EDITORIAL SHEET. THE OMAHA UNDAY BEE PAGES 9 TO 16. .ESTABLISHED JUN.E 10 , 1871. CXMAILA , SUNDAY MORNING , OCT0.UH11 10 , 1S5 > 7 TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPYr .1 1 VI' ' ] O ID NTS OF THE DRY GOODS CO. , formerly I. Brown & Co , wholesale dealers in Dry Goods , Clothin * and Carpets on Bankrupt Sale at the Big Store. . The transfer of this gigantic new stock sold at auction by the mortgagees is one of the biggest Dry Goods .deals ever accomplished by an Omaha firm bought under the hammer for spot cash at away below its original wholesale cost these goods will be handed over to our customers at an immense saving. Comfort giving wanted goods at purse pleasing prices. THIS GRAND BANKRUPT SALE I ; ENTIRELY NEW SEASONABLE stylish , perfect goods bought for this Fall and Winter's trade. The grandest bargains ever put on sale. Agents for the Butterick patterns , COLORED + 0 + CO4O4O4O + O4O4KJ + OO4O * IWo have Just purchased CCS pclces of plain Lot 3 Is composed of 10-Inch all wool chev nd fancy weaves of wool winter dress goods iots , small broken checks In all shades of nt from 30 to CO per cent less than any of mixtures ; English curia In all shades and our former purchases and will place them on brocaded changeable eficcts. TheiO coeds are ealo Monday moinlng to sell at 25o for lot 1 ; of the latest designs and colors and are ono 29o for lot 2 ; 39o for lot 3' and 49c for lot of the few novelties which glvo good service 4. This Is Just about one-half of all former and style at the same time and are worth retail prices. 75c per jard ; our new price only 39c per yard. , ' i Xiot 1 Is composed of checks , plaids and all wool mixtures In dark and medium shades Lot1 embraces over 133 different 'styles for this season's wear , and are worth -I9c and shades , all of this season's productions per yard ; our new price only 25e per yard. to select from ; no two alike ; made In the Lot 2 Is composed of checks and fancy same stjles and colcis as the $2.00 and $2.50 mixture weaves with an overshot weave and qualities. The most stylish and up-to-date a raised mohair figure ; ono of the late nov novelties for this heaton's wear , every yard elties , and very stylish ; woith 59c per yard ; guaranteed , worth 9Sc per yard ; our-new our new price only 29c per yard. i , price only 49c per yard. , , , ; . Headquarters for Plain and Fancy Weaves I T1 B DRESS GOODS. COMD AND EXAMINE Ol'R BLACK Wo will glvo you a 40-Inch all wool coatIng - GOODS DEPARTMENT AND WC WILL Ing serge and storm serge , dust proof , extra CONVINCE YOU THAT WE CARRY MORE heavy and very serviceable , worth 9Sc per BLACK GOODS IN PINE AND MEDIUM yard our new price only GOc per yard. OKADES THAN ANY FOUR STOHCS IN .THE GREAT STATE OF NEBRASKA. AH open mall orders promptly filled nnd money rcfuuded In all cases where goods iWo will give you an all-wool French Serge , are not perfectly satisfactory. extra fine , full 46 Inches wide , worth 69c per yard , for 39o per yard. We will give you an English brocade and i\Vo will glvo you .a.SC-Iu'Cb all wool la small figured wool goods , mohair finish , very dles' cloth In black and color. ) , for 25c , worth firm , worth.B9c . per yard , for 39c per yard , & 9o. cloth finish. full 39 Inches wide. Prints , Ginghams , Sateens. Etc. Now line of the neatest , nobbiest double- 160 pieces of art nateen , all drapery styles , fold drebs goods , equal In style to some of for quilt covers and fancy cushions , 15c 4no highest priced wool goods , on wlo Mon yard. day morning at ICc yard , Handsomest lot of new 3C-Inch extra flno 100 new patterns added to our finely tte- percales , colors guaranteed , 12',4c yard. looted Block of heavy fleeced wrapper goods Good fubt color apron gingham , S' ' c yard. AtlOc yard. Drocado sjtccn , very fine , designs copied Dark comfort calicos , all K ° ° < 1. f st colors , from fancy black gros grain silk , and satins , SUc and Co yard. our price , 19e yard. Extra heavy twilled romfort calicos , fast Good fast black sateen , special pries Mon colors and eplrudld designs , C'/jC jiuJ , day , Co yard. , Men's Hats , r The ' following prices explain why this Jo- We make a specialty of a $1.50 hat , any i' ' pS'rtuieut U such a favorite : btyle or color ; hitters actually ask $3.00. , Men's black soft fur , silk finished fedora Cr railroad shape , worth $1.00 , at COc , I The largest stock , A full fur felt stiff hat or coft hat for $1.00 , Our motto : I The best qualities , worth double the money. [ The lowest prices. Drug Prices. Plnkham'B compound at 70c. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil at CCc. 1'alno's Celery Compound at COc. Syrup of Figs at 32c. rrlcc'8 Favorite Prescription at 6Sc , Castorla at 22c. Pierre's Medical Discovery at CSc. Williams' Pink P.llls at 34c. NVirnvr'8 Kidney and Lhcr Cure at EOc. Hobb'a Asparagus Pills at 34c. Kennedy's' Medical Dltcovery at $1.15. Garfleld Tea at ISc. 1Wyeth'a Deef , Iron & Wluo at 75c. Carter's Little Liver Pills at 12 c. YOUR CHANCE To buy men's , boys' and children's at less than wholesale cost. 675 men's all wool black IS-oz. clay wors ted , fine all , cassimere and cheviots , Suits made and trimmed equal to custom made suits.Reg- ular $10 garments. Sals price only $4.50. Suits in all sizes from 34 to 52. Also stouts and slims. Men's fine $12,50 suits at $7.50. , . , Men's very fine suits , regular $18 values at $10.00 Men's Washino'ton Beaver overcoats , in i3 ' brown , blue and black , $8.50 is a'very ' low price. Sale price $4.50 , Men's , fine kersey overcoits , in Blue , brown and black , $12 values anywhere , Sale price ' $7.50 _ ' _ : Youth's and boys' long pant suits at $2.75 , $3.95 , $5.00 and $7.50. . Worth double , Boys9 knee pant suits , in D. B. 2-piece styles Juniors and Reefers at 95c , $1.95 , $2.95 and $3.75. All $2 to $7.50 values. Monday's Big Proof that now is the time to buy. Immense purchase of costly silks now ar riving. Quantities cr line Silks In Odd Lots which must posltlvol > ba disposed of Plain China Silk In almcst every shade Including lioth cream and blacl : at 25c Changeable Silk , strong and heavy made to wear , all the new shades of reds and greens 25c Brocaded Changeable Silks new styles , combinations , red and blaok , brown and black , green , aud black , red and green , pink and green 39c Satin Serge very lustrous and most beau tiful for linings , trimming or waists only Plain Taffetas new line Just received in scarlet , cardinal , icseda , pale blue , pink and white 39c Novelty Silks In handbome effects , big line to select from , elegant silks for only 59c Fancy SIllM In both light nnd dark com binations , beautiful styles , exquisite designs , In rich quality , special special75c BLACK SILKS Dlack Brocade In small neat designs , never before such value In Omaha at 39c Plain Gros Grain splendid qualllty pure silk 50c Plain niack Satin Duchesse 20 Inches \ \ Ide , 75c Just received the most complete line of Black Duchcsse Satins and Black Peau do Solo to be found anywhere to Introduce we offer to special numbers , which we posi tively know cannot be duplicated. Plain Dlack Peau de Sol Dress Silk , 22 Inches wide , absolutely the beat In America for the money $1.00 Plain niack Duchesse Satin full 27 Inches wide , all silk and a most handsome finish and guaranteed aa good as money can buy only $1.00 All Mall Orders cent Immediately will bo filled money refunded If not satisfactory. Carpets Ingrain Carpets from the bankrupt stock : wholesale price Sic , on sale at 2oc Heavy Union Ingrains wholesale price 4-C. en sale at 35c Best All-Wool Carpsts , wholesale price 55c. on sale at 49c OIL CLOTH Per square yard 12'X.c ' A GOOD LACE CURTAIN'at per pair. . 35c Special values at C5e to 7Cc. $3.00 Tapestry Curtains At yor Iair J1.9S $5.00 Rope Portieres At $3.50 j Upholsteiurs' Goods , Corduroys and Vel ours , uorth $1.00 , at 65c CURTAIN NETS-Hy the yard lOc Millinery Tasty , chic and becoming headwear In the very newest fashions at Haydens well known prices. Our display of Parisian pattern hats Is un equalled. Hundreds of fancy hats from the leading artists of the cast are here. Countless dainty creations from our oww workrooms. Every thing that Is new and stylish Is here. "The style is in tbo millinery not In the prices. " Jackets nnd Capes Thfso special prices will save you -10 per cent. All wool Jackets In Kersey or Iloucle , lat- rst style , half silk lined , worth $10.00 , for $1.DS. A very flno assortment of friezes , natrach- juu bouctcs and kciseys , man-tailored and Mlk lined , at $ G.9S. The finest Imported Kersey , Caterpillar and covert cloths , elaborately trimmed with braid , at $10.00. 200 plubh capes trimmed with braid , jet and Thibet round collar and down front , lined with changeable silk , at ? 4.9S. Ladles' plain plush rapes , 30-ln. long , lined with heavy black silk , at $7.40. Ladles' Kersey capes , double empire pleats , trimmed with braid of same material ; high velvet collar , $3 7B. Ladles' Astrakhan fur cipes , 32-ln. long , lined with heavy satin , full .sweep . nt $9.98. Dress Skirts HERE IS A SEPC1AL IUIIGAIN : Ladles' pure silk skirts , brocaded pattern , full 4'/j yards wide , properly lined and alllT- ened , velvet bound , nt Icca itlian the Milk alone would cost , $1.48. Ladles' Dress Skirls made of figured mo hair , thoroughly well made , substantially lined and bound at $1.7B. Klcctrlu seal collarettes , 100 Inch sweep 1 Igh storm collar nnd fancy lining , at ? 1.9S. Ladles' collarettes In Persian lamb. Imita tion marten and electric Fcal. with high roll collar , long tails , fancy silk llulng , at $ C.9S. Our entire wrapper stock In percale and callccs wo offer In two lots nt 19c and 9Sc. Children's and misses' jackets In mixtures /and plain cloaking ngcs 2 to 14 years , at $1.2S. Special Silverware Rogers nickel silver tea spoons , 5c. Rogers A 1 quality tea spoons , lOc , Rogers AA soup spoons , liic. Rogers 12 d\\t. knives or forks , per set of 0. X1.25. Sterling sliver tea spoons , each , 49c. Sterling slhcr eoffeo spoons , each , 19c. Sterling silver , meat forks , pickle forks , olive spaons , sugar spoons , cream ladles , bon bon spoons \ \ Ith gold bowl ! ) and tines , choice , OSe. regular $2.00 goods. Hmrlrcds of sterling sllvnr novelties at half of the- price asked elsewhere. Liidcs' and gent's gold filled hunting case watches , warranted to wear 20 years , with fine Elgin or Waltliam works at $12.15 , worth $25.00. Sterling silver chatelaine watches , stem wind and set at $2.9S. All the latest novelties In chatelaine and purses In silver , gold and oxidized at C9c up. Watch ami clock repairing at reduced prices. Nickel alarm clock at 53c. Solid oak eight day clock , half hour strike and alarm , f2.C5. Beautiful Iron enamelled clocks , eight day with cathedral gong , at $3.95 up. GRAND SALE OF FALL AND WINTER Flannels All wool red flannels 20c , 25c , SOc , 35c. Plaid and checked all wool flannels , big line to pick from , 22c , 23c , 29c , 35c. Lirgo line of eiderdown flannels in plain and fancy colors. Silk embroidered flannels 49c , 59c , C5c , 75c , S5c , 9Sc a yard. Largest stock of outing flannels Cc , 7'ic , lOe , 12Vjc. 15c a yard. Cotton eiderdown , handsome patterns and new colorings , I6c a yard. Extra bargains Monday In unbleached cot ton flannel at Sc a yard. Cotton darnel at 3c a yard. Shaker flannel Cc , 8c , lOc a yard. All wool flannel skirt patterns at C9c and 9Sc each. Blankets 10-4 all wool tanltary blankets $2.CO. 10-4 all wool gray blankets per pair $3.25. All wool fancy plaid blankets per pair $3 DO : All wool red blankets $2.7G and $4.25 n pair , 10-4 fsracy striped blankets SUc a pair. 10-4 rnuttlcdi blankets 75c a pair. 10-4 white or gray blankets 49c a pair. 11-4 wlilto or gray blankets at $1.25 a pair. Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings From the Brown Stock at less than "Wholesale Prices. Men's Merino Shirts and Drawers , each 2Go Men's line fleece lined Shirts and Drawers 29c Men's Woolen Shirts and Drawers ; 39c 1,001) dozen flno hsinplea .Shirts a ml Drawers , In woolen and llceco lined , worth $1.00 , at COo 1,000 dozen Men's Flno Half Huso black tan and mottled , fancy stripes , worth 25c and 35o , at 7o COO dozen Men's Fine Merino Half HOBO 12'/jC ' COO dozen Mcn'a Fine White Unl aundered Shirts , reinforced front and back , linen bosom , each . . , , . . 33c COO dozen Men's Fa'ncy Colored Ho som Shirts , each COc COO dozen Men's Fine White Laun dcrod Shirts , each BOc 100 dozen Men'u COo Leather Suspenders at 25c 1000 dozen-Men's 2Cc Suspenders at , 12'ic COO dozen Men's Strong Walking Gloves 25o Lidles' Fleece Lined Vests and Pants , worth SOc. co at , each 2Bc Ladles' Flno Wool lllbbrd Vests aand Pants , worth 75c , go at , each COo L.tcllcs' Elegant Wool Itlbbed Union Suite , worth 31.GO , go at , each.Jl.00 Ladles' Extra Flno All Wool Vests and Pants , go at , each 75c Ladles' Jersey Ribbed Vests , worth lOc , at i 4V c Ladles' Fiuo Jersey Hlbbcd Vests , worth 25e , at 12'/io Hosiery . . 5 cases Ladles' niack Cotton Hose , worth 12Vic , at Co 10 cases Ladles' Fa t Illack Cotton Hose , worth 17c , at lOc COO dozen Ladles' Stainless Dlack Cotton Hose , Improved heel and toe , , worth 25c. go at , 12V&C 300 dozen Children's Fast Black Cotton Hose , double heel and too and double knee , north 19c , go at / . . . . . , , . , , , , . , , , , . , lOo Corsets . . 100 dozen ladlee1 Corsets , black and drab , worthl $1.00 , A . . , , 49o Ono lot Ladlva' Corseui , broken sizes , worth $1.CO and $2.00 $ , go at 76o OF THE IMMENSE STOCK OF Notions , Lac8S5 Fancy Goods , Handkerchiefs' Stationery Ribbons Veiling Etc. , , , . , ALL ON SALE MONDAY 10c linen threads per spool Ic. 10 e corset steels only Cc. 20c needle pack.igea , containing 5 pkgs. 5n all silk ilbbcna only Ic. setting needles and 9 darning needles , coily 3e. llic " clroEs trimmings only -lUc. 2."ic ill ess trimmings only tOc. 12 spools best basting cotton , Cc. lOc ho e supporters only lie. 1 doz. 20c horn hair pins per doz. tic. 20e bo\ paper and envelopes only tic , ISc brown or black hair netth only Gc. lOe box ponrll , perholdor , etc. , ouly 3c. 50c fancy bordered veils only 25c , fiu Eponl cotton only I'/.r. Cc stamped linens only Ic. , , CHICAGO HKC01U ) COOIC HOOK only 7Bo , 7c stamped linens only 3c.v i I ' lOc mucilage onlj 24c. ! 25c stamped Hncr.s only lOc. ' lOc Ink per bottle only 2V4c. BOc stamped linens only 2Cc. ' 23c ' 4-rcam note paper only lOc. lOc embroideries only Gc. Be handkerchiefs only 2V4c. lOc DoLong's liooks and eyps only Gc. lOu handkerchiefs only Tic. 5c wash silks per tkoln only 2c. 2Dc lundkei chiefs only 15c. lOc twin wire dress etays only Be. 7c corduroy skirt velveteen only Gc. House fuintshliiEs and crockery In the ? 1.2B COBLEIVS OUTFIT. THIS .WEEK . , basement. G9c. Getting everything rapidly In shape In the G9c.llEUULAn $ J.OO , n KNIVES. WITH BOX big bargain basement. Things are a little KHAUT CL'TTEH. fldC. disordered as yet , but you can find hundreds L'B Hutcher Knlfo , 9c. of bargains , In odds and end ? , broken or 7 ! " > o Sot Knives nnd Forks , 39c. small lotsi etc. , that will repay n vhlt. LAIIGE SQUAUC Dinner I'all. tray and NOTE THESE FEW SAMPLE PRICES. coffee can , worth regular lOc , Monday , 15c. Pine Ratchet Urace , C9c. IIHnd Hinges -1 In sot , r.c. $1.00 Steel Square , 49c. Common Sense Sash 1'iilleys , per dozen , 10 Tool Set , , icgular 75c 37c. Iflc. 50c Drawing Knife , 23c. Iflc.fiOc Family Meat Saw , 27c. Steel Hnminer , 27c. Him or Alortlse Locks , 9c , , 2C-ln. hand saw , 39c. Painted frnmo and Hue tecl blade Buck 25c Screw Driver , lie. Saws , 3Uc. 3 Doxes Brass Shoo Nails , lOc. SPECIAL SALE ON SHOTGUNS THI3 GOC TWO KNIVES KHAUT CUTEH , 19c. \ \ lult * 1C * i i House Furnishing Goods , G.OOO do en Hint-blown tumblers etched , 1,000 doien steel enamel Drinking Cup , with any initial you want , per set , 39c. regular price IGc. our price , Cc. 500 dozen steel enamel Coffee Pots , regu 3C5 dozen No. 8 steel enamel Tea Kettles , lar price , 90c ; our price , 33c. granite cover , icgular price , $1.25 : our price , Cfic. 200 dozen steel enamel Improved Cullcn- 12G dozen ateel enamel Dippers , granite dera , regular price , G5c ; our pi Ice , 19c , cover , icgular pi Ice , COc ; our price , 17c. New Grocery Department , TO SAVE MONEY EVERY HOUSEKEEPER Headquarters for bulk nnd bottled ollvca. SHOULD VISIT OUR. NEW GROCERY DE- Imported sardines , mushrooms , ollvo oil. - caviar , hamburger , eel , etc. i PARTMENT. TEAS , COFFEE'S AND COCOA. New crop tea's , freah roasted coffco : Lusk apricots In heavy syrup at 12Vc. Fancy now crop tea dust , only lOc. Large cans silver asparagus , 20c. Fancy Young 11.TO on tea , only 25c , Fancy basket fired Japan , 29c. Mustard sardines at Cc. Fancy English breakfast tea , only 30 < x 10 bars laundry soap , 25c. Moynuo Gun Powder tea , only 33c. Sterilized cream of wheat only 12'/2C. ' Fancy ba iet fired Japan tea. ouly 35c. Medicated tar soap at 2c.- Assam & Ceylon tea , only 48c. Evaporated Aldcn raspberries only 19c. Broken Java & Mocha , J2'o ' mid ISc. i Crot > &c & Blackwcll's chow chow , 29c. Slumlord Rio coffee , only 12' , c. 3-pound cans best Golden pumpkin , only Kan tog coffco , only "Oe. ' 1Sc. Caracas coffee , only 221ic. II iHattlo Ax tobacco , 20c. Fancy Golden Rio coflce , only 25c. Star 'tobacco ' , 37c. Old Gov Javn and Mocha , 30c. Fruit Juice foot plug , lOc. Van Ilouton Cocoa , ouly 70c a pound. Hay den Bros. ' New Home of Bargains Makes some startling prices on Provisions MEATS AND LARD. for Monday. Read and bo convinced what Bacon 7Wo you can save by bujlug nt the Transmls- Oillfmrila Hams Gtto sisslppl headquarters. Salt Pork Bo nUTTEIl .AND EOGS. Plcklo Pork , Co Strictly Fresh Eggs 12Vic Coined Jlc-cf , to Country lltittcr So and lOc Pigs Fed and Tripe 4o Ik-st Country Duller 12V c and ICc No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams 8o Creamery nutter 17c , IVc and 21c Potted and Deviled Hani to Hear 'in mind there Is cone but the best 3-pound cane hist Lard 17Wo butter and egg handled by us. G-ooiind cans best I/ird 28o CHEESE AND CRACKERS. 10-pound canii best Ixird E5o Full Cream Cheese Sc OUR NEW FISH DEPARTMENT. Swl&fl Cheese 1' c nllt Herring , each , , , . , , . . , . , , , , Zo Ilrlck Cheeio lOe Norway Fat Herring , pouud 7Wo Llmbcrger Ciiceso 9c CoJ Fish 60 Neufchatcl Cheese 4c Nlco Mackerel , rach , Co Pineapple Chocso COc Wlilto Fish , pound , to Edam Cheese 75c Red Salmon , pound , , , . , 7Hc Imported Swiss SOc Anchovies , pouud 7o Finest Soda Crackers Cc Halibut , tioutid . . , , . . . , , ISo Finest Oyster Crackers Cc Ilouiember At Hnydcns' you can get all Glnecr Snapb , OV c kinds of smoked and Bait fluli and the Oneit All kinds of ulco JresU cakes on hand at line lu the city. CYmo hero when you want lowest prices. all kinds of the bct , HAYDEN BROTHERS iV.