"S M THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WBTO ESP AY , OCTOBER 0 , 1897. I I / . fCJAl NOTICES vprllnctiirntn lor < hrne columns ) Inliikin niilll 1- > n > ' "r " " * UltK nml iinlll H ! ' " ' "r 1IC tiltiK Mini Siinttiiy ctlKloiii. l ri'uiiPHlliiK nntn- Jtcrtlnrriit > > 'r l HUTU , run linif IIIIMKTO nil- KHiMl lo ii niiinlii-riMl li'ttor In pure 'Tlio llpp. Airmen * HO ltlrc * c l 1 IIP ilfllv.-rril on iirpKciilnHon of rliivU enl ) . n < cii , I l-SSe n wont llrnt Inicrllonj t woril tliiTriifUT. .NolltliiK tnUcn JOHN tljMii BRo for II"1 W " t lnner- , . 'I'llCNf lllUprtlMUIIK'lltH IIIUHt IlO ( IIMNI'CMltlx l > l > . WANTED SITUATIONS. /ANTED , CIRCULAR LETTEHS TO WHITE , envelopes to address or manuscript lo copy at reasonable terms. Address T DC , IUc r.irico. / 'UITION ' I1Y EXPERIENCED LADY STEM Brnphcr , best references AiMre-s : i > _ MALE HELP. NVAS8EH8 TO TAKE ORUERSi NEW LINE \ J worki no heavy gooils to cirry , raiy or aimlsslon , a P. Adams Co , 5ZI 9 Kin yj. " "L ai . . .KSMEN M POIl C1GAHS. $125 A MONTH AND ' 'pumcsj oln. nrm ; experience tinncceaciry In. vj cement * to customerB O. C. Hlshop & Co , SOLICITORS I OR - - - rtiMj WOMEN - - - . itlonal Rtvervp association , the best , sifest „ 01 fd roundest frntcrniu order In the ( Kid today Idress P. A. C. Stevens , 511 N. 18th St. . " " iiaha. H G17 CV JTED. A PIRST-CLA8S HAKER THAT ii' dn short order woik. will pay JI2 per week til' ' n llencon , Cnfper. Wyo. H Mi74 7 tl NTED. EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR , PIHE isurance ; send references. U 61 , He * . T f H M64 C ON H. ft M. POH jetra Rnhit : frei- fare , Kramer t * O'llearn , IHIi : ttnd Karnam H-M75.1 6 * N-rnn , BAILSMAN : SALAUY PAIU -cklyl experience unnecessary , pcrinnnent iwn Ilrothrm Co. , Chicago II MiOT 6 * NTID , rnw BAi.nsxtnN , PKIIMANKNT ultlnn ; season Just upentd , stnple line , sal- with . Luke y or commission , expcmeii. -others Co. . Chicago. MMll 0 * 0L bllT. ACTIVn IttJSTLINO ? ' f n fraternal order ; licensed Iri Nebraska ; 1 entest HclenlluV plan of sick , accident , dli- tf ( ll'ty ' nnd death bftients extant ; excellent In- ; exclusive territory ; wrlto nulckly. Fjcetnfnts , Exchange building , lloston , -.sal IJ-MWSb- m _ _ - ANTED , noon ALL HOUND QtJIOC LATIN- T7 y man for smill hand laundry , forty miles : 'ram cltyt.moit ) > e canilile f doliiR llrit- I'-ins * work nnd pobcr. with references , elate ttHBes wonted nnd oxpcrlcnte II A llum- I jihrey , Woodlilnc , town _ II M'13 7 * " o HHOVHLTHS i-bu KAILHOAD WOUK ; coed pay , free fntes , nhlp dully White's Labor > Afecnci119 Nrirth 16th street. II M7S7 C' KKM VL nr.Li' . ilIU.S roll ALL KINDS OP WOUK , $1 TO Week , Canadian Onice , 1D22 Dounlui T C 518 tANTlib , ( "bMPKTKNT OIUL roil QHN- enil houstjiviirk. , no wnshlnu 2iXK ) 1'uppli ton aenuo. . C 007 WANTED. A I'lnST-CUXSS COOIC. 212 KO 17th , S W , .cor. 17th and Douslna. l'71l 5 SrRADV RMPIX3VMKNT TO UIO1IT K.MITY 1312 DouRlin C 739 5 31UI.S CAN OriTAIN PMTLOYMnNT 1IY AD- dreialnK Mrs II. Mun.ii , rrninont , Nil ) C MC61 10 * WANTED. AN UXmiUIINCBD NUUSE roil younfr Child ' 1S21 UoUBla * . C-M750 AV ANTED OUuTFoTl ORNUIiAL IIOITSC work. MrH C. T Kuuntze , 302'i Half Hiwnrd St C 779-S * . -on r iiousns. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O K DavtH' Cmnpiny , 1 03 Fainam D 513 HOUSES ; HENEUA . CO , 108 N. 15TH Sr . , I f D-5JO HOUSES , 'c. A. STARR , 923 N. Y Life , D-121 HOUSES , WALI CE , HIIOVVN I1IX3CK , 16TH nnd DnUBlns D 522 C11 OlCli HOUSES AND COTTAOnS ALL OVEU city , J5 to $75. ride'.lty , 1st Iloor N. Y.- Life D-611 HOUSES , rOTTAQES & STOIIES ALL PAltTS of city Drennnn tc I * > \e Co , 430 1'axton block. D-523 _ LAIIGE LIST. M'OAGUE , 15TII AND UODQE. D 124 lToiJSlS , I'LATS , GAUVIN DUOS. . 1613 TAIl'M D-B23 _ HOUSES roll HENT , BEM1S , I'AXTON HL1C. " " B-320 HOUSES , J. II SHEUWOOD , 413 , N. Y AFn. D-527 3TANFOHD CfUCLE COfTAGES , 0 ROOMS. S , \Vt cor J3lh nnd Vlnton , llnest locntlnn In city for business men of Onnhn nnd South Oinnha , rents moderate. 201 Bee building.D . D 528 trOll UENT , CIIOirE 12-HOOM DETAOIED modern houBt' . Imiulro 23 IS Capitol nv cnnc. D-529 MOVING HOIISEliOLn GOODS AND Om Vnn & Storage Co , 1511'Furmm ; \ tJV,9 D 530 CIIAS. E. WILLIAMSON , C ) 1JCI3 11LDQ Tel. 717. P-531 HOUSE , MODEHN , S nOOM3 , o-\K llnlsh , choice location. Tiirnam car line , "ttll K)0'l ! t > nrn , JIOOO i > or nnnth J'lilellty Trust Compnn > ' , first floor New York IJfo bids : . if * D M300 SIX-UOOM COTTAGE AT.PO 0 TIN roomif , nil modern , 2121 Miami ft. JJ-M297 BE A US RENTAL AGENCY. 216 MuCAOUE Jllk. SIX-ROOM MODERN PLAT 111J SO HTH. DM5f5 OR * SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. S'dl CALDWKLL RT I'WO LAIIOK HOUSES IN Ul'NttrjE 1'IACE ; chenp W' 11' Mil8 D-JI113 roll UENT iTlllNISIIED MODE11N IIOI'SE. seed location ; reasonable terms Ml N 231 t. D MS77 OC * .roil UENT-MODEUN 0-UOO.M DETACHED house furr. id1 , biitli. etc. . nlce lJiv.n lje < t con dition 030 N. 23ti ! Btrect Iiiijiilrr ' ' 31 N. Mtli st , _ _ _ _ _ " _ - f _ vVANTED , AT ONPE. UETVVlTr.N 23 AND 80 hollies to rent : ( .fat ileinnn I fi r hmi'ircntiU ; a spcclJlty , J II Hherwool , 4J N Y Life. D M7 1 YKS. I'VE OOP SOME GOOD iotsiW 9-UOUM. mi.lern . , furnlHlied , 12-rooin modem * 2I.C1 , 10-r modern , J17.0D , S-room niodern $20 to ) Lvmun 'Bterman , N , Y. Llf * IJId. Telepiirn.i. 1015. . D-7 0 6- I ' riNTU\u : SIEAM IUAT.ALL * Jtin 7-rioom nlij 5-room N. 2t D-7SI.7 * Ton URNT , NO ciS CHAULES ST. , WITH 0 rooms : nil moilrrn ImriovementH ; coed srible. .Tolin Hanillii IV-M7S1 HP.'XT l.'UHMSIir.l ) IICXMIS , PLEASANT UOOSIS. 15W 13ODGE 13ODGEic MOO oie * riJUNISHED lioOMS. ISIS CALlTOUNt V KT. VUnNlSHED UOOM , " 11" \UNEY STP.KET. oirruKooMa. wa CAPITOL AVI : 1M777 1 11 * t'fOU UEST , LAItOU I'llONT UOOM. WELL ( urnlilinl. 1617 'DodKP ' HI. E-M79I 13 IM'HMSIIIU ) UUDMS AM ) UOAIIU. * TEAM HEATKD UOOMB WITH I1OAUD. ZC09 c IUrney , r J-O U 4Aiiai ; SOUTH & EAST I-UONT UOOM WITH uflove , : 8 Uouglua. r 9U LARGE bOUTH PHONY IIOOM POH TWO ; other rooms ; good board. The Hoiu. 2020 Hur- ney , F M 9I ) DKHN IIHICK. ROOMS AND HOARD J3 50 j K 514 North 19th. P-M7C7 ' 'ViHOE SOUTH PAHl/lll. HOAHD. STEAM , jj ulephone ; reference * . SO ; N , ISlh. P M755 C Jllltl ALI1ANY. "TlOl POUOLAS , I/JVKLY . ulto uf unfuriUnhed roums ; other room , vvttli > * rd' P M750 10' B\V * " HNISHED HOOM AND HOARD NEAR I ot anicoin I'ark : moJern iiotiie ; private Umlly. latldf t * u ; s. u ? , F M 8 8iK WUItUIAM. 1'lUbT-CLASS TAMILT ' Ml' ' * n'1 trcel . r-M473Oll a. CONV ENT uiclttn houif ilt Mri St. rt itMsiinti ROOMS WITH no.viio. ( Continued ) \ Tiin LOWEST i-ossinLn UATHS AND TUB li sl fare A home. Sherman ve. car pastes door every elcht minutes. JiVwly furnished ; new manaRtrient : adjoins Hiposltlon. Sara- togft Hotel ENTERTAINS IU gu t F M7J2 Nl WANTIJIJ ! THUHK OU TOt'U YOUNO MKM In nn wtabllshed household , pleasant nnd profitable nrmnRfment to rlK.it parties. Itefer- rncrf reqtilred Address I K7 Hoe. F 78Z-5 * I1OAUD AND UOOM , J3 I'KU WBKK : NICR room nnd Rood meal for 15 cents "to North Hth Kt T-M790 10 * FOU iiEvruxFimxisiiEi > ROOMS. TOIt RUNT , 3 ItOOMS. 708 S. 17TH ST O27 ruoNT PAIILOU isn St. G-M775 rou RI\TVIORIS AMI orricr.s. rou UINT : nnsic UOO.M is auoitso olllcj , Ilee biilldlnR , nnter , steam heat electric IlKht nnd JAnltor service. Apply to U. W. Hakcr superintendent , Hie bullJIns 1 l'J7 roil HKNT-TlTlT 4-STOIiy UlllClC I1U1L01NO at 918 Parnnm st This biilldlnR has a fireproof cement basement , complete steam heating < lx- turnt , water on nil floors , Rns , etc. Apply nt the oniciof The Ilee. 1-810 RENT IN TIIK IlP.n IIUILDINO : On larj-e corner loom , Jd tloor , with Vault ard private office , water , etc One large front room , ! d Iloor , divided Into two rooms by partition , water , etc. Ons large corner room , 2d floor , with vault , water , etc Ono front room , divided by pirtltlon. third floor. Ono corner room with vault , third floor. One InrRc room , third floor , with partition dl- vldliiR It Into onj large room and two smaller private rooms water , etc. ' Two largo ground floor rooms with vaults. Several small rooms on fourth tlo&r , with vaults. All these rooms are liented with steam , electric llgats supplied , with nrat-clnss janitor serv- loo. Klcvntnrs run day nnd nil night , llulld- IIIR strictly fireproof Apply to It. W linker , superintendent , room 104 , Uee building. 1-193 Ar.nvrs WAIVTHD. ItllMAIJU : MAN "TO IIANDLH AOHNTS I'Olt telephone tablets hnd epcclaltlc ? Pa > s , J'.W n year , enclose stamp. Victory Mfir. Co , Cleveland , O. J MSOO C WANTii > TO RENT. WANTKU. UOOM AND HOARD TOH LADY nnd child 16 months old Stntc terms nnd loc i- tlon Address U 6.1 , IJec K M79i ( 8 * WANTUD. LAUC.n , UNrtJUNISHUD , NOUTH room , vv'lth heat , "within G blocks of the High BChOOl. i ) Address U 60 , lee. ! K MkOi b sTou.vnn. PACiriC HTOUAOn AND WAREHOUSE CO. . 908-910 .Jones , genornl storage nnd forwnnllnB M & 34 OM VAN" * . CTOirAOE ICllVS TAUN'M. TKL 1-0 rUANIC EWEIIS. STOUAOK , 1214 HAUNIIY , haullnif S. picking , cheapest ratos. Tel 9-C M iS5 w v > T i : n TO n u Y. nnsT PUICE PAID rou OMAHA SAVINOS bank accountu at roDin 500 , N. Y. Life bldit N 536 EO SECOND-HAND niCYCLES. 1MJIO. 14TH IIIdllEST PRICES PAID POR OMAHA 8AV- Ings bank nctountM The Hyron Illeed Co CASH FOIt OMAHA SAVINC.S HANK AC- coimts O G. Wallace , 312 Brown blk. , 16th and Doujclas. N 591 HAVE CIJSTOMEU POR < . C ° ° U 80 ACRES Improved within SO miles of Omaha : must bo cheap W. L. Selby , 334 Chamber of Commerce N M791 7 WANTED TO HOY A 5-TON WACION SCALE A L Hcrgnulst , 530 No. 24th , So. Omaha N-M7S9 8 FOR SALll MISCKLL VXCOWS. SAWDUST , HlFLK OH SACKED-CHIIiniNO and hog fence. C. U. Lee. 901 Douglas Q 537 HOG PENCE. ALL. WIRE , EST ON EAHTH , lawn nnd jard fence. Wire Works , 403 S. 14th 500 O 28 CLA1RVOYVNTS , MRS PAUL , TUANOn MEDIUM , 203 N 16TH , unites the separated ; chingcs luck , letters con taining stamp promptly nns : ladles , KOe. S M772 Nl M \SS.vnU , IIVTIIS , HTC. OUIENTAL TURKISH UAT1IS FOR LADIES X. .gentlemen , 50c. 107 H. 14th Telephnnp 18 > l T 762 O-8 MEDICATED BATHS , 11VHEOE , SEA. SUL- phur. massage. Mme. Ilrlsbon , from Paris lOf N 12th St. T M333 O24 ilATIIS , MASSAOE LAURA ELUbON , Crounse blk. , 110 N. 16th St. , Hoom 12. T M7I3 3 MRS DH LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE DATH parlors : reitful ahd curative. 417 S. lltS. up stairs. T M754 10 MADAM SMITH , 1313 DOUGLAS , MASS \OE steam batha. T 786 12' PHRSOVAI. . VIAVI FOR UTERINE THOUHLES. 346-8 11EE BUff. . physician , confullallon or health book fiee U 533 DATHS , MAS3AOE. MME POST , 319U S 15TH U-JIO HE YOUR OWN DRESSMAKER. INVEST ! gate the Joy Tailor Svstem school of dress cutting ; only complete pklrt system ; bring jour dreisra nnd nlakn while learning. 403 Knrhsch block. Patterns free on Thursday. U 465 O28 I ) HAAS I'LOUIST. PI VNTS AND CUT flowers , coquets , hall , resldenco nnd grnvo decorations Plovers , hoiauots and decorations ilmrrnl to any pm of the city Ord rB by telephone promptly attended to and filled In two hours Telephone 776 1813 Vlntnn M U-931-014 IVUPTLUIE CURED ; NO DETENTION PROM luslnesH. no pain , vvo refur to hundreds of cnseK cincd , piles cured bv n Mingle , painless treatment Cull 01 wrlto The Empire Rupture Cure nnd Medical Institute , surptsaora to The O P. Miller Cs. , J'32-3 , N. Y Life Bide. . Oiraha U 511 FHEE' 1-RuTIHMAHA HAIR 215 South 16th xtreet , until November 1 will give a free steam with each Jar of oui Pure Almond Cream U M72J 9 HAvfNO RECENTLY LEAPED THE KLON- dlUo hotel , H E Cornty ICth & WtInter HtrtMs I hnvo remodrleil thu entire hotel nnd plnted nnd papered overs room I have 100 rooms , Htp.un heated , European plan Can accoin- mottite a number of rooiners and can furnish > ou with nice rooniH at fl 51) per week Includ ing licut. or 3200 If occupied by two Haths furnished without extra chat go , If employed In IniMiirej part of Omahci this location should oominend Itself nest medium priced hotel In thn city I N Walton Plop. U 778-5 MO.M < Y TO IOA.V..Ri\L KhTATU. MONEY TO LOAN AT I.OVV HATES. THE O 1' l > vl Co. , 1505 Parnnm St. W-5IJ A NTnONY IOAN & TRUST CO. 315 N Y Ui nulrk innney nt low rates for choice farm land * In lawa , northern Mlseouil , castein Nebrunk.i , W 813 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , W. Parnam Smith * . Co. , 13SO Parn'm W-544 M'ONKY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA leal estate , Drennan , l-n\o Co. , Paxton Ulk W-545 MONEY TO IX3AN. I1EMIS. PAXTON 111XM.-K W-540 ri'KR CENT MONEY ON NEBRASKA PAUMH nnd Onurta Improved iirooerty. Apply to w. II Molkle , 1st National bank bids W 547 MONEY TO LOVN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Pus < > > & Thoniai , 207 1st Nat Ilk. b'd ; .SIX PER CENT CITY \ND FARM IX5ANH , Qnrvln Hios , 1(13 1'arnain St. W-549 MONEY TO I/DAN TN IMPUOVED CITY prnperty. 8. P. Hottwick S. Co. , 311 Paxton Hlk. W-M793 MOMJV TO 1.0 V\C1I VTTii.S. MONEY TO LOAN ON FUHNITI'HE , PIANOS horee * . waconi , etc. , at lowesl rates In city , no removal of goods : strict ! ) confidential ; > nu can pay the loan off at any time or In any mount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . ; w s , ieth si. X-5M nusixnss oncns. . I OH RUNT-TUB Min'ROPOLITAN HOTEL IN Che > * nne ; In nn cunilltlon ; Icclrlo lights thoruuxhly plumbed , b it location In the city On * block from Union depot. Fifty first-dual ixjonm , nne bar room , furnl hd ; coud barber ehcp and buth roomi : In fact , everythlne nectn tr.rY to a flrst-claat hot l , Patty tenting mutv P'jr liai , furniture. lloUI dMng treed buslneu I prta'nt. Addr > i J. W. QilOn , CU v nno.Wyo IJUSIXHSS CIIAJfCRS. ( Contlnuptl ) OR SALE , TIIK ONLY DRUG STORB IN Chapman , Neb , with n seed trade. In n. Rood . country , poor health the only reason for sell. Inn. this will bear close Investigation Write _ Chapman Drug ? Co. 1 M71C 9 _ A KIvONDlKEH WHO HAS HAD TWENTY jcarv cip rlencc In mining , has 'pentyenrs on thi Yukon , Is thorouchly familiar with the Klondike , his lolereMH nnd prospectors n the ' Klondike , will r"e thorough Inspector's map and personally answer all qui-sllonii rcmtlng to that country/or haw in net llipre , cost , etc. , for thi > priceof II Address H H Thompson , 222 llnllcr Hulldlng , Sfattle. Wash. Personal reference. Chamber of Commerce , ScntUt- _ , ro ciirr IN OH OUT op HUSINESS OOTO J J nibsjn , 514 Plrst Nal'l Hank Y MM1 "ORTUNE8 MADE QUICKLY , SEND I'OH MY free Hevlevv showing how to mnkc money In grain end stocks on Investments of JM 00 or more ; references furnished. Hlchard Oliver , banker and broker , Chicago Stock exchange , Chicago. Y M798 6 TOR 160 ACHES ADJOINING THE CITY OP COXAD. Diwson Co. Neb , to trade for a stock of shoes or n general stock of (2,000 If In good shape , or will trade land and n $2,000 stock for Iowa land , the Nebriska land can all bo Irrigated Address J. B. P. , Lock Box 8 , Paten , la. Z-M591 O6 1'OU S\I.I3 HI3AL 1JSTATI5. PAHM L\NDS , C. F. HAHU1SON. 912 N. Y. L. HE 9S3-O-1G * KOUNT55E PLACE HAHOAIN8. J2 ( W. 3,750 TO S6,5 < X ) , see photos at 16lh nnd Pnrmni , Morse Hldg. J. J Glbnon , 511 first Nat Hank UM * RE tig _ _ _ _ _ HOUSES. LOTS. PAHMS. LANDS. LOANS. Ge. P. Dimls Heal Estate Co. , Paxton block. HE-551 17 PEP. CENT OHOSS INVESTMENT. 1M- proved real estate ; rental , J64SOO per year ; price , JUOO Address T 21 , Hie HE M75I 8-UOOM HOUSE , J2 rW , 40-foot corner lot. S. W cor 18th and Izard tlOO per acre buvs 40 ncies one mile nouth of lUnerx , Hoom 16. Patterson Hlk RE MIS2 O 18 HAVE SOME HAROA1NS MYSELF , CITY AND farm. Call for ptrtlculars. W'mson , CO I Her bldg , R13-9IS TWO 5-HOOM COTTAGES , 50 PT PRONT 10 blocks north of P. O. ; cheap 6l So 26th nve. P.E-2 < ! S.14 5-HOOM COTTAGE AND IX3T WEST OP EX- posltlon grounds nearly new , for r 50 , J150 cash and monthly pijiiifnts of $10 nn balance. H > ron U Hastings. 212 St Hth St HE M401 POU SALE , 12) ACRES WASHINGTON county. b st l nd In county ; very cheap for cash. Thos H McCaguo , McCacup hldir. HE M5RI O6 POR SALE. LAHOE LOT , 60X138 , AND TWO cottages , clo e to business part of thi > city , bargain If sold this week ; terms easy. F. D Wead , N E Cor 16th and Douglas Sts RE-612 7 SNAPS , R5 ACHES 12 MILES N. W , J3,20o ] 4 acres 4 blocks from Henson mnlor JSOB DO 35 acres sjuth rf ' 'Inle fair grounds Jl.nno ISxUO feet , near 32d * . Cumlng St. , only JOOO 00 Corner on Fnrnam it , nenr 40th st. Jon oo To exchange 110 acres 10 miles north of Onnha P. O for clmr Improved cronerty JOHN N PHENKEH , ODD P. O HE M 213 FOH SALE S n COR 39TH AND PAUNAM 5 i > cor Park nve and HIcKory , B w cor 15th nnd Dorcis. 1W > acres In Huffalo Co , 43S acres In Ivnnx Cn , this nnd nil other prftperty owneil by Nebroski Savings nnd Exchange Innk will lie xnld at n low price Win K Potter , re ceiver HE 2 3 BARGAINS , HOUSES. LOTS AND PAHMS , sale > r tmde : P K Darling , Hnrknr Hlk UE M770 PAHMS , FA11MS I-AIIMS ANY SI/.E ANY kind. IOWT or Nebraska , write or see Lmnn Waterman , Life Hldg. Phone , loinHE7SO HE-7SO G POR SALE ON LONG TIME. AT 6 PElTcENT Interest. t n Improved farm * ndlolnlnn Cltv of Missouri Vnlley , In One nf ICO acres- an other of 540 ncres all In cultivation Will b sold on 10 yoirs' time. Address. Lock Drawer "C , " Shemndoih , In HE M793 N5 VWXnitOKEItS. H. JIVROWITZ IRAN'S MONEY. 418 N. 16 ST 5W SIIOHTIIAND AXn TYI'I3W11ITI O. A. C. VAN SANT-S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIPE 554 AT OMAHA BUS COLLEGE , 16TH S. DOUGLAS 6S1) OMAHA SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING College. Bo > d'B Hunter. 860 O-ll * LOST. LIGHT HAY HORSE. 7 YEARS ; WEIGHS about 1050. rather thin and high Iiicklione. He- ward for return to 1718 Cass st. , Omaha. Lost M186 LOST-L\DIES' GOLD WATCH AND SMALL twisted link chain. : engnved on back John to Sarah Reward for return to 2C16 Parker St. Lost " 58 5 MUSIC , AUT 1XD LANGUAGE. MR MCCARTHY'S ACADEMY , COR 17TH and Douglas sts . evening elapses beginning Tuesday , Oct Sth lirnnches taught ; mathe matics , English , bookketplng , phanogrnph } and tpovvrltliiR 740 5 PROP CHARLES PETEHSEN , 'iVSTUUPTJON In piano , violin , guitar , mandoline. 7lther , voice. 2i ) > enrs experience ns te-icher. tfrms reasonable. Studio 513 Shcely Block. 781-N4 FiniMTURE \CICKD. . M S. WALICIN , 2111 CUMING , TEI * 1131 5'.7 MATTIIESS RE > OVATI\fJ AVOIIIfS. MATTRESSES , COUCHES PARLOR KUHNI- turo to order , rep-ilred , 1C03 Lavenw'h , tel lirii 630 TYPEWRITEIIS. TONS OP ENKROY WOI'LD HE SAVED DAILY If every oporntoi utid light running Dense- more. 1612 Faimm Ft. , Omaha 558 ssMKin. . DRESSMAKING , MISS STURDY , 4304 HtTR- detto E 23 O-fl * I'ATISNTS. u" & CoAttorneia. . t- -c. . raen ; , . ; { dEXs Omaha , Nib. Branch office at Washington D. C. Send for free Advice and Patent Heel , See Sunday Dee for our Machine .Movement * , coprighted , 1897 SHIP Household eooda to all points In mixed oar Iota ut out rates. 1'anklng , moving and Telephone I860 , Omaha Van & Storage Go NOTICI ; TO covrii.vcTons. NOTICC TO CONTKACTOIIS. Sealed bHs will be received at the oftlco of the Grounds and Ilutldlng Department of the Transuilsalsrtlpl and Internatlooal ex position until 5 o'clock p , m. , Monday , Oc tober llth , for the construction of the Flno Arts building. Plans and specifications can bo seen at the office ot the superintendent , room No. G34 , I'uxtou block , or sots will bo furnished contractor * ) at cost , P. P. KIRKBNDALL , Mgr. Grd'a. & Bldg. Dept. S 30 d to O 11 NOTICE. Default having been made by Henry T. Clarke In the payment of a note dated April 13. 18VW. for tifty (50) ( ) dollars pujuble with 8 per cent Interest from maturity and given to the Omaha club , pre&ent owner ami holder thereof , nnd the said Omaha club having received aa collateral security for said note two (2) ( ) certain bonds of ono hun dred (100) ( dollars each , being real palate mortgage bonds of the Omaha club , num bered two hundred fifty-four (254) ( ) and two hundred Ilfty-llvo (255) ( ) , Notice U hereby given that on the llth day of October , A. D. 1S97 , at ton (10) ) a , m. at thu north door of the Douglas county court house saia collateral security consistIng - Ing of aald described bonds will be offeret for sale to the highest bidder. Dated at Omaha , Neb. , this 2d day of October. A. D. 1897 CHAHLB3 K. MANDEHSON , President. CUBTJSS C. TUHNCIl , Secretary. rnsToriMcn NOTICE. ( Should b read DAIUY.by all Interested , ns changes may occur * hvAhy tlmo. ) Foreign malls for the vtpck ending Oc tober 9 , 1SU Will clO'cMPUOMPTlA- 0.11 ensps ) at the- Genera ! IVnrrjmco nn follows : PARCELS POST MAH B. CLOSH ONI3 iJOl'n EAIILI12H than closing time shown below. j TrntiK-Atlnntle Aliilln. WnDNKSDAY At 7 a. m. ( supplementary 3 n.m ) for KtTROPR. per s. s. Germanic * , via Qtiecn tovvn ; nt lfn.fi. ) for HIILGU'M direct , per s. s. Noortllandla Antwerp ( letters mu'U be directed "per Noord- Hnd" ) . THUIISDAY At 4 n , m. for Rt'ROPE. per s. a. AuKti ta Victoria * , via Plj mouth , Cherbourg nnd Hamburg , SATUUOAV At 7 n. in. for PRANCE , SU'lTX.nULAND , ITALY. SPAIN. PO71- TUGAL , TUHKI3Y , COYPT nnd HRIT1SH INDIA , per s s La Touralneln Havre ( lotion for other parts of IStiropo muit be dlroctod "per La Touralne" ) ; nt 8 a. m for NBTUnilLANDS direct , per a s. Rotterdam , \U Rottetdnm ( let ters must be illrorted "per Rotterdam" ) , nt S a m. for GENOA , per s H. Kn s rVI1 - helm II ( letters must be directed "per Kaiser Wllhelm II" ) ; at 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per n. s. City of Homo , via Glag-ovv ( letters must be directed "per City of Rotno" ) ; at U n. m. ( supple mentary 12:30 : p. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. M. Elrurla * . via Qucenstown. PUINTI3D MATTKH , irrc.-German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take Printed Matter etf , fet OGrr. ny nd Specially Adrtreosed Printed Matter , etc. , for otlur parts of Ilurope Amerl- ran nnd White Star Menmers on WodnesdnjK , German steamers on lhur days and Cumin ) , French and German steainfrn un Saturday s take Printed Matter , etc. , for nil countries for which they are advertised to carry null After the closlnp ; of the Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls named above nddltlonil supple. mentary mulls nrc opened on fie piers of the American , rcngllsli , French and German steam ers , nnd remain open until within Ten Mln- utca of Ilia hour ot sailing of steamer. Miillx for S n th nml Ci-ntrnl VtucrltMi , ' \Vrxt IiiilU'M , VAv. WnDNESDAY At"2SO : n. m. for POUT ANTONIO , per stcnmpr from Philadel phia ; at 12 m. for GRENADA. TRINI DAD nnd ton AGO , per s a. Grenada ; nt 1 p m. for CU11A , per s. s. Vlgllnncln , via Havana ; nt 1 p. m ( supplementary 1:30 p m ) for ST. DOMINGO nnd TURKS ISLAND , per s. New York ; at 1 P. m. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. m ) for NASSAU , N P. , per a Antllla ( lottcis must be directed "per Antllln" ) ; nt 3 p. m. for POUT ANTONIO , per steamer from Bos ton. THUIISDAY At 1 p m. ( supplementary 1:10 : p. rn. ) for HERMUDA , pers. < = , Orinoco ; at 1 p. m , ( supplementary 1'10 p. m. ) for NASSAU , N. P. . nnd SANTIAGO DE CUI3A , per s. H. Santiago ; nt 3 p. m for JAMAICA , per s. H. Ardanroae ( let ters for llellze , Puerto Cortez and Guate- mnl.i must be directed "per Ardanrosp" ) . FRIDAY At 3 p. m. for NEWFOUND LAND. per s. B Olivette , from Hoston. SATURDAY At 10 n. m ( supplementary 10:30 a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA nnd SAVANILLA , per s. s. Alone ( letters for Co lu illca must be directed "per Alone" ) ; nt 10 n in ( sup plementary 10 30 a m ) for CAPE HAITI , GONAIVES. AUX-C'AYES , JACMEI. nnd SANTA MARTHA , tier s s. KltU : at 10:30 : a. m. for CAMPErilE , CHIAPAS. TABASCO and YUCATAN , per s s. Segurancn ( letters for other parts ot Mexico ice nnd for Cuba must be directed "ppr Sesuianca" ) ; nt 10-.30 n. m. for HAITI , CUMANA nnd CAUUPANO , per s. a Prlr.s r. Hendrlk ( letters for other parts of Venezuela , Our.icaft , TrlnlOad , DrltKh anil Dutch Gu'nnn muct ba directed "per Prln F Hendrlk" ) ; .it lta. in. foi NEW FOUNDLAND. per s. s. Portln : nt 1 p m for HRAZIL and LA. PLATA COUNTRIES - TRIES , per 8 s. Salerno , via R'.o Janeiro ( letters for Noith Hrn ? ! ! ! must be directed ' 'nr lerno" ) . ' SUNDAY At C .1. ro. for PROGRESO , per s s. Mexlro ( letteH for other parts of Mexico must be directed1 "per Mexico" ) . Mnlls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax and thence by Menmer. clo4e nt'thH odlce dally at S 30 p m Malls for Mtqtieltm , by rail to Hos ton and therce by ateanier , , close at this olflce dallv at S 30 p. in. Malts tor Cuba clone at this olllco dally at 7-00 a. m. , for forwarding by steamers sillln& ( Mnnilivs and Thursdays ) from Poit Timpa , ria Ix-ttcr malN for Mexico Cltj , oveilnnd , unices specially addre sed for dls patch by uteamer , close at this oillfp dally nt 12 m , paper malls nt ( > . , . . in "UeRlstuel mall cloves at 6 : 0 p. m. previous day Mull * . Mails for Chlnu and-Jap"n ( specially nil- , rper % s.pmprca < , ofB India ( frOm Vancouver ) . Alpsa hoie ilully up to October * N , dt C JO pVripT Mails for China end Japan , ' per s s. Doric ( from San KranclHco ) , close here dally up to October Stli nt C20 ; p. m. Malls for Australia ( .i-xcppt those for West Australia ) , vvhlc-h nrc forwarded via Europe , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Samoan Inlands , per s. . Moann ( from San Francisco ) , close here daily up to October * Sth at 7:30 : a. m. , 11 a m , and 6:30 p m. ( or on arrival at New York of s. s. Campania with British nnlls for Australia ) . Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Victoria ( from Taooma ) , close here dally up to October " 10th at 6-20 p. m. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Xealund , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s. s Mlovvera ( from Vancouver ) , clo > e here dally after Octo ber "Sth and nplo October llth at G-31 p. m. Malls for the Society Islands , psr ship City of Papeltl ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to October 25th at 6-30 p. m. Mails for Hawaii , per s. s Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to October 27th nt C-30 p. m. Trana-Paclllc mails nrc forwarded to port of Falling dally and the schedule of closing la nrrnnBPd on the presumption of their unin terrupted overland tran lt. Ueglstered mall Clowes nt 6 ( X ) p. in prevJoiiB day. Postofllce , New York , N. Y , , October 1 , CORNELIUS VANCOTT. Postmaster. KANSAS CITY , hT. JOSEPH & Council Bluffs Rillroad Burlington "The rturllngton Route" Ticket Olllce. 1502 Pnrnam Street , Telephone 250 Depot , Route Tenth and M.uon Streets. Tel ephone , 128 "L-nve Arrive Kansas City Day Ex . , 90 ; > .un liIO : pm Kansas City Night Ex. , 10:00 : pm 5:30 : nm Dallv- a I'Sciric "THIS OVER , UouM" hcnera oiflces. N. orner Ninth and Parnam City Ticket Olllce. 130. ! Slrect , Telephone , 310. tu Jind Ma on Streets. Leav * Arrive. "The Overland . for Denver. Salt lake , , , raclfle fcoast , and all , . , wentern poinu B.20 am 4-45 pm Tast Malt train Jor , , , , Denver Salt LaHe. , , a I'acillo cost and ull t western points Vr" Pm 10.20 am Lincoln , Iteatrlce pud Btromsburif Kxprtes , , LOS pm " 3&o : pm Grand Island Express. , , Ste pm 3 00 pm Dally , Dally except Pufrday. Council niuffa I jcal LMve , i5i40 a. m. ; eSO : a. n . 7:30 : a in , , 8:25 : a , mV'lUMi a , m ; 2,15 p m ; 4:30 : p m , & :55 : p , m , Arrives , 6:20 : a , m. ; 7 20 a. in. , Sam ,9:2 : a. m : 111:30 a in. ; 3:10 p m , 5,40 p m , 9.05 p. m ; : 'MI5 : D m CHICAGO.'T ' JIOCIC ISLAND & I'ncltla llnllroad "The Great Jtock UUnd . Uoute" City Ticket OIII3. ' , 1323 I'arnatn htreet , Ttleubonr , 128 Dfpot , Tirith tnu\ \ Mason Streets Telephone , 128 Leav e. Arrive. Chicago and St , I'aul VeMlbuleJ Uxuresa . . 1:50 : pm 1:45 : pm Lincoln , Colorado bpgs , 1'ueblo , Denver and went . . > 1:05 : pm 4.05 pm Chicago , Dfa M.ilnea and Hock Inland 7:00 : pm 8:15 : am Atlantic liiprisj , ( or Dt Molnes nnd east ern t > 3inl . 7.00 am 5 35 pm Lincoln , I'alrbuiy nnd Dellevllle 5.4 * pm 10:40 : am Dally , Pally except fiunday , OMAHA. KANSAS C TV & nASTBUN IIAIL- road-Omaha . Si. I uls llallroad-"The O. K. Uoute" Ticket Omce , 1415 Karnam Street. Telephone. 323 Depot , Tenth and Uason Streets. Teleplione , Us , Leave. Arrive , rattoniburg , Klrkivllle , Qulncy Local 6:40 : am 10:45 : pm St. Ixiulf. New TorL Limited . . , . . . . . , . , , . - , . . < ; nm ' 11:30 : am 11A1LUOADS , ( Continued. ) WAIIASf ! UAILUOAD-TICKKT OFriCn. Hit Knrnam Street Telephone , 122. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets lelcphonr. 123. Leav e. Arrive. St Lonl "Cannon n ll" Impress 4SOpni : 11J : m Dally. H'HlCAtlO , ST PAUL. MINNH- npolls A Omahn Unllwny Oenernl office , Nebraska Dt. vl'don. Klfteenth nnd Wcb.tcr dtreels. City Ticket omce , 1401 rnmnin Street Telephone t6L Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Tele. phone , 1458 . Arrive. Sioux City Aecommodn S.5) nm 8:23 pm Slotir rity Aecommodn 9:50 : nm 8:25 : pm HUlr , Kmerson Sioux City 1'onca Hnrtlng- ton nnd lllnninncM . 1-00 pm IttCS nm Sltux City MTinknto. St. Paul , Minneapolis . . . . . 6:15 : p-n 9:10 : am Dully Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. I FREMONT. ELKHOUN Jt , Missouri Vnlley Ilallnay Gen eral OHIces , United Stales Na. tlonal Hank Utilldlng , South * weit Corner Twelfth nnd Par- nnnl Striets Ticket Olllce , 1401 Parnnm Street. Telephone , 661 Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 145V Leave. Arrive. Hlack Hills Deadnood ard Hot Springs. . . . 3.00 pm 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper nnd Douglas . . . . . . 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Hastings , York David City , Superior Geneva , Exeter nnd eward . . 3 00 pm * 6 00 pm Norfolk , West Point and 7'ffl nm 10 : i nm Fremont . . . . 3 00 pm 5.CO pm Lincoln Wnhoo nnd 7:50 : nm 10'3 nm "Fremont . . . * 3CO : pm S.OO am rremont Local . . . . . 7:60 : nm Dally Dally except Sundiy. Sunday only Dally except Saturday , Dally except Mondiv "SIOUX CITY & 1'ACiriC UAIL road General Olllccg , United States Nntlonnl Hank Ilulld- Ins , S. W Corner Twelfth and Tarmm Streets. Tlcktt Olllce , 1401 rarnain Street. Telephone , C61. Depot , rifteenth and Webster Sticcts. Ti-1-phcr.c , t'.tl. Leave. Arrlv e. Sioux CHS' , Manknto , St 1'iul , Minneapolis 6:15 : pm 0I ! am Dally. CHICAGO K- NORTHWESTern - ern Hallway City Ticket onico , 14J1 Farnam Street Telephone , 661. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Street. Telephone . . . . Leave. Arrive. „ „ Missouri Valley , Sioux City. St Paul and Minneapolis 6:40 : am 10:45 : pm Missouri Vnlley. Sioux City 7.30 am 9.05 pm Denlson , Cnrroll , Wall Lake 7 30 am 9.03 pm Eastein E\preas. Des Mo'ncs Mnrihalltcwn , Cedir nnplds Chi ago " 10:45 : nm < :10 : nm AtHntlc Pljer. Chicago and East 4:43 : pin 410 ; pm Past Mall , Chicago to Omahi 3iu nm Mlstourl Vclley , bloux Clt > , St Paul. Minne apolis Limited . . . . 5 T5 pm 0 Z1 ! nni Omaha-ChlPagii Sp'cl-il. 6 30 pm ti.ls am Dnilj Dalli except Sunday MlSbOfUI PACIPIf HAILROAD fleneinl Oltices nnd Ticket O'1li.e. Merchants National Hank Hulldlni1221 Parnnm Street. Telephone 101. 1'epot Fifteenth nnJ Webster Strsela Telephone 1153 I nvc. Arrive KansVs" City , St and 'outhcrn points . 3 03 pm 12 53 pm Kansas city Express 9 30 pm 6 20 nm Ft Crook & Union LI. , 9 00 pm " .00 am Dally CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE K. ST Paul Ilnllway-Clly 'llckei Odlce. KOI raniHin Street Telephone , ZS4 Depot. Tenth and Maron Streeta Teltphone , 128. Leave An He Cl Icaso Limited Ex . 5 43 pm 8 05 r.m Omaha and Chicago Lx 11 00 an. 1:50 : pm Dally Searles & Sea vies. ( SPECIALISTS IN NERVOUS , mm m PRIVATE DISEASES. EKXTIALLY. All Private Diseases & Disorders of Meu. Trcnttncnt by Mail , CciiHUltatioti Free. SYPH5LIS Cured for life and the poison thoroughly cleansed from tlioRystem. Sporm.itorrhea. Semlnnl Weakness , Lost win- hood , Nlirht EmiBalonn Uecnved Facilities. Female - male Weakness , and all delicate dlsonlorH pecu liar to i-llhcr BI-X , iiosltlvoly curwl PILES FISTULA .Hid KKCTAL ULCEIIS , HYDKOOBLK AN I ) VAKICOCKLE pprinanently and successfully cured , Method new an 1 unfailing. Stricture and [ at Cured home by new method without pain or cuttliifr. Call on or addrcHS w 1th Blimp - 119 S 14th St. . DRS. SEARLE8 8 SEfiRLB , OMAHA , NEB. s > Ai h rou HOOK \ LM'S. : OiuuliuVoinnii GI UH L'p Mono for n I'OHltlOII. The police were Informed yesterday of the operations of a couple of bogus book agents. H Is probable that a large number of people have been victimized In the city , as the agents In question/ have been hero for about a month. H. B , Jettrios called at headquar ters yesterday and stated that a man giving the name of Orlando Pratt , had called upon his sister-in-law , Mrs. Katherlne Hood , 2107 Douclar street , a couple of days ago and had repreitnted himself as the western agent for the .Moilroe Publishing company of Chicago. Ho represented to her that pcsltlona paying $75 a month wore being given out by the company for canvassers A supply of books went with each now * agent In order to secure - cure the Job a deposit of $15 was necessary , Mrs. Hood blgnud the contract and handed over the $15. he then told Mr. Jeffries of the uiattur. Ho became suspicious and Je - tciday visited Mrs. Hood's houao and waited for thu agent to return. He failed to put In an appearance , but a woman who gave the name of Rva D. Hoover called. When closely questioned MUs Hoover stated that Pratt and heiself hud been living together In a cottage at Seventeenth and Webster streeta as man and wife She said they had taken several orders for books and had secured sev eral contracts with deposits. She then ad mitted that Pratt had suddenly left the city and that she did not know when he would laturn. The woman returned the $15 given Pratt by Mrs Hood. She then disappeared The police arc Investigating < the matter and It Is likely that a complaint charging the ob taining of money under false pretenses will be aworn out against Pratt and the woman A flood llx The example of.W. Wi Ilrewer , Justice of the peace , and a prominent citizen of Mount Jowett , Pa. , U worthy of emulation. Ho nays. "I never leave homo without a bottle of Chainberlatn'a Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Homcdy , and aluaja recommend It to my friends. It Is the beet I ever used , and never fallfi to give Immediate relief , " Iiic-iiritnrati * a lmr .Svliiiiil , The following have ( lied articles of Incor poration of the "Omaha School of Law , " they being' named ua the Incorpor.Uois : A U Wulkup , H. A. Wtilpple , W , I' C'owim , Charles Huttulle. Wolttr A. Hansen , S C Jennings. Harry KlHcher , K. D. Iluffiitt.W. I ) , Staler , Howard limner , Arnold S , lioiglum , J , G. Kuhn. B C Hodder , Frederick J. H Larsen , John Henucn , Arthur p Karbach , Daniel J Hurley , H L Standeven , John N , Frenzer , Archibald Acheson , N O T.ibot ! , A M Hor.in. Uen W Kean , H. I' . Lonvftt , Mae C. Wood , Otis D Fisher , Charles L Frltscher and A S Pinto The school Is to exist for 100 yearn and will promote edu cation In the science of law. NEW VIADUCT IS NEEDED Experts Agree that the Old Oao is in Dangerous Condition , REPORT ON SIXTEENTH STREET SIKUCTU3E 'PKnitii < if I IIP Union 1'nolllr ( lint thp llrlilKP I" ttn- mifu nml Itpimlri Arc Only n .MiiUvnlilft. Qoorgo H. Pogrom jcsterday filed with Chairman Krncst Stuht ot the city council committee on viaducts a report ot his recent examination of the < comlltlon ot the Sixteenth street \laduct , together with certain recom * tncndatlous. In hla repot t Mr. Prgram spcclllcally points out that the report Is not to be considered as an olllclal report ot the chief engineer of the Union Pacific rail way system , which position he holiH He recommends repairs to tldo the vInduct over exposition 5 ear. The full text of the report Is as follows : "In compliance with ( ho Invitation ot jour committee I have made an examination of tlin Sixteenth street viaduct , and am pleased to submit my views as to Its present condi tion , and recommendations with refoicncc to Its repair and rcntwal. with the under standing that I r.m actlug Independently and not as chief engineer ot the Union PaclUc Railway company , or the receivers thereof , "The viaduct Is ncarlng the end of Its life. It U rather light throughout for the trallle which It carries and some ot the piling and trestle members are rotten Fui- thcr lengthening its life must bo attended with continuously Increasing risk and cost of repilr , and It would seem to mo that any steps taken should look to Its icnewal within two or three voars , It would seem Inexpedient , however , to attempt Its recon struction before the exposition In view of the possibility of having 11 closed to trafllc during the time of the exposition , when It will bo most needed. It can bo repaired to safely tldo over that period , and with nn expenditure of $ C,000 may bo made to last two or three years. "Tho city engineer has submitted a plan and estimate for a new structure having a roadway thirty-six feet wide and a sidewalk six feet vvtdo on each Bide , making the total width forty-eight ; feet and estimated to cost $138,951.80 , which seems well adapted to the city's needs. In this plan the roadway Is put on n uniform grade from end to end , thus avoiding the depression In the present grade. This will , of course , add to the cost of the structure , but considering the cltj's needs only , would seem wise. "Tho railway companies might reasonably ask some modification in the spans crossing their tracks and substantial modifications might be icasonably made In other particu lars If the new structure Is to bo treated as one for securing crossing ot thu railway tracks. " SIIICIM : : mmns IN MCIIHsic \ . Itnllriiiiiln UrliiKliiHT In Mniij 1'i'ojilc front tin * Haul. The wisdom of the Western Passenger as sociation's reconsideration of Its decision to abolish homeseekers' excursions was evi denced jestcrday when thu trains fiom the east pulled lute the Union depot loaded to the guards with passengers , a fair propor. tion of whom , It may be safely assumed , are genuine homeseekers. It was the first day of s > lo ot the ticket * ot the llrst homeseokers' excursions on western railroads this month Consequently those who passed through Omaha yester day were from western Iowa only. Today a much heavier movement ot homeseekers from eastern Irrna , Illinois , Indiana and other central states Is confidently ex pected by the passrmger men. All the morning trains were crowded. The Northwestern , the Milwaukee , the Rock Island and the Burlington trains from the east had from one to three extra coaches added and there were but few vacant places In the cars between the middle part of Iowa and this city. Passenger officials of the Burlington estimate that 200 excursion- Its destined for various points in Nebraska wore brought in on the morning train of that road , and the other railroads had a proportionately large business. A. M. T. Miller , immigration agent for Nebraska of the Burlington system , pasbocl through Omaha on the morning train In charge of a numerous party of Dunkards. There are several settlements of Dunkards In this state already , and for over a year past the Burlington has been energetically at work endeavoring to bring several set tlements of this sect from the middle states to Nebraska. The IndlcatUns for success In this direction are said to be good , Tihe Dunkards who passed through hero this morning with Mr. Miller stated that if they found all the conditions for settlement fa vorable they would recommend their people to move out to the banner corn state. Train Sor\loe HcNtnreil , Another evidence of the return of pros perity to western railroads happened along the Burlington in this state yesterday when passenger train service was established between Holdrego and Curtis. For the past two years the service between these points has only been such as was offered on mixed freight and passenger trains. The regular passenger trains were taken off two yearn ago when hard times dicw nigh. Yesterday regular passenger trains were restored to service and will hereafter run dally except Sunday. Westbound connections will bo made with the restored tialns on train No. H , leaving hero at S 35 a. in. , and eastbound connections will arrive hero on train No. 2 at 4.05 p. m. Anllplpu < p ( looil HnnlncNN. MINNEAPOLIS , Oct 5. At the annual meeting of , the stockholders of the Minne apolis & St Louis railway today the rcpoit of the directors takes a most sanguine vlow of the prospective business for the next fis cal year , especially In corn tonnage. The groeo earnings were $2,000,005 , a decrease of $21,793 over lant year , principally on freight. The ni' > ratlng expenses were $1,311,175 , showing a decrease of $5,098. The total net receipts , Including trackage and other rent als , were $1,030,023 ; expenditures , including dividends , $951,236 ; surplus , $278,786. A div idend of 5 per cent on first preferred and 2 per cent on second preferred was declared. The present directors and olllcers were re- elected. Vortliprn PiH'Illi : Ulcotlon. NKW YORK , Oct. 5. At the annual meetIng - Ing of the Northern Pacific stockholders held here today the following were elected direct ors for the ensuing year : Edward D. Adams , Dumont Clarke , Charles II. Coster Hobert M. Galloway , Ilrayton Ives , 1) . Willis James , Daniel S , Lament , C. S , Mellon , J , 0. Moore , Walter 0 , Oakman , Oliver II , Payne , Samuel Spencer , Jamcn Stlllman , Francis Llndeuman and Edwin Thompson , fititcn mill I'pmnnnli. P. F , Bonewltz , an employe of the Union Pacific , had hie right hand mashed yester day while ho was engaged In pulling a pin from between couplers In the local car yard All the railroads In the state have agreed to a one and one-tlilnl rate for the round trip to Falls City , Neb. , from points within fifty miles tomorrow , October C. The occa sion Is a talk by W J Bryan , late candidate for the presidency on the repudiation ticket. Harry Fox , superintendent of the Iowa di vision of the Itock Island road , has re signed , He has been connected with the company since 1869 , and was appointed di vision superintendent four years go. W M , Hobbs , division superintendent at Horton , Kan , will succeed him , Thu railroads have extended the reduced rates to Omaha for the Joe Patchcn-Star Pointer race , October 8 , to all points In Iowa within fifty mllc of Omaha. The rate from Iowa points will bo one end one third regular fare for the round trip. rate from all 'Nebraska poInU within miles of Omaha will be one faro J' * " * trlp < Burling- % , , . an - . The operating department o'v eleven-hour ton railway la arranging fg'nd Kansas City , mall train between Chica'CnlcaBO aml Kan- The- fastest tlmo betwgy lhe Santa ye mall eas City la now ina'ci/pago at 2:3o o'clock MUNYON'S Cold Cure cures colds In the lirsAcoMv en tha ImiRV old colds , now cold * Mid obstlnMorolJs.iM'd nil form * of ptlp. Btop-i Mirctlnfc , dl h rif s from th no o mil ryes , prevents rnmrh , dlphl"crli , pneumonia , nnd nllthrcivtnnd limit troubles. 'Jhc'o plf inl llltlo nrllMsM-o nhsolulclr Imrmlc , Imvo snvcd t'lwwniw of lives Mid prevented murhslcL * new. The- Hun ) on Remedy Cjinpnny prepare * ro for each ( ll cine. Al nil rtntESl ts- B * cents n % lal. If you need innilnl urtvlco wtltn Vrof. Mtmyon , ISM Arch btrcct , riitliulelpbla , 11 la absolutely free. niscis.8 HOTEL . \croMMoitATio.\9. Mn i < r tii lip Taken tip tilth Exno < il- tlnii MitiinKPiiiout. The thlrty-llvo conventions that have been wcuroil for Omaha" for next > car and Iho entertainment of the same received much tliodght of the members of llitr Commercial club'a executivecommltteo nt their meeting yesterday. The commltteo will take up the matter with tliu exposition maiUKOincnt uiul emlcr.vor to make arrangements tor halls anil hotel accommodations. The first monthly meeting ot the Com * merclal club of this season will bo held on Tuesday , October 19. All the senator * ami congressmen In the state have been Invltoa to bo picccnt nml ilollvcr flftccn-mlnuto talks. The follow IIIK arc the Biibjectn upon which ncUlrtsies will bo maOo : Indian 3 .pply depot , Kast Mall Bcrvlco between Chicago anil Omaha , the Imposition , Indian school at Port Omaha , Impro\omcnt of Watcrwayn and the Bankruptcy 11111. Tlml Tcrrllilc Scnurwc. Malarial dlseise Is ln\arlably supplcmcntetl by illsturlHtnco ot the ll\er , the bowels , Ilia stomach anil nuncs To the removal ot both the ranso and Its effects Hontotter's Stomach Hitters Ii fully ailequato. It "fllli the bill' " as no other remedy docs , perform * Ing Usvorlc thoroughly. Its IngreillentB nrd pure nmlliolo'ome , and It admirably eervco to hi hi up a sjbtem broken by 111 health and shorn of strength. ConatliKitlun , liver atld kidney complaint and nenoiisness nro con * uucrcd tiy It , III ! 1.1 ( Ml ll > ( IIP PullCP. The police last night rallied thu old Creota place nt Thirteenth and Chicago streets. The resort makes the claim ot being known to the upper classes ot society. Last night's catch consisted ot one man who gave the pseudonym of Sul Smith and four women , bosldes the keeper of the house. The four women \\cra richly dressed They appeared greatly humiliated over their detection and kept their faces closely enveloped In heavy veils. They ga\o the names of Mrs. John son , Ilarfl Davenport , Mary Moore and May Claik , and had no dllllculty In securing a bond for their release. Yon can't cure consumption but jou can avoid It and euro every other form of thioit or lung tioublo by the use of Ouo Mlnuta Cough Cure , ronllilciu-r Mi-ii OiuiIplPil. . J. Wharton and William Stone , t\vo confi dence men who swindled Thomas Thompson , a Canton , S. D. , school teacher out of $20 last spring by means of the "padlock trick , " \vere convicted or grand larceny In the crim inal court jcstenlay. The two men and a partner , Wlllluns , vveio convicted on the aamo charge at the last term ot court and wore sentenced to seven years In the peni tential y , but succeeded In obtaining a no.v trial from the supieme court. Pending the supreme court hearing Williams secured h's release on bonds and has disappeared. Thu other two were held In the county jail. TO CUUR A COUJ IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Taokts. All druggists refund the money If It falls to sure. 25c. I.OCAI. ' A permit has been Issued to C. E. Palmar to build a two-story flame residence at 3104 Wool worth avenue , The regular meeting of thn Veteran Fire men's association will bo held this evoiiUiff In the olllco of Chief Hcdell nt 8 o'clock. City Clerk Hlgby is signing up the lost 1s- sue of lenewal bonJs , anil today they will probably be shipped to the fiscal agency In Now York. Contractor Hugh Murphy has completed the Center street curbing for several blocks , and the Grant Paving company will begin laying the macadam this week. A defective flue in the residence of Dr , A. Crawford , Plerco street , caused a nro and damage to about $100 yesterday. A Ore at the Hugh Murphy paving plant at the foot of Jackson street did slight damage. The Candee-Davis Publishing company has been Incorporated with a capital stock of $10,000. Its purpose Is to publish a monthly maguzlno and periodicals of high literary charrcter. Its existence Is to continue for twenty years. The incorporators are H. 0. Candee , Fred P. Candee and Freil S. llakor. W. II. Dennett has donated $100 to the fund the High school cadets are raising for the purpose of purchasing guns. This sub stantial contrlDUtlon has oponoj upon the donor n Hood of gratltudo and has elated the youthful soldier boys , Only a few ad ditional donations of this slzo will bo ncodcil to equip the cadets with arms. There will he a civil service examination at the postolllce building In this city today and toinonovv. Today will bo devoted to the dppaitmontal service , with forty-tW9 applicants , and tomorrow to the rail way mall postal service with thirty-live ap- pllcints A. II. Hlllor , an examiner from , ' Washington , will bo present to conduct the examinations. At Holes of Incorpoiatlon of thn Hackmen'a union viere filed with the county cleric Monday The principal purpose of tho-new ) body , according to the n ] tides , Is to promote the Interests of Omaha hack in on and of thn mcmbci * ot Iho union particularly. It will also engage In the business ot transporting peisoiu ; and their baggage. The union Is capitalized for $ dOO , which Is divided Into forty shares. The Incorpoiators are Joha Larson , president ; D , A , Hu-ssoll , secretary , and Charles White , treasurer. DANGER IN SODA , Scrlonx IlrNiillfti * ] iiiiii-lliii < 'N Kiilliitv It * l YfM'HHltC I/HI- , Common sola Is ail right In Its placet and Indispensable In thu kitchen and for cooking and waohlng purposes , but It waa no\cr In- truiU'd for a medicine , and people who us * It as such will some day regret It , Wo refer to the common use of uoJa to relieve hcsithuiu or Hour stomach , a habit which thousands of pcoplo practlcii almost dally , and one which Is fraught with danger ; moreover the i oda only glvus temporary re lief and In the Ctrl the stomach trouble get * worse and worse The eoda actn as & mechcnlcal Irritant to the walls of the elomach and bownlu and cases are on record where It atcumtilated In the Intestines , causing death by Inflammation or peritonitis. Dr. Harlandson recommends 23 tbo safent and surest cure for sour stomach ( acid dyfc1' popsla ) an excellent preparation sold f' druggists under thn mame of .StuarL'ft" pepala Tablets , These tablets r- to and grain lozengt-rs , very pleasantvand dlges * contain the natural acld , pei > 'Jod digestion , ttvo elements essential . they digest the and when taken after nptly before It h1'9 food perfectly and < r and poison the blood tlmo to fcrmfmLn. and nervous s-rtatea that ho Invariably uie Dr. Wupgpepsla Tablets In all cases of StuartWerangements and finds them a CM-- Btoninro not only for sour stomach , but by tamptly dlgcslng the food they cieato * nealthy appetite , increase llesh and strength. DR the action ot the heart end liver , They are not a cathartic , but Intended only for and will ba stomach dl case and weakness found reliable In any stomach trouble except cancer of the stomach. AJI drugBl t sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at DO cents pf P"A lUtio book dtucriblnK all fornn of f > c , ach weakness and their cure m by addresstats the Stuwt Co. of Mich ,