TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TnTTRJIAY } , SEPTEMBER 30 , 18,07. roil nnNT riiiiMsunn noons. ilOOMH , tl'h . H. 19TII BTItKBT. ' f'MJASANT IIOOMS. fcOOOB IIOOMS. 1 H CALIFORNIA BT. E 870 OH * iafirNisnED iTobM3. JJOT DODon j-ouii HOOMH"BO. . MTU AVKX nt'tTI Of KOOMH IN PIUVAT13 FAMILY. K\ No. 1SIII i-.M : ll 01 BOUTIt HOOMB. JTiiwT.Y ruisiHiiKO IIOOMS. M ? T-J | } ( ) IIOOMS ron IIOPHKKHPPINP for mnn nnd vvlf < - . Ilcnl taken In board 313 N. " " ID IIOOM. : on IIAUNEY STIIUF.T. I-K4- " im = - KliHMSIIin HIIIIMS AMI IK ! A H1I , BTKAM HIATF.D IIOOMS WITH no MID. joos JUrney. K-SK-o-ll * J'lIlST t L.ASS HOAllI ) AND IIOOMS : HOT vmter heat , best location In the city. 212 8 2oth - st. r--n _ UMiai : SOUTH & HAST PHONT IIOOM WITH alcme. IftM Dounlas. Jl I.MU1K SOUTH KllONT IIOOM POU TWO ) other rooms ; BOOd board. T.ic Hose. 2020 Hnr- ney. P-MS94 KimNiHHii > IIOOM AND HOAIIU Hnnsoom Paik. mmUrn house , prlvnln family. Address U 26 , H < e. K M398 THK LOWKST roSHIIlI.K HATKS AND THK best fare A home. Sherman n\e. car Jwiwcs door even elRht mlnulns. Newly furnished , new mnnapemcnt : adjoins Exposition. Para- toKn iiutei INTIHTAINH : its Kurj ! M41s OJ IlOOMH WITH liOAHD. lR2r 11INNKY ST. K M 437-1' THO SUJUIUAM. PIIIST-CLASS PAM1LY hotel. 2Hh and Dodge streets. P MI79 Oil' KMH1ANT 8TiAM-MiATn ! IIOOMS , WITH flrsl class lumid 1OT Capitol AVM. P-453-30 * IintAKPAST : , NOON-DAY LUNCH AVI ) I3VKN- Inic dinner n-ned. 212 S. W. cor. 17th nnd DotiRlim streets ; unexcelled culalneP P M i01 O2 iAiioi : SOUTH PAHLOH , IIOAIID , STKAM , telephone references 202 N Hlh , . . . . _ . , PHONT Ai/'ovn IIOOM. SPITAIILK for two , In pi Unto family , board furnished. 2I1S CafS street. I'-ICMI * MonnitN iiiticic. UOOMS AND HOAIID , ssno up. Hit Noilh nth. ' 514-Qo' ALT. THI : coxiPonTH or \ unriNun AND cultund home , for four to six cuitkmtn. In n detachi'd , mrnlirn brick residence. No. 212 , S W comer 17th and DoURlas slretls next to Hep bullillni ; , incut comfortable rooms , tnstein nnd soul lorn exposure , steam heat , telephone , electric llKht , unexcelled table I' M'C7 OJ NK'KIA Kl UNISlTFirT-HONT IIOOMS WITH board 20P > Doulas , P-M'.SS O2' KOH HUNT-I M'l'HMSIli ' : ! ) HOOMS. POH 'IUNT : , 3 IIOOMS 70s s. inn ST Q -MIC ) O27' FOR HUNT LAIlOi : UNPUUN1SI1BD 1'\I5- lor. 2021 California. O M oO2 FOUR PNPl'IlNISlino IIOOMS. Jl'lDPHN. Hrst lloor IJ12 N g'.th. G-MJC9 O2' I'OR S AM ) OKKICI2S. KOH ItCNlDnsiC ROOM IN OROUND PLOOR olllce Ilee building , watT stiam lirat clt > ctro : llKlit and Jinltor s-nl e. Alplj to R W Hiker , superintend it Ilee bull llnR I 1ST roii HINT IN THI : nn : DUILDINU One lar c corner room. Snd lloor. with vault nnd private olllre .water etc One larKB front room , 2nd lloor divided Into two rooms 'jy pirlltlnn , v.atcr , etc One larite corner room , Snd lloor. with vault , water , etc One front room , divided by pirtltlon. third floor. One corner room with vault third lloor. One I r e loom , third lloor with partition dlvld- Inc It Into one InrKe room and two simller private' rorms water etc T o larjre crminel floor rooms with vaults Sevral small rnoms on fourt i lloor with vaults All thc u nvmis are heateil with stoiim clertrlc IlKhts , supplied with llrst cIi'S Jinllor service Klevators um da > nnd all nlnil Ilultrtlm strlftlv fireproof Ap dy to U W UiKer Stner- Inten.lcni. Itnc m 104 Itn > llulMlnir 1 198 \VAvrunTo HI\T. \VANTID TC HUNT. OPPICI : WITH A Doc tor , by u dtntlst Addnsj U J2 Hep. Hep.K K 451 2 \VANTIID , TO RINT , COTTAOI : . 5 ROOMS ? $ l2tno In family , Ininllon neir Sherman avenue car line , north of exposition Rrounds preferred U 2G. IX e 1M uti 3o * "NVANTHD , HOARD AND LODGING IIY STU- itmt Omaha Din1.il ColIcRe. Address Claude O. Smith , Olrird , Kausax K-M312 SO' STOIIAfin. S10RACIJ AND WARKIIOUSR CO. 908-910 Joms ; geneml storage and furvvardlng M-432 CM. VAN & STORAOI : i . ns'AM TK TKM433 M-433 \VAVTUIT ( ) II IIY. IIP.ST rnici : PAID POR OMAHA SAVINGS ban ! ' accounts ut room DoC N Y. Life lildK N 131 M BiCOND-HAND IIICYCI.12S. KM ifO UTII N -M :6 OT CASH PAID FOIt LI.MITIID AMOUNT OF Omilin SavlngH bink ncnums H II , Harder nrst floor Niw Yctk Life bide N M057 3J HIGHEST PRICES PUD POR OMAHA 8AV- Ings Hank accounlH The > ron Heed Ca N M400 OMAHA SAVINGS HANIC ACCOUNTS V. U Wttld , IStll JL DullRlim Ms N 4M-29 L.IST SPECIAL HUtC.AINS IN' ' REAL ESTATE with V. D. Wi-od , ICIh and lloURlna St , N-3S3-S29 _ VANTIM ) , GOOD DELIVERY HoTtsT : A ROUT 1.2DO Ib i must bu chui | ) Applj trdly p in 2in > i Paiiiam N-MVti.'O' WANTED. A GOOD TYPEWniTEn MP.ST 1E cheap. B. A , Tucker , Hiimboldt Ni-b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N vnn \v.\oo\sirrc , I'OR RALE PARTY LEAVING CITY WILL sell at blR ImrRnln , 3 hoiteii luun ss 3 rubber tired I IRS Address V 14 , Ilee. P 2S9 29 FOR SALE CHEAP A GOOD DRAUGHT horeu. A Ilo > pi > , 1513 Douslas P 561-1 8AWDUHT lll'LK " Oil HACK" KD-ntlliniNQ und Iioi ; fence O U Uc 1)01 ) DouKlas Q-43J I ItOl : CHU'ICIIIIINO UPltKllTv PIANO , e > nl > 1150 uu , tjcbmollci S. Mueller , 103 Pomli IJth St. Q-CI4 iioo Fi.vci : : , AM. wiun , HKST ON KAIITII. Inwn nnd } ard fence \\lre Works , 403 s , letli Suao ! S 8MALL PIIAMD llt'ILDINO , 27x ! . POR RALE In rr.ir of 1550 Painain slrtct. StrlnRer. 15IJ Di.ileo strict. < 1 M575 OS' FINE MANDOLIN ; COST $6000. WILL SELL for SO ; n | o vlulln , ji W. Address U 41. Ilee Q-MSS7 O2' MI.SCIIinoim. : . THE 1)OUOL\S COPNTY AGRICULTl'RAL Poelely premium * will be nulled to the ex tilbltor * nn or I'ifori- ' Oct 7th O W llervey , neiretiiry. Illio-Ol CI\inVOVA > TS. MRS. PAUU S N. 161II STRriKT : HONl'ST , truthful , reliable ; lemoves evil Inilucnces ; lo cates burled treasures , unites the separated , S MCAO 0.4 * " MASS * * . ! : , IIVTIIS , 1JTC. OltinNTAL TUHKISII irATiTsT'OK I.ADIIla A centlcmen , We 107 S. Utn. Tt-Icnhone 1(91 T 762O8 * MUDICATHD IIATIIH , HAHKaK. 8.3xl SUI. pliur. nuisage , lime. Jirlixvoii , fioni Pan * . 1K7 N. Ittlt * t T-JBJOJll BATHS. MASSAGE. L\URA KLLISON Crouiu * blk , 119 N ICth Si. . Room 12 T-MU2 o : MRS DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH pallors , rmtful and curative 417 S lltli. up talrn. T M451 O3' MADAM SMITH. 1S15 DOUGLAS. SIASSAOU learn liaths. T I8J-O4' PIHSOX\L. VIAVI * XIR UTKRINE TROUI1LK3 , J46-S I1EK llldg , ph ) lctan , coniuluilon or health twuk frtfc U 4 > I BUPERKLUOUa HAIR. IIALDNESS , PALLINO hair and all facial blemlthe * cured. True Co. t Chamber Commerce. t 7 0-4' IJIDIPS OUR TATKNT "KXPANDING STR Inxc 0 j ( lit M-orit perfertl ) . Send for seals J particular * . G m Co. . Kati < a C1t > Mo. UM-JCS O J rnnso.\AiM ( Continued. ) II HAAS. riXNUST. PLANTS AND CUT flowers , tioueiuels , hall , residence and grave rtccontlons Flowers , bouquet * mid decorations delivered to " ? rar' of " " city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to nnl filled In two hours. Telephone 776. 1313 Vlnton street. U Ml O-ll nupTunn cunuu : NO DETHNTION IMIOM business , no pain , we refer to hundred * ot rose * cured ; plies cured l > y a single , painless treatment Call or write Thi Umpire Huptiire Cuia nnd Medical Institute , successors to The O. i : . Miller Cto. . 532-3. N. Y. Ufe llldtt. Omihi. U-M9I1 IIATIIH , MASSAdi : . MM 12. POST , 315'4 a l&TII. u cj UK YOPII OWN niusHMAKin. : KUtrthe - Joy Tailor Hilem nehool of dreM cultlnR , only complete skirt made ; lirlnij > our dressfs and make while lentnlni ? . 4W Karlnch Irfwk. U-IGS-OM WANTI.O. YOUNO I.ADY TMTWIUTIIIt nnd Me-nonrnpher. ejood nt figures nnd for KI n- cril otllee work , tati > wages wante < l refer ence * rc < iulre-d M 89 , lire. U-J1HI SI' YOPNO LADY liSIHlNO : LAHTINCJ Ac quaintance wltli traveling Insurance nmn of 35 , with headquarter. ! In Omaha , may send address ( with photo , If possible ) . In strict confidence , to U . llec. U MS90 30 * MOM2V TO MIAN lli : A I * nSTATIJ. MON'KY TO LOAN AT l OW HATHS. Till ! O. K Davis Co. , 1503 Tarnara Ht. W 412 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. 3U N , Y M quick money lit low rates for choice farm lands In lava , northern Mlsosurl , eastern Nebraska. W-43J LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPUOVHO OITV property. W Karnam Hmltli & Co , 132i ) Fain'm -VV-4IO MONHY TO LOAN ON IMPKOVnD OMAHA real estate. Urennan , I vo Co. , Paxton lllk. MONKY TO 1X3AN. 11F.MIS. PAXTON II LOCK M' IW ) PHOM $100 UPP. . D. W13AD , 18 . DOUGLAS , \V 3SI-S-23 0 pnil CUNT MONHY ON NK1IIIASKA FARM- } nnd Oninlin Improxed property Appl ) to W. II. Melkle , , t Natluiml I nk Hide \ V(1 MONHY TO I.OAN ON IMPUOVKI ) OMAHA property. l'ucy , V Thomar , 207 lit Nat. lk bUc AV-41J six PIH : CINT CTY AND PAKM LOANS. Oirvln Ilrof , 1013 Parnim St. W M7S4 MOM3Y TO I.OA. > _ OlIATTiiS. MON12Y TO 1OAN ON FUllNITimn. 1 IANOS , homos , \\nRon , etc. , lit InuiBt rates In city ; no rcmo\al uf Kooda , strictly CDtilldctitlul , > ou can pay the limn err nt inij time or In any amourt. OMAHA MOUTQAai : LOAN CO . S05 So IBth St. X 446 IIIINIMSS TO IT IN on OUT OP DIT.SINLISS GO TO a. .1 OlliBon , C14 Plrst Nnt'l llar.K. 1 M14S KOK HINT-THI : : MnTnoroLiTAjTIiOTni , IN Chn > ciino ; In flue condition , electric llshtsi thoroiirhl ) iilnmlieil , best location In the city Ono block from Union depot Plfty flrst-clisi rooms , fine bar ruom. furnished : good barber shop and bnth room1 * . In fuel , everjthlnR neces. " irj to n Mrst-clats hott'l Party rentlnc must purcnasi ! furniture Hnttl doInK B"oJ business at pusent. Addre-s J W Qrillln , O evennc , Wyo Y-M O-O-ll A KIX5NniKiil : WHO HAS HAD TWUNTY jeara 'experience In minim , lit * ppent jears on thi Yukon , 1 thoroUKhlj f.imlllur llh the Klonillkc. lutH Intcnsts and ru pectora on the Klondike , will RHc n thorousn In pPttor'n map nnd pciionnlly answer all tUL" > t'oni ' relating to thnt countij , Or how to tet In there , lost etc for HIP tirlcc of J1 Addroii II. H. Thompsan ? . ' 2 Ililloy liulldlnR , Se.ittle. Wa h IVrsonal itfercnce Chamber of Commerce , S"nttle Y M74S OS isTAiiU8inD : : nnuo sronn. ooon lmilne-i < , K < > od locillon , SJ.fiOO 00 cash , liilnnce on tlino U 19 , HOP Y 338 Ol pen SAM : . SMAI.I , PTOCIC OP SHOES AND milpe cheap for cash. O T. Grcsorj. Victory HotcI Y MM1 3il ItESTAITIfANT POIl SAI.K , PIIIST-CI ASS I/D- catlon. Inriulre of J P Murphy. South Omaha. _ _ Y M5S4 30' roii I\CII\NCI iw Acnns ADJOININO TUG CITY OP COZAD Diwcon fo Neh . to triiio for n stock of ihoei or a seneral ptocU of $2,000 If In ( food Rlmpo or will trade land and a $2000 tock for IOWT land ; the Nebrafk-i land can all bo I rlsaled Address J S. p. , Iock Iox S. Paten In. X MWl Oo roil < u.iin.\i , KSTATE. I-'AH&I LANDS. C. I * . HAIIHISON 912 N Y I * i : PI.ACI3 nAHGAINS. $2.iH ( ) . J3.7iO TO S6.500 , see photos at ICth and 1'ninam. Morao llhlft. J I. Gibson. 511 Plrst Nat. Bank HldR 1113-447 I1OU.SLS. LOTS. PAHMS. LANDS. LOANS. Gro P. licmls Heal Putate Co. , 1'axtnn Illock nn-413 17 PiU CHNT GUO S 1NVP.STMKNT. IM- pro\ed rnal estate ; rental $ G4S 00 per year ; price. $ JS . AdilroMS T 2S , Ilee. Iin M7JI LAND THIS ft AD1OININO STTPS TO CLOSH estate cheap Chas E. AVIlllamson , fOI Uee hllg Rn 93S _ S-HOOM HOtlSi : J2 W ) .foot corner lot , S. W. cm 18th nnd Izard. J100 p r nrrp bilis 40 acres one mllft south of Husors. lloom JO. PatterRnn lllk Hn M1S2 O1S SNAPS. SO AC-HRS 12 MILKS N TV. $3 ! 00 4 ncr 4 blocks from 1'enson motor. $000.00. Ti .irrs pouth of Ktiile fair wounds , 3 5'0 4'xlCO feet , near 321 & Turning i-t , or.ly $50000 , Corner on I'arnam St . neir 40th fit . $700 00 To ttchaiiKC 110 acres 10 miles north of Omaha P. O for clear lrnpro\ed prrperty JOHN N. rnpNZKIl. Opp P o Hi ; M213 _ OU SAI.K. sn con SITH AND PARNAM , sn cor. Park ave and Hickory , sw cor. 15th and Dorei : 160 niret In lluffalo Co , 433 acres In Knox Co , this and all oilier property owned by Nebraska Fi\lnsr and nxchnnK * bank will be sold at a low price Win , K. Potter , Ite- celver Iii-293 TWO G-nOOM COTTAOPS , 50 PT. KHONT. 10 blocks north of P. O , cheap C2I Sn 2fth A\e ni-s8-i4' 73 PT ONIMIAI.P HIX1CK PROM MOTOn. ON pa\rd street. $ J7" 00 lllir Imrwaln Desliabliiraldenro lot nn Davenport ft , within walklni ; distance , fine Bhade , $70)00. Will furnish nion y f ) build hnuae 7-room house on paveil ntreet one blopV from ixpni > ltlon Rimmd * In pxr < > | | cnt repair. $1 2 > i no Pine , sU-bllj lot south of H muciirn park J100 00 lleautlful modern P-room liousn hard wiod flnlah recoptlon hull , cist frontnKf. on hlth ground nt > nr 33d nnd DodRists , worth J6.50000 prim , } 3 000 00 The almn ai samples of many banning we can now offer , TO houses on monthly pajments Cnll nnd examine nhntoirranhi PIDCI.1TY TnilST COMPANY. First Pl-wir New York Life Illdu. O II P > no. President H. II Harder , Secretary nn M2DO 50 ' . 1IOOM COTTAGi : AND LOT WP.ST OP nX- piudllon urouniN , nearlj row , for $9W , $150 cash nnd monthly pa nentx of $10 nn bilince Il > ron It. HnntlUKS. " 12 So. llth St III : M401 pen BU.U MY fOTTAnn noMn NIAH Hnnsiom puk. full lit , shadn , lawn , him must KO. Address owner. U 35 , Hep nn-187-30' coTTAon ANP IXIT ON TIUHT ST. . WITH trees , nnd lot Rxl'O , a bnraaln , ot $ l.rj)0 ) C-room cotlnue In uood condition , southwest hilf dozen blocks from P rk a > e. only J S7 BO P D Wead , 1521 Douslis St nn M497 Ol ron sALnl Pivn Acnns IN PAYKTT PAIIK G 1. Green , llarker lllk. HK M492 Ol * ron"8AI B. IXJTfl WITHIN HALT * MII.R union depot , < 1'0 O L Green , llnrk r lllk nn MWI oi * SALT : , 121 Acnns WASHINGTON ) , lu-st land In counlv , tery cheap for Thos , JI MCCIIKII > ' , McCmni bldir . Itli-MMI 06' SlIOHTHAMl A.MJ TVI'HWIUTIXIJ. A. C. VAN BANTS SCHOOU 513 N. Y. LIPK. 454 AT OMAHA 1IU3. CXILLEOK ItTH & DOUOL\8 451 O M A HA HHOKTHAND AND TYPnWniTINO College , Dod' theater SCO O-lt * LOST. MOIIT n\Y iionsn. 7 YKAIISJ wp.imis about lUM ) . rather thin and high tuckbone , Ho * ward for return to 17H Cms tiL , Omal'a LOJI Ml'O LOST. SUNDAY UVKNINO , PAHT OK HAH- urn , intldle brrechlni ; ind lly net , reward on lelurn tu Harnty street stables. Ixi.t-MITS JO LOST IIKTWHEN COtTItTLAND HKACH AND IXK-UH street , fly book and lly hooks. Plniltr imM It U ) for return of came , I. I * McCloud , 1 IS Parnum street. Lo t-MJ- ) ' I/3ST , PHAllI. PAS8AMi.NTKnTE. BETWEEN 25th nnd Dodse and Hamilton : n > wird IK North 23lh street. I > ut-M5Jl SO' - ro > al Pills ( Diamond brand ) , ire the best , afe , reliable ; tak no other : tnd 4c stamps for particular * . "Hi-llef for Ladles " In letter l < y return mall ; at druttgtvts. ClilcUetter Chem. leal Co. , Philadelphia , . J'a. Mention He * -M572 J0 rt-nviTrnn PACICKD. M. S. WALKIN , 2111 CUMING. TKU 1331 HKMIVATINfl WOttlCS , MATTIIiSSP.fl. COPt IlnS. PAIII/OU iT'HNN ture to onler ; rcpalieil. 1003 Ixvucnw'h ; tel 15 > 5 roti.M ) . POUND. A LADY'S LIGHT JAC1CP.T O\\NP.U can hn\p tame b > tailing at this olllic nnd pnylnir for ad\ertl > ement. Found M.74 Ol' POU LIASI : , noxco PKKT , AT SOUTHEAST corner 21 t nnd Nicholas ; tracknse. StrlnKtr. 1M2 DodRe street M576 Oi' VICI.NO. DHHSSMAKING , MISS 8TU11DY , 4304 Htm. ilclte. H23 O-O' TVIMJWKITKHS. TONS OP KNKItrjY WOULD UK SAVKD DAILY If every operator used the light running Dcnn- more. 1012 Parnam St. , Omaha. 4M \VMIHOICnilS. . II. MAHOW1TZ LOANS MONKY 415 N. 1C ST. 432 PATIC.VTS. D A THTTIVT'T'C Sllta * Co. , > Attorn > a- r A 1 JilN 1 O t-I-w ana Patent Kx- perts. Bee Hulldlni ; . Omaha , Nb. Branch office nt WnshlnBton , D C. We make PREE EXAMINATIONS nnd nld Inventors In selling their Inventions. Send tor free A lce nnd Patent Hook. "P A . 1'll < TN"rrG > Procured oy C. A. SNO\V A co wnnninuton , U. O. PREE EXAMINATION and advice No attor ney's fee bsforc patent Nn claptrap offer of prizes or promise of sudden 'veiltli but straleut- forvnrj advice and falthfu' i-ervlcs HAIMtOADS. UURLINGTON & MISSOURI River Railroad "The Hulling- ton Route" Gencinl Olllce , N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Pnrnam Streets. Ticket Olllce , 1502 Street. Telephone 250. Tenth nnd Mason Telephone , 128. Leive. Arrive 8:33 : am 9.35 am 4.33 pm 4:03 : pm " 7.0" pin 7.13 pm - - " 2:33 pm " 11.30 um ' Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. I1URLINOTON & Qulncy Railroad "Tile Hurl- Incloii Route" Ticket Olllce. 1302 Pnrnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets , Telephone , 12S. Arrive * 7:35 : am * 4.14 pm * 7:55 : nm * 6.10 pm ustiaii _ , . * 2:50 : pm Dallj. Dally except Sunday KANSAS crrr. ST JOSEPH L Council IIlnlTB Railroad The BurlinKton Route" Ticket Olllce , 1502 Pnrnom Stteet , Telephone 250 Depot , Tinth and Mason Streets Tel ephone , 123Leave. Leave. Arrive Kansis City Day I5x . . . * 9 03 am 0:10 pm Kansis City Nluht Ex. . ' 10.00 pn : S.30 nm Dillv OMAHA , KANSAS CITY .t EASTERN HAIL. reid Omihn & SI. Louis Ilnllrond "The O K Route" Ticket Olllce. 1415 I'urnam Street. Telephone 322 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , l.'s. Leav c. Arrlv c. rattonsburR , Klrksvllle , Qulncy Local C:40 : am ' 10:4 : ; pm St IjOtilr. New York Limited ' 4.30pm ' 11 10 nm Dally. CHICAGO. ST PAUL. MINNC- apoll" & Omaha Hallway Gencnl offices , Nebraska Dl- \lsclon. Fifteenth and Webster streets. city Ticket olllce , - - HOI Farnam fatrect Telephone 61 Depot , F1fteenth and Webster Streets. Tele , phone , HIS. I.eivc. Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda 8 1) am S:2 : > pm Sioux City Accommoda. .51 am 8.23 pm Illrflr , nmerton. Sioux Clt > , Poncn , HartinR- ton and Ulnnmllcld . 1 00 pra 11:53 : nm Slcux City iTiTnkato , St. Paul Minneapolis 6:15 : pm 9:11) : am Dully. Dully except Sunday. Sunday only PRE.MONT. ELKIIOHN & MlHaourl Vnlle > Railway Gen eral Olllccs. United States Na. tlonal Hink HulldlnR , South , west Corner Twelfth nnd Pnr nam Streets. Ticket Olllce , 1401 Parnnm fUieet. Telephone. 661 Depot. Plfttinth and Webster Streets Telep/ione , 145S Leave. Arrive. Illack Hills. Deadwood nrd Hot Spring 3.00 pm 5.00 pm Wjomlns. Casper nnd DouRlas " 3:00 : pm " " 5.00 pm Hastings. York David Cltj huperlor Geneva , Exeter and Reward . . " 3.00 pm " 5 00 pm Norfolk West Point nnd " 7'W nm " 10 2j am Kremont 3 00 pm 5CO : pm Lincoln , Wahoo und " 7r.O : nm " 10,23 nm Pitmont 3.00 pm B:00 : nm Prermnt Local " 7 50 am Dally Dally except Sunda ) . "Sundny only " Dally except Saturday , " " Dally except Monday ( SIOUX CITY & 1'ACIPIC RAIL. . road General Offices , United States National Dank BuildIng - Ing , S. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Farnam Streets. Tlckit Olllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone. 561 Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Streets , Telephone , 1458. Leave. Arrive. Sioux CUv. Mnnknto , St Paul , Minneapolis 6:15 : pm 9l : am Dally CHICAGO & NORTHWKST- crn Hallway city Ticket Olllce , 14J1 Farnam Street. Telephone , C01. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Street. Telephone Leave. Arrive. Missouri Valley , Sioux City St Paul und Minneapolis B)0 : am 10:43 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City * 7.30 am 9.05 pm Denluon , Carroll , Wall Lake " 7.30 am ' 9.03 pm Enftern Express. Des Mo nee Mamhilltown , Cedar Rapid * Chlraco " 10-45 am 4lOpm : Atlantic ! Flyir. Chicago und East 4:43 : pm 4:10 : pm Past Mull , Chicago to Omaha . . . . 3.10 pm Missouri Vcllej , bioux City , bt Paul Minne apolis l.lmltel . . . . . 5:55 : pm 25 nm Omaha-ChlcuBo ' Sptclil. 6:30 : pm 8:10 : ara UutU Dullj except Sunday. CHICAGO. noCK IBL\ND & Pncltlc Railroad "The Great Rods Island Route" city Ticket OlllCH. I3i3 Pnrnam Street T U phone , 428 , Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Stictts Telephone , 128. Leav e , Arrive. Chicago and St. Paul \ehtlbulitl Express , 4:50 : pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Spgs , Pueblo , Denver and west . , , 1:55 : pm 4:05 : pm Chicago , Don Molncs a , d Rock Island 7:00 : pm 8.15 air- Atlantic Express , for IHs Molnea nnd east ern points " 7.00nm 5 35 pn. Lincoln P.ilibury nnd Hellevlllli , . . . " 6.45 pm " 10.W am * Dally. " Dally except Sunday CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE K. ST Paul Rallnity city Ticket Oitlce. 1504 Farnam Street Telephone. 284 Depot Tenth und Mafon Streets Telephone , Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 5:15 : pm 8:03 : nm Omalm and Chicago Ex. . * 11.00 um 1:40 : pm Dally UNION PACIFIC "THE OVER. land Route" General o-llces , N E. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets City Ticket Oltlce , 1302 Farnain Street. Telephone. 310. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 128.Leave Leave Arrive. The Overland Limited" for Denver. Salt I-6- Paclllo coast , and all we lrn points 8 20 nm 4:45 : pm Pant Mall train for Denver. Salt Lake , Pacltlc cost and all wcttirn jiolnts i:05 : pm ' 10.N nm Lincoln , Ileutrlce and btromtburi ; ExprfM " 4:05 : rm " S.50 p-n Grand Island E > prv s . " 8:35 pin " : :50 : pm Dall > " Dally except Sunday Council Dluffi I.orul Leaves , 5:40 : a. m ; 6:50 : n in ; 7:90 : a m . 8 V3 n mi 10:15 : a in ; r-15 P , m. ; 4.SO p m , & .U p in Arrives , 6:20 : u m , 7 29 u m i t n m . > :23 a in ; 11:30 a. m. , 3.10 p m. , i.40 p m , 9.W p. m , 10:45 : p m WAIJA8II RAILROAD-TICKET OPFICE , 1I1J Parnum Stntt Telephone. 3.2. Depot , Tenth and Ma nan htrpeti. Telephone , 123. Leave. Arrive St. Louis Hall" Kxpre < .JO pra ! . BII. Dally. n viMio.vn Mts ornt PAC IFIC nAit.itoAn rjeneral omc * ind Ticket O.lice , M > rchan.ts Nntloml llnnk llulldlnR. 1 l Farnam Street , Telephone ) jot. Depot Fifteenth \Vibflcr-StriGls ) . Telephone , - , , „ , . "Leave. Arrive. Kansas City. St. Lauls r . . . and southern paints. . . l2K'pm : ' I ! S pm Kansas city ixpre s . 9 SO pm 6-20 nm Ft Crook & Union 1.1.9.W pm 7:00 nm Dally M > TtUK TO CONTHACTOHS. FOH miiiNO MATHR- lali , etc. r. S Imllnn1 SerVlco , HO'Obinl Aconcj' , Itu ebtil ( , S. D. , September S , IS97 Sealed proposiN , Indorsed "Pioptmls for HulldlnR Mnterlnli etc. . " nthe case nmv lie , nnd mHro cd to tlio undersigned nt Hoxelnid , South D.ikotn. will be received nt this agency until I o'clock p. m of Thurs day , September " 0 , IS'i" , Tor furnMhliiB and delivering nt thli iiKcncy ulthln thirty ( .10) ) dnyt after r'--'Ipt of notice of approval of contract , n variety ot building mnterlils ( connoting of aborted lumber , phliiKlc * . comcnt , utc. ) nnd niHi-cllnncoua articles ( consisting of took , bolts , etc. ) , n full list nnd description of which rmy no obtained by making application to the undersigned. Hlddcrs will stnto specifically In their bids the proposed price of each article offered for delivery under n contract. All articles delivered under any contract will bo subject to u rigid Inspection. The right Is reserved to reject nny nnd all bids , or nny part of any bid , It deemed for the best Interests of thn service. Certlllcd Checks. Kttch bid mu < U be nccomptnled bv n ccrtl- llcd check or draft upon some United States depository or solvent national bank In the vicinity of the residence of the bidder , inado payable to the order of the Commissioner of Jndl.in Affairs , for ut le.ist live per cent of the amount of the proposal , wh'ch ' check or draft will be forfeited to the United States In c. e anv bidder or blddert receiving an award shall fall to promptly oicuuti ! a contract with good and sultlcli'iit sureties , otherwise to be returned to the bidder. Hlds accompanied bv cash In lieu of a , certified check will not be considered For nnv further Information apply to C1IAS. U. S. Indian Aqent. PHOI'OSAI.S FOIl KRHSH VKGKTAIJMJS. Headquarters Department uf the I'latle. OIllco of the Chief Commissary , Omaha , Neb. , September 10 , 1S97 Scaled propo'als In duplicate will be recehed hole until il o'clock n. m. , centrnl standard time , Oc tober 1 , 1S97 , and then opened publMy for furnishing nnd delivery of such quantities of potatoes and onions as may be required by the Subsistence Uepirtment nt Korts Crook , Nlobt.ira nnd lloblnson , Neb ; Korts 13. A Husgell and Vv'ashnkle , Wyo. , and l'rt Me.tclc , S. 13 PropOFals will also bo received und opened by the Comml uary nt Fort Crook until II o clock a m. , centrnl standard time , October 1 , 1S')7 ) , and by Com missaries nt Forts Nlobrara , Hoblnson , 13 A. Husiell. W.ishakle und Mende until 10 o'clock a m , mountain standard time , each Post Commissary receiving proposals for his own post only. The right Is reserved to reject any or all proposals In whole or In p irt. Blank proposals nnd spcclllcntlon- , showing In detail the articles and quuitltles icqiilred , and giving full Inform it Ion ns to conditions of contract , will be furnished on application to nny of the above mentioned olllcera. FUANK C. NYU Major and C. S. S-10 dlt 29-30-M OF SALE Government Subsidy Mort gage Foreclosure Causes. Notice U hereby clven that , rursuint to the Decree of Foreclosure and Snip nmlo and en tered hy the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Nilirnkn on the 20th day of July. 18U7. In a certain CIUBC In equity pending In * ild Court , entitled "The United Stntcs of America , Complain- npU. npnlnst The Union Pucltic Hnllnnr Cum- punj. S II II Clark. Ollrcr W Mink. E. Ellery Anderitoii. John W Donne , and Krede- rlc If Coudirt. llecelvers. r Uorduii Deitor and Oliver Ames , an TruMecs. Union Trust Company of : e York , is Irustee ; J I'ler- pont Morjiin and Fdwln I1 Atklim , as Tnia- teea. and The Central Trust Company of New lork , in 'i rush p. Defendants. " nnd certain other decrees In cnimes likewise BO entitled In the Circuit Courts of tht > I'nlted States for the follotrliiK dlstrlcm ontcn d. on July 2 th 18I7. ! In the Southern District or Iu\vn. on Julv 31it , IS'IT , In the District * of Colorado nnd Wyom. Inc and on August Ind , Ib07 , lu the District of I'tali \\II.MAM D. COIINISH. as Special Master - ter , will nell nt puhllc auction , to the high est bidder or Mdders at the fieleht Btntlon ot The I nlon Pnelfle HnlltvsrComniitInthePlty of Omaha , In the State of Ncbnskn , on Mon day , th llrst iliy of Nivember , li-P7. nt eleven o'clock liT the Torenoon. all the rallroid , rollIng - Ing stock , tflcuraph. franchises , rights , func- tlons , lainiiinltlcg , and appnrleiinnces to the Hume belonging , and nlxo the estate and prop. ertv of every kind and description mcntfoacd In unld d cre < and omliraced III and co vered by the subsidy mortgage nna lien to the United .States and all Rernrltlcs In the United States Union l aclllc Sinking Fund. The rnllrond and other property em braced In aald Eiibnldy mortguce and Hen are the whole line of railroad and telegrnpli. together v\lth the rolling MocL , fixtures und property of every kind and description and in conslderHtlcn of v\hlch subsidy bonds of the Pnlfd States nere Issued , formerly be longing to The Union Pacific lUllrond Com- psny. with all the rights , functions. Immu nities , and appurtennnci s thereunto l long- Ing. and all thv property estate , rlnhts nnd frnncblscfl of every Mnd and description granted or convi > > ed by the Dulled Stntes to the Kild Iho Union Pacific ItnIIroad Compinr , snd also ns nud to the extent provided by Ian , nil the estatu nnd property , renl , per fionnl. nnd mixed. ussetH , and Income of the uild The Union Pacltlc Hnllrond Company , from nbntever aource derived , eubject to nny lawfully prior nnd paramount mongnge , Urn or clnlm therecin. Including all estnte , prop erty , mid nisets derived b > llic Union Pacldc Ilallnny Coropnny. from the tnld The Union PnclOc llallroiid ( Company I' ' } virtue and forcg of the connolldntlon thirteen The Union Pa cific rtnllrond Company , the Kansns Pacific Itallnny Cuminny. and the Denver Pnclflci Itallway and Teleffrnph Company , and Includ * Ing all the railroad and property embraced In the tlr t mortgage of The Union Pnclfle niJlroad Company , dated Noyeraber let. 1833 , as In unld decrees fixind , and Tvhlch Rsld last mentioned rnllloud and property Includn the rallrnnd , right of v\ty , nnd rnllrnnd property of The- Union I'nrlflc - Ilnlhvoj Company ei- tending from the eastern terminus of The * Union Pselnc Railway on the cast line of tbo said Hallway Compnni's property between Twelfth \ve-nne nnd Thirteenth Avenue , lu Council Hliiffs. Iowa In a westerly direc tion to Twentieth Street In Omaha. Nebras ka , Ircludlnct thn railroad nnd rnllrond hrMgs across Hie Missouri Hlvcr , nnd eitemllug from the Initial t-olnl of construe tlon of the Union Pnclfle llnllrmd nenr the nortbiiiit corner of nnd within section 10 , Township IS. rnnge 13 , east of tbe Cth prlnclpil merldlnn tn Omnha , Nebraska. In u southerly nnd westerly direc tion through the * elty of Omnha to Twentieth Street In said clly of Omaha nt n Junction nlth tbnt pirt of Hnlcl railroad from Council liliiffa aforesaid , ancl extending thence in a westerly direction through the counties of Duuslas , fjsrny Dodpe , Cnlfnx I'lattc. Mer- rick , Hull. HufTalo. Dnwaon. Lincoln. Kellh , Detiel Cheyenne , nnd Klmball , In tbn Mnto of .Nebrnsks , and Sidgwlck County , In tba State of Colorado , nnd Ihe Counties of Lara- rule , Albnny. Carbon Sneetwater. nn < l Uln * tab In thp Slnte eif Wi > mlnir and the Conn- lien of Summit , Morgan , Davis , nml Weber In the State of Utah tu ft Junction with tbo Cen trnl Pacific Hullrond nt n point ftvu miles west of Oplen In Ihe Stnle nf Utah n ills , tance nf 1,01241 miles of irraln line mllrosd : and nlso the rights of way. railroads , and railroad tracks constituting spurs or hrnurb lines of rnllrood extending ; fmm paints of Junction vvltb thn raid main lines. (11 ( nt * imlnt about fl of n mile west nf what Is known as Transfer Depot ut Ouncll Dlufrs , In a northeasterly direction tMPbat Is known as tbe Ilruadway Depot In said clly , a dis tance of 1 72 miles In the idly of Council IJInfU ; 12) ) nt Aluiy Junction. Wyoming , In a northerly direction tu a Uriainus nt Mine ) No , Seven , a distance ot .1 8S mltrs ; (3) ) nt Chey enne , valuing. In n northwi sterly direction to a connection vvltb the track , of tbe Union 1'arlOc , Denver mid tiulf ltnll ; iy. a distance ) nf 204 miles : (4) ( ) nt a point on'satd main Una In Omaha , Nebraska , northerly nnd easterly , dlstsnre of IS.CJOe ) feet to certain Ice houses nd Industries on what Is fetiiwn as Cut-off ijiLe : alro lots , yards , termljinl grounds , shop grounds , streets , nnd ullrvs ) nnds nnd tracts of land , tenements and bereelltaraents , oss - men Is and rights uf way nirned or ncnulred or appropriated by nr for Thn Union Pacific Railroad Company , The Union Pacific Rallivay Company , or the * Receivers .of the prntcrty of said lilt named Company" for tha purposes of sild lines cf rallrnnd , Including nil lands so acquired or appropriated tba title to which stands In tha immts nf trustees for said Th * Union Pacific Hallway Company : and nlso all lands acquired fnr or used fur stations or for terminal purposes , nnd nisi nil rights nnd es- tstts lesal nnd equitable , cf | Tbe Union Pa clllc Hallway Company In nujl to nil ntutlons , depots and In nnd to nil union depots upon or connected with the line nf Its railway or ised In connection therewith , and Including all tbu Isnrts and ntbrr Jirnperty described In tbe repnrtK nf the rpnclat ! Muter fled In said severul rnusis respe-ctlvrlv and referred to In aid decrees nnd In tbc > Schedules In said re ports cuntfllned and therein nuulkcrcd 123 , 4 nnd D nil th said properly hclnz prop. erty owned , ncqulrrd , nr npprnprlated nnd nt- crsssry to the use and niMratinn of tb * said railroad , alto th" rlu'j's. freight deints ft- nerfll omc building , round-hmi'cs dernts , enclne.bi'Useii eir-loiies , station bnuses , ria * cblne shnpi vmrk-shoi' rails , snitches , turn outs , spuu sb'e traces , sidings und other structures rnd facilities it | m tald riortcaged premises coustructed uoiulie * . ! rr owned fnr th * purpos-s rf or In cnnnfrllc-ii with scld lines of nl | uy ; nlro Ihe lands IrtereMs , and easruirnts In lends p' | > ' . pump bnuses , , stnicturrs , plpe-llnrs r'lpllanccs. fiillltln. ' ndea > cmrntse > fsaldrniniijn ] rtaliilna to Ibo vatersuuplyuponorrloicsaldllnM of rall-n d , nd the tools , nppllan cs , t'itu-c < rnilirhlJ , nad sui'pllrs owned or renulreil for the pur pose * thereof ; clsj the Ic nmitlvcg rnsrcncor cars , Pullman slccpll. ; i rs , dlnlngcrr . fielcbt.mrs , fid tiler mrs , nnd nil olhr equlpiiicnt nrd rrllllie stork o\vmd | y Tbu t nlou Puclflc K'llv. 0) C nsry. rtd ill Ic. te-rfst nf said Th I'll" ! P'Mflc I'iMn-T Compaoy ) u any i > m stock , tn the eitfnt thst fsld equlpmtnt SDJ rolltnc JtoeX o o ncd , fir In rthlfh the IJ TKllwnr minpnny bsi any Inter * * ! , wo sc- quired or provided for or by said rs.II- iv sy roRifinny for the purposes of said rsllrcaci snd morlcsgfd premise' or 1 nect ry for ( be running nnd operation thereof , th" sums rln Hie undivided seventy ler centOjf sit the rolling stock or equipment owned by Ths ,1'nle.n Pacific Hallway Oompnny or In which sflrt cftrr'ny bus unv Interest : lto nil th ( lines of telegraph , telec'npb materlsl , tnstru- mpntu Bftirfs , nnd npplUnce-s l longlng to the s ld railway coiarsny nnd located upon or n cd In exinneetl n with Mid tnottRSitecl pr - tnl est also nil furniture. KMurcv nppllnncrt , npp ritus , tupidles mid tnnterlnl own d , nc- eiulrcd , or provided by sold Company for tus In connection with suld rnllrond nnd premises , located In the various oflces of Mid railway company upon or remote- from snld rnllrr.sdt Includtncthe-offletK of ssld company In the cltlts of Omshn , Nebrnskn , and Koston , Mnssncbu * relts , mid also nil the property of sold Tbe Union PnrlfU' Unllwav Compiiiy and nil Its tights nnd Interest In nnd to property of every Vlnd nnd nature , -whether of the character herein described or otherwise , nml the corpo rate rl hts and franchises of ld The Union Pacific llnllroad Compsny or Its successor Ibe Union Paclllc Hallway Company , so fnr us * nch propertr. rlcht" Interests , nnd frnn- cblsn pertain tn the said iillrrmd. telegraph , nnd prtmlnes. nlso nil the moneys , credits , nnd property not herein otherwise speclHed , In the | c lon nf " "inder the ronlrnl of the aid HeceMveis , or to which wild Hecelvers nre or may Is- entitled , which have been or may bo derived by slid Itccelvers fremi or on nccount of nsld tnnrlciged premises , or fmm tbe snlev ) r olber illsposltlon of nny of ssjd property' from the operation of th ftssld mortgaged premises by said Hecelveis * uT > - lect to the rhnrccs of tbe Hecelvers In re spect thereof : said lands nlmve referred to ns standing lu tbe names of Trustees for the ssld Ihc Union Pnclrte Hallway Company belnj described an follows ! in scnptcn. : r'OTTAWATOMtn COUNTY , IOWA. P Acres. Commencing nt n point 471 .5 ft. South nf tlienortnenRt cornerof tbe N\V W of SHUof See 34 , T 7ft N. II. 44 W of tin filti P M j thence ( taking tbe 40 ncra line for due norlh X south line ) S &T de > g. 31' W. 3n 2.1 ft ; thence West to n IKiInt nil5 ft. noutb nnd 3ZU31 ft. onst of tbe center of anld Sec. 34. : ' thence eolith parallel with tbe North .V South ctuler line of said Sec .14 , CfiO ft. to n imlnt In the present North of Wny line of the Vulon Pn- clflc Hy. Co : thence K" t on slid It. i O. W. Hue H13 1(1 ft , thence Northeasterly - > easterly Ml ft to n point In 40 ncro line t > 0 ft lucre or Irss North of thn SIS corner of tbe N\V VS of Hi't of snld Sec. .14 : thence North nn said 40 cere line 703 3 feet to the place * of beginning - ginning , cuiitnliilng nn nren of . . 13.43 Atkins , linker tt McFnrlnnd , Trustees , / A trie ! In the Ni : VI of SB M of Sec. ' 14 T 7S N It * 4 W. . of Bth P tl of Iowa , descrll d s follows : Commenc ing nt " point IM3 ft South from the. luist quaiter section corner of said Sec. 34 running thence south on Section line nSD2 ft or to urounds as nun owned by Union Pec Kallwnr Co theucu South- vvesterl ) on Northerl ) line of said. grounds 14S4 feet to West line of sold NK Vt of Si : Vi : thence North on snlit ' line ilJRO ft : thince' K st 1323 feet or to place of beginning b liicept tract sold to 8 II Tlnncy , de- sctlbed ns follows : ComnunelnK nt n. point A3 * feet south from the Kast 1-4 Section corner of said Sec 34 and running tluuce south 30H ft tn Union Paclllc H" grounds , thence southwest- erlv en northerly lltiu of enld grounds 270 ? , feet ; thence N SO deg W IBS1 ! ft ; thence rust .W ft to ptncc of be ginning , Confilnln ; 0 7.17 of on aero he-rob ) conveying to snld Trustees . . . 21,90 Atklnft , linker & McFarlnnd , Trustees. HW 1-4 of .NH 1-4 and NW 1-4 of hec. 2 nnd all Sec 3 , all In Township 74 , Itangc 44 West . 701.10 Dexter. AtUlns & Mink , Trustees A tract of land In the NK W of SK H Sec. 34. T 75 N It 44 W In PiUtavvn- tomlc Co , Inwn , described ns fcdlown : Commencing nt n imlnt B17 ft south - fiom tbe Kast Vi becllon corner of said section 34 , nnd running thence " smith I0\j feet to U. P. Hy. ground ; ' thence southwestcrl ) on nortberl ; line of sild grounds iI70 } feet ; thruco north 30 dej ? Nest 1S83 . thence Uast 31S feet to place of beginning , con taining an nrci of . . . . 074 Dc&tcr , Atkins Sc Mink. Trustees. J The East 44 feet of Lot 1 ! the Hist II feet nnd the west 22 feet of I/it 2 , nnd nil of lots 3 ,1 S , all In Illock 0 In Grimes Addition to Council IllulTa . . . O.CO Dexter , Atkins & Mink. Trustees. Part of lots t nml 0 In Illoclc I ) In Grimes Addition to Council Bluffs not In Union Avenue . 0.41 Dexter , AtUlns & Mink , Trustees. Thnt portion of It 7 In Illock 0 In Crimes Addition to the Clt ) of Council llluffs , not taken nnd used for tbo Right of Wny of "Union Ave.nue" . . . . 0.03 Atkins linker & Mcl'arhind , Irustces. Part of I-ots 1 , 2. 3 , 4 . G In Illock 11. In llavllss Addition to Council llluffs not In Union Avenue . , . O.CT Dexter , Atklus Sc Mink. Trustees. i An undivided half of U > t > 1 , 2 & . 3 In Illoclc 11 In th" Mill division < if Itlddlo Tract In the City of Council muffs All the Interest of J S Casement , Mary Lockwnod Casement. Ilobert L 0.30 CasementGrey Cusemeut.nnd Daniel Wells Casempnt lu and to Lots 1 , 2 A. 3 Iq Illock 11 In KliMlc's Sub division of tbe City of Council Dluffs , Iowa . . Atkins HaUer & Mcl'nrlnnd Trustees. All the North 33 1-J feet of Lot II nnd all of Lots 15 nnd 10 In IllocU 11 ; all In tbo hub-dlvlslon of the Riddle tract. City of Council UlnCTs 0.33 Athlns , linker & . McKirland , Trustees. , - > All of I/Jt 17 In Illock 11 In Sub division of tbe Itlddlo Una , City of Council Bluffs . 0.12 Atkins , linker & McTailnnd Trustees , . . All of Lot No 18 In Illock 11 in Sul > - - division of Itlddlo tract. City of Coun cil Uliiffs . 0.13 All U.S. Baker It McParland , Trustees. All of Lot 19 In Block 11 In the bub- dlvlslon of tbe Itlddlo tiact In tbo Clly of Council Illutfa 0.13 Atkins. Uaker Sc Mcfarlnnd , Trustees. All of I.ot 20 In Block II In tbe Sub division of the Hlddle tract In the City of Council Bluffs . . . . 0.12 Atkins , Baker & MrFarUnel , Trustees. All of Lots 1. 2. D & 10 In Block 12 ; also tbe North 22 2-3 ft. of Lot 3 In Block 12 nnd the Norlh 22 2 3 ft of Ix > t 11 in Block 12 nnd the North 113 1-3 ft. of lot 8 In lllk 12 ; nil ID tbe flub division of the Kiddle tract of Council Bluffs 0.70 Atklus , Baker A McFnrlnnd. Trustees. All Lo < 1 In Black 31 In the Sub division of tbe I.lddlo tract in tbe City of Council Bluffs. 0.25 All of Lot No. 2 In Block No 33 In Sub-division of the Kiddle tract , Clly of Council Bluffs Atkins Bnkcr & McKnrland , Trustees. All Lot 3 In Block 33 In Sub-division ] of tbe Illddle tract In the City of ) Council llluffs . r ° -a . . . . , ! AH of Lot 12 111 Block 33 Riddle's Sub-1 division of tbe City of Council Bluffs J Atkins. B ker A Hcisrlnnd , Trustees. All of Lots IS & 14 In Block 33 In Sub division of Kiddle tract , City of Coun- ell Bluffs . 0.25 Atklos. Baker & McKnrland Trustees. All of Lot 15 Block .IS In tbe Subillvl-1 slou of Kiddle tract. City of Council I AH 'l"t ' 10 In Illock 33 In tbe Bub d'l- f 0.50 vlelon of tbe Kiddie tract In tbe City I of Council HliifTJ J Atkins , Baker * t Mtl'mlaiid. Trustees. All of lilt 1 In Block 34 In tbo Sub-1 division of the Illddlo tract , City of I Council Bluffs . . I Lots 2 ami 3 jn Hlocl. .14 In the Sub-V 0.8T division of ( tic Kiddle tract ID tbe I i City of Council Bluffs i Atkins , linker & McPurlnnd Trustees. All of Lois 12 , U i 14 In Block 34 In Hiib-dlvlslon of Kiddle tract , Clly of Council Bluffs 0.38 Atklus Bnker & McPailond Trustees Lot IS In Illock 34 In tbo Sub division of the Illddle tract In the Clly of Council Ilium . . . . . . 0.10 Atklnk , Ilake-r A. McKarland. Trustees All Lot 10 III Block .14 In the .Subdivi sion of iho Illddle trnct In tbo City nf Ciiun.'ll Illuifk 0.10 AtUim , Baker . Mcl'nrlund. Trustees , All of Lot U In tbo Block .17 In Sub. division of tbo Kiddle tract. City of Council llluffs . 0.13 Atkins , linker & McParland. Trustees. All of I.ot9 1 , 2 i. 3 In Illuck 33 in Sub. division of tbo Kiddle tract. City of Council Bluffs 0.37 Atkins , Baker fc McFarlcind , Trustees All I-ol U In Bb.ck 33 lu tbe Sub divi sion nf theIlldfllo trnct In the Clly of Council Bluffs . . 0.13 Atkins , Baker f. McFarlnnd , Trustees , All Lots 12 , 13 fc 14 In Block 38 In tbe flub division of the Hlddlo trait In tbe City of Council niuffa . . . . 0.3T Atkins , Baker A McFsrlaud , Trustees. /H of Lot 15 In Illock T5 In Suh-dlv ) . | nlon of tbo Kiddle tract. City of I Council Bluffs All of Lot 10 In Block SB In Hub-ill r I-V 0.18 slon of tbn Hlddlo truct In tbe City ] of Council Bluffs . . -.I Dexter , Atkins & Lane , Trustees. POUOLA3 COUNTY. NKBKA8KA. Clly of Omnba Lois 2 and .1 In Block 208 In tbe City of Omaha ns surveyed and lltbo- itraphed , subject to tbe taxes tbereon for tbo rcr 1880 . 0.40 Atkins lULnr it McKflrlnml , Trustees I/it 4 In IIlork 2 < JS In the- City of Oma ha , ns surveyed and platted , 0.20 Atkins , Baker f. Mel srlnnd. Trustee * . Lot S In Block 208 in the City of Oma- ha. ns surveyed nnd platted , , 0.20 Atkins , Baker X. McParland. Trustees Lot 0 In Block 203 In tbet City of Oma. ha . . . 020 Atkins , linker Sc McKarlsnd Trustees. Lot 2 lu Block 21S In tbe City of Ouu- ha . 020 Atl.inn , linker ft McFarland Trustees Lot .1 In Illuck 215 lu tbo City of Oraa. l.a . . . . 020 Atkins linker & McFxrland Trustees I/it 4 In Block .No 215 In the Cllv of Omaha us vurveyed and platted Sub ject to Iho following lcik . nblcb bare been this day nssliuie'd by tbe snld Ornnlor to John H Manchester , In trust for tic Union Pacific Hallway Co. and the taxes of 16fl > I/ennes * Fmm Jacob Pflus to Jn- cob h hlerrter dsltd Aug 8 , tJ , for 4 v H mo frira dale. Prom .Iseuli Pftiiir tn Frederick Kr/iiiie datvd Ji'l ) HI. IHSfl , for D jr. from eiitle .ill I e xt 3 ) I'ruiu Jrcoli I'fay to Malcom Chris * tc-tucn , dnteel Apr. I , IBSa , fur 3 jrs. fiom date * Prom Jacob PHiic to Joseph Seblechter , dated April 2 , IbMj. for U > r from date. I loin Jacob Plug Io llinr > Brork * rcr , elated Apr , 1 , lb.SU , fur 3 > rs. from eltle. I'rom Jan.h pfug tu Patrick Murphy , e'.atedpill U , IBi'J , for 3 ft * from I'aKi 0.20 Atkins , Baker Mcl'arland Triistvcs , Part nf U.t 2 UN III.'J 17H I"J ft I. In liliNk No. 210. lu Ihr CM } "f Omabs. pet" u'.lnj to t , > rccnrd'd plat thereof , . AlktCI. UtlMt. 4 .14 % .1fW * U Ooramonclnx at * point .110 f t north at tinRK corner of ttii < SW U nf th SW U of section 51 In T 1R N of It IS P. of tb Oth r M : tbenc * * t 410 feet : tlrnc South fvS ft ! thenc * st ! 4fl ft. ; thenr * north M ft : tbcrce west 170 ftel ; tbence north 82 fe t to thu pUce of t-eglnnlng. cnntiMnlnr M,5flO squsro f et , . 0 01 Atkins , linker A McTarland , Trustees. Lots R. 0 A 7 In Block T . 0 CO DMter , AUIns * Mink , Trustees Lot 1 In Hlock m In the City of Oms. ha , ns surveyed nnd Hlhr-crnphed sub. Jrct to I bo tnxes thereon for the j er lS n , , .010 Atkins , Baker A McFnrlnnd , TrnsleM All I/its numbers 8 and 3 In Illock Nn , 17S In tbe City of Omntm , 0.49 Atkins , linker A McFiils.nd , Trustees All tbe following described Heal Kstatc , situated In tbe Cltv of Omnhn , County of Douclns nnd State of Nebraska , to- vvltt Lots 5. 0. 7 * 8 In Block I7S > Lots fl. 7 ( 8 In Block 170 ! oierotlna ; however from this conveyance nil the Intttcst heietoforc nntulrrel by The Unlcn Pncllle Hallway Company for Rlfbt of Wnr In nnd to lots n , 7 & 1 In Block 170 and the Interest under * certain verbil le'aao heretofore niado of Lots A , n , 7 A S In Blk ITS to John A. Wnkefleld , which expires Feb 1 , 1SST. Tha whole ot said described premises Is hereby conveyed subject to all tn\e < assessed nnd levied thereon fnr tbe yenr 18 < tQ Xc 1,33 Atkins , linker ft McParlMid , Trustees. Lot A In Illock 170 , ns surveyed and platted by the Council llluffs nnd Ne braska Kerrr Co . . . . . 0.20 PtMcr , Atkins .V Mink , Trustees Lot No. C In Block 180 In the City ot Omaha 0,20 Atkins , Baker A McFnrland , Trustees. Lot Nos 0 nnd S In Illock ISO 111 the City of Omaha 040 Atkins , Ilaker & McFnrlnnd , Trustees. Lot 4 In Block 181 0.20 Dexter , Atkins A Mink , Trustees All I/its I A 4 In Block 1SS In the City nf Omnba , Also n parcel nf land ad * Joining said Ixit 1 on tha f.ast , com mencing at tbe Nf ! corner nf snld I/ib 1 In Block 188 nfnresnbl ; thence South 133 feet to the SK corner ot said I/it 1 ; thencn Hast 20 feet ; thence North 133 ft : thencn west 20 ft to placet of hcrlnnliiR. Containing 2040 square feet 0.49 Atklni. linker A McFnrlnnd , Trustees. All I.ots 2 nnd ! i In Block 183 In the City of Omnhi 0.40 Atkins , Biker & Md'arlnnd , Trustees. All of I/its 1. S A 3. IllocL IM , Sou Hi of Right of Way of the U P. Ry. , con- tslnlng 1 3 5 of n regulnr City lot Atkins , Bnker X. McFnrlatii ) , Trustees. All that portion nf 1-ot 4 In Ittock 180 In the City of Omnba nut Included In n certain grant fur Hl ht of Way inado to the Union Pacltlc Hnllrntd Company by deed dated March 3 , 18111. nnd re corded on tbo1st dn ) of the same month tn Hook "P" of deeds nt Pngo 301 of the records of ssld Douglas County 0.03 Atklus , tinker i McFnrland , Trustees. Fart nf lx > t 2 ( being 0.534 sq ft. ) In Block 220 In the City of Omaha , nc- cording to tba Recorded Plat there of . . . . . . . . . . I/its 7 , fl 0 & 10 In block IB nnd frnc- tlonnl Hlock 17 In the 'Inwn of Mlllnrd O.SS Dexter , Atklus & Mink , trustees Lots 7 , 8. 0 A II ) in Hlock 23 In tbo Town of Wnterloo. . , n 73 Dexter. Atkins . Mink. Trustee * DOIHII : COUNTY. MIIHASICA. : Lots 1 A 2 In Hlock C In the City ofl North Ilend . . Lot S In Illock S3 In tbe Cltv of North r 1.43 Bend , except tbo Knst 1ft feet of lot Dexter. Atkins .V Mink IniMcon I PI.AT1K COF.NTY , NF.IIHASICA. City of Columbus. Trustees Lot3 & 4 In Illock 41 .040 Dexter , Atklni & Mink. " 7 " US. . O20 " " " 3 & 4 " 60 . II 40 " " 4 " 77 . 0 21) " " Lot 3 " 80 020 " " " 1 & 3 " MI 0 40 " " " H " 100 . 0 20 " " ft & 0 " 101 . 0 40 " " 7 " 102 0 20 " " " 3 fc 4 " 110 0 40 " " " fl " 112 0 20 " " s & 7 " in. , o40 " 7 & 8 " 121 . O 40 " 7 12.1 020 0 " 14.1 0 20 " 7 " 1511 . 0 2O " 8 " 1IW . 020 " S " 1S7 . 020 " 3 & 4 " 100 . 0 40 7 " 101 . 0 20 " 1 " 1BO 020 " 1 " 200 . O 20 " " " 0 - " 211 . O 20 " " " 7 " 224 . 0 20 . " " " 1 Si 1 " 32S. . 040 " " " 2 " 220 . 020 " " " 0 " 231 . 020 " " " 3 , B & 0 " 2(2 . 1100 " " " 2 " 234 0 20 " " " 2 " 250 020 " " Out Lot 7 11 JW " " 0 7.75 " BE ii of NW ' / Sec. 20-17 1 W . . . 4000 " " HALL COUNTY , Nr.HrtASKA. City of Grand Island. LotsB.O,7 , i.SIn BlockSO. .0 80 Dexter. Atkins * f. Mluk. " B , fl , 7 & 8 " 40 ,0 SO " " C , I ) , 7&8 " 41 080 " " " 3. 4. B & 0 " 42 0 SO " " First Addition to Ornnd Island. FracA \ * 7 In Hlocle IDS 0 01 " HUFFALO COUNTY , MDHASKA. Kearney Junction. Trustees. Lots 89 , C02 , 710 0 40 Dexter. Atkins & Mtuk. ( Park ) " 1308 , 1390. 1100. 1404 , 1403 , & 1400 . .000 " " " 1477 . . . . 0 IS " " LWtMIK COUNTY , WYOMINO. City of Cheyenne Fractional Lot No 1 In Block 813 : Also Lots 1 , 2 fc : i nnd frac. Ixits 4 , S 0. 7 & 8 In Hlock 834 Also Ixits 1. 2. 3 4 , B , 0. 7 A. 8 In Hlock 833. AH In Sec tion 32 , T. 14 N. R. , 00 W : Also lot * 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , B. fl. 7 .V 8 In Block 3SO : Also I.ots No 1. 2. 3 , 4. 8 , 0 , 7 A 8 in Illock 837 ; Also Lots No * . 1. 2. 3 , 4 , B. 0 , 7 & 8 In Hlock No 838 ; Also Lots 1. 2. 3 , 4 , S. 0 7 & 8 In Block 830 All In Section 32 , T. 24 N. R GO W , ns cleslgnnted on tbe official plat of Tovvnslto of said City of Cheyenne 083 Atkins , linker A. McFnrland , Trustees Lot 22 In Illock 122. City of La ramie . 0.73 Dexter , Atkins & Mink , Trustee ! . Sodn Lnkes , near Larnmle , Wyo. SW of NW of Ni : Ul NW of SW of NE > { I E H of NW Vi M-I4 N-75 W. SVj nf NWof NWJil NF. of SW of NW J N V4 of VW of SW Vi B 14 N.7.1 W. NE of Nl ! Vi of SK ' , i < ! -14 N 7S W. SK of SB nf SW W 33-18 N 73 W. Also nil claim In and to other portions nf See's 4 .t B. T 14 N R 73 W and In and to other portions of Sec 33 T. IB N R 7B. vvblch may have been at any time vested In tlnse through whom nhove property wns obtained . 200 00 Dexter , Atkins tc Mink. Trustees WHItnn COUNTY , UTAH A pnrt of lot 0 In Dlock 4 In South Og. elen Survey , beginning nt the north west corner of ssld lut 0 and running ; thence south 20 rods : thence esst 10 ruds , thence north 2H rods : thence east 2 rods ; thence north 17Vj rods ; t lance west 12 rods tn place of be- Elnnlni ; . . 1.47 Atkins , Dexter A. Lane , Trustees In accordance vvlth tbe terms nod provision * of snld docrers , said premises und property nl-ove described * lll be sold , nud the pur- cbaiier theicof will tnLo the name subject to and saving the title of The American Ixisu and 'Irust Company , as shown by tbe ioulp- mcnt 'Jiust Indenture of The Pnlon Paclllc Hallway Company to the cald The American I-onii nnd Trust Company , elated October 1st , 1 37 , to ( lie extent and so fnr us tbo snld In denture affects the poitlnn of Ibu equipment therein eiubrnccd , which is adjudged In said decieeH to pertain to the premises embraced In said subsidy mortgage and Hen , ami to tbn extent of ibe UHlti i - . > .I . MI tun KMI.wm of Iwnds lu said decree. . I mid to bo outstanding thereunder , und subject to tend saving the lieu of tbu Uiunha Bridge Mortgage ! of the t'nlou Pacific Railroad Company tn John Kdgnr ' 1 bom- on , Jr.hu Plerpont Margin , nod Kll&lia Alums , > s trustees , dated tbe 1st day of April , 1N71 , and tbu Iku of tbe Indenture supple mental hereto , dste-d the 27tb day of September , 1871 , and tbu Hen of tbu Oiriibn IIridge lie'ucwai Mortgage executed by the I'ulon Paclllc Hall way Company to thu Central Trust Company of New York as trustee- , dated the 1st day uf October , 18S5 , upon , to tbe extent , end In respect of tbe premises embraced In and covered by ssld bridge ) mortgages snd to tbe extent of tbu Indebtedness thereby no- cured as In said decrees found to bu out standing and unpaid viz ; upon XSO..uOU of First Bridget bonds , nnd 1734,000 of Re. nevval Ixmda nnd subject to nnd savins ; tb * Hen of tlm First Mortgage nf ' .Iho Union Pa cific Railroad Company tn IMv > ln D Mortfin nd ( lakes Ames , as trustees dated ftoveia * her 1st , 1886 , upon , to tbe extern ! , and In respect - spect of Ibe premises mnhrnced In and cov ered by said First Mortgage as In said decrees described and defined , nod to the extent of tbu Indebtedness upon tbe (27,220KIO of bondn secured thereby , as found to Iw out- tandliin' anil unpaid ; nnd subject to on , . svlng the right of Ihe ( Joverument to bun ! tbe preference at nil times in the use , at fair nd reasonsble rstes of compensation , not to exceed tie annuals paid by private parties for tbe same kind of service of Ibe said lu- Itgraph line and rnllroad fnr tbe transmis sion of despatches over said telegraph line nd the tiansporlatlon of mulls , troop" , muni tions of wnr , supplies , and public stores ui > on sstd rnllroad for the Government , vvhtntrtr ( cqulrecl by any Department thereof. As provided by said decree-Si hild property covered by slid embraced In aid subsidy mortgage am ) Hen will be sole ] M an entirety and In one parcel Tbe hpeclal Master bus Hie power and right to iiostpnnc the sold sale from time tn time , nd msr without further notice * , proceed vvltb the said sale on uny day to which the ants may have be > en adjourned 'llio Special Maj. tcr will receive no bid from any ouv offering to bid who ahull not huvu deposited with Mm , t bis otflre In Oinntm. Nchr sko. nt leant five days before Ihe dute of tte sile men tioned In this notice' , n * n pledge Dial he will make good his bid In case of Its ncccptnucu , tbr sum of 12,000,000 In cash The Special Master will accept no bid for aid rcllruad , franchises and properly less than the sum of { 2.1,000000 In cash Upon tbe ncciptrnce of mi ) Ml tbe person or persons matins ; the same shall forthwith de posit with Ib * Special JliicUr. on lie-count thereof. further sum , In cash , which , together tilth the siuount wblrh hi oi they have si- ready deposited pledgs shall equal Cf. teen per eenl ( It.1 of Ibe accepted hid In rsse liny bidder sbsll fsll tn make goxl hi ) Md upon Its acceptance by tb fipeclnl Mas. tvr by miking within five dos nfti-r such cceptnuce said additional drpoilt with th * Muter us hfrdnUfoie specIQed , or , after Ibe conflrinstion of said kale , sbsll fall to t-sy as hnrlnsflvr specified tb hslsnr * due uiion tils said bid In consummation of his pur- ruase then the sums In cash o drpnslteel by lucb bidder or purchaser , will b forfeited as peuslt ) fnr such fsllurr. and will be sppllfd tovvsid * iviymcot of tbee-ipensesuf n re s l and lownrd * making gc d any iknclency or loss In csse the properly shnll be sold it a less price uun such resale , nd to nuy ntb r and fur- ( ber purimsis which Ibe C > urt may direct. Any Jiarty to cald ceiuses or auy bidder or i W n. I j ti 14. ' may bid snd pnrcbas * it such sale , K anyssle forwhlcbn d-r tlt bas been mad * shall not t > * exinflrm < l by the Court , such de posit will b * rMnrned to the bidder , snd tn attxislt cf any nnsnccessfnl bidder will r re turned tn him when n bid ha * bftn necrptnl , Tbe purchsser whose bid sbs.lt hst b ti necepteel by tbe Sprclsl .Master nt saM sal * shall mak * pavruents In cash of tT-f sum r * mnlnlng due upon his Mid bid sfter tha a p. SHcRtlon tbemo of th * ninounts tberernfor * eposlled by him , ns follows ! Twntymv ( S5 % ) j > er cent , of Mid nmount n temslnlnt duo em Mid bid shall be paid within thirty elnya nfte > r the ? ronflrmntlon of tbe snl ! further twentr five (2.v ( % ) per cent of ia ninount shnll t > i ld within forty days after urn confirmation ; n further twenty-flv * tS3 % ) per cent of Mid nmount slinll be pnld within nfly days nfter such confirmation , * nd n fur ther twcnlr five (25 ( ) per c nt of Mid mount * bnllf \ psld within sixty days attsr such confltniatloni Provided , howevnr , thai tba purchaser shall bntc the right tn nntlcl- psle all or either of snld payments by m kIng - Ing tha Mine , or nuy of them , nt an rxrller time , or eirllor times , than herein stated , The Master inny nccept n cttlfled chtct nron or n certificate of deposit of any na tional bank or trust company which Is suits- factory to him as n payment , or * dvpcmlt of cash. Instead of money , lu nny case In wblrh lie Is , by the terms eif Mid decrees , requlnul to obtain cash. a Uion | psjmcnt of the purchase price , tb * EpeclM Msstrr will rxccute nnd deliver a good nnd mifflclent deed , conveying nil tb premises purcbnsed , subject to tbe prior Hen * nnd exceptions In said decrees found nnd here inbefore stated , to sucti purchaser or vnr- chascrs , nr bis or tbelr successors or nstlgnat nnd upon ronllrinatloii of the sule nnd con veyance of the premises sold , the purrhcstt or purchnsers , his or their successors nnd ns- slins. slisll , subject to the pi rml. > n and rtchts of said Receivers , nnd subject to thn lltns and right * sntrd nnd pxceptcd na etrr - sald , thereupon be entitled to hold and enjoy the ssld premises so eumcjed. Th purchaser purchasers , or his or their successor * or assigns , shall , ns part consideration and purchase price ot tbe Mid pmifrty pur chased , nud In nddlllon to Ihe sums required to be paid ns nforesnld , tnkr * the snmc * and receive tbe dee-d therefor upon HID express con dition that he or they , or Ids nr their suc cessors or nsslgns. shall ) my , sntlsfy nnd ills- ebnrge the obligations , llnblllllru And charcv * In said scveinl electees specified os followst "First. All Ihe pro ) > rr costs ot this esnssi nnd nf the expenses of tbe sill * berenndetr. Including the comptnsatlnn nnd necessary ev- l > eiiscs of the Speclnl Master opiwlnted t insko tbe sale "Second. The charges , compensation , at * lowatires nnd disbursements of the Couplsln- nnts , nud nny of tba other pnrtlrs to this cause entitled thereto , their solicitors nnd counsel " Such costs , compensation , nllownnccs and iHctniriu'tncnts shall IKpnld by tbe purchnser * when th r nre fixed by the Court. The pur chaser , his nucccssors or assigns , shall Mf nny of tbe claims describee ! In said decree * when bv the Court reeulred ) , or sbnll pav to the Master or In Ceiurt tbe moneys reiulreil | to discharge the anme from tltuo to tlmu ns tlm Court limy direct And the Ceiurt reserve * tb * right nnd retnlns the power nnd Jurisdic tion to lake l > nck and resell the snld property In cast the purchaser , his successors or n . nlgos , fall to pay any of raid claims when by It rciiulrrd , nnd 111 cnsc be nr they full to pny any other part ot the purchase prlca of th * property . 4 As provided In s IJ decrees : 1 Ihe Imnds held In the United States Union PaclDc Sinking Fund will be sold nt the tlm * nt d place aforesaid ns nn entirety nnd In on * 1 he bonds In the snld United Stoics-Union Pncltlc Milking Fund nre then shown In th * following tabulated statement , which stntr- tnent nlso shows which of the INMUIM In said sinking fund nre not duo. which nf snld bonds are due , nnd the rates of Interest , dates nr maturity , dates when Interest Is payable , nnd dates of lust pavment of Interest ns Io esca clnss of bonds embraced In said sinking fund : H . O - a 3S ilili I I ! U hhl "r'j r i rS3 ! j ! 5 i § SS-aSlafi Sd | t.M-1 U30O - fci _ U 3 3 3S Thn Special Master has tbo powci and right tn postpone the snlo of said Sinking Fund bonds from tlmo to time , und may , without further notice , proceed with tbo snlo on any day to which the same mny bavu been ad journed , Tbe Special Master will receive na bid from any bidder for the securities In nald Sinking Fund wbo skill lint him- paid to him. at bis nttlce. In tha City of Omnba. Nebrnskn , at least lire days befuie tbn kuld ( Into for said sale , nunounced In this notice , the sum of st lenst te.ii per rent of tbe aggregate par value of nil the Iwnds In the said hluklne Fund , nniurl ) , tbe Mini of $1,304,52ft , as a pledge that hit will make good nil bid in ens * of Its acceptance , 'ibe hpecl.il Master wlU accept no bid foi tnld Sinking Fund hnncl * less tbsu a sum cquiil tu the aggregate par value of nil of the bonds In said Sinking Fund as In snld decrees found us e > f Ibe dale H * April 3Utb , IbV7 , niunrl } , tbu sum of $1.1,015- 25U SO 'Ihu purchaser shall , within fifteen elajs cftcr tbo cuiiflruiatlon of the null' , b ) the Court , of said .SlnKlug Fund bonds , make ; suc.li Inrthcr * pajment or payment ! ) In cash as shall ba nccessuiy to complete , with Ihu deposit Ihere- tofoiu made by him the piijiaent of the sum hid by him at such mln , iiml such pnj-nient nball be made lute the * 'J ( fatuity nf ( hit United Stales , or to ucb olllclul of tba Tiiaeury De partment of the United hlutcx or ilei jsllnry us ahull be by tbu SetieUr ) of tlio Tiensury designated to receive tuc.li puyuent oil behalf of tbn United Slate-s , pioildril liouerei , llmt iluiultaneously "Illi kiieb pnyniiiit , und an a condition tlu-rfof , tbu said puicbusvr shall ba i entitled to receive and shnll lecelvc fiom tba , M 8i.cri.tur ) of the Titusury uftheUnllcdHlntc * . and said Secrctor ) of tlio 'linusury shall ul thu tlmu of cucb payment as afoiesald deliver to such purchaser all tbu bonds lu the Bald United Stales Union Pacific Sinking Fund , duly embused by thu Heenurj of tbu Jicasury so ss to elfecliiully transfer tbn umu aim make the B.IIIIU good lu tbu bauds of olber liuldcis Ihan the said Seeietary 'llio Special Muster will bold any sum deiio. died wllb him ns a pledge to seeuiu an > fila M bleb shall have hveu accepted , subject to tlis order of the he.cretary of Ibu 'Jirnsurj of th United Mates at uny time wbeu Hie Imlauca of such bid shall liuvo liftn paid and ( lie lie- . livery of tbo said bonds tu Ihu pale baser aball bavo been made us In said dccicm ptovlded or subject tu ( be rto.ulreiiic-iit of Ibu purchaser tuadu nt uny tluie wllbln flflceu dnjs after the ) conlliillation of Ibu said sule Ibnt tb * amount i > u deposited uhull bu paid over by thei aid bpeelal Master Iiilo the 'Irensury of Hi * Uulle-d States , or to eucji iiftlclal of the Trea. sury Depiirtinentor deui | | | nrynB umy ! desig nated by the slid hecrntnry of the Ireasiiry to receive sue h pa > luent 'Ihu Master ma ) ae'eept , certified ibeck upon or a crrtlfkulu of dcpusll of any national bank or trust company niilca Is sallifnctory to him , as a payment nr a do- poitt of eaah InsfeuJ of iiioney , In any cusa lu vvblch be Is ruiulrcd to obtain cusli If uny surplus over the said hulwldy debt of in * Union Pacific llallivuy Ouupjny to the. United blatrs sball result from tlm proceeds of lli > sale of the rallrond aud olber property em braced lu suld Subsidy inortgige and Hen und from tbu sale of thu Ion.Is . IK Id In Ihe United States Union Puclue hlnklug Fund , nfle-r Ib * appllcullnn of Ibo cash In ssld Sinking I'nud to slid hitUldy Indclilrdnt/ss , tbeil sucli lur- plus shall be ; > nld Into Court. In cusu any bidder of piiichoser shnll fall , viltliln llflffn elayit after confirmation nf In * said ink' of sold Sinking Funil bonds Io pay , s hereinbefore sperifled , tbe hnlunrH due upou tils bid In consu in unit Inn nf bis purchase , llen tbe sum ilenoilUJ b ) hutli puicheisvr itiull be forfelle-d us a penalty for suci ! failure , and nball bo applied tun arils the payment nt lb eijiec.scs nf a malcr , nnd toMsids ruaklpsi good nuy elellclliicy or lo ( in cant tbu sam ( ball pioducu a lew pilt upon such rrssic , nd to uny othn nud further purpose ! vrhlcli tbe Court may elliecl. If nny sale for which a deposit has been tande shall not I * continued by Ibe ) Uoiirl , such deposit sbnll t > u leturnc'd tu Ihu bidder , and tbe ilepnsll eif any unsuiee-tsful bidder sbnll b * reluriird to bllu wlrii a bid bus been ac- ctjdeil for further pirlkulsrs rrfennca U made la the nUivv mmlloiifd decries of said Cnurl * nd In ( be reorl | of ibe Special Master filed lu said tousfi siul reftln-il tu lu s ld eJecre-e-s. Iluli-d August Klili IMiT WII.I.MM D COHMSII , Bpetclsl Mester. Joseph Mcl.tnun , Altonje.c ; iieral of Ibe Unit. ( d Hlnte-s Otorge lle.adly , 8 | pclal Assistant to Ihe At. lnrn y Keiirrsl of Ib * United Slates , No 2 ] \\llllsm Slieeit , Xr\t Vork , N , V , John ( < Con In. SMT | | ! Couinc-l for tbo Uulled hlclis Onali * . Nebrakki Joel Fall > H | rls | ( Uiuntcl for tba U'ulud Htaln. Diuver , Coluridu.