Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1897, Editorial Sheet, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE OMAITA D-ATLY BEE : flTNDAV , OCTOBGB 10 , 18 < )7 ) , M
General Situation Highly Satisfactory in
Most Departments.
CluuiKc to CuolirViiilliir i\p : < -ecil
( Ilnvin llenellelnl l-iTi-il UIMHI
lilt ; Ciiiijtiiniliiit lie in n ml for
ii en mi mill I e .Moreliiindlse.
The pant week hns only solved to accent-
unto Im fact that hnnlnes.4 hns undergone
a Immanent Improvement and thnt the ac-
tl'.lly noted tn nil lines the past month was
In no ' .say of a spasmodic oVirnetor. In
Bpltu of thu unseasonable weather Jobbers
wcio very busy nit the week und most
houses were forced to work overtime In or
der to keep even with Incoming ordcis. At
thu s.imo time country tnetchiints Imve
bei-n , tu nil appearances , buying very con-
stirva Ivi-ly and only In sudlelcnt volume to
keep pnco with thu consuming demand
nvhlcli Is a certain guaranty ot u continued
Kood business all through thu season. Thu
ftnods that luivu been going out from thu
jobbing houscH have -In u great measure
found their way directly to consumers. No
one Is buying for the purpose of tilling up
tncrchnndlsu on store shelves. Tha future
ot the Jobbing trade Is therefore ilcoi-ndcnt
directly upon u continuance of tlie present
consuming demand , but as to that there
can bci no doubt when It lu tnken Into con
sideration that the present nc'.lvc demand
Kprung Into existence before thu most Im
portant crop of the statu him been marketed.
The marketing of the corn crop can cer
tainly bo relied upon not to diminish thu
consuming demand for merchandise and It
ought to largely Increase It.
In Borne respects Uic ch.-iugo to cooler
wo.Uher was the most Important event In
thu local business world. Hutallors In all
st-i-tlon of tributary territory hnve com-
lilalncd of thu unseasonable > A outlier us n
jroat ; detriment to business. No one could
bo expected to buy very freely of winter
toods with the thermometer Indicating sum
mer heat , and there has been n general ten.
dcncy on the part of consumers to put off
buying until necessity dlc-tnted their wants.
The cooler weather has nlroaily caused a
marked Improvement In it great many line ? .
Woolen goods , such us underwear , clothing ,
dress goods and all kinds of wearing ap
parel , him1 felt a marked change for fiu
better. There Is nls'o freer buying- boots
and shoes und greatly Increased activity
Is to be noted about thu coal yards and
among the Htovu and furnace men. In fact
every department of trade -that mity bo
said to cater to the cold weather demand
BluH Improvement.
lluyers Kccm generally to have money nnd
the requests for credit aru less frequent
than In former years. Kor that reason col
lections are v-ry good with the jobbers , as
retail merchants are enabled to meet their
obligations promptly.
Thu report of tic bank Roarings for the
past week was especially favorable , thu rate
of Increase at Omaha 72 per cent being
the heaviest of any of the larger cities ot
the country. The average r.ito of Increase
for thu whole country outside ot New York
City i.vas only 2.1 per cent. The total of the
clearings at this point was" $ f > ,1CT 5G1 , which
Is also regarded as a very good showing ,
being an average of over JI.OW.OOO a day.
This places Omaha along In the same list
with cities Ilku ( Milwaukee , Providence ,
Cleveland nnd Detroit nnd iihend of cities
like St. Paul , Buffalo and Indianapolis.
George A. Hoaglnnd reports a peed dc-
inand for lumber , with the market llrm.
Karrell .t Co. report an active business
Inst month. The company has ICO people
en Its pay roll.
The annual meeting of the Omaha mem
bers of the Manufacturers' association will
be called this week.
13. K. Lucas luis accepted the position of
traveling salesman In Nebraska for the
Crane-Churchill company.
M. H. Copeland , manager of M. A. Dls-
brow & Co.'a business , spent n few days
In the Chicago the past week.
T. O , Nortwall , manager of the T. G.
Nortbwall Company , vial ted St. Louis the
past week and attended the fair.
- Omaha Bedding company nan In
crease ! Its force and M. H. lluntlngton , a
member of the llrm , will EO out on the road
this week.
The Omaha Carriage Top company has
moved from Twelfth street to the west
room of the Bachelors' Quarters building
nt Twentieth and Fnrnam streets. The
move wns rendered necessary by the In
creased business , calling for more room.
The Kearney cotton mill has resumed op
erations , after being- closed down for about
two months. During- the Interval consid
erable new machinery was placed In posi
tion , PO thnt the company Is prepared to
take earn of all business likely to come this
oca Ron.
Thu Crane-Churchill company has been
nvrnrdvd the contract for supplying the
material for the steam heating plant to be
Iilai ed lu the new postotllce at Omaha , Tlie
company reports a great Improvement In
* the country demand , wllh the farmers free
f buyers of wind mills , pumps , etc.
' G. II. nnssell of Perry , In. , was In the
city the other day and continued the re-
portB already received us to the shortage
In the potato crop of that state. Ho mid
that the farmers In many sections of the
state would bo compelled to buy for their
own ue. As then * tire a good many pota
toes In western Nebraska , Colorado and the
Black Hills country , the- growers will stand
n. very good chance of reaping substantial
Thu fame of Omnlin ns n point for the
manufacture of men's shirts Is spreading
nnd this Industry promises to become one
of no little Importance In the near future.
The Nebraska. Shirt company Is steadily
branching out , onu of Its latest moves be
ing thu fcstabllahmcnt of a representative
at Den Molnes , which Is bringing In n
largo amount of additional business. It
mlFiht bo remarked In this connection that
lou-.i Is n very good buyer of Nebraska
manufactured goods ,
E , J , ChlHtell , pecretnry of the National
Oil nnd Paint company , Is back from a
trip to Colorado. JVhlle there lie entered
Into negotiations to supply ono of the rail
road companies with mineral paint to be
used on frelpht cars , the manufacture cf
that paint being a specially with his coni-
tinny. The local demand for paints has
brightened up very materially and there Is
n good prospect of mill further Improve
ment , now that the weather Is cooler ,
I. W , Carpenter of the Carpenter Paper
company returned the- past week from Chi
cago. Itoth tin lea and collections In the
I ape > r ImslncFH are' very path-factory. Mr.
Carpenter ays that the most encouraging
feature In relation to the. future of Omaha
Is thn fart that the state Is gradually fillIng -
Ing up with con-timors. The Introduction of
tuiw Industries und the growth of old one. ?
Is lirlnp.'ng In new people wlio will become
buyer. , of merchandise , nnd that while he
nlwnys had conlldencv In Omaha , It in
stronger now than ever.
Secietnry Holmes of iho Manufacturers'
nssoclntlon attended the meeting of the
Htnto Hoard of Purchase and Supplies held
In Lincoln the past week and reports that
the mniiufncttirertt of NebniHkfl. will bo
Klvpn orders for supplies for the stnto In
stitutions , for this inmrter , amounting to
itbout fr..OOO. Th > c-m > supplies will consist
largely of food products and clothingH
might be added that ns u result of the ef
forts of the Mnnunfacturers' unsocial Ion
very Httlo except Nebraska manufactured
Koods are going Into the ttate Institutions.
J. H Haney RCo. . are putttlng on a
Inrtio number of harness-makers In order
In order to keep paco.wlth thu Increase In
orders , Thu company boa n factory nt lliu- > -
llngu IIH well n at Omaha , Mr. Duttou ,
malinger of the Hustings factory , was In
the city last wok und reported that the
output at that point Is MX time * as great
ns last year. He san that the Improvement
In buslm-sm wan felt earlier and In a greater
i lepro In thu wc.xtern part of the sin Us and
s that It then spread eastward toward Omaha
The company employs sixty people at Its
Omaha factory nnd twenty-live nt Hastings -
, tings ,
' The action of the physicians at a number
i of the stuto Institutions In specifying phur-
f maceutlral preparations put up by oautern
i' { JioustM Instead of using the goods made
i \ within their own slate i.-i neveily criticised
( X liy local manufacturers. The uniount of
' ; ' KOOIH or this > IUPS used by the mute Instl-
, f tutlomi Is not BJ largo us to make It any
preat object with Nubr.iglco innnufucturcre.
but U Is the moral effect upon private con-
uumers thai 'Is most recrotted , The repre-
nc-tntlves | of eastern manufacturers are
not at ull slow In making use of the ud-
varl f which thla give * them nml It Is
frequiuUy urgued that If Nebniska-muda
jir. paratlorn were the < qunl of those from
eastern lirimti the mte Institutions would
Jiot rt-fiuso tO' use thorn. On thu other
Jmml tne'invnuraetum-x point to the. fact
that the Mercer Chi-mloal company of this
city was awarded a .arEO. government cjn- .
tract after a most thorough examination of
the goods anil tht-y urguw that If the
llnlted States government waa KtUlmlcd the
AOCtori at the utatu Institutions ought to
be , It la simply another example of the
rauutuncn of peoylo > vuo JUVB Ueju BC UN-
tomod to onf brand of goods to make n
change to same other
llnnl < Willing 4 I'rovlilo KiinilN for
It-Kltliiint < > llnterprlm-fi.
W. H. Roberson , local mnnnper of the
mcrpnntltn agency of R , 0. Dun ft Co. ,
speaking of trade for the wenk unyn :
"Tho call of the comptroller for state
ments from the national banks found nil our
bunking Institutions In most excellent condi
tion. Money Is plentiful nnd s.lll there Is n.
fair demand for Ipnn.r Nobody entitled to
accommodations need hc-sltntc to branch out
now , ns thu bankers nro quite willing to
provide the necessary funds for a legitimate
"As nn Instance of the most remarkable
recovery w.Slch hns been experienced In
Omaha , It may be stated that one brick
iimniifncturlnK' concern here received nn or
der Insl week for 2,000 0 brick , nt the
agreed price of fOM per thousand. To build ,
ers this fact will bo especially Interesting
ns n proof of a resumption of business In
building lines.
"In tlio wholesale districts business con
tinues very active. One wholesale grocery
house In this city unloaded thirty-seven
cars of merchandise latv Sunday , being
obliged to mork the entire day receiving
the goods.
"In tlio drug lines both houses report more
Ini ! < lnos9 than they-have ever enjoyed at this
season ami state that they have never hnd
so many customers who were discounting
their bills since they have been In Omaha.
"There are comparatively few Idle people
In Omaha nt Hits tlmo. This was well
shown from the fact that the authorities
have experienced some dllllculty In securing
enough men to fill the places on the regis
tration boards In the various voting pre
cincts * .
"The credit of Omaha him always been
good ; It Is now better than ever.
"On pay tiny the rooms of the Hoard of
Kdiuntlon attracted fix buyers of school
warrants and the six gentlemen announced
their readiness to take up 10,000 at par.
l-'lro warrants are at par and long time
bonds , ns lias nlrendy been stated , arc Btlll
nt a handsome premium.
"Tho Hurllngton system reports Its earn
ings for September the largest for a single
month In the history of that great corpo
ration. In the language of General Mnn-
dorson , 'If this Is not an Indication of pros
perity I Uo not know how It Is to be Indi
cated. ' "
Coiiillllon of Trnili ; Mini QiiiilnlliinN
iii Staple ami Knm-y I'rodtice.
KOOS Cloocl stock wcnk ut 12'ie.
HOTTER Common to fair , Olfa'.ic ' ; choice t
fancy. 12fHc : rcpnnitor creamery. ! lc ; cntlicreil
creamery , lSMc. ( !
VKATChnlcc fnt , SO to ISO lb . . < i oted nt So ;
lorKtanil co.irae , 03c.
I.1VK rOfl/riiy-llfiiK , CUc ; i-ocki. 3fHc ;
ipiliiB chlclicni- , per Ib. , 7c ; duckr , C07c ; tur-
keyp , Cflfc.
ri(3io.VS : Uvo , 7:0 ; rteail ptcrona not wnntcil.
IIAfplnnil , II ; nilillnii i , H.M ; lowland ,
Hi rye Blraw , JJwior malics tlic price on
"ny : IlKht l > nle Bell the beit , only top grades
urine top prices.
HltOOMCOKX Extremely slow alo' new crop ,
delivered on trnclt In country ; choice Krecn rplf-
\vorlclnc eiirpet prr Ib. , SWJ'Sc ; choice green ,
nuinlns to luirl , 2SI2V4o : common , 1'ic.
- 'er rtuz. . WBCOc.
TOMATOKS-Per lialf bu. batket , KfflOc.
ONIONS I'cr bu. , MffKc.
I.fMA llHANR-lVr Ib. , 8c.
llKANS-iranil-plclic.l nnvy , pi-r bu , J1.4081.M.
CAHItAfin Homo crown , le.
WATRllMI2rxNS-Cinted. per doz. , 1.50.
POTATORS Home prown. 50 COo.
Al'I'I.IJS I'cr libl. , fall utoclc ,
NAT1VK I'LfMS I'er l.acket.
OKAl'RS-CullforiilK , JI.23JT1.W.
CAI.IFCIUNIA l'R\i'HKS I cr case. Crnw-
ronU ECc cllnBi" . 70I7Cc.
1'UAK.S Ilartlftt. per rase. JS.23 ; t'tnh Ilnrt-
k'tts. Jl.7SffI.fifl ; Iturrr Ilnnlv. Jl.W5ri.73.
M'j\v youiv anAi'KS-i'pr D-MJ. i > aM ? t , ice.
TAUronNIA PI.tT.MS 1'er case , Jl.OOIZl.23.
CltANDEltUlUS-l-apc Cod. pcrbbl. , JO.W.
l.KMONS Mesflnap , JI.234fl.EO ; choice Cali
fornia , f4.00.
OHANr.RS-Jreillteiranean swcctn , JI.23inX.CO.
HANANAP riiolcp , larce Etoclc. per bimct ) ,
J2.COif2.23 ; medium-sized bundles , J1.60S2 OU.
NUTS Almomls , California , per Ib. . larce
size , 13c ; Urnills. per Ib. , lOc ; Ensllsli wnlnuts ,
per Ib. . fancy , toft shell , 12S13c ; standards. 10 ®
He filberts , per Ib. . lOc ; pecans , polished. larce.
Wide ; jumliu , HOlIo ; laise lilcKory nuts , J1.23
per bu ; coconmits < ' , Jc each.
KIOS Imported lain.-y , 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes ,
Uc ; 5 crown. 0-lb. boxes. ISOHc.
IIONRY Choice wlilte , lie.
CIDEU-Clnrined Juice , pt-r half bbl. , J2.S5 ; per
Uil. . H.00ff4. : ;
MAIT.T3 svnrr FIvc-jrnl. cans , each J2.23 ;
Knl cans , pure , pr doz. , $1.CO ; Imlf-Bal. cans ,
JG.25. quart cans. J3 CO.
DHKSSED IIKEF-Oooa native steers , 4W to
COO Ibs. , 7c ; Rood foreriuarters , Bteers , Cc ; Kood
hlndipiarters , So ; western steers , Cfi6V4 ? ; fancy
helfcra , 6c ; good heifers , 6 ! c ; Rood forequarteri ? ,
heifers. EC ; Kood hlndciuarters , lielfers , So : Rood
cows , GUc ; fair co\\s , 5ic ; .common cows , B'ic ;
cow forcquartcrs , 4K9Cc ; cow fdndqunrters , 74
- .
IIEEP CUTS Tenderloin ; . . ] 8c ; honelets strips.
9c : strip loins , 7c. rolls , 9c ; sirloin butts , 9e ;
shoulder clodB , Cc ; rump butts , EC ; steer chucks ,
EC ; cow chucks , 4\4c ; boneless chucks. 4'ic ; con
platea , 3c ; steer plates , 3Uc flanlc steak. C'.Ac ;
loins , No. 1 , He ; loins , No. 2 , 10V5 ; loins , No.'s.
5',4c ; sirloin ends , No. 1 , 9c ; rlb , No. 1 , Hci
rlbg , No. 2 , 6'/4c ; libs , No. 3 , C'.ic , steer rounds ,
7'4c ; cow rounds , 7c ; cow rounJn off , $ V4c ; trim
mings , 4c ; beef shanks , 21ic ; brains , per doz. ,
3c ; sweetbreads , per Ib. , 12o ; sweetbreads
( cnlvesi , per Ib. . 40j ; kidneys , per aoz. , 33e ; ox
tails , each 3c ; livers , per Ib. , 2c ; hearts , per Ib. ,
2c ; tonsiies , per Ib. , lie.
MUTTON Lamb * . 8ic ! ; slieep 714c ; market
racks ( lonw ) . 9c ; hotel racks OmorO , 12c. ICRK
ami paddles , EC ; lamb legs , 9 ; ; breasts ana
stewe. 3c ; tongues , each 3c.
I'OHK Dresied pics , Co ; dressed IIORS , B'Jc ;
tenderloins , 13c ; loins , 7c ; pparo rlb < i , 4c ; ham
sausnRe , butts , 6c ; shoulders , rough , Ei.Ae ; shoul
ders , sklnm-d , Cc ; trimmings , 4l4c. leaf lord , not
rendered , Cc ; bends , cleaned , 3c ; finout and ears ,
3c ; backbones , H4o ; cheek meat , 3c ; neck
bones , l'/4c ; plus1 tails. 2o. plucks , each Ec >
chitterlings , Cc ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. , I'c ;
stomaclis , each 3c : tongues , each 7c ; Iihlneyn ,
per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , ISc ; pigs' feet ,
per doz. , 23c ; livers , each 3c.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7e ; JJo. 2 green
hides Gc ; No , I suited hldra , B'.tc ; No. 2 green
salted hides , 7'ic ; No. 1 veal cnlf , 8 to 12 Ibs. ,
So ; No. i veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. . Cc ; No. 1 dry
Hint hUU-e , 11(113 ; No , 2 dry flint hides , StflOc ;
No , 1 dry salted hides. 9iI10c ; part cured hides ,
Uc per Ib. ICJB than fully cured ,
HHEISI' I'KUTS Green salted , each loJT'Ec ;
green salted shearlings ( short vooled early
nklnn ) each lEc ; dry cbearllncs ( short woolen
early skins ) . No. 1 , each 5c. dry Hint , Kansan
and Nebraiko butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight , 4J5c ; dry flint , Kansas nnd NebrasKti
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3O < c ;
dry ( lint Colomdo butcher wool pulte , per ID. ,
ucuml weight , 4tf5c ; dry ( lint Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weleht , 3Q4c ; fret
cut off , as It Is useless to piy frelcht on them ,
Mt , LonlH ( itntriil Alarlii'lH.
BT. IXI'1S ) , Oct. 9. l''JXUn Unchanged.
WHEAT Higher , closing Hflc for December
nnd lie for May above yesterday ; December
opened tifTUc better , advanced Hie , declined le ,
milled Uo and closed their , with a turner feellngr.
Hpot , stronger ; No. 2 red cash , t-levutor , SOljC
but' track , t'7ii9fc ; No. 2 hard cimh , SCc ; Decem
ber. Sc ; May , 87Uo Lid.
( "OHN KuturcB advanced with the Improvc-
ini-nt In wlifat and becaune of crop ilamage re-
norm , closing linn nnd fractions higher than
yt-slenluy. Spot , higher ; No. 2 caxli , 2CWfl27c ;
December , 27c : Slay , 30io ! bid.
OATS futures easy , with little demand , but
no clmngH from yejterday. Hpot , lower ; No. 2
cash , elevator , 18ic bid ; track , 10H < ? 2Uc ; No. 2
white. 21Viiff2 : Ci Uecemlicr , 19io ? bid ; May , ' 12' ' ;
( DS3Hc.
HVK Klnns 43o bid.
) Nominal ; Me.
TIMOTHY HHUD Prime , J2.70.
lllt.VN Higher , with an urgent demand ;
Hacked , cpt track , Me bid and E2c for this side.
HAY l-'lrm and liUlter , with choice grnilcii
hcurce ; prairie. H.SC4/7.CX ) ; timothy , } 'Mfj\0.til. \
IIUTTKU Klrni ; crenmery , ! Cij:4c ; dairy , J1B >
ICc. i i
KOOS Klnn ; 12',5c.
I'OUI.TrtY Chickens , llrm ; old hens , CHc ;
( prlngii , 7'ic ; ducks , C'.ic ; geese , Cc ; turKeys ,
WHIHKV-Ji.a ) . i ,
COTTONTIKH 70e , ' '
ilKTALH-I ud. held at 'J4.03. Spelter , nomi
nally , 14.05. _
I'ltOVlSIONS-I'ork , steady ; stnndnnl mc s ,
JotMng , tS.DS. Uinl , steady ; prime steam , 11.10 ;
choice , H.17t. ! llacon , extrn i-hort clear and
Iltm ( tK > xei | lots ) , 1C ; shorts. JO. 12 ' ,4. Dry salt
mc'ula ( boxed shoulderi ) , 15. M ; shorts , JS.CI'.i.
HKl'EHTH-Klour , C , 00 bbla. ; wheat , UJ.tOl
bu. ; corn. ZU.i XI bu. ; oats , CJt W bu. .
BHirMKNT.S-Hour , fc.OuO bbls. ; wheat , 49,000
bu , ; corn , 70,000 bu , ; nat , 77,0)0 bu.
IIALTIMOHK. Oct. 9-PI/lua-Qulet nnd un.
i-hanRi-d ; rt-cc-lptii , 1E.232 lil'la. ' : rjipurU , nonv.
Wl I KAT Firmer : "pot nnd month , n7c : De
cember. 87fTS7Ho blj ; receipts. 41.23S bu , ; ex.
portii. 108,219 bu , j southern wheat , by sample ,
I'OHN Firmer ; pot and month. 33e33V4o ; No-
vembcr nnd December , new or old. 33333Uc : re-
relptii , EI.434 bu. ; exports. Sl.CS bu. ; southern
\\hltt > CDin , 33H03 4c ; yellow , 3CQ30Hc.
OATS RlmiiR ; No. 2 mixed , S3o ; receipts. 1.367
Im. , exports , 1IO.WO bu.
IIYI-J l-lrin : No. 2 western , ESOSJVic ; receipts ,
II. I'M ' bu. ; exports , none ,
HAY Steady ; choice timothy , I1J.OO 13.W
CHIAIN KHKinilTS-fnclmnged.
I'HODl'CB llulter and eggs , unchanged ,
Clitese , uleady und unchanged ,
I.lviTiiuol ml ii unit 1'rovUlouii.
red , western , nlnter , dull at 7s Blj No. 1 ml ,
northern. prlng. dull at 7s 10d.
COHN-Bpot , American mixed , new , steady ut
3 * l * a ; American mixed , old , steady at 3 Sid. !
H-uturoi ; . qul t ; Octnber , 3s Ziidj November , 3s
ZTid ; December. 3a 3Hd.
KIXltiSt ; ; Ix > uls fancy winter , firm at 10s.
IIOl's At Ixjndon ( I'acliiu const ) , Heady at 15
I'llOVIPJONS Ieef , extra India mes . dull nt
, W ; prlui tutu , dull nt ( Ca , 1'eHi , dull ;
prim * m < flnc , w slcrn C5 nK-Jlum western ,
15. M , 1. m"s' . < ' ' ' " < u" ! " '
: . Ilii. nihoit , . ] - t " -11 a ! ;
rlfi r mi : "M niM fl m in i ! M. l.nR
middle. , , heAVfrm . " ' > " ; " clnr ,1ack- ' '
, , -
nrm jl 3M : clMr tel If K ftc.itly ' J- '
ShcuMers. njunrf < MH "t * ' Unri1tirlhl"
' wnmnnd colored ,
I'liiiHHK Amrrlrnn , nnm wnm-
dull nt , , I
TALLOW Prime rllv. nnnilnnl. . . .
OII.HCoHon.1. LtV P < ol KlInH. du'.l nl Si |
M. KplriM of tmpentinc , llrm "t * * > WItceln ,
common , dull nt * * l' < l.
MS\V VolllC JK\MltAr , M.1UK13T.
< tiiotnllonn of tli'1 "ny ° "
CnnininillllrH. j
NKW YOHK , Oct. ! > FI/M'Il-necelpts J3.4M ,
bbls. ; exports , 5,320 bl > l .i Inactlvo , but firmer j
with whent : MInncsoln patents , 5.15flS.f,0 ; > sln- |
trr extras , J3.20i3.75 ( : Minnesota bnkeii' , I4.3J
C4.WI winter low Rrade ? , I3.10fl3.20. Itye nour.
dull ; fancy , J3,2.t3. < M. lluckwheat flour , quiet ,
J1.75 1.R3.
lltK-KWlIKAT-Kacy , 542 track.
COHNMEAIv-Oull ; yellow western , CSc.
IlYl ! Btrong No. 2 western , 494c. !
llAHI.KY-Steiidy ; fetdlng , I9e.
IIAIII.KY MAI.T-Qulct ; western , KVKf.
WHIIAT Hecelpts , IKJ.MO bu. ; exports. 71.S67
bu. Spot , llrm ; No. 2 red , ! > 8T c. Options opened
strong en good foreign buying nnd continued
drouth news ; ruled generally dim nil the mornIng -
Ing , assisted by light offerings nnd Investment
hu > lngj clore.l firm nt IfllUc net ndvnnce ; No.
2 red , gtliGMr closed , 9lio ; December. S3 9-10
Wc ; closed. riic.
COltN Hecelpts , 1 ,3M bu. ; exports , 1.404 bu.
Spot , firm ; No. 2 , 34'dc. Options opened llrm
and rilled strong but quiet nil day with wheat ,
closing MOUc net ndvnnce ; May cloicd nt 51 Ho.
December cloned nt 34Jc.
OATS Ilecelpts , 224,100 bu. ; exports. Cl.OW bu ,
Spot , quiet ; No. 2 , 23'ic. Options Inactive bill
steadier nt unchanged to ' c higher prices ; Oc
tober , clored at S3'ic ; December closed at 24'ic.
HAY Quiet ; shipping , 4045c ; good ti ) choice ,
HOI'S Culet ; state , common to choice , 1M > 5
crop , 4fite ; ISM crop , GftSc ; 1S97 crop , 14ffl6e !
Pacific const. 1S)3 ! ) crop , 4ff8 ? ; HS6 crop , 6S9c ,
US7 crop , 12 le : lx > ndon mnrket. Kr.fiWc.
HIDES Quiet ; nlve. ton. lo lCc ; Texas dry ,
! 2H l3c ; Callfcrnln , 17flSc.
l.KATHIOU-Qulet ; hemlock pole , Huenos
Ayrcn , light to heavy , 20 > iT21'.5c , ncld , 20'.if
HUTTEU-Itecelpts. 3.3.-.l pkgs. ; steady : west
ern creamery. Hi ? ? : ? ; Elglns. 22c ; factory , 9
CHKKSi : Receipt * . 3,019 pkgi. ; quiet ; large ,
while ami colored , SWB'.ic ; pfimll. white nnd
colored , 5'jc ' ; part skims , O'.iO'c ; full skims ,
I-HIOS Hecelpt * . C4.300 pkgs. ; steady ; state
nnd Pennsylvania , IGftlSHc ; western. lOiifTl'c.
PUOVISlONS-lIcef , family , J9.SOB1000 ; extra
mess , J8.ri > 9.00 ; beef hams , J2 < ! .00 27.09 , Cut
ments , quiet plcklctl bellies , JS.r.O'ff S.OO ; pickled
nlioulilcr * . J" .r.O ; pickled Imms , J .MifS.30. I.nnl.
steady ; western steam , JI.TO5I.C21i : October
closed nt JI.M nominal ; tellned , quiet. Polk ,
dull ; old mess , JS."oZ9.2n ; new mess , ta.Mif
10.W. short clear. J10. 00813.00 ; family. Jll.WW
12. ( K ) .
TALLOW Hull : city. S'.ic nominal ; country ,
OILS Pi'trnleum , ( jlilet ; fnlted closed with
no market ; Pennsylvania crude , nominally f3o ,
Itoiln , llrm ; strnlned , common to ROO ! , J1.40jf
1.43 , TurpentliH' , llrm nt 34'tI733c. Cottonreed ,
ilull and wenk at lower prices ; prime crude.
20mj21c : prime summer jelluw , 23ff23Hc ; off
Biimmcr yellow , 22 0230 ; prime winter yellow ,
S2c.ItlCE rirm : domestic , fnlr to extrn , 4HQCHc ;
Jnpan , 47 5731. < , < 1.
MOLASSIOS Unpettled ; New OrlennB , open
kettle , good In choice , 2. , fi3tc.
METALS PlK Iron , quiet ; southern. J10.2.1 ; ®
11.55 ; northern , t\0.tQ \ < ft\2M. \ Copper , easy.
brokers , J11.20. Ix-nd , strong ; brokers , J4 Tin ,
nriilu Hcoi'lptN a < Prlnclpnl MnrUo H.
HT. LOUIS , Oct. 9 Heoetpts : Whent. 03 cars.
MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. S. Ilecelpts : Wheat , C74
CHICAGO , Oct. 9. lleci-lpts : Wheat , 229 cars ;
corn , W7 cars ; onts , 249 cnrs.
PKOIUA. Oct. ! > . nrcclpts : Corn. C8,2r,0 bus. ;
oats , 07.2.0 bus. ; rye. COO bus. ; whisky , 73 bbls. ;
whent. COO bus. Shipments : Corn. 14.900 bus. ;
cuts. 34,450 bus. ; rye , none ; whisky , 1,030 l.bls. ;
whent. none.
OliloilKo Priiilucc Mnrlcot.
n StCHily : creameries , 13fll/iJ ; dairies ,
EGOS Steady : fresh. 13UC.
LIVE POULTHY Steady ; ttnkcys , 9fflOc ;
chickens , Sc ; spring chickens , Sc ; ducks , 7',4SSi : .
Plillnilcliililll I'rodiiL-o Jlnrlst-t ,
fancy western creamery , 22e. '
Keas Firm ; frush nearby , 17ifl7'c ; fresh
western. lG'.4iiI17c.
Pcorln 3lurUflH.
moniA , Oct. 9. CORN Stcndy ; No. Z steady
nt 27c.
OATH Stendy at 22Hc.
WHISKY High proof spirits , 11.20.
Kruiic-lHCO AVlivnt unil Hurley.
December. J1.521J ; May. ll.Blli.
UARLEY-Qulet ; December ,
STOCKS AXD iio.vns.
.MK < ITOIIM ItlllnorN from AVllNliIIIK < OU
Ilnko Spcciiluturx CniilloiiN ,
NEW YORK , Oct. 9. Tlic bcnni renewed their
ruld on the market to such good account that
few stocks have escaped with less than a point
net low ) . The course of the mniket yesterday
In fac of extraordinary dullness had led many
to suppose that , thu bear campaign had come to
nn end nnd that the market would probably
sink Into Inanition for a time. The usual end-of-
the-week covering ot short conrncta wns expected
to ( stiffen prices slightly. Quite the contrary
occuried. Prices did Improve a fraction In the
first hour on n very light volume of dealings.
Weakness developed In Chicago Gas nnd checked
the rise. The room traders soon afl.erwa.rd de
tected selling by houses with Washington con
nections , and bears seized on this ns proof of
Inside Information of a mysterious something
Impending In Washington that might piay havoc
with values when It becomes known. What
the mysterious' something wns , was not dls-
cloied. The stock market ls peculiarly fen-
sltlve tn Intimations from Washington at this
time , owing to u conviction In many minds
that It la only a queston of time when the Cuban
question shall lend to a rupiuro with Spain.
Much stress Is laid aU by traders In stocks
upon the pending decision of the supreme court
upon thu Nebraska maximum freight rate ruse
and thu case against the Joint Trafllc associa
tion. The market was evidently unprotected by
supporting * orders , nnd the aggressive short sellIng -
Ing by the benrs led til n rapid decline In light
transactions. Only two stocks In the list show
sales ns high as IO.UOO shares. These are Chicago
cage Clan nnd Ilurllngton , Chicago Gas , Omaha ,
Manhattan , Missouri Pacific and Hurllngton were
conspicuous In the decline. Consolidated GIIH
fluctuated In Its characteristic way. breaking H'.i
points at one time , but ending with n recovery
of 3 points. There were slight recovoilen In
some stocks Just nt the close , but most clused
at the lowest , tlie prevailing tone being very
weak. Probably a Kupcrllclal view of the weekly
statement of the New York clearing house bank *
had something to do wllh today's selling move
ment of Htotks. Tlie professional trader usually
accepts n decrenre In the surplus reserve as a
rpeclllc admonition to sell. Today's decrease of
C.GCl.'jitO In that Item was In fact something
of u surprise , In view of the rather strcnujus
efforts by the bunks In the lust two weeks to
prevent n further tmilnknge In their surplus.
IJut the small decrease In loans reported this
week , J2G2.300 , Indicates that the banking au.
thorltles view with equanimity the decline In
their reserve Hirplun , confident In the strengthen
ing force of the ! J ,3CO.WO ( In gold new In transit
to New York from England nml Franco. The
gold urrlvnls of the week arc reflected In an In
crease In specie of tl,5S3.W. ( but art ; more than
offset by the decrens ? In lural tenders of J4.3U 3 0
The demand for legal tenderx la very keen nnd
the best efforts if ) Ihe banks and tlie united
States treasury are not equal to fully providing
u lupply. The New Yoik subtreasury lias been
obliged to refuse to supply legnl tenders In
return for gold except for It'legrnphlo transfer
of currency to other subtreasiiry points.
The New York banks have been settling their
balances at the clearing IIOII.TI during the week
In gold to a large extent , and the prediction Is
made that the payments of customs duties will
foon be maUu In gold. Chicago banks are report -
port "l nlso to be presenting gold at Ihe sub-
tiiMeury there with a request for legnl tenters ,
nnd the treasury at Washington Is beginning
to Und Itfelf embarrassed to FUpply nil these
demands upon It. Since September 11 the de-
create In legal tender In thu New York banks'
reserve has amounted to | 21,331 30) nnd the
specie has Increased nearly ll.M'O.CO ) In the snmo
time , notwlthitandlng large exchanges of cpprle
for legal tenders at the suhm-asiry. The nmplo
proportions of the country's gold reserve hao
doubtless had much t do In deferring the Im
port movement of gcll which wns fnlrly In
augurated yesterday nnd the day before , the
total amount nf gold now In transit amounting
to JC.SSC.OOO. The stiffening of existing- rates
consequent upon the purchase of bills against
theu > Imports U believed to be but tempnary
and Ihe movement nf gold Is expected to con.
tlnue steadily for some lime to come The ef
fect on the money market of the gold engage
ments has been to Impart a distinctly easier
tone , time money declining to 3 per cent for
slity days and up to 4 per vent for four months
and longer perlorU , Outflde dealers In oommer-
clul paper have been In the New York market
during the week , and though the supply of paper
has been In Incieuelntr volume , rates have been
csuler ur.d are at 4W83 per cent for prime
The stork market has been singularly unaf.
fected by the beginning of the gold movement ,
which almost always has a marked sentimental
effect on prices. The re l tanre of the market
to the effect of Ihe heavy slump In Chlcngo Gas
on Thursday , nnd the hardening tendency nn
Friday on the large uhlpmenls of gold announced
on that date lej to the supposition that the
reaction wa > at un end and a rally would enru ,
Hut today's market has completely belled this
expectation. Tlie market has been dull and pro-
fettlonal nil week se-nmllnnal movements of
spe lal stocks falling to havs any markel effect
on the general market. These Included a Jump
of 7 points In Manhattan on Monday on n
squeeze of ihorln , the slump In Chicago Gas
on the purchase of competing companies by the
great gas syndicate nml the uiual mercurial
course of Confolldoted O.t . Union Pacific has
fluctuated widely en different rumors regarding
the adjustment between Ihe reorganization com
mittee and the government. The unprecedented
emus earnings of the railroads for September
and the handiome retinnt for August which have
been reported durlnir the wt k have liern a * In
effectual UK the gold movement tn checking the
reaction , ana prlcfi qr with few exceptions
lower , the losses In the tranters cxtcniinxup
t.i 4 r r i-fnt In Omnhn nnl l < j per cent In IHir *
1 ri > t * In bonds were nrVMiVfly n m , K > me
small gam being th.wniTrnnmctlqn vrr-ro
Hunt comrnrrd reeMit tivcfagM. Total
' ( were JS.OOOlivi. Oovcinm nt luiml * sreUW
'A per rent higher , th * Inttrt-lLe new 4s coupon.
This Irtue foil ilyrlng the tteili nt 12CK , n new
high ret-ord , f
The F.vcnlng Pott's I niutnp rable-
Krnm my * ! "The Mock marj.cts we-e Idle lo
rtny , pending the settlement in mines which IP
to begin on Monday next. ' Amerlrnns were
utendy. The belief grows litre thnt the Indian
mint * will not reopen for the n-nsona stated In
there dlfpntche * of SfptemWr HJ , The Ijondnn
money market stands nt 2 J-Hi per cent. The
supply of American two * ml tlnee months'
Mils Is Increasing. OfTerlncI rates on ldll to
arrive ten days hcnre are St prr cnt nnl up-
wnrd. A Canadian SH per c4nt loan for 2.fXX-
0 Is announced , with a minimum Istue rrlce
eif 51 per cent , " ,
The following were the closing quotations en
the leading flock * of the Nrw York exchange
NEW Yonic. Oct. . MONIY o.v CALL
N'omlnnl , 2UQ3 per cent.
STUnLING nXCIIANOK-Steatly , wllh nctiml
l > n lnp 9 In Imnkern' lillln nt Jl.SI'i fur ilem nil
and,4 for sixty ilnys ; poKteil rules , ? 4.f3iT
4.S3H nnd $ ( . ) > .ri'i : commerclnl hills. JI.S1 ,
HOMOS State lioniln , quiet : rnllrond bomle ,
Eteaily ; uovcrnincnt I > omls , BtronB.
Closing ipiotntlona on bonds were ns follows :
Silver linrs , 57o ; Mexican dollars. MffMUc ;
drafts , sl ht , 15c ; drafts , leleRruph , IT ic.
IIOHlOll StOt'U QllOtulloilN.
BOSTON , Oct. 9. Call loans , 4J3 { per cent ;
time Jeans , 43 per cent. Closlnir prices for
Htacka , bonds and mining shares :
\i- v YiirU 'MlnliiR Umilii tloiiH.
NHW YORIC , Oct. ti , Tlie following are the
cloying mining- quotations :
Hill SILVKH Kimy at 26UJ per ounce ,
JIONKY- % per cent.
The raitof discount In the open market for
short hllU In 214 per cent ; for three months' bills ,
2(4 ( P < r cent.
Gold Is quoted loduy at Iueiins Ayrrs at 1ST.SO ;
at Lisbon , 4G % ; at Home , * lu } . 0 , liar KoU , 77s
\Voelily llniik1 Stiliuoii ( .
Ni\V 'OHK , Oct. D. Tfle weekly bank state
ment eliiiwa : ilnrpllm , rdt-eivi' , decrease Ji.OCl-
OCO loans , decrease I2C1.800 ! tpecle , Increase
( l.t 3,4W ; H'fa I tender * . iiMTfike ( JI.3W.3W ; de-
ponlti' , decrease OIO.O-W ; clrciilntlon , Increaee
J9fK ) . The banks now liolJ4l3.4S5 , ,00 , In excess
of legnl requirements.
A in or I rn u .Securllli-M In Loiuloii.
UQNDQN , Oct. ! ) . The market for American
securities varied but latin all duy , uwlni ; to
Inactivity of operator * . The' closlnt ; tonu was
< iulet and the demand gvnrritlly lib-lit , <
1 i1 ' - \ "
KnrclKii KliKinclul ,
I1RI1LIN. . Oct. S.-Uxctianevi on London , M
marks 30 pfKs. for checks. ,
PARIS , Oct. Ii. Three Vr , cent rentes , 103f
2Ho for the account. KxcJliarlee on Ixjndon , 25f
ISjjc for checks. t : '
Fllllllll-llll > | | -N ,
Nnw OHLKANS , Oct. S-faearlmrc. ll.401.S7I.
UOSTON. Oct. . C'learliiBS , J17CCJl l ; bal
ances. 11.873.810.
NEW YOUK , Oct. 9 , Clearings , 1MC07,835 ;
balances. I7.3C4.S31 ,
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 9-Clearings , Sll.MO.-
Ml ; tial.-mces , t2.375.7O.
MKSII'HIH. Oct.CleorlnK , (337,653 : bal-
nnccJ3J,775. . New York exchange selling at
CINCINNATI , Oct. 9. Money , 2'/46 ' per cent ;
New York exchange , par bid , 25c premium
allied. ClearlnRs , J1.5M.CW.
HT. IvOI'IS. ' Oct. 9. Plearlni-i , H.5 .65li bal
ance * , IJ74.2O. Money , 4f7 per cent : New York
exchange , 3o discount bid , par nFked.
CIIIC'AOO. Oct. 9.-ClearlnK . I3 , 8,47. New
York exchange , S3c dUcovint ; slorllnt- exchange ,
posted rates. J4.MH04.65H. Tlie utock market
dragged ; Like l'rl-i weak on local relllng : clou-
Ing : Went Chicago , IWU ; Metropolitan L. I''j ;
Lake Street L. IbTi ; Conenlldated Ga > , WH.
I/iNDON , Oct. . At the wool auction sales
today 1H9 bales were offered , of which liC4
were withdrawn The renfrnl self. Hun
XVKS potr. tut wHM good woiN were offered were
readily salable New England meiln.i * * cM for
Is Id to tlie continent nd home buy r raid
1 M for Victorian washed fleece. Fine rc s-
bred * were nrm unit wen taken liy Hie homo
traile. Ctipo ot < lix > d Hope was In small supply
find unchanged , Puntn At-enm Hock was In pixir
condition , but It maintained the late Advance
find was t k n chiefly by Ihf contlntni. Follow.
Ing nre the fates In detail : N n- South Wnles ,
5.620 bales ; tenured , 7c1fji M. icr < n y. "tiltH-l.
luerni > lnnd , 2.MS bales , rruured , 9iltH > l. Vic
toria , 1 , ! > S1 bsle ; scoured , "VUtlsMj Kieafy ,
4'iftM , Soutll Australia 4CO Valet , scoured , ' > W
Is lid , Tannnnla , 2M baleii , sooured , SfTIOdi
areaty. 6MUU1. New Zealand. S.10J bales !
fcoured , fulfils Id ; greasy , r > 'tfii'kd. ' Onpe of
Oood Hope und Nntal , f > * S lMilei > i fcourcd. VMjilff
1s Ws greasy , 4J6Hd. Punlix Arena , 4,19 ] bales ;
greasy , 3H Mi > l. Tlie salts nre scheduled to
clofe next Thursday , m the offering * for the
four days nre aw follows : New South Wales ,
13.MS b le i QutcnulAlid , 1,700 bnles ; Victoria ,
5,430 bales ; Potith Australia. l.UO bales : Swan
rher , 600 bales ; New Zealand , 1S.600 bales ; Cape
of Oood Hope and Nntal. 4.000 bal * ' ; total , 4J.1M
bales , Following nre the nrrlvals to date for
tlic sixth rerles : New Sortli Wales , 1,4V bales ;
QUffiisland , 3.K15 bales : Victoria. MO lutes !
South Australia , 319 bales ; New V.calnnd , 421
bales ; Cape of Uood Hope ami Natnl , 3.1C6 bales ;
total , 1(1,305 ( bales. Including Jt 0 b.ilcs sent
direct. The Imports during the week weie B.ZS3
bnlcs comprising : South Wnles , S.SG'J ' bales ;
MellKiurne. 4S1 bales ; New Xealnml. 3. bales ;
Capo of Oood Hope nnd Natal , 1,618 bales ;
Persia , 100 bales ; Hustla , SSI bales ; llurdenux , M
biles , ami Antwerp. 40 bale * .
Ni\V : YOHK , Oct. D. WOOIr-nomestlc lleecc ,
J527c ; pulled. No. ! extra , 27H40c ; Texas , lOlf
ST. IjQUIS , Oct. . WOOI Steaily nnd im-
chnngej ,
( NkfTriAlui'Uots. .
NKW YOHIC , Oct. , I'Ol'I'KB-Optlon *
opened stenily at DiflO points decline ; showed
general wenk undertone , following un nllsfac-
tory European nnd Hrazlllan ndvlces nnd ah *
Bencn of speculative Inleiett , selling arrenteil
by comp.irnllvely flnn views ot spot holders
nn > l liberal warelioupe deliveries- closed Inac
tive nt n net decline of SftlO points ; sales. 4.COD
bags. Including December , ! C.4"i March , 5C.0)C )
6.73 ; Mny. JC.M , Spol coffee , Hlo. quiet ; No.
7 , J7.121J. Totnl warehouse deliveries from the
ttnlteJ States , 41,3M bags , Incltullng 11,770 bugs
from New York ; New York stock toJuy , 311,332
bags ; United Slates stock. 3 ! > .1.374 bags ; nlloat
for the United Stales , 446.COO ban * ! totnl visible
for Iho United State ? , f39.SU lmg. , ngnlnst M3-
334 bags last year and bags In IS'Jj.
SANTOS , Ocl. 9. C\I-'KUK Santos , barely
steady ; good average Santos , S.tlOO rels , receipts ,
M.OiH ) bags ; etoclt , 10S.WO Ings.
IIAMIHIHO , Oct. . COI'KKBOicnei1 ] un
clinnged ; closcil with net ilecllne o ( ' , ipfg ; sales ,
S.OfO bags.
IIAVHi : , Oct. 9. roKFKK Openeil quiet , \it \
"if lower ; nt 12 noon Uf lower ; suk-s , 9.000 lmgi .
W > bags.
H1O 1)1-3 .TANKIHO , Oct. S. OOI-THn-Slenflyj
No 7 , Hlo , 8.300 lels- exchange , 7'4d ' ; recslpls ,
10.MO bags ; cleared for tlie United Stntes , 9.0-W
bags ; cleared for Kurope , C.OOi ) bags ; flock. 4IV-
LIVintPOOL. Oct. Ii.-COTTON Spot , Millet ;
prices lower ; American mliUUInu fnlr , 4 R-Mdj
goml inldilllng , 315.33d ; American mliblllng.
31S-1W ; low middling , 311-1CJ ; good unlliiiuy ,
30-1M ; ordinary , 3 % > \ . Sales , 7.000 bales , of
which SCO bales were for speculation nnd export
and Inclmled C.OCO American. Hccelit10.0V | )
bales , Including S.bOO bales American , l-'utures
opened cncy , with n modeinte demand and closed
quiet and steady ; American middling L , M. t .
October. 3 41-64d , buyers ; October niul November ,
3 3I-CIJI3 33.04d. fellers ; November and December ,
3 32-nid , buyeis ; December nnd Jnnunry , 331 C.lfT
3 32-C4d , value ; Jnnunry and February , 3 31 Olfp
332-Md , sellers ; February nnd JJnrcli , 3 32-C4d.
buyers ; March ami April. 3 S2-C4SI3 33-C4d , buyers ;
April and May. 3 3-64 73 34-C4d. fellers ; Mny
nnd June. 3 3l-C4iT333-C4d. Fellers ; June and
July , 3 3S-C4W3 Si-64d. sellers ; July nnd August ,
3 3G-CIQ3 3-C4d. hellers.
sales , 4.0)0 linles ; ordinary , RVfcc ; good ordinary ,
t'X c ; low middling , r 13-Kc ; mlildllng. K' . e ;
good middling , Cic ; mldilllng fair , CSlecelptn. ; .
7,3."iD bales ; stock , 7i.0')5 bales. Consolidated
slnteinvnt. Ilecelpts. net. B1.32S bales ; exports
to a real llrltaln. 2S.S32 bales ; exjiorts to France ,
17,3.15 bnles ; lo Inc continent , 500 bull's ;
stock , 4S9.17I bnles. Fulures. steady ; rales. 15-
; < W bnles ; Oetober , JO.OCIiril.C ; November , J6.135P
C.14 ; December. JC.13jrf..l4 ; Jnnuaiy , JC.17W3.1S ;
Februnry , * 0.:2ffC.24 ; March , JG.l'7DG.s ( ; April ,
tC.30J-iC.32 ; Mny , J0.3offi.37. (
MEMPHIS , Oct. I ) . COTTON Stenily : mill-
dllng , Co ; receipts , 3.C59 bnles ; .shipments , 1,047
bnles ; stock. 31.318 balm ; siles. 1.730 bales.
ST. I/JU1S , Oct. 9.-COTTON-Qulet. un
changed ; no sales reported ; middling , CVic ; re
ceipts. 7.013 bales ; bhlpnient * , 0 , 0 bales ; flock ,
1C.C55 bale ? .
Citluii Mnrlci-ls.
NKW YOHI-C. Oct. 9. COTTON Fulures eloi-ed
very steady : sales. M.70) bales ; .Innuprv. ' ' 4S ;
Kebrunry. J6.K : March , JC.f.5 ; April , ! C .fO ; May ,
J6.C4 ; June. $0.67 ; July , . $0.70 ; October , J6.K9 :
November , $0.40 ; December , JC.45. Spot closed
steady : middling uplands , CVbc ; middling gulf ,
6 ic ; middling , C',4c ; net receipts , f34 bales ; gross.
9.13a bnles ; forwarded , 5,024 bales ; sales , 410
bales , nil spinners : Block , CO.MS bnles. Total
today and consolidated : Net receipts , C1.32S
bales ; exports to Great llrltnln , 28.S32 bales ; to
France , lfl,35 ! bales ; to the continent. COO bnles ;
stock , 4S9.174 bales. Totnl since September 1 :
Net receipts. 1,14.1,872 bales ; expoits lo tJrent
llrltaln , 292.972 bales ; to France , 78,150 bales ; to
the continent , 205.040 bales.
NEW YORK. Oct. 9. SUOAR-Raw , quiet ,
fair refining , 35-lCc ; centrifugal , 9S test , 3'lr.
Refined , firm ; standard A , Cc ; confectioners' A ,
Be : crushed. fi ; e : granulated , BUc.
NRW ORLEANS. Oct. 9. SUOAR-Qulet ;
open kettlle , 2UT3o' centrifugal granulated ,
4V4514 9-16c ; white , ' 3 13-1G5J4 3-lCc ; yellows , 3V481
4c ; seconds , 2if3'c.
Cnllfornln Oricil Prnltsi.
FRUITS Quiet ; evaporated apples , common , fi
fl'7c per Ib. ; prime wire tray. fc'Jo ; wood dried ,
prime , C',4c ; choice , S'.4B9c ; fancy , 9c. Prunes' ,
B TR'/ic per Ib. , as to size and quality. Ap-lcols ,
royal. 75c : Moor park. 9tTll'ie. Peaches , im-
pccled , "flllc ; peeled , 12VaW17c per Ib. Tone of
market quiet. ,
fK * DIllloilllldNt TllUcM
HlH Oiru Life.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 9. The steamship
China arrived hero yesterday from Hong
Kong , via Honolulu , with the following Ha
waiian advices under date of the 2d Inst. :
HONOLULU , Oct. 4. The Btcamer China
brought word that Councillor Aklyama , of
the Japanese foreign office , attempted suicide
at Yokohama on September 20. At last ac
counts ho was In a critical state. There
were two severe wounds , one In the throat
and tlin other In the abdomen. Aklyama ar
rived In this city on the Japanese cruiser
Nanlwa last May to assist Minister Shlma-
muro In handling- the Japinesc Immigration
matter. Ho proved to be a bright young
man of considerable experience In diplo
matic work and bo made many friends 'dur
ing the three months he spent In the Islands.
Ho was ordered homo In July , and the Im
pression got abroad nt the time that ho failed
to accomplish what was expected of htm by
bis government and that he had gone home
In dUgrace. At any rate , prior to his de-
partur ? the matter hnd been taken entirely
out of his hands.
HolilN Cliliiainaii for Deportation ,
NKW YOHK. Oct. fl.-Jndgo Lucombo of
tha United States clr > 'Ult court hns handed
down a decision directing the deportntlon
of Chni Ah Quan , a young Chlnnmnn , who
camp here lant summer claiming1 to hnvo
been horn In San Francisco , and to lie the
son of Chu Ah I In UK. a merchant of Doyoni
street , this city , Chu All Quan imsseil
throutfh Malonc , N. Y. , nnd came to this
city , whew IIP was nrroKtcd. After nn i-x-
ntnlmitlon lie fora the United States comml-
Ploner lit' was held' for deportation. Avrlt
of habeas rorpus was obtained from Judge
I.ncombe nnd the result of the argument
hcfora him , Is the confirmation of the com-
mlKiloner'B decision. This decision hn.i an
Important hearing inxm the cnsea of hun
dred ! ! of Chinamen who have come Into this
country , claiming It u their birthplace.
\YlnIlCH MIlllKltTH SlU-1-l-HN.
CHICAGO , Oct. , Ilev. John Kee , chair
man of the committee of the Chlcnfjo
Muthodlft ministers' meeting on religious
liberty for Protestants In South America ,
has received a letter from Blr Oeorgo Wil
liams , founder of the Younjf MCII'H ClirlHllmi
iisfoclatinn , In which ho say.s hiIs greatly
pleased nt "tho efforts being- made In the
united States to secure the sumo liberty of
conscience to protestants living In the
Korn.-in Catholic republics * of South America
mi Honiun Catholics enjoy In the United
Stntep , " and that ho "devoutly hopen these
organlzfil efforts which have hU hearty
sympathy will be entirely suci-c-SHful In
obtaining rcllplcus liberty nnd equal civil
rights to [ rotf.xtfints and mlsjlonarkaof the
I'rotc-stant faith In thu countries men
tioned. "
ICIIIl-ll I ! } ' ITllUlllMVII AKHIIKHllIN ,
JACKSON , Miss. , Oct. 8. Word reached
heic today from Madison stiitlon that
James Chapman , who liven about six in I ltd
north of Jackson , had been nHsassdnated.
The tnigedy occurred while Mr. Chapman
wns In the barn raring for his stock. Ho
was found dead with a wound In the back
of hla head , It Is not known wfio Ilrwl
thu futtl Brot. :
Jninin iniil HiiKNlii nl lliilH.
HAN K1IANCJSCO , Oct. 9-Hejorts from
the Orient Indicate strongly that the ic-Ia-
tlons between Itussla and Jap in over Coren
are greatly Htralned. A protest had l > oeii
entered at .Seoul , the capital of Coreu ,
agaliiHt the engagement of Itusslan drill
Instrnctora , but at Yokohama. It IE expected
thnt the Husalans will carry their point.
PrriiiliriCiiiiiiullH .Siilrldi- ,
JNmANAI'OUS , Oct. 9.-Janob n her ,
a Dunkard preacher from Mexico , Ind , ,
hanged himself last night In a livery stable
during a lit of melancholy and kla Ueail
body was found today. i
Customary Light Supply to fend the Week's '
Not KniiiiKti Offered to MnUe a Tc t of
( lit * .MnrUct 1l iH Look l/ji
HrciivrrliiH a Stimle
In Trier.
SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. D.-Ilecclpts for the
< luys Indicated were :
Cattle. HOKS. Sheep , Horses
October 9 1,019 3Y2 ? 611
October S. . . . . 1.771 4,1'75 ' 1,8(11 , ( B
October 7 4,9W f > ,5:6 S.M9 M
October 6 6.926 5,713 1 , 22
October 5 7.374 6.W1 2MO 13
October 4 G.3CG 1.S7C. 851 1'5 '
October 2 G.M 0.777 V.J ( M
Oclobcr 1 2.226 6,317 2,120
September HO 2,270 M. > 2 3,315 28
September 2D RWt ! 4.9M SS2
September 28 C.S ! 1 4,7(11 ( 247 21
September 27 C.744 1,0X0 GIG 27
September 25 P72 3M1 . . . . 2S
September 24 3bOS 1.SS7 4.4CO
Tlic olllchxl number of cars ot stock
brought In today by each ronil wast
Cattle. Hogs. Slieep.
C. . M. & St. 1' . Hy 2
O. .t St. U Hy 1 1
Mo. 1'nctllc Ky 20
Union Vncillc System 1 10 2
! ' . , K. & M. V. II. 11 U 1"
C. , St. I1. . M. .t O. Ky 1 3
It. & M. It. K. U C 23
C. . 11. & Q. Hy 3
C. , H. I. & l > . lly. , if t " 11
Total receipts 3S Cl 2
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head I nil leu ted :
Cuttle. HOKS. Sheep ,
Omaha racking Co 172
C > . H , Hiimmond Co 43 "b'J . . . .
S\lft and Company 2P2 1,157
Cudahy I'ncklng Co 22l ! 1,223 ull
H. Becker and Uegnn. . . . 7
J. U dircy 211
Ciulahy P. Co. , 1C. C. . . 501
I'lankliiton P. Co. , Mil 351
Other buyers 1'5 ' . . . .
Left over 2 < .0 . . .
Totals l M ) 3.S.M 511
Hecelpts for the week with comparisons :
Cattle , lloss. Sheep.
Week ending October n. . 27.W4 27.1C2 11.PUI
Week endlliK October 2. . 2t , Mi 27,207 ( i.lM
Week ending Sept. 25. . . . 31,177 32120 ; II.IHH
\\Vek ending Sept. IS. . . . 21,63S 20,091 ll.S.S
CATTMC-Of the thirty-seven lo.\ds of oat-
t'.o reported In today only seventeen wore
nn s. le. the balance , h.ivlng been oonslpnod
direct to packers. In addition to the frcsi
receipts there were about 400 head which
came In late yesterday. All told , however ,
there were not cattle enough to make much
of a test of .the market.
As > usual on a Saturday , there was little
In the way of news , the offerings celling
early at steady prices. The yards \vi-rr
soon deserted , everyone going home early.
Duyei-H claimed to have paid strong prices
for coinfod cattle , but there > , vas nothing
very c'loleo. the best being good enough to
bring only J4.0. Hepresentai'.ive sales :
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. 1'r.
14..1097 54 40 S0..1113 > 4 GO SO. . . . 1242 $1 SO
4l..ii7 4 S3
2. . . . B20 150 ! . . . . 015 203 ! . . . . SS5 2 ! . " .
3..1218 300 1. . . . SSO 32i li..10.4l 5:15 :
3..1113 3 15
1..1100 2 00 I..1150 3 33
3. . . . SGO 4 C5
23. . . . tlCS 3 ! iO
No. I'r.
1 cow mid cnlf 5W CO
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av , I'r.
1 con7WI $2 fO 1 liull 13SO i2 " 0
1 bull HID 273 1 cow MO 310
1 hi-lfor 870 335 7 fue.lprs. . . . M.S 340
1 steer 1010 3 CO 4 fenders. . . . CJ3 4 15
10 feeders. . . . 633 4 25
31 feeders. . . . 710 4 CO
20 steer.i 1243 3 M > 1 liull 1250 263
1 etas 1310 275 19 cows > .10",3 3 30
SI feeder-.1064 4 CO 1 Imll 1KW 2 40
1 hull 1370 2 CD 1 liull 1340 S CO
1 feeder 1020 4 10 33 feeders..1072 4 10
I co\v , 8 0 2 50 C cows PCG 2 HO
13 bulls 1261 270 1 cow 1130 315
1 cow 010 3 13 1 cow 1030 3 13
99 cows 10(8 ( 313 Snipers 11S.1 373
1 feeder 730 3 S5 6 feeders. . . . CSO 3 83
IIOOS The market this morning- looked up
once more , the best hoffs felling pretty Bcner-
ally at an advance over yesterday , The gen
eral mntUet wns a shmlc higher.
ThP tniile was fairly uctlve nml the IIOBS were
nil fold iind wrlRheil up early In the morning.
The nvcrnee of ull the Eales was l'Jci ' higher
than yecterday.
The hog market the last week had a much
road to travel and most of the way down hill ,
The week opened with a decline of f c , shaded
down a little on Tuesday , but sold hade nualn
at the opening prices on Wednesday. On Thurs
day HIP Hteep part of the down Mil urndc was
reached , values on that day declining 1V ( ? , and
on the day following , 12c. Friday proved to lie
the low day of the week , hops selling on that
day ZZ'.ie. lower than on Monday nnd 32 0 lower
than the week before. In fact. ho s sold on
that 'lay at the lowest point touched since Au-
BUst 11. On Saturday there was a sllslit reap-
t'lon that Ifft the decline for the week at 1'Oc.
The demand for hogs was good all the week
and local packers nnd shippers were frep buy
ers at current prices , Repn-pentutlve sales :
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sli. I'r.
33 313 . . . $343 M ! 7 ) tO } 3 f,3
17 " . . .S24 . . . 345 M ! SS 8i > 5 D"
4l" 359 . . . 843 7i 210 120 3 fIS
jl ) 330 . . . 343 62 2C2 240 3 M
45 361 40 343 01 2. fO 3 K
41 414 . . . 343 ir ? 301 40 63
r,4 323 fO 3 4iH M 245 . . . 3 M
r.4 S2I 40 3 47'4 ) SSO KO 3 fB
ro : co lee 34 ; r,7 sss ire 3S5
61 318 120 350 l 2C6 . . . D W
r.4 307 320 350 4 > SOS 40 3 B >
55 5S7 ICO 3 50 , KI 2SH M 3 f,5
to 500 . . . 350 fi.1 S19 120 3 K !
Irt 307 . . . 350 ' 01 370 . . . 3 S5
48 303 120 350 ( ! 4 2J4 KO 3 M
58 2SS . . . 350 24 2SI . . . 3K
, -,4 332 ICO 350 rS 302 120 355
S3 115 120 3 M | 72 231 hd 3 61
4D 331 . . . 350 , r.0 276 120 3571.4
M y6 . . . 350 57 271 . . . 3 57H
47 300 . . . 3 M , lit 2G2 210 3 5-14
f.g 301 SO 350 GO 279 . . . 3 1
1J 252 120 3 SO C3 S30 . . . 3 TO
74 312 120 36214 67 2ii * . . . 31/1
5S 275 . . . 35214 71 233 SO 3 f0
lit 2I7 ! 1"0 3 5SH C7 : . < KO 31,0
01 2i8 240 3 521/j K ) 2liS Pll 3 0
53 300 2fO 3 52V4 70 210 40 3M
r,3 312 40 3 52''j 61 241 . . . 3 < r ,
37 2S1 SO 3 62'i B 2l . . . 3 f,5
52 23 . . . 353 G2 2W . . . 3 fli',4
1 190 . . . 1 50 71 108 . . . 331
1 290 . . ICO 1 470 . . . .14.- .
2 1OT . . . Z 7K fl Ill . . . J ; , o
48 103 . . . 3 S3 222 . . . SCO
3 303 . . . 335
HHKKI' There were only two loads of sheep
here , lluyeravern calllna the market Heady.
I'lK-kfrx Iluy IIotjN Unterl ) nml 1'rloi-H
A il vn iu'i-S li ci'i HI < ! ! il- .
CIIICAOO , Oct. 8. Tin-in was HIP usiinl Hntur-
day innrkct , nr lack of It , In cattle. The pens
were fdrnoEt empty , the few ufferlncs cnnslHtliiK
mostly of wc' lcrn , 1'rlccs were mostly nominal
and unclianned fnnn terday's ( iRuren ,
Packer * In IIOKH took hold moro actively , nnd
nilcps iidvanred CfilOc per hundred. Kali's were
inna-ly nt from J3.45 to J3.63 , co/irae , heavy
[ jucki-r.i Bellini ; at from J3.30 In J3.53 and prime
assorted IlKlit welxhtu lit front 14 to J4.03 ,
lluyei-H dlFcrlmlnatr-il iiKalnst the numerous lotx
of cciirsp heavy , fo\vy pluu , ami they wern plow
lit 30f)50o lielow good la fancy porn-fi-d itock ,
cholcn bacon Krndrs belnB preferred , 1'lKH sold
larui-ly at from (3.55 to t3.i > 5.
\Vesteiri range sheep antt lambs comprls f ] the
bulk of today's recvlpls. Native etiecp icild
at from > 3 to } 3.tO , feeding wcnterns nt from
13.11 to 13.50. native lumhu nt from J3.40 to
J5.CO. onJ western lambs lit from J3.73 to J4.73.
I itnlm are 25C40c lower than lust week , and
Hheep nr off 15US' < c.
Ilei-elpls C'ntllo , : < Xl head : li in ; , 13,000 head ;
ehecp , 2,009 head.
.SI , I-imlx 1.1vifitncll ,
HT. IXJt'IB ' , Oct. $ . CATTI.T'N-llerelptH , C01
heail : shlpmentu , none. Maiket meady for both
Texuns ami natlvcu ; fair to choice nnllvn hlp-
plnir and export stetrc. M.S.'rfiJ.W ; hulk of sulcM.
)4.C3i74.65i dieeseil beef und butcher Hirer * . (3.7J (
dl.7.'i ; hulk of halm , Il.lOjd.CO ; IlKhl KleerH ,
J3.501I I.DO ; bulk1 of Kak-H , J3.W4f4.20 ! ; slnckeis ami
f.c.lcru , J2.5Cffl.25 ; bulk of vales , | 3.15QI.OOi cow *
und helfeie..l , : { H.5 < ) ; bulk of caws , I2.&JQ3.25 ;
bullH , : .yij3.50 ; Tt-xas ami Indian sti-rrs. t3.M
4JJ.W , with u few nlHKle tteeru bringing au liluh
as I4.23&I.50 ; OOWM and heifers , 12.IC J'J.2' .
IIOQS llecelnts , 100 head : shipments , CtO hend.
Market 6c lilKher : light , ti iia/JJ ; mixed , I3.G4
3.kO ; heavy , J3.80f3.i3. ?
.Slliir : Hrccll'tK. ' 1W ) head ; Ehlpmcnt * . nnne.
Market nomlnul : native muttons , U.lOfia.KS ;
stKkt-is , : fi.WQiM ; culls and bucks , | I.X ( > 0 ; .50 ;
lambs , 3.25ii3.3. ! ;
IMH : ( DtiiTiilii II vi.Sliicl. . - .
KAST lll'I'TAUJ , Oct.CATTI.KOulel. .
HOUS Yorkers , irooil to choice , 14.13 ; roughs ,
common to uood , } 3.35ftJ.U ; J.IIJB , good to c.lulcv ,
kllKi''l' AND I.AMriS-I mlis. choice to otra.
I5.10QC.25 ; culls tu common. t3.i5A4.2J ; iholes lu
selected wethers , (4-00(24.C5 ( : culU to common ,
ICiuiNiiH City I.lviStock. .
KANHAB CITY. Oct. 9.-CATTIK-Jlecclpt ,
400 head ; market ( leadunchanjel. . Only. r ?
tall trade. Tetus steers. MWtfllO Texas rows ,
unit heifers , It 4W .N , native Hem , J.7HT5.:5 |
nntlvn cows and heifers JlftMNM , itockrra
nnd feeders. tMW4S' . . bull * tt . 32S
IIOOS-Hecelpts. i Ihcml ' , market tOlfa
toweri bulk of siile . Jlfi'lflM. he.tvles , J3.4JO
3.7.V pnekers , J.HM/S.W ; mUnl IS.MCfl 7t-i llnMs.
si 7' / '
' ' ' '
lamb * . | l. f&.liiimit'tons , M'oflJ,7S.
lleeoril ( > f receipts of live stock At the four
principal mniktti for October t > :
Crtltle. lions. Sheep.
Omnii.t . . . .tv'.i ' s.tei tn
( . ' . ilcngo toi n.roi OOJ
Kntc < n City 400 S.KK ) l.SOO
StUinls ( HO IN l.WO
Totals , l.JSO 70.492 5,011
-K Held oil 't't-rrni < > In I rent
of Stnlc lltilldliiM : .
NASHVIU.H , Toiin. . Oct. 0. Illinois na
Clilc.iKo ilny wns colclirntCMl In n very np-
proirlnto | and successful inntinor at tlio Tcn-
nossoc exposition today , Tlio
various ilcli-cntlotiM Iroiu C'hlcnKn nrrlvcil nt
S:30 : o'clock this mnrnltiR nnd were tnt-t by
A reception tomultlcc of representative cltl-
zctis nf Nashville. At 1:30 : o'elock tlie vlsll-
era proceciled to tlic exposition Rroutnls to
attend the exercises there * . The nttcnilanco
at the exposition \\RR very largo anil most
gratifying to the exposition nianngciucnt nnil
the Illinois people.
Tlio exercises , which were hold on the tcr-
race of the Illinois luillillnR , began with
innslc , nnd Alexander II. Hovel ! of Chicago
nmilo the opening rom.irks. An mWrcss of
welcome on behalf of the state of Tcnncasoa
wiis delivered by Governor T.tylor. lion. J. Ongeseerotary of the treasury ,
WAS the next speaker. lion. Carter II. Harrison
risen , mayor of ChlcaKO , responds ! In he-
half of that city nnd Mnjor John \V. Thomas
and lion. 'Hilly llrown welcomed the visitors
on bchnlf of the exposition. The response
on behalf of the. Illinois stntc commission
W.IB mnile by Judge Klchard H. Tuthlll , nml
Hon. H. X. Illglnhntham , of the
World's fnlr , also responded. The closing
speech was by United States Senator Wil
liam K , Mnscri , who spoke on behalf Of Illi
nois. After tlio. clopc of the exorcises the
vnrlou.i . buildings wortvisited. . The Illinois
nml Chlcngo commissioners nnd tlu-Tr guccts
were given a luncheon nt the West Side Park
club this nfternoon.
rii\ris TICICUT.
rrnliNluuliiNt Silver lti-Uilill ( < an *
llriii-U 'I'hlN Pnrt > iiui > ii.
MNC'OI.X. Oct. ' , ) . ( SpcclJl TelcRram. )
The hiMrlng on the protest nc.iliist the free
silver republican certificate nt nomination
occurred before thu sec-rotary of state thla
rorenoon. The tepubllccn party WOH rcpru-
scnted by Joseph It. Webster nnd O. M.
himljcrtson , tlio free silver iieniMo by Qcorgo
W. Illbner of Lincoln and James W. Cnrr
of Omahti. The orolcuLahlB argued that
the free silver republicans " not repub-
lltuns In any sense of the word , nnd the attor
neys on the othe- side ndnilttcd this. The
argument was as to whether the ttso of yart
of an old lurty nitno was contrary to i.ho
statuteThe secretary of Htate reserved
hU decision until after the protest against
the national democrats had been heard , tlio
tlmo fcr the latter being sut for 2 o'clock
this afternoon.
Chief of Clint'liitiH ri'KN HH Pen.
pie In Aceel | < ( In * Incvltllhli- ,
TUSHKAHOMA , I. T. . Oct. D. Principal
Chief MrCnrtaln. In his annual message to
the Choctaw council , states thnt ho feels
his government will bavo to give way to
the domauilH maile by thu Uiwcs commis
sion. Ho says In part : "In demanding
those changes of us. the government of the
United States really believes that It will be
bcnoflclal to us by promoting us to n higher
piano of civilization. Hut as Indians wo
look at It from a different standpoint , and
we can cnncelvp of no greater hardship or
s-icrlflco than to glvo up our government.
To give up all of otic cherlahed customs and
privileges seoms.-fatal tb'\i's \ , Wo can imagine
no worse hardship , but It Is Inevitable. Wo
cannot check tlio change , therefore let no
break tip nnd accept the conditions Imposed
upon us llko men. "
TliliikN I > ri-Mfii ( . \ iIiiiliilHrnllniilll
Do .VodiliiM : for \\'lill < - .tlotiil.
DENVER , Oct. 9. In nn Ihtcrvlew on the
unfavorable reply anticipated from Great
Britain to the International bimetallic cn- ;
voj-s Senator Teller slid : "I have all along
said thnt France might bo willing to open
Its mints , but that it would ask more con
cessions to silver than Great Britain -would
be willing to grant and HO the confcrcnco
would come to naught. Moreover , I believe ,
oven If England ehould open the mints of
India to the free coinage of silver , as Franco
requests , and France nhould open Its mluta
and the Hank of England should hold one- ,
fifth of Its reserve In silver , the present ad
ministration would do nothing for silver la
this country. "
'I'll re.- Million In Oolil.
SOUTHAMPTON , Oct. 9. The steamer
Pnrls , which sailed from this port for New
York today , had on board $3,025,000 In gold ,
consigned' different New York houses.
INSTRUMENTS placed on file Saturday ,
October U , 1M)7- )
D. G. McICee to A. K. Sellers ; lot o ,
block 4S. South Omn'-n $3,000
A. 1C. Sellers anil wife to II. C. Flower -
or ; same 3COO
John Jeffries et nl to A. II. Palmer ;
lots 3 and 4 , block 115 , Dundee piice ! 2,000
HrltlKCt Ash ft nl to .1. M. Cook ; west
: fi'/j feet of enst " > feet , lots 7 und 8 ,
block 38 , South Oniiiha 1.13S
Newton lyind company In O. II.
Pa vn e. trustee ; lot 2 , block 3 , Cen
tral park , 1
Sonhlu Jlitrltrlit nnd husband to H. A.
Mcrrlam ; lot 10 , block 2 , A. S. Pat
rick's addition 1,500
13. C. Sawyer and wife to Arvllla Em-
mlntrpr ; weut 35 fpet lot 7 , block 7 ,
Hl'lsldo ' addition No. 1 l.COO
Total amount of lrnnsf > ra , . , $ UCS7
Telephone ! ( ) : > ( ) . Oinolia , Neb ,
liOAIJI ) OP TUAD1 ! .
Direct wires lo Chlunvo nml Nnw Yorlt ,
f onvBpoiidi-utH : Jnhii A. Wnrrcn.tCo.
Stocks Grain and Provisions ,
314 South 15th St.
HUTU llmo and money by reading Ilia Klondike- Tn >
Kim ( < iililii Hook. It i-ontalua m p ol all tlierpu.-
to the gold flelil , mnd from s-irvoyiij list conipleUMl.
" aid for JUiO , p < nolllr ir iiire money
order , Tr&ilokutjplleil. Jolin
June-ill , Aa iia7
Ciipllnl , tJtno.OOIi. I'lilly 1'alil.
Stocks , Srain and Provisions ,
Ituoin 111 illoarii ( if Trudu
( Tel. It95. )
C. C. CHIUSTJI5 . President
13. J. BTItlilST . , , , . , . Vice Prcaldcnl
O , W. K13NN13V . . . . . . . . Sncretary.
David T. Dealt , Prest. No 3027.
F. I' , l-'eal.Vlue I'rcx L'liluniitlunul liaiib
Chaa. II. V. Lewis , Caib. CaplUI , tGOO.OOO.
ICANBAB ClTt. Mo. , April M. U 7 ,
We hereby ctrllfy that > h < ClirUIIBtr l
Commitilon Company has this day commenced
LuMtifm wllh un by detioiltlna l-'ifly Thouiac4
Ooll r ( Cu.OOQ.W ) In each.