T1IE ( WAITA DAILY NEK : TUESDAT. OCTOBER 5 , 1897. 'TiiK OMAHA DAILY K. llOSEWATKIl , Editor. t'UHMSHKD KVKnY MOltNINO. THUMB OF SUUSC tUPTlON. l > lly llee ( Without Bundny ) , Ono Tear KM Dally llee and Sunday , One Year 8 Vi HIl Month * < 0) Three Month * 30" Sunday Mee , One Year 2 ° ° BaturOny lice. One Year JJ Weekly Bee , Ono Year C1 OFFICK3 ! Omaha ! The flee LhilMlHB. . _ . South Omaha ! Singer Illk. , Cor. N and 21th 8t . Council lllulTs : 10 IVarl Street. Chlcnco Olllce : 317 Chamber of Commerce. Now York : Itoom * 13 , 14 nnd 15 , Tribune Hide. Washington ! tot Fourteenth Street. COIlllCSl'ONDKNCi : . All communication * rclatlnu to news and edito rial matter should be nddrcmcili To the tdltor. IJtJHINKSS LBTTKHB. All bimlncM letters and remittance * nhoiild be nddrcused to The Ilea 1'ubllMilns Company , Omnha , Drnttii. checks , express and postotnce money or.1 . CDS to be made pa > nblo to the order of th * compntiy. . „ TUB 1IKH rUULISHINO COMPANY , BTATKMENT OF CIIICUKATIO.V fitntn of Nebrnftkn , DOUR Inn County , ss. : George It. Tzitchuck , necretnry of The lleo Pub. Hilling company , bclnjr duly sworn , myi thnl inn actual numlnr of full nnd complete copies of The Dally , MornliiK , Evening nnd Hundny Hce printed during the month of September , 1837 , was ns fol lows : 1 19 , 18 " . "J 3 19.C2J 17 .J J 3 13,918 IS 19.S32 4. . . 19,917 19 " . 'Jj R 19100 20 20,011 0 19.9C9 Jl 20,151 7 19,811 52 ! ( ) ,397 8 1,8.1 ! < 1 2,1 Z0.7M 9 19,778 SO , 823 10. 19.818 20,436 25. , , . . 12 19fOO 27 . 19.MI 13 19,079 28 . 19,711 14 inM3 20 . 19,557 15 I9.CSO 30 . 19,014 Tolnl 597,659 Less returned nnd unoold copies 9,415 Total net ! < lei. 588,374 Net dally nvrniRc. 19,001) ) OKOIIOB n. T/.SCIIUCIC , Hworn to before me am ! subscribed In my pres ence this 1ft day of October. 1897 , ( Peal ) N. V. FKIU Notary Public. TUB III3H ON THAIXS. All rail mini iiuwHlmyn lire nniMiMciIivtth riiiHiith Ilcvn to n < ! < : oniiniMliit ( ! every iins- nciiKt * who wiiiitN to renil n iiiMVNiiuiier. InxNt mioii Imv- li\K Tin * HOP. If you . iniiiot net n llee uu n train from the iiewn iiKi'ii' , lileiiNe report tinfnct , Hinting ilie train mill rnllroiul < < > tlie Clrcnliiiloii Dciinrtnieiit of TIiu lice. The llee IK for mile on all trnliiM. INSIST ON H.VVI.Vd"THE 1I13K. General Wcylcr niutlc history while In Cuba If lie did not accomplish anything else. The year 1807 will be remembered In more states than one asi a year of mon grel politics. The exposition Is a public enterprise nnd Its management must be open and above board. The enemy may heap llatterjr upon renegades to persuade thorn to desert , but they are nevertheless despised by all as traitors. Will Uedlleld now withdraw that cir cular telliitfr how to mark the ballot so as to vote for "this straight republican ticket nnd me ? " Several of the mongrel nominees will need introductions to the public , but even then they will not. improve on closer ac quaintance. There Is boodle in the slot machines. Every councilman who votes to continue licensing automatic gambling marks himself for suspicion. Loss whisky and more bread and meat In those cargoes bound for the Klondike gold fields might have satisfied more hunger even if It would not quench more thirst "Weylcr's successor may count on a warm welcome to Cuba , but not quite eo warm as 1C he had come earlier and In time to enjoy a little of the midsummer mer heat. ' The resumption of the dally lists of now presidential appointments Is the In fallible sign tliu. - . resident McKlnley I again In Washington doing business at the old stand. If the council can Increase the fire fund out of the general fund for reasons of necessity it can also put the street clean ing department in position to keep the streets clean. If Yelser makes that telephone con nection .without using the State Hoard of Tranportatlon switch board he will turn a trick which nobody seems to have counted upon. Fusion , like burglary , Feeins to bo best accomplished In the midnight hours when sleep has overcome the watchers and empty benches permit the operators to do Just as they please. Ohio has five state tickets in the field , With one more political party to hear from. That does not quite equal the No- brnskn ballot , with seven state tickets assured and others problematical. Spain does not want to make any concessions - cessions to the Cuban Insurgents , but a nation , likeu man , often does things when its pocketboolc la empty that It would not think of doing if it hud abundant - ant cash on hand. The railroad engineers agree with the city engineer that the Sixteenth street viaduct Is in a most dangerous condi tion. The only question at Issue Is the old interrogatory of Boss Tweed , Well , what iiru yon going to do about it ? Bryan's specchmaklng tour of Ne braska has been postponed. . The reason for the postponement was doubtless to give the farmers time to finish gatherIng - Ing in their crops and find more leisure to listen to calamity preaching by the great silver , sipostlfi. That legislative investigating committee - tee promised a number of sensations In time for election. So far all its so-called sensational disclosures have fallen flat when subjected to the test of public opinion. If the work of this committee of tjuconters is to lie of service for cum- paIgn capital , the sensation : ! should not bo much longer delayed. IT n'ovi.n JIK A great many people who favor the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands do not consider the question of the probable cost of possessing that remote territory. They lake a more or loss sentimental view of the matter , fancying that some how It would ndd to the glory of this republic to have these Pacific Islands ns part of Its domain. The Idea of hav ing the United States "spread out" Is so pleasing to the average nnncxatlonlst that he will not think of any of the practical considerations Involved. The cost of spreading out Is a matter of small Importance to him. If the United States could acquire these Islands without any other outlay than the payment of the public debt , amounting to about ? 4,000ODO , as pro vided for In the. annexation treaty , this expenditure would not be a serious matter. Hut the payment of this debt would be only n "drop In the bucket. " The Islands would have to be- fortified and this would require the expenditure of many millions of dollars. Then the maintenance of garrisons there would involve a considerable annual outlay. Itesldes this we should have to keep In Hawaiian waters n larger naval force than now. The fact that the dual government has not been able to collect sulllclent from taxation to meet Its run ning expenses may fairly be accepted as assurance that In maintaining a terri torial government there n considerable share of the expense would have to bo paid by the American people. The per sons who represent the "substantial In terests" of Hawaii referred to by Ad miral Ueardsleo as unanimously In favor of annexation would , If the Islands be came part of the United States , pay less toward the support of the local govern ment than they are now doing. A western senator Is reported as sayIng - Ing that the Hawaiian annexation treaty will encounter little opposition In the senate and will be promptly ratltletl. Perhaps ho speaks authoritatively , but wo suspect that he underestimates the opposition to annexation , both In the senate and In the country. And this op position would grow If there were si bettor understanding of what annexation would cost. , TUB A'Kir ORfcB/v CAHINBT. The new Greek cabinet appears to have hearty popular support , but this fact does not warrant the conclusion that it will long retain public support. The preceding ministry was well received by the people when It entered olllce , but It was not very long before It fell into discredit and there was more or less clamor against It until it resigned. M. Ualli , the head of the late cabinet , is not so popular as his immediate pred ecessor , M. Delynnnis , who will prob ably never again be hoard of In connec tion with the political affairs of the Hellenic Kingdom , but Halll has lost prestige to an extent which Avill exclude him from prominent position In political affairs for a long time. The new premier , M. Zaimls , is n man of ability and of experience in public affairs. He has a task before him that will fully te t his qualifications for the work of states manship. The position of Greece among the nations is clearly defined and It Is a , rather humiliating position- , though it might be worse. The aim of her states men should now be to build up the country by the development of its ma terial resources and the expansion of its commerce. The farther they keep aloof from European politics the better It will be for Greece. Her bitter experience should have taught her rulers and her people that the path of ] > eacc is the path to national prosperity and to the world's respect. Doubtless the hard lesson learned in a , few weeks of war will not soon bo forgotten certainly not while Its burdens remain. J'llOPOKBD I'UltOllASK UP CUHA. Tlie plan of purchasing Cuba from Spain Is again being discussed. Late advices from Havana state that It Is believed there that the government of the United States will propose that Spain be paid $ .2UO,000,000 for her recog nition of the independence < uf Cuba. This indemnity to Spain would bo paid in cash , the republic of Cuba Issuing bonds based on customs receipts , the Indemnity to be guaranteed by this government , which would have the full management and administration of the custom houses of Cuba until the total debt should be paid to the shareholders of the loan. Several prominent Cuban loaders In New York are said to bo favorable to the plan , one of them observing that It ought to bo acceptable to all parties , though he regards the sum proposed to be paid as too large. The plan of buying Cuba Is not new. As long ago as 1831 a conference was hold by the ministers of the United States accredited at London , Paris and .Madrid , nt which the purchase of Cuba by the United States was considered , A dispatch signed by the ministers Hn- chunan , Mason and Soulo was sent to the secretary of state , In which It wr. said : "Our past history forbids that wo should acquire the Island of Cuba with out the consent of Spain , unless justified by the great law of solf-pivservntlon. Wo must , In any event , preserve our own conscious rectitude and our self- respect. After we shall have offered Spain n price for Cuba far beyond Its present value am ] this shall h.ivo been refused It will then be tlmo to consider the question , does Cuba , In the pos session of Spain , seriously endanger our internal pence and the existence of our cherished union ? " This was forty-three years ago , at which time there was a very strong sentiment in this country , chiolly in the south , in favor of the acquisition of Cuba. Of course the present proposition Is different from that of the Ostend mani festo , since it contemplates the Inde pendence of Cuba and not Its acquisition by the United States , but the question is , will Spain bo any more disposed now to part with the island for a money consideration than she was in 1S54 ? It is trim that ho is In n far worse financial condition now than she was then and that her resources are pretty nearly exhausted , so that the sum of $200,000,000 would undoubtedly be very helpful. Hut although financially bank rupt and without credit , Spanish pride nnd patriotism are as strong nnd virile ns ever they have been nnd there Is every reason to believe that those would lead Spain to reject , perhaps with Indig nant resentment , the proposal that she sell the most valuable of her colonial possessions. Nor Is It by any means certain that the Insurgents would accept the plan. They scorn to be confident of their ability to ultimately achieve their independence by force of arms and they want the glory of accomplishing this , So feeling , It scorns quite Improbable that they will agree to buy Independence to make a financial transaction of It. So far as the United States Is con cerned there are some practical consider ations which might Justify It In guar anteeing the payment of the holders of Cuban bonds , but It would be assuming a responsibility not without danger of perplexing complications. We do not bellove the conservative Judgment of the American people would approve a de parture of this kind on- the part of the government. In the meanwhile Spain , If her new prime minister Is correctly reported , does not desire and will not accept mediation. TJIK OA/iV IIUXKST MAX IX T11K COUHT UOt'SK. For nearly six months County Clerk Mel II. Itedlleld bus posed before the community as the only honest man In the court hou.se. From the housetop and the stump he has proclaimed that he and he alone stood at all times bi1- tween the robbers and the taxpayers , nnd he alone protected the people from fee extortionists and salary grabbers. The man who makes such loud profes sions of honesty will always bear watch ing. Everybody In the community knows that Itedlleld has boon closely Identified with the gang of political holdups who for years made barter and sale of public otllces and votes In the city and county , but everybody does not know that the only honest man In the court house has systematically drawn money out of the county treasury to which he Is not by law entitled. The salary of the county clerk , as fixed by law , is limited to $ Ui > UO per annum , payable out of the fees of his ollko. The foes of the clerk's otllce in Douglas county have for the hist two years fallen short of S'J.iiOO , but Ued lleld has drawn warrants for the full amount under various devices not con templated by tlie law. Although the statutes make It the duty of comity clerks to act ns the clerk of the Board of County Commissioners , Itedfleld has credited himself with ? -tOO a year as clerk of the county board. This salary grab is more glaring in view of the fact that the county pays $1)0 ) a month for the man who performs the duties of clerk to the board which Itedlleld is paid to perform , and in ad dition thereto if.'O a month for n ste nographer , who is doing other clerical work that by law devolves upon the county clerk. The only honest man in the court .house charges extra feqs for sending duplicate orders and documents prepared by the ! ? . " > < ) stenographer , when this work should be done by himself without extra charge. The county clerk is required by law to prepare the tax list , yet he has insisted on the county paying the salaries of four men for six months and two men permanently for this purpose. The law requires the clerk to prepare election proclamations and to attend to the details of the election machinery , but the only honest man ln > the court house credits himself with extras for this work and charges it up to fees in order to bring tlie receipts of his olllce up to the ? 2.rjOO limit. It will also be remembered that the only honest man In the court house , not content with one salary Illegally Inflated , had himself placed on the city pay roll as a member of tlie park commission and drew two salaries at the samo'time until lie began to figure for his renomi- nation on a platform of A. 15. C. reform. With those specimen bricks of super fine honesty before thorn the taxpayers of Douglas county will take Mr. Ued- field's high-sounding self-praise at what It Is worth. And now we are Informed by the organ of bogus reform that members of an A. 15. C. reform club decline to partici pate in the proceedings of their repub lican ward club , although present at its meeting In > the role of speclntors. This is an open confession that the A. 1 ! . C's were organized under false pretenses as an adjunct to the popocratlc combination and with the express object of knifing republican candidates. The honest re publicans who were misled Into joining the A , 15. C's have no longer any excuse for lending aid and comfort to the rene gades. Senator Fornker continues to put In words and work for the republican ticket in Ohio , regardless of the stories con cocted by the popocrats to the effect that he has turned his back upon the party managers and nominees. That Senator Fornker Is worrying the Ohio popocrats mightily Is proved conclusively by their anxiety to create false Impres sions about his attitude toward the re publican ticket. The two bond propositions submitted by the county commissioners this year are both meritorious. One provides for taking iii > the outstanding poor farm claims and will effect a great saving in interest. The other authorizes the Issue of $100,000 of bonds in aid of the exposition. The Importance of ratifying both propositions must not bo under estimated. Only S-l.WX ) of the $10,000 appropria tion remains nt Urn disposal of the legis lative investigating committee. lint the investigators have their eye on It and the taxpayers may rest tranquil that no con siderable part of It will bo allowed to get away from them. i It ought to be nbout time for tlie gov ernor nnd state board to make another move In the matter of the Homo for the Friendless. The legislature passed n law ussuuilug tlie management of that in- stltutton to tire slnte , but the law has never been enfu/fed. / Orrnt In Their liny. ChlcaRo Chronicle. Ono of the toji j lucidly ami elaborately handled nt thoIoiirth nmtial convocston of mothers In HtdtlijH hall was ciltctl "Actlvo Agents In Child Training , " but , stratiRO to say , from beginning" to end of the discussion on this topic iiuuincntlon Is made of the old-fashlonci ! shlhkrb or carpet slipper. CooliNiire Annexation IN In. I'li'htMo'llihln ledger. Krlcr.ils of irsVall.in annexation are say- IriR very confidently that the treaty to that effect will bo ratified soon after the ncnitd reconvenes. Hut they are giving no flgurra and mentioning no names In support ot the assertion , and It Is evident that the wish Is father to the thought. The more clearly the Hawaiian annexation scheme Is understood the more reason there appears to be for the suspicion that It Is one the controlling1 mo tive of which is sinister , sordid and for bidding. Improved ltulin-N Affair * . I'lillndelphtn IlecorJ. Nothing better Indicates the betterment 'In business affairs than the Increased In ternal revenue receipts of the federal treas ury. Up to this time the revenue train thin source exceeds that of the corresponding months of last year by $6,000,000. ThU Increase serves hi some meaj- uro to make Icia palpable the fail ure of the revenue from customs. The OXCCHI of expenditures over receipts for Sep tember will not be much greiter than $3,000- 000 , bringing the deficit for the first quarter of the fiscal year to $28,000,000. Tlio Ii-rlKiillnii .tin ve me lit. InilUnniiolls Xeus. The meeting of the National Irrigation congress at Lincoln , Neb. , Is one of the healthful signs ot the times. The farmers of Kansas mid Nebraska bavu given too lit tle attentlan < n the past to the subject of Irrigation. There are sotno years when In both stales Irrigation is not necessary , but oven In tlirae years It would materlilly In crease the crops , and in dry years It would save thorn from destruction. Investigations of the subject made by the federal govern ment show that much of the laud known as "arid" can be reclaimed and made highly productive by Irrigatlou , but It will require largo -sums of money. When farmers as- aomblo In convention to iMscuss the subject there Is much ciuso for hope that It will re- colvo the consideration 11 deserves. fteneroiiN Trentim-iit of I Chicago Tribune. The city of Atlanta , Oa. , appears to have brought a great deal of unfriendly criticism upon Itself from southern cities by Its gen erous course In offering an asylum to ref ugees from the fever-stricken districts on the gulf cost. GUI/.fiu of the north who have never faced an epidemic of yellow fever can have little conception of the alarm which a visitation of the disease causes in a com munity where Its ravages have been once experienced. Ta them , therefore , the course of the Atlanta people seems wcrthy ot all praise. Keeling Efecure from Infection on ne- count of their elevated location , they have generously opened their dcors to residents of other cities who have lied from their Inmcs to escape the pestllen'tie , aud It Is to bo hoped that nothing will occur to caufo them to repent their gonerbus action. Slid AivnlvcitliiK from llrrnniN. Kilning City Star. The sad expedience of the Llberlan colonists nists who left this country In the spring of 1800 hould serve to admonish otlu'ra against putting fait'n Iri the specious promise of for eign land spoeulators. These colonists con sisted of a bodj * of flegroM who were prom ised liberal grdnts "ot fertile land In con sideration of Ihcatlhg In Liberia. There were 315 ot them and after the lapse of more than a year two'tamHle have reached Liver pool on their way home. These returning pilgrims state \hat- * the lands given thorn were absolutely worthless and that during their residence On'them all sorts ot sufferings have been1 endd'red.--Half thu number are already Wc'ad'-snd'the otherannro exerting every meaner to got 'tuck'though with mea ger hope of success. The truth is that the plan of solving tire race problem by coloniz ing the negroes of America In any country of different climate than that ! ra which they were reared Is not only Ineffective but cruel. The .Hoon mill \ViuKliiN. New York Hun. Hon. Weather Wiggins of Montreal Is hav ing his regular fall attack of storm. The moon la giving him a good deal of trouble. Today she Is to be In conjunction with Jupiter and Mercury , besides crossing the celestial equator. On Monduy she has an ap pointment with Mars. Various other dates and junctions and conjunctions indicate to the sl < 5'-readlng eye of Mr. Wiggins that a line old elemental hullabaloo la at hand. "I.anS nlnlit the moon h.nil a ROlden rlns , Anil tonlKht no nicun we pee. " It Is Impossible not to venerate the in dustry of Hon. Weather Wiggins. 'He ' launches so many prophecies that some time some of them may float. Still , whl'cve have confidence In the Industry ot Mr. Wiggins , we also have confidence In the moon. The moon always goes over her route , and be sides she Is the goddess of the silver men. Consequently she must bo trustworthy , calumnies to the contray notwithstanding. Neither the moon nor Wiggins ought to' bo distrusted by Ingenuous souls. I'KAHV'S MI3T.KOIHTI2. A Mouxler Chunk of Iron from ( lie SUy by AViiy of Cireenliinil. St. Inuis Globe-Uemociat. Lieutenant Peary Is bringing back from the northwestern coast of Oreonland a meteorite that for size reduces all other ob jects of the kind to Insignificance. The Cape York meteorite , as It Is called , Is twelve feet long and eight feet wide , and weighs about 100 tons , or about thirty-three times moro than the largest now in the United States. Meteorites are of thrro classss , these composed wholly of Iron ; those in which Iron and earthy matter are mixed and thcflo entirely of Rtone , the last being by far the most common. In tno Cipo York metcorlto Iron Is : no chief Ingredient , with Homo nickel anil traces of copper and tin. Its texture resembles the tough nlckellfcrous Iron used for armor In war ships , and la believed to bo throughout a perfect speci men of crystalline structure. There are le gends of larger meteorites , but thuy have never been found. The depression In Canyon Diablo , Arl/ . , nearly a milu In diameter and 100 feet deep , Is attributed to an enormoim meteor , but the largest fragment picked up In the vicinity , ,14'fllghs but half < i ton. When the great pfpenland specimen roaches Its future resting piaco In the American Museum of Natifral History , New York , It will bo a steady'Jdttrrfctlon for visitors , It Is asserted tliat ilO.OOO.OOO meteors reach the atmosphere tf itb < r earth every day , com ing from Interstellar space , where the tem- [ ic'uture Is 400 degrees below zero , On strik ing the outer oWVt | 'Ihls planet the friction causes a heat JfTSOW,000 degrees , and the missile , flying 2.SQO Dulles a minute , Is In- ftautly converted'futn gas. Hut occasionally the muss of the meteor Is BO great that some of It reaches thtftiHa , becoming visible at a distauco of 100 miles. No substance un known on the " "EMItt lias been found In meteorites. Iron Is their predominant metal. They have ebowp Imbedded diamonds , but no gold. The fragments are occasionally scat tered over an area'ofmtles ' , a fact proved by their tilting Intni-oayh other. Greenland's meteorites werefirst heard of through tbo natives , who tipped their weapons with the tough Iron tent do\Vn from the skies. A swarm of meteorites is supposed to travel around th , " Jjucv aa small bodies , and their Journey la uninterrupted until they get too near a larger body , which usually re sults In their passing Into the gateous state. > l2ay f stronomcrs hold that meluora are frag ments of comets , and that a comet Itself Is but a large meteor , with a tall ot reflected night. One of the most remarkable meteors of modern times burst over the City of Madrid , February 10 , 1S9G. The glare was tillnding , though the sun wan high , and the noiEO was deafening , Several buildings fell , and the city was violently shaken. The phenomenon was visible throughout moro than half of Spain , and meteoric fragments were picked up In several places. Eminent geologists contend that the structure of the earth la similar In materials to that of meteorites , and that the central mass IB Iron and other heavy metals , In a molten condition at present. I'OMTIOAI. S'SA.P SHOTS. Minneapolis Journal ; The Nebraska re publican * have very properly protested against the use of the name "silver repub lican" on the ticket of the free coinage lfi-to-1 fellows , who acceded from the repub lican party and have repudiated republican principles. It Is a piece of unparalleled Im pudence for them to usn the name repub lican , They are not republicans , but popu- llals. St. Louis Olobc-DemocrAt ! Henry George- was a traveling newspaper correspondent last year , and wrote to his paper that llryan would receive largo majorities In Towa , Illi nois , Minnesota and New York. Those * states went republican In the order named by 05- S52 , 143.09S , 53,875 and 268,469. Mr. George should take steps to prove that his theories of government are bettor than his predlc tlons. Philadelphia Leader : Populism In Kansas receives n sotb.ick when It comes In contai- with the courts where populist judges do not preside. Judge Williams' rebuke of tbo Insurance ! superintendent's arbitrary pollcj as "an assumption ot authority In a minis torlal ofllccr that Is startling , " together with his permanent Injunction restraining tha official from Interfering with the business of eastern companies , will have a salutary effect on the vainglorious assumptions ot the populist placo-holdcrs. Philadelphia Hccord : Thu national labor convention voted down a resolution advlelnu , striking workmen to arm themselves to reels the compulsory maintenance of order , be cause , It was argued , It would be poor polic ) to glvu the people warning beforehand ami It voted for a free silver amendmcu to Its platform , because the western dele gates announced that unless the amendment should be adopted no moro money would be contributed from the weal to help easten strikers. Policy , not principle , seems to bo thu governing consideration In labor con ventions ns well as In some other convcn tlons wo re-id about. TIIU lUKHJATlOV COXVI8XTIO.V. New York Mall and Express : More Inter est than ever will be taken this year In the National Irrigation Congress , which began Its proceedings yesterday at Lincoln , Neb The east Is becoming more familiar with the Importance to Its own markets and to the future relict of Its surplus population of the opening to settlement of the vast ex panses ot territory , estimated to amount to about 40 per cent ot the total area of the United States , which need only a supply of water to be made prolltably fertile. The ex haustion of the supply of free public land that Is already tillable will aid In calling public attention , east as well as west , to these vast and undeveloped regions. Minneapolis Tribune : The recout Irriga tion convention In Lincoln , Neb. , may not have accomplished any direct practical re sults , but It has served to call attention again to the actual needa of portions of several of the great agricultural states of the west. For It cannot bo denied that there are regions In the western Dakotas , In Kansas , Nebraska and Wyoming where sufliclent moleture can not bo rolled upon from year to year to In sure the proper maturing of the crops. So far as the DaUotas are concerned they have the remedy right at baud In the unques tioned artesian supply which extends under the greater part of both states , and which In many localities has already been utilized to good advantage. The chief thing to con sider , however , L ? ai feasible method of gen eral application to the surface which shall not prove too expensive to the farmer of small meins. Chicago Times-Herald : Congress has voted millions aud millions'of acres of land for the purpose of building the great con tinental lines of railway , and the people have sanctioned that bounty. Such works are of national value and confer a benefit on all the people. The same may bo said of the reclamation ot tbcise arid lands. It concerns all the people , because the produce of those lauds reaches Uio markets of the whole country. The fruits and vegetables grown on the Irrigated lands of California , New Mexico and Arizona have already greatly Increased and cheapened the health ful food supply , and brought It within the reach of the humblest puise. The thing to ho < lone Is for congress to bestow on tbo several sta.es concerned the public lands that lie within their borders , on tbo condi tion of reclamation. These lands would afford an ample revenue for the maintenance of Irrigating works of the best and most enduring kind , and the states could adopt a generous policy In granting the lands that would encourage actual settlement and thus increase their population. This is the true policy for the leaders In this great move ment to adopt , and wo are sorry the Lincoln convention did not tome out squarely In support of it. IMSIlSOXAlj AXIJ OTIIISItWISIi : . In the present emergency It Is highly probable that It Mrs. Luctgert would re turn all would bo forgiven. The proposition to annex Greenland to the UnltPd States Is rer-flved with cheerful coolness ir. Ii-c pcudllng circles. The stories about the poverty of Mark Twain are definitely contradicted. He Is at Vienna with an Interesting case ot gout. Denmark would probably bo willing to sell Green land cheap , now that Peary nas car ried off about the only valuable thing there was ! in the country. The prolonged silence regarding affairs around IChyber pass suggests that possibly the usual efficacious ointment got In Its work on Mad Mullah's Itching palm. Kllon Terry , saya that to retain youth and baauty one must work till tired , sleep till rested , have plenty of fresh air , live In cooj rooms , take a dally sponge bath and eat the simplest food. Toronto hotels have been bothered by a man who persists Jn putting six names on the register and ordering six rooms , al though uu one accompanies him and ho represents nobody but himself. Hobert Plerle , the lord mayor of nelfafct , Ireland , aud president of the Harlan & Wolff Shipbuilding company , who Is now vis iting In this country , Is about 50 years old , and has traveled nearly all over the world. Down In Buffalo , defiplte the Illumine power of electricity , the principal commenda tion of a candidate for mayor Is that "ho has never voted anything but the regular ilumocratie ticket. " A chronic case of "yol- low" fever. Hon. Jerry Simpson of Kansas and Eddy Durko of Omaha substantially agree that the country Is going to the ilomultlon bow-wows. Aa both draw their salaries with cheerful regularity the situation isn't bad enough to get rod-headed over. Mr. Ashbol P. Fitch , comptroller of the city of New York , Is < nn artist In throw ing political somersaults and landing on his feet and In olllce. In ten years lie has changed parties three times , aud scarcely lost an hour out of olllce. Lake City , Fla. . has set out to make the dancer pay the llddler In a novel way. The town has appointed a single night watch man aud decreed that ho shall bo paid at thu rate of $2.50 'or each arrest made , the prlboner to furnish the money. Milton G. Walker , a well known negro of Doston , lias been awarded honorary mem bership In the council of the' Doston Con servatory of Music. Ho was born a Hlavo In Augusta , Ga. , In 1847. Ho has always taken an Interest 'In music and Is very proficient on the piano. Prof. S , N. Hopkins , > who has just been appointed territorial superintendent of public Instruction and ex-ofllclo auditor of Oklahoma , Is about 40 years of age , and wout to Oklahoma from Iowa , where he was a teacher for a number of years and county superintendent for three terms. He has been superintendent of the KIlcno \ schools eight years , secretary of the Ter ritorial Hoard of Health three years , Is president of the Territorial Teachers' as sociation , and , was almost unanimously In dorsed by the educational people of the territory. Irish-American societies of Washington have protested against the omission of the name of Tom Moore from the list of bards whoso memory U ' to bo perpetuated In tab- leta en the walls'of the new library of conV Kress. The reason assigned for the omission 1s that Moore , while taking first rank as a molodlflt , did not possess the pootlc flrik-to such a lofty degree as did Dyron , or Shelley , or Browning , who represent Kngland's poetic fame la tne library memorial tablets. Sim ilar action waa taken In Omaha when the library building was under way , although Mooro's name appeared on one of tbo win dow tablets in the original drawings of ( be building. TAKES A SIIOTnHN TO HIS IVOIUC. Mlnlnter Who TroiiiMCM to Protect lllnmeir. ST. LOUIS , Oct. 4. Ucv. II. J. KcllOKK , pastor of little Congregational church In Denvcrsldo , not far from Bast St , Ixmls , on tbo Illinois side of the river. Is building n parsonage under the protection of a double- barreled shotgun. Nov. Kellogg WAS formerly pastor of the Summit avenue Methodist Kplscopal church of Hast St. Louis. He put $ COO of hla money Into the Denvcrsldo building and was ordered to turn It over ml go elsewhere. The Con- gregatlonallsts bought the church and ho was made Its permanent pastor. Ho wanted a parsonage. The congregation was too poor to build him one. Ho said ho would build It himself , with what help 'ho could get from the congregation nnd others. lx\st Monday a week ngo U. C. Palmer , n olllcer ot the carpenters' union , demanded that nonunion men be discharged nnd union men taken In their places. "I have no objection to employing union men. " said Uev. Mr. Kellogg , "but I will not discharge my neighbors to make places for others , " While at work olono on the parsonage Mr. KellogR has been assaulted by n gang of seven ; cn , who compelled him to dis continue work for the time being. He secured - cured a shotgun , and hereafter he will take it to the building and keep It handy for Instant use should another attack ba made on 'him. Thcso facts became public today when Hev. Mr , Kellogg went to East St. Louis and applied for warrants. I'MSY ' TO lIUIliU IXTO KI.OMHICH. lloiiie from Cniiiiilliin rncllle < > Colil KlelilMol HIllliMilt. SAN rilANCISCO , Oct. 4. The construc tion of a railroad from Vancouver , or from some point east ot that place on the Cana dian Pacific line to Uawson City and the Klondike country In general , will not bo a very dlnicult or expensive undertaking In the opinion of Collnwood Schrleber of Ottawa , who Is now In the city. He has arrived with a party of Ottawa people , including New- comb , deputy minister ot Justice. In dis cussing the building of a road to Dnwaon , Mr. Schrleber said two surveys arn now be ing made from different points on the Ca nadian Pacific. The latter company Is mak ing ono of the surveys and the government Is making the other. The chief object of the deputy minister's western visit Is to Inspect the progress ot work on the Crows Nest Pass railroad , which virtually means another Canadian transcon tinental railroad. The government has granted It a subsidy ot $10,000 a mile. It Is being built by way of Nelson on Lake Kootenal , and will run through the Uossland mining district. It Is undecided yet whether or not the new overland Hue will he extended west to tidewater or join tbo Canadian Pacific at Hope , which is eighty- eight miles east ot Vancouver. The total length ot the line will be snout COO miles. IIMOX 5IH.V I113PUHIAT13 AXAHCHV. Decline l < > I'lirdelpiite 111 Celebration for Kveeiited AitnrelilnlM. CHICAGO , Oct. 4. Anarchists who are ar ranging for a demonstration In memory of the in on executed for the Haymarket massacre have dropped a bomb , so to speak , Into the council of the Chicago Federation ot Labor , by asking for the official Indorsement and co operation of union labor. The invitation stirred up a half hour's violent debate. The executed men were declared to have been both the brothers and enemies of man as fast as succeeding speakers could get the floor and express themselves. At length the high C"unolf of union labor went upon lecord by rr-.iudl.Ulng any Implied fraternity between unionism and anarchy , and flatly refused to take any part In the coming exercise- * . The Invitation to take part In the memorial serv ices was rejected by a vote of about four to one. After the vote a majority of the an archistic element left the hall In a body. The anarchists will hold the memo-lal meet ing as usual , but It Is expected the gathering will be a tame nffalr. HOW THU XATIV1CS FKKI * . Kent lliMViillnii Opinion on ( lie 1'ro- l > OMe < ] AniieviiHon. Springtide ! ( Maes. ) Itcpubllcan. Heforc wo arc done with It , the parlous attempt to moke the Hawaiian Islands Amer ican territory should bo considered from the standpoint of the Ilawailans themselves. How do these 40,000 natives view it ? They form nearly one-half of the population and are about fifteen times In excess of the Americans who now form a small but select capitalistic class of mldoccan oligarchs. Early this month , jusi before the Hawaiian senate ratified the annexation treaty , a mass meeting of natives was held on Palace square In Honolulu to protest against what Ihey understand to be tbo open-handed rob bery of their country. They were genuine natives. If we may Judge by the names of the olllcors and speakers of the occasion. The chairman was J. K. Kaunamano , and among those on the stand were J. K. Kaulla , president of the Aloha Alna society ; Kalauo- kalanl , president of the Kalal Alna society ; Llllkalanl , and others. The leading spcak- ere were Messrs. Kaulla and KalauokalanI , and wo wish to call attention to tbo special ) olnts they made agulnst the annexation scheme. It was the central thought of both that annexation meant thu rapid extinction > f the Hawaiian race. Mr. Kaulla said : "Wo have been told over and over again by some people what a g.od thing annexa tion will bo for these Islands- the laud of our birth ; but I tell you , If wo ever get annexation to the United States , wo may consider ourselves In the position ot being burled alive , rorelgiiers will pour In hero , and then , my friends , to what place will we be scattered ? ( Answer from the people : "To the mountains. " ) If we are annexed today , the morrow will bring us no good. Not so with the rich people , the men In power today. They will reap the harvest. Our profit will be- where ? Our giln will be from what source ? Let us stand apart aud against this measure hat Is so obnoxious to us , for If the people with the white skins como they will take everything. You know that. It Is the his tory of all times. " Mr. Kaulla went on to express bis con- Ideilce in the people of the United States who , bo believed , would not depart fiom ho path of justice and deprive the Ha- wallans of their country It they realized mw strongly the natives are opposed to hu treaty. Hut the poor man may not ( now the people of the United States. The speech of Mr. Kalauokalanl , which fol- owi-d , revealed In a slgnllloant way the great dread that haunts the minds of the lawallan people. Ho said : "This Is our land , Wo arc the people and this Is where wo belong. Are you in favor of giving your country to another , U > al ow yourselves to bo swallowed up by anothtr and lose your Identity , without a iroiestlng voice ? In other words , do you vant annexation ? ( CrUs of "no , no ! " ) Shall wo remain Independent ? ( Cries of "Yes , yes. " ) To tell you truly , It shall profit us milling to be annexed. Wo are under a epubllc now and wo are getting no good , f we go under another republic we may get vorso. ( Whispers of "Tho fate of the In- Hans. " ) When we are thrown Into the Jnlted States , then the deluge. " "Tho fate of the Indians ! " The native lawallans , It appears , are "up" on the his- ory of the red man In America and to them annexation portends tbo name deathly of irutallty , wrong and final extermlnatlciu vhlch has been and utlll IB tbo lot of the ndlans to suffer. Arc they not well Justified n this fear ? No ono can deny that the natives are regarded by the Americans u * in Inferior race doomed to dwindle and die away In contact with the "stronger race. " s'o ono can deny that in all the discussion of this annexation question the future of the 10,000 natives hardly receives a moment's serious consideration from the advocates of ho treaty. The IBwallans are doomed , wo calmly say , and wd know well , as these naIve - < Ivo orators have pointed out , that they have 10 future under the American flag. Korty liousaml human beings are to bo exter minated , slowly but surely , and for what The candid editor of the Hawaiian Oa/.ctlo reveals to us the whole secret In a remark able editorial upon tbo ratification by tbo Hawaiian senate of the annexation treaty , In which bo describes tbo feelings of the different races regarding tbo senate's act. To the native , ho writes , "the philosophy1 of blttory , tbo sequence of events , U quite be yond hi * thought. " "The very few remiln- ing mlnMonarlrfl nee In U the wheel * of the jttKKcrjiaitt of modern progress , pasMng over the llttlo autonomy which they labored to crento nnd preserve , and present to the world , with romantic faith , ns a Polynesian New England In the tropics , " Hut "tho recent Anglo-Saxon , " for whom the whole business Is contrived and done this ono , what thinks he ? And the Hawaiian editor answers : "With llltlo Interest In Its history , no love for Its traditions , ho sees In It above nil things a firmer footing for tbo god 01) ) the world gold which cve-n the atheists do not deny. lie tees Iti the net of ratification a writing over every mountain aud valley slite , 'Good business chances here. " " That Is the secret of It , "Good business chances here" for a few. The great workIng - Ing class of America will fmd ! no El Dorado In Hawaii , for thp Chlneso and Japanese h.ivo conquered the Hawaiian labor market Hut the capitalist , the sugar planter , the cofTco king , with millions to Invest , will find "good business chances" there. 13.\IM3Itnil3XTI\ i WITH TH13 11I3.VP. Covoriiiir llolcomli nnil the Imrr Kiiinll | > - to Illninc. TJin North Dakota Hauner , published by the students of the School for the Deaf at Devil's I/ako , N. 1) . , comments ns follows on the removal of Prof. Glllcsple from the superlutcndency of the Nebraska Deaf nnd Dumb Institute. The Omaha Heo , one of the leading dal lies ot Nebraska , b.is the following to say nnont the forced retirement of Prof. 011- lesplo , who has foi nineteen years been the superintendent of the Nebraska school : "Placing the hclpleso InmaUw of the State Institution for the Deaf and Dumb under the charge of a man who knows noth ing about them , nnd had no experience whatever with thp care or Instruction of deaf nnd dumb people , la almost the saimi as robbing these p.or people of the educa tion to glvo them which the taxpayers have paid Yet this In whit Governor Holcomb 1ms done In otxlcr to provide a lucrative Job for A political favorite. " While wo believe that Governor Holcowb Is to blame for this change , In that ho allowed pjllUcs and not Justice to govern him In this matter. wi < bclluvc the laws of Nebraska are also to blame In placing such a power In the hands of one man. Our own slate lisa arranged this matter In the following way : The board , of trustees appoints the super intendent , but restricted by the following law : "Tho principal shall bo a capable per son , skilled In the sign language and all the methods In use in educating tlie deaf , and shall have knowledge of the wants and requirements of the deaf In their proper training and Instruction. " TAI'PIM. ! TIII3 KUXXV 11(1X13. ( Indianapolis Journal : "Any spicy features In the new play ? " "Woll , " the lady answered , "John had bis mouth full of cloves. " Puck : "What is an octopus , anyhow ? " "An octopus Is a monster which Is found chiefly iu political speeches. " Chicago Record : "You don't Rcom to mind the courting going on In your olllce. " "No ; the typewriter girls that spell the worst get married lirst. " Detroit Krco Press : She Don't you adore the first touches of autumn ? He Yes , If they ore not financial. Typographical Journal : Kdwlua Don't you think short skirts make a woman look shorter ? " K'tliol Yes ; but they make the men look longer. Truth : Hlzzley You must dislike New- comb very much. Grizzly I hate him as llcrccly as a barber hates a bald-headed man with n full beard. Chicago Tribune : "Hegorra , " exclaimed Mr. O'Hoollhnn , "I iln't blame the pcoplu av Hosansville f'r rebellln' flgln a naygur po4tmaslhr ! They'd aythcr have to do that or change the name iav their dom'd town. " Plttsburg Chronicle : "Tho deceased had partaken freely of Welsh rabbits only a few hours before he died. " testified ono ot the wltnc.ises at the Inquest. "They must have been graveyard rabbits , " commented tbo coroner. Detroit Journal His hand was upon his sword. "I pray you , Reginald , " she exclaimed , do not kill my father. " 'ihe youth knit his knightly brows. "It : iou do , " she protested , shuddering , "It will almost certainly become known to the noifihb.rs here that I am a bride. " To protect her terrible secret bo wouli forbear. WADIILY. ' i Itiltlmme World. When Soaklev hies him to tbo club , Despite his wife's persuadln' , Ho comea home In the wee sma' hours , Full Jagged and deeply laden. Ho cannot work the front door key. And crawls upon his knees , And when ho tries to walk upstalra His Kootsteps Are like ' ' I These. AMKKIUAX UXITY. .TnMi Kenililck Hanoi In Hnrper'n Weekly. Monotonous our land ? Perhaps. It seemed To mo much more so than I'd over dreamed. Prom east to west , from west to cast , the aaniu. Yet why selzo on our sweetest , grandest claim As though It were reproachful to our name ? Why not look on the other side , and say Hero Is a clan ? Nat founded for a day , Jlut , "ppltD the hopes of enemies , or foara Of friends , or prophecies of errant seers , A compaH made for the eternal years ! Monotonous ? 'Tla true. The glory of ouf land , The people are the same on every hand , Kor nearly half the earth , from east to west , Wo are the same , praise God ! Ilo It con fessed. There's ono wbo deems "monotony" the btst. Tls union ! Brotherhood ! A splendid clanl Where all men meet , and gather man to man , Ah ! when It comes to nations , glvo mo This gift of God this wondrous unity , Involved In your reproach , 'Monotony ! NOW ON EXHIBITION AT TI1H PUBLIC UIJIUHY lth ! ) nnd Ilarnoy strcott ) , from 10 a , in , until l ( ) p. m. The .JOHNSON COLLECTION of HKiH CLASS EUROPEAN PAINTlWiS from the carols of thu inojt cd musters of thu present diiy-coinprUliii { KlKUrou , IjnmUcupos , Marino Yluwx , Klowen * , I'rultu , otc. ADMITTANCE 2So Under tlio atispicoa of the Western Art Association. A few of the artluts rnproaotitod A. Tainlmrlnl , t'lorencej U. Itlnuldl , rioi nc i Prof. U Hteffanl , Ploraicn ; A , Koppl , Clortncvt O. Ualll. Florence ; U. Turrlnl , Klorcnoej 1 % Mu * . eanl , Kloitnce ; I'rof. U , I'lltz , Munich ; 1'rul , V. Urtllcb , Munich ; I'rof , Carl illtz , Munich ; O. 11. Kotchl-nrtltrr , Munich ; ] ; , Mliel , Munich ; irn ; t Muller , Munich ; Mariano llarlmian , llomt * J. J. ( iurate. Kuinu ; A. Kent , Itomu ; V. Kuril , Jtoim > ; 1 * iJinckow , Home ; J'rof. Boatful , Homo ; Alfred Htcvcnn , I'arlt ; Vun HcliuU-n. I'alli ; Uellm Helltcour. 1'arln ; Victor ( lllbert , 1'arla ; U , Ji-un. nln , Turin ; I'aul Helgnuc , 1'arU ; Ucu , lldiiuetto , rails ; K. Hlcliler , 1'arU ; A. 1'lot. I'arU ; l.ulxt Loir. I'arli ; Charles IVmdelle , Paris ; l.\i\u\ \ \ Itm , 1'urli ; I > I'trrjut. : I'erli ; J , Oeljbtit , I'arij ; Otto lie Tlioien , 1'arU ; I. . Japy , 1'arU ; A. Hut- Lor. , 1'arU ; A. Gilbert , I'arlt ; Jean Uernuud , J'arli , I' , urolleron , 1'urli ; Lfroy , I'arli , anil many othern I do numeroui to mention lu un ad * vcrtUtmtot.