , 3c ; snout and ear- ,
3c ; backbones , 1'.4 ' < J ! cheek meals , 3c ; netk
bones , IVto ; pigs' tails , 2o plucks , each Cci
chitterlings , Be ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. , 25c ;
stomachs , each 3c : to-igues. each 7c ; kidneys ,
per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15o ; pigs' feet ,
per doz. , 25c ; livers , each 3c.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green
hides , Cc ; No. 1 salted lildcH , SVic ; No. 2 green
xnlted hides. 7'4c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 lo 12 Ibs. .
8cNo. . 2 vtal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. . 6c ; No. 1 dry
Mini hides , 11Q13 ; No. 2 dry ( lint hides , SSlOc ;
No. 1 dry sailed hides , 9iflOc ; pall cured hides ,
He " per lb. lejs than fully cured.
.SHEW 1'EI.TS Grocn salted , each 157Bc ;
green sailed shearlings ( short - wooled early
skins ) each irc ; dry shearlings ( short wooled
early skins ) , No. 1 , each Co dry Hint , Kansnn
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight. 4fJ5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 34c ;
dry Hint Colotmlo butcher wool pelts , per ID. .
actual weight , 4B5c ; dry Hint Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3fiNc ; feet
cut off , us It Is useless to pay freleht on them ,
SI. l.ouls ( ienei'iil MnrUelN.
ST. I-OL'1S , Oct. 12. FI.Ot'R-Qulct nnd un
WHEAT Ijower ; closing 1'lc below yesterday
for December : May , IVic lower ; December rpeneil
< va lower ami ilecllnnl IVlc more on illsiippolnt-
tng cables anil favorable seeding weather ; recov
ered 7c late , and closed strong , with buyers
% c above the bottom. Hpot , lower ; No. 2 red
cash , elevator , fl'io bid ; truck , WHMc : No. 2
hard cash , fc5c ; December. Mo bhl ; Slay. 95e
CORN Futures depressed nnd lower ; closing
dull , within 1-llic of the bottom. Spot , dull nnd
weak ; No. 2 cosh. 25HW25vie : December. 25V
asked ; May. 29(29'4c. (
OATS Futures cli c liuil In sympnthy with oiner
cereals , but t-pcculallon was light. Spot , steady ;
No. 2 cash , elevator , 19c bid ; track , l4e ! ) ; No , 2
white. 21'-i 721'4c : December , 19ic ! bid ; December ,
19 ! < c bid ; May , 21Hc bid.
RYE Uiwer nt 42'.4c bid.
CORNMEAI Steady at J1.B00I.55.
IIRAN Qulel anil Him ; i-ast trade , sacked , 49
Ci.'Oc ; tnclc. this side. Die.
FIjAXKEKD Higher at 9Gc.
TIMOTHY SEED rrlme. J2.70.
HAY Steady and more active ; prairie , Jli.OOfl" "
7.50 ; timothy. J7.OClS9.73.
JH1TTER Firm ; creamery , 1SK2IC ; dairy 11
EGOS Firm : 13c.
IVJtrr.TRY Chickens stendv ; old hens. Gijc ;
springs , 74ffSo ! ; ducks , GIfG'.ic ; geese , OiJc ; tur
keys. 7'.f'c. (
WHISKY $1.20.
llAOOING-Cii .
METAI.S Iad. I . lower nt J.1.97US' ' 1.00. Spelter ,
; i.05 askf < l ; JI.OO bid.
I'ROVISIONH I'ork. steady : standanl mess.
jobbing , JS.25. I.ard , lower ; pilme steam , Jl.l2'/i :
choice , Jl.liVj. Ilncim ( l.oxi'd lots ) , exlra short
clear and ribs , J5.7B ; shorts , JG. Dry salt meats
( hexed ) shoulders. JB.3V4 ; extia short clear anil
rlhs , 15.25 ; shorts , (5.3Jl/4.
RECEIPTS Flour. 4.CO ) bbls. : wheat , f2COO
hu. ; corn. 123.0CO hu , ; oats , no.OOO bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 10.000 bbl. < . ; wheat. 4G.O')1)
bu. ; corn , 50,000 bu. ; oats , 4,000 bu.
IliiUlniore llarketN.
IIAI/riMORE , Oct. 12. FIUIt Dull nnd un
changed ; recolpts , 29.2G3 bhls.
WIIBAT Weak ; No. 2 red. spot nnd October.
IM WI'/io ; December. /ifjM'ic ; steamiT No. 2
nil. SSViWSWic : wmthorn. by Bample. 90 (9Ce ;
soulhprn , on grade , 90ti(9'V4c ( ' ) ; recelpm. C',231) hu
CORN Weak ; mixed , ppol and October. 3U4f7 >
3lic ; Novi-mber or December , 3mff3l ; c ; steamer
mixed. 29'.tf29lrsnulhi'rn : while. 315J3GV4C ;
Bouthern vnllow , SCflSOlio ; leci'lpts , M.031 bu. ; ex
ports. 31.28'i ' bu
OATS Hlea'ly : No. 2 white. 26'4ft27c ; Ni 2
mined , 23c ; receipts , 15,872 hu. ; exjiorls , CO.OO )
RYI > Easier ; No. 2. neaiby , 31e ; No. 2 west
ern , Sl'SiffOI' ' c ; receipt * . 20,239 hu. ; expnrui , 8,771
hu. , stock. 130.917 bu.
HAY Stonily : choice tlmolhy. J13.flOil3.50.
GRAIN FREIGHTS Very firm ; demand ! > ot-
ler ; cti-am to Liverpool , ner bu. , 4'/4d , October ;
Coik for ciders , per qr. , 7J7V4d , October or No
Hl'TTER Firm and unchanged.
EGOS Firm nnd unchanged ,
In Avnlllllili * SupplleN ,
NEW YORK , Oct. 12. Special cable and tele ,
graphic dispatches lo IIr d lr < vt'H , covering Hi"
principal points of accumulation , Indicate Ihn fol
lowing changes In nvalhibli * supplies last Hatlir-
dav , as fnmimrrd with Ihn previous Saturday :
Wheat I'nlted States nnd Canada , east of ( tin
Rockies , Increase , 2.812,000 hu. ; alloat for and In
Europe. Increase , 5,410V ( hu. Liverpool , quiet ;
Corn Trade News world's Mipply , net Increase ,
8,212.000 bu ,
Coin I'nlted States nnd Canada , cast of the
Rockies , Increase , 232,000 bu.
OaU t'nlted ' States nnd Canada , east of the
Rockies. 2.4I7 , bu.
The larger Increases nf stocks of available
wheat lust week not Included In the olllclal vln-
Ible supply slatoment are B70.W10 bu. In north-
xvestorn Interior elevators. 478,000 hu. at various
Manllob'i Bloraun points , 200.0JO bu. nt Fort Wil
liam , Out. . li.i > H bu. In Chicago prlvatn el -
vators , 72.W ) bu. nt Clevi'land and )5frt > bu. nl
Newport News. Corresponding Increases Include
ISO bu. at Ogdensburg and 1S2,000 bu. at Now
TOI.F.DO. Ocl. l-\S'HEAT-Iower and firm
ca h nnd October , 2ic ; Decemher. 93ic ; May.
9liio atked.
Nn2 . mixed , 2c ; No.
3 , yellow , 2SVje ; December. 2SUc ; Mny. 32I4C- .
OATS Ixiwer and Heady ; No. 2 mixed , 194o !
No. S while. 21c ; No. 3 white. 21V4c
ItYH Dull end lower ; No. 2. 47C4c
CljOVIMtSKKD IllKher nnd steady : prlmo cash
anit Octoher , J1.3JI4 ; December , $3.37ijj March ,
| 3.f > 0 ; No. 2 * $3.15.
OIL Unchanged ,
I.lvrriiool Grain anil I'rovlHloiiN ,
jirlni" western , spot , dull at 23a ,
CHKBSI3 American , finest while , tendsnt 45s-
American , llnesl roloml , steady at 45 . '
OIUS- > lton ee.I , Liverpool relln.'d , dun nt
15n 3d. Turpentine spirits , steady at 25 * 61.
CORN American mixed , not. old. steady nt 3
Hid : October , quiet at 3 Sd ; November , quiet
nt . . 3 . 2Jd ; . . December . , quiet at 3s SHd.
| ) UB | funey > winter , nloady at JO * .
iH Clly JlarUetN.
lower ; No. 1 bard , 63c ; No. I. f > 0f > 2'i No. 3 , Ti
i No. 4. 70U76HO ; No. 1 r d. We ; No. 1. U
n c. Nn S , J3PS7C , No. . Kc , No. J fprtng , 7c ,
No. 3 , "Ge.
CORN UOUc lower , mrHlerately acllvej No. I
mixed. 2litil'tc
OATS About itrmly , > I"W. No. 2 whit * , 190
H A Y-Flrm' ; "choice timothy. JS.M ; choice
pralrl * . J8.00.
IlL'TTER-Actlve ; supply H " * ! ereamery , M
I2c ! dairy , ljpl7c.
EGGS-Rr epts | InsiVri'inlf ; HHc.
RECEH'TS-Whenl. 71 , WO bu. ; corn , 19.80) bu , :
oats , , ooo bit.
SHITMENTS--\Vhat , 171,800 bu.i corn. 40.300
bu. ; oats , 7,00) hu.
Oriiln Itrrrlpts at Principal MnrkptH.
CIIICAOO , Oot 12. Recflpts : Wheat , 23 cars ;
corn. 17 cnrs ; onts. 427 cars.
MINNEAl'OI.IS. O.-t. 12. Receipts ! \ htnt ,
Stl cnr .
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 12. Receipts : Wheat. 6.1
cars last year , 35 cars. ,
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 12. Receipts : Wheat. M
IMillnilelpliln 1'roitnce Clarke ! .
I'HILADEI.l'IIIA. Oct. 12.-tlttTTKR-lulct.
but steady ; fancy western creamery , 22c.
KOOS Firm and ' 40 higher ; fresh , nearby , ISc ;
frrfh western. 17c.
I'eorlii .llnrUctN.
I'EORIA , Oct. 12.-CORN-I.ower ; No. 2 , 2Cc.
OATS-Easy ; Nn. 2 white , 22'.4f.
WHISKY Fresh highproofspirits , Jl.tO.
llenrN anil llullx A rev Hint ( lie .Market
MiiMt Iteninlii Dull.
NEW YORK , Oct. 12. Much parade wns made
yesterday ot the alleged conversion of some of
the leading bear operators on Ihe exchange lo Ihe
bull side of the market. Today's developments
prove that thete Is n. very large and aggressive
contingent still left In the market. The opera
tion known In Wall street parlance as testing
the market had for several days fulled to cause
any movement In either direction. That Is to
say. ahort selling by the bears had fulled lo. In.
duce any large , liquidation nnd purchases by the
bulls had equally failed to Invite any large fol
lowers. Skilled olMcrvem hod arrived nt the con
clusion that Iho market was duo for n period of
dullness , barring thu development of remaikable
news. The prices last night and Ihe furlher ud
vance this nurnlng looked like a termination of
tht bear campaign. Yet In the two Until hours
of Ihe market Ihe bears succeeded In working a
sharper decline throughout the whole list lhan
has lii-en accomplished on any one day of their
campaign. They had no new event which could
Influence the stock to aid them nnd no report of
any cessallon In the Improvement of thu earn
ing power of properties' shares which lire dull
III exchange. The nominal motive of thu selling
wns the fear that our relations with Spain were
In danger of rupturu as un outgrowth of the
policy which General Woodfonl was ordered to
puisne. The dispatch from Madrid to the Asso
ciated presi , carrying the seml-olllclal announce
ment of the substance of Spain's teply , H was would fence 1'resldenl McKlnley to take
notion thai would lead lo a declaration of war.
Apprehension on Ibis polnl became so acute that
large blocks of long stock worn offered , and nu
merous stop loss ordci s were uncovered , which
gave success to the bears. Several Ineffectual nt-
lempts were made to stop Ihe decline , bill ral
lies won- only momentary and fresli heavy offers
kept the liquidation lo the close of the day. J.asl
pi Ices were In many cases Ihe lowest nnd the
tom > of the maiket nt the hist wan very feverish.
IVJSSCM on the day extend ull the way from a
fraction to over1 points , the range In Ihe lending
iicllve stocks being from 2 to 1 points. Chicago
Gas nnd the grange were most heavily dealt In
and showed Ihe phut-pen' declines.
The bund market showed Increased activity nnd
shared In Ihe weakness of Ihe slock markel ,
though to n less extent. Tntnl sale" , J2.450.0UO.
Th" Evei.inK 1'ost'n London tlnam-lal cablegram
says : "The slock mnikcts were quiet today , at-
tentlon being absorbed with the iconimtncemcnl
of the settlement , which reveals only a moderate
account with fairly light contnngoes , those on
Americans being usually 3',4 per cent. There wns
n better tone In Americans , but the only pro
nounced rise w is In Cana las nnd Norio k & \ \ i t-
ein , both of which weie largely bought. The
close was the best of the day. In oilier mar
kets , the only fcatuic was Iho continued boom In
West Australian mines. New York wns bid
ding keenly for bar gold In the open market
today ill about 77s ll'id. More cades will prob
ably leave the Hank of England before long.
Today's withdrawals of gold from the bank were
for Germany , which Is also a strong buyer of
gold. The 1'arls bourse was dull nnd sensitive.
The I'.erllti maiket wns dull , being generally ad
versely affected by the Imperial IJank of Ger
many declining to discount a certain kind of
paper formerly discounted. It means some cur
tailment of the credit system nnd nsslstH the
monetary stringency In Germany. "
The following were the closing qtiotallons on
Ihe leading stocks of Ihe New Ygrk exchange
today :
AtehlHon St. Paul nsl.
dopfd do pfil inn
llalttinnre& Ohio. . St. P. A Om 7ft
Canada IMoltlc do pfd 140
Canada Southern. . 74 H St. P.M.AM 122
Central Pacific 111 So. I'acltlc II )
ClicH. A , Ohio JIM So. Railway 10U
Chicago & Alton. . . . Kit ; do pfil 31 > ,
C. . H. AQ TOX.IH \ . Paultlo. . . . ltT )
C..tK. i Union Paultic 2074
c.o. c. , v st. i. 34 U. P. D.AC 7' <
dopfd 8m ; Wah.-iHh 7H
I)1.V ) IIllllHOM 11:1 : ilo pfd ! > < ,
Dol. I. , , fi. W Wheul.A L. K 2(1
Don. A RloG 124 ! do pfil lli } |
do pfd 40 Adanm Ex lf ! >
Eric ( niw ) ' Amorli'an Kx 117
Erin 1 Hi pfd. . , sii' United States Ex. . . 41
Ft. Wnvim . . . 107 Wells Vnrgo Ex. . . . 10H
OreatNorthorn pfd. 1:17n : A. Cot. Oil 22
llockln ? Vallov. . . . n do pfd 7fi . . . 101 ! < s iVin'u Spirits ' . ! ' <
I.aUo Erlo .t W. . . . 17W do pfd 27ii
do pfil 7-m Am. Tob.ieou S.r * i
LakeShore 1(17 do pfd 112W
I.oiilHvlllo A Nnih. 57K Chicago Oas.
Maiihatlan L 100) ( I Cons. ia H . . . . . . . . . . 'J I j i
Met.Traction 11H I Com. Cable Co 175
Michigan . 101 Icol. V. A Iron a } <
Minn , k St. L 24 dopfd 7T >
do iHt nfd Oen. Klcctrlc 32
Mo.Pacltic Illinois Stoul 41M
Monlft& ! , Ohio LaCludi ) GasKIW
Mo.K.t T Lead : i.- >
do pfd do nfd i loH : )
Chicago , lull. Jt L. . . i4lNat.'Llii. ) ' Oil 10
do pfd. , .I''ltlOruirnii Imp Co iHj :
N.J. Central 1)2 ) > ( l Paclllc Mall : i3Vn
N.Y.Central 101)911 ) Pullman Pal 172h
N. Y. Chi. .V St. L. . ItM ISllvitrCortlflc.itoH. . BUM
do iHt nfd T | Sinml.HuMi | AT. . . . fll
do I'll pfd : u Snirar 142
Norfolk & Woiterii ISH do pfil 114 !
No. Aninr. Co 4 T. C. A Iron 27
No. Paclllc U. S. Leather 75 *
do pfil do pfd ( S3
Ont.irlo.fc WOn U.S. Rubber 4illn
OnR. . ANttv 114 do pfil 01S
Ore. Short Lluo. ' . . . . _ . Wi-stern Union HHHi
IMUHuunr liin Chl. fit. WuHturn. . . Ii4
Heading Northwestern 122ki
UocklHland dopfd 1(12 (
S . I.OHIMX.H. K - mID Ulu ( Jrand West. . . . 22
doptd ID ilnpfd r > mj
Total s.ili'S of slocks today were 493.SCO shares ,
Including : Atchlson. 3,310 ; Alchlson preferred , 15 , .
420 ; Chesapeake & Ohio. C , 100 ; Chlc.iBO , lIurlltiK-
tou & Qulncy. 5ii0 ; Ijiiihivllle * Nashville. 1'- '
220 ; Manhattan L , 0,100 : Missouri Paclllc. 11.500 ;
Missouri , KanB.-iH & TUMIS prcf.'tred. 3,8'h ) ; New
.Ier i-y Central , S.&H : New York Central. 5.COO ;
Northern Paclllc , 5,600 ; Northern Piiclilc jirc.
ferred , 2iiU15 ; ReadliiB , 12,523 ; Rock Island. 19ci ) ;
SI. Paul , 52.9W ; Omaha. 3,200 ; Union Pacillc , 18.-
110 ; I'nlon Paclllc , Denver St flulf , 4 5nij WnbaBli
prefened , 0.2 > 0 ; American Spirits , 4.W ) ; American
Tobacco , 16,400 ; Hay Stiito Oan , ll.SW ; Chicauo
OaH , 05,720 ; Oeneral Illectrlc , 4,830 ; Stiindaiil
Rope and Twine , 3,100 ; Sugar , 28.200 ; Toli'ili.
Columbus * t Indianap'illH. ( J,5 < ; Western Union ,
5,210 ; Chicago tlrent Wi-alcrn , 10,420.
Ni-iv York Moiii'y > Iarkit.
Steady at ZWa'i per cent ; last loan , 3 per cent ;
closed at 2V43 | per cent.
cent. '
STKRLINO KXCHANOn-l'-lrmer. with actual
lundnens In bankerlillln nL fl.M'.S for demanil ,
and al I.S2i' , for sixty days ; pooled rates , JI.S2V4
( fn.SJ'.i and l.Sai.sH' ! commercial bill * , Jt.kO ! ,
STATi : HONDS-Dull. |
Co | lnK iiuotatloiiH on bomla were as follows :
' " "
II.'fl."iiow4B"ivB..12iiTi"Nrc. il'i I" , )
II. S. uaw Is cou..127 N.0.41 num
U.H.-lH.res H2lS ( No. Paclllo . . . . ' ( )
U. S. 4s , uoiiii U3hi No , P.v-'lllo ill ull (
U.S.2 .ru. UHMi No. Pacllli IH UDVS
II..4. 3H.IV7 IKili N. Y. O. A SI , L.4H..10I
U.S.Aa.conp 11.11 N. A W. ( Ja l . |
DlHtrlct ; ) . Old ! i > : i' ' ( N. W. Consols 143U
Ala.oli : i A 107 N. W. Dab. o 117 : | ! 11 IDS Ore. Nav.lHtH U'.Mj
Ala.el IHH'J Dti Orq. N.iv. In . . . . ui
Ala. Currency. . . IM O. S. S , . HH , i. r. 1
Atc'hlHon IH HIH ! O. S. I , Bs. t. r. . . . 01U
AtchtHoiindl. 4n. . . . OS O , Imp. tnlH , i. r. . .1011
Camilla So , 2ud . . . .lOil O. Imp. 0 , l. r . . .
Chlu. Term 4IH P.iolllcbn of'05. . ,1024
C.A o. .IH uaw Ruadln4H Ml'i
D.AR. ( I. IHU UHi U , G.Woal iHts 81' ,
D. A R. G.4n Klivi St. L. A I. M. Ron. .1 HSU
K.-lhl'lVllll. UIH..10H St. L. AS. r'.C.jn.ll. 1HW
Krlddi'ii. 4H 7UU St , P , Consola 140
F. W.AD. IH , t. r. . 71 St. P.O. A P. 1HW..11HW
Gun. KIt'U. tin 100 SI.P.O.AP. S USi ,
O. II. S. A. UH. S. 0 , nonfimd. . . . ! /
( i. H. A S. A. .Mi . . . Southurn llv. B . . . . ( I'JHi
H.jiT.Cont.fis. Ill S. H. AT. Us 02
11. AT. 0. con 0 . . . . Tonii. iiutVNutilH . . 8114
Iowa C. iHtu US Tnx. IMo. L. . 13U 110) .
K. P. eon. t. r. 100 Tax. 1'43. Rj. ' 'dit. . ' 'ilU
K. P. UlH.t. r. 117 U , P. iHH 101
La. NnwCon.4 . . . 1)7 U. P. 1) , AG. IdU. . 411
KAN. Unl , ID 8IIU Wab , Int."in 107M
MlHHOiirl II ) 101) Wab. 2ds 771 ,
M , 1C , AT. UiU HIM Wet Shorn U . . . . 17M
M.K , AT.4H Kit Va. Oonlurlns U7
N. Y. C. lull 117 ! Va. UutorrjU 4
N. J.D.da . . ! !
New YorU JllnliiK < | uoln < loiiM.
NKW YORK , Oct. 12.-The following ure Ihe
closing mining quotations !
Chnllar . 117 Oiiltno , ; iul
Urowu I'olut . 70 Ouiur , yu
Con. Cal. & Vi. : . . . I'-'l I'lymouin 11:1 :
DcaihvooJ . .HI QuloXblHvr Ill , )
( loiildi Curry . fid Uiilokuilvor an , . DO )
Hlerr.i.Njy.itn. . . . 111.1
Slind.irJ JOS
IronSllvor . 30 Union Con fid
Muxicai . . 43 Yullovv Jaoiu ; . . . . 05
Aiiierleun Seeurlllrx In London.
LONHON , Oct. U. Tlie American securities
market vark-J tut llttlu ull day , owing to la-
Kftltltr if orrator < . The Mesa wm utrxilr * nil
the demiinil generally llslit
llnnlnn StnoW' ( Kiitntliiiin. )
noSTON , O.t . l--CAir l , > h , 354 < prr cent ;
time lonns , 4rrl per cent. Honing price * for
txk , lands and mining nharti ;
Af.s. K. . . . . . . . Tolf\VK.'bfnr ; a"
American S nr. . I4'J Ed. F.loo. ill US'
AmSn > .ir nfd . . . Ill M7on.KIo2.pM. . . . H' '
ravSmto 0.1 * . . stl Atchlion . 8PM
- pM
1V MUI | | Ilt.4t | * * fW
fell Tolophono. . . . AtfhKin H HlJH
Ilo ton.V Alb.inv. ' 'Ill SpVr'KiiBlnml ' Us. . ll'J
I'o ' ton.Vi.Mnlno. . . Kl.'i Hen Kloo fin. . . . . . US
C. . . . . II. .V - . , Alluiwz Mlnlnf O ) r > 0 ,
ntehbutv HI Allimie
Oenorril Kloclrie. . 32H lloMon .t Mciiit.ini 141
Mexlcnn Central. . 54 ItuttoX HoUcn. . . . SUM
N. V.A N. K H3 CnlumotA Itaclv. 4M >
Old Colo.I ? 1H.1 nontoimlal 1SV
O.9. li . . . . - ' ( )
Rubber HI
' ' " "
Went Bull 20 Onccola. . . . . "M 37
WcM End utd , . . . . l)2Jf ) Qiitney 114)4 )
W. Bleu 201) TiUn.irarK . . . . . . . . . 131
W. Eloa pM 23 Wolvcrtna. . . . . . . . 14
Sail KrnnM < < ii Mlnlnn
RAN KUANCIPCO , Oct. 1-The ofllclnl
qnotntlons on mining stocks tod.iy were nn fol
lows :
Alt.1 . IS llalc.v Norcroii. . Ill )
AlnlmCon . in . 32
Ko'UuoXy Con . S
Ilclcher . 7'J .Mexican . fill
le ! tV [ loloher. . . . ( I'J Occldouuicon. . . . lti : )
Ilulllon . 11 Oiihlr . till
Overman . 1H
ClMilIongo Con . / > _ ' Potosi . 01
Cholinr. . 74 S.iv.izo . S'l
Comldonco . \ : < ( > Scorpion . "
Con. ' .il. , VVk ; . IDS Slorra Nev.Ui. . . . Ill )
Con. . 1 Union Oon . M
Crown 1'oinU . 7H IltnhCou . _ 23
t'.xctirouor . ' 4 Yellow Jacket. . . . " 4
Itould.vuumn. . . . r l St.nulanl . ISO
Silver bnrs. B7o ; Mexican ilollnrs , 4Hif4SUc !
drnfts , BlKlit , IBc ; drafts , teleRruph , 17Hc.
Itiitiiliiii Stuck ( liiotntlniDi.
1XN1)ON , Oct. 12.-4 p. m.-Cloflnu :
. , . .
Console , nco't. Ill 11-11 ! N V. Contr.ll 113
Can. I'.icllic . M4S I'eiinivlvniiLi fll'H
Erlo . 11US Huadlnir 1:1 :
Krlli iHtHDMllUiMei ( Jon. now 41. (17 ( loim Atchlien IT
Mp.Mcanoiilin.irv. lll < 4L. ] A N 60H
1IAI1 SIIA'I-JR t'nccrlnln nt 2(5 ( JUT ounce.
MONKY ? i per cent.
The rnte of discount In. the open market for
short Mils Is ill , per cent ; for three months' bills
Is 2U5T2V , per cent.
Gold Is quoted at Hticnos Ayres nt 1S7.CO : at
Itnnie , 105.35. Gold bars , 77a ltd , American
eagles , 76s 6J.
KliiiiiielnlotiH. .
IJOSTON , Oct. 12-CltnrlnBs. } 20,9S2,7S3j 1ml-
nnces , $2,011,735.
NHYORK. . Oct. 12. Clcarltih's , | 1S0.4G.131 ;
balances , ) S.C57,309.
1IAI.T1MOUR. Oct. 12.-ClearlnKS , J3.1C3.8C9 ;
balances , 1171,574. Money , unchaiiKcd.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 12. Money , 2'4JI ! per cent ;
New York exchange , par. Clearings , J2,093,900 ,
I'lIltjADKLlMUA , Oct. 12. Clenrlntr * , J13C,9.-
219 ; balances , J2.251,7SG. Money , 3f34 ! per cent.
MKMI'IIIS. Oct. Oi I'learhiKS , 44),47S ; bal
ances , $73,291. New Vork exchange , Foilingnt
Ni\V OKM2ANS. Oct. 12.-ClearlnBS , $2,009,15.1 ;
New York exchuime , bank , par ; commercial
paper , $1.23 per $1CO * > illcount.
HT. IAlfl9 , Oct. 12. Clearings , $5,9I2,05 ; bal
ances. $744,1178. Money , 55(8 per cent ; New York
exchange , 25c discount bid ; par a ked.
CHICAGO. Oct. 12. Clearings. $17,307.909 ; New
York exchange , lOc discount ; posted rules , $ I.Si'4 :
nnil $4.S.H4. Stocks easier In synirilhy | with
Lake Street ; closing : West Chicago , 103 ; Diamond
mend Match , 13JI4 ; Metropolitan U 71i ; South
Hide I. , 59iA ; North Chicago. 327'i ; Uike Street ,
19 > i ; Ncttl York UUcult , C3Vi ; Struwhoard , 31.
HKIU.IX. Oct. 12. Hxchango on I < onilont 20
marks , 3.V/4 pfgs. for checks.
1'AItIS , Ocl. 12. Three per cent rentes , 102f
ISc for the account ; exchange on I ondon , 25f
20il for checks.
1X3NHON. Oct. 12. Th'cJ nmount of bullion
withdrawn from the Hank of Kngland on bal-
nnce today Is JC2W.OOO. '
OpCllllIKSIllMVM SlllllOy FIl'IIIIICNN , lllll
l liuil I'rliu'N An * Itnvi r.
NKW YOIIIC , Oct. 2. The cotton market
opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance
of 2 points and further Udvnnced 203 points on
covering by the more timid shorts , Llvepool cn-
hles being less unfnvunihlo tjinn expected. The
early dimness wnrf helped by ] New Orleans huy-
IHK orders , which was the feature of the after
noon , loiter Ihe market tutted weak In Ihe ab
sence of outside support and renewed claims that
Ihe quarantine would promptly ho talked. At the
best point thu market showed n net gain of 3@
I points , from which thejovas n decline of 75 < " '
9 points , with the market finally easy nl a net
loss of 480 points. Closing , prices : January ,
$0.30 ; February , JG.33 ; Miucb , J0.3S ; April , $0.41 ;
May. JG.43 ; June , $0.49 ; July , $ G.50 ; October. JC.23 ;
November , $ C.23 ; December.G.2S. Spot , closed
easy ; middling uplands , C7c ; middling gulf ,
CHc ; net receipts. 50 bales ; gross , 8,71)9 ) bales ; ex
ports to Great llrltaln , 3,70.1 bales ; to the con
tinent. 430 hales : forwarded , CCG9 bales ; pales ,
y > bales , all spinners ; stock , CX.iOl bales. Total
today : Net receipts , 53.910 bales ; exnrln | to Great
llrltaln. 29.9M : bales ; tn Hit , continent , 410 bales ;
stick , 51S.037 bales. Consolidated : Net receipts.
1G1,2G3 bales ; export * to Great llrltaln , 7G.737
bales : to Kr.mce , 19.S30 bales ; to the continent ,
19.S19 bales. Total since September 1 ; Net re
ceipts. 1,207,307 bales ; exports to Greal llrltaln ,
40.377 bales ; to 1'Yance , 78,823 bales ; to Ihe con
tinent. 221.3.19 bales.
laVKRI'OOU Oct. 12.-COTTON-Ppot. fair
demand ; prices lower ; American middling , fair ,
4Hd ; good middling , 3 29-32d ; American mid
dling. 3 2.V32d ; low middling , 321-32.1 . ; good ordi
nary , 3 17-32d ; ordlmry , 3 ll-32d ; sales. 10,000
hales , of which 1,000 bales were for speculation
anil export , nml Included 9,300 bales American ;
iceelpts , 8,200 bales , nil American. Futures
opened easy , with a fair demand and closed
iiulet , but steady ; Amerlcah middling- M. C. ,
October , 1 40-G4d , buyers ; October and November ,
3 33-C4d , buyers : November and December , 3
30-G4d. buyers ; December lind January , 3 29-CIJl
3 30-C4d , buyers ; January and February , 3 29-GIS0
3 30-64d , buyers ; February nnd March , 3 S0-C4d ,
buyers ; March and April , 3 30-6IOJ 31-Uld. buyers :
April nnil May. 3 31-C4O'3 32-C4d , values ; May and
June , 3 32-C4ir3 33-64d , sellers ; June and July ,
3 33-i4iJ3 ( 34-Cld , fellers.
NKW OIII-KANS. Oct. 12. COTTON-Qulot ;
snles , 4.500 lules ; crllnnry. S 1 ICc ; geol orllnary ,
57-lGc ; middling , 6c ; middling , G l-lic ( ; good
middling. 6 5-tfc ; middling fulr , G 9-lCc ; receipts ,
19,750 bales ; EtO"k 99,127 bales. Futures , Fleady
at decline ; fnles , 24,100 bales ; October. $5.91 hid ;
November. M.98(5.99 ; December , $3.9DSG.OO ; Jan
uary , $ G.02ff.03 ( ! ; February , JG.CCaG.OS ; March ,
$6.11f/n.l2 : April , $ ( ( ; May , $ G.20BG.21.
MKMI'HIS. Ot. 12. COTTON Steaily ; mid
dling , C ? ; receipts , 4,127 hales ; shipments , 4,21S
hales ; stock , 33 , S bales ; sales , 2,500 hales.
ST. IXDUIS. Oct. 12 COTTON Quiet ; 1-lCo
lower ; sales , 37 hales ; middling , G 1-lCc ; recelpls ,
6,597 bales ; shipments , C.04G bales ; stock , 17.40U
Time IM Hiili'tor , irllli I'I-UM-N r > ( > iurally
11OSTON , Oct. 12. The wool market here has
shown a quieter tonn I'.ils week , although prices
me held ( Inner for most classes of wools. Ter
ritory wools still head thu list III the amount
of bublness transacted and the pi Ice Is a trllle
hlKher , taking Ihe market as a whole. About
CO cent * tenured for Unit medium and line Is the
general established price In the mrrket. Staple
wools would go higher , hut the supply Is very
meager. The demand for Australian wools con
tinues with full prices obtainable. Following arc
the notations of leading descriptions : Ohio and
I'cnnnylvunla lleeces , X and above , 2l&25e ; X.\
and , XX and above. 2SO29c ; delaine , 29i/3Cc ; No.
1 combing , 2Sjf2 c ; No. 2 combing , 2 aS9c. Mlch-
Isan. Wisconsin , etc. . X Michigan , 2Jc ; No. 1
Michigan combing , 272Sc ; No. 1 Illinois comb
ing , 27ff23c ; No , 2 Michigan combing , 27i(29c ;
N'o. 2 Illinois combing , 242&c | ; X New York ,
New Hampshire and Vermont , 2Hf22'/C ; No. 1
New York , New HampsMiu nnd Vermonl , 27c ;
delaine Michigan , 27c ; uiiwavhed medium , Ken-
lucky nnd Indiana quartet -blood comhlng3c ;
Missouri quarter-blood uumhlng , 22&2oc ; brnlrt
comblni ; . 21c ; l il < o and Georgia , 2.'c. Texas
wooU , rprlng medium (12 months ) , KlfilCc ;
scoured ptlce , 43ij45e ; t-prlng hne (12 ( months ) , 14
filftc ; tcoureil price , Mj52o | , Tcirltorlal wools ,
Montana line medium and line , IGjnSc ; scoured ,
4S5/t.Oc . ; staple , C2f35c | ; Ulali , AVyomlntr , etc. , line
medium and line , 15f17ccoined ; price , 4Sj50c [ ;
U ] > le , C255c. | AiiKi-ull.ui Kcoured basis , onmh-
Ing bupeillne , 70i72c ; coinhliig good , CJCSc ;
combing average , K.jG5o ; Queeiibland ccmblnii ,
C5e. t
LONDON , Oct. 12. Af the wool auction snles
today 1I.97S bales Mere offcrel. of which 1.000
were withdrawn. The attendance was larno and
the demand keen. There wnfc u good supply of
sllpes In full demand nml realizing full rates.
! . , < wer grades of merinos told well up Scoured
were linn , hut faulty descriptions ruled weak.
A small mpply nf Cape ofKjood Hope and Nalul
UiMerri scourol * old nt Bs > 6J. The home hujern
purehaeeil large quantities of crosshreds. The
AnibrtcHii Inquiry was fiuall and only speculu-
llve. The. nexl > erles will bo held November IS.
The llrsl seiles for IS9S Hill he held January 18
ami Iho tecond terles for llmt year. Match 15.
Details : New Soulh Wolf * . 1.S09 hales rcomud.
84dMU ! 2nd ! ; Kreasy , liuiftl. yui-einland , 110
bales ; greasy , CVi 7',4d. ' Victoria , 1,2(16 ( hales ;
scoured. hlt'lQU 8V4d : srpasy , 5H rs'il. South
Aiifctralla , lt.9 haleu. gieav ) ' d4 T7d Wc t Aus
tralia. 228 bales ; scoured. 18'4diils 3 , d ; greasy ,
COiUil- New Zealand. 0.7IO hales kcoured , 9MJ >
] 6d. Cape of Gcod Hope ; and Natal , 261 bales ;
scoured , M6U 6d ; greaiy. M.
NBW YOItK. Oct.WOOI < I inii domebtlo
lleece , 2Jlj27c ; pulled. No. 2 extra , 278 lOe ; Ti'lus ,
ST. IXJUIS , Oct. U. \ \ kOOIFlrin ana un.
llnrKi'tH ,
IXNION' . Oct. 12.-SlTOAR-Ileet. October , 83
Hid : December and March , Ss Slid ; March , 9 .
NKW YORK. Oct. 12.-HrOAR-U.iw. steady ;
fair refining , 3 & ice ; centrifugal , 88 test , 3Kc.
Rellneil , easy ; granulated. CUc.
NKW ORLKANS , Oct. It SUGAR-Qulet ; cioei
kettle , : 'U 3H = i centrifugal granulatt-d , 4Vi < r
4 9lGiwhile ; * . 3 15-16ij4 3-16c ; yellows ,
3 15-lGc ; tt-CiilJ
Cnllforiilii llrlril P'rullx.
FHUITS-Quletj evaj ) r ( rd apples , cummon , C ®
c ; prime wire tray , 8Uc ; wood ilriwl. prime ,
8'jo ; choice , SHOS c , fancy. 9.piun'n. ; . 6flS'4c. as
to Blio and quality , aprlcoU , Royal , 74i8'.jc ;
Moor I'ark. 9ai , eJ i > uchea , unpceled , 7tfllc :
Lighter Run of Oattlo , but More Hogs
Ooma to the Yards.
Olio Sn > - Cnltlt- Arc Strnitr " " ' l
Otlirr InnlMtN I'rlci-R'or
lliiKN Put on AmilluT
( inoil Xlc-Ui-l.
SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 12-llccclpt3 for the
days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses
October 12 . G.11S rv I
October 11 . 7,4i3 ; 1.4KJ
October 9 . ! , < ) 3,572 611
October S . 1,771 4/J73 1.81
October 7 . 4,910 6,628 3.WO SS
October C . B.92G 5,713 1,022 . . . .
October 6 . 7,374 5,501 2,810 19i
October 4 . C.3GG l.STfi 831 i
October 2 . . . 651 R.777 126 ! 4
October 1 . . * 2.220 5,317 2,120
September 30 . 2,270 B,4r.2 3,313 2S
SeptPinber 29 . 5.904 4 , ! > 30 S.S2
September 2S . G.S91 4,761 ? I7 21
SeptPinber 27 . 0,744 1,000 til6 27
The olllclat number oC cars of stork
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Horses.
C. , M. & St. r. lly IS 3
O. .t St. L. lly 2 1
M. Paclllc lly 5
Union Paclllc System. . . K ) 14
R , 1C. & M. V. H. H. . . . 133 21
S. C. & 1' . lly 1
c. , St. l' . , Jl. & o. uy. . n 2
li. , t M. U. U. H 1:1 : 27
c. , u. & Q. Hy a 2
K. C. & St. J 11
C. , U. I. .t 1 * . Hy. , west. 1 . .
Total receipts 2M ( 79 1
The disposition of the day's receipts
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num.
bur of head Indicated :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha 1'ncklng Co S 572
G.'H. Hammond Co 5M 1.0T.7 .
Swift and Company . . . . 1.U3I 1.517
Cudahy Packing1 Co 1.30T. 1,021 578
H. lleckcr and Dcgan . . 30 > >
Ynimint & Co 2'J '
J. L. Cnrcy 501) )
I.obman .t Rothschilds . . 110
Heuton & Underwood . . 3G7
Huston & Co 4S
Krcbbs oi Co 39
Stevens -iv.l
Dennis CO
Cudnhy I' . Co. , 1C. C. . . . 201
Nelson Morris , Chicago . . 2TJ
1'lnnUlnton P. Co. , Mil 27
Other buyers 1,123
Left 'over 530 . . . .
Totals 0,530 5,032 57S
CATTLK Receipts or cattle were liberal
again today , though the run fell Ehort of
yesterday's mark by thirty cars. In spite
of the large run for the two days In suc
cession , the market was In pretty good shape
but values generally had a downward ten
There were several bunches ot pretty de
cent cornfed cattle on sale , but nothing
fancy. The market was generally steady
to a little easier , buyers claiming that they
were paying steady prices , and tulesmen
in some cases calling It lower.
The market on butchers' slock was slow
but steady , nnd cows nnd heifers sold In
about the same notches ns yesterday. The
supply wns made up entirely of range cattle.
The yards were full of feeder * , and the
quality was on an average very fair. Ihe
maiket was all the way from steady on
such cattle as hairoened to take the buyers
fancy , to lOc lower on the less desirable
kinds. In fact , some salesmen sold early
at prices that looked strong to them. Repre
sentative -sales :
I31-1-JF ! STH15RS.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT.
.112S > 4 CO IS..1307 Jl 75 30. . , .1316 $1 771.4
. .1181 4 2.1 " 19. . , .ll'jri 4 C5
. . ' . ' 23 4 0) 2" ! ! l210 4 25 .1031 4 4D
. .1123 I .r.1 SC..1204 455 is.1242 ! ! 4 CO
. .1220 4 C3 20..1295 4 70 1..1320 4 00
18. . .1172 4 DD 17..13W 4 75 1..1350
1 cow 720 1 tnllliiR MO 2 W )
1 tnlllllB 900 3 73 S cows 3 15
1(1 ( feeders..1031 3 CO 80 feeders..1130 4 05
14 sirs , Tex. . U7ri 3 33 C cows SSG 3 CO
23 sirs , Tex. . ! MO 3 33 ] ! > feeders..10 0 3 70
3 calves 290 4 BO 1 cow 1010 2 DO
1 bull 13.V ) 2 S3 1 cow 1030 3 00
1 cow 10r,0 3 10 1 cow mo 3 10
2 co\va 1)03 ) 3 10 2 cows 10SO 3 10
icow 1120 3 10 1 cow 'K ' > 3 10
1 cow 1270 3 10 1 cow ! T,0 3 10
2 cows U10 3 30 2 heifers CI3 3 r,0
4 feetlers..l2l3 3 CO 1 feeder. . , . .1340 3 VI )
1 feeiler 1310 3 CO 1 feeder. . , . . J'CO ' 3 00
1 tailing 1310 3 10 23 feeders. , . .1103 375
29 feeders. . . . 'J71 4 00
4 00 J5..1120 I 00 1. . . 4 IX )
. .1111 4 05 30. . .1114 4 40 S3. . . ,1137 4 45
. .1297 . .102 $ 4 05 37. . . .1330 4 70
. .1372 4 75
. . 040 2 no 1. . 920 2 50 . .10JO 2 CO
. . 310 2 S3 4. .1007 2 90 . .lO''O 3 20
1. . . . 7CO 1 73 2. . SSO 2 00 . . 983 2 C3
14. . . . S62 2 SI 1C. . 891 3 21 . . 520 2 W
3. . . .104G 2 G3 3..1030 3 (10 (
1. . . .104C 3 00 4. . . . 477 3 30 C. . . . 900 3 33
3. . . . BM 3 10 2. . . . 7f5 3 CO
1. . . .1320 2 S3 1..1210 350 1..10IO
1. . . .11SO 2 C5
1. . . . ISO 3 23 120 5 50 1. . . . 130 573
3. . . . 390 4 00 B. . . 4G4 4 CO
4. . . . r,02 3 .10 42. . . , 714 3 93 1. 410
19. . . . S30 3 90 9. . . S75 4 0.1 20. . . .1013 4 05
2. . . . < i5 4 3.1 2. . . r,4 4 40 33. . . . 058 3 70
8. . . . 823 4 15 1. . . , 710 4 20 4. . . SCO 3 25
1. . . . 420 3 7.1 12. . . , 783 3 95 . .1044 4 10
1. . . . BIO 4 20
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r.
6 cows 690 J2 75 1 cow. . 9-0 13 30
2-cowH 1000 2 75 2 COWH. .10CO 3 30
1 cow OfO 2 75 li COWS , 1000 3 SO
Icow 10.10 30i ) 15 feeders..1108 3 40
2 tailings..1100 3 0) 40
12 lalllnKS. . . . 030 3 15 Icow 1100 3 CO
1 lallliiB 700 3 25 8 rleen 1105 3 M
3 25 1 feeder 1070 3 CO
5 tailing..11CO 3 25 4 feeders..1232 3 CO
330 U feeders. . . . MX ) 4 00
1 cow 1110 J3 00 1 cow 1070 J3 M
11 cows 1022 3 40 43 feeders..1028 4 01
1 bull 1400 2 25 1 cow 1110 3 23
II bllll.i 1253 2 3.1 2 feeders..1015 3 30
1 bull 1451 235 1 feeder 1COO 330
1 cow 1030 2 f,0 2 cows 1005 345
Ibllll 1510 2 K ISfcteers 1M1I 3 M
1 bull 1100 2 7C. 2 fl-dl.'rs..l225 350
2 COWH , 035 2 75 3 feeders..100(1 ( 3 50
1 bull iCO 2 90 2 feeders. . . . KO 3 SO
1 HlilH 1140 3 00 1 feeder 1220 3 90
2 cows 1040 3 10 30 feeders..1191 390
10 cows 1)41 ) 3 15 21 feeders. . . . Mi5 I in
21 cows OS3 3 20 28 feeders. . . . 1094 4 W
5 feeders..1110 360 21 feeder.1198 3 M
r,7 feeders. . . .11SG 3 80
29 feeders. . . . 071 I 00 1 cow 780 2 0)
.1 bulls 1143 225 3 COWH 983 3 25
icow 1000 275 8 tailings..1225 3 3j
1 tailing H30 275 1 calf 41) 4 W
27 cows 10S1 300 1 stag 1130 3 Oi )
10 feeders. . . . 021 I 15 74 -ileis..1070 3 75
I cnws SI33 2 f ( ) 111 feeders. . . .1021 3 73
23 bulls 1267 2 GO- 0 steers 1373 3 M
72 cows 953 3 00 1 Kteer 1110 3 SO
1 InlllllK 118) 325 5 feeders..113G 3 CO
1 cow 020 3 25 9 steers 1000 3 70
13 cows 1012 3 25 CO feeders..1130 3 75
42 steers 1191 3 f.O 185 feeders..1131 3 80
1 steer S20 3 r,0 or. sleerH 1271 3 fi.1
5 hlcers 10M 3 70 S3 nil-era 1244 .1 SI
1 feeder S71) 3 50 18 steers 120 370
I talllnijs..llG1 3 f'l ' 2 feeder * . . . . 910 3 93
14 COWB 1002 2 75 22 feedeis. . . . 813 3 95
Scows KG ) 300 41 feedeis..1107 4 liO
0 cows 1030 3 tn ISGciws 1030 3 13
10" feeders..1201 375 22 fi-eders..1191 3 K >
1 COWH KU5 20' ) 6 steers 10'ti 3 05
21 steers 1213 3 01 73 feeders..1152 305
CO feeders. . . . 13T 3 70 3 tallliiRH..13fca 3 2.1
2 steers 130. ) 3 50 18 teerH 123 305
12 steers 1225 3 01 fi feeders. . . . 1230 3 75
I cows 1M 3 2) ) 3 steers H33 3 00
1 Bint , ' KO ) 3 50 II feedeis..1218 301
2 bulls 1300 235 2 feeders..1200 3 0) )
I cows OS7 2 75 30 feeders..II30 3 fO
7 cows. . . .1050 3 00 me ders..U'20 370
8 ctnvs. . .1118 3 25 12 feeders. . .1110 3 70
S4 feeders. . . . 711 423 21 feeders. . . . 001 405
3 hulls 1390 210 1 tnlllns 10.V ) 300
2 hulls 1C-SO 293 2 fe-d > r. < . . . . 4C5 SCO
17 cow * KC7 295 2 calves l.V ) 473
HOOB-Tlisre was a liberal run of IIOBS this
iiuirnlni : , hut the. dcinund WHS fulr and Knod
IlKhl nnd medium welKhU opened Co hlslier. The
trnJe on that kind of stuff was rei'.Honahly uc-
tive nnd the offerlnKs were inontly all taken
early. The mom of the llslit nml medium welchl
loads brniiBht 3.C53.75. nn ngulimt 3.Cui(3,70
yenterduy. and one choice load reached $3.SO ,
which WHS lOe hlBher limn yesterday's top.
Heavy hoxs did not experience the tame ad
vance as the llehler weluhls. hut hey Bold nil
day nt about the same prices us prevailed yen-
tenluy. The inntt of the heavy loaja Hold at S3.BS
( J3.CO 53.M helm , * a popular in Ice. and thu tloee
was flow.
The ureniKO of all the ale was JJo ! higher
than yekterday mil lOo lower than Tuesday of
Inrt week. Representative sales !
No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. IT.
Bl 310 120 13 M CS SSiG 4) $3 ro
67 320 . . . 350 Bl 305 . . . 3 co
72 318 M 3 DO 62 3)8 ) 200 3 CO
CO 332 ICO 3 M Bl 310 4) 3 M
10 3i < i 3 ta Cl 2 ! til 3 CO
C Z9J 3 53 B5 SZ'i V ) S MV
U 904 IM 365 BO SSO ' 3 G2lj
49 318 ieo 3 K CJ 27J i' ' ) 3 Wi , ;
53 27 no 3 K 70 231 ICO 3d
67 293 3K C' , Ui 4' ' ) 3 ( * 6
53 2 9 ica 3 ! > ' > 71 272 ' X C5
40 31S 3 & 5 M : < a 46 3 05
57 297 SO 3 K 3G 2G1 ' 3 03
C4 330 100 S K C7 2(3 ( 46 3 05
BJ 530 . . . I K C5 2b9 ICO 3 63
M SG . . . S65 3 fS
57 m . . . 315 7v ) 208 ICO 3 C3
8) . 5 1W 5M 51 tTJ . . SM
. . . . : 240 JM s , 2st fo i ( S
M , . SM 40 J 5J CO rFt ) S M
M. . , , SIJ M Si.- 41 ! < ; j , , JH
827 < 0 J M IW 173 SO JM
M -WJ 10 * M * S 257 (0 >
37 SIS . . . S5S 12 Ml . . . S 5
41 SJ ICO S > SI 571 UO SB
M 2 < w 120 a tn ce j7 . . . SM
2 4 1W S SO fO SIS IM 3 C7 > 4
ra sis ? o 3 so c ; sis so s CTIJ
K3 ! ! > SO S M IM. . . 1J1 . . . J 7(4 (
M 57S 43 J So SI M5 40 S 70
11 2 < 4 50 3 CO S3 11 tfi S 70
S2 327 SO S ft ) 71 240 40 J 72 < 4
l 378 1W S FO < M Ml SO 37214
SI SJ1 ? 0 3 00 W I . . . 37J14
7 539 ieo 3 m eo . . .2 < u . . . s 7314
& 7 JSS 120 SCO M in . . . 373
R' Z5S 120 3 W > fit 510 . . . ,175
f.l KM UO 8 C 7S SIS . . . S 75
11 t < 7 40 SCO lil ,229 40 375
fiS ! * 8 MO 3 M 6J S3I . . . S SO
Cl 3) ! ) 50 3 M
1 830 . . . 2 SO 1 310 . . . S RS
! 4 . . . 340 4 SI2 . . . SM
3 240 . . . 34" 3 176 . . . SCO
3 30.1 . . . 3 4S 7 1S4 . . . S M
R : .04 . . . 3 M d l l . . . 3 R5
: 4fiO CO 3 BO 1 2(1) ( . . . SM
1 2M . . . 350 R 1 J . . . 363
1 310 SO 3 f.O 4 330 . . . 3 M
1 400 SO 3 f,0 ' 4 JIS . . . 3 CM
3 336 SO 3 f.O 7 577 . . . 3(5 (
10 * V2 . . . S B5 1 ICO SO 3 7i >
4 317 . . . 355
PHIIIJI * Thcro vrtrcno fro h rocctptu of jhpop
In HIP ynivln , but n few linMnrcrii fold at fctrmly
l < tlcc > . Ili > prconlatlvc unlcs ;
No. Av. Vr.
91 wpnlfrn owpa 77 K CO
IK western CWPH 93 n S3
433vc.Ucrn wcthrrs 101 3 (0
Xatlvrnltl - sti-nilyHvi pylliliiw Hlm
Acllvo nnil Hlulit-r-
CIUCAOO. Oct. 1 ! . There wns a fnlrly ncllvp
ilomnml for catllo niul pi Iocs crp ftonily for
nixtlvfs. whlln rnnnetn wore KlroiiR lo lOo lilslipr.
Nntlvc beef Ktccrs oolil nt from J3.SO to II for
the poorest ilresseil hppf Rrmlrs , lti | lo from $3
to J5.33 for choice lo prime FhlppInK lots , the
grcntcr part of thei orferliiKS mwliiK the srnlos
nt from JI.BO to 15.10. The ti-rmlnnllnn nf HIP
Ions itrnnth htt Impnttnl more life to the ttocUpr
niul feeiler trnde nnil onlca of IlKht welKlit utoek
BlcrrB were eppeoliilly lurge nt fnun 13 to tl ,
Choice cows an.l helfera polil imucimlly well , the
best helfera Koine for from } I.M to JI.7S. C'nlvca
were In Rood supply niul trnile wna lirlak nt
atendy prlcea. Texas cnltle were inichiinueil ,
WMtcrn rniiRP cuttle weie ncllve with n KOOI ! ile-
innnil from feeders , the orferliiKa belns lursely
of poor tn nieilluni ni'nllty. '
Trnile In IIORH waa nrtlvp , prlcea rilllUB nboiil
Co per UK ) pouiula hlRher on nn uvfrage except
for "pncltera. " Salea were Inrsely mnile nt from
13 70 to (4i coarse heavy packera aellliiB nt from
J3.45 to 13.70 and prlmei naaoited llislit weight nt
from > I.10 to M.I2HThe nveniRe quality of Ihe
receipts was again poor. The Krealer part of the
pica went nt from JI.C" " ) to J3.90.
Trade In aheep niul lambs was active nt nn
nveniRe advance of lOc per 100 pounds In sheep
and 131iZoc In lambs , a compan-d with Inle sales
last week. Sheep were wanted nt from Ji to
} 2 M fop culls , up to from SI to SI.ZTt for eholcp
to prime natives. Western rnnse nheep found
purchasers nt from .1 to J3.S3. the urealer part
of tlie sullliiK between n ( from f3..iO to J3 SO.
I.ambs were bought at from $3.50 to jn 75 for the
pootest up to from 53 to 13.63 for the beat , west
erns fetching from $3A5 to $3.
HKCKIPTS Onltlp. r > , r,00 head ; IIOKS , 11,000
head ; sheep. 9,000 head.
SI. liiiiilit - StocU.
ST I.Ot'IS Oct. 12.-OATTI.H-Uecelpta. 5.000
hcul ; shipments. MO head ; maruel. lOc hlKlicr for
best natives , of which there are few here ;
others steady ; TPMIIIS a shade utroiiKor : fall-
to choice native shipping and export hteers.
J1.35fi5.10 , bulk of s.iles. Jl. I0if4 75 : dressed beef
and butehers' steers , J3.75n4.73 , bulk of sales ,
$1.2'J4. < V > ; sleets , under I.IHO pounds , J.1.50Wl.f,0 ,
bulk of sales. $3.90i4.:0 ; stuekers nnd feeders ,
$2.Wf4.S5 , bulk of sales , $3.l'5f 1.10 ; cows and
heifers. I2.in5f4.50 ; bulk i > f cows , } 2.f > 0f(3.73 ( : bulls ,
$ ) ; Texas and Indian steers , J2.Vjri.ii ) ) :
with hlKln-r pi lees for better Knides ; COWH and
heifers. J1.754J3.20.
HOiS Receipts , ! UO < 1 head ; Fhlpments , 2fO )
head ; market stronsr In 5e higher : IlKht , J3. "iii ?
4.03 ; mixed. t3.T5ii3.dO : hea\y. $3.TOIf 1.00.
SI1KKP Ueceljits , 3.DOO head ; shli.ments , " "
head ; market , strong on muttons , with In.nix a
shade higher ; native muttims. J2.r ) IT3.S5j stuel-
ers. J2.00ff3.00 ; culls and bucks. Jl.Vli3.10 ; lambs ,
KIIIINIIH ( Mly IlviSlo < * k.
. . , . . . . , , .
IU111VL nlfL'l , f * .VV4l v. Illllt.L.l i i I llt-ll-
ITS , JI.50W3.M ; Btockers nnd feeders , 52.405J4.50.
bulls , J2.00JJ3.23.
HOOS Hecelpts , 14.0CO ; maiket strong to 5c
higher ; bulk of sales. J3.C7VjW3.75 ; heavies ,
J3.05ffl3.75 ; packers , J3.GonD.73 : mixed. $ .1.65513.SO ;
lights , J3.Goiff3.80 ; yorkcrs , 3.755J3.80 ; pigs , J3.45
( [ 13.73.
EJ3iHUKP - lleeelpts , 5.000 ; market stiong ; lambs
J3.30liJ5.15 ; muttons , J2.2.VfT3.10. !
X - TVnrk I.lviSliHli. .
NK\V YOIIIC , Oct. 12. lIKKVnS Tlecelpts , 777
head ; no trading : European cables iUote | American
steers nl lO'WII'.lc ' ; refrigerator beef. 75 iTiS ? > ic ;
exports. 804 beevrH and 2CO ) quarters nf beef.
I'AIjVKS Hecelpts , 241 head : veals , steady ;
others , slow ; veals , J3.00W3.73 ; western calNes ,
KIIUI-i' : AND IjAMIIS Hecelpts , 1,750 head ;
steady , but very slow ; wheep , J3.00fJ1.00 ; Iniiihs ,
J3.005.5'l. '
HOUS Hecelpts , 2,4(57 ( head ; nrm nt il.25ffl.GO.
lOnst linll'iilu l.lviStork. .
MAST HUI-TAI.O , Oct. 12. CATTM2-A11 about
IIOOH Yorkers , gond to choice , JI.23 ; roughs ,
common to good , J3.iiJf3 73 ; pigs , geol to choice ,
8IIKHP AND I.AMIIS I.nmbs. choice to extra.
J5.15fl5.33 ; Culls to fair. Jl 00514.75. Sheep , choice
to selected wethers , $4.005fl.25 ; culls nnd com
mon , J2.25ff2.CO.
Slock In Slulit.
Ilecord of lecelpts of live stock nt Iho four
principal maikcttt for October 12 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha C.118 6,023
ChlcagD 6.LO ) 14rot 11,0X3
ICnnHas City 12.W9 14.W ( 0,000
St. I ouls C.OoO 9.WO SOW
Totala 28.C18 I2.0J3 17,10)
CoiYef MurlCftM.
NKW YOHIC. Oct. 12 , COli-KKli Oprncil "lull
nnd unchanged ; luleit Inactive and nominal wltn
weak undertone following unsatisfactory ISuro-
pean advices , hoavler llrazlllun iceelpts , slack
spot demand nnd entire lack of speculative In
terest ; closed dull , net unchanged to 5 points de
cline ; sales , 5,250 bags , Including December nt
J0.40. Spot , Itlo , quiet ; No. 7 , Invoice , $7.12V-i ;
Jobbing , $7.C2iXj. Mild , steady ; Cordova , ilO.Soff
I6.GO ; sales , SOO bags Manicullxi , CW bags Hnvn-
nllhi , 100 bags Central American , private terms ;
total warehouse deliveries from the United
.Stall's , 8,523 hags , Including 7.0U2 hags fiom New
Yolk ; New Yolk stock today , 385,205 bags ; 1'nlted
States Mock , 47lr/ luigs ; alloat for the I'niled
States , 42U.IMO bags ; total visible for the l'nltc < I
States , 'JM.G ( > ; 3 bags , against t.CI,3'7 ; bags last year
and 5 : i,713 bags In 1W" > .
11AVHIOct. : . 12.-COI''fKM Closed htendy nt n
net advance ot Vif ; Hale . 12.0)0 ) bags.
SANTOS , Oct. 12. COl'KIJH Qnlel ; good aver
age Santos , 8.001) lets ; receipts , 'J,0 < > 0 bags ; Block ,
1,111,1)00 bags.
IlAMIJUHd , Oct. 12. fOITKi : Opened un
changed and closed unchanged to U pfg. net de
cline ; Bales , 6.00 < ) l > agu.
HIO ] ) i : JANKIIIO. Oct. 12. C-OFTKi : Hnrely
steady ; No , 7 , Hlo , 8.20J rela ; exchange , 77-ldl ;
receipts , SG.Ofli ) bags ; cleared for the United
States , 11,000 bags ; cleared for Kurope , 7,0 10
baR ; stock , 471tH ( bags.
Oil Miirlci-tH.
Oil , CITY , Pa. , Oct. 12.-Credlt balances , 70c ;
certlllcates , no bills ; shipments , 137,158 bills. ;
runs , 115,137 bbls.
CHAHMvSTON , S. C. , Oct. -Turpentine , linn
nt 31c. Hosln , Ilnn.
SAVANNAH. Oct. 12. Spirits tunwntlne. linn
nt 3lc ; pnlof , 200 bbls. ; lecelpts. 1,101 bbls. Hosln ,
Him ami unchanged ; xnles , l.SSi ; bbls. ; recelpte ,
3h'J4 bbls.
WII.MINC.TON , N. C. , Oct. 12. KpliltH tur
pentine , nothing doing nnd unchanged. Hosln ,
Him lit tl.15Ql.20. Crudn tuipenllne , [ Inn nl $1.5)
( I2.UO. Tar , firm at $1.35.
I/NION. Oct. 12. Unseed oil , 14s TV-d , Tur-
penllno rplrltu , 21s 3d ,
XIMV York Dry ( ! OIMH 3lfirlft-lf
NHW YOItK , Oct. 12. Tin- dry goods market
continues quid In ull cotton lines. Woolen gouds
show no perceptible uliengthenlng III the. Hltua-
tbm , though the demands for spring goods us
well as the supplementary oidera on fall lines
are well sustained. IlrporlH of fair business nt
second hands nnil with rctallerx In various p.irts
of Uiu country continue , but buyers are mill
chary of heavy purchasing. Print cloths are
Rteady nt 2 > , fec. Prints ale fenonilly without
> Steel | Pennyroyal Treatment
] J isthooriBinnlpmlonlyFHKNCH.
/ ( eafo nnil roliali'vcaro un the innr-
S Xtct. 1'rloe , $ i.Xl ( ; pent by malt
r itienilinn cold only br
Myeri-Ulllon Drug Co. , H. R Cor 18th ami Far-
llain Ktrrctt , Omahu .Vu.
Modu-rnl .lluinorvll Jlolliornllt
Harotliuo nnd money by reaclliu the. KlomtUo-Vu-
kondulile IKMjk. Itcontolinniupsuf ull Ihuruiile *
lo thu gold nelOh.muno ( ruui kiirvor > Ju l couiplutvd ,
bent poktpalrl for 11.10 , pcttntllcn or e prei-i iiiunuy
crucr. TradeUppilod , ilolmV. . llolliliiy.Nn-y.
Juueuu , Alaska.
'I'clcplionc 101)0. Omnlia , Neb.
110 A If I ) OF TltAOIi.
Dlri-ct wlrcato ClilcaKU nnd Nrw York.
CorrfttponUnntH , John A , Warren A. Co.
1'itlitlr l.lli.Miry.
Vftiitonir Hold.
pncnee llotrl X MV Stnnil.
.1. W. SliiMiror.
IC > < f ( . tiron.
William Mill-Ill * ,
H A. liOKiin.
Clu-yi-niu. Chili. .
AiiilKiirtniii Iliiu-l \v .Stllllll. j
Auillliirlnin Annex XIMVH Stnml.
fJriiitiirlliirn lloii'l Jivnn .Sin ml.
Piiliiuillonxf \IMVH Slaml.
PuxdiMU-f jVVitit Slaml , Xo. BIT Dear-
Iiiirii Mn-i't.
\\Vl1llcll IlllllNU.
Tlio Iliilli-liili-n.
CiiiniiK-ri-lnl Travi'liTM' ANNiielatlon *
MllNOIlli ; Tcmpll- ,
llrlNvmllroN. . , X < i. : i ( ) South Tcjon HI.
Iliirvaril University l.llirary.
! lr < Mvn llnli-1 V-TVN N I n nil. " '
Iliiiullloii .V Kt-iiilrli-U.
Mul.nlii , Pill A Co. . st5 : Slsti-rntU St.
I'raK .Mi-riMiiilllc C < > .
TinStatloiKr ) C % > .
WlnilMM- Hold XtMVH Slaml.
MOSI-M JucoliN , Itpek iMliinil Depot ,
n HI u
\V. A. Moore.
lli-li-iiii Pnbllil.lliriiry. .
JtolM-rt lt-lil.
OlIlllfN lllMINIIMVM Slllllll. > I
Y. .tl. C. A. ItfiulliiK Itooin. ,
RlmrlcN A. milli * . XL. O Strniiil.
Sliiiularil X MVM Co.
Pnlillil.llirnry. . ,
WVHt llotl'l N ? WM Stllllll.
C < ; | ti > r I'liluii l.llirnry.
1'lftli. AvrniK' lintel \U\VH Slnml.
l''lflli Avenue lloli'l ItoiulliiK Ituoiu.
HroiiliKSlrrot Library.
Holluiift HoiiNi * Itfiiillni ; llouiii.
llcilVlllllll HllllNI' .
Iiniifflul llolfl NOWN Slnml.
.tli-i-Iiiiiili-N' .t TrmltTM * I'roc Mlirnry ,
No. IH ianl .Slxlcrnlli Stri-ot. '
1'ri-HH Cluli , I'OIINHIIII St.
\VcMtiiiliiHHT llolrl IiiMiiltnt ; Kooin.
WlnilNor llolrl IlfiulliiK ItiMiin.
V. M. C. A. . : itil : Slriot mill -Mil Avciincv
Duncan llntfl NIMVH Slnml.
I'liullli ! HlilK. , lOxjio.
.irrCiirtncy & Co. ,
\V. Welili.
\c v York llcrjilil lluuilliiK Itooni ,
Ave. ilu I'Oiu-rii.
V. C. llorilrr.
\V. I' ! . .lOIK'H.
I'liflliuiil IloUIOWM .Slnml.
Mercantile I.lltrnry.
I'll ) . Hi ; Library.
I'liltllv Library ,
I , . I'1 , llaiiiiaol , liyoi'iiiu Thiuiler. , '
Salt I.ilUe tieiVH Co.
C. fi. Oynloii.
A , T. I.iimlli
lHiiii llolel \ < MVJ < .Slaiu7.
.tin n tin in I n llolel .VctVH .Slanil.
llolel VeniloniK AetVM Slaiiil.
( ilMII-KC I * . HllllC.
I'lilillu l.llirnry. ]
John W. ( Iriiliniii. '
IlllllllllMV'KIM1 .Stllllll ,
K. T , .Tett.
I'lnnlei-N * llolele m
1'iililln Iillirury.
\Vlllnril'H llulilIIVH Sdiiul.
ArlliiKlon Hotel. >
riiiiKri-NNloiinl Lib I'll r > - , "nf
HlKK * IIiiiiHi ; .
AKrlciillurnl Di'iiiirtiiienl LIbrnry.
Si'iiiitu Iti-iiilluir Itoiiiii ,
When Traveling
I lUI ?