THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; MOJ&AY , SPECIAL NOTICES for tliene column * jjrlll In : laKrn until 13 n. for tlio vciilnir mill iin'll H ! " < for "I0 ornliiK mill S ii ml ID" eilllloim. ll Ivi-rtlMT * , ! } r Miii'Mliiw | n iitiin- il check , en ii IIHVC mmwrm nil- iHi-il to it iiiiiiilicrril It-tier In cure rii < - lire. Ann WITH no nililrpnnril In ; ili-llvi-rcil on r.rvHUtilntlDii of t'lu-nk < ml > - . HICK , l 1-jJe n rvoril first ii wont theronftcr. .VolliliiK for li'MN Oinn line Cor tinHrnt llon. Tlii'nc ml YcrllHCinciit * iiuint lia run WAXTHD SITUATIOXS. WANTED. POSITION nv YOUNG MAN no- Init typowrltlntr , collecting etc. ; Rood refer- tnc"a. Aildri siiV,6 , llee , A MMO H AV'AXTISn 31A MS III3I.I' . CANVASSERS TO TAKB ORDERS ; NEW MNB of work ; no henvy Roods lo carry ; rnlmy or commission. C. 1' . Adams Co. , 21 3 itlh t. H dlo BALESMEN FOR CIGARS. JIB A MONTH AND e p" > ntcs ; old nrm ; experience unneccury In ducements to customers. O. C. tllthup & Co. . Bt. MEN AND WOMEN SOLICITORS FOR TUB Nntlonnl Reserve nm-oclnllon ; the bout , in'etl und soundest fraternm order In the field today. Address I' . A. O. Stevens , 311 N. 16th st. . OmaJin. 11 517 WANTKI ) . MEN TO LEARN TUB HARDER trnde ; only eight weeks required ; Illustrated cntiilofiiio with mnp of the city mulled free. Mnler System of Harder Schools. Clnrk nnd Von lluren Sin. , OMcnso ; brunches , New lork , Bt. Louis , Cincinnati mid Minneapolis. WEN AND WOMEN ORGANIZERS AND SO- llrllorii for beat fraternal benellclary society In tlio Held ; Ruml pay. AddroM Supieme S c- rctary Star of Jupiter , McConk , Nebrnskn. U-Mll N7 WANTED. HOOD TRAVELING MEN. NOW irnvollnir , for selllnit ldi- line Male ter ritory. Adverllfer. Combination Lock llox 8 , Jnncsvllle. Minn. H-MSSO 13 * WANTED SHOEMAKER , 20J SO. 12T1I. II in SSO-14 * VANTED-A OAPAHLE DRUO CLEHK , R1UJ- 'H iod In Nebrnsku ; rufcrencfl iTiUlri-d. Au- W 4 , Hoc olllee 11 527 'J 71 ran , A FEW MEN nv THK DAY OATH- .nic . nweet potatoes. Tlieo. Wllllamn. llenson. R-M103 12 * \VA\THIl KHM A I , lir.I.P. a GIRLS rou ALL KINDS OF WORK ; n TO 17vu < ik. Canadian Olllce , 1522 Douglas. C-51S WANTED. FIRST CLASS GIRL , MUST UK rood cook : references le'iulied. 1VJ So. Avo. C-M2m ! * NTED. CAPAUl-r. OIIIL TO DO GENERAL .oupework for family of tluue. No wnihlnit ; eft of reference required. Apply 115 North < 0tli ft , \ C in S'.il-n * - -"t.M-i AN BXPEiyUNrED S.M.ESLMJY depni tiniAt. Only thud , with a cxprlini ; need upplv. M plon C-M973 12 OD.COOIC IN A. SMALL FAM n. C MS7I J2 * K LOCKING YOUNG LADY AS Ifetiiti hath pallors ; experl nc * ' r iJ Sunday. 417 S. llth ft. . ! > . ( lcm. r-.M875 11 * _ _ [ IMF. AT THE POl'TH OMAHA nl IMS Noith 26lh * tii'i ' > t. Mr ? . FOH C1ENEHAL Ipply S. : < ! th avenup. avenup.C C MlOt I.I. PAif.4 : OF THE CITY. THE 1 ! > 'J3 Fnrn nn. D 319 CIIWA , i'O. , 10S N. 15TII ST. ll " D-B20 SUH. ji. ( A. STARII , S23 f. Y. / D-521 _ _ .1. A 57. i n : oVN 11 LOCK ! KIT 11 ! D-523 KS AND COTTAGES ALL OVER . Flij'.lty. 1st lloor N. Y. Life. I D-GI1 , .H 8TOIIKS. ALL PA UTS nnn A Ix > ve Co. , 43 * P.-ixton block. U-523 SI'CAGUE , 1RTII AND DOI3OE. HOUSES. FLATS ) , QARV1N nilOI. . 1C13 KAIfM _ I3-C25 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " HOUSES Fort nn\T. UEMIS."PAXTO"N ne HOUSES. J. H HHV.RWOOD. 4 % N. T. LIFE. D-527 IVJR RENT. ClioJOK 12-ROo"M " 17llnACHED nioilorn house. Inquire 1313 Cnpltol nvenuo. D 520 JIOVING HOUSPJIOLD GOODS AND PIANOsT Olil. Van & Stornse Co. , 1J11V4 Farnam ; te | 1S39. D 530 E. VILLIAMSO.V. C04 HUE HLDcT D 531 TTniJSE. MODERN , S ROOMS , .nk llnlsh , choice location. Farnam car line , with good Imrn , $10.00 per iinntli. Fidelity Trust Company , llrst lloor Now Y"rk Life bide. D-M300 X-IIOOM COTTAOE. AL O r. t'NFUHNlSIIEI ) I'ODiiis. all modern , 2124 Miami st. U M237 RENTAL AGENCY. 210 McCAGUE D-450 > LAI1C1E HOUSES IN DUNDEE PLACE ; HP , Wi Hc-i hi i In _ M5S3 T RENT-MODEUN O-flOOM DETACHED u > e. furnuce. bath , etc. , nlco lawn best con- Ion. 550 N. 23th street. Inquire 053 N. t ) , D-015 TW. ATONTK. DI'VrWEEN 55 AND M s to rent ; ili-trnn I f' r hnut-i ; rcntiU sclnlty. J II Hhfrxvoo.l. . 422 N. Y. Life. D-.MT2I HUNT. NO. 2SIS rifAULES ST. . WITH rooms ; all modern Improvement * : RonU ablf. John Ranilln. D-.M7SS till RENT. TEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 310 FNoitti 2M St. , near Hlic.i nchool. Inciulri1 301 N'orlh Kil St. U-812 lfcsiR.UILlT"oF 4 ROOMS IN IIIUCK tILnuhp , on Ktciuml lloor. 25UI Plerc * n. ' / D Mt53 12 * ritooM MODKRN"JHOURI"i'oii : RINTiTT I'liilro 1411 Vlnton. _ "j : " . * _ JOOD , MODERN ? KinTlT-ROOM HOUSE , 'with ' burn all In uiio.1 rfpir : ! : not nn cnr : line. 437 Hoard of Trade. nM 9 FOR Ri.vr FiJiixisiinn ROOMS. 1 ' T'Tll ilOOMB. 1901) ) CAPITOL AVE E Mm 11 * OR RENT , LAItfJK FRONT ROOM.VEI.L furnished , K.17 Dodb'Q St. E-M73I 13 * UlNIBRRD'-llobu ' , 2017 HARNKY" , , -JICILY FURNISHED ROOM WIT.II CI/JSET- K-SC9 11 * _ | JCELY FT'TtNIKI I EU FRON"rirIlOO r"mtATK and Bfl . 620 S > o. lillist , - VE , PA1II/JR KI nd front room upttnlir. Sleam h.-at , 2317 * - - - _ " _ _ n" "MODEIIN ROOMS , "sTNOLE OR , msulle , with or without board. C2j > B. Mth jt. . . IIRMSHK1) RUOMH AM ) 1IOIRU. FUH.NISUED ROOMS. J91J DODOE ITEAM HEATED ROOMS WITH HOARD. ! 0. Hartley. I' - M NI2 * 'AHOE SOUTH FRONT ROOM FOR TWO ; other rooinn ; good bourJ. The Rose. V'020 Ilar- ney. l--MtM oDF.RN nillOIC. ROOMS AND 1IOAUD. .50 up. 8H North 19th. F-M7 U * " rhotcl. JSIh nnd Dodge tlivete. f-MI79 Oil * TOPIA , Mil DAVENPORT ST. STEAM IIKAT , F-870-15 * HIJ I/nVESlT POSSIIIL13 7uTKS AN THK lint furr , A home. Shrrman nv * . car pairct door evtty tight inlnutM. Newly fumlihrd ; „ , . niaiilX'nient : adjolim Etpoiltlim. Sura- loia Ilolel L-NTHIITALN'S ! t < KU st . F--M75JNJ CICELY FimVisRKD FRONT ROOM MOD- , % „ convnle | prlvala family. WI . 'h IIONT nooxiiwiTR OR wrrioiT UOAHD. V-S4 llarr-ey I K--MM ! ROOMS AM ) HOARI ) . ( Contlnutil. ) NICELY FrilNISHEl ) FRONT ROOMS. WITH lionrd. 201S DoURln * . y FfRNISIIEI ) ROOMS WITH HOARD ; PHI- vnts family ! btnutlful location. 1IW South 31st. F-.MK1 H * FfRNISIini ) ROOM AND IIOARO FIR TWO ) ptlvato family. 1902 Wlrt St. F-M9S * 11 * POR Ri\TlI.MMRM.Sllii ) ) ROOMS. RENT , J ROOMS. 70S S. 17TH ST. C1-MI60 O27 * UNFL'RNISRED ROOMS. 1905 FARNAM ST. U-MRt 1 * ' TWO I'NFtTRNlSHED ROOM3. 1ST FLOOR. 1713 Chlrngo Bt. C1-M834 16 * FOR RK.vr STORIES AMI OKS-MCUS. FOR RENT , DESK ROOM IN GROUND F1/50R office. Iee ! building ; \\nter , tenm heal , electric light and janitor rervlcc. Apply to It. W. Haker , superintendent , Hec building. 1 197 FOR RENT THul-STORY 111UCK HUILIMNO at SKI Fnrnam st. This liulldlnK h s n llteproof cement basement , complolc steam hentlnir fix- turm ; wnter on nil Moors , gas , < te. Apply nt the olllce of The llee. 1 910 FOR RENT-IN THE HEE ItUILDINQ : Onn InfRe corner room , ! d tloor , with vault ami private onice , water , etc. One IBIRC front room , 2d lloor , divided Into two roomn by partition , water , etc. " On ? IniRe corner room , 2.1 lloor , with vault , water , etc. Ono front room , divided by partition , third floor. One corner room with vault , llilrit floor. One Inr-Kc room , third lloor , with partition ill- vliIlnR It Into on Ini-Re room and two smaller private rooms , water , etc. Two Inrsc Kroitnd tlnnr roonm with vaults , hfvcrnl small rooms on fourth lloor. with vaults. All lho. e rooms nre heated with steam , electrlo Ilillitit supplied , with nrst-cluss Janitor Ferv- Ico. Elovntnrn mn day and all nlitht. Rulld- Inif strictly nrcproof. Apply to R. W. Hakcr , Mipcrlnlendcnt , loom 101. lleo buSldlnp. 1 103 AttliXTS WAXTHJ ) . AGENTS WANTED , TO INTRODUCE OUR line of popular priced cnmerus ; Just out ; every body buys them : profits liberal ; excellent ehnnco to make money. For terms nnd iCioto- Kraphs address La Crosse Camera Co. . X 37 , Li Crosc , WIs. J-MS5T 11 * WAXTKn TO ItKXT. WANTED , TO RENT OR HUY FIRST-CLASS residence In ( food location ; nine lo twelve rooms ; state full particulars. Address W10 , Hee office. K MS32 1 ! WANTED. AHOUT AN 8-ROOM FURNISHED \V la. Her. It M93I 11 STORAOK. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . 303-910 Jones ; gcne-al slorago and forwarding. M 5H OM. VAN & CTORAOE 1511H FARN'M. TKI , ISr.J. M--511 FRANK EWERS. STORAGE , 1211 haullni ; ft p-icklnp , chonpest rates. Tel. " . ' . M 783 AVAXTHIJTO IIIJY. UEST PRICE PAID FOR OMAHA SAVINGS bank accounts nt room OOfi , N. Y. Life lildit. N 530 HIDIIEST PltlfES PAID FOR OMAHA SAVIngs - Ings bank accounts. The Hyron Hleeil Co ' N MIOO CASH FOR OMAHA SAVINGS HANIt AC count * . G. G. Wallace , 312 Brown blk. , ICIh nnd DouKlns. N 593 WANTED , TO PURCHASE J4.00Q FIRST mnrtBiifte 0 per cent Omaha Gas Manufacturing Company bonds due 1911 at par. Address C K. Platt , llaln. Pcnn. N M979 12 WILL PAY CASH FOR $3,101 OMAHA SAV- Inns llnnk accounts. F. U. Wend , i,2l DniiB- l s. Insurance. N S20 D WANTED. TO HUY A GOOD SECONIMrAND piano for cash. Address W 13 , Heo. N-SC3 9 I-'OR SAL13FIMIMTU11H. ALL THE FURNITURE- AN 8-UOOM house cheap. Apply 140 N. 33rd street. O-SCI SALH MISCRLLAMSOrs. SAWDUST. HULK Oil SACICED-CIMHIiINO and hOB fence. C. R. Irfe. SOI Douglas. . Q-537 HOG FENCE. ALL WIRE. HEST ON EAliriT , lawn nnd yard fence. Wire Works. 403 S. 14th 503.O 28 MISCISLL.VMSOUS. THE KLONDIKE , RATES. ROUTES , WHAT to take , reliable Information , 10 ctnts. Alawkan Hurcau of Information , 202 Park st. . Strentor , ' ' " R--M943 16 CLA1RVOYAXTS. MRS. PAUU TRANCE MEDIUM. :03 N. 10TH , unlt..s tin' separated : changes luck ; letters con. talnlng stamp promptly ana ; ladles , Me. S-M772 Nl * BENO CLAIRVOYANT OVER 1521 LEAVEN , worth l. S SOS 12 * 1I.VTHS , I3TC. MEDICATED HATHS , IIAREGE. SEA. SU - phur , massage. Mine. Hrlison , from Paris. 107 N. 12th St. T-M333 O24 * MADAM SM TII , 1313 DOUGLAS , MASSAGE steam baths. T "SO J2 * HArilS , MASSAGE. LAURA ELLISON. Crounso blk. , 119 N. ICtli Bt. , room 12. T M3C9 10 MRS. I > R. LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE UATR parlors ; restful and curative , 417 S. llth , up- Btalrs. . . T MIOO II * 1'KRSO.VAL. VLYVI FOR UTERINE TROUHI.ES. 3IC-8 I1EE lllJn. , physlclun , consultation or health Look fiee U 530 11AT1IS , MASSAGE. MME. POST. 311)14 ) S. 15TII. U-510 II. HAAS , FI > ORIST. PLANTS AND CUT tlowerx , hoquetil , hall , resldencu nnd gruvu decorations. Flowcm , lniqiiets nnd dccuratloni delivered to nny p.irt of Ilia city. Orders liy telephone promptly ntti-nded to nnd filled In two bourn. Telephone 776. 1813 Vlnton St U-931-OH RUPTURE CURED ; NO DETENTION FROM buslnefH ; no pnln ; we refer t < i hundreds of vnsi * * cured ; lilies cuu-d by n lnKle , painless treatment. Cull or write The Empire llupturo Cure nnd Medical Institute , succcssnm to The O. ! : . Miller Co. , 932-3. N. Y. Life Illdir. , Onmhn. U 611 CJ.OTHES CLEANED , PRESSED AND RE- p.ilrcd ; dny or night : drcrs suits for hire. Pnntorlum , N. K. cor , 14th nnd Fnrnnm. Tel. 963. U-MSI7 MOXHY TO r.OAX RHAL KST.VTK. MONEY TO LOAN AT IARATES. . TIIIJ O. F. Dnvl" Co. . 1503 Farnam St. W 542 ANTHONY I/DAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y U ; tiulck money nt low rules for choice farm Inndj In Iowa , northern Mlsscurl , eastern Nebraska. W-513 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Furnam Smith & Co. . 1320 Farn'm W-644 MQKEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA rinlbcstatc. Drennnn , Lve Co. , Paxton Hlk , W-5IS MONEV TO LOAN. 11E.MIS , PAXTON I1I.OCK. W-54 C PER PENT MONEY ON NEBRASKA FARMS nnd Oinnl'U ImproviiJ property. Apply to W. U , Melklc. 1st Nntlonnl bank Oldg. W 547 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA propel ty. Pui y & Thomas , 07 lit Nnt. Ilk. Mdz SIX PUR CUNT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Garvln llros. , 1613 Farnain St. W-54J MONEY TO IXAN ON IMPROVED CITY property , S. P. Iluntwlclc & Co. , 311 Paxton Hlk. W-M793 Jlffl.OO AND UP. F. D. WEAD , 16 & DOUGLAS , W S30 N6 MO\I-JV TO IOAVCIIATTULS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , hiirocs , wagont , etc. , nt 13went rates In city ; in removal of Koodn : strictly ; you ran pay the loan off nl any lime or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE I./1AN CO. , 309 S , 16th St. X-550 IIIISI.VKSS OIIAXCKS. FOR KENT THK METROI > Oi.T.\N l7oTEL IN Olioyeims ; In line L-nndltlon ; i-K'cirlo llghti ; IharoiiKhly i > lumb d , U > it lucallin In ( he city. One block from I'nlnp dctiot. Fifty llrbt-class rooms , line l > ur : u.ri. furnUhed : KOOJ barber hop and luith itionn : In fart. v rythlnt : ncof - sary lu a nm-class hotel Parly tenting muit puri'hatie fiiiuiturr. II tel dMnc good bunlnetn at prtKiit. A0drf J. iGriffin. . Oh.yenti8.Wyo Y MJJO Oll' IUJSIXKS5 CIIAVCKS. ( Continued. ) TO GCT IN OR OUT OF RUS1SE33 GO TO J. _ J. Gllimn. 511 First Nafln'inK. ' 1-MM1 _ _ 1'OR 8ALF. OR THAW' . OOOt ) LIVERY l m ; business pro i > erou ; rnly bnrn In town. Address J. N. Austin , Cordova , ! ; ISJ , n. HAKERY AND CIGAR STORF. DOING GOOD business. J. J. Gibson , & 14 1st Nafl IJJJ'j ' * ! l SB3 18 FOH PALM , STOCK OF JIKItCHANDIStJ AND n < turCT in coullu-nMcrn Nelmukn ; br t loca tion In Inwn ; MtahtlK.ied trade of lone Maml- Ing ; 11,000 cash will Ret It. 113X KC.Omnlm. \-Slrl 11 * FOR HAM ; on UINT. A noon. new hotel In live town. Address M. Hoffman , Carroll. In. Y M3VJ 1C * POII SAI.U IIHAI. HSTATH. FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON . S12 N. Y. L. UK 9S.1-O.1C * Bi ; 1't.Ari : iiARnAtN.i.nqo , ra.'w TO O.i ) ; ne < - photos nt ICth nnd Fnrnntn , Mor o Hid ? . J. J niUon , C14 VlrM Nnt. Hank ' UOtT.SKS. LOTS , FARMS , LANDS , LOANS. ( le. 1' . Itemls Real Untnte Co. . I'nxtin M.-ck. . . . . RK-5S3 17 PUP. CT OROSS INVRSTMKNT. , IMproved - proved real estate ; rental. ICIJ.OO per yenr | price. .SOO. Aildre T . Hi : Mtl 8-ROOM 1IOURH. J2.SCO. 40-toot comer lot. S. W. cor. isth ami Iznnl. JIM p r were buy * ' 0 ncrei nno mlle * nulh of Rusor * , Rdoin IB , 1'ntlersnn , Kill. UK M1M O 1R 1IAVK SOMF. KAROATNlf MYSELF , CITY AND fnttn. Call for particulars W'mson , COI He * bl B. RIJ-D5S TWO B-rtOOM COTTAOKS. M FT. FRONT. 10 blocks north of I' , o. : chenn. 521 Bv V6th nv. HK-2S5-1I * fc-nooM roTTAon AND ixvr WKST OK HJC- pnrltlon uroumla. nearly new , for J5M ! } 1CO cnah nn > l monthly payments of JI9 on balance , llyron R. IlnMInK * . ! 12 S3. 14th St. Ri : M401 SNAPS. SO ACRES 12 MILKS N. W. . fS.SOO. t ncrcs 4 MocUs from Ilensnn motor , } W > W. 3. " > nrres ninth of Stat > fair Kroimil * . J3.SOO. 4SX1TJ ) feet , near 52il & CumliiR St. , only J90H.OO. . Corner on Fnrnam Ft. , near 40th t. . JT'Ki.oo. ' To cxchanRo 110 ncres 19 milesnorth .ot Omaha I' . O. for clear Improved prnrrtv. JOHN N. FREN/HR. Onn. P. O. RK-M 213 IlARflAINS. HOUSES. I/ITS AND FARMS ; sale or trnile : F. K. Darling , narkrr HIV RE M77B FOR SALE. ON I-ON'O TIME , AT C PBR CENT Interest , two Improved fnrnu mllolnliit ; City of Mlwiurl Vnlley , In. One if 160 ncrei : nn- ether of 210 nci"n : nil In cultivation. Will h snM on 10 yo.irs' time. Aildrejn , I < ick Drawer "C , " SlH-nnnilonh , la. HE Xt7r ! N5 FOR SALE , ONE OF Till ! FINEST RESI- ilenccs In Ilnnscnm Park. Alt modern Im- Imivompnts ; ten room * ; lot 60x180 ; fine Fhmle tie . Fronting on pnrk.VI11 ! > sold cheap nnd terms easy. Apply to John Dale. 200 .NPW York Life. ' RE-iSlOr Foil SALE , KO ACRES. ALL SMOOTH , WELL Improve' ' ! Flllmore county land. lv miles ot coed town : price $1.000 , worth J5.000. Addrem C. II. Senate , Friend , Neb. RE Mil * SPECIAL RAttOATN IN A COTTAQK AND lot on S. ICth St. A wnrklntr man cnn nfford to buy It. IInuii > nnil barn i > nd lionrlnc fruit , 2 n-c" . frnntlnc a park. ( IMO ; nnothor similar. $1.0 0. Il'itinc ' nnil full lot. Wntmit Hill , fKoml ) . $1,210 S-ron'ii house , bath and cellar , burn , full lot , 1,7.W. C-rnnm cottnifi > nbnut C mocks from Park nve. nnd lot. } SS7. F. D. Wcad , 1321 Douplns St. Innnrnnc" RE 823 9 I'.V WMIItOICKIlS. H. KMIOWITZ LOANS MONEY. 41S N. 10 ST. TY1M2-.YIUTKHS. TONS OF ENERGY WOULD HE HA.VI3D DAILY If every operator used llRht runnlns Dense- more. 1C12 Fnrnnm st. Omaha. CM COAL. ntlRLINOTN NUT , REST. CHEAPEST.PRICE $3.75 per ton. ' 1'hone SW. Harmon & Weeth Co 023 NS SIIOUTIIAXn-ANn-TYl'EWrtlTIXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 613 N. Y. LIFE. 654 AT OMAHA 1IUS. COLLEGE , ICTH & DOUGLAS. 655 OMAHA SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING ColJcRc. lioyd'B theater. SCO-O-11 * MCCARTHY'S ACADEMY , 17TH & DOUGLAS. -931 N9 LOST. LIGHT RAY HORSE , 7 YEARS ; WEIGHS nbout 1050. rnther thin and high backbone. Re ward for return to 1718 Cass St. , Omaha. Lost M1SG LOST. LADY'S GOLD WATCH. DETWEEN Douglas on 12th nnd 20th and Leavenworth. Leave nt Hee olllce nnd net rewnitl. Lost M103 11' 3IUSIC , AIIT AND'-LANOUAOl ! . PROF. CHARLES I'ETIIRSEN , INSTRUCTION In piano , violin , KUltnr , mandoline , zither , volcf. 20 years experience ns teacher ; terms reasonable. Studio S13 Slieely Block. 783-N4 MISS MINNIE LOVI. TEACHER OF PIANO , removal to 1924 Cor by St. Terms reasonable. References. 911-16 * EVENING CLASSES IN ENGLISH. MATHI matlcs , bonkkeeplm ; . M , S. McCarthy's Academy , 17th and DouRlaa Sts. 980 14 Kl'llXITUHH PACKED. M. S. WALKIN , 2111 CUMING , TCI * 1331. 657 MATTHKSS HI2.VOVATIXR WORKS. MATTRESSES. COUCHES. PARLOR FURN7- turn to order ; impaired. ICO3 Lenvenw'h ; tel. I't6 , PEATII1211 RI2XOVA'IOil WORKS. FEATHERS ROUOHT AND SOLD , MAT- tresees renovated nnd made to order. Whlto Swan. 1701 N. 21th , 'Phone 1043. MS48 PATENTS. fa'llfcs * Co" Attorney * . . > < > 1'a.ent . &L.W Omnha. Njb. Uranch office nt Washlnuton. D. C. Send for free Advice and Patent Rook. See Sunday llee for our Machine Movements , copyrighted , 1S97. .VOTICE TO CONTRACTORS , PROPOSALS FOH FKESH IIKBF AND Mutton Henclqunrters Deportment of the 1'lntto , Olllce Chief Commissary of Sub- flstenco , Omalm , Neli. , Oct. 11 , 1S37 ; Sealed proposals. In triplicate , accompanied by written Rirarantce bonds , In duplicate.will bo received at this oillre , until 11 o'clock ' u. m. , central Htandar.d time. November It , 1& > 7 , nt which time and pluco they will be opened In presence of bidders , for fur- nlatiliiB such iiiantltle.s | of frosli beef and mutton for IPHUCH , as maybe required by the Subsistence Department""U. S. army , at Omaha , Nob. , Kortu Greek , HoblnBOn and Nlobrnra , Nebraska , nnd Korts D. A. HUH- be received until 10 o'clock u. m. , mountain standard time , and opened at the posts of I-'orts Nlobrara , Itoblnson , D. A. Kumell , Watihnkle , Jleade and Camp Pilot Iluttc , by the respective post cotninltsnrles of such posts , each commissary receiving proposals for hla own post only. Proposals will also be received stutlnc the price at which thn bidder Will deliver fresh beet or mutton of tha character stated In the specifications and to be delivered of temperature not Kraiter than CO decrees , Fahrenheit , Full Informntlon furnished on application here or to commissary at any post authorized to open proposals. Government reserves rltrht to reject any or all proposal or any tiart of any proposal Knvelopea containIng - Ing proposnlw Hhould bo marked "Proposala for Fresh Beef and Mutton , " and nddrested to underpinned or Cominl.M.sary nt post au thorized to receive proposals. Frank 12 , Nye , Major and C. S. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bHa will be received at the offlco of the Grounds and IlulldlnK Department ol the Transmlsslsalpl and lutcrnatlonal exposition - . position until G o'clock p. in. , Monday , October - | tober llth , for the construction of the Flno ! ' Arts building. ! i Plans and specifications can be seen at I the ollrp ! of the superintendent , room No. ! G34 , Paxton block , or icts will be furnished contractor * at cost. F. V. KIUKENDAI.L. _ Mgr. Grd'e. & Bide. Dcpt. B 30 d to 0 11 Sealed bids will be received at tne olllco of the Grounds nnd Itulldlnp department of the Trnnsnilsslsslppl nnd Intcrnntlonnl Imposition until S o clock p in. Monday , October IS , for the construrtlon of the Auditorium ImlMlnK. Plans and fpeclllca- lions can bt seen at the olllce ot the super intendent , room No. 031 , Paxton block , or seta will bo furnished contractors At cost. F. I''KJKKKNDAl.U Mgr. Or'iAifiWd nirt'Rs Popt. O 10 to ISMftU ( Should bo rend DAILY by nil Interested , as changes may occur ntnny time. ) ForelRti malls for thoj week ending Oc tober 10. 1SIT , will clos6 ( PUOMPTljY In all cnsus ) ut the Ocnerrtl PoHtoiIlcu as follows : PARCELS 1'OST MAILS CLOSK ON'K HOtTIl I3AHM13H than closing time shown below. TrniiN-.VlIaiitlc Mulls. TUESDAY At n. m. for-.ElMtOPE , per s. w. Travo * . via Southnmpttin nnd Urcmcn ( IcttiT' * for Ireland must bo directed "per Tcavo" ) . J WUDNI53DAY At 7 ni m. ( supplementary 0 n. m. ) for EUUOPI3. per s. s. St. Louis * , via Southampton ( letters for Ireland must bo directed "par St. tous" | ) ; nt9 n. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for EUIIOPIS. per s. s , Teutonlci via Qtipcns'own ; nt 10 a. in. for H13IX1IUM direct , per s. s. Frlesland , via Antwerp ( letters must be directed "per Krleslanll" ) . THURSDAY--At 7 n. m , for EUROPE , per s , s. F. lllsmitrck * . via 1'lymoitth , Cbor- hottrc nnd HamburR ; nt 8 n. m. for NETIIEIttjANDS direct , par H. s. Amster dam , via Amsterdam ( letters must bo directed "per Amsterdam" ) . SATUHDAY-At 5:30 : a. m. for EUROPE , per a. H. Campania * , via. Queonstown ( let ters for France , Switzerland , Italy , Siviln , PortitKnl , Turkey. ICsypt nnd Hrltlsh India must bo directed "per Campania" ) ; nt 7 a. m. for FRANC 13. SWITZERLAND , ITALY. SPAIN , POHTUOAL , TURKEY , 13C1YPT nnd IHUTISII INDIA , per s. s. La HrctnKiie * , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must be directed "per Ix P.retncne" ) : nt S n. 'm. ' for NETHER LANDS direct , per s > . a. Mnnsdum. via Rotterdam ( letter * must ba directed "per Mnnmlnin" ) : at S a. m. for GENOA , per s. s. Ems ( letters mtist be * directed "per Emn" ) : at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per Ethiopia , via QlaBBOiv ( letters must be directed "per Ethiopia" ) ; at 11 n. m. for NORWAY direct , per . a. Hekla ( letters must be directed "per Hckln" ) . PRINTED MATTER , ETC. Gcrinnn Monmers 'sallhiR on TueEdaj-a take Printed Jlntter. etc. , for Osrtr.any. and Specially Addressed Printed Matter , etc. . for other pnrts ot Europe. Ameri can ntul White Star stenmer on Wednesdays , German Ftramern on Thursday * , and Cunard , Flench and Orrnian ntcamerB on Saturdays take Printed Matter , etd. , * for nil countries for which they arc advertised to carry mall. After the closing of the Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls nnnied aliene. nddlttonal supple mentary malls are opened on t'.ie piers of the American , English , French and German steam ers , and remain open until within Ten Min utes of the hour of nailing of steamer. Miillx fnr South anil Ceil ( ml Aiuorlcn , Went ImllcM , Ktc. SUNDAY-At C n. m. for PROGRESO. per > . . Moxi.u ( letters for other partrt of Mexico must be directed "per Mexico" ) . MONDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplementary 11 n. m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per s. s. AlILfiicu , via Colon ( let ters must be directed. I'P-L'r A'.llanca" ) : at " 3 p. m. for HELIJCB. PUERTO CORTE7. and GUATEMALA , per steamer from Now Orleans. * < TUI5SDAY At 2 p. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per si. s. Mlrnmar ; at * * 3 p. in. for COSTA .RICA , per steamer from New Orleans. 1 > . > WEDNESDAY At 2CO : a. m. for PORT ANTONIO , per mm/iMrom Phlla-le'pliln ; ut 1 p. m' . for CUU4V ! ] > lir s. s. Yucatan , via Havana ; .it 0 p. m. for PORT AN TONIO , per steamer { rom Hoston. THURSDAY At 11 a > irf. ( supplementary llX ; > n. in. ) for VENEZUELA and CURACAO , " per s. < Venezuela ( letters for Colombia.via Curnctio , must be di rected "per Venezuela" ) ; at 120 : : ! p. m. ( supplement.iry 1 pm. . ) for ST. THOMAS , ST CR01X , LE10WARD nnd WIND WARD ISLANDS , per s. s. Fontabelle. FRIDAY At 2:30 : , a. rAMfc NEWFOUND LAND , per H s. As.iyrFari from.'PWladel- phla ; at 1 P. . m. for NORTH TiRAZIU , - ? - ? . - HortitlorVlo : Pitra" Maranhnin'nTnd Ceara ; nt 2 p. m. for PORTO RICO di rect , per s. s.t Arltrtdla ; . nt 3 p. in. for NEWFOUNDLAND and ' ST. ' 1'IERRE- MIQUELON , per s. s Olivette , from lios- ton. SATURDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplementary lO' O a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA and GIIEY- TOWN , per a. s. Altai ( letters for Costa HIca must bo directed "per Altai" ) ; "at 10 a. m. ( sunplementary 10i30 a. in ) for HAITI , via Port ati Prince , Petit Go.ive and Jeremie ' , alco CARTHAGENA. per s. ' 9. Alps'at ; 10SO : a , mj.-i'or CAMI'ECHE , CHIAPAS. TAHASCO and YUCATAN , per o. s. Concho ( letters for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be directed "per Concho" ) ; nt 8:30 : p , m. for ST. PIHRRE-MIQUELON , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , and thence by steamer , close at this olllce dally at S:30 p. m. Malls for Mlquclon , by rail to 1)03- ton and thence by steamer , close at this office , dilly nt 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuba clone nt this olllce dally at 7:00 n. in. , for forwarding by nteamcrs sailing ( Mondays nnd Thursdays ) from Port Tampa , Fla. Letter malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for dis patch by steamer , close at this otllco dally at 12 in. ; paper malls at n a.'m. HeRlstereJ mall closes at 6:00 : p. m. previous day. TriuiH-Pnc-lflu Mull * . Mails for China andi Japan , per s. s. Vic toria ( from T.icoma ) , close iiere dally up to October " 10. nt fi:30 : p. m. Mails for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Zwilaml , Hawaii und 'FIJI Islands , per H. B. Mlowera ( from Vancouver ) , close Jiere dally after October * 'S and tin to October 11 , at 0SO : p. m. Malls for China , Japan nnd Hawaii , per o. a. China ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up' to Oc tober 1 ! > , at 0:20 : p. m. Malls for the So ciety Islands , per Khlp City of Pnpeltl ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to October 25 , at 0:30 : p. in. Malls for Hawaii , per H. a. Australia ( from San Francisco ) , closa hern dally up to October 27 , nt 0:30 : p. m. Mrills for China and Japan ( specially < iddrc. > d only ) , per H. a Empress of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally up t November * * 1 , at 0:30 : p m. Malls for Australia ( except thoH.j for West Australia ) , which nro forwarded via Europe , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Samoan Islands , per s. s. Alnmeda ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to November a , nt 7:30 : a. m. , 11 a. m. and C:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival nt New York of 8. n. Campania with British malls for Australia ) , Trans-PacIno malls are forwarded to port of xnllltu ; dally mid the schedule of closing U nrrnnsed on the presumption of their unin terrupted overland transit , "Registered mall closes at 6W : p. m. previous day. I'ostofllce , Now Yorlt , * N. Y. , October 8 , JbJ7CORNELIUS VANCOTT. Postmaster. liUllLINRTOn A MISSOURI lllvi-r Rallrond-"The Hurling- Burlington ton RoifurP- General Olllce , N , W. Corner Tenth and Fnrnam Olllce , 1503 Farnanr Street. Telephone 250. Depot. nT nll > nnd Mason Strcets.U iTMephone , 128. Leave. Arrive. tiuu , vj tun , uiiiornia Hlaek IIIIU , .Montana 0 iJSiin fic.r.1 : ? : : .feggs .tjigss j'i."cDoauyra.8.t vi ' - r " " ; ' * ss CHICACiq , .HURLINOTON & Burlington ( Julncy Rnllroad-41Tlio Hurl. Inuton Route" Ticket Olllce , 1503 Farnui ? ' treet. Telephone ZW. Depot. Tenth and Mason Htre ts TOPphane , 128 , Jove. Arrive. 7:55 : am 4:14 : pm 7-5 : um 6:10 : pm " 2W : pm Dally , * * "Dally except 3umJ y. KANSAS OITT. ST. JOSEPH & Council muffs Rullroad- "The nurllngton lloute" Ticket Office , 1602 Farnain Street , Tokphone 250. Depot , Tenth and Maion Streets , T l > ephon , m.Leave Leave , Arr've ' , Kansas City Day Kr. . . . 9:03 : nm ' 8:10 : pm Kansas City Nlj.-ht Ex. . * 10:00 : pin :30 : am CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST Paul Railway City Tlrktt Olllce. 1104 Farnam Street , Telephone , JS4. Depot. Tenth and Maton Slrr ti. Telephone , IcS * , Leave. ArHvc. Ol Icugo Limited Ex. . . . S:45 : pm * :05 : am Omaha and Chicago Ex. . * 11:00 : urn 1:50 : pm Dally WAI1ASII ItAIUtOAU-TICKPT OFFICE. 1115 Fainiim Street Telephone , 82i. I'IKII. ' Tenih and Mason Streets. Teleph'inf. US. Lsuve , Arrive. 8t I oul "Cannan Hall" EiWew , . * < :50pm : U'W m FACTS ABOUT THE COUNliL , Some Information Concerning the Agricultural Situation in Nebraska. PROSPECTS FOH NEXr YEAR'S ' CROPS IMnnn or Mie Knriurr * fiir Work Alicnil Miiflt of Hit * Olil Crop * Still Ill-Ill NlMV Sl'ttllTH CdlillliK. Much of the Informallan gathered by The Heo In Its effort to secure data for the crop revlaw published last week could not bo tabulated. It has been synopslzed and Is here presented In tlio lirlsfest pos sible form. The notes concerning the counties mentioned 'below ' will bo found ot great value by all who 'are Interested In Nebraska. ADAMS COUNTY. A syrup manurastory is'running night and day , making syruy from sorghum cane. There will bo a large Increase In the acre- a7o of winter wheat ; nboui onc-thlnl of 'ho cultivated land will bo aown to wheat. The winter wheat IP now oil up , and the earliest sown covers the ground. There has not been any great Increase In settlers yet. hue many ate looking over the county with the prospect of buying , and a considerable num ber have purchased land nnd will move In later In the fall or In the spring. Imiulriea for land come from Ohio. Pennsylvania , In- dlnpa , Illinois and Iowa. About half of last year's wheat , halt of the corn and halt ot the cots are still In the county. ANTI3UHM2 COUNTY. If prices continue good there will be nn Increase In the acreage of spring wheat. Very little winter wheat l ralecd In this county. The acreage this year Is much greater than last. Many who left this sec tion during the period of depression are com ing back. About one-tenth of laet year s wheat , one-fourth of the corn and the same of cats are still held In the county. 1IOONE COUNTY. There will probably bo about 3,000 acres or winter wheat sown this fall. A number of new settlers are coming In and the coun try Is prosperous. About 30 per cent of the ln t corn crio and 5 per cent of the oats are still held here. BUFFALO COUNTY. There will probably be from 20,000 to 30,000 acres sown to winter wheat and rye this fall. About 500,000 bushels of last year'd corn Is still In the county. There will be some now settlers come Into the county this fall. I3UUT COUNTY. Of last year's crop there t > tlll remains In the county 50.000 bushels of wheat , SOO.OOO of corn and 200.000 of cat * . No definite data concerning the fruit crcp , but this Is ono of the best fruit counties In the state , nnd the yield has been abundant this year. I1UTLEU COUNTY. There will be nn Increased acreage of winter wheat and the area sown will prob ably be about 15,000 acres. There still re mains In the county of last year's crop about 1,000 bushels of wheat , 120,000 of corn and 30,000 ot oats. There has been no great Increase lu population during the year. CEDAR COUNTY. There will bo an Increase In the winter IIAII.HOADS. FUKMONT. ISUCHORN < t Missouri Valley Railway Gen eral Olllces , United States Na. tlonal Hank HutUlng , South' west Corner Twelfth nnd Fnr- nam Streets. Ticket Olllce , 1401 Fnrnnm Street. Telephone. Ml. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone. 145S. Leave. Arrive. Illaelc Hills. Deadwood ard Hot Springs 3:00 : pm C:00 : pm Wyoming : , C-asper nnd Douglas 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm HntUnes , York. David City , Superior Geneva , Exeter and Scward. . . . 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Norfolk , West 1'olnt nnd 7W nm "lOtfj am Fremont * 3:00 : pm 5:00 pm Lincoln , Wahoo nnd 7:50 : am * * 10:3 nm Fremont * 3:00 : pra 8:00 : am Fremont Local " 7:60 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. ' "Sunday only. " Dally except Saturday. Dally except Mondiy t SIOUX CITT& PACIFIC HAIL , road General Olllcts , United States National Hank Dulld- Ing , S. W. Corner Twelfth ami Farnam Streets. Tlclut Olllce , 1401 Furnam Street. Telephone , 661. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 11SS. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mnnkato , St Paul , Minneapolis CI5 : pm 9l : am Dally. CHICAGO & NOKTHWEST- rn Hallway City Ticket Olllce. HOI Farnam Street. Telephone , &C1. Depot , Tenth and Mason Street. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. Missouri Valley , Sioux City. St. Paul and Minneapolis & :40 : am * 10:45 : pm Missouri Valley. Sioux City 7:30 : nm 9:05 : pm Denlson , Carroll , Wall Lake 7:30 : am 9:03 : pm Eastern Express. Des Molnes. Murahalltown. Cedar Haplds Chicago " 10:45 : am 4:10 pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and East 4:43 : pra 4:10 : pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omaha 3:11) : ) pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City. St. Paul. Minne apolis Limited Bits pm 9:25 : nm Omaha-Chicago Special. . 0:30 : pm Klo : am Dailv. Daily except Sunday. CHICAGO. HT. PAUL , MINNE. apolls & Omaha Ttnllway General olllccs. Nebraska Dl- vlsclon. Fifteenth nnd Webster etreetn. City Ticket ofllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone E61. Depot , Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. Tele , phone , nS. _ , Leave , Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. 8t : ) am 8:23 : pm Sioux City Accommoda. 9:5 : } am 8:25 : pin BUIr , Emerfon. Sioux City , Ponca , Hurting- ton and innon-llelu. . . . 1:00 : pm "llK : am SIcux city. Slfinkato , St. Paul. Minneapolis 6:15 : pm SilO'am Dally. Dally except Sunday , Sunday only. UNION i'Acrc-"THK : OVER. land Houto" General ofllces. N. E. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. city Ticket Olllce. IMS Farnam Street. Telephone , 316. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 128.Leave Leave Arrive , "The Overland Limited" for Denver , Salt Lake. Pacific coast , nnd all western points 8:20 : am 4:45 : pm Fast Moll train for Denver , Ealt l > 3kc. Puclllo cost nnd nil western points 4:05 : pm IO:20 : am Lincoln , Hentrlco and StronuburB Kxprfss. . . 4:05 : pra 3CO : pm Grand Island Exprees. . . 5:31 : pm 3DO : pm Dally. Dally except Sunday. Council Hluffj I .oral Leaves , 6:40 : a , m. i CSO : a n ; 7:30 : a , m.i 8:25 : n. in. ; 10:41 : a. in. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:30 : p. rn.j 6:55 : p , m. Arrives , 0:20 : a , m. : 7:20 : n. m. ; 8 a. m.:9:25 : : n. m. ; 11:30 : a. in , ; 3:10 : p. in. : 6:40 : p. m , ; 9:05 : p. m. : 10:45 : n. m. OMAHA , KAKnnS CITY & EASTERN RAIL. road-Omaha & St. Louis Rallroad-"The O. K Itouto' Ticket Ofllce , H15 Farnam Street Patton.bure. Klrksvllle. " ' "Daily " , 4:30 : pra 11DO : am CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & Paclrio Railroad "Tho Great Ilnck Inland Route" city T'cket OHIc" , 1523 Fnrnam Street , Telephone , 428. Depot , Tenth nn. . I Mason Ktreetn. Telephone , 128. . Leave. Arrive. Chlcniru and Bt Paul Ventlbulvd Express . . . 4M : pm 1:45 : pm Uncoln , Colorado Hpg , Pueblo , Denver nnd _ . . . . . . . . . lI5pm : 4:05 : pm Chicago. Des Mjlnes and . "ock _ Island . 70 ; pra 8:15 : air Atlantic Eiprcim. for Des Molms nnd east ern paint . 7:00 : am E 35 pm Lincoln , Falrtmry and Hi'Uevllle . B:4 : Dm " 10:40 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday ! MISSOURI PACIFIC' RAILItOAII General OITIces nnd Ticket Oltice , Merchant ! National IJaik nulldlriK , 1221 Farnom Street. Telephone. 104. Depot- Fifteenth and Wtbiler Str eii Telcphom , 1138. Leave. Arrive. Kansas Pity , St. Lou't and fouiifern i 'lntB. ' . . 3' pra 'IJiJS pm Kantas city lixpren * . , 9:30 : pm C:20 : am Ft r'niolc & Union Ll. . 900 ; pm 7:00 : am Dully A and none ot tht > . the corn Is still ownua hands of the growers or de . been som now settlers come Into t this tall. ' CHASK COUNTY. rj ( Stock raising Is the principal Industry 1. , this county. There has been a larger 1m- , jnlKTAtlon to the county In ISO" than tor sovorrtl years , and there are many moro com-1 Ing In and looking over the county with .1 purpose of vwchaslng. CI1KIWY COUNTY. Stock raising Is the ( irlnclpM Industry , and It Is now on the boom. The crop of calves , last spring was unusually large , nnd they' are being readily disposed ot by those who wish to sell , bringing good prices. The county h.i * thousands ot tons ot surplus hay , and rnnchmcn are anxious to get cnttlo to winter. CLAY COUNTY. Among the Industries ot the county aside from farming , which nro conducted on nn extensive scale , nro the milling , canning and creameries Chickens nlso vlnlm a large amount of attention , and bring Into the county annually n largo.amount of money. About 26 per cent of the 1S97 wheat , 75 per cent ot the 1SOC nnd 30 per cent of the lS9r corn still remains In the county. The towns are fill ing up , and there Is a brisk demand tor farm land. Diislnres generally Is active nnd col lections have been good slno the grain has been thrashed. COLFAX COUNTY. Colfnx county hns two ot the largest flourIng - Ing mills In the state , one located nt Schny- ler and ono nt Howells. . There Is In course of construction a chicory factory , with a capacity of ten tons ( > er day , which will bo ready to handle this year's crop. There nro ctvnmfTlcs at Schuylcr , llowells nnd Honors. There will be an Increase In wheat n orcugo which will amount to about 7,000 acres for next year. CUM1NO COUNTY. One of the most ejctcnslvo creameries In the stale Is located nt West Point , nnd there Is also ono at Bancroft. There are four Inrge grist mills In the county nnd all of the wheat In 'this section Is ground here. There Is also a large brick-making plant atVest Point. Is practically none of the ISOrt crop of wheat In the county , hut there yet remains about 100.000 bushels of old corn and lo.OOO bushelw of oats. There has been no In flux ot settlers to 'the county. CtlSTKIl COUNTY. A small portion of the last year's crop Is still held here. No winter wheat Is raised , but should prices remain good there will be a larger acreage ot spring wheat. A number who formerly lived.In . the county have returnoJ. DIXON COUNTY. Thcro Is practically no old whont In the county , but about one-third of the 1SOG corn crop Is still held here. DODGE COUNTY. Thcro will be an Increase of between 10 and 15 per cent In 'the ' amount of winter wheat sown. There Is none of the old crop here , but about one-third of the 1890 corn Is still In the county. There have been a con siderable number ot new settlers moved Into the northern part of the county. The raising of hemp Is one of the principal Industries. FILL-MORU COUNTY. The poultry sales of this county amount to fully $10.000 per year 'and the eggs bring In fully $14,000 moro. About 30.000 ncres of winter wheat will bo sown this fall. There Is still n small portion of the 1S90 crop In the county. KUANKL1N COUNTY. Thcro Is a broom factory In the county with a capacity of twenty-five dozen per day which works up the home-grown broomcorn. There arc also two creameries and two mills. There will bo an Increase ot about 10 per cent In the wheat acreage. Thirty per cent of last year's wheat , CO per cent of the corn and 20 pep cent ot the cats are still In the county. There has been a considerable Increase In. the population of the county and plow land Is lu brisk demand. GAGB COUNTY. A factory using the product of about 2,000 acres of sorghum cano baa been put In opera tion in Beatrice this fall. There will boa _ very large Increase In 'the ' wheat acreage this year , probably 25 per cent. The prlco of farm lands has Increased 20 per cent and there Is a largo Inquiry from' eastern farm ers and many who leh Nebraska during the years of depression are returning to stay. About 25 per cent of the ISflC wheat , 40 per cent of 'tho ' corn , and * GO per cent of the oats are still hold In the county. GHEELEY COUNTY. There will be an Increase In the amount or wheat sown. The acreage for next year will probably be about 3,000. Ten per cent of the old wheat , 30 per cent of the corn and 15 per cent of the oats are still In the county. There have some new settlers come within the last few weeks. HALT , COUNTY. Three new sheep feeding ranches have been established hero this year. There will be a material Increase In the acreage of winter wheat sown , probably 0,000 acrea of wheat and 8,000 of rye. Very little old wheat Is on hand but there still remains about one- third of the corn and one-eighth of the 1896 oat crop. There are a few new settlers coming In. HAMILTON COUNTY. There will bo a heavy Increase In fall wheat nnd rye and the acreage of wheat will probably amount to 32,000 and of rye 10,000 acres. The corn crop Is about the same as last year. There are some new settlers coining tote tha county. HAHLAN COUNTY. There will bo a material Increase in the amount of fall wheat sown. The total for thla fall will probably ho about 05,000 acres. No old wheat In the county , but about 25 per cent of the last crop of corn and 10 pe.1 cent of the oats. Not , many settlers are com ing in , but many who formerly rented are purchasing land. HOWARD COUNTY. There will bo an Increase of from 20 to 25 per cent In the acreage of ifall wheat and rye. Very little old corn remains in the county nnd the same IB true of oats , but about one-third of the 183G crop of corn Htlll remains. There are many new settlers com ing In and considerable land Is changing hands. I JEKPEHSON COUNTY. The Fnlrbury creamery handles the milk of 2.000 cown and pays out $8,000 per month to the fanners. The wheat acreage will al most bo doubled , the acreage for this fall being about 30,000 , Not much old wheat In the county nnd nbout 20 per cent 'of the 18DG corn crop. Not many now settlers coming In. JOHNSON COUNTY. ' There Is a big demand for calves nnd many cnttlo are being shipped In to consume - . sumo the corn crop , There will bo an In crease of about 20 per cent In the amount of land sown to wheat. About 25 per cent of the 1890 ( wheat , 40 per cent of the coru and very little of the oats still remain In I the county. There is very little Increase lu j , the population ot the county , as It Is at- 1 ready pretty well settled. KEARNEY COUNTY. Thcro will bo about a 20 per cent Increase In the fall wheat acreage. Thcro Is etlll hold In the county about 12,500 bushels of the 1890 crop of wheat , 1,800,000 bushels of corn and practically none of the oats , LANCASTER COUNTY. Thcro will bo about 10,000 ncros of fall wheat sown In the county this fall , against 3,700 last year. There la very little cdd wheat In the county , but about 25 per cent of the 189G corn crop still remains. MADISON COUNTY. The sugar beet Is ono of the principal crops of the county. Of the 189G crop them rtlll remains In the county about 5,000 bushels of wheat , f > 0,000 bushels of corn and 100,000 bushels of oats , There has been a considera ble Influx of new settlers Into the county this fall and prices of real citato are looking up. J1BRRICK COUNTY. There will bo a material Increase In the acreage of winter wheat and rye In thla county this fall , There is very little old wheat left in the county , but about 50 pur cent of the corn crop of 189G still remains. There has been considerable real estate changing hands this fall and summer , and there are many prospective purcliaiers lookIng - Ing around. NANCE COUNTY. There will bo about 15,000 acres of fall wheat sown this fall , as against 10,000 last year. There Is still about 275,000 bunbela of old corn in the county and 100.000 uutbela of oats. Immigrants are beginning to come la . 3Plr GENTS. . whont. corn ami ou proilncts lust yenr. 'l count ) ' of the 1SO ( ! crop . _ wheat , SO per cent of the i cent of the oats. This counry is y soltloil nnd offers no Inilucemunt to tlioso who wish to buy cheap farm Inn.l. I'IKHC'B COUNTY. There nrn three mills In the county which use up prnrtlcally nu ot tjj0 , vicftt , Krown In UiLi section. There arc nlso two broom factories which work \ip the pro.luct of about 200 acres of liroomcnrn. Them nro three creamerh-a In the cntitity. Thcro will bo about 2,500 acres of winter wheat sown this fall , though moat ot the wheat raises ! In thU section Is spring There has been A considerable Influx of new settlers Into tha county. I'hATTK COUNTY. In addition to the standard crops there nr about SOO awrca of hemp .ind .ibjut thirty acres of celery Mlsod. TUicre will be nn Increased acreaRo of winter wheat , TOero l8.ilJarB ° PcrccntaRo of last year's corn still held In the county , but It Is ImpossllilB to got accurate ( Inures. I'OLIC COUNTY. There will bo a material Incraso lu th amount of wheat oown. The flcrMRe this fall will probably amount to 1B.OOO acres. About ono.thlrd of the last year's crop re mains unsold , but practically all of th wheat and oats have been disposed of. HOCK COUNTY. The cattle Industry monopolizes most oj the attention In this county and from now on tt will continue to be .1 still moro prom- Incut , feature of. the Industry of ! , ho ountr. There has been a considerable Increase In Uio population of the county this season. SAUNI3 COUNTY. Them will bo an Incrnse of r 0 per cent In the wheat acreage as compared with last year , when It wna fin.OOO acres. Very llttlo of the 1S86 crop Is still hold here , hut about < nc-thlrd of the corn Is still owned In tha county. Thcro la an Increased demand fop land by renters. SAUNDEKS COUNTY. The acreage of wheat will bo doubled this the nn/ / , " 1U 18 ° ? , rrOP tlU'r ° | S Stl1' ' " " ' 'I 1 county one-third of the wheat , one-half of the corn and one-third of the oats. SCOTTS IILUKP COUNTY. , , nTl"Vlifalflcrop ? ls ono of tl10 > o t Im. portant n this county nnd this year It Is estimated to bo worth $25,000 , and the yield has been somewhat below the normal. Cattle - tlo raising la the principal Industry of the county. Thcro has been n large Immigration In this county during the pass season. STAN'TON COUNTY. There. Is no winter wheat raised lu thl county , but there will be a small Incrcnso ° VCrenf ° ° f rye < About 20 ur ccllt ° ' h. the liUC wheat crop Is still held In this county , nnd , CiO per cent of the corn. THAYBIl COUNTY. Thcro will bo very Hltle change In the amount of wheat sown Mils ! year , as com pared WIUl , t Thcro , s „ ; ISilf crop still licld here. There have been number of families located In the county this fall and a still larger number of pron- pectlvo aettlcra have vlslte.I . the county and ° Ty ' 'V1'03"011 ' tllat "la"y of them win settle here between now and spring WASHINGTON COUNTY. The prospects are that there will he nn Increase , ! ncreago of wheat In the county lo.h w nter and spring. None of the 1833 A neat Is liold here , but about 30 per cent of the corn Is stll ) owned In the county. WAYN12 COUNTY. 'li ' be a.s)1Ehtly ) lnoroaso.1 . acreage None ot the 189G crop is held but 1"1"1 , 'S ' SU" llr''CTllC " has been slight. " \V13nSTRH COUNTY. acrcaso of wl ' - " 'heat will bo about . as compared with 12.210 this year Old crop all disposed of. hut two-thirds of alfTt3 ! " " 'I ' "eld ' " " 10 ° unty amftnS ! ready Lae ! " 0 ° 0d far"13 are fln < " * WHBELEn COUNTY. Most of the county is . USOd for ] la " Smnnn ? P"trPOSCS aml "loro " a' h am"5 get possession of good hay and pas uro land which has be.n .ome"k ot f l ? ° lllarl-ot (1llrI"K the yea" , when the ) stock business was unprofitable YOU1C COUNTY. ! ! bo n" Jncrease of 30 . In Uho , , .per cent fall wheat acreage. A number Sf B"3 ' " ° ' ? cntcd ' " the HOW TO 1MSST. hardly enough to restore the waJed vnnllty ° rsOU ta dc cn * . or recovering from , an Illness , an extra nap should bo takch will Sna MrTn' good I'Itan ' In " " " sleep then the world , nnd 'If ono has had at all n eleepless night vll freshen him tip for the evening To a person who uses the brain a 'good deal , a light novel or nn amusing book ot travels or social c says will be found to bo ° 'il > 0 very grcatcot value as a rest tonic. v\hero nnc is fond of children , nn hour spent In the nursery will bo most resting nnd send one back to work with nil the cobweba brushed nwny. The wisest nnd most sensible plan , and tha most reeling. Is to do no hard writing , or reading , or thinking after your late dinner , but devote your evening to amusement nnd rest. If you want to read , read a novel , the lighter the hotter , but don't Indulge ) In study or heavy hooks after 8 o'clock at night. It Is far bettor to get up at 0 und study be fore breakfast than to alt up late reading and thinking , To Insure a goal sound sleep , the brain must not bo too much exorcised just bcforo going to bed. I'eoplo pore over business pa pers , or wrlto letterw. or read exciting boolo ; , and then wonder very much that they llo nwako restlessly tosslug for an hour , or even longer , before they can fall asleep , When ( deeping In the afternoon n hum mock IH the best thing to use to rest In. It is fnr less Gxhatmtlng than n sofa , or bed , and the awakening Is fnr more refreshing. In warm weather thin aftortmon nap , can ho taken out of doorn , provided that you sleep In the shade nnd that the head Is wnll protected , Great cnro must bo taken nevnr to wako anyone , especially a child , by a' sudden , violent noise , nn In this case mnnt of the value of the sleep and rest Ifi en tirely done away with. It might also ho remembered that to 110- glcct the digestion Is n certain way to rob ono of getting any proper roet. You cannnt have complete repose of mind and bod'/ when your digestion Is out of order , and when you have eaten food that disagree * you feel too painfully Impressed by th fact lo ho able to take your rest with any utnoitnt of comfort. Mino.V ill MKiirliino , Mine , Carlotta Welter , the celebrated Aus trian Blngcr who died recently at Vienna , has left personalty amounting to over 1,000,000 florins , about $500.000. As the deceased was never married and had no children her for tune goes to her brother Ilorr Oerhardt Wolter. who has hitherto had to keep body and Houl together on hln miserable wage * na a Journeyman tailor at Crefold , In Gcrmtny ,