Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Resolution Unanimously Adopted by the
Commissionon in Oommittco ,
Oonultin ( 'uimt ) Viiti-m tn llaio nn
Oiorlniilt ) of IlccurilliiK Them-
N In I'aitir of the
( Jrrnt Slum , ,
The Hoard of Cou-ny Commissioners met
tn committee ot the whole jtstcrday to
contlmio the consideration of the resolution
Rhlch provides for the submission at the com
ing election of a proposition to vote $100,000
in bonds to enable the county to participate
in the exposition. Commissioner Ostroii pro-
cldtd aril the resolution wa3 adopted by the
Lommlttco after fully two hours ot discussion ,
The board will meet In regular session to
day to adopt the resolution as unani
mously recommended by thu committee of tut
w hnlc.
The preamble of the resolution quotes the
petition recently submitted by more than
1,000 voters and the fact ( bat a government
and stain appropriation of more than $200,000
IKU bi-cn made , as required by the law. It
then provides for an Issue of 4'/j per cent
twenty-year bonds , ' to provide for the cx-
lionscy of promoting the interests of said
county of Douglas by participating In said
liitemito Exposition and by making at such
exposition a county exhibit , and to Improve
nnd beautify the exposition grounds , and for
the purpose of erecting or aiding In thu erec
tion of a miltablc building therefor , and for g the latno durl g uch etposlt on "
The resolution provides that a copy at the
notice shall bo published In The Oma'ia Even-
lug Bee , th'i omclal paper of thu county , for
lour weeks previous to the election.
The not too of the bond election , which Is
also Included tn thu resolution , provides that
thu bonds shall be dated January 1 , 1898 ,
nrnl that the Interest shall be payable on
January 1 and July 1 of each year. The
amount necessary to be raised by taxation
each year for the payment of the Interest
on the bonds is fixed at $1,500 and for the
creation of a sinking fund with which to
pay off the principal , $5000 a ) ear.
Thu discussion was mainly on the details
of thu resolution with n view to securing
absolute acciirac ) from a legal standpoint.
Commlsslonci Hector wanted a clause In
serted that would definite ! } state thu man
ner In which the menu ) was to ho ex
pended , hut It was suggested that this point
A\as sufficiently covered In thu law under
which the proposition Is to be submitted.
The question whether the bond proposition
should be placed on a separate ballot or
added to the county ticket was also raised ,
but was left foi future consideration.
mini i\posrnov
.Soul Merit l'i' - IVol an lull-rest In
NcliriiNKn'N Illf Slum.
Prof. F W Taylor , superintendent of the
Bureau of Agriculture , Hortlcultuie , For
estry and Irrlgitlon of thu Dcpirtmcnt of
Exhibits ot the exposition , has ic. turned
from the Nashvlllu exposition , where he
went to secure a number of conventions to
meet next ) eir in Omaha. He stated jes-
tcrdn ) that one of thu things that stiuck
lilm most foiclbly while there was the
famlllarltv of the people of Nashville with
the conditions In connection with the
Transmlsslsblppl Exposition. "They know
wo are going to have an exposition next
year , " said Prof. To ) lor , "and they know-
nil about it I had dozens ot people to say
to me that If their exposition had been as
well advertised as the TransmLsslsslppl Ex
position Is being exploited all over the coun
try they would be having a much larger at
tendance. They say that the Tranamlsslsslppl
Exposition Is better known How than theirs
vvas at the time the gates were opened.
' "Nashville Is making great preparations
for Nebraaha day , " continued the profetor.
"They siy thoj are going to glvo Ne-
braskaus a sample of MJUthein hospitality on
that occabloii and I should judge from all
Indications I saw that the whole country
Vlll bo dv.od a bright scarlet. Major Thomas ,
president of the exposition , told mo that
they were making i-vtetmlve preparations to
liavo Nebraska dav one of the red letter
das of the entire exposition.
"Onu of the principal things which at
tracted mv attention In connection with the
agricultural part of the Nashville exposi
tion , " remarked Prof. Talor "was the
quality of tjic exhibits made by the various
railroads. There were live roads having ex
hibits of the agricultural and mining prod
ucts along their lines. These were ariaiigcd
in an attractive wa ) and eaeh road must
have expended at least $5,000 In making Its
display. The Nashville , Chattanooga & St.
Ijouls roail was the only one of the flvo
having headqiui teiti In Nashville , and I he-
cured an application for 11,000 feet of space
for a display to be made by this road I
expect to secure similar applications from
the other roads , and If I suceecd , Tenncssen
\vlll bo well represented. "
Iiiiril SiillHlml'J SM > H Hoard of Triuli *
Will ltfiul < > \HMlHtaiMT- .
President Wattlrs has 'boon ' furnished , by
the secretaiy of state , , wlth a copy of the
letter of the prime minister of England to
Colonel John Hay , United States minister to
that countr ) , rcpllng to the letter of
Colonel Hay , enclosing the Invitation to the
English government to participate In the
Transmlssisslppl and International Exposi
tion Iho letter of Lord Salisbury l some
what length ) and , after stating the decision
of the government to not participate In the
exposition olllelall ) , conveys the Information
that the lloaid of Tiadu , which Is a govorn-
ilrent institution , will render any assistance
in Its power to pilvate Individuals or com
mittees formed for the purpose of promoting
the objects of the exposition The letter
Also Ktatcs that the Board of Tiado will be
pleased to distribute circulars and other mat
ter relating tn the exposition among ( "lum
bers of Commerce or other organizations In
terested In the matter , and to give publicity
to biich documents through the medium of
the omclal publication the Jouinal of Tariff
and Trade Notices
1'ieMdent Wattles is also In receipt ot .111-
other communication fiom the State dcpnt-
ment , enclosing a rep ) of a note from the
minister of foreign affairs for thu Nether
lands , < convelng thu Infoimatlon that tin
government had decided , after due delibera
tion , to tefialn fiom sending an olllcinl rep-
leuontatlvu u > the TraiisiuUslsfilupl Exposi
tion , but Ht.itlng , further , that the govern
ment Is quite prepared to do all In its power
tn disseminate Infoimatlon regarding the ex
position an I afford any assistance In Ha pavver
to Intending exhibitors
M , > ! \illcalIOIIN ( mm Ohio ,
Count ercla ! Agent Hodgln of Ohio has sent
tn the Department of Exhibits thu applica
tion of C. 0 , Hartlett i : Co. ot Clov eland , 0
Highest Honors World's Pair.
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair.
A Pure drape Cream ot Tartar Pointer.
For SCO ( cct of apace for an exhibit of cereal
mills nnd the manufacture of nil kinds ot
cereal Rood > The letter of Mr. Hoilgln Mates
that this firm , proposes to construct a booth
of glass In which they will operate their
Mirious kinds of mill machinery anil turn out
oat meal anil various edible products of
barley , wheat , etc. , and -Hill dispense dainty
dishes of the cooked products. He also states
that the firm proposes to expend about $5,000
or JS.OOO on the exhibit and wilt require
twenty-flvc-horso power to operate the
I | < > | IPN for SnrorNH In Nr.ciilnnil. .
0. T , Lowe , the New Zealand agent for the
Department of Exhibits , writes from Welling
ton , the capital of the country , that he has
reached hU destination , but finds that the
premier of the colony Is In Kngland and will
not return until next week. Mr. Lowe states
thnt he Is meeting with encouragement from
the people of the country and he has escry
reason to believe that ho will be entirely
successful In securing a government exhibit.
lie will also endeavor to organise a company
For securing a concession showing a New
Zealand kangaroo hunt.
- 1'iiclllo Conxt I'eiiplc Cninliiir.
Commercial Agent McAusland of the Pa
cific coaat has cnt to the Department of Ex
hibits applications for space for exhibits
from the following firms : H. Llcbers & Co. ,
furs ; Empire Milling company , flour ;
Charles G. Moore & Co. , "machinery ; Tren
ton Iron company , cables ; Dow Stenm Pump
works , pumps ; Washington Manufacturing
company , olive oil ; Alaska Cod Fish com
pany , canned goods ; California Condensed
Julco company , canned goods ; California
Fruit Salt company , Pacific Coist Syrup
company , Stockton Art Pottery company.
rillliiKirrlrtiltiiriil llnllilliiK.
E. S. Hawlcy , commercial agent for the
Agricultural Implement section , has filed
the following applications for space , each
being for 300 square feet : Magaret &
Stevens , 1307 Jones street , Omaha , vehicles ;
Pcktn (111 ( ) Plow company ; T. H. Smith &
Co , wagons ; Union Corn Planter company.
Pcorla , 111. ; huedlnghaus , Rxpenschled
Wagon compiny , St. Louis , Mo. , carriages ;
Tlinpkln Wagon company , St. Louis , car
( iooiln llrtiirniMl Krr of Clinrjri' .
The Department of Transportation has re
ceived notice from the Southern Pacific Hall
way company that It will join with the Union
Pacific Hallway company In transporting
goods for JIG Transmls'Uslppl exposition free
on the return trip , subject to the usual regu-
atl'ns This late covere foreign exhibits ac
well ( is those from the southern districts of
Califoinla and intermediate points.
NotfH of ( InImposition. .
The work of laying the water mains In
the exposition grounds was commenced jes-
terday by Contractor William Kltch. He is
under bonds to complete the work lu fortj
The Gem City Stove Manufacturing com
pany of Qulncy , 111. , through Its western
representative , N. W. Norrls of Crete , Neb
has applied for 800 feet of space for EU
The St Louis Southwestern Railway com-
pan > Is negotiating with the Department of
RxhibltR for spice for an agricultural dis
play of the products raised along the "Cotton
Belt Route "
Louis Wurt7burg of Chicago has filed an
application for two spaces of 100 Equate feet
cadi , in one of which he proposes to display
silver-plated gonds , and In the other fancy
W G Williams representing the Excel
sior Shoe company of Portsmouth , 0 , la
In the tilty negotiating with the Department
of Exhibits for 200 feet of bpace for an ex
hibit by his firm.
The Standard Oil company of Cleveland ,
O , has filed an application for space for a
booth 12xlC feet on which the company pro
poses to expend $ f,000 , Including the instal
lation of a flue exhibit.
Governor Culberson of Texas has appointed
Robert Dorncfleld of Galevston as vice p-esl-
dent for the exposition to represent the Lone
Star state to succeed Gustavo Heymershoffer
who resigned on account of leaving the
I'lelschman & Co. ot Cincinnati , O. , have
applied for space for a pagoda In which the
firm proposes to exhibit the Vbo of yeast by
baking broad and other edibles In which
yeast Is a component part , and distributing
the finished product among the visitors to
the exposition.
J. C Selden , local agent for the Bruns-
wlck-Ualkc-Collendcr company , Is negotiating
with the Depattment of Exhibits for 1,600 feet
ot space In which he sajs his firm Intends
traklng an exhibit that shall eclipse theli
masterful effort In this direction at the
World's fair.
Everjbody Is cordially Invited to see the
Stempel extlngulshei at work opgoslte Hotel
Dellone , 3pO this a'ten.uon , under the
supervision of Klre Chief Hedell.
Tel. 1307 Office and > ards llth & . Nicholas
Tuesday and Thursday of this week.
Take "Vistlbuled Kljer" rincst train out
of Omaha. New from end to end. Leaves
Union depot E 05 p. in Berths and tickets
ut 1SOJ Farnam street.
AtU-lltloii. M.V. . \ .
Neighbors ot , Omaha camp 120 , Modern
Woodmen of America , are requested to meet
at thulr hall at 1-30 Tuesday afternoon , to
attend the funeral of Neighbor Charles Men
tor. Funeral services will be held at the
GEORGE H1CD , Clerk.
Union J'liclflc.
"The Overland Limited. "
train v\cnt ot MUsourl River.
Twelve hours quicker than any other train
to Pacific Coast.
Call nt Tlcknt Office .1302 Fnrmim St.
Licenses to wed have boon is-sued by the
count } Judge to the following parties.
Name and Address. , , \ue
Will Wing * . Otmha . 19
Mlnnlo V Lew's ' , Omaha . ic
Edmund N Francis , fiteek-y Co , Neb . 3 >
Eh ho Huysschaert , Omaha . s
Ouster \ Engel. Omaha' . 43
Mimic I ) Haute , Hannibal , Mo . 30
Hcnrj J Vavra , Oiiiahi . 23
Marj I'lancl , Omaha . , . , . 19
Tiancls L Flovd , T-irKlo , Mo . , aj
.Mis Ellen Carmine , larldo , Mo . 35
L > oiul M. Strong , Omaha. , . . . .
Lizlo C Torrance , Omaha . i > i
R I ! Livingstone , Omaha , , , , . . , . 32
Lulu U Wearne , Onulu . 20
C'harles Hamilton , Omaha . . . . . . 37
Not a Greer , Omaha . 33
Louis Rusmubaen , Onialu . 05
Louisa , Hush , Omaha . jg
Louard Hi own , Omaha . , . oj
Allco Ilrltton , Onuha , . , . j" ) 59
Chris F Caieten. Columbus , Mont . . . . . . . . 3S
Sophie Oetjcgerdcs Omaha . 29
LMward Boguo , North Platte , Neb . > t
Ho'o A. Klder , North Phtte , Neb . 2J
James it. MlKkelscn. Seward Co Neb " 4
llattle Maj Fatcly , Omaha . i
Tied Htmnlngscn. Omaha . 21
Johanna K Hasmusson , Omaha . 19
A Valuable I'roNi-r.
Editor Morrison of Woithlngton , Ind ,
Sun , writes "You have a valuable piesciip.
tlou In Electric Hitters and I can checitully
recommend It for Constipation and Sick
lleudache , and na a general gjfctem tonic
It lina no equal " Mrs. Annie Stehlo , 2025
Cnttagii Qiovo avenue , Chicago , was all tun
down , could not eat nor digest food , had a
backache which never left her and felt
tired and w > > ary , hut sl > bottles of Eltctrlo
Ulttris restored her health ontl renewed
her btmiBth Pi Ices 50 c and $1.00 Uct a
bottle at Kuhn & Co.'s drug stoio
( 'lull ,
\n organization to bo known as the Cam
paign Workers' club was organized Sunday
afternoon at 111 South Fifteenth ptieet. None
but colored votcis who have proven their
sblllt > to do campaign worlt for the candi
dates endorse ) by the club are eligible to
ll emberbhlp. The ofilcers elected were : J , ft
Iletls. president ; W. J. Singleton , becretar > ;
H. H , Baldwin , treasurer ; committee ot >
headquarters. W , J. Singleton , J. A. Dlggs.
W , MtJon , J , H , Tucker.
Wheels of Justice Arc Acnta Revolving
After the Cummer's Vacation ,
CM II Dni'Uct Slionn nn Incrcnnc In
i urn nn Coinpiirctk Tvlth Lnut
Term .Not nu 'MmU Crltiilnul
UN I'onncrlj.
The September term of the district court
was formally opened yeiterday and the
corridors of the court house were crowded
with the usual concourse of attorneys , wit
nesses and jurors. The wheels of Justice
commenced to grind very slowly , the entire
morning being used up In empaneling the
Jury and In going through the calls In the
various civil court rooms.
Judges Uaker , Powell , Slabaugh , Scott and
Kcjsor opened the dockets In their respective
court rooms at JO o'clock. Judge Favvcctt
Is In Hurt county and will hold court there
until the first part of next month. Judge
Dickinson will not open his court until
this morning. In all the court rooms the
work was of a preliminary character.
There are 1,473 civil cases to be tried
during the term , a considerable Increase
over the work that confronted thu last term
of court , when there were 1,353 cases. The
criminal court will have fewer cases to
look after , the number being 216 , against
.27 last terra. A beginning upon this vv'ork '
will bo mnde by a jury of seventy men.
empaneled yesterday. The venlro con
tained 120 names , but fifty of the jurors
succeeded In presenting excuses that were
considered satisfactory to exempt them from
In the criminal court yesterday the
county attorney nollud the case of obtain
ing money under false pretenses against
lj. A. BrandholTer and Albert F. Maine , a
case of forgery against L. A. Biandhotfer , a
case of rand laueti ) against Will Thomp
son , a case of assault against Ed O'Conne-r
and a case of larceny from the person
against Stella Green. The bond ot Ida
Mitchell , bound over to the district court
on the charge of larceny from the person ,
was forfeited , as the defendant had fled
fiom the city. The bond was signed by J.
F. Lally.
Geoige W. Morgan , the convicted mur
derer of little Ida Gasklll. Is sentence 1 to
meet his doom on Friday , October 8 , and he
hss about made up his mind that on th'at
day he must hang Vet he gives no out
ward signs of worrlng over the matter.
He Is seemingly unconcerned over the near
approach of the day. Thu casu has passed
bcond the Jurisdiction of the district court.
Sheriff McDonald will go to Lincoln this
week , probably on Wednesday , to see the
governor In order to learn whether he is
likely to Intervene. Jt Is not generally be
lieved that Governoi Holcomb will Inter
fere with the execution. Moigan hlmsult
has no buch hope and his counsel , Attorney
Patrick , does not bellcvo that there will bu
any further delay In the execution. If
Sheriff McDonald Is given to understand
that the hanging will not be fuither post
poned he will at once upon his return tike
steps toward the erection of the scaffold.
A good many people visited the court
house grounJ.s last week and called to Mor
gan , asking him. "How he liked It ? " Mor
gan responded that he was worrlng over
his case considerably less than the people
on the outside of the jail.
( ; i x.s roil iiitiii SCHOOL rvniyrs.
llojM Got IllllrH I'orniprly UNCI ! li >
Oiniiliu filiiirilM.
The first company 6f the Omaha High
= chool cadets to be armed with rifles will
celebrate that event this afternoon
Lieutenant Ord of the Twent-becond In-
ffntry , the military instructor of the High
school cadets , this morning completed ar
rangements for fitting out one company of
the soldier-pupils with rltles. They will re
ceive fort-tv > o cadets rifles from the Omaha
The fortunate company will inarch from the
High school grounds to the armory of the
Omaha Guaids at Eighteenth and Harnc )
streets this afternoon at 2:15 : o'elock
and will there be presented with the guns
they have long coveted. Lieutenant Ord Is
at present soliciting subscriptions from
prominent eitl7ena In order that the other
companies of the High school battalion
ma ) not have to wait very long before being
equipped with rifles.
viti : oitnnuiiiTo | ii\vi ; TIIH GITI.
.TmlK * ' Ciorilon lU'lriiNPM SllMpeitMr -
rt'HtiMl I < iiMt Week.
Twcut-nine vags and suspicious characters
who weio arrested during State fair week
and were lodged in the county Jail , were
placed on trial in Police Judge Gordon's court
yesterday. Among them were many
"gMd" men , but as there was no evidence
that they had committed any thefts In Omaha
the police judge released the prisoners and
ordered them to leave the city.
Among the men was Henry Murray , who
was arrested Saturday. Murray , when ac
costed by the office's who afterward placed
him under arrest , attempted to rid himself ot
a pair of ooera glasses. They are evldentl )
sto'ni piopyrty.
IliieU1 < * ii't ! Arnlcii Salve.
The best salve In the world for cuts ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores
tetter , chapped bauds , chilblains , corns and
all skin ciuptlons , and positively cures pilet , ,
or no pay required , It Is guaranteed to glvo
perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For fa\e \ by Kuhn & Co
( .mii Not iiiiiiiir > iiu- vim ,
\ Wolf , a pawnbroker , repotted to the
police Sunday that three strange men vis
ited his store last week and attempted to
sell a quantity ot postage stamps On
Wednesday last a ) oung man called at the
store and showing about $3 worth of stamps ,
offered to dispose of them for $1 50 The
pioprlotor of the place declined to pin chase.
Frlda ) two men visited the store and made
a similar offer It was declined and the
police were Informed of the matter Ycs-
tcrdaj Wolf visited the station and was
shown u number of suspects under arrest ,
but failed to Identify any of them.
SlllllllTN Illl (111VIII ( IT ll.
Tour companies of thu Tw cut-second In-
funtr ) ) esterday left Tort Crcok foi a
practice march , which will engage the at
tention of the regulars until October 20 ,
The match will bo to a point thirty miles
this othei side of Lincoln , There thu boldleis
will he put thiough vat Ions drills. The com
panies on the march arc under the command
of Captain I ) . C , Lockwood.
\liiiiiiliin Trip In ( inl > exton.
At > csteiday's meeting of the Omaha
Heal Estate exchange the proposed trip of
Nebiaskans to Galveston to attend the deep
water convention was formally abandoned on
account of the piovalencc of the yellow fever
plague In the fcouth The delegates who had
signified their Intention of going south all
begged to he excused on account of the
plague In that t > ectlon
( il\iii a ( 'lean Hill.
There was a meeting of the Local Passen
ger association yesterday to Jiet ? charges
pieferrcd against the Chicago & Northwest-
cm lallroad. It was alleged that the patstcn.
ger department of the road fii this city had
been guilty of dealing with brokers The
clmigcn were heaicl. but as conclusive evl-
do.ico was lacking , ( he road was acquitted.
If vou havu eVer been a little child In a
paio\tm of whooping cough , or M ) ou hava
hcen unnot > il h ) a constant tickling In the
throat , > ou can appreciate the value of One
Minute Cough Cure , which gives quick relief.
Trrrlloo Indian * Uaai'luu.
ai'TllltlE , Old , Sept. 27 Six hundred Sac
and Pox , pawnee and Osage Indians are
holding a grand xlicbt and medicine dance on
the Pawnre reMnation A large part of
them ar stripped to the skin and painted
In most gorgeous style and hundreds of
ponies arc being exchanged aa gift * .
noMi4MtsnRio rtirninu
Conrt'fl Attrnllnn * Orriitlr < 1 with Kx-
ntnltilne : rolinlcnlllj- .
Judge Powell MlUthls morning decl'do n
point raised In the1 suit Instituted by the
state against thnl 1 Kinds men of cx-Stato
Ttcasnrer Hartley to recover the amount
of the tatter's dofaltatlon , which will con *
Idcrably delay thot trial of the case It the
contention of tholidcfense Is upheld ,
H appears thu After Hartley's election
he filed a bond uporr January 3 , 1S95 , which
wan not entirely batlsfactory. Consequently
on January 9 the botid was once more pre
sented with three Additional signatures. The
bond vvas approved and accepted. In the
original petition thnt was filed In the case
now before the court the cause ot action was
based upon the Instrument dated January
3 , ISfln. In the answer fljed to thin the de
fense alleged that the legal bond was the
Instrument bearing the date of January
9 , 1895 , and this Is practically admitted In
the stato'fl reply.
When the case was called yesterday after
noon the defense nt once Insisted that the
second Instrument being the legal bond
the suit was based upon It and therefore
Vnade n motion that tln\ state should amend
Us petition to conform to the condition. At
torney General Smytho Insisted that the two
Instruments were the same * under the condi
tions set up In the petition.
The point was argued several hours. Judge
Powell took the matter under advisement
until this morning.
HoNlKnallnti ot Itev. McCormlok of
Klr l I'rrnli ) ( vrlaii IH Aroniteil ,
At a trectlng of the Omaha presbytery In
the First Prcsbyte-rlan church yesterday
the tcslgnatlo-i of Hev. S. B. McCortnlek ,
pistor of that church , from the presbyter ) ,
was formally accepted though with expres
sions of great regret.
Ilcv. S. H. McCormlck resigned his pastoi-
atc on September 12 In order to accept the
presidency of Coe college , Cedar Haplils , la.
His resignation was accepted by the church"
and congregation on September 20. At ) cs-
tcrday'a meeting of the presbytery , Edwin
Aston of Waterloo ptcslding , there were
many remarks hlghl ) complimentary to the
retiring pa tor and the best wishes for his
future success. As an Indication of Its hlgli
regard for the pastor the meeting adopted u
minute of special regret at his resignation
and withdrawal from this community.
T rou ni vrvirrmsvr uotsn
WorU I'lion IIu .Slriifui-e ( to lleulii
lit ( tiu-f.
Work will be begun at once on one of the
first new buildings , aside from thoseon the
exposition grounds , the construction ot which
Is almost entirely duo to the enterprise.
A permit was Issued jcsterday for the
election of a big apartment building at Shei-
man avenue and Lake street by the Eastern
Ilcalt } company. The new building will beef
of brick and stone , three stories and a base
ment ami will be a handsome and thorough ! . ,
modern structure. Its ertlmitcd ccs * Is
J20 COO 1 he i e m t' ' was Is ued t the I ! de : t >
Trust company , i as the local -gant ol .he
eompan ) that will put up the building.
Hi-nuirKiil.lf Cure of Chronic
Mr. Elam Kelly , -an oil operator ot this
place , was away on business when he took a
severe diarrhoea which developed Into a
chronic ease. He was compelled to give up
his position and come homu for treatment
He grew rapidly worse , however , until at
last I Induced him to try Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy. After Hblng
one little bottle of It he was able to be
around again and continuing the use of It
cured him permanent ! ) . C. V. Everly , of
the firm of Everly & Everly , Davlstown , Pa ,
UN I'rlKiiiii-r ( Jot
Sunday afternoon Omcer Uotchklss ran a ean-rushltig gang lu .the allc ) near
Twentj-ntcrnil and Cumlng streets. He , ordered -
dered the members away , but they preferrea
to flght. The hold ot Joe Hock-
bud and another offender and started to
ward the box , located at Twenty-fontth
street. Hockbud put up a flght with the
officer and had to be knocked down a couple
of times. When i short distance from the
box Detective Hemming appeared and the
officer turned over' to him ono of the pris
oners , a ) outh of 17. Hemming started to
follow , when his prisoner pushed him to one
side and made oft up an alley The detective
made chase , but could not keep up the pace
Hockbud was sent to the station and charged
with being drunk and also with assaulting
an oflieer. Hemming Is still looking for his
Are on Ar\oiiNf
UNI *'Hrlil IMioNiilmti * .
Dr. H. N. D. Paiker , Chicago , 111 , sab
"I have thorojghly tested It In ncrvour
diseases , dspepsla and general debility , and
In every cae see great benefit from Its lue. "
UnnlliiK .lull llrfiil.ri'H.
Sheilft Krader of Fremont was In the cit )
yesterday looking for thiee men who
bioke jail In his city sometime between the
hours of 2 and 3 o'clock that morning
The men sawed their way through the bars
of their cages and afterwards tore a heavy
wire netting from an outer window. Their
names are Tom McGhuglan , Frederick J.
Wise , alias Wagoner , alias "Big Mike" and
Duncan. "Big Mike" was In custody on u
charge ot robbing the telegraph operator at
North Bend Bome time ago. The other two
men were well known Omaha crooks who
weie solving short sentences for petty
I'liNNi'N lliroiiKli Mini } iliinilN.
Sunday detectives succeeded In locating
a set of harness which was stolen from the
barn of J. W. Hnbblns , T\veiit-third and
Giace streets. Hlchard Rico is under arrest
eluiged with the theft. The harness was
tccovered from Mark Updike. K30C. Fowler
avenue. I'pdllto bought the stuff fiom Julius
Peton , 2010 North 1 went-fourtr street
Petou sas ho got It from Hlce. The latter
In turn hvvears he received It from a negro
An Information waj sworn out In police cuit
this morning , charging Hlce with larccii ) .
The "BloclUt's Beet Tripm : " Is a lomlllar
name for DoWltl's Witch Hazel Salve , nl
ways ready for emergencies Whllp a tpe-
clflc for piles , It also Instantly relieves and
cures cuts , bruize ? , salt rheum , eczema and
all affections of the skin It never falls.
\ruriiliii ; 1li - \\nt > r Cam" .
Iho hearing In the water works case was
taken up again yesterday before Judge
Munger , and Attorney Mansfield resumed his
argument fcr thb landholders Ho occupied
the day In presenting his caso. It is ex
pected that H S. > Hall will consume the time
today , and J M. Woolworth tomorrow
Thoattoinejs for the clt ) will then p oixtbly
want Thursday tomake : thc lr leply. The cafe
must be completed this week , as the regular
term of the United States court begins at
Lincoln next Moilday.
Arnold's Uromo.Oolery cures headache *
lOc , 25c and BOe All druggists
VI < - ( inn ' ( InCrciNNlnur. .
Sunday abouti 8 o'clock as Jack O'Hern
residing at 1820Nbrth Eighteenth street , ac
companied by Mm. John Hlles , 1809 North
Twentieth was driving near the corner of
Twentieth and Qurdette , the vehicle was
htrnck by a southbound motor car and both
occupantb were thrown to the pavement
O'Hern snttalnc'd a fracture of a couple of
ribs and was otherwise bruised and cut.
The woman ciscaped with but slight Injuries ,
The rig was badly wrecked
HiiolliM Coai < > to Oinalia.
Commander Booth-Tucker will accompany
his wife the consul , to Omaha next Thurs
day evening. They will both speak In the
Young 'Men's Christian association hall at
8 o'clock A big time In the S&ivatlon army
IK expected. Brigadier Allco Surls , a singer ,
Major and Mrs Still"ell and all leading
officers In Nebraska will be here also ,
llonilN lii Kvrlmnjir for \\iirrnnlH.
The ordinance providing for the contem
plated Issue of refunding bands to take up
T per cent city warrants now outstanding on
special Improvement dlstncta has been com
pleted and is now In the hands of Chairman
Buikley of the finance committee of the city
council , U may be Introduced at the regu
lar meeting tonight.
Olty Must Proceed Without the Assistance
of Expert Witness ,
! < > Mnln AVKnruN In the Suit
Altnliint II < i ml nine 11 of r.
Treimurcr Iliillii llntnlilc .lurU-
i ( llotlou of the Court ,
The removal of Expert Louis Wcttlltig to
Kansas City , which occurred but a few
da > s ago , \\tui \ put the city In a position
where It Is without Its principal witness In
the dial of Its suit against the bondsmen ot
ex-City Treasurer Bolln to recover the
amount ot his defalcation. As a consequence
quence of this condition of affairs ,
City Attorney Con no 11 yesterday afternoon ,
made n motion for a postponement of
the trial ot the case until next November
Ho represented that the most Important wit
ness the city had , Wcttllng , was out of the
city and could not be hero until some time
In November.
Judge Slabaugh refused to grant any post
ponement for that length of time and net
the trial for this morning at 9 o'clock.
In taking this action tie court stated that
the city had been given plontv of tlmo and
there was no reason whj It ihould not have
been ready for trial
It Is stated that a couple of weeks
ago Judge Slabiugh served notice upon the
parties In the suit that the case would be
the first to be called and that he would In
sist that It be tried at once. Yet In the
face of this notice the city authorities al
low ei ! Wuttllng to leave the city only a few-
days ago without making any effort to de
tain him. Ho Is now In Kanss City , and ,
therefore , can not bo hi ought to this city
by any process of law.
Another dlfilculty In the matter Is that
City Attorney Ccanell does not know , as a
matter of fact , when Wcttllng will come
back or whether he will como at all.
When hileft Wcttllng said that he
would return to give teatlmonjhcnoe -
he was wanted , but It appeals now that he
Is not so willing to do so An stated be
fore , Wsttllng left the city a few days ago
and he had hardly departed before tl e au
thorities discovered that the ) wanted him
today In the trial Therefore City Comp
( roller Westberg was -ient to ICcnsas City to
see If he would como back at once and If
not , when ho would return Yesterday
City Attorney Council recelvel a telcgnm
from City Comptroller Wcstbeis , in which
> ho latter said that Wcttlltig would not re
turn at once and asked If the case could he
ccritlnucd until November
The Ilolln bondsmen Insisted that the
case go to trill at once Thcv Imve the
experts who went through Ilolln's books In
their Intel cst here and they Insist that
the city could have been reidv for trial It
It realh- wished to be. City Attorney Con-
nel ladmlts that the only expert testimony
the city has regarding the condition of
Bolln's books la Wettllng's.
There are otheis but none "Just as good"
as Dt. Davis' Anti-Headache.
H. T. Robinson and Frank Gossett , ar
rested last week jon the charge of having
fleeced State fair visitors , were released
ftom custody jcsterday afternoon , the po
lice deciding that there was no charge against
the joung men Robinson inslbts that h'a
arrest was uncalled for and that both he
and his companion arc honest men. He said
jestcrday that he was a plasterer and had
been working all summer at Des Molnes
For four years prior to ISO1 ? he si > s that he
u ! ded In Omaha and that he returned to the
city last week to look after a judgment
that he Insists he holds against a con
iic vi , imnITIIS. .
The Grant Paving company will begin
laying asphalt on Tarnum street some time
this week. The slag has already been put
in for several blocks.
The young son of Superintendent Pearse
of the public schools who has been very
sick for some time , was slightly bettel ye -
teiday and stronger hopes a'o entertained
of his recovery.
The case of W. W. Cox against the Hoard
of Kire and Police Commls.loners to restrain
the board from dlschaiglng him was set foi
hea'ing bcfoio Judge Scott yesterday , but
was continued until further notice.
The S-j oar-old con of Mr. and Mrs Frank
Hounlng of Riverside , Cole , died at that
place last Wednesday of scarlet fever. Jlr
Bornlng was born and reared In thlh city
where his parents and a number of biothers
and sitters now icslde
Ed Bcebe , a small boy who irsldes with his
parents In the noithern part of the city ,
was arrested Sunday on a charge of In-
coirlglblllty. The boy is said to have a
comfortable home. He has been picked up
by the police a number of times before.
The contract and bond of Hugh Murphy
for the South Sixteenth street repaying will
bo prepared to tubmlt to the city council
this evening if possible. If no delaj cc
( ins there is no icason why work cannot
be begun on the street by the first of next
w eek.
About a week ago a man whose narle is
unknown met a police officer on Douglas
stieet and told him some thief had stolen
his watch. The article was valued at about
$30 The police Sunday recovered the watch
florn a pawn shop and are now looking for
the owunr ,
Katlu A , Stewart 1ms commenced suit In
the dlstilct court against the Missouri Pa
cific Railroad company to recovci $5,000 dam
ages for the death ot hci husband , Thomas
H. Stewart , who was killed In the com
pany's jards on the night of Maich 18 180C
Stewart was a watchman
Whllo Mrs. W. M. Elliott of 2748 South
Eleventh street was in one of the
laige etorw jtsterdiy a Btiango worn n
ran into her. When thej iieeamo
dlhentanglcd eho misted her pocKetbook
containing $ ( ! ! , An officer was bum-
monoJ , but the thief In the meantlmo had
The Third Congregational chur h of Ko nt o
Place has applied to the district court for
pormUalon to moitgagu Its propel ty to the
Congregational Chinch Building socletj of
Now York for $5,000 It fs represented that
this turn , together with the monc ) now In
tlio lii-aiiiry , will bo nufilclent to pay olT an
encumbrance of $9,000
.Mav or Moores has begun Ills annual tatik of
examining applicants for positions as reg
istrars of election As the list was
only received by the mayor ) estcrdn )
( hero Is hut little tlmo remaining In which
to pasH on the qualifications of the men
selected hy the council. As a good deal of
card was exercised In making the ( selections
It Is expected that the lint will bo approved
without the liberal piunlng that has occuircd
at previous elections
Henry J Grossman has begun suit In the
dlbtrlct court agalrst Prank B Kcnnard for
$5,000 for p"rsoial Injuries. Grossman rep
resents ( lint vvhllo he was In thu employ of
Kcnnard In bin establishment he stumbled
over obstructions that had been caieleasl >
left In on i ) of the pasaguwab At thu tlmo
Grossman was carrlng a heavy panu of
glass Ho alleges that when hu fell the glarn
was broken and the fragments cut his left
arm to badly that It will be permanently
for dainty table dishes.
Dec , Sept * 10 ,
Almost Ready
The great new store is rapidly getting in shape. Today anJ
tomorrow the carpenters will put on their finishing touches and
for the balance of the week the painters will have full sway , A
few more days and the gteit plate glass windows will tell you a
story that cannot be told in print. We might go into ecstacics
over the great things we are going to do and the many surprises
we have in stote for yon , b it that isn't our style. Our style is tQ
indulge in acts rather than adjectives ; deeds rather than words
We leave bluster and blow and froth for those who are skilled
in that kin 1 of merchandising ouis is to do and to please. The
rein lining days in the old corner will be devote I to giving value
and satisfaction with every single transaction , as if we were never
go ing to move -as if the-c closing days were but the beginning
of our business career. It is this habit of giving satisfaction day
by day--hour by hour that has made the new store possible ,
livery customer that has dealt with us has furnished a brick for
the greater st ire
S'JS'S'S'i v 'J S'J S 'r f T/S < SWSCi : < SL < Jir . ' -i' < S < S CS'5 <
The First Instalment of S
This is a novel of adventure , dealing with the fort
unes of the Scotch Pretenders to the throne of Eng
land. The .iction takes place paitly in the .tuny of
the King of Spain operating in Italy , and paitly in
Scotland. The illustrations masterpieces in their
way , vivid and faithful , are by F. Da MYKBACH.
The Strategic Features of the Gulf of Mexico
? ice and the Caribbean Sea. Capt. A. T. MAHAN.
i A Strange Tale of Gheel , by Hi 7.1 KIAH BUTTkRWOUril ; Mrs. Upton's
iSI Device , by JOHN Kl-.NDRICK BANGS , illustrated hv C. DANA GIBSON ;
SI Psyche , by Gl-ORGE HlBBARD , illustrated by ALBLRT E. STbRNER ; and
SIw There and Here , by ALICE BROWN.
! r
f ) ! A thorough treatment of the subject , with illus
trations by A. B. FROST. The series of drawings
gives character studies of the humors of bad foim
in golfing , and the correct foim in using various fifei
I clubs. The leading club-houses and linUs of the
country are also illustrated , and portraits of the y wu , - = -
II I champions fr 1895 and 1896 are given. " ' .riwfi'-
S < 2&S ; SC < 5 = < C = a4K *
_ _ _ _ 'Vlullzir.Uieprcscrlii- I Ills Bruat Vcgi tftbU
tlonot a famoui I reiicli pli > slclun , will quickly euro sun of all tier-
\otis or Ulsu.sti of the Kcuirutlvc ( ir unu , finch us IjostMuuhnod , .
Jribomm.i , I'ulnslii the jluck.buiilnul J uilunini. Nervous Debility.
J'imiilos , Uiilltncss to Hurry , I iliuiislln , ; Ilriltix , Viirlcorola and
Constitution. It uUipi nil lussfi liytlny or nliUu i'lcvuils quirk-
IK 3.1 of dlsclmrsP , wlilctilfnotrtiwIcpillpmHtoHperimitorrliawanJ
. 4 I'l'llniSKclcinittutUollvcr , tlio
- . nil tholiorrorsof Impotencr.
A r 1 1. H j > I'lticj i anil tlm iirlimry oruans a ! ull iraj > iirltlts.
tUI IS > FNK "trcnstljononnil restorfadnmllwcnLorparii. . , . * , . ,
Ilio reason uTerpri ( ore nut cured nr IKx-tor H neruusu ninety per cent srii trjiuMi\ with
ntallllK. t'Ul'IDI NUIa tlio only known remnly to ruronlllioul uu npirntlon. UxwirailinonU
nil A wrlt'enciinninlieEl enandnnimy returneil If Blx lioxiBdotT not MTu.1 tt ( icruimitutcut * .
f 1.00 ft hot , Blx fur } 5 W , by mull. HcnU for FiiEUCIrculir iind testimonials.
Address I > A Vol. nclUCIN E CO. . I' . O. tax 2078. Ban rrmicisui , Cat FarK-Ae Mi
Jta tn jour < iiUuntHL to lime
llicrn Illlc'l li'ffirf uicjy urtvatices
Dun t feu Hit npi ration llxpert
ilo - . llh W
A frcsli supply Just rcccheil from tlio well miiniiiu Riiun < .iwuy
lint uf I'liin ' Our inrthinl (01
known Uboratoiy of I'AHKU fJAVJS CO ot cxlr.i per 11 p't.i antl > imlnlem
Uotolt This untl-toxlno IUH stood ( In form on' l"-'f w ml otliem clmrge
most crmlcal tests at Ocneinii'utal stations Alwoln . ! > ralnltss J3x
anil | jy .Municipal Health Department * This trnrllnn . % f
aitlelo , ulien administered In tlmo , has re filhei filllliKS . . .500
duced thu mortality ( mm Ulphllicila to about 1'ure Gold nilliiKS $1 up
Hut ToMli . IS W
cmo-tulrcl former ilgurcs
JlPHl Tenth <
No cliurfi * for examination
ounnits nv MMI , oit TIM- : L.iclj ittteiKUiil.
( illAI'll IMIOMI'I'I , !
Olllre In Uusliman'ii HlocU JCtl
< id Doiiulir > \r r'jrtwrlsht f
Show Bloie Open evenings
< i IMIM ' ' Mi r
init : si. ,
A Handsome Complexion
Is one of tun createat cliarnm a rvoinan can
no > a , J''a COUI-X.ICXION I'uwuuu
gives It.
nLung Trouble
a The fall of the your is an Im
portant porloil for ull who Jiuvii _ '
I or un\ other nlTi'ction of the M
s n Rpii lUHstl'PH ) }
L I M'
Tim latest ttud boil
for skillful ticatiiu'iit ate
by Dr. SllC'i ( lid Conciliationreo.
' ' ' '
D 811.312-313 N Y. I.He llldf. Ttl. JDI