EDITORIAL SHEET. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PAGES 9 TO 16. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY rOTtXrNTG , OCTO1JHK 3 , 1897 TWENTY IMAGES. StNGTiE COPY 1T1VE CENTS , A small army of men have been busy moving- the Grocery and Provision Departments on to the first floor of the new addition , ibuilding shelving , cases , etc. , re-arranging the Departments in the main building , bi'ingmg in and arranging the immense new stocks for [ all departments , and putting the great store in better shape than ever to ssrva its taousands of customers. Spot Cash in the world's best [ markets has worked wonders for Omaha buyers. Each department has a money-saving tale to tell. This week's Grand Opening Sales ( present the greatest value-getting opportunities ever offered. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED BUTTBRICK PATTERNS. Over $4,50 MEN'S SUITS $3.95 YOUTHS SUITS - $1.95 CHILDREN'S SUITS WON THE TOWN Our unprecedented offer last week of 750 Men's suits , 260 Youths' suits and 500 Children's suits. Made and fit equal to tailor made , with choice of this season's newest pat terns and fabrics .was received with extensive and universal favor. This sale continues until the suits are all sold. Scores Will testi of PATRONS fy to their i Pleased worth > These suits are in all sizes from 34 to 52 chest measure in stouts , or slim , or short , or long , in four button cutaway / I $ ack and square and double breasted sack styles extra sizes from 46 to 52 at $5 53. : \ ' , * This is an exact repro- auction of the inside finish of our $4.50 suits , Special Sale on Men's Furnishings We carry the largest line of Winter Underwear in the west at prices that defy competition , 5 cases of Men's Shirts and Drawers , heavy cotton wool , fancy stripe , 39c each , worth 750 , At BOc each we show a line of Men's Underwear that can not bo matched anywhere for less than $1.00. 500 dozen Men's Merino Sox. 12j c par pair ; Men's Heavy Cotton Sox , 5o per pair worth ice. We are now giving special value in 250 Suspenders , 1,000 dozen Children's Underwear at less than mill cost. 1 We Are Agents for the Reynier Kid Gloves. MEN'S HATS ' Men's Soft , Black Slouch Hats , worth $1,00 for BOc Men's Black Fedora , full fur Felt Hats , silk finish , worth double the money , for 68c and 78c $1.OO for a Hat , either stiff or soft style. When we , Bay hat , we mean a full fur , silk finished " hat , with good leather ( and newest band , fine clean felt hats. These three specials cannot be bought again for the s' \ money. ( WE ARE IN OUR NEW HOME and will celebrate the opening of it with the Gr.indest and Greatest Sale ever held in Omaha on Butter , Meats , Lard , Cheese , Crackers , Fish and Fruits , and will continue to sell the finest Butter , Meats , Lard , Cheese , etc at Hayden Bros , well known low prices. prices.READ READ A FEW STARTERS FOR TOMORROW. BUTTER IAND EGOS. MEATS AND LARDS. Salt Pork 5c Country Butter 7c , 9c lie Corned Beef 4c and 15c Best Country Butter 12V4c California Hams 7c Separator Creamery 15c , 19o and 21r ' Boston Hams C'/ic CHEESE. Cottage Ham EC Swles Chceso lOc Pigh Fuel 4c Brick Chceso lOc Tripe 4c Cream Chceso 7 > , &c Sugar Cured No. 1 Hams i 6V4c Ltmberger Cheese lie LARD. 3-pound palls Best Lard ' . 17c FISH. 5-pound palls Best Lard j 2Sc 12 Fine Herring * 25c 10-pound palls Best Lnrd. . . ' . . . . . fi5c Fine Mackerel 7',4c CRACKERS. ' , Red Salmon Finest Soda Crackers made onljt IHc White Fish Finest Ojster Crackers made only Cod Fish Ginger Snaps / Jewelry Department Specials for this week. 200 German cut glass claret pitchers with silver tops , regular price , $2 ; sale price 9Sc. 4-plccc quadruple plated hand engraved , gold lined tea set , consisting of sug r , spooner , creamer and teapot , regular $10.00 set ; sale price , $ -f.95. Beautiful quadruple plated pickle castors , with ruby glass cen ters , regular prlco $2.50 ; sale price , $1.25. Rogers' 12cwt knives and forks , $1.25 per set of C. Rogers' Al quality teaspoons , 59c per set of 0. Rogers' nlcklcd silver tea spoons , 29c per set of 6. Ladles' and gents' gold filled hunting case watch , with fine Elgin or Waltham works , regular price $25 ; sale price , $14.93. All the latest novelties in. sterling silver at about one-halt the prlco asked else where. Nlckle alarm clocks. 55c each. Watch , clock and Jewelry repairing at re duced prices. i , 1 . i Annual Special Sale oil Blankets Opening of early winter assortments and clearing of all remaining lots of manufac turer's samples. $2.95 for u $4.00 all wool white blanket. $3.50 for a $4.50 fancy plaid blanket , every bit wool. $2.50 for a $3.50 heavy all wool gray blan ket. ket.49o for a 76o gray cotton fleeced bed blan ket. $1.25 for a $1.75 full size comforter , Oiled with pure white cotton. Linens The annual October sale means much to thrifty housewives. 25c for a 40c extra heavy cream table linen. 17'/4o for a 35c grass bleached table linen. 25o for a 35c Persian fancy damask table linen. 60o for a 75o unbleached table linen , 72-ln. wide. 75c for a $1.25 full bleached satin damask table linen , 72-ln. wide. Satin damask , full bleached table linen , 90-ln , wide , for extra wide tables , would cost to Import $1.25 yard , will sell Monday at $1.00 yard. TOWELS The finest stock In the country 5c , crash toweling at 2'&c. 7c fancy check grass toweling at 4c. So all linen brown toweling at 5c. 50u satin damask towels , knotted fringe , sl/o 25x54. at 25c. 25o satin damask towels , knotted fringe , 15c. 15c.lOc cream bath towels , Cc. Special Bargains in Flannels i 22o for a 30c all wool fancy plaid and stripe llnnncl 25o for a 35o heavy , all wool twilled , red ami blue medicated flannel. 5c for 8c canton flannels. 7'/4c for lOc sanitary flannels , 100 dozen all wool fancy stripe and plaid skirt pitlcrr.s , Cflc ; cheap at $1.00 , 0-4 sheeting , 12H-C. 4-1 bleached muslin 6c , worth 7c. Pianos All the high grade standard makes , Chick- crlngs , Stelnway , Knabe , Fischer , known the world o\er as the Big'Four ; 21 other makes , including the Lester , Voso & gone , Umcrson. Sterling , etc. New pianos for rent. Hottse Furnishing Goods1 5,000 dozen Flint Blown Tumblers , etched with any Initial you -\\ant \ , per set 39c. 500 dozen Steel Enamel Coffee Pots , regu lar flOc , our price 33c. \ 200 dozen Steel Enamel Improved Cul lenders , regular price 03 , our price 19c. 1,000 dozen Steel Enamel D.Mnktag Cups , regular price 15c , our prlco Be. ! * 305 dozen No. 8 Steel EiSamol Tea Kettles , Granite Cover , ugular price $1.26 , our price 59c. 125 dozen Steel Enamel Dippers , regular price 50c , our price 17c. 250 dozen Steel Enamel Dish Pans , regu lar price $1.15 , our price 39c ; f Carpets and Curtains Brussels Carpets , new- patterns 50c Moqucttc Carpets , borders to match tiOc Extra Super Half-Wool Ingrains 35c Extra Super All-Wool Ingrains 49e Full sized , double fringed Tapestry Cur tains , a pair , . $1,98 Satin Finish , new style Tapestry Cur tains , a regular $4.50 value , at per pair 2.95 New Irish Point Curtains , per pair. . . . 2.70 An extra Bargain in Nottingham Cur tains , at 1.9S Saxony Bius'cls , at per pair 500 34-Inch Art Denim 15c Wall Paper , Paints and Br tt sites An elegant line of new fall goods on sale. The very latest thing In blues , tcrra-cottas , greens , etc. S ounces white blanks , 4cj with 9 and 18- inch borders. Broi)7cs at Cc. Extra , heavy 22-Inch cnamelel gilts , 15c. Best satin finished embossed 22c and up. Beat ready mixed paints , $1 gal. ( Varnish 14 pints , 14c ; pints , 25c. Carriage black and vcrmllllon ground In varnish , pints , 40c. i t Green and maroon , pints , 35 : . j 2-Inch elding brushes , 20c. , , I i , Drug Bargains - , Plnkham'B Compound ; 70c 1'lcrco's Medicine * GSc Hood's Sarsaparllla Glc Waincr's Safe Cure BOc Palnc's Celery Compound 6fio Syrup of Figs 32c William's Pink Pills 34o Castorla 22c Hobb'B Asparagus Pills 34c Llsterlne ( Lambert's ) C8c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets , 32c Bring > our prescription to our store , Wo nave you money , Mandolins Guitars Wo sell the celebrated Washburno instru ments , now and old modola. Also other high grade makw. We havo. the finest vurlety over shown. EVERYTHING IN SHEET MUSIC. Notion and Fancy Art Goods This opens the fancy necrtln work season and wo are In It for first place as bargain givers In this lino. LOOK AT THESE PRICES , 5-ln. Fancy Stamped Linen Dollies , each Ic 7-ln. T'ney Stamped Linen Dollies , each 2 , ; 9-ln , Fancy Stamped Linen Dollies , each So 12-ln. Fancy Ststapt-d Linen Dollies , each 5o 18-ln. Fancy Stamped Llotn Dollies , each 8c All kinds of FaM Color Embroidery , Floss , per skein , . . . . . . . , 2c Per dozen , 20c All art goods at cut prices. Hardware Department OUU GREAT REMOVAL SALE. Wo will inovo Into our now quarters this wock and we want to close out all odds and ends regaidless of values ; como and. sec whit we have and will make prlco an object for you to buy. Wo have an endless variety of line tools. NOTE THESE FEW SAMPLE I'UICES. Kino Hatchet Uraco G9c $1.00 Steel Square 49c 10 Tool Set , Regular 7Ec 37o GOc Drawing Knife 29c Steel cHonmer , 27 c 26 Inch Hand Saw 39c 23C Screw Driver lie 3 Boxes iBrasb Shoe Nails 10o J1.23 Cobblers Outllt , this week C9c COc Two Knlvcd , Kraut Cutter 1'Jo Regular $2.00 , . 3 Knives with 'Box ' , Kraut Cutter 95c 23c 'Uutcher ' Knife 9o 75c Pet Knives and Forks 39c Large Square Dinner Pall , Tray and Coffee Can , worth regular , 40c , Monday.lfic Blind Hinges , 4-Inch , set 5c Common Sense Sash Pulleys per doz 19c COo ramily .Meat . Saw 27e film or'Mortise Locks 9c Painted frame ami flue steel blade Duck Saw 30e SPECIAL SALE ON SHOT GUNS THIS WEEK. Furniture New line of brass and Iron beds now on the floor ; new styles amd the best made bed In the market. White enamel beds , brass trimmings , at $2.05 , $2.95 , $4.85 , $5.50 , ? 6.S5 , ? 7.50 , up , to $18.00. Full etze. Seven st > Ios of 3 foot six-inch beds. IS styles of new extension tables at $3.25 , $3.S3 , $4.50 , $3.00 , up to $20.00. The best line of sideboards ever shown. All polUhcil oak , French plate mirrors at $13.50 , $14.50 , $10.00 , $16.50 up to $48.00. Now line of oak and mahogany swell front suits at $19.50 up to $25.00. Couches , spring cage , at $6.83 , up to $22.00. Oak Chairs at 75c , 85c , flOc , 95c and $1.00 Oak Tables $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , cad $2.00. If the best at the lowest prices Is what jou want you will call on us first. Grocery Specials In the new department. ' ' Sterilized Cream of Wheat . Oil Sardines only . 3c 3-lb. cnns grated Pineapple . 7'/4o Pure Rye Flour , per sack . 49c Tar Soap , medicated .only . 10 bam Laundry Soap . . . . 25c Good Jelly In palls at . 19c Largo flat cans Salmon Steak , only . 4-lb. packages Johnson's Wash Pow der at Now Queen Olives Just In. Battery . 20c 6 for 10 . 20c Star . 37c Battle Ax 20c Teas and Coffees Tea Siftings , new crop only lOo Crushed Coffee , only 10c Cereal Coffee , only 7'/&c Basket Fired Japan , only 25o Sun Drlrd Japan rcily 29c English Breakfast only 33V6c Moyuo Gun Powder only 38c Whole Washed Rio Coffee 12',4c Fancy Rln Coffee H'/ Curocoa Blend Coffee 20o Choice No. 1 Golden Rio . . , 25c Plantation Java Coffee 2flc Old Guv. Java and Mocha 30c New Ruchings All the latest novelties In Fancy Iluchlngs from 20e up , New Dress Trimmings All kinds , all colors , from 2 > 4c to $1.50 per yard. Spool Cotton Regular 200 yard perfect machine thread only IHc per spool. 10 spools the limit. Basting cotton , 5c dozen. New Fancy Ribbons Elegant wide BOc Ribbons only 35o Elegant wide 75c Ribbons only 40c Now Chlffonh. extra quality , per yard. , C9c New De Sole , extra quality , pec yard C9c SILK SALE ALL WEEK AT. Omaha's Silk Headquarters. DIG VARIETY of shades In two-toned FANCY TAFFETAS All styles , light ' Lining Silks silks that wear special and medium shades , worth $1.25 and price , 25c $1.50 , bpeclal price 7Eo SATIN SEUGE Changeable effects , an UUOCADED SATIN DAMAS Beautiful excellent silk for walste , trimmings designs In jilnk. light blue , corn , or linings special price 39c hello , Nllo and cardinal , special prlco 75a GLACE TAPPET AS Largo assortment THE NEWEST PLAIDS TJio largest of all the newest shades ; a 75 quality assortment , the finest quality , beauti ity , Etieclal price B9e ful color combinations , special price , . 184 DLACK SATIN LINING SEUGE Good patterns ; special price 75u quality ; special price 39c Two lines of PLAIN BLACK SILKS that BLACK AUSTRIAN LINING SILK cannot be equaled 36 inches wide ; special price 39c Plain Black Poau do Sole , worth $1.00 , 75c ; PLAIN IJLACK TAFFETA Good rustle , worth $1.39 , $1.00 ; worth ? l.CO , $1.25 ; worth special price 59c Plain Black Satin Duchesse , wolth 1.00. BLACK BROCADE GROS GRAIN 75c ; worth $1.39 , $1.00 ; worth Jl.CO , $1.25 Remarkable value , special price C9c $2.00 , $1.50. . BLACK BROCADE SATINS Splen worth $2.00 , $1.50. „ did for either skirts or dresses , new Mall orders piomptly filled. Colored Novelties- i in Wool Dress GoodsT WE WILL PLACE ON SALE MONDAY ANOTHER LARGE LINE OF PLAIN AND FANCY WEAVES IN LATE WINTER NOVELTY DRESS GOODS. THQ GREATEST VALUES WE HAVE EVER OFFERED FOR THE LEAST MONEY. Just opened , 57 pieces of all wool Novel our new prlco only , per yard ties In plain twills , figured , chocked , We have Just received 107 pieces of ( ilalds and several now fancy weaves , Persian Novelties , 40 and 46 Inches all late styles , worth 50c per yard , wide , In silk and wool mixtures , the our new price only , jard 23c newest and latest designs In ' tinsel Just opened , 93 pieces of new Novelties , effects , considered the most effective full 40 Inches wide , In all wool and and sightly of this reason's produc silk and wool , In the latest colors , tions , only shown by us In this city weaves and designs , every piece a dif actual valiiu of these goods $1.50 to ferent color and design these goods $1.75 per yard , our new prlco only , are worth from 75c to 9Sc per yard yard 380 New Black Wool Novelties Just Received. 38-Inch black all wool Serge , rich lustre , The best quality of oil wool silk fin very serviceable , worth 45c a yard , our ished Henrietta , 40 Inches wide , for new price only , yard 25c this week only , per yard COa 40 and 48-Inch all wool figured and 46-Inch black all wool Coating Serge , fancy weaves , extra heavy and very storm twill , French twill and covert sightly , very serviceable and dust- twill , worth 98c per yard , our new proof , actual value $1.25 yard , our price only , per yard 50c new price , yard 754 All open mail orders promptly filed and money refunded In all cases where goods are not perfectly satisfactory. New Fall and Winter Millinery , The gathering of a wall styles in Indies' hoadwcar was never more complete , our directly imported French Pattern Hats show the newest fashions. "Wo have all that is now and elegant in Sailors and Walking Hat . The Princeton , Newport , Valkyrie , Bar Harbor , Rambler , Dakota , Sombrero , Cavalier and Klondike. Wo show a very complete line Children's l''uucy ' Bonnets and Huts. Mourning and Bridal Goods a specialty. Got our style displayer "Prom Paris" free. The style is in the millinery , not in the pricn. Our Cloak Department IS AN EXCEPTIONAL EXPOSITION OF THE MOST ELEOANT AND EXCLU SIVE EFFECTS , FRESH FROM THE FOREIGN CENTERS OF FASHION. Ladles' Jackets , made or all wool black beaver , faced with same material and stitched edges , at $2.98. Indies' Jackets , rnado of kereey , heavily braided with wool braid , at $3 , JB. Ladles' Jackets of Imported kersey cloth or English melton , half lined with silk , new high collar , now ehlcld front , at $0.93. $ Ladles' Jacket made of wool astrakhan cloth , lined throughout with heavy satin , correct , style ; at (5.98. ( Ladles' Capes In black boucle , lined with satin bcrgo and properly Interlined , high col- la , trimmed with thlbet Cur. at $3,75. Ladles' Capes in Persian wool or curly astrakhan , full sweep , heavily lined and In terlined , high storm collar and fronts trim med with fur , at $4.93. LadltB1 all wool Double Beaver Cape , high collar Inlaid with velvet , full sweep , 30 Inches long , $2.76. LadlcB1 Bilk Plush Capea with fancy lin ing , edged with fur , at $3,75 , Electric Seal Collarettes at $1.98. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S JACKETS. MIsseH1 Jackets made of heavy cloaking , In mixtures and plain colors , agea 2 to 14 , aj $1.25 , SHIRT WAISTS , SKIRTS & WRAPPERS. Ladles' Shirt Walutu nnd Bloueea , made of all wool material , In plain colom and plaid , from $1.00 to $5,00. Ladles' Dress Skirts In wool mohair , fig ured dtnlgDD , lined and stiffened , nicely fln Isticd with velveteen , at $1.75. Ladles' dark Percale Wrappers , trimmed _ „ - . , with braid , at 49u. Vf , Kxtiu nun ni'ol'ty ' ' Percale Wrappers , trim- 4 | mcd with double row of wide braid , lapfli < l and shoulder , nnlahed dcame , wide eklrt , ' regular $1.50 and $1.75 $ values , at 8Sc.