8 THE OMAHA DAILT BTEs TIITinjSDAY , SETTEM35EH 30 , 1807. CONTINUANCE IS GRANTED Oity is Given Another Opportunity to Bccraro Its Expert Witness. SUIT AGMNST.BOLLN BONDMEN GOES OVER DuilK1 SlnliiniKli ClrnnlH ( lie Il of ( In- ( ' ! ( > Atliirnr ) mill I'liRt- IMinrN I lie Trlnl Until AIM ( . nilirr in , .TiulRo SlabAtiRli yesterday postponed the trtel of tlio suit brought by the city to re cover thu amount of ex-City Treasurer HoUn's defalcation from hln bondsmen until Novem ber 15 , a week earlier than the date asked for by thu < lty. Kxpcrt WrtlllnR has prom ised that ho will ho In the city by that tlmo to Kite his testimony. The trial will be be gun lu'icmptorlly on the cl.ito set. "I want to warn > ou , gentlemen , that this Is the last postponement 1 will grant , " the court a MHO u 11 coil to ttm counsel , Tlio postponement was granted upon tlio nrllten tuning from City Attorney Connell diMiminlul by thu court. This was made up of the afll.lavll of the city attorney and of Comptroller Weslbprg , who went to Kansas City after WeUllug. According to the showIng - Ing expert Welding will come to this city on November 10 and will spend a two weeks' % acatlou hero. In his ulllilnvlt. City Attorney Connell stated that Wettllng wnn the. only person HUD knew tut- condition of llolln's books and that the city was abfcolutcly unable to proceed to trial. Then the circumstances surrounding Welding's removal from the city were set out It was shown that on September II the council ordered Welding to assist In preparfng for the trial of Iho cane. On the afternoon of that day the city attorney darned from the nevvbpapers for the Pisl time of tiui export's Intention to leave the city He apoke to Welding about the nutter , but the latter was not Inclined to cay iniiib. lie was served with a HUb- l > oc'tia on the name day , but In the after noon went to KansJM City On September 21 the council by resolution requested" Wettllng lo come back and also asked Ihe Armour people to let him off. These re quests were withoul results , and couse- ( jucntlv Comptroller Woatberg went to Kan- pan Clly la-rft Su'urday lo KCO whal he could do. Complroller Westbcrg's amdavll was the statement Inmade to the courl Tuesday to the effeet that Welding would nol re turn for fcai of losing his position Tues day the comptrollci telegraphed to Secretaiy JIoo4 > of the Aimour comnan > about the inatttr and received an answer to the effect that Wcttllng would be allowed to come to the city on November 10 for a couple of weeks. CONNCLL MAKES A STATEMENT. On Ihls showing Clly Allot ncj Connell asked for a postponement to November 22 lie said that In spite of any ctltlelsm the court might make and lei Ihe face of the "abuse" of the press , he hid done everthing possible to Invo Welding ht-te He said that he could do nothing more lhaii have a subpoena set veil upon him. He could not bo foiled to lemaln "If I had Welding In this Hite I would tiRVe him In this couit head flisl or feet firsl , " halil Judge Slabaugh. "If 1 could foico 1'ie clly lo trial 1 would do It Uut If I shouU ordet a trial the contention would be tint It liad not been a fair trial and the probable resull would bt > dial the case would be to- tried. " Judge Slabaiifh did ucl see why Ivvo weeks ivero laedel foan exiiTt like Welding lo becOmq prepared to give testimony nnd he therefore eft the trial for November 15 In- Btcad of November 2J He then aunouncei ! that no further postponements would ' bii granted. "Ueforo.we go to trfil on that diy we will to know whether Wettllng will give testimony In favor of the cltj , " was the sug gestive answer of Olty Attorne } Connell. When he left the bench , JudgeSlubatigh remarked that In ordinary eases ho , would liavo Inslstel on the city going to trial , but because of the fact that ICO OOD cltl/ens of Omaha were Interested In It , he allowed the postponement. With the dels/ that wus granted he HJW no teason why anj otliei con. tlnimmu tdiould bo given. Illltlfi'x III Ci linliiiil Court. Ill the criminal court jeslorday the flrnt trial juiy was called In the case of John Johnson of Vulun , who Is charged with horse. stealing Ucfoie die Irlal was begun Tom KlrlU'Cid , chatged with btciKlng Into freight cats , vvas nllcnved to plead gul.tj to laiceny and wus sentenced to hiinontlis In the count ) jail. The case of criminal assault against Vlctot Koch , which was continued Tuesday , was milled jesterdaj The par ents of the little girl. Mjrtle Koch who was alleged to have been assaulted , have left the city. _ IOCTIMi MANY T\V Sll IKKKIis. Work. of tilt * ( Mil VHNCNNOIH rnll of I'.i-rors. The dcpudets who are making up die first municipal tax list under the new law uavu already dint ovei eel a considerable number of errors and Irtegularltlca that have been car ried along on die oooks for years Tuesday a valuation was placed on * an Acre of proper ! ) In the Sixth ward which hud ptcvlously been listed as clool | propetty and Iheieforu exempt from taxation. As a matter of fact the entire tract has been owned bj an Individual for > cnrs , but tlnoiigh the care- leh&iH'M or Ignorneico of the assessors It has iievot been placed on die taxable list To Indicate how caieletslj tlio old atuebsment rolls were made up , II IK stated thai one utHCBSor who IB placing a valuation on pet- Bonal properl > found thlrtj-tvxo propert ) ouneia In a Mngle daj' work who had ncvet taxed before. Dr. KIiiK'n Ac Dini'incrj ror Cou- HUllltllloll. This Is the b ( l medicine In the world foi All forma of Coughh and Cold * * and for Con Eumptlon. Every bottle U guaranteed , it i\lll euro unJ not dUappolnt. It has no equal for Whooping Cough , Anthiiia , Ihi\ rnvi > r , rneumonla , Ilionchltla , La Grippe Cold In tint Head and for Consumption It Is tmfo for all ages , pleasant to take , and , above all , a sure cure. ,11 Is aluaja well to take Dr. King's New Life 1'llls In connec tion with Ui , King's New Ulscavety , uf they regulate and tone the stomach and liowela. Wo Kuaiantce perfect satisfaction nr return money , Krce trial boldes at Kuln & Co 's dtug store. Itegulai Kl/o fiOc and Jl.OO , Clulli HltfiiN MIIH ! rUinif Him ii. Mu > or MooieH notified thu police yester day ttiat all butslne6s men In the central par- lion of tlio city should he ordered to take down du ) temporary clolh signs used during fair week. Noc i todaj was given as thu It * tlmo limit , and all Ihe merchants who fall to romp ! ) will b arrested for obstructing thu street * , Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair , Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair. BAKING POHDlll A fur * drape Crtam of Turfar Powder * 40 YEARS THE STANDARD ) . i.osns coMMouNCiJ IN AX orricuit. I'olli'rmnn PnlU tci Arrr < n I'll I r nf I tor HP Tlilrtrit. I'ctcr Kolyza , residing at Twelfth and William streets , has lost all confidence In the ability , efficiency and Integrity of at least one police officer , anil that police officer Is aid to he Henry 'Wluenhurg , who has the South Thirteenth street beat al night. Shortly after 2 o'clock last Tuesday morn ing Kotyza was aroused from his slumbers by the sound of horses running along the street In front of his house. He jumped out of bed and looked out of the window. The horses that were rapidly disappearing up die street looked much like Ills own , and himllly putting on his clothes Kotyza wcnl oul lo his barn , there to find that two ot his animals had gone , 1/wklng up loward Thlrlccnlh street he eaw two men and two horses. Proceeding thither he found thai Ihc horses were his nun and that the men were talking with Wlsenhurg , the policeman on " the heal. Knl > 7n told the officer that the horses be longed to him and that they had been stolen by the men who had them In their POSSCH- slon Neither of the men made any denial and taking the horses away , Kotjza led diem back to hie barn. AH he was about to enter his homo he looked up the street and saw Ihc Ihtcvca still talking with the officer , Kotyza went to where ( he three men were standing and demanded that the thieves bo arrested. This angered one of the thieves , who drew a revolver nud threatened to shoot Kotjza , The policeman look the gun away and as sured Kotjra that both men would be ar- lestrd after which he went home. Yesterday Kolyzalsltcd the police station and wan surprised to learn that neither of the horse thieves had been arrested , and was more surprised to learn that the mailer had nol been reported. If > ou have ever been a Hide child In a paroxysm of whooping cough , or If jou have been annoyed by a constant tickling In Iho throat , you can apprcclalo die value of One Minute Cough Cure , which gives quick relief. itic'\i.i.s TIII : TIKIIKMVN MUIIIIUH. Mr. . Slirt'ttooil ruriilxltcN tlio I'olU'f ltli Information , 'Iho police received some Information > es- terday which may throw some light upon the murilci of Officer Dan Tick-nun. lr ) E bfxvooil , 1102 South Twenty-second street , culled at the station and stated dial he had a&onH for believing dial one of the shot guns used by the murderers oilglnally be longed to him. About three months previous to die oc currence lr. Shouvood possessed a shotgun thit had been sawed off and was afterwards uold b ) his son to a carpenter. The ca t > en- tcr was an Intimate friend of the Kastnei and was known to have loaned the gun to them on beveral occasions Shortly before the murder took place Di Sher\vcod's son hired the carpenter to whom he had sold the gun and a paper hange" , to ici air n house located at Thltty-thltd and Woolvvorth avenue A couple of nights latei die hou'c being repalicd , was onteied and Ihe i.ape'i hanger's loots were stolen. The toolset ot the carpenter , however , which were lying alongside of thcce belonging to the othe- min , woie unmolested The Incident wuj thought hlghlv suspicious bj the doctor and the mattet was Iniucs-ed upon his mentor ) A ver ) short time afterwards the gun dlh- apyeared from the possession of the carpen ter , and was never afterwards located ror this reason It Is f\j \ < posed to have been used In the shooting. Dr. Sherwood wus thovvn the old alngle-bartelcJ gun tccovered b ) the police from die residence of Louis Kastnei but stated thai U was net the one. The tact that the shooting was done with shot guns of the short bar el varlct ) still Inclines Ui Sherwood to believe that the gun owned oj the carpenter v\a mixed up In the affair He states that should It he lecovcied b ) the police lhal he can positive ! ) Identify It , a-- he owned It for several ) cats Ki-murKiililc Curt * of Cliroille DIarrliovii. . Mr Elam Kcll ) , an oil operator of this place , wjs away on business when he took a severe diarrhoea which develoncd Into a chronic case. He was compelled to give up his position and come home for treatment , lie grew- rapidly worse , however , until at last I Induced him to try Chamberlain's Colic , Cholira and Dlarrhoei Remedy. After using one little bottle of It he was able lo be irouud a-jaln nnd continuing the use of It cured him petmancndj C. V Everly. of the firm uf Everly & Evetly. Davlstown , Pa , Curil of TIiiiukN , I wlah to express my sincere and hearlfclt thinks to my man ) fr'ends who so klndl ) remembered me In my late bereavement. MRS SUSEE COULTER. W.M 0. GOSS COAL Tel. 1307. Office and jards lift & . Nicholas Union t'nulflc. "The Overland Limited. " The most SUI'EHHLY EQUIPPED train west of Miceourl Illver. Twelve hours quicker than any other train to Pacific Coast. Cull at Tlckot Office .1302 Taruanj St. Ill ItMNfJTON SKI.lir. to ClilciiKO. Tuesday and Thurfcday of this week. Take "Vestlbnled Fler" Finest twin out of Omaha New fropt end to end. Leaves I iilon depot r , 05 p. m. Berths and tickets at 1T.02 . rurnam street. KNAPP Amelia 13. September 28 , 1897 , wife of S H Knupp , aged fJO yeots. Tir- nt-ral at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. Sept. 30 , from her late residence , S71G Jackson street , to Palrvlevv cemetety , ni-ai Papplllon , Sarpy county. ioc\i. IIIUVITM > . A sewer Is being put In on Corby , from Sherman avenue east to Fourteenth street. The Iron work of the Eleventh streel viaduct Is being given a coal of black paint. The Judges of die municipal court have appointed Dorse ) HoucK as an additional loiidtuble Th j appointment of amother court office ! vvas necessitated b ) the Increai-e In the volume of business on the dockets 'Iho report of License Inspector -Vlttlo shosvx lhal 226 licenses were Issued during August fiom which the ( Ity derived a ii'vemie of $2 02S " > 0 Of this amount $910 was collected fiom the proprietors of nlckle- In-lhe-slol machines 'Ihe parties who will erect the big apatt- mi-nt house at Sherman avenue and Lake street broke ground for die foundation of thu structure > eaterday. Ihu construction of the building will be pushed In order that It may be completed this fall. Wai rants foi the ariest of Axel I'redeu- bc-ig and Clmilcs Dennett have been snorn out b > Emma .Myerb ine vvomnn anegcb biio liut > bft'ii Insulted a number of times by the men and she wants them locked up The men are aUo wanted on other clurgee Mrs M V. Gannon , formerly of Omaha , died In Chicago on Monday afternoon aftct 11 long lUnieM with pleurisy. Shear the wife ot M V. Gannon , esq at one tlmo a prom inent attorney of this city. Mrs. Gannon at one time vvah a teacher in the public schools of Omaha , C'lty Tieasurer Edwards cent near ! ) JHO- 00 ! ) east yesterday to meet municipal obligations which mature October 1. Of tills amount $100,000 Is to take up maiming short time bonds The Interest on die-be bonds aniountK-to $22,000 , and the remainder Is to pa ) the Interest on long-time bonds \rtlclii of Incorporation of the Southwest ern Stock and Development company have h < en Illid with the county clerk. The corn- pun ) It , to handle mines and deal In Blocks and bcndb. The capital stock Is JS5.0UO. The lucuiporalors are Alex McMillan , K , C. O'Hdlloran and Ueorgo W. Shlcldtt Tuc-kdiy night one ot the uilori al II oiMiliif , King & . Go's store left tlio eleclllc lurivn1 cti , which heats a stove for a tailor' * iou e The xtove became overheated and burning Ihiough the table upon which It itoml , jet lite to the woodwotK beneath , Yfytei Ix ) when the store was opened It wa > found full of umolie , Ihu vurloug Doclctles couuectetl with Trutlt ) oatbe.lral have- adopted a plan uhereb ) racli society In turn taken the rcspanblblllty ol loiiductliiK one ot Ihe codables held In the I'arlsu house upon the last Thurtda > of each moiith The September social will be held 1 hut ida ) evenliiK at the Gardner Memorial Parl h IIOUMO under the auspices of the Sun day e hool. Muiio wuj v\i \ r ndre < } ftjisJ ri' Ireibmiuts tenoO < > PREPARE TO DO THEIR SHARE En.tortalo.mont and Ball from Which to Derive Fart of the Funds. GERMANS WILL BEON HAND AT EXPOSITION nf n Proponed llullitliiK to lie Hilillilloil nt it Cclclirntlou to lie llrlil inrly i , cxt Month. The German-American citizens ot Omaha are making preparallona to properly cele brate , on October 9 , the landing ot the flrgl German settlers In Pennsylvania , The cele bration will be held let Qcrmanla hall , com mencing at S p. m. , and will comprise a con. cerl , participated In by Ihe Orpheus Singing socloly , Iho Zither club and other local tal ent and a thcalrlcal performance In Gcrmiit. During Ihc evening a grand tableau will be presented , I ) pit ) lug the TransmUslsstppl Ex position. The twenty-four stales and terri tories In the transmlsslsslppl region will each bo represented by a young woman and Ihe entire group will be under die protecting arm of Columbia , pcrconlflcd by a well known Omaha woman. Speeches b ) Jacob Houck and Francis Martin , the latter the editor of Iho Posl-Trlbune will German - , com plete Ihls porllon of die entertainment , the whole concluding with a ball. The German-American Transmlsslsslppl as sociation will take nn active nart In the celebration , and steps will be taken to arouse Iho 30,000 German-Americans In the Im mediate vicinity of Omaha to the Impor tance to them of the great exposition which Is almost at hand. Thta association was or ganized and Incorporated beveral months ago for the purpose of advancing Ihc Interests ot die Gciman clll/ens of Nebraska In Ihc exposition and Ihc society feels thai the time has come to begin active work In en- lifting the assistance and co-operation ot the Get man holders In Ihls work. Handsome drawings representing die building II Is proposed to erect on the ex position grounds will be dlsplacd at the entertainment for the Inspection of those present. The drawings will show a build- lug of Irregulai form , about 200 feat In length along Its Hnilti ftonl , and having a depth ot aboul 100 feet This building will tcprescnt the various sllcs of architecture seen among the historic buildings In the different quarters ot Germany , faithfully re- ptoduccd with all the appearance of extreme old age. The Interior of the building will he inrangcd to represent a chatacterlstlally Get man concert hall with a stage on which will be light entertainments such as arc seen among the high clsss Ger man resorts In the larger cities ot the 'Tadcrlaiid " A res taurant tor the dispensing ot German delica tessen will be glvencpaco In the building and there will also be parlors and reading rooms for the use of visitors. The committee having charge of the ccle bratlon of the landing of die first German sottleis in Pennslvanla comprises Charles Kaufmrnn , Prancls Mai tin F. W. Koetter , Carl Rumohr and Prank Chrlstman. This commltte lies sent Invitations lo all of die German societies In this city and the Imme diate \lelnlt ) and these societies hive been icquested to bring- with them their banners to be used In decorating the hall where the celebration Is to be held M IIIlSlvV I\\ ATSHVIM.13. . liiilicalioiiH that Till * Hlatc- Will Hat ItcprcHvntatU < * N \tlciiiliuiec. . Major T. S. Clarkson , president of the Omaha Hoard of Commissioners to the Ten nessee Exposition , Is exciting every In fluence to secure a large delegation ot Nebraskans - braskans to go to Nshvllle on October S , the day which has been set apart by the Tenncbsee Exposition management as Ne- braaka day , and for which the Nashville people ore making great preparations. Major Clarkson savs thai Ihe Indications ire favorable for a party of fair proportions , but he urges upon the people of this vi cinity the importance of taking an Interest in this matter of secuilrtK a large attend ance In order to stimulate Interest among the people of thai section In the Transmls- slssippl Exposition. Efforts have bcun made to secure n one fare tate for Ihe whole distance from Ihe railroads , and the major states that he be lieves this will be accomplished. Governor Holcomb and his official staff and W. J DO an are goin , and II Is assured that a number of the exposition directors win be In Nashville on the day In question , but the party has not reached the magnitude Major Clarkson thinks die occa&lon requires. \\orUlllK' for VnollHT CoiiMMitlon. The Women's HomI of Managers has ap pointed a committee to secure the 1898 meet ing of the Liberal Congtcss ot Religions for Omaha This body meets In Nashvlle , Octo her 19 to 24 , and the committee appointee by the Women's beard will at once bcgir the woik of laying the claims of Omaha be foio the members of that bad ) . The com mlttco appointed foi this purpose ! s composed of Thomas Kl'ratrlck , Rev. New Ion Mann , Rev. Mary Glrard Andrews , Rev. T. J. MacKay , Rev. John McQuold and W. II. Alex ander. \ \ 111 Ili-j'rcmMit Colomilo. Governot Adams of Co'orado has announced the appointment ot Major S. K. Hooper to be a member of the Colorado Exposition com- miislon. Major Hooper Is the general pas- songei agent of the Denver & lilo Grande tailroad and If. one of thu most widely known and popular passenger men In the west. It Is conceded thai his appointment on the Colorado commission has added greatly to the ftrcnglli of thai bed ) , as the major Is a man of great executive ablllt ) and force and wields a powerful Influence In Colorado. ritiiiM of ( In * Vrl llnlliUiiK. Plans and detail drawings and full specifi cations for the Art building have been turned over to the Department of Buildings and Grounds by exposition architects. This com- pletra the plans for all of the buildings on die mo In court except the Auditorium and the Government building The former will bo completed within the next ten das and the advices from Washington arc to the effect that the plan for die Government building will he read ) for contractors lo commence figuring by October 10 SoulliiTii Hc'iiulilliMil ) C f. Piesldont Wattles has received from the pro Ident of Nicaragua n very cordial reyly to the official Utter of Invitation bent thiough the Department of State of the federal gov ernment , The Nlcaraguan president ac cepts the Invitation and says ho will at once take bteps to aecttiu an app'oprlatlon of suf- Iklsnt < Uu to allow the government to partici pate in the exposition In a manner which will be creditable to It and ( satisfactory to the exposition management. ' " siolcn l'ro | > iT ( > ItriMit rrt'il. A quantity of plunder tiecurc.d In die bui- glary ot the house of C , G Underwood , Tvven- t-nfth and California .streets , last Ihuibdav nlghl was recovered by tin * police > esterday. U was reported by Glenn Teel , a boy whq re side ! al 2U01 North Twenty-sixth street , that he had found Ihe at deles under a tre'e neat Twcut-sixth and Lake streets. The vrop- t-rty has been Identified and consists of one- halt dozen silver spoous and the came num ber or souvenir nioone , besides o silver mug and other articles. Inillt liluiil l.nlior Triinli'li * . William R. Urael end William 1) . Rltchey , union papcl hangern , were arrested for assaulting William Johnston , a non-union man. About a week ago the two men met Johnston neir the corner of Seventeenth and HI. Marj'n avenue and accused him ot being a cab Joluiblon repllel and Ihe trio wcr * KOOQ engaged la a row , Joliiuton now lllea a ( ompla'eit agtliibt the others. t'hurnril nllli lni-urrlKllill < > Maiy Hliuhc ) a daughter of Mrs. Hluclte ) llvliiK near Eleventh and Arbor streets , was ancsted ) osier Jay for tncorrlglblllty. The girl bat been emplolng her time by run- ntug away and thus canting her parent uu- uecewary trouble. The girl refuges to stay at homo , but ho U wllllug to eel ' u poiltlou jfrllh fti ri.ownns FOR iin .KXPOSITIO nfMl'InitU AVIlt IICRln IhlUtlntcr. . The Hoard of PAtU'CgmmlMlonera met ) ov torday and transacted n considerable amount ot business most oil which pertains to the adornment of Kountnj-park and Ihe exposi tion grounds next year. U was decided that the work ot propagdtlng plants for the dec oration of the parJC hould bo begun at the Hanscom park grtonhouscs at once and It was the sense ot the board that the addi tional plants that would be required for the decoration ot the grounds surrounding the park should be purchased front local florists In tlmo for the florists lo begin propagating them before winter eels In. The committee on Improvements and the superintendent were Instructed to complete tbo addition on die west side of the green house at Ilannconi park to afford the extra loom required. Ihe superintendent was also Instructed to make arrangements al once lo ship four or five carloads ot the trees recently purchased from ex-Governor Furnas from Uronn villa to be set out on Ihe boulevard and at the various parks as required. The same offi cial watt directed to ralna a largo quantity of evergreens at Hanscom park lo be sub sequently transplanlcd al Kouulzc park , The hoard added a few more cages lo die menagcrlo st Il'vorvlow park by accepting the gift of two oral'le wolves , a Rocky mountain badger , a coon , eagle , owl , etc. , from the Southslde Improvement club. The gift of 100 black bass from Fish Commis sioner May was accepted and the fish will be It-stalled In die lake nt Rlvervlovv park. The board also acceplcd two very handsome oleanders from Mrs. J. E. House , which arc lo be used lo nsslst In the adornment of the exposition grounds. The watchman al 13 em la park was discharged. mm TO Tim iMutTiiuTivn TAHIIT. lltMiili Itrollirrn HIIK Company the I'ni-lllc CotiNt. The Dctnls Ilrothcrs Hag company , the largesl hag manufacturing concern in die world , with factories at Omaha , SI. Louis , Minneapolis , Wcsl Superior and Now Orleans has decided lo reach out and enter a new Hold early next spring. Al lhal time the company will open a faclory In San Francisco. Yesterday , In speaking of die decision to cstabi ! h a bag factory on the Paclllo coast , M C. Peters , loc-il manager of the IJcmls Ilrothers IHg eomiKtn ) , said : "Pinna have been completed whereby we will open a factor ) at San Francisco for the mana- faclure of all kinds ot bags. Al Ihe stan die plant will give cmplomcnl lo nol IOSA than 100 persons , which number will un doubtedly he Increased very materially an Ihe work progresses. "Tho Pacific coist country uses annually about 30 000,000 Jute sacks of dlflercnt sl/es , nil ot which , with Ihe exception of about 4,000,000 , come from Indh Under Ihc provisions ot die Wilson larlff law we coula not compete w 1th the cheap labor ot Asia and consequently were unable to manu facture on the Pacific coast. The McKlnley law passed t the last session of cotigresB , has afTo'ded protection to American labor and now we feel Justified In branching out und establishing this now factory. Tor a time we shall rent buildings In San Trnn- c'sco ' , but eventual ! ) we cxpecl lo build ana put in as complete p plant as there Is In the world " There are others bill none "Jusl as good" as Di. Davis' Anti-Headache. roit ( iinTi'Kit \TKMV Chain I.IIIIK IiiMlxtH on Hotter Uiinllt > of I'ood. The prisoners In the city jail went on a sttlke yesterday. Tor a time there was con- Uderahlo excitement around police head quarters , but things were quiet last night. The pr.Isoncis who metaphorical ) ' "walked out" were those which belong to the chain gang. Their names are Joe Rockbud , John -Ma ) , Frank Bennett , Joe Afrarr and Ucoton G ecu. Tne Irouble blurted shortly altei dinner time over the food supply. Rockbud jommurilcuteil with "Doc" Dibbcrn , who has : harge ot Ihe city hotel , and told him he Aould work no more unless proper food were fuiiilshcd. DIbbern went over Iho hill of fare and , : ould ( lid no faull with it. RocKbud had I been given half a leif of bread Iho brcid lad disappeared , and he was offered mo e , but be retu ed to be conciliated. At 2 o'clock Special Officer Glb-on sum moned his men to go to work , but theie was i sullen silence. _ lloslon Green was the only mun who rcupo'nded. Ho tald he would ralhcr woik than absorb the sewer ga3 of the place , so he was accommodated. 'Ihe oilier , men stood firm In their position. Jusl how long the st iKe will conllniie is a matter of conjecture with ihe officers. The men will ] nci be credited with any time ECIVCI ! uoon , thcli Ecnti-nces anil fhould Ihey continue obstinate their chances for life imprisonment arc good. IliirKlfii'Hriilia saltc. The best salvo In the world for culs , bruises , sates , ulcers , sail rheum , fever sores , letter , chapped bands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay tequircd. It is guaranteed to give ported satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For cole by Ktthn & . Co. K fur I'm liitr. At the meeting of the Advisory Board yes terday afternoon the street railway company was , instructed to proceed at once to re- eonalrucl Its tracks on Sixteenth streel from Plcrco lo Vinton so lhal Ihe contractor can proceed with the repaving The same sort of rails and ties arc specified as those which arc now being pul in on Wesl Fariaam street. The only other business transuded was the adopllon of a resolullon by which Chlet Redell was aulhorjzed to purchase a Iruck wagon for the use of the flic department in hauling supplies. CIniNi * a illrj < ! TIil < > f. Last evening T. C. Havens lost his bicycle , bul finally gel trace of the thief just as he was about to dispose of the machine lo a secondhand ond-hand dealer namel Giosse , whose store is at 112 South Tenth street A couple of detectives happened along about this time and gave chaee to the thief who wan pointed out b ) die proprietors of die store A couple f shots were fired after him , but die tugl- live ebcaped The blcclo was iccovered. Minx Tolillt Ai-fi-plN. Sccietary Haller of the Public Libraiy Hoard hub received word from Miss KMIth robltt in vvhiih she sa > s that she will accept the position of 'cataloguer ' and aeFlstant llbtarlan which WMH tendered to her at the last meeting of thr board. Miss Tobltt U no\v In Urooklii , SJio will be- here the first week of the month and will bo ready to begin work on October 1C. READY FOR THE PRIMARIES Warm Time Likely to Precede Ohoico of County Ticket , DEMOCRATS SELECT THEIR DELEGATES Miictcoii Ioli-niiIc > KB In Sc\cn 'VVnrilii Promise to llrliin on n Hot I ix ( Dcmocrnllu 1'rl- iiinrlr.t Tnilii } . The petitions that were filed with the dem ocratic county ccnlral committee Tuesday for delegations to booted on at Ihc pri maries today represent as liberal a show ing ot pa ly fights and conflicting elements as has been turned loose In a local primary fight In years. There arc nineteen distinct delegations In seven of the nine wards ot the city and a red hot fight l In prospect. In the Second and Ninth compromise tick ets have been agreed on. In the Fifth , Sixth and Eighth there arc three full tickets in the Held and the remaining wards have- two each. The fight seems to be almost entirely on the head of the ticket , with Harry Miller , Richard Kngclmann nnd T , H , Todhunter heading the opposing factions. While there are any number of patrlollc democrats who would bt willing to accept a nomination tor one ot the lesser offices there Is so much uncertainly In regard lo fusion arrangements that there la very little disposition lo gel oul and hustle for a nom ination tliat inlgnt DC donated to unoiner pally It the conventions succeed In gelling lo- gothcr. On the face ot die returns as exhibited In the lists of delegales Ihero Is every Indl- callon that the machine is quietly plugging for Harry Miller and letting Its promises to the other candidates go by the board. Such ardent machine supporters as Dan Honln. Charley Fanning , Louis Platll. 13. E. How ell , J. U. Hunter , J. E. Rllcy , Ab Wag goner and a dozen othets are In evidence on lite Miller delegations The saloon keepcra also constitute n considerable part ot the Miller delegales This Is nol regarded with unmixed sallsfacllon by die friends of Tod- hunter , who have all along claimed the support ot the party organisation Engcl- mann's ft lends assert thai Miller will be easier to boil than Todhunter and that theli man will surely win out. The Second vvatd delegation shows Lee Herdman end Adam Sloup paired with Tom Flim and Dave Shanrahan and this would be harmony with n vengeance If It was only Hue The delegation la supposed lo be for Eltasser for register of deeds and the mem bers will fight It out as they like It on the main proposition. In this connicctlon It l& btatcd that It Is G. F. Elbasser. the brother of the present.official , who Is the candidate of the ward , Peter Elsasser having wlth- diavvn his candidacy All the delegations , however , have been sprinkled with men who are supposed to be susceptible to a stampede to Ed How ell for sheriff In case the proper emergency pre sents. Cnrllxs IK HniliirMpil. At a regular meeting of the Dave Mercer Southslde Republican club Tuesday evening nl the club room in Park Pore&t hull , a motion to endorse Flank W. Corllsb for lounly commissioner was unanimously adopted. The nexl meeting will be held October 2 , when the republican candidates for office and good spenkcrs will be In at- lendnnce. I-OHtiT 111 tinllacr. . There is , a now'candidate In the field for the position of counl ) commissioner fiom the First district in the person ot A. C I Foster , former ! ) a membei of the Iloaid of I Fire and Police Commlrcioners. He has noti fied his friends that he is to be considered in the rnco for the republican nomination. No man or woman can enjoy life or ar- lompllsh much In this world while suffering from a torpid liver. DoWltl's Little Early Klfeofb , the pills that cleanse lhat organ ilulcKly. < ; \sn i itiriuiu.i : TO TICKKTS Mi'lliuilN Kniploj t-il l tinte Ivociieru nt the State Pair. Instances showing the methods that the gatekeepers adopted in die handling of State fair funds conlliiue to multiply qulto rap- Idly. Idly.On On Thursday of la&t week George W. Hol- bioolc drove out to the ground" ssil approached preached the horse gate. Ho jumped out o his buggy and started toward the ticket of fice. The gate keeper called out and asked Mr. Holbrook wnere he was going. Mr. Hoi brook replied thai he was going to pui chase a ticket , whe. eupon he was Informed that 1 was not neceabar ) , thai ho could pay his money and pass Into the grounds There be Ing a largo crowd about the ticket office Mr Holbrook leturned to the boree gate , pah the llcket taker $1 and went upon the giound' . Mr. Holbrook saw this gate keepe put the money into bis pocket. Last Friday William M Dustman drove out to the State fair grounds , accompanied b ) his wife and two other parties , none o whom had tickets of admission. Mr. Hush man drove up to the horse gate and starlet lo gel out of his buggy. The gate keepe asked him where he was going and was in formed that he was going to the ticket offic to buy tickets for his part ) . The man a the gate Informed him that this was no necesiary , as the cash would be equivalen to the tickets Mr. Huslimo.ii handed tli gate Keeper $2 and upon being Informed tha that bum vvas not enough paid another del lar. The gatekeeper accepted this money am Mr Bushman passed onto the grounds H did not receive any tickets or other evidene of the payment of the money. License to wed have been Is.miel h ) tli county Judge to the following parties Name and Residence. Age Philip Dicuth , South Omaha . 2 Maty Stiuch. Omaha . 19 Com ad Ilartcls , Omaha . 20 i Alvlna Englcr , Omaha . 25 I William Patten , Omaha . 22 j Gladys Engles , Omaha . 21 George P. Ivcs , Omaha . 25 Clara Ilelle Cope , Omaha . 20 Iliulil Doyd Ilrundlen , Dayton , la . 21 Anna Mprle Pcarsen , Dayton , la . zi. Gcorgo H Place , Omaha . 3u Ellen Margaret Johnson , Princeton , 111 . 30 Samuel G Ochscnbeln , Omaha . 21 Nellie G. Mallor ) , Pierce , Neb . 19 Lewis L , Jones , Chicago . 26 Cora Wendlll , Kansas City , Mo . 20 Saidha Wise Old Doctor : " If rill the world could be made to see I * ' ateir as I see it in my daily rounds ; if they could realize the luxury , the health , the safety from all germ life ; the great power of the water to dissolve and carry away the waste products of high living , the Company would be unable to supply the demand. " It has been curing rheumatism and other uric-acid troubles for two hundred years. Notwithstanding the advance in the Sold by all dealt In Mineral price of foreign waters , prices on Walcri , and In every hotel and , Londonderry will remain the tame. club In Africa A Walk Out at New Store Yesterday all of the carpenters employed at The Nebraska corner laid down their tools and 'valked out. This was the first walk out that occurred since the building began o be erected. The men expressed themselves as being very sorry indeed. The contractor also regretted the action of the men , but could not see any help for it , us he will be out of a ob himself in a few days. One of the men , being inter viewed , said the only grievance he knew of was that there were only four floors in the building. He wished there would JB eighteen. As the carpenter work on the four floors was ill finished , and as the pointers were waiting fora chance to lang their little signs around , the carpenters he'd an informal conference and decided that they wou'd have to look for work somewhere else. There w.xs absolutely nothing e'se ' for them to do The building is now in the hands of the painters , who are doing what they can to cover things up and make it unpleasant for people with new clothes. One of these days the painters will be obliged to walk oul , too. As soon as they do , we will walk in. Aftet we get a foothold for ourselves we will invite the public to come and see us , Wish them painters weren't so all fired slow. C00" ! "cupiosHE" lion of n famouirranch phjilclin , will quIcLlr euro vouof nil mr- i voti3 or Ulsiaaes of tue-Kcncratlvc iirnaiin , such M Juit Mimlu.u , , . Itrmmma , I'-ilnsm till ) racl.ScmlimI l.mlsMnni.Jspnnii Dobilltl rimplo , Unlltness to Marry , I.ilmuttltiK lrnln , Viirlrmple ni'il Constitution. It btop/i / nil louci liyil iv < ir nlK' u I'lrvrntn igiilrk * ncssof clischarRp , wlilclilfnotcliocKpil ipMl toHppnniitorrliiciiiiiiJ flFTrn . n" " ' horrors uf Impolnnry. TIMI ij.r. : < Icalises thcllvcr , Uie HCFOnP AND - , , , , , Mllnc > nn ( „ „ rinary nrsaiisoS ullImimrlllct ClII'IIU'.Nr ! ittrcnRtliorsnndrcstorpaRiiiallvvcnktirpans. Tlio rpiison nulTprrrt nro not cured bj' Dnclors li liecnuse nmt'tj' per pent nri > trouble' with ProatalltlH. CUl'IDUNUIn tin-only known rpniidy to rurowlllioutuii opi ration. MiH ) ! < ntlmonU nil A written eimranti ofl'pti and money rptnrmd If Blx linxmiloca not ctfect n jicrinttneutcuro. JUO n box , BII for J5.OO , liv mall , bend for FUEh clrciiHr and testimonials. AdilrLsa UAVOIi-TXKDICIM- . , r.O. lloi J C.BolirrrlicLico.C'nL Itrr&itctM MYEHS-DILLON DliUQ CO. . B. li liTH A.NLVARNAM STUKETS. O&IA1IA. NED. 4HE THAT WORKS EASILY WORKS SUC CESSFULLY. " 'TIS VERY EASY TO CLEAN HOUSE WITH DUFFY'8 PURE MALT WHISKEY All Druggists. OZONATE UTEM WATER- ; We ate QRents In Omalia fat the cule hinted water which liab found so much favor of late not enl > with club men anil those who tleblro a pilatuble table watct. bul as a icin edj for Kidney , filadiler and Liver Diseases WE ARE HnAixiuAirrons rcm MINERAL WATCHS and fe-11 at following prl"es when tnkpn In full cases of 50 bottles and botlles returned to us. O/oinitc I.Uliln , illinrt bottle. . . 1 lo Horn 1-ltlilli. i | nn it Inline 1 Ic \\iiiiUfMliu , IljKC'In. iitiint liotllf Kir Miinitou ( SoilHJ , ( | imrl linldi * . . . 1O < - liliiiilin ( xoiln xprliiKN ) , < l . liudlo 1Oc Colorado CiirlMliad , iiinrl liottlr. 1Oc- ClIl-lNlllKl ( ClOHOlllllllfl- | l Il0 < lll > KH- Hemember price quoted abovela thp price per bottle when taken In full cubes nf BO liottlles and bottles tetiirnud to lit Wo de liver free but bottles mu-t be retutnc'd to ui by purchaser for ir.ii : Oiniiliii , Ni'li. MIDDLE O TIIH BLOC'K Ecarles & Searles Sl'EClALISTin ervolls , Clironi ; und Prime Disease SEXUALLY. & DlKimlrrunt Mo i TriHtiiii'iit It ) in til CniiHiiltiitlun I rue. SYPHILES Cured tor lira and tut poltoo tlioiou hly cleuiut/ ( rum the tjeiem bveimuiortlicn , facmlnal WeuKntin Lost Man * hood , Night .inu > IOii > , Decu > td I uculllcs , it. male WeuUnntu und all aciicut illsonlerB pe > oullar to eltn'r tti positively curcu I'lI.KH , risriiL-v nnd uicrAi. : ui.eius : UYIJHO C'CLKSNO VA1UCOCKL& permunently anil cured Methot n w and unfallln/ .it homo by new methnd llliout pain or cuttlnic. Oill nn or adJrro with clamp. Dr.Searles TKLHIMIONn 1831 'KIMCHT AT Sil.1 , BLEl'S SCHILLER VAUDEVILLES M.itliii-o I'rlci-H lovtti llour.fiUo litli-oiiy 'J The Creglton I Ml. II IS , ( oininriii'liiK Siiiiiln > Vln ( . M vriMin u in\isi\i. : : The LauKliIng Turoro of Kngland and America MISS FRANCIS OF YALE With OrlKlnal Cast Inclndltis VIH. ITIINM : < aii vitixii1. The OrlBlnul t'HAItl.UY HUNT ' Prlcet , J5c , Me , 7Cc , ? 1 00 , Matinee i5c , 35c , BOc , Boyd 's Theatre . .Telephone 1 1S 3 1 > 1UI1IS. s'jNuor. ' otr. 3. TH13 TAMOl H COMIIDY . . .NEVER AGAIN. . . Direct from an AbBolutu Conqucal of : ir. ( Minus IN CHICUJO AMI N. v. SeatB now on eale I'rlcea 25f. 60e. 7Sc. > 1.00 _ IIUfKLb Ut1 ! ill The Miflard Uuujljt OIM\ ( . < NTKAI.KY Aintl leun plun. f-.GO per U. j up 1UIOCMII | ) p Illl.lt.UUp- J , K. Jl.VlllClil- bON , I'ru | > , HOTEL. i iuifiii\'rii : : AMI JOMS siitnins , 149 ropm > , batlm , itcain hvut and all modern co-nt-nltnci * Ilutrs , 1 M and 12 W inr dux Table unexcelled. Bpclal low rate to reguUi fcoarder * . UICU BVIITJI. Manager. It ? tn jour ad\ftMtngo to Imvc Hum filled bi foi < clrcij mlvaiices Sof Uncllon . . . . Sllvet rilllnct . Mo Pure GeM ruling . . . up Sel Teeth . . . $3 w > BP'.t IVi'th . . J7 .f No clurgo foi examination hid > attettO tut. ( \IJ\VYOKKniNTAl.X : ) Oftlrc In I'liflinnii llloclt Iftl ind DoiiRlit > < T Shoe Store Open I nit ci.rMMi i- v nnanuurjuGDunap nLung T idbie--n f ] The fall cf tin.vc.ir . is nn im-p = ph poitunt ] iui i ( < tl foi sill vvlio havoL. D CAIAKRII 0.1 BIIOIICIIITIS , LJ or an > otliei itire-ulloti of thoic- DspintUll'J p.lhs.tfiL-ci. Tlio latt'st and lie-it nppliancch I for fllcillful liputinont me used I I by Dr. Slicp.n d , tonsullnllon Fret- . SHKPAttl ) MKDIC\L \ INSTITUTE | | TRADEMARK POCANTICO MADE ME A MASM AJAX lAlSLUrsl'OHUIVKLY tlllltU A f./ * * * rri I9ltttrt' l tiillnz Mm. IJJT At > u * > e U"l oilier J.ii < me'um ] ' In tilt * . ciHlotjx Ittfijntrltlu unit tintlu retold Ix i \ fuility In om ur ) ouritf. unU ill ft n i nn for li l > hudlnfihH or rctirr'Acr , 1'rt-Teni liunnfty uml Con uiui > tlon If taken In tmib Jnuir IUH btiuvvii Iminum ila ( niiTOfo * ment unj r Juris a CUH1J whore nil cithern tall In (1st upon huvinft tlm { tpnulniitjax Tublctu rliu/ ) IIUTH tuiod IhuimiiiiiU im < l will euro youo ulve ponUivu wi jtifri cuiiunii' tfTffct t i cum In nacn auu or r innd ln ritonftjr J'lhu 6C r uH ( par imcku o.or .li nitkuKHj ( full tinnlineiitj for t.'GO } ) r nuttl.ln pluiu tvrnpfH r. ijion rnrf ( r r of i rir * , Clronlar ffe * AJAX RUMRDY CO. , " /K / J Tor tale In Onulia ty Jainen Fortyth , 202 If. ICtli etrret Kuftn c Cu IMI , und Oouiilaa Slrreti. Oil. IMIN1M * (20MIKN SI'KOII'IC UllllHS DRUNKENNESS It cnn be glvrn ullliiiut Hut Uiionlciluriv ut tin ; iiullfiil In loffce , lea or urtlcli-B uf food , will effect a perinanrnt and tpetdy euro , nhither the patient In a mult-rule drinker ur an alcoholic meek. Hook of parlltulum fiee , tri lie had of Kull n X Co. , loth and Douclat. Omaha. Neb. Oliicliuiiill , ( I. Write for their "liwU on Mirphlno lUblt. mailed free. FACIAL BLEMISHES nulcKly illsapienr uhru \\'oiilliury' Oiund Toi et Coinliliijllon l | | | < lnH > . It will ruidt-r u. rouih l < ln iniort i un I 110 C t n g cd cJim > l * ! "ii A minii'U n ( cji I ) if Woudliury'K racial Heap , Tuclul I'reani TiiclHl I'owdir und Dental Cream und u llHiut ) li'i'k mulled un rneipt t-l 2 Tie KKiiIni rl/e t Id iverywlieie ie racli JOHN IIOiiDIJt in l ) < 1nnatcil''Kl 't , irft , < : o t t s v Pozzoni's Cornploxion I'owpun produetrt A null anil b autliil vltifis it corobluen every element of beauty BUJJL purity. , * . , /7 _ ,