THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : TUT USD AY , SEl'TJSMUEU 2tt , 1807. StBRASKA MILLERS MEET DlEouai Papers that Are of Interest to the Tndo , MANDERSON ADDRESSES TIK MELTING the Nrrponll- Hi-cliiroc-K Ilinl nllh Mllli-rn It In tinColdcn Itnle ( if The regular annual meeting of the Nfi- tiranka State Millers' association was begun yesterday afternoon In the parlors of the Commercial club , with a fair attendance of delegates Tbc ptOKram arranged was nearly completed anil the nsKodatlon hopes to nnlsh Us deliberations and adjourn by noon todij In order to take In the State fair this after noon Previous to thr fornnl opening of the convention the dclegate-a gathered about noon In the inrlors of the Commercial club by Invitation Thcro they were Invited to par- iaku of a luncheon , which uaa provided by the Howls Oinalu Dag company. At the concluilon of the dinner the program that luid been arranged fur the convention was begun while the delegates were still seated about the tables. President N. I ) . Hendall acted as chairman. .Major Mcores made a brief address , In which ho extended a hearty and full wel come to the visitors In the course of his remark ! ) ho commented upon the 40,000,000- bushcl wheat crop of the state this jcar , which put Nebraska In the front rank of nvhc-flt-growlng elates. Ho stated also that lhu time had come when Nebraska Hour was celling In the markets of the world on an equality with that of every other country < and state. In the alibcncu of 5. S. Hadlu of Cedar Itaplda , 1'rcstilcnt Kendall responded briefly for the nrooclatlon. MANIiilSO.V : O.V UKCirnOClTY Ooneral Charles V Matidciaon delivered an extended address ) on "This American Miller and Reciprocity/ ' lie cxpHlned the princi ple of reciprocity , speaking of It as the golden rule of trade Ho asserted that there wan no other Induntrj that wns concerned In the maintenance of the principle more than the milling trade In bilpport of this statement ho cttcil census statistics to'show the magnl tudo of the trade In 1890 alone $3"VJ71,000 vas paid out In labor and mitrrlal Hut even despite the Blze of the Indtlstrj , the speaker maintained that It would bo twice as If a better market were offered This could bo created under reciprocity treaties with other countries In support of this position General Mundcison quoted llguivs to show that after icclproclty clause hid been put into the McKlnley tariff bill In 1S91 the Hour oxpott tiadu lnci''a ed greatly and had fallen oft as much again when the protective and reciprocity policy was nbimloncd under the Wilson tariff bill In 1891 In the JCMI after th ° latter laxv went Into effect the export trade was -1,000,00 ! ) birrelh le s than the jear before. This meant a IO&H of $1(1,000 ( 000 mid a tnde sulllclent to keep 13 i mills with a dally capacity of 100 ban els each was do- Itrojed. Geneial Mamleisin In co-c uslo i prc- < ll t-d that Inlovv nf these facts which could bo duplicated In other Industries , the Amcilcan people would not again depart from u proteitlvi ! and reclpioclty policy S Wright Hutlcr had as his topic "The Dusties , " and delivered a characteristic ad dress In which he dwelt upon the Impor tance of the miller. He held the millers In regard for two reasons first 1' cause the human lace depended on them from the time tint each Individual left his or her mother's arms , bccomlly because the millers were In a great measure te&ponslblo tor the elevation of womanhood. In that thoj had appropriated a trade at which In olden times , according to the bible , women only worked. UKiriNG DOWN TO BUSINESS. At the conclusion of the addresses an ad journment was taUen to the parlora , where the business session of the ansoclatlon was opened by President Kendall who also de livered an addrctH In this he stated that the growth of the association during the yeai had been moderate , but solid He dwelt upon the condition of the milling trade In the Btnte and spoke upon the piospect of future - turo development. He stated that a larger export trade could be built up If oatfsfactory freight rates could ho secured and If the miller contented himself with small profits. In concluding , the president adv Iscd that good exhibits be made at the coming Trans- intaslxslppl exposition The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and Secretary O C. Holmes and Treas urer A. L Johnson of Crete read their an nual reports. Reports of committed ) were then called for. President Kendall of Lincoln , chairman of the committee on lallroad rates , reported progress Ho bald that n request has been inade of the principal nllroad companies to adjust the rates In the state but the latter have as jet failed to meet to consider the matter. The millers maintain that Hour can bo shipped Into Nebraska at a loner rate than the state millers can secure In shipping about or out of the state * This Is tending to limit trade to the Immediate vicinity of mills nnd has made export trade Impossible It Is contended than with a rate , pro rated ac cording to that given to the millers of other Btatcs Into Nebraska , the Nebraska milling trade can bo greatly Increased The report was accepted and the committee was con tinued In service. The c mmltteo on flshwajs end Irrlgatloi ns ichites to water povve-r leported tlrough Chairman I ) M Dcano of Scvvard that little progress had been made ns jet to remedy the complaint which the. committee was ap pointed to Investigate , namely , that lirlgv tlon is depriving mill owners of water i > owei by diawlng away the water. Chairman O C Holmes of the committee on exhibit at the T ansmlKsUslppl Imposition announced tint application Had been made to the Nebraska commission for rpace. A further report Is to bo received todaj' . TKAI > n PAPCRS RUAI ) . The following papers were then rcaO "Advantages and Ilenetlts of Joining the Ne braska .Millers' Association , " by C L Mcllctu of Wahoo ; "Tho Way to .Make a NO SLEEP FOR THREE MONTHS Jlr. Wm Hnndschu of CCth St. , Cotton 'Alloy , PltthbuiK. I'- , expresses hlniMolf as follows roK-iidliig the new remedy for that common and obstlnato dUeabe , piles "I toke pleasure In slating -that I was BO af- illctcd with piles that for thrco months I KOt no icgular sleep , I becmo completely Iirostrated , the doctoiu did mu no good , jny brother told met of the new remedy for jillcs , the Pjramld Pllo Cure , I purihased from my druggist thrco CO cent bottles and they completolj cured me I am once more nt my work and but for this excellent medl- clno I should bo on my back 1 taliu grt'it jilcasuro In writing this letter because so many people are sufferers from this trouble 'who ' like myself did not know when ) to look for a permanent , reliable , safe cure nxpcrlunco with the Pjramld Pllu Cure Jn the past three jcars his demonsttated to the medical profession , , as well as to thousands of BUfTerora from pile's , that It is the safest and most ufU'ctual cure ever offered to the public , containing no opiates or poisons of any kind , painless and con venient to handle and being sold by drug gists at 50 cents and $1 per box , U within the reach of ovcry sufferer. Very frequently two or thieo boxra have tnnde a complete cure of chronls canes that Lad not jlelded to other remedies for jears. Thcro U scarcely a disease moio aggra vating and obstinate to cure than the vari ous forms of piles and It Is a common prac tice to USD ointments , salves and similar preparations containing dangerous poisons to remove the trouble. The Pyramid has superceded all of these Ineffectual reined lea mid no 0110 suffering with any rectal trouble make any mistake In giving the Pyramid trial. If In doubt as to the nature of jour trou ble send to the Pjramld Drug Co. , Albion , Mich. , for a valuable little book on piles , describing the method of cure. Any druggist can furnish the Pyramid VIle Cure as It Is the best known and most popular remedy for piles and If jou ask him lie can doubtless refer jou to many p'ople In jour vicinity who have beeu cured com pletely by IU ' Srrall Xcl.Niski . Flour Mill Paj. " by Juhn Oraff of Tecum'eh , "Should a Mill Heee.vo Wheat DepoBlt for Exchange ? " by H n. Smith of Ilolmesvllle. John Graff of Teciimseh I ) . M Heiinc of Seward and W. H Starr of llrock vvc-ro ap pointed o committee to formulate an exchange schedule and report at thin morning's res- clou. clou.The The following committee on resolutions tvas appointed- I ) Smith of HolmeHvllle , A. L Johnson of Crete nnd C M Iletirplman of Vlrdcn. To thin committee na referred n request from the I'cnnsylvnnh association to assist In the formation of a national a o- clatlon. Iho delegates spent some time In dl cus < * Ing the topic "Should and Can the Milling' Dtislness Uo Done on n Cash Dasls ? " The association then adjourned , to meet this morning at 8 o'clock the following delegated liavc registered N D KrinVill , Lincoln , W H Cummins , Palisade , H II Smith. Holmesvlllo ; C Hclscl , IMattsmouth , C M. Henzclnun , John Nolk , Jr. Vlrdcn , Andrew Kenard , Oakland , W K Robertson Auburn , J N Heaton , Columhuft , John Ornff Tecunuch , C 13 Hutton - ton , Pierce ; J. O Hedge , Hastings ; C. II Moore , Junlata , A M Vandcll , I.oomls , I ) Guthrlo John Temple-ton , Superior ; C. H Wcthcrald , Hebron John SCvvoncshek , Wll- ber , J II Snell Ashland , Prank Hage- n.clster , Parmvalc , J II Srnrler Htddim Kan , 1) . II Harris , Unailllla , W. H. Start , Hrock. Last night the visitors and their families witnessed the parade from tiers of scats erected in front of the Morse building at Sixteenth and Tarnnm streets b } the llcnvls Omaha DJC company for their accommoda tion. POPI MSTS iioi.i ) 'i limit punt vitir.s. PriMMIHlllllll til I'lINC Ill'lll'M'll III Ull VI1 HlTII Kl'fl'tltl'll. The pfniullsts held their primaries Inst night frr the purpose of electltiR delegates to the county convention that meets at Knights of Labor hall next Saturday afternoon to nomlnntu candidates for the county olllccs that arc to be filled at the November elec tion. Little enthusiasm was. In evidence at the primaries , and In no Instance was there a large \oto cast. The only Issue was upon the question of fusing with the democrats and Bllverltes While most of the delegates elected refused to express themselves , It Is blloved that the fuslonlsts were defeated. The following delegates were elected Klrst Ward Charles I'opisll , M J Conncll , J. W Harnett , 0 Wcndt , J. Wnlashenskj , J H Schupp , D. How den , C. Scurkovsky , A Vasku Second Ward Thomas Dennett , Joseph Kcttnachmcr , T C Kelsey , P. L Qulnhn S J Cogan , J H. Jones , Tred Kreeiiun George SwaiiEon II A Groves. Third Ward Simeon Bloom , John Tlernej M Nelson , Dan Kenney , A. W Wallace , P S Horton , C. Holiday , J. A. Murphj , Jesse lllakc. Kourth Ward J II Peabsdy , C n Plclds B IJ Wilson. 13 D Moulter. P P Huike R I Morrow , W. Iludspcth , G. P. Wagner , G nufcanks Sixth Ward K P nutherford , Charles Johnson , A G dale , Martin L Plotts , Silas Ilobbln , Alfred Pavvkncr , J C Smith , W. 11 Marsh , A. J Johnson Seventh Ward I W Logan H Harncs J J. Points , 13 r Morlarltj , J 13. Harden V 1) ) Klnnej , T 13vcrlngham , J C Whip- pie , DC P Clatk I3lghth Ward L J Him , John Jr-ffcoat. A N Srmildlng , George A Masney , Dr Spraguc W II. Pettlt , W J. Wclshans , H. Cohen , C P I3rlckson. Ninth Ward -A. Miller. J J Donovan , V O Strlckler , P. S Comllt. It II Pavj , John Calalnn , J. W. Hackthorn , George King , J H Djer. line ; \itii\ < : AN IMIIVN co\niti : s. \\i-lt 'H Sciuilor Vlle-n lti'M.arillHMT tinVIliKii - . Considerable Interest Is being manifested In the proposed plan of securing an Indlin congress for Omaha during exposition jear Senator Allen took the matter up some time ago and Secretory liliss of the Department of the Interior Yes'crday Manager Hose water of the Department of Publicity nnd Promotion of the exposition received the following letter from Senator Allen , sent to him bj Secretarj llllss : "WASHINGTON. Sept. 16 , 1S97 Hon. Wil liam V. Allen , Madison. Neb : Sir I am In iccelpt of jour letter of the llth Inat , sug gesting the establishment by the Indlin of lice of an 'Indian wigwam,1 at which to keev icprescntatlvo Indians of the various trlbci In the United States at the forthcoming Tr.ainmlb&lEslppl and International i\posl : fjon , to bo held In Omaha In 1S98 I have referred the mattei to the commissioner o [ Indian affair * with the request that he will furnish mo with an approximate estimate of the coat of the preparation and main- tentnco of an exhibit bj hie olllce such as Is outlined In jour communication. I have also forwarded a copy of join communica tion to Prof Prank W. ClarUe. who Is the representative of this depaitment upon the United States board of control at said ex position fci report as to the praetlcabllltj of carrjlng Into effect the exhibit In ques tion Upon recel ] t of these reports I will aihltiO jou further in the matter. "Tho plan , as advanced bj jou , would be a direct means of educating the people oil the ad1 , jncement made by the Indian umlci the system adopted by the government and I concur with jou in jour opinion that It Is well worthj * of such reasonable expendi ture as congress maj authorUo to carry the same Into effect Very trulv jours , "C N HLISS Secretary. " If jou have ever seen a little child In a paroxjum of whooping cough or If jou have been annojed by a constant tickling in the throat , jou can appreciate the value of Ono Mlnuto Cough Cine , which gives quick relief Y. M. c. A. i\ixi ri\i : No\t SfxNlnii li > lie Ill-Ill at lli in niTi'ininT. Among the things brought to Omaha bv the State fall was the quarterly meeting of the State executive committee of the Young Men s Chrlhtlan association The meeting was held last night and proved to be a very pleasant one Excellent icports of the work throughout the state were made , showing marked progrcbs In the college field am ] good work done by the railroad association Sccrctarj Willis reported a healthful condi tion nf affairs umnjig the city and town 01- ganl/atlons The commit/Co received the heart j Invitation extended by Hastings and voted unanimous ! } to huld the naxt conven tion there December U to 12 , Inclusive The following committees were appointed On Picgram Secrelarj Willis , chairman , Dr II I ) . Ward , Lincoln , Dr. 13 A Wier , Chadron On Advertising Charles Kelsey , Hastings , chairman , W. S Curtla and Dr. W. O Henry , Omaha After the business meeting the committee lunched at the Young Men's Christian asso ciation lunch roonl and thoroughly enjojed the good things and the toasts that followed i-uo it vii IN Aim 1-1 , vcin i.jui. . . SiiMifi | > U-il of IlfliiK < iriifli'r > > mid Art * l.m'Kfil I | > . H T. Robinson and Prank Kossott , a couple of suspicious characters , were arrested jcs- tcrday. Thej are suspected of being ecu- lldenco and short chinge men , as a Hash loll wan. found upon Itoblnsou. At first sight It would have been imagined that the roll con- talt < cd a coi.ulo of thousand dollars , as a $20 bill was wrapped on the outside , but In fact It was. nyido up of only H and 5- bills and contained but flSl The two men have been working a pottj larceny scheme on the shoo dealeu of the tit ) , but are believed to have been success ful In only one Instance One of the men dickers for a pair of shors and the other walks out with one' of the pairs that are offered for trial T II Nor. Is lost a pair of shoes In this way The tame plan was tried. In How man's and In A , I ) . Morse's shoo stores without success SfrKliiKT n I.oiiK-l'OHt llrutlicr. Mrs James J McCrohan , nee Mary Poley , writes to County Judge llaxter to Inquire as to the whereabouts of a long-lost brother , Jeremiah Poley , from whom she sajs she hai not heard for many years. Mr * McCrotiun sajs her brother 'was ' born In Klllcolllgan , near Tarbertown , County Kerry , Ireland , and lived In Omaha about twenty jears She sajs he was interested In mining and ownrd Intercuts In several mining concerns. Any Information regarding her brother will reach her at 227 West Tnelfth street , Now York City , t , GIANTS WIN OFF AJ10LE Baltimore's Yonng South Paw is a Trifl ) Wild and Vorj Eaiy. NEW YCHKER3 HWE SP03T WlTH HIM lton > r In SiiliKlllittril , lint .Not In , Time to Sine ( ho ( ininc fur the lllrillrxtli ftiuu \\IIIH. - , New York , Cj Nnltlmore , 4. 1 Boston , 12 , Hrooklvn. 0 Cli velnnd , 18 , Chicago , 7. rhllndilphla. 6 , Washington , 4 , Cincinnati , 13-4 , I'lttsburu , 2-b. NKW YORK , Sept. 22 New York made nearly enough runs In the first and second Innings off Amolc , Baltimore's > oung south- t > avv , to win the game , and as he was a trifle wild , and also easy , Hobln.'on put Hotter In Hoffcr pitched a beautiful gome , and was very effective. Sejniour was unsteady at times , but In tight places managed to pull out In good form. Score : NC\V 10UK. 11A1.TIMOIIC H II O A K It H O A K Vnnll'n , cf. 2 1 4 o 0 McGraw , 3b 0 2 0 0 0 Tlcrnun , If 0 0 1 0 v Keeler , if Jojce , 3b Jpnnlne * , s 1 2 2 G 1 aieasoii. 2b 0 2 1 2 t Kelle ) , If . 0 0 0 U 0 UettltT , I"S " . 0 0 0 2 2 stenztl , cf. 0 2 2 0 1 McCrc'rj , rf 1 0 0 0 l to > le , Ib . 0 1 9 1 0 Clark , Ib 1 ! 14 1 l ItMtz , 3b. 10320 Wninfr , c o 0 S 1 ( toblnson , c 1 0 7 0 0 Sejinour , p. 0 1 1 5 i loiter , 11 . 0 1 1 0 0 vmok , p. . 0 0 0 1 U Totals . . . C 62715 Total * 4 D 21 10 2 " Nc\v York 1 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 -C Itnltlninre . . . . 000012001-4 Two-blue hit : "tinzcl Three-base lilt Keeler Stolen banes Mcn/fl (2) ( ) , DoIf. Double plus , lleltz to IctinlnKs to Uo > le riist base on errors. New York , 2 , llaltltnore , 1 Tlrnt biso on balls. On Sejmour 7 , off llolTer , 2 , ott Amolc , 2 Striuk out ll > hi'Miiour , 4 , b > llolTer , C , b > Amolc , 1 Iyft on lums : Nev\ York , G lliltlmore 13 Sac- rllkc lilt \\arner Time One hour nnd llfty- live minutes 1'n'plrcs , Hurst and Carpenter. At tcmlanif * 4 SCO t CM3VULAND , IS ; CHICAGO , 7. CLnVnhAND , O , Sept. 22 The Colts put up the most horrible Melding gnme seen here this year , Kilend being the worst of the lot , nnlle the Indians slugged the ball hard nil the time The feitincs of the game' were O'Connor's hitting , a wonderful cutch by I'lckerlng and Waliari-'s getting u roll nil the bises bv being twice hit In the held by u ( hioun bill during the trip. Anson VVHS put out of file g ime In the third Inning by O Day for Kicking. Score : CI.KVtn.AND I CHICAOO n ii o A n 1 H it o A.n Ilurkett. If 2 3 0 0 0 Iljan , rf . 13200 Chllds. 2b - . McCor'k , 3b 0 0 2 3 0 \\allace , Jb 2 1 1 2 1 l.inRe. cf. I 1 0 0 1 0 C-on'r Ib 4 5 12 0 0 An nn , Ib 00100 Tick IIIB cf 1 1400 Orlf'h , Ib-lf 10000 HeMon. rf . 1 0 4 0 0 Callalinn. FS 2 0 2 3 3 Me M'ltr , PI 3 1 0 0 2 Dei r , 1Mb 1 1 S 0 0 Klminer , c 2 3 2 0 0 Connor , 2b 0 1 1 1 0 Youns.- | i. . . 01030 Prliiul p . 1 1 d 1 4 Klttrldge , o 0 1 S 0 1 Totals . . .18 IS J7 9 I II I Totals . . . 7 S 21 S 9 Cleveltnd * IS Chicago . . . 0 0 1 1 0 r. 0 0 07 Uarnid runs' Cleveland 7 rir t biBe on balls : Cli v eland i Chicago 3 I * ft on ba es Clevilaiul , S , Chicago , ( ! rirst Ins-e on bills' On ? V.OUIIK 2 off I rlenil 4 Struck out : Us 'iciiniK 2 , b > rilciul , S Ilnme inn. O Connor Thne-bi'c hit's Il > Tn , I.anse Two-base lilts : Child * O Connor X.l mcr irrlllce lilt Wal lace Mnlen bales' O Connor , rkkerlnu (2) ) IOUIIK lilt bv pitch , r- It > rrlcnd Me Mll ter Wild pitch ouiiff llnic. 'Iwo limnx and live nlnule" t'mplrc O Uaj Attendance , 400 CINCINNATI , U , 1'ITTSHUlia , 2 PITT3HVHG , Sept 2. The 1'lrntcs and Iltils split even todav In the llrst gime Klllen was hit very hard while Dvvyer kept nls , hits scMUered The fciture was Kllleii's long hit over right fli-ld fence 1'letz WIIH put In to pitch the second , because tlhlnes , who was wheduleil , failed to report nt the gioumls I'lety's sujiport was \erj poor Daikness ended the gamp In the seventh in ning Attendinoe 1MW Score , llrst game. I'lTrSllt'ltf ! I CINCINNATI. it ii o v.i : ' u n o A.n nonov'n , rf 0 2 2 0 0 Holllday , If 3 1 2 0 0 Pidden. 2b 0 0 1 4 0 Ho > , cf . Smith , If 00201 Mcl'hee , 2t > . 2 J I 4 0 Davis , UP 1 311 0 0 Ieckle ! > , Ib 2 4 10 0 1 Heft ter , 3b 0 1 1 1 1 Corcor'n ss S 2 4 I 0 Htj , ss . . Irwln 3b . 23310 llrodle. cf 01200 Illtchey , rf 0 2 0 1 0 hiiBden , c.O 00 0 OSclnlv'r. c Klllen , p. . 1 2 0 2 OOJwjtr , j . 0 2 0 1 0 ' * Tot-ils . . . . 2 9 27 10 3 Totals . . 13 21 27 11 1 rittrburR 00001 1000 2 Cincinnati 2-13 Uarnpil runs : I'lttsliuri , ' . 1 ; Cincinnati. 9. T o bice hits Hollldiy , Ifoj. Irwln. Hltchej , Schrlver 'Ihrecbachits : Divla , ItecMey , Cor coran Home r-n Klllen Sicilllce hit : Mc- I'lue Stolen biBe : Donovan Double plaj Mcl'hee to Corcoran to Itecltlej. I'lrbt base on bills Off Dw > el. 2 lilt b > ball : llrodle htrnck out H > Klllen. 2 'VMId iiltph : Klllen I. < ft on IITFCS : I'lttsburB S , Cincinnati 9 I'lrst base on errors. I'ttfburi ; 1 Clnrlnnatl , 1 Time- Two hours. Umpire. McDon ild. I'lTTSHUHG. h , CINCINNATI , 4. Second game : 1-11 Jam tM . CINCINNATI u n o A i : I u ii o A n Donovan , rf 1 1000 Hollldiy. If 0 1 3 0 0 I'.idden , 2b 2 1 2 2 0 Iloj. cf . 01001 Smith If. i 1 4 0 0 Mcl'hee , ! b 1 1 f 4 0 Davis Ib 2 1 G 0 1 Hcckle > , Ib 1 1 9 0 0 Holtm'r 3b 0 1 2 1 0 Coicoran , ss 0 1 0 J 0 jjj KS Iruln , 3b 1 0 l l : Itrodle cf Hltchej , rf 0 0 J 0 0 Merrill e Schrlver , c 0 1 0 0 1 llabtlniis. n 0 1 0 1 0 I'eltz , j ) . . . 1 0 0 4 0 Totals . . . S 021 03 Total * . . .4 C 18 U 4 I'lttbburK . J 0 1 0 2 3 S Cincinnati . 1001011-4 imiel runs PIltirtiurK , 1. Cincinnati 2 T o- liife bit htbrlver 'I hrte bnso lilt fcmltli fcc iltloi lilts DnUs , HolfmelMur Hlolui bases Divls , e'orcoran Ir ln , Hltcluj Dotib'e pla > Hoffnielftir to Davis llrst Ime on lulls. Oft MaMlliKB 1. 'ft I'cllr 4 lilt b > iiltLlltd Inll I'nililen , Itroilltliecklej Stnick out Il > Hast- I11K6 . ' Left nn bates I'lttcliur ) ; ! > Cincinnati 7 I'lrct bate on eiroi'f 1'lttvlmrB , 1 , e'lncln null 1 1 1mp One horn and tuilltj llxt mlniitet I inplri McDonall PIIII.AnnMMIIA D , WASHINGTON I'HIhADUI.iI'lUA , Scot 2. PhlUi.olphl i ilefeMtodiishlneton ted ij in the last K.unc of the Hfason heie. The Phillies could do very little with Svv aim's nltchliiK nnd the Sunators hid the t.mie well In hand In the elKhti Innintf , vvhen a Insc on bills and ShiiKirts home run tied fiu Becre In the ninth Coolej's hit and I.iJole's Hvo-lt if-'ser the vlc-toij to theI'nlllles Attendance Score : Totals 4 10'2j 8 2 Totals .D 82711 One out \vlan vvlnnlnK run VVTB ncored \ViiH iliihlun 0 4 I'hlliiiUlpli'n' ' 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 J 1-1 K.ilnrd uma \ \ .inhln tim 1 , I'lillailelphla J TVIIHI | bllH MrUuhe l.ilolf llnnie run hlitlKUt Hurllln lillB lu il UilultSI lin \-nm Stlliaili , Cetlnmn , Tucker ltelll > ( > lo > (1) ( ) . Dnvvil l.ifl in lia < - esiiKhlHKtMii : , 10 Philadelphia , k biruck out. ll > Sunlni 1 , b ) Dunkh , - ' Double pla > e SliUKart lo Lanier I'lixt on LII > USafilillinlMi , . ' rhllinl. ! ) / ] ! i 1 Plint un lallB Off Swalm , 5 , off DunKle 3 I niplif Pnihlli' Tlint. . Tvvo hours and llftcin ITlllHlU'f ITlllHlU'fHOSTON. HOSTON. 12 ; HltOOKlA'N , 0 BOSTON. Sipt 22It was a cold Weak d ly to wit thiough a ball Kami , and vhcn Much called tin Kuim1 at the end of thu ueven'h on account of ilirKncHS few wire sorij' . Th'H was the last homu Kame of the season and Iloston won from HrooKljn , 1- to 0 The same was ono of the most nn- IntercstliiB of tl-o jear Stlvetts pitched four InnlnK" . tlun Sullivan \ve > nt In Shiokinl made bid work at Hhort. Bmlth'H e-ituhlnc was not of the bcM , whl'c 1'ajne did not bother Hobton at all Score : HO.ilON i UltOOKMM it u o A i : it u o A i : . Hunill n cf J 2 o o 1 .Tom' ) , rf . u o i 0 0 'Ifiuifj , ll > 3 3 7 0 0 Oilllln , cf . 0 1 2 0 0 ! . ( , . > ! b 2 J C 4 u Slitnillt 3b 0 0 1 . ' Z htalil , rf 1 2 U 0 0 I ch'te. Hi 0 0 7 0 0 DulTj , lfA. B 0 140 Oh.ic/iurd Ba 0 1 t 4 2 Culllns , 31) 1 0 1 J u A Mull i , c. 0 1 1 0 1 l one ( . . 01030 Hchoch , ! b 0 i ! 4 U , If 0 0 0 0 V Dunn. If . . 0 0 1 0 0 Like. c. 13100 Pa ne , p . . Sllvttt * p - Kullhali. p 0 0 0 0 0 lotili . . .0 7 11 10 ' > ( TotnU 15 iTl 1' ' HoMon . 0 1 ! llroolibn . . 0000000 o Karncd rui Ilosttn , 1 Tv\o-ln e hli * l.-le Orltllntultn \iims \ Hamilton Trnnr > (2) ( ) Double plain Ixilif to I/one to Trnni-v I'lrFt on. 1 1U Off BllvclK , 2 , off l'n > iif 1 rim cu error : lloitun J , llrookl > n , 1 Lift on Imtei. . llortun , 7. llrookl > n a Struck out ] l > bullltan , 1 1'affCil ballr hmllh 2 Will pitch Pu > ne 1. 'Ilnif : One hour and thlrtj thne inlnutts. Umpire l > luli Altenilanrf 2 MM STANDING OF TIU3 TKAMS I'lajed Won Lost PC Haltlmorc . 121 SS 38 710 Boston . \X M 37 TOG New Yolk . 124 79 45 CJ7 Cincinnati . 124 70 M G5 Cleveland . , . 12o Co C ) f > 20 Washington . lii 67 67 400 Hrook'yn . . . 1M f 7 fia T2 I'lttsburK . ] ! 4 M CS 4 = i 2 lraKO . , * K 70 440 t'hlHdclphlft . \ m M 71 425 Ixiilivlllc . rl - M 74 40 S St Ixnils . Ill 28 W 22 B Climes toiliy. Cincinnati nt I'lttsburK , Chlcniro tit Cleveland * "W Wcntrrnmtocln llmi onr < ' . IlUnMNOTON. In. , i g -List game ' * * of season Score : | HiirllnRton . 0 0 2 j1 0 1 0 0 1S St. Joseph . 1 3 2 Ij 1 0 6 1H Uasc hit * : UurllnstoivwY St. Joseph , IK Urror * DurllnKton , 3 , St Joseph , 1 , Bat teries HiirllnRton. Uodnlnn nnd Ucrryhlli ; St Joseph. Knne nnd Iiniii.nnn. HOCKrORD , III. , S tUr -Score : Rockfonl . " . . 1-2 0 0 0 0 3-5 Uiibmittc . fi01 ° 0201 0 3 Unse hits : llockford , 9 ; uubiuiuc , 7. Hr- rors. Hockford , 1 ; Dub'fitjtuS. 3 llattcrles : Hockford , YOUIIB niulBnjtucrj Uubuijue , Stroll nnd Ulxon. ' U CMDAU IIAI > IUS. in. Sept. 22-Scoror Cedar Ilnpldi . . .020020000-4 I'corla . 0 5 Ha o hits Cedar Hnplds , S ; I'eorln , S nr- rors Cedar Ilnplds , 3 , 1'corli , 3 llntterles Cedar Haplds , McDollRnl and Tuller , Te-orla , Hoarh and Selsler. QU1NCY , 111. , Sept. -Score , Urst Bamp- Qlllncv . 004020021 9 DCS Molncs . 2 0 1 0 0 G 0 4 -13 Hise hitsQttlncj' , 14 ; Ues Molncfi , 14 HrrorB Qulncv , 2 ; Des Molnes , 4 Hatter- les. Qulncy , McOreevy and Graver , Des Molnes , Andrews and Ixihman. Second came : Qulncv . 0001 0 1 Des MolneH . 0000 0-0 H ise lilts : Qulncy , 4 : DCS Molncs , 3 Ur- roro. Qulncy , 0 , Des .Molncs , 0 llntterles. Qulncj' , Hacltett nnd Graver ; Des .Molnes , Cooper nnd I , oilman. Gnmo called end of Ilfth on account of darkness. I'viciim nirn VTS STAH ronTint. TnUrn Tmt Out of Three lIi-ntH niul tlu > Ijtt.OOO 1'tirxi * . MIL\VAUKii3 , Sept. 22 Joe Pntchcn casllj' defeated Star Pointer two out of tlnce hcata at the fair grounds today Pointer won the llrst heat In 201 % , break ing the state record. The blp biy acted badljIn the second and thlnl heats and Patchen got the $1,000 purse. Pntchen got the polo In the llrst heat and after several false starts the pacers finally got aivvnj They had { ,0110 but a few yards vvhen Patchen broke nnd did not pet down to business again until he reached the three-eighths pole , after which he ( Kilned on Pointer , but the latter pissed under the wlro winner by 'vvo and a half lengths Time by quarter * : 31 % ) 1 01 % , 1 ' ; 2 01 % In the second heat Star Pointer had the pole Just as the quaitor was reached hu beg in to break and made a vei y poor shovv- IIIK the rest of fie distance , Patchen leid- ing him nt the finish bj- several lengths with cise Time- bjqllaiters. . 31 1-5 , 1'OJ 3- , " ; 1 T7. 2 17'A The third heat , Star Pointer again on the pole' , proved to be an eisj' thing for Patchen The starter had birelj sild the word "go" when Pointer commenced to lire ik , and the licit was won bj' Patchen vlthout anv exertion in 2 07'fc. Time by quarters. 31U ; l 03 ; 1 10 ; 2 07 ItniM-H nt A tin nix Count ; 1'n I r. CORNING , la , Sept 22 ( Special Tele gram ) A crowd of S.OOO people attended the tices to il.iy at the Aihims county fair. The 227 trot was linlshcil as follows. Charles 11 Kettle 1C 1 G 0 0 Respond 3522 I.limps 2153 Mike Night' . 5 2 4 4 Cingo 0335 Sllverlne 7 7 7 7 Time : 2Wi , 2 21V4 ; 2 21V1 ; 2-24'4 The 2 15 pace was as , fol'ows. ' Lena Uus ° ell Uv 22111 Sandy P 1 1 S 3 2 Hilly Wright . ' . . . . . ' 4' 3 2 2 3 Time 'lest . .5 3 4 4 3 G Cinchona : . . . . . : 55347 IMna James S S 5 9 4 Klnevvooil 9 9 9 fl 5 Russell Crnno Thomas W 707 Time. 2:1GV4 : ; 2.1'4 ) ; . 2.221,2 , 2 J4 pvcnus nun vie v. John It. riitr > niul Itnlicrl J I.niter PlniircK fur ll I Its I'HII.ADnblMIIA , S.epkJThe famous picers , John U. Gentry and Hobprt J , hitched together , thlo-nftcrpoon lowered the w 01 Id's double team record for a mile to 201 on the track of the Uelmont Driving club. The quitters wore : 53 , 1 W < i ; 1.T7 ; 2J The previoi * . r < conl was 2 ODH , held by .Mrs. W. 13. D. StoUeS , Mlbs Ilita and Joblo IJ. niitrli'M fni' AtJiIctlf CiiinicN. TOIIONTO , Ont. . Sept. 22 rollowlng arc the Amerlcin entries for the Cnnaillin ama. teur athletic championship games to be held tur. Walter C. Carroll , John rianagaii , Cnarles Ch uHvIck , Dick Sheldon of the Ne.v York Athletic club and H. U. Manvllle of the New Jersej' club OiiiiK-H for 'ri > ni | > lc Cup. HOSTON , Sept. 22 Hase Ball Managers Hanlon and Selee hid a conference over the telephone today and decided that the llr t three games for the Temple cup be p'ajed In this cltj- October 4 , 3 and G Tne second thiee games will be plajcd In Balti more October U. 11 and 12 SliiilnitN for the Ministry. There is a noticeable Increase In the num ber of students who arc matriculating at the Presbyterian Theological seminary hero this fall. About twenty new students will bo present when the first lectures are de livered tomorrow morning. Half of these have alreadj registered Yesterday wcs spent In making arrangements for the season's woik. There ? v > as a faculty meeting yes- tcrdajat which the different professors discussed the courses of Instruction that will bo offered this year. roitncwr or 'lonws WI\TIIIH. Pull- IniIiriiMKn with ( InvMnil in the \orllirllHt. WASHINGTON , Sept. 22 Forecast for Thin silay Tor Nebraska Pair ; northeasterly winds Tor Iowa Pair ; nor heastcrly winds Tor Missouri and Knns is Pair ; variable winds Tor Wyoming Pair ; cooler ; vnrl ible winds , beiomlng nort"vcst 1'or South Dakota P.i'i , northeast winds RAC1SC AT Till' ' ] STAFE FAIR Qretit Crowd of Spectators Watches the Third Daj's Oard , THREE FAST MILES SHOWN FOR THE DAY In the -15 Trot nnil Hey the Kid In thr 2KII > 1'nee li ) Some Very Hniilil Thcro was an Immense crowd of spectators In the grand stand and along the stretches jeilerday afternoon to wltnc < the third day's racing card , The first race wan the 2-15 tiot , purse $500 , with the following entries : Rolh Pop- pltt , s s. , K. J. Great , Ruthvcn , la. ; Ronnie K , b m , R. l Garrison , Stltton , Neb j Wert , Charles Tapp , St Joseph , Mo ; Hurly IJtirly , cli s , Clinton I ! Ilrlggs , Omaha ; Heir Me dium , b. m. , 0 Hobltuon , Maldeno , b g. , St. Joseph stables , St. Joseph , Mo , The horses were sent away In elegant shape , Heir Medium assuming the lead and maintaining It for the entire journey , Time 2 16'i. The second heat was Ilonnlo E's ull the wajMaldeno and Heir Medium pulled up nicely on the half , but the bonnlc girl pulled out and won castlj' . Time : 2 16. liomilo B was never bothered In the third , Maldeno being shut out. Time : 2 134. Summary : ' Itonnlc 12 , 411 Heir iMedlum 1 2 2 Hurly llurly 343 Holla Popplii 5 G 5 Wert 054 Maldeno 2 Sdls Time. 2.1G > ii ! 2.16 , 2 13 % . The fcccond event was the 2 09 pace , puree JCOO , with the following entries : Hjdrogen , II , M Spencer , Des Molncs , la. ; Hob Rlley , b. g. . H. I'arrjWichita , Kan. ; Ulla P , J. W. Tlldcn Red Oak , la ; Thorndlne , b s. , C. II. llrlggs , Omaha , Ding , b. m. , John Me- Gtilre , Omaha , Roy the Kid , g. g , J. Hlle- mati , Kewance , 111. There was but little delay In getting awaj' . Roj the Kid set the pice , took the lead and kept It to the etui , although Ulla T gave him an argument down the stretch home. Tlmo 2 OS Roy the Kid also took the second heat. It wns a horse race , however , from the half homo , the Kid , Hjdrogen , Rlla T and Hob Rlley all being bunched. Roj the Kid pushed his nose In front at the wlro and won In 2 OD. The third was a hot one , Hob Rlloy , nlla T , Thorndlno and Roj the Kid clng to the three-quarters on a line. Com. ing homo Rlley showed the best form and won from the Kid by au cjclash. Time 2.10U. Summaries : Roy the Kid Hob niley r , 4 1 nila T a 3 3 Hvdtogcn 324 Ding I : > f > Tnarndlno G G G Time. 2 OS ; 2 09 ; 2 10'i. The third event was the 2 22 trot , purse $500 , with the following startersObed , b g , MlKo Ulmore , Alliance , Neb ; Midallnt' Graham , b m , W Pitman , Harlan , Ii ; Aragon .K , C. M. Kelley , Dos Molnes , la. , G cover , bi s , C V Tow nicy. Olatlia Kan , Pllatus , ch h , J. N McCullen , Des Molncs , Spokane , br s , H H Watson , Council Uluds , la ; New rashlon , Fred Stone. A good get-uwaj was secured In the flrst hctit , and Aragou won , Pllatus being the onlj competitor for the honor up to a few jards of the wire , when the latter broke and fell birk to fourth place Time 2 \i. ) The horses were sent off on the fourth scoring In the seconJ , Spokane llrst shawlng front , where he remained but a brief time , Aragon displacing him. It was a great contest down the stretc'i between Aragon , Spokane and Pllatus The latter won , and with compara tive ease , It seemed , after he once got to the fore Time. 2 15 The third heat went to Aiagon K , beciunc he had the most bpecd. Pllatus made a game effort , but It was no good Time : 2:15 : Summarj : Angon 1C i 121 Pilaus 4 i n Gieever 244 Spokinc 3 3 3 Now Pasrloii 5 fl 7 Mudnllno Graham 765 Obort G 7 G Time. 2 1S % ; 2 15 ; 2.15 The last event of the day was the running half-mile and repeat , purse 100. Emerald won the first heat In 0 49 % ; Plosiry U second and Nell K third riosary I ) won the second heat in 0 50 , iHmerald second and Nell K third. Cmerald took the third and race In 0 Iflifc. Lady M and Sir "Walter also ran. Thu program for this afternoon : Pacing , 3-jear-olds , 2 25 class , purse $400 : Notion , b g. , St. Joseph stables , St. Joseph , Mo ; Ucssle Allerton , s. f , C. S. Rex , Ores- ton , la ; Omaha WHKes , b g , C. Ressl , Omaha ; Lottie Smart , James G. Wallafe , Denver , Cole ; Shade On , J. N. Kaj' , Ewing , Neb ; Casslc Onward , b. m. , D. T. Mount , Omaha. Tiottlng , 2 10 class , purse $000 : Shadeland Norvard , Woodllnc farm , rullerton Neb i The Conqueror , ch h , Keystone stock farm , Omaha ; Hurly Hurly , ch h , C. II Brlggs , Omaha ; Honnle H , b g , C ! L Garrison , Scrlbncr , Neb ; ralrjvvood , b. g. C. II. Ilrlggs Omaha , Dtlmont , b h , J. 'Illeman , K'wance , 111. ; Captain Hanks , b g , ( St. Joseph stables , , St Joseph , Mo. Pacing , 2 23 class purse $500' Alex Gray , b s , George Graj , Gray , la. ; Alnsworth , b. g , J I ) Yeoman , Omaha , Nellie E ch m , D. Ensmlnger Gllman , la ; Roberts Jam C Wallace , Denver , Cole Governor I'oraker , b. g , \ G. Prlez , Shemndoah , la ; Caitcr Mc- Giegor , Al Russell , Omaha , Lulu Calaway , b m J HI Ellis , Omaha , Kassell , br s. , John Keitlng , Hoone la ; Egbertallne , b in , William I'restcr , Onnha ; Hesslo Wilks , b. m. , M C Keith , North I'lattc , Neb. Running , mile and repeat VII Klilr 'Itvrnlt Miles. LHMNGTON. Nob. Sept 22-Special ( ) - Tim hlx-dnj , one hour .a d ly blcjcle rldo agilti resulted In eici rider crouhlng the line at one time 1'dwafds lost one lap , au.irtei mile , but with u spurt re gained It Twenty miles weto covered In the hour , making the score of each ilder foily and a half miles , * * O4O4O4O4O + * * * We were fortunate in purchasing M chasing our present stock of Carpets just previous to the raise in the tariff , and by that means we are able to save buy ers from 25 to 50 per cent on regular prices now. We pro ? { f pose to keep down these prices until every yard is sold. Just now , while the styles and assortments arc T , ? * complete is just the time to buy. We can show you some of the most desirable furnishings ever exhibited in the way of Carpets , Curtains and Furniture of rjf all kinds. Best American and Eng'ishBody ' Brussels , $1.00. V" Samp'c Brussels Lengths , nice for rugs , 4oc. Jjf Sample Ingrain , yard lengths , 150. * i'i New Patterns in Ingrains at I 1414-1416-1418 Douglas St. "CUPIDEME * Thin Croat Vcg ttonol u famous 1 roncu lili > hlcl.iii\vlll qulcU > Line.Mm or ull m'r- voim or ULsiasei of tin- generative omuis , turh its Lost Manhood. Insomnia , 1'idnsIn the JlicuHunliml jjmisslonti , Isi rvoiis DebllltJ Pimples , UnQtncixi to Harry , I xlmustlni ; IiraliiK , Varlrix Plo nnif Constipation. It stopi all losses liy ilny or night. Pi events iiilek < _ _ _ p , w lilcli If not CII | > OKPI | Inwla to bpormiitarrlifi'it nn J . . , " . 171'IHhAKclciuuCii tliullvcr. nrr/-iotr . „ A c-rro nil tlioliorronol Irapotcncj" tut utt-UHt. AND Ar I tH IhourinarynrciiiBirull . tidncjsand taiuirltlcs. CUI IDENE"trenBthenaundrestorespniBllvvcak < irp.uis. Iho reason RUlTorpr are not cured bj' Uoctort * Is hecnusc' ninety per rent nro troubles , wltn ntKllltx. CUl'inCNUIstlioonly known rrnmly to cure-vliliout un opi ration. WuotrallmonW nls. A written Ruirnnti PclTrn end money returned If Bti linxm cloca not clTcct a ( icrmuucntcurck JLOO n bar , six fur f 3 00. by mall , bend for ntm. clree lur and tcstlinontala. Adlrc.i3l > AV < HMKl > ICINKC r.O.UojaJTO.Baurrf iclsco , CiL For Site t > MYCHS-DILLON DRUQ CO. , B. E. 16T1I ANLVAUNAM STREETS. OMAHA. NEB. "THOUGHTLESS FOLKS HAVE THE HARD EST WORK , BUT QUICKWITTED PEOPLE USE hCltuin.s. OLDEST , LARGEST AND BEST Wentworth APPOINTED IN , - D WISITORS to Omaha this week arc cordially invited to inspect our new store the most handsomely appointed establishment in the city. tie E shall 'be pleased to take your correct measure free of chargefor future reference. i - ' - - Samples mailed at any time. - - - Trousers S ° der W-B-$6-$7-$8 $ $ $ $ , Suits Sder ? $ lS-$20-$25-$30. $ 209 and 211 KARBAGH So.lSfh. BLOCK. 1'iiiton S , Hurt ' * * Manager ! . Teleiiliono 1531. THIS Al THIINOON , THIS KVIJNINO ' HOYT'S GRI1AT BIG HIT mm FLAG. Prices 2'ic , We , 73c , tl 00 Matinees Lowr- er lloor HOc , balcony 2oc. PcrfornmiiLO commences lmmd lately alter parade. Mullncoh.ituiJaj' . Lovvoi lloor DOe , bulcaay I'AXION A I1UHGIJJ Mnnageri. Telephone 1310 , THI.S nVIJNINCJ McSORI.EY'J3 TWINS Engagement closes wlih Saturday matinee , 1'rle es 2 > , OOc * jc , $1 uO INC ij c IMMII\CIS Matinee Sutunla ) Iluor , Me , balcony. The Creighton SUNDAY MATIMC AMILUMSG HERRMANN , THE CREATCO. LEON AND The 1'rfinlir MuHkul KiiKrtHlnmint of the world. I'rluti iSi. Wu. 75c tl WMullnee Ixiwtr Boai- GOc , Lakony , 'li- IIUTIZLi'i , The MlilSard UougUi nthail Street , O NTKAM/V I , > OAT.i > . American plun , t'ABU per d ly up Kiiropeun plun , Jl.OO per day an. J. K. MAHICKI , A. SOV. lTop . BARKER HOTEL. i IIIUTIINTII AND .JOMS STHKICTS. 149 rooiiin , baths steam tieat and all mo co'ivenlencuJ Jtutib , 11(0 uiul 1200 | > er liitlo unncullcj Uioclul | low rjltn lo rr Lour.lira . PICK Sill nl Manner. DR HAINKS' SIM'CiriO CUI1I29 It can lie e'ven without tint kiiuwlciljgra of tiniiiitlriit In eoffcev lea or articles of food , will effect a pcrinamnl vnd iiiecdy curi % whether tlm lulltnt U u moJeiate Onnker or iu ukoholle wieck Hook u ! | ) artkulur free , to bo liad of Ktilui ACo. . , llth anil DoiiKlat , Omaha. Nth. t > OIIiS NIMMJIKIU CO Cllirliiniitl , O. Write for their "Hook oil Morplilno Habit , mulled frx , _