fl DEAD EASY FOR BROOKLYN Bcanoatcw Are Fairly Gobbled Up by the Bridegroom ! MONGREL CLUB FROM THE HUB LINES UP Oriole * Ilrop Anotlii-r rSnnic , While Wunliliiulmi mill llrooklyn Tic tur Sixth .VotcliVlmlii ; > of ( he SCIIMIII. Brooklyn. 15 ; Hoston , C. Wnnlilnston. G ; Hnltlinorc , 3. I'hllndelphln , is ; Now York , 5. Cincinnati , 9 ; Loulnvlllc , 8. 1'lttflburg , " ; Cleveland , 4. Chicago , 6 ; tit. Louts , 2. BROOKLYN , Oct. 2. The Bostons , the league champions , and the Drooltlyns brought ttio season ot 1S97 to a close at Eastern park tills afternoon. Incidentally It was the last league game that will ever bo played In Brooklyn , tor when the clubs begin their battle In 1S9S Urooklyn will be part ami parcel of Greater Now York. The weather today was not the kind that Is suitable to base ball fans. It was qulto chilly , but In uplto of thla tnoro than 2,000 persons as- Bcmhled with the Intention of giving the Uoancatcrs a Rend-off , Dut those who came to > ho grounds for this nurnoso returned homo Disappointed , for Manager Scleo dhlppcd Long , Lowo. Tennoy , Collins , Dcrgcn and all hln pitchers except Lewis and Sttvctts to Hoston Immediately after Thursday's game was finished and tlio championship assured. When the linntoiiH lined up today they worn hardly recognizable as a team. Outside of thu batting Hamilton was the only player In his proper position , llrooklyn was not much , better off. They had to bring Hanlvan from Now York to cover left field. Still , llrooklytr had the better team , which ac counts for the easy victory. Lewis , who Is slated to go against Haltlmoro In one of the Temple cup Hcrlcs , did not exert himself to any gloat extent , which accounts for the number of hits. Fisher had all of the llostonn excepting Statil and Stlvctts guess- Ing. The latter innilo himself solid with the crowd by cracking out a single , triple and homo run. Ills fourth crack would have resulted In a tlirco-bagger but for a wonder ful one-handed catch by Hanlvan. Grlllln led at the stick for Brooklyn. Shccknrd earned a berth for next season when ho hit for two homo runs. Ilo also fielded brll- llnntly. llrooklyn closed the season on even terms with Washington for nlxth place. The linOOICLYN. I BOSTON. U.1I.O.A.E.I J < H.O.A.E. Joncn , rf. . . Ilnln'ton , of 0 0 3 0 0 Orlllln , cf. . 1 4 4 Stnhl. If. . . . I 2 Bhlndle. 31) . . 1 1 1 0Yc.iKCr , , Sli. . 2 1 L'ch'nco , Hi " 2 10 0 0 HtiettII ) . 2 3 Uhecltnrd , us 3 2 1 5 1 Dully. 2L > . . . 0 1 Bchooti , 2b. . 2 1 C 4 0 ICIo'it'nx. rf 0 0 llanlvnn , lr. 3 2 4 0 Alien. ss 0 1 Mum-ll , c. . . I 1 1 1 Lake , c 1 1 Fisher , p. . . 1 0 0 0 LuwlH , p. . . . 0 1 Totals . . . .13152711 21 Totala . . . .CIO 21 11 7 Hrooltl > n ' 15 lloston 3 0 Ilartied runs : Ilrooklyn , Sj lloston , D. First base on rrrorti : Ilncton , 2 ; Diooklyn , 1. Lett on brises : HiooUlyu , 1 ; lloston , 4. Klr t bnsc on balls : Olt Fisher. 1 ; olt Louis , 1. Sliuck out : Uy 1'lslier , 1 ; by l nls. 2. Home runs ! ShecKanl , Stlvett. " . Tluee-base lilts : Lichance , Stlvctt . Double plajs : Shocknul to Selmcli to lTClrince , Hnnlvan to Schocb. Plolen lia" ' Jones ( S ) , Cinllln , htthl , Yca ; r. Lewi's Lacliance , Umpires : Lyne.i anil ninille. Tliuv of k-amc : Oie hour anil llfty minuter. Attendance , 2,0,7. AVASHINGTON. C ; BALTIMORE , 3. BALTLMOUK. Oct. 2. The base ball sea son closed hero today with a dull and un interesting game between tie | ex-champions and the- Senator * ? , In which thu latter were victorious mainly because tholr antagonists apparently made no effort to win. Less than 200 people saw the contest , which was played under lowering skies and In the teeth of u dread east wind that caused the spectators to blilver on the benches and heartily wish tie ) game ended before It had fairly begun. There was an occasional burst of applause- from a few of the "old guard" who came to .see the end of the season's playing and from a small but en ergetic body of Washlnstoiilans , who had places In the irrand stand back of the vis itors' bench , but aside from thlJ there was enthusiasm , liresuehan started in to h for the Senators , but the Orioles fell n him In the second Inning for three / tied runs and he gnvo way ! o the nttenu- Sir. Swnlm , who did much better dur- tlio remainder ot the game. The vis- I rs' run in th < < Hrst was a clean case of l.-al upon SJhitoh'H part , for that cncr- 'tli ( youni ; man having run in from third 'hllo Amole and Clurke were musing ovei 'ihelr ncllltv in having put JIcGulrc out at first. When they aroused themselves Scl- bach was sife. The home te'am then took the lead and held It until the fourth Inning , when the vlaltois found Amolo's pitching to their llklnq and three doubles and two singles brought In four runs. After that no ono seemed to take the slightest Intetest In the came and Umnlre Hurst called It at - , apparent reason other than that he was tired of It. All others concerned felt the H.uno wav about It and the season of 1897 closed with u defeat for the "threo time winners. " S.ore : HALTIMOHI : . W.XSIUNOTON. it.n.o . . It.H.O.A.K. JlcOraw. 31) ) . o l n i n Salliach , If. 2 2 3 0 0 Kelley. If. . . 0 1 1 0 0 Clettmaii , rf 1 1 1 0 e Stenzel , cf , , 0 : 3 0 0 Demont. 2b. O'Hrlen , rf. .0 0 3 1 0 McOnlre. f. , 1 0 0 0 0 Qulnn. BS. . . 1 1 1 I 1 Kan ell. Ib. . 0 Iteltz , 2b. . . . . oDrown ! , ef. , 0 0 0 1 0 Clarke , Ib. . . 0 032 0I.cihv , , Sb. J Itowerm'n. c 1 1 S 0 o Wrlsley. as Amole , p. . , . ItreVlian , p Suiilm , p. . Totals . . . .3 S 21 13 1 1 Totals . . . . C 7 21 14 2 X Haltlmoro 0 . 0 3 Wa hlnston 1 - IJarned runDnltlmore : , 3Va ; ° hlniton , 1 " ' Two-ba'e mt : Ilowerman , Karrell. Pelbach (2) ( ) 1./ Demont. Sncrlllce lilts : Gettrnan. Wrlgley. Stolen b.ises : Selbaeh , Slnnrcl. llcltz. Double play : Wrljjley to Dcmont to Karrell. Lett on bases ; Ilrltlmorc , 7 Waalitnglon. 3. 1'llst on balls : Off Anuile , .1 : ofT Snalni , 1. Struck out : Uy Amole , 3 ; by Ilin-neluin , 2 ; by SwalrA , 3. Tlmu : Ono liour and thirty mlnutei l.'mp'lie : Hurnt. PIIILADKLI'IIIA , IS ; NKU' YORIC , 5. N13W YOHK , Oct. 2.-Thc baEeb.ill season waH ended today. Two decisions by Car penter In Hit second Inning , a terrllle rt pounding by the Ouakois or Sullivan and McCkin , toKOther with errors of the rankest kind by the Giant * allowed the 1'hlllle.s to pllo ui > u bunch of runs which the home team could not overcome. Score ; NKW YOHK. I'HILADULI'IIIA. It.H.O..13. . ll.H.O.A.K. VHall'ii , cf 0 1 2 1 1 CiOTlcy , Ib. . I 3 10 0 0 Wllmot. If. . 1 3 1 1 1 DJWI ! , cf. . . . 2 1 1 0 U Davis. S3. . . , 00322 Deli-h'ty , Jf 3 1 0 0 0 ( J Ion HUH , 2h , Lajole , 31) . . . Oettltr , 3b. l 1 1 3 1 3 ShUKart , u. 1 4 2 6 1 M'Crri'ry. rf 1 2 l 0 o Oeler , rf. . . . 2 2 1 0 o Clnrk , Ib , . . . 00701 Miller , 21) ) . . . 1 AVarner , c. . . 1 1 1 0 o Itoyle. c. . . . Hulllvim , p. 0 0 0 1 1 Tnjlcr , ii. . . . U I 0 2 0 - Totals .18 20 21 9 1 Totals . . . . 5 8 21 12 10 New York 0 0 6 I'hlladelphla 212 0023 0 18 Qume called on account of il.irKnci.- . 1-Iuimil runs : New York , 1 ; I'hll.ulelphla , 1. Twa-buBD hit * : Ilojle , l.ijoliWarner. . Three- Uuse hit : McCnvry , Stolen b.iHO ! Oeler. Double playa : Shuiiurl In Cooley. KIrist base on errors : New Yoik. 1 : Philadelphia. 4. Klrnt base on balls : Off Meekln. 3 ; olt Sullivan. 1 : off Taylor , 1. lilt by pitched ball : Winner. Struck out : Ily Taylor , 3. Wild pilches , Mei'KIn , Tnjjor. Loft on banes : Now York , 4 ; I'hlhuWlpnla , 7. Sacrltlce hit : Taylor , Tlmn ut Kiune ; One hour nnd forty minute * . Attendance , 500. Umpire : Carpenter. 1'lTTSnUHO. 7 : CLRVKLAND. 4. PITTSUljna , Oct. 2. I'lttsburg ended Its Boaaou today \ > y < winning the third etralght my tliroat was fllletl with sores , largo lumps formed on my neok , and a horrible ulcer broke out on my ja\v , snya JUT.J , U.fJlUVH , , vriiuru : > iuiauviui. 22d St. and Avenue X.f Galveaton , Texas , Uovoa three times pro nounced cured by prominent phy sicians , but thodrendful disease nl- ways returned ; ho was then told that was the HOT SPRINGS only had His cure hair all f n U on out , nnd ho was in a sad plight , Aft r taking one bottle of 8,8.8. he began to improve and two dozen bottles ourod hi m completely , BO thut f or more thansizyearsho has had no sign of the disease. Book on the dl on and it * treatment vM10lJ t * bBwltt Bf olllo Co , AtUnu , G * . from Cleveland. Not much Interest was tnken In thn contest nnd nothing bril liant was achieved. Attendance , 2,500 Scorn : PlTTStlimn. . CLEVELAND. H.H.O.A.K.I ll.H.OA.n. Donovan , rf. 0 J S n 0 tliirkcll. If. . ! Padden , It ) . . 1 027 OCliil.lJ. Sb. . . 1 nnrdner , U. . 25300 Wallace. 3h. 1 2 0 0 0 invl . lb..O 180 OOTonnor. Hi 1 1 801 H'm'ntcr. JbO 0 0 0 1 M'AI'Mer. URO 1 ! Z 0 Illy , n > 1 4 2 1 1 rickerlnit. cfO llrodln. cf. . . 00100 tllRkp. rf. . . . 0 0 2 0 ( SiiBtl n c , . . . 1 2 S 3 OrrlKf-r , c 0 0400 Kllltn. p. . . . 1 102 Ol'owcll. p. . . . 0 0 0 1 tr TotnU . . . .7122713 21 TotaM . . . .4 T 23'6 1 Pad Icn out for cutting second. 1'ltl-liiirg 2 0 1 0 0 0 4 * -7 Cleveland 2 0-4 Earned runs : rittfbure. 3 ; Clovclnnd , 1. Two- bniw hltr : Kl } ' , McAlllctcr. Thrpe-lmf" lilts : Kly , AVallace. Sacrifice hits : Davis. Wallace , Stolen I'Tf ' * : Iionoran (2) ( , HiiRilen , Double play : Klllfn to Sutrdcn to D vl . Klrst bmo on b.illaon Klllen , 2 : of ! 1'owell. 3 .Struck out : llv Klllen. Sj by 1'owell. 4. Irfft on basei ! rittnburR , 6 Cle\pland , 4. Klrnt bn e on er rors : I'ltlrburc , Is Cleveland , 2 Time : Ono hour nnd twenty-five minutes. Umpire ! O'Day. CHICAGO , B ; ST. LOUIS , 2. ST. LOUIS , Oct. 2. Thornton had the firowns nt his mercy todav and they nnr- rowly cFcnped n shutout. Their only runs came In the eighth Inning on a bnso on balN to Cro s. Hnrtmnn'H triple nnd House * ' mnn'n flvout to Decker , McCormlck nnd Lnnge excelled In fielding , Attendance , 1,500. Score : ST. LOUIS. CHICAGO. H.H.A.O.C. U ll.A.O.E. Douglass , c. U 0 7 3 0 Hynn. rf. . . . Crosss. . . . . 1 0 2 6 0 M'frn'k , 31) 0 0 3 4 0 Hnrtman , 3b 1 2 1 7 1 Lnnge. cf. . . 0 2 8 0 0 Turner , rf. . 0 0 1 0 0 Callahan , - 1 1 . 4 1 Orady. ' Ib. . . 0 o 10 0 0 Decker , If. . 2 2 2 0 0 H'rrmnn , 2b o 0 4 3 0 Conner , 2b. . Hnrley , cf. . 00000 Thornton , p 1 2 0 3 ( Hart , If 00200 Donahue , c. 0 1 4 1 0 Donahue , p. 0 2 0 1 0 TotnU . . . . 2 4 27 19 1 Chlcnuo 0-3 St. I-mi Is 0-2 Karncil runs : Chlcaso , 2. Two-bare hits : llynn , Donahue , Turner , Ijingr. Three-base hits : Decker , Hartmnn. Sacrlllce hit : Anton. Stolen bnriM ; Ityan , Lance. Double plays : Hounetnan to CIrndy , Cros * to Qrady , JlcCormlck to Atison. Klrst bane on balls : Off Donahue , 5 ; off Thorn ton , 4. lilt by pitched bull : Lnnge , Callahan , Otndy. Struck out : Uy Donahue , 3 ; by Thorn ton. 3. Time of Rnmc : One hour and fifty-five minute.- . Umpire : 1'ears. CINCINNATI. 3 : LOUISVILLE , 8. LOUISVILLR , Oct. 2-Dwyer was hit hard for four Innlnca todav : he then settled down ' nnd the Colonels could not touch him. Mill's wlldncs * was lesponslhle for the ' Hods' live runs In the lltst nnd second In- nlnga and Mngco was substituted In the thltd. Attendance , l.MO. Score : CINCINNATI. LOtnsvii.t.n. U II.O.A 13. It II.O.A. 12. ITolllday. If .1300 Clarko. If. . . Hoy. cf Stafford , ss. forcornn , s 1 3 3 S 2 Kmltli. 2d. . . , 1 2 2 0 Herklcy , ll > 0 1 1.1 0 0 WnRnijr. cf. 00710 Mcl'h'jc. ' 2b 1 i 5 r o Wenlen. Ib. 12700 frwln. 3b. . . Dcxlcr. c. 22300 nilrlipy , rf. 1 2 1 0 T Nance , rf. . . Snhilver. c. 020 ' llnKman , 31) 0 2 3 7 Dwyer , p. . . Hill , p 00000 Tnt-ila .Magec , p. . . . 1 1000 I Totals s 12 . . . . zj 12 I Cincinnati 1 0 3 Louisville r , 0 3 Uatncd runs : Cincinnati. 4 ; Louisville. 5 Klist ' ba-o on error" : Cincinnati , 1 I.oulYllle , 4. I'lrst base on balls : Off Hill , 4 ; off Mugi-c , 3 , oft Dwyer , 3. Struck out : Ily Musee. Iiwln. Homo runs : Stafford. 8chrlv ° r. Three-hare hit : Wcrden. Two-base hits : HolllJay. Mcl'liee. Ultchey. .Stolen hares : Nance , Dexter (21 ( Double plays : Smith to CllnRinan. Corwan to Mcl'h-o to Dccklpy , Corcrran to licckley Hit by pitched ball : Ily lllll , Hey , Claik. Passed ball : Dexter. Time : Two hours and fomteen minutes. Umpire : McDonald. STANDING OF THK TKAMS. Flared. Won. Lost. F.C. Iloston 13J S3 SO 70.r > nnltlmore ISO 00 40 69.2 New York m Sit 4S 63.4 Cincinnati 131 75 BG 37.3 Cleveland 131 f,9 G2 52.7 Washington 13J 61 71 4G.2 llrooklyn 1 2 Cl 71 40.2 Plttsburg 131 CO 71 45.S Chicago 130 5S 72 44.0 Philadelphia 132 85 77 41.7 LoulsvlMe 12D fi2 77 40.3 St. Louis 129 2S 101 21.7 GUI' SKHI13S. IiiilInnaiioIlN TaUrs ( he Fourth Oilinc , u ii Kiiny Vlrlor. INDIANAPOLIS , Oct. 2. Indianapolis won the fourth iwme of the Free Press cup series and now lias three games to Its credit. Today's victory WIIH made easy by the refjlstpilng of elpht runs by the Indians In the opening Inning before I3umpus Jones and his senatorial following had time to settle. Battery errors and a. ragged fielding error by Crooks was followed with a Hock of singles und McEMrlaml contributed a triple , Flynn a , double and Ilosriever , his second tlmo up , a home run. The contest after the first Inning wai pretty , but lacked interest with the home team's lead so strong. Phillips pitched brilliant ball and was handsomely supported. Manager Watkins - kins left tonight to join the Pirate ? at Pittsburgh Attendance , 2,000. Scoru : Totals . . . .13 IS 27 10 ll Indlnnnpolls 1 13 Columbus 2 Earned luns : Indianapolis , 5. Two-lj.jto lilts : Klynn , Phillips , rishcr. Tliree-base hits : Jlc- Fnrlind. Crooks. llom run ; Ilosriever. Sac- rlllce lilt Stewart Stolen base : Stewart. Double play : Flynn to Motz. L ft on basei : Indianapolis. S : Columbus , C. Struck out : liy Phillips , C ; by Jones , 2. liases on balls : Off 1'lillllps , 5 ; off Jonea. C. Wild pitches : Jones , 2. I'liaEcd balls : Klehcr , 3. Time of game : One hour and forty minutes. Umpire : Mnnas- sau. I.iiNt ( iiinio of the SPIINOII. Jfotz Droa. and the Omaha Brewing asso ciation teams will close the ball season to day nt Fort Omahn. The game will be called at 2:30 : sharp. IJoth teams arc In noot ) shape and a good game Is expected. The lno-ui | > is as follows : Metz Bros. Position. o. B. A. SaKe catcher O. Shannon Hublltz pitcher Mcllvalne SalTeldcr first tmse L. Shannon , . . . . . . . . . . t t Jolumon third Imo Ilooney BHukiiH short Htop Waller ' O'Connor left field Holmes Connors middle Held Henn Mcnzle right Held Scully .SIMI.VOIJK AVI.VS A CHICICKT MATCH. \ITV CaiitaliiH tin * < > i i iiNliiir Ti > nin In .lai'U KrniK1 ! * ' .VINI | > II > * I > . A match was phyed on the Omaha Cricket club grounds yesterday afternoon between teams captained by K. H. Sprague and Hairy New , In which the former won. Score : NKW'S TRAM. W. ItlclmrdBon , I ) . Nealo o W. Vaughnn , b. G , Vaughan 2 It , nowers , c. Douglas , b , o , Vaiiffhan. . 3 J. H. lieynolds , b , Nealo . ] II. New , b. Ne.ilo H. iJiwrle , b. Nealo ] O. Wrlftht , b. O. Vnughan B J. Guild , b. G. VuuKlmn 2 D. liratchle , b. G , Vnughan 3 o Dr. Young , b. Neule Dr. Treynor , run out n , , 3 P. Potter , b. G. Vaughnn o H. Taylor , not out 2 ICxtias , 3 Total 30 SPKAGUK'S TRAM. J. Cameron , c. Ilrotchic , b. W. Vnuchan , S3 It. Taylor I . , ) W. Vaughan , . 2 J. Neale , c , Lawrie , b. W. Vnughan 5 G , Huiat. b. llowers G. Vaiurhnn , b. Ilower.s o Jf. P. Sprague , b , W. Vaughan 2 3 J. Doum'uB ' , e. Brotchle , b. llowers R K. Hurber , b. W. Vaughan 3 K. H. Sprague , 1. b. w , , b. New o J. C. Hrubaker Montgomery , c. Kr.inklln , b. New. . , , 0 , b. Lnwrle , W. M. Taylor , b. Uuvrle 2 J. Slmms , not out 10 Kxtras s 15 HOWLING ANALYSIS. New'8 Innings : O „ , Overs. M'dna. Runs. Wks. , Vaughan 13 4 1C G J. Nualf ' , . 12 3 17 5 Spratuo's Innings ; R. Hewers 10 3 W. Vaughan . . , , 13 1 20 44 3 B H. Now , 4 0 8 H. Lawrie . . . : . . . , . . . , 5 1 G 2 2 Cricket nt I'lilladi-lplilu. PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 2.-The cricket mntclif begun yesterday between the picked Philadelphia team and Captain Warner1 * team of English amateur * was continued today and Philadelphia narrowly a one-Inning escaped defeat. When stumps were drawn this evening the Quaker city repre sentatives had a total of 3M ) runs for their two Innings with ono solitary vvloket to for ' Monday's ploy. The KtiHllslimen , one-Inning yesterday. The Hrltona " " ? ? ° .Monday , with a . full inning , will. It la believed , witu a full number of wlcketa to spare , overcome Philadelphia's - " * S2SSS pln p RF -our order CTJ2I > onn-rn - - now while COAL t may P- you IS \ " \\f \ \ \ .fc > ab ° UtKRUGER BROS. ca'/o. . SSf BS ' Tel. 1270. lllOFomnm. S m0 „ ' , ' Sany Uouso In in. 20 'host" A S' * - any Ce west. ; ca rtc. A. Mandelberg , ' ° \v Calf * L "S'tti 520 SSCTti 13"PAnV * : wfc 4 if V NEW 1.RENCH . 1NEW , I 1 \ That's the loust of its good qimiitloa. Witli a flno stocic of Clothes Washing Machines Onr Paint DansD't Fade Clothes It holds Its color , because It 1 Wringers , etc. , at the ical stuff In It , A painted or 2"r\ \ bed rock prices. oiled Iloor U easily kept clean. We Washing- make sure paints In our are good M machines from $2 to $490 the first place. Then that our wringers prices are the lowest. It's a habit from $1.35 to wo have because wa are Aft"Z $4,00 CUT PIUOI3 DIIUGOISTS. iffl J. A. FULLER & CO ttj * " * * 1405 Cor. 14th and Douglas. v1ltt \ = S9' Douglas St. 7. ' . / < S t I tea i I 'in1 ' /V. M// n 'rS- l 0l - ' . / > L ° ' " * ° . . . 8" . TUto0" * * r It ° 0ln * 1g "fld too tf I IT , X ix < f / / See ' " " o / ttvT * St. < t - - _ a. -u * „ - * - . * i . . , . * - . . i"1 lead of 59 , andi what may bo added before the Quakers' remaining wicket falls. OMAHA OU.V CJLMI'S HISASO.V KM1S. Lust of ( hi * Shoot mill Si > ere < if the MombiTH fur thu Vrar. The last regular shoot of the Omaha Gun club for the season of 1S97 took place at Hardln park across the river yesterday afternoon , and notwithstanding the favora ble weather , the attendance was light and scores mediocre. The result follows : Tliiuhoa 11111 infti nmn ntiiiin Townsenct lllll 10JOO 11111 OHIO 13 Handlett lllll 10111 11110 10001-15 Head , lllll lllll 10110 11100-1(5 ( Squirrel OHIO 00100 11000 00001- Kkalb 10111 11101 lllll 11111-1S Searles 11101 01101 11011 11110 15 Panneleo lllll lllll 11110 11101-18 This leaves the percentage of the con testant for the season as follows ; F. S. Parmelee Shot At. Hit , Miss. P.C. 300 272 28 ! )0.o ) W , ltrc\ver . , , 20 17 3 H. P. IJkalh 440 83.0 O. W , Loomls 400 379 333 62 01 86,1 W , II. 8. Hughes 280 233 47 81 6 ( J. 11. Itamllott S3.2 . . .320 2C3 57 82.1 W. P. Towntenil 410 3M SO P. W. C.umlchael SOO 1C2 81,8 3H J. C. lleeil 300 241 M Kl.o to.3 r. Montmorency 140 112 2S Eo.o W. II. Kenyon 310 271 J. P. SmeaJ 63 79.9 , . , 2SO 218 C2 77.8 M , Learned RO 63 17 TS 7 Q. Ilrucker , , . , . , 2SO 219 Gl 7ii,2 W. P. McKarlane , 420 328 62 780 H. Whltnor ISO 139 41 II , L. .Snarl 210 173 67 77.2 C. V. Hales 290 193 85 72.0 C9.C W. Hallsbury 120 81 39 G7A D. T. titubbs , CO 49 11 f 5 . ' . K Latshuw , IVO 174 45 7U.O J. J , Dickey HO 133 45 75.0 Ted Ackerman , 40 30 lo " 5,0 U. n. Johannes , ,300 213 87 75,0 W. C. Saniuhu 229 1T.C rt la Q The prizes , ten In number , go to the fol- owing lucky members : Klrst iirlze , ham- merless shotgun , P. S. Parmelee ; second , hunting suit , H. F. Bkalb : tlilnl , gold watch , Billy Brewer ; fourth , Winchester rllle , G. N. Loomls ; llftli , steel trout W. II. I. Hughes rod , ; sixth , hell case , C. B. tniullett ; seventh , 600 loaded shells , U. T. Uubbs ; eighth , shooting coat , W. 1) , Townsend - send ; ninth , ono dozen decoy ducks , P. W. Cnrmlcheal ; tenth , revolver , F , Montmor- oncy : consolation troply horse collar W Salisbury. , , AVcfiTH Hri'iiUH a Itceoril. NBW YOHK , Oct. 2. The New York Ath. otic club Held and annual games were held on Travels Island track today. There was u ullff wind blowing from the eastward acroa * the grounds during th * greater part of the afternoon. For u second time this year a dual meet wns arranged between the Mercury foot" experts and the Chicago athletes , and for a second time the western nen had to put up with a cleqn defeat. Ber nard J , Wefers won three events. In one of which ' , the 150-yard run , he smashed the world's record and established n new one. Pho record f r this distance hitherto " * " " " " " "T 0:11 : 1-5 was held by Wood , but Wefers clipped one-fifth of a second off this and . established a new world's record of 0:11 : 3-6. Wtsfers won the fifty-yard dash from Klun- der and Rush , both of Chicago , In 0:5 : I-S and won the last quarter of the one-mile relay race by ton yards from Townseml of Chicago , gaining all that distance and a little more from the time that he had picked up Lyons at the finish of the three- quarters. \VlllHl .VolCH. It Is doubtful If any whist club In the country can show a better record In the matter of attendance than the Omaha Whist club. At hut ono of thn bi-weekly moot- iuga In the past year has the number prca- etit fallen below CO par.cent of the mem bership , and that onetime was the night of the IAk-Sar-IJen paradKtt The scores made during the week wcre-ag follows : WEDNESDAY. North and South ' " ' " ' ' Belndorff and Scrlbner * . > , 229 Jones and Melklo . . . ' 228 Moreman and Uedick ; 228 Heed and Uinelmrt , Mr. , , 227 Hurkloy and Funkhouser 22G Ilurrell and Suinney.i" : 226 Oahn and McDowell11.1 224 Joplln and MoNutt .a..r.a. 223 Stebblus and Stubbs uv 213 Average ' .V. 225 East and West 3" BLifihinaii and Thomasci. ) 249 Coo and Shea . . . . . . , . , , ' | . , 249 Jordan and Lawrencp , . . . . , , 247 Comstock and Shipley' ! . . 2IG Heth and Stanford.7 ! ; , , 242 Brunor and Garner. , . , . , . 212 Peters and Ccaltloy. . , , , , , ' 241 Douglas and Towlo. . , . , . , . . . , 240 Ilird and Hawks . " . 232 Avenjge , 243 SATUHDAY. North and South lianies and Joplln , A. M 2G1 Jones and Itlnehurt 264 Jordon * and Lawrence . . . . , , . , . 257 Ilurkley and Garner . . , , 265 Durrell and Sumney , 255 Uarncs and Morse , . , 243 Avcrago , . . , , , , . . ' . . . 256 Hast and West- Stanford and McDowell 223 Shipley and Comstock 214 Ut'lndorff aud 0 , O. Scrlbner , , , . . 213 Crummcr and C rummer 212 Drur.er and Bushman . , , , . , . . . , 07 Coakley and Peters . , , , . , , , . , 201 Average , , . , , 212 This closes the .record ( or the third xncmtU of the year. The ten highest scores for September are as follows : Name. Score i Name. Score. Joneg 21 Sumney , . . . , . . . . . 15 Hlneliart 21 Garner 13 Ilelndorff 18 Scrllmcr , Q. 0 1J Hurrfll 15 Joidon 11 I awience 13 Thomas 10 For the three ' ' months the'first' ten arc : Name. Score Name. Score. Klneliart It llelndorrt 47 Itceil G7 Alice 4S Jones IB Scrlbner , O , 0 31 Melklo 51 .Sumney 29 Marshall 49 Lawrence 22 Knot Hull RIIIIICN , At Princeton Princeton , 41 ; Lohlgh , 9. At Hanover Dartmouth , 21 ; Phllllps-Ex- eter , 0 , At New Haven Yale , 30 ; Wcsleyan , 0. At Cambridge-Harvard , 20 ; Williams , 0 , At West Point West Point. 3S ; Trinity , C. At Ithncn Cornell , 10 ; Syracuse , 0. At Philadelphia University of Pennsyl vania , 33 ; Bucknell university , 0 , At Carlisle Carlisle Indian School , 30 Dickinson , o. ; At Kaston Lafayette college , 21 ; State college , 0. At Ann Arbor University of Michigan , 21 ; Ypsllantl normal , o. At Lafayette Purdue , 28 ; Illinois State normal , 0. At Oaleeburg Iowa WAsleynn , 18 ; Knox , 1. At Herea Baldwin university 4 , ; Clevo- Cano Scientific school , 0. At Champaign Kureka college , 0 ; Uni versity of Illinois , 26. .Stnrliuck llffrulN .Mlclinol , PHILADKLPHIA , Oct. 2. J , Frank Star- buck of Philadelphia this afternoon defeated Jlmmle Michael In a twenty-Ilve-mlle paced race on the one-third mlle board track at Willow drove , by the narrow margin of six yutds. It was ono of the most exciting mid dle distance races ever seen here. Star- ' buck's time for the twenty-five mllea was 47:02 : 1-5 , and Michael's 17-2-5. Eioh man was In the lead three times during the race , but neither led by more than forty yaids at uny time and the race was In doubt to thu flnlith. Cumiictllluii IN OIK-II tu AIL TECUMSEH , Neb. , Oct. 8pecial.-Tho < ) second day of the fair , next Tuesday , the Tecumseh Gun club will hold an all-day shoot. Liberal puiscx ate offered In ten events and competition la open to all. The marks will bo clay pigeons , live pigeons und jack rabbits. H Thin Afternoon. Heddy Iloss of Council Bluffs and Fred Hall of this city will meet , on the clndoru tomorrow afternoon at University puik In a hutidred'yurd sprint for VA a Hide. Hosa Is an old timer , while Hall Is compurutlvuly a now man , yet , a good race la promised. XOTKS PIIOM OM'AIIA .SUIIIIHIIH. Flori'iii-t * . Miss nianch Jones of Jullcn , Neb , , Is vis iting Miss Eunice Tracy , Mr. and Mrs. Emll Weber of Wayne , Neb. , ere In the city visiting relatives. Miss Emma King Is spending a week In Omaha , visiting the Mlscs Winslado. Mr. B , H. Ilcains of Franklin , Neb. , Is here visiting his sister , Mrs. W. A , Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Tucker of Desoto , Neb , , are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W , J , Klerl. Miss Olga Tucker and Miss Cawthorn of Blair are visiting Mian Mablo Tucker this week. Mr. 15. II. Walker , mayor of the city , Is quite sick , and at this writing Is not any totter. E. J. Bodwell , county euperlntcndent of schools , la In the city visiting the public schools. Frank L. Tracy , with the McCook band , was at Omaha during fair week , spending Sat urday with his parents , who reside here. A revival meeting commences Sunday at the First Church of Christ. An Evangelist from Missouri will conduct the services , Mrs. John Wilson of Oakland , Neb , , who has been visiting her brother-in-law , Frank Wilson , for the past few dayo , returned to Oakland yesterday. There will be a series of meetings at the Episcopal church , commencing soon , con ducted by Father Watson , assisted by Hov. Mr. Iirown , from Mexico. J. K. Darling of Central America Is visit ing Mr. W. C. Hamilton , His object In this country Is to get a company to go to Cential America for the purpoao of starting a coffee plantation , A democratic caucus was held at the town hall last Thursday evening. Services will bo held today at the Meth odist Episcopal church at the usual hours. Miss Dora Munson returned to her home In Qcnesee , III. , last Friday evening , after a ' month's visit with her cousin , Mlui Margaret Safford , A number of little boya and girls were entertained last Thursday afternoon at the homo of Mr. aud Mrs , J. Tompson In honor of their son ticorgo's fifth birthday , A meeting was hold at the bchool house last Tuesday evening for the purpose of electing a new treasurer of the school board , tbo treasurer , C , Johnson , having resigned , There were three candidate * . Joseph Me- Quire , Dr. McCoy and J , A. Howard , The election turued out In faror of Jaraw A , Howard by a larcc majority. HY.MK.VKAL. VALENTINE , Nob. , Oct. 2. ( Special Tclo- gram. ) At the residence of Elden Sparku ' 1 In this place this afternoon. Lieutenant Wll- 1 Ham George Elliott , Twelfth Infantry , Fort Nlobrara , was married to Mrs. Harriet CornIng - Ing of Itoiobud Agency. The ceremony waa performed by Rov. C. T. Dassclt. Ml Mat. tie Carlisle of Ilosobud was bridesmaid and , First Lieutenant Orate Hutchlnson , aldo-de- camp , best man , ' .Si. ] > ( iiiiKi-iiai-liniN Marry. ' LEXINGTON , Neb. , Oct. 2. ( Special , ) Chlttlck Lam mo. and Mrs. Martha Smith wor < married this week , Mr , Lamina is 77 year * old , and the blushing brldo Is 70. Dofr Ciituhi'rN Hound Over , John Brown and Ixi ill 9 Price , dog catch ers , were- yesterday bound over to the dis trict court under $500 bonds for an alleged assault upon Lucy Morris , In which the woman asserts her leg wan broken In her * defense , J , II. IlurroiiKliN Henil. J , H , Burroughs , formerly engaged In bus iness In Omaliu , died near Gordon , Nub. , September 29 , nt the ng ( of 01 years. Safe IloubitrN Arroateil. CHEYBNNB , "Wyo. , Oct. 2. ( Jus Smltzer and George Ilclb liuvo been arrested , charged with stage robbery In Yellowstone park , They word captured In Montana and are being brought hero for trial , THi ; IIKAI.TV MAHIflCT. IN8T1U7MKNTS placed on record Saturday. . October 2 , 16H7 : " WAIUIANTT DKED8. M. J , C. Ityan and liuthand to Daniel Donovun. lot 4 , block 2. I KIIII Place , . . . ! W * Fidelity Tin Hi company to Ole Oleon. lot 13 , block 1 , Avondale park. , , . . . . . t Pioneer Townalte company to Henry Tletje , loll 2 and 3 , block 9 , liennlng- tou . . . , . 109 O , Ii. nickel ! * anil wife In A , P. Maliplu- mlt , lot 23. block 1 , Valley Place . t.00 Catherine 1'sgfler ami liurlmnil to H. K. MtfiiKue , loin 3 and 4 , block Z. L. P , Hommon'l I'laco . . . . . . . . . . , , . , , 409 QUIT CLAIM UUKDS. James fililrvlnjf unil wire to C. M. Ilroad- wt-ll. ClillO fret at point C4 fett e of luv ror lot 4 , block 7 , KlrkwMi'l . 1 Anna Kelker 'id liu bunil to L1 , H , Dunily , lot 'J. block 7 , Kountzo I'lac , , , , , . . , 1 . Same to PjcUfri HavlriK bank , w 75 tttt lot IS. block 103 , South Om.llia . , 47 ; Krank Tliompnori. executor , et ill to C M. llroadvvrll , 32x120 feel < i | point Cl feet e and 120 feet of nir ror tut < , block 7 , KlrkwoaJ add . . . . . (00 bhrrirf In C C ( la'dner. undlv 1-5 or nw no l-li-13 and part ne nw 1 IS13 , . . JJ Tottl umount of tranifer * . , . . . . . . , , , , ,