o THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; ffif OOTOBEIt 7 , ,1807. , COIISERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "Wli2ftt Oontinnos Ita Olirab with the fame Oauscs Operating , ADDS ABOUr A CENT AND A FQU.UH Corn nml Onlx Illicit .IFnltc n S lint I'riivlxliiiDi Are Auxin Wrnk nnd Olcmu ClllCAdO , Oct 0. Wheat today added Hie to lire 2-cent. advance It scored yesterday , the market closing strong nt cloe lo the top figures. Foreign markets again held the reins , but the advance was checked by the unloading of large quantities of long wheat , presumably for the Corlone cl'que. Corn nd- Vnnced only UOVie. Oats closed Vic higher. Provisions were again weak and showed de clines ot 7',4fiI2'4c ' at the close. Wheat was strong nt the ? opening. Liverpool - pool opened Id higher nnd Paris wns up an equal tiniount. In addition to Uie Invigor ating Influence of the foreign advices , the. tradu was advised of sales of 1GO.OOO bu. of flour yesterday ut Minneapolis , a good share of which , It won claimed , was sold for ex port. The Ohio state crop report * showed a J-lold of only 27,373Wi ) ) bu. , compared with B2.tXW.000 bu. last your , and said that pros pect * for winter wheat mere very poor on ni-counl of the protracted drouth. The ucutlier map gave no Indication of an Im provement In the prevailing conditions for tiniiwct thirty-six hours. Klrst wiles of December -were at from MV4c to 92'fcc , com puted/with / yesterday's closing price1 of tl-Kc. Tile opening prices wore so tempting as compared with the closing of the- previous duy that n line of over l.OW.WiO bu. of wheat , presumedto | haves been held by H local spec , ulnt-or. IA-IIR thrown on sale. The market touk It all without effort , thu only effect be- in ? a V o decline. Then the mnrUct bounded to ! )2 ) jc. Hut a perfect llootl of wheat came on the market at thitt prlee , the result be ing that December was pounded down to Cl ic. Northwcs.'crn receipts were liberal at 1,00:1 : cars for .MltinuapollH nml Duluth , ngalnst K2T last week nnd 1,152 hist year. Local rcciilats were 313 curs , against 2S3 expected. Uolo-w a certain price the de- nm id for wheat seemed practically unlim ited nnd Intllcated the presence In the mar ket of some powerful Interest. At 91c the offorlnRS were absorbed so fast that shorts ltcnm | alarmed and started for cover. This ncnt t .X ! price , up to within ytc of the tcjj figures , i.vlicn offerings again became In cxt'ei's of the demand nnd another reaction Jo lowed. The Hradstrex-t's report of the world's available of wheat showed an In crease of 2,191,000 bu. , against 9)70,000 ! bu. the previous week nnd 3,720 ( KO bu. for the corresponding week lust your. Of the In- creasei during last- week 2,314,0'JO bu. was in the United States nnd Canada east of the Ilockles nnd 600,000 bu. In and afloat for 13urope. Thesu llgures-wero much less than anticipated and , helped by reported export cngaR-timents of seventy boatloads , made the market very strong toward the close. De I * " ' cember was bringing 92c ns the session I ended. Tiiero was a firm feeling In corn , with the trade Influenced' by the drouth and the gov ernment report , which Is due Saturday and which Is expected to show n material de cline In condition , Cables were also hlslior. T.iero was very good buying by strong local commission linns during the morning , but Offerlngo Increased at such a rate on all thu advances that the market made but lit tle headway. The visible Increased 1.G7C.OCO buMic'B. Hecelpts were 409 cars. Atlantic clearances amounted to 312,000 bu , Decem ber ranged from 30W5i30 > 4c to 29 > 4c , closing UftU' hlghtr at 30030140. Oats were llrm at a Plight advance , mnln- Jy tlui result of the Influence of wheat nnd corn. New York did some buying and the foreign demand continued urgent , both of which facts helped prices. Trading as a TV-hole was unimportant. The visible In creased G5OwO bu. Hecelpts were 277 curs. Clearances 1.12,000 bu. December ranged fr.mi 20ifi20' c to IS iBl'JTdc , closing Vic higher at 20c asked. Provisions were decidedly weak. An ad- vnnco of 3d In the English lard markets IP" and much smaller local rcclpts of hogs than expected helped the market around , the opening , but the slight rally brought out liberal quantities for sale and the market soon became heavy. The demand died out almost entirely ns the session advanced. CUstng prices were nt thp bottom , Decem ber liork 7ic lower at SS.OU'/idTS.CG ' ; lard 12V4o lower at il.37',4 and December ribs 7".c lower nt J'.G2'.4. Billmaled receipts Thursday : Wheat , 320 cars ; corn , 443 cars ; ontn , 3UO cars ; hogs , 80.000 head. Leading futures ranged ns follows ! I Opun. | lIUIi. | totv. | Cloau. TYeatdy \Vie.-nt- Oct. . . . H0 OIH n-jH Mny. . . DIM Com Oo : . . . 2HW Dec. . . . 30.4U SOitH Mny. . . aaji Oats Oct. . . . in 111 19U III Deo. . , . inHITi 20 aw ? Irt imi May. . . ' - . " . ! hi PorU- Oct. . . . 7 nn B DOe Di-c. . . . H If H IS 8 I- ) ' ) . s o.-i Jan. . . . U 03 0 10 R US 8 03 o 10 Tjnd ( ct. . . . 415 4 'to 4 3D 4 4 * > H Dec. . . 4i7t ( 4 CO 4 : is 4 : i7h , 4 ru Jai . . . 4 UUtt 4 M 4 O''Hi 4 lift eirmibs Oct. . , . . 1 no 4 no 4 80 4 HI ) 4 no Die . 4 70 4 70 4 ll'ji 4 ( I-J4 4 7(1 ( Jan. . . . 4 71 ! ! " 4 7-'H 4 UJt 4 03 4 7 ! > No. 2. Cnsli quotatlonu were as follows : FLOUR Firm ; winter patents , * 4.70fi5.00 ; Itralchts , 5).COil.70 ; tyring specials , JS.I.O ; eprlni ; patentn. t4.SOiT5.00. WHEAT-No. 2 Kprlnic. BTKC ; No. 3 pprlns , E0&'i4c ; No. 2 red , ar.&ie. CORN No. 2 , 2S'lfr2 ! > % c. OATS No. 2. 10'Ac f. o. b. ; No. 2 white , I2'ic ; No. 3 white , 2lT22c , RYE-NO. 2 , 4cwc. llARLEY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , 2SMlc ; No. 4 , 2EVia:4c. PI AXSEED No. 1. S453c. | TIMOTHY SEED Prime , J2.C2H. PROVISIONS Mess pork , iicr bbl. . J'i.POffS.O' ; . laril. per 100 U.S. . , 4.32M 4.35. Short libs sides ( looRi ) . JI.07CI.10. Dry salted > houlders ( boxed ) , t5.COiT3.2S ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , f 5.25 3 37i. . WHISKY Distillers * finished goods , per sal. , fLK , SUGARS Cut loaf. 13.90 ; granulated , (3.34. On the Pioduce exchange to lay the butter market was steady ; creameries , 15tf21',4u ; dairies , 12H9v. Cliee.-e , steady at Sfj'Jo. KKKV. Btendy ; fresh. ISI-ie. 1'oiiltry. iiulet ; turkeys , tlflOc ; chickens , 7'ic ; springs , be. ducks , Hi-lite , KKW YOHIC iVii.ViSltAL .MAHKICT. QuiitiltliiiiH of the Day on Gciicrnl CiiiiiiniidlllfM. JJKW YOIIK , Oct. G.-I.'IXUU-Ilecelpts , 23.- 295 Mils. ; exports , 15,700 bbls. ; moderately HC- tlvo and held higher ; wlnler strnlghls , $4.65 4.76. Ityo Hour sleujy. lluckwhcat Hour , iinlel At Sl.8W2.oo. JlUCKWHKAT-Qulet nt 4Sff30c. COUN MI-AI < Dull : yellow western , CSc IIYB Klrmer ; cur lots , 49ff50c. IIAHI.UV Firm nt 301,0. HAULHY MALT ( Julct. W1IKAT llwvlptf , SOC.27J bu. ; exports , 123,313 "EUREKA , we Imvo found It ! " IT STOP SUDDENLY Use the tobicco you require and take Bico-Curo. It will notify you when to stop by removing the desire. Is a scientific , permanent cure , ft Is a kindly vegetable anti dote for the poisonous prin ciple in tobacco and leaves the system pure and free from every trace or effect of the narcotic. Tliencrvesof tobacco-users are at a fear ful.mson \ \ stretc > ieJHs/tt ( The slightest noise or Incident Is distorted to false pro portions. The craving for tobacco grows nd the gratification of the habit does not satisfy. The situation is ridculous.-t ! ! Is unhealthy at it interfere ) w A both vvr& and pleasure. It's expensive. Did you ever look at It in that way ? The pleasure of / Vyisln living well not living ill. The nerves will stand a lot of abuse but if tobacco Is stopped suddenly they recelv a violent shock and permanent injury. TO * tin a written cniriutM to trur p i- mn tly tar vltb ULTM boxii. or ro tund tb taontr. eo . or tl box , tint toxtt ( nir nti d curt ) $1.00. Draffliti T.rywh r , or EDBCKA CUEUICAiTAMD , VU , In. ; rpot ttrrnci No. 2 rrJ , 65Hc. Option ! opcnnl itronx on cables , dfouth news nnd for * clKii tuylnc , reacted undtil rr.tlltlnir nml wrikfr lutcr I-nRllli cnbles , finally milled on MK ex- tK.rt . ileniand nnJ dlsarpolntlni ; Incrcnae lo wotl.l's . ( .lock , clKSt-d strong nt lUPHic net nd * vnncc ; No. 2 red , October , BCfm'tc , clorpd nt Uc ; December , 91 1J 16tt9J IJ-lCc , closed nt t , 2 , < ,330 bu. ; csports. 131,131 bu. ; dp.it dull ; No. 2 , 5ISc. Options opcnrd nrm on drouth nduccs , but cnsco off under rcallzlni ; , closlup n shade Etrntllcr with wheat nt n partial He net Advance ; October close < l at 33Hc ; De cember , 2095Uf , closed nl 35Hc. OATH-lltce-liils , 801 , Kl bu. ; exports , 123.772 hu. ; fpot slciidy ; No. 2 , 23UOM'ic. Options dull but stonily , rluglnR Uc net higher : October closed at 23c : December closed at ! 4Hc. HAY IJiill ; ithlpplne , JI.WOI.W ; Rood to choice , JS.OOfl7.EO. HOPS-UulU 1'ncinc coast , 1855 crap , < ffGc : mo crop , Cijflc ; 1S37 crop. 12l8c. HIDKH-Slcady ; Texns tfry , 1240I3c ! ; Cnllfor * nln. 17 N f , l-jinil Quiet : hemlock solo , Iluenoa llRht to heavy weight * , 20V4tflUc ; add , ! TTEH-IleccIplB , C,2)2 ) pVRS. : market uteaily ; wcsttrn creamery , HQ22c ; Klgln ; , I2c ; factory , CHEESE Itecelpts , f.WO pkgs. ; maiket quiet ; nrKC , white , Pf'JV4c | ; small , white , 9V > c ; InrKC , colored , DflOVic : small , colored , 90-4Ci ! ) part skims , Me7o : full skims. 3'.4 ' < c. KtlOS llecclptn 7,500 pkgs. : market steady ; stale nnd 1'ennsylvnnln , leiiUlS'.io ; western , 1GH 817c. PROVISIONS Itccf , stcidy : family , J9.OOaiO.G1 ; extra , mcis , ST.MgS.M ; beet hnnis , UC.OOi27.00 ; lincket , JS.fi < )19.60. Cut meats , steady ; pickled bellies , r.1i f.c ; pickled ithoulders. Cic ! ; pickled Imfin , EU1S'lc. iJird , quiet ; western steam , S.75 ; refined , ntcady. Pork , dull ; old mess , 19.00 CT9.25 ; new mess , l9.BOttlO.oo. Tallow , quiet- ; city , s c : country , ajjws e. OILS Cottonseed , dull ; prime crude , 21 ZlHc ; prime yellow , 21021140. 1'elrolpum , dull ; Pennsylvania crude , nomlnolly al Ste ; no mar- kel ; refined , New York , J5.CO ; Philadelphia and llaltlmnre , J5.W ) ; Philadelphia and Unltlmoro In bulk , J3.05. Hnsln , steady ; strained , common to coed , Jl.40ffl.irTurixsntlnc , llrm nt J3U i3lc. IIIC'K llrm ; fair to cxira , ISHO'-ic ' ; Jnpan , MOI.AHSEfl Firm ; New Orleans , open keltic , good tfi choice , 25H31C. MRTAUJ Pig Iron , warrnnls quiet nt J7.0Z > 7.15. Ijike copper , dull at Jll.10iril.30. Tin , dull nt J13.GOO 13.70. Bpcller , dull nt J4.20WI.30. Ix-ad , ? xchanso weak at J4.1504.20 ; brokers' strong nt OMAHA RENHHAlj MAIUCKTS. Coiulltlnii of Triuli : nml on Ktuiilo nml Fniicy Proilncc. KiaS Oooa Rlock weak at 12'jc. I1UTTKU Common to fnlr , OC'Jlic ; choice to fancy , 12f(14c ; separator creamery , 21c ; eathcrcd creamery , 18S19c. VIJAtCliolcc fat. 80 to 120 Ibs , , quoled at gc ; large and coarse , 4JIc. MVE POUI/rilY-nens , C4o ! ; rocka. 304c ; sprlns chickens , per Ib. , 7c ; ducks , 637c ; tur keys , COSc. PiaEONS IJve , 7c ; dead plccons not wanted , IIA\ Upland , Jd ; mldlana , :4.DO ; lowland , . r ? ; ° . atraw , Jicolor ninkes the prlco on hay ; light bales sell the best , only top grades brlnu top prices. imOOMCOHN Extremely flow sales new crop. delivered on track In country ; choice green relf- worklng carpet per Ib. , 22'4c ; choice green. running to hurl. 2Jf2'.4c ' ; common , l'4c. TOMATOES-r'er half liu.'lnsket. ! 58IOc. ONIONS-Per bu. , 6055c. LIMA HEANS-Per lh. . 3c. Hl-ANS-Hand-plckcd nnvy , per bu , J1.4001.CO. CAllllAnR Home srown. Ic. WATEHMKLON8 Crated. Pr doz. , JI.50. POTATOES Home grown , 50fCOc. FnUITS. APPLES-Per bbl. , fall Eteick. J2.0j1J2.:5. NATIVE PI.UMS-1'cr basket. :0ff35c. OHAI'ES-Callfornln. JI.23iffl.SO. CALIPOIINIA PKAiMlKS Per case. Craw- fords EOc , clings. 70f75c. 1'EAHS Hnrtlotl. per cnse. J2.23 : Utnh Itart- letts , ll.7iWfl.80 ; liuerro Hnrdv. $ l.r,0fil.7 : . M5\V YOIIK OUAPKS Per 0-lb. basket. ICc. CALIFORNIA PLUMS Per case. Jl.OOiTl.25. CRANDERRlES-Cape Cod. perbbl. . JC.OO. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMON'S Mcsslnas , J4.25ff4.50 ; choice Cali fornia , JI.OO. OIIANOES Mediterranean sweets , Jl.23ff4.50. II AN ANAS Choice , large stock , per bnncn. J2.00iff2.25 ; medluml7.ed bunohes. J1.50S2 00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib. . large size. 13c : llrnzlls. per Ib. , lOc ; English walnuts , psr lli. . fancy , toft shell , 12R13c ; atundai-Js , 10TT llo niberts , per Ib. . lOc ; pecans , polished , large. WOc- ; Jumbo , ll12c ; laice hlcKory nuts , J1.2J per bu ; cocoanuts. 4 ! < .e each. FIGS Imported fancy , 4 crown , 20-lb. boxen , 12c ; B crown , sO-lb. boxes. 13014C. HONEY Choice white , lie. CIDER ClnrHled Juice , per half bbl. , $2.33 ; per bid. . J4.00S4.23 MAPLE SYIIUP Five-pal , cans , each J2.3j Knl cans , pure , pr doz. , J12.00 ; half-Bui , cann. JC.25. quart cans. (3.50. FRESH MEATS. DRESSED PEEP Good nntlve steers. 400 to COO Ibs , , 7c ; good forequarteis , steers. Gc ; Rood hlndauaricrs , 9c ; western steers , 6t6V5c ; fancy heifers , Gc ; good heifers , G tc ; Rood forequaiters , heifers , 5c ; KOOI ! hinilqunrtcrs , heifers , 8c Rood cows. CVic ; fair cows , 6.ic : common cows , 5'ic ; cow forequarters , 4V4@5c ; cow hlnilqunrters , 7'4 G8c. I1EEF CUTS Tenderloins. 18c ; boneless Ftrlps , ! > c ; atrip loins , 7c. rolls , 8c ; sirloin butts , 'jc ; ehoulJer clods , Cc ; rump butts , 5c ; steer chucks 60 ; cow chucks , 4V4c ; boneless chucks , 4'4c ; con- plates , 3c ; steer plates , 3',5c flank steak. G'.ic ; loins , No. 1 , 14c ; loins , No. 2 , lO'.ic ; loins , No. 3 8'/4c ; sirloin ends , No. 1 , 5c ; ribs , No. 1 , lie , ribs , No. 2 , S'.Jc ; ribs , No. 3. G'/jc steer rounils , 7',4c ; cow rounds , 7c ; cow rounds off , We ; trlm- mltiRS , 4c ; beef shanks , 2'c ; brains , per doz. , 35c ; sweelbreads , per Ib. . 12c sweetbreads ( calves' , per Ib. , 40o ; kidneys , per doz. , 33c ; ox tails , each 3c ; livers , per Ib. , 2c ; hearts , per Ib. , 2c ; tonuues , per Ib. , lie. MUTTON Lambs , 8'4c ; sheep 7'ic ; mnrket nicks ( IOIIK ) , 9c ; hotel racks ( anorti , 12c ICRH end saddles , Re ; lamb legs , 9 ? ; breasts ana stews. 3c ; tonpues. each 3c. POIIIC nremcd plRS , Co ; dreyped hogs , B'.tc tenderloins , 13c ; loins , 7c ; epar rlbn. 4c ; ham sausaRe > , biilts , Cc ; shoulders , roiiKii. 5VAc ; shoul ders , rklnnt'd , Cc ; trlmmlnRs , 4Vic leaf larJ , not rendered. Ge ; heads , cleaned , 3c ; snout and cirs , 3c ; backbones , IVjc ; check meats , 3c ; neck bones. Hie ; plRS' tails , 2c plucks , rach tc , ch'ticrllnRS , 6c ; hocks , 4c ; he-arts , per doz. , 25c-i stomachs , each 3c ; toiiRUes. each 7c ; kldnpyv , per doz. , 10e- ; brains , p r doz. , 15c. pigs' feei , per doz. . 23c ; livers , each 3c. HIDES. TALLOW. ISTC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green hides , 6c ; No. 1 salted hldeu. 8V4c ; No. 2 green salted hides , "Vic ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 13 Ibs. . Sc ; No. 2 venl calf. 12 to 15 His. . Cc ; No. 1 dry flint hides , 11013 ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , SSldc ; No. 1 dry saned hides , OillOc ; part cured hide ? , 1,4e per Ib. Icjs than fi'lly cureu. SIIKEP PELTS Ore-en nailed , each 15ft75e ; green salted ehenrllngs ( short wooled early skins ) each 16c ; dry chearllngs ( short woolecl early skins ) , No. 1 , each EC dry ( lint. Kansiia and Nebrai-ka butcher wool pelt , per Ib. , actual weight , 4ffiic ; dry Hint , Kunsas and Nebrasun murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 304c ; dry Hint Coloindo butcher wool pelts , per ID. , actual weight , ® ; ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , pfr Ib. , actual weight. 2fT4c ; feci cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on them , St. I.oiiln CriK'i-nl ST. LOUIS , Oct. C. VUQUlt Unclvjnged ; pat ents. J1. ! > OW4,50 ! straights , J4.50S4.tO ; clear , J4.10 U4.2.V. medium , J3.10Q3.75. WHEAT Higher , closing with December Ivic and May H4c nliovo ycsterdiiy. December opened lo higher on plronger cables and no signs of rain , advanced Uo more , fell back Uc , went up V4&c , declined IVic. nnd laler ad vanced unlll ll c above the bottom , closing fltronif , Uc below the top. Spot , hletier ; No. 2 led , cciiii , elevator , 95 ? bid ; track , t'Cit ' ! > c ; No. 2 hard cash , 84ffE7c ; December , ! ? 4c ; May , 9So bid. bid.L'OHN L'OHN Futures opene-d with an advance , de clined , went up atsaln and close I with buyers " ,4c hlg'.ier than yesterday. Spot , steady ; No. 2 caFh , 27c ; December , 27ic bid ; May , 3IV4 = bid. OATS Fulurcs were dull nnd llrm ; spot , higher ; No. 2 cash , elevator , 3Cc asked ; track , 20o ; No. 2 white , 21V > ( ? 22o ; December , 20c ; May , 22Hc bid. HYE Higher nt 42f43c. CORNMEAI--J1.WWI t5. 1IKAN .strong ; Hiicki'd , east track. We. FLAXSEED-Hlglier at 91C. TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme , J2.70. HAY Scarce nnd llrm ; prairie , J3.00ff6.00 ; tim othy. J6.COH9.50. lIUTTEIl cjulet ; creamery , 20f24c ; dairy , 15 JflCe. EOOS-FIrm at 12',4c. ' POULTRY ClilcKi-iiB flrmj young , 7C7iic ; old , GV&c ; ducks quiet at Cc ; fiLcto Elow ut Cc ; luikrys lower nt 70'74c. ! WHISKY J1.20. COTTON TIES-Ki- . 1JAO111NO ' , ieic. JIETALS-U-ad , dull nt Jl.CO. Fpclter , nom inal nl J4.V. , . ' PROVISIONS Perk , unchanged ; ftnndard rnvtn , jobbing , IS. SO. Lin ] , lovvtr ; prime eteaiii , J4.25 ; choice14.20. . llucm ( boxed lots ) , cxtm thort clear mid libs , JK.12i.4i thoits , tl'.M. Diy salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders , ! 5.75 ; extra short clear und ribs , J5C2',4 : tjliorts , J3.75. JIEC'UUTH Flour , 4 , X ) bbls. ; wheat , 26.000 bu. : corn , 'J , ( 0 bu. ; oals , (2.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 5,000 bbU. ; wheat , 108,000 bu. ; corn , 127,000 bu. ; oats , 2OliO bu. KIIIIMIIH City .M KANSAS CITY. Oct. C.-WHEAT-Markf | about la higher , but dull ; No , 1 lur.l , 8IVic : No. 2 , 81'.4f(8lc ( ; No. 3 , 82c ; No. 4 , 7Cii OcNo. : 2 red , HOaSJc ; mixed , S..SjfCo ; No , 3. i.5tb'Jformer ( for poor ; No. 4 , He ; No , 2 tprlng , 81c ; No , 3 , 78ii7 c. CVRN-Maiket ) tlrm and a little higher ; No. 2 mixed. 2H6Kc. OATS Market active and steady ; No. 2 white , 20c. 20c.RYE RYE Market steady ; No. 2 , 42fTI2U ; . HAY Market fairly active ; choice timothy , JS.OO ; choice prairie JC.OO. IlUTTER-Miirket tlrm ; creamery , ' 2) ) 2.'c ; dairy. lBI7c. EUUS-Market steady ; HKlUic. RECEIl'TS-Wheat. 112.8CO bu. ; corn. 18,200 bu. : oati. 14.000 bu. SHlPMHNTS-Wheat , 148,20 bu. ; corn. M.300 bu , ; oats. 1,000 bu. , I'fiirlii MnrliftH. PEORIA , Oct , 6.-CORN-Markct steady ; No. , OATH-Market flrmj No. 2 wlilte , S3e. WIIISKY-No price quoted. RECEIPTS-CVirn 41.C30 bu , ; oats. SS.Sifl bu.t rye. 140 < ) bu. : wiiltky 75 bbls , ; wheat , ceo bu. 8HII'MENT8-Corn. 83,850 Uui oats. 56.103 bu. ; rye , none ; whisky , ius bbls. ; wheat , none. Orleiinn 3lurUrtM. NEW ORI43ANS , Oct. 6.-HOQ VRODUCT8- . Bteady ; psrk , oil , Jlic. Lard , reOacil tierce , 4Hc. Daxed meats , dry nlt shoulders , 8i4c ; sides. SHc. Dftcon , clfar ribs , sides , 6Tic. Ilnms , cholc * mirar cured , . COFFEE Rio , ordln ry to fair , IJ.2Cell.2S. FLOltll Qul tt extra , fancy , ILMO-LM ; pat ents , JS.OOSJ5.10. CORN MEAL-Qtllet at $1,61. IlHAN-Qulet at SOc. HAY Steady ; rrlme , J10.004T1I.OO ; choice , JI2.00 CI3.M. CORN Steady ; No , 2 sacked , white , 7c ; mlxol , a7ft3Sc : yellow , 33c. OATS Steady ; No. 2 sacked , MHPCec. RICE Firm ; ordlnarj' to good , 4tNMc. ftrnln Ilccrlutn at I'rlticliiiil RT. LOUIS , Oct. G. Receipts : Wheat , $9 cam , CIIICAC1O. Oct. 6. Receipts : Wheat , 313 cars : corn , 409 cam ; oats , 277 can , I > tlmated re ceipts tomorrow : Wheat , 320 cars ; corn , 413 cam ; i oats , 3M cam. MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. C. Receipts : Wheat , D52 cam. KANSAS CITY , Oct. ) . Receipts of wheat , 1SS cam ; last year , 53. t.lvorimol ( iratii and Provision * . LIVERPOOL. Oct. G.-PROVISIONS-llacon , short clear backs , steady at 30s Cd , Laid , prime western , dull at 23s M , WHEAT Spot. No. 2 reJ. western , wlnler , stcmly at 7 8Hd ; No. 4 red , northern , tprlnir , etcnily at Ss Cd. CORN Spot. American mlxptli new , firm nt 3s 2il ; American mixed , old. steady nt 2s 'id ; October , steady nt 3s IHd ; December , 3s S'id. Tolriln TOLEDO , Oct. G.-WHEAT-Hlgher nnd nrm ; No. 2 cash and October , 95',4C ; December , OS'.ic. CORN Firm ; No. 2 mixed. 2kV4C- OATS Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed , 19c , RYU Active ; No. 2 cash , 47Hc. CLOVERSEED Ixjwer nnJ steady ; prime cash , I3.S5 * OilUnchanged. . STOCKS A.MJ IIOXDS. llcnm Continue to JMilUc liny'hlie - tinUiillx ArtWnltlliK. . NEW YORK , Oct. C.-The bulls maintained n walling attlludc for the moat part In today's market nnd t.ic bears were successful In shak ing out further stop lota orders and depressing the general level of the market n further sharp fraction. There eccms to be long sleek to cell und t.ie bears are thus encouraged In continue their eltoits. Where there Is evidence of icallz- Ing they apply prcsniru b'y short selling nnd M > precipitate the decline to n polnl where stop lobs orders are milled tu thu weight on , the mar- kcl. The consequence of Ihls pulley was Minus very s.vup declines In ppt > clal tocKs duiltiK the day , Sugar , Chicago Oils , Manhattan , Hay Stale Gas and the grangers being the objects of most nggrcbslvc attacks. The Ion eft prices of the day weic made early In the llnal hour , but the last half hour of the t mill UK saw a steady hardening of pi Ices \\hlch materially rt'iluccd the net losses. All the factors In the general situation Indicated a continued Incrcatc In aclual values ami there was no assignable cause for the decline except t.ie exaggerated level of prices which ! : MB been attained. One ot the fea tured of | the day was the large buying- Penn sylvania and u sharp rife In Hit ! pi Ice of t.ie block. The announcement ot the withdrawal from the Hank of England of $ MOX-0 ( In American eagles fur shipment to New Yolk had only a momentary effect In steadying prlcers. This wua the more notable us the movement Is eondideted to be the beginning of a ttimlj Impuit o. gold. Sterling cxc.iange * old nt Jl.c4 > 4 today , mat price being offered nt sellers' option for tin- reef of the month. The ample supply of gold nt present In the country must be accepted as ac counting for the > mall effect piodured by t 10 Impending gold movement. The Now York clear. Ing houne banks now hold J j2uU.'i , 100 In MIOL-U- , compared with J3j.i01.COU a year ngo. The- Hint gold engaged In Europe for Import two weeks agn has airived from ijenoa and been deposited t ( ( the Hcciunt of Importers. Although the New York banks have lost the last two \\eeks J10- C03CCO of their deposits , t'.ie specie In the cash reserve has shown an actual lncit-a e In the tame time. The t'nltod Stales tteamry gold re- terve has also been Increasing ut the rate of $230.000 a day for several , diva past. The rales for money In thu New York maiket phew no further tendency to harden. If all lhye cir cumstances arn taken Into account It will team surprising that Finall Importance attaches to the movement of gold hither. London was a buyer of stocks In this market today and statements of railroad earnings all continued to tlnv In- crccccs. Nevcit'.ulefs , the io. ult of Ihc day's liregular trading Is the showing of not IL.SM-S extending from a fraction to over a point throughout the list. The de'allnga In bonds were somewhat laiger than those of yesterday and prices declined In sympathy with stocks. Total aalcs" . Jl,6jii':0. ( : Old United States 4s , registered , nnd new 4s , both registered and coupon , were advanced ' .i per cent bid today. There v.cic tales of the old 4s at 112011214 and of the Cs coupon at 115. The committee on unlisted iccurltiea of I i Stock exchange haa added to the- list J20.000.0CK ) of the slock of the Hay State O.-IH company , making the total amount llttc.il J35,000,000. The Evening Pcbt'n London lliunrlal cable gram rays : "The stock markets were xtvndy but quiet today. West Australian mines nro p-cdomlnatlng , with tlgns of weakness. Ameri cans opened dull , but over the parity. There was scarcely any selling here , nnd the abpencc from the markets of the Jews restricted ar- bllrnge dealings. Prices were steady at the close. The withdrawal of 100.000 In gold from the Bank of England for America had little effect on the market for phaies , where It Is argued thnt New York does not want gold specially , but does desire to rejcll to London the shares recently shipped from here. The The total sales of stock today were 33" 500 shares , Including : Atchlson preferred , 8.350 ; Chicago , llurllnKton t * Qulncy. l'.i.45 ( ! : LnnlE- vlllc K Nashville. 14.445 : Manhattan L , 7.2C2 ; Mlxsourl I'aclllc. 12.970 : Northern I'nclflc 3,66,1 ; Northern 1'actllc picferred , 10,425 Noithweit- ern. 3.4C7 ; Ontario & \Vettern , 3,800 ; IU-ndln , 10.S20 ; Hock Island , 20,440 ; St. I'aul , 21 535- Omaha , 3,313 : Union I'aclflc. 13,458 Walmcli prcfened , 3.135 : American Tobacco , 8.0S2 : Chl- eago Oas , 10 230 ; Sugar , 29,093 ; Western Union , 6,600 ; Chicago Great Western , 9,270. X w York Money Market. NiW YOItK. Oct. C. MONKY ON CALI - Stcady nt 2V4W3 per cent ; last loan , 2V4 per cent ; closed nt 2V4 Per cent. I'HIMU MKIIC'ANTILK rAl'KU-t'.iia'S ' per "sTICHLINO KXCHANdK-Kaulor , with actual buslnesH In bunkert , ' bills nt > 4. 4Vi < ! (4.84 % for demand and at $ < .S2Uff4.S2 > 2 for sixty days- posted rates. fl.tiVitf4.M and ? 4.$5'a4.1iG. ' commi-r- Rlal bills , I4.M. S1LVUII CKUTIKIt'ATKS-SSWSCVic. HAH SILVI-it-35 : 11-lOc. ' MK.X1CAN DOLU\KH-43c. OOVIUNMI-NT noNDs-Kirm. STATK HONDS-Dllll. IIAIL1IOAD HONDHVnk. . Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : l''iirlKii I'Miiaiielnl. IIERLIN , Oct. C. Exrhangu on London , 20 marks 37H pfgs. for checks. PARIS. Oct. 6. Three per cent rente * . I03f I5o for the account. Exchange on London , lit lOVJo for check * . LONDON. Oct.Tbti amoun1 ct bullion IIAR SILVEH-23'ld per oz , MON10Y ? ! per i'i-nl. Tim mte of discount In the open market for plinit Mil ? . 1 13-1R per cent ; for three months' bills. 2 per cant. ( iiilit IK ( iiinteil nt RuenoH Ayres today at 1ST : at Lisbon at 47 ; at Rome at 103.17. Klniini'lal .Notex. I1O3TON. Oct. C.-ClearlliRS , 110.570,076 ; bal ancer , } L'.572.450. ( UALTIMOItH. Oct. 0. ClcnrlnRS , $3,238,579 ; balances , $ . " : j.51D. NE\V YORK. Oct. C. Clearlnss , $ i:0,82S,333 , balances , ! 7.210.I2I. ! I'HILADELl'HIA. Oct. C. CloarlHRS. 113,133- r.ll ; baliini-e , , 1.703.1S. ( ! CINCINNATI. Oct. C. Money , S'iatt 1'er cent ; New Yolk I'xchnnRe , lOo discount to j ir ; clear- IIIRS , ! : , cfi,4f.O. MEMIMIIS. Oct. C.-ClearliiKP. J.143.87H : bal- anres. IK tiliO. New Yoik exchange , selllnB nt Jl..0 premium. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 6-ClearlnRS , ! M2 4S3 ; New York exchaiiRe , "bank par ; commercial , i Jl.r.O per JI.OOO dlreonnt. ST. LOUIS. O-t. * HV CleailnRs , J3.C14.412 ; bal ances , J7S7.SH. Money. 4 7 per cent. New- York exchange , 23u discount bid ; par asked. CI11CAOO. Oct.t 6. UlenrlnBu. $15.112.C21 , New Y'rk exchanKe. lOcl discount. Sterling ex- chniiRe , posted rrftes. < 4.t > 3i4.SO. ( ! Stocks. ncilVe , \\'ftl ChlciiRo , weak , but recovered ; closlns : West CtilcaRO. inr , ; Lake Street L , 20H ; New- York niscult , COfi : M etniptdltnn L , 7V.- A mrrli'Mil , ! ' ! ! ! " Ill Loiiilon. LONDON , Oct. C. In the market for American FCr.irltlex. after inoclrratc lluctuatluns , with New York sullInR aldlUK the downward movement , the close was dull ) ajul ; the demand moderate. COTTOxi.M A R Iv liTS. Iniprovc'iiii'ilt In All IHrcc'tlous , Avltli Siniill Ailviiiioi'K III I'rlue.N. NEW YORK. Oct. S.s-Tho cotton market devel oped Improvement In nearly all directions today. The openlnK tonif w.'iji linn , with prices bliow- Inii an advance of from 1 to 4 | xlnt on better fables 'and outside -sncculatlxe Interest , There was , u > i furtherdyuj cQ , on fre.c ( covering of BhariH''undrBOUth'om buying. Al < iut the.'mUldle of the afternoon * tho'rfc was some liquidation that carried prices offa couple .bf points , but aa a rule1 the market closed wltli the ndvantase BtroiiKljj' In favor of tlm longs , with prices nrm at a n"t advance of from 5 to 7 points. ( Moslns pilces : January. JC..VJ ; Febniary. J6.57 ; March , J6.C1 ; April , tC.63 ; May , $0.30 ; June , J6.71 ; July , C.72 ; October , M.43 ; November , 10.45 ; December , JG.49. Spot closed dull ; middling uplands , Gc ; inldillhiK RUlf , CTiic ; middling , 6' > ic ; net recelpls , none ; uross , 3,111 bales ; exports to the conti nent. Col bale ? ; forwaid d , 1 bales ; sales , 317 bales ; spinners , 107 bales ; Block , 05.1S3 bales. Tjtiil totl.iy : Net reoeipts. . ' ,0,300 bales ; exports to ( In-lit Ilrltaln , 17fS bales ; to the continent , C01 biles ; stciHv , lili.SS" bales. Consolidated ; Net lecelpts , 1S7.S02 bales ; expoits to Great Ilrltaln , 44,111 bales ; to France. 11.L42 bales ; to the con tinent , S,0 ! 3 baits. Total elncc September 1 : Net receipts , yjS,320 liales : exports to Great llrltaln , SO'.CIS bales ; to France , 6S.793 bales ; to the rontlnent. KiO.O.V ) bales LIVERPOOL. Oct. ( ! . COTTON Spot , fair de mand ; pilcoi lilRher ; American mlddlliiR , fair , 4 7-32d ; Rood mlildlliiR , 4d ; American mlddllnR , 3T d ; low middling , 3J4d : R.md ordinary , Sd. Sales for the day were 12.CCO bnlvp , of wlUch l.C'OO were for npeculatlcn olid expoit und In cluded 10.700 Ameilcan. Receipts. 3,10-0 halts , In cluding XO Amerlean. Futurro t-pcned qul't with a inodeiute dcmind nnd closed llrm ; Amer ican ml'lilllnRS. O.-inher , 3 44-f4i | . ) 4-ild. ( bu > cr ? ; October and November. 3 CS-C4d , buyers ; Nox em ber and December , 3 3.1-C4373 3C-C4d , buyers ; De cember unl January. 3 3.V.4il. t-ellery ; Junuury and February , 3 33-C4J , fellers ; February nnd March , 3 83C4038ll. < ! | . bujtrg ; March and April. 3 : ! Ol4d. ( Inncrx ; April and May. 3 Si-Mil , hu > ers ; May and June , 3 3S-U.I . , buyers ; June and July. S 3i-C4d ! , buyers ; July -and AURUst , ; l 40-C4d , buyers. NEW ORLEANS , Oct. C. COTTON-QuIet ; sales , 4.7M ) balec ; ordinary , DVliC ; Rood ordinary , 5lic : ; low middling , u l"-11r ; . mitdlrR ! ! , C1ROJd ; mldillliiK , f'c : middling , fnlr. liHe ; receipts , 10. . 318 bales ; stock. 79.132 bale. . Futures were steady : snleo , 31.700 bales ; October. ! C G9f < i.ll ; Ncnemher. JH.1CJJI-M7 ; Duember , JC.IS5JC.13 ; Jan uary. ! C.23fC.24 ( ; Ki-brunry. Ji.2li ( ! ; .30 ; March , $ C.r , < jfi.3C ; : April. $ C.3a0 < i.40 : M-.y , SG.4IQ0.45. MEMI'HIS , Ot.rCOTTON Firm ; mlddllnR. r , l-llio ; recelplH. 4.COJ bales ; shipments , 2,393 bales ; sales , t.CM bales. .ST. IXIUIS O = t. C.-CXTITON Steady to 1-lCo hlRher ; middling. fiHo ; hales , 1,540 bales ; re ceipts. 5.074 bales ; ( shipments , 5,120 bales ; Block , 15,372 bales. WOOI , M\HKKT.S. AotlvHy liCNpciiH , lint I'rlt-cN SlKUM Of I' " II I1 III IT AllvillKTIIH-lll. IlOSTON. Oct. C The American Wool nnd Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow of the wrtnl tiade ; The inaiket developed considerable less activity this week than List , ns IB shown by a decrease of about 4 ( OO.rCO Ibs. In palec. There were fewe - notewoithy transactions. I'rlces have continued to harden , and almost every dealer Is piepared lo pick up n moderale am mnt of wool when anything offers to at tract his attention. It Is not believed that tlc : holdliiRs In Itofton are lurRo at thU time. Everyone's expectation Is that quotations will advance materially bv > und the cunent Ilinires. Thu activity canted by the advance In the London limitations ban now largely puhtldc-d. California wools Imvibcfn very active , and Australian wools .have xi.ld very well , Sales of the week In lloktcn uBRiegale S',127.000 ' Ibr , , of which 6,017,000 Mfi . demesne and 3.1W.OOJ for eign. ' * LONDON , Octi .C. The wool auction sales were continued todiiy , with pales of 14,288 balw , of which HO weiewltutlrnun , Thu tclectlon was good and t.ic Ihcmd iradu bought crorthreds irecly. France /iiMUIenmny iiurchnseil scoured suitable for their irlldt nt full rues. Faulty and Inferior wools wW.v'VSimswIint IneRUlnr. 0uecns. land Rreusy retcnfif. Hil for DarllUB'n Owns. Mc-Mi'b bcourcd t-uif of Gnul Hope slock was llrmer and hurddflViKl while Natal fold nt fuller prices , The atttMJ''i . 'e today was food. There were a few AmcvlvuniJnqulilcs. A hah * , of elteep. pklns will Le luhUOetoher 21. Followlni ; are t.ie Hales In detail toJiewl South Walou , 4,137 halrp ; scoured , ( H'ltflrfii-ilrrcty , 5U lld. Queensland , 2,131 bales ; Ecoim < d1"dirlB 3'i-d ; Krcasy , 5'lllil. . Vlctoiln , 1,134 bad1 tcouieil. * h < Uils 3id * ; grruty , Bouth * Ai-trtilla. ) 17'J lmlC4 ; iireapy , C'i West AJI'lralln. 41 bales ; Kmipy , 7id. ! ' " ' ST. LOUIS , QlJ"i'J-WOOI-Firni { : und In de. inand at nndianuedi. ( ( uotatlons ; medium , 15ff 21Vic ; light line , ISOlCc. heavy line , 9ill3' ' < , c ; tub washed , 2 i32c. Oil OIL CITY. PJ.J Oct. 6. Credit balances. 70c : ecrtltljates offered dt 70o , shipments , 103.727 bbls. ; runs. 103.731 bbls , CHARLESTON. S. C. , Oct , C. Turi mtlne , firm at SOe. Rosin , firm. WILMINGTON. N. C. . Oct. 6. Spirit * of tur pentine. firm at 3.l631Hc. ! Ilr.sln , llrm at I1.1S ( VI. 20. Crude tiirpenllne , steady at 11.30 asked , Jl.fO/Jl.M bid. Tar , llrm nt tl.30. SAVANNAH. On. . Oct. a. Spirits of turnep- tine , llrm ut 3Hii(3HJc. Receipts , 1,000 bbls. ; pales , 1,070 bbls , Hoiln. llrm ; receipts , 3 M ) hbl i tf > 't. f.rrn tr. . ( -i ir-s- o'"itt'1i - A . 11. . C. . D. , J1.2S ; E. . 11.30 ; P. , $1.S5 ; a. IJ.4D ; H. I1.4S ; I. , JI.CS ; K. . * I.UI ; ! . . . < N. , )2.10 ; window Klan. 12.33 ; water white. 12.60. IXNDON. Oct. a. Calcutta Unseed , spot and near at hand delivery , 31s , Spirits of turpen tine. 218 6d. Mnrkt'tH. LONDON. Oct. 6.-REET St'GAR-October. ts SJ : December and March. M. NBW YORK. Oot , 6. SUOAR Raw , nominal ; fair rvflnlne. 3 6-lCc ; centrifugal , M test , 3Hc , lleflnrd , steady ; granulated , t c. iNEW ORLKANS. Oct. . SUGAR-Qulet j open kftlle. 2UJi'3Sc ; centrlfueal granulated. 4USP 416os whllci. J 15-1(81 MCc : yellowB , 5Ht ( c ; ' OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Little Let-Up in Cattle Receipts and Hogs Moro Plenty LIBERAL SUPPLY OF INDIFFERENT QUALITY licet Sti-crn \ t flood HuoiiKli < " tliime < lic Truilo HOK Open StriuiK. Soil llrlHklr " " < l Clone Weak. , SOUTH OMAHA , Oct. G.-Hecclpta for the dnys Indicated were : Cuttle. HOR-S. Sheep. Her ci. October 6 G.Ktfl & .J13 1.6- October 6 . 7,34 ! 6,601 2.S1U 19 October 4 . C.3CC 1KS kit October 2 . 6S1 6,777 r.e October 1 . 2,228 6,317 , September 30 . 2,270 5.452 3,315 September 29 . 6.9J4 4,950 wa September 23 . 6,891 4,761 247 September 27 . 6,744 1,060 C4S September 25 . 972 1.951 ' September 24 . S.fOS 1.BS7 4'.4C6 September 23 . I.MSI 6 , "SI 1,461 September 22 . 6,841 , 1,670 September 21 . 6,200 > ,7i3 The ofllcliU number of cnra brouRlit In to- ilny by each roailvns : Cattli > . Hogs. Sheep. C. , M. & St. 1 * . Uy 1 O. & St. U Hy 1 Missouri Piiclllc lly IS 6 . . Union I'ncino System . . . . 89 17 2 C. & N. W. lly . . R , E. & M. V. H. H 67 30 2 O. St 1' . M. cc O. Hy. . . . 5 4 . . n. < t M. H. 11. H ioa 25 4 C. , H. & Q. Hy 4 O. , H. I. & 1' . Hy. , east. . . . 2 U. , H. I. & V. Hy.C3l. . . . . 1 . . _ Totnl rcclpts 230 SO S The disposition of the day's receipts wns ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : IJuyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Pncklns Co 4(1 ( i > 90 . . . . The G. H. Humomnd Co. f.80 OU9 212 Swift nnd Company . . . . G7l ) 1,133 301 Tlie Ciidnliy Packing Co. 1,00 ! ) l.Glfl . . . . H' . Meeker nnd DCECUI . . SIS Vanssint ft Co 407 J. L , . Carey Gsl I.oilman & Hothschllds. . 25 AV. I. Stephens 211 11111 & Lewis Co 177 Itcnton & Underwood . . ) S Huston & Co 114 Squires 112 . . . . Dennis 59 Swift , country 130 Cudahy P. Co. . K. C 471 P'nnklnton , Milwaukee 1S > 0 Tyson . . . . 1M Other buyers CM L.Bf.t over BaO . . . . Totals ciM3 Milo 727 CATTLE RecelplH of entile were somewhat smaller. 2:0 today nnd 2M > ycslerday. but there were about COO cattle- that came In late yes terday which were on sale today , FO that the offerings were of very liberal proportions1. The proportion of cornfed rattle was much Himllcr tlwn yesterday nnd day befoie nnd the market was given n breathing spell. The supply In addition to being light was of Kreully Inferior quality lo wlint It was yesterday and for that le-uson the pales looke-d low , though the inarliet was In rt-nllty Heady. There were > ome cattle good enough lo britiK $4.75 , but nothing to ceiin- I > JIP with the IS.OS cattle yesterday. Cows and heifers sold at Just about steady prices nnd the- market was ullclenty [ ! active to effect a reasonably early clearance. Stackers und feeder * were ult-o In good- de mand and the geneial market was just about steady , with no material change In any direc tion. ItcprCFentiitivc Kales : NATIVES. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 27..1IC5 tl SO 5..1124 $3 Sr 29..102 ? J4 33 22..13S1 4 " < 25. . . .1126 4 2. > 21..1141 4 CO 42..1117 4 M 40. . . .12) ) > 2 4 Co 30..113 ! 4 5.1 * * ' ' ' ' 107" 3 f > " 1C. . . . 010 4 35 31..1235 4 53 . . . . 4 CO COW'S. 1. , 1 75 1. . . . E40 1 S3 1. . 930 - ' Jo JS. , 2 S3 1. . . . OSO 3 00 43. . t > CS 3 CO 1. , . .10GO 205 1. . . .1210 3 SO 1. .10tO 2 25 1. , . .1020 2 25 0. . . . 0:4 2 0 1. . 900 3 CO 1. . . .1010 Si io 4. . .1082 3 10 3. .1130 3 15 1. , . .1100 1 75 1. . . S10 1 75 2 . 805 2 01 1. . . . 90 1. . . 990 2 40 2i ! . 770 2 60 2. . . . 075 2 ro 6. . . . 031 2 CO i. . 730 2 ro 2. . . . 870 2 70 2..1023 2 65 14. .1CS7 303 ,2. . . . SCO 3 00 1..1120 3 15- 1..12IO 3 25 1..10SO 3 25' I..1240 ; 3 EO 2..1045 3 f.O 1. . . . 900 3 75 2. . . . 095 3 S3 2.-.1105 3 S3 2. . . . 515 3 00 031 3 55 3. . . . 770 4 00 3. . . . 777 4 10 2. . . . ! 0 3 10 1..1130 3 10 1..1MO 2 05 1..1330 2 tO 1..1370 3 40- 1..H20 2 25 1..1540 2 75 1..1390 2 SO 2..K63 2 80 1..1340 2(0 1. . 220 4 75 1. . . . 2(0 4 75 1. . 170 3 75 1. . . 3fO 430 1. . . 370 450 1. . 330 4 6) 5. . . 350 475 1. . . 2SO 550 2. . ICO 6 75 1. . . 320 0 00 STOCKKHS AND FEEDEHS. 1. . . . 7 > 3 25 4. . . . M7 3 00 2. . . . 7'0 4 10 18. . . . f.C2 4 10 J. . . . S10 3 2"i 1..1000 3 2. , 1. . . . HO 3 f,0 3. . . .1173 .1 f,0 2'1..1I41 .1 > 31. . . .1020 3 05 3. . . . 5S3 4 30 25. . . . C7S 4 25 MILK EKS AND Sl'HINGEIlS. Xo. ' I'r. 1 cow and cnlf . } 2S 00 1 cow and calf . 3 ] CO 1 sprlnwr . 3200 1 uprltiKer . 38 00 1 row and rnlf . 420) 1 cow and calf . . . . 430) No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 3 bulls 130 > J2 t'O 2 feelers. . . .iro n ro 1 tailing MO 3 25 1 bclfcr. . . . , . J2I 3 70 S cows KIRS 3 25 19 ftvdi-i-H. . . .1011 4 03 1 feeder. . . 7CO 3 25 18 fi-i"iers. . . .10)3 ) I 05 3 hrlfcrR. . f 73 3 35 22 feeders. . . .12SO 4 10 1 fWder 1220 3 50 40 ' " feeders. . . .1221 4 > 1 fwder 1001) 3 50 NinnASKA. 8 feeders. . . . "SI 4 35 18 fe-eders. . . CCS 4 35 1 cow 030 2 to 1 cow .1130 2 50 2 CO K 121S 3 10 1 heifer. . . . . C 0 3 25 1 belft-r h70 3 25 1 heifer. . . . . 75) 3 25 1 feeder 'JIO 3 r,0 C feeders. . , .1070 T ' < f , 8 feeders. . . . S31 3 95 2 feeders. . , .119 > > 3 05 11 e-cws 1CCO 3 2. ) 3 cows . ( ' 70 2 35 2 eIWB WI3 2 50 1 fi-eder. . . . . 520 3 fO 1 cnw 770 2 75 10 he-lfers. . . , . SSI 3 M 1 King lot' ' ) 2 75 1 Moor .1230 3 00 1 cow IdflO 2 M 1 feeder , . . , . 910 4 04 5 cows 1V ( 2 E5 22 focilero. . , .10H1 4 10 1 cow S70 3 00 C -edcrt . , , . COO 4 20 1 he-lfpr 430 3 25 10 feiMcrH. . . . 712 I . " 0 1 hclfcr f,9f > 3 25 1 fopili-r. , . , . 420 4 CO 1 heifer 700 3 23 27 fcedpra. . , . 710 4 CO 1 heifer. . . . 900 3 35 1 calf . 530 5 00 15 feeders. . . ISM 3 UO 23 feeders. . , .123C 4 30 15 helfurs. . . . SG5 3 35 VVYOMINfl. I row . ! ) M 2 CO 1 cow ,108) G cow.1 . 1021 3 15 2 caws . 070 3 r , r , feeders. . . .107S 4 01 3 ImllH .KK 2 03 1 bull . 1010 n 15 13 fiTdcrs. . . ,1051 , 4 (10 ( 15 feeders. . . . 12:9 4 00 1 fenliT. . . . ,1230 4 0) 1 feeder . 110 } 3 M TO fe'c.lers. . . .13fG. 4 SO feerleis..HCI 4 10 2 cows . nio 2 7 ! 2 bulls . 1SI3 2 " , 6 oow .1070 3 ( V ) 4 cows . KM" 3 2" 1 feeder. , . . . X(0 3 : 1 tfllllnf.12TO 3 23 1 cow 070 3 00 1 bull . 1010 3 IS 29 rows .1010 3 50 2 cowc . Itro 2 01 2 biilln ,12'fl 2 IM 1 stnj ! . 1130 ; i 00 f,5 row ? . 00 3 01 130 sirs. T.-X. H'2 3 10 7 helffrs. . . . , F24 3 20 6 COWB . 10C3 3 25 42 Flrer * . . . . .1123 3 f,0 22 feeder * . . . . S79 3 IT. C feeders. . . .1J45 .1 SO fi2 feeders. . . . f9i1 3 M SS feeders. . . . S73 3 M 1.1 en wf . KM 2 M 8 calves. . , . . 318 3 00 1 heifer . fH ) 3 40 4 cows .1D.V , 2 75 149 rows . 1031 3 10 1 vtei-r 12M 3 . ' .0 22 fleers . 11 W 3 40 17 rtf-era .lino 3 rr 1 cnw . 790 2 M 4 POWH , err 3 fO 49 C1W11032 3 25 14 steers .12:0 3 70 t sleer . 1100 3 70 f cows .1010 3 2 * ) 15 tailings. . . .1273 3 ! 0 1 tnlllnir. . . . .1 30 1 fleer . 12.-.0 3 90 1 feuiliT. . . . , ace 3 31 f 9 CDWF . 1031 3 2. " , 5 Inlllnes. . . . o n 3 25 107 tnlllnRS..117S 3 : 101 fcoilrrs. . . ,117B 3 K 152 fneileis. . . ! ! S2 3 K : 1 cnlf . 2"0 * ll ! f"lrrd. . . . HKi 0 ffe-'le-rs. ' . . , ! f > 7 4 M C feeders..1090 3 M 3 feeders. . . . 72" 4 25 155 hrlfcr . . . .104S 3 ro 100 frede-rs. . . .12S7 4 f ) 1 Ftrcr 1120 3 70 1 fpc.lpr. . . . .IWl ) 4 20 75 rri > drr . . . .12IR 4 20 40 ferdprs. . . .1111.1 4 45 t tnllltKt.1215 ! ! 3 30 1 feeder. . . . .1010 3 75 1 pteer. 1500 fOLOIlADO. 1 bull 1220 2 10 1 bull , .14"0 2 IS 1 bull 081 2 75 12 cows. . . . . , Hll 2 95 3 feeders. . . . 770 3 25 SO fppders. . . 001 3 95 HOUTII DAKOTA. 3 cows 1W 2 f.O 15 C.IWH , .1111 3 .IS 3 feeder.1221 3 73 B cows .1 < M3 2 f,0 20 rows M > 7 3 10 < 19 cnwg .1013 3 20 3 feeders..1010 3 f.O 3 bulls ,1ZI 3 15 1 riilf 340 2 ro 1 feeder. . . .l'ft.1 . 3 S3 17 feeders..1151 3 M 17 feeders. . .1215 3 CT 2.1 feeders. . . . 1138 3 40 .liri ! 3 23 27 i-teers 1200 3 3" 33 fccilcrH. . . ! > | i ! 3 95 38 feeders..1220 3 7.1 3 cows . . . . 10"0 1 cow fcSO 3 00 1 eetw 970 300 1 fleer. 1301 3 M 3C stpprs. . . . 122S 1 calf 8 fl 4 KO I CHlf ir. bo 12 feeders..11C4 3 (5 23 fte-i-rn. . . . .llfO 3 40 4 heifers M7 3 2.1 n feeders. . .1036 3 90 MONTANA. 1 tnlilnc. . . . , SSO 3 13 1 tailing. . . .1140 3 40 7 rows 971 3 1.1 1 steer .1610 3f.O 1 tailing 910 3 23 6 feeders. , .11V ) 3 f 0 4 tailing.1255 3 25 in feeders. . ' 3 CO 12 cow 940 3 30 7 fcplcis , . . 1121 3 f.l 1 row 1MO 3 30 3 feeders. . 3 CO ( A steers 1073 3 31 fa feoders. . ! l25l 3 75 2 cows MX ) 2 31 H heifer * . . . . wn 3 CO 6 cows 933 2 f.O 20S belfern. . . . R13 3 CO 1 cow 40 2 fS ino feeders. . .12 4 3 0 4 rows I'M 3 10 275 feeders. . . SS2 4 20 6 15 feeder.1233 3 35 34 feeders. . , lir,2 3 W ) 1 atair K' O 31.0 1M feeders..1012 393 2 feeders..1150 3 f.fl I'M feeders. . . . IC9 3 95 C ffflftx. . . . 940 3 10 IIOOS Tliere were about the Fame number of load here as yesterday and the general market wan not much changed no fur an prices were C ° strong with yxterday , wai fairly active and the sreat bulk changed hands early. Toward the latt It eased off and closed Light and butcher weights old at 13.8083.90 and heavy loads at 13. f Mi 3. SO. but matlly at I3.7003.7S. The nveraKe of nil th aU w i about lo hlBlier than yesterday. Hogs lold the lowetl yeiUrday and today of my time dace Aueuit 29 and Hill the marlut 1 toddy was 70o higher than H your ngo. IUp reocnlMlve raletl No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. 8h. IT. 10 J7S FO t ) CO C2 290 . . .1370 10 371 KO SCO (4 SIS . . . 37V II 300 . . , 3M W 577 40 S 70 M Ill MX ) S M Hi 317 ICO S T2'l ' CO .121 ICO 5 C7H IS SOI 40 S 72 < * . ' .S ! S4 . . . 370 f.7 3PS CO 37H4 C7 277 (0 S 70 . . . , . . . , ICO 3 72H CO ! SI tO J 70 f& 249 fO S 7JIJ a sic ieo 370 c 213 40 375 6S 313 120 370 ' . " 21 , 120 373 t 343 1CU 3 M 3 VS2 CO 371 .15 2 ! > 3 120 370 el 271 120 375 M S09 12 370 61 2SO Kl 3 75 M S17 . . . 370 CO. . 2C2 SO 375 51 203 Ml 370 10 279 . . . 373 50 316 SO J 7) 10 : 0 . . . S7G 57 303 . . . 370 M 303 . . . 373 69 321 SO 3 7(1 ( . 73 271 40 S 7 SO 30 < ] CO 370 63 250 1GO 37714 11 ! 5I . . . 370 67 25S . . . 3 7i ! D ; 275 . . . 870 71 2C > 3 . . . 3 77H fS 283 . . . 370 0 2S1 160 377 4 52 313 . . . 370 65 272 . . . 3 7714 60 269 . . . 370 CC 2C3 . . . 3771.4 66 2S3 SO 370 C > . * i 2C2 SO 37714 f.9 St > 0 2SO 370 t < 2 273 . . . 3 KO C'l ' 2S7 SO 370 61 it2 40 3 W M 311 . . . 370 ( C. . 2oG . . . 310 69 2C9 0 370 64 270 40 3 fc K 30 ! KO 370 ( S 25G . . . S N ) DC 319 (0 370 ( ! 271 . . . 3(0 fi < l JSO 240 370 4S 322 . . . S SO 51 30.1 . . . 370 74 241 160 3 Ml 57 314 SO 370 73 220 40 S WJ4 CO 2S9 tO 370 CO 271 . . . 3214 CO : $ S M 3 70 * .3 241 . . . 3M Cl ? 4 liO 370 49 253 SO 3 S3 r > 7 : : s 120 370 ti 233 . . . SM f.9 287 UO 370 71 193 . . . 390 (1 2S1 SO 3 70 I > IUS-ODDH AND I2NDS. 1 310 . . . ISO 7 840 . . . 360 1 270 . . . 1 CO 3 31G . . . 360 1 3SO . . . ICO 2 340 . . . 360 1 2SO . . . IPO 2 27.1 . . . 319) 1 130 . . . 2 110 6 290 . . . 3 60 1 600 . . . 200 1 2SO . . . 3 Ml 1 250 . . . 2 50 4 395 . . . 3 CU 10 C2 . . . 250 5 31C . . . 365 1 600 . . . 273 7 5.10 . . . 3 ( .5 3 125 . . . 385 G 200 40 3 7 > ,4 G SCO . . . 3 M 3 240 . . . 370 4 407 SO 3 f.5 5 303 . . . 370 B ; rG M ) 3 R3 3 273 . . . 370 1 r.90 . . . SCO 1 UU . . . 375 1 530 SO SCO 4 270 . . . 373 8HI315P There were only two single decks of sheep on sale nnd they went to a feeder. The other loaila reported In were sheep shipped here to bo dipped. Keinescntatlvc. talcs : No. Av. I'r. 57 native wethers IOG * 3.7f > 72 feeders 79 875 Ct feeders 74 3 'ft 1 feeder , lamb 40 4 33 55 feeders , lambs 45 . 4 35 C1IICACO 1.1 V IS STOCK MAUICBT. Cuttle Scarce null n Dime IllKlior UIIKTH Ail vain-Inn' Slicci > Stonily. CHICAGO , Oct. C. All unexpectedly vnuill run of cattle In connection with an active demand resulted In a Uronncr maiket nnd prices foi1 de sirable lots averaged lOc per 10" ) Ibs. higher. Native beef steers sold largely at from t4.CS lo $3.10 , the poorest drcsted beef cattle going for from JS.MI to J4.00 , while choice to fancy shipping beeves were rather scarce and tillable at from $3.00 to J5.50. Fat cattle of light medium weights were lu , particularly good demand nnd there WUB n fair caU for cattle to export. Hutchers' and dinners' cattle were In active request nnd prices ruled stronger , espechlly for fat cows and helfcre. Desliable lots of veal calves Bold at from JC.OO to Jfi.r.O , extra lots bringing 16.75. Stockers nnd feeders sold fiom J3.00 to } 4 50. Wef.tcrn range cattle were active and largely a dime higher , with especially good Fnles of feed ers t from J3.W to 14.10. The mnrket for hoe * took n favorable turn under fin Improved demand and prices averaged a nickel higher. Sales were largely nt from J3.H li > J4.10. thd poorest droves of heavy packIng - Ing hugs going for from $3.45 to 13.55 and the best asserted light hogs finding purchasers nt from J4 20 to $4.23. Panne , heavy lots were again dis criminated against and failed to slrire In th ? nilvnnce. Pales of plgj were largely nt from $3.50 to $3.f3. Trade In sheep nnd lambs was fairly active nt about Fteady prices. Sheep were mlable nt from $2.23 to $4.25 for Inferior to extra natives , with few choice enough lo sell over ? 4 00. Hams fold nt from $2 CO to $3.00 nnd western range cheep were nctlve nt from $3.00 to $4.00. Lambs were bought actively nt from $3.50 to $4.C3 for poor to strictly prime Hocks , the bulk celling under $4.3' ' ' . Western lambs sold nt from $3.S3 to $4.63. $4.63.Hecelpts Hecelpts : Cattle. 12,000'head ; hogs , 27,000 head ; shctp , 21,000 head. .St. LonlN Live Ntoclc. ST. I/DUIS. Oct. C. CATTLK llpcelplts , 4.0 0 he-ad : shipments , 5,000 head ; market steady for natives with but few choice coming In ; Texanx dfTllte higher ; fnlr to fancy native shipping nnd export steers would sell at Jl.23ff5.lS ; dressed beef und butcher steers , $4.00lf 1.70 ; steers undei l.OOi ) Ibs. . } 3.60it4.5fl ! ; stockers nnd feeders , J2 Cl &t.W ; cows and heifers , J2.00r4.75 ; Texas and Indian stderp , J2.75ff4.23 ; bulk of sales , 53.:05T 3.50 ; cows nnd heifers. J2.00ST3.23. IIOOS Hecolptp. 7.0 head ; shipments , 2,000 head : market steady ; light , J2.00Ifl.OO ; mixed , J3.SiMT3.or , ; heavy. J3.SO@4.05. SIII2KP rtecelpts , 4,000 head ; shipments , none ; market steady ; native muttons , J3.00fT3..13 ; culls and bucks , JI.EOJT2.40 ; lambs , $3.7505.50. , KIIIIHIIH City Live Sloclc. KANSAS CITY , Oct. C. OATTLB HpcPlpts , 7.0 < 10 bend ; market fairly active nnd strong : Texas ste rs , J2.9'MT4.18 ' ; Texas cows , J2.4W2.03 : native rtpers , J3.75173.25 ; nntlvp cows nnd heif ers , J2.4002.95 ; native steers. J3.75fj5.25 ; nntlvp rows and heifers , Jl.C."ffl.3r > ; stockers nnd feed ers , 12.505(14.33 : bulls. J2.25Ij3.25. lions Upcclpls. 12.000 lipidmarket 7Hc higher , strong ; bulk of sales , J3.75(73.S3 ; heavlps , J3.70fT3.S3 ; imckers , J3.GiiJ3.SO ! ( ; mixed , J1.75IT3.9" ; Ilchls , J3.WKr5.00 ; packers , J3.90fl4.00 ; pigs , 3.451 ? 3.85. 3.85.H1IKI3P H1IKI3P Ilpcelnls , 800 head : market stP.idy : lambs , J3.I05T5.15j mutons. J2.no3 75. .Vew A'tirlc Live Stoe-lc. NK\V YOUK. Oct. C. IlKlOVI-IS-UecPlnts. 1.353 head : nxtlvp steers. JI.OOIT5.10 stass ami oxen , J2.f,0ifr4.2.i ; bulls. J2.3 : T3.25 ; cables quote American steers at lOViffllUc. dresfed weluht ; refrigerator beef. SVifflSlic ; expotts , 30 sheep nnd 4 I'C quarters of beef. r-ALVKS-Ilccelnts. 1 7CO liend : veals , J-.01r 7.75 Cow , IS : graEFers. J3.rOtT3 75. SIIKEP AND LAMIIS Iter-elnts 12,000 bead ; sbefp. J3 ( ViDI.20 ; Inmbs , Jr'OtJ. , fO. llOdS Itecelpts. C.OOO head. Murk t weak al J4.COO4.C5 Slo.-Ic In llecord of receipts of live stock at the four principal markets for Ocotber C : Cattle. Omaha 5 PM fblci'go 12.ro ! Kar aB City 7.CWO St. I uls 4(00 Totals 2S,9o C1.713 34,1,22 KIIM ! IlulTiiIo Live .Stock. KART HUFIi-AIX ) . Oct. S.-CATTLU-A1I con- pinned through. HOOP Ytukers. good ( o elmlce , $4 355J4 10 : rougliK. common to good , $3.25(13.8.1 ; pgs | K00 , | to choice , $1.2jT4.40. LAMI1S fhnlep to extra. $5.233.50 ; culls to commnn. $3 E574.75 , BIII-3KI' Choice to selected wethers , $4,3501.50. Clllirill-lllll Ill-led ICrultN. NHW YOHK. Oct. B.-CALIFOHNIA DIURD PltUITS Kvapornted apples , prime , wire tniy. 7c per III. ; wne l drle ] , prime , 7c f.incv FIJI 12n. 1'runc.H. 4',4fR'i per Hi. Apricots. Tlnyiil. 7 S'lc I'eachcs , unpeclel , lfi2c ! ] ; peeled , I24 Sun Km IK-INCH AVIirnt nml llnrlcy. SAN ntANCISCO , Oct. R. W1IBAT Hasler ; December. $1.45 % ; May. II.46 * , { . ItAHLIIY ICasy ; December , Mic. l nll Itlvcr I'rlnt Clirlh .llnrkcl. TALL niYKIl. Mass. . Oct. 6 , The print cloth market Is quiet at 2ic. ! Tullotv at I.oiiilou. LONDON , O.-t. C TALI/W-Aii.trnllan beef , lEWISa Cil ; Australian mutton , 16017s 3-1. \ > tv A'nrk Dry ( looilH .llnrkel. NIJW YOHK. Oct. G.-TI ; dry gjods ultnatlon Is llttlo changed. Today's market was mili > t on account of the Jewlih holiday , und alro "If you dumped cart-load of gold at my feet It would uot brliiK such joy nnd pladncss Into my life. " bo writes n prominent man after using the method of self.treatmcnt that has restored so many men who had been wrecked by exccr.ses. over-work or evil habits of youth. A llttlo book that makes It all plain may be had without charge by writing TE | | EmE MEDCAL | CO , , 64 Niagara St. , Iluffalo , N. Y. No C. O. D. scheme : no patent mcdlclnes- ) utt the book under rlaln letter seal. LAD9ESDOYOOKKOV DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S > Steel IPenDyroyal Treatment in thooriRlnal end only 1'KKNCII. into nnd ntHati v cnro on tlio mar. kot. i'rlcs. $ t,00 ; eont , by inuil. * ( ii'iiiilno oold only by Myers-Dillon Uruit Co. , t. 13. Cor Ktti and Far- nam Klrena , Omaha ' 'to. MuUicm ! MuliiiTiiM .liirlll-r > Ul Jfl ES E. BOYFa CO , , Telephone 1031) ) , Oinulia , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS op TKADU , Direct wires to Chicago and New York. Julia A. Warroa k eg. of the unintliifnctory rondltlen * . IU * peiits from various fcctlnns honfiilr retHll trndo urevnlllnR , nnd In Jobbing circlet th Oe- nmnd Is well snrtnlnril. C'otton irocKli re still ntilet In most crndrs , but wooltns are In iffn- einlly well mittninrd dcnmnd nt more tlcf clnry prices , Hllkx nnd mixed Roods ure mronc. Th market for ftnple cottons how J no change. 1'rlnl cloths were active nt the lower price * now prevailing , 1'Hnts nnd KlnRhnms were unchnnKfil. Dnl.v Dpiilrn the Storr. BUTTH , Mont. , Oct. 6-Mnrcim Dnty , who linn nrrlvetl homo from nn oxtcnacd enstcrn visit , Oonlcs ttmt ho hntl , with other Anncomla olllclnls , imrchnscd n con- trolllnir Interest In the nutto & Itoston property. Ho nays he iloca not own n nharo of this Block. Dr. Davis * Anll-Heailoclie l superior In every way to all rcmeilles Tor lieailncho. rilH Hli3.VI.TY MAMKI3T. INSTHUMBNTS plnceil on nio Wcdneailny , October C. 1S97 ; WAUHANTY D13IJD3. AtnrRnrf t Rberz nntl luiRbntid to Charles nreltkoplf , wV4 lot "II , " UaBcall's add 1,200 ChiiiHi Green to rharlty Qrccn , lot 2 , - block 9. A. S. 1'ntrlck'a ndd DCO II. H. IJaldrliro rtnd wife to K. K. Hnrt , lot 22 , block 3 , l < kkcrinan : plncc I U S. Itced and wife to n. 11. Lnnc , lot 9 , block B , Almo Plnra l.SOO I'UIT CI AIM DUUDS. 13. M. Unldwln nnd wife to B. M. Ikitd- iwln , lot 11 Cnln place * 1 DURDS. Sheriff to CrclRhton University trustecB. lot 9 , block S , S , 13. HoKcra' ndd 2.CCO Sheriff to Hunkers' HullilInK & I/Jun Assn. , lot 32 , block S , Orchard Hill. . 1.9T1 Totnl nmotint of transfers $7,473 SPECIAL NOTICES AilvprtlNcniritlN for theNc cotumim will lie tnUtMi until 11 ! in. ( or the ovenliiK nml until S 1 > . in. for the nioriiliiK ami Sunday rilltton * . AtlvcrdNorN , by n-iitU'MlliiK n iium- licrvd olu-olc , can litivo iiimwtTK nil- tlrpMNi'i ! to n iiiimlirrnl U-ttcr In euro of The Hoc. AiiimrrH no nildrc-HMeil n-lll lie delivered on ; : rexL'iitiittoii of tinrhrok only. UiitfH , 1 1-Uo n won ! llrNt tiiHi-rtloni lu n word thcronftcr.otliluir tnkcu for IctiM than U5c for ( he llmt luner- lloii. Tln-Nf lulvcrtlHrnifittH niimt bo run eoiiMt-cutlvcly. WAXTI3I ) SITUATIONS. WANTED , C1HCUUAU L.KTTKHS TO WH1TH. cmelopca to addrvrs or inunutcrlpt to copy M reasonable tcrinn. Address T 60 , lice cilice. A-M9SG O3 POSITION HY E\-pimnNnn I.AUY HTUN ographer ; best reference * . Addrcfs W 47 , Ilc A MGOi 7 * PltlNTEK DK31U13S STEADY WOIUC , EITHER. In city or country. Job work prefeired. AJ dress W 1 , lice. A 804-7 * \VAXTl < : il MALK 11I2LP. CANVASSEIISTO TAKE ORDERS ; NEW L.1ND ot work ; no hccvy Roods to carry ; /aloiy or commission. C. K. Adama Co. , 524 S. Itlh tt. U 015 SALESMEN FOR CIGAHS. 8123 A MONTH AND cxpeni.es ; old llrm ; experience unnecejiiry In. ducernents to customers. C. C. UUhop < 4 Co. , St. I ulB. H-C1I MEN AND WOMEN SOLIClTOIty FOR TUB National Reserve iipfoclntlon ; the best. Fitted nnd Roundest fraternal Pr.ler in the field today. Addreaa 1 > . A. C. Stevens , till N. 18th ft. , Omalia. H-E17 _ _ WANTED , A rilt-ST-CI ASB I1AKER TUAT can do short order wotlc will pay J12 per week. Tim Deacon , Canper , Wyo. H 11774 7 WANTED , GOOD AM * ROUND QUICK LAUK- dry man for Einnll hand laundry , forty miles from city ; must be capable of dolnsc first * class work and nober. with refereners ; stata wages wanted nnd experience. H. A. Hum- phi cy. Woodbine , Iowa. _ 11-M78 ; 7 WANTED GOOD CI-OTHINCJ SALESMAN. One who Fpi'altH Qcrmin preferred. Address II. lilumenlliul , Fremont , Neh. II 805 _ WANTED. HOYS AT MtJIU'llY , WASEY ft Co.'a. , 32d and StmiildlnB. U-RM & WANTED. F1RST-CI.AKS 1'L.UM11ER3 Immcdlntely. Tree & Illnck , 1E08 Farnnn 11 407 6 50 SHOVEI EItS KOR RAILROAD WORK ; Rood pay ; flee fares ; ship dully. Whlle'p Labor nRcucy. 113 N. IClh plrcet. 13 M813 7 _ WANTED , SALESMEN TO SEM , CIGARS TO dealers ; Balnry , ICO to } 200 per month and expenses ; experience unneceHsnry ; permanent position. The De Mora Clear Co. , Sprlnefleld , O. n MSM 7 * WANTED , SALESMEN FOR IAJWIICATINO oIlH , KreiifH'M and Hpeclaltli'K ; salary or com mission. Addri'Hs The Detroit Refining Co. , 923-C Majestic bulldlne , Detroit , Mich. H-MB21 7 WAXTEIl IdiMALK IIKM' . 100 GIRLS FOR AIL KINDS OIi" WORK ; TO J7 week. Cnnndlan OSIce , 11.22 . Douglas. C-618 WANTED , COMPETENT OIRI. FOR OEN- crnl housework ; no washing. 2COC I'opplcton avenue. 0 637 GIHI-S CAN ORTAIN EMPLOYMENT 1IY AD. dressing Mrn. H. Murray , Kremont , Neb. C MC63 10 * WANTED , AN EXPERIENCED NURSE TOR yountr child. U21 Douglar. C M756 WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Mrs. C. T. Kountze , 3'J23 Half Howard Bt C-779-8 * WANTED GIRL KOR GENERAL HOUSE , work. References reijulied. Apply 415 North 20th ctrcet. C 812 FOR IIKXT IHIIJSKS. HOUSES IN ALT. I'AIITS OF THE CITY. THI3 O , F. Davis Company , 11.03 Farnam. D G1J HOUSES ; I1ENEWA & CO. , 108 N. 16TH HT. D-C20 MODKIIN HOUSES. C. A. STAIUt , 923 N. Y. Life. I ) 621 HOU.SKH ; WALLACE , IIIIOWN I'lXX'K. 18TU and Hondas. D 023 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER city , 5 < o $75. Fidelity , Ut floor N. Y. Life. D-tll _ HOUSES , COTTAGES & STORES , ALL I'ARTS of city. Ilrennan & I-ove Co , , 430 Paxton block , D-523 _ _ LARGE LIST. M'CAOUE , 16T1I AND DOlVfJE. D-521 _ _ HOUSES , FLATS , OARVIN IIROS. . 1C13 KAR'K D-Cl'i _ _ iTousns 'FOR RENT. HEMIS , D-521 _ _ flOUSES , J. II. SHERWOOD , 423 , N. T7 LIFET D-M7 STANFORD CIRCLE COTTAGES , C ROOMS , S. W. cor. 13th and Vlnli'ii : finest location In rlly for buslnom men of Omaha und HjutU Omaha ; rents moderate. 201 I Ire Imlldlnir , D-C28 FOR RENT , CHOICE 12-ROOM DETACHEli modern house. Inquire SJIB Cupllul avenue. D C2D MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS , Om. Vun & Stoiiiue Co. , Ull'/j Farnain ; le | 16:9. D-630 CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON. C01 IIEE I1LDO. Tel. 717. J-63t FURNISHED HOUHE. MODEIIN. 8 ROOMS , oak flnlrli , choice location. Farnam car line , with K OI | barn , 110.00 per inonlh , I'ilcllty- | Trust Company , Jlret UJQI New York Llf bldj , MS9I filx-ROOM . rooms , all modun , 214 Miami tt. D-M297 HEAittf"IIKNTAL "AOKNOI- , Tic MoOAaim Illk. I460 TWO LAIlOi : HOUBI2H IN mi.VUKIj PLACE ; cheap. C'i ' llee Milt D-115S3 i'OH ltENT-MOIiilN : 9-HOOM DKTAC'IIIJD hoiue , furnace , bath , e-lc. . nice lawn , bent con dition. KO N. 21111 tttrex-t. Inijulre ! C3 N. iitii tt. n-cis WANTED. AT ONfR HET\VKl-N 25 ANir60 houFCS to rent ; great de-ir.an I fcr houit ; rtntjU u spi-clalty. J II Hherwood , 422 N. Y. Life. IJ-M724 YES. r\'K OT BOMu < iooi ) HOUHKH ! s-iuJoTt modern , furnUhed : 12-room modprn , Ill.OJ , lo-r mode-m , 117.00 , S-room modern , 120.00 , Lyinan Wulenuuii , N. Y. Life Hlilf. T Uihon | , 1015. I ) 7tO-C i'NKQt'ALKU , PKNTUAU BTIJAM IIKAT , ALL. modprn 7-roeiom house , iilso t-room cntluce , Tliard , 223 N. i4lh ! , D 7JI-7 * FOU IIENT. Np. 2CI8 CIIAHLI3S ST. . WITlf a rooms : all modern Improvementirco4 utablt1. John Ilamtln. - D 11718 GOOD , MODKIIN , HIOHT-IIOOM HOUfiS wllli barn : all In rood repair ; uot on caf lint. 131 Board oX Trad * . - - colK