Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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" ShoTys Etongth , but Realizing
Causes a Declino.
Corn 1'ollnivN Uic I < onilcr nn it All
nml PrurJulon Jlnrkcli
Shuiv u Hllwlit Di-vllnc for
the Dny.
CIIlC'Aao , Oct. 1. Whcnt made n great Miow
of , trciiKlh durliiR the enrly hours ot the * cs-
iiloti today , but gradually chRnged around und
closed ut n ' .i'SHo ' itecllne. Drouth news was
ngnln n prominent bulllth fnctor , but wcnk Lit-
eipoul cables and anxiety to realize ultimately
wipiil out the advance uccnslonc < l by the dry
weather. Corn followed wheat , starling l-Irons
and closing weak nnd ' ,4 ° lower. OatH declined
lie , nnd provisions closed c lower all mound.
Wheat opened rasy at n slliit : decline , Decem
ber ! which closed yesterday nt MliiOc | , start-
Inc today at OQlsftMHc. Tills was becuuso of the
wcnker RnitllMt markets. The weakness wn
ctpeclally pronounced u ( Liverpool , which market
Hurled nt nn udvnncc of WfHd , but before
the opening hcru had declined to from WJ to d
below yesterday's closing prices. All of the of-
ftilntn nt the opening prices were quickly nb-
rorbed , however , nnd nn Immediate change or
{ llrrcllon TWIS Imparted to tbo market. The
% vcntlicr tndlllon rensscrlcd Us Inllucncc , nml
the slight decline at the start was soon wiped
out nnd na advnnce Inaugurated. The price
reached OUic. very nulckly. and after fluctuating
tor it short time lieluecn tlmt and l' ) > ic. It took
another spurt to 9l'ic. Tim mnutnce oc tnn
tlrouth news was Inlrnslflcil by the fact that no
change In the prevailing Conditions antlci-
paleu for ut least thirty-six boura. 'I'm ; anvaiice
to SHiu satlsllcd the bulls nnd they took their
profits. Thnt price , In fact , proved tile turning
point of the day. Various theories were given lo
Account for the Liverpool decline , one being
U wiis partially due to Belling against the No.
2 sprln ; wheat , for which shipping vmragemcnts
were made here yesterday. Tbu Chicago receipts
were 201 cars. Minneapolis and Dulutn got l.U''G '
' ; arn , uciilnst 1,001 cars n week ago , and 1,133 cms
on the coirespondlng' day of Ik ! " ! . The Atlantic
port clearances wire only moderate ut the equlv-
nlcnt In wheat and flour of 233.0UO bushels. Con
tinental markets were from steady 10 Htm ,
1'urls bflnff unchanrc-d and Antwerp 12Vi centimes
higher. The inniket grew quite weak late In the
nrvslon. There wns n good deal ol disappoint
ment over the weakness at Liverpool In the face
of yesterday's strenglh here nnd the advance
nt Ihe morning. Closing prices at l.heri'oul were
WWl'.A'l lower. Many of the early buyers rvsold
nnd tlio market leached the lowest point of tbo
day on thu decline. December selling
lit OOUc. Tbat prlcn was lifj at the close.
( Torn dining the iiiotnlng was In good demand
from shorts on necrmnt of the dry weather and
the consequent enforced feeding of slock , which ,
they claimed , was more of a factor tn using up
the crop than any export demand. Prices ad
vanced Hhurply In the first two hours , then the
infirki't began to feel the effect of free selling
by longs unil gradually declined. Expectations
of heavy receipts tomorrow helped along th *
weakness. UfeelptH were 317 curs , Atl.mtlc
clearances ww > 373.000 bushels. December sold
ut 2lftfl3Qc ! ami 29Vig29Uc , closing ' .4c lower
nt tinbottom. .
OATS was weak nnd lower , prices declining
uln ut Vie all urouniU The late heaviness of corn
was nn Influential factor nud Belling was heavy
nn Ihe btenk In that market. The eatly llrm- was tbic to the drouth reports , llecelpts
were f7 cars. Clearances wore 2CSOOi ) bushels.
Ilircmber sold at ISVlffWHe , closing ! ic lower at
i'rovlfllona were cany , showing but little
R strength even when the grain markets were
nlrong. Iluycrs were discouraged by the more
ncrlnus aspect lo Ihe yellow fever bltu.itlon and
considerable short selling was done on Ibis ac-
oounl. The market closed close to the iKiltom.
jecember pork , Co lower nt JS.22 > i ; December
Inrd , 5o lower at t4,52H , and December ribs , 5c
l/wer / J4.72l/4fTI.75. .
i'lstlnmted receipts Saturday : Wheat , 300 cars ;
coin , S2C cars ; oats , 600 cars ; bogs , 13,000 bead.
Inadlnff future * ) ranged as follows :
ArllcK-BTl Onsn. I llUh. I Low. I Cloij lYuHtdy.
Ool 87M
May. . .
.Oct. . . .
Dec. . . .
Jan. . . .
ed. . . .
Dec. . .
Jail . . .
OoU. . . .
Dec. . .
JJim. . . .
No. 2.
CasVi Isolations were as follows :
FLOUU-Uasy ; winter patenls , J5.00fl5.10 ;
straights , H.70 f4.S5 ; fprlng specials , $3.75 ; tprlng
patents , J5.00ijj.30 ; strnlsht . J4.GOSfl.EO ; bakeis.
WHKAT No. 2 pprlne. SCVic ; No. 3
S'V4S87c ' ) ; No , 2 red , OIUc.
( ) ATS WuaW.'c'fr'o. / . 'b. ; No. 2 while , 22'4@ !
234e ! ; No. 3 white , iOi-2'.lc. '
IIYH No. 2. 4lic.
I1AULKY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 2S@37c ; No.
4 , 27W3.V.
l.'LAXSKKD-No. 1 , 96f97c. ?
TIMOTHY RKKD-1'rlme , J2.C3.
PUOV1S1ONS Mess poik , per bbb. JS.20. Lard ,
per 100 Ibs. , jl.43. Short ribs sides ( loose ) , 14.43
U5.2U , Dry salti'il shoulders ( boxed ) , } 5.DUi/5.23. '
Short cltaT sides ( boxed ) , J3.25iI5.37Mi ,
WHISKY Distillers' llnUhcd goods , per gal. ,
SI ' ' * *
sf'fJAUS Cut loaf , J3.9C ; granulated , J3.3I.
Artlclos. Iloculpu. SUtpmunts. .
Ploiir. bbl . , (1.000 (
Wheat , bit. . . 118.000
Corn , mi. . . , .
Outfl , bn 481.000
Kyc.bu 18.UOO
llarley.uti. . ll'J.OOO
On the Produce exchange today the butler mar-
liei wa'i steady ; civamcileu , 12iinr.c. dairies. 15 ®
19c. Cheese , steady at S59c. MSKS , fresh. lS'c.
Live poultry , rosy ; turkeys. 3fjUOc ; chickens , 7Vic ;
chlckeim , spring. 7io ! ; ducks , 7'JffSc.
Quotations < if Ilif Day on General
* * Coiiimoill t len.
NKW YOUK , Oct. 1.-FLOUR Ueclpla , 23,8
bills. ; export ! * , 21S72 bbls. ; Mow und clo."ed easier
with wheal ; Minnesota bakers' , JI.33SI.50 ; win
ter slrolghls , Jl.0504.73 ; winter extraa , J3.20 ®
S.G3. Uyo flour , ipilct. Huckwheat flour , < iulcl ,
tl 12 00fi2.10.
tJIUCKWIIKAT Dull and easy. 4517c.
O'ORNMKAL Oull ; yellow , Sc.
RV1Kiiky ; No. 2 wvMurli , 4S'.ic ,
1IA1ILKY ijiili'l. SOHo.
W11KAT lleoi'lpls , 3S1.C30 bu. ; exports , 47.S.V
liu. ; spot , weak ; No. 2 led , 93e. Options opened
cany under furelsn wiling , rallied sliatply 01
ill until news and cuverlng' but In late hour
Weakened aguln under dls.ipi > olntlnf ; late cables ,
realliliDC and email exjMrts , clnslng ' , 'jd'Ho net
lower. No , 2 id October , S3fif ( > : ic. clo < ed ! > 3ic.
December , 911 Il > a93 9-1Cc , clo ed 91'Si' .
COUN llecelpts , 23'GOO ' bu. : oporls , 1II.C3
liu , ; l"il. weak ; No. 2. Sic Opllons openeu
nl.-ady and advanced on dry weather , but weak-
R cued Dually with wheat und closed Wfic / net
lower : October , 3 ! < iO32c. closed 32'io ; Decem
ber 3U tf3IKc , closed 24Uc.
OATS Receipts. 1C'SM bn. : extxirls , 10.,527
Uu. ; spat , nulcl } Y 'o , 2 , 23UO23'ic. Opllons
uti-ndy ami moderately active , closing un
changed ; October , 23VS023'4c , clofed 23Uc ; Do-
oemher , 241i4f23o ; clostil 2l ic.
, IIAY-Dull ; shipping , JI.OO'iM.50 ; good to choice ,
it nnci * r.rt
* HOI'S Quiet : Blair , common lo choice , 18D5
c'roii Sfrla ; 1M crop , CWRc : 1897 crop , 14T16c ;
I'ni'lllc oiml. 1895 crop , 3tflo ; IMS crop , COTc ;
' 1SS7 rrT , 12WI5C. , ,
HIT F. Hleiidy ; Galvcaton , 15fl { c ; Texas , 12V >
< ni3c ; California , 17i/18c.
j.BATIIKR Quiet ; hemlock sole , llueno *
A > ) jT21H - , . . . , , , , . „
IIUTTHR Ui'CHlpls. 4.211 pkgs. Market firm ;
western cicnmery , Hff22c ; Klslns , 22c ; factory ,
* '
| SKK | B H'wll'ti. 3 , Pkgs : Market nulet ;
etiitu nml Pfimsylvanla , 17R19o ; wntcrn , 16\4c.
i'ROVlSlONS-lleef. tlrm ; beef hams , JW.OOff
171)0 I'ut meats , dull ; plcktml bellies , O IiSa ;
pickled hoiildi'is , SHc ; plcklc.l haiiii. S'.lfiS'.ic ,
I.nnl ulcndy : westein steam , Jl.85ff4.90 ; rellned ,
riulet. Poik , dullj family. Jit MTlU.CO. Tallow ,
"oi'l -Pctrnleum , nulet ; United. 7Hc. Ilnkln ,
, Mi-ady ; strained , common lu good , Jl.40iil.45.
Turpentine , llrm. 3S'4 fS3c. Cottonseed , dull ,
weak and lower ; prime ciiido f , o , b mills.
lCiil7c" prlmo summer yellow. 2l9Wie : of !
iummer yellow , 23".W2lo ; butter oil. 2W32c ;
prlmo summer wliil * . Jc ; prlnw winter yellow ,
luri-Slr dy ; domestic , fair , 4\CCUc ; Japan ,
MOLA'pSKH-'Plniily : New Orleans , open kettle ,
I ! Eo"l lo choice , 21 Jlo. '
Mi'TALH Plir Iron , warrants very dull , J7.15.
I kr. copper , unchanged at JI1.25. Tin. quiet.
J1S.M bid. J1S.70 p ke < l. Bpelter. nulel at J4.M
lAd , JI.30 asked. Lead , exchanso nulet , Jl 3JS !
bid , JI.35 asked ; brokers' , tronp , Jl.
f J.v | Tiool Crnlii nml PriivlHliinii.
o.uarf 'cut. ' J < M. Lard , prlmu weilern , steady ,
OlI S-tCottonM'eil , Liverpool rettned , dull , 16 * .
, TALI/JW Prime city , dull , 19 * M.
* M'HBAT Kpor , No , 2 red , wenfern winter , dull ,
7a M : red. northern uprlng , dull , 81 6Hd.
CORN * pot , American mixed , new. steady ,
p tf H'l ; American mixed , old , steady. > V ' \ , Oc-
Mnr. 3 Ud ( Noveinl > ert ( | til t , ! * Hid ; Decem
ber. jitlet , 3 * 2d.
nALTIUORK. Ocl. l.FLOl'HQuiet , but tin-
elianKed ; receipts. 17.4TC bbblr. . export * , 1JO hbl ,
\V1IBAT Inactive und nrm r. fpot , MO H4o ;
i DwmUer. Mo bid ; t rn r , f < a. t red , 8T'io bid ;
J celpt , 75.417 bu. ; txport11,004 bu. ; touthern
wheat , by Mrnple , SJJJSSc ; northern wheat , on
Rrade. 87409340 ,
CORN Steady. Spot and month , JJflJJHd De-
eernber , new or old , 32Hc bid ; steamer mixed ,
30'4e , ; receipts , 45 , } bu.i exportc , I25.I1J tnj. ;
touthern white corn , 37y37ic ! ; fouthern yellow ,
OATH Firmer ; No. 2 white. Hi"c ; receipts ,
37. K9 bu. ; ciprrlf. 1W.OW bn.
IIYIDull : ; No. 2 wntern , Kc asked ; receipts ,
4J.M9 lit ! . ; e portl ! , 17.M3 bu.
HAY -Firm for the better grades ; choice tim
othy , JI3.Otiff1J.rA
OUA1N KUKiailTS-Qitlet ! rates firmer ; steam
tn Liverpool , per bu. . 4Hd. October : Cork , for
orders , per quarter , 3s "H < liJ2s M , October and
PIlODUCn-Uutler nnd egKS , nrm nnd un
changed. Cheese , steady and unchanged *
Condition nf Trmlc ? nnil ( Inntnllonsi
nn Stnplianil Knncr Proiliu'O ,
KCSCIS Oood stock , weak nt Uc.
11UTTKU Common to fair. So ; choice to fancy ,
12014c ; stporntor creamery , 21 ; gatl rcd cream
ery , ISjjlPc.
VKAICholce fnt , 80 to 120 Ibs. . quoted nt 8c ;
large and course , 4JIc.
l.IVK I'Ot'LTUY-Hens. H07c ; cocks , Sa4o ;
spring chickens , per Ib. , 7'.ic ; ducks , Cff7c ; tur
keys , C fc.
1'HIKONS Live , "Sc ; dead pigeons not wnntcd.
HAY Upland , 15 ; midland , 14. M ; lowland ,
J4 ; rye straw , jicilor makes the price on
hay ; light bales sell the best , only top uradei
brlnit top
HUOO.MCOUN Hxtremcly slow sales new crop ,
delivered on Irack In counlry ; choice green sclf-
worMnic carpet , ) ier Ib. , 2ifJ'.4c ' ; choice ercen ,
running to hurl. 2HSc ! ; common , I'.ic ,
- , .
TOMATOKS-per half bu. basket. 25O40C.
ONIONS Per bu. . MjrS5c.
LIMA HKANS-Per Ib. , 3c.
nKANS-Hand-plcked navy , per bu. , J1.4001.CO.
- grown. Ic.
AVATKUMKI/lNS-Craled. per dnz. , Jl.EO.
I'OTATOKS Home grown , COJi-CSc ,
Ai"rii < : Per bbl. , J2.OOfl2.I3.
NATIVK PLUMS-Pcr basket. 203330.
OUAPKS California. J1.25R1.50.
fords , ta , clings , 700750.
PKAUS UaiUetl. per case. J2.23 ; ITlah Hart-
let ! * , JI.73HI.M : Iliierre Tlnnlv , 41.SOffl.75.
HOMK OUOWN OUAPKS-Pcr basket. ll 15c.
RALIFOUNIA PLUMS Per case. Jl.00ifl.25.
CUANlinuiUKS-Cnpe Cod. perbbl. , J6.00.
LKMONS-Messlnas , Jl.2304.r,0 , ; choice Call-
foinla , J4.00.
OUANOKS-Medltctranean sweets. JI.23RI.CO.
HANANAS Cliolce , large stock , per bunch ,
J2.Wg2.23 ; medium-sized bunches , Jl.COff2.00.
NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib. , largo
size. 13c : Ilrazlls. per Ib. , lOc : KngllMi walnuts ,
per Ib. . fancy , roft shell , 12ai3c ; stnndards. lOtf
lie niberts , per Ib. . lOc ; pecans , polished , \nrgf \ ,
9T/10o ; Jumbo , 115712c : largo hlcKory nuts , J1.23
per bu ; cocoanuls 414c each.
FIOS Imported fancy. 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes ,
12c ; fi crown , 50-Ib. boxes , 1331IC.
HONKY-Cluilce white , 13c.
CIDKU-Claillled Juice , per half bbb , J2.33 ; per
bbl. . J4.008425
MAPLE SVUUP Five-gal , cans , each J2.23 ;
gal cans , pure , prr doz. , J12.00 ; lialf-gal. cans ,
JG.25 quart cans , J3 CO.
DUKSSKD .IlKKI.-nood native steers. 400 to
COO Ibs. , ic ; good forequarter.s. steers. Ct ; good
hindquarters. So ; western sleers , CWSUc ; fancy
heifers , Co ; good heifers , 6'Jc ; good forciiuaiters ,
heifers f.c ; good hlndnmrlers , heifers , Sc good
cows , 6'4c ; fair cows. Cic ; common cows , fi'Jo :
cow forequartcrj , 4',2j3c ; con hindquarters , 7'4
11KKF CUTS Tenderloins , ISc ; boneless slrlps ,
9c : slrlp loins , "c. lolls , 9c ; sirloin bulls. e ;
shoulder clods , Cc ; rump butts , f.c ; steer chucks ,
to ; cow chucks , 4Vic ; boiiplesa chucks , 4 c ; cert
plates , 3c ; steer plates. 3'i0..llink ' ! steak. O'ic :
loins , No. 1 , 14c : loins , No. 2 , 10',4c ; loins , No. 3.
S'.ic ; sirloin ends. No. 1 , 9c ; ribs. No. 1. He ;
ribs , No. 2 , Stic ; ribs. No. 3 , 6V4c. steer rounds ,
7l c ; cow rounds , 7c ; cow rounds off , SVic : trim
mings. 4c ; beef shanks. 2V c ; brains , per do ? : . ,
33c ; sweetbreads , per Ib. , 12c : sweetbreads
( calves ) , per Ib , , 40c ; kidneys , per do ? . , S5c ; ox
lulls , each 3c ; livers , per Ib. , 2c ; hearls , per Ib. ,
2c ; tongues , per Ib. , He.
MUTTON Lambs , S c ; sheep 7Vtc ; Market
racks ( long ) , 9c ; hotel racks ( snort ) , 12c. legs
Pd saddles , Sc ; lamb legs , 9s ; breasts ana
stews , 3c : tongues , each 3c.
POUK Tres et" . .pigs , Cc ; dressed hogs 3Kc :
tenderloins , 13c ; loins. 7c ; spare rlb . Ic ; ham
sausage , butts , Cc ; shoulders , rough , CVjC ; shoul
ders , skinned. Cc ; trimmings. 4 0. loaf lard , not
rendered , Cc ; heads , cleaned , 3c ; snout nnd enrp ,
3o ; backbones. l4c ! ; cheek meats. 3c ; neck
bones. IVfcc ; pigs' tails , 2c : plucks , each Bct
chltterllnKS , 5c ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. , 23c ;
stomachs , each 3c ; tongues , each 7c ; kldneyp ,
per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15c , pigs * feet ,
per doz. , 2.c ; livers , each 3c.
HIDES No. 1 green bides , 7cf No. 2 green
bides Cc ; No. 1 salted hldm. 8l4c ; No. 2 srecn
salted hides , ' ' ,4c ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 lo 12 Ibs. .
Scf No. 2 veal enlf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Cc ; No. 1 dry
Hint hides , 11Q.3 ; No. 2 dry flint bides , SfflOc ;
No. 1 dry salted hides. 9iI10c ; part cured hide ; . ,
' .4c per Ib. lejs than fplly curea.
SHKKP 1'ELTS Orccn .salted , each 13ft75c ;
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) each 15c ; dry shearlings ( short woolert
car'y skins ) , No. 1 , each Cc dry Hint. Kansaa
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual
weight , 4S3f.idry flint. Kansas and Nebraska
murrain woo } iw4ts. per ib. , actual weight , 3tf4c ;
drv ttlnt Coloindo butcher wool pelts , per Iu. ,
actual weight , 403e ; dry flint Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight , 3i4c ; feet
cut off , as It Is lifeless lo pay freight on Ihem ,
St. Loul.s Coin-mi Mnrlci'ts.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 1. FLOUU-Qulet and steady ;
patents. Jl.90fl5.00 ; straights. Sf.WiJ 1.70 ; mejlum ,
WHKAT Unsettled ; closing with October He
higher , December 'Ac lower and May He higher ,
compared with yesterday ; December opened ut
Wtis , advanced Uic , declined I'.ic and closed 'ic
above the bottom. Spot , p.ilcr ; No. 2 red cash ,
elevator , 96c bid ; track , WQSi'.ic ; No. 2 hard , cas.i ,
S5c ; October , 93i4c ; December , M'/ic ; May , 'JZViC
COUN Futures fluctuated within a smill range
and closed about ns yesterday. Spot , higher ; No.
2 cash , SGlic ; December , 20io bid ; May , 30i0 !
OATS Dull mid weak ; No. 2 cash , elevator , 20c
bid : truck , 20 20Kc ; No. 2 white , 22ft22ic ; De
cember , 20o bid ; May. 22H 22c.
RYE Steady at 42c.
COUNMKAL Steady at J1.50B1.D5.
URAN Strong ; sacked , 45c ; country points and
east track , 47c.
FLAXSKKD-Stendy at 93'4e.
TIMOTHY SRKD Prime. 52.70.
HAY Firm for top grades ; prairie , J7 ; timothy ,
1IUTTKR Firm ; creamery , ! CJf22c ; dairy , 11
KOOS Firm at lUJc.
POULTRY Chickens , easier ; old bens , 6V c ;
springs , 707'.iic ; ducks , CV4c ; geese , Cc ; turkeys.
, .
WHISKY I iwer at J1.20.
MKTAI-S-Lend , dull nt J4.150I.2214. Spelter ,
dull at JI.03.
PUOVlrilONS Pork , unchangel ; standard me s ,
Jobbing , J8.fiO. Iwird , lower ; prime , JI.33 ;
choice , J4.40. Hacon , ( boxed lots ) , extra fhort
clear and ribs , J6.23 ; shorts , JG.CO. Dry salt meats
( boxed shoulders ) , extra short clear und ribs ,
J5.50 ; shorts , J5.75.
UUCKIPTS Flour. 0,000 bhjs. ; wheat , 42,000 bu. ;
corn. 120,0 * ) bu. ; oats , Ct.OOO bu ,
SHIPMENTS Klour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 43.000
bu. ; corn , 34 , COO bu. ; oats , C.OOO bu.
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 1. Wlil-JAT-Morket about
Wo higher , fairly active ; No. 1 bard , 8IVUT 44c ! ;
No. 2. bltfS3Uo ; No. 3. 79O8lo ; No. 4. 7C Wc ; No.
J red , Die ; No. 3. 83imc ; No. 4 , Hie ; No. 2 , fprintr ,
CORN Mar'kcPubout steady ; No. 2 mixed. 2li
OATS Market about steady ; slow ; No. 2 white ,
RYK Market weak : No , 2. 42c.
HAY Market steady ; choice prairie , JG.OO ;
cholo timothy , SE.tM.
UUTTKlt Market unchanged ; creamery , 201fllc ;
dairy. 14R17c.
icaS-Murket easier. 11UC.
HIX'F.IPTS Wheat , 215,400 bu. ; corn , 50,100 bu. ;
oats. 13.WO bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 133,500 bu. ; com , " 0,100
bu , ; outs , 2,000 bu ,
PEORIA , Oct. 1. COUN-FIrm and hlshcr ; No
2 , 27Ue.
O ATM Firm but Irregular ; No. 2 while , 2-
WHISKY Price not quoted.
UKCEIPTS Corn , M.300 bu. ; onts , 35,200 bu.
ry .nnd wbUky , none ; wheal , 2.400 bu.
SHIPMENTS -Corn. 2J.IVH bu. : outs. 37.250 bu.
rye , none ; whisky , (90 bbls , ; wheat , COO bu ,
drain Hri-Hiil * nt Prliii'lpnl larked *
CHICAGO , Oct. 1. Receipts ; Wheat , 204 cars
corn. 674 cars ; oats , 617 curs. Esllmalcd re
celpts tomorrow : Wheat , 300 cars ; corn , 825 cars
oats. M > 0 cars.
MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. l.-Recelpts ; Wheat , t 7
ST. I/UIS , Oct. 1. llecelpts : Wheat. CO cars.
KANSAS CITY , Oct. l.-lleceliJts : Wheat , S59
cars ,
Tolcilo 31urk < 'l .
TOLHIK ) , Oct. 1 , WHEAT Active , lower : No
2 cash 9le : December , 94'c. !
COUN I'anler : No. mixed , 20c ,
OATS-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 22c.
IIYH Hlendy : No. 2 cash , 47ic !
CIJJVKnSKBl > Prime caoh , J3.25 ,
Oil * Unchanged ,
Sun I < 'riiiicU-u " \Vlu-iit Qnotnl IOIIH.
DccemWr. Jl 4IH ! May , J1.41U.
SiiKiir .Mnrkuln.
IXlNDON , Oct. l.-SUQAU-Muicovada , 9 > Jd
centrifugal. 1C * W. Ueet sutar. October , 8s
? 4d : and March. 8a lOttd.
NEW YOUK. Oct. 1 SUaAU-Uaw. nomlnul
fair refining , IHc ; centrifugal , 9G teat. 3 15-Uc
Uellntd , Heady ; sUndard A , to confectioners
A , Sc ; cninhed. s ; c ; powdr J , SHc ; Granulated
NEW OHLEAN8 , Oct. l.-SUQAIl-Qulft
open keltic , iUfJSHo * cnrlfucal t'r nui t d
4Var < fMCc. whitn. 3 U-l 4 S-atteJ J-ellotr * . * V
tfloj ccoad l
Enconragine Statistics for Third Quarter
of Present Year ,
* " " "
Amount nf Dcfnultril Llalillltle * Con-
Hlilcrnlil } " LCMN Tlinn fur Same
, 1'erloil for tin ; PiiHt (
, Klvc Yearn. , (
NEW YOUK , Oct. 1. U , O. Hun & Co.'a Weekly
llevlcw of Trnde will * ay In Ha Issue tomorrow ;
The failure * during the third quarter of 1897
obtained yesterday by telexrnph wetc 2)03 ! , with
liabilities of t2S,9C34l , of which twenty-nine
were In bnnklnir for J3.3S7.0S9. Commercial tall *
tires numbered 2.S74 , with liabilities ot } 25.ri7 .P2 ,
average only I8.M9 t-nch , lower than In nny ollKr
iiuarler for twenty-tilted year * . The ninount of
defaulted llnhlllltes Is the smallest In nny quar
ter for live years , nnd In fifteen senr.1 only six
quarters have shown smaller liabilities , Sinn-
ufnclurlnK fHllures numbeipil C5l , with liabilities
of t9,42Il l , nvciace but (14.4S7 each , nnd trnd-
Im ; 2.1CI , wllh llablllllei of $ lS. : : > , Oil. . , nverage
but 13,927 each , both smnller In nveniRe of Ha-
bllltleR than In any previous year ot uhlch
clusslllcd records exist.
The volume of li'Kltlmate business continues
n little larger than In the same month of I ! < i2 ,
or while the srent Increase of 27.1 per cent nt
New York for the week mlRlit Iw mipiiornl to
ie iluo to speculative nctlvlly In siltu | of Ihe
stabllshment nml icrowth of the Stock exchanse
luitlnK house , yet payments through the prln-
Ipal clearing bouses oulsldo of New York ex-
eedeil Ihose of 1SS5 by 3.B per cent for Ihe week
mil 2 per cent for September , New York makes
ettlemcnts for n. lame part of the country nnd
he dally nvernKo , Including this clly. was In
September J2i ) .3G4OC < > . nRalnst J134Wfl.OOi ) last : J133.310t'CO In 1S4 , J122.733.0W In 1593 nnd
176.327,000 In 1 2 , o that the piln over the fame
nonth In ( lie best of past years U 17 per cent.
These evidences of revlvliiK prosperity are the
norn Important because julceH for most man-
ufoclurtMl producls have ndranced mcxlernlcly
> nd are below the level for IW , while the spccui
alive markcLi are nil ilecllnliiR with curious
inanlmlly , ns If the large crojw , which make
grain and cotton weak , would not assure In
creased business to railways nnd warrant better
irlces for stocks.
Speculation In wheat and collon lias been set
back by brlsht ciop prospects. The wheat cstl-
malcM of f.XOuOCn ! ) ( ) bushels , about ,4M.i > > .fru ;
nishclu tnore than required for foo.1 anieeillnT.
envlnc the smallest stocks for six years with
out replenishment , was followed by dccteaso In
forelRti buyltiR nnd caused weakness. Yel we l-
ern recelpls for four wcekw wcte 27S25.f > 34
bushels , against 24.C9I.04I bushels for the same
weeks last year , nud Atlantic exports. Hour In
cluded , are K.,325,117 bushels. ngulmU S,17GSGI
iiishels last , while Pacific kblpnu-nts ni -
uUo very heavy , nnil corn exports continue over
7 per cent more tlinn Inst year. The price of
wheat has declined 5 cents , and of corn nearly
2 cents for the week. Dismal repoits hive been
frequent , but the market B.IOWB more fallh In
liredlctlon of some large yield , and prices de
clined U cent for the past wed :
Turnlmc ftom iqieculallvc maikets to productive
industry the changes nre striking. All Industries
are pushed by Increased working forces , with
occasional Increase In wages. This Is latgcly
for replenishment of slncks. lint d'spKch-s ' shim
that retail trade ut nearly all northetn points
cnnllmies to expand , nnd dealers well know that
Increase of working force ami of WARCS Insures
n larger dl trlbutlon of goods. Anxious appeals
for speedy deliveries dlnclosc more rapid distribu
tion , nnd In texllle manufactures the works are
hindered from taking ns llberjl orders s they
might by doubts about future prices , ( bough
bavins enough to do for some time. The advnncc
In cotton goods has been checked by the decline
In , but In wjrolen Roods the advance
In jirlcej lint * been nmall. compared wllh the rise
111 wool , which Is helped by stronger prices nt
I nndon sales. The dealings , mainly speculative ,
have amounted to CG.T.Ol.lOO pounds In four weeks ,
48.572,200 pounds being domestic , but recent sales
ofcry large lotu suggest that profit taking
may have begun. Slower to gain , because lesti
affected by replenishment of dealers' stocks than
other Industries , the Iron manufacturer has brer
pushed to further expansion by growing denrmd
for finished products , which has caused a lltllc
farther advance In prices , while pig Iron Is , il-o
higher , 23 cents foil Uesscmer at Plttsburff. with
purchases of 30.000 tons by one concern , and ns
much higher for nnthrncllo No. 1 at the ea l , with
No. 2 advanced by Ihe asAoclallnn lo J1.31. ni
southern No. 2 no longer offered below SS nt
Utrmlngham. The average advance in all Iron
nnd steel prices , 9.9 per cent from t'.ie lowest , H
still restricted by additions of many futnnces
and other works to those In op"artlon.
Failures for the week have been 191 In the
United States , against 23 last year , and thirty-
four M Canada , agalnut forty-six last year.
AiTKri-Kuli' < > f HiiMliioHK Traiimic-lloitH
Of till ! AKMIIullltPll lIllllUM.
NKW YOHIC. Oct. 1. The following- table ,
c < 'illcd by lirndslrcet , shows the bank clearings
atVichty-seven cities for the week ended October
1 , with the percentage of Increase and decrease
as compared with the corresponding wtck last
exlenslin of iwiil.\tlnn > R4 reached l irc
where larse Interests W'eiued danger from nllow.
n * It to continue utlt'WiWl , and that the 1-
cged withdrawn ! of sivp | < . .rt by such people was
eslsned to nverl n hlorK never * shock to the
narket Inter on , when It might be impossible
i control the situation : in the present ln < t nc
t I * , Indeed , claimed tlmt the renctlnn has lieen
more severe than the 11III,1 leaders expected , The
enr of complications M-llfi flpnln was allayed nt
ho end of the week by the fall of the Spanish
ahtnet ,
The yellow , fever nt\Vp south ha * undoubtedly
> ecn n factor to some extent , particularly In tic-
ireMlns the southern clocks * The gas stocks
vcrc notably weak on lUutldatlnn by speculative
uyerx , nnd some othWfavorltes tn the outside
ecurltles have furfcrnJUt-vrro setbacks. Among
lie few sli-onR features of the week's tpecula-
Ion Union l"acinc secur.Hj bud n lending place ,
he rise being- based on The decision of the KOV-
rnment to nblde by HIP degree of foreclosure.
This Involvlnp a * It il * i the prompt sale of the
iroperty In Novembernnd the carrying out
he plan of reorcnnlsntlnn has t > een well re-
elved In the tiimket. th'Otigh It Is severely crltl-
Ised by portion of the public pros. Northern
'aclflcs nni slrong on the belief that n dividend
vlll he ileclnreil on Ibo preferred stock next
veek. Sugar shared In the great decline and
lock Island and Chicago Clas were weak.
Oniiilin Annum MIC Cltli-n Fiivorril
with n (5 neil Tvnilr.
NKW TO11K , Oct. 1. Itradstrcet's tomorrow
vlll my :
General trade Is marked by Increased activity
n wrnil , hides. Iron nnd steel , nnd their mann-
nctured products , but buslne In the quarantine
llnrlcts remains at n Mnnrtillll. and st nil , ex
cept n few northwestern dUlrlhutlng centers. In
fprlnp wheat stale * , where business Is relatively
nest iietlve , there ID a cheek ti > the demand for
Iry Roods , hnls mid clothing , Favorable teporls
eomo from n region extending from Knoxvllle to
St. Paul nnd from Omaha to Mllwjuk e. The
tendency Is to Increase estimate * of the w'leat
crops nnd Increase tlie nrutmllo yield of rottun.
The price movement shows n lour ll t of un
changed quotntlons this week. Including varloim
ri > n nnd Mctl staples , wool , hides , print eloths ,
umber , nails , copper , pork beef , ooff"e unit
sugar. Increases nre confined to a nominal d-
vimce for anljirncllf coal. 2i cents for lte emcr
ilg Iron1 , fractional Ruins for leaf tjbacco.
taval ntnres , butler , Innl and another advance
for woolen good ? . I'olnloes have reacted from
he extremely hlh price ? nt the west nnd cotton
s off further. Lend Is lower , ns nrc corn , oats
nnd Hour. In sympathy with wheat , whlc'.i
Iroppcd 2 cents en HiadMrect's leporled Increase
of nearly lO.PCO.r.M In tiie woild'ulslble stocks.
Wheat < tlour Included ns wheat ) exports from
both coasts of th Untied States nnd Montreal
.bis week fllKhtly exceed those of last week.
: he tolnl ngiregallni ? r. , ! > 2l.2ll > buslicls npalnst
5.M8.523 Imrhrls Inst week : 4.215231 bu.hcU In
tht- week a year ago : 2.f,13.SG < i bushels In ISM ;
I243.KO bushels In 1MJI. nnd 3 ISO iim bushels In
13. Corn exports allowed considerable fa'I'm ' ?
off. the total being .U'-S.GOI ' 1m h ls. n * lnM
4.022.00' ) btnlu'ls last weeU : siTifliO bushel * n
year ago ; 1.3S3 T.M bus'.iels In lfv > CS.COO bushels
u 1SV4. and 042.CCO bushels In 1SOJ.
The total number of business fillnros In the
I'nltcd States for the nine inrntlm reported by
llrndslreet's In 9.S33. n decrfn'e of 11 per cent
from the corre p' ' > ndlnir lolal las-t year. Just 0
per cent more than In U9I. and 11 per cent fewer
Ihnli In the corresponding period In l"t. This
year's falllni ; corpnintloim. llrma anil In llvldu l ,
reports JI1S.4 4 ( M ltil > | ! lll s. u tolnl of SO per
rent smaller than one year ago ; itbmit fi per cent
larger than In the nine montln f isori nnd of
IfMI , nnd 01 per cenl lc s I inn In the rorrc ° pnml-
IUK period of 1 0.1 The rate of failure In proportion
tion to the ii'iniber In bu lneis l deen-aslntr.
\Vllh lefeience to liabilities Hifnlltn rff Is
noticeably rnpM. Iturtnors failures fimtiKlinut
the Dniiiliilon of Cnnni'n amount to 1 Wl f r the
inst nine mnntlii. n f'lllni ; off. as crnv.iared with
last year of KO or llts tlinn ID pci * cent. Total
llnbl'ltle' ' i"c ' 0E3.XiO ( this year , aRalnrt $ i-
IlO.OfiO last year. ' I . .
ItiillM Tiikc Uolil of < lic MnrU'-'l iiurt
1'rlorM lux'i' lTp\Turjl ,
NE\V YOItK. OM. 1. The bulH made their
Hrft aRKresslve stnnil tixlay for over two wreks
nnd nfter n Decline In the earlier part of the
day they came foi unl' to the support of the
maiket. checked tUe decline nnd brought the
closlnR jirlccs very pencrally above l.iFt nlhl'3 ;
level. There WJIH r.othi i ; 1:1 : tn > * nc\ps of the
day that could be ocunliM more fr.vorahlu than
on Hie day or two preylgu * . and the rh&rpcnlni ;
of the call money In preventing th.iccovcry
nnd the close at inVactlenIy the highest p.ilit
of the day. Hitherthis WTS beraii H tlio . " per
cent rnli- which HS ikted : was conskle'c I r.r- nnd mnnlpuhitlVe' or because rnnlldvtue
MUS felt Hint It wimKl t rt.-ult In the prompt
Importation ofold ( , to lelleve npy pri.babu !
stringency , further .lowering of 'i per cent In
the actual late for iU > rund sleilinv to J4.S5i
encouraged this vWw."nr.d the pr/iliablllty of
Kold for linpoit wus toely talked all day. The
market wa * nuprlflnKly Jrrcgulnr. prices of
some stocks movioi ; ) | p and down by wl ! e Jumpa
apparently entirely 1ndei nli > nt of any scneral
tindency In the marKetU The. early tradhiB of
the bfjrs on specialr-.ooks In cacJi eroup waa
uucccfsful In il-pifji'i-Uii ; Ute pirtlcular Rroup
nnd the wilolo list byr ympatny. ' ChlcSRO faa
continued 'umtrhc'avy'pri ? Mii < ' 'rtnn moved over
n ranse of neaily tlrmf point * . Omaha waa
Heli-ctcl In the Eranser Ki-oup and was pol.l down
ut one time nearly two pclntp. Mlrsou.'l I'lielllc
was tinv.eik rpot In Iliu njutliwitcrna nnd
was foiced down IVi per cent , and so on for
other stocks. The tendency of the list to move
Independently of tin EC blocks under pressure
waa the llrst evidence of iccr.pcratlon. Soon
afterwards sustained buying en a lanje scale
becime "vldcnt nd a heavy coverlns movement
by the bearx fcllrwed. DuyliiR orders by the
comnicsrn ! hon'-ej also hai adde.i to the
stivriKth of the r.iniket. ' Onl bl customers who
hail sold shoit Joined In the coverliiK movement.
There was n maikfd change 111 the whole tone
of the vpp.-ulatlon , the market btfccmln ? dull
whenever the Keurs sunceeile.l In checking the
advance nnd business uliowlnR a lively Inerfnfe
wlunever the courre of prices tuineil upwards.
The railroad eainlnes repoited dtirlns the Cay-
continued to sluv IncreaseNortnern Pacific
reporting an incr r.e for the third week In
September of JIK 7. > 7. IxiulsvllI ? * Nashville's
net tncieore for AuRiift was Jlil.TJ'J. A striking
remit In the I'.eelli.c In the pi Ice of silver was
fhown In the August statement of the Mexican
Central. Whll" the gross canilns" showed an
Incre-ase of I3M.1S ? . the net ea'iiln ? < showed a
decrease of JI2.V47F. This was due. Ihe clllclals
of the railroad explain , to Increased expenses
causil by the lilRher inte.i of exchange to the
United Stales , In the purchase of material and In
other outlay. I onion was n buyer In this mar
ket aRnln today. Some of the stocks which
rho-.vcd wcaknem early In the day fulled to re
cover entirely , but showed net Rains , as a rule
ranslnir from a. fraction to 2 p r cent or over.
Consolidated Cns , after falllni ; 4 points , rose
1314 per cent and receded 4Vi per cent. 1'rlces of
< iult < - : i number of sto.'ka fell at one period of
the reaction ' . ' points or over from the early high
' Itaflroail bends rallied strcnsly after early
depression. Total sales , J1.7W.COO. Unite ) , States
new -Is were advanced Vl > per cent bid tmlay.
The UvenlnR Post's lymjon llnanclil cablesram
says : "A further Improvement was note-1 In the
stock inaiketn tfMhiy. lutlnes ls nireadlnK In
every depaitinent. with a thorouRhly liealthy
tone. Americans were exceptionally dull tor Ihe
Rrcater part of the day. but thord wfis a sharp
rally tonlsht on New Yoilt support , which , 1C Is
believed here , will bo continued. The elope was
at t'.i < - best. It Is dlllicult to pay how far the
public here will respond. Probably those recently
In t.'ie market will now take n fre > .h hand , but
tlio new public t-cemed llliely to be attracted to
mines. West Australia mines have been lioom-
Inc for the last.fuw days Home rails were
Rood while In the forelcn market , the slrensth
of .Spanish nnd ArReutlne recurltlea was the
feature. Copper stocks were elroiiR. The Paris
bourM- wax llrm on the huyln ; of tlntoa nnd the
Uerlln market was steady. "
The fnllnwlnR were tnc closlns quotations on
th leading ttocks of the New York exchanse
today :
AtchlHnn 15 I do p'fd 10f
dopfd . jiaM'St. ' IMiil
llaltlmoroi Ohio. , do jifil MIV <
Canada P.iolllc . 775 ; St. 1' . ft Om 8IP.I
Canada Southern , ° > 'li < do pfd Ill )
RfntralP.iclflc. . . . 17 St. P. M..M I'.MI
Choi. A , Ohio So. Pncltlc II )
ttMaano V Alton. . HISo. . miltvay KIM
O..J1.AQ 117 do pfd v.'K
O..VK. I 07 iTexai * Pacllic. . , . .M'i
(3.O. C. .VSl , L. . . RllKiUiilonPuclllc PJ
iloiifd hiW : IT. P. I ) . .1(1 UM
WabaHli Rile
' ' ' ' '
Del'/L-i W..3S7 ! ilo pftl " ) (
IkMl. . ' ; Illu C Ill Wlii > i l..t L. K ' . " . <
dopfd 40U do pfd M
Krlounw ( ) Hl'4 Adanm Kx IBS
KrlelHtpfd 41Ki Amerlcnii Kx 117
KU Wavin 1UH United Stnieinx.Ill
Orent Northern | ifd.lS ; | i j Wells Karzo KX..1UX
Hocklti ? Valluv. . . ' ' A. ( Jot. Oil 'Jlf !
RllnolHCmilral. . . . do pfd 74ti
. Am'n SplrllH I''Ji
dopfd 7ll do pfd 30s
LaknShom it' ' Am. Tobacco H7)i )
do pfd lia
Manhattan L , . Chicago ( las Orili
Mot. Traction. . Cons. ( ! : it 711
Michigan Cnnli RO-II. Cable Co 173
Mlun. & SI. L . Jfl Col.F. .V Iron tfOl :
do iHt pfd. . , . do pfd 80
Mo.l'Aclllo fipn. Kh'olrlc aiK )
Mot.H. ) .t Ohio IlllnolHSU-nl 47 > t
Mo.K. ( t T LtlCludo G.IH 4'A\ %
do pfd i\aii. . .
riilcairo , Ind . dopfd
do pfd f IK NatLin. . Oil 103
N.J. Cantral P..r > JPncino Mall 5 : ll ! ;
N. Y.Oomrol llllJiI1iiHiiinii Pal ' 1711
N' Y" ciit'.t St. L . i'liiUifillrcrCi'rliiicatoii. . D5N
dulat pfd Til iStaml.Kopo JkT. . . . UVi
do'jdpfd as Hiiirar 14BH
Norfolk , Woaioni fiyr < lo pfd 114J
No. Amor. Co Jl > iT. ! U.fc Iron 30) ) .
No.l'acltlc 'JilKlU. S. leather tilj
do pfd Ct1U ; do pfd 04i
Ontario A : W 17 fu : J. Ktilibur 17H
Ore. IIVNiy : III do pfd 0iii ; !
Ore , Short Line VOX I Wimtern Union BU > J
I'lltHbure 1.MI | fhl ! , ( \\Vstrru. . . . 17M
" ' ' ' ' ' "
Hook Island. . . bnvjj do pfd ! . . ! . . . . . 10 i
Sl.Unim.VS. K . . . . A I
Sales ot mocks today were 601. 00 shares. In
cluding ; AtchUon preferred , 15,557 ; Chesapeake
& Ohio , 7,03' ' ) ; Chicago , llurllnglon & Qulncy , 40- ,
711 ; l JUUvlllo & Nashville , 5.S2S ; Manhattan , 14-
123 ; Missouri Pacific. 2C.920 ; _ Missouri , Kansas &
Texas preferred , 5.160 ; New Jersey Central , 5.035 ;
New York Cclitrul , 8.320 ? Northern Pacific , 0IO ;
Northern Pacific preferred , 22.810 ; Northwestern ,
4,835 ; Ontario & Western , 3,710 ; Readlne , ,
Ilock Island ex-dlv. , 23.0 5 ; St. Paul , 38,720 ;
Omaha. 5.530 ; Southern Hallway preferred , 11-
400 ; Union Pacific , 18,315 ; Union Pacinc , Denver
& Gulf , 4.654 ; Wabash preferred. 4,195 ; American
Tobacco 6,240 ; Chicago Oa . ( .9.1US ; Consolidated
Gas. 6.6CO ; I < ead , 3.t ; Puclllc Mall. 4.0U ) ; Sugar.
20,135 ; Tenneisee Coal and Iron , 11,553.
JVew Vorlt Slonry Mnrktrt.
at 2Vi@S per cent.
STERLINO KXCHANOU-Heavy with actual
buslneM In banker * ' bill * at | l.l4H04tlK for
demand nnd nt Jl 8241J4.S2 l for sixty days.
Posted rates. JI.83UI.84 nnd Jl.SSHSI.SS. Com
mercial bills. JI.SI.
MEXICAN DOl.LAU8-42 < iic ,
_ Clo lni5 quotntlons on bonds were n * follow * ! _
" " ' *
u , s."iicw4 , mr".i > . ' 5vtiN , o. IN. , . . ; . . . . . . . . iaa
U.S. m'W.scou..l25J | < .iN. C. 4
U.S. . ? . 111)1 ) No. Pacltlo
U.S. 4R.COUP 113 No. P.iclflo 3s. . MI
U. S. 28. reif 118 No. IMclfle 4s. WOVI
U , S. fts.rep U4 N. Y. n A St.
U.S. ( in.roup 114 ( N. A W. H . . . . .121
District 3. tljs 1ll ! | N. W. Consols . . .14t : | <
Aln. , Rs A. . . Kid N. W. Dob. ( is ll'IH
IM Oro. Nav.lMs 113
Aln. , elnmO I'S Oro. Nav. Is . . . . t'O'j
A In. Currency. . . . U O.S. L. its. t. r. llll
AlchlmmlH . MH O.S. U ns. t. r PO
AlcblBOU.idl. 4s . . . iM ) O. Imp , tstn.t.r..Kin
Canada So. Unds. . . .U'4 0. Imp. OH. I. r 41
Chic. Term . 4,1'j ' P.iclllebs of 'IIS. . .Ili2 } <
c. A o. ; na
' ' " ' '
O. H. .VI ) . t . . . .mis II. ( J.WoVl Is'l's" . . ! Km
1) . .tit. (1. Isti Ill SU L. A-1. M. Co-i. .1 Hil
n.AR.O.4s 8'.l St. L. .VS. K.nan.II. I14 <
KastTonn , tBls . . .Id : ' St. P. . 1 III
Urlndou. 4s "I'l SU P. C. .V P. 1st * . . . 11 S'f
F. W.AD , l , t. r. 7:1 : St. P.O..It P. ftH. . . .114' }
Ren. r.b-0. f.s 10. ) S. C. nontitnd. . . . '
(1. H.AS. A. ! Ms..lii'J'- ' < southern llv. Ss. . . . OS'
H. AsT. Con 1.6s 11" S. R. AT. I'H ' IIJ
H. .VT.U.COH ( Is..ltl'l Tcnu. new sot .Is . .
Iowa C IstH I ) , Tox. P.ic. L ( S.lsts D.-i
K. P. con. t. r. UMI Tex. P.IC Rir. ' 'dv. ' 'SVj
K. P. iHln. l. r. . lltl'l II. P. IBIS lOlH
La. Now Con.-Is HO U. P. D. X . l ts. . OHl
L \ N. Unl. 4s 'J W.-lb. iMt .In 1M4 ( !
Missouri tin Km iW.ia. ' . ' ( Is 7H
M. K.&T. 'J.U IW IWintSliiiro Is . . . .1I7 ( > J
M. K. AT. 4 # 0. | V1. C"iittirli i CtH
N. Y.C. ists 117 Va. doforrcd. . . . . . . . 4
N. J. C. fis . .lij :
Iloslon Silicic ( { tiolatliiiii.
11OSTON , Ocl. 1. Call loans. 3HCfl't per cent ;
time loans. 485 pir cent. Closing prices for
Mocks , bonds nnd mining shares :
A.T.&S. P . It'll A' . | . ; n. ' . pf i fin
American Sugir. . 145 ! { ii. Kiij. in ir.ti ufd 115 ( tun. Kla ? . nM 81
liavSlato Has. . . . " Atchl'tui I'M : iv
Hell aVloDluitio. . . M ? Atsht-xm Is 8 < ) > <
llosluu.V. Altu iv. Jill S.'u' Knclaud ( Is. . ll'J
liosion.t Maine. . . 1H7 ) : )7
C..1I..V U''V ' ' \VlH. Gout tls I'JII
AHcr.mi .MlnliiTC ) Dli
Heneral Klirslrio. * Allintls I ! . ' .
lllmolM Stui. . . lloston A MTiti-iv :
Mexican Cj-itr.ll. . Iliitto A lloiirn. . . .
N. V. , V N.B ( 'alnutot.V iljcli. . 470
O.S. f , .
Uubbcr .M
S.HI Dli : : II )
Union P 118
Wt'.Ht Oil 1HII
Still Frani'lM'i ) Allulniv O.uiilntloiiK.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 1. T he cllklal closing
quitntUns for mining Murks today were as f'd-
Inws :
" '
Alia PJ | Inlli..7 : ' !
Alnh'iCou . In mi : 41) )
Andes 17 IO C 'i. ' 11
Urlcber IDil TJ ulv Wash. Con.
I'm ! A U'lo.i p. . . 7.1 . r.7
Bullion II O.-MisuulOo.i. . . . V7II
r.ili'iliiiu i . 111 Opinr . 1(15 (
lii Ov. > r.ii.ui . V'H
Cliolrir I'otosi .
SlV.lTl" .
Con. Oil. 'i Vi l.'il ) II
con. 1'iip.M'Ul . . . . 115
Con. Now York. . Sllvnr Illll .
Cifiwu t * nut Union i" ) i OH
RXKlicnuer Utah ( 'n i Jl !
litiuiii.vCiirrii. . . Yolluw Ji.i fiO
Sttndird . . _ . . _ ! * ] _
Fllver bars. Me ; Mexican dollars. 444I1SC. ( ;
draftr , sluM. Uo ; dinfls , t lCKnph , 17'6 ,
London .Stiu'lc ( Jlliitnlloils.
LONDON , Oct. 1. 4 p. m. closing :'v. .111 in-1.1 4Pan' ' co n-110:1. : .
Concols. acc/t .111 1.1I'l M Y. Cvilru
Can. Pacllic 'H '
Hrlu 1T' < KIK
Krli-lnl-uM 41 ? ; \ . ( J'll. 1I3W IS.
111. Co.itru IDTs
Mi'Mrim orlinarv IS ) 11 , . V
1IAU SILViU-Flrm nt 2C-1 per ounce.
MONKY I per ci-nt.
The rate of dlsroiint In the op n market for
shoit bills li 1ifi2 jier ci-nl ; for three months'
bll.i ! is 1 i-irl(2 per cent.
American eaules r.ic quoted nt 7C Olid. ( Sold
Is quoted at liucnnn Ayres today at 1SS.50 ; at
Lisbon , 47'1 ; ut Rome. 103.23.
Xc v YorK AJlnliiKT t < nolnt Imifi.
NKW YOUK. Oct. 1. The following are the
closlnit mlnli'.n auotntlons :
ClioliirrT O.ifirio . : ! U.i
Crown Point nn'iir . nil
Con. r-il. , t V.i. . . . I'lvmtuiti . U
Dea.lwoa ! ' . . ( ) Oulu'itsHvt- . II ) ; )
( iould.t Ourrv til QiiluJHilve.1 uf t. . . IHII
,1 " ) sti-ri'i. \jv.ili. . . . lilt )
, , , 17H
' ' ' ' "
IroiiSirveV..i . . . - ' Uiilo.i C'Vi 17HII )
Mexican 4'i Yulloxv J.i2tul ! ! l. >
Aiiiprlcnn Sfonrlllrs In London.
LONDON , Oct. 1. The mnrliPt for American Be-
curltles opened easier , then Impnncil , bin gave
way again on u dcsltj on the part of hclden lo
realize. Tne close waa dull , wllh a moderate de
mand *
Infill : ii fill I % iii'n.
15OSTON. Oct. I. Clearings. J19.SS3.S91 : bal-
snces , 52E33.S20.
N13W VORK , Ocl. 1. Clearlnss. $14 : . S02.C7C ;
balamvs. J7.OC2.9i9.
UALTIMOUi : . Oct. 1. Clearings , $2S.11.2.i7 :
balances , E33.77. !
PHILADKLPIIIA. Oct. 1. CleariiiRS. fll,772-
S93 ; bjlance.Jl.l2li. . 12.
CINCINNATI. Oct. 1. Money. 3170 per cent ;
New York exchange , 253 discount ; dealings , J2-
MIMPIHS. Oct. I. Clearing ? . J403.477 :
nnies , l .1) ; New York exchange , ellliig at
11.CO i.iernlum. .
NKW OIILKAN3 , Oct. 1. ClearlnK1 ! , S1.04J.CSS :
New York cx'chance , bunk , par : commercial
prtpcr. fl.W . JI.OCO dlsccunt.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 1. Clearings , f3.277.12 * ; bill-
ancto , 5956.159 ; money , I7T7 per cent ; New York
exchange , 23c dlfcount bid , par a krd.
C'lIICAGO , Oct. 1. Clearings. } 20.115 147 : New
York exchange. 33c dlacoui't ; sterling exehatiBi * .
prated rales , J4.S4 and JI.S8 stock ? , active and
cables Him ; Strawbnard , weak. Cloflns : Diamond
mend .Match. 154 ; Metropolitan L , 8 ; Ktrawhoard ,
29 > i ; City Railway. 233 ; West Chicago. US ;
North Chicago , 2-2. I ike Street , 19Vi ; New York
Itlac-Jlt , W % .
I'ore-1 mi I'lniini'lii : ,
LONDON. Oct. 1. The amount of bullion with
drawn fiom llanlc of England on balance today
waa 10,000.
PAU1S , Oct. 1. Three per cent rentes , 103f
! c for the account. Exchange on London , 23f
ISc for checks.
fiifluriTK An : Iluyliiir Heavily ,
Ksir ] 'liill > ' of Tt'rrltorli'N.
11OSTON , Oct. 1. The > Ilostun Chmmcrclal
nulletln will say tomorrow of the wool market :
This week bents the highest lecord on hales on
account of the heavy purchasing on the part
of , mostly of territory wool. All
prices nre steady and In sympathy with the
I ndon wool quctlons. Auslrnllnn 1ms advanced ,
Ihough Dm lioslun market Is 4 cents thr- scoured
pounds below the prices established at the recent
advanca In Iondon. Over l.SOt ) bales of choice
Ocehmgn. were Mold by one house at 34c. This
la the highest prlcu palil for Australian nlnca
the p.'ssige of lilt ? Wilson tariff. K rn Adelaide
wools cost Clc a scoured pound. Territory hljipla
line now cals f-5e Hi * Bcoured pound. The f.iles
of tin' week me : 10S79.I > 10 pounds domestic nnd
3,104,500 pounds fnrelgn. against 7.Wi1.iv pounds
domextlc nud 2,7C7.0 iiouuds foreign last week ,
and 5,119.0" ) pounds domestic , nnd 7.79S pouirjs
foreign for the came week last The
sales to dale show nn Increase of 100,009.543
pounds donii'Htlc and 114,5j30) pounds foreign
I nun the sales to Ihe nme dale In 1HSG. Tlio
sales lo dale show an Incrensu of 112,214 bales
domestic nnd S33.S70 bales foreign.
ST. I > OU1H , Oct. 1. WOOIj Unchanged ; me
dium. 15W2U4c ; light line. ISSlCc ; heavy line ,
9fI13'ie ; tub washed , 22i732c.
NKW YOUK , Oct. 1. WOOIy Firm : domefltle
llcece , 20/S7o ; No , 3 i-xlra , 27flOo ; Texas. 10Kc.
Coffer .Alnrkctx.
NKW YOUK , Oct. J.-COKFKK Option *
opened dull with prices unchanged to C p lnlH
higher , ruled Inactive with weak undertone ,
cables reporting Santos crop receipts unfavorable ,
helm ? Ignored In face of heavy stock accumu
lation. Closed quint with prices unchanged
tn H pilnls net advance. Sales , 3 5 b-igs. Includ
ing OcUbcr , J3.SO ; December , Jti.15. H | t ronfre ,
Uln , dull : No , 7 Invoice , 17.12(4 ( asked ; Jobbing ,
r7.fl3' , : . Mild , steady ; Cordovn , HO.50fl1R.32.
'I'ntal wnrehoitsei deliveries from the United
Klnli > . < . 2C.2IO ImEs. Including 21.850 bags from
NowYoik : New York slock today , 3 ,3,272 bags ;
United fitaten stock , 443,222 bags ; nllint for the
United Stales , : is..dM lugs ; total vlvlblf for the
United States , 82H.22J bags , UKalntt 494,0911 bugs
Inst year und C03.2II bags In 1E95.
SANTOS , Ort. l.-COl''FKK-Qulcl : good nvrr-
age Knntis , 8,700 rels ; recelpls , 36,00) biga ;
stock. l.CCZ.OM ) bags.
HAMDUIIG , Ort. l.-COI'T''KK-Opened UpfB
higher , closed with March 'ipfg net ndviincf ,
other months nt yesterday's closing prices ; rales ,
0,000 bairs.
No. 7 Hlo , 8,230 rein ; exchange , 7lCd ! > ; rccclnu ,
13,000 bags ; cle.ire < l for Iliu United Slates , 12.WO
baits ; for Kurope , 7,000 bn s ; stock , 447.0'10 bags.
HAVUK. Oct. 1. COFKEK-CloBed unchanged ;
sales , 12,000 bugs ,
\iitv York Dry ( iooiU 3lnrlt. .
NKW YOUK , Oct. 1. The dry goods market
opened the month under conditions which , If
not entirely sallifuctory , are Mill not without
promlire. The pant month has thown poor re
sults , especially during the last twenty days.
Hut sellers believe that with the steady dis
tribution reported at second hands nnd In retail
slorcs , the demand on re-orders will be heavy
und ttmt prices will be sustained , The discount ; .
Inn factor In the tltuatlcn for rollon cooda is
the decline In the price of the staple. The effect
on buyers Is to ctrenKlhen their position just
at present. Woolen goods In all divisions are
strong , wllh prospects of better prlcn when
the re-order buulnets 1s well under way. In
staple cottons there U nu change of Importance.
Print cloths are quiet. Bales at Providence ut
3 8-lCo are reported , Odd good ! are sold quietly
In small lots at generally wak prices.
Oil MiirUct * .
OIL CITY , Pa. . Oct. -Credit balances , 70 ;
certificates , no bids ; shipments , 111,941 bbli. ;
runs , m.815 bbls.
LONDON. Oct. 1. Calcutta llnic d. spot and
near at hand delivery , 2J W : Unwed cake ,
U Cd ; cocoanut oil , Cochin , 23 10 * ; Crlton , 21.
Run for the Day Just Abont the Avenge
in Numbers.
.Moilrrnto nnit Ui'innnil I'nlr ,
HiillllliK I'rU-ON SlPliilv
Aotlvo unil u ( iiioil 1'lve
Cents lllKlicr.
SOUTH OMAHA , OcU 1. Receipt * for the
duys Indicated \\crc :
Untile , lloss. Sheep. Hones.
Oclober 1 1,2.6 , ol7 S.1W
i Kt-pirmbrr SO 2x70 f.,4.2 8.3)i S3
1 Hep e.nlii'r S ( . , .14 4l.'l ! SJ . .
> hApl.-inlxir 21 C.SS1 4.7SI 211 21
' Hipumlitr 2i ti.ill 1,03) 145 ti
I ixiiuinibi.r 2S 978 3.1C1 . . . . ti
! Bcinembcr 24 3.IOS l.kS ! 4.4C6 . . . .
Scp : 'inter 2i' " ' . ! ! ! ! ! " f.4l ' ! ! M > ' l7il !
September 21 c,2oo s,7,3 I.M ; l
Seplunbcr 10 S.70I 2.2.7 3.C15
September IS , ' ,61 , 4,217 1.373 II
Sept"iiib r 17 .3,011 4.S57 " S2J . . . .
September 1(1 ( 4,017 4.373 I.S "
The otllclal number of cars of stock brought
In today by vach road w ? :
Cntllii. llo ? . . Sheep , ll'r's.
C. , M. .1 Si. P. Ry 4 . ,
O. & SI. U Ry 1
MIsMjinl Pnclllc Uy 3 7 , . . .
' Union Pncllio System 18 1S 4
. C. A N. W. Uy ' . . . . 1
F. , K. & M. v. U. R. . . . 14 2 4
I' . . St. P. , M. ,1 o. Uy. . 13 7
U. < i M. U. R.ll 40 IS J 1
C. . 11. & < J. Uy 2 fl
C. . U. 1. .1 p. Uy. , east. . . . 4
Total receipt M ? 14 1
The dlfK | > sltioii of the di > 's receipts wns na
follows , each hticr purchasing Ibo number of
head Inllcaled :
Huycrs , Caltle. lloss. Sheep.
I Omaha Packing Co 3 23 ? 23
I (3. II. lljinnrm-l Co 131 1.010 501
Swift and Company .IB 1,331 51'i '
t-udahy P.ickliiff Co 23S l.Ml 727
U. Decker K : Degnn ? WI JOI
Vnnsnnt A Co ! ! ' <
.1. I , . Caley llii G1S
Lobman A > Rothschilds 12 $ . . . . .
11 nlui . Underwood 3ts . . . . .
H-.ifUn & Co 41
Knbbs & Co 17S
Siiiincs 4TS
Dunisl .1 Wolfe 21
CiMal'V , Kansas Cltv 47
[ Mankliilon , Milwaukee 152
Other bujcrs 213 3
Totals 2.347 r.,373 2.C2I
CA ri i.U ! About 111 ? earn.1 iiumbcp ot . 'iirw of
entile wen- hell : t'jilay ' t.a ll. ir Wcio yosleida ) .
md the luiiKct i > .n the whole sh.iwrd very llt-
.le I'linn'te. The tradvj'o generally active , and
; he yards weie clfuivd In f-'oinl MIIMIII.
't'li' jre-'is In Hit y.1 d" w-t 111 de-
Hand , and s.dd enily ill prices. One
bunch wa > i good enough lo bring $1 and others
-I.I . nt JI.-J.
Fnr tw > dnyi In Ihe U't-eipls of
COUH at.I hi'.ters hi\e bcvu veiy lit.hi , nnt ;
seven lunds being ii-piili'il .u ili.s morning , hi
lliai Lu > is wenpielty bungiy for flesh tup-
illi'S. 'Ihe itsult uas Hi" fi-w loads h-'i-e wi-io
Mtuppd up in ph ; > il iitdi'tand at prices lhai
iv if ii j > mi1 casts I'lo ' higher titan .u t < Mdiy
* wuo w. J'i'.ii belters brought J3.35. while belfeis
; ( the outlll sold 'miicr In I In weiU at
13. ! o. _ . \ bunch of c.irn-ftd helfeiH Mild as hlirh
toilers and I'rcdeis were In mudi-ratc Mipply
and thu demand Koud , s. " > , . nni , ir.
llrsl hands met with teady swle. The pilrm
paid were jUFt nlxiut steady. Itcpivjicntatlvc
sales :
No. Av. , Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r.
' .1007 $1 C ) r , . srs i : , n 7. . .ipr. ti flj
I. . . . 91i ) 4 If ) 17. . . .1Uii : 130 10. . .10-3 4 fJ )
' ' 'i l.2 4 CO 21. , Mj 1 C'i 4J. . .I1.C 170
33' . ! .lli'C 4 SO 11. . . .15 ; : . is ; 45. . . .1413 i 7a
1. . . . S39 2 00 1. . . .11170 3 21 1. .I270 3 : .ft
L. .HCO 3 ST. 1.i . . . H70 2 2J 1. . .I1.0
1. . . .I0'0 2 S" i ! . . . 670 3 Ul 4. . Bi7 3 3)
3. . ' 230 i. . . . S70 2 70 I. . 740 2 M
.ll'M 3 10
L. 2 BO 1 _ fill ) 3 3' ' ) 3 SO
13. . 2S. . . . 6S1 2 SO 70S 3 13
U13 3 40
. .1308 3 SO
, .1'G ) 2 73 2. . . .1213 2 S > 3 73
. .1110 2 r,7 1..KCO 2 73 3ill213 ! ! 2 30
. .1110 3 40
51) ) 1. . HW 4 75 L. . . 340 4 75
2 > H , ro ISO S M L. . . S30 4 2J
,310 . 130 5 r.i
732 3 35 ! i4 < i 4 ft" . 837 3 CO
.13.1 4 05 II. ' . . . IC2 4 in 'MO 330
, b7l 3 SO 7U ! 3 K ,
. Av. Pr. Av. P.
1 bull . 1330 J2 GO 1 cow 10(0 > 2 S3
2 cows . 1I 3 2 S3 1 cow ll..O 2 ST
1 bull . 1310 3 10 2 cow * S7J 3 20
1 cow . .1030 3 23 2 beifeis 7i."i 3 23
7 feeders. . .1131 3 SO II fecdeis. . . . > 02 t 10
1 feeder. . . . MO 4 00 23 fcoJers..H2J 4 03
4 feeders. . . . § 22 3 23 K ) feeders. . . . 611 3 SO
1 cow S10 223 1 cow BIO 270
r. ) cows . r-o.i 2 70 1 bull 1050 2 73
heifers 7i ! 3 00 1 ftcdcr 7iO 310
17 raws f 7 3 10 1 i : 10SO 3 20
37 tlKS 10i | |
' ' ' ' "
fivders. ! ' 3S 4 ib 2 f'ce.rer . ! l3CS 3 S3
12 heifers . 1073 3 M S Mr. Tex. . . 1020 3 M
7 fdr. TUV..1UO 3 75 1 fdr. Tex..100 3 75
12 bclfcrs . 1070 a 50 5 fdr. Tex..11)20 3 r ;
2'J fdr. Tc.x..l2:3 I 10 1 fdr. Tex..10.10 4 10
1 fdr. Tex. . .1310 4 10 1 con10:0 : 3 00
1 Bt K . 1SSIO 3 00 4 cows. 1113 3 S' )
2 JfC'ilcr3..10IJ 3 0 39 feeders..1177 4 2J
1 bull 1SS1 4 bullf 1170 2 40
1 bull 13fl' ' ? 83 1 row K70 3 0)
1 hi'ifer 4CO 3 M 1 heifer 5'0 3 10
12 cows SS. > 3 10 1 now na 3 10
2 feeders. . . , 910 3 M 4 feeders. . . . f.37 2 S3
41 lci'l < T8..1ir.7 4 on C2 fecdeis. . . . 833 4 10
1 calf I0 5 23
95 llgs , Tex..Ill I 3 23 2' ' ) fdrc. Tex. . 327 3 BO
23 fdr.s , Tex..1141 3 DO 1 feeder S2) 3 0)
7 f.-eders..H30 3 75 101 feeders. . . . ( ,21 4 10
97 feeileis. . . . 779 4 20 13 bulls. 1274 2 35
3 bull * llll ! 2 75
llOl.S-ti'iod ' light nnd butcher weight hogs
opened thin morning In artlvo demand and ! if
higher , and the sales ranged mostly nt from
J3.S.-0 to { I. Desirable loads for the most part
changed bands early and the Italic 'so fur as
UIOFC welghls were concerned was Boon over
Heavy hogs did not show any material ad
vance , and they sold In aboul the s.ime tutclu's
as yesterday , that la principally at from 53.0
to $1.85.
As ficriuently happens of late , the market
eased off In wind the last and closul weak , with
all the udvanci ! of the miunlng wiped out.
Taking Ibo Bales as a whole- and they avi'i.iged
_ : c higher than yeslciday. Tin- month of Oi'-
tuher opens wllh Ihn market Be lower than Sep
tember 1 , but 40 ? higher Ihan August 1 , and
MB higher than Oclober 1 , ISM. lioprcsemullvo
Kales :
4S 3.11 240J370 B2 274
r.3 31S . . . 3 " 70 241
48 328 40 3 70 2C8
M 314 ICO 373 CO 279
f,0 315 3 75 G4 2C2 120
66 311 tO 3 73 2 291
47 321 40 3 75 GG 2SG SO
43 3 75 74 271 180
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
. . . . . . . , 40 3 73 C3 : . < ) ) 40
S3 343 375 Cl 271 . . .
44 339 375 4i 3,1 . . .
57 313 o 3 75 C2 299 ICO
49 3C3 1,0 ( 3 75 G2 27 40
CC 319 2SO 3 75 C4 2S2 ffl
18 3'IO 3 77'/j 02 277 10
57 S13 . . . Gl 271 HO
51 2a2 CO 3 M ) VI 235 SO
1C 272 40 3 * > 0 75 2JI 120
(3 ( 277 . . . 3 SO G7 263 ICO
6G 251 . . 3 80 70 213 10
53 3 200 3 SO 6i 2TO fcO
S HO 02 241
" " " ' ' ' ' SO
. . . . 3 M 74 214 40
M 312 . . 3 SO 74 211 . ,
12 30i ) . . . 3 (0 G3 273 SO
O ) SCO0 ( 3 SO G3 2 < lO 80
47 341 .ICO Z M
U 314 SOD 3 > 0 C2 2J8
51 313 ice 3 SO 71 2J1
G3 2VS 3 SO i > 3 ' . ;
61 2f > 3 ICO 3 M VJ 2ll )
1C 331 80 3 M 71 231
C3 277 169 3 60 f.l Ztil
: o 200 3 NO 34 2SI1
U 2G1 40 3 80
C2 2C3 241) ) 3 SO co 2.v ;
4S 214 241)M 3 80 70 2 %
48 318 M .1 K2Vi M 2i3
M 3 82 CO Ml
" %
! ! ! ! ! . ! 2CO 2 tni 4 ? 215
co San 3 VM f,9 207
M 311 211) 3 t4 69 2M
57 3n _ > W 3 < ! 47 373
or. 2ci 4' ) J W M 2S1
5C 812 1JI M 211
4G. . , 8) ) Cl 2i
L. 570 3 00
! > 0 : t 43 . . . . . .
124 3 CO
' . ' ! 210 3 70. r ! , ' ! ! ! !
L. 250 a 70 s
4. . JC7 3 70 i ;
' ' ' ' ' ' ' 365 SO 3 80 . , , . . . . . " . . 3 M
. . . . . . . . . . 3SO & 204 . . 390
1 27' ' ) . . 380 7 222 . . S V )
8 2C3 . . 3 SO 3 216 . , 'ill )
4 310 . , 3 W 2 130 . , 810
8 233 , . 3 I liO S 2IC . . 3 ! > 0
HIIKIJP Rfcelpls of sheep were fciuallcr than
they were jenlerday , only ten cara being ri > -
poiu-d In the yards. Tlio maiket was clew und
lower. Heiiri'tcnlallvu sales :
No. Av. Pr.
2i feeders ' , , ' . , . . . . , . . . . 84 } 3 00
280 feeders , 'J'i 3(0
1S5 WyomlnK wnlicm ' . 98 370
512 WyomlliBvvelbirs , . , , , 'J'i 210
2C8)eaillng fmler ,72 3W
.Si , LonlM Live .SIoo'K.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 1 CATTLURccclpls , 3.000
head ; shipments , 3,0x1 bead ; iiuiket wruk in
yesterday's nuotutlons fur natives : T XJn
steady and unchanet-d. l > 'alr lolulce native
shlpplnR and export steers , ll.2yfj.40 ; bulk of
sales , Jf.S'Jiri. ' ! ' ) ; dress 'd beef und outcbcr te"i .
13.10&4.VD ; bulk of rules , H.MJI4 CS ; steers under
1,000 pounds , JJ.SJ'l/I.CJ , slock'TS and feodcrs ,
I2.40ff4.43 ; bulk of kales , U7SU410 , ctr.v * and
heifers. J2.OOtJI.CO ; Texas and Indian deem , > 2 ( .0
O4.2ibulk ; _ of ules , P.JJi/S.U , coins nd l IJtr ,
. .
HOUItec lpU , 8,0oa shipments , 6,000
head : market Montr. llKht , JI.OJJI50 , mlxM ,
II.WJM W ; henry , tt C TI.Sfl
SHiip-UecMpts. 2.0H ) ficail : shipments , CPO
head ; irmiket stendy on best Brades only ) other *
paslerj nalivo mnilotiv JiOOf3,33 | deckers , Jl W
03.10 ; lambs , U7 r5.40.
Cuttle Iniv llnitn .Votive nml u Moltcl
Illiclicr Shorn < Knsiy.
CHICAOO. Oct. l.-Trade In cnttle wn nn BO- ,
tlve s U usually Is fo Ute In the week nA
prices showed no ni rkrj C'IBIIKP. tales bclnff ,
made at the recent decline. A few desirable cat.
tie soM satNfnctory , Irtit the Rencrnl irade w
slow. Nntlve lcf tet > ! < ! nt front } XfO to
} , ' . .M , ns nn extreme rangr. wllll th bulk of
snlw nt from Jl BO to JM.V Veal calves WN-O nc *
tlviv nnd sold at from J3 l < > J6PV. Th9 nlockef
nd feeder trade wni itood nt from JJ In ll.fO ,
stockers McraKlnK } .v lower than last wtfk , but
choice feeders weic firm. Texas cattle nobl nt
HMdy prices.
There ns nn nctlve locnl thlppliiR Oemand for
lions , ntul the supply wiv well taken , prices nvtr.
HKIIIR So higher. snlt'J MTIV Urse.y nt from ( I
to $4.3 , piss iriilni * i-hlelly nt from J3.50 tn JI.30.
lions sold nt nil extreme rnnffc of from $3.70 to
Trnde In thecp nnd Inmbs wns nttlve , with
prices fnvcrltiR buyers. Bheep wH nt frtuii : .
to J2.SO fi.r Ihe tmnrext lo from 14 to $1 JJ for tn
best , weslern ranee Hock * predomlnntlni ; nml
felllnr lucidly til from JXM lo JI.IO. Feeders
ciy heavy bujeis nroiind 13.C nnd $ JC5. l.nmbs
rold nl from J3.50 to JV .
Uccelpts : Cnltle , I.BOn bendi IIC-RII , 22,030
sht-rii. fXW ( head.
\ < 'W Ynrlf I. v
NEW YOUK , Oet. 1. ll hVK : i-ltrrclpt
benili market slow ; sleers. IM/l..c lower. r > ntRl\
butcherr.1 ttork. sttndv : native slcers. Jl.ltiiri.5S ;
Macs nnd \eu. . r2.M > Hl.tJ : bulls. } ! .f.5if3.Ji ! dry
cous , Jl.U'JfJ.SIVt ; 1'urcpenn rabies cpiotc Amer-
Icnn stetn nt MUriO'ic : tcfilRerntor beef nt
7 * .Ic ; exports. 111 beeves.
* * ALVKS Itecclpts. 15S bend ; market quiet ;
Rcnernlly tnted steady ; veals , $5.00518 00 ; RIIISS-
fis nnd buttermilks. $ ? .rOW4 03.
HIKP : AND LAMIlS-Iterrlpts , e.KSS he l ;
marliet low : tfc0ViCi lower ; ihrpi | , J.I.OWI.25 :
lambs. JS.nOfi5.PO.
HORS-Uecelpts , 3,220 head ; market hlchcr U
ICniixiiN CKy lilvo .Sloolc.
KANSAS CITY. Oct. I. ( ATTLK ] teri > lptii.
6 , ( XV ) brad. Market steady to stronit ; Texas
steels , t2.M > 5X1.75 ; Texas cowa. ) l.7i.2) | : nntlvo
Blti-iK ,'i.iO ; nnttri' rows nnd belfern , Jl.W )
< i > i.t > : Mockers and feeders , J2.G01JI.S3 ! bulls ,
IIOO' ! Iteeclpts. 10.000 bead , llarket slroiiK1 to
Belilcher ; bulk of sales. $ t , ff4.noj heavl , JJ.78
fL < X ) ; tuckers. J3.70ft3.3j ; mixed. JS.S5SM.03 ;
llKbts , ; Voikcts , Jl.OIi/I.IO ; pics. )3.i
SIIHUI * Ueeelp'.s. S.iOO bead. > tnrket firm ;
laiiibx. J1B003.1 : . ; muttons ,
SineIn Sluht.
llecord of leeelpls of live slock nt the four
principal markets for October l !
Cattle , llocs. Sheen.
innnlia . 2 "ii f > .317 2.129
Chlcnito . 4 VJ ) r2.0 0 rX (
Kansas City . f.OK ) 18iyM 3.0iO
St. Louis . B.tCO f.CO'J ' 20) }
Totals . 17.7SC < 517 1C IS )
Slioiv Xo Miti-rlnl mill
NEW YOUK. Oct. 1. The cotton market opcncl
nulet. with prices 1 polnl lilRlicr to 1 point lower ,
There was no tra.Ilns In October contracts on the
call , which .leielcped comUdfrahlc weakness , us
It proceeded on reports lliat offcrmics of rpot cotton -
ton from the south \\etc very heavy , nnd thnt
urgent inquiries for bids were EUbmlttcd lo the
New England tplnner.s without reru.llni ; In busi
ness. 11 was n\fn \ repotted that the iiuiniinllno
had been iMUed nt Houston and Galveslon , This
added to the picvalllnR Indisposition tn buy cot
ton , the theory beliiK that considerable cotton
had been held III i-hrek by the yellow fever em-
barjjo. Cables wue unftivt rablc. Kollowlns tha
first call the maikel WIIH f-low nml unite featuro-
lefs , with natn.w rhanii'S. Ac noon the market
siimiM a net lo > s of 1 to 2 points Tno mulkct
lailliHl Mimenlnt later on c > vetltiR In anticipation
of an unfavorable * bureau repoit. The tradlnic In
the afternoon wus Hutu and chiefly local. The
small buslnc n led to realising by rt'vcral opera-
loin nnd early buyers , which created atl easier
ficlinK In the maiket nnd c Ufcd n iccesglon from ,
tinloji prices. The close was steady nl net un-
fhatiRtd to a decline of 1 point. Closing pi Ices :
January , { 0.33 ; Kebiuaiy JC.C9 ; March , JG.44 ;
April , JC.S ( ; Slny. fG.M ; June , $3.57 ; July' , JC.U ;
OclolK-r , r..2i ! ; November. JG.2S ; December. JS 31.
Spot , itulst ; mlddlliiR iipunil : , C'ic ; mlddllm
BUlf. ( ! ? ic ; nilililliiiK. 1' , ' .c ; net receipts , ncne ;
Ki'o . 1.4CO bnlen ; forwarded , 1.210 bales ; sales ,
1 230 bales ; rplnners , 1,113 bales ; stcck , CO.S11
baler. Weekly : Net receipts , 2.HI ! ) bales ; gross ,
33GI1 ! biles ; rxpoils to Clreut lliltaln , 4.3K , bale-i ;
lo Krniici * , 1.31C bules ; to continent , 2.212 bales ;
forwarded. 1C.ICI ) balcar sales. 4.013 bales ; pin
ners , 1.SSS bales. Total today : Net receipt *
42.213 bales : exporls to Great llrltnln ; 31.D57 bales ;
lo Krancc. 13.4-H bales ; to runl Incut , 4S.702 bales ;
stock , 3SO. 456 ball's. Consolidated : Net 'receipts. '
' . ' 79(103 ( bales ; cxpoils lo ( Treat llrltaln , So.SO
bales ; lo IVance. 22.4IS bales ! to continent , 109-
241 baits. Total tliice September I : 7\'ct lecelpts.
SI0.41S bales ; exp .ils lo Clrrat llrltnln , 138 f.OI
bales ; lo I-'runce , 47.133 bales ; lo continent , 1S1-
357 bales. I'lillonlii "re the total net receipts ot
cotton at till putts hlnce September 1. 1K > 7 : ( Sal-
vcston , 212,731 b.ilcs ; New Orleans , 102.520 baloiii
Mobile , 22,139 biles : Puvnmmh. K.O.B2G bales !
Cbarlestoii. 71. . ' ,0s bales ; WIlmliiKton , Ce.4.'i3 bales ;
Norfolk , C.40I bales ; llaltlmorr , l,37ti liak'H ; New
York , 4,120 bales ; Hoslon. 1.233 bairn ; Newport
News , 5 ) Lilies ; Philadelphia , 3. SCO b'tlcs ; Ilruns-
wick. 12.O7 bales ; Port Uoyal , 17,9N bales ; total ,
SI0.4IS lutles.
LIVmil'OOL , Oct. 1. COTTON Ppot , quiet ;
prices lowi-r ; American middling fair ; 1 3 1C' } ;
Bond mld'lllntr , 33I-3M : American middling- ,
327-32.1 ; low middling , S 23-22d : oed onllnaryi
313'rl ! ; ordinary , 3 13-32d. The sales of the
day neie 10.COO balef. of which SOJ bales were '
t - , Mt'iiHi > n and expert and Included 9,000 bales
American. Uccelpts. 3.COO linles , of which 2,7W ( H"re Ami'ilcan. I'utmvs opened ijulct d
with a moderate demxnd and clrcod < | ulct but
steady : American middling L. M , C 'October ,
3 -Glf/3 ! > / 40-Clil si'llers ; OptolK-r anil November ,
1 32-G < d liuyois : November und December , 3 SOC Id
"ellerH ; Dci-i'iiiber , 3 19-GM buyers ; Januarv Htnl
I'Vbrnniy ' , 3 29-C4d buycis ; February and March ,
3 2.WHff3 30-Glil buyers , Jlaich anil April , 33001(1
huyem ; April und May , 3 51- Old biiyerit ; Mny anil
June , 332-Gld buyeiK ; Jutin nnd July , ] 23-C4d
buyers ; July and AUBiist. 3 3J-C4d buycro , Following -
lowing are the weekly cotton statistics : I ales.
total , 4S.OW bales ; sales , American , 41,000 bales ;
trade lakliiRF , TiO.O'jO ' bales ; actual expoit , 3.009
bales ; linpnrlN. lolal , 11 , OM bales ; Imparts , Amor.
lean , B.OOO liiilew ; htotk. total , 237.070 bales ; Uncle.
American , LOT.ODI bae | ; nlloat. total , 83fbales ;
aflonl , American , S2.COO bnles ; siles for specti-
lallnu , 200 bales ; purclmeiH for export , .1,0.19
MOW OHLEANH , Oct. 1. COTTON Rteaayj
ralcn , 4,73) balcx ; onllnary , fie ; ijooil ordinary.
5c ; low nilililllni : , lill-ICe ; middling , tcynd ;
mlddllnK. d/iu ; teed mlddlliiir , fair. CVjp ; . reT
relpls , 5.W1 bales : slock , 01,111 lull * : ! , I'lilnrc
ntttnily ; salos. 1B'Jin bales ; Octol > er , J.'i.S5f75 33 ;
N'o 'inbM , f > ! ) f < | ; December , 10 W ) C.OI ; .Icn'.l-
I my. ! GnS0.nO | : l''cbru.-irv. 3,10f/0.1I ; March ,
tGIOfifI.17prll. ; . 5C.21if ( .23 ; Mny. JG.21S7C 27 ,
MMMPIllS , Oct. l.-rOTTON-S'le.ndy : juM *
illlnif. Sc : receipts. 2,700 bales ; Milnnionlfl , 1,504
bales ; slPfk. 22CDO balen ; pales. l.COQ baleii.
ST. JJDI'IS. Oct. l.-COTTON-UnchanKed ;
middling , CV.c ; F.iles. 401 bairn ; receipts , 3,13 I
baits ; hhlpmeulr , 2,47i ( balen ; htock , 13 , ! < r,9 bales ,
IJ.-illfoi-nlii llricil I'rullH. 1
FIIO1TS Steady ; cxaporaled upplts , jirlmo wlr
tray , 7c ; wood dried prime , 7c ; choice , 7Ho |
fancy. 7ViffSc ; prunes , 4't Sc ; nprlcolM , Itoynl ,
7 8',4c ; Moor Pnrk. pencliM , unpreiedl
7f 1lc ; peeled ,
Mniiflii'Klf'r 'IV.xlllo Trnilc.
MANCJIESTKU , Ocl. -Clollu , easy nnd quiet. '
with very little limitless dolnu.
lanlln lli'iiip nl I , on don.
LONDON , Oct. I. Manila hemp , 43 Us ,
"ox Tim INKconx CHOP.
from I'onr Snt ( < * MIo > rnt
Xi'lii'iiHK'n , ICiuiMiiN unil cMlriMoiirl ,
CHICAGO , Oct. 1. The Corn licit will sar
tomorroxv ;
Hcports from E09 export croj > correspondents I
covering ( irtalleil c-nnilltlons In HO counties
in four ntitraNcbraskn , Missouri , Ipwa and I
Kansas Imlli'ati ) Hut the corn crop nf 1S'J7
! rt now jiractlrally boynnil tlio power of any
further Injury from meteorological condition * .
The crop on the whole la a most natlnfactorr
one. The harvest basd on 1890 acreage will
be : Iowa , 277,723.70.r. ; Neliranka , 212,501,033 :
Kansas , 221,1'.i,07C ) ; Mlssourly 21MC7WO.
INfiTIUJMUNTS placed on record Vrliar ,
October 1 ;
Marearet Pee to Mnry Uou'dcn , lot 10 ,
block 2. Kountzo' 4lh udd . . , . . . , ,1 i.OOO
Nora O'Connor to rjme , u 41 fait nf 11 CO
feet of w % of lot 4. block 177 , Onulm. . 3.000
K. M. liarber nnd husband to Kmntirl M" .
Crea , a tract nt Inlerscctlon of Military
avenue wllh Kremont , KlKhnni ft Mle *
sonrl Valley Hallway compnny. . , , . , . 2 !
Derlha Kim ; nnd btirlmnd lo Joseph ( loll-
smith , w',4 of lot I , block 03 , pmaha . S.ftSO
r. Iwnrd Harrlek nnd wife In J , ' I , Ileillck
lot 22 bloclc 5 , Am ' Place . SCO
Anna Cnrrlnan In Mli.hnel Ilurke , loin 1
1,11.1 2 , block 18. 1st add lo OorrBnti |
Pliico . , . COt
U ( } . Mercer to Juhanna Dell , part nf lot
4 , block 22. Omaha . 1
Master In chancery lo l'"lr t Nutlonal bunlc ,
loin 1 In 5 , blocl ; 15 , lliiyd'i udd . 0,700
Tola ) amount of transfers . . . , 2,057
Telephone 103 ! ) . Piimhu , Nub.
Dlrrcl wire * to HilcUBO nud Nr\v York.
John A. Warreui Co ,