R TTTTl OTVrATTA DATT/V IHSTC : TTITTTIST ) AY. SEPTJ2M1JER 2H. 1fif)7. People Are doming in from All Sections of the State , TRAIN SERVICE DOUBLED ON MOST ROADS llfitc In Ilrlil ( o llo n rcn Sueet-Hn In InilncltiK Vlnlturv ( o Conic to the , Stnta Pair. 1 That fC blanket rate from remote points in the stale la proving a great card In draw ing people to Omaha this week. It limits the cost of transportation from any point In the state to Omaha and return to | C , and from all points whcro the round-trip rate la one-fare , unices that should amount to jnoro than ? G. The passenger oltlclals of ell the railroads leading to Omaha declare that the $ G blanket rate Is already a great success and expect It to bo a still greater success today. The Incoming trains yesterday were all well filled Many of them ucro run In two eectlons , so great was the demand for scats At railway headquarter * It was stated that a considerable number of the visitors came from the central and western parts of the Btatc. Not the \\liolo croud by any meant lulled from points Immediately adjacent to Omaha. The result Is that the railroads nro doing a splendid and profitable passen ger business throughout the stnto and expect It to continue for the next couple of dn > s The busiest scenes of travel yesterday iwcro at the union depot , as usual. All the morning trains from the cast were cronclcd with passengers , and some of them tvcro late In arriving here on account of the Jicavy tralllc. The Northwestern train from the cast was run In two .sections , the eec- end anlvlng an hour and a half late Travel from tlio west was even heavier than that from the cast. The Union I'ncinc'8 fast mall train No 1 arrived at 10 20 a m It contained fifteen coaches , filled for the most part with for the spectators Ak-Sar-llen .fwtlvlties and the State fair exhibits It in as a long train and required two big en gines to pull It In on time. About half thn passengers took the State fair train stand ing on tlie track next to the one on vvhlt.li their train entered. These were In luck , ns they did lint sec the union dupot sheds at all , 'but ' were whirled out toward the State fair grounds In less than two minutes after they had left the Incoming train LOADRi ) TO TIU : GUARDS The tturlliiglon train from the west , due At O'Gfi n. in , had to bo divided Into two sections , so great was the travel on It The first came in on time and the second did not conio Into the clt > at all , but was switched at Dccifield and went dltectly to the State fair grounds. The Missouri Pacific had two c\tri train" In jesterday to accommodate the travel from the coutheastern part of the htnto They came Into the Webster street station nltliln a few minutes of each other , shortly before 9 o'clork Uach train was of eight cars , all of which were filled The one was from Kails City and points on the Nebraska City erctlon ; the other was from Auburn and points on the Talmngp section The IJlkhorn had nn c\tri train In from the western end of the state A part of the travel coming Inti th Webster street na tion went out to the fair grounds , but most of the visitors spent the morning about town The Hock I land had an extra train from Palrbury and Intermediate pJlnts , and it did a good Imslnos" The State fair trains of the Union Pacific and of the Mistouil Pacific from Webster street station did a good business jesterday , but they vveie not crowded Superintendent lUtliburn of the Missouri Pt- clfic , who is here to person illy supervise the State fair tryln servlco , snlcl jestcidaj that ho anticipated the greatest rush to the State Mir prounls today that there liad over been and was preparing to handle the heavy traftit inticipaled without de lay. COMI : TO SRC Tiir ? SIC.HTP. At present tht MlsbOiirl Pacific has four trains In eervico between Webster street Rtatlon and the fair grounds At all times thcro is a train waiting at each terminal , while two trains arc kept in service between the city and the fail Today additional trains will be put on The Hrge ntimhci of visitors brought In ycsteiday were p'Mnly evident frtm the Increased sl/o of thr > crowds , on the .streets They came from all dliectlons and wore bound In all directions , were rrraved In as many dlfTeictu stvlcs of clothing as thcro are sands along the s ° ashoio and v\cro Accompanied by various abed famlllis They fipoko of largo ciops and the return of prosperity , and appeiicd captivated with the striking decorations of AK-Sar-Ien ! III. .All the chop houret did a good Imslnc-hs at noon , but It was at thi > hotels that the greatest rush was encountered The lead ing hotels arc tilled now , and at two of the largest licwtehles they arc doubling up their guests In order to acrommnditn all com-r" The retail stores were glad to notlco nn in crease In their patrons jcsterdaj , and many of the country merchftiits took ad vantage of the opportunity to got railroad faro for nothing by purchasing largo bills at the wholesale houses belonging to the ( Merchants' Dtircau of the Omaha Com mercial club. IMjAV IS MM * A KII HIT St'CCIS Cut Hate In riilrnKO anil St. I.oiilK IN < < > He AlUiilriinn. . The cut rates that the rollrvads put In a week ago for "Tuesdays and Thnrsda > s In September ami Octobei from Omaha to Chicago cage and to St. I/O tits are to bo withdrawn next week The > wcro not a success and the railroad managers are an\ious to get back ( o regular tariff rates. The rcdueod lutes were $10 93 for a one way ticket Prom hero to Chicago mid JU.ld from hero to St Louis They wino to be good on nil Tnrsdavs and Thursdu > s im til November 1 , but It was de cided yesterday to abandon them nftci Thursday of next week , September 30 Pas scngcr men admit that the lutes failed to attract any great amount of trmel The various ticket tellers In ( lib city yiy that they have noticed no Increase whatever lu the demand for tickets to Chicago and St l < ouls on Tuesilujs and Tlinrnilns plnea the cheap rates went Into effect. Pa hengor of' flclals say that the rates were not put Into to attract trade , but to meet competition , and as the cnu.io . for the reduced rates has illsippeared there Is no good reason wlij tliej should longer be continued. Iliilluii ) 'Niid'H unit I T ) . 1C. Torrey has bee'ii appointed trav cling freight agent of the Oniulm & St Louis nnd the Omaha , Kansas City & Pastern rail roads , The appointment has just been an nounced by General Manager Savin The Chinese diMgon , which created such a furore In the west last jcar. Is now being chipped from Maryvllle , Cul , to Denver on the Union Parlllo for exhibition at the fall festivities of the latter city next month. The Pcnn < ) lvania railroad prides Itself on making the most unique display of flags In Omaha this week. They are draped dbout the compan8 odlces and elsewhere nn the walls of the United States National bjiil , building. A carload of blooded race horses on their i\uy from Oak Park , Chicago , to San 1'rnn clsro , went through on the Northwestern- Unlon Pacific " " "Overland Limited" train sea torday. They occupied handsome ! ) ai < ranged and heavily piddrd stalls In ono of tbo baggage cars , Hoxlo Clark , con of President S , II. H Clark of the Union Pacific , was In tbn city yesterday and called upon the ottlclals of the Union Pacific now In the city. Hln father lias just returned to the family home at St. J.ouls utter n beneficial trip of two months through Montana and Minnesota. President Clark , It Is otllclally announced , will he In braalia on October 1 to again take charge of the Union Pacific. Among the visiting railroaders who are In town to witness the Ak-Sur-llrn parailm aio : Assistant General Freight Agent l.eaty am ! Traveling I'ri'lght Agent Papln of the Illll- HOB | Central , Traveling Passenger Agenl 1'lttKtirald of the Louisville & Nashville , Qen rral Traveling Freight Agent Holramb o the Kansas City. Plttebnrg & Gulf Travel IDS Freight Agent O. II. Krlpsy of the Luhlgl IVulley Dispatch and Tiavellng Freight ASCII UwtsougU of. the Louisville i. n u.i. sMi'Pttits AMI SIIOKS. T. P. CnrdrrlKliI Illrppf Y mr A pn- ( Icin lo l.lno Snnof lonoil ! > Sniiipinn. The special Importation of gentlemen's full dress shoes for the Ak-Sar-len ) ball brings out the very swcllcst thing In the way of a patent leather ever shown In this city. To say that they have either cloth or kid tot * and a new style In buttons tells but a very small part of their goodness They arc emphatically new In design and par excellence the beat full dress patent leathers made. The ladles have not been forgotten either , for there Is an assortment of beautiful slip pers and patent leather boots , the equal of which Is rarely seen. Of course those who como early will ha\e a choice of the newest Crinkles. T. P. CAHTWHIOHT & CO. . Corner IBth and Douglas. MnrrltiKc lilt'oii" ' ' " * Permits to wed hnve been Issued to the following1 pirtle * by the county Judge : Nnmc nnd Ilp'lilcnce ARC. nclbcrt 13 Lovejoy , Atlantic , In 21 Hiittle Wheeler , Atlniitlc , In 20 Jessie C. Overton Sirpy county , Neb. . . 20 Hertha H. Meredith , Snrpy county. Neb. . IS i Silvester Lnne , Kansas City , Knn ! S Cnrrle Tulton , Omihn. 13 Jnmes Murphy , South Omnha 2i > Catherine Kelly , South Oninha 22 Joseph C N'ojce , Irvlngton , Neb 30 Mnry O. Knight , Irvlngton , Neb 28 I Michael J. Deasey , South Omaha | OpsIe It Alexander , South Omaha . 20 Charles C Ilebard , Lincoln , Neb . 2S ndlth Jacobs , rontnnelle , La . " - IMward W. Mnrnell , Omnha . 2" > Mnblc Cr.impton , Omaha . 20 John Welch , Omihn . 33 .Mrs . Unrlnrn V Cooper , Omaha . 32 Hurt Mitchell , Omaha . 21 Dcsslo DivlH , Omaha . 21 Oscar Wilson , Om ilia , . SI Mm Il77le M' aallirnltli , Onmhn 4G Jesse L Klsh , Naneorounty , Nebraska , . 27 \manda. M Jchnson , Nance county , Neb. 21 "rank W lirrggrcn , Stromsberg. Xeb. . Jsthcr S. Laison , Stromsberg , Neb . . . . homolhuin to : ) ( ' | 'finl On. Mr. James Jon s. of the drug firm of Jones & Son , Cowdcn , III. , In speaking of 3r King's New Discovery , sajs tint last winter bin vvlto was attacked with La Grippe , and her case grew BO serious that physicians at Cowdcn and Pana could do lothlng for her It seemed to develop Into lasty Consumption Having Dr King's ow Discovery In store and selling lots of t , ho took a bottle home , and to the sur prise of all oho began to get better from he first dose , and half a dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well Dr. King's New 3lscovery for Consumption , Cougtm and Is guaranteed to do this good work Try it Tree trial bottles at Kuhn & Co.'s IrtiB store Itli-j olrs n < Viiodon. Wo have had assigned 300 high grade 97 Meteor blcjcles , guaranteed , which wo will : loao out to the highest bidder at 1519 Douglas street. Sale commences Thurailiv , September 23 , at 10. 2 and 7 o'clock. Wo lave cmplovod C C Pace , the noted wheel expert , as auctioneer NEBRASKA AUCTION & . COMMISSION nousn. 1519 Douclas St. T\\ ivrMIMTI : snuvicn. Oimilm ( o Sdilc I'nlr RriiiiiiilN A la Tlie I iilitii Pacific. TRAINS LEAVR RVERY HALF HOUR ROUND TRIP R\TI3. 20 CCN'TS GET TICKETS AT CITV TICKET OFFICE 1302 FARNAM ST , OR DEPOT. Tim NOHTIIU i > ri'nitiin. . Notice. A special train ei t will Ipavo Broadway depot. Council ninffs , at 11 30 p rn . Septem ber 21 , to accommodate Stile fair \lsltcrs who wish to remain for the parade J A KUHN , General Agent. WM ( \ GOSS-COAL Tel. 1307. Offlce , nnd jards llth & Nicholas. i-oc-vi , IIHIVITIIS. John D HOWP of the government corral v rites to The 13ec to correct an impression which he savHrls abroad that ho supported the biejcle lamp ordinance. Ho sajs he Is opposed to It r 1) Lewis started across the state line > csterda > with a large imitation diamond pit , which he had Ftoirn fiom n colored wonnn of the Third ward. He iwas overhauled , hcve\er , about half vvaj across , the bridge Mrs H H Duller , en route from Denver to Oalesburg , 111 , had her satol.el stolen from the train at the depot \cstcrclay afternoon. In the gilp was a poekttboaU containing a bmall amount and a qimntltj of wcailns a [ parcl A farewell reception will bo tendered Itoval V Swlt/cr anil Warren Gaff at the homeof Mr Sultrer , 94 < ) North Twenty- llfth street , I"ridaj evening The joung men start foi Los Angeles , Gal , next Mon day on bicjcles Hlds for supplying the county with coal , both hard and soft , for use at the court house and poor farm weie received jcsterda > by the rountv rlcrk These bids will be laid boforn tlie coi-ntj commissioners nt the regular merlins of the loan ! novt Saturday. Hiith H Hates , n 70-jear-old woman of Asliton Cole has mjaterloualj disappeared Three weclib ngo she left hci home for Hot Spilngs , S I ) , b > waj of Omaha The nuthorltles ha\o been asKed to llud out whi'ther she came to this city Articles of Incorporation of the Omaha HacKmcn's association ha\e been Hied with the county cleik The cipit.il stock Ifc fixed nt $ . 00 and the follow Ing nro oflleors of the aesclatlon J M Carney president Piank niniore secretary : J W 1'rlcst. treasurer ; J H. Lord , J W r\crett J M Carney , Trank Hlmore and JV. . I'rlest directors. I'nu oNi , r \ nciii vi'iis , C. O. Wcrt ? of the H M. , returned to his station at Wjmoro jchterday Mrs. S D. Seaco of Wa > ne. Neb , Is the guest of Sirs Charles Mai ley llrad Slniigliter , who has been visiting the fair , wont to Lincoln jentcrdny Miss Lenore V MeComiPlI of TJeadwood , S I ) , Is visiting friends nt .1015 I.eavonvvorth. Mis. L. J Her/og and daughtci of Lin coln , uro thu gutsts of Mis , William Itoths- chlhls H. M Dlrdsall city passenger agent of the Union Pndllc at Sioux Cltj , ri'tuined homo jesterday. J. illltte of .Lincoln Is spending a ( aw with his sister. .Miss Alice E. lllttu of 21. ! | South Twcntj-fifth street j Mr. ml Mrs John R. Buchanan of this city have just returned from a pleasant sojourn at Mouv. Falls S D Superintendent of Education Jackson ar rived In the clt > toda > lo award tin * pre miums in his department at the State fair Mrs Bella McCormlcK , Ottumwa , la , ar rived In the citsMonday night and Is the guest of Mis Ella Paris and Mis. E A. Walter. Chief of Pollco Herdsman and wife of Beatrice arrived In the cltj > ecteida > to take In the State fair festivities Tlioi will lie. the gucfcU of the famllj of Captain 11 .ue of the local police force during the remainder of the week. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , Gold Medal , Alidwinter Fair. A Pure Grape Cream of Turtar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. ROADS ItKCOUMZn TIIH TAPOSITinV. I.lltcly ( n firnnl Ciiiiroxxldiin lo Thuic \Vlio SPIH ! nxhltiltH. All Indications point to a recognition of the Transmlsslsslppl and International Ex position by the railroads of the United States on the amo basis recognition was accorded the great Columbian exposition. The Department of Transportation has opened correspondence with all the trans portation lines , both land and water , which traverse this country or touch at Its ports Ties ! o companies have bceti asked to extend to the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition the eame courtesies given the World's fair In the way of special freight rates. Such replies as have been received warrant the assertion that the same rates will be made on exposi tion goods to Omaha and return as were made | to and from Chicago during the World's fair In accordance with the request of the Dopartmrtit of Transportation the South western Freight association announces a rate of full tariff charges on all exhibits from the point of shipment to Omaha , with free icttirn to point of shipment , provided the goods have not changed owners In the meantime. This Is the eame rate that was made for the World's fair. The Southwest- cm Freight association Includes In Its mem bership all of the main lines of railway In the southwest territory tilhe Other I freight tralllc associations have not held a meeting since the Department of Transportation sent out Its request for spe cial rates for the exposition , hut It Is the opinion of those familiar with such mat ters that the other freight associations of the country will follow -the lead of the Southwestern association and put In the same rate The department has also received a let ter from the general freight agent of the Texas & Pacific railway stating that his road would not only make a rate of full tariff charge J one way with free return whcro the goods do not change hands , but would also act as agent for foreign exhibitors ship- plmg , goods in bond over that reid by tcslng goods through the customs house at Now Orleans and landing them in the bonded warehouse at Omaha without making any charge for these services. NiMMltn'.s Vice President H W. J. Wc'tcrfield , vice president of the ex position for Nevada , has sent his resig nation to President Wattles. Mr. Wester- field states that his duties as state treasurer , together with his private business , make It lmexslble ) ( for him to give the oAposl'lon tl.o time necessary to perform the duties pop- e ly Ho suggests the name of Colonel II. B Mixsoti of Reno as that of a nnn quali fied b > experience to look after the Interests of the exposition In Nevada and one who would give the necessary time to the woik Mr. Westerfleld's letter will be Icld before the executive committee at Its regular meet ing. NI > < CH of tlu > 12\poxlli ( > ii. Adjutant General P. H. Barry of Nebraska called upon Prcldcnt Wattles of the exposition . tion jcsterdiy to consult regarding the vMIt of ; Govcrnoi Holeomb and his staff to the Nashville exposition on Nebraska day , Oc tober S. No man or woman can enjoy lit" or ac complish much In this world while .ufr > .rlng from a torpid liver. DeWltt's Little Early Risers , the pills that cleanse that orn , qulckly- CtiniiKc of 'I lull . CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST PAUL RY. On Sunday. September 12 , the Chicago , Milwaukee ; & St. Paul 11 } will make the following changes In the train time between Omaha and Chicago Train No 4 , "Chicago L'mltcd ' , " now- leaving Omaha at 035 p. m. and arriving at Chicago at 0 25 a. m , will leave Omaha at 5 15 p m and arrive at Chicago at S 13 a. m Dally train No 3 , "Omaha-ChlcoRT E\- press , " now leaving Chicago at 10 25 p m and arriving at Oirnha nt 3 2"i p m , will leave Chicago at 10 00 p m and arrive at Omaha ai 1 5'i p. m r. A. NASH , Gei'l Western Agent. Ill UI.IXJTON KIlLTi : . SlO.il. ( o CliiL-aprn. Tuesday and Thursday of this week. Take "Vestibuled Fljer" Finest train out of Omal a. New from end to end Lcavob Union depot 5 05 p m. Berths and tickets at 1502 Farnain street niini AM > win : lets * ; AM ) MAKI : LI * nttilnlr < urn to Thplr Ilotur ni iPriMiinnt. Harry Dehm of Fremont , who located his runaway wife In thlst city Tuesday and caused her arrest on the charge of adultery has consented to overlook her little escapade acid will take the erring ono back to his home The wife was very willing lo get out of the scrape In this way and readily agreed to go with her hustund. Therefore the woman was released from custody and the couple went back to Fremont yesterday , Harry1 O'Brien , the woman's paramour and who was a clerk In Bchm's restaurant In Fremont , has not - yet been found The police watched the house at 1213 Chicago street , whcro the couple had 'hem living as man and wife , but O'Brien had apparently received a tip of what was going on , be cause he never came back. Thcro Is not a headache In a dozen of Cook's Imperial Champagne. It's extra dry , bounuot fine. Record , half a century The quickest and most comfortable route to the State fair grounds Is via the Union Pacific. Trains Icavo Union depot every thirty minutes PETERSON Ander.v , September 21st , aged W years , our beloved father , after a long lllnesH. Funeral today at 2 p m. from 171 ! ) Cnstelhir street. Interment nt Mount Hope cemetery. uiiiiuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMuyiiMiiiiiii .NEW. . . . . . . The Choicest and LARG EST Stock of FINE MIL LINERY ever brought to Omaha. Special Cut Prices for Opening. WEDHESDU' 10 SATURDAY. NEW S10HE. 1512 Douglas St. nWItlWnWlW ForSI.SO During Fair Week. SUGARMAN , There are thousands of visitors in the city this week who have read our ads and are fami ar with our name and from many of them we have received orders for goods by mai. : To ail visitors we extend a hearty invitation to call at our store gut acquainted inspect our goods and method of do ing business and at the same time see the neatest , cleanest and bett appointed drug store in Nebraska. Remember we are the only druggist in the state who has the nerve to fight the pets and doc the pluggur. eye Ice Cieam Sola. fie Maltlne , plain 7.iC KIlnH'i's Swamp Hoot Maltlno. with cod ll\cr oil. . 7. LV Meicei's PHI Anaemic Pills . O/oinulslon Trie Hoblis SpauiKiis Kidney PUN. Phillip's Cod LherOlI 7fO Hallcntino's Homeopathic Horn- Cliamlieikiln's C'otiKh Cine. . . ITic edies Iluuyadl Water Palne's Ci-leiy Compound Peter Mollei's Cod Liver Oil. ( iOc IlnodY S.ii-iipiiillla o line Nestle Milk l-'ood IOc AllcotkV Porous Planter * ne Malted Milk , lihc , 7.rii-and ifll 00 Little U\er PUN . . . .lajne's 13\pectorant 7.ric- Dyspepsia Tablets . Dr. Klnc's Xevv DNcoveiy. . . . IOc Williams' Pink Pills Kunnedy's Medical Iiscovciy.l.l. \Vai iieiV Safe ( Jinn WJc- Pe-in n.i 7'u Siotl's r.mnlsion ( i7c P.M.imld PilfCnie .Tie S.viiip of Kl s : ; jc Melaehol 0 ) o Illi-iH'V' ( 'atarih Powder : ir.e C.ulsli.id Spindel Sails 75u PIoii-i'V Pavoilto Ptcscilptlon. 2c One Minute Couch sGuio liOc Unity's Malt Whiskey S'lo Motheis' I'Mend 7.rie Vine Kolai.i ! 7."c Camole Juniper ? 1.0 < ) A > ei V .Huh- Visor ( lOf Kola Caidlnette S.c Culkiua Soap If.e Shlloh's Consiiniptlon Cnio. . . . I0o ! Pk-ne's lioklen .Mcdlc.il DIs- Pond's i\tr.ict : 'i5j covoiy ( We Dr. Miles' Nuivino 70u ' ' Castorla you Hall's Catiuih C'mo Garllekl Ten. IVllowh' Ilypophosphltes ? 1.0) ) Qiilnlifo f'apMilcsfjialn , do < 5. r.e S. S. S 7ric Quinine Capsules , H-Kialn , do/ . 7c Sohllta Malt IXtnict lee Quinine Capsules , ri-siMln , do/ . IOC Malt Nutilne 'Ma Ko-To-llae (15C ( Plnand'H iau : do Quuilno , liSo Mennen's Talcum Powder l-'c and . ,1(1. ( ' ( Join ( 'atarih Powder South A HUM lean Kidney Umo. ir > c Stettin' * Wino Cod Liver Oil. . 7.r > e llostettei's Hlttcib 70 , ' Hadway's Ilt-aily Ilcllef niectile UltteiH -10c Powder , Rold box . . Lamhert'H Llsteilne ( XJu TOILET ARTICLES- Wino of Mnrliinl ! Kc Mnnyon's Kemodlcs 2 < ) c Wo carry ono of the laisost nnd Hjdiolelno 75o moit c'ompleto stockb of ai tides used Indian S.iKwa Too for the toilet nnd sick loom In HID McLean's Liver nnd Kidney city , and our pilceb me far below Balm 7oc what otheiH charge. Seu us when Outlcuia Het-olvunt 75c .vou need Tooth Hin.shcs and Per- Lydlu Pliiklmm Compound . . 75c fllllH'b. i6th and Chicago Sts. Mail orders solicited. . Our .NoXT lliillill r U Alniont HcnUr PAUNAH AM ) ri Ucc , Sept. 23. , How it is ' BBSS UCCESS permanent it . . . success is not a mat ter of chance. It has to be built. In these days when most stores depend on "smartness" and "tricks of the trade" success that is built on honest lines like ours means a great deal. It means hard work. It means faithful work. It means selling goods cheap. There .are stores that sell some-goods cheap all of the time and all goods cheap some of the time , but The Nebraska sells all goods cheap all of the time. You don't have to be smart to trade here. You don't have to be posted. All you have to do is to find a pattern that suits you , buy it at our price , wear it as long as you will , and get your money back any time that you see it for the same price anywhere else. We stand back of our goods all the time. We guarantee goodness. We guarantee money's worth. We guar antee wear. With us guarantee means something. It means the record of a dozen years' unfailing satisfaction to everybody man , woman and child. There are no better offerings in any clothing store in America than the new suits we open up today One line at Twelve Dollars and one line at Six Dollars and a Half ! ff . . pgf.fff.y. 48ft STillk , % ft 1310 rarnain St. $ ? 8 ? sill this week to VKltois to Onulin are coidi.illy Invited to ninko our stoio their lu'adiiu.uteis meet jour filends heie. Wo have ample accommodations to take c.ue of you. Incidentally Ave would ask yon to look thioufih our mainmoth stock. We hive niaiU1 oxtiao.dln.ny piepaiations foi this wcek't busl ne > s and can confidently say wo have the Impost stock , the KU'nli'st assoitment and the lowest juices It h.is ever liL't'ii jour Kood fortune to Inspect. Make It a point to visit us and take homo feomotlilng fiom the many to li.no to oITor. tote The ! 3i9 to 99 Cent Farnam Store Street YOU ARK CORDIALLY INVITKD TO VISIT Ctidaliy's ' Packing House And Soap Factory , At South Omaha. DO NOT FAIL TO SKK OUR d , n t n i' liters' Building. PBEB SAMPLES DIAMOND "C" SOAP TO LADY VISITORS. CUDAHY PACKING CO. , SOUTH OMAHA. , | DR. MeGREW IB TlIE ONLY SPECIALIST WHO TBKATB ALIj Private Diseases nttlntM illliorJir | f MEN ONUY SO Vonr Kximrlence 10 YeaieinOmalm < xifc 1-rro. ( cm iltB tiunl'ruo. 1)0x701,01 ) 14th and Farnun Bti. OMAIIA , KKU. TANFRECKLESANDSUSBUB , iRIrurtrun ) Dnu featurtu 1 In I u > uer < f Uuijnui > n 1 i l l Ku.'i | . 1 ui i il ' din ruciui 1'owUer "ill mi'lir ' u i i i > , n , . roft nil leauilfui A HIIIM i if mi i I x > u bur ) I ui ml t- i I n > id' in I a u 11 < vil UI'J ' 1'eiltul ' i i all .Ul lt ( ) ( 1 t rt \ \ urr inaiit 1 on if tipt * . j IB it .iai i z e > er > ieri 2'c J HN 1)OO ) raattiloclot , 121cA lid HI. , N. V. OJF. . . Pattern Hats , Tin b.m.s anil lionncts . , . . Imported and Domestic No Cards , all arc wolcoin. all week F. M. SCHADELL & CO , 1522 Douglas St. "rc wliol'Hilo ilinlois nnd iimmificturrm "f Homnintlilc MciltUncs and Supplies of nil r > o Gliilmlis , c t , In bl.cB No 10 , 13 , 20 , ZS , 30 , S3 , 49 , SlIKII DldlB USUJi | zt > fl.ll Ml.b-AII Kinds , M7 . Cnbendulu. llun mcllB , Acttulus , OrnpliltcH , Itniia Tex , Hydrau- IH | , ck All kn mn llomoopalhlc Itcnicdlcs In their prouer firm and IIOUIH > , fiom nioilitr tincture nml Mint ( If final trltuiailoii to 200th ccntc-lmnt dllut > m MnlB mid c.rkH , nil pze | nnd ( Ijiipie All tlie FroiliiltlfB nmnufiictuied li > lloirlcke fi Tafil , hujtlia and olla-r loading plinnnicln If I sou aii u licjimuiintldi | llly l < .lan write fur our "IV- ! ! \\1IH OKIH U" oid.i Hank It will slii/w > ou Imtt to fTvo mono ) 1 } HOMI.Ol ATJIIC hi PPM" DKPT , 151. } ln ilu St , Omana , Neh. n Visitors LJ ' . . .In Uio city tlii j ivuok r hlionld not fnifiot tlint the Shop = > mil iMudlciil InstJtiito | _ I I'ial fuel lit KM for ID Out of Town I I Or hlioiniid'h Hoinu TrnnlinPnt for a = j iilnrrli. NorvoiiKiiiid Hlood IJISL'iiouHits' l Mow In tiso lij liiuiilr'itls nf iipniilnl I tliiiiilKlioiu HID wi-fct A i-o I'lli n. Hup1 I J I tuioiind DdiifiiCiis Consultation free , j I SIIKPAHD 5IEDIC\L \ INSTITUTED DELAYS Don t uult until you cut time lo ui lend luour levlh VKI : 'inn : _ in : 'i nu : is MMV _ The txpuiHu mill boilici v\II ) | JU Illlirll ItfeB 110U ItlUll IK Xt > ear 01 in vt inonlli Aliiuliitily traction Hllvi'l I'nro OeM Teeth T < i lit No clmrco fur l.iily Olllct lii Dunlin ) ill n Plork nl ) ui.li ' < ! ' Shot hlorf O.ua ni ( i I I1MMI 1' M. r