TUE OMAHA DATLT BEE : TltUBSDAT , SEPTET 1JEH 23 , 1807. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL V/hoat / Kissss ti Cent After n Very Weak Opening , OTHER MARKETS TAKE A SIMILAR TUflN fill IIIIR Ciihh Win-lit Di-tiiiinil In ( lit ! fuM'tlixxi'M anil ( Joiillrmutlon of ilie lltiNNlnii Crop Miortimi- the litMiillnlv CHICAGO , Sept. 2J All the ruln and pro vision matkulH tut tied wry pretty lllpllopa today , tunning Aeulc und closing strong , una In tnu CUHU ofhcnt xxlth u very sub- tuunil.tl advanuThu strength of the cash mhc it situation In the nort.nvost and uon- Ilrin.uoiy re-ports on the Uusslnti.crop ahort- iicu vxiru factors In a 1 ce-tu train In xxheal. Out n advunci-d ' 8c und oats \tc. Provisions dosed unchanged lo 2u higher. \\ht-ut took Its opening tone from Liver pool , lleforcthu ope-nlng hero Unit market uhoxxcd u l',4d declinexshlch \\us reflected in the Ural trades In December , \xlilcli ranged ftom Wio to IKX c , or h'ulc beioxv yiistcidays closing prices Hut thu market lintnedliituly commenced , to recover , nnd In about an hour and a naif from the opening December had rluen to liJ' , o. Thcru XVIIH Holdingparllcuhir III the nexvs to cause thu buddeti cliungu In the sentiment. A reaction UDiieared lo be duo In thu natural older of thing' * , and Alien some Investment orders uppeaied on thu market , shorts started to cove-r. The Very narrowness of trading probibly piovuntcd a further adxuncc. Thu only really bearish fc.ituro was thu receipt of UJ cats of wheat ut Ilnncapolls and Duluth - luth , ngalnst &Hj u week ago and G40 the corresponding day of 1S38. liven that xxas only bearish on lliu attrlaco. Thu cash prices at llioae places todnyxero from lc ! to 2 ! o a bushel over December , HO thai Iho rcc-elpts ) there noxv rt-pre-setit probably the bulk of Die uitlru move'ttient from the farms of the noilhxvest. to the exclusion of any accumulations nt Interior countrj houses , The Chicago tecelplH were .ill cars of xxneal. of xxhlch only 3.1 xvero contr.ict. The total retelpts of.vlnter nxheut at KIIIIHIS City , St Louis and Detroit xxere only 170,1/JJ bu. Thebuslness done at Nuxx York jeste-rd.iy for c-xport xvnlepotlcd to haxo largely c-x- oi-i-ded xx hut xxns ni.ide knoxxn of It thu day before- , the total being re-ported today at 48VJOO bu Acceptances xxere- reported of Homo of last night's cabled offers to the United Kingdom , A reaction folloixtd the udvunte to ! CV4c , xvhen closing continental cables xxe-ie- received shox Ing dccllne-s of 13 centitnc-a at Paris and 12VjC to Eio .it Ant werp Longs also , took adxiintigo of the advance lo unload a good deal of their hold ings and thu result xxas trial IX-cembei drop- lied Inek to WfflC Tlit > n the tnarl.e-t turned for the last time. The cash strength at Minneapolis brought the selling to u .sudden halt and prices commenced to climb at once , not stopping1 until De-ce-inbei lonche-d lliu high point of the day , M'so. xxhlch was shortly before the close Confirmatory ro- jiorts from the United States consul at Odessa concerning thu Htisslan ctop shorl- ugc also helped In the Lite strength. De cember closed at 82'ic ' Corn slatted easier xxlth wheat and on largi r reclpts than expected. The market soon lecoxeied Its tone and closed strong and 10 higher than yestetdny It was Inrgelj a scalping market ami the fluctua tions of xx heat hud more Inlliiencc than any thing else. Shorts were the best buyers Country offtrings xxe-te reported larger The ca h demand xxas poor. Hecclptsero posted at 070 cars Detember ranged fiom 3 < H c to 31'u' , closing at ill'/tu. Oils wiie nulet but firm. The feature xxus the latgo cash business , " "lO.tK'O ' bu being lepoited sold here for shipment , nnd this xxiii the principal cause of the strength , though to n cettaln extent xxheat anil corn asMsii-d Heudpts xxero "Ofi cats Uece-mber ringed b"tx\cen 21c nml 20l4c and closed at SO'iian mix.nice of } ic 1'roxislons xxero almost ns low as oats. Thi ) market ruled easy around the opening , lieetidup of heavy hog receipts and consequent quent di-cllno In yaul prices A complete iit-oxirj cn ucd later In sympathy with the ndxaiue In the gialn markets and the clos ing xxas at the best prices of the day At tin close July pork xxas 2 > < .c higher at JS40 ; ] ) i eember 1 ird unchanged at Jl Co nnd Dee - o mber ribs 2'i.e higher at $4 ! ) "i Ks imnted tecelpts Tliuisday. Wheat , 213 ens , totn , 1S3 cars ; oats , " V ) c-ais ; hojrs , J.S on ) lie ul Letdlng futures ranged as folloxxs : Arllcleb Opuii j HUh | rJoxx. i ciosu. TVcBTd'y \ \ he.iP S-pt . 1IIU n.i Ii t- . * 11 ( tl-'Hi ! > ( > ! . S'l > H-llt ) hUM ulx Coin - Si Pt. 2l M SHM Die .I1M .in , May . , J.iH 33H-.ll OatH N-pt . . i1 ? 11H1 Die . , 1.0 LJ J0 > i Jliy. , 1MM S.ViM'1 .MX JJ 1 1 orlt Out R 17 K . ; 'H " S , I21 H .11) "sS4 Die . , rt 'J.'i H 4t ) H K ) Jan . . . U 'J74 u ; i74 I ) .17 > t Liirdit . 4 , - . . > 4 lil ) i ar t 00 4 111) Die t H7K 4 1,0 4 H7' ' 4 b7H 4 77it 4 70 4 B.'h Sli'lUlU * Dot r ID r 07 s 0 11 ! 5 m Dri- 4 U3 4 UL'H Jan I 87lt 1 UJH 4 UJh No. 2. C anh quotation * * wile n follows : ri.Ol -lluelj Htrml ) ; wlntet pitentn , J3 < 610 , KlialtH tl 70ffl M , cpiliiR siH'clala , } 0 , nprh pit , mi. J . lo-if' , Ntiulhhtn , Jl.701/4 W ; b.ikirs' , \\lllAr-No 2 uprlntf. 92i693V o ; No. 3 spilns , COltN Nu 2. Sl'tC , O \ rs N" 2 , a'U > . fob ; No. 2 xvhlte , 221tQ 23''i Nu a xx Idle , 118230 in i : No. - ' . 471.0 II Vltlil V No. . ' , ISo , No , 3 , Siyilcj No , 4 , SUdNSi hi IJI'.S No 1 lluMeeil. } l OJS1.00. 1'ilme linn thy S- ! " ' I'ltOVISKIN" porli. per bid , JS MW8 40. I.ml. pi-i H H'3 . SI f' " bhort rlbx Hides ( l < M e- ) , J5 nu < i i 30 dr > Killed Hhonldi-rs ( bn\i-d ) , SiiQO' , Hh'it tliur HliliM ilnxid ) . S\iJ'ic. | ) \X IllhlCV tilstllltm' llnlsli'.il si'eds , per B n" 11 Ul-Oilt lo.if. | iMj Kinnuhitpil , J327. On the I'riHliieo exchnntiij todiy th butter nur- kot X\IIH Hun , eriiimeileK , lltnu'sc ' , dairies , Id if He. e IK oaf , Klead ) , Si/Sc. / L.'n'K , Him , J4o. M\V vtntic ( luodidoii't" ti f On * lny on C en era I ( JiiniiuiMlllli-N. NIJW voitic , Hept.ri.ouniteccipt , 13- IM bbti . i il > oi In , 7.C3J hbU , nli'iul ) und mo.I- tiati'b iietlxo for choicebiumlu ; winter ( trnliihlii , Jl.TJfd.i'O , Mlnntgutu p.itcntu , $3 ] ( M lt > t ! Hour , lead > , 111 ( IvNMIIIAT-.Stt-iidy nl lf/Mt- . l.-ljuh-t , > tlloix MI Mi l n. 70c. L'anln. No it'ttrn , r c. , iy Cjulit , xxcKlt-rn , Ji9c. HAUI.UV MAI.T Nominal. Will ! \T-ltit-e-lplB , 17H-W bu. : exports , :09 , ! U bu , pol. Ihm Dptluiu cprne-d xxoaker uiuUr btiiiiKh fuldt-n , but iri'oxtnd und lultd Ilrm all tl > - on ht-itx ) cuxt-rlm ; , IdRhfr xxt-xitrn markrtK , e\purt drimiml unit Milliter kprlnx xxhrul re-erlptii , uloxlniWe net hleht-r ; No , i- rod hcpumbtr. S7ili ! * 40 eloti'd. ti o , Uvc inb r , 91 5. ' K II-ice. ihiMd , X".c. fOHN-ltici-lptu , . ' 711370 till . exports , II 350 bu j ptd , llrnij Nu. i , SCWo. Optlmu opi-ned xxcuk xxltli xvheat , but rocinrn-il on urllxo deniund fnim HliortH , elosltiK Ho not IdKher , St-pltmber chiit'd 3l' o , IJueembar , 3i ll-H ' ' ' OAT * ItecelpU 150,000 bu , eiportu , Iiu.015 bu . cpot ulrniiKt-r , Ni > t , il'tu Options dull but sli'iiils xxlth corn , elonlni ; at ' 10 net udxancu , tJiptt-mlK-r rloncd ut 2tKv , Di comber cloved , :53tc. llinKSriim. . ll\V-lulrt ; tddiiplns , > l iX > tf4 50 ; Kood to chidoe , r'Wfl7.50. HOI'S rirm ; ctute , common to choice , 1S31 cri'p , I'li'iHf7 ciop , lii3i1'uclllo ! coant , H91 imp 9UU , IkM erup , CiiVu , UJ7 erop , lif3c. ! IillliniHteail ; ) ; hrmlurk i-ole , llut-noa A > rm. IlKht lo hruxy xxt-lKhla , IS Ul'OHc. llfllKIt llee'lpt" * 1M I'I K . . Ilrm , xxt-ntcrn crt 4inti > 131/2Vic / , UlKlm * , Smic , factor ) , 9tt\\fC. \ \ I llii : > r. Itt-eelpiv. 10W1 ! liken , utt-ad ) , Urgt ) w iltK , ' " > imill xvhlte , l ; C , lar i > rulored , H'ju ; niuill enlnn-.l , HHe , part klni , ot ! 7Q , full iklmi. 3' : ( ( ' . KdGSllecelptx. . 11,011 pkgi j Ilrm , mate anil IVnnnlxanlii. im mao ; xxe tern , 17OI7Hr. I'ltOViaiONB llci'f , Him Cut menu , quiet ; plrl.lrd bellltJ7.Wfik.Ml. . hhculjem , fftJ ; liunn. 8 37' < | S.60. l > rd , te d > i xxnttein tteiim , 193 , retlni'il ntvuily 1'ork , llrnier. nvxx inci . 19.7JIiUtC. Tallow , dull. OILS-Pitroli-um , dull , ri'iiiisjhanlii erude. nomlnall > S2c. Itorln ate > d > , strained , common to com ! . Jl.liifl (0 Tnn'fiHlnc. rtcudy at 304O 3i | i.CftlQli crd. declined under telling unil ubsntiof ili-inanil except fur unimportant lot * ; enportt'rii umlerntooil ( o b close to Iho market ; prime numiu'r > rlloxr , JIMWc ; off uimn r jel- loxv , : S4.JVtc ; prime lummer white , rsuerx- ; prlnia xxlntrr Jellow , 3SV4WJ3C. Itll'K Meudy , dPiueillc. fair to extra. 4i O lUti ! Japin , ( fitiJTSUr , MOI.Ah.SUS hleadj , Nexv Orleann , op n kettle , good lo choice. JSUJIc. MKTAIjS I'lg Iron , wurranU. eailer : 7 bid nd H.uS a U J. ! > > U copper , dull at lll.i. Tin. 13 anil | 1 > 7 atktil. Beeltrr. oulei ; tl 34 bid nnd Jl K mUed. I ml , exchange , firm nt II 32 IT ft I a ; , bn kern , strong at 14 OMAII V CotiillHiin of 'I null- mid mi Slniilf mul rnno > rrodiu-i- . iiJOH-i5ood ill wk , xxeak HI 12 Hl'TTnn-Common ' to fnlr. 7Hf8c ; choice U fancy , lOftiic neimmtor creamery , 18c , gath rnl creamery , HBlSc. VRAIy-Cholce fat. SO to 1 lln. , quoted at 8c : l rc ( > nnd coarse , 4fjtc. I.IV13 1'OUI.TItY-ltens. 7c ; cocks. 31T4c : uprlns el'lckens , per Ib , 8 S'ic ' , ducks , C 7o ; turke > , I'Iflio.VS-Uxc , 7S890o ; dead plueons not wanted , HA1 Uplnnd. 13 : ml. linn 1 , $460 ; loxxland. II. rip Btrnw. Jl. color make * the price "n hny , lKit | | bnlr.s ell the best , only lop grades brlnK top priced IlllOOMrriUN Extremely cloxv snles new crop , dellxered on track In country ; choice green fclf- xxorklntf carpet per Ib , Ilfjiie , choice Kreen , running to hurl SflStJc ; common , 1140. viniTAittts : f'ANTAI.OI'PKS-I'cr do ? . JlfltOc. TUMA1 < ) is-IVr : hnlf I u. basket , 3CG > IOc. ONION ) -Vr Im . p RCOc. LIMA lliANfl-l'er : Ib. , So. JIIIANt-lland-pleked nnx > , per bu. , Jl 0 , CAHMAfli : Home urown , Ic. WAriilMiU\q-CrniPd per dn ? . , Jl.S5ffl.SO. I'OTATOKS Home Rrown , COJJ030. rilL'IT3. Al'Pl.nH PIT bid $1 i 2 M. NATIVi : PI.r.MS-1'cr bai-ket. 20J3 : . OllAl'i : California Jt 21 l 50 C'AMfOltNIA I'IACHIW : 1'er case. Craw- onls. SOc cling * , 70 75c PliAim-Ilnrllott , per cane $22.1. Utah llnrt- > tts. $1 71H1 so. Ituorre llanly. $1 CfKfl 73 1IO.M1J (1IIOWN ailAl'iS 1'e-r basket , 12V5 013d. CAI.irOUNIA TI.UMS Per case. Jl 0031 23. CltANIIinillllJS Cape Cod. per bbl , $ G.50. TIIOPICAL I'llUITS .KMONS4 Mcs lnn , $4 2Mf4 M , choice Cnllfornln , OIlANOlIt-Mcilltcrrnnean sixeets , II 2I 4 DO HANANAS Cliolce , large stock , pi-r bunch , P OOO2.2 : ; , mcdliitti-slred bunches , tl60fl200. ' Miscr.MjANEOus. NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib , large lie , 13c , Ilrazlls , per Ib. , lOc , nngllidi xxalnuls , per Ih , fancy , -oft shell , 120130 , standards , 10TJ lc flihcrts , per Ib . lOc , pecans , polished , large. 'Wide ' ; jiimlHi , llffI2c , larKa hickory nuts , tl 25 ier bu , cocounutx 4Ho each. riOS Imported fancy , 4 croxxn , 20-lb. boxes. 2c , r , croxxn r,0-lb boxes , 13&1IC. ItONIJY Choice white , 13c rilin-riaill1cd Juice , per hnlf bbl. t2 35 ; per jiii , t4 oofri z ; MAI'l.K SMlt'I'-nxe-gal cnns , ench $223 ; gal cant pure , ptr doz t200 , half-gal , cans , 625 quart can * , 13 f.O rngsu MHATS. DHCRSED IIIJIJP cinwl natlxe steers , 400 to 100 Ibs , 7c , good foreqiiarter * sleers Cc ; good ilndiiunrters 9c , western Blecrs. fflfiHe , fnnry nc-lfers , 60 , ROO 1 heifers , GHc , good forequarters , Jielfern.r c , goud hlndaiifirterw heifers , Sc peed ccxxs , 6'tC. fnlr coxxs 5\c , common co\xs. GUc ; cow fort-quatters , I'iJfjc. ' coxx hlndqtnrters , 71 * tfSc. Illir.P CtT1 ? Tcndeilolni. ISc. boneless strips , > c , strip loins , 7c , rolls , * > c , sirloin butts 'IP ; shoullt-r clods , Co , rump butts , 5c. steer chucks , Cc cirn clunks , 4V < : C , boneless chucks , 4 ! iC , coxy platen , 3c , steer plates 3'2c llnnk ste.ik C c ; oln , No 1 14c ; loins , No. 2 , 10'4c ; loins , No 3. -i c ; sirloin end * No. 1 , Oo ; ribs , No , 1 , Ilcj rib1 * , No 2 , 8'4c , ribs , No 3 C c steer rounds , 7Hc , coxv ronndi. 7c , coxx- rounds off , S c , trim- mlliKK. 4c. bie-f shanks , 2'ic. brains , per di > 4 , Tc , sxxeetbrends , per Ib , 12c sweetbreads [ cilxesi , per Ib , 40c , kldnpjs , per doz , S"ic , ox tulK each 3c , llxers , per Ib , 2o , hearts , per Ib , 2c ; tongues per Ib , He. POHIv Dressed plRR. Cc , ilreiwl IIORS , TiijC tenderloins , 13o , loins , 7c , spare ribs 4c , hftin Hiiii nie , butts , Cc , honlders , roiiRli C c ; shoul ders , sltlnmd , GP , trlmmhiKS , 4'ic lent lard , not rendered. Cc , heads , cleaned 3c , snout nnd ears , Ic , backbones , IHc , cheek meals , 3c ; neck ( tones , l c , plw * tails , 2c pluclts , each Ccj chltterllnBs , 5c , hocks. 4c , he-arts per doz , 5" p ; Htoinaclis , eirh 3r lonRiies t-iich 7c , lIldne < , per doz , lOc , brnlns , per doz , 15c pigs * feet , ier do ? 2"ic. llxurs , each 2c MI'TTON I.nmbs , 8V.c , sheep. 7'4c ' , market racks ( Ions ) , ic , hotel racks ( short ) , 12c less and uaddles 8c ; lamb logs , 9c , breasts ana stexvs , 3e , lonsiies , each 3e. HIDUS , TAL.I.O'XV. HTC. ! No 1 grei-n hides , Co ; No. 2 green hides. KVic , No 1 salted hides , ic ; No. 2 green silted hides , "c No 1enl cnlf , 8 to 12 Ibs , fciic , No 2 xenl calf 12 to 13 lb Sc. No 1 dry Hint hides , 10Jrl2c. No 2 drx Hint hides , "tiTIOc , No 1 dry silted hides. OWlOc , pirt cured hide' , Vic per Ib les than fully cured Slintll' I'EI/TS Orecn salted , each 2"BCOc : preen salted shearllnKS ( short xxooled early skins ) each lie , dr > shearlings ( short xxoolert c.irl > skins ) . No 1 each 5c dry ( lint Kan ai nnd Ncbratka bulcher xxool pelts , per Ib , nctunl xxelKht , 4tf5c , dr > Hint , Kansas and NcliraoUn murrain xxool pelts , per Ib , nctuil xxelsht , 35T4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher xxool pelts , per in , actual xxelnht , 4i"c , dr > Hint Colorado niurruln xxool pelts pfr Ib uctual xxcliht. 3iUc , feet cut off , as It Is useless to ply freight on them. St. 1mils ( it-ncrn ! RT IVDUIS , Si-pt 22 PLOt'Il Stcadj , patents. Jioogi 00 , stralRhts , } 4 CO 70. tnedlum , 13 WW 3 7r , WIII3T HlKher , clo lnE xxlth September 5c Pteember 2Uc nnd Ma > H4c nboxe > este-rda > thelea 11ns option. Dece-mbcr , opened \1i'iic loxxer on loxxer cables , adxanced 2o on heixy bii > lm ; . but fell hick 'tc. repoxen-d nnd ad xanced l Wfic. cloilni ; xxlth sellers nt the top spot hlKher No 2 red , cn li. In t-Iexatoi ! bij "OK.c. on track , OWtf'-c ; No 2 hard ca li s : ? SSc , SMpiember. 9754c , December. 97 HS')7'lc ) May SilHc a ked COIIN Opened xxlth futures > Jc loxxer , but ad vnmt-d soon xxllh xvhcat , closing xxlth bus en "NC " nboxe the bottom nnd lie aboxe xesterlnx spot , flrm No 2 cash , 27 , December , 2'i'Mi ' bid May Slijc bid OAT" ? Striinu , xvlth hlshcr bid" , but nnt murl fin sale , spot , about stea'b ; No 2 ca h li olexntor , livc bid ; on trnrk , 20c ; No 2 red 2 ( We " , September , 20o bid December , 20' c Mas" 23 523ii. | | HYI3 I.oxver , 4TTOc on tnck. POIIN MIJAIy Steady at tl CO IlllAN Dull and loxxer , easl Irack , sacked ISe ; track , this plile. 49c I'liAXSI'IJD I ixxer nt II Olifc. TIMOTHY sniJD-rrlme t2 70 HAY Steady , prulrlc. to 0007.00. timothy , ti M IIUTTUIl Strong creamery , lG21Hc | : dairy 'C-VMi-kenH. old hens , 7ViC ; springs R5"Hc. ducks , springs , Cc , ccse , springs , Cc turkess. springs. lOc. WIIISICY $1 21 COTTON TIH C5o. M A -ICo ' ! nt JU7WW4 M. Spelter ' "vUOVISlONS-l'ork , steads , standnr.l . rne-s Inbhliii : $ < 10 I ard , steid > , prime steam $1 ! > choc" $410 Itneon ( boxed ) , lots extr.i shor clear nnd ribs , $037 . shorts. $ C 50 Drs sal meats ( boxed ) , shoi.hler. . $13714. ostra short 10 "f " -eat. - 0,00 , " " ' " lonoi ) " " > , . , , OrlfiniH MiirUi-lN. Nl'W Oltl-r.ANS hept 22-1100 IMIODUCTS Stendl Pork old , f > M.c Uird leHned tleicm , TI iiv-l meats drs snlt shoulilers r. c ; Jldes M c. l"icSn clear rib Hde , , * , Jlnms. C , VKU-Hl"reor.lln r > to loxv fair 25 ,1 , 23 I-lil li-Steads . extra fanej , $1 C04J4 7 , pat- -SleudS nttlCO. e'r1. prlmeC$1ooomUO ! ; choice. $1200 - . ! ! ! ) . No 2 nuked wlilte , 31o ; mixed. fJ' > l- . > elloxx , 40e. OATS No 2 sacked , 26c. llicr-rirm. ordinary to good , 4S4 ? f , \\lllSKY-rirm nt $1.21. _ Hl'OAU I'lrm r.OOS-rirm nt lie. CHUIJSK tIncli nBiJ. KIIIINIIH flly MnrlcrlH. CITY Hept . 22 Wll HAT About . uteadi No I haul , Sjijc ; No. 2. M HSio ; No. 3 sonklc No 4 79nsOe , No 2 red , kSflSJe , one t ir mixed. ' S7c. No 3 SGffS7c ; No KXWd No 2 Hiirliii ! hlfh2c , N < * 3 Hprlnt i 0i ( t.c ( * iif\j Actl\t nnJ wtniily ( > o nilxcu , 24'ji ' ? : ' ) - stonily , fairly uctlxo , No. 2xxhlle , liiiio. ! | fancy K ? HYP Steady , No 2. 4IVtc IIAY ArtUc nd Ilrm , iholce timothy , $7.00 ; ° ' ' ' 'iil'lTTIJll Mri'ii's ' on light receipts und heavy di-imtiid. creamers. 1714 l c. dairy , 11315c heat C8 C'W ' bu ; corn , 24.7M bu , ; W-Wlieal. 22I. < KV ) hu. ; corn , :4,700 bu , o.ita , 19,000 iu _ I.lx rriioiil ( iriiln nml I'rnx I I.IVUIU'OOU Sept -PROVISIONS Hams , short cut , dull , 3C < I.ard , pilmo xxt-stein , fcteads , ' : : - Hrm , 23s COHN Spot American mixed , nexv. firm , 3alil , old 3 IM. Si't | ' mber 3s ' .d Octobjr , steads , 3 lUd Noicmhor steads , 3s 2M WlliAT-Spot : quiet , fuluros. quiet , un- clmnKid ti ff'.d lower. September , 7s lid ; Octol cr , 7s 7 .d , December. 7 M Tolfilo Mnrl.clN. TOIii : > O. Sept B WHIIAT Higher , Hrm ; No. S cnkh and September. 9SV.O bid. I3 .emb r. COHN null , higher ; No S mixed. V e. OTSlull , steads No 2 mlxtd. 2Cc Il\i : Dull loxver. No. a caeh , 474c. ! ci/lVnilSBKH Active , lower , prime cash , M'ic riiiflnniitl Hurl. i-ls. CINCINNATI. Kept 22 riXUIl-\VeaV. ) WIIHAT Steady. Nt. I red , 93c ( XIHN IJHiIrr No t mixed 31 j3IV c. OATS ririn , No 2 inlirJ , 20k . 1IYIJ Quiet. No. 2. 47c. IIIII.K M13AT8 Quiet and uteaily at | 4 7C34.7S , I ard , iteaily t tl SO. Plillndcliilila rritilni'c MnrUt-t. PIIII ADUM'III.Sept , Btxid demand , fancy weitern rreami-i > . tie BCIUSKlun , frtsh nearbs' , ISe fre h x estern , ' ' Ilnltlninrt ! MnrUrtn. BAI.TIMOHR , Bent. JJ - ra uu rdn . It xWH W ; w it rn utr , 4 M ; western family , tl 7S ' 10 winter whi > t patents Jl y"a ; A sirlmt pit ms l' ' > W'7 t sprlnc xvheM straight * to3.'u .i rwHpts lj 779 1-bis ptp iris none sibs IV ) bbl s WIIKAT I'ull | > i t vifiK5v iv-n'inbir , Wi'ilftC'ic t anii > r No 2 red V'1/i'So ' fe-epi ( . 71731 bu o < p rt in C7 l > u muilurn xxhial by simple , 'iWifiji smih rn "n giadffifi'ifi - CIWN I'lrm. spit 3JV.tfl.lV , 1 > ei"inlnr , nexy or old 34Hc bid , strainer mixed , JlMfWe ; re ceipts , S7.4H bu , exports. O.001 I'll ; southern xxhlto cum , 37M7Hc , southern xtlloxv , 3MHiHt' OATS-KIrm , No. 2 white , ZMfSSHc ; receipts , K 362 bu KYI : Steady ; No. 2 western. 5J14fi63o ; receipts , 1,137 bu. HAY Stend ) , good to choice llmolhy , t5. (5I1A1N ruiMOHTrf fnchanRed I'KOUUCK Hutler and eg s. unchanged. Cheese , stcad > , unchanged. Pcnrlii Mnrlirts. rnOHIA , Sept. 22 COHN-rirm. No. 2 , OATH Firm. No 2 while. 2214tf23c. WHISKY Finn , tl 21. Itecelpts , Corn , B3.250 bu ; oats , 25,350 bu. ; rjc nd whl ky. none , xxhenl , G0 bu Shlpmenls : 'urn , 23,10) bu , oats , 39,350 bu , xxhlsk ) , 605 bbls ; wheat , none SMII rrniiilMoVlnn < ( Initiations. SAN rit-VNri i'O , Sept. 22. WII13AT rirmj December , tl.62May , tl 6 ! STOCKS AM ) IIOMS. Market MIOMM u Stronjr llri-o\pry from ( In. I'ri-x loii-i ln > 's llt'iifl Ion. NI\V YOIllC , Sept. K The result of todas's Irnnsactlons on the Slock exchange resulte ! In the recoxery of the gieater jnrt of the los ca sustained In jcsterdaj's shntp reaction , nnny stocks closing tonight higher than Monday night. Uurlnc the early part of the day the market was extremely Irregular and uncertain in tone , n number of specialties continuing to dioiv marked weakness exen after the nlltnnd list had recoxered from Its reactionary ttn- rlency. Hut b > ( ho second hour of trading tWo bears had ivnetlcnlly abandoned their efforts to xx-urk a reaction , and the whole market xxn * tending strongly upward. The manifest ills- > osltliin of London opeiators nnd of commis sion house customers to buy stocks nt n de cline hero afforded n support to the market that discouraged the bears. The nervousne ? * ixer the hardening of the rates for money nlc.i largely subsided an the shifting of loans de. x eloped more nccurntels the true lex el of the money m irket. The rates for call money con tinued to tun ns high as 4 per cent , but nsfast ns rates xxere marked up to 4 per cent , there xxas abumlant supply offered at ns loxv ns 2 per cent This xxns not regnrJed ns Indlcntlng n strong- condition of the market The higher rate xxns not felt to be Justliled toy the con dition of the market , nnd the failure of the exchange market to respond xxltli nny mnrked x\eakness to the 4 per cent asking rate , xxent to confirm the samexlexx Theri xxas n mnrked reaction nt one lime during the das' , due to the shnrp profit-Inking- Hock Island on the announcement of the declaration of n 1 per cent quarterly dlxlrtend The recent sharp rise In Hock Island xxag necompanled bx' some Irie- sponslble rumors tint the dlxldend rate xxould be Increased to r. per cent. Some of the sellers of the stock professed dlsnppolntmont that the" rnte xx.ns mnde onls * 4 per cent and the bears used this ns material for n drlxe ngaln t the innrket lint the strong recoxers In Consolidated O is nnd llrooklsn t'nlon , the formtr tl lnit 11 points and the latter M4 , tended to stends the market The reports of an engagement of gold for Import xxere x.nguc and not dellnltely con- flrmi-i until the close of the market but the rumors current sorted to rallx the xxhole mar ket strongly and bring prices to the best of the day nt the close the net gains In nil of the ncllxc stocks ranging from 1 to 2 points. IVin-Ign bankers nre genernllx- agreed that there- Is no profit In the Importation of gold nt the rulliiB rales of exchange here and of gohl abrond , nnd the banking houses xxhlch has en gaged the cold for Import Intimates that they haxe been unable to do so owing to some special ailxantage secured , though It wns nf- flrmed thnt It xxas made In the regular course of exchange business The engagement Is not con lderol as Indicating thnt n further nioxe- ment of gold will Immedlntelx follow xxlthoul a further decline In the txehnnge market The most marked of the gains during the dax xxere : Consolidated Oas ST4 llrooklxn 1'nlon Clns rn ; ; Sugar 4U. Simnr preferred , 2U , Uronklxn Trin- st | , 2's , Next .lersev Ccntrnl. 3' . nnd North western Oinahi and Siisquehnnna . Western preferred.2ii each The bond mnrket showed some falling off In actlxltv but prices xxere strong except In the stnndnrd Hope Issu. s Of the = o the Cs lost B points anil the Incomes 1'6 Thetotnl sales xx ere $2,800000 The Uxnilmr 1'ost's Ixindin llnnncl.nl cable gram suss 'The stork maikets wengcnerillv duU to , nv in mitlelpitlon of a rl-p In the bnnk rnte tomorrow Amerlcnns hoxxever railed sliarnly at the ole on the news of the with- rtr"v.al of gold from the H.ink of Pnitlnn 1 for slilmnont to New York , nnd prices closed strong nnd nt the best There xxere moie signs of l.ng- lhfolloxvins weie the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the Nexv York exchange todny : AtClllHOII dopfd . 12 doiifd SI'S St. Paul . . intins II iltlmoro .V Ohio Ul do pfd . . . H4-K Can.idi Pacific . . . St P. A. Utn . Can ula southi-rn . do pfd CiMitialPaultlu AiM St P M X. M Chi H . .Olilo . . . i3 ! > 4 so P.iclllu Chic iso .V Alton HU I'-o Uillxxay . . . 0 11 .VQ loinfl do pfd 3.1't 0 A.E I fiSW , Tt < xiH A. I'aplllo . inv ; c r c. .t st li . . . . 3Sl-b I Union P u Itlc dopfd IT 1' I ) A.G 10 l.d .V Hudson . . 1'JO Del L A. IV llJU'v do pfd Don. A IlloG . . . . 1 t's Wheel < „ L i : do pfd 4'IH do pfd . Kilo ( now ) " iVd.inm IY iilo : l tpfil 4H American K\ 117 Tl Wax no . . 171) ) tlnltid Stales K < 14 Oront Northern pfd Ilt'J WollHK.uzo IX His ilocklnz Valh-v . II A. Cot OH Illinois Con'ril . . do pfd I.lUu nrlo A. W . . 'Jl Am'n SplillH . . . . do pfel 77 do pfd L.ikiiMinm . . . iviil Am Tobacco . . . LnulHllllei.N'asli do pfd M inhntl.ui L , . . . 1117 Chit-10 Oaa Mil Ti ictlon . Cons lias Michigan Cintril Com Cable Co MinnSt. . L Col. F ft lion . . . . 1114 do ) Ht lifd . . . h'l do lifil HO Mo I'.icltlc .Hi ) Oun Khvtrlc . . . 3H .Mobile-.I Ohio Jtl IlllllOlBSt 'l-l . . . . Mo K. A. T , ' It ( 'li-ilu ( Ian do ptd < -id Ohle.iito , Inii. A.L. " do nfcl . . . . ,1011m ilo pfd .14" Nat. l.ln Oil m v , N J. Central IMolttc Mail .tin N. Y.Cemial . . . , I'ullmiii I'al . . . . 1HOH N Y. Chi , A St. L , . ] b41 Silver Cm title Uos OSX , do l t pfd HI ) Stand Hopu A. T do Jd pfd 40 iSiiRir . Norfolk i Wi-stem 11 ilo pfd . . 117k Nu Ami-r Co nl. , 'T ' C & Iron , IJH No. Picillc U. S Leather H , do pfd do pfd US Ontario A. AV . . . U t , Unbber IH Die It. A Niv . . do | lfd U7W OnShoit Linn . . . . \\Vstei a Union 1'lttttbuis ; . . . Iftl ) Chi r.tVtstern Ite.ndlm : Hook Isl mil . . . PJ dopfd bt LOIIIHA.S K Oni.uia , VJIoiunein rninxa } , j-iw , r-niiiiitin rallxxny piefiritsl , 4,4iO , Unlmi I'.u lilt , S.u.io , I'nliin rielllc , Denver . \ Oulf , 910) ) , Wnbish pre- forn-d S.Ji ) , Wlii-illnif & I.ik" IJiltf , 3ij Amer ican Tobacto , 10,7 0 , Has' State (1 is , HftJO , ( bl- taKe e ! is , 2).9JO , CnnsoIIdiitod ( las. 0,200 ( ! t-ner.il lllcctllc , J.B50 , Uulide ( la , C.fST. 1nil 1 , 4JO.1 , r.itllkMall , i)93D , .sugar. 108,0. Ttnnessee Coil A. Iron , 3,3',0 , I'nlted titates l.ealht-r prfiirtd , S'tfl.Viftiin 1'nlon , 10.3JO , Chicago ( lit-iit Ve.1tern. 1S.720 IIORlllll HIlM-U 1(1 HOSTON , Sept 22 Cell loans , 3iT4 per cent time loans , 4ff5 per cent Closing prhes for stocks , bonds and mining shares ; A.T A. S t' ' Kins pfd „ 55 Amcrlc in Siu-ar Am Smr.ir ntd 117 KJ Kliic 111. . l.-ii Uax Slito ( Us , ' " ' ( ie-ii Rlo3 P.M. 84 Hull Tidophoua . „ * Alchlson ptd . . . . llobion.x. Albinv. Ul'l Alchtson 4s , * ( ! II . \U 11)1) ) ) ( inn i.lno As Fllclibni/ . . l)4l ) ( Allouoz Mllltnir OJ nenoial iib : * Allintlo Illmolu SH3I . . 411 Hoilon .V. Muntaitk Mexlesn Central. . Unite i IloHtcn . . N V .V N B . . . Kl ) Caluni'il.'t llecli , 470 Old Colony 181 CtinlDniil.il SIM O,9 L ' 'OH , Rubier I7 > | Sin Dleeo . . . . . . . 14 Otuiiol i to Union I'.icllloMli Uiitnov l-'O We-ntr.nd Oil Tnmarnc Hi ) W Kl c SflVi \VoWerniB . . . . 17H San rrniifUeo Iliilnir ( liiiiliilliuiN , SAN rnANCISCO. ept. 22 The olllclal clos. Ing quotations for mining Mock * to jay xxere 011 follow : Alia . . IlV-lcher IKbli IMIoho.- . llulllon. . . llnlxxer Con . Uhollir" . . ronildnnce- . Con ljl A , V-\ Con Imporlil Cri'xvn I'oint. . Kxtlieouer . I'.nnkKX ; Cjrrlu llt 3tin lard 185 llali ! .v N'urt'roas 110 " " "Silver" . M e , Mmlian dollara. drafts , sli'it 5c , drafts telocraph , 7Vic. > t-xx Yuri. lllnliiK Uliolnlloiix. NKW YOHIt. Kept 52 The follow Inn are the claslng mining quotation. rbollai O.Hino . - . ' . ' ) Croxvu Point . . Oninr . Oft Con. L'al .V Va. , Plymouth . n UuaduooJ ' ( iould.V Curry . O llu 100. ) lUlc A. Nun'rou Slcrri .Saviti 100 Ilomnitako . sundir.1 . 171) IronSIIVHr 10J Union Con . 171)r j Moiicau 5U I Yellow Jaciiut . . 37 \ttiv lurk 3Ioni * } 1nrll. | . NKW TiOlllt , Kept H MONliY ON CAW. Filions at SS4 per cent hut loan , : per cent t-loted nlft-rvd at ! PCI cent. PHIiU : MUHCANTJI.B l'APr.ll-4f4'4 per cent aTr.HUNG KXCIUNaK-JUiV/ actual buslne > 4 In Imnkers' 011,1' at II < 4\ for ilc ir. . and n II V ( l 3 f t , xts dnss P > st.l rit. s $1 i , 4 HI and $1 - Oomm r. Inl bills , SI1A PR HAH SII MiMi : AN P.HNMPNT 8TATB DONUS I'ull H\11.11OAI > Clislng ouointli ns on iHinds xxcre n follftws ! srni'xris. B TsJuU'N. J cT3s [ J S naw4 coui | I21 ) PII r Us U'rt I ) S. Is.n-R . 11.1 , I.V.C 4s . 101 tl.S 4i coilp.ll,14WU IXo. Pnclflo Ists. . . . tl. S ' 's. re-tf IMclllo ! t . It. s 3s re ? . . rae-inc 4 * . . . iu i U. S fis eoup 11 l > iCUX. Y ( ! A SI , It 4B . ( ) ( District , ) . IIjs. lllll | N AV. . U . .IM ! Ala. , clans A . 11)7IN. ) . \V Consols . .14J4 AH , eHssIl . .10iV IN , W. le-b tin . .111) ) Ala , class O . . H-J Ore Niv 1 sin . . .m Alii. Currene-y. .100 Ore. N.iv. 4s 1 AtchlHon Is . . . . . . O S. 1 , Us , I. r. 117 Atchlson nd ] t . O S K flu. t. r IH ( Catnd i So'nils 104 O Imp Isls. t r..ir.ILi ) O.AN. I1 ir 5s . , 47' < O Imp s t. r . . . 15 C.A O f.n . . . . ll'J'i I'acllleOH of'03 . .11) . ' ( MI AD 4' < s . 4s 1) AH. O tuts - . ,11 (1 WllSl IBIS . . . H'4 I ) .V U U 4s ss'S st I , A I. M Con 3 KihtTeiin Ists IDS i st. r , AS 1' ( Jen G.IK.JS Krleden Is . . . 71' ' < | st ! consols . Ill P.V.A I ) Is t r. 7Sl < ist I 0 A 1' . Ista .IIS Hun Kh-o. s . 101) St 1 > C A 1 * . fts . . .llB'l I ! II .vS A Us . S C nonfiind . . . M ( I H AS AJiU 10) ) SoiUhorn Uy 5s . 01 11 , vT Cenl 5s ItH S HAT lln . . . ( UW H AT C con Us lllil Tonn ni'xxsot Is . H t luxxa U IntH . . . U'J ' Pox Vnc I H. Ists ' . " < K r eon t r. .101 Tox. Pi' He. 'Jds . .10' ' K I1 Isis , I r . .111 ! II P IHIS . .101H a Nexx- Con Is IM U P. 1) AO IBIS . . A N Unl. 4s . S4 Wab. 1st 5s . 107 MlHsoml Us . . 100 W.ib 'Jds . . M K AT.Ms . II HI West Shore ti M K. AT 4H . . . . StIU Vi Ciinturlfi 074 N. Y C. Isls US Va dote-rrod I I.niidon Sloi-lc ( Imitation * . LONDON . Sept 22 4 p m closing : ConaolH , m v 1 11 ? < supaiu commoii. . 11)2 ) Consols ace t . .111 7 H > N Y Ccntrit . 11 IH Can. racltiu. 7iJM Pounsvtv.ini i . fill Krlu lle-idlnir . 1 W dopfd Mox C n noxv Is. 07\ 111. cemr.ii. . . . IDS Atchlson . 1U > * Mexican ordinary. 21)11 ) L , A N. . HAH SIIA'IIH Weak nt 2C'4d per ounce. JIONin I44d4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent , for three months' blll-i , 2V , per cent Hold Is quoted nt Hurnos Ax res todny at 183 ; nt Lisbon , 4750 , nt Home , 10533. American eagles are noxv quoted ar 7Cs 7d , Sellers. Gold bars are quoted nt 77s ll'iil , Alili-rlt-iin .Sci-iirldt-s lit I.iinilnii. I/DNDON , hept 22 The market for Amerlcnn securities xxas Irregular xxlth n benrlsii under tone , due to a desire among holders to realize The close xvns steady xvlth n fnlr demand Vliinm-liil -s. 11OSTON , Sept 2J Clearings , tf.CCI 931 ; bnl- nnces , tl.SP ! Ma IIAl.lIMOIli : , Srpt. 22. Clearings , t2.S59 G5o , balances , t37B G05. NU\V YOHK. Sept. 22. Clearings. t51 ! 852,656 , balances Jl 232 410 [ I'lIII.VUni.PHIA , Sept. 22-Clearings , J13 015- I 717 balances , (2 0"i2,013 Jti.MriIIS Sept 22 Clearings J2IO 4 . bil- anres , J43017 , New York e-\e-hange , n-lllng at tl 50 piemlum Niw OHUIANS , Sept 22 Ch-arlngs , Jf'15 23S , Ne-xx orU exi h inge , bank , par , eomnuiclal , 5175 per tl.COO dl i.uiiiit ST IXJTIS Sept -Clearings , tl 270 2V ) . Inl- anccf92 292 Montj 4ff7 per cent ; Nexv ork exchange " 0 dl-ti-oiint bid , 2"t iltscount ii--ked CIIICAOO , Sept 2J Cleirlngs , Jl' OI.r , " ! Nexx York exchange , 2ii30c | dlsctiunt Stirling ex change , posted rates , t4 Sljfl SO Stocks nctlxe ; general declines on reillzlng , closing Diamond Match. 1" Metropolitan I. 7V4. Stnmboanl , 29. Clls Hallxxas , 227 , West Chicago 109'j. North ChlcTgo 240 , Lake- Street , 20Ncxx ork llls- eult , 3D14 , Oas S 103H rr- iirt-l ii Plniiiit-Iul. I'AHIS. Sept 2. . % hie per cent rentes , 103t 22'jc for the nciount IiitI.lN ) ; .Sept 2Eicaange on lxiulon , 20 marks 3S pfgs for checKS I ONDON , Sept 2J THe amount of bullion xxlthdrnxxn fiom the j la nit of England on balance toda > xx us T1.-5 000 Cnlili-H mill rurclun Iliijlim u S.ltiJitilxiuiti ! - . NKW YOHK , Sipt 22 - ,1hecotton market made n steads start. Higher cables nnd foieign buying oldeis on a lathe ttale eaused an adx.nnce of 5cjl ! > pulnls on theLH.4 , call Throughout the foienoon unfaxoiibly crop accounts lencied the maiKct and cox orlng , bet nine a fVitlure HecelptH at the- ports and the Indicated moxenunt for In terior toxxns arc on a ilitTgc bcale , this checking confidence on theloiis Ijlo of tnu account Dur ing the afternoon , lioxxexer , the market xxas quite Ilrm. though < | ulet At the best point ot the day prices showed n net rise of 7f 10 points xxlth the market tlnall } htculs at a net adxancc of 7G ( ! ) points Closing prltcs : Januirs. Jo C3 , Tebruars. $ > > C7 , Much , J071 , April , $ ii 73 , May $07S , September , $6C4 , October , JG5S , Noxemb.r 5ii Hi , Oettmber $ C .li Spot clostd iiiilct , mlil- illlng upliinds , o 13-lOc , mlddllnt , gulfs , 7 l-lo" , middling , C 13-Ifc , net recolptg. fl linlrj , gro s , ; > . > ! bales , cxpoits to Great Diltaln , 2,1.4 bales , continent , fW bales , forxxardtd. il bales , sul s. 711 bales , fplnnera , 191 bales stink , IJ.S27 bales. Total todny Nit reeeipts J7 C7I baits , exports to Great llrltaln , J 7J4 baloi , continent , o.JOl biles stoik 311 107 bales Consolld ited. Net le celpts 170 . ' 01 bales , txports to ( Ire it Itritnin. Jt > , _ ' 77 bales , l'i iiietC..O bales , ctintli cut , 19591 bales Total jilntc Septtmler 1 Net iceelpts , 4K ! 201 baits , txport-s to lire.it llrltaln 1.413 biles. Prance , 14 711 bales , eontinent 4J 101 hilts I.IViitPOOI. Sept 2J CO'l IUNpot , fall demand prlct s .hl/her. American 'middling fair , 4 U-liil. good mlildllng. 4 i ltd. Aiiieilc.nn mlil- dling 4 l-J2d. low middling , J 21-32d , good ordi nals 32332d , ordlnurs , 3 23-jJd Tie- sales of tiltdi > xieio 9 Ci bales of xxhlch 100xon1 for sptoulatlon md export nnd Inoludid 7'00 ' Amer ican HecelptH , I.UOi ) hales , all Amerli nn Tu- turoH opened quiet but meads xxlth n moderato de.mind and ulosnl sti'ini ; , Amerlean mlildllng , I , M C 3 46 C4d M.HUS. bejittmber and Octo ber , 3 4't-G4ff3 50-Cld h-Herh , October and No\em- ber 3 4. C4SM 43-r4d sellers. Noxtmber and Uc- eember , 1 39-li4J ( 4J fJ ( busers. December and Innuuis. 1 : iS-C4CJ J9 I4d , busers , Jami.niy and Tobruarj , 3 is 6 < { f3 D-fc4d btiycrs , 1 ebiuius nnd Mnich , 3 39-C4d , busers. Mnrc'i nnd April 3 r,9 Cl tot 4i-Ud. ) bus M. April and Mas. 1 10-6483 41-Cld , bus era , Mas and June. 3 41-Clff3 4i-C4d , tellers , June and July 3 4i-C.ff3 43 C4d , sellers NKW ORI.DANH Sept > -COTTON Steads , silis , 3.oo biles , ordinary , 5'Sc : Kxn\ ordinals , 3 U ICc loxx mliMllng , ' Ciie middling , d"l < * . good middling. CIllCo , middling fnlr , C15-1Cc ; ntolpls ' 1,161 bulls , sloe ! : , . < > e97 biles Tuiurea xors steuls silos -C.BOO , September , IC43ff650 , October , SCiiiJ20 Noxemboi. JC : i > ( iC 2S , Dotim- b r , $62S0629 , Jiinuniv $0 S.'SW 13. Irtbiuir > , $ C.i ( ? < h 3S , March } ij 46MO 4. . Apill. $ C IPijii 4G MIUIPHIS , t-ept ii COTfON-IJass , mid dling , C7-lCe. recel"ts. 1.314 hales , shipments 1,01s bilns. sto k , 10940 bales sales , 1,800 lulos ST IX3U1S , Sipt 22 COTTON Quiet , steads. mlddllm. ( iSlCo. Fiilos , 450 b les , ieopts | , 1,191 bales , shipments , 1,070 Imlest , stock , ' . ' .IS bales. CliiuiU' " * In \ MlllnliliSiipiillrN. . NHW YOHK , Si pi E2.Spe , III rnble nnd lele- giaphle dlspntclns to IlraUstri-et's , cox ol Ing the pilmlpal points of accumulation , Indltato the fol- ionliiK changes In iix'nllnlilii supplies last Satin - dix as compared xvlth th pi xlous Satinday : Win- . I'nlted Htntes and Can id i , i-ast of Hoekb-s IntiiHHo AO.11,00) biihlicls Allunt for and In KuropiInoiiJk * * , 2,100 10 < ) buslu-ls Wj supply , total , liiireaso , 4 131 , DUO Imihi Is Coin , rnlled Slides and Canada , e ist of Heckles Imroai'i 1 /)1N ) bushels Oats , 1'nlti-d Slnleu and Canndn , easr of Hoi Kits Increase , 1 J'jO.COO bushels Tht * mm.ImpulanL Inoreaso In stocks of nxallable xxheat Inat xvft-k not liiiluded In the olllebil xislblo supplx report uro C',1 000 biinhels HI xnrlous Manitoba storage points , :2,0'M ' bushels at Tort William Out SOI , ( I'M ' bushels In ( Miloagj prlxato ilexators , C'l.OOO bushelH 111 Mllvvaiiku' ' prlxakeloxaturs and ( AW busluls In north western Intirlor elpxntois 'Iho 01 iro" | ndlnif do cnabos are 270 0 > O husVIs at New Orlums 2JiOO ( huxhcls at ( ialxi stun li W ) hushiln lit Newport Nexxs nnd 30,0)J biiihelM , at Ogdcnsbun , * . Vi > Yurk DfV fJomlM Murlti't NIJW YOHK. S. pfj 4-'A-vl h diy eioda m irket Is uniiuallfleilly dull lliyy/dl / KrHdis Thi market for intton goods Is aulu , with sales In smaller propoitlons than foi L'li-cciat xvoeks past 1'ilotn so far aio xxill siisutlnRa In both ninple lotion linen nnd printed KflodXj w-Iille woolens are In HU mly reorder renutxC- hilh min'H xvear fabric * nnd dims g'Jbds'r In staple cottons the light xx tights urn o.JJct fnr export demand In many canes looms fiJrmtTli making thes gowls havn len l put on nnotmir basis llle.iched cot tons illrm 'and qu < | R ipl ninonK manufact- uniu Print rlntlm nri1 undoibtedly homcwhat weakir 'Iho iiuotntlfin of 2V fen extras Is nomlpalls maintained , but thnu are no bids for fuluii'S or ppotH at Inls'llgure Odd gooiiti hax bei n sold on i bislx nf 1 p-r rent luwir than print tlotbs iboui , ! ! IniinufHeturors xxlll not sell mans at this rale Prlrils r firm and steady .SIIKIII.llnrUit. . I/jS'IHlV Sept 2J-rllKiT : \H-Siptember , 9s3ytd. , . NIJWl > HK ! U-SI'OAH-llnw. Hrm , , | lfusal 9f , test , 3 13-IC f 4o Helilifd llrmir r4 ) ied 5 11-lCo inwdered , * c. Brnmilited , 6' cn fnolil A , 5 * c , cubed , " * NKW OHI.IIANS , Sept' 't2 ' SPO A It-Quiet nnd steads. "PUi kettle , . > 11S3C. cenlilfiigal , grnnu- land.4i < ( ll91Go whiles , 3 IJ-ICiiCc , yelloxx > , S'/.IJto , seconds , I5i3'4e- \Viinl IIiirKi-lM. NIJW 'iOHK Si pi 23 WOOIy-PIrm , ilnnirc- tlc fleece , WuUi , pulltd , No. 2 t'Xtla , 27i4r > o , Texns , 1So hP I.Oflb. Sipt 22 - \ \ OOIrirm lind un- nliiinged. me Hum. 15iJ1t , lliht line , l.'fi5e ] , he.uy line , 9 l ! > V.c , tub wu htd , SIfjSO' ( allfnriila Drlril Krullo. NI'.W YOHK. . t.pt -\\WKOIINIA DIIIKH PHl'lTS rim. . txupiiHivd iipplea prltre xvlio tin. " ' * H7i xxoixl drl I prime , C'sc , eholco , 7i4c , fanes , 7kc I ruiiM 7'iQCc ' Aprlcotn , Hoxal 7fiSHr Moirpirk WllVie Pcaeht-j , peeled , 7Qlle , peeled. l.'VtiilCt- Oil Murl.rtn. Oil. CITY. Pa S pt it Crudlt Inlaneea. Cdc ; certltlcatei , ru hid * , rhlpmentii 88 kj | bbls run * 30743 Mill I ONUON Kept 2J J > IIb- Spirits f turpen tine 22 * Cd I'rli-i- uf Printer. LONDON Sept : PUl'PUIt Pnir Singnpore , whlU. 71.0. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Another Liberal Eunply of All Sorts of Cfittlo and Hogs. HUN OF WESTERNS KEEPS UP WELL Dctuanil for IVnlt-r * ( Jocid mill riult llrlxk All Aliinu tilt * l.llu- llrrnk llaill > llnilvr i the 1'roHHiiru. I BOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 15. Receipts for Iho lnyH Imllcntct ! v\e-re : Cattle. IloR . Sheep , llorsen. September 22 1,7 > 0 September 21 C,2f0 s.7 3 1.V17 .Stpttniher 2) $ .704 2 2J7 3.CI5 September 1 ? J6I 4,217 1.379 September 17 3.0U 4 i7 2.SM September IS 4t > i7 4,376 1.8SO Si-ptember 11 5,761 B.3IS 3.S84 September 11 4 S C.0'0 1,4:3 Siplembir 13 B.MI 1.217 3,503 Septemlsr 11 l.MI d.r.'O 4M Septclube- 4.WV1 6.&G3 10 September 9 4 77S d.'iVS ' 2.703 September 8 3,211 G 407 Hepteinbe-r 7 5,40 ? C.W ) 2.1M Soptemb r G 7OM 1,481 1,3V * The olllclnl ntnnbjr of c.tra of stock brctiBht In today by cncli roail was : Cnttlc. Hogs. Sheep C. . M. , M St. R Uy 21 S O , t St. L. Hy 2 1 Missouri iMclflc Hy 21 .5 Union Pacific System 73 3o ' C. , < L X.V Hy 1 r , C. & M. V. H. U 72 41 C , St 1' . , M & 0 Hy 7 9 H. & Jl. U. U. H CO II O. , II. tt Q. Uy 3 K. C. k St. I 7 1 C. , It. I. > t p. Hy. oust . , U. . H. I. & I' . Hy , xxst 5 Total reelpti 273 1C1 7 The Opposition of the Jay's receipts wn-i us folloxvs , each buyer purclitiMtiK Iho num. ber of hcail Indicated : Htivers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha Pa old UK Co fiS l.bll The O H.'Hammond ' Co. . 2,11 I.tXS Sxxlft and Company 478 l.POS 1.1S7 The Ctldahy PnikitiK Co. S7.1 3.1.1U 211 H Decker anil DC-K.UI . . . . " 00 .1 lj C.irev 227 l.olinuin tV llothsehlhls . . ufitS . . . . \V. I. Stephens 101 III 1& . I.cxU4 Co 15J Henton .1 rniltrxxood . . . . 11(5 ( . . . . Huston A. Co 17 Hamilton IK Livingston A. Sehaller. . . . ( V > I. K. lltisz 1 'quires o.iG Sperry t names 272 inl.ihY I' Co. fiom Kan sas City C53 rianklnton I' . Co , Mll- xx.iukeeVls 10G Other mi > crt 2,107 271 heft o\ei 3-V ) 2..WO Total 7,017 10.U2I lM/ > CATTLi : ' 1 his xxt-ek glipromts. . , of btlng a rccnrd-breiilit-r < ! 70-1 on Mend is' . " .20) ) jesterdij and 7 WO todu > huch u large- run xxould , iindi-i ul llnaij conditions , huen tendency lo bienlt the inarKe-l , but the ilem mil has been sutllclcnt lo Kiep tinsards xxell eltaii-d Todas's nnrli In u genirnl xxns xxns fixora- ble to the ulllng Inl.rtsts , nnd nt the ilose not many of the'i3 i.us re-ci-lxt-d rcm Until un- Oiily u fexx cornfid beef < altle xxire on s-al < - and the quallts uf tinfexx loads lieie xxas not paitleularls guml so that the sahs did not show up on piper to the sime iidxanlagi- ststeidas , xx lien tlitie xxirtliellei latth'lime xxtie a Rood nnns xMstc-ins litre , some of them K-wd inough for me Killers but the dusted lieif mtn did not get much clnnce at Hum , ns the f dtrs xxere Ktnoralls the lietler bldtli r The market on beef tattle xxas Just ubi nt steads Cnxxs and hilfirs xxtre main 111 large supnls , t far fiom fnrix loads In Ing nlftrul The nl > il openul just about sti ul > and xxas fairly ritilxi l.Utr mi the- feeling xxas taskr and the nmikel elo-ed sloxx As his been the ease all this xxei-k , the prin cipal business of the das xxns In teedeis The xnuls xxore full ot ci-untr > > Isltnrp. nil of them npp.iit-nlls determined lo taKe hoiae a lunch of fi"dlng cattle Yfleidav there xxeie 2 Isuch I ) cattle shipped out Into the countis and the day before 3 3W , xxhlch xxlll glxesome Idei of thu \xa\r the enunto Is busing The mnrVct todax opened early Hnd notlx < - and the- most deniable ciltle ( old freel ) nnd In good season 'I heprhes paid xxeie just about stead ) , nnd the miiket. so far as xnluts xxere of ncerned , xxas xi-rs much lll\e set-lvulas's mar ket Hipresentatlxefiles - N'o A\ I'r No AI'r No Av I'r. 1 A1170 tl 00 n. . iii3 $ i i o IS. . 1012 M (0 1157 S 35 20 10'M ' 4 10 r.i . 1121 i r 1070 4 no 2- 1 < "M 1 f.O It'll ) 4 II 210 4 CO 10 .10'd 4 ,1'i 18 1172 4 70 liio- , 4 00 10SO 1213 4 1.0 . . .ir.s I M ) 1029 4 37 3.1 . 144H 4 W 1117 4 M exnvs 2 00 1 ! 10V , 2 70 1 870 ! 00 1li 2 CO 1 110 2 70 li . Wl 3 W 1i liss 910 J no i , . -in 2 70 ss 114. n oo UfO 2 2"i 1 11SO i " ssa .1 0" 1CO. S30 CO. . Oil ! 2 S3 10 'S11 110 10i S"0 2 CO .1140 2 ST. 10i. t j" 910 2 DO 1010 2 ' " ) i. HGO a.- 7f4 J fO S'U 1 ' . ' ' . . ! 'J7 3 3) . 00 2 C5 KOI T SO . .11CO 3 20 nnirnus 1110 710 10 1 2" . , 9V ) J CO . . . 3 .l 3 13 3 73 111 ! LI--- 1110 2 CO ' 770 3 Oi ) JIG 2 71 . 1450 2 85 I21H 3 00 . . ' 170 2 ' 10 941 3 2" 1700 . ' S5 140) ) 2 ' 15 3 W C. AI A'US . 145 5 00 200 1 " : s AND nimns. 7f.i 2 ro 3 VI 20 711 4 01 " 20 3 21 . 710 3 90 ' 4 10 10CC 3 ro 1 , 10C0 3 90 20 . rsi 4 10 10JO 3 M 48. . . fi : I 9" (2. . . 718 4 20 175 3 cr , 10 737 4 00 21. . 4 21 930 3 RO . ) . ! . .1173 4 Ur > 32. . 4 JO SS7 3 80 4 . .ICC. 4 05 1. . SCO 4 33 SS7MO MO 3 S3 WISTIIINS. : No Av. I'r. No. Av I'r. 2 lillllH IIS'i 12 75 J cow s 110 } 2 SI 2 i ow s . . M ) 2 75 4 hull * . M ) 3 00 r i on s 10-.S f I 3 0) T tow s . . .111S3 1 Ro 11 feeders , ICO 3 70 3 i ow 8 . . 1211 2 81 1 feedir nco 1 1 cow. . 101) ) JO1 ! feeikrs R67 1 f. 2 e w s . . IC53 0 tr 93 fceil'is 1P)1 ) 4 01 S cow a . .10M 1 SI 21 f edeis 122) 4 1 NIIIIIIAHKA 1 t.illlnir . 1120 2 23 1 t-eiler 700 1 50 1 cow , 10V ) 2 5' ) 2 feulelH SI ) 3 f,0 1 bull . 1471 2 . ' , . 1 feeder 1270 3 SI 1 bull . . K81 2 SI I V ) p , i ow rt 1110 3 03 2 feeder * lO'O 4 (0 ( l > cows . II..2 3 01 4 0 > C fi i dcrs 143 3 50 2J feedern 1111 I 2) Vhtoilii Land S. Cutllii CD 21 helftiH . . 7C1 3 20 221 feeders C23 4 10 WVOMINO 2 cows . . . ! f 3 00 1 fenler . . . 7 0 4 0) Wnnteni Union lleef Ca. 1 heifer. . . . . flSO Jdfl 110C3XXH 10 11 1 1) Sbulh . 1213 2 r1 1 tailing FOO 1 tow 11 0 2 70 7'J feeders 1''d ' T M 18 ClUVH 71 i 70 11 feedci s . t > 17 4 (0 ( IB t ill'5 2 CO 8i > fi eilers. . . 671 4 10 Conxi-iso Cattle Co 1 feeders 109) 3 CO 35 fieders . 1181 3 01 17 heifers . 1011 11 * > S4 fiedcrs 10 . " , ? M 1 heifer. . \CM 310 101 fftdeiH . .IH'J 3 CO 51 feedern. . . 124. ! 3 TO KOIITII DAKOTA 1 fepiler. . . . fO ) 3 00 18 fceJi-rs . . . f S3 3 f 2 ftedem CC ) 3 ' . ' ) If feeders . 013 4 115 CresHnell Caltlo Co. 30 feedeis . .1241 311 112 feedi-rs . . .1131 350 WeanI.lte hlock Co. 1 feeder . if ( ) 3 11 2J fet-ilci8..1110 3 C5 137 ffeilers . 971 3 35 Western Hunches. 12 telling' * . ,1200 3 II 8 ? feeders..1110 3 CO i : llolcnmh. t9 feeders . 1110 3 K Matador Cattle Co. Ci feeders . .1119 J n.1 i : . 1\ Hall , 15 feeders , . . 731 3 90 ( iuthrleU Osknmp ! 2 feeilem. . . 1127 3 61 A. J. Smith. 9 cow . . . . .993 3 ( r ) .13 ficdeT3..1l54 3 D3 11. 0. Weare. . 4 cowf . . . , . i 7 271 II feedirs..1110 30) 17 tailing ! ! . . .1038 3 < 1 Wallace S. Co , 1 bull. . . ll 0 270 45 feeder ) . . 1003 " 90 | 1 cows . ! ISI S ' * > 1 fttdcr 630 421 il fl'HltTB , , ij31 3 rr. COLORADO 4 cnwH . 1KS3 2 SI 1 htlfer. . .lI'iO 3 M 1 tow . . 1050 3 Q 7 fftders * HU 4 lj Chedse ) llros 1 cow , ' 2 fi ) BO ftederH . 1111 4 1J 3 cuwp . 1120 3 CO 21 feeders . . 11H 4 40 ID COW H 94 ! ) 3 i 20 fttilem. UOti 4 44 2 fredcm. . 1270 4 CO 1' N. fihcck. 9 row H . . . . : o StO 4Q feeders. . .1174 435 11 t-HCM ) . IJiO 3 20 T. N llemlncton. 3 rows , . 1153 3 00 20 feeders 11C1 I H 4 cnwf . . , . .110,1 310 0 flet-ra. . 1311 4 35 l > HHf ) . 19 fiedelB . C91 3 SI 7J feeders. . , lee 23 feeilem . . ? 3 85 I''li'ifon Urea 35 feeders . .12(9 ( 431 fi feeders..1271 430 Jatnoa Taylor. 12 feeder * . . 1290 4 V \Yllllnm McCauHhcy , II fwder 1301 4 3.1 3.1oitiaoN oitiaoN : . . im 321 fl feeders. . . . f l 3 iO 2 fccderx , . . . S10 3 25 71 feeder * . SI I 3 73 IDAHO 1 utatc . . KS1 2 00 777 1 ( 2 bulla ! IQ KM .1 01 1 bull. . . 2 40 1 lalllnir. 501 3 Si 1 oo . illM 2 M 1 feedir . U10 3 8 buIU 13W 2 75 U feederi" 5J ) 3 CS 1 cow . . . US' ) 2 SO 4 0) . .10)3 2 M 27 friidcr * . . . . ttt 4 H MIXJCO. : 12 utters 143 4 05 051'TAH 1'TAH T \ \ 1'eierson 1 bull Klo 3 u ) IS ft-odcm k9S 3 SO 1 heifer G3 > 3 26 II001-Ho recMvcd 11 black es t idiy tha break In xaluen being Ihe mo l pronount-il f > r any one daj In nome tune To ? manx nous hava ' been comlnc this xxeek S 771 jestrnUy. and ! : ut low ( odny anl the bitx rs tmik ad- \ mitnpiff the sltimtuin to Jump , n the msik t K M nnd Imrd. In adilltliin tn the frroh r retpls. tnera xxere 1 , < U > hogs thnt had l .en iitibil nxer fn-in > esterda > , xxhlih helped l > mki- the ! > upp x erce slxe riie market xxas lOWlBc Inxxer. flOtl It closed Hat. xxlth n coed nmtiy unsold l.lithi h i .s , xxhlch Mid At II6I17H jeslcrdaj , dropixvl to 139-Wf" tTlay Ueax > hues s Id large ! ) fit l 0 Hr , tmlis. ntul at jeMertln ) ntnttxc miles ! No. Ax- . S'l. ' I'r. No. ASh. . I'r. 10. . . . . 313 . . . 11 M . . . ? T2 16) 10 . .rss . . 3 70 S f 8 . . * 1t 1 Ti 3 si 82 , $0 .1 7'i a 40 3 5 11 . . . I.4JH SO 3 Ti so 3 f. ' . 17 . . . ' S ) S 78 47 m ; .1 . 319 3 75 72 inw .1 8i 41. . . .2)1 Si ) 3 SO inS" .1 s * klGt. S M S" 3 V. Gt. . . .289 W 3.Si ' " J Jl ) 73. . so 4) 3 ' ! i ! 3 SO l * ? ' 4)V ) ' - ' 3 M it : . SO SHI ! 69M . -24S 'SO lit ) " 5 ; i 69S w" 2H5 } SOu i ( S 232 190 3 S ) ? ' . . 563 u 3S7i , M . 2 1 3 M 67 . 2TO 3 I'O Kl . 3M .63 1 > 12 . ICO 3 NO ill : SID 1S 91) tl , . SO 3 ) 58 , 2T3 l.li J 1.0 4) 3 Si ) K 3.7 SO 3 ! i I M 27J 4)W 3 O ) KGl Jul 121 SVS 40 3 S ) Gl . 871 3 > > 75 241 120 .1 .HI fit V ) 3 } " 2 279 UO 3 SO 70. . 110 3 0 IT. . . . . 311 210 3 ) 42 j 'n C2 3 < x > 40 3 i > 21. . 3 1) ICO 3 SO i. : . . 241 3 0 Cl ' fO . - . SO to 214 .1 "t ) 4 $ . . . 10) 3 SO C2. . , 271 , 3 ' ' " ' " 3 M ) 2.1S 1 " 0 W ) . . . .SIX ISO 3 V ) f,5 . . 219 1M tl ) 2H 44 3 > > 0 R * 251 3 < H ) to 344 SO 3 SO I.2. . . . S I no 3 ! < ) 09 i.ro ICO 3 , .0 23 .1 % ! > 0 3 W JO .1 SO 7- " . ' . 2jr 3 10 11 . 5C9 fO 1 (0 ( 21" . . . . ic : 1 M 4J . 313 Id ) 3 SO 69 2'.1) 3 SO 28 . 25l ! $0 1 fO 119 2U 200 3 tl 61 . 2.13 5,0 3 SO Cl . . .21J Si ) 3 ! > ) f,4 . 301 SO 3 M ) 12 219 3 15 M . I ' 3 S2' ' TO 21,7 3 11 f9 . SIC 'fO .1 S3 M. . . . Jit 40 3 "I 67 , .2SO SO 3 hi 78 I9i 1 .237 210 .1 M 7 . . . 3 W . .30 : ' 3 SI ( -1 S . . . 3 'lo ir. 'so 3fT. 7S I . . . 3 97 > i .261 a v , 51 4 V ) .204 n S3 215 . . . 4 0) .312 SO 3 S3 C2 . 210 4M . .279 3 V. 7s . 2 S ) i Oi 200 3 S.1 141 jr. . . 4 03 CO WO 3 S3 I'lllS-OIJllS AND 1 110 2 Ki . " 10 SO T 71 n 146 3 M T 3 75 4 25J 3 lu BM J .j 2 roi ) 3 iVi 9 . , J7t 3 7S 1 110 3 70 S 20J 3 71 SS ' ' ' 3 71 S 311 SO 3 ) . ! ! . . ii > 371 7 311S I 3'0 2 425 8) .175 1 130 3" ) 3 320 3 71 .1 IIS 3 Jl 1 71 4. . . 3 M 1 . 3DO . . 3 73 Mami Hlllllir The- mat fahl > rl\e | ami hist abolit Mind ) . atlxe F.ilei. No. \x I'r , ( C xxcslein cxxes . . 110 Jl 11 vi3e tein xxt-theis . . . Ill 3 C1 SOI xxestcrn lamlis n 4 . - > CIIKMCO i.ivi : sroric \uuirr. 1 . Cat Hi- Turn \VonK I Mieipell Itniilill ; nml \\t-ll. CIIICAC.O. Sept. 22 The market f > r cattle xxas stioni ; enrlx , but soon tinned xxeilt nianx plain , roujji tecis not lit for fcediis 1,1 ns fully 1.1c htlo\x the xnlucs pild for null Mend > v A loud of exlia prime 1.4'S-lb s-teers foil up to Ji Ml , but onlj n lexx xerx iholce lom xvent lit better than $118 'I he hulk of Rood to i Indie buf sleets soil at frimi } l fO to $5 JO IVc-din met a relattxe-ls ktiiuiktr itemaml thin fat cat tle nnd shoxxed but little dttllne u\iepl fur xtrx plain lots. Home lir.inild tattle of extia iiuillty selling at friun 5)-1 ti > $40 < "o\xs and hi-lfirs alio escaped xxlth but little tin line , the snpplx of tbat 11 iss of sttnK belnif comp ira- tlxilj sm ill Vtal culiei held cl FC t the 1 ite ninge , the hulk Hilling at fiom 157,1 to Jn 71 Onls about 200 hud of Texas ea'tlc ai'lxed mil such fcxxxint about eti-ads , but ibout DftO xx extern range cattle xxent sliixxlx * . nnd xi luis langed n point loxxti foi all but tvtr.i gi.iles of feeders ll.irls sales of choice hogs xxere about nil nt i gnod 10eofC fiom Tuesilaj's xalues but u good mills of the nirlxals sold later at lie < ! , - - cllne r.uKers .xanted movt of the h nxy Im H tl't e to $ J DO , and It took rxtin iiuullts' In 'it.axs ti > Fell nboxe jl 05 Choicehiittln r x\tlKhts mil nrouiid Jl 20 hist at Jl 21 A fexx iholie b icon pl-s cold earlx at Jl to. but later xoi > ehol'-e lights xxere bousht nt Jl 35 Sheep xxcnt olT inpllls at firm prices both Innil kllltrs and fceib rs buxlng lirgolj A Hock of ne.irls fno mixed On KIIII i-he p nxcritlng 81 Ibs. xxent nt $1 V > . and malls 40i ) hen ! nidx txxo nonnds henx lei mid ut J-0 Mn t fat mutton to-k mid at fi"m ST r , to Jt mil fied- crs bought ihlollx nt from EJ 00 to Jl 75 Na- tixi- limbs sold qtilcltls at Unng pi lies , r"\enl cliuli-e lots I imllni ; at from Jl fi t i ? 1 71 and most goul lots iiboxe 15 , but xxestein lambs xxere In biaxs supply and told a Hindis xxeal.er , mans around J ) 70 Hice-lpU Cattle , 17rCO head ; hogs. 01000 bead , sheep , IS,000 bend SI. Imils I.lxiMorU. . RT LOfH S < pt 22 CV'tTLiItei lptK fi IVV ) held. Hhlpniints < 0) held ; imikilInxx l e loxxer for nillxe" Tewns baielx sl"adx , fiih tn funcv nntlxe sh'pplnic and exp u I ste. r- . . SI iAt 120 bulk ( ifnli" . $4700100 , die sr.il hif and biiteher steers Jinoffl1- ! bulk of siles Jl ll 1-0 , steirs under l.OX ) III" . JT 7WI ' 0 , bulk -if sdes , Jl V.iill OJstocKir nnd fiiiliii' , Zflit t Si , eoxxs and heifers , } i 00 i I W , Tex un nnd Indian MCI-IS 12 ' 4f I 15 , cims nnd lieif , rs < 2 JlSft n IJOCJ' ? Ileeelpls GOOD head , hhlpmenls 10" heul market fiiilOe loxxer llglit. JI.DI25. ( mlxid. fl OOiffl0. . heavs. J3'iOilJ1 blllJI ' r-Iliee'ptH , , r , 000 heal -dilpnienls n.me. market' 10i liwir. natlxe muttons JJ 1'tfii ' SO. htotl.ns. J200W3 10. lam' ' " ' l O'Mir. ' KANSAS CITV , Sept -CA'IT LiItri : elpts , 10000 In ad , litKl elides > fiul > , t th'm ' Hlnxx ; Texas l-tttis , 117551110 , 'lexns ifms , JMji2W natlxe Fleers Jl sift 1 21 , millxe inxxs nnd heifer- " Jl OflTl 10 , btoiKi-is and feeilirs JJ 50JTI 10 , bulln 1. ' COM4 r,0 v I1OOS HecclptH 12 TOO head , mnil.rt rte uly tn Ce loxtei than siatorhix's eloso , bulk ( if --IIM t210'&IM ) , pafkeis t1SiW)1 ) , tiilx-d JTOtitDi lights J3'Xiffl 10 , Ynrkeis , J4 0 fc5 ( i ) , pigs , JJ EO { ? 4 CO i SIII1IM' Hi celpls , r 000 head , imiikct i-teads , lambs , jaoofflll ) , muttiins J27503C1 Cliii-liiiuill I.li < - Sloi-U. CINCINNATI , Sept. 22 HOGS Sloxv ; J3 .VnT 4 Ot OtCATTLI : Attixo , htemis. JOOTTO SHITI1 Stcidj , JJ 21 l 00 Uimbs , steads , JIOOfi-55) 'it nr I. Ill Ilocoid of rrcelptn of llxc Htiuk nt the four principal multi-Is for Sipt'-mbir 5. ! . Cuttle Jloiia. Shi i p Om.ahn I'.r.io ' 1 700 Chicago nro ! ulo K insns City teen ) rtftl ) Totals . 411 5JO ( OH BYrillLIS ) fl.Vrl ( e-n Ouiiiiiiili-u < ri' I3VKKV Our cure It pennnnf nt nnd not a pan | IMup | C T5 trrattil mi ) tai " Imtu nttei MIIIII uniipioii sliu t Dy UtMrllJlnuyoui m > f Ilillj neiun Hint juil by null. nml ueulvi } I lie uieHtionif vuuialilfu tot ul ol | i Itlail all nioiiey 1 liuJe wao iiulti lo comu bin foi titat input lun do KO an I vtu wilt nay lallioail lino. br < ih w Jj mul boli1) ) I'fll * wlille In in If wo fall lo calif. VX e ehal luiji I hi' V. in 111 Ilii-mno Hut ulll .lIllL'lr llolili-tly will nit nun XVilto i i ll.ll | ailli iiliu > nlnl ( 'el tlio e\lileliie XX ok > iuw tr.nl > ou wit l.rl tli jil jiibto holoo Uk tliu MinHt enillKllt | ili > llllin liu\u mxtl bom atilo to Kl > f lll"l u Hum Irnuioiary icllrf Inoiir IlllJlaM | lailliov.lll tlll > .11 u ulf llflili tl.x U linn bei H inuit ill Itli 11 It to oven i'MK1 1 ho pieJllillieMiirullli-l llll 1-0 inljril bierlilK lint imilfr uui lioiur ? < mint jon kliiiul I iiot lnllnli lo M > IM' HUH ily. i u lukii nu cliooiool lonlaif soul inuney X 'e I'liuiantfn tu iincoi itruiil ittrt iltil ur unu UB n liuxo u u i iitatlun lo pmlii I , ul > o HIIUII Ul limkliiK of f > iSI ) . ) > , II l > | iilo < ll > tare lo nil nhoulll try the limtlliint lieu luful 1131,11 liat bun I uiiliiK up nnd P-i > lnu "Ut } otii iimnoy lot ulllin at lu iiiii'iil uiiil sllniiii li XHI/IH / m I jcl.iiinl no unn liau > ulil hai k voul niouet lln mil uuhln 1111) moil IIIUIIIY until ) im ( iy in nlil i luiialc unVMnHU | in > f. tineil la tidily to nlaoty < la ) < . liiviMlt-alu om tltiunilal manlbiK our itiutation na ItiihlntM * nun \Vrllu u * fur liHiaii and mMn t > u4 of HIOMxe liuxo emiil who havu Klxeu pfiiul loa to irfer tp then It eU toil oal ) | HI loce l ilu tldui U will tare > o I a xvorul uf kiitlorlUK lioia loiuiat htialn , inillf uu le inanleil what inuy ju'ir olUprlni ; nuilrr IIIIIMIKU yt ur ownnrffllKeiitot Jlyoiirrymptuitiitariti hn | I NOII Into , toiurtiio.it niu"ou lateuoi * In mouth rli'iinnib-iu hi I , i , ncit nml Joints hair fullliik' out iniill'U * " " " " > Iiult ot Hill bo ty ftrllUK ol K lltllll ljpii.c | ! > ilill lallmlll nail 01 Ituabrf , > ou lut.i ) liollnie lowiii.li Ihu i whu Bin iDli.lanlly laklliK inclclll ) nnd pnla > ll kholllil lllif i ulllllule II ColiMtaat lift uf Ilieru iltUK' will uuly bl Influx i and tulint ; uli 1 1 * In tin end limi t lall lu uniu All tonoiiuiiileiiiu > uil MUlnl in plain inv.'l open V'ti Invite ilm IIMUI il/ld Initi-iiiratluu nii'l ' will Uuulllnoiu power to ulil jon jn It.Uilix't f K lilcago. ill An ] Surreal I'udi. ' ' bl Omihu. Nth T \'i 10 > i-'inci : . Bpeelalli > t > in treatment of Clirouic , iVervous and I'nvau ' Ujsjasj- in J'Kui 1.1,1 , jnd VAltlCOcLI.K peinui. < ntly , ! and .in < .e sfii | | ) -ured In exery t nt I 11IAJOU ANU divl.S'Mutate ' * ctitK t-pii ' I l'liiip't ' > Scrufui.i riimuin K'lur , I.i cin i un i lllcioil I'oiiun i.nuru'j.-ht > tieaiucd fiom liio ) lent .N'l.UXOl'S DiMIKY. Sptrrraiorrh n f mil l i i IxukiH. Nlit ! iinl : > ( nnH If it of Vital I.uu.l pirinaiitntii * rl rp- ilL r ire I j WI. Uv MI.N. j ' ( Vliulily Weak ) ma. ' " no by too < ! all li cailuii tn biKlneii or tl ' ! ) uixcio ni-pinl r ai or Krlf-f. iJiVLIAL I'.N T LtJ n in .jflie ift or from the rffc t ol 1 "HHiil t ill ! t i ul or ixrite them loday Iloi 1 MeJiwI and ' ) ur/idil lastiluto M FOR MEM How to Restore Loot .Manhoo.l nnd Ptrffct I > t\clo ) < ment. This pront work , fn nlr written by n hlt h tnedunl nni'i ritx , sao s honianlv \ii ; ( > r can bo resumed and b < tiulr * to niurrlniia removed It Un nunlprn work for nun who nutter from iicrvotK drbllltv cnmed by over work , youthful Imliilcunce * or l irr cxcc'w * . It point * nut how to bo cured of n rxottuii s ( ilKpomlfncv , linpoii'tiej , > it finnf , without Interfcrinc with t < u .IncM 1 IMS AHb01U 1 K1.Y 1'KUK. Tills n-rnt bo V , enilllpJ "COMin.KTn \NftOOH AN1 > llow TO AT VAIN' IT , " ulll b ? m iitcd free , in plnln. Rented wmppcri t t'leml 1r sof ntn Mncero InqtKrcr 1 y the IMo MeInul C'liuunj , 64 Ndn.nra Miect , HutTivIoN.Y. KoCOU schemetu deception. & Searles SlTCIALlSTin Jitrvous , clironl-3 nnd Piivavo Diseases WEHK SKXUALT.V. Alirrl\nti'lUrmn A Dlnorilcrmtf Mot In 11 tin nut hy in til CoiihiillHtlon 1'ruj , SYPHILIS Curtil foi | tt nnJ In * pultun thuiouuhlr civaiut/j from thu Dviein. Siumaiorrhi'ii , seminal Weakiuti , Unt Jl n liooJ , M lil 1.H1U..IO.H. Dfciool F.icillllfi. ! in.ite eiKtiMf * anil all uchcnts illsonlcrs v * * tu cltn'r fcx ponltUcly cute. ! I'lt.KS. .V. and ltiOTAI : < UIl Kits \IYUHO- C1II.K8 AN'U VAltlfOCnUEi Jior-imncntly ami i < > 't > p riil'v curpil Mctlioi n-w n il unfnlllni b > lion niotlmjltliont pnln or rutting. " "ill on nr nil.lroii lth ntnmp Dr.Seartes Patronize ] | > I'm I nods Mnilf ill ( lit * I'ol- 'l > ' iiMUn I'n ctorl ON. /\MNUS AND TUNIS. IMIIITINT AMI itiitnr.it cu. ( SuicesanrH Omaha 'lent and Awning Co ) M inuf icturets tonls. awnlnm Jibini lungs' mid i"nts' in iLl.intoslieM. Jenta tiir rent. 1311 rarnam St , Omaha iUi\\iitns 'iNssbOfi ; vriD Car loul shlpmcntH made In our own rratoi ears liluc Hlbbon , rilte llxpnit Vlonm IXport and Tamil } l xpurt deiucroii tn all uf Hi" rtl\ . I1H1CIC. \\ITIIMi.r. 1II1OS. , \ S1IITII CO. I'oMiiK , Sewer and lliilldlnt ; IlltlClv. r.ipecltv. KO 000 per dav Ollli o nmla'd 2M end Illcliois SI * Tcltp'inni 421 Oinah i N b. COItNICi : WOIIKS c. r. r.iMiM'/rnit. i\si.i : : coitMri : WCIHIC.S. Mnnnfnriursr "f Ciiilxnnlred lion rninlecs ( ! : - \inl7ed Iron hit ) lights Tin linn and Hlato I'liolliiR ARcnt for Klnneir't fattei Ctlllnt ; tPi-10-U North niovenlli street cit.\ncir r.\ciontls AtlUKIC VS 1IISCMT AMI IIKR. CO. , o CrnckT Jlanufactiircrs , OMAHA Nth \\Olllt' ! usrus \VOJIKS , -L'l rnrunni St. ln and clt of Rirmrnts and Roods of Men < ICMI ip..un iinlng of line { , ariutiits a ip"cl lty PLOt'll MILLS s. r. nu.uN. . riour. Meal , Teed and Ilran 1013 15-17 North 17th Street , Oin.i m , Neb C K IJIacK , in in.ner. relephnne G12 111ON WOKK-3 1)AIS .V. CVt.lll. 1UX WORKS. . Iron 11 nil ItriiNH Pfiiiiiili-i-n. Mnnufact i-- io und .loTil e-r tif Machinery Gen- rral repair UK a hpeclnllx 1W1 , 1503 and 1503 IacK on * trcl Oininn Neb. I'AXTDN . \'IiiI.l\ : \ MunufiiclutcrM of Aiehlttbtural Iron Work , ( le-ntral romuliy , Mnchlnu and lllaclinmlth wcirK. ilnulneurs ni ' ' "nlricfira for The Proof llulld- InK * Otllee nnd woiks : U. 1' Uy and South 17lh street Omahn. i.iNsinn OIL , \VOOIMI\-S i.i.vsnnn on , WORKS , Wanufac'uiers old iiiocess raw llnsued oil , Kittle b died Mnsccl oil , o'd pioeits mound lln * urd cnlie , ci-jund and terecned naxaeed for OMAHA NHI1 I. . C. Mnmifuctnrcr I.ounicn , Coiiclies , Jobber of S'prlnj lledH nnd IVathem. 1307 11 Nlchol.ib tttrc > l. OMIIIIIIDDINC CO. M.inufaetuii is of liluli irade MnltreiFi. ' , 13021 Nlchnlar Rtieet Omaha. ovi.itsi.i , AND sum r KAPTOI i ns Cluthlnj , I'jiilu fahilta and Overall * . O.M.MIA. Nir. : SIIIHT I'AC-IOIIIK.S J , II. IIVA.VS , SIIIIIT RxcluuUo cuvl-n sh'rt ' lullon * . ISIS Tarnam. TINWAUI : UPsTiHN : TINWtHIJ I'ldfil , Hlnmped mul Japjnned Tlnwaie Ornn- Ite Iron , Hollow Wine. < tc. 1003 Parnain Bt OMAHA NI5II AND I'ICKLKS \iMti\u : co. , Manaiifaclurera of Vinegar 1'tckloa Miutmdo , Celery \Voiceirlert.ilie | Sauce WAnoNH AMJ cAitiiiAaia ; uii.LiAii i'i-iicrin. I'ur n good buhftnmlal xellUlf of any dcscrlp. tlun , for repuiiitln or rubb ! llr on nt-w nr old xvhcels , thebebl place In 27'h and Iaven oitn iTifi iTMo iTT\iTiTr\ii ; ro. Cheap niolluiu priori ! and tony t.arilastv Ans tiling > ou xxant net ml liand or noy. llead'ii alters fnr Ituliber lire * \\url.intoil ISIIi anl Jlarnc > . ej pe'lte Cuert Iloune. \ , J. i HIM , i H i I'ull line uf Currng" , Jluehici ! , 1'lmetoni l'r\nj jrls \\lireiH nil'lir Mieil 'lln. bett 1 * thl < h i i CKiAH ilANI'l-'VC'll ItmtS Uirient In lh xxe t ) /-atliiig jobbers of O i.uliu. Lincoln und KUI. J i.'itj handle- our jooil Omaha Neb 'JAMES E. BOYD & co. Telephone 103 ! ) . Omaha. Neb , COMMISSION GRAIN : PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS HOARD OK TIIAIIK. JMr cl wlrm to Cldcuto anil New rcrt. Cwr > uoail Di ( ; J' n X U'airtu A Oa