G THE OMAHA DAILY BEBCr UESDAY , OCTOBER 5 , 1807 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL B tub 033 on tlin Board of Trade is Almost Confined to Wheat. THAT CEREAL UPHELD BY STRONG CABLES Hull CliqueTlironM Ovi-rlHinril n I'nrt < if Itn llolilliiKH nuil thu SelllniT of It Te-mlN l onkeii ( lie Mm Ucl cmCAOJO , Oct. 4 Putt c.f the lonR line of wheat held by the bull clique went over today. The selling of it caused n weak market , but the utrotiK foreign situation asserted Itself ftillt1 clently to eause t.io maikct to close nt substan tial ! ) unchanged prices. Other grain nnd provi sion innikeliweie remarkable , chlellj far their dullnets , corn closing ' 40 lilBher , while oats nnd provision * were unchanged at the close. The opening In wheat vvas quiet enough and Mime strength vvus shown. December , which closed Saturday ut 8IVi jS4Hc. started today nt from t9'ic to Sic. Hut ten minutes after the epen. Ine thu mmket vvas treated to u bicnk , Wiileh , for a few moments , put traders on the verge of a panic. The price slumped nenrly i cents In about us many minutes. It came to suddenly that tlic trade wits convinced that Saturday's curb stories of "put" purchatcs of 3ououoo Viupliols had some foundation In fact , and that thu leading bull Interest was getting ready to liquidate. These rumors had the effect of pre cipitating general nelllnic December diopped like 11 plummet to Si'ic. From this point It rallied quickly to t&hc. and soon after nave- Indications uc sealing down around iSe01 n cent below thu cpenlnu price. While the opening Liverpool cables notrd a decline of X'l ' fem Saturday's clcslngs , theic had been n Kharp little rally there later , lac re had also been u reduction of 2 3two huthtla In the last week In Liverpool \vuieliouEvs , and there was u vciy Blimp advance In the slock market ul Nt-vv York. It was thcce Influences that made comparative strength ut thu oUtccl , though receipts at Minneapolis and Dnluth ivcic I.irge at 1,218 ems , against 1,427 cms last neck and 1,630 eats last yeir. 'Ihe wtutner map also showed lint the diuut'i was partially biokcn In the not tiniest b > showers v\lilch covered the three big kprlng vvluit states. The world's shipments of wheut last week me nsnln liiicc at ! i,244,00i ) bushels , against 2.9J7MiO ( bushels u vveel ( previous. Thoman s Oetobei tc- port , rpllerutlnir his former catlmalc of u total wh'at clop of JSO.OOU.ODU busieU , undoubtedly QtsUted In Inercaslng Ihe prcsfiiru on the wheat market during tnu eaily break 'thelalble mp- pl > Increase- was lf > fl 000 bushels for the week AH the < day advaneed moie and more evident became the fact that large holdings of long wheat were being Ihrovvn on the nnikct , and Unit the early tuimlrc of the tuulc vvas siihstan. tlally coircct. The market was met on ivery little rally by KO much property tint It quickly dropped again During the tart hour , hovvevei , the maiket gavecvldinee of having prettj toor- oughl } digested thu offt-rliiKs The bleak had evidently stimulated a lively foreign demand , for before 1 o'clock St LoulN hod icpotttd i 60U - ( ) btiFlieta of eush vvhe.it fold nbloid , while New York was reporting pales of fortj-tvvo boat- lo.ids there. Thecloflng cables Fhovvnl nn nil- \ancc of lid and Paris vvas also ttiong. L.ite In the day vv.ien Nevx York rrpoits hvvellcd the exports to sixty-file boatload * , thi-ie vvas u etiiinpedo among shoits , who had ovutold on the breik , which eairlcd the jirlct iilmoet up to opuiltiK llgures. The closing was steady at t'JTuO bid. Corn was disposed to follow wheat The mai- Jcet was stroig ut the outpet on account of the firm Liverpool cables anj Ihe continued diy veithor. Prices dtcllned when win it took Its plunge , but soon recovered , and after tint the jnaikct dllfted alone In the wake of wheat Trailing was narrow and lluctuiitlons as n con sequence were narrow. Receipts were liberal , 7E9 cars , the visible Increise 17WOOO bu De i ranged from 29'to to "ifli.naC , eloslng at Oals follovvel wheat and e-orn Elevator In- trrests sold ijulte freely on the early decline , nhout the only business of Importance of the session. Toward the finish the imrket gradu ally lalllcd and closej where It left off Satn'- day , Itcccltits wtro posted at G > 6 cars. Deccm- uer ranged between HPifflDV : , closing at 11 ,3 Outside of the selling of Jnnualy product hy n few of the leading pickers there was very lit tle uurlnesn done In provisions The mniket wai weak early on the yellow fever news , hut firmed up liter on the iceovery In grain and on a slightly Improved demnul The closing 1 prices were unchanged from Saturdnv Decem ber pork. $820 , December lard , ? 453S(457H ( , nnl December ribs , fl 75 Eetlnnted lecelpts Tnesdiy : Wnent , 300 cars ; corn , 670 cars : outs , 400 cats ; hogs 20 000 head , fututca ranged ns follows : & ' No 2. Casi quotatlonn were as follows : TLOUR Easy ; vvlnlir pitents , J470Jf500 ; Btrulghts , ( t COffl 70 , spring specials , J3 JO , spring patents , H 80ft5 00 WHEAT No. 2 spring , S4T87 > ic ; No. 3 sprlns , 79Sf8lc : No. 2 red. S'IT4i93ic CORN No. 2 , 271MI.&C OA'IS No. 2. 19c f o b , No. 2 white , 2Jc. No. 3 white , 20 > i f21'4e. RYE No. 2.44c. . 11ARLEY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , 29@39c ; No. 4 , 29e. I'LAXSEHD No. 1. S1HIQ91V.C. TIMOTHY REED Prime , } 2 Oi'4 PROVISIONS Mean pork , per bbl. , $81008 15. lard , per 1UO Ibs , JI 47Viif4 60 Short ribs Hides ( loose ) , JI SSW.'i 2) ) . . Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , t500ilu23 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , JS 250'5 ' 37'5 WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , 1.22. SUGARS Cut loaf , J5.90 ; granulated. (534. r ( NU\V YORK ( ; IMHAL MAIIKRT. duiitnlloiiM of tin * Day oil Guiiuinl COIIIIIIOllKlvH , NEW YORK. Oct 4 I'I/UR Recelpls , 27- 023 bbls ; exports , 4,360 bbU. ; opened easier , but rallied with grain and closed firmer , w Intel Btralghts , 4 6004.70 Rye Hour , eteady , fancy (3 2303 63. Ruckwheat flour , quiet at $ . ! .OOQ2 10 1IUCKWHEAT Steady. CORNMEAL Dull , yellow western 6fc. ini : null ; No. J vvesttrn , 4ic , c. 1. f. lluffalo. 11ARLEY Dull and e-asler at 60c. 1IARLEY MALT Nominal ; wtslrtn , 55fT63c. \\1IEAT Re-celpts. 440,077 hu. ; exiwrts , 9S.751 bu , Spot , firm. Options opened steady on eft Ides , broke badly iindt-r rain reports and llqul elation , but recoveri' . I on large export sales am active covering and closed btrong at Htflo ne tulvnnco ; No 2 led. October , elosed at 93'4c Dceember , 90'4ff92 7-16c. elated 92c CORN Ri-celpts , 3t,0 025 fill ; exports , 26.3S bu. ; fpot , linn ; No. 2. 3lc , Opiums openei steady on cables , cased tiff with wheat , bu rallied again on covering and closed UJf'ienc lilgher ; Oelober closed ut 37Uc ; December , 34'4 UaUic , closed 34Hc. OATS Receipts , 353200 bu , : exporls , 60.CS2 bu pot , dull ; 'No. 2. 73JiJ3',4C. ' Options were aetlve- but fairly steady at unehangi-d prices ; October closed at 23c ; December closed nt 21'Jc ' HAY Caty ; shli p ne , II IOU4 30 ; guud to choice IS 00 i7.K . HOPS-Qulet ; state , 1SS5 crop , 3iJ4c ; 1S9 crop , 6tffc ; 97 crop , 14fill > o ; I'uclllo coast , 1 \ > crop. 3W4c ; 1690 crop. OffSo ; 16J7 crop , 12j13c. HIDES Steady ; ( Jahetton , isyiw. ; Texas dry 12HH15c : California , KtflUc- . LEATHER Steady ; hemlock vole , liuenos Ayres , light to heavy welkhU , 20'iWilkc ; acid 1IUTTER Receipts 5,279 pkks. ; steady , west ern cle-amery , 14U22cj Elslns , J2e ; faetory , 9 < H3c. CHEESE llooflpts. 4,623 pkgs , ; quiet , lire \ vhllKt91ic , small white. 9 c ; large coloietl Dd1lio ! : small coljicd , Uhc ; part vklins , 6lt&7c full sklm . JV4B4C , EGGS-lle-celpts , 8,608 pkgs. ; .teady ; western . IMIOVIRIONS Href , steady ; family , I900U10.C ) extra iiiens. t7 W08 CO ; beef hams , iowtj27W packet , I8fj0f96l > . Lut meaU , dull ; plcklei Ix-lllti , 6 , ftfco ; pickled houldera. Sljc ; plcklei hams , S'iJkWc. Lard , sttady ; western slean clo el at 4 HH Rrflned , steady. Pork , quiet old mem , J900ii'j i , new mess. J9 HilOUO. Tut lev/ , quiet , city , S' o , country. S'jUJ c. OIUS I'ottoni-eeil , dull ; prime crude. SIT SI He ; prime yellow , : tO-i'io ' Petroleum , dull Unlled cloned no market. Penney Ivanlu crude nominally tue. Itosln , steady , strained com mon to good. fDOtfl 45. Turpentine , firm u S5Uff3e RICE Slrong ; fair to extta , 4nO6Vic ; Japan MOLAP8ES Sleadvi New Orleans , open UettU b-co I to choice. KS3\c , rRElGHTS TO LlVERPOOLr-Qulet and Hrm MKTALS-l'lir Iron , warrants closed quiet n 17 M bid and 17 23 ukkfl. Mite copper , quiet a ! ! ! . Tin quiet at 113 U1S 73. Spelter , qule at JCOiMSO , I ad , exchange weak at 14 ! 04 4 ' & , brokers , cuMtr at II 00 , l.lvi-riitiol < ] rnlu mill 1'rin iNltiim. LIVEllPOOU Oct. 4 PROVISIONS-Ham > ihort cut dull at nt. Tullovv , prime city , dul t U J. TURPENTINE SPIRITS Firm at K * . COKN Spot AmtrUajj , mixed , u w , firm 3n Id , rpot American , mlxtd. old. steady at ! l d Octohfr ttrady t 8 Id. November , trady nt 3a IHd , Dfr mlr , Jtfaay at Js M The folloulnit are the Imports of wheit Into Liverpool : I'n'm Atlantic ports , 7300 quarters , from Pnelfli' perm , non * ; from other ports , 4 000 quarters , reerlpts of corn from Atlantic ports , 0 r/O quartern \MIEAT ? pot. quiet , futures , quiet , 4W'4d hlghfr , October 7s Sd , NoXcmbtr , blank , Decent- ber , 7s 4d , May , 7n 2'.d. ' OMAHA On.M'.ltM , MAHICHTS. Cnnilliloti of Trnilr nnil < ciiotnllons on iiiiliuml Pnnry Product ? . EGOS- Good flock , wcnk at 13c. I1U1TER Common to fair. So ; choice to fancy , IZQKc , separator crtamcry , 21 , gathered cream ery , 16J19c. VCAICholce fat. SO to 120 Ibs. . quoted at 8c ; largo nnd coarse , 48Cc. LIVE POITLTR\-liens. cm7c ; cocks , 3f4c ; tprlng chickens , per lb. , "He ! ducks , Cf7c ; tur- l.rys , CFc. PKlEONS-Llvc , 7Jc ; dead pigeons not vvantc-d. lIA\-Upland. 15 ; midland. 14 M ; lowland , 14 ; rye straw , | i "oior mikpi the price on hny ; light bales sell the best , only lop grades bring top pncrd. HIIOOMCORN Extremely flow ale new crop , delivered on track In country : choice green felf- worklng carpet. pi > r lb , 202'4c ; cholco green , running to hurl , SW2'4c ; common , 1'ic. VEGETABLES. CANTAIXUPES-Pcr doz , 60O60C. TOMATOES-Per hnlf hu. bstkct. Z5010C. ONIONS-Per bu. , MJJMc. LIMA IlEANS-Pcr lb. . 3e. HEANS-Hnnd.plckcd navy , per bu , II 4001.CO. CARHAGE Home grown , le. WATERMELONS-Crnled. per doz . Jl.tO. rOTATOES-Home grown , 000630. TRUITS. APPLES-Per bbl. , J2 0002 15. NATIVE PLUMS-Per bafke , GIlAPES-rullfornla , JI.2391 M. CALU'ORNIA PEA'HES-Pei- . Craw- fords too clings , 7075e. PEARS llarllctl , pel case , 12 21 ; Utah Bart- letls , l 7r. 1.8fl : Ilupire Ilanlv. $1 Wl 73 HOME GROWN nnApES Per basket , 14W15c. CALirORNIA PLl'MS Per case , } 1 OOff 1 23. CRANIIERRIES-Capc Cod , perbbl. , $600. TROPICAL TRUITS. LEMONS Mcsslnas , JI 23fl4 CO ; choice Cali fornia , S4 00 ORANOis-Mcdltcrranean sweets , II 25W4 50 IlANAN'AS Choice , large stock , per bunch , J2 W82 25. medlum-slied bunches , 11.5032 00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. . large size. 13c : Drazlls. per lb , lOo ; English walnuts , per Hi , fancy rofl shell , 12SJ13c : standards. 10W He filberts , per lb , lOe , pecans , polished , large , SJJlOo , Jumbo , 11IR12C , laran hickory nuts , JI 25 per bu j cocoanuts 4 0 each TIGS Impotted faniy , 4 crown , 20-lb boxes , 12c , 5 crown , fO-lb boxes. 13S14c. HONEY-Cholce while , lip OIDER-Clatliled Juice , per half bbl. J2 S3 ; per bbl . 14 OOQ4 23 MAPLE SYlU'P-rive-gul cans , each J2 23 ; gal cans , pure , pr do ? , J12 00 ; half-gal , cans , 56 15 quart cans , JCO | I'HfiSII MEATS. DRESSED IlEEr-Good native steers. 400 to 600 Ihs. , 7c ; good forequaitcis , steers , fie , good hindquarters , 9e , western sleers , ejJOHe ; fancy heifers , 60 , good heifers CV4c , good forequnrtfrs , hclfeis Oc , teed hlndqunrteis , heifers , fa good covvs , C'jc ' , fair covvs S c , common cons , 6'jc ; cow forequartcrs , 4V45J3C , cow hindquarters , 7'4 fflSc.DEEP DEEP CUTS Tenderloins. l"ic. bon > le s strips , 9e , strip loins , 7c rollp 9c , sirloin butts 9c ; shoulder clodi 6e , rump butts 1c , Etc = r chucks , 5c , cow chucks , 4Vie , bonelefs chucks , 4 c , cov plates , 1c , steer plites 3Hc Hank steak 6Hc : loins , No 1 , He , loins No 2 , lO e , loins No 3 S'ic ' , sirloin ends No 1 , 9c , ribs No 1 lie , ribs , No 2 , SVjc , ribs No 3 6140 steer rounds. He , cow rounds 7c , cow rounds off , S'4c , trlm- ilngs , 4c beef shanks , 2Vsc , brains , per doz , oc , sweetbreads , per lb , 12c swcethreadii calves ? per Ih 40 , kidneys , per do ? , Sic , ox alls each 3c , livers , per lb , 2c , hearts , per lb , c , tongues , per lb , lie MUTTON Lambs 8140 , sheep 7(4c ( market acks ( long ) , 9c , hotel ricks ( nort > , 12o leg- ! nd saddles , 8c , lamb legs , 9rt , breasts ana tews , "c , tongues , each 3c. PORK Dreved pigs fc , drcs ed hogs , 6'Jc endtrlolns , He , loins 7c , ppare ribs ) c , ham ai-sagc , butt" 6c , shoulders , rougn 5Hc ; shoui- ers skinned 6c , trimmings , 44c loaf lard , not endeied , 60 heads cleaned So , snout and e r , o , backbones IHc , chri-k meats , 3c ; neck > ones. l'4c , pigs' tails , 2c pluckaach Cc ; hlt'erllngs , Cc , hocks Ic , hearts pir doz. , 23ci tomachs , each 3c , tongues eich 'ic ; kldneyo , pe-r doz , lOc , brnln' , per doz 13c pigs' feet , > cr doz. 21c , livers , each 3e HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No 1 green hides , 7c , No 2 green ildes 6c , No 1 salted lildtB S'jC , No 2 green salted hides 7' < .c , No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs , 8c , No 2 veal calf , 12 to 13 Ibs 6c , No 1 dry- lint hides. 1113 , No 2 diy Hint hides , 8flOe , No 1 dry salted hides IQlOc , part cured hldi" , 45 per lb le s than fi'llv cured "SHEEP ITLTS Green salted , each 13iT71c- green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) eich 15c , dry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , No 1 , each Cc dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pslts , per lb , actual weight , 4G5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska nurruln wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 3Jf4c ; Iry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ip , actual weight , 4C5c , dry flint Colorado murrain wool pelts , pfr lb , actual weight , 364c , feei cut off , as It Is useless to piy freight on them , St. IiOiiN firm-mi ST. LOUIS , Oct 4 FLOUR Wcik nnd lower ; patents. J4 Miff ! 90 , straight * $4 COffl 60 , clear , M 10i4 23 , medium. J3 50l3 71 WHEAT Unsettled closing with October nnd December HO lower , May , the same as f-aturday's cloe , December opened ! hc lower , declined I1 ! ® l ic , recovered 'iiilc , relapsed ai5J74c , and later advanced IVHSl'iC , closing wlt't buyers 1-Kc he- low the top Spot , lower , No. 2 cash , elevator , 93'4c , tinek , 9ifri6c , No 2 bird , cash , SOffsGlie- , October , 947 o , December , 9J8i593'/4c ; May , Me bid CORN Speculation pretty active nnd though depressed early , the market advanced and closed linn , fractions higher than batiirday. Spot , tlrm , No 2 cash , 27'4C , December , 27'tt ; , May , 3Qi4c askul. OATS Dull quiet but firm for futures with tpot easier. No 2 cash , elevator. 194c bid , Hack , 20c , No 2 white , 22c , December , 19 4@19TtC , May , ie nsked RYE .Steady at 42c. CORNMEAIbteady nt JI 501 55 IHtAN Strong , sacked , east track , GOc asked ; 49c bid. TLAXSEED lyiwer at S.7c . TIMOTHY SEED Prime. J2 70. HAY Choice , scarce and llrm ; prairie , no sales reported ; timothy , J3 00&9 50 IIUTTEU rirm. creamery , 16&J4c ; dairy , 11 ® 16cEGGS EGGS rirm nt UHc POULTRY Chickens , steady ; old hens , 6t4c. springs , 7V4c , ducks , 6'4c , geese , 6c ; turkeys , 7V4RSC \ \ HISKY II 20. CO11ONTIES 61e. ' HAGOING-C'4Q7c. METALS Lead , weak at JI 03 Spelter , nom inal at 14 05 PROVISIONS Pork , steady , Ftandird mefs , Jobbing , ISO ) . I ird , film pi line steam , J4S714 ; choice , J4 43. Uacon ( lioxcd lots ) extra snort clear and ribs , J623 , thoits , } 6 30 Dry silt meats ( boxed shoulders ) , extra thort nnd ribs , 15 fO : shorts , J5 75 IIECKIITS riour 8 OW bbls wheat 91 ( JtO bu ; corn. 213 000 bu ; oats , 11. ! 0 ) bu SHIPMENTS Dour fc.OiiO bbls. ; wheat , 34000 bu ; corn , 74,000 bu , oats , S COO bu. III ! Itlmoi-f Mni-Kt-lx. BALTIMORE Oct 4 I'LOfR-Qulet and steady ; western superfine. > 2HfJ21 | , western extra J350JJ425 , westrin family JI 60W4 S3 , winter wheat patent and spring intent , JJOOff 521. spring wheat straights , 14 S0g5 CO , lecelpts 20 ft ] bbls , exports , 1,148 bbln WHEAT htfady ; tpot , 9Jf92Uc ; December , 93V4rt3 .o , steamer No 2 red 874fS7'Sc ; receipts , 42.3J1 bu . southern wheat by sample , S1093C ; soulhern wheat on grade 87i4SlVtc ) CORN rirm : spot. 31"4iT32c. ( December , new er old , 32V , J32Vjc , steamer mixed 2'i5 < fi:0c. le- eelpls 31,100 hu . exports 109,901 bu , southern whllo corn 37ii37'4c ' , soulhdn villrm , 3701' ' c OATS rirm ; No. 2 while. 2614H27e : exports , 10 000 bu RYE Easier : No. 2 western , DOHc ; receipts 14 J.07 bu H \Y-rirm. choice timothy 111 ( W13 50 GRAIN rilEIGHTH-Qiilet but firm , sttam to Liverpool , per bu , 4'4d < , October ; Cork for ordern , per qr , 3s 6dj3s 7Hd , October and No- \emlwr ' III ! ITEM rirm : fancy creamery , 22fi23c. EGOS rirm fresh. 16 16ijc CHEESE hlcady . fancy New York , Urge , KIIIINIIN Cll > llarkt'tH. KANSAS CITY , Oct. 4 WIIEAT-lff2c lower ; No t hard. 82iC , No 2 , 7S0 lc ; No. 3. 73 764c. ! No 4 , 704J760 , No 2 red , SS'i&K'f , No 3 , vr | ! i7i4C ; No. 4 MffSSe , No 2 spring , 7te , No 3 , 7JW7Cc CORN ' 4filc lower , market weak ; No. S mixed 24ii.4i4c. OATS Market fairly active , gcnertlly lower ; No 2 while , 19 < NO4c. ; RYE Market eteadv. No ! , 42c HAY Market falily active , about steady ; choke timothy , (800 , choice prutlle , { 6 CO , 1IUTTER Market nrm , cicame-ry , 20021e ! dairy. Ifl7c. EGGS-Market steady. He , RECEIPT * ' Wluat , 315,000 bu , cf.rn , 19300 bu ; oats S5.00 < ) bu SHIPMENTS-Whcat. 109,200 bu , ; corn , 17,500 bu , ; oats , 6,000 bu , .Now ItrlrniiH NEW ORLEANS Oct 4 HOG PROniTTS Strawy. Pork , old , ! > " C Lard , refined tltrce , 4c , Iloxed merits , dry salt shoulders , 5 Me ; sides , B ? c , llacon , clear rlbe , 6Hc. Hams , choice sugar cured , S ? W9ttC. COrrEE-Rlo. otdlnury to low , fair , 11025 ® 1185. 1185.rijOl'R Steady ; extra fancy , II 5004 CO ; pat ents 15 mn 10 , iX > RNMEAI-Stcady at 1160. 1IRAN Quiet rt COo HAY EaEler ; prime , $0.001711,00 ; choice , 11200 1113 OC PORN Steady. No 2 tacked white , 37c ; mixed , 37JI3S < - ; yellow. 39c. OATS-Steady , No S Backed. 23HSI2CC. RICE Firm , ordinary to. good , 4l4tte. | Tolfilo MiirUrt n . TOLEDO. Oct. 4 WHEAT rirm and lower ; No. ! cash and October. SttliC , December. 93 ? c. CORN Dull and steady ; No 2 mixed. Tic. OATS-Quleti No Z mixed. 19ViC. RYE Dull and lower ! ' . * . CLOVEHSEED-Unchuntfd. OII < Unchanced. I Sun ! ' r n tit1 1 * to Win-ill u in ! Ilarle-y. SAN TRANCISCO Oct 4 WHEAT Steady ; December. II 44'4. May. 1148 1JARLEY December. ts > a bid. ( i nil ii Ite-ee-liitM at I'rlneiliml Murkut * . BT. I/3UI8 , Oct. 4 Receipts ; Wheat. 141 can. C1UCAQO , Oat.ll c lpt ; Wheat. IM car * ; corn , 759 cars , outs , KS c rs Kstlmfited rec lptg tomorrow ! Wheat , 300 cars , corn , ITS curs , outs , IINNEAPOLIS , Oct. 4.RccelptVhent , I.W5S csr < KANSAS CITY , Oct. -Receipts ! Wheat , US cnrs , a yenr ngo , 190 cars. I'cnrln Alnrkctn. PEORIA , Oct. 4.-CORN-Market steady ! No. 2 , 26HC. OATS Market slow : No. 2 white , 22 < 40:2sc. ; WHISKY No price quoted. RECEIPTS ! Corn , t6,700 bfl. ! oats. SO GOO bu. ; rye and w.ilsky , none ; wheat , 5,400 bu. Ship- menu : Corn , 23.700 bu.j oats , 419M bu J rye , none ; whisky , 1,880 bblt.j wh at , 600 bu. STOCKS AND IIO.MKS. ( In IM Control of ( In * Market Ili-foi-f the Clone of tliu Dnj. NEW YORK , Oct 4 There was little mor < > In today's market than n running contest be tween the bulls nnd the bears In which the bulls were successful during the early part of the day , but In which the bears turned the tables later and put their opponents to rout , wiping out all the gains of thu earlier trading There wnt > everything In the bulls' favor In the early mar ktt , thu lively buying on Saturday having apparently rriuured foreign capital , so that ptlces ut American tecurllles on the London txchange' were adanc < d before the opening here. Prlees of thu International flocks opened about on n ptrlty with the London higher level. ThB masses of orders In Ihe hands of commission hanses which were put Into execution Immc dlatcly showed , that the home public ns well ns the foreigners believed the market had turned again nnd the reaction had come to nn end The sensational Jump of Manhattan at tin ) openIng - Ing of over 7 points also stimulated the market , but the volume- exchange ! ) on which the mar ket was carried up and the heivy offerings Im mediately Invited by the advance showed that the Jump was purely minlpulalcd. The Pinched shot Is having covered the price quickly receded and transactions In the stocks pro- ce-edcd on a notlnal basis nnd still nt a substan tial advance In the prevalent belief that n move ment was developing for tha absorption of the property by surface road Intercsls. Consolidated Gas was also In hand with Its regular fensn- tlon and lose 5V4 lulnts en the opening sales. The railroad statements for the day , nil of which showed a continuance of the ht-nvy In crease of earnings , fanned the [ lame of bull en thusiasm. Of these Ihe most notable were the fourth week or monthly stalements of St , Paul and Rock Island , the1 foiiuer showing an In crease for the month of J32,717 and the latter of J3II,023. Southern Pacific's August statement made the remarkable showing of a gain In the net eirnlngs of 1455,441 Ihe advance ( if the market under these Influences nnd under aggres sive leidershlp extended from 1 to S points. The higher prices United heavy realizing sales nnd the bears added the pressure df shorts sell ing , under which the ndanco melted nvvay in most cases , the- net losses , however , being con fined for the most part to fractions. Union Pacific was a notable exception , Its loss extend ing to ! * per cent , Qullc n number of the- less nctlVM stocks escaped the loter liquidation and retained net gains of a point or over , but the level of the market as a whole closed de cidedly lower. Sugar was nn active feature nil day and Its later weakness was a miterlal factor In breaking the nnrket The bond nnrket showed a decided access of activity nnd prices held steady for the most pirt against the late weakness In the slock mar. > et Total fnlcs were J2,150COO Government bonds were strong and were bid up ' 4 to 'i pet cent for all It-sues There were salts of registered 4s of 1307 at 112V4 to lli'i and of the is coupon at 115 The Evonlng Post's London financial cable- ; ram says. "The stock mirkets here were rrcgular today and the close was under the ie t Activity centered In Americans nnd Wist Australian mines The former opened strong and snon went over the pirlty. The support here s chiefly continental , but the public Is also In creasing nnd Is chiefly bin Ing preferred stocks of reorganized lines The close was rather dull rnnidlnn Puclflcs were exceptionally strong. The : > ion ! In West Austiallan mines Is quite pro- fe alonal at present , but there Is a good deal of money behind It TN demand for gold has Incieased Russia Is buying ngiln The ten dency of the money market here Is slightly fltmer be'cause of apprehensions that New \ork will takt" more gold Tha Paris bourse was steady on the buying of Rio Tlnto copper shares , which were strong The Reilln imrket was steady " li.c following vvere the closing quotations on the leading Gtocks of the New York exchange today : Atrhlion 1.1) $ do pfd 10f doptd .12 St Paul n" [ { UtltlmoioA. Ohio. . 1U ? do pfd 141 Cuiad iPiiMfie . . . . 7 ! > V St P. t ( Jin 8. | Can tda Soutimrn . B7M iln nftl 140 Total sales of stocks ted ly were 4SO.OOO share" Including : Atclil ° cn p eferred , 6 7-'S , Chesapeake .t Ohio 4 670. Chicago Hurllngton & Qulney S 220. Louisville & . Nashville 13,840 , Manhattan L , 17,630. Missouri Pacific. 18,710 , Missouri , Kun Fas & . Texas preferred , 6630 , New York Central 9733 , Northern Pacific , 4973 , Northern Paclfl preferred. 22 S30 , Northwestern , 3,771 , Reading 709S. Rock Island , 17.101 , St. Paul. 44141 Omaha , 6.675 , Southern Railway preferred , C 350 Union Pacific 20.230 , Union Pacific , Denver & . Gulf 4 3SO , Wabish preferred , 4,040 , Amcrlcin Cotton Oil , 3 I'll ' , American Tobicco , 9 510 , Chi eigo Gas , 2S.8W. Consolidate ! Gas , 3303 , Gen eral Electric. 3643. Pacific Mall , 6820 , hugar 3'iSCO , Tennessee Coal and Iron 5 680 ; We-tern Union , 7,021 , Chicago Great Western , 14,560 . v York Money MnrUft. NEW YORK. Oct , 4 MONEY ON CALLr- Plrm ut 2'j 3Vi per cent , list loan , 3 per cent closed at 3 > i per cent. I'HIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4.14S1HS pe cent S'lERLINO EXCHANGE Weak , with actua business In b inkers' bills , $4 SI',4 far demand am (4 SJMi for sixty days , posted rates , $4 6Jif4 64 an J4 85'-iffl S'l , commercial bills , S4 RlVz SILVEIt CERTiriCATES-USSCUo. H\R SILVER rj'i c. MEXICAN DOLLAIIS-43C. I I GOVERNMENT IIONDb-htrong. i I STATE HONDS-DulI. , i RAILROAD llONDS-Strone. Gold Is ciuotPil at Huenos Ayres today at 181 80 Lisbon 47'i. Rome , 1520 Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : treasury nol < ilt < r Wli > . iW.f marks : other securities Incrfnie. isnofiowo marks , clrcula * tl ( n. Increase , 208 iffy qu ) marks. Itnntiin Stock ( Vnntnllotin , I1OSTON , Oct 4O ll loans. > 4 ) > r. per cent ! time losns , 4fS pr * nt Closing prices for stocks , bonds nnd mlnlnn shares ! A.T..It K. . . . 1 Aw "Wls Cent . . . . . . . . 25 American Suirar . 14714 Kd Elna III It'll Am Sn ir nfd . . 116 loen Elos. pfd. . . . fB HsvStato U.is. . . . l' ( Atohlson pfd 3.41 < Ilcll Telephone. . . 2f.fl Atchlnon 4s 87 lloston&Albiiv. "Jin ii'n. Klac M 0 IlostonAiMilna. . ' 107 | \\s , Ce-nt 08 C. . II. & Q I'7K ' Alloncr MlnlnirOJ Fllchburir. A tlltitlfl Ocncral Ulectno. . Iloston X. Mantini 14ii Illmoli 3t 3l. . . Dutta. Hasten. . . . CS Voxlcin Ooiitr.il , . C.tlimiotA. ItecU. . 474 Old Colonv. . . . . Ocntcnnlal . . . . . . . . . . . ' . -I. O.S L Frinltlln 21H Itubbcr Kc ii-sirffo 20 Sin Dlczo Osceoli. . ? u Union Pacific. . . . . Oitlnov 11B West Km ! Tauiarnon IBS W , Ktoo Wolverine 17 W , Klec pfd Situ rriinrlnco AIliiInK Qundiilniin. SAN rilANOISCO. Oct. 4 The official clonlnc : notations for mlnlne stocks today were as fol- ovvs : Anu-rleMiii Si > ciirllcn lit I.oiulon. IXDNIJON , Oct. 4 The market for American ccurltlcs advanced somewhat , but weakened nter nnd closed quiet , with a fair demand Tnc were early buyers , but realized later on. ' > < ) ( ( . DA1.TIMORU , Oct. 4. Clearings , $2,667,842 ; bal. nces , $4 < a,170. I1OSTON , Oct. -Clearings , $17,403,278 ; bal- nccs , $1,611,900. NinV YOUK. Oct. 4 Clearing , ! % ,0i,771 ; alanccs , 17,190,317. 1'llIIjnULPHtA , Oct. 4 ClcirlnRs , $11,010- ,0 , balances , | 2,209S3" . MLMl'HIS. Oct. 4 Ciinrlnis $102,111 , balanctB , 90b70 , New York exchange , selling at $1.W remlum. Ni\V OULCANS , Oct. 4 CleirlnRS. $540,126 ; New York exchange , bink , par , commercial , 1 DO per $1,000 discount. ST LOUIS. Oct 4 ClearlnKS , $1,517.607 : bal ances , $8S2219 Money , TW7 per cent , New York xchanKC , ! 3c discount bid , par naked. C1IICAOO , Oct 4 riorlnss , J11,914,18" . New York exchange , Me discount , EterllUB cxchancc , posted rates , $484 nnd $4 HJ. Stoeks active nnd cry strong , closing prices : West Chlcnuo , 100 ; South Side U C0i . Straw board. 31H : City Hall- vny , 235H , Ijike htrcet , 20 , Metropolitan L , ' \ ; New York Ulscult , 03. Fore-Inn riimuelnl. PAKIS , Oct 4 Three per cent rentes 103f 4c for he nccount. Exchange on London , :3f 17V4c for hecks. / LONDON. Oct. 4 The nmount of bullion with- lawn from the Unnk of KngHnd on bilance oday was 100,000. _ COTTON M.vuicirrs. Trices AiUniicL.SllKhtlj < iu CovcrliiK Duo to Strung Unlili'H. NEW YOUK. Ot , 4 There was a steady nnd fairly active market for cotton with prices 2 o 3 points higher on near months on the first call , while later'montHs ' were unchanged. After casing off 1 to 3 points there was a general nd- an"c on local cocerlnif follow Irg Improved cab es and reports of frbst In pirts of the cotton belt. \t the best point thb market showed an advnnce of 5 to 10 points Tlu're ' wns little or no outside speculation to give BUHiort Ituylng wns checked ) y claims that the1 uuarantlne would be raised n Mississippi blid Txas points. Market ad vaneed sharply just Tiefore the close on active covering by local shorfcj and closed firm at a net advance of 7 to H points Total sales , 141,200 i.ilps ( Tlnslnp nrlcesrJnnuar \ . J6 41. February. C r ; March , $0 4 , April. $661 ; May , $ 58 , June , : C 02 , July , $066 : November , $033 , December , 037 ; October , $034 < t-pot , quiet ; middling up and , OV-c ; middling gulf , Sic ; middling , GVtc ; net receipts , nope , gjoss , ll.lffT biles , exports o Prnnce , 2 444 pales ] to continent , 5,141 bales , forwarded , 0,780 bales , ; , sales , 350 bales , spinners , 3G bales ; stocksactual , , 64 SOU baltb Total today : Cet iccelpts , 48 018 bale.s ; exp"r B to Oleat llr.tnln , 4,625 bales , to Trance , 8 923 bales ; to continent , S643 bales ; ttocks , 419,0 0 bates. Consolidated : Net receipts , 82,413 jjilto ; exiKrts to Great llrlta'n , 1,4'S balf jsto France , 8.91Z bales ; to continent , 7,342 lialts Tutql ftuceSeptcfnlier J ! Nei re ceipts , E92.831 liales ; txports < to Great Ilrltaln , C7.C77 bales ; to Trance , 60,355 bales , to continent , C8.COQ bales. LIVnilPOOL , Oct. 4 COTTON-Spot , Increased demand , prices firm ; American middling' , 3 IJ-Hd Sales of the day , 10 000 bales , of which 1,000 bales were for speculation and export , nnd Included 9,300 bales American. Receipts 9,000 bales , nil American , Tutures opened ( julet with n mod i- ate demand and closed tteady ; American mid dling , L II. C. , October , 3 39-C4d , Fellers ; Octo ber and November. 3 32-6U1 , buyers ; November and December , 3 30-C4d , buyers ; December and January , 3 23 C4S3 30-64d , buy en , ; January and Tebruary , 3 2 644f3 30-C4d , buyers ; Tcbruary and March , 3 30-6IS3 31-C4d , sellers ; March and April , 3 31-64d , buyers ; April and May. 3 3J-64d , buyers ; May nnd June , 3 33-C4d , buyers ; June nnd July , 3 31 Old , buyers ; July nnd August , 3 35-C4d , buy- NDW OnLHANS. Oct. 4 COTTON Steady snles , 7,9"iO bales ; ordinary , Co ; good ordinary , 68c , low middling. 6 ll-16c ; middling , 6e ; gooc middling , C'4c. middling fair. CHe ; receipts , 5.743 bales , stock , 68721 bales Tutures , firm , sales 22400 bales , Oelober. $602i601 ; Novepiber , $000 © C07 , December. $00757005 ; Jinunry. $ G.12f011 Tebruary , $017CI9 ; March , $622C23 ; April $6 2S f 21 May , $6 30ffO 32 MKMPIIIS , O t. 4 O1T5N S'eidy . mlddlln' Co. receipts , 4,015 biles , shipments , 6,103 bales stock , 23530 biles , safes , 2,100 biles ST. LOUIS , Oct 4 CXI1 TON Steady ; mid dllng , 6 l-16c , i-alev 701 bales , receipts , 6 6J7 bales , shipments , 5 250 bales , stock , 14,487 biles Coffee Mnrlii'lH. NnW YORK , Oct 4 COTTIin Options openei cjulet , with prices unclmnsed to 5 points hlgier ruled Inactivennd fi iturelcns , with only locn trading , buying arrested by heavy supplies nm genernlly favorable opinions reganllng crop flow erlng , selling check d by low prices , closed 5 t 10 points hlKaerJl ( > , 9 WO bugs. Including October , $ r > 91 , December , $0 43. Spot. Rio , quiet Mild quiet. Total warehouse deliveries Iron the United States estimated at 9 COO hags , In eluding 8,887 bags from New York ; NLVV Yoil stock today , 32i,4W bags. United Htatm stock 411,14S bags : afloat for the United Slates , 4Gt > , OG bigs , n total vls.blifor the Unlttd htatis , 4CO (0 ( MS links. agatiiKt f > 34 SOO bags faht year nn 688 014 bags In UK > HAVIin , Oct. 4 COTTIIE Cloted quiet an net unclnnsed , tales , U01) bifii HAMDURG. Oct , -COrrCK Opened un changed nnd closed unclnnged to n net advanc of 'i pfg ; sales 0 003 bags RIO Ui : JANHIRO , Oct. 4 COTPlin Steady No 7 , Hlo , 8,110 reis , exchange. 7 11-32d , recelpls 21000 bags , cleired for the United Mates 900 bngn , for Europe , 8,000 bags , stock , 4M.OOO Ings \\cekly : Steady , standard , 8,410 rels : receipt during the week , 125,0 > ) > bags ; rhlprnents to th United States , 105000 bags , stock , 459,000 bags SANTOS , Oct 4 COFTniC Qulel , ( , oed average ago hantos , 8,710 rels , receipts , Ti.OOO bags , stocl 1,047,000 bags Weekly : Coffee , quiet , goo average , per 10 klloa , 8,700 rein , receipts durln the week 204000 bags , shipment' to the L'nltei States , 63,000 bags , stock , 1 047.000 bags. AV < iol .tliirkutN , LONDON , Oct 4 At the wool nuctlnn file ( oday HO * ) bales were offered , of which WO were withdrawn IHiylng continued to be Hplrltei and a varied peUcttan of merino scoured nn mvv clip Queenhland Hold at cxtn me rates There was n brisk competition for Tnlklan Island w jdls nt an advance of < id to Ud. Hale In detail- New South Wales J.OOO lull's hcnurcd 7' ' dlH4d ; irrrasy. 6i10d QueenHlnni 27CO bali-s , sco ud , HMfHe 4d Victoria 3CO ) hales ; Kcoured , C dtrlH 7'Jd ; greisy 3 711d , hmith .yimirnlla , 274 baits , scoured f. % 35(11(1 ( , .South Australia , 274 bales , scoured , Wit lid grtasy fiSjlId Tasmania , 133 halts ; Kieusy , Sdfils New /talnnd. 3 000 bales KCtiurfd , 't'4 ' 7 1 i < \ , grtasy , fifeiti tfSpe of Oiod Htipe and Natnl 730 bales , scoured ' "t * > 01s 3Vid greasy. 4 fi ? id Falkland Ifl indB > ! KilP bnlcs irpa y ti flM NEW ORK , Off 4 WOOIrirm : domestic fleece , ! 0f27c , Nn t , extra , 27JJ4o , Texas , 100 ICc I ST LOI'IH aOttt't4 WOOL-Hrm and un changed , medium , 15ji21t4c , lliht line. 13lk ( ! , heavy fine , 'JJ13ij'i tub washed , Kd32e. NEW YOUK Oct. 4 The wiek opens undo ri'Hirliltd oi'iiilltlnns " The oceurrenoa of anothe Jewish holldiy on Wrdnesday with the cinne quent iissunince-'tltnH th week will IIP a broke cue , setm.1 to litivellill Imlh vrllers anil liuycrs t rett on their ourn The trading tod.iy WBH ijule In nearly all linns n .Print clu'hs them tlic i-ain ( Inline FS as lurelnfoit * and the market Is ' aider Woolen goixls itn buth men's wear , fabrics am dre"s goods arc the utrDiic f ictor In the vltual'on ' though th advancing market for taw woo gives manufacturer * n smill margin nn which t operate , nlthough prices are quite firm Silk io still very strpng , and are lulling on th whole better than any other Suprur Mllrl.rtn. NEW YORK Oct. 4 SUGAR Unvv nominal fair refined. 3 S-lCc ; centrifugal , DC tent. 3 15-lCc llcflned quiet , crushed , 640 ; powderfd , 6 ? o grHiiulated , 6Vic. NEW ORLEANS Oct 4 Sl'OAU-Onle open kettle , J'ifiSHe ' ; cenlrlfueal granulatei 4V4W4 9-lCc. wlillrs 3 1I-1CB I 5-16o , yellovvr , 3 2ff3'ic Ciillfornln Urleil IVullc. NEW YORK Oct 4 Evaporatid nppU * steady ; other dried fruits quiet Evaporated nnriles. prime wlro tray , 7c. wood dried prime Pull ItliiT I'rlut Cluth > Inrl e-t. KALL RIVKU. Mass , Oct. 4 The print clot market la quiet at 8V e. 1'rlvu of I'eiuicr. IXJNDON , Oct. i. rCPPiJU Fair Blngapor white , 6 1S-1CO. , l i . i OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Opona with a Stiff Run of Steers ami Few Hogs , ORNFED STEERS SELL A DIME LOWER Stock unit Fecilcr * Knlrlj Aelltc al Finn Prlecu HIIKB Dull mill Slow nt About Stontl- SOUTH OMAHA , Oct. 4-Receipt * ( or the ays Indicated were : Cattle. Hogs Sheen Horte * . ) clober 4 C.SCO 1,875 Ml M Ctolcr 1 GJ1 6,777 110 SO etober 1 2.2M 5,117 ! .UO leptember JO 2 Z70 D 432 3Sn 23 'ciuember ' K3 5,931 49 > 0 IS1 , , , eptember 25 6,891 4 7C1 ! 4i II eplembcr 27i 6,744 1,050 648 17 eptcmber :5 972 9931 . . . . 24 eptember 24. . . 3MS 1 ES7 4,4(6 eplemWr 23 1,549 6M ! 1,451 . . . . eptember 2 ! . . , 6,944 9.15(1 ( 1 , 70 . . . . 'eptember 21. . . 6.200 8773 1.S17 1 eptember 20 8,704 1267 3615 . . . . tptamber 18 561 4237 1,879 M The otllclal number of cnrs of slock n-ought In today by each rend was : Cnttle. HORS Sheep HVs . , M. & St V. My 30 1 nlnn I'aclllc & > * tcm. . . , 25 7 3 . . ' . E. & M. V. U. n. . . . S3 9 3 . C. A P. lly 2 O. . St. ! „ M. & O. lly. . 7 3 . . . . ) & M. R. M. n 107 O. , It. fi Q Hv 2 1 . . . . C. . M 1. & 1' . Rv . eftst. . . . 1 C. , 11. I. & Ii lly , neat. 3 Totnl receipts 2CO 5 4 .4 The disposition of the elay'a receipts \\-aa s follows , each buyer purchasing theuuin - > er of head Indicated : lujers Cattle. Hops. Sheep ) maha Packing Co " 0 570 . . . U II Hnmmond Co 4:2 Svvlft and Company fJ 778 . . . Cmlahy PacklnK Co 1 OVi 400 . . . I Decker K DcRan 1,071 . . . 'nnrant & Co 215 . , . L. Carey CU . . . , obninil & Rothschilds 131 1111 .1 Lewis Co 22 lenten . Underwood 215 . . . . . . . . HlsUin & Co l r > . . . Crebbs & Co 223 aiilles 1,023 232 . .Ivlngnton f'3 IUBS W ) umuB . . . . 4G3 . . . Planklnton , Milwaukee 94 . . . Totals C.473 1,818 r > 2 CATTLE Receipts of cattle vvorc liberal , bolus he largest since Tuesday of last week. The proportion of cornfcil becven was omc- \hat turner than usual und the market wis slow and lower. Coarse uml unfinished cnttlo were lower In Chicago last week nnd bu > cra ook advantage of the liberal receipts today to lound prlcei here. The result was a market hat was alow and draRBl at a decline of n Knod strons lOc Co\\s ana heifers were In fair suppl > , but the lemnnd was large and the market wan pteids and active The most of the offerings changed inmlfl curly , A good many feeders were on sale , but the demand was quite brisk and the market In fairly good chape. Desirable kinds said at firm prices and others were at least steadj. Repre sentative sales : NATIVES HEElSTEERS. . Vo Av. Pr. No APr. . No Av. Pr. 3 . . 1232 JI 40 IS . . .1250 } 4 CO 19 . . 1397 { 4 75 1. . .1093 440 1..1420 3 G63..1138 4 ' 10 .10-7 435 86..1U4 4 CO 40. . . .1205 4 00 .1020 4 35 COWS .1210 J3 00 25 . .9S4J325 1. . . . CM 1 DO .1136 3 00 3. . .1073 3 40 1..1230 3 W .1023 3 65 IIEIKEIIS .635 300 7. . . . 634 300 1. . . . 8SO 300 .540 325 3. . . . 770 375 2. . . . 823 3 W 1. . .1010 4 25 BULLS 1 lr,0 3 25 1 1270 3 00 1. . . . 780 4 00 22 feeders. . . . 844 4 10 10WYOS1INO 4 cows 925 3 05 1 cow 1000 3 03 1 CDVV ' 130 3 01 1 fied < r . . .1100 3 40 1 feeder. . . .1430 3 40 16 tailings. . .1103 3 40 1 tailing . . . .1210 3 40 1 tailing . . . .1210 3 40 1 feeder . . . .1080 3 50 110 feeders . 1170 3 fo 1 feeder . . . . 930 3 65 12 feeders..1195 3 65 7 feeders . . .1117 3 61 11 feeders 1216 3 01 43 feeders . . 1110 4 00 11 cow s . 1011 3 10 145 cows . . . .1010 3 35 113 feeders , 1181 1 50 81 feeders. . . 11F4 3 CO 1 tailing . 1111 3 41 76 feeders..1211 3 n 0 tailings , 1.I27 20 cows. . . . 105r. 3 25 COI/DRADO. 1 cow 770 1 fO 1 bull . 1100 2 90 2 cons 61" 1 SO 2 bulls . 1141 J 10 100 2 covvs 880 2 10 1 feeder. . . .1000 J -0 3J covvs ' ) b4 2 00 1 feeder . 770 1 4) ) 1 cow 720 2 f0 1 cow . 1 10 J 21 1 bull 1370 2 CO 2 feeders . . ! 00 3 40 38 covvs 10J1 2 f1) 10 fecdeis.UIJ3 J 75 f1)OREGON. OREGON. 1 tit ? 1640 2 75 4 tigs 1337 J ( W 49 feeders..1040 3 40 MONTANA 2 bulls . . . . I4CO 2 70 bulls 1110 3 10 19 feeders. . . U'08 3 70 1 lulling.,1.170 J 'J S3 feeders..1159 3 (5 108 feeders..1178 4 05 IDAHO 1 bull I2CO 2 f.1 2 feeder ! . . . . 1130 3 bo 1 bull 1120 2.1.1 12 feeders 173 395 2 Btagf IC10 2 51 14 feeders . 9T J 91 10 cows 937 2 71 2 feeders 970 3 93 10 cows . . . . WO 290 10 feeders kill a 11 21 heifers. . . 321 13 fecdi rs 192 J ' 15 2 feeders. . . 1280 3 CO 22 feeders C59 4 00 HOGS A Monday's hog miirkot Isery muc on the same order as a Saturday cattle market th'i supply Is generally very light and the- mar ket wanting In Interest. Todiy theie were only twenty-nine loads re portcl In nnd tie market was flow und 5c lower with the close flat. Iluycrs peemed to be anticipating n big run for tomorrow and It was hard to tell from thcl actions whcthey t icy wanted any hots or not but In the end the pens were elcarcd Repre Tentative Kales : No. Av hh I'r 'No6i Av. Sh Pr , 40 . rij n n 6im 203 JI 59 . 301 3 fi m , 274 751 , . .129 M ? 70 61 2 < f9 319 120 J ' ( I fl . . 2fC .1 f ! ri " 09 72 , . 26fl 1 75 40 312 f6 274 J 75 HI. .2M - 14 . 217 3 75 73 .2C8 00 211 40 I 75 73CO CO .261 13 216 J 75 10 20 ! 61CO 2-0 3 77'4 61 2'H ICO CO . 274 3771,3 62 . 314 SO fO . 271 IK ) J 7714 51 . .307 3 7215 69 . . Sri Ml 07 .301 1WI 3 77',4 ' CO 2Ci ! SO 3 77ii 63 .311 fO 3 7214 17 SSI 3 10 rs 1CO 3 7214 61 . .218 J 110 65. . 2C3 210 ,1 7214 PIOH ODDS AND ENDS 1 50 430 3 M (80 3 M 3'2 3 61 lO'i 3 41 " 97 3 6) .SC2 3 55 370 3 6) 316 3 60 201 3 70 .360 40 3 CO 217 1 70 .29 .i 3 CO 316 3 7i ) COCO 291 CO 2CO 3 70 HHEEl' ThB market VVIIH slnw and iiwi r In sympathy with the lepcrlid decline at rh'cnio KIIIIHIIH Cl < > Lit i > M < irU , KANSAS CITY , Oct -CATTLE Ileci-lpts , 8.000 hi id , brut grndiH eteady , others 'ow , Texas sleers , t.'W/IH. TVxiis row * JI71 (233. ( natlvii steers J3Wfi120 ) , nitlvi' rows nnd I i > lf- ers JI 2.1ST4 HO etockers and firdtrs 1 6.0140 , bulls , I20flj376 HOGS Receipts , 4 600 hi-nd , market SfflOc lower , hulk of fales J3 7.W3 S5 hcavh * J3 75f < > 3 S3. pickers. t3 70fi3 60 mlxrd J3 S ) j3 Ii214. Ymk'MH ' J390JJ892V4. P'I- * J3 25O3 fO SHEEP Rieelnts , 4 00 } brad market weak , lambs. 12 7603.75 ; multonx , ISWfiJGI Notr Vnrl. LIviMIUK . NEW YORK. Oct -HEKVES-RecPlpH , 1371 head slags und oxrn | 2rHfil2J bullH , 12 7103 CO ; dry town , fl 90fi1 (0 European Cables uuoto American slt-rr * at lO'iffll'ic , refrigerator beef ffiHic ; no exports I'ALVES Rpcelptu , 2001 head , \ta\ \ , 8(0 , few. J8 25 , gratters and buttermilk * , 4 00 00S1IETI' AND LAMI1S-Rprfluts 14054 head ; BhPp 12 60 ® < 25. lambs | 4 871SI W HJGS Receipts , 11,200 head : firm at f < 60Q tw. SI. I.niiU Live Htiivlr. ST I/UIH. Oct. 4 CATTLE llccelpU , 4000 h ad' ; uhlpmenn. 2000 head ; marktt Blow but steady for natives ; Texans eatUr. Fair to fancy natty * ililpplng and export * ttera , ntk of unlcs. JI Ciff 10. drf Mtd beef nnd butcher teem , 14 C > n/l M , bulk of nucs | 4 4(114 65 uleers nde'r 1.0O ) pounds , 15WJ7IT5 , stocKers nnd feed 2 S5 ( ? 10. rows find heifers , $ : CMUI > 5 , bulk f con HOOfMOOj canning cow , I1SI241 ' , iilln , 12 WfM ! R , Texan and IndlMi Hcers , | 2 7BW i25 ; luilk of MM ! M2offS70 , covvs and helfmi , 2001M81 ; . with bfst grndrii as high as J3 60. HOGS -Cflpt * . 6 ( XX ) html , shipments , 2,0-V ) tend , market " * > loner on IlKhl , u\3 lower for eavy Bradfs. I.lKhl , 14 WSf4 IS , mixed , 3 SOW 10 , heavy , | 180f4 11 SHEEP Ri-celptp , 2VM ( head , shipments , OV ead. market slradv j native muttons , ts 00JT3 * 1 , tills nnd bucks , 11.50172 50 , Klockcrs , 12 IJU3.10 ; ambs , JI 7585 6D. OIIIOACO I.lVi : SiTHOIC MAHKIVT. Cnttlc MdRtly nl u I ) I mi- slioi-i lnn or. CIUVACIO , Oct. 4 Trade In cuttlo wns fnlrly nlmatcd and while n frvv handy medium \clRht killers weighing around 1,234 pounds sold t about former prices , prices were generally vcak nnd about lOo per 100 pounds lower Cnllvc beef sleers were salable lit ftom 13 $0 to t 23 for the poorest , up to $5 nnd JS 60 for the > rM chipping steers , with rules largely nt from 401 to J5 2,1. The Mocker and feeder trade vvas ilrly good at from 3 to 1460. light weight lock steers and heifers going * ery low. lutchers' nnd CHnneis" entitle moved off more lowly than hint Week , nnd prices nhalcditn hi- decline , the lllicrnl stipplv of rnngc ranlc > elng n weikenlng element Wesletn range cat- le were In falrlv nctlvo detnind by feeders nd slaughleiers , hut prlees avenged a dime ewer , steers bringing from J3 ri to J4 2S while ovvs and helfcis sold fit from 12 SO to J4 The matket for hogs was IrrcRulnt , some roves that Just suited buyers selling to much letter advantage than oilu rs , but there vvas n nvomge decline of 60 and seme coarse , heavy , owy lots sold off lOc. Gules wcic made of heavy licking lots nt from 13 ' .0 to JI 75 and prime iFsorted lights brought from J SO to JI 23 , the mlk of the hogs ciomtn ? the scales nt from 3.75 to Jt 15 Thole was n fair demand for sheen nnd lainbx mm feeders nnd slaiiKhteicrs. prices ruling 10 © 13o lower on nn average , Sheep worn snlnblo at fi-oiii J2.:5it1.l5 for Inferior to prime nuttvis and nt from 13 to JI fet westerns. Most of the westerns went up for from' J3 60 to JI 85 Limbs vere wanted at ftom 13 60 to JI for the pootcst to rom G to G.75 for good to fancy. Recolpts : Cuttle , 13000 head , hogs , 37,0V ) heid sheep , 25,000 head , I'llHt HlllTlllii ll\c Moi-U. EAST nWTAIX ) . Oct -CATTI.E-Cholcc fat steers , J4 fOiiSOS , choice to pi Imp , 14 Suli ) 90 , me- dlum to heavy , JI 61IJ4 SO , fat cows , J3 fOIfl 90. HOGS Good to choice yorkers , J4 4IW4 60 ; nixed pickers' giadis , J43UTI40 , medium welRhts , J431G440 , heavy , JI 30JI4 40 ; roughs , J3 76SIS 110 , pigs. J2 73JT4 fa SHEEP AND LAMllS-Lnmbs , yeirllngs , cholec to prime. J4 40JT1 TO. fair to good J3 9i)5i ) ) 433 , native lambs cholec to ixtia , 15 60if.1 01 , fair to good , JI HiUI 40 Sheep , choice to selected , wethers , J431fflltO ; culls , J2 21JJ3 63 Morlc In Record of recelpls of live Flock at the four principal markets for October 4 : Cittte Hngr Sheep Omaha . C3rC 15.73 sit Chicago . 23 mo 37 ' 0 r > 000 Cnnsat , City . * b utnj 4 rou 4,001 St Ixnils . 4dOO OCOO 2000 Totals . 11 066 41373 31,831 Oil Mai-kutN. OIL CITY. Pie. Oct 4 Credit Inlim-es , 70p , crrtlfleite sales. 72c. elo od 72c bid. shipments , 117,2r bbls ; runs , 101 ns hbli. LONDON , Oct. 4 Calcutta linseed , spot and neir at hand delivery , 3 < a. Tuipentlne spirits , 31s , Itiitti-r M rK < - ( . ELGIN. Ill , Oct -IH'TI Elt rirm ; offer ings , SO tubs All sold at 22c TIIH Itn VLTY M VHIvlVl INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday , Oc tober 4. 1817 : WARRANTY HEED'S H. A KoMcrs and wife to Mike fcroka , s ' 4 of lot 3 , Woodlavvn add t 173 Abraham Lance and wifeto 1 11 WIlKer- bon. lot 1 block 2 Hamilton Siimie . . i J II WllkcrKon and wife to J S Taylor , 674xl20 feet In nn sc 10-11-11 . . . . 2,000 E Hardy and wife to Raelul fjuockenbu'-h ct ul , lot 9 , block 1. Seymour's add . 1,600 M C Wear and Imsb ind to Uinjumln Dur ham , lots f and S , block 34 rim add to Corrlgan Place jo J. E. Shields and hutband to E L Shugart , n 14 of lot 7 , block 5 Shlnn's add . 2,000 Helena Colfeth to C A Runt lot C , block 6 , Popplotan park . i S \\lnther to D. L. llradlty. lot 6 Rog- cis' subdlv . . . . S30 James Rasmui-pcii ti > Amelia Hapmti'-scn , lot 16 , block 4 , West Side add 400 A. P. Tuluy ft al. to O C Zlnn , lot 1 , block 6 , Grammercy park . . . . . . WO A. H Conroy to Trcderlck Mundt , lots C nnd 6 , block 19 , First add to Corrlgan Place f 4o C. T. Williams and wife to Arthur East , lots 9 and 10 , block 8 , In cubdlv block 30 , Albright's Choice ir-.oo QUIT CLAIM DEEDS C r. HarrlFon receiver , to Mlchljnn Mutual Life Insurance company , lot 12 , Pclham Place , i II. II. Haldrlge and wife to Daniel Roberts , lot 20 , block 4 , Eckermun Place 2 Julius Treltschke and wife to loMah Kent , lots 3 to C and 10 , Kent's add i O W. Dunn and wife to G 1" . Olllmoro , trustee , lots 21 and 22 , Yates ft It's sub- dlv 25 Joslah Kent nnd wife to Julius 1 rcltschke , lots 7. S and 9 , block 2 , Kent's add 1 W. L. Selby. trustee , to E A. Colfax , lots 11 and 37 , block 2 ; lots 10 and 18 , block C , W. L. Selby's Tlrst add j Total nmount of transfers J t,031 The "nicycllrtt's be t Friend' is a familiar name for DoWHt's Witch Harel Salve , al ways ready for emergencies. While a spe cific for piles. It also Instantly relieves and cures cuts , bruizes , ealt rheum , eczema and all affections of the skin It never fails. ( Oil BYmiLIS ) A. Written Ouaruiilco ti > C'lJltK KVKIIY CANE or MO.\r.Y JlI Our cure Is permanent and not n patching up Ca es treated tin yearn ntto liaro iificrMLiia hvinplon rlnco lly ikM.riblnir your ciuu * fully wecnii tnnt you lij mall , nnd ueglvy the t-ameKtlonggtiai mute tucuiuurieliind all money ThOke who pielel tu come hele for tnat inont ean do PO and we v\lll nay lallroad fate buth vays and hotel bln ! ! wldle heiu If Me fall ti fine. VYccliak lenaru the world foraiat.o that our MiiulcICrmeil } win not cure Wilte for full imitlciil.ni.ninl get tlic erldiMicecknowthat yoiiarorkopthal jut-tly > otua an the moat eminent pliytUiunti Imvo ncvtr bctn able to tl\e nioiu than tcnioraiy | lellet , In mil teayiam practice with thu 3fuele ICeMuvdy ft lian been moct dlflleult tooveieonie tliu prejuilki kiigaliiht all ho cnllitl tppclflcf. Hut under oui ftrong triiatnntee-you tjiuuld hot hctiltalc fo try tl In iiemeily. ) on tukf nu chanc i ol losing your inoniyVo guniantin to euic in tefuiKl cverr dollar and AM we have u ui utatlun to protect alxo financial hacking of K.1OO.UIIO , II U 1 1 iftclly faft lu all v * ho will try the trtntiiient llitctufoioyou Imvt hten putting up and paying out ymir inuney foi dltfeient titHlinenlsand although yoilaii'iiot yiteuird nu out * fiait paid back yuur money Do nutwahli ) liny mot mum-y until you try us. olil.chrunlc iUihCiilid ] > cai > eii Hired In tlllity to ninety dayu. Inverllftatu our financial utaiidlng. our rtpufalton as litihlneiMi men U'Hlu UK fur minim and ndduiM.i of thi u wo hava eiirtd , whu liavu given ikciinfiirlon to n-foi to then It costs yuii only puilagi toilolnftii It will naveyoa tt worldof hiiilcrlngfruin mcntiil ttiiiln i inillfyoti re mm i led what may ymir offfptlng Milfer tlnuut h yeur ownnigllgenet I llyoiil i y mpluniHaie pllupli i onlaee , due thinat , inucoui i ilclic In mouth , rlieuniMlMii In ImntH and joint * , Imlr falling out erupllonfi on any rait of tliu bo1y , filling of grneml dfpitM loii i nlnHln hi ait or bone * , you liavu tin UnitIo uafli. Thot-c who mu conMaiitly taking mcieuiy uml potash rhuuld iltit rontlntiult , Cnn > lant use of HIIKO dnigii will nnt\y \ lit Ing ore and tallng ulrei > In thi-tml Hun t ( all to write All cuiie iKnileiice tint ptnlcd In plain tnvel optyalntltu tli mni.1 rltrlil JuveMtiiration oud will do all lu our puw er tu aid you In It. Addicts , COOK ( REMEDY CO , , Chicago , III Tlilw rcint-ily bclne lu- ji'clcil ( Ilit-clly to tlio NCat Of tllllNO ( IIHOIIHTB of the Oeuito-Urlnary roiiiili-CM no or ulot. Cure ( rnarnntcoil lu 1 to 3 < in.yn. Hniull plain pack * Myers-Dillon Drug Co , S. E Cor Klh and Far- mm Slieels. Omnh/v. Nfl. CHRISTIE-STREET fiiplliil , if..D.ooo. KIIII.T I'alil. Shocks , Grain and Provisions , llooill 111 lllonril of Trillin ( Tel l ( > 9j ) 0. C. UiiRISTIi ; . , . Prcaleltnl U. J STUUirr . Vice President G , W. KtJNNfiV . atrretnry Uivld T Ucalh , Pi eet. NV 3C37. F. P. Ncal.Vlte J'rcw I nloii .Niillouiil Haul : Clias Ii , V Lewis. Cnsh. Capital. { 600.000. KANSAS CIT1. Mo.pni H , U97 We hereby ceillfy that Ihe Clirl tlo-fctrstl Communion Company hau tlilx day coimnt-need tuilneci with ur by depositing Kitty Thoueand Ddllurn ( t i.OOO 00) ) In ciuli. ( Dictated ) CIInRLES H , V LEWIH , JAMB E. BOYD & GO , , Tuluplionu 1035) ) . Omalui , > 'cb. COMMISSION , GUAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS. HOAiin or Glrfct w irfs to Chicago and Now York. Correspondent ! ! John A. Warren & Co. WHO ARE WEAK SROKEN DOWN DISCOURAGED Mm who suffer from the effect ! of dl < > a p. orer- work , norrr , from * Ue follies of rnuth or th ex. cejjcn of manhood , from uutmturM drulnn , wptk- iip'sorlnolot JoTotoriuent of nnj orcnn. failure of Tltol forces , initllncjs for trntrltice , nil fnch n.cti BhoulJ "coiuo to tha fountain lic d " for n fclentltla methcNlof mnrTCllonj power to TtUllrp. develop , tf * ttoro , an 1 MiMAln. Wo will mull wltliont rlmrxo In n pliilii Rctilril rnvclopp ft r raphlct tlmt Tclld It All. JJftlhlne pnl uniukod. No cipo- lute , no deception. Addro ERIE MEDICAL CO. 64 NIAQARA CTnEET. BUFFALO. N. V. Anil Surgical Instiluto. lGnr > loiUoftOturilin , Nob. CONSULTATION HJKH. tlironic , Kcnous anil 1'iivatc ' Diseases nnd nil WIUKMiSS tig r M ami ni.sOIJimUSof mCl9 'KLEnnd ' VAlttCOCKLK I'O.inanently and BUccfHsfitllvcmed In e-v e > ry e-ise. IILOOD AND SKIN IHI-IHCB ) | Sere SpotH IMm- ploi , Scrofula , Tumors Telli-t. Ke'7tMim mid lllood Poison thorouirhlv oh.ind fi-oin tli BVBte-m. Nr.HVOUS Urbllltv , Spt-rmatorrhc'i. Somlml Losses Mifht Emissions , ] .o-s of Vltll Povvcr < poimniientlj and Npoidlly cutxd. \Vli.\lv , MliN , ( Vllnlltj We-nk ) undo so bv too close npplcatlotj ) o biiHliipeH or Httidj. Mi-vi'i-o montnl Htrnln 01 frrlof. hKMJAL KXl'ESSKS In mlddlo lifter from the pffpcls \ouilifttl follks C.i 1 lorirltu them odij Oox 2i 7. Onitilia JlcdiiMl and Surgical Institute. DR . IB THE ONLV SPECIALIST WHO TIIKAT8 ALL Private Diseases VTrnLui * ftnJ Dtiortlf r nt W1EN ONLY . . 0 Years Kipe\rlcnco. 10 \rfliuOmnhn Hook Vrce. t'onanltn * tionl'rpo. Dox'iW.ot 14th nnd Fntuam Bts. O.MAIIA. Nii2. : Patronize Home Industries Hj l'iirliiislnn r.ooilM Alailiat the Kol > lovvlliK NehriiNUn PuctorloM. AWNINGS AND TEN1S. OH VII V TI\'r ! AM ) III Illinil Cl ) . ( Successors Omaha lent nnd Awning Co ) Manufacturers tents , awning * Jobbets ladles' and genii : ' mackintoshes. Tents for rent. 1311 Farnam St. Omaha ( Ml VII V. lllti\VI.NG : VbSOOlATIO.N. Car load si Ipmcnls made In our own eratcir cars. IJlue Ribbon. Elite Export , Vlenni Export and Tamil ) Export delivered to all pn-.J of the ctly. \ VITIIni CO. Ps.Ing , Sevver and Building IlltlCIC. Capacity , 100000 per div Office and v ard 224 nnd Hickory bts. Telephone 423. Omaha , Neb. CORNICE WORKS G. r. KPCMrrnu , r VLI : coiivicn woiucs. ManufaoiSrc- Gnlvanlred Iron Cornlees , Gal vanized Iron Skylights Tin Iron nnd Slats Roofing Agent for Klnneir's Steel Colling. 103-10-12 North Eleventh street CRACKER TACrOfUES AMIIHICAV IIISCUIT AM ) MFG. CO. , Wholetale CraekT Mnnufncturcrs , OMAHA Neb DYE 'WORKS. TWIN CITY n\u \VOUICS , 1.TJ1 Knriiiim St. Dyeing nnd clcnnlrg of garments nnd fcoods of every dcterlptlon Cleaning of fine garments a tp clally. _ _ _ _ _ _ TLOUR MIU < S b. I" . GII.M VX , Tlour Meal , Teed and llran , 1013-15-17 North 17th btnct , Oimlia , Neb C , E. Illack , manuffer. Telephone 692 IRON WORK * . DAVIS .t COWfJILL IUOWOIIKH. . Iriiu mill IlriiKN KoiiinlerN. Tanufnct-irers and Jobbers of Machinery Gen. mil repairing a speclall1601 , 1503 and 1501 Jackson otreet , Omana Net. PAXTO.V .t viniti.i'Nc : IKON AVOUICS. Manufacturers of Aichltecturnl Iron Work. General Toundry , Mnrhlne and Illacksmlth worlt. Engineers ni ' i "pf-n'lon for Tlie Proof IlnlUl- Ingn Ofllce nnd woiki < : U , P. lly. and South 17lh street Omaha LINSEED OIL. WOODMAN LINMlni ) Oil , AVOKICS , Manufacturers old process raw linseed oil. kettle boiled llnsepa mi. old piooess ground lln- peed cake , ground and screened naxseed for druggists OMAHA , .Nil 11 IXJUNGES-MATTRESSES. i , . ( i. no UP. Manufacturer Loungco , Couche . Mattr i p . Jobber of Spring Reds nnd Tcithers-411-413 S. 10th street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAHA iinnnixo en. Manufacturers of high grade Mattroser , 1S02-1 Nlchnlnt Blrect Omaha. OyERALL AND BIIIUT FACTORIES. ICAT7-NiVIB\S COMPANY. Mfgrs , Clothing , Pants , Shlits nnd OveralU. OMAHA , SHIRT TACTORIEi ? , j. n. NKIIIIASKA HIIIIIT COMPANY. Exclusive custcn sh'rt tallorii. 1BU Farnam. TINWARE Wr.STiil.\ > WAIU3 COMPANY , Plecid , htamped and Japanned Tinware , Gram tie Iron , Hollow Wan , etc. 1003 Tarnam 8t OMAHA.NEn. VINEOAR AND PICKLUH. IIAAKMA > N * IXIJKAIl CO. , Mnnaufacttirers of Vinegar. Pickles , Catiupi. Musturdn , Celery and WorecBtcrshlre Sauce. WAGONS AND CAI1RIAGES , wii.LiA.li . Tor a good substantial vehicle of any dcBcrlp. tlon for repuintlnB or rubber tires on new or olu wheel * , th bent place U * i'.h and Ltave-nvorltt ( treetu , illlJJIMOM ) CAIIUIAil ) CO. Cheap medium prleid and tony carrlottj. Any thing you want second hand or nevr. Headiiuartcm for Rubber tlrei , warranted. UtU und llainey. oppoelto Court Houie. ' -V. J. i id ! > . Mil Ioilm- , Full line of Carriages , Ilutnlen , Phaetons , Pony Cuiie Ulieeu rubt > tr tllrU. The bent U tht chefoe t. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. IIK.M : & co. largest factory In the west. Irfa4lnir Ura of Omaha. Kansas City. IJnooln and jmtph handle our coods. 1006 Furaum OuaaJL.