THE OMAHA DAILY liEEs MOfcTODAY , SEPTEMBER 27 , J897 , SPECIAL NOTICES AilKTtlrcniditN fur tin-up column * Trill In * lulif.i until 1in. . for the nnil until 8t. . in. for the mill Suniliiy cilltlonn. Ail * t-rtlni'i , li > rriUfMtliin | n num. In-red rliiM'k , can lime HUNT * I'm nil- < Ir-NMi-il t'i n nntiilK-riMl Idler In cure tit 'Hit' lice , \HNvvrrN MO nililrrnnoil Mill Inilillv crcd on pi t-M-iiliillon of tlir clii-Hc on ! ) . Union , I 1-Uc n Moril llrst Insertion ) lo n vviml tlicrru MIT. .Nolliliitt taken for loan tlillll 'Mo ( or I lie llrnt Inner * tlun , Tlii-n < > mlvrllxfiii < 'iilK immt lie run roiinri-iillv ! > . U AVrEISri I'A'I IONS. tVANTLU , T1MI5 COPV. Clfu I I.Ml LET- tern written , envelope nddreiued and nianu- KCrlpt copied at reasonable terms A ldre " F C8 lien oITlcc A M58S 20 * . HITUATION' v nxi'i'iui'Sct * ! coachman , nntUc of Denmark I'or full In fnrtnntlon Inquire Jorcenii > n' clitnr Mnre. Iu3 B lath M A-.M3J3 27- LOCATION \VANTii > HY AN 13X1 IMtlKNVUU graduate In medicine , well nunlllleil ami rmo line lllirniy and Instrument * . Ail Irrxs Doctor , box C3 , rnll City. Nib A-MC.5 ! 7 w \vriiiM M.I : iiui.r. CANVASSnilHTOTAKF. ORDI'RH , NUV.V LINK ot work ; no heavy gooilti to carry ; unlary or commission C. 1' . Adams Co , 531 Ho. ICtli St BALK8MI3N FOR CIOAIIfi , J123 A MONTH AND expciifeii i > ld llrr.i , expur ! " nc ui ncce nr > . In ducements In euatointls. t . C. * Co , Si , 1-ouln 11 < U HEN AND WOMK.V SOLICITOR1 * FOR T11H National Roirvp association. the- best , safest nml noundeitt fraternal order In the Hold today AddrenH 1 A C Htcvcns , nil N 18th HI . Omaha 11-417 WANTI'J ) MKi'HANIr-AL DIlAt'OH ' PHMAN , capable of preparing pitent olllci > ilri\\lnc Ap ply nt tiineu of hues & CD , llei building Oiraiha. 11 M322 Ol WANTI3D HONEST MI'N TO Ilii'UIMI3NT H wholesale i iRiir manufacturing linn , no ex- perlenco necc > Mirs AcMtixs , "Noilh Pole" ClRar Co , Chicago. Ill II-M3 J 27 WANTBH i.AttcmniiH rou HXTRA OV.NO work In Snnlli | ) ikntn nnd 2 cooks Kramer & O Honin , llth iiiul Fnrniun 11 MHO 27 * AN ixi'iiiNni : > HOY TO cAnn for horse nnil lawn Adliess Room l"i Houslns Hloclt 11-300 15 \VASTI3I ) 1011 II YOl'NO MI3N TO SOLICIT Pill lirtween 6 and S n in Silurdu. " 10 N ISth Bt 11-1J7 23 \v ivrnn - w ouius rou AM. KINDS or1 WORK , ti TO } 7 week ( .iinndlili O1IILV.1S22 DciiKlns C 8 WANTUD I\IMUIINCI : : : COOK , isi nouo- Hs C-M27S WANT' ! ) \ r.iKi , rou o NriiAi , nonsn- work Uef' rcncos Kuuirtd Apph 4H Nurth 20th SI C-MJ52 2S WAN'TI'I ) I.ADY On OnVTI.HM VN OP OOOI ) mlilre * * to work on mlmy Adclicsi M W Ilee tlllce rouncll Hluffs In O M152 27 WANTnti aoou ( Sim , rou OINIIIAI. : liolisiwoik nmall fnmll > 3 > 17 in\tnpnrl nt < J33 > run \ \ r.ruousis. . HOI SIJS IN AM. I'AIUS OP Till ! CITY THfi O 1' UiiMt Ooni | > nn > , 1505 rnriinm D 11J 1101 sr.s , IIUNAUA .t co. 103 N 11111 ST. HOI srs corTAcns . siourtt. . of ilti llrcnmn , I/o\o to.iO , I'nMon Illoclt i vnan LIST M'CAc.m : rinND "nonon HOI MH. PLATS CJAUVIN nuos , PAU-M D 42C iior.srs ion nn.s'T , nr.Mis , I-A VION IH.K iiousrs. J n snnnwoon 4.3 N v i > irn SPANronn cinct.n rorTAors n ROOMS s AV cor nth nnd Vlntnn llneit loi-ntlnn In rltr for buslno-s men of Oinnlm and boiilh Omalm. rrnta model nto ZOI Ilee ImlldlnB rou iiKNT , cuoici : 12-tsoov niodi-m house Iiriulre 254S Capitol a'.jjnu * MOVINO iiotTsuiioi.n noop AND PIANOS Om Van K Stnrire Co , 151 H4 Pirnnm TH 1W9 STOHES r n WIJVD IB .1 none D 3 3 H-29 \VIM.tAMSON , COI nin D-C50 - Monr.iiN noimn AND nAUN IN coml icpilr nnd ccntrnlly loiitcil John \V lloblilns aRfnt. 1S02 r.irnnm -M277 SIX KOOM MODKltN Pl.\l 1112O UTIt D 210 21) ' ruuNisiiPD noiisn AtonnnN 8 ROOMS , nK llnlsh choice Iniiitlm Piirnim inr line , nlih irooil barn $4" < M pei month Pldcllty Tru t Conipins. Hist MJOI New York Life Hide D M300 BIX UOOM'rOTTAni : ALSO ! rooms , all modern. 2121 Miami at 2I NO TsTlTsT . > ROOMS MODERN PIRST- clasii I'oml Imrn. onlv J20 00 Omilm R Rl l-a lnt < and Tru t Co . JU HT ISIh at. D-334 2312 CAI.DWI-M , ST O 32 O 1 FOR REXT 7-ROOM rorTAOF MODFRN' , 172" Ocorwln avenue A Inn one 0 room home modem. 6IS S Jiith nv. > Applv to F n lirown nt Treasurers oillce , Union Picllle Rv AN nr.rTcvn ! II-ROOM XIODIRN iiiiinc ilvvelllnR with hot water h ntlm ; plant r < o 2I.U . rnri Ht III ) Apply to W 11 MelUle 1st Nail Kink lildir _ ! ilJl9Jl. noi'Sf-1 not'si'.s1 ' imFHi1 ; * ' ORI\T : DK- mnnil f i Imilfpf VVhn Inn nny for rent ? list name with me Rentali a iveeliilt > T II Sherwood 2 N VLjt > iLMML glRoo-ii iinnmiN IIFTrni.n nou'sn NF.AR Ilanseoni PnrU vacant Oc tnlier 1 Prlee * 25 J II Sliirvvmcl. | 2 N. Y Life D M385 riToOM HIT \IMlT-tl 1IOF8F C1PY WATER liallu I'arn , Prlci US J II Shervviio.1 4 : : A LL O R PUIT OF 10 ROOM FFllN'ISHED modern limme , cluap to right p-irlic-f Inciulre no n : oni U-MF.I : < roil ur > TKijii\iSinn UODMS. ROOMS , is & se 020 s IOTH STREP.T. E390S 23' PLEArUVNT HOQMS. 1511 1 > OUOEEMOO E-MOO QIC * BOllTlI llOOvm CAPITOL A VI3 13 M2I1 27 PURNISIinD ROOM , 2017 HAHNEY STREET. K 2i > 3 28 * " HOOMS 1C1S CALIPOItNL\ E7o o : : NICELY riWSIHHED ROOMS 118 N 2CrirST E-M315S7- _ fTEwTiY PURNISHED HOOMS 2J09 DODOE E-M310 01 _ FOUR 31OOMS , B.4 SO 26111 AVES'IIE E 337 Ol sT'lTE OKROOMS * KTT'HIVATE rTJTlLY 224 No. Wth E-MI3I 01- ri iiMsnr.i ) HOOMS AMI iiovmi. HTUAM HEATii : > ROOMS WITH IIOVHU. SCO ) llariuy. F S3VO-11' FIRST-CLASS HOARDAMI ROOM3 1IOT water he it. ue t location In Ilia city 21 ! B 13Uc St. F-7M LARC1E SOt'TH & EAST FRONT ROOM WITH ulcove , Jt < S DoiiLai. | F (18 I.ARQI13 SOUTH FRONT ROOM FOR TWOJ other room * ; good board Tie Itnce , ZfllO lUr lify. F Mt9 NU'i : ROOMS \ \ TII'nbAnn" UN UIXNEY BT MODERN RIllfK ROOMS AND UOARI ) . 1 53 up ill Nortlil9lh _ F ? & ? * FtlRNlSHEt ) ROOM ANI > RO Ulf > NEAR Hun c < Mii Park , meidern hcu r ; private family , Addrena U 26. H.e. F-M3M THH LOWEST POMSint.K RATES AND THE teit fart A home Sherman me. ear puaiei door every clvht mlnulti Newly furnlnhed , new mmiagement , ml Join F.xi > o ltlon Hara * toga Hotel KNTKIITAINS lit Kile-kin F-MI18O2 NIl'KLY I'UJTNIHIIED FRONT ROOMS WHH txiird. S015 IJuuiila * . V- MUD tlr > rou nn.NT t MMiiMsiinn ROOMS. ONE LVROB UNPuilNISiFED FRONTllOON7 1S1I C s O- " > S roii IUNTSIOHIS nrricns FOR RENT-DESK ROOM IN GROUND olllce , Ilee biilldlns , water. ftam he t. rlectrio USht and jmltor T\- . At ply to II W Uaker , supcrlntendtfll life butldlns 1 187 foil RE.ST-THE 4 STORY MIUCK 11U1LDINO ftl S18 Parnnm t Tils ImlldlnR has n nr prool cement basement , ci inplete steam heating fix tures , water on nil floors , Ras , tic. Apply at the odlce of The Ilee 1-510 FOH RENT-IN THE HEE llUILDINOt one large corner room 8nd lloor , with vault and private ofllcn water , etc One larite front ro < im. 2nd floor , divided Into two riionn > jy pirtltlon , water , etc On i larne corner room , 2nd floor , with vault , water etc One front room , divided by partition , thlnl floor. One corner room with viult third floor One lorse room third floor with pirlllton divid ing It Into one larne room and two smaller private rooms water etc T o larRo Rround Hoer rooms with vaults Sernl small looms on fourth Moor with -vaults All these rooms are heated with steam cleetrlc llKhts supjllled with first clasn Jinltor f en Ice Elevators run da > nncl nil nlcit llulldlnje sttkth fireproof. Apilytoll W. Ilak r. Super. Intendent , Room 101 Heft IliilldtnB I 19S WANTI3U. AOKNTR , II * YOU ARE OUT 1011 MONEY don't fall In Investigate our line of popular priced cameras , greatest nlllnu agents' line on the market ' one aient rrnde J400 profit In one month : our asenti all make money wrltfl today for termt nnd sample photORrophs La Crosse Camera Co , ! Crosac , \ \ I' J-M3U 27 * n.x.xi. . ' , AOENTS FOR MARK TWAIN'S new bixik. "Following the Fquntor Tie Sur viving Innocent Abroad" Now rend } for c n- vnf tr ExeluMvo territory Sell * to every body Adclie for nRency nnd territory N n Thompson Pub Co. . bt Loul" . J.M-313 2S WAvrnn TO MODERN HOUSE WITH AI1OUT TEN HOOMS , near Hanscoin Park Address P 19 , Ilee oillce 1C MC < < 8 WANTED TO RENT , A t OR 7-ROOM HOUSE , bith , city water , sag Address S 60 , lleo 1C 4 SI STOii.von. PACIFIC S1OHAGE AND W UlEHOUSE CO , SOS-010 Jones , general storage nnd forwardlm ; M-432 OM VAJt'A STORAGE,13tm FARVAM. TELlGij M (33 \V VNTiiTO HEST PRICE PAID FOR OM MI \ SAVINGS bank nccountx lit luoni OW N. 1 Life llldK N < 3I LIST OF SPECIAL HAROAINS IN HEAL FS late- with F Deid , 16lh nnd DouMtH Mi N 383 E ) SO SECOND-HAND 11ICYCLES. 1M SO UTH N-M9M O7 l A ll PAID I OR LIMITED AMOUNT OF Oinilii SivliiRs bank nccounf II H Harder first lloor New York I.lf bldp N-MJi" 30 WVNIED FOR PV.SII COIt 7 ROOM POTTAGE well located M. J. Kennard .V. bon , 110 llruvvn lllock. .N-10V. 7 WANTFD , A F1RST-CLASS M T OF fixtures , mint bi ? cheap for cash Address I 1C , 11-e N M."J3 JS * HIGIIFST PR1PFS PAID FOR OM MIA SAV- Incs Dink accounts The li > ion Heed Co N-MIM roii h vi.niionsis , AV\CJONS , r/rc. 7 HEAD COWS WAP.ON PANS ROUTE ETC Also 20 acres corn. 12 millet nnd rve c E Etcsett , 4012 bcward , Omaha. 1' M2S4 2S * FOR SALE PARTY LEAVING CITY sell nt biff bargain 3 hordes , harness 3 rubber tired rlRS Address U 14 , rteo. P-2SD-25 FOR S\LI3 HORSE AND 11UGOY Slid ' 'O tSth bt P J9I 23 * S\IIMISCILL SAWDUST HULK OR SACKED PP.tlltHNG and hog feiiLi' C. R Leu , 901 Doilf-las Q-135 LARGE PHlCKEltINO UPRIGHT lUVNpi only $13000 , behmollcr & Mueller. 303 SoUtl 15th bt. Q44 \IIIVOVAM" * . MRS P\UL 203 N 101H STREET. HONEST , truthful rellible , removes evil Influences ; lo cates burled treasures , unites the cepirated S-MiXO O 4 MAss\ai : , HVTIIS , irrc. MADAM SMmi. 1513 DOUGLAS , MASSAGE steam baths. T M233 27' ORIENTAL TURKISH RATHS FOIl LADIES gentlemen , COc 107 3 14th Tcleuhone 1S94 T * 762-O-S MEDICATED HATES. IJV.REGE. SE V. . SUL phur. niiiHsiiRO Mme Urlsbon , from Paris 10 N 1.1th st T-3J3 O21 UA'IHS , MASSV.OE LUI'ELLISON Ciounse blk , 119 N. ICth fat , Room 12 T M442 O2 MRS 1JR LEON ELECTRIC MASS V.OE RATH parlors , restful and curative. 417 S llth up stairs T M433 O3 rimso.N . VIAVI FOR U1EHINE THOUHLES. S48-8 HEF llldg ; physician , consultation or ntalth book free U 437 SUPIUIFLUOUS HAIR. RALDNE.SS , FALLING hair nnd all facial Wemlshcs cured line Co 320 Chamber Commerce U C37 O-4 * HA ! IIS , MAbSAGE MME POST. 319'S S 1DTH U 673 II HAAS , Ft.OniST PINT8 AND CUT flowers , bouquets hall , n-nldeme an 1 Rmve deoontlona riowers. Iiouo.u < .t9 nnd lUcoratlon .lellvered to nn > part f thn clt > Orders by telephone ] iromitl > ntleinled to nnd filled In ttt < 5 hours 'iclephone 776 1813 Vlnton street U D31-0-U ct'iu ' : , NO DCTKNTION i lto Inlflnoss. no pain , we refer to liundieds o emeu cured , piles cuied by n pintle palnlfa treatment Pall or write 'II . . Empire ltuitui ] Pure and Medical Institute , buccessora to ' 111 O i : Mlllir Co , 332-3 , N , V Life HldB Omiln. ll19 ! _ Txirii ouit PATENT nxi1Nnixn SYII lngi < dues the vvork prfeetl > hcncl for heale pirtlculaiH Otm Co Kanxns Cll > Mo U.M-3CS O 2 IISI'ATI ASIHONV IJ3AN & THUST CO 315 N V 1,7 nuliU money at low rates for choice farm land In lowu northern Mlsusurl , eubtern NebratUi W (30 ( LOANS ON IMl'HOVKD At UNIMPIIOV ji ; ) cllv nropert ) % \ . Tarnam bintlh & Co , 132) 1'nrn'i ' w-Vio' MONEY 10 LOAN AT LOW RATES THE O F Dttvla Co I'M Farnam St W-HI2 " " " " Mo"NEY""lo""liAN ON IMPROVED OMHA real estate llrinnan , Love Co , Paxton Rik MONEY 10 LOAN. 11F.MIB. PAXTON liLOClF W-900 rnoM jioo ui > . r. WEAD , 10 n VV 3 4-h-J C PKII CENT MONEY ON NEI111ASKA 1'AHM nnd Omaha ImproMd properu App | > io VJj Melkle , . t Nilioml tMilc Illilir \V-JU MONEY 10 LOAN ON IMI'llOVIJU rivrAuT uroi ert > . 1'Uicy .V. Thomas. 207 1st Nat. Ilk bl IK \V- 3 SIX PER CENT CITY ANU I MS.M LOANS Uar > ln 1'r c H 3 h.irnam rit \V-M78 3ioMV TO 1,0 \ > _ ( u vrun.s. MONEY TO LOAN ON I'1'HNITI'KE 1 IANOS horfM HUKCJIH tie nt lowest rnten In city , no removal of Roods utrlctly confidential you can pay the loan off at nnj time or lu any amount OMAHA MOUTO.AOE LOVNtO 201 Ho ISIH M V 4 tC IM'MMISS CIIAMIP.S. 11EHT I/lATION IN THE PITY Or OMAHA for Kooil trrocery M J KtnnnrJ . tjuii 310 Ill-own lllotl. Y-10I-Z7 A KIX3NDIKEII WHO HAS HAD TWENTY > ears 'experience In mining hat pent > ean on the Yukon Is thoroughly familiar vrllh th Kloiulllie , Ima InleiesH and protprctorn on the Klondike , vvlll R\O | u ln pecloi' nmi and pLikonall > nn cr all qutstlunv relatlnfr to llmt c.ninlij. or how to net In there cost etc fur th price nf fl Address H If Thninp 3n Hi Dalley llnlldlne , battle \\uih IVrionul rtfartiue , Chamber uf Coininercr , Battle Y MIU O WELL EbTAm.lSHrU ) DHt'O hTOltT : flOOE bculnem , fcouU 1'H-ullon , IJ.500 00 cakh , Imlancc on time U 1 Hee. YB ! Ol KOH ItAlM , STOC'K OP OENEIIAL MK'ltCHAN. dli and t-roctrlet , ulio , ior liulldln ; and lot hi llr l dim * Ioiulll > . AJJriti , Itox JJt , Mead , Nib. 3C-M316 tl * ( Continued ) FOIl 11ENT T11K METHOrOUTAN HOTEL IN Chejenne , In fine condition , electric llnhtii IhorouRhly plumbed , bet locution In the city One block from Union depot. Fifty flrst-olax room * , fine bur room , furnished ; cool InrbT hop nd bath rooms , In fact , cverjthlnit neec - * nrj to H NrM-elnM liotfl Party rrntlnn mutt purchase furniture llottl doInK geol liuslnesi nt present AdJreas J W Qrimn. Cicjfnneyo Y-M > W-O-ll TO OET IN OH OUT OP Hl'SlSESS OO TO J J Jlllwon 614 I'lrnt Nnt'l llnrk Y-M141 niiro sToric ron SALE WILL INVOIPK and discount fO per cent. Wrlto llnrl linns . Co , Council Illuff" Y-M4JO 23 Toil SlIjK IIKAIi HSTATH. 'AHM LANDS C T HAHHISOV 912 N Y U HE-9S.V016 * 1T.ACE 11AHOAINS. J2.EOO } 17JTO < C 000 , see phnton nt 16th and rnrnam. Mono HIJ J J Olbaon , (14 rirct Nat Hank , Hide lOt'SES , LOTS. 1'AIIM , , Oio P Ilemls Heal P-stnto Co. , Paxtnn lllock HE- < _ _ 7 PEU CKNT OHOC'S INVESTMENT , 1M- proved real estate , rental 161' 00 per year , price. M.SOO AiMrrss T II Ilee HE M754 .AND THtq * ADJOINING KTTES TO CLOSR estate , cheap. Chas. E Williamson , ( SIM Heo lildg UK-OM AN E1O11T ROOM HOttSE , MODEUN , HAIID \ \ ooillnlsli \ and lloor In be t portion nf Hnnn com I'lnce Must be seen tn be appreciated M J Kennnrd & Son , SoleAKts , 310 Drown blk K.WO. 40 foot corner lot , S. W. cor ISth and Izard , 1100 per acre bn > s 40 acres one mil * nonth ot Huseri , Hootn 10 , Patterson Illk. HE-M152 O1S SNAPS , SO ACHES 12 MILE1' N W . $3 SOO. I acres 4 blocks from Ilenson motor , JCOO 00. 8"i neres south of State fair grounds J3 SOO SxlV ) feit near 121 & Cumins ft , enl > loonoo Corner on Tarnnm Bt , near 40th St , J700 00 To exchange 111) ) acre * 10 mllei north of Omilia P. O for clear Improved property JOHN N rnL'NZBH , Opp P O HE-M13 roll SALE , SE con yiTii AND PAHNAM , se eor Park nvc nnd llleknrv. aw cor 16lh nnd llorrns , ISO acres In ItulTnlni , 43 ? nrrps In Knnx P , this an 1 all other prnpcrt } nnned b > Nebraska Sitv IHKH nnd E rchatiRe hank vvlll b * > sold at a low prlco Wm 1C Pollor He- colv er HE ! D3 1\VO fi-IlOOM COTrACJE1 ? f.O IT rilOVT 10 blocks north of P O , cheap D2I So Sfth Ave HE-28S-14 * " . TT ONE-H Mr HLOrK PHOM MOTOK , ON paved Btreel , J37S ft ) Illj ; bargain Ueslrnlilo residence lot on Davenport St. , vilthln vvnlkliiK distance flne Mnde , J70100 AVI1I fuinlih mnne > t" > build hon te ' room house on paved street one block from Exposition Krounds In excellent repair , 11 2V100 'Ine li < litl > hit south nf Hnnirnm park , J3M Ci ) Ileaiitlful modern s-room liousi * hard iv irnl flnl h reception hall east frontaee , on hlch Bround near 33d and DodRO Kit , worth J6r > c)1 W , price J3 000 00 The above are samples of nmn > burcilns WP can now offer " > 0 bnuses on mnnlhlspn > nients Pill and examine nhotoKrnph I'IDELITY TIUThT POMP \NY , Tlrst TI-Kir New York Life Hide. n H Pnjne President II II Harder ei-relnry HE MM3 . .D ! IX ROOM rOTTAOR. MIAMA RTRKirP 1 TVt Will take vacant hit for firnt pivm"iit. Inlmre J1100 mnnthb One In So Oiinlm , } 1 250 Oft W L Selhj , 334 Clnmlier of Commerce RE-331 27 1 ROOM COTTVO15 AND LOT WF.RT OF Ex position urriunds nrail > new for $ t7 > $150 ra h ind monlhlv pavmenl1 * of $10 on Inlince llron R llastlntri S12 o 14lh St RE M401 SIIOHT1IVM ) AM ) TYI'niVIUTIVG. A C VAN S VNT'S SCHOOL 613 N. Y. LITE 450 AT OMMIA UUS COLLEGE 1TII & DOUOL VS OMAHA SIIOHTHVND AND TYPLwuTIVQ College Mojd's theater < SCO O-ll * LOST. LIOHT HAY HOHSE 7 YEARS : WEIP.HS about 10"0 rather thin and hldi biekbone Re- vvird for return to 1718 Ciss St , Ormln. I.o t M1 G LOST , P.HITN CAPE , AT 11TII AVD T\HN\M Sts , Thur dij eve Heturn to Tien olllre Lost-M300 27' " LOST AK-SAUOIEN' QASTLE "oiF RPltlICT nr ttold emmil vireith pin fornet me-nots and pmrls Rcnird 1218 Harnov st LOST 32.1 25 wtincs. COt'PHPS P\HIOH PPRNN ture to order , repaired. 1G03 Leavenw'h ; til 1535 453 I'ACKI-.I ) . M S WALKIN. 2111 CUMINQ. TEU 1331. 453 DRESSMAKING , MISS STURDY , 4301 nun- cJettc K23 O 6 TVPKWIllTUllS. TONS Or ENERGY WOULD BE SAVED DAILY If evcrj operator used the llKht running Dens- moie 1C12 rarnsm St. Om > ha 451 P WVMlKOlCmiS. H. MAROWnZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 10 ST. 452 PATENTS. s Co , Attorneyg- PATENTS aml Patent Ex perts , lice llullJlner , Omnha , Njb Branch office at Washington. D C. We make rilCr. EXAMINATIONS anil aid Inventors In Belling their Inventions. Send for free Ailvlco and Talent IJook. I * ATini TS procured ny C A , SNOW i _ / \ . a J'JOA LOCOi \VmhliiKton. D. O. mii2 EXAMINATION and ndvlcc. No attor ney's fee before patent No clnptrup offer of prizes or promise of u < lJrneallh out eirulent. forvnrd advlca nncl falthfn' i-rvlc NOTICE TO CONTKACTOlS llldi for the stuff and pi ister work on the building will be iccelvecl until r > o'clock , Thuisday. September ,50th Pimm and * peclllentlons c-nn be seen nt the olllee of the superlntcndi'iit , loom fill , I'.tx- ton block T. I' . KIHKENnVLL. lKi Grd-5 & niclg Hept. . Trunsmlsslsslpp & International Exposition I > pm er. Culo radii t tali , C-illforniu , llluk Hills. Muntana and Puifit iviunel , 4 35pm 4.03 pm Llneiiln I.jcal 7 03 pm 7 43 pm lyiuiiiln Fast Mai ) j-55 pm " 11 J ) am 1 Dill ) except hiindi ) CHICAGO. HUHLINGTON S. ejulncy Railroad "l ho liurl- InKton Houtf" Tkket Oltlct , 1'oj raimm Street 1peplnne | 250 Depot , lentil und Mueon Streets , 'lilt phone , U" ) Lenve Arrive 1 Oi pm 7 53 nm 9 4S mil 4 14 pm 7 53 pm 7 55 um " 11 t ) inn C 10 put 2.W pm Blind i > KANHAS Cll'Y. ST JObEI'll " „ Council llluffB Railroad 'Tho KurllnKton RoulB ' Ticket Oilloe , 1M2 Farnum n i Street Telephone 250 Depot , Hfl iR nmlianil Muton Streets lei- IIUUID ( jiiiunt , 12 Leave Arrive KanK-ca elty Day Ex . 9.0i am C 10 pm KanHUK Cll > Msht Ex 10.00 pm CJOani CIIICAaO HOPIv ISLAND A. Puclllo Hallrcud "ihe Great Huck Uland Hoiiu' city Tlikel Ortlce 1J23 Parnam Street Telephoni. 428 Dipot , Trnth and Mason Streets Telephone , 128. Leave Arrive. Chleaiw und bt Paul Veatllmle 1 Expre > 4:5) : pm 1.13 pm Llnctln ColiiriclD Sps > , Pueblo Denver icnd vvi i 1.55 pm 4 05 pm Chi AR-i Des Molnes and Itict liland 7.0 > pro 8.15 are Atluntlu Eipresi for Des M.nne8 und east ern p < lnts 7.W ( am 5 35 pn. L'nrotn Falrbury and Uclkville . . > 5.IS pm " 1 ,4) nm Dilly Dally except Sunday. WAIlAfeH RAILROAD-TICKET OFFIl | J , UU Farnam Strc'Ol Telejihone Ki Depot , Icnlh and ilaju-i blrre'U Itlephone , 17i Leave Arrive St I uii Caiinon Hall' Kxpi 'LJOpm ' 11.3V am Dally. 11 PAUL. MINNE- -Omaha Hallway tlen rnl oinces , Nebraska Dl- \lsclon , Fifteenth and Webster streets cttv Ticket oillce. 14)1 Fnrnam Strett Telephone CCt Depot Fifteenth nnd * Aeb lcr Streets Tele phone 111 ! Ix-ave. Arrive 'loux City Accommoln 8 V ) am 8 2" > pm Uoux Clt > Accommodn 9 5) am 8.25 pm Hair Emerson Sioux _ City Ponca llartlng. ton nnd Hloomtleld . , "A W pm ! ! : ! nm h ux Plt > xrSnkilo. St Paul Minneapolis . BilS pm 9:10 : nm Dally Dall > cxcept.Sunday. , * Sunday JFHEMONT. ELKHORN K. Missouri Valley Rall a > Gen eral Oincra. United Ststes Na. tlonal Hank HulldlnR , Sautn * vvc t Corner Twelfth nnd Fnr- nnm Streets Tliktt Oillce , 1401 Fnrnam Street. Telephone Ml Depot. Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets Telephone , 14iS L nvc. Arrive lllack Hills Peadvvood nrd Hot prlnR9 . 3 00 pm 6 00 pm W > omlni ; Casper and Douglas 3 00 pm 5.00 jim York David Clt > Superior Geneva , Exeter and Sewird. . . i" 3 M pm Wpm Norfolk * Ac t Point nnd J" : CO am ' 10 2i nm Fremont * 3 00 pm 5 00 pm Lincoln , Wnhoo and 7.50 am " 10 23 am Fremont * 3.M pm 5 00 am Fremont Locul 7:5 : nm Dall > Dilljr except Sunday , "Sundiy on ! ) Dally except Snlunln ) . Dally except Mondiy SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAIL roicl General Olllces. United States National Hnnk llullcl- InK , S W Corner Twelfth ami Fnrnnin Streets Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Teltphonc. Depot Fifteenth and Webster btreots Telephone , 1458. Leave. Arrive. loux City Mnnknto , St Paul , Minneapolis 6:15 : pm ' 9110 nm Dally. CHICAGO & NORTHWEST , ern Hallway City Ticket Oillce , 1431 Farnam btreet Ttlephcme , CGI Depot Tenth nncl Mason .Street. Telephone 12S. Leivo. Arrive. Ils ourl Vnllcy Slcux City St Paul nnd Minneapolis E 40 nm MOMS pm Missouri Valle ) Sioux Clt > . . . . 7-30 nm 9.03 pm Jcnlson , Carroll , Wall Lnke 7 30 am 9 05 pm 'iMern Express , Des Mo nes M inhilltnvvn Cedar Rapids Chi UKO " 10 43 mil 4:10 : pm Mlantlr Fljer , Chicago and East 4:43 : pm 4 10 pm a t Mail , ChlciKU to Omaha 3 ID pm MI'Fourl Vclle > , bloux City St Paul Mlnne- Hpolls Llmltel . . . B 'S pm D K am "tmaha Chli TKO Spiclnl. . 6 30 pm 8:10 : am Daily. Dal ! ) except bunday CHICAGO MILWVUICEE .t br Pniil Hallwas-Clty Ticket Oillce. 1COI Firmm Stieet Telephone , 2 1 Depot Tenth and Mn'on Streets Telephone 12S. Leave Arrive Chtcnco Limited Ex. 5 43 pm S.O'i nm Om ilia nnd Chicago Ex Jl 00 nm 1 M pm Dally OMAHA , KANSV.S CITY \t EAbTERN RAIL- ro icl-Om ihn iV SI Louis R illro 11 " The O 1C Unite' Ticket Ollice 1411 ! Fnrmm Direct Telephone 322 Dipnt. "renth and MISOII Streets Telephone , 12S L/MVC. Arrive 'atlonnburff , Klrksvllle , . . Qulnc > Ij5cal . B 40 nm " 10.45 pm bt I iul > i New York Limited ! 4:1) pm * 11 :0 am Dally. Mrs ot rsr PACIFIC RAILUOAD GcncrAli cjnicert anil iickcl Oillce Merrhtints National IJa ik Hull llnir 12-M i iiniiin siieit TelephonerlOl. Depot 1-lfteenth un 1 Wtbsfer'btrfi-is Tclepionc , HoS / Leave Arrive Kansas'Pltj. . St l iuls mil southern points. . . , 3.0Ti pm 12 r3 pm Kansas City Expiess . S.M pm 6 20 nm 1 t Crook & Union L1..I' " 9 W pm 7 00 am Dally IN10N PACIFIC "THE OVER- laud Jloutc" Gc'tierul olllces. N U. Curncr-IDiMi and | I'armnv Street * CltySTlckrl Oillce. ISO ! Fainam Street Telephone , * 31C. * Depot. Tenth nnd Mason btrcets TcUpione , 12Sl l eave Arrive "The Overland * T.lmlled" > for Denver Salt 1-akc. 1'aclllc coast , and all western points . . . . . 8 20 am 4.43 pm Fist Mall triln for Denver.cnlt Lake Pacific cost and all western points . . . . . 4 03 pm * 10 20 am shurrExprc :1.1 : ! " W pm " 3,0pm Grand Isl md Express . . G 3 > pin 3 oO pm Djlls. " DallJ except Sunda > . Council Uluffs I cal Leives. n 40 n in ; C SO n m , 7 30 a in ; 8 23 n , m : 10.45 a m ; * IS p m 4.30 p. m ; G.Wi p m Arrives. 0 20 n. m . 7 20 a in ; 8 n m .3 23 a in , 11 30 a. m . 3 10 p in , 5 40 P in , 3 03 p m , 10.45 p in pobrorrirn ( Should bo read DAILY by all Interested , us Umnscs may occur at any tlmo ) Foreign m itlf for the week ending Oc- loh T 1 , W ! , will clo = ( PROMPTLY In all CHSCS ) nt the General I'ostolllce as follows. I'AHOl-LS POST MAILS CLOSE ONH HOUK nAULIEIl than closing time shown lielovv. TriuiHUnnllo InilM. WEDNESDAY At 7 a in ( supplementary 0 a. m ) for EUUOl'l * . per s. s P.irls * , via Southampton ( letters for Ireland imibt lie directed "per Paris" ) ; nt 0 n m for UBLCilUM direct , per1 ? s SoutlnvarU , vl i Antwerp ( lette-rs must lie directed "per Southwark" ) : at 9 a. m. ( supplementary lO.W a. m. ) for EUIIOI'B , per s. s Majes tic * . vl e Queenstovvn. THUUSDAY At 4M : : a. in. for EUROPE , per s. . er Wllhclm der Grosse , via Plymouth nud Bremrn ( letters must be directed "per KilscrVllhelm der Grobse" ) ; nt 5 SO a m. for EUROPE , per s s Columbia * , vli Pl > mouth , Clie'tiourt ; and Himburj , ' : .it S a tn. for NETHER LANDS direct , per s s Edim , via Am- stcrdim ( letters must bo directed "per SATl'llDAY-At ' C 30 .1 m. for TRANCE SWITZERLAND , ITALY. SPAIN. I'OR- TtIG\L TtTRKEY , EGYPT nnd I1RITISII INDIA , pc r s s Li Chiimuimif * , % H Havre ( le tens for othei parts of Europe must bo dlierted "per La Ch.imp.iRne' ) at G " , D a. m for EUROPE , per t h Lu- c.iuli * . vl.i Queenstovvn ( letters for l'i uice , Switzeiland , Italy. Spain , Portu- K l Tuikcj. I3if > pt and British India mtiHt be' ( line-till "per Lucanla" ) ; at 8 a m for NETHERLANDS direct , per s s Spmrmliim. via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed 'per Spiarndam" ) , at 8 a infer for GENOA , pi i t. H Aller ( letteis iniint bo dlnrted "per Allot" ) ; at 11 n. in for NORWAY dlltet , par s : B Amu II ; i ( lotturs must bo directed ' 'per AincrlUa" ) PRINTED MAT ! ER , ETP German steamers silllnR on Tui-BdnjN take Printed Matter cte for Oirmnny , and bpecUHy Addresccd Prlntei ! Matter eti , for otlm inns of Europe A inert can and White Star strainers onVednenl u Herman steamers on Tbuit ( | s and Pun ird , Fivmh and Germ in Bleimfrs on Silurdays take Prlntid Matter , etCj for all coiintrlta for vvlilch they HIO nd\ertHei"nT > cnrr > nnil After the cloblnit nf the , , tviuuleimnlury TransAtlantic - Atlantic MalU named iiiiltf/neldlllonul tupple- mcntary malls arc opened on the piers of the American , I nillsh , French nnd Herman steam- crs , anil lemnln open until v\lth 'Ian Min utes of the hour of tnljlnsif bte.inur > lnllp > Icir Soulli aiiitpnlriilincrlen \\CHl lllllll-N , MONDAY At " 3 p m for IlELI'/.E PUERTO COUTH/ and GUATEMALA per strainer from New Orli'aiiB TUESDAY-At U m for HRAX.IL , per H. B Am , ill ) , \la PernnmbUrU 'iincl ' Santoa ( let ters for North Unu'llmjisi be directed "per Amalll" ) ; at * * S iv m. for COSTA RICA , per steamer from Now Orleans , at ! > p in for JAMAICA , .per steamer from lo ; ' WEDNESDAY-At 1 p jn. for CtTlA. per B K OrUab.i , via Ilavuua. THURSDAY At . ' M n m for PORT AN TONIO. per steamer from Philadelphia at 10 u m ( supplementary It a. in ) foi CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) and SOIT11 I'ACIPIC PORTS , per s H Finance , via f'ulun ( lettern for Otiiitemula must be directed "per I'ln- uuce" ) , at 10 n m for BANTIAUO DE CUHA , per H p Hun Aiicjustlii ( letters for Venezuela and Colombia must be directed "per Han Auguitln" ) PRIDAY-At 2 JO a m for NEWFOUND LAND , per s H Siberian , from Plilladel- phlu SATURDAY-At 9 30 n m ( nupplcmentary 10 n m ) for ST TIIOMAH. BT CROIX LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD 1SL\NDS per > a Madluno. ( letters for Grenada Trinidad and Tob.if.o must de dlrectei "per Mudlann" ) , ut 10 a in ( ( unplemen- tary 10 M a. m ) for roUTUNB ISLAND JAMAICA. 8AVANILLA und GREY TOWN per H s AltfKhuin ( letler for Costn Rica mupt be dlitctcd "per Alle Krany" ) at 10 u in ( supplemental 10 SO a in ) for HAITI \Ii Pnrt an Prince Petit Ooive and Jfrt'r | < > il j ( MtTII \ GENA p r K A i' i 'J > n m So CAMPFCIIP CIIIM1 * " \II\SCO I one YUCATAN , pei B a. iuinuri ( ttteia for ricK * \oTicn. ( Continued. ) other parti of Mexico nnd for Cuba mint be directed 'pt-r Ytnnurl" ) , nt < : * 0 p in. for ST IMERHE MIQUELON , per steamer from North Sydney. tails for Newfoundland b > rail to Halifax nnl thence by steamer close nt this office dull ) at 8 JO p m Mall * for Mln.ueon ! bj rail to lien- ton and tltence b > steamer elo e nt this office , dnllv at TO p m MalM for Cuba cl < e at thl * olllc-c dally at 7 r > > n in , for forwarllni ; by sleimers fnlllnc ( Mondijs and rhtirn'nss ) from Port Tampa Fli letter mill * for Mexico City , overland , unless jperlallj nd tre'jed for ill- pitch b > steamer clo'e at Ihls olllee dallv nt 12 in . paper innlls nt 6 n m "lleglslcred mall clones at 6.00 p m prevlou * day. Triinn.Pnclilc Inlln. tails for Cli'nn , Japan and Hawaii , per City of IVUIiiR ( from San rraticl'co ) , clo-ifl here daily up to September ICth ut 6,10 p m Malls for Hawaii , per s. * Australia ( from Snn Krancl co ) , cloo hero dallv up to September CTth at d 30 P m Mulls for Cblnn and Jniian ( l poil- lally ndclres < > il only ) , per Eiupre-ss of India ( from Vancouver ) , close bore dally up U > October 'Mill ut 0 30 i > tn. Malls for Australlv ( except tbo'e for West Au-- tr.Ulu ) . which are forwarded Europe , New Zealand , Hnvvall , 1'IJI and Srtmoan Inlands , per P. s Monnn ( from San li in- rl co ) eiloso liero dally up to October "Sth nt T .to a in . IV n m nnd 6.3) p in. ( or on arrival nt New York ot H * . Cam- pinla with Hrlllflhmails for Austrullit ) . MnllH for China and Jap in , pei s. s Vic toria ( from Tncoina ) , tlo c here dally up to October " 10th at ( i 30 p in Malls for Australia ( except West Austrilla ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and njl Islands , per s n Mlovvera ( from Vane-over ) , close hero dally after October Sth nnd up to October llth at G 30 p m Malls for the Society Islands , per ship City of I'apoltl ( from San Francisco ) , hero dally up to October lith at G ' 0 p in. Trans-Pacific null * arc fonvnidcd to port of nalllUK < lalb nnd the ccheelulc of closliiK la arrnnued on the pre uiiiptlon of their unin terrupted overland transit Retil tereicl mall clcttcs at G 0) p m prcv Icius da ) 'o totllce New York , N. Y , September 21 , 1S97CORNELIUS VANCOTT , Postmaster. M \\DOI.IN ntm\Mi : . I'tio Love OITcrlnir ( if Mil Vnu-rloilll to u Plll-lsllm Model. In the vvlnilow of a Chestnut street pawn- irokcr , relatet ) the St. Ixiuls Hcpubllc , Is n namlolln that would attract attention ony- vhcro because of Its peculiar construction , n shnpo It conforms to the conventional lues of the ordinary Instrument ot Us kind t Is In the- material of Itn construction that t differs. Instead of the body buliiK niudo ut wood , as Is the usual case. It Is entirely of glahs An far ns Is known It Is the only one of the kind In existence , and , of course , It came from Paris , vvhero the most skilled artisans lu the world can turn out almost anything that man can design or think of Iho sclicmu of decoration Is claboiatc and beautiful The design Is Intricate , and mist have required Inflnltu labor and lalus. It was pawned by a Frenchman whoso lame IK unknown , and the tlmo for which ho loan was made has long expired , so that .hero Is no probability that he will return 'or It. When he pawned the mandolin he old the proprietor part of Its history , a ilstory tint lircithes of glorious Paris lovely women and Infatuated yomitf men Accord- ng to his stoiy , the creation of tlic Instru- nent ante-dates the present by bomo six years. There was at that time a young woman In the Latin Quartlcr known as Mar- ; .tret Grant. Despite her English name , ahe lad been born and ie-aied In Paris She wab losing for some ot the moic Important art- sts , and spent her spare hours in attending a dancing school , as she was ambitious to .shine in btageland , A wealthy American came to Paris , and through some friend , succeeded iln getting an entree to the htudlos of the students , and In some way or other he met the girl Ills uamo the Frenchman could not remem ber , but ho fell In love with the girl and showered on her the gifts that only great wealth could buy. Through It all the girl was most dlgulHc * ! and reserved She didn't wear her heart on her blcovc , and It was not to bo had for the asking. By and by things came to such a pibs that ho persuaded her to leave off studying for the stage and prom ise to marry him Some me-ddllng fellow , who wanted to make trouble , wrote about the affair to the youth's folks , and the up shot of It all was that ho biokc off his en gagement , left Paris , and left Margaret Grant. At. first Bho felt heartbroken , but such Injuries mend easily , and her grief gave way to recklessness. She announced that on a certain day she would meet Invited friends lu one of her friends' studios and there sell to the highest bidder all of the presents she had received from the Ameri can. The mandolin was among them. She wa > 3 a musician to nor linger tips , ami could draw- forth sweutc'st music from any Instru ment bhe touched. Ho had the mandolin made for her , and as It was necessary to make a special mold. It cost him a pretty penny. They had to imko several casts before - fore they succeeded In getting the body of the Instrument out In perfect condition Anyway , at the sale the Frenchman bought the mandolin for some ridiculously low price 50 francs or thereabouts Ho was at that tlmu studying ait In the Quatticr , and later ho came to American and drifted westward. Prosperity did not meet him In St. Louis , and ono by one his possesblons melted away , At last the only remaining article ho had on which lie could ral o n dollar was the mandolin , and dear though It was to him on account of Its associations , the pangs of hunger arc sharper than memories , and ho parted with It. To the old pawnbroker ho told the sto'y. The pawnbroker listened attentively , gave one look at tbo Instrument , and muttered Only $3 on It ; not another cent. " And the Frenchman pocketed tlio three one-dollar bills and left the shop. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Lasatlvo llroino Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund thu money if It falls to curp. 25c. AM ) TIII : n\M PLVVII ) o\ . Slcirj ( if n Flit Mini , a 'I'III it Man mid miliNinl Mnti-li. Ho was a largo , red-faced man , who had doubtless made In his time quite a roll of money from some such reflulng occupation as sausage grinding Ho came forward ami took a front seat at one of Mr Sousa's after noon concerts at Manhattan beach , rotates the Now York Telegram When ho removed his h-.t It was seen that his hair consisted of a discouraged looking frlugo that stretched from ear to ear across the back of Ills fat neck Ills evident CMSO and confidence seemed to Irrltnto the thin , dyspeptic man who sat with his sallow-faced wlfo In thu scat Just behind , and when he drew foith a large , black cigar the couple looked nervously at each other. It was plain that they did not approve of tobacco In any form , The largo man calmly and deliberately chewed off the end of the cigar and pat out the small black tip. The thin man and his wlfo exchanged nervous glances of distress. Then began the tedious search for a match Every pocket was gouo through , carelessly first , aud then moro slowly and anxiously , The thin man and his wlfo began to take heart ; they wcro hoping against hope , as It were Plinlly , a grimy disreputable ) looking mated' was fished out from some forgotten corner. The largo man's face lightened up , while the faces ot the thin couple grew gloomy again Slowly and with Infinite care the fat man draw the match across the wooden scat It crackled , spluttered , and then the broken head Hew away on the floor Quickly the fat man readied for It. but It burned his fingers and ho dropped U , and It died out oven as the light and the hope and the Joy died out of his large , rod fat face The thin man and hla wife were now covertly smiling The fat man aat a fovv moments , seemingly bowed down under the weight of his misfortunes Then ho suddenly twisted around and looked to see If there was not some good , kind , sympathetic soul near who would lend him a match. The thin man was the only one In eight. Ho leaned over to him and sale ) "Havo you a match ? " "No , " was Iho reply. The fat man turned about In his neat. He loiKad thoughtfully for a moment al the cigar In his hand , sighed deeply , and then thrust It back Into his pocket The thin man and hU wife smiled 'Iho band played enl l > ruKglstii know Dr lUvU' Anti-Head ache Is best , ot all headache remcdle * WHENCE COMES ALASKASABLE Oatohy Title by Which the Fur of the Common Skunk is Known. HOW THE ANIMALS ARE BRED A Prolllnlili- mill CnmliiK : I ( loiul suinn inrili r.lwrht ? IJiH'li "M'rroi'j In the lIllNlllfKI , All persons vho lm\o nny practical ac quaintance with the business of fimntiifi skunks nro requested to communicate ulth ho Ueinrtment of Agriculture. Tint InsH- utlon 1ms been beset lately with nnpoah or Informntlon on the subject , sn > s the 31obo-leinocrat , and Its scientific cxpc'ts nek sntlsfaotory dnt.i on which to b.iao re plies They ha\e trltd to Ret facts from sc\cral concerns now eiiRiRed In thin In teresting occupation , but there seems to be a lot of injstcry about It. Those \\lio are n It tlnd It so prolltnlile , appnrentl } , thtt they do not want to offer any luduiomtvit or help to nosslblo competitors. What they know they prufcr to keep to thcmsohes Ne\orthcless , the skunk-farmlnt ; iiulnstr > 3 a Krowlng Imhiutrj In this countr > The < l.rrnnd ( for pelts is far Rrentur the supply anil prices are correspondingly good , rho latest quotations for skunk skinn niako : liein worth 80 cents aplecoholcsilc , for 'black , prime , cased " This Is for 'he 111 at quality , the fur being all black and the skin nirml by turning It Inside out and drying 1 on a board White skins arc wor'h 10 cents ; "full striped" ( a white stripe running clear down the back ) , 25 LOUIS , and "halt striped , ' ' 4B cents Skunk skins are one of the biggest Items , n the fur market. Tliu ) go under the nt- .ractho name of "Alaalin sible ' It H not jelle\ed that there are ninny skunks in MasKa the latitude being too high for them , jut a eood man ) thousands of the pelts aru taken In the Hrltlsh posseislons , passing through the hands of the Hudson Haj coin- lany Aaat number of lailles' mulTB are nado of this kind of fur. which frequently Is passed oft for that of the big. long-haire 1 Abyssinian moukc ) . Furriers ha\o speclil methods for getting rid of the peculiar cflluvlum , but sometlmca In a warm room a muff or boa ot "Alaska sable" "duclops" unpleasantly. 1'HOriTS OP THU BUSINESS. Ulghty cents apleco mn > not &eem aeo lilgh wholcsado prlcu for the best skunk skins , but the profit in the fanning btihlnexs referred to lies mainly In the fact that It nxoUes no expense woith mentioning The most birrcn land Is suitable for the purpose fenced In , and the animals may be fed on offal. Mnn > people luuo n notion that hkunk farms are like frog farms In one respect- namely , that the ) 1mo no existence In fiet nils Is a mistake Krog farms , so fie quently written up In the newspapers , are ln\arinbly figments of the repot toilal Imag Inatlon , the Depirtmcnt of Agilculture , with agents , all o\er the countrj his tried \alnl > to nnd one Hut there nro quite a numbet of actual skunk farms In operation One of these Is itin by a fur company neat ltlmc\ X. V Another was started not long ego b\ some butchers In New Jorscj , who bought n big patch of rocky and otherwise worth less land , Inclosed it nnd stocked It wiih n few health ) skunks , lca\ing them to do the rest That Is one of the beauties of skunk farming It requires almost no attention The company of butchers aforesaid feeds Its stock with refuse from the abattoir , which costs them nothing. The little nnlmals are by no nicins hard to mamge. being as tam able as kittens In fact , the Mephitis Amer icana Is lemarkablo for its lack of fear of man This may be duo In part to Its conn ilonco in its own weapon , but It will never use this except under great pro\oration In other words , It must bo badly frightened or actually hurt. It seeks the neighborhood of humin habitation. The little shotted skunks are often kept as pets , by miners In the far west , the undesirable glands being cut out. One point which the government experts want to ascertain Is how the skunk farmers kill their stock. Old trappers say that n skunk will no\cr gl\o vent to Its pecullai secretion If Us back Is biokeu by a quick blow , The reason for this doubtless Is that the rear i irt of its body Is paraljzcd by such n blow. On the other hand , It Is known that the most Instant death by shooting , e\en If the animal's hold bo blown off , will not t > rovcnt the use of the function. MEDICAL QUALITIES. Valuable uses are found nowadays-for the most noxious things Some of the most precious medicines are deadly poison. So It Is not surprising to learn that the peculiar secretion ot the skunk Is a remedy for asthma. A story Is told by the naturalist Aiidubon of an asthmatic clcrg > man who procured the glands of a nkiink and kept thorn corked In a smelling bottle , to be ap plied to his nose when s > mptoms of his com plaint made themsehes manifest Ho bo ilovod that he had discovered a specific for this distressing malady , but on one occasion he uncorked his bottle In the pulpit and drove the congregation out of church. Of course , In a case of this sort , It Is a question of Indi vidual choice between the remedy and the disease H Is rather an Interesting Tact that the skunk and the mink are 1/10 only true fur- beailug animals that ha\o e\er been semi domesticated. Minks have been bred for their skins in bo-called mlnkerlcs , just as Is being done with the skunks In what might be termed skunkurles. Skunk and mink hoUi belong to the family of mustelldae In thK family arc Included all of the animals which are classified In a btrlct sense as fur-h irlng Among them are the ermine , the marten , the weasel , the woherlne , the badger , the sable the otter , the ratel of Africa and India , the tajra of South America , the tclcdii or bti-- rotting badger of Ja\a , the sea ottoi , the sand badger of India , Assam nnd Thibet , the Iconyc of South Africa , and the "flbher" of North America. The Ictonjx of South Africa Is said to bo as offcnsUe as the skunk bc-Iug provided with similar glands TUP fur of the llshei or "pccin , " Is extremely \nlunblc , being w01 th $8 a skin Hut the pelt of DIP Better < otter Is by far the most valuable In the world , a good specimen fetching $200 It seems \cry odd that the fur seal snould not bo classed us a fur-bi-aring animal , belli , ; outside of the muMelldae but It Is a fact that a beast must bo bonic relation to a skunk In order to enjoy this designation In the strict sense The rkunk Itself is an ani mal unknown In the Old World , being ex- clusUely Amoilcan The genus mephliu Is found only In North America , while the re lated genus concpatiirf , also of true nkunko , Inhabits tlio southwestern purl of the United States and extends as far south a > northern South America. THK SKUNK AUHA. There are two species of largo thiinks In the eastern part of North 'America ' , their dis tribution extending from Hudson bay to Florida In the wrat several moro spin h-i are found all the way from IlrltUh Columbia to the tablelands of southern Mexico ( Jcn- erall > speihlng , tho5' Increase In sUe with the latitude northward , attaining a length of two and onu-half feet sometimes In Min nesota. Ilesldoi there are about ten species of umall mottled skunks , which hu\o no uilun from thn point of > ( ew ot the fur rier SkutikH are by no means such rare anl- nialH as Is supposed , and In some parts of thu country they are \ery numerous. Doubtless they would bo a tcrloiu post weru U not that they are killed by man ater : > opportunlt ) They srern to bo rather ntupld little boasts , and It is easy to trap them by means too obvious to dcccho a fox Koxcs , by thu way , are cry fond of their flesh and will BUIIH- tlmes cat them when they liavo been caught in traps Tanners make a great mistake In killing iikunkH , as thedo whenever they get a chHiicu because they aie most beneficial iinl- inals fiom the point ofe.v \ nt the agricul turist They live chlufly upon Insects , fating great numbers ot grasuhoppers and InjurloiiH beetle's They also devour quantities of mien In these ways they do an amount ot good which U not offset to any serious extent bj the occasional lobbery of a lion roont They oat worma , snails and tometlmea email fruits Not long ago a South Carolina man wrote to the U < i > artmcnt \grlcultura complaining that hla melon patch had been ravaged by skunks many watermelon * and imiskmclons bolng < iarlly eaten ; but thu expcrls though tlut thin was a ver > dubious utory Hivurj states of th union to uncourago the kll'ini ' , of skuukii , uitor bounties wiiiih uiiV acrvu to Afford Inducements < o the breeding of thos * crcMluren for their sculps. HAntT3 Of TUB ANIMAL. The skunkj Is chiefly nocturnal In his nib * Its , prowling for foot ! In the dark , though It Is often tern Abroad In the chjtlmo. Itj Iho northern psrt of Its rangeU hibernate * to * some extent. It lives In a burrow , which runs near the surface of flit ground for distance of sK or ekht feet , ending In it chamber lined with leaves , where from flvol of fifteen 'cidlv ( duals are huddled together In winter The aulmnl Is quite prolific , eight or ten > oung being ptoduced h > the fenulo la MayA small quantity of the peculhr secretion , eeen under the microscope , looks like water with masses of gold floating In It H U mild ] : o bo phoiphorescrnt at night giving out a um'iious ' glow when emitted b > the anlmnl. The flesh nf the skunk Is eiten bj some Indian tribes The blto Is understood to jo very dangerous producing hvdrophoblA , nit this Is disputed It has been alleged that oven aer > little of the secretion , comliiK Into contact with the ejo nf imn or dog , will eause blindness , but thlfi Is disproved by an adventure which on one occanlon hc fell t government naturalist ot the writer's acquaintance He found a skunk In a trap unexpectedly , and a discharge of Iho fluid lit him fuM In the face , entering one ot hli Ocs. He suffered greit pain , but thcra was only i temporary .ntUmmatlon , plenty of water being applied. ' This nnturallst had n pet skunk which followed him wherever ho went. They use I o visit a meadow which abounded with grasshoppers , nnd there ' Meph" would stuff ilmself to his limrt'B content When so iinall that ho could sc.iivol > todddlc about , 10 never hesltited to tnekle thu largo and ; > owcrftil beetle known as tht. "horned bug , " and got many snnrt nips for his nudiclty. Attci ho had learned to handle them with Impunity. IIP ventured to attack mice Thlt gentleman sajs that he his enttMi skunk flesh lollcd , rrxisted , fried and frlciPsetd , and h asserts that an > thing more toothsome In the way of meit Is Inrd to get. Arnold's llromo Colerj cures headaches. lOc , LTic nnd COc All dtugglsts iinuoi > or TUP. IM. vein : . \otlllilc limlniu-CH of Solf-Siu-rltli-o In Yellow fever has developed the vvorld'i greatest heroes nnd heroines , relates tha Atlanta Constitution Out of the horror , misery nnd terror of an epidemic ot the diead disease there havn come characters whose sublime acts of eour- age and heroism will over bo remembered. The fever which Is now causing a panic In the south recalls to mind thu gt-catcat epidemic In our history In 1S78 During that epidemic thousands ot pcopla died , entire cities weio depopulnted , some of the fairest of southein cities almist tilotted from the imp and the whole south , wis demoralbcd The epidemic ragcil fiercest In Memphis and It was In this city that the greatest acts of bravery were dls- plajul The most touching example of heroic de votion to duty nnd absolute indlRercncu to fear in helping the people ho lovc'd , Is fur nished In the nets of joung Herbert Ljn- drum , a brother ot ] ) r W. W Laniltuni , pastor of the That Haptist church In this city. Herbert Lnndrum was ono of Iho martjrs of Journalism , who went to their death during that famous plague at Memphis , because they vvcto too bravo to leave their posts Young Landrum chcei fully give his life In trjlng to save young Jeff Davis , thu sou of the president of the confi-di'iaty At that tlmo Laudrum was iltj editor of the Memphis - phis Avalanche. When the epidemic broks out at Memphis ho was , at Nashville icport- Ing a democratic convention. Ho left at once for home , nnd during the test of llfo never left the city of death and desolation. Though but 20 > eais of age , ho was atnonjj the brightest newspaper men of thu coun try. He hid dlsplajed iare ability talent In his work and had won a flue reputa tion as a writer. Memphis at that time hail a population of 15,000. This was reducril by flight to 15,000 , and strict quarantines stopped the exodus or the cits would hnva been deserted. Of the in , 000 left In the city , 5,000 had the jcllov. fover. Of the patients , 1,500 died. Tor weeks the city was shut oft from the world. Sickness and death wcro In every house. The pollco force was dis organized. lllot and outlaw ly prevailed. nnd added to the alread ) overwhelming ter ror of the situitlon. Such conditions neces sarily develop thu best and thu worst In the human chaiactcr. In this lelgu ot tenor hundreds who had never dlsplajed any voiy striking qualities developed mtuies full of enduring strength nnd courage. Among the bravest and most active wn Herbert Lnndrum. Ho would labor all day at his novvsnaner da 'es ' nnd would sit by the sldo of some sufTeiing patient all night , ministering to wnnts that were noon to end with death. Every day hundreds would die. Thomp son , the noble cdltor-ln-chlef of the Ava lanche , fell a victim to the dread destroyer. Other members of the staff died or left the city. In n few weeks after the beginning of the epidemic the soung city editor was the only member of the staff left The printers had mid or refuged , and only one compos itor was left. IIo and Landrum swore to btlck to their posts until death toru them away. They kept their oath. It was on a bright September dny that Jef ferson Davis , Jr. , was touched by the breath of the disease. Nurses were scarce , and the young man's friends had to mil so him. True to his friends even In times of greatest danger , Herbert Landrum went to the bedside of the son of the great man whom all the south still loves and lionoia , though ho Is dead. Tor days Landrum was by the sldo of his friend. Tlien death cnmo and relieved thu devoted watcher. All this tlmo ho ( ontlnucd to publish n small dally paper , In which thoie was no news except of fever. The fever , of course , ilalmed Landium. Ho know that ho would hnvo It when ho wont to watch by Davis , but ho was not afraid. He had In his naturu the same bravo lo > nl ualltles thaqt nude hla father fumoiib during the long epidemic Ho was nick but onu da > before ho began to recover , . In n few days ho WUH able to go to work. Ho wfiiI bade to his dutlcn , and , with the aid of the printer , publlbheil the "Avalancho. " IIo worked but one day. Then he i elapsed In u few hours ho was dead Ho had kept his word Ho died at his post , the last of the Hlaff Iho next diy the lompoillor died and the "Avnlanchu" was pilnteil no more Lindium could have left the illy an the otheis did , but he clioso to stand by b'o pust of dutj litorgo Landium WUH nnothui biotlui who gnvo up his llfo for his until Ing devotion to his friend At the beginning of the out break ho left MemphlB to carry to Augiihia the chlldien of Dr Jioggx who Is nun chan cellor of the stnto university hut who ivaa then pastor of a I'reslotorlan ebuiih In. Memphis When ho had landed the children safe In Augusta ( jcorge Lunchum went buck to Memphis to help care for thu suffeilng. When ho arrived at night ho found a man nnd two women holding a diunkcn cnrousal In his falhei's house Ho naked thorn what they wern doing and they t > ald they wura the nurfccu. Tliu man told him that cvcry- oiio In the housu was dead but his father and mother. Ho ordued the drunken trio from the liouxo and went to nurno his par ents who afterward reeovi red The son was soon taken 111 and a fcm' days after his brother Herbert's death lici died. Thu nurti's who > > avcd the lives of bun- , drods of thu sufferers In that tlmo wura fallen women When everyone else turned palo with fenr and weru nimble to hilp > themselves or others , these women quit tholr llvis of HUamc and became ministering- angels Hundreds of them went from every city lu thu United States to lese or i edema their llvts In tlio great epidemic They were the only reliable nuu > tu and they proved to bo heroines Indued Many of them idled. None of them over returned to tlnlr : lve | of ah a mo. Th fie