THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : T-flftSDAY , SEPTEMBER 28 , 1807. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Drouth News H'lpn Out a Mirket Inclined to Bo Weak , WHEAT A'lD C3.1N EACH CLOSE HIGHIR ( tint I'nll Sonillim In Ucluycil ! > } I.ui'U iif llMltil'rnvl l < > iin niul Tnii l Tlirou CHICAGO. Sent. Ji.-Whrnt was nrm today In pltc of n Inriio array of bear news , Dfccmbcr closing nt n ViOfie advance. Drought reports uic ht-Klnn.iiic to attract n crcr.t deal of atten tion and were Influential today In causing thn ( light advance. The dry weather was nlso a f cut ii re of coin , which clo cd USHu lilfilier , advanced > ie. I'rorlslonn weic strons nnd closed lUlJISc higher. Wheat was vciy weak nt the opening , Initial tales of December , whIUi closed Saturday nt tlc. rancliiR from 9J140 to SO'.tc. Llvcipcul opened nt n decline of 1UJ for futures , and Mln- neapolls and Dulutli reported 1,4:7 carloads as their rccclptH , while the exports to Em-ops for the week from nil tutpluicprodticlns countries was ovir t/.COO.OCO / bu. Those prices were tuiipl- Ing to ehorls , who started to cover Immediately , nnd In the couisc ol un hour nearly all the opc-nlnif decline had be-i-n recovered. Hcnlpcrn ran the market for the nm half hour of the session. After tlmt the trading , though aulet , \\as of a more r..nciul character. The advance was In iilte of the fact tlmt mo t of the fresh Inlortnatlon tlmt came In was of a bearish cn.iraclcr. The only Impoilunt matter of a df. | ' . "J , " } . c.l'arn.cler. ' "as the clearances Horn the jrmclpal Atlantic ports , which In wheat mil flour tOKclhcr umounti-d to 7CU.UUO bu. December to ,1 , up io 91c , declined lo ! ) Uo and Irom thnt jKilnt Kin.lunlly rose lo 91i- . It slid off r.K-iln to w , ' c. however , on Ihe announcement of tuu un- t-xtM-ctedly large visible Increase. Statistician Know uftlmutcd that the winter wheat crop of tlie L'nlted Stale * was SM.IOO.CW ) bu. and ihe lirlne wheat SL'J.OOO.OW bu. The umount on oocnn II.IBE.IKC Increased ltta , < M ) bu. for tliu Week. I'rlmnry market receipts for the day wcie ITCCUO bu. , ORalntt l.SCG.WO bu. n year UKO. The xlslble supply Increased 8,403,000 hu. , wlirirax rinly about l.UUO.OOO bu. Incienrc had been calculated on. Stocks of wheat In Liver- liiinl arc 223,0(0 ( bu. smaller Ihnn n week aRe nnd tln > English Visible tlcelrutcil 12C.OOO bu. Clos- IliK Liverpool cables reported declines In futures cif from Id to 2d. 1'arls was strong und G3 centime * , cr 3lic per bu. hlKher for Seiitemher nnd 10 centimes higher for Inter delivery. Ant werp showed an Improvement of IJij eenllmca. Complaints of drouth In the wlnUr wheat sec tion arc Kiowlnv more Kcncrnt every day. Seed ing , It IB raid. Is belns Rreatly iclaideil. These reports wu-n very Inlliientlnl diirliiK the mnrnlnir. The minkut Rfew quite ulroni ; toward the clo. e. The flreiiRth of the closing continental cables nnd repoilK of drouth il.-inngo In Aigentlnc ptartcd renewed buylns. flood support came from New York also. December ndvanccd to * l'i(91e ' ! ( nnd closed nt Sl'iffOllie. Corn like wheat , was weak ut the opening principally tlirmmli eymimtliy with ihnl m r- Ket. The rnatket lurned Htr.inK and remained p" durln ; ; the remainder of tlie session. Shorts were liberal buyeri" , holders of puts also sup imrtlnR Ihe niniket. The advance was partly Uiie to sympalliv with wheat. The dry wcalh'er vest , necemltntlnK Ihe feeding of corn to stock on nccount of the drying up of the pastures , was n factor. RccHptH were 679 cars. Visible Increnseil I.MO.OOO bushels. Clearances were 412.000 bushels. Elevalor pospln were the best sellers. December closed lie higher nt 23WCJ30C. O.ils , In common with oilier Rraln markets , Was easy nnd lower around HIP oppulnu. loiter BhortM were Kooil buyers , while the urKent In quiry for cash oats from outside points , caused n rally which cloied the session with n llrm feellnR. The market for the most pirt was onlv fairly active. Visible supply Increased 97.000 buihels. Receipts were f,38 cars ; .December . mused from 194fJ20e , closing nt WVc. The market for provisions was fairly ncllve. The openltiK was rather heavy. There was the usual batch of yellow fever reports and bos lirlcen were lower. The market later lurned hlronff under Ihe leadership of lard , for which liroduct n Rood foreign demand was reported. Khorts were peed buyers. The market closed ntronir nt top values. December pork 15c hlchcr nt Jf.30 ; December lard IBc hither nt } 4.C7H , and December rlbn lOc higher nl J4.S3. Estimated tecelpts Tuesday : Wheat. BIO cam ; corn , 1,02'1 ' cars ; oats , CSO cars ; IIORS. l.roi > 0 head. Trailing futures ranged as follows : " ' ArllclcB. | Op3ii. | "aT li. I Low. | ClO'ia. J'SJUd'y SVhc-at- Soni. . . 00 nun no ni niw Dec. . . . ( ( * > * ! DO'-i ' ' Jlny. . . Hux-no UX Com Ft pi. . 27K 28 J7M S8 27M Ico. . . . ' . .HI 'K-.10 ' I'OK May. . . 33 Oats Sept. . . 10 10 Dec. . . . JO yet * May. . . Po-k- Ocl. . . . 8 S'JS- 8 or. 8 07W Di-e. . . . 8 ir. 8 30 8 in 8 .SO 8 1C Jan. . . . 0 10 0 30 o 10 0 30 02li Laid ret. . . . 4 3'Ji 4 JO 4 30 4 CO 4 3fi lll-C. . . . . I 40 4 57h 4 40 4 r.7 > - JJI'I . . . 4 55 4 70 4 55 4 70 4 r.71B sirtitibH Oct. . . . 1 no 4 02ii 4 8L'K B 02J. 4 (10 ( Dec. . -1 70 4 8.-i 4 70 4 85 4 7.- > 4 it ) 4 61-- ! 4 70 4 8'JS- 4 75 No. 2. Cash ( imitations were ns follows : FLOUR Easier and prices favoring buyers ; winter patents , $3.Wjr5.10 ; straights $4.70 < T4. ! > 3 ; Kprlng special * , $3.75 ; spring patents , $3.0083.30 ; straights , $4.COfj'4.80 bakers , $3.9001.20. WHEAT No. 2 spilng. 91 9''c ; No. 3 spring , S4' < : ff914c : No. 2 red , 94J95e. CORN No. 2 , 2lic. OATS-No. ! . lOHOig'Kc , f. o. b. ; No. 2 white. 22fi23c ! : No. 3 white. 21 22',5c. RYE-NO. 2. , ic. HAHLEY-No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 30fl43c ; No. 4 , 2S ? l'c. FLAXSEI-ID-No. 1. Jl.01lffl.021i. TIMOTHY SEED Prime. $2.70. PROVISIONS Pork , mei-s. per bbl. . $ S.20fi8.23. I.nrd , per 100 Ibs. . } 4.47 > 4C'4.5' ' > . Itacon. short ribs sides ( louse ) , $4 ; . Dry suited shoul- dtrs ( boxed ) , f5.37&ttr.GV4 short clear sides ( hovel ) . $3.23iT5.37 > 4. WIlISKY-Dlstlllers' nnlsheit goods , per gal. , $1.22. SUCIAR-Cut loaf. $3.87 ; granulated , $5.27. Article * . FIour.'bblM Wheat , bu Corn , tin Oatx.bu Ilye.bu Uarlf ) . bu On the Produce exchange today the butlter mnikot was llrm ; creameries , 14J014c ; dairy. 12 WISc. CHEESE-Stcady nt 89c. EC.ns Firm : fresh. 14c. LIVE POlM.TRY-Easy ; turkeys. 9T10e ; chick ens , 8c. chickens , spring , Sc ; ducks , " ' .iBSc. voitic ( ItiiiliitlniiH of the Day on ( ii > m > riil CoiiiiuoillllcM. NEW YORK , Sept. 27. FLOUR-Recelpts. 35,99'i bbls. ; exporls , 13,773 bbls. ; moderalely active but heavy with offerings ai lower prices ; Minnesota palenls , J3.20fj3.CO ; Mlnnctulu bakers' , ll.35WI.60j winter atrnlghts , Il.75ff4.l5. ! Rye Hour , Quiet. HUCKWHKAT Steady , 4S T33c. COHNMEAI/ Easy ; yellow western , CSe. HYE Dull ; No. 2 western , fWie. IIAHLEY-Qulet. JIAHI.I'Y MALT Nominal : western. 65JT65c. WHEAT Hecelpls , 407,323 bit. ; exports , I&I.490 bu. ; si > ot. Mini ; options opened weak under heavy Liverpool news , rallied nml was llrm nil day on drouth In winter wheat bell , bullish Argenllne news nnd lumulH of export huslnesa , closing llrm nt ' .lii'ic net decline. No. 2 led , May. WjifiVS 5-lCc. cloM-d WUc ; September. 97 | 97 1-lCc. closed 974i ! October 5Hfi9C ic. closed JC ic. CORN lli-celpls , 401.250 bu. ; exports , 171 , 612 bu , , 310 bu. futures , 51 , UOO hu , spot. Spat , llrm ; Nil. 2 , 3lc. Options opened lower on cuble new * , bill recoveied In response In good de. mnnd from shorts iind llghl offerings , closing Me net lower ; Septemlier , 33H33'ic ' , closed 33110 ! l > ecember. 34ai33Ue. closeil 35Uc , OATS Receipts. 247.1KJO bu. ; exports , 331,02 ? l.u. Bpt , easier ; No. 2. 24f2ic. ( ! Opilona fairly ricllve and sleady , closing UHHo net lower ; September , 23ic ; December 23e , HAY Easy ; uhlpplntr. $4.00tf4.50 ; coed to choice. $5. i4r5.(10. ( llOPH-FIrm ; Btute. common lo choice. ISIS rrop. 3f4c ; 1896 cixip , CflKo : 1897 crop , unite ; 1'iiclllc const , Ib95 crop , 3U4c ; 189(1 ( crop , 6i9c : J897 ciop , UJflSo , HIDES-Steady ; O.ilveslon , UfllCc ; Texas , 12U H3e ; California. HiTISc , LMATH Ell Firm ; hemlock lole. light to heavy welsht. 19HWKic ! ; acid , 20H 23c. M'TTKIl Hwvlpu , 1,027 pkga , ; llrm ; western creamery. 13tiH21c ; Elglns , 2lc ; factory , Sfl2c. CHEESE-llecelpls , 6li7 pkgn.j steady ; huge , white , Ho ; mnall. white , 9Hcj huge , colored , Kje ; smull colored , 9 lie ; part tklnm , 6)iif7u ) ; full ( kilns. 3HW4o. ECUIS Ilecelpm. 14,436 pkgs. ; nrm : state and riMinsylvanla. I7rl9c ; wc tcrn. ISiilSHc , PROVlSIONK-lleef. llrm ; family , $9.00JM0.50 ; rxtia moil , J7.MijS.Wj beef hums , t' Cut meiiU , dull ; pickled bellies , C\U71ic ; pickled Hnulilera. & < ic hid ; pickled hams , kj.ff lif. ( I ird. western iteum. $1.90 ; rellned , llrm , 1'ork , steady ; old mess. | 9.0i9.M : new meiui. JS.f.NllO.W ; short clear. Jll.WJV13.Oi ) ; family I10.SOB12.W. Tnllow , dull ; city , 3Hc : country MOLAPSE8 Steady : New Orleans open kettle. od to choice , 21iJ3ic. - Iron , warrants , dull , $7.00 7.15. I tke copper , qulel , $11.25. lad. exchsiiKe. llrm. $4.3MC4.J71il brokcru' , J4. Speller , steady , Jj | No > v OrloniiM MnrUi-tii. NKW ORLEANS , Sfpt. 17. HOQ PUODUCTB Steady ; pork , old , 8Hc. L rd , rtflned. tierce , Oio. Bond mtaU , dry > Ut houlu rt , ( Vi ; ld . B'/jc naeon , cleur rlh ldti , t 4e. Jlnmi , chnue iiRnr cured. t nS't" , COII.EIllio , ordinary to low. fnlr , tS.JJSJ 11.76. FI/OUH-Stendy ; txlta fancy , tl.COQI.TOi pat ents. IS.WW.20. COflNMEAIStCndy nt l,60. IlRAN-Qillet nt CTOCSe. HAY Uarl ri prime , $10.0011. ? ! . CO ; choice. $12.00 13 00. ; Nc. : s cked , white , mixed , 3M39cyellow. . SJfftOc. O \TR-Flrmi No. 2 sacked , ! Cc. mi'E-riim ; ordinary to good , JI.OOflt.M. OMAHA nn.viuiAij MAHICITS. Cniiilltlnn of Tmilc nml nil Stnpli * niul I-'iumy 1'rinlucc. EOOS-Ooo.1 stock , weak at 13e. llt'TTEIt Common to fair , fc ; choice to fancy , UftHc ; Mparator creamery , 20c ; gathered cream. try. 17 15c. VEAICholce fat , 80 to 120 lb . , quoted at So ! nrge and coarse , 4Zc , LIVE POttITRY-H ns. 7c : cocltf , 2 lc ; rft\ng \ chickens , per lb. , to ; ducks , CG7c ; turkeys , PJOEONS Live , 735j : > 0cj dead pigeons not wnnled. HAY t'placd , | S ; mldlnml , 14.80 ! lowland , 14 ; rye straw , J4 : color mnki-s the price on bay ; light bnlcs sell the beet , only top grades brim ? lop prices. IIROO.MCORN Exlicmeiy flow Mien new crop , delivered on track In country choice trecn self- worklnR carpet , per lb. , 2Z2'4o : choice green , running to hurl. 2f2Uc ; common , l',4c. VEOETAltLES. CANTALOUPES-Per dox. . MiJTCOc. TOMATOES-Ptr half bu. backet , 23010C. ONIONS--P.T bu. , M u5c. LIMA HEANS-Pcr lb. , So. IlEANS-Hand-idcked navy , per bu. , il.40Gl.GO. CAIlltAOE-Hnme srown. Ic. WATERME1.0NS-Crnlcd. per do * . , ll.DO. POTATOES-Homo crown , GOgCJc. TRUITS. APPLES-Per bbl. , Jl.3iT2.00. NATIVE l'Ll'MS-1'er . - basket. 20S35C. ORAI'ES-Callfornlu , ll.S501.tO. CALIFORNIA 1'EACHE.S-I'tr cute. Craw- fords , fOe clings , 70S7c. PEAHK llartlull , per case , J2.23 ; Utah Hart- lells. J1.7SW1.SO : llurrrc Hnrdv. J1.CO < J1.7J. HOME OROWN ORAI'ES-1'cr basket. 14T15c. CALIFORNIA PH'MS-Per case. Jl.OOfM.21 CRANllERRIES-Cape Cod. perbbl. , JG.OO. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEtdONS-Messlnas , S4.ZSfi4.CO ; choice Cali fornia , J4.CO. ORANOES-Medltcrrnnean sweets , J4.S3Jl4.r,0. IIANANAS-Cholce , large stock , per bunch , 12.00(32.23 ( ; medium-sized hunches , J1.C082.CO. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. . large size , I3c ; Urnzlls , per lb. , lOc ; English walnuts , per lb. . fancy , tort chell , 125T13c ; stnn.larJs , 105T He niherts , per lb. , lOc ; pecans , polished , large , 9f10c ; jumhn , lKM2c ; laige hlcKory nuts. JI.25 licr hu ; cocoanuts 4140 each. Kins Imported fancy , 4 crown. 20-lb. boxes , I2c ; K crown , 50-lb. boxes , 13gl4c. HONEY Choice while , 13c. CIDER-Claillled Juice , per half bbl. , J2.:5 ; per bid. . JI.005JI2.- , MAPLE KYP.UP-Flve-Bal. cans , each 11.23 ; Ral cans , pure , p r doz. , 112.00 ; half-gal , cans , JG.SS. quart cans , J30. . FRESH MEATS. DRESSED IIEEF--Cood native steers. 400 to COO Ibs. , To ; Rood foreqiinrlcrH. sleers , Cc ; Rood hlndiiuarlers , DC ; western steers , Cf6i,4c ; fancy heifers , Gc ; peed heifers , G',4c ; Rood forequarlers , heifers , fc ; Rood hlndqunrlers , heifers , 8c Rood cows , Clic ; fair cows. fOic ; common cows , Blc ! ; cow forequarlcrs , 4',5 ' < < JSc ; cow hlndquarlcrs , " ! 4 OSc. IIKKP CUTS Tcn.lerliilns. ISc ; boneless slrlps , 9c ; slrlp loins , 7c. rolls , 9c ; sirloin butts , ac ; shouMcr . , Cc ; rump butts , 5c ; steer chucks , 6c ; cow chucks , 4140 ; boneless chucks , 4'4c ; cow plates , 3c ; steer plates. 3V-C. Hank steak , CV4c ; loins. No. 1 , 14e ; loins , No. 2 , 104e ! ; loins. No. 3 , SViC ! sirloin ends , No. 1 , ! > c ; ribs , No. 1. llci ribs , No. 2 , 8'.4e ; rlhs , No. 3 , 6',4c. steer rounds , 714C : cow rounds , 7c ; cow rounds off , SHc ; trim mings , 4c ; beef shanks , 2l4c ; btalns , per doz. , 35c : sweetbreads , per lb. , 12c. sweetbreads ( cnlvesi , per lb. , 40e ; kidneys , per doz. , 35c ; ox mils , each 3c ; livers , per lb. , 2c ; hearls , per Hi. , 2c ; loiiRiies , per lb. , lie. Mt'TTON Lambs. 8'ic ; sheep , 7'.4c ; market racks ( long ) , So ; holel racks ( short ) , 12c. lepn und paddles , Sc ; lamb legs , 9c ; breasts ana stews. 3c ; tonRues , each 3c. PORK Dressed pigs , Cc ; dresjed hogs , Dic tenderloins , 13c ; loins , 7c ; spare rib" . 4c ; bain sausage , butls , Gc ; shoulders , rough. BUc ; shoul ders , skinned , Cc ; trimmliiKs. 4'ic leaf lard , not rendered , C ; . , cleaned , 3c ; snout nnd ears , Sc ; backbones , IVic ; cheek meals , 3a ; neck bones , llio ; pigs' tails , 2c' plucks , each Ccj chitterlings , fc , ; hocks , 4c ; heat Is , per doz. , 25ct stomachs , each 3c ; tongues , ench 7c ; kldneyn , per doz. , lOc ; brains , per rtoz. , lc , pigs' feet , per doz. , 23c ; liven , each Sc. HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , Cc ; No. 2 green hlUes. DVic ; No. 1 salted hides. Sc ; No. 2 green salted hides , 7c ; No. 1 venl calf , S to 12 In ? . , SV'C ; No. 2 veal culf. 12 to 15 lb * . . Sc ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , 1012c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 9S10c ; No. 1 dry salted hides. 9fC10e ; part cured hlder , He. per lb. lejs than fully direct. SHEEP PELTS Orecn salted , each 23 jCPc ; green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) each ISc ; dry shearlings ( iliort wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each 5c dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight 4Cc | ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3f4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per In. , actual welBht. 43c ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pells , per lb. aclual weight , S84e ; feet cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on them , St. Louis Ci-iifral Alnrkrts. ST LOUIS , Sept. 27. FLOl'R Dull ; patents , JI.SOS5.CO ; slralghts , J4.COS4.70j medium , JS.DOUJ 3.75. WHEAT Higher ; closing nt advance of IVte for September ; Hie for December , und Tic. for May over Saturday ; December opened TkC lower , advanced lllc , relapsed Tic und suUiequently ad vanced 2c ; closing Elronsr. with sellers within Vic of the top. Spot. hlKher ; No. 2 cash , elcvalor , BSc ; track , WWS'.fcc ' ; No. 2 hard , cash , BTUQSSc ; December , 97c asked ; May , 96 } c. CORN Opened fracllons lower on Ihe early bleak in w.ieat , but later advanced with that cereal and doped llrm nnd fraction higher than Saturday. Spot , about steady ; No. 2 cash , 2Gi@ ' 27c ; December. 27Hc ; Mny , 30'tc. OATS Futures , quiet and ttronger , with only fractional changeu. Spot , easy ; No. 2 cii-h. eleva tor. 20c bid ; track , 20'iii2tc ; No. 2 while , 224 ! { ! 23e ; September , 20c ; December , 20V4C bid ; Mny , 22 > 4c bid. RYE Stronger at 4rc4"ilic. . nt Sl.filOl 53. I-'LAXSBKD Lower at 99c. TIMOTHY SKED-Prlme. 2 70. HIIAN QuUt and llnu ; cast track , tacked , 43c ; this sl.le . , 4Cc. HAY Choice prades , firm ; prnlrle , J7.OOiJ7.50 ; timothy. S7.00JI10.00. I1UTTER Firm ; creamery , lCff22c ; dairy , ll irc. E OS Firm nt 12c. POULTRY Chickens , qulel ; old hens , 7c ; Bprliifu. 8c ; ducks , G',4c ; ueese. Go ; turkeys , 9 { ( WHISKY Jl.21. COTTON TIES-G3C. nAC.niNn-GV4fr7c. PROVISIONH-l.ard. stronBcr ; prime steam , 14 T5 ; ch Ic , 14.45. II con ( bond ! lot1) ) . ex ra bho-t cltar and ribs , JC.37'j ; shorts. JG.W. Dry salt meats ( boxeil ) thouldetv , ! 5.37lIj ; extra short clear and rlhs. S-'i.tfU ; shorts , J8. RECEIPTS Flour , 14.0ft ) bids. ; wheat , 76.000 bu. ; corn. IfcG.POO bu. ; oals. S5.0.M ) bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour , 7,000 bids. ; wheat , 90,000 hu , ; corn , 109.000 bu.j oats , 9,000 bu. Hiiltllliorc 'MurI > r < N. HALT1MORE , Sept. 27. FI/Jt'R Qulel , sleady ; western superfine , $3.00ii3 50 ; wenern ex Ira , $3.735f4.50 ; western family. $ l.7BfT5.10 ; winter wheat , palenls. $5.20fi5.W ; ' spring wheat , patents , $5.50 3.75 ; spring wheat , straights , ? 3.33 ? 3.GO ; reeelpls. 19,643 bbls. ; exports , none. WHEAT Dull , lower ; spot nnd month , 94T4c ; steamer. No. Z led , 9S.recelplw. ; . 49,419 hu. ; ex- purls. II7.S07 bu. Sutithern wheat by sample , 89 W'JGe ; Southern wheat on grade , M1i3.V. CORN tjulel , easy ; spot and month , 3333'iC { ; November .and December , new or old , Sic ; Janu ary. 31'ic : steamer mixed. 3Hi31'i < ' ; recelpis , Mi,69S Im. : exporls , 201,142 bu. ; soulhern while corn. 36Vv i37c ; vuthcrn yellow corn. 37ii37Vic. OATS Firmer ; No. 2 while , ij'.i'u-Cc ; leculpls , 14.1S7 bu. HYE Dull and easy ; No. 2 western. 52 0 ; re ceipts. 3,370 bu. HAY Steady : choice timothy , $13.00 $ ; 13.50. CHAIN FHElOHTS-Flrm. little doing ; steam to Llverpoo , l > er bushel. 4d Ocloher ; Cork , for ordem per niurler , 3s M September ; 3s 9d October. HUTTEH Firm : Inncy creamery , 20 < J2Ic , Enns Finn ; fresh. lffflGV4c. CHEESE Sleady : fancy New York large. 10ff 104c ! ; medium , 10'j IOhc ; fancy New Yoik email , HtfHc. _ ICniiNiiN Cllj Mnrl < 'lN. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 27. WHEAT Hard. slow , lower : roll , steady ; No , 1 hard , 84Hc ; No , 2 , MWStc : No. 3 , 79 fSl4c ! ; No. 4. 7787ROc ; No. 1 red , ! Uc : No. 2 , D0fi91c ; No. 3 , 8lfSS',5c ; No , 4 , 81 . CORN Fairly active , undertone weak ; No. 2 mixed , 2Uiti25c. OATS Fairly ncllve , slendy : No. 2 white , 21c. RYE-Flrmer- . 2 , 42Vifi42 c. HAY Fairly ncllve , lower on heavy receipts ; choice prairie , IG.M ) ; choice timothy , $ S.OO. HUTTEIt Active ; norlhern Hock helns re. cfUeil In preference lo paying1 high prices asked for Kansas stuff- creamery , lS020c ; dairy , 12 EOQS Firm ; receipts barely equal to demand ; MUsn-.irl and K'antas , llie. ! UEOUIITS Wheat , 32J.400 bu. : corn , 4I.GOO bu. : oals. SO.ftiO bu. SHH'MENTS-Whcttt , 143,2 ) bu. ; corn , 13,000 bu. ; oals , 8,000 bu , Clni'lnniitl MnrUi'lH , CINCINNATI. Sejit. 27. FIXHIU Dull. WHEAT Easier ; No. 2 res , 52fi93o CORN-Dull ; No. 2 mixed. SOWJIc. I OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , ZlJ31Uc. RYE-Easy. No. 2. 47c. llt'LK MEATS-Qulct at It.OO. Hacon. itrong. Lard , llrm at $4.40. WHISK Y-l.21. HUTTER-Flrm. SUOAH-FInu ; hard refined , JI.1C84.17. ' EOOS-FIrm at 17c. CHElUE-Steudy ; good to prime , Ohio flat , SU OSe. _ I'lilliiilfllililu Proiliiur .MiirkflN , * PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 27.-HUTTEH-Flrm ; fair demand fancy western creamery , 21c. EGOS Firm ; good demand ; fre ! t , nearby , 18i ; ; fr * h we.tern. 17H17HC. CHKESE-Unchangrd , I.Ivi'rpool ( iriicrnl MurkcU. LIVERPOOL. Sept. Z7.-TALLOW-Prlme city , nominal. TURPENTINE SPHUTS-FIrm at J4 . WHEAT Spot. No. t red , wettern winter , dull 7 > lOd : No. t red , northern iprlutr , dull , li 7J. CORN Spot , Ataerlcin mind , n w , Ji American mixed , old , quiet , 3s IHd , Septembtr. quiet , 3s ( id ; October , quiet , 3s "id , November , quiet , 3 * 1 % , ) . The following nre the Imports of wheat Into Liverpool ! From Atlantic ports , 45.900 quarters ; from Pacific t > orts , none ; from other ports , J.OW quarters. Importu of corn from Atlantic portt , 128,090 tUarttr ) > . Pcorla .11 .PEOIIIA. Sept. 27. CORN-Dull and lower , OATS Easy ; No. 2 while , 22'iO23c. WHISKY-FIrm ; 11.21. Ill-X'EIPTS-Corn , 73.500 bu. : oat * , M.900 bit. ; rye , none ; whisky. 300 hbls. ; wheat , G.X bu. SHIPMENTS fornY42,2 < bu. ; onls , 90,200 bu. ; rye , none ; whisky , 1,1G3 bbls. ; wheal , 3.000 bu. Tillcilo MnrliutN. TOLEDO , Sept , 27-WIIEAT-Hlnher , dull ; No. 2 cash and September , 95c : December , 93'lc. CORN-Dull , nrm ; No. 2 mixed. MHc. OATS Ixiwcr , slendy ; No. 2 mixed , 19Sc. ! RYE-Dull , slendy ; No. I cash , 4 c , CI/3VER SEED Active , lower ; prime cash and Octolior , I3.37H. OIL Unchanged. Sun PrnnrUeo Wlivnt nml Ilnrley. SAN FRANCISCO. S pl. 27. WHEAT Closed steady ; December , J1.60 ; May , JI.4SH. Uarlcy , quiet ; December. Dl'ic. ' STOCKS AXU 1IOMJS. llrlirew Holiday CIUINCH Dccrriinnl Aftlvltr Tonc Firm. NEW YORK , Sept. 27. The stock market today showed a very market ) falling off In nctlvlly , the total Bales of stocks reachlnc only 370.0M shares. The diminished activity was In part due to the observance of the Jewish new year holiday by many brokers nnd operators. Hut there was besides a disposition on the part of many large Inlcresls which have recently been active In HIP market , to stand aside for the time bolnu nnd allow prices lo take their own courpe. The professional element which has now very generally espoused the bar side was not active today. Prices lose aflcr llio opening In sympathy with the quotations received from I ondon , nnd there was buying also from l/mdon account here , Lnlcr some traders professed lo be dlsippolnled at. the size of the Increase shown In the August gross earning * of Omaha nnd that stock was sold down sharply. The decrease In the freight tonnage shipped eastward from Chicago last week was also used as an argument for n de pression of prices. Rock Island was one of the slocks under special pressure. The market re ceded below Saturday's close under these In fluence * , the decline In Rock Island cxlendlns to 1V per cenl , but only to fractional nmounls In other slocks. There was also a recession fiom Ihe best nt the close so Hint the extreme advances during the day considerably exceeded Ihe net gain. All Ihe general news conllnued lo favor advancing prices und free from pressure the market advanced in the afternoon to the hlRliest point of the day. The money market continued to nllract Ihe greatest share of Interest - terest ns the futtiKi course of speculation Is fell to largely depend on the supplier of money. The tone of the market was somewhat easier loday , but owlni ? lo the lack of animation In the slock market * there was llt'le ' demand. Shipments of currency Is Ihe Interior continue In. large volume nnd It Is believed this de mand will not be exhausted for some lime yet. Several of the lending banks In the city already show their leserve reduced Lelow the 2.1 per cent limit and several others have almost exhausted their surplus reserve. It In believed that n further contractl .n of loans lo n considerable amount will be necessary to provide against withdrawals far use In the Interior. In looking for relief from possible stringency to Imports of gold It la felt that the com para live ease of the Ijondon money market must be considered as In same sort Hctltlous. the rate belnR kept down with the purpose of nldlnc the Indian government In lloallnR Us loan. Russia and Austria-Hungary continue In ncllve competi tion for gold und there Is n large balance 111 llu < Hank of England which Japan linn the power to withdraw. I/mdon , In fact , fears dear money , nnd It Is believed withdrawals of Bold on a large scale for shipment to Ihe United Stales will preclpllnle n sharp rise In the rates for money nnd would thus Induce the leavlnp of funds Ihere by American credllorH unless the Increase In money rates here was sufllclent to eounleracl this condition. Tile foreclosure sale of the Union Paclllo nnd the withdrawal of $30 000 000 or t4',000,0 ' ) < X > of cosh which It will necemllnlc Is 'i mailer that looms In the per spective of the money market sltunllon. Under these conditions It Is believed there will not be Immediately nny such resumption of activity In stock speculation as has characterized the market for many months past. Today's advance * run from n fraction to over a point In the active shares. Consolidated Gas rlslnRIH. . , fupnr 3 , Minnesota and St. Louis lost 2'i and Baltimore * Ral'lwa'y bonds declined early In sympathy with stocks , but recovered later. Total tn'es , J2,600.000. United Stattw 4s coupons of 1907 advanced We The Evening Post's London financial cnblcRram says : "The stock market was Idle here today pending the setllemcnt w'.ilch begins tomorrow and the Hebrew holiday. The tone , however , was steady Am rlcans opened d iller on Ihe New York lead und then rallied to over the parity on CJer- man buying. Then New York sold this after noon notably Atchlson adjustments , and prices were merely steady nt the close , nig opuons fall due lomorrow on Loulsvll'e. St. Paul nnd othem. nnd Inasmuch * proHls were secured some lime ngo. those shares will not have to be taken In They will , therefore , be IIHS scarce for de livery than at the last nccount. The mining sel- tlement today was featureless. Rates were fairly sllff. Tomorrow money rales may possibly bei \ per cent higher than a month ngo. C.old was In less demand today nt 77s HHd. There- was n falling1 off In the Hupply of American bills. The Paris and llerlln markets were qulel. An arllcle In the Journal des Debats hlnllni ! lhal the French mint mlKht tie willing to open to silver nt the tatlo of 15ifc lo 1 exclles discussion here. " The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange today : Total sales of ptcn-ks today were 372,850 sliares , IncludliiK ; Atchii-on preferred , 11273 ; Chcuap Toke ft Ohio , G.72S ; Chicago. Ilurllngion lit Qulncy. 26.92S ; Irfiulsvllle & Nashville. 14353 ; Manhattan. C.440 ; MHsourl Paclllc , 8,970 ; Mltkourl , Kansau & MO ; Tcnnepree Coal and Iron , 4 450 ; United Hlntes Leather preferred , 3,410 ; Wettern Union , fi,7SO ; Chlcuso Great Wei-ttrn , 8,832 , Xf\v Vorli Mont'v Market. NEW YORK , Sept. 27. MONEY ON UAI.I < - Easler at 203 per cent ; lart loan , 2 per cent ; chued nt 2V4W3 per cent , PRIME MP-RC\NTILE PA I Eri-4'403 per c nt. STERLING E.\CHANGI--Sliong , with actual business In bunkers' bills at $4 S.i ! for demand , nnd $4.S2if4 U3 for i-ixty dnys ; posled rules. J < .S3H il.SI und Jl.t-cyi.SC'/j ; cnmmtrclal hills , $4. MM 4.82. SILVER CEHTIFlCATErf-f.C tSc. HAR SII.VER-f.Gc' . MEXICAN DOI.LARS-43UC. GOVERNMENT HONDS-Flrm. STATE HONDS-Dull. RAILROAD HONDK-Flrm. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows ; Stu < eiueut of the Ilnuk of Ccrnuiiiy. 111C It LIN. Bcpt. ST. The weekly statement of the Imptrtal Hunk of Germany "hows tliu following charges , ai couiparej wltlt tbe ftcvloui account ; In hand , InrrrJiA' SID.OOO m rk ! trca&ury noifc. decr afp , KO OiW inirku ; olh r ecurllle . In- cr * fc , ll.coco niBil > < ! nufc In circulation , In crease , 34.CW.OOO my Iif. . BOSTON , Sept. Jr.nll loans , 204 per cnt ; time loans , Sj ! 4'i ' nrTnt. Clorlne prices for utockg. boiuls and minim ; tharcji Sim I'riinolNco MliiliiK < liintiiU nn , SAN FHANCISCO , Sept. 27-The olHclal closing quotations for mining stocks today were as fol lows : I.OIIllOll StOI'lv ( lllOllltlllllN. LONDON _ , ' Septv27J 4 " _ _ lnBj Consols.mTy . .nrn-lJHl."tMiil ( , conniun. : , 102(4 ( Consols , aca't HIHiN. V. 11-454 Can.l'acllio 7BltPcitnivivnnl ) 51H4 Krlu 175 Kuadlnit l.'lli KrlolntsDfd 43 { 'MdX. ' Cin. new 4s. 1)7 U III. Coulr.M IDS lAlchKcn 1(1 Moxlciinordinnrv. ap IL. AN. . . I1H HAH Sll.vnil Weak at 2 Ud per ounce. MONEY Hif'i per cent. Tin- rate of discount In the open market for short hills IB 2'4 per cent ; for Ihiee months' bill * Is 2H per cent. Hold Is quoted nt Hiicnos Ayics today at U9 ; nt Lisbon , 47li ; at Rome , 105.2S. N < MV Vorlc Mining ( liiiilnlloiiN , NEW YOU 1C , Sept. 27. The following are the closing mining ( luotnllons : Chnllar , 10 Ontario USD Crown Point al : Omitr. 8.3 Con. Cal. & Viv. . . . ISM Plvmoulli 1' ' DaiihvooJ 100 QtilcXlUrer 10O OouldiCtirry AC Onlckmlvjr nM. . . 00 , IIale&Noror039. . 100 Slcrr.iNJVMll. . . . HO llomeatako 'JH'.K ) Stm.1ir.l : 180 Iron Silver 10.1 Union Con 43 Mexican to Yellow Jacket . . . . ! 2U Aiiiertc'iiii ScoiirltlcN In I.oiulini. IX1NDON , Sept. 27. The market for American securities opened easier but Improved and con tinued firmer nil day. The closn was quiet with an Improved demand. I'llinilrlnlutfN. . HOSTON. Sept. -ClearlnKS , J12.447.US2 ; bal- iincm. Jl.333.031. HALT1MOHE , Sept. 27-Cicarlngs , $2,443,307 ; balances , C02.or,0. NEW YOHK. Sept. 27.Ck arlngs , JSO.OS1.127 ; balances , t4.C40.CSO. PHILADELl'HIA. Sept. 27. Clearings , $ S,09- ! , 410 ; balances , Jl,232,538. CINCINNATI. Sept. 27. Money , 2Hff6 per cent ; New York exchange ; COc Jlrcount. Clearings , J2- J99.EOO. ! NEW ORLEANS. 'Sept. ' 27-Clearlngs , J813.974. Exchange , bank pur ; commercial , Jl.M ) per $1.600 discount. MEMPHIS. Sept. 27.-Clearlngs , J32S.180 ; bal ances , JM.114 ; New' York exchange , Felling at (1.50 premium. ST. LOL'IS , Sept. 27-Clearlngs. $3.093. Bill ; bal ances. $773,742. MAnej\ 7 | ) er cent ; New Yolk exchange , f,0c , dltcount bid ; 25c discount asked. CHICAGO , Sept. 57. Clearings. $15.095,311 ; New- York exchange , lOc discount ; clerllng exchange , posled rales , $4.f3 and fl.SC. Slocks fairly nctlvo ; cables weak on 'btrlke rumors ; closing prices : Diamond Match , 152 ; S-trawboard. 29V4 : City Hall way , 22S ; West Chicago , 104 ; South Side L , 59V- ; I ike Street , 19ii ; New York IJlicult , C4 ; Uas 3s , 103. FdroiK" I'liiiinolal. PARIS , Sepl. 27. Tliree per cent rentes 102f 97c for the nccount. 1IEULIN , Sept. 27. Exchange on London 20m SSpfgs for checks 1X > NDON , Sept. 27. The nmoupt of bullion taken Inlo Ihe Uanlc of England on balance today was 23,000. i. I , < . COTTON , MA It ICK'HS. g Ihiili-rlolK- -Still Wculc ami I'rleCN ' llrnp Several 1'oliilH. NEW YORK , Sept. 27-Thc cotton market optned Irregular and weak In lone , but gathered strenglh ns the llrst call proceeded , starting nt n decline1 of 11 points and concluding with the de cline reduced to 2 points. Following the call near months Improved and later months declined. Hy noon theie was n geneinl decline of 5 lo 7 points. There wag no outside speculative buying nnd nil the tuppoit the market had came trom shorts , who were Inclined to take ptofltH. At the lowesl point the market showed a decline of 3 to 11 points. There were several rallies on coverIngs - Ings , but In main t.ic undertone of the mar ket was decidedly weak , with ihe icmo linally barely .steady at n net decline of 7 to 10 points. C'loplng prices : January. $0.33 ; l.Vbrunry } C37- March , $8.41 ; April , (0.45 ( ; May , $ i.l8 ; June , J6.52- September , ! C 2S ; Oclcber , ? C.2.s ; November. $ i5.2ii ; December , JC.2S. Spol. closed eauy nt n decline of lie ; middling uplands , ( j " ; middling gulfi fi'dc ; mlclilllng , CTic ; net recelpis , C3 bales ; gross , 7,904 bales ; exporls loonllnuit. . 500 bales ; for warded. 3,493 bales ; yales , 6tO bales ; spinners DO bales , Flock. C2.J31 bales. Tolal tuda > : Net re ceipts , 6liiS bales ; exports lo ilreat llrltain , 19.20S bales ; lo Fiance , 9,495 bales ; In continent , 2.232 bales ; stock , 413.S09 hales. Confollilalcd- Net ncelpts , ( .9 . 911 baler ; cxp rtu t > O'ejt lir.tatn 19.2CR bales ; to France. 9.4u : bales ; lo continent , 1.352 bales. Total Miice Heplember 1 : Net re ceipts , 631.3:5 bales ; exporls to Olent lirltaln , -.7 ; ! 'a ' PS ; to I'"ice , 3J.530 bates ; to continent , . i9.4Cfi bales. eluded S,00 bale ? American. Receipts , 1.000 bales. Including 700 American. Futures opened easy with a nudciutc demand , closiM easy Mid dling L. M. C. Heplcmhcr. 3 4S-CIl l.uyerB ; Pepl-in- her and Oclob..r , 3 41-Cld sellern : OclLber and November , 3 33-rlfrt : 34.01 , ] buyers ; November and ( December , 3 ai-i ( : i3W-C4il buyers ; Deccmlwr and January. 330-C4H3 31-C4d buyers ; January ahd 1-ebruary. 3 SO C f3 .11-61.1 . buyers ; February and and Irregular ; salt's. 4,100 bali-n ; ord'mi'ry. 6Vic ; 4.90 ; December. tl.K'Gt M ; .laiiunry , JS.03SC.OI ; February. 6.0R ! ) 10Murch . ' , fC.14ffS.15' April' $ B.lMiC.19 ; May , $0.4 J0.25. MKMI'IIIS. Sept. 2r.-COTTON-Stei.Iy . ; mJ. | dling , C 11-lCc : receipts , | tr , lmle ; hhlpmenls , none ; stock 10r.S2 linleH ; sales. 1 SO ) hules ST. LOtHf. Sept 27.-C01TON-Qillet. II-ICc lower ; middling , 63-lCc ; t-ules , 125 luleare - relnts , 1.282 bales ; shipments , 1,403 bales ; stock , 10,814 bales. CnfTi't * Mnrl > tM. NE\V YOttK. Sfpl. 27-COFFEE-Opllons opened slendy nt SfilO points decline ; ruled In active and dependent upon local traders for business. The decline was partly nrresied l.y covering ; general buying checked by big re ceipts nnd heavy storks ; closed quiet w'llh prices WI5 point ! net lower ; sales , 9 230 hags In cluding Seplcmb r at $6.00 ; December , $ r 30. Spot , Rio. stendyt NIL 7. Invoice. $7 00 lobbing , J7.60. Mild , steady : Cordova. $ : o.50fflC..r,0 ; salfs 1,000 bags Rio , spot. . $7.00 ; total warehouse de liveries frrm the I'nlleJ Stales. 11907 hags. In cluding 10,515 bags from New York : New Yoik slock loday , 373.359 ihags ; 1'nlled Stales slock , 611.617 bags alloat fnr the l'nlte.1 States. 3CI . COil bags ; lolol . 'vlilblo for Ihe tlnlled Slates. 815r > 27 bags , ngalnrt 493 , 813 hags hint year and 609.191 b.-iL-s In 1R9C. HAVRE. Sepl. -COFFEE-Closed tin- changed ; sales. 9,000 hags. SANTOS. Sept. 27. ' 'OKFEE-Smlos. llrm : good average Sanies' n.COO rels ; recelpti" , 37.000 bugs ; stock. l.fiUfc.COO lings. Weekly report : Cof fee , llrm gold average per 10 kilos , 9 , WO tels ; receipts during the wvek , 2 2 nno bags ; ship ments lo Ihe Ijultj ; ! ) , Stales , 19.000 bags ; stod- , 1 Ufa ( KV ) basis. , HAMIH'HO , Sept. ' 27 COFFEE Opened Uff 14 Pfg. lower ; cloMfl iWCVJ pfg. net lower ; enles , 7.(0fl bags. i n . RIO UK J.YHKJKO. Sept. 27.-COFFiE- Sleady ; No. 7 Hlo. K. rels exchange , 7 15-32.1 ; lecelpts , SB.MO'bags : cleared for the llnltel Slates. 12.WO biiKV : , cleared for Europe , 7l'0 ' bags ; slock. 4w.O'W bags. Weekly report : Cof fee , Mi-ady ; coffee exchange , slnndard , S.COO relsj iccclpls for Ihe wm'k. 110.f 0 bags shipments in the t'nlled Stales , 37,000 bags ; slocks , 439,000 bags. OH OIL CITY. Pa. , Sept. 27.-Crcdlt halanres , 70 ; ceitlllcates , no bids ; shipments , 172.530 Mils ; IUIIH. 187.832 bbls. CHARLESTON. S. C. . Sept. 7.-OILS-Turpen. tine , market llrm at 29o. Itosln. nrm. SAVANNAH , tia. . Sept. 27.-OILS-Sprlts | tur- pcnllne. lirm at 29 ic ; Hiiles , 1 lOrt bb'.it. ' ; receipts , 1,137 bbls. Rosin , llrm ; sales , ubout 3 000 bbU. ; receipts. 3.CG2 bbls. Qiiole : A. II. C. ' ! ) . E. , Jl.t2 ; ( ] . , 11.30 ; II. , II.10 ; I. , $1.40 ; K. , $1.50 ; window ulubs. $2.25 ; water white , $2.tO , W1IMINJTON , N. C. . Sept. 27.-OILS-Splrlts lurpenllne , linn nt WifiSOc. Ronln , llrm nt $1.10 ill , 15 ; crude turpenllne. steady at ll.30fjl.SO und (1-iiO Tur. llrm nt ll.5. LONDON , Sept. 27.-Ltn ecd oil , 1I 9J. Tur- pvnilne tplrlu , 23s 3d. Wool Mnrkfl. NEW YORK. Sept. Z7.WOOtFlrmjJome ; tlo lleece , 20 27c ; No. 2 rxlra. 27JflOc ; Texas , lOjjlCc. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 27. WOOL-FIrm ; inedlum , 15fiiUc ; light line , Ittl6c ; heavy fine. i > ai3ic ; tub washed , 21 31Hc. Mniillu Ilcinp ut London. LONDON. Bcpt. : T-Monlla hemp. 10 * . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Opened with a Strong Supply of Oattle nnd Few llogs , HEAVY RECEIPTS FIND A GOOD DIMAND llccf Steer * n HR | Ton COIIM Higher mnl Other llriiilvn Stonily to UOKN lrni AloiiRl with CliU'iiK < > < SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 17-llcCelpts for the lajB Indicated were : Cattle. HOB * . Sheep. Horten. September 2 ? 6,744 1,050 1,45 , Seplember 55 9T2 3M1 September 24 3.SOS 1.187 4.4FG September 23 1,549 5 , ! S MM Seplember 22 Gf'4l 1.C70 September 21 ( i,200 1.M7 September ro 8,704 . 5,011 September 19 (61 4,217 1,879 September 17 3,011 4.657 5.S3 September 18 4.G77 4,376 1.8SO September 1C 6,764 C.54S 3.S64 September II 4.MO SK6 1.423 SeptemUr 13 r3l 1,217 8.W3 Sepiemlxr 11 I.Mt 6 , MO 4(3 ( September 10 4.f,03 B.S63 ro The oHlclal number of earn of stock brought In today by each road was ! Cattle. HORS. Sheep. H'r's. C. , M. & St. P. Ry 12 O. , t St. U Ry Union Paclllo System . . . 23 F. . E. & iil. V. R. It 74 C. , St. P. . M. & O. Ry. . 3 H. & M. R. R. P. 16 C. , I ) . & Q. Ry C. , H. I. & P. Ry. , east. . 4 U. , R. I. & P. Ry. , west. . 3 ' Total receipts .1 133 13 2 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows , each buyer purchasing Ihe number of head Indlcnlcd : Ituycrs. Cattle. HOB * . Sheep. Onmlm Packing Co 7S Ml a. H. Hammond Co 240 133 Swift nnd Company 735 33 Cinlnhy Packing Co 1.123 1 32C R. llccker .t Degan 1,18S . . . J. L. Carey S18 W. I. Stephens 623 . . . Hill A- Lewis Co 3G1 llenlon & Underwood 121 . . . Huston ft Co SB Huss 42 Hamilton 3S'J Dennis 417 Other buyers GTO 311 leftover 200 . . . . . . _ Totals C,4M 1.104 GST CATTLE-The receipts of cattle were the larg est of nny day since Wednesday , but none too huge lo meet Ihe requlicmentB of Ihe market had the callle all been of the rlsht kind Un fortunately a considerable ptoportuin of < hc re ceipts consisted of roiiRb nnd nenvy westerns which were neither good beef nor feeders. About a dozen lo.ids of cornfed beeves were Included nmonK the receipts nnd the market on such opened early and slrong to lOc hlglicr. The trade was active and everylhliiB * ol I early. Out- hunch of 1,433-pound cornfed wci'lcrim sold nt J5.05 , while the bulk of all the eornfed entile ol.l . went al J4.75iifi.00. Quite a uood many cows and hclferu were of fered on the market. Values on cow stuff have been hlgb on account of the very good pack ing house demand , coupled with free buying on the part of feeders. Today the feeders Kcner- ally kept away from the cow pens nnd the natural result was an easier reeling In the mar ket. The prices pnld. however , could not be quoted much dllTeiciit from Saturday. The supply of fecdem on sale was laiBe nnd Ihe yards were full of course and heavy weslern cnlllc. The market on desirable kinds was fully sleady and the supply of KUch. whit h was small , was soon exhausted. Rough nnd heavy cattle by renHon of the laiKe offerings nnd limited demand were weak to lOe lower and rather slow talc nt the decline. Representative pales : NATIVES. ItEEF STEERS. No. Av. Tr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. 1. . . .1230 $4 00 18..1215 Jl S3 62. . . .1435 J3 CB . .1221 4 ' 19..1342 0 00 32. . . .1170 4 E3 . .1331 4 SO COWS. .970 235 2..1323 400 2..1010 260 .1010 2 GO 1..1240 275 1..9rO 29) .10SO 300 1..1KV ) 300 I. . . . Ml 203 , .1400 3 F.O 3..1086 2 C5 1. . . . SSO 2 75 . ! > 73 3 15 1..1370 4 15 HEIFERS. L. . . 670 3 23 2. . . . fJ5 3 23 HULLS. 1..12.V ) 250 1..1300 2 CO 1..WO 2 SI 1..1200 2 63 1 550 325 2..1010 SCO 5..1122 3 10 , 1. . . . 760 3 25 CALVES. L. . . 210 3 75 STOCKEUS AND FEEDERS. , CI5 10 ( ISO 4 no IS. . . . 961 4 03 , GSO 3 30 12. . . . SSS 3 CO WESTERNS. WYOMING. No. Av I'r. No. Av. Pr. 1 bull 1520 J2 < 5 2 cows 550 J2 50 19 cows Mf2 3 10 1 heifer 42) ) 3 25 II cow. 1K9 3 40 17 feeders. . . .1210 3 10 5 built .12T6 2 45 77 helferu. . . . . 23 3 23 1 cow MO I 50 9 feeders. . . .1201 3 75 r,0 cows ffS 2 73 . .1242 3 R3 143 cows 111S 3 II ) 227 i . . . . ! I40 4 00 41 tiu. Te.\.10SG 3 13 14 sirs. Tex..liKG 3 15 14 cows 1020 3 fO 1 lalllntr 1120 3 00 1 tolling..UfO 3 CO S tailings..115S 3 10 28 cows 1022 3 15 1 flag. 1140 3 23 3 tailings..1190 3 2.1 54 cows 1031 ! 3 43 5 cows 1034 2 r.O 2 bull ? 1333 2 50 115 c < , ws 1034 3 CO 9 cows 1041 3 CO 1 tailing 1340 3 00 1 lulling 1230 3 00 1 tailing. . , .1140 3 00 2 cows 11G5 3 0.1 . 2 tailings. , .iro5 , 3 33 20 sleerH 1119 345 35 hirers. . . .1085 3 55 4 SIMTS 1202 3 tO 1 feeder 1120 3 f.1 1 feeder 1200 3 fi.1 1 fiodcr UOO 3 CS 25 slcers KC7 3 75 111 feeders..12112 4 CS Hi feeders..1IS2 4 15 1 hilfer. 520 3 23 152 cows 1&24 3 2 > 24 ? feeders. . . 1213 3 75 2 tailings. . . .129i 33.1 5 feedeis. . .1312 3 S5 1 feeder 950 3 K 7 feeder. . 3 K 1 feeder 1230 3 83 SOI'TH DA KOTA 23 feeders. . 1137 3 fO 20 feeders. . . .1293 3 CO 1 feeder. . . .13.-0 3 55 1 feeder. . . . .1000 X 73 87 ffeders. . 3 75 2.1 feedeiH. . . .1072 3 S3 IRS feeilcrs..H'I'4 3 40 91 feeders..if94 4 10 2 Utilities. . . .1115 3 50 122 feeders..1131 4 5) T.2 feedtrs..107D S 33 ; vt feeders. . .123.1 3 50 10 tailings..Ill I 3 25 42 fee.lcrH . , . .12.-.S 3 30 87 fcednrs..1IR9 375 21 feedefH..1072 3 SO 23 feeders..1137 3 f-0 S3 tailings..1219 303 1 cow 92i ) 3 00 S cow.1 ! I8 , > 3 30 2.1 tailings. . . .1160 323 20 lalllngH..llSI 323 5 tailings. . . . 90 2 SI C3 fenders..1038 3 33 14 mlllncs. . . .irx:2 : 3 40 22 feeders..llffi 3 61 22lnlllng3..1193 3 r,5 17 fee.lern..ll49 . 3 G'I 19 feeders..1131 .1 C5 49 feeders..1074 3 50 33 feeders. . . .1143 3 ( : MONTANA. 91 feeders , . .1277 3 C6 23 COWS . 1049 3 ? 1 1 calf . , . 310 2 [ 0 1 calf . 250 3 50 0 cows 942 2 ! W 1 calf . 220 4 CO 2R feeders. . . . 1321 3 fO 9G steers 1372 3 70 30 steers I3GO 3 50 1 hull . 11CO 2 23 401 sirs. Tex..107"i 3 C3 9 bulls . 1312 2 00 1 feeder fiPO 3 90 170 cows . d'4 3 00 207 feeders..lOSi ! 3 90 13 tailings. . . .11(0 3 40 42 feeders..1017 4 CO 14 feeders. . . . 693 3 CO COUTAH. UTAH. 21 cows . ! 'ST 2 CO 99 cows 943 2 SO IDAHO. 1 cow . 930 2 50 ' G cows 9C0 2 50 2 bulls . 1340 2 50 1 bull 1 ! 0 2 C5 SI feeders. . . .1218 3 C5 1 tailing 1250 49 cows . 10.M 2 90 G cows 1015 3 00 1 cow . 700 3 00 1 cow 1120 3 10 9 cows . 10GI 3 10 1 cow 730 2 f.5 1 lulling . 12M 3 00 IIS heifers S49 3 3.1 1 cow . t > 70 2 83 3 heifers. . . . MW 3 25 8 feeders. . . . K7fi 3 f.O 2 tailings. , . . 975 3 10 5 tailings. . . . IM4 3 25 R tailings. , . .1000 3 35 Uit feeders . .12911 3 a 90 feeders. , 3 70 15 fieders. . . .l270 3 TO 195 feeders. , . .1270 3 90 74 feeders. 4 10 NORTH DAKOTA. 20 feeders. . SO 3 75 lions With only flflren earn on sale It was hardly to be expected Dial them would be any lelutllon In values , but the inuiket was 5c lower just the same. The cause for Ihe decline was l'n > lower provision market Saturday and , the heivy recolpls and lower prices for live hoga tills mnrnliu ; at Chicago. The few loads heie wt-re all sold and weighed up early. One load of good light weights fold up to (3.90 while the lienvy and ml MM hinds cold at J3.70ffl3.60. The average of all the sales wc'i 3T > c lower than Saturday's average prl c. Hcprercntnllvc calea : No , Av. Kh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. 41 CCl . . . 1370 63 316 SCO 3 77's ' 43 ' . . .306 40 3 70 CO 2CG 10 to 3ns 3 70 7G 2C3 3 K > f,3 287 SO 3 75 CO 237 3 1.0 SOM 49 270 M 3 75 C4 231 3 80 10 241 3 75 . , . , , . . . 3 1-0 If SSO 3 73 CS 23G 7U 202 120 3 77'i 63 , 819 390 120to 43 1191 to 3 77'i i'ias-oiDH AND INDS. : 1 310 . . . 2 25 n 310 3 70 K S2S . . . 3 I 'J90 3 70 3 335 . . . 3 Co C . .220 S 75 4 342 . . . 3 C3 7 IUI 3 7n 4 302 . . . 3 f3 5 516 3 73 3 260 . . . 315 4 217 3 7S G 3i5 ( . . . 365 S 210 3 77'i 2 HO . . . 3 C3 C 2 l 3 J7ti 2 410 . . . 3 C5 ' . HHHKP There uric two double decks of sh < cp hero which told ut 1'ood stiong prices. Itepru- ftnlutlve tales : No. Av I'r. C47 Utah lambs and yearlings CC J4 W NHW VOHK. Sepl. 27. HKivi-H-Iter lpt > . 3,470 head ; native steers , ! 4.rJ'u5.30 ; utuKS and nxen , i : .Wi/.W ; bulls. Jl'.SiX30 | ; dry COWH. Jl 75 3.23. Kuropeun cqlileu tpiotu American eleeni ut IKtlHtc ; lefrlgeiutor beef , 84/9'vc. / No ox- Ilfcelpts , 1.CC2 head : veals , > 3.001jS 00. KraixiTH and bultrrmllks. (3.COi(4.00. sIIKii' ) ANI > I.AMIIS-lteceTpts , 17,130 head , heep. JJ.f'J'u l.iJ ; lambs , 5.Wi6.12ii. 11,791 head , linn at JI.Ci-4il.lO , IJunt HufTiilii Mrv BAST mil'l'Alja. Sept. . - . - . fat steers , J5.15S0.33 ; fat medium to heavy , 14. U (76.M ; coart roughs , (3.004(4.03 ; mled butchers , J3.DOK4.15 ; good cowi , J3.7iUl.lU ; fancy mllkem , (4.C01i4.65i prime to extra vcaln. | 3.C6Ut.03. HOUa-Oood to cholcu yorker * . Jl. 40-34. 45 , mixed packtm' tradcj , J.t-2a4. i medium w lfbl . | l.r.a44A , heavy , JI.SOIM.40 ; rouch * , . . . . . I.AMHS Ve.nllnR . eholfi ; tn pilme , J . MT4iOj culls nnd rnmrnun. (3.eW4.iXi ) native lambs , cholcs to extra. J5.735f6.SO ; fair to good , (5.40 05-.5 ; cuiu , ji.zjfi.v : : . SHKii'-Cholc ti Jelectfd wethers , l.75ftl.9fl : fnlr to choli-e. H.2ST4.M ; culls , > 2.7r.a4.W ; export sheep. (3.85ff4.fpO. _ ClItr.VRO I.IVIJ STOCK MAUICKT. y ( 'nttlo .Vciik llonvy HOK n Illnio Ioivr > r .SliprpVonk. . CHIPAOO , Sepl. 27. There was n good demand for desirable lots of cattle , prices for which were well maintained , but fome weakness was shown by cattle of ordinary quality , too many droves of the kind being offered on the market. Sales were on n ba l * of from (3.90 to J4.03 for common to prime native beef steers , with bulk of transactions nt from J4.GO to 13.20. The Mocker nnd feeder trade was active , with mles largely of western range entile. Snles ranged nil the way from (3 M to (3.75 for ordinal y Mockers and from (4. " 3 to ( l.fiO for good to prime feeders. Cone , heifers and bulls failed to thow any particular change nnd calves were active nnd llrm. Hog quotations wefo largely C.S110C lower to day , heavy packeri weakening inoM. lluyer * took hold actively at the decline nnd the supply was largely- disposed of nt an early hour , the hulk of the offerings crossing the scales at from J3.SO to (4.10. Hogs old nt the extreme range of from (3.00 to II. CO and llxht weights sold hrltkly , there bclnc a lively demand from eastern ship pers. Offerings of sheep and lambs were well taken nnl good were mostly steady , other Kinds sellIng - Ing In some Instances lOc per 100 poundi lower. Native sheep wete salable nt from (2.23 to (2.73 for the poorest up to from (4.00 to (4.J5 for choice to extra , nnd western range flocks were wanted at from tt.OO to (4.10. feeders being free buyers nt from (3 W ) to (3.7f > nnd In some cares at from ( J.fO to (3.90. The lamb trnde was active nt from (1.23 to JI.SO for common up to from (3.50 to (3,83 for choice to prime , choice western lambs fetching from (5.25 to ( " . .50. Hecelpts : Cattle. 21,000 head ) hogs , 33,000 head ; sheep , 25.CCO head. St. loiil MviStocOc. . ST. T-Ot'lS. Sept. 27.--rATTI.V-ltecelpls. 7,000 head : shipments , ' ' 00 head ; market , steady on liesl ; t-hnde lower on other grades : fnlr to choice native shipping nnd export steers. ( I.I3JT3.40. bulk of sales. ? I.Klf5.:0 ; diessed beef nnd butcher steers. J1.73JN.90. bulk of pale $4.4H5r4.73 : steers under 1.000 pounds. $3.735r4.C3. bulk of sales. ( I CO { f 1.43 ; stockurs nnd feeders. (2.C05T4 43 , hulk nf ales. 3.3-H74.00 ; cows nnd heifers. J2 OOHTLfO. Hulk of cows. J2.ff , 3.23 : canning cows. l.r 0.40 ! ; T , xns , ind Indian steers , J2.COT4.83 ; cows nnd belters , J2.3PfT3.43. 11OC.S llccelptn , 5,000 head : shipments , 3.000 head : inaihct 5c lower : lleht , $4.:0tft.25 ; mixed , J3.COSi4 13 ; heavy , (3.91ri.:3. SlllJRP llcctlpts , 2000 head ; shipments 2 000 head ; market strong ; nntlvc millions. J3.001T3.S3 ; culls and biirl ! . | 1.CO ? 2.75 ; slockcrs , 12.7583.00 ; lambs , J3.75ff3.33. IVHIIMHH City StiH-Ic. KANSAS CITY , Pcpl. 27. CATTMIJecellitR. : . 11,0110 head ; besl grades fteadv : nthers MTlflo lower ; Texas steers. (2 Plff4 0 > t ; Te\a cows , $20' 573.25 ; native sli-crs , J4.COIT3 25 : native cows nnd heifers , tl.7nff3.ri1 : stockers nnd feeders , J2.COB1 4.40 ; bulls. (2.00(83.50. ( HOOK necelpts , 3,00(1 ( head : market weak to rc , lower : bulk of snlet. I3.2.HM P2H ; heavlen. ! 3.7VSJ.1.93 ; packers. (3.7663 N : mixed. J3.iOff4.00 : Until , t3.73W4.00 ; Yorkers , J3.935J 1.0.1 ; pigs , | 3.00f 3.GO. 3.GO.SIIKHr Iterelpts , 7,000 head : rrarket 100 lower ; lanibx , (3.GJ05.25 : mutlnns. J'.Mfra.AQ. Clllfllllllltl IIVI > ( < H'lC. CINCINNATI , Sept. 27. HOOS Active at (3.23 dr4.33. CATTI.K-Stendy nt ( . HHKKP Steady at J2.23ff4.0 . I imbs. steady nt StockIn Record of receipts of live stock at the four principal markets for September 27 : Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Omnha . . . G,7I4 1.051 Chicago . : . . .21. ( XV ) 36000 Kamns City . 11.000 3,000 St. I * ils . .OOO 5,000 Totals . 43,711 41.030 34.C4G I/3NHON. Sept. 27. HURT SITOAIl September , Ss3d : O.'tnber. Sn 3d. NKW YOHIC. Sept. 27. SfOAH Haw. firm ; fair refining , 3 ; centrifugal , 9C test. 3 11-lCc. Kellned , film ; standard A. 5c ; c.mfcctloneis' A , Re : crushed , 5c ; powdered , 5c ; grnnulntcd , 5Uc. 5Uc.NKW OHI.nANS. Sept. 27. SIT ! \ -Oulet : open kettle. 2'if3 | c : centrifugal grnnnlateil , 4',4 JTIiiKiiwhites. ; . 3 13 lGi4 3-lGc : yellow , 3'404c ; seconds , 2Q3iic. Cnllforiilii IJrle.l Fmltn. NI5W YOHK , Sept. 27. CAIdTOHNIA DllIKD KIIUITS Klrm ; evaporated apples , prime wire Ilnttor KI.C.IN. 111. . Sept. 27. m'TTKll-KIrm : offer- Incs , 107 tubs ; sales , 67 tubs nt 22c ; 20 tuba nt 22'ic. ' OIHclal price , 22c. KnII Itlvcr I'rliit Clnth IJirUef. TAI.I > niVBIl , Mass. . Sept. 27. The print cloth market Is quiet at 2c. nominal. ( Oil O. 'Written Onnriinten tn WllR F.VEKY CASK or SIO.VEV iiiri'.viiii . Our cure Is pernmacnt nd not it patching up. Caseo tieatc'd tenjeaiitcgo hoe no el heen ti * ) lu ) > ton tiiiec. Hy iles'-TlbingyoarcHKe fully wecMi tn-nt j on by until. niulcghc 1)10 ) t-aniehtioiiggiiuininec locuicoricliuul ull money. Those who nuleito come licie tor trent- invnt ciinilowanil we will iiay lalllond luiu bt-lli aji > nml hotel Lilli while ficre If e lull I" cine. Weclial- knk'c-1 Hie world ttiracutc tlmt cui Single KCeuifuy will njtcino. Willelor lull | iaillcutni and etl the e Mftaee. Weknow that jouniet.kipllrnl. jHMly totno. ns the most eminent phtlcfiui * > liuvo ticker been able 10 giro nioin Ihan triiipoiarr uliel. In our lcnjalb piocllce with thl .IIKC ! Iti-incilj- lias been mo l illllU'ull loovcicome thw prcJuuticsngHlii ! > t nil * o calico ki.orlncf. Hut under our Uiong i/na'.ontce jon i-huulii not hivltatc to try trlii icmeilj. Vim lake no chance ol losing jour money. Wo Kii.'ii&nu-o to cuic or refund cveiv dollar und us wo ha\o a reptitallnn to pioleul. nlfo'linnneiiU bucking of b53 < > OUOU , It 1 iierfectlj tafclonll whunlll try I ho liiuilucnt. llcietofuiujou Imie bi-cn putting up rind pnj Ing out your money foi ( IlircmiiliraiiiirnUanilaltuoiiKli ; > 'on ale not jcteuieu no onu ha : * pnld Lark your inuney. Da nol waslc nny liiou- money nnlll jciu liy us. Olil.chionlc. deep-rented cases cuie.1 In tlilny lo ninety ilayn. InvecllKolo > m llnam-Jnl slamllng , our icpiitallon niminmi \ men. \Vilto u for names und aUdlroMM of thobu wo have cured , who have given pennlMlon to reler to then. 11 fo tn > oil CJM | > inuloire loclii nils : It nlll Mivejotn worid offciilleitng from menial attain t mil If > oui re mauled xvhat may your nfffprlng f > ulfer Ihrtnigh VLtir ownncullirenc'e ! IfjourcyinploiniiuroplniplMi'n lnco , soru thrcial. mueouii nalcheti In muullt , rht-iimatlMn in bone' and inlntb , falling oul eruplloM on any pat tot , If ding of irircinidcii | en-Ion. paln ln head or bont'd , you have no time lo witMc. Thoteulio nro ruli-'lantly taking llicicury and potat-ll should dlft- cuntlnuult. ConManl IIKU of Ihrxe drugs will ruirly bilngbuicHnnd vutlnir uk-cri. In the end. Dun't tail lo write. All coriGMiondencu n-nt naled In plnln tnvel- opi-H. Wo Invite llio inoi-t rigid Invccligallon aiiawll' du all In uur pox er lo aid you In II , Addicts , COOK GO , . 'x.hicago ' ! III Kearles & Searles Sl'HCIALlSTin Ktrvous , Clironi ; null Privave Disease SEXUAL ! , > ' . Alirrl\uU'I > lsruini ADmonlrrmif Mim Treatment lij-ill.u1 L'oni.iillatloii I'rua , SYPHILIS Cured for lira and tU poison ihoioughly uman e ( , finiu llio yiem. tpeiinatorinc-a , tic-mliiul Weakness. Lait Uari > huoO , Nlulu ; inu IOii , Decajea Faculllei. Kt. male We itn rk und all ucncutg dUorderii u > -l liar iu eltn'.r rex positively cuieu. I''J FlSTl'LA .nu HECTAI. ULCERS HVUjfj CELEa AND VARICOCELB per'iiancr.ily . and ( rrrksfnlir curen. Methoi n'w and unfalllnf Stricture and GleetuK ! tiy nnv method without pain or cuttlnjc. Otll nn or odtlrrM with itamp , DR. Me GREW IBIIIK O.SLT SPECIALIST VrnO TBUAT8 ALL Private Diseases UtsvVaiod UU rdtr of MEN ONLY 00 Ynnra Utporlenc.o. 10 Yearn iuUiimha. Rook Frca. Cousulta- tiiio Free , Iloz TG6 , or 14th and Fa mam Bti , OMAHA. Nii- JAMES E. BOYl&Ca Tclcplionc 1030. Onialia , Neb. -COMMISSION GRAIN : PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS I I10AHD OK TIIAUK. Dlrc ( wire * to Cldcsro and Ne r York. A CaiMoad of Gold "If you dumped a cnrMoiul of ROM nt my fret tt would not bring1 such joy and gladness FREE Into my life. " Sovrltes n prominent man aflor TO ALL tiling the method of self'trcatmcnl that > mR reitorei ) so ninny men MEN who had been wrecked by excesses , over-work or evil habits of youth. A little book tlmt mites It nil plnln mny behnd wlthoiitchRrgo by writing THE EnE ) MEDICAL CO. , 64 Nlnpnrn St. , UufTnlo , N. V. No C. O. I ) , scheme j no patent medicines Just the book under plain letter sen ) . Hoffleiidusries nt he Vnl- l-'iu'torlr . AWN1NUS AND T13NTS. O.11A11.V TICNT AM ) ItUIIIIKIt CO. ( Succetcors Onmlm Tent and Awning Co. ) Manufacturers tents , iinnlngs. Jobber * ladle * ' and Rents' mackintoshes. 'fcnl for rent. 1SH l-'atiiani St. , Omaha. OMAHA lllti\\'I.\C ASM1OI.VTION. Car load shipments made In our own eratoi cars , lllue Itlbbon. Kllle Uxport , ICxport nnd Tamlly Usport delivered tn all of the ctly. nmcK. \vri'iiMii , ititos. . s.nrru co. ravlnu. Sewer nnd Ilultdlng llltICK , Capacity , 100.000 per day. Olllce nnd yard. S2d nnd Hickory Sts. Telephone 425 , Omaha , Neb. CUHN1C1WOHKS , O. K. KI'KNirrKll. I-A < ; I.I : conviciVOUKS. . MiiiuifneitiRr "f Dalvanlzed lion Cornices , Oa'- vunlzed Iron Skylights. Tin , Iron and Slnls Hooflns. Agcnl for Klnnenr's Sttei Celling. 10S-10-12 Norlb Eleventh strccl. CHACKKK PACTOJIIKS. AMHIIICAX IIISC'l'IT AM ) MI-'O. CO. , Wholesale Crnclcr Jlanufneturcrs , OMAHA , Nth. DYi : WOHKS. SUIIOIiDSACIC'S TWI.V CITY IYB \VOllKS , l.- . ' l riiriuiiii St. Dyeing and cleaning of garments nnd goods of every des > ciipllon. Clumlng of fine Kiirmcnts a rpeclHlly. FU3UH MIM S. S. OILMAN , Flour , Meal , Teed nnd Ilrnn , 1013-15-17 North 17th Street , Omaha , Neb. C. K. IJIack. manager. Telephone 092. IKON WORKS. DAVIS A cow < ; ni ; , nto.ivomcs. . Iriin mid UriiKH I Mnnufnciiircrs and Jobbers of JIachlnery. Qcn- < rnl repairing a hpeclall.x. 1501 , 1503 and 1501 Jackson streel. Oiuann Neb. I'AXTO.V .t VIKIlMXa lltO.V AVO11KS. Manufacturers of Archllecturnl Iron Work. General roundrj- . Machine and Illncksmllh work. EiiKlneers in-1 Contractors fur Flic I'roof Build ings. Olllce and works : U. P. Hy. and South 17lh street. Omaha. UNSHED Oil * WOODMAN I.I.N.SKHI ) Oil. AVOHKS. Manufacturers old process raw linseed oil. kettle boiled Unseed oil , old process ground lln- reed cake , gr-jund and screened flaxsced far druggists. OMAHA. NBH. IXUNOE.S ) MATTHKRSES. i. . c ; . Dour. Manufacturer I oungcs , Couches , Alattreeses. Jobber of Spring Ileds and Feathers. 1307-11 Nicholas Eire it. OMAHA IIHDDING CO. Manufacturers of high- grade Mattresses , 1302-S Nicholas Street , Omaha. OVEHAI..I. AND SHIRT FACTORIES. KAT/-NHVKN.S CO.MI'ANV. Mfgrs. Clothing , Punts. Shirts nnd Overalls. OMAHA , NEC. 6H1HT FACTORIES. .1. II. HVANS. MCIIUASICA SII1IIT COMPANY. Exclusive custom .hrt ! tailors. 1C15 Farnam. TINWARE. WKSTKHX TIXWAIII3 COMI'AXY , ricced , Slnmped and Japanned Tinware , Qran * lie Iron , Hollow Wnre , clc. 1003 Farnam St. OMAHANEH. VINEGAR AND PICKLES. IIAAItMANX VIXI3CAH CO. , Manaufaclurcra of Vinegar. Pickles , Catsupi , Mustardo , Celery and Worcestenhlre Sauce. WAGONS ANU CARRIAQES. \VIM , I ri IOIKI'-IOH. For a good eulmtantlal vehicle of any descrip tion , for repainting or rubber tires on new or old wheels , the best place Is 27'.h und leavenwortn s tree in. ' rc co. Cheap , medium priced nnd lony contuse * . Any Ihlng you want , second hand or new. Headquarters fur Rubber llrcK. warranlcd. IStb and Hartley , opposite Court House , A. .1. SIMl'KO.V. " Ml ( ! > , MM Doilci. . Full line of Cai rinses , Uuggles , riiaetoni. Pen Carts. Wheel * rubber tiled. The best IB tht ch'rpent. CIO AH MANITFACTURKHS. iiivvi ; A co. Ijirgest In Hieenl. . leading Jobbera of Onmlm , Lincoln nml Kunenu city handle our toods , Omaha , Neb. CHRISTIE-STREET ION CO. StocksGrain and Provisions , Ilooin 1J1 j.'J Iliiiu-n of Trillin Illilif. ( Tel. 1U35. ) r BTHiWB . . . . . .Preside , , ! n''v , . iv'ijviV\- ! , ? . , ' " iVico Brrrqtary Prcaldenl navld T. ncBlB , prest. No 3627. F. I > . Ni'al.Vlcc I'rew iriilonalloual Clias. II , V. Lewis , Cailt. Capllal , JCOO.OOO. KANHAR CITT , Mo. , April ti 1SJ7 ( Dlctatca. ) CHAHLE8 H. V. LEWIH C-5ler. ! iVlADE : ME A MAN CUHIJ eihorsirt ln Oraaba Jain" : t. Kuba & 'co. , Utu nd Oouilat etrtiUb