THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , OCTOBER 5 , 1897. SPECIALJOTICES AilvcrtliipitirtilN for llicup column * will lie tnkrn until 11 ! in. tor ( lie < ! vrnliiK "ml nnlll H p. m. for Ilic iiuiriiliiK mill J < tiiiilnir nllllonn. Artvi-rtlmT * , ! > > riMim-nllii * n iitim- lirrril HiroU , c-nii linvc iiimwm nil- < lrcxii'il In a MtimlirriMl Irtlcr In euro nl Tin ; Hi-is Antnvcrx no mlilrcsm Ml will IIP ilclMcrril on i ri' i-n < nl n nt flic HiiM'lt only. flute * , I 1-Uo a won ! llrnl lnicrtlon | 1 it mini HuTinfttr.ol1iliiK ( nkfti for II-RM limn a.-ic for flullrnt Intirr- lion. Th cm ; iiilvcrllNciiK-iif * innnt be rmt \V l.\Tin _ SITCATIO > S. WANTii , ciiuuLAU LUTTERS TO WRITK , envelopes to address or manurcrlpt to copy at reasonable terms. Addrcsi T G , Ixe office. A Mm OJ POSITION RY Kja > KRIENci1ivr llAIlY STEN- ogrsphcr , b > - t ritffrnces. . Address "W 47 , ! ' * A MtO' ' WANTED , POSITION Y GOOD HTENO- Krapher ; four > enrs' steady experience. Ad- dres * K. U. Mnrlc , 2111 Hurt. Omaha.A A 74j 4 * WAVnnMALH : HUM * . CANVASSERS T TAKiroTlDKRrf ; NUW LINK of work ; no heavy Roods to catry ; f.ilniy or commission. C. P. Adams Co. . S2I 9 Ibth t. S U ilo SALKHMKN TOR C1OA11S. JI23 A MONTH AND e pcnse ; olil llrm ; experience unnuccmary In ducements to customers. C. C. lllshop & Co. , St. Louis. II-DIO MP.NAND WOMEN SOLICITOUS FOU Tim Nullonul Hrrcrve nnsoclnllcm ; the best , safest ml Hounilent frnternui cnlcr In the fleM toilay. Aililre s I' . A. C. Stevens , 511 N. 18th St. , Omnha. H S17 WANT HI ) , YOt'TH TO LI-3AUN MKCHAN1CAL ilrnwlnic. Apply nt olllcc of Hues SCo. . , Ilee llulldlntf. 1I-MG2.1 8 WANTHD. AN KXPntllKNCRD DRY OOODH nml cloalc salesman. Apply nt once , with re.1- rcnce , to T. L. Dnvles & Co. , York , Neh. B-M7IJ C CO OHOVULlCnS FOIt It. n. WOllK : nOOD 1'AYj free fares ; nhlp dally. White's IjiboiAccncy , 119 N. ICth HI. U-M7M 5' WANTCD , SALKPMF.N TO SRLL OldAUS TO dealers ; salary. IW.DO to J200.00 per month nml expenses , i-upcrlcnee unncc"s aryj permanent pssltlnn. The ( Do Morn ClKar O ) . . Springfield , Ohio j- 11-M771 6 * WANTKD. A KIHST-CLAS3' IlAKKIl THAT ran do short order work : will pay J12 per week. Tim llencnn , Carper , \Vyo. H M774 7 If WANTKD. COHNF.T 1'LAYRU , HAND AND orchestra. Tramp's Drenm Co. . J. L.S'heel r , MET . I'lattsmouth. Nebraska. 11 M768 5 WANTKD. KXI'KRIUNCKD SOLICITOR , KIRK Insurance ; send references. U 64 , Ilee. 11-M7BI WANTED. SALESMEN FOR LUimH'ATINO oil * Rreaffls and specialties ; salary or com mission. Address the Detroit RetlnlnR Co. , 925-0 Majestic building. Detroit. Mich. 11 M 7(3 ( r , AN ENrmatVriC MAN OR WOMAN1 IN EACH city to learn our business nnd to work nmnnc church members : permanent position ; 112.0) ) per week to stnrt : olio rcvornl parties to travel , expenses and llbeinl salary. R. II. Woodward. Hnltlmoro. 11-M76J B WANTED ] LAUGHERS ON n. & M. FOR extra ( ramr ; free fare. Kramer Kr O Hearn , llth nnd F-irnom. It M7M C * WAXTHD FHMALI3 II HLI' . 1W aiULS FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK ; M TO 17 week. Canadian OHlcc , 1522 Douglas.C . C 518 WANTKD Clinii FOR OKXKRAL HOUSE. work , 832 S. 29 street , near Mason. C C39-4 WANTKD. COMI'KTKNT OIRL FOR OEN- eral housework ; no washing. 2C03 1'oppleton avenue. C 637 WANTED. A FIRKT-CLASM COOK. 212 SO. 17th. S. W. cor. 17th and Douclns. C741 B STKADY UMl'IjOYMKNT TO ICH1IIT I'ARTY. 1312 DoiiKlax. C 739 5 R CAN OIITAIN EMPLOYMENT 11Y AD- drosslm ; Mrs. H. Murray , Fremont , Neo. C-MC63 10 * WANTED. AN BXPKHIENCKD NIIRSK FOR young child. 1521 Douglas. C M75G J N KNKKRKT1O MAN OR WOMAN IN EACH city to leant our IniHlnepn and to work nmnn ? church membeis ; prrninnont position ; $12. ' ) per week to stnrt ; nlsa several parties to travel ; nxpunsen nnd llbeial salary. It , 11. Woodward , liiiltlmoro. C M761 B VOll IllSXT lIOUSKS. 1IOITSHS IN ALL PARTS OF TII13 CITY. THE O. F. Dnvls Company , U03 Farnuin. D 61D HOUSES ; 11KNHWA & CO. , 10S N. 15TH HT. I D-520 MODERN norsns. C. A. STARR. 923 N. Y. Llff. D 521 JIOUSES ; WALLACE , 11RO\VN IILOCK. 10TH and DOUKIBH. D 512 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAOKS ALL OVER city. 15 to 175. Fidelity , 1st Hour N. Y. Life. D-6H HOUSES. COTTAGES & .STORES. ALL PARTS of city , llrcnnan & Lov Co. , 430 PaxUm block. D 5M LARGE LIST. M'CAOUE , 15T1I AND DODOE. D 521 HOUSES , FLATS , ( JARVIN DROS. , 1613 FAR'M D 525 HOUSES FOR RENT. 1IEM1S , PAXTON IJLK. D-J23 HOUSES , j. n7 siiunwooD423 ' * , N. Y. LIFE ! D-527 STANFORD CIRCLE COTTAOKS. TTJOOMB ] S. W. cor. 13th and Vlntnn : . finest location In city for business men or Omahn nnd Scmth Omaha ; rents moderato. 101 1IM btilldhiK.D . D SS TOR RENT. CHOICE 12-HOOM DETACHED modern house. Inquire 2.143ipfto ) avenuo. D-629 MOVING HOI'SEHOLD GOODS A'ND PIANOS. ( I J Om. Van & Storatco Co. , ISll'j F.irnam ; let 157,9. D r > 5 JI I CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON , 601 J1EIJ RLDO. Tel. 717. D-5.11 _ _ _ -FURNISHED HOUSE. MODERN. 8 ROOMS , oak nnlch. choice location. Fnrnam car line , with Rood barn , JO.Oi ) per inanth. Fidelity Trust Company , Hint lloor Now York Llfn bids. D--M300 SIX-ROOM fOTTAOE. ALSO fi 1'NFURNISHED rooms , nil modern , 2124 Mlnml t D M297 5JT NO. 19TH ST. . 9 ROOMS ; MODERN. FIRST- eluna , uood born , only 121.00. Omnha Ren ) Es- i lato4 tnd TuiKt Co. . 211 So. ISIh t. D-331 SRAIUS RENTAL AOKNCY. llll McCAOUE llll ; . D-45i ! SIX-ROOM MODERN FLAT. 1112 SO. 11TH. D MSS3 O6 SIX-KOOM'COITAOK. S5H CALDWELL ST. TWO LAROE HOUSES IN Dt'.N'DEE ' PLACE ; cheap. > 'M Hen liWs D M5S3 FOR JIBNT. FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE , rood location ; reasonable terms. 513 N. 23d. D-MS77 OC ton RENT-MODERN 0-HOO.M DETACHED . , lieu e. furnace , bath. etc. . nice lawn best con dition , WO N. 2Sth street. Inquire 933 N. jjtn et. -c'5 OR UNFURNISHED. MODERN 10 ' room house , with burn : Cholco locntlnn , J311 Unrney. n.MO'4 . > WANTID , AT ONCE , HGTWEEN K AND w boiifca | n rent : freat deironl Iff licuu-s ; rentils n Hieclnlty. J H Sherwood. 42J N. Y , Life. D M724 Vail ltK\Tl < 'IIIlM.SIIKI ) ROOMS. TLEAEnNT ROOMS. 1919 DODOli ; . -M200-Ol v FI.'RNMSHED ROOMS. Kin CALIl'ORNIA ST , Jl'RNISHKD-ROOM , SOI7 HARNEY STIIKKT. IC-564-6' iFimN'r ifboMs ] wiffi OR WITHOUT bouid , 23S4 Hariiry , ' K M'tU i * TWO FI'RNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE- kccpmK for man and nlfe. 201 S. I4th st. . K M718 5 EOl'TH ROOMS. IW CA1-1TOL AVK , l.'fHMSHKD HllOilS AM ) IIOAHU. ROOMS WITH HOARD. IOOJ I' SU-O 11' SOUTH & KAST FRONT UOOM WITH uvu , SWS DoUKlaa. F 918 SOUTH FRONT ROOM FOR TWO ; other rouiini coed buarj. Tlio Rose , : 0 Har- . ! > ' . F M694 MODURN HlllCK. ROOMS AND HOARD. JJ.50 up. Mi North 191.1. F-M7C7 II- 'KJCELY n RN7siii.i7TiioNT WITH beard. JW5 Doujjla * . F-MTJJ i * IMIIM.HIIII ; ) UOO.MS WITH HOAIIP. ( Continued. ) FURNl HKD "ltboMH , Wmi BOARD ; RIXJCIC north llnnscom park. lll South slst. , F Mi27 TUB TvLHANY , Z101 DOUGLAS' 1/JVP.1.T suite of unfurnlshej rooms ; other rooms , with board. r ' _ FPRNISHUD RO'OM ANir HOARD NI3AII Hnnscom Park ; modern house ; private family. Address U 26. Hee. F MSSS Till : MKRRIAM , FIRST-CI.APfl FAMILY hotel. 2.lh and Dodge streets. F--M479 Oil" TUB LOWEST POS.4HILK RATES AND TIIP. best fare. A home. Sherman nve. enr passes door every elshl minute * Newly fumlslicd ; new management ; adjoins Utpmilllon. Snra- toirn Hotel KNTIIRTAINS Its nie'ts. F-M762 N3 LAROK SOUTH PARtJOR. HOARD. BTHAM , iBlephonc : references. W2 N. ISth. F M7.V , C roil IIHVT ixKim.visiiii ; : > HODJIS. FOR RCNT. J ROOMS. 708 S. 1'iTIt ST. n M4C9 O27 * t'NFURNISHHD FRONT PARLOR. IM K H lll-\TSTOHi.S : AMI OI-TICUS. FOR RHNT. DiSlv ROOM IN GROUND FI/3OR olllce , Dec bulldlnB ! water , steam heat , electric llKhl nnrt Janitor er\-lce. Apply to II. \ \ . llaker , tupcrlntendent , Hee liulldlni ; . I l'J ( FOR RKNT THi : 4-PTORY HlUi'K HU1LD1NO nt 916 Farnam st. This liulldlnR has n nreproof cement basement , complete steam hentlng llx- lurw ; water on all doors , ga , etc. Apply at the nfllce of The Ree. 1 910 FOR RENT IN THE 1IEE lUTILDINO : One larpe corner room , 2d lloor , with vault nnd private oince , water , etc. One larse front room , 2d lloor , divided Into two rooms by partition , water , etc. On ? larRC corner room , 2d floor , with vault , water , ete. Ono front room , divided by partition , third lloor. One corner room with vault , third floor. One larne room , third lloor , with partition ill- vldlnc It Into oni large room and two smaller private rooms , water , etc. Two large ground lloor rooms with vaults. Several smull rooms on fourth lloor , with vaults. All these rooms nre heated with steam , electric llKhts supplied , with llrst-class Janitor serv ice. Elevators run day nnd nil night , llulld- Inc strictly fireproof. Apply to II. W. llaker , superintendent , room 101 , lleo building. 1-193 \VAXT13ri TO HR\T. WANTED. TO RENT FARM OF SO TO 160 ncres. with fair bulldlnRS , near Omaha : tlrst- class tenant ; will pay cosh rent. Heinls. Paxton block. K .30 4 WANTED-TWO FURNISHED AND TWO UNfurnished - furnished rooms Immediately for lUht house keeping , cloke in. F. A. Roosc , 1 < ! 14 Farnam. 1C M753 o * J4T01IARI < : . PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . 90S-910 Jones ; Bcnernl storaRe and forwardln ! ; . OM. VAN & CTORAOE.1511" , FARN'M. TEL 13:9. M 53. ) WAXTIJII TO HUY. I1EST PRICE PAID FOR OMAHA SAVINGS bank accounts at roam 5 % . N. Y. Life bide. N 006 50 SECOND-HAND 1IICYCLES. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OMAHA SAV- lnns bank accounts. The Hvron llteed Co CASH FOR OMAHA SAVINGS HANK AC- counts. O. G. Wnllnce. 312 Ilrown blk. . Kill nnd Douglas. N 5S3 roil SALE HOUSES AMIVACJOXS. . AT OUR AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY P. m . this week , at the Union stock yards , we will sell two cars of well broken horses , one cir wentlo halter broke nnd one car unbroken hcrses. conslstlnR of n variety suitable for all purposes ; all consigned to be sold without re serve. Wulworth Proctor Co. P M763 5 F4 ll SALE MISCELLAXEOUS. SAWDUST. HULK OR SACKED CHIRRING nnd IIOK fence. C. R. Lee , 901 DOUBTS. DOUBTS.Q Q . > 37 HOG FENCE , ALL WIRE , REST ON EARTH , lawn nnd yard fence. Wlro Works , 401 S. 14th. 509-O 2S FOR SALE. JERSEY COW AND ONE-HALF Jersey ; both fresh. 4C02 Center fctrcct. Q-M713 5 OLAIKVOVAXTS. MRS. PAUL , TRANCE MEDIUM , 20T N. ICTH. unites the separated ; changes luck ; letters con taining stamp promptly ans ; lndi | s , f e. . ) M772 N4 * JIASSAftK , IIAT1IS , ETC. MADAM SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAS. MASSAGE steam baths. T 182-O4 * ORIENTAL TURKISH UATHS FOR LADIES & Bentlomen , SOc. 107 S. 14th. Telephone ml. T 7C2-O-S * MEDICATED UATHS , RAREGE , SEA. SUL- phur. massJKe. Mine. Ilrlsson , from Paris , 107 N. 12th SI. T-M335 O24- UATHS. MASSAOE. LAIJRA ELLISON. Crounso blk. , 119 N ICth St. , Room 12. T SI743 ! > MRS. DR LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAOE I5ATH parlors ; restful nml curntlvc. 417 S. llth , up stairs. T-M754 10 I'EHSOXAL. VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUHI.ES , 34C-8 REE . , physician , consultation or henlth book fiee U-53J SUPERFLUOUS HAIR , HALDNESS , FALLING hair and all facial blemishes cured. True Co. , J2S Chamber Commerce. U 657-O4 * ItATHS , MASSAOE. MME. POST , 319V4 S. 15TH. U-510 HE YOUR OWN DRESSMAKER , INVESTI itute the Joy Tailor System school of dress cuttlnc ; only complete eklrt system ; brlns your dressBS nnd make while ivnrnlni ; . 4M K.irlnch block. Patterns free nn Thursday. U 4C3 O26 AT HAAS , FLORIST. PLANTS AND CUT llowers. boquets. hnll. residence and erave decorations. Flowers , bonnets and decorations delivered to uny part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to nnd lilted In two bourn. T 4ophonc 776. 1813 Vlnton St U-931-OI4 RUPTURE CURED ; NO DETENTION FROM hut-Incus ; no painve ; refer l hundreds of ruses cured ; piles cuied Jiv n slnKle. painless treatment. Call or write Th" Empire Rupture Cum nnd Medical Institute , lucceisnrn to The O. E. Miller Ci. . 9M-3 , N. Y. Life Hide. . Omaha. U--BI1 FRElTl"FRiE ! THE OMAHA HAIR IiA/.AAR , 215 South ICtli Htreet , until November 1 will Klve n free steam with each Jar of our Pure Almond Cream. U M72S 9 MOXEY TO LOA.V-- HEAL ESTATI MONEY TO LOAN AT U1W RATES. THE O. F. Davis'Co. , 1305 Fnmnm St. W 54S ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 35 N. V. I * ; quick money at Imv rules fir choice fnrm land * In lowu , northern Missouri , etiatcin Cehr.iKku. . . W 543 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY propoity. W. Fuinaiii Smith & Co. , 1320 Furn'm W-544 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA n'ul I'btatc. lireimati , I jve Co. , Pakton ink. W-545 MONKY TO IX ) AN. 1JEM1S. PAXTONW W 540 0 1'KR CENT MONKY ON NKI1RASKA FARMS nnd Omaha. Improvd propel ly. Api | ) > ' tn w , u. Melklv , I t Nations ) bnnk bide. W 547 MONEY TO LoTN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Pus.'y & Thonini , 207 l t Nut Uh. bld W SIS SIX PER CENT CITV AND FARM 1X3ANS. O.irvln nrog. , 1613 F rnam Si. W-549 r TO LOAN' CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , home * , wagons , etc. . at lowest rates In city ; no removal of Rooda : Htrlclly confidential ; y u can pay the loan on at uny time or In any amount. O.MAIIX MOHTOAOE IJ1AN CO. . 20G S , ICth St. IIIISINESS CIIA.NCES. FOR HENT-THE METROPOLITAN HOTEL IN Cheyenne ; In llnu condition ; tlrctrle IlithU ; thorouRhly plumbed , best locution In the city. One block from Union depot. Fifty tlnt-clasa IMUIU > . line bur room. furnUhod ; ROOI ) barber shop and b th rnomi ; In fact. ovvrythliiR necen- ary to a llrst-class hotel. Party it-mine must purchasu furniture , llnte ! dilnc Kuod bualnesa at preient , AJdrcoi J. W QrlRlu. Chpycnne.Wya Y MKO-OH * FOR SALE. THE ONLY DRUC1 STORE IN Chapman. Neb. , with a good trade ; In a coed country ; poor health Ilia only reaeon for tell- Ins this will bear tl e Investigation. Wrllo Cim | > iuan Drug Cu V M715 i IHSI\KSS : CHANCES. ( Contlnucil. ) A KI/JNDIKKlf WHO HAS HAD TWENTY years' experience In mlnlnn , has spent yenrs n th Yukon , In thoroURhly fnmlllnr with the Klondike , has Interest * nnd prospectors on the Klondike , will give n IhoroiiRh Inspector s map nnd personally answer nil question * relating to that country , cr haw to K < - \ there , co t , etc. . for the iirlce of Jl. Address 11. II. Thompson. 222 R.illey HiilldlnR. Hentlle , Wnsh. ivnwnal reference. Chamber of Commerce , S'nMle. WE E.XECUTi : ORDERS IN WHEAT IN 1 W > - IMI , lots nnd tipnnrd ; corn nnd < nts In H.OOil- bu. lots nnd upward dally market letter fr - " ; write for full Information. It. J. Uiuche-y J4 Co. . members Hoard of Trade. ? 2S Rltilto Chloaun , Y-.M7C3 S TO Oirr IN OR OUT OF IIUSIN S GOTO J. J. Olbsan. 611 First Nat'I Hank. 1 M531 KOH EXUHAVdE. ICO ACRES ADJOINING THE CITY OK COZAD. Dawson Co. . Neb. , to traJe for n stock of shoes or n general stock of 12,000 If In go ( l shape , or will trade Innd nnd n J.0 < 0 Hock for Iowa land ; the Nebraska land ran nil Iw Irrigated. Address J. S. P. , Lock Rex 8 , Pnton. In. 7-M , ' > 9l OS * WILL TRADE 2 INSIDE LOTS. REST JtESI- ilnicv part of O'Neill. Neb. , best town on the Elkhorn railroad , for good horse , harness nnd S-sented surrey. Address P. O box 4 , O'Neill , Neb. 7.-M7G9 5 FOU SALE HEAL ESTATE. FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. H2 N. Y. L. RE 953-O-1C * KOUNTXi : PLACE RAROAINS. 52.WW. I3.7M TO JC..Vii ) see photos nt 16th nnd Fnrnmn , Morse llhlg. J. J. Gibson , C14 Flrtt Nnt. Hank 11M . RE-5.-.J HOUSES , IXT8 , FARMS , I.ANDS , IX1ANS. Ge. P. Remls Real Estate Co. . Pantan block. RE 5M 17 PEP. C.VT GROSS INVESTMENT , IM- provcd real eftnle ; rental , 1648.00 per year ; price. M.MO. Artdresi T M. ll-e. ' RlMTSI 8-ROOJt HOUSE. J2.rno , 40-foot corner lot. S. W. cor. Itth nml Iitnnl. tlOl | v-r acre buys ' 0 acres one mile south of Rusers. Room 1C. Pnttersnn Hlk. HG Mil ! O IS HAVE SOMETTuiOAINS MT3ELF , CITY AND faun. Call for particulars. W'mson , 604 life bide. HE 938 TWO C-ROOM COTTAGES , DO FT. FRONT. 10 blocks north of 1' . O. ; cheap. 524 Si. Mth nvc. RK 2SM4 u-ROOM COTTAGE AND IXT WEST OK EX- posltlon grounds , nearly new. for J33'j 1155 cosh nnd monthly payments of J10 on balance. Ilyron H. Hastings. 212 Sa. Hth St. RE M401 FOR SALE. 12' ' ) ACRES WASHINGTON county ; liest land In cnuntv ; very cheap for cash. Thos. H. McCasuc , McCicue bldg. RE-M5S4 O6 FOR SALE. LAROE LOT , COX13S , AND TWO cottmteB , close to business part of the city ; bargain If sold thlrt week ; terms easy. F. D. Wead , N. E. Cor. 16th nnd Douulns Sts. RE-612 7 SNAPS. SO ACIfHS 12 MILES N. W. . J3.200. 4 ncres 4 blorks from Flenson motor. J600.00. 33 nrre.s niuth of Stale fair grounds , J3.60H. 4Rxl..0 feet , near 32d & Cumlng St. , only * MO.OO. Corner " > n Farnam si. , nenr 40th St. . $7rtO. J. To exchange 110 acres 10 miles north of Omaha P. O. for clenr Improved property. JOHN N. FRENXER , Onn. P. O. HE M 2,13 FOR SALE S E COR. 3 ! > TH AND FARNAM ; 5 f cor. Patlt ave. nnd Hickory ; s w cor. 15th nml Dorcas : 1V ( > ncrci In Rnffalo Co. ; 43S acres In Knox Co. , this and nil other property owned by Nebraska Savins * nnd Exchange bank will be sold at n low price. Wm. K. Potter , re ceiver. RE 215 HAROAINS , HOUSES. IX3TS AND FARMS ; sale or trade : F. K. Darling. Darker Hlk RE SI77G r.\\vxiinoiCEHS , H. MUIOWIT7. LOANS MONEY. 41S N. 16 ST. SIIOIITHAXI ) AXD TYPEWHITIXO. A. C. VAN SANT-S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIFE. 554 AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE. 16TH & DOUGLAS. ra OMAHA SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING Colleso. Royd's theater. SCO O-ll * LOST. . . LIOIIT RAY HORSE. 7 YEARS ; ' WEIGHS nbout 1030 , rather thin nnd high backbone. Re ward for return to 1718 Cass St. . Omaha. Lost Ml 88 LOST , WHITE MARE. ROPE HUHN LKl'T hind leg ; return to 30th and Hurt nnd receive reward. Patrick Colne. Lost M767 5 LOST LADIES' GOLD WATCH AND SMALL twisted link chnln ; engraved on back John to Sarah. Reward for return to 2616 Parker St. Lost 73S 5 LOST. ICTH AND FARNAM OR ON 16TH ST. car line , between Farnam and Cumlng. black pursi > containing money nnd key ; return to Room 11 , N. Y. L , , for reward. Lost M773 5" MUSIC , AHT AXIJ MR. M'CARTHY'S ACADEMY. COR. 17TII nnd Douglas pts. ; evening elapses , beginning Tuesday. Oct. 5th : branches taught ; mathe matics. English , bookkeeping , phonography and typewriting. 710 5 Fl'HXITimE 1'ACICED. M S. WALKIN , 2111 CUM ING , TEL. 1331. 537 MATTIIESH HEVOVATIXO AVOHICS. MATTRESSES , COUCHES. PARLOR FURNI- turu to older ; repaired , 1C03 Leavemv'h ; tcl. 13T5 556 TYPEWHITEHS. TONS OF ENERGY WOULD RE SAVED DAILY If every operator used Unlit running Dense- more. 1612 Farnam Bt. , Omaha , 53S IIHESSMAICIXG. DRESSMAKING , MISS STURDY , 4304 HUH- detle. E 23-O-6 * PATENTS. Sues A Co. , Attorneys- tir am , Patent Ex. Omahn , N > b. tlrnnch nfnce at Washington , D. C. Send for free Advice nnd Patent Ilool ; . See Sunday lleo for our Machine Movements , copyrighted , Ik97. NOTICE TO COVrilACTOIIS. NOTICB TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled bHa will be received at the offlco of the Grounds and Ilulldlng Department of tlio TransmUslBfllpl and International ex position until G o'clock p. m. , Monday , Oc tober llth , for the construction ot tlio Pine Arts building. Plans and specifications can bo seen at the ofllco of the superintendent , room No. 634 , Paxton block , or sets will bo/furnished contractors at cost. F. P. KIRKBNDAIjL , Mgr. Grd's. & Bids. Dcpt. S 30 d to 0 11 POSTOITICE NOTICE. ( Should bo read DAILY by all InUrested , as changes may oqur at any time. ) Foreign malls for ttie week ending Oc- tobur 'J. 1S97 , will close ( PnOMPTIW In all cases ) nt thii General Postolllce an follows : PAIICELS POST SI AILS CLOSE ONK HOUK EARLIKU than closing time shown below. TrnnAtluiitlu Mulls. TUESDAY At 7 n. m. for EUROPE , per a. a. 8aale , via Southampton nnd Uremen ( loiters for Ireland mtmt be directed "per Banle" ) ; at 9 n. m. ( supplementary lu3) ; a m. ) for IRELAND ( lelters only ) , per a. H. Atiranlu , via Queonatown ( letters for other parts of Europe must be directed "ner Aurnnla" ) . WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. ( supplementary a a.m. ) for EUROPE , per s. e. Germanic * . via Qucrnatorvn ; at 10 n. m. for IIEI.QIUM illrect. per . H. Noordland , via Antwerp ( letterB must ba directed "per Noord- lipil" ) . TIU'iJSDAY At 4 a. m. for EUROPI5 , per . . . - TUQAL , TURKEY , EGYPT and liHITIBK INDIA , per a. . La Tourdlne * . via Havre ( letters for other parts of fiuroio must be directed "per La Tonralne" ) ; nt K a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per H. s. Rotterdam , via Rittprdam ( let- U ra must bo rtlrenleil "psr Rotterdam" ) , at S a. m. for GENOA , per B. H. Kitr Wl | . helm 1 ! ( letters must bo directed "per Kaiser Wllheltn II" ) ; nt 10 a. in for SCOTLAND direct , per . s. City of Rome , via Glasgow ( letters must be directed "per City of ROIIIU" ) ; at 11 a. m. ( supple mentary 12:30 p. in. ) for EUROPE , per s. a. Etruria * . via Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER , trrC.-Gcrman ttamer aulllnu un Tuesday take Printed Matter , etc , . ( cr Jeremy , aud Specially Adarttkcd Printed I'OSTOPFICK ( Continue- ! ) Matter , etc. , for other part > t'Europe. Amerl. c n nnd White Stsr * lent Ms n Weilncsdnj-s. Ofrmin tteamers on Thursdnys. and Cunurd , French and Herman stenmerii un Saturdays take Printed Matter , rtr.fnrall countries for which they nre ndvertle > l 4o carry mull , After the closing of the . SUjif ( . im ntary Trans Atlantic Malls nnme.l.abouj additional supple mentary mnlls are nnsncd on1 IP jilers of the American , EnRllsh , French | ul Oernian crs. nnd rcmhln open until , } vithln Ten Min utes of the hour of sA .IIt ) ] t > r simmer. Mull * for Smitli niul CJi-htrnl Anu-rlcn , MONDAY At * .1 p. for HKtE. . ' Pt'KUTO COKTKX Ot'ATBMAbA } ' , p , ? ' : lnler from N' . T U'.SDAAt 11 n. m. for ( supplementary 11:30 : . m. ) for VENEXtTiJUV anil CURA- C\a nlso 8A VANILLA and CAHTHA- OKNA , via Ctirncno , per K . Cnrncnn : nt 1 D. in. for HAKDAliQS direct , nlso NORTH HUAXIL. via 1'arn nnd Mnmo ? . pr H. s. Justin ; nt * 3 p. m. for COSTA RICA , per steamer from New Orleans. WEONHSDAY-At 2CQ a. m. for PORT ANTONIO , per stennur from Philadel phia ; at 12 m. for GR12NADA. TRINI DAD and TOIJAOD. per 9. a. Grenada : nt 1 n. m. for CUHA , per s. s. VlRllnncla. via Havana ; nt 1 11. m. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. m. ) for ST. DOMINGO nnd TURKS ISLAND , per s. H < New York ; at 1 J > . m. ( supplementary p. m. ) for NASSAU , N. P. , per B. H. Antllla ( letters must be directed "per Anillln" ) ; at 3 p. m. for PORT ANTONIO , per steamer from IJos- ton. THURSDAY At 1 p. nl. ( mippiempntnry 1:30 : p. m. ) for HERMUDA , pers. P. Orinoco ; nt 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 p. in. ) for NASSAU , N. P. , nnd SANTIAGO nn CUHA , per n. s. Snntliigo ; at 3 \i. in. for JAMAICA , pnr a B. Ardanroso ( let ter * for Hcllze , t'uerto Cortez nnd Guate- mnla must bo directed "per Ardanrope" ) . FRIDAY At n p , tn. for NEWFOUND LAND , per s. a. Olivette , from Huston. SATURDAY At 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMA-IOA and SAVANtLLA , per s. B. "Alene ( letters for Costa Hlcn must bs directed "per Aleno" ) ; at 10 n. in. ( sup plementary 10:30 : a. in. ) for CAPE HAITI , OONAIVES , AUX-CAYES , JAOMEL and HANTA MARTHA , per R. s. Kitty ; nt 10.TO : n. m. for CAMPKCHE. CHIAPAS , TAHASCO and YUCATAN , per a. s. SfKUninca ( letters for othrr parts of Mexico ice nnd for Cuba must bo directed "per SeRiirnncn" ) ; nt lO-.IO n. m. for HAITI , CUMANA nnd CARUPANO. per B. s. Prlrw F. Hendrlk ( letters for other parts of Venezuela. Curacao , Trinidad , nrltinh and Dutch must be directed "per Prlns F. Hendrlk" ) ; at 11 a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per a. s. Portln ; nt 1 p. m. for URAHIL and LA PLATA COUN TRIES , per s. a. Salerno , via Rio Janeiro ( letters for North Hrazll must be directed "per SMcrno" ) . SUNDAY-At C a. m. for PROORESO. per H. s. Mexico ( Ipttcrn for other parts of Mexico must be dlrncted "per Mexico" ) , Malls for Ne foundlind , by rail to Halifax , and thence by steamer , close nt tills olllce dally at S.10 : p. m. Malls for Mlquelon. by rail to Ilos- ton nnd thence by steamer , close nt this oHIce , dally nt S:30 : p. m. Mails for Cuba clone nt this ofllce dally at 7:00 : n. m. , for forwarding by steamers sailing ( Mondays nml Thursdays ) from Port Tampa. Fla. letter malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for dis patch by steamer , close at this otllrc dally at 12 in. ; paper malls nt C a. m. "Reglstcrc'l mall closes at 6:00 : p. m. previous day. TrniiH-Puclllc Mulls. Malls for China and Japan ( specially ad dressed only ) , per s. . . Kmpres of India ( from Vancouver ) , close''here dally up to October * J , nt G:30 : p. in. Mails for China nnd Japan , per s. s , Doric ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to October Gtb at 5:20 : p. in. Malls for Australia texi-pnt those for \\'c&\ \ Australia ) , which nro forwnrdt-d via Eufope , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and SamoHii Islands , per ! > . e. Moana ( from Snn Frnncleco ) , rlose here dally up to October ! , * Sthat 7:30 : a. in. , 11 a. in , and 0:30 : p. iu. ( or on arrival lit New York of s. s. Campania with British malls for Australia ) . Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Victoria ( from Tncoma ) , clnso hero dally up to Ootober " 10th at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s. s. Mlowera ( from Vancouver ) , close hero rtrflly lifter Octo ber "Sth and up to October llth nt C:30 : p. m. Malls for the Socletv Islands , per ship City of Papeltt ( from Sun Francisco ) , close liero dally up to October 25th at 6:30 : n. m. Mills ( for Hawaii , per h. * s. "Australia ( from Snn 'Francisco ' ) ; close 'here dally" up to October 27th nt 6:30 : pj m. * Trans-raclflc mall.1'are * forwarded to port of sailing dally and the fclmlilli'o'f . .closingla arranged on tne"Y > re sumptlori"W tHSIr unin terrupted overland , transit. - " Registered mall C-IMBS at 6:00 : p. m. previous day. PostofTlce , New York , N. Y. , Oiitober 1 , CORNELIUS VANCOTT , Postmaster. HAIMIOADS. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVERland - land Route" General offices. N. K. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllce. 1S05 Farnam Street. Telephone. 316. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 128.Leave Leave Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Denver. Salt I uke , Pacific coast , and all western points 8:20 : am 4:45 : pm Fast Mall train for Denver , Salt Laue , Pacltlc cost and all western points 4C3 : pm 10:20 : am Lincoln , lleatrlce nnd Stromsburg Express , , . 4:05 : pm 3:50 pm Grand Island Express. . . 5:35 : pm 3:50 : pm Dally. Dally except Sunday , Council Hluffs Local Leaves , 5:40 : a. m. ; 6:50 : a. n. ; 7:30 n. m. ; 8:25 : a. in. ; 10:45 : a. m. ; 2:15 : p. m , ; 4:30 : p. m. ; 5:35 p. m. Arrives. 6:20 : a. m. ; 7:20 : a. m. ; S a. m.9:25 ; a. m. ; 11:30 a. m. ; 3:10 : p. in. ; 6:40 : p. m. ; 9:05 : p. m. ; 10:45 : n. m. WARASH RAILROAD TICICKT OFFICE , H15 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 12S. Leave. Arrive. St. I.ouIs "Cannan nail" Express , 4:30 : pm * llu : am Dallv. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , MINNE- apolls & Omaha Railway General odlcw , Nebraska Dl- vL-clon , Fifteenth and Webster streets. city Ticket omce , HOI Frtrnam Street. Telephone Ctl. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Tele , phone , 1453. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. SiM am 8:23 : pm Sioux City Accommoda. 9:50 : nm 8:25 : pm Blair , Kmcrson. Sioux City , Pence , Hurting- ton and Bloomnela. . . . 1:00 : pm 11:55 am Slcux City. Slffnkato. St. Paul _ , Minneapolis 6:15 : pm : lo am Dally , Djlly except Sunday. Sunday only. FREMONT. ELlvHORN & .Missouri Valley Railway Gen eral Oltlces , United States Na. tlonal Rank Ilulldlns. South west Corner Twelfth nnd Far nam Sticcts. Ticket Olllce , HOI Farnam fltreet , Telephone , 601. Depot , Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. Telephone , H5S. Lsave , Arrive. Illack Hills. Deadwooil nrd Hot Springs 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Wyoming , Cotper and DoiiRlas 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm IlastlnirJ , York David City , Superior Geneva , Exeter and Seward. . . . 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Norfolk , West Point and 7IW am 10:23 : am Fremont 300 ; pm 5:00 : pm Lincoln. Wahoo and 7:50 am "lO am Fremont * S00 ; pm 5:00 : am Fremont Local 7:50 : am Dully Dally escepf Sunrtay. Sunday only. Dally except SattSrdsy , Dally ' ' ' except Monday I SIOUX CITK ft .PACIFIC RAIL. road General ; OlMcci , United States Natlonnl Hank Build ing , 8. W.i Corner Twelfth and Farnam' Streets. Tlckit Oltlce , 1401 Furnam Street. Telephone , 561 , Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Tel-phcr.c , JKS.i Arrive. Sioux City , Mankato , St I'.iul , Mlnneapoll dlfii : > m ' 9:1 : * am Dally. CHICAGO k NORTIIWKST. ern Hallway City Ticket Oltlce. HB1..Farnam Street. Telephone , ML Depot , Tenth and Mu on Street. Telephone Arrive. Mlsiourl Valley , Sioux City. St , Paul and . Minneapolis . 5:40 nm 10:45 : pm MUsourl Valley. Sioux City . 7:10 : am 9:05 : pm DenlBon , Carroll , Wall . .Lake . " 7:30 am 9:05 : pm l.anem Kiprras , Des Molnes Mur < halltown , Cedar Rand | fill -UKO ' 'lOMS am Alluntlo Flyer , Chicago and Host . , 4:13 : pm 4:10 : pm Fait Mall , Chicago to Omaha . . . . . SW : pm Mlktourl Valley , Sioux City. rit. Paul. Mimic- wpolls I.lmltel . 5:55 : jim 0-25 uni . Ro SjKcUI. . : ) pn. SU9 m Daily. Dully except Sunday. MlSk-OriU PACIFIC RAILROAD General Ollice and Ticket Otttce , Merchants National Hank Rulldins , 1221 Farnam Street. Telephone. 104. Depot Fifteenth anl WilntirSttteii. Telephone , His. rrvn' Leave , Arrive. Kansui City , Bt. Loui ) uud kautliern polnU. . . 3:0 : } pm ' 12:53 : pm Katumn city lii.pre s. . -Vym 6:20 : am Ft. C'rook & Union LI. . : OJ pin 7:00 : urn Dully UAIMIOAOS. ( Continued. ) OMAHA , KANSAS CITY & HASTKHN road Omahn .t SI. Ixiuls Ilnllrond "The O. K. Route" Ticket Oince , 1415 Farnnm Street. Telephone , 327 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , Us. Leave. Arrive. pAtton burff. Klrksvlllc , Qulncy Local 6:10 : am " 10:45 : pm St , IOIIF. | New Yorl. Limited 4:30 : pm " 11:50 : am CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & 1 a. Ine Railroad "Tho Great Rook Island Route" City Ticket Otllc * . 1JM Fnrnam Street. Tdepbone , 428. Depot , Tenth mid Mason Streets. Telephone. 12S. Leave , Arrive. ChlcaK'i ' and St. Paul VeMlbuled Expruts . . . 4:30 : pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Spits , PuebKi , Denver and west 1:55 : pm 4:05 : pm Chicago , DC * M.ilnes and Rock Island 7:00 : pin 8:1 ! nir AtlnntlR F.xprrsi. for Dos Molnes und east ern pslnls 7:00 nm B 35 pm Lincoln , Falrbury nnd Hellevlllo B:4st : > m " 1 :40 : nm Dally. Dally except Sunday. HURLINOTON & MISSOURI River Railroad "The IturllnR- Burlington ton Route" General Olllce , N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Farnam Streets. Ticket Onice , 1502 Route Farnnm Street. Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , 128. Irfave. Arrive. Lincoln , Denver 8:36 : am 9:35 am Utah , California , nn.I I'URel Hound 4:33 : pm pm 7:45 : pm 11:30 : am ' Dnlly. IMIJy oice'pt Sunday. CHICAGO , 11UHMN(1TON & Qulncy Ilnllrond ' "riie Hurl- Inctmi Hoiile" Ticket Ofllce , IW2 Knrnnm Street. Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets , Telephone , IIS. Leave. Chicago Vestluuled Kx B:05 : Chicago Kinross 9:48 : nm 7:50 : pm 1'ncino Junction 11:40 nm Dnlly except Sunday. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOSEPH Si Council Hliiffs Railroad "The RiirllniUon Route" Ticket Otllee , 1502 Farnam Street , Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tel ephone , 123. 123.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. . . . 9:0" : nm 6:10 : pm Kansas City Nlcht Ex. . * 10:00 : pin 5:30 : nm Dallv CHICAGO. MILWAUKKE A ST. Pnlil llnllway-Clty Ticket /lf. , . . : . , , , , > i Olllce. ir.04 Purnnm Street. 'MILWAUKEETelephone. . SS4. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone. US. _ Leave. Arrive. Cl Icago Limited Kx. . . . 5:43 : pm 8:03 : nm Omnha nnil Chicago Hx. . Ml:00 : am 1:50 pin Dally IIl-iU > MA\ CALMS ! ) IIISFOItK SCOTT. l ivllli Coiitrntitt ill Violating flic Orilcr of the Court. Yesterday Judge Scott Issued a per emptory writ directing the sheriff to produce Police Commissioner Hcrdman In court at 10 o'clock tnls morning to show cause why he should not bo punished for contempt In refusing to vote for the resolution re- Hclndlng the order of the board by which Chief of Detectives Cox was discharged. The action W-QS ostensibly taken at the Instance of Cox's attorney , who appeared before the court yesterday and readan allldavlt which related the proceedings of the board relative to the Cox case and cited the journal to show that Herdman had voted "no" on the resolution rescinding Cox's discharge. Judge Scott stated that he had taken the position that the board ulld not Inten tionally transgress the restraining order Is sued in the Cox case when the policemen were dismissed , but It Hcrdman had refused to vote to rescind the order In Its relation to Cox. as had been directed by the court , that put a different phase on the matter Ho adllod 'that ho had been Informed that Hcrdman had said that ho did not propose to be bulldozed by the court , and asltcd the attorney If he had any evidence on that point. Attorney Olmatead stated that those who were acquainted with the facts had re fused to give him any IntormMlon and sug gested thnt if they were brought Into , court some light might bo obtained on the sub ject. Judge Scott thra signed the order citing Herdman to appear today , and It ivas at once placed in the hands of the -.heriff for service. Mont Kxcrllrnt. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is a pleas ant expectorant syrup. It Is Intended es pecially for acute throat and lung diseases , such as coughs , colds , croup and whooping cough , and is a most excellent medicine for the relief and euro of these diseases. Hlinrkn in 11 Liinil of Hay. Sparks from a Union Pacific locomotive set fire to a wagonload of hay on the coun try road about eleven miles west of Kear ney on Saturday afternoon. There was a good breeze stirring and It was not long before the whole load waa .burning. The farmer , who was driving the load of hay to Kearney had to hustle pretty lively to aave himself and his horses. The country road at the point where the fire occurred Is fully seventy-five feet away from the railroad track. The sparks were from a freight lo comotive. If you have ever been u little child In a paroxysm of whooping cough , 'or If you have been annoyed by a constant tickling In the throat , you can appreciate the value of Ono Minute Cough Cure , which gives quick relief. IM3KSO.VAL I'AHACJUAI'IIS. W. J , Owens departed yesterday for Chicago cage , K. P. nichardson wont to Minneapolis yes terday. M. B. Getor of Ord Is stopping at the Darker. , Mrs. J. Francis left yesterday for a visit to Denver. ft. noesenwroth of Chicago Is stopping at the Barker. J. Monckomoeller of Chicago Is stopping at the Barker. Miss Desslo Dufrono left yesterday to at tend school In New York state. S. D. Barkalow started yesterday on a week's business trip to Denver. Mrs. M. A. Iledell of Irvlngton. N. J. , la visiting her sister , Mrs. Ed Walsh. U. A. Marshall of Arlington and Peter TUmgcr of Geneva are nt the Darker. G. It. Grconleaf of San Francisco was In the city yesterday en route to Washington , U , C. Leo Herdman left for a short business trip Into the western part of the state yes terday. J. S. Casicl , J. H. Hodklnson and A. W. Hart are Llncolnltes registered at the Barker. | \ O , D , Woodward and wife end Miss Dora Carleton .of Sac City , la. , are registered at the Barker. II. K. Wlckersham and wife of Chicago are In the city on. their way to Denver and the I'aclllc coast. Lo Uoy L. Smith , city editor of the York Times , was In the city yesterday on a short visit with friends , A. P. Eraser of Stanford university visited In the city yesterday on his way to the Har vard law school , Boston. Mr. and Mrs , C. V. Wcller and Miss Weller left for the east last evening. They will b absent front the city about thirty days. C. Franklyn and eighteen members of "Tho White Crook" company stopped ijver at the Barker for dinner yesterday , en route to Lin coln. coln.N. N. Williams Mclvor , United Slates ex- consul to Kanaguwa , Japan , was In the city yesterday oa his wayto Washington to make the report of his consulate. City Hnglneer Host-water has gone to Nashville to attend the annual meeting ot the American Society ot Municipal Improve ments , Hu will be gone during the greater part of the week. Nubraskans at the hotels : W. C. Griflltiui , Lincoln ; Hartlett Hlchards , Chadron ; W. V. Townsend , David City ; 1211 A. Barnes , Grand Island ; J. G. Brenlzcr , Broken Bow ; 0 , J , Polerson , Mlnden ; K. A. Patterson , Aurora ; Kd Thompson and William Mcintosb , Strotus- burg ; H , C. Hansen , Hastings ; N. B. Berg eron. Jr , and J , H. Griffith , Wahoo ; N , W. Wells , Schuyler. FICIITING OVER THE RATES Pttssicgar Br-siness in Western States Badly Domonxl-'z'd Through Cutting. THREE LINES STAY OUTSIDE THE FOLD Union I'm-1 lie. Crt-nl \ \ > * lorn mill tlir \VNriinxln ( 'rntrul lloitiln llp- fimc In .loin HIP I'liN- | i uriiKiT I'ool. H Is the conccilcil futility of thp Western PasseiiRer association to maintain rules among the rnllroitln beloiiRlng to It that Is now agitating passenger circles. Pas- ficnger men do not deny that western rates are more nearly demonallzcd than they have been for many months , but they explain differently , according to their respective connection with assjclatlon or non-associa tion lines. omclals of the lines In the Western P.n- Bongcr .association say that the muddle In western rates Is nil duo to the fact that a number of lines nro without the fold and nro raising havoc with the association lines by slashing rates at every opportunity , Hcprcspntatlves of non-asflodntlon lines deny this and corroborate their aldo of the story by calling attention to the fact that the rates arc being most deeply cut by lines within the association. A representative of the Union Pacific , the strongest line out of the astoclatlon , s.ilii yesterday : " 1 Imvo just come In from St. Paul and theru can bo no denying thfll the rates In the Twin Cltlor- are In bad sharp. On Tuesday of last week all the lines In too Western Passenger acsoclatlon met In Chicago cage and solemnly agreed to maintain latrs. Within twelve hours the rates between St. Paul itm ! Chicago were being cut nil to pieces. Maybe the association can maintain rates , but It Isn't patent to a caaiml ob server. " THHBB LINES CAUSi : TKOUHLI3. The association lines say that all the mto cutting Is ciliscd by the three lines that nro bucking the association , namely : The Union Pacific , the Chicago Great Western and the Wisconsin Central. Every effort has been made to get these lines to como within the association , but without thn slightest sug gestion of EUCCCSS. As an evidence that the present demoralization Is duo to association lines. It Is pointed out that the .Milwaukee within a few hours after agreeing to main tain rates , carried a party of laborers frnm St. Paul to Chicago for the low rate of $2.75 each.Anotlior afdoclatlon line , the nurllngton , went after the same party with a ? 3 rate , while the lowest cut rite quoted by the nonassoclaMon lines , the Chicago Great Western and the Wisconsin Central , was $5. H Is argued that If the association lines were really sincere In their dcslro < o maintain rates , they would allow second- class travel to bo carried by the weik lines out of the association which cannot compete on oven terms for llrst-class business. Last week the Western Passenger associa tion appealed to General Manager Dickinson of the Union Pacific to force that line within the fold , but that olllclal promptly declined to change the stand taken by the passenger department. The Union Pacific left the as sociation when It stepped Into the Union Pacific-Oregon Short Line controversy and skied with the latter , and all Indications point toward the further Independence of "Tho Overland Route" until the association lines change their opinion about the light between the Union Pacific and what , was once Its branch , but Is now a belligerent In dependent. GOKS TO imi.xr. ms HHOTIIUII HOMI : . Theory CoiioiTiilnic HIP UlNiipiipiirnncc of Gpoi'KC Holilnxoii. Frank Robinson , a clerk In the Union Paclfio hcadquartcra , left Sunday after noon for Lawton , Mich. , for the purpose of bringing homo his brother , George II , Robinson , who has been missing for five months and who has just come to hla proper senses In the little 'Michigan town. The letter which was received from the missing young man on Saturday was about the only thing talked of among his fellow clerks in the Union Pacific headquarters yesterday. All agree that the case Is a. most mysterious one. Until Roblupon returns home and gives his own version of his disappearance and his continued abtieuco from homo all will bo conjecture. Robinson has written homo that he has no recollection whatever of bin wandering away or of his long continued absence. Ho was as much surprised at suddenly discovering himself In Michigan the other day as his friends at his disappearance. This expla nation of the case corroborates the theory of Robinson's disappearance as entertained by his friends and previously published. This was to the effect that Robinson had boon working so hard over the passenger accounts of the Union Pacific about the time at the segregation of the Oregon Short Line that his mind had become Impaired. For some weeks previous to the separation of the Short line from the Union Pacific many of the clerks In the various auditing depart ments worked all day and every evening un til after 10 o'clock. Soon after this rush of work , Robinson was promoted to a responsible position in the department of the auditor of passenger accounts. He found a * vast lot of work there which had accumu lated during the term of his predecessor. This work , together with the anxiety about the responsibilities of his new position , which was Increased by the fact that his assistants were mostly Inexperienced clerks , worried him considerably. Ho had been complaining of feeling unwell for several days prnvlous to his departure , and these who were closest to him just before his mysterious departure firmly bellevo that bis mind all but col lapsed. Frank Southard , auditor of passenger ac counts , Is In Kansas City. At Union Pacific headquarters yesterday little information Is addition to that already published was definitely known. It Is believed that his brother and the wanderer will return the lat ter part of this week. Robinson's position was kept for him several weeks , but as he did not show up , It was deemed necessary to fill It. It is thought that ho will bo given another position somewhere In the system If ho Is able to go back to work when ho re turns to this city. _ AHOIISICI ) Fit DM HIS SI.IMIIIKIl.S. \Vlillp AMpon , .luNi'pli Illnplcinnii \VnlUn Off II Trnlii. Just as the Union Pacific fast mall was leaving Grand Island for Omaha Sunday morning at 4:30 : o'clock Joseph Hlnckman got out of his berth and walked to the end of the car , which was the last on the train , and tumbled off the rear platform. Ho fell on the tics , but as the train was just getting under headway ho wa not thrown with great force and suffered nothing more serious than a few bruises about his forehead. These were enough to wako him up , however , and ho hastily go'hcred his robe de null about his sparu ribs and climbed back on the train. Mr. Hlnckman passed through Omaha about 11 o'clock Sunday morning. Ho said ho was going from Portland to Lone Creek , Wls. This was the first time , he eald , ho had over walked oft a railroad train , though on a previous occasion ho had wandered out of his room at a hotel and awakened just In time to prevent himself getting Into trouble , His head was bandaged , but he said he had received no serious Injuries. MAVOIt TKAHS III1 HAILHOAI ) THAGIC. I'ai'lllo Cnmiuiiiy Hail Put II DIMVII on S ii mill y , KANSAS CITV. Oct. 4. Mayor J. 11. Jones , with a gang of sixty men , today tore up COO fret of track on the river front which the Missouri Pacific company bed laid between Saturday and daylight Sunday , The railroad company , it is assorted , haJ trespassed on/ city land. Mayor Jonea personally super vised the destruction of the roadbed and was not opposed by the railroad people , "I will repeat the operation , " sild the c ty'a executive later , "Just as often as thtt track la put down , " Thu action was taken on the authority of City Counsellor 'Mlddlcbrnok ' , who assured the mayor that the road had trespassed and that extreme measures were necessary , Cm Dili il III ! Slil | > iili-iitM. CHICAGO , Oct. 4. Eaatbound eulpincntu fur the week undlug September 30 amounted to Gl.OOO teen , Against R1.749 tent the previous week , and 03.993 last year. It was divided as follows : Kort Wayne , 7,333 tons ; Mlchlgin Central , 4,361 ; Wabnh , 6,416 ; Lake Shore , 6,214 ; Panhandle. 1.495 ; Haltl- moro * Ohio. 3,605 ; Grand Trunk. 6.321 ! NMckel Plate. C.164 ; Uric , 4,070 ; Illjt Kour , 2,821. The lake lines carrlcJ 127,102. Until I'nlon Pnplllp ItpM'D CHICAGO , Oct. 4. The executive offlcera .of thp western roads have adilressed a note to the Unlqn Pacific saying that from this time on they will hold that road alone re sponsible for the demoralization In transcon tinental passenger ratrs. Dividend Di-clurcil. WASHINGTON , Oct. 4. Thn comptroller of the currency has declared a dividend of 6 per cent In favor of creditors of the North Platte National bank of North Pintle. Neb. ulpH nnil 1'iTKiinnU. William H. Sterling , general solicitor erf the Rlkhorn , 1 seriously 111 with typhoid fovcr. Assistant General Solicitor Carroll ot the Union IMctflc Is onjoylng n trip through Ire land. Auditor Frank Hill of the Oregon Short Line , formerly of this city , was In town yesterday from Salt Lnko City. Western railroads have agreed on ix rate of ono and one-third regular fare for the In ternational convention of thn DrothorhooJ ot St. Andrew nt lUiffalo October 13-17. Joseph Arthur of the Milwaukee's freight department has Just returned from a trip to Champaign , III. Ills health hns been greatly Improved by his recent vacation , General Western Agent Fred A. Nash of the Milwaukee has just returned from a trip through his western territory. He Is well pleased with the success attending' the open ing of "Tho Midland Route , " The Katmas City & Northern connecting railway has been completed between Kans.u City and SmUhvllle , Mo. , and Is now open for freight and passenger trafllc. The line from Smlthvlllc to Pattonsburg will be comt'lolcil by the ( list of the year and will form the connecting link of the " ( ) ulncy Uouto" Into Kansas City. For the convention- the Ncbrnska lletall Liquor Dealers' association , which will meet In this city October II. all railroads wilt make a rate of ccic and ono-thlrJ regular faro on the certificate plan. The same rate has been extended to the annual convention of Master Horscshoers' National Protective association , St. Louis , October 11-15. The famous case of Henry C. Smith against the Lake Shorn & Mlchlmn South ern Railway company , Involving the validity of act No. SO. passed by the Michigan legis lature of 1831 , compelling Mlliwuls to Issue u 1.000-mllo ticket , gor d for any member of a family and not transferable , for ? 20 has at last bee-n decided , The act Jins been sustained , the court deciding that the legis lature has the power to enact such a law. H Is reported from Phouirlx , Ariz. , that the TWMS < t Pacific rallroid Is preparing to enter thu Hold for California business during the coming winter. It will run two through trains weekly from St. Louis to San Fran cisco , via the Iron Mountain , the Texas & Pacific and the Southern Pacific railroads. Handsome cars for this norvlco are being built by the Pullman company , and It la announced the new service will go Into effect on November 1. Grnieral Solicitor Mandorson of the D. & M. went to Topcka last irlght to represent the llurllngton In the hearing before the Kansas railroad commissioners on the sub ject of rates on llvo stock according to a basis of cents per 100 pounds Instead of by > dollars per carload. The former basis was recently agreed to by all western railroads , but the Kansas commissioners are making a strong fight against any basis of rates that Is according to weight Instead of measure ment by carload. It has been definitely sttlcd that the Southern Pacific will not run Its famous t "Sunset Limited" train through Now Or leans while the yellow fovcr plague Is on. The train will start from Chicago Instead of from Now York as In years past. Us route will be via the Chicago & Alton , the Iron Mountain , the Texas & Pacific and the Southern Pacific. This will take the train through St. Louis , Instead of through Omaha. The first train will Icavo Chicago on Thursday. October 28. Elpctrlc Hitler ; , . Elctrlc Hitters Is a medicine suited for any season , but perhaps moro generally needed when the languid , exhausted fcolln ; prevails , when the llvur Is torpid and slug gish and the need of a tonic and alterative Is foil. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bltous fevers. No modiclno will act moro surely In counteracting and freeing the system from tht malerlal poslon. Headache , In digestion , Constipation. Dizziness ylold to Electric Olttcrs. 50c and 11.00 per bottle at ' .Culm & Co. . Dru ? Store. ST1LI , TnA'INO TO HAVE .MOIUJ.VN. Altoriipy Ilniicn In SiM'iirc n I'oHtnoiic- iiiont of Ihc Ijxoctitloii. Attorney Patrick , who was the counsel for George Morgan , charged and convicted of the murder of Jcla Gnsklll , has not given up all hope that the execution will yet bo delayed. Ho bases his belief In the possi bility of a postponement In that ho has yet a motion for a rehearing of the case before the supreme court. This motion Is to como up today. According to At torney Patrick this motion wa filed months ago , but was never argued. At the last session of the supreme court the sentence of Morgan to bo hanged was confirmed and the date of the execution was sot for October 8. Very shortly after ward thu supreme court adjourned without considering the motion at all. The possibility that Is offered in this manner Is buoying Morgan up considerably Ho has been given knowledge of the condi tion of the case. In thu meantime the sheriff ls going ahead with the arrange ments Tor the hanging. The cntfoauro about the scaffold was completed last even ing and the scaffold will now bo set up. The hammering of the workmen on the structure can bo heard In Morgan's cull. Morgan was confirmed by lllshop Scan- neil in hit ) cell Sunday morning. The ceremony was performed In the prcsunco of a number of men whoso attendance the prisoner requested. A ( ionil The oxiimplo of W. W. Drcwer , justlca ot the peace , and a prominent citizen of Mount Jewett , Pa. , is worthy of emulation. Ho says : "I never leave homo without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , and always recommend. It to my friends. It Is thu best I ever used , and never falls to give Immediate relief. " Wcltling : In ( dunlin. Kx-Deputy Comptroller Wettllng wjs In. the city Sunday and tipcnt Uio day at tha city hall looking up records In the Hollu caso. Ho returned to Kansas City 'that night , but stated that he was willing to como up any Sunday and give any assistance In hli power. Yesterday Comptroller Wcstberfj appointed Henry Bbarp as deputy comptroller and the appointment will be communicated to the council Tuesday night. Mr. Sharp U an old resident of Omaha und han for sonio time past been employed In the city treas < urer's oJllce , "For fifteen year- " > y daughter nun fcrcd terribly \vitfc. Inherited Eczema. Slio received the best mudicnlnttuiN tionvna given many patent medi cines , and useC various external applicationsbut thoyliad no ollVct whatever. 8. S. S. waa finally given , and it promptly reached the seat of the diHcnse , no that she is cured sound nnd well , her skin is perfectly clear and pure , and she JUIB been saved from \vhatthrcatctml to blight her life foruver. " E. D. Jenkins , Litlio- nia , Ga , 8. 8. R. isguuranlecd purely vegetable. end is thu only euro for deep blood diseases. Hooks free ; nddre 5 , . On.