TIITD OMAHA DAILY HEE : THURSDAY , SEPTEMmUH 30 , 18.0T. roit nn\Truit > 'piinn noons. ilONT nOOMS , H A 8 1JTII BTilURTi PI.UA8ANT 1100M3 131J DODORK K M200 Olt HOOMS. IMS CAMFOHNIA ST. K-670 O7.2 * "TTooMs. 2W9 Hoosis. Tbb. MTU : Bl'ITL OP HOOMB IN I'lllVATB I\\MIIY 221 No. IStJl II M4J4 Ol * & 'BOOTH HOOMB F OS CAPITOI. mwiA : 11 UNI8HRD HOOMS 101 s HTH 1 * AM5i 39 \ i rt'HNisimo UOOMS roti norHr.knrpiNO fur man nnd wife Hcnl taken In board 311 N nth. n - _ M rUllNISllt.D HOOM. 2017 HVUNKY HOOMSM I10.UM ) . R HOOMS WITH no UD. 2009 K S.lu-O-11' ' rillST CUASS HOAHD AND HOOMS ; HOT I wnter heat , best location In the city. 212 S 2oth ! f st , * ' ? * _ r iwinau SOUTH & IABT PHONT UOOM WITH alcove. 2fiM Douglas. P-91S I.AHOK hOUllI I'HONT HOOM POH TWO ; other rooms , good board T.1 Hose MJO liar nty. 1 MM4 KtinNIHlTi ; ! ! HOOM AND liOAHD NF.AU Hanscom Pnik. modern house , private fnjnlly. Addn sa U ! C , Hee. 1 MiM Tliil"iXjTvKST POSSIIlLi : ! UTi : < ? AND T1IK l.cit fanA home Sherman ave car pa es duor every eight minutes Nivvlj furnlahrd , new mrnarement , adjoins Kxpmltlon Sara- toca Hotel ENTllHTAINH Its iuintF F Ula U2 " 7n HOOM8 W'1TH IIOAHD , 1S2I 11INNIV ST. TirrJ MRiiiiTAM. PIIIST-CI..AVS PAMILY hotel , r.th ami Dodge streets P MI70 Oil" KLIOANTSTIMrn : : vrno WITH III St clasi Ixnt d 1M3 Capitol AU- . 1-151 S0 I > niAKPAST NOON-DAY I.UVC1I ASM ) IJVUN. Inif dlnnor rtrveil. 212 S W cor. 17th nnd Douglm streets ; unexcelled culnlneP P M'OI O2 J.AUOI : boi TII PAHi.oii. noUD , STIAM. telephone reference i 202 N Hlh I.Minn rnoNT AIX-OVI : IIOOM for tun Iti pilvatc family , board furnhlnd 2IH L'am strei t r H"l IJ * .itN niuric ROOMS AND noAitn $ Jro up Cll Noi th 19th ' ' SM O3 AM. Tin : COMPOHIS or \ iinriNun AND iiiltiind hump for four to six pntlimcn In a detachtd , modern hrlclt residence. No 212 S W eoimr 17'h nnd DoUKlan streets next to lice hullllni ; incut comforliiblc rooms. iai"tein nil4 tout urn exposure tcam litnt tcKiilicin electric IlKht , unexcelled table rM'C7 O3 NICMSfA Pt ItVISIiri ) ritONT POtlM1 ? WITH bonnl 2015 lnuilTi P-MUS O2 * M H HUNT I M'l'IIMMini ) lUHMIS. rou nn.Nr , 3 UOJMMos s KIII si a MIC ) 0:7 * ran IIP.NT \HOIJ r\n lor 2./21 C.illfornU O-M O ! KOOMh SIOD11IIN' Ilrst lloor N rah. O-M3C3 O2 * roil HiM's'i ( > nis AMI KOU itnNi-nnsic UOOM IN onorsi > PI.OOII olllce llee hulldliiK. wnt i stcan lir it elictr.o IlKht imd Jinltor s"r\l c. Aipi > to K W llikcr Euperlnten leu Ucc biillllng 1 1)7 ! ) i OK HINT IN Tim nri : Olio lane pornrr room 2nd llooi , ttlth vault nnd prU.ile olllre water cti ODL Ii < -e front room , 2nd lloor divide ! Into two roomi 'jy pirtltlon \ . itcr etc One larRe corner loom , 2nd lloor with vault , water , etc Oi.e flont room divided by partition , third floor. One corner room with .null third lloor. One l rj'e loini third lloor with ptrtltlon dlvld liut It Into one lar e loom niul two Bimller private rooms nntri etc TV o larse ground llooi looms with vaults Bcvral smnll nnms on fouiti lloor with vaults Al ! lhc i. room me hontel with stimm elirtrlc lights .supplied with Hist cln s jinltor fervlce Klpvntora inn dny nnd all nU-il llulldlm itrl < tlvilretf > oC. Apilv toll W IHl er bu er Intoliilcnt Hocm 10) lice IliilMltijr 1 198 % VANni ) ic HUNT opnrinii A uoc- tor , bj u dentil1 ! Ad Iriaa 11 32 Hie 1C 181 21' f. WANTP.D , TO HINT , COTTAOI : . r HOOMS , ? : ; , \ In fainllj , louitlon neir Sherman nvi'nuc err line , mirth of exposition rrnundn preferred II 20. nee lv M uii Ji , " \VANTRD ItOMlD AND T.ODOIVr 11Y STU- dtnt Oimitm Dtntil Cell < MAdilrcm CHude O femrth. Olrurd Kin nii K-MjOJ S0 i : AND \ \ \itinounn : co. 508-910 Joncit. KCiunil utorase and furwardlns M-432 Oil VAN &SrOHAOi : 131IH r HN'AM TKL.1SJ M-433 \V\N"TiilTO IlllV. HKST 1'HICi : PAID I Oil OMAIIX \VINGS Lan't accounts at loom 5uG N \ I..fe Hid ? N 131 69 BiCOND-IIAND 1IICYCW2S 1M SO 14TH N -M1M O7' CASH PAID POH MMITIID AMOUNT OF Omiha Saving * hank nci-i UTIIH H H Haider nrit lloor New lotk I.lfe bldit N M07 33 ruin s P\ID KOU OMAHA SAV- Hank arcounlH The ll > ron Heed Co N M400 OMAHA SAVINOS HANK ACCOUNT P 1) Weiul. 18th & DmiKliiH sis N 458-29 LIST hPUf-IAl , \IK3A1NS IN UIJAI. KS1ATI3 v\lth V , D.ind ICIh and Douglax St N-3S3 S29 ROOD DIJWVIHY : noiisi : A MOOT 1 tin llii muni lie cheap Apply lr < Hj p m Zin'S P.iiiinin N-M".1 > 0 * WANT 131) . A OOOD TYPPWUITPn MPST HH rhcap. E A. Tnrkir Hunibollt N'-b _ N-A157S O2 IrOll S\MJ IIOIISI3S , W\r ! ( S. IJTC , i ou aAii-p\u'i Y i.n V.VINO CITY wn.i nell at hlK bargain 3 horpeti IiaineF8 3 rubber tired | | RS A I lres H 14 , llee P 289 9 rou HM.I : riiiAi'-A OOOD DUAIIOIIT horfc A Uoppe 1513 DoUlaa ( P Sbl-1 ron i\i.H iiiHiii. : vMzoiisl BAWDPhT. ISL'I.K OU lin 1 lioj- fence C It 1-cf 901 Q-435 XiAitoi : C'liu'KiniiNo UPHIOUT" PIANO onlj I130UV , tichmollei d MuclkT , 1D5 Houth 15th HI. Q-6H iioo piNC'i : : AM. winn IIDST ON HAIITII , lAn nnd } ard ft neeMrt Works , 4 < W H 141)1 ) 809 O 2'l BMAI.I. riiAJin in'ii.niNO. 27x0 POU BAM : In r\ar of : JjO Painain Mrtu SuInfer r , : . ' DciilHt * utreet. Q M575 O2 * KIKH MANDOLIN TOST W Cfl WII.I. HUM. fur > 30 , nlno vlblln , : : 00 , Aillretn U 41 lire i , V.NHOIJS. Till ; DOPOI.\S COP.NTY AaUlC'Ul.THIIAI. Soc-li'ly iirendtiinn will be null > Hl to thu ex hlbllorii on or Hfore Oct "th G W Hirvey , 1I310-O3 OIAIIIVOV.1 > TS. MUS I'AUU 205 N. 16TH STIIRUT : HONHST. truthful , reliable ; lemoveii e\l | Inllucncoa ; lo- burled treanurei , unlio ( ho separated HiTiis , irrc. OHIP.NTAI. . TtmiCISII \THh Pqu UlVs & gentlemen , We. 107 S. Htii. Tcltnhonc 1S9I MHDICAT13D iiAitiH , nAiinai ; siMJi t idiur. "innsaBf. Mine , Jliltnon , fi-om Part * . 107 D N I2tti t. T-SM 024' , MASSAOH. IAPUA J < : M.IRON. Crounce blk , 119 N 10th St , Itooin 12 1-M4420 : * ulls DU , MON , ii.cciiuo : M 8i\ai : IIATH parlors ; rf lful and curutUc 417 H llth. up Btalr . T M453 O3 MADAM SMITH. 1515 DOIJC1UAS. MASSAOU vlaam Iwlh * . T I82-O4 * PKHSOVM , . VIAVI * XU ) UTKIIINC TltOUDLKS. 146-8 I1EH ' 1)1 Je ; l > n > UUn , caniullallon ur neolth Iwok free U-4J7 BUi'isupi.uoua HAin. Ai.DNisa , PALLING lulr and all Uclal Llemlilie * curvd Irua Co. , lit Chamber Commerce. I' 37 O-4 * LADIES , OUU PATKNT KXPANDING SYIU Inxe docj th vrorlc prrfecll ) . Send for tealid partlculuri. Gem Co. , Kaiuuu ot > Mo. UM-iCS O t * ( Continued I ) HAAS , rLOTUST. PLANTS AND CUT flower * , bouquet * , hall , ronlilfnce and grave dceoritloni riowern. bouquets nnd dicoratlona delivered to ny pnrt of th * city. Ordera by Mrphon" promptly attended to nnd filled In two hours. Telephone 770. 1311 Vlnton street. U 931 O-ll nuiTOiu : cruKD : NO DITTHNTION i UOM buMneik no pain , we refer to hundred * o ( earn cured ; plle cured by n MnKlf , jmlnlen treatmtnl Call or write Tl-t Umpire Itiipture Cui nnd Medical JnHltiite , succen or to Tne O i : . Miller Co , 32-3 , N. Y Ufe llldit , Omihn U-M9I1 11ATIH , MASSAOi : MMK. POST , SlSii S. 15TH U C73 in : YOPH OWN Diiis4MAiciii : , iNvisn : rate the Joy Tiller S > tem ochool of dieM rultlnc , only romplete fklrt ninde , brlnR jour < lre M nnd mal < c while leainlnif. 403 Karlnch 1--4C5-OK WANTIID , YOWNO LADY PKWIMTIJIl nnd utenourapher peed nt llRtires and for xen- eral entire work state wasea wanted refer- cnceii required M 3" . llee t MWI 31' } OPNO LADY nnMIIUNO LAHTINO AC- qimlnlance with trnvellnc Innurnnce man of 1 . with headquarter * In Omnha may send ndrtrets ( with photo If iHjf.-lbli ) , In Uriel cnnlldente to U42. lice. I' MS'KI SO * MOMY UONKY TO LOAN AT LOW UATKS. T1I1I O. P Dnvli Co , UOS Pnrnara St. W 4IS ANTHONY LOAN & TUUST CO. 3IJ N Y L.J quick money tit low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , northern Mlsosurl , eastern NcbiatUa , \V-43J LOANS ON IMPHOVKD & UNIMPUOViD : CITY nroDc-rty. W 1'arnnm Bmlth & Co , 132i ) Pain'm W-410 MONPA' TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , llrcnnan , Lnvo Co , Paxton lllk. W 1 MONIY TO IX > AN. HP.MIS , PAXTON III.DCIC W DoO pitoM jioo UP. P. DVIAD , 10 & DOUGLVS 0 PHll CUNT MON1IY ON NCIIHASKA PAUMS and Omulii Improved ptopcrtj Appl ) to W II Melkle , , t National I Mik HldR W-441 MONIY TO I/DAN ON IMPUOVID : OMAHA property Pu.ey & Thorns ? . 207 1st Nat , 13k bUg W 113 BIX pnu CINT CITY AND PAUM LO\NS Otrvln Drop , 1CU Pern mi St. W M7S4 MOMII rio itANCHArrni.s. MONKY IO LO\N ON PUHNlTLIli : 1 IANOS horses , wagons etc , lit lowest rates In city , no removal of KOOIS ] , etrtcll ) conlldentlal , > ou can pa > the lonn off at an > time or In any amourt. OMAHA MOUTOAUi : LOAN CO , 300 Ha ir.tli St. X 146 en TO OP.T IN Oil DOT OP IllT-.lN'iS3 GO TO J. J OlbTOii fd4 Plrst Nafl link. \-M143 iTit ) UINT : THI : MiTnoroi.iT\N : HOTHL IN Chejcnne , In fine condition , elcrtrl" llKhts , thoroiiTlilj ) plumlied best location In Pie city One block from Union depot Plftj nrat-cl3 ! " ! looms , fine bar room , 'urnlshed , ijood barber shop and iMth rcHini" , In fact , cvcrj thins neces. arJ to a first clats hotil Party rentlnc must purchase furniture Itotil doliiK Rood business nt pitktnt Addre-s J W Grlllln C evcnne Wyo Y MbZO OllA A KLONDlKHllIIO HAS HAD TWENTY jeapf ' ( Xperlence In inlnlni. Ins uprnt > e-ir-i cm th < - ukon. Is thoroiiRhlj funlllar with the KlmdlKt IUIH Inteitsts nnd rruspectors on the Klondike , will flve a thnioURii In-pector's imp nnd | ieisonnllj nnswer all quest'ons ' relating to tint cmmlij , or how to net In tin re , cost etc for the price nf ( I Addrcis II H 'Ihompsin 1" ! Ililky HillldliiR Seattle , Wash P , rsonal reference , Chamber of Commerce , "ntlle Y M71S OS * \vni.r. psTAni.isiinD DUUG feioun , nooo buslns < Rood locitlon , $2,500 09 cash , Inlance on time U 19 Hen Y ilft-OI * POU SALE SMALL STOCK OP SIIODS AND indue cheap for cash O T. Grc orj , Victory _ Hotel Y MWI 3V ItnsrAUIIANT POU SALi : PIIf-T CLASS , 1f > - ciitlon Inquire of J P Murphj. South Oimha \ MJJS < I 31 * rou i\cii\-\oi : . ICO ACIinS ADJOINING TUG CITY OP CO7. VD. Divmm Co Neb to tricie for n stock of shoes or a Reneral stock of J-.OOO If In Rood shape or will trade land and a } 2 OHO tock for IOWT lind ; the Nebrnski Hnd cin all ho I rlented Address J i ! , Lock Ilex S. Piton In 7. M591 O0 rou s\i.niinvi , ESTATE. PAUM LANDS. C. P HAUUIftON 912 N Y U KOt'NTZK PLACi ; TJAUCLWNS. K.M. } 37OTO J6 'iOO , see photos at 10th and I'arnam Moiso Hide J J. Gibson , 511 Plrst N.it Hank Hldg Hi : 447 HOIJSLS , LOTS PARMS. L\NDS LOANS Gee 1 . Ikmls Rcil 1 state Co , 1'axton Hlock HK-4IS 17 i in rpNT ouo s INVISTMKNT IM proved reil ettate , rental JC4S CO per year , price. EI.S Address T 2S Dec Itr M75I L\ND THIS & ADIOININO ST V.TPS TO CLOSR eBtnte chcip Chas E Williamson f01 Hee bllR UK 935 S-IIOOM HOUsi : } 2 " 00 40 foot corner lot , S W. eoi 18th and Iznrd 5100 p-r arre biijs 40 acres one mils south of Ilu-ers Iloom 1C Patterson lllk UH M1S2 O1S SNAPS SO ACniCS 12 MII.PS N W . $3 200 4 acres 4 blocks from lienson motor. jroO 00 Ti inr s couth of ttate fall wounds. )3 5(0 4'xlCO feet near 321 & Cumins i-t . orly JSOO 00 Corner on Pnrnnm St nmr irtti , t ? nn nrt To crchaiiKO IM acres 10 miles north of Omaha P O for clear Improved prrperty JOHN N PHPNZKII Opp P O III : M213 POU SALK , BK ron SITU AND PAUNAM so cor Paik ave nnd Hlckorv , sw ror 15th and Dorcis ; 1GO aerei In Huffalo Co 43S ncres In ICnox Co , this and nil other property owned b > Nebraska SnlriRn nnd ixehinje bank will be sold nt a low price Wm K Potter Ue- colver Hi : 293 TWO 5 UOOM COTTAOPS. 50 PT PHONT 10 blocks north of P O , cheap C2I So "fth Ave Ui-2S8-14' 75 PT ON'IMIAI.P HI.OCK PUOM MOTOR , ON pnvrd street. I37T ( H IllR barKaln Dtslinhln icsldonco lot on Davenport "t vvlthln wnlkltiR distance Hne slindc. J700 (10 ( Will furnlnh ni"n j t build house 7 room hous on pivtd street one bloeV from llxpiwltlon Rinuniln In excellent lepalr , ? 1 2V 00 Pine sluhtly lot smith of Hinscom park J300 00 Hraiitlful mcdern f-room house hard wxu } nnlah reception hall east frontage on ItUh Rround nenr 33d nnd Dodse Bis worth JC.CM 00 price J5 000 ( V ) The nlxivi * we samples of many Inririlns we can nevi offer rO housps on monthlj pijinents Call and cximln nhntoirranhg PIDILITY rnirsr COMPANY , Plrst PlTor New York Life Illdff O II Pavno , President H H Harder , Secretary nn M299 50 r > HOOM COTTAGi : AND LOT WPflT OP KX- posltlon Rroimds , nearlj r w , for JSr ) J150 cash nnl month ! } paMnentx of no on Inlance llvron U HnMlnin , 212 So llth St Hi : M401 pen BALI : . MY roTTAfin HOMR NIAU : Hnnscom pnik , full lit , shidn , lawn. Inrn must BO Address owner U 3B , H e UK487 30' COTTAOr : AND 1JOT ON HimT ST. WITH trees , nnd lot f2x70. a liarniln , at II BOO Broom cottase In Kood condition suithwest Inlf dozen blocks from Park ave. onlj JRS'CO P D \ \ ead U24 DoURlas St Rn M497 Ol ron SAi.n nvr : ACUPS IN PAYCTT puuF O L Green I.irl ! < er lllk Hi : M49J Ol4 rou TALK , IITSviTiuN iirAi.r "iuT.n union depot , J1SO O I. Green ! lark -r lllk Hi-MI94 Ol j-on BAin 12) Acnns WAHIINOTON count > lust lanl In countv , very rhenn for cash Thos H MiC-iRue. MrCnmi * hldtr III : MUt O6 SIIOIITII VM ) AMI TVPI3WIHTI. > O. A C , VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. M3 N Y LIPH 450 AT OMAHA llUd COLLEGi : ICTll & DOUOI.XH 451 OMAHA HIIOinilAND AND TYPEWHITINO College Ilosd's theater SCD O-H' LOST. LIGHT IIY HOnSi : 7 YHAUS ; WniClHS nl jut 1050. rather thin and high backbone He. ward for return to 171 ! > r ts tit. , Onulm LOST , SUNDAY KVEVjyO , PART OV HAIl- ne , ad.lle breechlmr and lly net , reward on return tu Itarnty lireet ( tables , Ix > .l-M473 30 j/ST HKTWHRN COUHFLAND HHACH AND Locuct street , lly book nnd tly hookr Plnder lull JMI for return of time. I , U UcCloul , 1013 Piiinam btlfrt LoM-SGS 29 * I/5ST , PUAHL PASSAMnNTUIME , BETWEEN Jith and Dodge and Hamilton , rn int IK North Kth ttrett Ixiit M571 S0 lo > al Pills ( Diamond brand ) , ire the brut , nfa , tellable ; take no other : rnd 4c clamps for particular * "lUllet for ladles" In letter by return mall ; at druvulvts. Chlrhetter Chem ical Co , Philadelphia. Pa. Mention DM M572 30 rvctcnn. M 8 WAI.KIN , 2111 CUMINO , TKU 1331 45S ur.Nov\Tni noiucs. MATTIlKSSm COH IIKM. PAR1/U PPHNI- ture to order , repalied 1003 Lcnvenw'h , tel 15'5 ' POITMI. POt'ND A LAD\'S LIGHT tACKHT ONKIl can have rame b > calling at tlds ollUe nnd paylnR for advertisement. Found M"i7l Ol * ' 14) POH LIASI : : MXCO PIHT AT < ? ouTiiiA3T corner 21 t ami Nicholas , tnckoRe. StrlnRer , PS2 Dodge street M17C O2 imKBSMAKINO. M1S3 STUHDY. 4TO4 nttn- delte. i:23-O 6 TVIM\VUITEHS. TONS OP KNiUGY : WOULD UH SAVKD JAlLY If every operator used the llRht running Dens- more 1612 Parnam St. , Omaha. 451 I'AWMlllOICnus. II. MA110W1TZ LOANS MONEY 413 N 16 ST. 412 PATIC-VTs ) . ID A rPIt\TrnO s"1 * * c ° i Attorney- rA 1 & JN I b * & 1'n,1funtdlnS , , , , ; Omaha , N b Hranch office nt Washington , D C. Wo make rilKC EXAMINATIONS and nld Inventors In selling ihclp Inventions. Send for free A-Vlcc nnd Patent Hook V ATlflTCTS . procured oy C A SNOW K IoCOi wnshlngton. D. C. nine KXAMINATION and advice No nttor- ncy's fee bsfore patent No claptrap offer of prizes or promise of sudilen teilth uut stralfiiit. forvard advice and falthfu' torvlc HAILHOADS. OMAHA , KANSAS CITY R. KASIPIIN UAIL- reid O nihft & fat. Louis Hillrond "The O 1C Iloutc" Ticket Olllce , 1413 Purnam Street Telephone 322 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets lekplionc , 1.3 Lcivc Arrive. Pattonsbursr KlrkKvllle , Qulncj Local C 40 am * 10.45 pm fat l iulr. New York Limited 4.30 pm ' 11 30 am Uillj. C1IICACO. ST PAUL MINNE- apoll" & Omaha Hallway Oenenl offices Nebraska Dl- vlMjlon. Fifteenth nnd Webster streets. City Ticket olllce , 1401 Parmm btrert lelophonu 561 Depot. Fftecnth and Webster Streets Tele , phone , 145S L-eive. Arrive Sioux City Accommoda S r , ] am S 23 pm Sioux Cltj Accommodn 8.5) am S 23 pm Illdtr , Kmerson Sioux Cltj , Ponca. IlartlnK- ton and Hloomlleld . 1 00 pm "ILSS nm Sirux City Mankato , St Paul Minneapolis . , . . * 0:15 : pm 9 II ) am Dillj * Dally except Sundaj. Sunday onlj nt.ICHOIlN & Mlxaourl Vallej Rnlhv.iy Oen- cr.il Olllccs , United States Nn. tlonal Hank llulldlns houtli- vvest Correr Twelfth nnd Par nam btreeta Ticket Olllce , 1401 Parnnm Eltieet Telephone C61 Depot. Plftccnth and Webster Streets Telephone , 1458 I ave Arrive Hlaclv Hills Deadvvood n-d Hot Spring' * 3 00 pm 5 00 pm ttjoining Casper nnd DOIIK ! is . . * 3 00 pm " B 00 pm Hasting York David Cltj bupeilor Oenuva , Kxeler and Reward . . 3 00 pm * 5 OU pm Norfolk V est Point and 7 CO am " 10 2o am Krcmont . . . . * 3 ( W pm * 5 CO pm Lincoln Wahoo nnd 7 rO am " 10 J3 am nemont 3 CO pm 5 00 am Pi em ml Local . . . * 7 50 am Dally Dally except Sunil u. Sunday onlj Dilly except bjturday. Dally except Mondiv SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC HAIL , road General OITloes United States National Ilink Ilullcl- Ing b V , ' Corner Twelfth nnd Parnam Streets Ticket Oltlco. 1401 I'arnam Street Depot. Fifteenth and \\ebster Streets Telephone , 14j8 Leave. Arrive. Sioux Cltj. Mankato , bt Piul. Mlnne ipolts 6.15 pm 9 : . am Dally CHICAQO & MOIirH WKST- crn Hallway city Ticket Olllce , 14)1 I'arnam Street Telephone , Ml Depot Tenth and Mason btreet. Telephone 13. I eav e. Arrive Missouri Valley , Slout ( Ity St Paul arid Minneapolis . . , 5io : am 10.45 pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City 7 30 am 8 05 pm Denlnon , Carroll , Wall Lake 7 30 am " 0 05 pm lantern llxpresx , DCS Mo nes MarahalltLAvn Cedar Huplds Chicago " 10 45 nm 4UO Atlantic I Iyer , Chlcafo pm an 1 Uaet . 4.45 pm 4.10 pm Past Mall , Chicago to Omaha . . . . 3.10 pm Missouri Vr.llcj hloux CttJ St Paul Mlnne- npolls Llniltel , . , B 55 pm 9 25 Hm Omaha Chliago bpecl-il . 6 30 pm 8.10 am Dallj Dallj except Sunday CHICAGO ItOCIC ISLAND & Pncllle Hnllroad "Vho Great Hoclt Islind Houte" city Ticket Olllc1323 Parnam btreit Telephone , 42S Depot. Tenth and Mason Btieets Telephone , 128 Leave. Arrive Chicago and St. Paul \rhtlbulcil Kxpress . 4:50 : pm l:43pm : Lincoln , Ciilorado KPKS. Puiblo , Denver and went 1-55 pm 4.05 pm Clilc KO , Don Molnes and IJock Inland 7,00 pm 8.13 nip Atlantic Uipnss. for Den Molnes and east * ern Mnta . . , " 700am 5 35 pn Lincoln Pilibury and Hi Ih'VlIlg 6,45 pm 10 40 am Dallj " Dally except .Sunday CHICAGO MILWAUKEE K. ST Paul Hallway-City 'ilcltet Oillcf. 1M1 Farnam fltreet Telephone , 284 Depot Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone. 128. Leave Arrive Chicago Limited Ex . . . 6 45 pm K.03 nm Omahu and Chicago Ex. . 11.00 um * 1.50 pin Dally UNION PACIFIC--riu : oven- land Houte" General o Ilces , N i : Corner Ninth and Parnam blrects City Ticket Olllce , 1302 1'aindin street Telephone , 3IC Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone , 128L L nvr Arrive "Tha Overland Limited" for Denver. Salt I-ike. Paclllo coast , and all westtin points 5 :0nm 4.45 pm Fast Mall train for Denver Suit Lake. 1'arlrtc cost and all western points . . . . 4-05 pm ' 10.20 am Lincoln lieutrke and btiomtburK ixi : rem , 4.05 pm 3.50 pm Grand Island Express 5.35 pm 3-50 pm Dally " Dall ) except hunda > Council llluffs Locul Leaves f. 40 a m ; t.SO n in . 7.50 a in , 8 25 a in ; 10 4" a m , 2 IS p m , 4.80 p in . l.tt p in Arrives 6 20 a in , 7 20 u m , S n m .9-2 ! a m , 11.30 a m , 3.10 p in , ( .40 p m , 9 05 p in , ! 0 45 p m WAU\SH nALUOAO-TiCKir ! oppici : . ins Parnam Street Telephone , 3.2 Depot , Tenih and Mason h I ret Is lelephnue. 123. Leave. Arrive St Louis "Camon Hall" Express 4.50 pm U.W an. n v ( tVAtlnuN ) * MIS-OPni P.\r IP1C -rienrrnl Oftlo and Ticket onice. MjtcJiinl , National Hank Hull line 121 Parnnm Street. Telephona tot. Depot fifteenth end WctxteT Streets , Telephone , lloS Kansas city , St Louis r . . . < ind southern points. . 13ii'pm : ' * 12' pm Kanfa * City I xnrc'i . 9 30 pra C 20 am Pt Crook & Union LI. 'J.OOpm 7.00am Dally MITIfMi ' 10 CIIM'ltCTOHS. . ron nuji.DiNO MATIU- InH , pic I" . S Imllnn Service , Itoicbtut Aconcy , lloieliuil , S 1 > , Scptpmber S , 1S97 Soiled propotiN , Indorsed "Proncmlt for llullilliiR SlnterlnH etc , " at thu cnso mnv be , nnd mMre-"eil to tlio umlerslRncd nt Kooebtti ) , Soiltb Dakotn will be received nt this MKi-ncy until 1 o'clock p m ot Thurrf. dnv , Stptenibe-r . " 0 1W , Tor nirtiNhlnp ; mid ( lollxprlng nt IM * itRencv nltbln thirty CW ) dny nrtf' r " ! r > t of notlro of ipprovnl of contract , narlet > of biillillnc mntertiN ( conslstttiB of TJMorted lumber , shinnies cement , etc. ) nnd inl ceinneoiH nrilelcs ( conslstlntr of tooli , bollH , etc. ) , n full list nnd description of which tiny be obtained by mnUiiK nppllcatlon to the undersigned Hldders will stnto specifically In their bids the proposed price of cneh artlcio offered for ticllvery under n contract. All articles dell\creel under any contract will bo subject to ti rlsld Inspection The right Is reserved to reject nny and nil bids , or any pirt of any bid , It deemed foi the best Interests of thn sci \ Ice. Certified Checks K.ich bid must be nccompinlcd bv a certl- lled check or draft upon some United Statcs depository or solvent national bank In the vicinity ot the residence of the bidder , made P'lynblo to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , for at least live per cent of the amount of the proposal , vih'ch check or dnft will be forfeited to the United States lu case any blddei or bidders rece'lvltiB an award shall fall to promptly eivcutc u lontract with Rood and sulllcient sureties , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder. Bids accompanied bv cash In lieu of a certified check will not be considered Tor any further Inform itlon apply to U11AS. Jt'CHCSNUY , U. S Indian Asont. S-9-11-14-1C-1S-J1-23-K-2S 1'HOPOSAI.S TOR FIinSH V'/GIJTAlJtiES , Headquarters Department of the 1'latle. Olllco of the Chief Commissary , Omahn , Neb , September 10 , 1M > 7 Scaled propo-als In duplicate will be recel\ed here until il o'clock a m , central atand.ird time , Oc tober 1 , 1S97 , and then opened publh ly for furnishing nnd delivery of such quantities of potatoe's and onions as may be required by tbe SuKslstence Deptrtmetit nt Torts Ciook , Nlobtura and llobln in , Neb ; Forts D A Hussell and Washakle , Wjo , and Tort Meiclc , S. U Piopo als will also bo received and opened by the CommlCv'nty at Fort Crook until 11 o clock a m , central standard time. October 1 , ls'17 ' , and by Com missaries nt Torts Nlobrnra , lloblnson , I ) A Hussell , Washakle unel Mcnde until 10 o'clock a. m , mountain standaid time , each Post Coininlpsaij rc'culvltiR pioposils for his own pist only. The right Is r si-r\cd to reject anj or all proposals In whole or In pirt. Blank proposals and specification * , showing in detail the articles and quintltles icqulred , and giving full information as to conditions of contract , will be fuinlshed on appllcttlon to nny of the above mentioned ollicei-s FRANK K NYU iMnJoi and C S S-10 d4t 29-30-RI OF SALE Government Subsidy Mort gage Foreclosure Causes. Notice Is hereby cl cn that , jiurauint to the Decree of Poreclonure and Hilt ri ulo and en tered hj the Circuit Court of thc United States for the Dlitrkt of .Nilinjkn on the 20th dny of July , 18u7 , In a ccrtiln CIUBC lu equity pending In mid Court , chtltlod 'The- United States of America , Complain ants , against Uhc Union Purl lie Itnllnay Com- pnnj , S H II Clark. Ollrer VMink. . E. nilcry Anderson , John \ \ Koane. nnd Frede ric It Coudeit. lUcihcrs , P. ( Jnrdun Dexter and Oliver Ames , ns TriiMers , Union Trust Company of New ork , as Irtistcc ; J Pier- pont Morcun and I dwln 1 .Mklns , as Trus tees and The Centnl Trn t Compnny of New lork , as 1 rustle. Defendants , * ' und certain other decrees In causes likewise so entitled In the Circuit Courts of tht > Pidte-d Htiites for the following districts intend on July . . .fth . 18'IT _ . . , ' lnthi Southern Dltlrlit of Iowa , on Jill ; 3Ht , 1S')7. ) In the Districts of Colorado and \V vom- Ing 'and oif AtiguYf "sntU i&OTiTn tiic-"DlVtiict of Utah I , T\II MAM D CORNISH ns Special Mas ter , will sell nt pulillc- auction to the high est bidder or bidders at the fielght station ot Ihe t nftm Pacific Itilln sv ( i > " n li" Inthoflty of Onidhn In the Stite of Ncbnskn , on Mon day , the " jlrst dij of Njveniber , 1617 , nt eleven o'clock" In the TorenooiT all thn rallroid , rollIng - Ing stock , telegraph , franchises rights , func tions , Irumunltlcx and nppiirti nnnces to the same belonging and also the estate nnd prop * ertv of every kind and description mentioned In snld decrees and onil raced in and co vered by the subsidy mortgage nnS lien to tbe United Stiles nnd Cll securities In the United Mates Union Pnillle Sinking Fund Tbe ralliond nnd other propertj em braced lu sal'l ' Eiibsld ) inurtguge nnd Hen are the whole Hue of railroad nnd telegraph , together with the rolling stock , fixtures nod property of every kind and description and In ( onslderiitlcn of which Hiihtddj bonds of the Pnll-d States were Issued formerly be longing to Tbe Union Pacific HHllroiid Com- psny , with nil the rights , functions , Immu nities , nnd irpurtennnct s thereunto belong ing , nnd all the property estnte , rights nnd frnncblscs of every kind nnd desLrlptlon grinted or convijed by the United Stntes to the sild 1 he Union Pacific Itnllroud Companv. xnil nho ns and to the eitent provided by law , nil the estate and propirty , renl , per sonal , nnd mHul , ussetu , and Income of tha snld The Pnlon Pacific Itnllroad Company , from wbntevir source derlvid , subject to nny lawfully prior and paramount mortgage , Urn or clnlra thereon. Including nil estate , prop erty , and nssetH derlied bj Ihe Union Pacific. Hallway Company , from the snld The Union Pacific Hallrond Company 1) virtue nnd forcu of the consolidation between The Union Pa cific Itnllroad Company , the Kansas Pacific Hallway Cumpnnv. and the Denver Pnclfla Hallway and Tdegrnph Company , and Includ ing all the rallrond and property embraced In tbe first mortgage of The Union Puclne HDlroad Company , dated November 1st lt > 33 , as In snld decrees found , and which ssld last mentioned rnlliojil and propirty Include the railroad , right of way , nnd railroad property of The Union I'aclflc Itallwnj Company e . tending from the eastern terminus of Tbv Union PielBc Hnllwny on the cnst line of thu ssld Hallwnv Company's property between Twelfth Avenue nnd Thirteenth Avenue. In Coiuii-ll muffs. lown in a westerly dlroc- tlnn to Twentieth Street In Omaha , Nebras ka , Ircliidlnz the railroad nnd ml I run il hrliijr * ncross the Mlsbinirl Hlver and extending from the Initial i < olnt of constrni lion nf tbe Union Pacific IlnllroTd near the nnrtluast corner of aid within motion 10 lownsblp IS range 13 , east of tbe Cth prlnclpil meridian In Omaha , Nehinskn In n southerly and westerly dlrec- tlin through the city of Omaha to Iwentleth Street In sold city of Omahn nt a Junction with thnt pnrt of Bsld railroad from Council IlltifTs aforerild and intending thence In a westerly dlnrtlon thriugh the < nuntle of Douglas hsrnv Dodci1 , Colfax I'lalte. Mer- rlck , Hull Huffalo , Dawsnn , Lincoln Keltb , Deuel Cluyciiue , nnd Klrnlmll In the blnla of .Nebraska and Sidgivlck County , lu Ihu State of Colorado nnd I he Counties of Lira- rale , Albany Carbon Sneetwater. nnd I'ln- ' tub In the State of Wyoming nnd the Coun ties of Summit Morgan , Divls and Weber ID the State of Utah , tu a Junction with tbe Cen tral Pacific Hullrond nt a point flvu miles west of Dgden lu the Stntc of Utah n dis tance of 1 042 41 mllm of iiraln line railroad : and nlso the rights nf way , railroads and r llrund tracks constituting spurs or branch lines of railroad eitci.dlnir from points of Junction with Ihu raid maui lines , (1) ( ) nt * point about < 1 of n mile west of what Is IiBown as Transfer Ipp < > | at Council IllurTs , In a northeasterly direction tApbat Is known as tbe Ilruadwsy Depot In said clly , a dis tance of 1 72 miles In the , < lty of Council Ulnth : 12) ) at Almy Junction , Wyoming. In a , nor thirl ) direction to a terminus at Minn No. Seven , a distance of 3 8S mllrj ; (3) ( ) nt Cbey. cnne , Vvonilng , in n norlhiristerly direction to a connection with the traclf of the Union Pacific , Denver mid Gulf Hallway , a distance nf 204 tulles : (4) ( ) nt a point on'sald main Una In Omaha , Nibrsska. northerly nod easterly , a distance of 18 000 feet to nrtaln Ice houses and industries on what Is ptiiwn as Cut-off Lake ; alro lots yards , termllin ) grounds shop grounds , ctrei tn , and alters Jnnus end trncta of land , tenements and licredltaraeuts ease ments snd rlgbtn of way owned or acquired or spproprlntcd by or fir Th Union Pacific Hallroad Compnnj , The Union Pacific Hallway Cooipanv or theItccelvers of the proiirly of said last named Company fur the purposes of said lines cf rallrond , ( noladlnK nil lands so acquired or appropriated thu title to which stands In th names of trustees for said The Union Pacific Hallway Company , and nUn all lands acquired for or used fur stations or for terminal pnrpnscs nnd ulsj nil rlyhts and es tates legal nnd equltalltf ) The Union I'n- elite Hallway Corupan ) In nnil to till stations , depota and In nnd to nil union depots upon or rcnni-rud with the line nf Its railway or tied In connection therewith , mid lueludlng oil the lards nnd other property described tn tbe rrpnrts of the Sp clal Muster fled In Mid several onus s respectively nnd referred to tn aid derm * nnd In the SclediiliH in said re ports cuiitnlned and II in In nuubcred 123 , 4 and B nil th said propirty helm prop erly owned aciiilrid or purnprated ! nnd lie- rrssary to the use and ( liberation of the said rallrnr.i ] , alto th ebcpa firlght dexits | p . ticral ofMrt hulldlnit round houres dir ts , engine lu itseii rirlotiFCS statloi 1 ouses ria- cblnc stops vvnrk s'-oj rails switches , turn outs spur ; sfi'c ' tracks sidings mil other structures rnd facilities UIHIII cald rinrtgaged premises ccuntrurted ueiiilicl ] cr nuned f r the jurpoo s cf or li n nneeilcn with nrld lines cf nllnity nlro the lands Interests , nnd iMtrnfrti In lnnd > p'p-s ' punp houses. , stnuluris pipelines rnpllanccs fidllllis , \ iindeaacmeiilsi-fsjldciimpjn iwrtalnlns to tbe \vatersuppl ) uronorrlii iff saldllreyi of rall-o d , nd tte tuols , npillar cs 1'ituro muerlil ? , nnd siiripll's cwmd or rcaulri1" ! for the pur- thereof clsa l i-nitlvts posrs tin rns'encer i cars Pullunn sle" ! > li t ts dining CT * . ' frelcbt-rsK , n d etlur i m pud nil other ( nulpinint nnd rr'pr'lKk | | ' I v nril ly T'B 11 lou 1'uclfli It III nj t pirr rnd r'l ' Ic- terest of bald Th I I T P ' * P "w T Company Jji any vter | fiulpmci.tor | r Hmr ; tock , to the uttnt thst s M equipment and relllng tnclt * a ownfd , or In nMch the rld Tsllwny eompnny has any Intertst , was e- enlred or provided for or by Mid nil- TUT iNimpnnr for the purposes ot said railroad nd niortc < Rfd rremlfes or l tiece ary for th * rnnnlnK Mid cpemtlon thereof , th" mime r lr the undivided seventy | er renlOjf nil Ihe rolllm stock nr eiulimient owned by Th .Union Pacific HMIway Oompatiy or In which rid cnrcriny hns nv Interent ! l ft nil the lllnp of telecraph , telecraph mnterMl. lnstru rnrnts fifurr * . nnd appliances belnnglnx to Ihe said rellwny rompuny and located upon or n ed In connection with Mid inortgnRed pre- mines' nl o nil fnrnltnro. flttnrc * appliances , npMMtua , supplies and innterhl owned , ac- fliilred or provided ly * ald (3ompnny for uie In connection with salJ rnllrotid nnd premises , located In tap vnrlom once" of ssld rsllwny company upon or remote from said rnllrnadi licludlnRtlieo'lPtsofsnldriunpnnylnthe ] titles uf Omaha , Nebraska , end Itnslon , Minachu- relts. nnd nlso all the property of ld Tno t'nlon PneimIlnllwav Conpiny and all Its Hghts and Interot In nnd to property of every kind nnd nature , whether of the character herein descrll d nr otherwise nnd the corpo rate rlshu nnd frnnchl rn of said The Union Pnclflp Itnllrrnd Company or Its successor a he Pnlon Psclllc Hallway Company , so far n nch property , rkhtK Interest * nnd fran chises peftiln to the sold tillirmd telegraph , and premlnes nlso nil the inonejs credits , nnd property not herein otherwise specified. In thp po f | on of nriinder the control of the said Ilerelveis or to which nnld Hecclver * nrc or rosy tx entltUd , which have been or mny bo derived hy sild Hecelveifroiu or on nfcount of ssld innrtciged premises or from ipect thereof : ssld lands nlnive referred to ns standing In the names of Trustees for tbe ssld The Union Pnelni- Hallway Company being described as follows ! iiiscriptcn : "OTTUVATOMll ! COUNTY , IOWA. O Acres. Commencing nt n point 471 B ft South nf theiiortnenstcoriierof the NW Vt tit SKViof Sec .14 T 75 N II. 44 W of th * fin P M thence ( taking the 40 ncro line for due north .t Koutb line ) S 5T deg. 31' W. 301)2.1 ft ; thence West to n point 07(1 ( S ft south nnd 321) 31 ft oust of the center of snld Sic 31 ; ' thence south parallel with tbc North .V South citiler line of snld Sec .14 , CftO ft to n point In the present North Hlicht of \\nf line of the 1 nlon Pa cific lly Co : thence Knst on slid It. I 0 W line 1113 1(1 ( ft , thence Northeasterly - v easterly fit ) ft to n point In 40 ncro line bO ft , more or less North of tbo SB corner of tbe MVS of Si : U of said bie .14 , thence North on said 40 ncro line 70" 3 feet to the placeof be ginning , containing nn nren of , 13 42 Atklus , HnLi i < McFnrlnnd , Trustees , s A trie * tu the Nil VI of SK H of bic. 14 T 7N II14 V of flth P M of Inwn , described us follows' Commenc ing nt a point IM 3 ft Smith from tha Kast iiiniti'r ] section corner of said Sec. 34 running thence smith on Section line SSI ) 2 ft or to grounds as n'w owned by tinlon PBC Hnllwnv Co thence Southwester - wester ! ) on Northerlv line of nald grounds 14S4 feet to West line of said NK Vt of .Si : 11. thence North on snhl line 1I > V ) ft , thence1 hnst 1.121 feet or to place of beelnnlni ; | ( llicert tract snld to 8 II Flnney , de- scilhc-d ns follows : Cotnuii nilng at n. point 517 feet south from the Past 1-4 Section corner of said Sec .11 nnd running tluiice south .10V4 ft to Union Pacltlc H" grounds , thence smtliwest- rrlv en northerly Hue of snld grounds 270\ feet ; thence N SO deg W 18SH ft ; thence Fast 33 % ft to plnec of be ginning , Ciintilnlng o 7.17 of nn aero herebj comelug to snld Trilsteis . . . 21 DO Atkins , linker 4. Mcrnrlnnd , Trustees. H\\ 1-4 of M' 1-4 nnd N\\ 1 4 of bee. 2 nnd nil Sec .1 , all In Township 74 , Hango 44est . . 701.10 Dexter. Atkins & Mink , Trustees A tract of land In the NK y of SK H Sec 34 T 75 N H 44 W lu I'nttavvi- tomlc Co , Iowa , described nn follow n Commencing at a point 517 ft south - * fipm tbe Pnst VI Section curlier of said section 34 , nnd running thence > south CUVj feet to U P. It ) ground : ' thence- southwesterly on northeil } Una of sild giounda 270 % feet ; thence north .10 deg \\cst 1SM4 theneillnst 311 feet to place of beginning , con taining an nrei of , . 071 Deitrr , Atkins & Mink , Trustees J The Kast 44 feet of Lot 15 the P.ist 11 feet nnd tbe west 22 feet of Ixit 2 , and nil of lots 1 A. 5 all In Hlock 0 In Grimes Addition to Council Bluffs . . 0 CO Duller.tklns & Mink , "trustees Pnrt of lots I and l < In lllock I ) In Grlmea Addition to Council IllurTs not in Union Avenue . . . . . . 0 44 Dexter , Atkins & Mink , Trustees Thnt poitlon of Lot 7 In Hlock t ) In Crimea Addition to the Cltj of Council Hlufis , not taken nut ! used for tbo ' High ! of \\ny of "Union Avenue" , . - 002 Atkins Ilaker & McPnrhind , 'trustees Part of Ixits 1,2 1 4 iV f > In lllock 11 , In Ilayllssddltlon to Council 11 lull a not In Union Avenue . . 0 CT Duter. Mklns & . Mink. Trustees. , An undivided half of Ixits 1 , 2 & . 3 In Hlock 11 In th Sub division of Hlddlo Trnct In the City of Council muffs All the Interest of J S Cnsetnent , Mary Lockwood Casement , Hubert L V 030 Casement , Grev Cuseuii nt.nnd Daniel Wells Casement In nnd to Lots 1 , 2 A. 3 Iq BUck 11 lu Hlddle s Sub division of tbe City of Council Ilhiffs , Iowa . . . . . _ Mklns Haker & McPnrlnpd Trustees All tbe North 33 1-J feet of Ixit 11 nnd all of Lots 15 and II ! In Itlock 11 , all In the Sub division of the Hlddle tract , City of Council Bluffs 032 Mklns linker 4 MiFiiland Trustees , - * All of Ixit 17 lu Hlock 11 In Sub division of the Hlddlo tract , CIt ) of Council Bluffs . 0 12 Uklns , linker A. Mc-Piilnnd Trustees. All of Lot No 18 In lllock 11 in Siilv - division of Hlddlo trnct , City of Coun cil Uluffs . . . 012 All II s. Ilaker & McParlund. Trustees All of Lot 10 In Hlock 11 In tbe Sub division of tbe Hlddle tiact In tbo City of Council Bluffa 0.12 Atkins Hater & McFarlniid. Trustees All of I/ot 20 In Hlock 11 In tbe Sub division of the Hldille trnct In the City of Council muffs . . 0,12 Atkins , Ilaker & McFarlanil , Trustees All of Lots 1. 2. 0 & 10 In Block U ; also the North 2J 2 3 ft of Ixit 3 In Block 12 nnd the North 22 2 3 ft of Ixit 11 In niock 12 and the North 111 1 3 ft of lot 8 In lllk 12 : nil In the oub-dlvlelon of tbe Hlddle trnct of Council llhiffs . . . . 070 Atkliu , Bakei & McFnrlnml. Trustees All Lot 1 In Illi > ck 11 In the Snli-1 division of tbe Riddle tract In the City of Council muffs r 0.23 All of Lot No 2 In Block No 83 In Sub division of the Riddle tract , City of Council Bluffs Atkins linker & McFnrlnnd Trustees. All Ixit .1 In lllock 13 III Suh division 1 of tbe Riddle trnct tn the City of ) Council llluffs . - f 0 .3 All of Ixit li lu lllock 33 Kiddle's Hub-1 division of tbe City of Council Bluffs J Atkins , Ilsker & Mclarland , Trustees. All of Lots 13 & 14 In Block 33 In Sub division of Kiddle tract , City of Couu- ell Bluffs . . . . 023 Atkins. Ilaker * McVarland Trustees All of Ixit IS Block .11 in tbe Sub divi sion of Hlddle tract. City of Council All J > ot 10 In Block 13 In tbe Sub ill- 020 vision of tie Hlddlo trnct in tbe City of Council Bluffs Atkins , Ilaker & Mel ni la ml Trustees. All of Ixit 1 In lllnck 34 In the Suh-1 division nf the Illddlo tract , City of I Council Blitfls , I Ixits 2 and 1 in Illocl. .14 In the Sub-V 0 3T division of ( lie Hlddle tract lu tbe I , City of Council Bliiffs . . . . J Atkins , Haker & McParlnnd Trustees All of Lots 12 , U i 14 In Block 34 In Subdivision of Hlddle tract. City of CounUl llluffs 0.38 Atkins linker & . McFsiland Trustees Ixit 15 In lllnck 34 In the Suh division of the HMdlo tract In theCll ) of Council Hlnlfs . . .010 Atkins , linker K. Mel arlaud , Trustees All Ixit 10 III Hloik .14 in the Kuli divi sion of Hm Itlildle trnct In the City of Council Blulf * . 0.10 Atkins. linker t. McPnrlaud Trustees All i'f ' Lot H In tbo Block .17 In Sub division of the Hlddle tract. City of Council HlntTa . . . 0 13 Atkins linker & Mcl'arland , Trustees All i'f Ixits 1 , 2 & 3 In llhxk IS In Sub division of the Hlddlo tract , City of Council muffs 0 3T Atkins , linker tf MrForland , Trustees All Lot 11 In nbck 38 In tbe Subdivi sion nf the Hldfllo trnct in the City of Council muffs . . 0.13 Atkins , linker ft McFarlnnd Trustees All Ixits 12 , 11 ft H In Block 3H In tbe Subdivision of tbe Hlddlo tract In the City of Council muffs . 03T Atkins , Haker ft McfsrUnd Trustees All of Ixit 15 In Block 3S In Suhdlvl-l slon of the Hlddle trnct , City of I Council muffs I All of Lot 10 In Block IS In Subdlvi-V 0.18 slon of thn Riddle trnct In the Clly I of Council flliiffB J Dexter , Mklns & Lane , Trustees. nonans COUNTV. NKIIRASKA. City of Omaha Ixits 2 and .1 In Block 20R In tbe City of Omahn ns surveyed and lltbo- urapliid , subject to the taxes thereon for tbe vesr 1880 . . . . . 0.40 Atkins lUler It Mel'arland , Trustees IM 4 In Block SW9 In the City of Oma. 1m , as surveyed nnd platted 0.20 Atkins , Ilaker & Mel arlnnd , Trustee * Ixit 5 In lllock 208 In Ihe City of Oma. hn , ns surveyed and platted . . . . . . 020 Atkins. Haker A. McFarland. Trustees Lot 0 In Block 208 In the City of Oma. ha . 020 Atkins , linker & Mcl'arlan I Trustees. Ixit 2 In Jllock 21 % In tbe City of Ouu- ha . 020 Atklnn , linker A McFarlamI Tnutees Ixit ,1 In muck 2IS In the City of Omu- lia . 0 2O Atkins linker ft McFiirland Trustees Ixit 4 In Block S 215 In tbe Cltv of Omabn qs surveyed and platted Sub ject to the fi-lloivlnz leai.es ublrb hava been this dny usidtriud by the snld Orsntor to Jnbn It Manehisler. In trust for Hi * Union Pacific Hallivay Co and the tnses of 18 * i Ixii'esi Prom Jnroh Pflus to Ja- cc.li b hleetier dsicd Aug K , rJ , for 4 r H ino frira dale Prnin Ineiih Pfluir to Frederick Krfiine dated Jnl ) HI ISSn , fur f > y. from elate .1111 nt .1 ) I'rinu Ifo'i Pfus tu Malcorn Chris- tentcn dnted Apr. 1 , IBSd , for 3 ) ti , fiom dati * Prom Jacob Pflug to Joseph b'cLlerhter , dated \ ; > rll 2 lb.su , fur J > r from date. 1 nun Jacob | 'i uj : In Ih-nr ) llruck- rer. dated Apr. 1 , Ib-SU , fur J jrs from dale 1 r ni Jacob Pfiig to Patrick Murphy , ( "ami Mull ti , IBM. fir J ft * fruiu I'lie 0.20 Atkins lltkir r. McPailnud Trustees Part nf U t 2 ( IxliU'KM t > < | ft ) . In No. V.O , 111 I'lf ' C l > i'f ' Omaha , " tu t > > re flrdrd plat thereof. Oorom nclnir st point 34(1 ( f tt north of the SK corner of the SW < i of trm SW i of sefllon 21 In T 18 N of II IB P. of tbe Otb P M , thence es.lt 410 feet , thenc * < < oulh SS fl , ttifnc * west 240 ft. : thence north frt It i theneo Wfst 170 feet : thence north .12 feet to trio place of N-glnnIng contnlnlnr SO MM snnnre feet , 0 01 Atkins , linker It McPnrland , Trustees Lots R 0 A 7 In Hloek F . 0 CO D ter , AUIni A Mink , Trustees Lot 1 In Hlock m In tbe City of Omi. ha. n surveyed nnd llthoernphed uh- jeet to the tnies thereon for the year Atkins , Ilsker A McP'nrlnm ) Trustees' All I/its numbers 2 snd 3 In lllock No. 17S In the City of Oinnhn . 0 49 AtXIcs linker & McFntlnnd Trustees All tbe following described Itcnl Kutate. sltualrd In the Cltv of Omntm , Comity cf Douglas nnd State of Nebraska to- wit" Liits B (1 ( , 7 * S In Ilh'Ck 17S > IxJts n 7 ej 8 In Blick 171) ; e ccrtlna ; however from this conveyance nil trio tnlc-icst heietofore ncqiilred by Tha I'nlin ' Pacific Hallway Company for night of VifiJ In nnd to lots (1 7 A S In Block 170 and the- Interest under a certain vcrhil lease heietofore made of toll 5. 0. 7 A S In lllk 17S to John A \\Bkefleld , which eiplre * Feb I , 1SS7 The whole nf snld described premises li hereby conveyed subject to 11 tns.es nsiessM and levlld thereon for the yenr 18W * c , 1 S2 Atkins , Bnker A MiParlnnd. Trustees. Ixit B In llloclt 170 , ns surveyed nnd Clntted by the Council Bluffs nnd Ne- rsska Kerry Co . . 0 20 DeAtcr , Atkins A Mink. Trustees Lot No. B In Block 180 ill the City ot Omaha . . 03) Atkins , Baker tt McFnrlnnd. Trustees. Ixit Nos 0 and 8 In lllock ISO tn the City of Omaba 040 Atkins. linker A McFnrlnnd. Trustees Lot 4 In Block 1H1 020 Deiter , Atkins A Mink. Trustees All Ixita 1 A 4 In Block 188 In the City nf Omaha. Also n parcel of Innd ad joining said Ixit 1 ou the Hast , com * rncnclng nt the Nil rornir nf said Ixib 1 lu Block IRS aforosnld , thence South 133 feet to the SK corner of snld Ixit 1 ; thence Knst 20 feit , thence North 133 ft : thence west 20 ft to place of beginning Contnlnlng 2(140 ( square feet . . 0.49 Atkins , linker A McFnrlnnd , Trustees All Ixits 2 nnd J In Block 18S In the City of Oinnhi . . . . . 0 40 Alklns , Baker A McPnrlnnd , Trustees. All of Ixits 1 2 A 3 , Block 180 , South of Hlgbt of Way of the U P Ity. , con taining 1 3 5 of a regular City lot 032 Atkins , Baker A. McPniland , Trustees All that portion nf U't 4 In Block 180 In tbe City nf Omaha nut Included lu n certnln grunt f r Illfht of Wny made to the Union Pacific Itnllroad Company by deed dated Mnrch 3 , 18HI nnd re corded on tbe 21st dn ) of the snme month In Book "P" of deeds nt Pngo 301 of the records of said Douglas County 001 Atkins , Baker 4. McFnrlnnd , Trustees , Psrt of Lot 3 ( being 11,514 sq ft ) In Block 220 In tbe City of Omahn. ac cording to the Recorded Plat there of . . . . . . . . . . . - . Ixits 7. S 0 & 10 In block IB nnd frac tional Block 17 In the Town of Mlllard 0.8S Deiter. Atkins & Mink , 1 nistees Lots 7 , 8 0 A 10 in Block 23 In tha Town of Waterloo . . 0.78 Deiter. Uklns A Mink Trustees DODGi ; COUNTY , NnilltASICA. Lots 1 A 2 In Block O In the City of 1 North Bend Lot 6 In lllock 51 In the Cltv of North ( 1.42 Bend , evcept tbo Kant 1" > feet of lot Dexter , Atkins .V Mink Iriislecn I PLA11K COUNTY. M.IIKASKA. City of Columbus Trustees Lot3 A 4 In Block 41 .040 Deiter , Atkln * A Mink. " 7 " BS . 020 " " 3 & 4 " f t ) . 0 40 " " " 4 " 77 . 0 21) " " Lots " pi ) o a > " i A a so o 40 " H " 100 0 20 " " " 5 A 0 " 101 . 0 II ) " " " 7 " 10J 0 .I ) " " " 3 A 4 " 111) 0 40 " " " ft " 112 O 20 " " " 2 A 7 " 111 040 " " " 7 A B " 1S1 . 0 41) " " " 7 " 121 0 20 " " fl " 145 020 " " " 7 " IM ) . 020 " " " S " 1118 . 1)20 " fl " 1S7 020 " 3 f. i " 100 0 40 " 7 " ll > s. . I ) ill ) " 1 " 1(11) ( 0 20 " " " 1 " 201) 0 20 " " " 0 " ill 0 20 " " " 7 " 2.4 . 0 20 " " " 1 & 7 " 22" > . O 40 " " " 2 " 220 0 20 " " " " -231 . 0 20 " " " 1 , B & 0 " 212 , I ) liO " " " 2 fS4 Oil ) " " " 2 " 251) . 0 20 " " OutLot7 HIM " " I ) 7 73 " " SF 1J of NW Vi bee. 20 17 1 W 40 00 " " H\.LL COUNTY , NHBIIASKA. City of Grand Island Tnistees. Lots5C,7 , ASIn BlockSO. 0 SO Deitertkln * A Mink " B , fl 7 . 8 " 40 0 SO " 0 , 0 7 A 8 " 41 080 " " " 3 4 5 ft 0 " 42 0 80 " 1 Jrst Addition to Grand Island Frac Ixit 7 In Block 101 001 " " BUFFALO COUNTY , NniJIUSKA. Kearney Junction Tnistees. Lots SO , C02. 710 0 40 Dexter Atkins A Mink. ( Park ) " 131)8 ) , 1399. 1100 , 1404. 1405 , A 1400 .000 " " " 1477 . 0 18 " " LUUMIE COUNTS , \\YOMINQ. City of Cheyenne Fractional Ixit No 1 In Block 813 : Also Lots 1. 2 A 1 nnd frne. Ixili 4. 6 0 7 & 8 In Block 834 Also Ixits 1 J , 3 4 , B 0 , 7 .1 8 in Block R35 Ml In Sec tion 32 , T. 14 N. R . CO W : Also lots 1 , 2. 3 , 4 , 5 , (1 7 A S In Block MO : Also Ixits No 1. 2. 3 , 4 6 , 0 , 7 A U In Block 837 ; Also Ixits Nos 1. 2 3 4 , B , fl , 7 A 8 in Block No 8J8 , Also Lots 1 , 2 , 3. > , 5 0 7 A 8 In Block 83U-AI1 in Section .12 , T 24 N R 00 M , ns designated on tbe offlclal plit of Tovviislta of said City of Cheyenne 080 Atkins Hiker A Mearlnnd , Trustees Lot 22 In Block 122 , City of Lnramle . 0 72 Dexter , Atkins A Mink , Trust ! ts Sodn I nkes , near Larnmle , Vtfo. SW of NW of NIC % ' NW of SW of NE "J , E V , of NW Vi } 4-14 N-75 W. SH of NWof NWli1 NE of SW of NW # , N V , of NW of SW VI B 14 N-75 W. NE of NU VI of SK > ,4 14 N 7-S W. SF. of SF. of SW Vt 33 IB N 75 W. Also nil claim In and to other portions of Se-"s 4 A B. T 14 N H 73 W and In nnd to other portions of Sec .13 T. 15 N R 75. which nny have been at nny time vested In tbisc through whom above property was obtained . 200 00 Deiter. Atkins k Mink Trustees \\FIIF.R COUNT1 , UTAH A pnrt of lot 0 In Block 4 In South Ogden - den Surve ) . beginning at the north west corner of said lot 0 snd running tbence south 20 rods , thence east 1O rods , thence north 2H rods , tbenco east 2 rods ; thence north 17V4 rods ; thence west 12 rods to place of be ginning . . . 1,47 Atkins , Dexter f. Lunc , Trustees In accordance with tbe tcims npd provisions of said riocrecs , snld prcmlccs and property nlKivu drscrlbed Mill be sold , and the pur chaser theieof will talc the same subject to nnd saving the title of The American Ixinu and 'Irust Company , as shown bv tbe Kqulp- ment 'Jiuut Indenture of The Pnlon Pacific Railway Company to tbe told The Ameikun Loon nnd Trust Company , dated October 1st , 1MJ7 , to the eitent and so fur as thesnld In denture- affects the nnitlon of the i < ] ulpment therein einbrnced , which Is adjudged In said decrees to pertulu to the premises embraced In said subsidy mortgage and Hen , and to thn eitent of theiniiei i < i [ HIM ilm J'.OT.wn of bonds In said deems ! und to bu outstanding thereunder , und subject to un I Having the Hen of the Uiiiaha Bridge MortKHiii of theUnlou Pacific Kallroud Complin ) to Ji tin Kdgnr ' 1 horn- sou , John 1'lirpont Moigiu , and f.llsha Atkins , s trustees , dated the 1st day of April. 1871 , and thu lliu of tbe Indenture- supplemental thereto , dated tbe 27th day of September , 1H7I. and tbe Hen of thu Omaha llrldee Iteuownl Mortgage i-iecuted by the Union Puclllr Kail , way Cumpnuy to the Central Irust Lxjmpnny of New York as trustic * . dated the 1st dav of October , 1655 lit on. to the ciluit , end In respect of tbe premises embraced In and lovfreu by said bridge mortgages slid to the eitiut of tbu Indebtedness thereby se cured as lu said decrees found to I'U out standing and unpaid , vU upon I30J OOU of First Bridge honds nnd $734000 of Re news ! iHinds and subject to and saving tbe lien of tl ) First Mortgage nf 'Ihe Union Pa cific Railroad Company to Ldnln D Mort : > n and Oabis Ames as trusties dated Novem ber 1st , 18A6 , upon to the eilenl , and In re spect of tbe premises nmhrnced In and cav errd by Bulil Mrst Mortgafe as In laid ilucrees rteserlhid and denned , und to the eituit of tbc Indihledness UIMIU tbe f 270,000 of bondx secured thereby , us found to I > H o-it. tending and unpaid , and subject to nu , . saving tin- right of the Government to buva tbe prefficnci it nil tloi a In the us > , at fair end reasonable rates of compensation , not to eiceed tie ami mils paid by private parties for tbe same kind of service of the said tc Irgrnph line and railroad for the trniisrnls. elmi of despatches over said trligraph Una > nd the tmnsportstlon ot mulls , troops muni tions of war , supplies , and public stores u | jn Mid rnllroad for the Goveriiinent , wbeuertr ( equlred by any Department tbenof As provided by said deereis- halu property covered by and embraced In aid subsidy mortgage ami Hen will be sold us an entirety and In one parcel Tbe bpeclnl Master IIHS the power nnd right lo postpone the said sale from time to time , nd may without further notice proceed with the snld bale on any day to v\irh | | thu sale may have been udjourutd 'Ihe Special Mas ter will receive no bid from any one offering to I Id who shall not Inivo de | ialt d with him , t his olilce la Omalm Nihrasl.ii nt leant five days lefore tbe date of tbe salt men- tlonid In this notice , ns a plidgo thai he will make M * l hit hid In ease of Its acccptnucu. tbe sum of t' 000,001) In cash The bprrlal Master nil ) aicept no bid for said rullrouri , franchises und property less than the sum of (2.1000000 In caih Upon tbe acciptrnro of nn ) bH tbe person or persona making the soiae shiill fortuvvlth du- posit with tbs Special Msotcr. on aicoiint ibtreof a further sum , In cash , which , together viltb the amount wblrb hi ui they lime already - ready deposited as a uledxt shall eiiusl fif. teen per rint ( lul of the accepted bid In rase uny bidder shall fill to moke go-id bis Mil upon Us acceptance ly the hpeelnl Mas ter by raikliiK within five dajs after such acceptance snlrl additional denoilt with tb * Maitrr ii > herelnUfore specified or , aflcr tbe confirmation of said Kile , sbsll fall tu lay an lifrrlnsfur sptclllrd the balance due upon bis said bid In consummation of his pur chase Hun tbe suras In cash so deposited by luch bidder or purchaser will he furfellid us penult ) for such failure and will he ( milled tuvvBids payment of tbeopensesufn resale and toward ! making good any dinelency or loss la se the properly shall lie < ! < ! * t a less price iiun { sufn rrsAle. and to nny otber und fur * tier purpnies which tbe- Court may direct. Any party to said muses iir tiny hulder or utf bid and pnrchuM at sncb sale. \l nnjinle for which * depnsll hs ren m d hsll not t > conflrmeil liy the Court , such de posit will N > tftnrneil to the bidder , and th 5fpo lt of ny nnsucCfS'fnl bidder will t > re turned to Mm when K Mil has rten nerertnl. The purchaser whese bid sball h ve been accepted by the Special Mailer nl saM saU hsll make pavmenls In cash of ttie sum r - malnlnif due upon Ms Mid I'M ' > fter tb * ( ip- Pllcntlon thereto of the ninr > unl thererofor * det-oslted by him , ns follows ! Tw nly-Uv C % ) per cent of osld amount n rrmilntn due un Mid bid shall be laid within thirty dnjs after the rpnflnnntlon of tbe sale' n further twenty Hve (2.V1 ( per rent of Mia amount shall l-e jwl I within forty dnys after titch confirmation ; a further twenty nv * 123 % ) per cent of said amount shall be pnl.l within fitly dnjs after such conflrmatli > n , snd fur- Iher twentr five ( IVt ) per cent of said mount bnll l-o psld vvllhln sUty days fttr such ( HintUmntlonj Provided , howevnr , tbal tbo purchaser shall hnve. the rlnbl tn nnllfl- rate nil nr either of snld paym nta by mnk * i < the dnme , or nny of them , at an curlier time , or eimer limes than herein stated The Mnater may accept n certHed ebecl upon or n cerllflcnte of deposit of any no tional bank or trust rompnuy which Is soils- factory to hlui us n i-wyment , or d pelt of cssb. Instead of money , In nny case Inublrh tie Is. by the terms of Mid decrees , required to obtnln rash < * Upon imymciit of the purchase price , tn Speclnl Mister will esrcute nnd deliver a tuod nnd sntnclent Oeeil , conveying nil th premises purchased , subject to the prior lien * nnd e-xcrptlons In said decrees found nnd here * Inhefore stated , to such purchaser or \ u > chasers , nr Ids or their mecessirs or asslgnii find upon rontlrninthin ot the vnle and cnn * veynnce of the premises sold , the purch sei or purchasers , his or their successors nnd - sljns , shall , vuhjxt In the | i < naessl > n nil rlehts of inlil Ricelvers , nnd subject tn the liens and rights snvnl nnil eicepted ns sfnr * * sild. thereupon he entitled to hold and enjoy the slid premises so conveyed The imrctiasvf it purchasers , or his or their succesior * or nislgm shall , us part consideration nnd purchase price of the said pnn-erty pur chased , nnd In ndilltlon to the sums required to bo pstd ns aforesaid , tnke the same , nnu receive tbe died therefor upon the iprtss con dition that he or thev. or Ids or their snp- cessors or assigns , shall pny , Mtlsfy ami dls. rbnrge tbe obligations , llnblllllrii And chnrcS ) In snld seveinl deciees specified ns followat "Flist All the proper nuts nf this einisj nnd of the cspenses of the sale u < minder. Including the condensation nnd neccKsary e penses of the Speclnl Master appointed to * luske the snle "Second. The charges , couipensntlon. M lowauces nnd dlsbuiseiuents of the Couiplsln- nts , nnd nny of the olber pnrtlrs tn this cnuie entitled thereto , their millcltors nnd counsel " Such rosin , compensation , nllownnccs nno\ dlRburpe-mentn shall IM * paid t-y tbe purchnsersi when they nre fixed by the Oinrt Tbo pur chaser , his successors or assigns , shall Day nny of tbo claims di scribed In Mid decree * when bv tbo Court required , or uliall pnv ti > the Master or In Court tbe moneys required to discharge the unmo from timetn tlmo ns ttm Court may direct And tbe Court reserve * tbe right nnd retains the power and Jiirlsdle. tlon to take hnck and resell the said property In CHS tbe purchaser , his successors or nn nlcns , fnll to pay miy of raid claims when by It required , nnd In cnsc be or they fall to pny ny other pnrt of tbe i-mchaso price of tb * property . 4 As provided In snld decrees : 1 The lionds held In the United States Union Pacific Sinking 1 uml will be sold nt the tlm * a ) d place nforcsrtld ns an entirety and In ou * Die honrls tn the Mid United States-Union Pncltlc Making Pnnd nrc Huso shown In th * following tubulated stntement , which state * laent also shows which of the txnulii In said sinking fund are not duo , which of snld hondi ale due , and the rnlis of Interest , dates or maturity , dates when Interest Is paynble , nnd dates of lust payment of Interest ns to each class of bunds embraced lu said sinking fund : 33 0333 32 ; ' ' > , > > vx > , , - , ; > , ! "j , 'N ' " " " " 'c"t ? Sr"3 § § ? § t * ? - " --5 ? * ? - : " * "l f. * * " * * 1 " " * 3 _ 353 T-i-xr itccro"a t- > . MlS S | | | lr2x | tM J M a § * Sooo j i i : 05 2 & I'j i5 * oS i § I . i J ! oo i ' . i ! r- rf ' J i Oa p p j i m \ i ! j 3s ! jil So * 1 . , J . I * * li , , ! i i Tbn bpeclul Master lias tlio IKJWCI and right to postpone the anlo of sail ! Kinking I und bonds fioin tlmo to time , and way , without further uutlre , proceed with the sale on unj- day to which the suuic niHy hnvii been ad journed. The Special Master Mill recelre no hid from uny bidder for Ihu securities In mid Sinking Fund who skall nnt lmr < > paid to hlui. at his olllce. In tht Llty of Onmlin. Nehraaun , at leust lire das bifuio tint bum tlato for said sale , aunouncid In thin notice , tlio sum of at least ten pel cent of the nrsrPtnln pair Taluo of all tbe Iwmls In tin suld hhikliiff Fund , name ! } , the sum of $1 3il4&Jo , as a plcdfio that ho will make Rood hit hid In ease uf Us acceptance 'Jlu hpecUl Master wlu accept no hid foi i > nld MlnklnR I und buiidf lets than a sum equal to tbe azgiiKale par value of all of tlio horn ! * * In suld .Sinking Puna as In snld decrees found u uf tlio dale < * April 3Uth , IbUT , unini-lj , the suui of 51.1015 , . 25U S'J 'Ihe purchaser shall ullliln fifteen ilnjs after tlio contlruiatlon of the sili , hj tlie Oiurt , of said .SlnliliiE 1'uuil lionds , nmku such further * pnjinrnt 01 payments In cnali as shall bo ncccisuiy to couipleti , with thu ik poult them- tofoit made by him thu pninent of the suui bid by hlui at such silo , nnd such puyinenb shall he nude lulu I 'linimny of Ihu United Htatis or to such ullltlal of Ihe 'luasiiry Ie * partiucnt of the Unllul hlntis ur diixmlinry Hi ihall he by the .Vuolnr ) of tlic Tieaaiiry cli'tlfnntcd to rectlti- such puyurnt nu helialf of tli * > United flutes , piotlded hovvever , tbat sluiuluneoiiiily tucu pnyiiiint , und n n condition tlureof , tha said iiuiclnisrr sbnll ba entitled to recelvu and shall receive fium tha 8 rrclim uf the lieuuiiry of the United Htntry , ud said Uicrctar ) of ilo 'Inmsiiry shall at thu tluiu of tuch payment as afimsnld ih-llre * to such inirchsker all HID boniis In the said United Stairs Union 1'aclflc HlnkliiK Puud , duly cudoited by thu Hnirilar ) of tlio llcntury su as to elTcctuully liaiKftr the BUIIH- and make the s unit Rued In the hunds of other lioldcis than thu said .Sieietnry 'lie Spiclnl Muster Mill hold any sum depo sited with him us a pledku to secuiu any bin which rhall hate been accepted , subjiet to tha order of thehecretnry uf the Tiensur ) of | h > United btstes at unj tlmu when the lmlapc of aut.li hid shall liuvo been paid and tbe de liver ; of thu said iKinda to thu pan hast r shall liavo been made us In said dericrs piuvldtd ur subject to the requirement of HID puichortr made ut tin/ time ullhlii llfleiu dnjs after the eunlliniutlon of Ihu said sulc that Ib amount bo deposited uliull bu paid orvr by tha said bpeelal Mailer Into the 'treasury of ilia Uultcd States , or to such oltlclal uf the Trea sury Dcpurtioentor dtpntltaryiis mar In-drrls- iiatul by the slid heciutury of the Urrusury 10 rerelresuehpa > iueut 'Ihu Mmlrrina ) aiteptit certlned ( heck upon or a lertlllcatu of depusll of uny notional bauk 01 [ runt minp/iiiy nlilrn Is sallsfiictory tu him , as a pajuiriit ur u du- Ixull of mah Insfiud uf inuniy In uny rusa In widen ) , e u requlrid to obtain cuili If any surplus urer the said Kubnldy debt ( if ln Union Pacific Hallway Cumpjn/ | b Unltra Utulrs "bull result fiom tint prueeols uf | h * ssle of the railroad mid oilier properly 1111. braced In suld hubsldy mortifi | ' , uml Mm ami from th" silo of the bonds | j ( Id In Ihe Hulled States Union PutlUc blnkl g Pund aflir Ilia application of tbo ( ash In said Hlnkliix Pnnd to said hnhtldy IndtMnlni-iU , tbui aueh tur- plus sbsll be paid Into Court In ruau any bidder f puirlmier shall fall , wltiiln tlftren days after runflrinatlmi of tha ( Hid sail' of said rlliiUnic Pund bonds In pay , as hereinbefore spi rifled , tbn bulimm due upon his hid In consummation of his purdiate then tbe sum dupoid | | l > > huili puirhastr ihull be forfelhd as a penally fur sueU failure. and suull l > o oppllru towards Hie pujnn'iii of HID expu.lis nf a re jf. | anil tottsiils luaklpgr good mi ) ilellckucy or lots III ( use tli'o saraii shall piuduru a l < u pill * upon such rr < sii > , slid to uny othir and further purpose utilcu the Court may dlieil If any sale for which n deposit has Iwen mode Khali not ! ( untlrined by Ihu Cou.-t , sub deK lt abnll bu K turned | o tint bidder , and tbe ihjw' ' lt ( f uniuieeciful bidder sball ba returned to hlui wirn a till bus Lien ac- ctptid ( or furltier pirllriilsrs refcnnru Is nude to the ulioru meiillonrd ilicms of said Courii nd In Ihe reports of Ibo flpoelil Master Wed I" "Id ( ouses and referred tu lu said ( locreea , Iluli ( I Auirutl Utili Ihi7 ! VVII.I.Il I ) fOUNISIf , Hp clal Mo.ier Joseph MrKniu , Atluriie/.lj iural of the Unit- id Htitlfi acorje lloidly , SiHclal AjiliUnt to the At. tnrn y ( Jineral of th l/nlled Blotes , No. 23 \Ullluui Sliiet , Nw lurk , N. Y , John ( ' ( ( in In hinrlal ruijf | for tbo Blntis Una 1m .Silirmkn. Joft1 UV. 'l Tf" ! "uinc for tha t'ulttd . lltimr. ColuHdo.