THE OMAHA DAIT/r H.EE : SATTJKHAV , SEPTEMBER 25. 1807 , CRIMINALS HOLD A CARNIVAL Thieves nnd Th ugs Create a Hcign o Terror. PROFIT ATTHE EXPENSE OF THE CROWDS 1'iit'M'lH I'lrlo-il , lliinxi'M mill .Men ItuMicilVlilli * llu ; Ak- Mir-llrii I'nriiilt * Hu * hlri Crooks of all dfflcrlptlons , particularly filckpockets an.l burglar * , wore numbered among Mi' busiest people in this vicinity TIiurHilay afternoon anil night. Tlic hnmcasc crowds which filled the lair grounds during the day nnd literally packed the streets In the evening afforded the pickpockets an un limited opportunity to ply their trade with out much danger of detection. Tha outpour ing of the nt'ldealj ' of the city Into the down town Fccllon to wll'nos ! the parade left the resident districts practically detcrtod and tlio residences without gunrd. And finally It wuu founil neevssary to tint practically the entire pollcu force In the heart of thu city to handle the crowdri during thu paiado , o thai the liurglara had the siifcuruan districts to themselves ; and tile ernwds were so great In the downtown district that the police olll- ccis had little opportunity o ! doing anything else than to keep them In order , without looking after pickpockets who might he cir culating hi them. While only a few cases were reported to the police , It Is known that criminals car- rUd on their work In the must high handed manner. People do not like to acknowledge that they have hccn victims ot pickpockets unless they lose enough to mnkci It worth while to at tempt to recover their property. An Indi cation of the likelihood that till cases havu not been reported Is Rhown by the fact that the police have now In their possession ten pockcthooks which were undoubtedly stolen nnd It IH believed that only two or three of these belong to partita who have made re ports. NO KKSI'KCTKIIS OF PERSONS. Among thu victims of the pickpockets was General Charles V. Manden-ou. Ills pocketbook - book , containing $ ? ii in money , was taken out of his pocket while he was riding do\ui- towu Thursday evening In a street car. The theft occurred on the tear platform of the ear and is supposed to have been commit ted iy a couple of men who wore crowded on each side of Cleneral Mandersan. A description of the men has been given to the police. General Mandcrsnn was con siderably wrought up over the fact that 1 _ was made a victim , and when he made t'e ' report to the police he stated that he would willingly ipend ? 200 to secure the capture and thu convlrtlon of the thieve * . Peter L. I'crlne , secretary and treasurer of the O. F. D'lvls coiroany , was one of the , victim. " at the fnlr grounds and he Is num bered among those who would not have made a report Ui the police If circumstances had not broug'it tlie cas' to lliht. HU pa ket- book was found In a bunch or live near the northwest entrance to the grounds. It contained a check for $77 nnd other papers , but no money. As the papc-rs could be duplicated , Mr. Perlne salt ! that he had no Intention of making a report of the case. Tlili theft was committed wlule Mr. I'e Ine was getting on a street car wlih his wife OP his way homo from the fair luti > Thursday afternoon. In getting onto the car .Mr. I'crlnr was bquee ed between a couple of men and It Is bplleved the pocketbook was stolen then. PICK UP POniCETIIOOKS. Four pocketbooks were found lying umK > r a bunch of weeds at the State fair tcrmlnu * of the street car line Thursday night by S. Al. Wright of KennarJ , who brought them to tlic pollco station. In one 25 cents was left. From the papers and the railroad tickets found in them they belonged to pirtlm named J. C. Sworn , Thomas Wilson ot Spring- Held , William .McComb of Wllcox. Ato. , and Dr. H. C. Wheeler of Oninha. In the latter was also found u note given by John R Lally ot this city 'to ' the "Fusion Campaign Committee. " It was for $50 and was datcJ April 19. 1S97. and was probably Lilly's as- fessmoni to the fusion fund for the spring election when he ran for olllce. From the- endorsements on the IUCK but $5 of the amouut has been paid , two payments being made in .May. one of $ : t nnd the otbnr of $2 Flvo empty pockcthooks were found yester day morning lying Inside the screen door oT the book store at 15tfl Farnam street. They had been rilled , not a scrap of paper being left to Indicate to whom they belonged. The pocketbooks wore undoubtedly thrown away by thieves that they might not bo found as evidences of theft on their persons In cas ? they were arrested. | Some woman , who refused to give her name , was robbed of a pocketbook contain ing $30 while in a crowd near Sixteenth and Douglas Thursday afternoon. In the crowd Thursday night C. W. HrltfH pockets were rilled of a number of articles , but no money was taken. Tilllo Wright , a colored waniiin , was locket ! up yestetday for stealing $120 from a visitor to her rooms on Ninth street. The house- was searched and the amount found be tween two bed ticks. The money was re turned to the man who elalmed It. I TAKE ANY OKI ) THING. As J. A. Tuney , a Herman farmer of York , was viewing the parade he was de spoiled of a large silver watch. He was .standing In front of the elty hall wttb bis ilaughter when a negro approached and asked for some Information. Tuney had just pointed out the location of the court hou.u' when the negro crowded heavily against him. At that moment Tuney felt for Ma watch and found that It had been twisted from the chain. He shouted vigorously and gave chase , but the thief vanished In the crowd. A man named Graves of South Omaha lost his poc-ketbouU shortly aflt-i- ward. It occurred at Seventeenth and IHr- ncy streets , and Graves noticed his losm and the thief simultaneously. He .raised an alarm and guvo chase. The man , a negro , dashed bntwccn the front wheels of a ve hicle nnd the heels of the horses. He emerged , however , Into thu arms of Jailer Sim ml nnd Olllcer Council. When the negro saw that escape WHS Impossible he thnnv thn IIUIHO , which contained $20 , Into the crowd and It was lost. The thief , whoso naino Is John .Matthews , wag arrested. Tlu > Incident occurred In a croud of South Omahn reople , who wore considerably worked up over Iho robbery nnd for a time threatened to handle. tin1 prisoner roughly before he could ho hurried away. Later In thu evening John H. Cannon , a ranchman of Ogallnlu , lost his pocketbook containing ? 15 as he wan hanging on to the Hleps of a crowded South Omahn car. The occurrence look place at KourteeiHli HIM ! Fa roam and Cannon caught a glimpse of the thief , who ran Into the alloy between Farnam ml Douglas Birocts. Cannon was almost at bis heels , when the man darted Into thu back door of a saloon and out tlic front way. Thu courage of Cannon wtned nnd he alnn- doned the chase at this point. The thiuf scorned to havu a desperado strlpo In big makeup , as he hold a revolver In his baud as ho fled , m'unLAiis WKiti : BUSY. A half do/en burglaries were re- THE PACE THAT KILLS ! A dlatliiKuUhed Ourmaii | > byslelai > de clares this to bo tbu ago of Nervoumiecu. and thinks thu civilized race la detuilonit- Ine under It. Our lunutlo iiByluniH nra Illllni , ' up ut u frightful rate ; women wbu sbould be plump und rosy are pale and emaciated ; uobool cblldren , Insteud of I jo int , ' loyous , ucllve , vigorous , uro debili tated , ovcrwoikud and unhappy ; buslnes.- ] men uro enidiiea of pcrputuul worrv unil vlntlniu uf insomnia ; HOC la 1 life Is u nene- destroying whirl of nuclteinent ; cities are clumorous with Ulstrui-tlon or full roads , traffic , imimifufture and all hustling uf- fulrs thnt destroy reiiouo and murder quiet. Kverythlnir Is at high pruusiire. Headlong , mad activity U tbu law of tlr- cumHtanccs. i Pr. Churcot's Kobi Nervine Tablets nro famoiiH for curing Nervous Ulueasnii wlicri otbor romixllcu had fulled. They will maku you etrong und wuil. try tlmni , Fifty Cents und Jl per box at drugiimtii , or Hunt dlroct. Wilte us for toHtlinunliiU of cures. Kurcku Chemical & Mfc. Co. , ported. One occurred at the residence of ' Miitirlco I.cvl , Twtnty-flrBt and Dodge streets. The fatnll } ' Mas downtown to wit- nesa Ihe parade. The lastenlaK of a win dow were wrenched off and entrance was thus effected 1 be open window was noticed by a returning servant , who telephoned the police. Hcforc doing so , however , she made a great outcry and the burglars made their escape. Dctectlvf C'ox and C. W. llrltt , as nsjlstant. hurried to the house In answer to the summons. When they arrived Cox went In by n rear door and stationed Hrltt outside nit guard. A few minutes afterward a head wan thrust out of the front door and Hrltt | romptly covered It with ft revolver. The man Itulstod ( hat he was l.evl , the occupant' ' of. the bouse , but dcsplto his story Hrltt rompellod him to march out and held him prisoner bu the yard , with threats that he would blow' his bond off If ho made a move until Ji < } vas Idr-ntlfle.l. The burg lars were probably frightened away before they had an opportunity to gather together any booty , as nothing Is missing. A room nt the Kuropean ho'el occupied by II. I ) . Offlncor and Oenrge M. WurtsvaiiRh , both of Manilla. la . wna also burglarized Thursday illicit. The burglars succeeded In reaching an ottlsIM window on a shed nnd forced It open. They stole a gold watch and $1.75 from Offlnccr's clothing ami a silver Mate-It and $ .1 from the other man's apparel. Tlio roar door of the rc-ldenco of Carls II. I.uni ; . 1210 Park \Vlldo avenue , was forced open Thursday night during the absence of the occupants. AVhtfii they came homo they liuind tlut a gold wafh. .1 lonsld. rablu quan tity of silverware , four rings , some pins nnd otber pbxrs Of Jewelry hail been stolen. A wlidow'ln the resldcnoo of C. 0. Under wood , 012 North Twenty-fifth avenue , w.n forced open.a"lV't'a lot of silverware and Jew elry wcrfc taWft' At thixirr l Qiico of Herman Sommer the aiutters werct torn off a window and a screen wai pulled fitif- : The burglars secured $5 In money. .1 ( ImAitUjT of tableware and a num ber of articles of clothing. Some uneak thief Ktolo a number of buggy robca and whips from Dllrance's stables at Seventeenth stroat and St. Mary's avenue. A thlDf of the same character took , t clock out of the nnice of P. U. Weail. 1H24 Houglns street , duringtho , day.Vhlle the parade was on In Iho'bvcnln.n any number ot whips and buggy robes were stolen out of the rigs that were left standing on the side streets. A hoi so was stolen from the rear of the Davl-lgo building. It was the property of (3uy Hcnton of Thirtieth nnd Jackson streets , who had left It alone for a few minutes and returned to find It gone. UOUIJRI ) THE SALOON . The event In tlio criminal record of the day and night occurred at ten minutes to 1 o'clock yesterday morning when another bold saloon robbery , thu third of thn kind that luts occurred. In' the last few weeks , was coirmlttcd In the saloon of Frank Swo- buda at Sixteenth nnd William streets. As in thu other two cases the robbery was com mitted by three masked and armed men. There wera "two men In the saloon at the time , Frang Slama , the bartender , and Jobn lluicsh. who lives at 1I2G South Thir teenth street. At 12:30 : Slama decided to close the saloon. He went to the front door to shut It , but before he could got the key 111 the lock and turn it , two men shoved themselves hgainst the door nnd threw It open. The men were both masked and one held a revolver In each hand. They rushed the saloon nnd the man with the re- \olvera levoletl both at Slama's bead , "If you yell , I will kill you , " lie said. Huresh moved to the rear end of the ea- ' .oon with the intention ot getting assist ance , but before he had gone any distance the other ot UI.Q two robbers caught him and brought him "back. The two men were then placed side by side nnd the man with the wenpr.ns coyf red them. The other man then walked bcUtBd , , : he bar and appropriated a cigar bo 'ptnita ilng JCI.O , " ) the proceeds of the day's business. He put the money In his pockets and then with a departing threat , the two robbers left the siloon. In addition to the two who went into the salojii. there was another on guard on the oirtsldc. He was seen by Phillip Swobodn , who lives on the opposite side ot the etrcct. The robbery was committed so quietly that he had nq idea of what was going on. Pro prietor SXvoboda , who resides above the sa loon , was not disturbed. Neither of the men In the , saloon is nble to give n description , ofthe' , robbers , except that they were ap parently 'young and were of medium build. Tbt'lr ' fcotiihs could not be seen on account of handkerchief masks. Ten minutes after the robbery occurred the policeman on the beat arrived on the scene , but by that time tbu roljbtrg bad disappeared. With the exception of the negro , who was caught by the crowd at Seventeenth and Hartley streets after picking n pocket , no one has been arrested who can bo charged with the commission , pf uny of the crimes. The pollco "yesterday , however , were busying themselves in arresting everybody who came lu the c.atc ory of being suspicious char acters. A > \ ff'- UVTliir UEPORTS OF IlOnilKIUES. Last night , additional reports of thefts burglaries and iiocketplcklng were received by the police. Sarah Hartley , 2S05 North Twenty-fifth street , was robbed of a gold watch in the crowd nt Sixteenth and Kornam streets during the parade. Charles- . R. Sundberg , an employe of the Dewey & Stone Fu nltute company , who lives In the southern port of the city , had his tioi-kets picked of a pockelbnok containing $20 while be was standing In a crowd at Thir teenth and Dodge .streelii. A big dlimoml stud was picked from the shin bosom of a m-in named Cobalcy , who resides at the Mcrrlatn. The theft was also committed In the crowds In thu evening. A robe was stolen out of the tig of .Mrs. Hanson nf 2722 Ohio stret. A road wagon was stolen from the prem ises of Kil Copeland. 3131 Uurt street , while the rcuUlentfi were away. Ite orts rcrclvDtl a the police station In dicate that the crookH made a clean sweep out at the State fair grounds Thurbday nfter- noon and night. In addition to the live pocketbooks brought to the city yesterday mo nlng , twcnty-ono moro were picked up later In the day In a draw on tint grounds. With them were also found eight trunks and chests which hud been stolen from the buildings on tlio grounds nnd bad been looted of thflr contents. Tbi local police * have been Informed that Thursday night hardly n tent or hut on the Kt omuls which was occupied by exhibi tors and fakirs was overlooked. The places were iMitwei * nnd the trunks and chests tttro dtawn outside , broken open snid robbed of their contents. It is estimated that the luss uill run up Into hundreds of dollars. The crooks Imd plenty of opportunity to do the work , as the majority of the people ho have boe.ii living n the grounds came to the V'I ' ! 9V59"-tht' parade. Thn State fait pulnotaiiptf.i'rcil'ia.lidvi ) In no way Inter fered win the depredations. It ! n expected that a full report of the rob beries will ! > ' made to thn Omahn pnllco today. So far but one of the exhibitors has tepnrted h ! loss. This was U. V. Kern of I'lilriigo. whose trunk was rubbed of its entire ( oiiu'ius , consUfing mainly of cloth ing. Tlie loss IE considerable. I The "'s llrwi Fneiii ! " is a familiar | uatni ) for DuWltl' Witch lintel Halve , al ways ready for emergencies. While a epe- | olllc for pllra. U also lusUntly iHlleviM and rurfo cilia , hrul/t-p. saU.rnruin , eczema and all affections of the skin. It never , f.ilit. \i-Kiiluur "i' ' \ VntrrVorltN I'IINI * . Yfstt'lday Jobn L. Webster runeludod bis lengthy argument In the suit of the city and other Interested parties ag.ilnst the Omahn Water company , tlcfore Judge Mungcr In llu < fedejul _ court he again con tended that thu rights privileges and Im munities otijoycd by the water company should be forfeited and Unit , the city should ai on cu I HI .given pctbc slon of the water plant b > tui ) court's order. llniiilxiiii-ii iirliiK i\i : | < > rtx. KxptTts Lenbcrk and Iloollitle. who have madti several detailed examinations of the ici-omita of the city treasurer's olllce In Hie Interests of tlio llolln bondsmen , returned to Iho city yesterday for the presumable pur pose of h'lvlng their testimony nt the ap preaching trial. They applied lo Comptroller \\Vftbi-rg for permission to examine some of the books In bis otllce and on Iiuiru ilnnx from City Attorney Connell they were j | . lowed to do so , Flri < In uVr | | . Tim anomaly of n flro in a well was fur nished In ihe rear of Ileniu-tt's stablts on Fourteenth otrwi ar-1 Cajdtol avenue yes terday aflerniJou. The .veil had teen abjti- doiii-d fur SOUR- time and luu beconm tiu > re- ct'inaclu for tbo rubbl b of ,1 ristauraut next door. The llro had become well started and smouldered for some tlnio befoto It nan ex tinguished. PLANS FOR THE BUILDING Supervising Architect of Treasury Gives Out Description ! GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE AT EXPOSITION laxHlo In Style , I In'Home ' ( it tlio fn I < < -il Sillies Kthlltlt I'riiiiilHPM In III- One of ( IIIMimt Ulriict- Ivc oil the ( iriiiinili. The following U the official description of the building to be erected on the Trans- inlsslsslx | > l Exposition grounds by the fed eral gove.nmc-nt , the description being given out from the office of the supervising ar chitect ot the Treasury department at Wash ington : The building to be erected by the United States government Is to be situated at the west end of the grounds at the lu'ad of the laku and has the coal of hoifbr of the whole exhibit , facing , as It docs , the main group of building * . It was designed under the genur.ll direction of Charles H. Kcniper , actIng - Ing supervising architect of the Treasury department at Washington , D , C. , Kdward A. Crane being the draughtsman In Immediate charge. The building will bo In the classic style , the Ionic order being Used. H Is to be ar ranged In tinee sections , thai at thu Imme diate center having a frontage on the lake of 208 feet and a height to top of bilustrade over cornlco of llfty-clgbt feet. It will have a deptli of 150 feet. The main entrance facing the center of the laku will be reached by a bread Might of steps and through a colonnade. This entrance ulong wltii the en tire center section of the building will be voiy richly treated In color. The entrance Is flanked on cich side by pavilions capped by richly decorated domes. The main building will' be surrounded by n colossal dome , which will tower far nbovo'all other buildings on the grounds and will be a landmark for miles around. This dome will bo capped with n herola figure * representing "Liberty 13n- Ilghtenlng the World , " and at night this flgui'o will ho lighted by elec tricity , and as the torch will bo 17S feet above the ground , the beautiful ef fect can be easily Judged. The side sections , which arc separated from the center portion of the building by colonnades connecting with ihe Agricultural building on one side and the theater on the other , eo"oh have n , front age ot 148 feet and arc 100 feet deep and lm\e n height of forty-four feet to lop of balustrade. This makes the total length of building 504 feet , and height at highest point 178 feet , and the floor space devoted to exhibits will approximate 50,000 square feet. The building will be constructed of wood and covered with staff on the outside. KXI'OSITIOX CO.M.MITTKK MKKTS. i Colonies AskiMl to Conn * In nllli mi i\hlldt. The regular weekly meeting of the execu tive committee of the exposition was held at the Commercial club rooms yesterday after noon with all the members of the committee presclit. The session was devoted entirely to the consideration of routine business. The tulo of the committee providing that three members should constitute a quorum , which had been In force during the absence from the city of some of the members , was changed to provide that a quorum should be four members , as It stood originally. Alanager Hosewater called attention to the fact that the invitations to ( he English colonies nies , Canada , Australia , etc. , had been sent through the usual red tape channels by way of the State department and the Correspond ing depa'tment of England , and that the In vitations would not reach the colonies for a long time. He suggested that some mure expeditious method should bo. adopted in order to extend an Invitation to the cdlonlcs. especially Canada , to participate In the ex position , This matter was discussed by thu committee and It was decided that Invita tions ( should be sent direct to the colony authorities in addition to those sent through the regular ofilelal channels. Alanager Babcock reported that General Superintendent Hathburn of the Missouri Pacific had told him that a large force of men would be put to work on the railway tracks for the exposition grounds and that the confatruction would bo ruslied as fa-t as possible. Mr. liabcock also stated that he would be out of the city for the next week. .Mr. Itoscwater called attention to the meeting of the county commissioners this morning , when the petition for submitting a bond proposition to the people would be laid before the board. He suggested that the members of the committee and a num ber of the Board oj Directors attend the meeting of the commissioners and urge them to take prompt action In the matter , as the time for publishing the notice of the bond proposition Is growing ghort. .Manager Klrkeudall presented n letter from Walker & Kimball , the supervising archi tects of the exposition , relating to the plans lor the Nebraska building. The letter sated that the plans were Incomplete and did not show a sufficient number of the dimension flguics to enable the architect ? to pass upon the plans intelligently. After a brief du- ! Cifcshm the whole matter was turned over to the Department of JJuildlngs and Grounds with power to learn the further details and Issue a permit for the erection of the State building , \MV TH.NXKSSKI-3 ttKTS IXTO I.IXH. Slulr MnliCN Aiplli-ii linn Tor Sinii > ill KxixiNltlnii. The list of states outside of the trans- Mississippi territory which are to make state exhibits at the Transmlsslsslppl and International Exposition has been increased by the addition-of Tennessee. The state which Is now having an exposition of Its own will bo represented In the great exposi tion of the western section of the union by a display of Its resources. An an evidence that an exhibit of the re sources of Tennessee will be made at Omaha , an upplUatioii for 3,000 feet of space for an exhibit of the agricultural , horticultural and the many other resources of the state has brwi lodged with Prof. F. W. Taylor of the Hiirenu of Agriculture , Horticulture , Forestry and Irrigation , who has been In NaBhvlllo In attendance at the exposition. This Information was telegraphed this morn ing by Prof Taylor , who st-tted that the application was made by the Nashville , Chattanooga & St. Louis Hallway company , which will make nn extensive display. .NOCN Of Illf i\MINltlllll. | The time for the ifext meeting of the Ne- biaski Kxpotltlon commission has been changed to October G'foi-- > rtho'reason that keveral of the members will be unable to at tend the meeting ciext Tuesday , the time originally agreed upon. The Department of Transportation Is al most dally In receipt of circulars from the various freight asEoclatlons of the country announcing special rates on goods Intended for exhibition at the exposition. The latuit of these Is an announcement from the Chicago - cage c id Ohio Itlver Freight association making a rate of full tariff oa goods going1 to the exposition , with free transportation returning- A telegram from Prof. F. W. Taylor to the Department of Exhibits makes the announce ment that the Forestry convention which just adjourned Its annual session at Naeh- vlle ! left thn selection of the piece for thu next meeting to a committee. The tele gram aUo btattB that a majority of tb ! committee is already pledged to choose Omaha for the next meeting , BO that IhU convention. . Is assured. Olil IN-uiilc. Old people who require medicine to regu late the bouels and kidneys will find the true remtdy in Electric Hitters. This medl- tina iloet. not utlmulate < nvj contains no whUky nor other Intoxicant , but ccts a * a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the fctomuch and bowels , adding treiigth and giving tone to the organs , thereby aiding Nature in the performance cf the func tions. Ivlrrtrlc Hitters U an excellent ap petizer and aids digeetlon. Old people flud it Jm-t exactly what they need. I'rlco COc and { 1.00 per bottle at Kubn & Co.'a drug ttore. j AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Lini Go. SHAU : URAU3RS IN ltj'm' hnfrlctncnts. and CnrrlaRM. Cor , 6th and 1'nclnc Sis. * Drills * tiitt-gics , Etc , Mi nt-il. Pacific Street * . Jobbers of Far/n Machinery. WnRons nnd HiiKglcs - Cor. Sth nnJ Jones. ThoLS.HorthwalICo Wholesale Ucnlcr.s Iti Agricultural Implcmenls VVAUONS AND BUOOIUS , Utli nnd Nicholas St. ART GOODS P icture Moldings. Mirrors , Frames , Hacking and Artists' Materials. BOOKBINDING , ETC I.I I'RIXTIXO A.\I > HUUK 11/.VO G. eiuventh nnd HownrJ Sts. BDOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , M'frs I Jobbers of Foot Wear WES1K1IX AOKNTS KOH The Joseph Banigau Eubbor Co. Rubbers and Mackintoshes. U m nil n , Nub. FPEJMsBidaii & Q@ Boo's , Shoes and Rubbers Salesrooms lltamOMlOS Ilarney Street. r11 Boots , Shoes , Rubbers , AT WHOI.ESAI.M. Olllco nnd Salesroom 1119-21-23 Howard St. Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers Western Agents Goodyear Glove Rubber * . 1114 Harney Street. 'B Lindsay , WHOUJSALB ' RUBBER GOODS Owner of Chief Brand Mucklntosher BAGS Importers and .Manufacturertt BAGS 614-16-18 Sonlh nlh Street BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS. SYRUPS , .McIasFrp , Borglium , etc. , 1'renervee and JtlllcH. Also tin cans anil Japanned ware. IIK ( . . \HIM\t ; THAT IUI > ] AlIIM. . _ _ _ _ _ j Mr. llfhliriiil KvilntllH | HU Acllnn III tl | < > MnlliT , I The unfortunate Interruption to the Pageant of Qtilvcra Thursday evening caused by a j thoughtless alarm or flri ; from the countycourt j house cauaed much talk yttiterday. County Treasurer George Ilelmrod thinks ho hati been unjustly blinicd. Ho aayw big attention , WSK first called to a blaze in the front part | of Ihe New Vorl ; Life bulldlni ; by Kred A. Archerd. county .treasurer examiner , of Lin coln. Mr. Hclmrnd Bays that ho looked acrcK3 from lho < court house , wbera he WCH at the tluio. and eaw a Hash of llfiht about i four fret I" height. Thinking that some of ' the eleutrlc llglitl Illuminations had come ' Into contact with the wood , bo notified the j telephone uxchaneu that feomelhlng was | rt-rong at the Nuiv Vork Life bulldlni ; . I.ater i tto called up thu sumo number and told the , operator that hoithought ono man could put out the fire. Shut replied that it wag too late , as site had already Uirued In the alarm , The superintendent of the New Voik Life building states that there was no defective or lire from any ether causes. Ho CHICORY ffihta&ry Orowetn nnd manufacturers of nil forms of Chicory Oinnlin-Frpinnnt-O'Nell. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Crockery. Chi if , Silver Plnud Ware , Looking Glasses. Clmn- dellerf ) , Lnmps , Culmneyx , Cutlery , ltc. 1-110 KAIl.VAM J T. CREAMERY SUPPLIES Crcawcrv Machinery nnd Supplies. Hollers , Knglnes , Feed Cookers , Wood Pul leys , Shafting , Heltlnr ; , Uuttcr 1'nck- nces of nil kinds. 1107-900 Jones St. . - - - - - - COAL. Omco 1C03 Farnam Street. SHERIDAN COAL. f. N . niotz. President GnuM IHMz. See. & TrcM. CO IFECTIONiJRY CIGARS Manufacturing Con feet , oners , A ml Jobbor.-t of Forciunnnd Domestic Fruits , Nuts , Cldnrs ntid Crackers , uos-nio iiuw.iitn ST DRY GOJD3. Oo. q < . Importers and Jabbers of Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods AND NOTIONS. DRUGS. 902-906 Jackson Si. J. C. niCHARDSON , Prest. C. F. WELLER , V. Prist. E. Bruce & Co. Druggists and Stationers , "Queen llee" Sp clnltles , Clgnrs , WlniK und Uranilles , Corner 10th nnd Ilurney Street ! . 31'frs Staittlxr.l I'liiiriiftruallcal Prepara tion * . Spechtl f'nrinnln 1'refinrcif to ( li-tiei : Send f\ir Catalogue. laboratory , 1112 Howard Bt. , Omaha. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Electrical Supplies. Electric Mining1 Bolls and Gas Lighting C. W. JOHNSTON , 1'ies. 151S-1S17 Howard. WHOLKSAU3 AND HICTAIL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WH Farnnm St , FRUIT-PRODUCE. , WHOI.KiAI.K Commission Merchants. H. W. Corner ll'lh nnil Hnwnrd Stn. Kleinbetu of the National l u ue of Commis sion Merchants of the Untied .Slates ! , Straight & JUDRKItS Fruit and Vegetables SPiCIArTIi.S RlinwherrlfH , Apples , Orani Jx-iuuna , Cranberries. Potatoes. 1017 How.ird St. FURNITURE Hewey & Stone ' 'Furniture Go WHOl.USAI.H Furnitw e - - Draperies 1111-1117 Kuriium Street explains the light that thu county treasurer naw by the btatement that n photographer was in the front part uf th < < third story tak ing flashllghl plfturrs of the Moats as they passed. He says there V.-BK no occasion for any alarm of flro whatever. The telephone people insist that the girl who turned In the alarm cannot bo reasona bly blamed , as It uni her duty to report thu flro as coon as the heard of It. Thu In formation that the flrt > could ho jnit out with one man und a bucket did not ronio to her till too late to irevent iho alarm tint caused the trouble. Praise for Chitf Itcdell and liU men on the dm rablo manner in wli'oli tl.ey Iui)1lo1 ) Uie ergliit- ' . with out lujurlng anyone > vs heard on all sHrs ytstcrday. It Is utitlmatcd Miat fully I . ( WO peoplu ucro giiibRreil near the . Intersection uf b'uvcntcunth and F.tni.m ] streets , v\here the Mrcnien had to craa. ' | To make muitd's uorie thn crowds from clsewhero rushtid in t.itd Illled the vircecu i ' and H vvHx nothing but cxctflliint managi ; nient that prevcmcJ an accident. Arnold's Dromo Celery cures headaches. lOc , 2Sc and 60c , All druggleta. GROCERIES. eyer & ilaapke , FINE GROCERIhS Teas , Spices , Tnbnccc And Cigar * . 1403-1(07 llnrncy Street. cGord-Brady Bo , Itttli and Lcuvcnwoi-th St. Slafilc and Fancy Groceries ) tC\ AND COrrLE IttMSILII ) . Etc. OA ! > COIWKH AM ) JOillll.VU ( illOUKttS. Telephone JS2. IV Mi SADDLErtY 7/.1H.V7J.JJ , N.lDDT.l S .1X1) CO1.T.AI18 iJoblirr.i of l.ratlici- , AmMrriIlitrttirttre , Ktc. We. jolleJt your orders 1315 Howard St , HARDWARE. Wholesale Hardware , Oinalia. Wholesale Hardware. lllcycles und portlni : Goods. l'Jl'J-'Jl- Hnr- ncy street. HATS-CAPS ate City 1109 ami 1111 Howard St. HATS , cAi-t , , ( fi.iiras , MITTR.\S Owtitra of Gate City. l'e < Tle s , Damascus anil TraniMilsilEcli.p ] lii-.iriJj nr hats. JEWELRY Wholesale Jcwc/ry. 15th anil Ilarncy ; Omaha. \\o can hbow you tlio Siesl stock in the wo < t. No re/tall. LIQUORS. LIQUORS. Proprietors of AMHllll'AN riOAll AND OI ARS \VAltK i'0. 211-210 Smith Ut.i Kt. East India. Bitters' Golden Sheaf Pure and llourbon WhlsUey. Willow Hiulngs nlntlllery , Her & Co. , 1112 Hartley Street- Wholesale Liquor Merchants , 1001 Kuriinin StreeU 'iiey ' Brothers , Wholesale Liquors and Cigars , 1118 Rtriiam Struct , WllOl.ESAl-B Wines , L'quors and Cigars. 419-410 8. 1Mb Street. LUMBER WHOLESALE DUMBER . . . 814 South 14th St. KOI NT/I ; i < ; sr\TK TIMS n flu * lniii-o\lim | i > f South Srv- llll'l'lllll SI ! < ( I , The city inittinrltlcB Jjavu been enjoined from taking any further Hiupu to i > avt .Seven teenth titu'et , fiujn Hartley to Jackson , an contemplated by ordinances jiasieil August 17. An applleatlon for < i rcutralnlng order wan made to Jtsd u K y r by Herman Kuuntzc , I'\ } { . Davis and Augustus R Kotmut' , as exet'titorH of thu eslatn of iCIlza- belli Kountze , and a n tralnluK order was Issued the rase bi-ltirf het for hearing be- forp Judge Keyvor at 10 a. m. , September i8. I Thu petition In the case H'tu forth tlie I M'cllon of the charter under which itio city I autlioritlcE claim the right to pavu any utteet within it.UOO feet of the court liouso , re- gdrdle s of the wlubca or protects or Ihu maperly OAiicrx abiiiK tlio utrcct. The Plaintiff * allfKP tljat they reprehunt property liAvlng a friutage of 2'l itvi on Seventeenth street. hctvM'Cn Ifarncy and Howard , and other property luvlug a frontage of 105 fet > t 011 tbo fiimo ttrcot between HoivarU and Jackson streets. They further allege that a petltlou containing the tlenaturcs 0I the LUMBER : 9 'SAt.t : AND LUMBER Omect nnJ Yard * 13th ntij Citllfarnln Ht.r eo. Wholcsalt Lumber , Li til c , Elc. ! ) th ami Douglas St.s. 6th and Douglas Sis. 3JOTa" Telephone OIL-PAINTS SI AM TACTIWKUS Air Floated Mncral Paint AnJ I'uInK of Ml Klniln Putty , lite. 1015 and 1017 Jones St. J. A. MufTvt. 1st Vlrc l'ro . I , . J. llrakc , lion Mur * . . . .OILS. . . . OaFo.lnp , Tur | " mini1. Axle Oi'oiise , 1'tc Omahn llrauoh nn.l Agrnclrs , John II. ItutU .MKr OYSTERS S & PACKKIlS. KING COLE OYSTERS , ciri.nuv A Nil p PAPEK-V/OODJINWARE. 'arpanter Paper Bo. _ Printing Paper , Wrapping Paper , Stationery , Corner 12tli and Kuwaril streets. Paper and Stationery , rj S Klcvcnth St. Wrapping Paper , Stationery ] } roodcnwarc. 1IOV llainey Street PHOTOGRAPJIG SUPPLIES. Photographic Supplies , I-l. l'"iimnni St. SASHDOJ , - BLINDS. . .uniifactilrcrs of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Etc , and 1/.11-cI Sts. " " "STEAM-WATER ya IOIJ-IO6 | DouuliiH .Street. Manufacturers aim Jobbers of Sir-am , ( ias anS Water Supplies of All Kinds. . . a iroSi10 J/arncv St. Stpam PIIIIIIIK. ICiiKlncB and Hollon ) , Pipe , \\lml Minn , Hi cum ami Plumbing Muteriul. lU'llliig , Jlose , Ktc. TOYS ANJ FANJy GOODS. 'Joys , Dolls , Albums < ind PrtNf'V GOODB. /louse Furnltldnuii. U.iliJtL-n'ii CarriUtfts , Klo. 1319 PUIIIUIII Street. TYPE 1'OUNDRIES , G Type Foundry 8uprlor Copper Mixed Type It the belt t/u tliu niurUfl. 1IM Huvianl atrii. i. owners of a majority of tbu frontage. In thriso two districts , proli-stlng against Iho proponed paving of the Hlrfet , wan presented to tliu city council September 7 and was placed on Illu by that bo'l ' ) without any other action being taken. Thu plaintiffs complain lo thn court thai the city authorities have proccedtj without the consent or petition of thu prop erty owners and agalnxt their protest and havu advertised for bids for material for paving thesn two district ! ) and will , unless restrained by the court , proceed to pave HID ttreet. It 1 al'fKfd ' that the laws of the ttate do not authorize the city authorities to i > rocc-ed In the manner being practiced lu this casu and the court Is iuk < ) t9 CD Jo 11 * such procedure.