Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    F t MM ,
MtNOIl .Mi\TIO.V. :
Hirry Murphy , coal and wood , 37 Main.
T. C. Dawson will leave * eon for Chicago
Di. Sbrlvcr , dcntltt. Morrlarn blk. , rom 246.
Smoke OlllcJ Choice , 1023 South Main
M. H. Bntlcr of Atlantic la In the city on
Mrs. F. M. Conlco of Mornlngsldo Is visit
ing In Hamburg.
Miss Tlllle Lculzlngcr is 111 with Inflam
matory rheumatism.
Mrs. Fred Tlnley of Sioux Fallfl Id a guest
of Miss Heche on Olcn avenue.
Kcmcmbcr the concert at Broadway church
tohlsht. Tickets only 25 cents.
Mrs. Wade Ciroy has gone to Milwaukee
for a month's visit with frlentls.
See "Thu New Woman" at Hugh' * hall
Wednesday , Oct. 13 , by Unity guild.
Satisfaction guaranteed , at the reliable
Ulult City steam laundry. Phone 314.
gam Welch of Fifth a\cnue Is home from
Norfolk , Neb. , for a visit with his family.
Tie trustees of the fres public library held
their regular monthly meeting last night.
The Lady Maccabees will hold a meeting
today at the regular hour In the llcno hall.
MIES lobelia Patterson of Fifth avenue Is
friends In Ham
making an extended visit to
Ml s Kdllh Ross Is In Dululh , whore she
will act as bridesmaid at the wedding of a
friend ,
The Ucrlhle club met last night at the resi
dence of Miss 1'oarl Chnmbsrlaln on Park
Mlai Julia Clllkcr ban returned to Chicago ,
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Will Nicholson , a
MlSa 13H/-a Oook leaves Wednesday of this
woik for Pine Illuffs , Wyo. , to live with
W. W. LoomlH Is spending a couple of
wcuks In Cincinnati before returning from
61. Louis.
MIMSIS. It. Hughes , J. Mahoncy , W. Leahy
ami J. W. Orcy , Implement men of Imogenu ,
are lu the city.
Mrs. F. P. Wright and daughter bave re-
extended visit to friends In
tur. oil from an
Iowa Olty , Dubumio nnd Chicago.
Mrs. J. M. Palmer left yesterday afternoon
for New York City , wluTe she will spend ne
Frank S. Ster
winter with her son-in-law ,
ling. , ,
The will of Mis. Mtlllo A. Shuart was died
for orobitu yesterday. All of her personal
end "other property was willed to her hus
Bvory season , as damp , cloudy weather
approaches , more people find It convenient
to tend their family washing to the hagle
laundry , 721 Ilway.
Thomas Ulshton furnishes only the best
grades of coal , guarantee1) correct weight and
prices as low as anywhere in thu city. 2406
West Broadway.
Mat Tlnley has begun a course of study In
the Crclghton medical college that will last
four years , and nt him for his chosi-n voca
tion as a physician.
Mr. and Mis. E. J. Gilbert will entertain ft
number of their fi lends thl sevrnlng at their
liomu on First avenue. The occasion is their
foil th wedding anniversary.
The funeral of Mrs. George E. White will
ba held at the residence. 212 Harmony street ,
this afternoon , at 2 o'clock. The Interment
Will bo atValnut Hill cemetery.
Froil Duncan , who was tried for seduction
at the laU term of the district court , nnd was
kept In doubt as to hU fate for boveral dajs
by < i hung Jury , was g'anted a continuance
Mm. Lucln-i WollR and Mrs. M. F. Robrcr
have Ibsued 'Invitations for a party to bo
given Thuisday evening In Chambers' hall
In honor of Miss Cherry Wells and Miss Car-
rlo and Master I. B. Rohrcr.
The Hamilton Wlilst club will meet this
afternoon at the residence of Miss Farns-
wo th. Whist promises to be ono of th"
loading features of social gatherings this
winter. Mrs. Everett will entertain the
Ladles' Whist club this morning at her homo
on Second avenue.
In tliD district court yesterday Judge Macy
sentenced Charles Hoigg to thirty Oays In
the county Jail. Holgg pleaded guilty to the
charge of breaking Into a barn and stealing
seine harness. Eil Johnson and K < 1 Day , who
were Implicated with him , were released on
ball and their cases continued.
J. A. Framu was arrested yesterday upon
an old hi format Ion charging him with the
larceny of a section of garden hose from
a man named Englln. The theft was com
mitted some tlmo ago , but Frame has been
out of the city. Ho returned yesterday an. )
was picked up by the police.
C. P. Hirle , the Janitor of the Plerco street
echoil building , who suffered severe Injuries
on Saturday by falling from a tall.atepladder
and striking on ono of the school desks , was
reverted lost evening to bo sdllerlng greatly ,
and his frlcmla were fearful that his Inju ICH
nvevo more serious than were at first sup
The police are looking for two bojs and .1
man who are chawd wll'i stealing a tct of
harness from J. It. Ltnds.iy one night Ist
wco'c. The harness was found In the por-
Bcsslcn ot a second-h-im ! ilc.ilcr In th ; wuni-
crn part of the city , iwhcro It had bean sold
toy the man. The boys stole the harness
and the man sold It.
Tri county democratic committee held a
meeting last night In the nuw headquarters
In , the Brown building and made arrange
ments for the opening of th ? campaign.
Chairman Blxby consulted with his lieuten
ants SB to the best menus to bo followed for
lessening the extent of the defeat that Is
anticipated at the November election.
The will of the lute Geo'ge A. Holmes has
bcn filed for probite. Judge E. E. Aylcs-
worth ! s turned ns executor. A gold watch
nd chain , which waa highly prized by the
owner , Is given to his father , George W.
Holmes. His diamond ring and a numbur of
bocks , are given to Ills sister , Mrs. Laura
HUdle. The remainder of his peisonal prop-
oMy Is given to his mother ,
Fred Engwoff , u soldier , onroute to Chpy-
enns , complained to the police that his grip
was stolen from Mm nt the transfer yester
day. Ho set It down In pno of the waiting
rooms whllo ho ate lunch at the counter Uen
than twenty feet away. When ho returned
for lt It waa gonn. It contained a silver cor
net worth $80. Tim owner Is a member of
one of the military bands.
The funeral of John F , Murphy , Jr. , who
was killed while In the discharge of his
duties as a switchman In the Nortliwosotrn
ywrds , will bo held this morning. Brief serv
ices will IKI bold at the resilience of Ills
father , 027 Avenue H , nt 8:30 : o'clock. The
Ijotly will be taken to St. F.ancle church at ! >
o'clock , where the usual services for the dead
will be observed. The body will bo burled In
4bo Uoman Catholic cemetery ,
, \V > L. Thlckutun has been engaged as the
organist at St. Paul's church , and has re-
iRiiod his position In the First Presbyte"hn
church , which ho has held so long for tlio
purpose of occulting thu better offer that
iwos made by the vestry of St. Paul's , Miss
Gei'trudo Clleuboiilio has been organist ut
the First Congregational church hau resigned
that position to accept the post made vacant
ky Mr. Tlilckstun'u resignation. Her place
) iaa not yet been filled ,
C , n , Vlavl Co. . fcmalo remedy ; consulta
tion free Olllco hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to C ,
Health book furnished. 320-327-323 Merrlam
N. Y Plnntblng company. Tel. 250 ,
The KnlghtB and Ladles of Security will
glvo a social and dance at Royal Arcanum
hall Tuesday evening , October 12.
Ilillil unit l.uuulifitil
MKMIMII9 , IVnn . Oct. ll.-Kddlo Haiti
and Fied Lou ieud have been mulched for
a race in this city next Monday night for a
purrfu of KOO ,
Ask your Brocer today to show you n
package of CWAIN-O , the new food drink
that lakes -ho place of coffee. The cnlld-
ren nity drink It without Injury ns well na
the adult. AU nho try It , like it. GUAIN-O
liau Unit rich seal brown of Mocha or Java ,
Imt It Is made from pure grains , and the
iioat delicate atomdch receives U without
UUtresa. U the price of coffee. 15o and 2Sa
per package. Bold by all grocer * .
Now MOTO Contemplated In the Franchise
' Ordinance Qrmi.
CCM nn Opinion ti ( lie Vulhlltj-
KMCTV Clinrli-r inn ! Duclili-N
( u Dciieiiil nn mi
The Lake Manan-a railway people. If they
build their road at all , as proposed by the
extension of their old charter , have deter
mined that It 'will ' bo necessary to submit
the matter of charter to the people at a
special election to bo held this fall.
This declilon was reached yesterday when
the company received an opinion concerning
the validity of the ordinance recently passed
by the city council from an eminent Jurist
outside of the city , to whom had been sub
mitted the 'question. Emmett Tlnley , at-
tornry fop the company , and C. 11. llniinan ,
ono of the chief backers of the scheme , re
fused to say who this eminent Judge Is , but
declared that his opinion , which was received
In the noon .mail , Is of such a nature that
It loft them nothing else to do but to aban
don the project or clear away the doubts
by securing If possible the approval of the
voters. The Judge to whom the matter was
referred declares that the question of valid
ity turns wholly upon the publication of the
ordinance. Jt la his opinion that the first
publication In the special edition of thu oifi-
clal paper , Issued half an hour before mid
night , did not constitute a legal publication
within the meaning of the law , and that
the first publication was made on the fol
lowing morning , which was October 7 , when
the new code wont Into effect , withdrawing
from the city council the power to grant or
extend franchises to corporations operating
public utilities. Ho Is satisfied that all
other portions of the ordinance as It came
fiom the city council and the mayor are
perfectly legal. He Is not willing to assert
his belief that the supteme court would not
sustain the validity of the ordinance on the
grounds that the legislature had no power
to enact laws that would be retroactive In
their effects .but the doubt raised liy the
faulty publication would undoubtedly be
sufficient to make It Impossible for the com
pany to float Its bonds.
Mr. Hannan Is very guarded In his state
ments , and yesterday when questioned upon
the subject he prepared the following writ
ten statement :
The question of the validity of the or
dinance recently pjs. < * ed by the city council
wn ? submitted to eminent counsel outside
of the state , and thu opinion tendered wns
of such n character thut the promoters of
the Lake Mnnnwn Hallway company ex
tension do not feel justified In going for
ward with the work under the present or
In order to nvold any question of doubt
It in necessary that the passage of the
ordinance be submitted to the vote of the
psople at a npeclal election. The promoters
meters of the enterorlse are consulting with
prominent business men and taxpayers ante
to the advisability of calllnn a special elec
tion to submit the proposition to the pee
The new law under which the railway
company will have to proceed to get an
expression from the people provides that a
petition bearing the names of twenty-five of
the voters and taxpayers In each ward must
be presented to the. mayor and the. city coun
cil , and the mayor Is then required to Issue
his proclamation , calling a special election
for the purpose If the date does not happeii
to fall near enough , to a regular election to
bring It within the requirements of the
law , which requires the publication of the
proclamation for four consecutive weeks pre
ceding the election. The election must then
be held In the usual manner , and the ap
plicants for the franchise must pay all ex
panses. Mayor Carson Is In Colorado at
present , _ and will not return till about Oc
tober IS' . By the most rapid work possible
the special election cannot be held before
the last week In November , and If tlie propo
sition should carry It will bo pretty well i
along li'i December bcforo the matter la
finally settled so that the comrany can go , 1
Into the money markets and d'uposo of Us
bonds. If all of thesj negotiations should ' i
bo prearranged the company might be able i
to get Its money and get ready to call for I
contracts by January 1. This portion of the | I
problem being settled thu next that comes to i !
the surface Is tne most Important of all
can the work be done within the reduced I
tlmo limits ? The line from the Ninth j
street depot on Dreadway must bo con- ,
etructed and ready to haul passengers acrosa I
the river and to the exposition grounds early j
In the spring to enable the company to get ,
enough of the traffic to pay for the gicat
outlay. Emmett Tlnley Is Inclined to take
an optimistic view of the matter , and be
lieves that the company can utilize Its charter - i '
tor If It secured It early In December. He ] !
says -a mitllclent amount of motley ran bo I
lulsed in this city without disposing of the i
company's ' bonds to build the connecting I
link over the Eaat Omaha bridge between
Broadway and the terminus of the East
Omaha company's lines , half a mile west of
the Nebraska end of the bridge.
"If we decide to ask for anything , " said
Mr. Tlnley , "It will be for our present char
ter , with the extensions granted by the
council. We could not and would not at
tempt to operate under anything else. If
wo had not been Interfered with we would
have spent at least $200,000 In cash In Coun
cil Bluffs this winter and early next spring ,
and a large part of thla would have gone for
wages to worklngmen nnd mechanics. We
would have built up the western or north-
wcstcin end of town and given new value
to the portion' of the city that lies west of
the river. In addition to all of this we would
have landed the people of the city and the
thousands who will visit the exposition from
the east at the gates of the big show within
twcnty-fiVQ minutia from the tlmo they
stepped aboard of our cars. "
The fact that the Manawa people had se
cured an unfavorable opinion from a dis
interested Jurist was quickly made known on
the Directs yesterday afternoon , and was
the occasion of a good deal of talk and
many expressions of regret , One attorney
who stands mar the head of the local bur
remarked with a good deal of emphasis : "I
do not think the opinion , wherever It may
come frcm , Is good , for the reason that' the
time taken to consider' thu propositions pre
sented has been altogether too short for a
ton IK ! conclusion to have been reached. I
liavo been working on the case for the last
week and have discovered that a great
amount of laborious research Is reijulrccl. It
may sound egotistical , but my opinion so
far as I have gone , Is that the ordinance Is
good , and that the supreme court will so
hold If over It comes up for revlovv , "
Money to Loan Reduced rate on first class
Improved farms and Inside city property.
Apply to Jas. N , Casady , jr. , 236 Main ISt.
Itl'lll lMtllt < * TrilllMflTM ,
The following tran fura are reported from
the tltlo and loan ofllce of J. W. Squire , 101
Pearl street :
Mary Curtis nnd husband to William
H. Johtwin ; lot 4. Auditor's subdl-
vlHlon of block 6. SIIII addition , w. d. } 2,0:0
County treasurer to W. I . Webster :
lots 1 and 3. block 13 , Williams' llrst
addition , tux 0 , 19
John Walker and wife to F. T. True ;
lot 1 , block 7 , Stutvinan'8 second ad
dition , w , d , BOO
Andrew Jncobien nnd wife to Jim
Andrew Borenson ; lot 11 , block 21.
Hums' addition , w d 400
John LundilKan and wife to the
Pioneer Savings and Loan company ,
q. c 25
County Sheriff to T. H Clcland : lot
1 and 'i , block 15 , I'lcrce'o uubdt-
vlslon , B. d , , 275
Charles E. Klmboll and wife to Nellie
lirctherton ; lot 8 , block 2S , Hlddle'a
subdivision , w , d 150
O.V. . Conner and wlfo to Benjamin
Markaj neU swtf 30-71-44 , upecltil
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Heirs 'of'vfrg'lnia' H ! 'llobVnVon' 'to
Frank K. llobinson ; lots 1 , 2. 3 nnd 4 ,
block 9. Meredith's addition to
Avoca , q. o , "CO
Total transfers * .u , $3,470
llniik Itiililn-r nnil Woiilit-llc Murderer
In llffnrc tinf'ourl. .
J. J. Rllcy , alias Charles McIIugh , Is on
trial at last for murderous assault of ex-
Deputy Sheriff Nick O'Hrlcn , committed on
February 25 , 1895 , while the ofilccr was tryIng -
Ing to place under arrest three men charged
with robbing the Grlswold bank on the night
of February 23. .Mclltigh has been In jail
here awaiting trial since last January , and
ha8 avoided trial by numerous cctitlnuanccfl.
When the case was called yesterday morn
ing the attorneys for the defendant made a
motion and filed the necessary affidavits for
another continuance. This was resisted by
County Attorney S-aundcrs , and a portion
of the forenoon was devoted to oratory.
Judge Macy overruled the motion and ordered
the trial to proceed. The regular Jury panel
was exhausted oirly In the afternoon , and a
special venire was Issued summoning twenty
additional citizens to report for jury duty.
A jury was finally selected and sworn shortly
bcforo 4 o'clock , and the remainder of the
session was devoted to the opening state
ments of the attorneys. The jury consists of
Alexander Wdod , fruit grower ; Andrew
Graham , fruit grower ; R. D. Gallagher ,
farmer ; M. B. Musser , farmer ; Fred Millard -
lard , farmer ; Richard Cochran , miller ; D. H.
Gllmoro , butcher ; 11. J. Morris , farmer ; Fred
Lcltzke , farmer ; D. L. Kerr , real estate
agent * Fred Everest , real estate agent ; C E.
Osborne , farmer.
County Attor&cy Saundcrs gave the Jury a
very clear and explicit statement of the
crime. On Saturday , October 23 , three men
caino to Council Bluffs and tcglstcrcd at dif
ferent hotels. Two of these men were after ,
ward arrested , convicted nnd sent to the pen
itentiary for bank robbery. The third was
lllley , or McIIugh. Ono of these men went
cast on a Rock Island freight train on that
Saturday evening , and the other two fol
lowed on Sunday. On Sunday night the bank
was robbed , the vault being torn to pieces
by an explosion of dynamite and the building
badly wrecked. The explosion aroused the
town , and the burglars weie compelled to
flee before they succeeded In gatliorlngtiti the
proceeds of their work , several thousand
dollars In currency being left scittcred
around In the ruins of the wrecked vault.
Oa. the following Monday forenoon three
men came In on n Rock Island train and
took rooms at the Kiel hotel. They were the
same men who had registered other names
at other hotels on the previous Satin-Jay.
They went to bed and went to sleep. Dur
ing the afternoon a telegram came from the
Cass county sheriff , detailing the robbery
and describing three men supposed to have
committed It. Deputy Sheriffs O'Brien and
Hooker located the men at the hotel and
placed then under arrest. While they were
still In the hotel a fourth man appeared and
was evidently a member of the crowd , but
claimed to have met them at Des Molncs
of the week previous. The officers raid no
attention to him , but started with the three ,
McIIugh , Wlllard .and Butler , to the- county
jail , half a blocK. ( Jfstant. When In front
of the court house on the south side , MeHugh
gave a signal to the others and Iciitantly
turned and fired at O'Brien , pressing n
45-callber revolver almost against his
abdomen , Inflicting a wound that csme
nearly being fatal. O'Brien fired his own re
volver , and the bullet took effect In the body
of Wilson , crippling but not killing him. A
dozen shots were fired la the Immediate
vicinity of the court hous , but McIIugh getaway
away , after a running fight with Hooker
that carried him In the extreme western
part of the city. Each of the men' emptied
their revolvers a number of times , and one
of the members of the regular police force
also took a few shots at the determined
fugitive. Wilson and Wlllard were captured
and were tried In the federal court for stealIng -
Ing $600 worth of postage stamps , which was
a part of the bank booty , , but MeHugh got
out of the country. O'Brien never relaxed
his determination to find the man who had shot
him , and even while hQ was lying dangcr-
oimly woumded he was planning for the cap
ture and dictating letters to alt parts of the
country , giving close descriptions of the
man. One of these letters finally fell into
the hinds of the Philadelphia chief of police ,
and he cotveyed the Information that Mc-
Hugh was then In Jail at Allentown , Pa.
As soon as O'Brien was able to travel he
went to the place and Instantly recognized
the man there as the fellow who had tried
to kill him. MeHugh was then In prison , '
and was not releised until last January ,
when he was brought hero upon a requisi
The whole fight MeHugh will make for his
liberty will turn upon the question of Idrti-
tlty. Ho has subpoenaed Wilson and WII-
lard , and they will be brought here from the
penitentiary to testify In his behalf. He
has also secured depositions from Mr. and
Mrs. Davis , where ho boarded In PMIadel-
phia , and Robert E. Dcady , of the same city ,
around whose place of business he hung
out. Tlieso depositions came by expirss
C. O. D. yesterday morning , and the court
made au order calling upon the county au-
dltor to pay SIS toward their cost upon the
affidavit of the prUoncr that was without
It Is expected that a portion of this fore
noon would be devoted to the statement
of the case to the jury by attorneys for th I
defense , but the last th'rig before court ad-
Journed Colonel Dalkey announced that the
defense would waive the privilege. The tak
ing of testimony will begin this morning.
O'Brien will be the first witness. Some com
ment has been occasioned around the court
room by the fact that MeHugh has grown a
full beard while he w.js in. jail. At the
time of the shooting he was wearing a short
stubby beard of six week's growth.
OoiiiplliiK'ntiirj' Concert Tcnilrrcil til
MiiNlor Arthur ( inIT.
The testimonial concert tendered to Master
Arthur Goff last evening was an excellent
success so for as the production of high
class music was concerned. The audience
was not EO large as was hoped for , on ac
count of the unfavorable weather. The
evening's entertainment was opened by an
overture from the orchestra followed by an
excellent rendition of the "Flocktonlan
Polka" on the cornet by Master Arthur Goff
Ho responded to an encore with another
finely rendered selection. As the little lad
appeared' upon the platform the nudlenco
tendered him an ovation that incny an older
artist would have been proud of.
Mr. Huster followed with a violin solo
and responded to an encore. Mr Badnllet
rendered a flute solo and was also required
to play "a second selection. Mr , Altchlson
sing ono of his old favorite aongs and re
sponded to an encore with "Drink to Me
Only with Thlno Eyes. " The audlenco
greeted Mr. Nlckerson with an ovation an {
after his first selection called him back
again ,
A special number was hero Introduced
In the program by way of a cornet duet by
Mr. Nlckorson and Master Gaff. They also
responded to on encore. Mr. Altchl'Kri ap
peared again and sang "King of the Forest
Am I. "
The evening's entertainment was con
cluded by a selection by the orchestra.
XrlKlilmr Sfciiri'K n MlllKnfIon of 11
I'crJiiri-r'M He ii I file-1' .
William Duncan , who wes convicted of
perjury In connection with his testimony In
a bootlegger's case before Commissioner
George F , Wright , was called up for sentence
tence- . Sentence was delayed when the
other prisoners were sentenced at the end
of the September term of the federal court
at the request ot the attorneys for the pris
oner , who desired to make a showing to the
court to mltlgato sentence. Duncan IH a
resident of Red Oak and his perjury was
committed In the Interest of a friend who
had fallen Into the meshes of the federal
revenue laws. Ills attorneys brought up
from Red Ook yesterday one of the promi
nent farmer citizens who wn able to tell
Judge Woolson a good deal In favor of the
young man , and U evidently had an Impor
tant bearing upon the subject. When sen
tence was pronounced , instead of the two or
three years which was generally expected
would bo the punishment , Judge VCcoUon
named eighteen months and A flno ol fSOO.
Elsotrio Oar Jumps the Track with
Trnvcllnir Mini Sniiiril M > cr * IH Doml
mill Aiiutlu * ! ; \ \ , H. Morton , IN
.Mil i\ | > rfri | . ( it Hoc-over
from Hl
CEDAH PALLS , la. , Oct. 11. An electric
street car on the Waterloo & Cedar Kails
rapid transit line Jumped the track at a
bridge and was precipitated over n thirty-
foot embankment , three miles from this city
today. One Myers , a traveling man , was
killed outright and ten others were seriously
hurt. Sixteen people nvero In the car at the
tlmo nnd they were all more or less Injured.
The Injured arc :
\V. II. Morton , a Chicago traveling man ;
\\111 probably die ,
A. Uothlltu , Cedar Kails , scalp wound.
Allco Crotty , Waterloo Internal Injuries.
Miss KHckliiKcr , face cut.
Frank Foulk , rib broken.
D. 13. Morrison , Wlnona , Minn.
J. O. Waldron , Chicago.
Charlotte Cunningham , student State Nor
mal school ,
Clara Sine , student State Normal school.
Klttlo Townsend , Fort Bodge , student State
Normal school.
Henry Flint.
IS. B. Tlbbttts , motorman. _ ,
Frank Latlcr , conductor.
Claude Casa , student State Normal school.
Clara Hunt , student State Normal school ,
Lulu Hovce.
All thu Injured are likely to recover ex
cept Morton.
Odd Ft'lltMiN of lowii Hnvi ? n Troiilile-
MIIIIC Utifstlnn lo Sell IP.
DAVENPORT , la. , Oct. 11. ( Special. ) A
few years ago itho OJd Fellows of Iowa took
under consideration the advisability of es
tablishing In some city of the state a home
for OJd Fellows' orphans. After the matter
hail been discussed at several grand lodge
meetings the grand lodge solicited proposi
tions from cities desiring the location of the
liomc. Jefferson , IndUnoh , Boone , Mason
City , Clinton and several other cities In the
state submitted propositions at the next
grand lodge meeting. Greene lodge of Jef
ferson offered lands , buildings and a bonus
If thu home was located at that place. In-
dlanoli also submitted a good offer. The
Jefferson proposition \\as accepted and a
committee was appointed to close up the
deal. This committee made a modified de
mand that Jefferson guarantee free educa
tion to the orphnis. Iowa's educational
laws are not subject to Odd Fellow authority ,
and In this demand the committee exceeded
Us authority. School boards are chosen
from year to year pud one board cannot limit
the lawful actionsof , fts successor. The sit
ting board of dlrcptors was In favor of free
education and Grepne'lodge of Jefferson of
fered to procure , or did procure , bondb to
guarantee free education of the orphans , so
far as the grand lodge was concerned.
At this tlmo IhdUinola came In with a
modified proposition , .listing the land In ques
tion at a fictitious value. , The committee
selected by the grand.oclge ] to close up the
deal with Jefferson without any author
ity from the grand lodge entered Into a
contract with Indjanola. Jefferson secured
an Injunction pqndlug ( Ue meeting cf Hit. '
grand loJge. The , grand lodge In session at
Mason City , by a voti > of 4 to 1 , sustained
Jefferson and again decided the home should
bo located there. .Therj Indlanola secured an
Injunction pending the sitting of the sov
ereign ledge atlndlananqli.5 , That body has
iavcrsed the actlafv.ofTho Iowa"g'raiiu' lodge
and decided that the home should be lo
cated at Indlanola.
The grand lodge of Iowa will meet In thlb
city on October 18 and at that time the mat
ter of the home will again come up. There
will bo a bitter fight and the probabilities
are that It will be decided to abandon the
building of the home altogether , as there Is
a \vldespread sontlment among the Odd Fel
lows of the state that they desire to control
their own business affairs. Many are of the
opinion that an Odd Fellows' orphanage 'Is
entirely unnecessary ; but Irrespective of this
opinion , they believe that If the home k-
bullt It should bo located at Jefferson , and
do not believe that the sovereign lodge
should Interfere.
Cedar Haplds lodge. No. 141 , one of the
largest and most Influential lodges In the
ctate , at a recent meeting decided to Invite
a conference of the representatives of all the
lodges in the Fifty-first district to meet In
older to become thoroughly ) acquainted wi'h '
the wishes and preferences of their constit
uency. A convention has been called foi
October 13 In the hall of the Cedar Rar/.a >
loJgc , at which tlma some line of action will
bo decided upon In the circular sent out
inviting the representatives of the district
to meet < it Cedar Rjplds committee ,
among other things , says : "IJrothers : A cc-
rlous condition confronts us. We cannot but
view the situation with grave concern anil
alarm , Disaster and misfortune may be
hidden in the turmoil and strife now excit
ing the brotherhood of the state. Can \\r
do anything to alliy or mollify this excite
ment and encourage a more harmonious sen
timent ? We can at least solidify ourselves
by this conference and thus by energetic and
determinate- action make the Fifty-first dis
trict ono of Influence and power in the next
giand lodgd In the determination and Bettlc-
mciu of the home question now so muci a'
Issue. "
KlunioH Arc I'rovrnteil from .Sirciul- |
Inir In tit ( lit * III n i * .
DCS MOINES , Oct. 11. { Special Terg am. )
Late Sunday night the shaft IIOUBO of the
Eureka Coal company , east of town , was
found on fire , this being the sec nd fire there
in five dajs. It Is charged both were uta ted
by striking miners , is thin company hat ,
atousoil the bitter opposition of the men.
The shaft woks burned out , but the fire
was prevented from getting Into tbo mine.
Thu loss Is about $3,009.
Tiio Carbondale Mining company tday re
ceived 100 Rubslan miners from Illinois , to
take the places of incn who have refused to
go back at the terms offered. Mcst of the
strikers have returned to wotk a { Jha raise.
M'n.ucs' ' 'AT ' MASO.V cvrv.
Dcinm-rnflr Ciinilfilatc' AHfKCH Ilfiuli- |
llc'im I K'iru VH * ? < > > > " * '
MASON CITY. AS. , Oct. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Fred E. bft [ ) , democratic c ndldata
for governor , tp9VJJn the Auditorium to
night. His aJJrosa was devoted to a discus
sion of state expenditures , alleging extrava-
gsnca In ioput > llc3i ml3ii3gcnrnt. The sliver
question was taken'jip at the finish. Tha hall
was v.ell filled , , ,
At the conclusion a , bniquet wax held at
the Park trtelW , covers being laid.
Speeches wore made'by C , II. McFall of Os-
kaloot,4 , T , W. 'WAndrow of UPS Mol.ira.
Fted E. White , J , I'JJlilalso. ' E. 11. Hlgley , F.
A. Klersohman Sorter.
OASI : TAKI : > lynuii
HE ll
I'oitulUt .Voiiillirtlloii DlNiintr III DlH-
IrU-t Court inn ) Will ! ! Aiu'iilril. |
DBS MOINES , Oct. 11. ( Special Telegram. )
The record In the populist nomination case
was certified to the district court today.
The stenographic record of the case was
Introduced , and the case argued and sub
Attorney General Remley then appeared
and atked that he bo allowed to protest on
behalf of the election board , without thu
formality of legal appearance , Judge Spur
rier rc'fueid to allow this.
Then J. M. Day appeared as attorney for
Ilc-lil UK , Jliirnliitr , OrvriilnK Criivtl-
I"K Skin Diseases relieved In a few minutes
by Aenew's Ointment. Dr. Atrnew's Oint
ment relieves Instantly and cures Tetter ,
Salt Kheum , Scald Head , ISczemu , Ulccru ,
Illotchea and all Eruption : ! of the Skin. It
la uoothliif tind quletlnir nnd acts like magic
In all Baby Humors , Irrltatlonof the Scalp
Kuhn & Co. . lEtli end Doujflas ; Sherman
& McConncU Prw .Co. , 1513 Podge BU
1 Cftarte * A. "Lloya. tnlodle-oMIio-roiia popnllrt
candidate for governor , nna wanted to Bio
n protest ngalnst the whole proceeding * on
the ground that IJoyd had not been served
with notice. Ho .wanted the c&eo continued
till the next 4crm ol court , which will bo
tier election. . . ,
It Is not expected this motion will to
given nnr Attention. The case was taken
under advlsomont , nnd will bo decided In n
few days. It will bo carried to the u-
preme court however It Is decided below.
oiinnxwoon PAIIK \ TOWN AMAIN ,
Olil Council nf n UPH Ilnlncn Hnliurli
Claim * Anllinrlly.
rtKS MOINES , Oct , U. ( Special Telegram. )
The fight over the validity of thc Des
Molncs annexation of eight yevils' ago Is
getting at the same tlmo serious and hu
morous The city , In 1S90 , annexed all the
surrounding territory , Including about a
dozen Incorporated towns , among them
Grccrswood Park. Greenwood Park Included
what Is now Grand avenue , the Fifth avenue
of DCS Molncs. The council has got Into a
fight with the Grand avenue people over a
big paving contract , and the annexation
fight has been dragged In , A call has been
Issued for a meeting ) of the old city council
of Greenwood Park. It Is Issued on the
theory that the old council , under the law ,
holds ofllce till successors are elected and
qualified and further , that the annexation
law being unconstitutional there Is no
other authority over Greenwood Park than
Its old town government. Of the six men
who were councllmcn at the tlmo of annexa
tion , five still llvo here , and all arc agreed
to the effort to reassert their authority.
They are : Walter McCain , C. II. Getchell ,
J. II. Windsor , F. S. Jaqnlth nnd E. U.
Mason. Ono has moved away , and the coun
cil will fill the vacancy. C. II. Kaufman *
who was mayor of Greenwood Park , has
left , and the council will fill the vacancj
temporarily. As soon as the council gets the
wheels of government oiled , It will formally
notify the city of tcs ) Molncs that It Is tres
passing within the limits of the town of
Greenwood Park , nnd will also bring an ac
tion , to secure an accounting of funds col
lected by the city of DCS Molncs from
Greenwood taxpayers. The old council will
then bo made defendant In the suits over the
present paving controversy , and a case will
bo carried to the federal courts to deter
mine If the annexation was valid. The Iowa
supreme court has held that It was entirely
unconstitutional , but on grounds of public
[ > olcy ! declined to set It aside. The belief
Is that the federal courts will not be so
lenient , and that the city Is In serious
danger of being dismembered.
i > um < < u i\s M.YYOIIvni / nn TIUIU ) .
iiti'M Development In Klclit AKi
Sullir > nrnli OrilliiniiL'i' .
DES MOINKS , Oct. 11. ( Special Telegram. )
The supreme court held that Peter Ollnger ,
who was mayor of Dnbuqiie at the tlmo of
the passage of the salary grab ordinance and
approved that measure , must stand trial for
malfeasance In ofilce. Ue was Indicted and
on demurrer and appeal took the matter to
the supreme court. The demurrer Is over
ruled and he will be tried. A few days ago
the court handed down a like opinion In the
cases of the aldermen who voted for the
of Five Hinnlrcil Dollar * * for
an Ailnir County Ofilrlnl.
CRESTON. la , Oct. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The bondsmen of Auditor Davis of
Adalr county , who has been missing for more
that > a week , liavo offered a reward of $50J
for his arrest. Experts are examining the
books , and as the Investigation proceeds , the
condition becomes worse. The supervisors
have declared the ofilce vacant and appointed
an auditor prc-tem.
Vit < > for 13 < | iiil liy Iti'iircst'lltnlloil.
DUUUQUE. la. , Oct. 11. The Methodist
conference , before adjournment today , voted
almost unanimously in favor of equal lay
A man whoso Identity Is unknown was
found dead under a railroad bridge near
Spirit Lake. He had been shot , one bullet
passing through his head and two entered
the left side. HIo pockets were turned In-
sldr out. Indicating It was a case of murder
with robbery for Its object.
A short time ago Hon. George Schee of
Prlmghar made an offer to the public school
of Sheldon of $250 for the benefit of the pub
lic school library , on condition that the citi
zens of Sheldon woiil'1 glvo an eqml amount.
The teachers have raised more than that
amount nnd a fair library for the school Is
now an assured fact.
Frank Haupt and n. A. Anselmant , two
young men taking a pleanure trip from St.
Paul , their homo , to St. Louis , stopped at
Hurllngton. As their craft left the levee
Haupt had the top of his head off
and was instantly killed by the discharge of
T. musket. Anaelmant says Haupt discharged
the weapon himself accidentally , but that he
lid not see It. Ho turned around at the
shot to BCD his companion fall.
Burglars entered the general store of
Honch , Smith & Felter of Farnhamvlllc Sat
urday night. Mr. Hough discovered them
"nil fired two shots at the robbers without
"ffcct and then stepped out In the street and
called for help. The burglars rushed to the
front door rnd shot him , one ball taking ef
fect In li'B neck near the jugular vein.
Hough went Into convulsions and the bur
glars made their escape. Officers were at
once notified , but EH there Is no clexv no
arrests have been made.
Ohatlci AndoTFon Arrested as the Result of
a Tight with Kulvee ,
Survltor Snyn llr > Wi nl to Ilic IMncc
IiitvnilliiK lo Flnli ( ni"l He
Will HiTrleil for
Mil filer.
CHKYENNE , Wyo. , Oct. 11. ( Special. )
Charles Anderson and Kdward Knoff , broth
ers-in-law , living on Oak Creek , Cook county ,
fought with knives on Wednesday until
Knoft was staobcd to death. The men liavo
been at enmity for several years and their
quarrels have been frequent and bitter.
Tuesday some of Anderson's cattle got Into
Knoff's fields. Ho turned them out onto
the open , plains. Anderson was offended and
on Wednesday morning took a slurp hunting
knlfo and went to Knoff's place for a set
tlement. Hu , found Knoff alone In his cor
ral and the fight commenced at onco. An
derson's version of the affair Is that they
fought with their fists for some time and
that he was getting the best of the fight
when Knelt drew n knlfo. Ho did the same
and soon struck Knoff Iwlco In the abdomen
and once in the _ bick. Knoff fell to the
ground , and he ( led.
Mrs. Kooff , who is Anderson's sister , found
her husband bleeding to death In the corral ,
whcio ho died without iccovcrlng conscious
ness. Anderson was arrested and Is In jail
at Sundance. IJcfqre ho knew of Knoff's
death , ho told of going to his place with
the Intention of fighting. Ho will be prose
cuted for nnirdcr.
Dentils of II Dnj.
DBNVnil , Oct. 11. Hev. Dr. Newell S. Al
bright , professor of biblical nnd historical
theology In the Illff School of Theology , died
last night after a brief Illness. Ho was a
graduate of Ohln Weslcyan university. Drew
Theological scmlmiry , and the University of
Hallo In Germany. Ho was 49 years old.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 11. Dr. Luke Uob-
Inson , one of the mcst prominent citizens In
California , died suddenly of heart disease
yesterday near Lathrop , Cal.
ORLEANS , Neb. , Oct. 11. ( Suoclal. )
F.unk Dalrymple , aged 42 , died here l st
week of apoplexy. He was burled with
Masonic honors. He leaves a wife and four
CRAWFORD Neb. , Oct. 11. ( Special Tel
egram. ) Mrs. Jennie E. Showers , pro
prietress of the Gate City hotel here , for
merly of Long Pine nnd Newcastle , died
suddenly yesterday of llrlglit's dlseaae , the
malady of which her husband , 0. J. Show
ers , died two months ago. Mrs. Sharp , her
daughter , and John Ulrlch leave tonight
with the remains for Sngnlnaw. Mich.
Funeral services were conducted hero by
Rev. nates , under the auspices of the Masons
and the Order of Eastern Star.
Tliore Is no need of llttic- children being
tortured by scald head , eczema and skin
eruptions. Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
gives Instant tellef and cures permanently.
Klrc Itccoril for a Il r.
ATCHISON , Kan. , Oct. 11. Fire , which
started at 2:30 : o'clock this morning , de
stroyed the flouring mill and warehouse of
John M. Cain , together with contents ; the
flouring mill and contents belonging to the
Central mills , the Calm block , a two-story
brick structure containing four stores , and
five small frame buildings. The aggregate
loss Is about $7ii.OOO : Insurance about one-
third. Besides the flouring mill , Cain owned
the block and three of the dwellings. The
Cain warehouse contained 3,000 barrels of
flour , and the mill several thousand bushels
of wheat. Cain's total loss Is $52,000 ; In
surance , $21COO. The Central mill contained
a large amount of grain. Both mill and con
tents were fully Insured.
WATERLOO. Neb. . Oct. 11. ( Special. Yes
terday fire destroyed a cottage In the western
part of town belonging to Conrad Nlel. The
building was a total loss. The contents were
saved. No Insurance. The lire originated
from a defective Hue.
HLOOMINGTON , Ind. , Oct. 11. The hotel
at French Lick Springs burned early tills
IlliiiUer KnllM to Appear for Trlnl.
CHICAGO , Oct ll.-J W. Donaldson ,
the St. Louis banker and broker who \vai
arrested Saturday , failed to appear In
court today when he was called , charged
with disorderly conduct. Tno otllcor who
made the arre = t explained that he had
broucht the mllllonalio in for site keeping
and upon learning that there was nothing
against the defend ml the muglHtrutc dls-
ml8fx > d the case. Donaldson came to Chicago
cage to njll bonds and was taken Into
ciutody Saturday. He tpent several hours
In a ccl.
InilliiiiHfler Trnlii Itnlihern.
GUTHRII5 , Okl , Oct. JlA ponso of ,
Cheyenne Indians , headed by Deputy United
States Marshal Eugene Hall , has been sent
after the remainder of the Jennings bandits
who held up the passcngc-is on the Rock
Island nt Clilckntaw recently. The Indians i
hnvo struck tie tr.UI nnd aip now going to- .
lanrd theWIchltn mountains. Hull Is a
daring otllccr and was an otlleer In Crlpplo
Creek during HH palmy days.
Better stay at home and get
from your grocer. Sold every-
where and
Cleans Everything
Chicago. BU Louis. Now York. Boston , Philadelphia.
Tills KrentVcselulil *
_ VlUilUfr.tliopriserlp.
tlonot n ratuou * Trench physician , will quietly cure Juu of nil HIT.
vous or dlsfivifs of tuo gruerutlve uriuiii , aiicli ni J. ' > aiManhood ,
Insomnia , I'uiiulii tliu Ji.icli.Hcmhml Jjinlesinn.Nt-mmi . Debility
J'lmplvii , Uinllntss to Murry , KzliuustliiK Pridni , Vurlcwple nmi
Cot.stlnatlon. Itntapn ull luu > i-i byilav or nl8t.u 1'ievMiiti iiilck. |
i lutsol cllsclmrcf , wtilcUlf uotclici Wrrl ] r > pj | KiHpprniiilorrl.d'iianJ
nrrnnr .unac-rrn nil tlioliorrnridlImpdleiirr. 'III > II > iMI : < clcBbbcattiullvcr , tut
. -
UbhUHh. AND Al-lt-n *
- iiiej-aanlIhniirlnoryorBnimoulllmj ; | , < untlea.
Tim rroson miffprirs nro not curnl bj1 Doclnre H lieenuso ninety per rent dto trouble. ' with
ProBfalMI * . CUl'IDKNUIstlinnnly known remid/to eurouliliouiuimp < 'rulloii. fXWIc tlmonl-
Sta. A wrlt'i-n Btnrnnlco given anil money returned If six lion's do a not tlftct a iicrumiituuura.
tuabo"\ \ * for { mall. Henil for loicuclrct Inr and H-stlmonlaU.
Artrtrpps r V i MKWICJMK . . ! , O.J10ia07l.BanFrriciaco.Col. [ ( ! fur Kite t * '
After Ju'y ' Ist mY father , Dr-
K.j. y/0odbury , will have clmrjro of
the plato work In my olllco/and I will
give my ontlro attention to Opurativo
Dontlbtry , Crown and Bridge Work ,
No. 30 Pearl St. ,
Next to Graud Hotel. . . , . .
ssraag j
Some doctors
arc like o\vl .
They look
wiie nnd tMk
wise but liter
don't think.
In diagnosing
disease they
don't po back
point. When
n ninn pet *
nick , nine
times out of
ten lilt cvl <
'dent ' sickness
is only a
symptom of some hidden and lonR-ntR.
Icctetl disorder. Most frequently the oriel-
nnl nnd excltinR trouble is n disordered di-
trestiott. If that is corrected nature will in
the majority of cases do the test. U is cnsy
for n man to avoid sickness if he will keep
a watchful eye on his digestion nnd resort
to the ripht remedy the moment he frrl
liimielfout of soils.
All disorders of the digestion are corrected
by Dr. Tierce's Golden Mcdicnl Discovery.
H restores lost appetite , invigorates the
liver , nnd fills the blnodwitli the lifc-civing
elements that build healthy flesh nnd firm
muscles. It is the great blood-maker , flesh-
builder , nnd nerve tonic. It cures 98 per
cent , of all cases of consumption. It cures
wasting discnset nnd nervous troubles.
It wards off disease of every description.
liny "Golden Medical Discovery" of reliable -
liable dealers ; with tricky ones , something
else that pays them better will probably ba
offered ns "just as good. " Perhaps it is for
them ; but it can't be forj-ow.
"Mywlfchns found great help from Doctor
1'lerce's OoUlen Mcdicnl Discovery , ns , wlicn she
takes cold from any came It generally settles on
hcrlunRS , " w rites U. Jnmcs.ofllox 181 , lirooklvti ,
Ctiyahoga Co. , Ohio , "Tlie M'axorite Prescrip
tion ' we keep on hand nil the time. It Is n won.
dcrftil medicine. Mvwifc hns great failli In It.
ny being careful In tlie wny we live and liyuslniy
Dr. 1'lcrcc's medicines \ \ lieu we don't feel just
right , we have lind to call in n doctor but once IK
A man can't either make money or enjo/
life who sufTuri from headaches , nnd sleep
lessness , mid heart-burn. These troubles
nre caused by constipation. Dr. fierce1 *
riensant Pclli-ts ate n nine , safe , speedy and
permanent cure for constipation. They nre
tiny , siiRiir-coatcd giniiulcs. One little
" 1'ellct" is n gentle laxative , nnd two a
mild cathartic. They never gripe. Dis
honest drucgfctr sometimes try to substi
tute inferior articles for the sake of nrolit.
A. Written n.mrnnlr.CUKF. KVKKY
CASH Moxr.v IIFIIM > F. .
Our cure \ > tiornmnont urn ) not a pntcliliiR up. t' ti
trtittit lui yi'ari * HKO hm o lu'ver wen n * jln | ton tlnrfl.
IH ill-roll 1)1 ir > u\n COM lull ) ecnlltltnt JullliJ Mmll.
ntul c K ! > o tin' mine strong cimianlco lu cm u or n ( mill
nil money. Those \\lio prtf * ! * to cnlne IIOIB lor tlrat-
mint run < ! o i-oi\ml m- will Imj mllioiul laru both ns
.nil holrl Mll while IICIP frwrlnll tonne. tr elml *
| IIIK < > I lie oi hi Inraiiv-c lint our .tlllulv ICriiinly
\\tlliijtciiif Wlltrlor full luiillciilMi. and net Ilia
clicmcrlouirlliiil ! > oilnli'.k'UrMJllHI | ' ) mtoo.
lit Ihu mo l iMiilntnt ph } > lclnn lm\o never been nblo
to Kl e lump Ilinn timpuKiM ifllfl. In our ten j nn
innctlou with Ilil.Mnelc IIi-liH-ilv II hat bten inojl
illllkllll Co nreii'iiine I te | > irjmlln milling all nxnlk'il
prlllc . Hut und r am htiuiiR viiannilrejuu thuuld
not lieMtfttc lo * ry tl ! < umpclj . Vou mko no dinner ot
lorlng jour nioiu'y Vt tjimiintec lo cure or ufuiul
Lctuolinr and atv Irn p .1 mmtatUm to piutcct ,
nl.o'Mnaiidal liai-UIni : ot Knoo.tioo , It IH pufcclly
> afc loan Hhoulll try tintiiiuiiieiit llrictofoicjou
lm\e In en puiilnu : u | > nnil iirulnit out your mono For
titrtcmit tli'aliMCiilMiml alllnniKli jun alu nut j firmed
no our has paid Lark > our mom j Ho not waste nnv
mou muni * ) until > mi trj UK. oM.cnronlc , rteeit-nnlril > i-invifli. tl.lilj to ninety ilnJM. ImrsilKate out Manillni ; . our irpulallon us buvlncsH nun.
U'lltH u < foi iiMine * ailihetserf of tliou Me lmo
eumllio have elicit iiciinNFloti to rtrrr to then.
It i-iistB jun only | , u.t.ifiin do lulu i It lll m\r ) o i a
wonilof nuireihiBfnun inrnlnl stialns tmlirjou lo
nianlcit what nm > your olTtpt hit ; sutler thimtph 31 ur
ounncitllireiHH ' II j our cj inplointiuropltniJesoiilace ,
goto thiont. mucoiiA iiatclici * In mouth , iluuiualtun In
bones unit joint * , hair rMllnir out ciupllonH en uny
tiai t or the bo l > feellni ; or icrneial diirck | li > n. palliH In
lirador lione .jou ham no tlttu * louaste. Thohowlio
are con-lHiitlv laklni ; tneiiMlt } Hint potash should dlH-
fontlnuclt. Oonslnut UM' or thiso iliugB will nuely
bllnR aores and tatliiu Hirershi the end. Don't tall to
urJte. All couoiiondenco tint sealed In plain imcl-
open WelnUle Ihn most ilirld ln > vstiKatlon ooilvrlll
do all Inourpowor toal'i oa lu It. AdUicw ) ,
, , Chicago , ,
& Searles.
All I'rUnto Diseases
. Ulscirdcrs of Men ,
Treatment hy Mail.
Consultation l-'rco.
3YP&HL5S &
Cured for life nnd tinpol on thoroughly cleaimed
Sncininlorrlii'a Seminal Wi-aknusH , Lost Man-
liood. "lKllt KmlHhloiiH Dcc.ivi'il Faciiltloi. Ku-
iniilo Wi-aUni-hn ami all ili-ltcnte dlHorilcrn peculiar -
liar to either bet. iiHllI\uU' euml. 1MLKS
AND VAIUCO-RU : p priua.icntly nnd uncci-SHJiilly
cured Methoil now nn il iinf.illlnff.
, . .n. .
l > y new method without P.ilu or cutting. C.ill o
oraddieHH with atriuiP
DBS. MIES 8 mm."tiso >
City Com niton.
Pursuant to a resolution adopted at u rcg.
ular meeting of thu Republican city
committee , a convention of the republicans
of the city of Omahn , Douirlas county , Mate
of Nebraska , is licioliv called to inert nt
Washington null on tnp 15th day of Oc'ober ,
A. U , 1S97 , at S o'clock p. m. , for the uur-
pose of nominating' candldateH for the fol
lowing ofllce , to-wlt : Five members of the
Ho.ud of Education , for a term of three
yrar.i ; one member of fin Board of Kduca-
tlon , for a term of IIAO ycarB , and eno
member of thu Hoard of Education , for n
term of OIKyear. .
Thu representation In f.ild convention
shall be a * follows : N'ne delegates from
each w.ird In said city.
The primal lex for the selection of dele
gates to fiild city convention will bn hold
on thu lUh day of October , A. D. , lij)7 ! ) , In
the several -nar.lB of the city of Umnha.
fiom 12 o'clock noon to " o'clock p. in. of
Bald day , at the following plnc fl : '
First Wnrd-1'03 South Tenth street.
Second Word-Fifteenth and
Third Ward 1120 Capitol avenu ? .
Fourth Ward 307 South Seventeenth
Fifth Ward 15ifling .hull , on Sherman ave
nue.Hlxih Ward Willis block , Twenty-fourth
and Grant xtrectH.
Seventh Ward 1314 South Park avenue ,
Eighth Ward Twenty-fourth and C tim
ings Htrctit.
Ninth Ward Twenty-ninth and Putnam
BtreetH. IJ. J. CORNISH ,
AHflstanl Secretary ,
Dated nt Omaha , Neb , tlil.s 9th day of
October , 1MI7. OctlO-11 12
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