TTTTC OMAHA TATTAr ) llBTiJ ! T IT'IDS IT A V. SlSJPTE'MingU 2K 1S07. SPECIAL NOTICES Ailti-rllri-ntriitN for lluiecnluttiiiN will l > < * inkpTi until 1in. . fur tin- mill niilll N p. in. fur tltn "ml .Siimlny i-illllinm. tiy ri > iitrillnK n iititn- liorccl e-lice-U , CUM lime : ntiNnrrn uil- eln-nsi-il l-j n tin in lirriMt liHr In cure of Tin * lire. Atlimerit no niltlrctisieMl ivlll bi * < lcll > * TciI on iiri-Ncniiilloit of ilio i-lit-ok on ! ; . Iliifi-N , 1 1-1:0 n Moril it rut liiKerllonj 1 it vunl tlu-rt-iiftrr. .NolliliiK tnlte-ii for II-NN til n n J5o ! for ( he llrnt Innor- tlon , 'I IK--.C n < l > i-rlUcnicnlH iiiunt be ; run coiiNvciitlt < ! } . \\AVrin KI'rlATIO.VS. WANTED , TIME COI'V. CIRCULAR LET- lcr written , cn\oop | < s addressed ami manu script cipled nl reasonable term * A'ldre s 1 66. llec olllco A M9s6 2t isw i WILL am : rou ANY POSITION or mint or responsibility that Mill Kimmntep It , uo 23 , till of references. Aildrefs U 0 , llo < - . A-M : 2 ! AVA.vrnn MAi.i 111:1P. CANVASSERS TO TAKE ORDERS , NEW LINE of work , no heavy goods to curry , salnr } or commission C. ! ' . Adnms Co , 621 Ho , ( Ht. 11-415 BAILSMEN FOIt CIGARS , JI25 A MONTH AND expenses , old llri.ij experl'iica ul m-cessarj , In ducements to rustomns. v , . C. buheiii A Co. , 8t , 1-oills. 11-418 HEN AND WOMEN SOLICITORS rou TIM : Nntlonal Reserve association , lh best , Fiifesl and soundest fraternal older In the Held today. A.hliess 1 A C. Elevens , 511 N. ISth St , OmnliH 11-417 VMNTlTij AoiTNTH IN EVERYCOUNTV ; Booil pay weekly to light party Minks N'ir- aery Co. , Milwaukee. W s. II-MU2-S SI' WANTED , AT ONCE , PANTH AND , VEST maker. H. Knssobmim , West I'olnt It-.MloO WA.VTED TRAViTLiNo SALESMEN TO REP- renent tin istuhllshed linutIn Hie hat , cnp , Klove nnd mlltcn nml strnvv goods line. North eastern lown North nml Bnuth Dakota and Nebraska territories Only such familiar with the line neul apply , refeiences rcqulied Ajipl > 1 > O. Ilex I'M , Milwaukee , Wts H-M'tUSl WANTED. 8ALKSMEN TO SELL CIGARS TO dialers Hilary JOW ( to J.'AJCO per month ami expenses , expeilence unnecestsiir > * permanent poHlllon. The Di- Morn Cigar Co. . SprliiKllelil , O. Il-M-Ml 21' iF A VIIK AND i3.\riNSis : , SIVIIIAI : : peed pnrtlei , men or women t traxtl ami at > point iiKi > nts , pormnnint pofltlun 11 II 'Uood. ward t" ) linltlmuri- . Mil n-.M . Jl- yoT'so ni'HiNuss MAN. sTr.NoniiArHiu : pn'ferr * ( l no l > vMintpil , imiKt liisnnll rnsil Urnil inn < lpinti > nlir > nt llrnl Aililiw Ilex 22-1 , Glr-nwood , In 11-M23S 21 * ioi anti.s run AM. KINDS oroitic , $3 TO S7M'1 , c anntltnn Otlki.,1522 OcuiKlas C 41S WAN1HD GOOD ( JIIII. KJR CJIINIIHAI. hoiisowork , fmalt famllj ; BiMid VIIB , SitfJ 1'ojipli'ton ixpiui" . ' * M91S WANTI D-A I1I51OI1T WOMAN TO TIIAVHI. for whole Bale ilrui ; house , no cimasaliiK Ail- < lrc s T Cl , llee C MI73-21 " WANTED. AN AIM'HII.Vriri : TIIACII TO nit anil Klve njstcni. Mrt II C. Mn c311 S ITth H l'-M"J 22- aim. I-OR well ! 253C Dodge St. C-M2II ! 31 aiHI. WANTED AT NO = 225 PAUV M ST. C M2IS 21" run nr.vrnousi > . HOI'SIIS IN A I.I. I'AUTS flP Till ! CITV. T1IC O K Iiuls romp in ) , , 1501 Pal nun D 419 CO , IDS N hT HOUHUS. C. A. STAUH , 82'i N Y T.lf > D 121 1 1 oi's KS vrx.Aur. . IHO\VN nuocic ICTII and DiURlnn D 123 _ _ IIOUSI'M COTTAC3iS A. SlOm AM , I'AUTP of tlty Il.enmin , I ivo Co. 430 I'lixtdii Illnclt i : , IOTII AND DODOK TJ 4b5 ri.ATS. nAitviN nno , icis PAIVM O 42C HOtlKP.S HUNT , I1I3MIS , I'AX'ION noi'sis. : J n sur.nwooD. 423 N. Y I.IPI : STANPOIID ClUCI.r. rOTIAOiUOOMS ( ! S \ \ ' cor 13lh nml Vlntnn llnoil InrTttnn In clti for InwIiiPFK men of Omilm nml ' 'outh Onmlm , rents modernle 2H | Ili-o Imllilhiff. rou UHNT , cuoicn is IIOOM DITACIHD : : moilern house In'liilio MIS Cnpllol axonuc iiorsniioi.D c.ooim AND PIANOS Om Vnn i 8tor.iKO Co , 1511H Pnrnam " [ clIWO _ roil urxT IJANWOM 1't.Aci : IIOMIJ OP siv roomH nn.l hith n-nni. cheap to rlKM inrtl.-s must cUK'"d lef'ienni M J Ki nnnnl i Snn I1 ! nnil 311 llrown libik. D 313 D \VIAD : STEAM 1IFATED STORES AND Howard Rnnck Agent , IfilO Chlcngo I ) , * ! > 3 roir itENT TciNiTiooM" 1iToTiiB , PARTLY funilsheil 2112 Webster st D-797-20 f iTuooM MODERN iioitsr : o rf , P 2vrn AVE An eleirant 14-room modern brlrk ilwelllne. wltn hot wnteiHnllnit I'tnnt No 2402 Cn.s St JI3 Apply to W H Melkle , 1st Nnt'l Ilnmc Hldji. rOR RUNT COTTAGE : .12 1'ELL ST D -Vie 21 * ri'-M"in ' ° P 1'ARTLY ri'RN'ISIlED 10- rnntn nindiTii hniipevltti barn , rhnlei" loca- tlun ii " llnney ) . Will rent fm li > ng in short term I" il'jM P'irl ' > 1' m F.1 21 j SI5lv HIIOM" COTTAGE NE\ " CAR LINE , penlrnl 1 cnllnn : rent ctienp Wilirht . . Ins- bun 1'ith ' ami Hovvnul 1)Mi"S 21 MI nrMi > r NciT 4flii iLV iTF/rriN "TpooMs bitltf bnth room cemfiit barn large fovelv v.i"l P'lec $15 CO He n l'l > D M102 22 * " " " "wiLi.l"A.MSONT"roi HEE 11LDO Tel rou iuTiili'iisiir.u UOOMS , NP.WLY ri'HNIHIlin ) . 8Tl-\M IIHATHD room < nlih \\liliuut bj.ird (01 S 13lli t. I * -957 S-20 1T.ONT 11OOMS , S & C20 H. 19TH STREET E-3.M S 'JJ ri.KNT HOOMS 1911) ) DODfli : NHWLY iDioo\h nonoi n 103-2I * WO LAlTofT I1OOMS WITH NOHTII AND poutli PM'Oiiue ; modem. 230"i DiniKlim St IJ lll-IO' ItOOMS. 821 hO ZGTH AVIINIM ! ! * J3S 2 1 * rUUNIHIIUU HOOMS-2C01 DODdl ! i-M70-2l : ioovs riniNisiir.n ATIIJ Ruulli :0lh Car line udvantiiKei1 K Ml JO 25' HOOMS. 19IS IKIDilH. M200 O16 rou IUNT : , ruiiNisiir.n HOOM TO OIJN- tleinaiii cunvenlent lo l/oaidlns lioiue W3 So , SStli Ave. K-MWl-SJ GENTLEMEN IX3H fair weeK. : CM Ho. 17th 81. IJ-MSrt : i " * Ti7iTi"NfT.Sl'ATE KAIU A DE.SIHA1ILE ROOM. modenite 1921 fat. Mai1 * . E-.M2IO ! " nooMs9'(0 ' cAi-no AVI : : ioo.MS , HOUSCKKKPINO fit. Marj'n j-MiTJ5 l.-UM | ) > llii ) llOOMti AMI 110 AIM ) . STEAM HEATKD ROOMS WITH HOMID. SOOJ ' . * Harney I'-iJi-O.Jl FIHST-Cl ASS HOAHl ) Al ) HOO1I8. HOT water heal , brkt lucutlon In the clt > . ill S Sim til l'-7H THK MKIlllIAM. I'lHST CLASS TAMILY hotel tith and Dwlje m I'-MTi ? ' t : t-oi'Tii s. jusr ritoNT HOO I WITH alcove Sivi Doucla" . K 91 wt'u\isnin HOOMS , vouthein nml eaitrrn ixpoinre In u large mod' ern re ldenc , with uteain heat cim and elec tric IlKhl telephone No. SIS. HV for. ITIh nnd Pnuga ! Sis . next to Urn Imll Unn lirenk- fart , lunch und tllnner strvrd , unexrelled cuUlne , prices reasonable , K MJ M HOOMS AM ) IIOAHD. ( Continued ) LAHOU "OUTH FIIONT HOOM KOll TWOi other rooms , good uonrd The Ho e , MJO lUr- ney r M89I I'AIiAC't : HOAHDINO IIOl'SK , HATIN HiA- l"th , lt Cftpltnl mid Davenport. K MiM ! 4 STRAM 1IKATKD HOOM3 , WITH nr l-ela a bonnl 1M9 Capitol Ave K M203 25 HOOM vnn TWO CIKNTI.K.MIN. llonrel. Hefercnce , sn No ISlh. K-U1-2J * . .T rritNisiinn FRONT nooM * . WITH Ixmr.l. MIS DoiiRlHH r MJW i'iiNiaiini ) iiooM"'iT iA-iTii OH WITHOUT bonnl , block north Hnnscotn park W > S 31 < t V MI'S 21 * NICi : HOOMH WITH IIOAHD , 1S31 ' "nY HT TOR 1IIJ > T STOIIKS AMI OITICIIM. rou niJNT-Titi ; 4 STOHY HIUCK nnit.niNo nt 9IS Pnrnnm SI Tali tiulldlnu ling n llreproot cement basement , ccmplete steam hcntlnc fix. tiircn. wnter on all lloors. BUS , etc. Apply nt the oinre of The llee. 1 910 rou HINT-I : ) ! : < ? I HOOM IN OIIOIIND rixxm ntllee llee InilldlnR water , slmim hent electric l ht nnd Jnnllor sirvlciAlplytollW llakcr , Buperlnlcndcnt llec liullillnR. I 19T I-OU HHNT-IN THi : IlUK Ill'ILDINO : Ono Inrso corner room , Snd floor , with vault nnd private nlllco .water , etc. One large front room. Snd Moor , divided Into two room 'jy partition , wnter , etc One Inrse corner room , Snd floor , with \nult , water , etc. One front room , divided by partition , third floor. Ono corner loom with vnult , third Moor. One lartte room , third lloor , with partition illvM- IIIR It Into one larKe room nnd two smaller private room * , water , etc. Two law ground floor rooms with xnulti Several small rooms on fourth lloor , with \niilti. All these rooms nre heated with Menm electric llchtu .supplied with ! lr t cln s Janitor service. nievnton run da > nnd nil nlint llulldlm ; strictly fireproof > to H W lUUcr Siner- Intcndent. Itoom 104 , llee Hulldlns I 19S AOKNTS. W13 WANT LU'i : MIJN AND WO.MRN ti cnnxnrn nnd tnke orders for. our famous Mneklntomi-H nnd Huhber Specialties ; larpc prolltH. iiennnnent vvnrU , cntaloRUe flee I-ond llubbei Co. , 78 llcdford 81 , lloston , SlnM. w.\vi'inTO MODIHN : nousi : WITH AHOUTTIN HOOMS. near Hnnscom 1'nrk. Address 1' 19 , llec oitlce. K M5S3 WANTED TO HUNT. A S Or. 7-HOOM linth , city wnter gas. Address S GO , Hee. Iv 4S1 WANTED , TO HUNT , A PIANO. 1705 4 2STH. K M233 21' &TOIIACK. i-Aciric SIOUAOI : AND WAHEHOUSE co. 90S 910 Jones , Renernl utornge and forwarding OM VAN A SlOUAOn 1311V4 TAHVAM. TEM553 M-433 \V\NTUD TO IIUV. 11EST I'UICE PAID roil OMAHA SAVINGS bank nccounts at lenin f'U * ; . N. V Life HlilK LIST OP SPECIAL 1IAHOAINS IN HEAL 1'S talc with r. D.ead , 16th and Doualta Sta N SSj S2U 50 SECOND HAND 11ICYCLEH. 1M S-O 14TII N M9-G O7 * CASH PAID roil LIMITED AMOUNT Ol" Omaha biulnRH hunk nccounls II 11 Harder , llrst lloor New York Life Mill ? N-M9..7 30 WANTED roil CASH. 6 OH 7 HOOM COTTAOi : well located M J Ivennaid g. Son , 310 lliown llloch. N-103-27 WANTED TO PUIICHASK. A I'lHST CLASS gentleman's blcjcle , state model and price AddroT C2 , llee N 1M WANTED TO IltlY. GOOD POUND HOUSE 5 or B > enrs old , weight 1,200 tor 1,30) 11 Lane S R Slfct St N-222-20 * WANTED ' 1O HUY , HADIANT HOME , OAR. Innd or 1'enlnsular hard coal burner , mu t lie cheap Addiess U 2. IJee N-MJ12-S2 * FOR SAMMISCILI.nous. . SAWDUST. Ilfl.K OH SACKED Cl. and hoe fence C. II. Lee , 901 Douglas Q 431 LAHC.E CHICKERINO UPHIC.Iir PIANO , only J13000 Schmoller & . MucllT , 10' Smith llth St Q44 I-OIl SALE. ELEGANT CIirllllY HANK counter nnd Hall's I urglar proof chest with double timer cost orlKlnnll % 52 too 00 will Hell for Jl.OOOCO Address John H. I'lcrron York , Nib Q-M740 22 \iiivov\vrs. . M11R PAUL 20" , N 10TH STREET : HONEST , truthful , reliable ; icmoves evil Influences , lo cates burled treasures , unites the Feiuiated S 11530 O-l MASS\ii : , \TIIS , KTC. MADAM SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAS , MASSAGE slinm baths. T-M23S S ORIENTAL TURKISH 11ATI1S I'OIl LADIES f. gentlemen , 50c. 107 S lltn. Telephone 1611 1 7C2-0-b- jmUICATKD MATHS , SEA , SlILPIIUK. 1 itnch m.isfnge Mine llrlsson , 107 N Uth T Ml 14 J3 1IAT1IS AND MASSAGE TREATMENTS , Laura Ellison , Lottie Ilnrpei i\5 lstnnl , 119 jf. ICth street , room 12 , opposite new pustutnip. TM19J 21 * MRS DH LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH parlors , lestful and cuiatlve. 417 S llth , up itulrs T-MJ17 : r ' v'lAVI TOR UTERINE TROUIILES , 346-8 IIE1 : Hldg phjslclnn , consultation in hi.ilth booli fire U-437 _ suT'7RrLUtJU.s : HAIR \LONESS. . FALLINO hall und nil fuelal blemishes cuied True Co. 32il Chamber Commcicn U G57-O-1' MME POST , 319' . S TmT U-i 73 11 HAAH. KLOHlbT PLVNTb AND e'I"l How era boniiiet | , hall resMuue nnd t-nne decrrutlons riowers. b > Uiuet& | nnd dicurutloni * drill end to ftnv part of the clt ) Onl-i by telephone promptly .iHenOnl tp und II led In two bourn. Telephone 770 1SU Vlnton ntKot U ' 31-O-H Ilt'PTlIHE CURED. NO DETENTION I HO\ buslnevs , m > pain , we infer lo hundreds o tares cured , plies cured by u single patnle&i treiitiiunt Call or write The Empire Rupture Cine and Medlial Inxtllute , successpu to Tile O E Miller Co , 9J2-3 , N. V. Life Hid * Omaha U-M5IJ AN EXPEDITION or LADIES AND THE11 ielatlv IH being fnrnu-d tn Uavr hcr on th llret boat that mills direct In Daw son City nn * Iho Klondlki- cold dlgifliiKB In HIM spring , lov fare ( CK nuiiitlispiuvlfclona Included ) eui" ; let ins und unplo > meilt nt high wagei Incli > ' stamp fur parlh ill us Klondike Shipping Hu ruin , 14A Oe.iry ht San I'rancltcu e-allfornln U M88I 24 MARYLAND C1OAII STORE HEST CIOAH town , lellc Dumas , 103 N. l.'lh bt U MI4I 25 * 1MHEl"STANLHY WITH HIS ANIMALS AND Stlllle Stanley , n nii , n uf the Roman tribe who tella > our forlnne will be nt the fal ground I all week ; see them near grant tani' MOMJV TO 1.0 \ > H13AL I3STTIJ. . ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO , 515 N Y L quick money at low rates for choice farm land In low ii , northern MUosurl , eastern Nebraska W-433 l7oANS ON MpilOVED . UNIMPHON'ED cTi" 1 nroiwrty , W. 1'arnam Smith & Co. , US ) Fam'n W-140 AT IXDW RATES Tl O. r. DnvU Co. , 1503 rnrnam St W 4IJ Mt3NEY To"LoAN ON LMPHOVKD OMAlT/ real estate Hrinnan , Love Co , Paxtun Illli W-44J SIDNEY TO IXAN. HEMIS PAXTON HLOCK W-930 rUO M 1100 UP. I' . D WEAD. It . DOUGLAS \V 34-S- : 6 PER C1INT MONin ON N ERR ASK A 1VUIM and Om.iliu Improved property Apply to W 1 Melkle , .Ht Nntlonal Unk Hide W 441 MONKY TO IX3AN ON IMPROVED OMAI ? . property 1'utey & Thoma , S07 1st Nat. ! 3k til IE W-411 CUNT CITY AND FARM LOANS Uarvln lireK1J rarnam Ht. W-M78I MOM3Y TO 1.0 * \ CIIATT1M.S. MONEY TO IXAN ) ON FURNITURE 1 1ANOS horttsvacons , etc ut lowed ratrs In city no lemovul of goods , ( trlclly conllilentlal , jo can P y th luan oft at any time e > r In un ; amount. OMAHA MOHTQAaK LOAN CO. t So. 16th Bt. X-4U en.\fis. A. II ALl'lUN , OMAHA JUNIC HOUSE PAYB hlnhut prices 101-5-7 So , lOlh St , Omahn Y-M177-S IS * TO GET IN OR OUT Ol' llfsiNESS CIO TO J. J Olb-on. SH I'lrst Nnt'l llar.k. Y M141 A KlvONDIKElfwilO HAS HAD TWENTY Jenrs 'experience In mlnlni , hns spent years on the \uk.n . Is thnrntiKhl ) familiar with the Klondike , him Interests nnd prospectors on the Klondike , will give a thorough Impector' * map nnd personally nnswer nil nu1"1"011 * relntlnir to that country , or how to get In there cost , etc for the price nf Jl Address 11. II. Thompsin , 222 Hallej HulldlnK , St-nttlc , Wnsh Personal reference. Chamber of Commerce , Seattle Y-M7 < OV J800 MEAT MARKET. HAH A GOOD TRADE , location , A 1 J J Gibson , 514 I'lrst Nnt I Hank YM 821 SI 1TH HENT THE METHOPr > i.lTAN HOTEL IN Chejenne , In fine condition , electric lights , thoroughly plumbed , best location In the city One block from Union depot. Klft > llr-t-clas , rooms , line bar room , furnished , good barber shop nnd bath rooms ; In fact , cverjthing1 neces sary to o first-class hotel Party n-ntlnu must purchase furniture Hotel doing good business nt present. Addro s J. W. Orlllln , Oic > tnne , AVyo Y-MtSO-O H 11EST I/JCATION IN THE CITY OP OMAHA for good groceri. M J Kennnrd A Son , 310 llrown Hlock Y 104-27 VANTED. GENTLEMAN WITH SMALL CAP- Itnl , wishing to engage In the best paying bus. Iness In the state , can find such an opening by calling on John r > fc at Ha > dcn Hroi > Y-MI91 SI roil SALE. STOCK MEHCANDISE IN IMIU1T district of southern Nebraska tine tride , cheap rent , everjthing necessary to carry on bu l ness , best location In town , SI.WO cash vslll buy It : niro opportunlt > , established trnde Address box 01 Onmlm Y M22S 21 * I-OIl SALE , CHEAP , HY OWNER , HOTEL AND furniture , nil In tine condition ; doing good business , 20 regular boarders , convenient to clec rlc cnr Ilnet. be > t looulnn In Siii'h Address , for particulars , "T CG , " Hcc Y-M23J 2I I1USINIJSS OPPORTUNITY THAT WILL PAY > ou will to Investigate , n man with n few thousanil ean get n remilar salary nml blp divi dend each month. Address U 6 , lleo Y MZJfi 24" 1XU KALE , THE LA1U1EST EXCLUSIVE DRY goods store In n small city In eastern Nebraska ; this store does the largest business In the county , stock Is llrst-class In every respect , mo t of stock bought this > ear , will Invoice nlwut J10.0000) ) or J12.0WO ) , will sell for cnsh or I nnkiibb- notes enl > , nt cost price ; nn dis count unless for ilnnmged goods , If nnv j reason fi > r selling owner Is engaged In othir business Address U 4. llec. Y-M237 22 'on WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE TOR J1.0M snvtngs bank certlllcat.sip"ii which thenIs dividends due now amounting to 1140 , p ly- nblu In cash. Will trade foi good real estate. AildrcsM T 35 , llee X-M93' . 2r > WANTED , A OOOD I'AHM TOR \IIOE COR ncr lot with 4 houses. In excellent lepnlr ; nil rented Stringer , 1522 Dodge St. 2 148 2) ' FOH SlIiK Iin.VIj I'.STATE. KOUNT/.E PLACE HAHOAINS. J2.5CO J3 7JO TO JG 600. see photos nt 16th und rarnam Morse Hldg J J. Gibson , 614 rirst Nut. Hanl Hid ? HOUSES , LOTS. PAHMS. LANDS , IXJANS Gee P. llemls Real I'state Co. , Paxton llloclt 17 PER CENT GROSS INVESTMENT , IM proved real t-ktate ; rental JOIS CO per year , price , P.SOO Addnss T 1 ? , Hce HK J173I TWO B-HOocOTTAaES , 6) IT. FRONT 10 blocks north of P. O , chi.ap 524 So 2fith n\- . UI3 M923 21 IXr IN KOUNTJ5E PL\CE Jl,0"0 , NO wanted Address T H ) llee. RE M.-O LAND THIS & ADJOINING STATES TO CLOSL estnte Chas E Wllllam&on , CO ! llee llldit HE-93S FARM LANDS. C. 1' . HARRISON' ,912 N YJ. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE AND THREE well located , great birgiln. cash pajments or trade Frank Hurt , 63d S. Center _ M AN EIGHT HOOM HOUSE , MODERN , HARD wood tlnlsh and llmus In best poitlon of 11 in - com PI ice Must be seen to be npnreclalert M J Kcnmrd A. Son , .Sole Agls , 310 Rrown blk S-IIOOM MODERN HOU.SE WEST , 51,700 Ou r > -room hoiiae large lot , JSCO On. Modern houses Hnnscnm Park. Heal estnte all parts city Gan In Hros , 1613 I'.irmm Ft. RE M165 21 CHOICE LOT IN HANSCOM PLACE , fOxloO. for Jl 00i > S. P I ! stwlck S. Co. Ill Paxton blk RE-M159 21 HOUSE ' "OH S\LE MUST HE MOVED AT once Great bargain A two-story Jl 500 build ing for $150 llemls , Pnston Hlk. III ! MIS ! S-IIOOM HOUhE $2 TOO 40 foot corner lot , S W. cor ISth ami Nicholas $100 per acre bujs 40 acres one mile south of Ilnsers , Room 16. Patterson Hlk HE M182 O " " " " oN"i"or""rTrE CHOICEST DUNDEE PLACE homes , 10 rv > ms with every modern Improve ment , recently put In fine condition , nearly nn ncre of ground , fine uliaiV trees fenc" . barn etc price nbout hnlf the cost of Improvements : Jl.OOO In cash , bal nice on long time nt G per Luge lot with two houses , near Mth nnd Dor- cis slieets } 1 ft > 0 Mullns Garden 20 acres , or nn > part of It. on Florence lake ; the finest property In that vi cinity quantities of shade tre s , all ports of fruit trees and berry \lnes , valuable Improve- menu Just the place for a money maker next yenr , price Isctj low , depending on amount of ground desired Choke residence lot nsphnlt paveil street , near Y.i'es' residence , $700 Nearly new 7-room house. Cl ! feet of ground , 55lh and lackson Sts , 15 shade trees $3 100 Choice lot on Georgia Ave. , between Mason nnd Pacific Sts , $1M)0 ) Residence lot on sightly ground , 150 ftet from Wnlnut Hill car line. $200 The nnove are samples of many bargains we can now offer 60 houses on monthly pa > ments Call and examine photogriphs FIDELITY TRUST CO. , G It. Payne , Pres H. H HarJer , 6ec. HE 168 30 HURRY AND SEE ME. I WANT TO jou n nice little home It can be paid foi monthly , lot TO feet , Sew-ird St & Mllltar ) Ave. A. M. Cowle. 211 S3o ISth fitHE223.2 HE-223--.2 IP YOU WANT A GOOD INVESTMENT IXOK at 273 und 277 South 21st street , nenr S st , South Omaha ) these houses nre built In II"- bist manner , mostly of brick , and contain K rooms mill Includ'nir ' c.-llnrs rent * now f-'t 00 ni-r month hut will brlnir fSOOfl will pell nt n liargaln Inqnlrn of owner , W II flr'inili ' Knrhnili In tel , Om ilia HE-M21J 21' SNAPS SOCHES 12 MILES N W t3 COO I ncres 4 bloiks from llenson motor JfiOO 00 T , urns fnnlh cif Stuto fair grounds J1 5rO I x1rfl feit near 321 A. Cumins ft onlv J-WI 00 Corner on Parnam St. 40lli St . J700 Nl To exchnngi110 ucres 10 miles north of Omaln P. O for clear Improved prrnerty JOHN N FIlCN'i'.EIt Opw P O HE-.M213 SIIOIITIIVM ) AMI TVPr.WHlTI.-Vfi. \ C VAN SANT'f ) SCHOOL , 513 N. Y LIFE. 450 AT OMAHA mi * COLLEGE 1 TH & DOUOL\8 431 OMAHA SHOnTIIXN'D AND T YFiwniTINO : Collate llojd's theater. SCO-O-11' LOST. LIGHT HAY HORSE 7 YEARS , WEIGHS nbout KM , rather thin and high backbone He- ward for return to 171S Cars St , Omaha Lost-MlSG ON THE IOTH STREET boulevnrd .e pair of large gold mounted Kpec- tacles In a l.laoU leather caxe ; the Hndcr will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at the business olllce of The llee. Lost M218 23 * LOST OR STRAYED A 1IL\CK 2-YE MI-OLD colt , has whltH star In forehead weighs ! k ) Ibs , reward , at 60th nnd Popplelon nve G M lluel I st-M234 ! roii s\i.nrriiMTtmi : . A PARTY LEAVING THE CITY OFFERS A very liberal discount on nearly new furniture for n G-room cottace purchaser con rent house If desired T f" . Hee O-224-22' ririlMTI'HIS I'ACKKI ) . 1331 458 DHEi-SMAKING , MISS STURDY. elette MATTHISS HIM > VATI > WOHKS. MATTRF.8SES , COUCHES PARIJJR FiJRNT ture to order , reaplrtd 161 } LeavenWh | > > I 1'W 453 TVPKWHITUilh. TONS'OF ENERGY WOULD HK 8AVCl ' AII.'Y If every operator used the llcht running Urn . inort. 161 ! rarnam Ht. , Omaha. iM II MAHOWITZ IvOANS MONEY 411 N 18 ST. , t 1 . * * ' OMAHA HUSINESS INSTITUTE llOYn-9 theater Hldg . write iof specimen of pfiimin- silp ntul cntnlORiie : oa-S-4' I.\DIKS' CHICIIESTEIl'fl ENGLISH PENNY- rojal Pills il > lnmond brind ) , nre the l st , cafe ; reliable take no others n nd 4c stamps for par ticulars "Relief for l iiflle ; " In letter by re turn mall , nt druggists. ' Chlchesler Chcmlcnl Co , Philadelphia , Pn. Mtntlon Hee ' M23) 21 1'ATIiNTS. D A rPT7MrPO Sll ( * * Co. . Attornejs- L A. 1 HiN 1 O Kt-Lnw anil Potent Es- perls llee Hulldlng. Omaha , Neb , Ilranch otncc nt Washington , D C. We make FREE EXAMINATIONS nnd aid Inventors In selling ihelp Inventions. SenJ for free Advice * nnd Pntent Hook JV rP liTVI O C ! procured oy C A SNOW .1 co Washington. D. C. EB EXAMINATION nnd ndslcc No attor ney's fee before patent Nr claptrap offer of prizes or promise of sudden nealtn tiue straight , rorvnrd advice and fnlthfn' service j Place In the e-lly BhowliiK ion snrn-vs ( it SUCH LOW PRICKS MIT1CU TO CO > TH VCTOIM. OMAHA. Sept. 20 , 1S97. Bids will be received for furnishing and driving the piling required under the Kino Arts building on Imposition grounds until 5 o'clock p. m. Thursday , Sep tember 23rd. Plans and specifications on file In tho-ofilco of Grounds and Iluildlng Department ; No. C34 Paxtou block. K. P. KIUKtiNUAliU Mgr. Grd's. & IJIdg. Dept. , Transmlsslsslppl & International Uxposl tlon. S20 D3t M & R PROPOSALS KOU NIT nnnr , o. s. IN- dlan Service , Omahu and Wlnnebago Agen cy , Wlnnebapo , Neb. , Sept. 14 , 1S)7 ) Sealed propn nl5 , Indorsed "Propotuls for Net Heef , " nnil addressed to the undersigned at Wlnnebapo , Thurston County , Nebraska , ' \ill be received .it this agency until ope o'clock p m. of Wednesday , October Rtli , 1S37 , for furnishing und delivering nt such 1I times 1 and In such quantities s may be icqulreil I during the INcal your ending June TO , 1S9S , about TO.OOO pounds net beef nt the Omaha School , Neb , nml about 23,000 pounds net I beef at the Wlnnebigo School , Neb Net beef must be good In qualltv and condi tion , lit for immediate use , und fnm foie and hind quarter meat pioportlon.illv , in cluding all the best cuts thereof lleef from bull , "tags or diseased cattle will not bp accepted. The ncclcs of the cattle sl.ui b- ttied Tor beef shall be cut off at thu fnuith vertebral Joint , and the breast trimmed down : the shanks of folo quarters shall be cut oT ( lour In lies nbove the knee joint , and the hlnil quarters eight Inches above the hock lolnt Necks , h.inls anil Uldnev tallow will not bo recelvfu. nldilera will state specifically in their bids the proposed pi Ice of beef for each School. All beef de livered under anv contract will be subject to u Held Inspection 'The. ' right Is reserved to reject any .mil all bids , or any part of any- bid , if deemed foi thfr befn lute-rests of the set vice C"ortilled chetks , J2nch bid must be nccompuileil bv .1 co/tlllcil check or draft upon some United Statoa depository or sol- vint nitlonal bank In the vicinity of the res- Idenc-u of the bidder , made p lyable to the uder of the Cainmla < lonur of Indian Af fairs , for at least live per cent of the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will be forfeited to the United States In case any bidder or" bidders receiving .in nward shall fall to promptly c\eeute a eon- tract with good and sutllclent sureties , otherwise to be roturnoi , ! to tin- bidder Hldn accompanied by cnsli In lieu of a orrtlfled chfrk will not be , considoied Tor any furthci information apply to CAPTAIN W. A. MUnCIW. Acting if. S Imll ip Agent. SH-U.-JS-21-2-2.1-S-0 ! ! CJ2 PROPOSALS KOU BUILDING MATKK- lals , etc t" , S. Indian Service , Itosebiul Agency , Hoscbud , S. 1) , September S , 1W Sealed proposals , Indorsed "Piojiosil * for Itnlldlng ilaterlals , eto , " as the case mav be , ami addressed to the nnderslgner at Ilosebud , South D ikota , v\lll be received at this ageliey until 1 o'clock p. m of Thurs day , September JO , 1S97 , for furnishing am dellveilng at this agency within thlity C0 ? ; days after r < - ipt of notice of approval of contract , n variety of building materlils ( conslfrtlns of assorted lumber , shingles , cement , etc. ) and miscellaneous ar'lcles ( consisting of tools , bolts , etc ) , a full Us ] and descilptlon of which may be obtnlnec by making application to the undpi signed Bidders will state' specifically In their bids the proposed price of c.ic-li nrtlclo offcrei for delivery under i contract. All m tides delivered under any contrai-t will be subjpcl to a rigid Inopeetlon. The right Is roscrvee' to reject any and nil bids , or any 11.111 ol any bid , It deemed for the best Interests ol the bcrvlce. Ceititled Checks 1-ach bid must. bo nnromnnnlcd bv n. certl- lled check or rlr.ift upon some United States depository or solvent national b ink In the vicinity of the residence of the bidder , made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , for nt least live per cent of the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will be forfeited to the United St itos In case any bidder or bidders receiving un award shall fail to piomptly e : -cute u contract with good and sulllclcmt sureties , otherwise to be returned to the bidder. Hlds accompanied bv cash In lieu of a cort'fli * ' ! check will not be considered Tor any further Information apply to CJI1AS. M'CUUSNUY , U. S Indian Agent. S-9-11-H-1G-1S-21-21-23-2S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be iccelved by the Hoard of Di rectors of the Newton Irrigation district of Loup cou ity. Neb aska , ( it their olllca In > a'0 ' ulstrlct up to 2 o'clock p. m of the 21th day of September. 1K97 , for fl,5'0 of the bonds Issued by said Irrigation district , nil of said bonds brine foi $100 each , payable i\i follows , tovvlt J1.1CO in eleven \euis , 31,20) In twelve years and $1,000 In thirteen years ftom tin' date , and drawing Interest at the i ate of G pel cent pel annum , payable tenii- pnnually. Principal nml Interest of Fair : bonds pny.abio at Iho ollli o of thu state trcasuier of the state of Nebinska. The Uonrl of Directors icstrve thn right to lej'-ct any and all bids Address -ill bldn to O W Abbott , "ecretaiy. Moullon , Neb Hy older of theHo.iril of Dlrei ton , made July Ii 1S17 G. W. AIinOTT. Secretary C. L. COPP , President. I'OSTUIi'KlCIC ( Should be rend DAILY by all Interested as change ? may occm nt any time ) Koreign malls for the week ending Sep- tembei i5 , JS'17 , will closs ( PIIO.MI'TLV In nl cases ) nt the General Postolllre as follows PAHCHLS POST MAIfiB CLOSH ON13 HOUK iAnLIiU tbjn'VloiIng tlmo shown below. ' * ' TUJ38DAV At 7 a. in 'for UUROI'U , per S. S , Lnhn * . via Plymouth and Hremen ( letleis for IielamI inujt be illit-cted "per l.ahn" ) , at 9 a in. * ( Hopplernentary lu 30 u. in ) for IRKLANDmrtettors only ) , per S. S , Servla , via Qucciutovvn ( letters for other pirts of Kuiopu' ' must be directed "per Seivla" ) . WnjNiSIJAY At 7 n. m. ( supplemental y 1) ) 11 in ) for IOUROPH. ' per S 8 St Louis * , via Southampton , tit' ) a m ( supple mentary 10 JO a m.J for BUROPL' , per S , S. Jlrltannlc * , via' Queenstown ; at 10 a. m. for HULQIITM iHrect , per K H Westeriiland Aiftwer i ( letters must be directed "per Westernland" ) THURSDAY-At 7 a 'm1 for KUHOI'E , per S , B. Noimannlala Pivmouth ' ' , Cherb urg and Hamburg , SATURDAY-At < i TO atjm. for KRANCH , SWIT/.IRLAND. iTAtv. SPAIN , i OR- TI'GAL. Tt'HKJJY. Cn'l T uml HHIT- ISH INDIA , per S S Li CJnscogno * , via Havre.atCiOa m for CiURMANV. DUN- SI ARK , SWnDiN. NOItUAY ( I'hrls- tlanla ) and Rl'SSIA. per S S Havel'la nremen ( letters for oilier parts of Hurupe , via Cherbourg , must bo < Ilrecle < d "per Havel" ) , at S n m for NnTHHRLANDS direct , per 8 8 Ve-endam , via Hotter lam ( letters must be dlre-cteil "per Veemliun" ) , at 8 a m. for GHNOA , per S S Kulila ( letters must bo directed "per Tulda" ) , at 10 a in for SCOTLAND direct , per 8 S Kurnessla.Ia Glasgow ( letters must be illiected "per Kurnessla" ) , at II a in ( suppleme-iitary 12-30 p m ) for Kt'UOI'JJ , per S. S. Umbrlata Queenstown , PHINTKO MATTIIH , KTCHerman iteameri nalllnK un 'lur da > > take 1'rlnted Matter , etc for Oermany anil Specially Aililiem-il J'rlnfril Matter , etr . far other | iart or Europe Anicrl can and White Star eteamcn on Weilnr dtiii ( lennn.i rtcamem on 1hurtdaf , and C'unuril 1'renrh and German tteamers vn huiurday > luke 1'rlmeil lluttfr etc lor nil muntrlen fur v hleli thr > are adtertucil la carry mall , Aflfr the cl line of the Kuinilcinentnry Tran Atlnntlc Matin named above fti-.l'l Jiia rupple * laenui ) m ll arc > > iienej on ( lie j > lei e > ( Hie > oricn. "I ( ContlnueJ. ) n 1'nellsh , Trcnth nJ Oertnun t min er s mil remain p-n until wllhln Ten Mln- utra of the hcur of nulling of utenin'r ' > r oiitli null Cpnlrnlinrrlrn , Went InillrK , Kir. TfnsPAV-At 3 p m for COSTA IHCA. per ite-nmtT from New Orlean WUnNKSOAY- 12 in for A an OAH. 1101 rrn- uaddy , nt 1 p m. for Ct'IJA , per S. S. Seiiecn. \ la Huvann THURSDAY-At 2 30 n m for 1'OUT AN TONIO , per steamer from Philadelphia : nt I p in ( supplementary 1 30 p in ) for 1JI5II- Mt'DA , pr s Orinoco , at 1 p m ( sup plementary 1 M p m ) for NASSAU , N P , and SANTIAGO D1J Ct'HA , per s s Ni agara , at 3 p m for JAMA1PA per s s Anliindhu Cetti-rs for Holbo , Puerto < -or- toami Guatemala must be ellreeteil "per Anliindhu" ) rillOAY At 12 m for RRA'/IL. per s s Amalll. via Pernnmbuoo and Santos ( let ters for North lintzll must be directed "per Amalll" ) SATURDAY At 10 n m ( supplementary in 11 a. m 1 foi TOKTUNi : IBt.AND , JA MAICA nml SAVAN1LLA. vor s s Ad irondack ( loiters for Costa Ulcie must bp directed "per Adirondack" ) , at 10 n m ( supplementary 10 30 n , m ) for CAPn HAITI GONAIViS. : AUX-CAYKS. JAC- MHL and SANTA MARTHA , per s s Hol- Ptrln , at 1030 n m. for CAiMPKHUn. CHIAPAS. TAHASCO and YUCATAN , per s s City of Washington ( letters for other pirts of Mexico nml for Cnbi must bo directed "per City of Washington" ) : at II n m for NUWrOUNDLAND. per s s Portia , at 11 n m ( supplementary 11 30 a. m ) for VHNnXUnLA and CURACAO , also SAVANILLA and CAUTIIAOHNA. via Curacao per s s Philadelphia ; at 12-30 p m for NORTH P.RA/.IL. per s s. IMia- cnscln Para , Maranhum and Ccara. Malls for Newfoundland.y ! rnll to Hnllfnx nnil thence by stenmer. clo int thli olllce iinlly nt S 30 p in M.ills for Mlnuelon , uy mil to llos ton nml thence by Mi-iimer cliue nt thin olllce , dully nt 8 30 p. m Malls for CUOT clo'e nt this olllro Oully nt 7.00 n in . foi forwnnllnK l > y steamers -nlllni ; ( Mnndass nml Thur 'n\si from Port Tnmpi I'll Letter mnlls for Mexico City , overlnnJ , unless sporlally nililreoeil for ill"- ptteh by stenincr , close nt this oihef ilnlly at 12 m . paper malt * nt C n in "lleglsterc'l mall closes nt 0.00 p in. previous day TrniiN-IMu-Inc Mnlli. Malls for China and Japan , per s. s T.i- coimi ( from Ticomu ) , clo H- here dally up to September IBth at C M p m. Malls for thn Society Islands , per ship Tioplo lllid ( from San Kranclsco ) , close here dally up to September 2lii | at 6 JO p m Malls for China , Japan and Hun all , per s s City of Peking ( from S in Kninclsco ) , close here dallv up to September 20th nt G SO p m Malls for Hawaii , per s s Australia ( from San Francisco ) , elose hero dally up to Sep tember 29th at f. 30 y m Malls for China and Jap in ( addressed only ) , per s s nmpiess of India ( from Vancouver ) close bore dally up to October 4th at C 30 p in Malls for Australia ( except those for West Australia ) which are forwarded Europe , NewXeal.nul , Hawaii , FIJI and Samoin Islands , per s s Mourn ( from San Fianclsc'o ) . close bore dally up to Octobei * Sth it 7 " 0 n m . 11 a m and ii 30 p m ( or on arrival at New York of s s Cam pania with llrltMi malls for Australia ) Malls for Australia ( except West Austra- II 0 , New Ze.ilunl. Hawaii and Fiji Is lands , per s s. M low 01 a ( fiom Vuncoinei ) , close here ilullv after Oe lobur "Sth nml up to October llth at G.IM p. in. Trans-I'nrltle mills nri" forwnriled to port of calllnK ilnlls and the srhrdnlo of closing Is arrnnpeil on the | iio unintlon of their unln- teirupteil overland tr milt "lleglstered null cin es nt G 00 p PI prev Ions dav Postolllce , New Yoik , N Y , September 17 , 1SD7. 1SD7.CORNELIUS CORNELIUS VANCOTT. Pn tmaster. IIIIH ( ) VDS. in HLiNcnoN n. Itlvcr It illin id "The IturllnK- ton Houle" HI-IK ml Olllce , N W C'orncr Tenth nnd r.irnam Slretis Thkct onicn , 151. : Street T > lephane 2j < > Tenth nnd Mason Telephone , 12S CHIfAClO HUHLINtlTON A Qulnrj Itnllnmd ' The Unrl- Iniilun Houle" Ticket OIU-e , lVi ) l-ninam Slu-i-t. 'lilephniie 230 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason KANSAS CITY. h > T JOSEPH & Council Illurfs Railroad "The nurllnglon Honti- ' Tlcki t Ofllie 1W2 FMHMIII Street , Telephone 250 Depot , IVnth nnil Ma'-on btreets lei cphonc , 123Leave Leave Arrive K.ansas e lt > Day Ex . * 9 01 nm 6.10 pm Kansas Clt > Night Ex . " 10.00 pm C.30 um Dilly CIIICNOO. HOCK ISLAND .t PailllL Hnllruad "The Great Ilirk Island Route" City Ticket Olllce , 1323 Fnrmim Street Telephone , 428 Dfpot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets Tel phone , K8 Lenv e. Arrive Chicago ntid St Paul Vestlhllled Express 4:30 : pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln e'olorado SPSS , I'm bio , Denver nnd liVj pm 4 05 pm e'lilcaBo , Des Molnea nnd II H k Iftl.iml 7 00 pm 8 13 am Atlantic l\iriss , for Dos MolntH and i.ant- < -rn paints . . . 7.00 am 5 35 pm Lincoln Kalrbury nnd Ilellevllle 5 43 pm 10 40 arn Unlit Dally eiteept Sunday. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVERland - land Route" General offices , N E Corner Ninth anil Farnam hlrii-ts City 'JlcKct Omce , 130. ! Fiinam bluet Telephone , 316 Depot Tenth and Mason Streets Telep vine , 128 " " " " J avc , Arrive. 'The Oveilnnd Limited" for Denver , halt Like. Puclllc coast , nnd nil w cite-in points . . . 8.20 am 4.43 pin i t Mall train for Denver t-nlt I-iiclil ( o t nivl 1.05 pm * IO 20 nm Llmoln lleitrlio nnd Mionn-buru Expr. HB . " 4-K ( pm 3 50 pm Guild iHliin I Express . 5.J5 pm " 350pm lill ) > Datlj txupt huml.iy. Council IIIun"s Lei al Leaves 5 40 a m ; 6 60 n in , 7 J ) a in , S 21 H. in , 10,45 n. m , 2 15 P in ; 4 30 p in , 6 W p m Arrives , fl 20 u in. , 7 20 a. m . S a m ,9.25 a m , 11.30 u in , J.10 p m 5 40 p. in , 9 05 p m , 10 45 p m MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILItOAD Oeiiernl Olllces and Tlrl.el Olllce , M-rch mix National Ha ik Hunting 12-1 I'arnam Sir ct Telephone 101. Depot 1 Iftcuiili an I W bitir Slrtei- Teleplo le , HS Lenv e. Arrive City St Louis and southern point" ! & ' " ' 12 55 pm Kansas e-lty Expiess 9 30 pm 6.20 am Ft Ciook & Union LI. ' 900pm 7.UO am Dully _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ MIWVAUK,3j , | jt. ST 1-iul HallwaClty Tlihet Olllce liOl Fiirnini Street Telephone. 281 Depot Tenth nnd Mason Streets Ttlephone , 128. I nve. Arrive C-hlcngo LliTiltcd Ex ' .5.45 pm 8.05 am Omaha nml Chicago ix ; 11.00 um 1.50 pm Dally CHICAno i NCWIUWKST- ern lUllvvay City Ticket Olllce. 1401 rarnnm Street Telephone SCI Depot , Tenth nml Maeon btriel Telephone i : . Arrive. Missouri Vull y. Skux e'lt ) tit Paul upd Minneapulls . 5 40 um 'lO.lJ pm Ml uurl Valley. Moux Clt > 7.30 nm 9.05 pm I'arroll. Wall 7 30 am 9.00pm Eastern Express Den Mn lies Murdhdlltcwn Cedar Haplds I hi ago " 10:45 : am 4:10 : pm Atlantic Fl > er , Chicago und rant 4:45 : pin 4:1Q pm rast Mall Chicago to Onmh.i . . . . 3 10 pm MUsimrl Valley. Moux i-uj Ht Paul Mlnne. upolls Llmllel , 5 55 pin 9 25 nm Om ihu ' ' 111 ag" Sptrlil C S ) pm ' 8.10 an Dall > " Dall > except Sunday HuTrx CITV . 1'Acinu HAIL , r iail Oeneral Olllirn , I'nlleil Stales National II'inK llulld- IIIB H W I'urner Twelfth and I'urnam hlrieti 'lliket Ollce 1101 1'arnam blreet Telepheine Wl Depot I'lfleentli and \\ehster Sir cts. Telephone Lav c Arrive Sioux Cll > ManKnto Ht I'jul Minneapolis . 0,15 pm P.Hum Dally , RAILROADS ARE HIT AGAIN Business Bettor Than fit Any Tirno During Last Ton Years. PROSPERITY COMES TO OMAHA LINES Trnlllc Hint Aililltlonnl ' 1'rnln * III- r i in-ni on Hum ! * i.i'nii- IIIR Into flu' Cllj , The return of prosperity to western rail roads Is Indicated by the steady Increase In the earnings , published monthly , and by substantial evidence rloso nl hand. With the Increase In both the freight nml the passenger traffic , more train crews nro em- | ) loyed on many western railroads than dur ing any period of the last ten years. Trains that were taken off nt various times during the last two years nro being gradually placed In service again. The Hock Islaml rallroiul has already re placed the local trains between' this city nnil 1'alrbury that were taken oft nbout ten months ago , anil the Missouri Pacific man- nMoment > catcrday morning nnnonncc-il that the Increase In the ) passetiKcr tralllc lictwccn Auburn , Neb , anil Omaha was mich that the local train service between that point ami this city , which was discontinued some * tlmo ape on account of hard times , wonlil bo resumed within thu next ten dajs , or ns soon as working time cards for the opera tion of the trains can bo Issued and pub lished. A letter from General Mamiccr DoJdrldRp of the Missouri Pacific to Assistant Freight and Passenger Agent 1'hllllppl of this city stated that It had been fully decided to repleico the loevit train between Auburn and Omaha and return The tlmo of the train has not jet been fully determined , but 't ' will leave Aubmn about G o'clock a m. and arri\o hero about 9 o'clock u. in. It run \la the TalinaRo division and make stops at ( ill local points betneen Alllmui am ) Onialia , liicliulliiR 1'ortil , SprliiKllyhl , Louis- vile and Woeplnt ; Water. Tlio restoration of tliU train service will maku U po slbli > for porsoiiM to Icivo points on tlio Tilm.igo section of the Ml'sotirl l\ulllc In the morn ing , arrive liero at 9 o'clock , Bpi-nd the dn > here shopping or transacting other tnislnejs and return homo early In the veiling The train will loaxo Omaha about o'clock ( ) . in. and arrl\o nt Auburn at about 7 o'clock ii in. , though the exact time , has nol yet been fixed IUJUL1NGTON FOLLOWS SUIT Ihe Burlington management lias just aei- nounccd that It " 111 soon restore Its dally passenger train service to Iltirnoll , Arcadia , Ord , Loup City , St 1'aul and other sLUlons on the branch line north or Aurora Tliero was formerly dallj tialn service to thcho points , but nltliln the labt two years , as tnislncss hccaino dull , the ral.road eompanj was forced to ciu the sen Ice down to mixed freight and passenger trains three Hints a week The i e\\ train serxlce. which will go Into olTect October 1 , will be dally except Sunday It will be nacecngci service exciu- rl\el > and the mlved Height and jias'e i- ger tialns will bo abandoned. The train that will make connection with the new pas senger train north of Aurora will leave Omaha at 8 35 o'clock a rn Speaking of the revival of ibuslnesi along western railroad lines General Superlntend- roit Peter J. Nichols of the Union I'ncllle the other day made the 6tatcmeut that the business of the Union I'acltlc was greitoi than at any time during the past ten years Not only Is the passenger tralllc good , but the number of freight trains that an1 being inn on the "Overland llouto" Is limited al most only by the equipment and the train men that can bo secured There was one shipment of twenty cars of htcol rails bound to Japan on the Union Pacific last week. Unprecedented iiuantltles of merchandise for this soison of the year arc being shipped west , and It Is thought that the movement of coal at the recently reduced rates will become \ery heavy before October 1. The movement of corn eastward and of wheat southwaid con tinues good , but It Is stated by well posted railroad men that the greatest lolumc of the gialn movement will not be reached for another fortnight. Then It Is expected that long trains of grain will huny across the Nebraska plains almost within sight of each other . General Agent Denton of the Hock Island's freight department In this city , In speaking of the gieat Increase In railroad business this morning , said"Ihero Is a splendid movement of freight I ha\e never known a better movement of merchandise wchtwaid than there Is at present , and there Is every Indication that It will continue forsomu time The grain shipments continue heavy , and there Is every reason to look for big ship ments of coal westward by October 1. > iwviiD I.OMS IMS LP.r'r Aim. Sllin nml I'll 11-4 Ulill. ' Ti-jliKi < < > lion nl ii Truln. J. T. Mnynard , a Missouri Pacific Pullman car porter of Kansas City. lost his arm yesterday morning by being run over by a passenger coach on the llurllngton tracks at Sixth ami P-lerco streets. Maynard arrived yesterday morning from Kansas City , hh run being from that point to this city. He went to the union depot to visit Home frlci.ds and was Intend ing to go back to the Webster street depot. A Durllngton passenger train had Just ar rived and a switching cievv was prepaiing to take some of tlio cars to the Missouri Pacific yards Maynard undertook to seUu this op portunity of getting to the depot At Sixth .ind Pierce streets , whore ho attempted to get on the train , the track curves For this leason and also because he was hampered by a cane , Majrard missed his hold when ho tried to board the car. Ills left aim fell across the track acid It was mashed to a pulp holow the elbow. The jntinl wagon was summoned and the man was removed to the ClarUson Memorial hospital , where the limb was amputated Maynard appeared to bo moro tiouTjled over the angul&h his wife would feel over the accident than over his awn pain llu fro- ( Cnntlnupil ) CJIICAOO BT PAUL MINNE- upolls & Omahu Ilillw.o- Oenpr.ll nlllces , Nebraska D | . vlstlon 1'ifleeiith und Wi b ter streets e'lly nillce 14Jl rarnum Strrrt Telephone- Hi put rifleenth und Webhter blieels 'lele phone 11.18 L .ive. Arrive Hloux City Accommodu 8 1) ) am s 2i pm Hloux City Acconunoila 9 50 am S.-5 pm Ilinlr Emerson Sioux City I'.n a HartliiK ton und H loinllelii I'OO pm " 11:5' : nm Hlrux e-ity Munkato St Paul Minneapolis . . 6:15 : pm 9:10 : am Dill > Dully exiept Sunday. " only PREMO.NT ELKIIOICN & , MUihOiirl Valley Hullu.iOen eral Oltlcis. United States , * { , i. llonal Hank Hull.linn , i-ntitn. west Corner Twelfth nnd Par- nnm Streets. 'llekPt OllUe , 1401 Karnnm Street. Tehphone , (61 Diiot | , Klftcenlh and Webiler btreets TeleiJ.iuni 14'iS Leave. Arrive Illack Hills. Deadvvcod iii-d Hot SprlUBS . 3,90 pm 5 00 pm Wyomlnic , e'asper and luuKlu . . 3 00 pm " " 5.00 pm lln'mlnpi York DavlJ city Huperlor Cle-mva , Exeter and Si ward . . 300pm " 5 00 pm Norfolk West Point and " 7 W am "Pi 'tm \ Premunt 3 00 pm 5 10 pm Lincoln Wahoo and 7.M > am " 1" 2' . nm I'remonl 1 CO nn 6 00 am rmnoiit Local . . . 753am Dally Dally except bunday. Sunday only Dally e-xcept Saturday. Dally except Monday OMAHA , KANSAH CITY A. EASTERN HAIL- load-Omaha & HI lyjuU IUllroa < l "rinO K Route"Ticket Oince. 1415 rnmam Klitci. Telepheine SZ2 Depot , Tenth and Maun Htrects Telephone. 18 I > ea\e. Arrive. IMtlnmhurK. Klrksvllle , Qulnty lyicul 0.40 am NO'IS pin bt Liuls , New 'ioik Limited 4:30 : pm ll.CO am Dully WAIIASH IlAILItOAD-Tli'KPT ori'li'l ! 111 Kiirniiin Hlri'cl Telejih in > " 21 Dpi T i Ii unt ] Mason Mrt-PU Itleph nti \ Lcuve * U'M ' b > I < onlB 'Cannon Hall' I Ktpreu 4 30 pm Ml "i an , Uilly. j qnsntly pried , "How will m\ poor wifefeel" " Mftynanl WAS bnt recently married Ills rrsl- deuce Ii At 1317 North Klghtli ntrcet. ! Cans s City , Vo. o m-- Union Pnrlllo SniTI TT lltipilu lt\er the "slin ( ii Honlo. " The Union Pacific yesterday InailRiir.itCil through Pullman car service Including both first and second class sleeping cars , between Qmnlm and Glenn's Terry , Idaho abandon ing through car service to Portland , vln the Oregon Short I.tno and the Oregon Hallway and Navigation company The last car over the Union Pacific to Porllnnd , via the tlmo- honored route1. pn sod through hero Saturday. The car that went through on yesterday aftornoon'a train runs only to Glenn's Kerry. The I'nlon ' Pacific's route to Portland will now boln Sacramento and the famous "Shasta Houto" of northern California These changes are tlio result of the break between the Union IMclfic and the Oregon Hallway and Navigation company The cancellation of the freight and pas senger tariffs with the Oregon Short I.lno will not bo effective until October 1. Then the through business of the Union Pacldo for iKJlnts on theOreg > n Short I.lno and the Oregon Hall niiy ami Navlgitlon company will be diverted to other vvo'tern rallroida for shipment to Silt Lake City. The Granger gateway will be closed October 1 unless to day's conference of Iho olllclals of the belligerent ! lines In Chicago should nrrango for ; a cessation of hostilities In any event It Is not belknod that the war bohveim the Union Pacific and the lines onto nndnr Its control can continue more than tlirca months It Is believed In local railway cir cles that by that tlmi > the Union Pacific , the Oregon Shnrt t-ilno and the Oregon Hall way and Navigation company will all bt > under the control of one syndicate , and the vvarfaro that Is now so disastrous to the InuMncas of thu Union Pacific will ho at un end. M.I , ttiivns ii\n TOWMID Stnte1 I'u I r Trn\ol In llc > lrr Tlinn t tiinl. "This Is the biggest Monday morning crowd I over FUVV , " remarked the depot policeman at Tenth and Maton streets yesterday morning. I2von a suporfichl glance at the crowds on the Incoming1 trains would have convinced one of the Increase In tlio amount of travel directed to this city. Hallrondors did not anticipate ) much of a rush yesterday , as It Is generally lUerlnlho week that the great liordo of sightseers pours In from the country The movement of the state folk toward Ak-Sar-Ilen's throne , however , has plainly started earlier than usurl All the morning trains from the east Hero well filled though not crowded. The trains from the west , however , were morn than filled On the trains of the Hurllngton at M "ii and of tlio Union Pacific nt 10 20 travelers were stand f ing up In the aisles of the cars Most of the Incoming travelois wore fiom points In. the eastern half of the statp , nml wore these connected In some way with the State fair and Its exhibits Passenger men nro well pleased with the ti.ivol of the first day off Slate fair week , nml sav that It Indicates the attendance ) this yoir will far exceed that of previous je-.ii a. MII.WVI Ivlli : Tl ll\S THU TVIILUS. ' \ < ir < ! rMcrii ClmrKiilllli Drilling r \\llli I he > llriiKi-rs. Theie was another iholy sesalon of the * local lu-ionger association yesterday. Tiio attempt l convlit the Milwaukee rall- reid of charges of dealing with brokers nn 1 of cutting the into slgnallv failed nml culminated in the filing of chugcH by the Milwaukee against the Northv. estcrn for \lolatlon of the local pissenger agreement prohibiting dealings with ticket biokcrs 'Ihe Milwaukee was clnrgod with cutting the rate on a round trip tliket from hero to Chlc.igo and return and with dealing with a. ticket broker. The ( barges wore hoiid and evidence offered In support theicof , but Iho local association concluded that the evidence ! was altogether too Illmsy .mil rendered a \ordlct of acquittal The Milwaukee then turned the tables bv preferring charges against the Northwi stern foi alleged deal ings with a ticket Innkei , who , It Is paid , furnished the ticket on which the oilglnal charges against the wore based. I til I I \ Ml.tflllN . Illlll IVVKIItllll * . AV. II Parish was severely Injured on the Union Pacific at Vallev at nn rally hour this morning. Ho was stealing a ride on freight train No 22. Hie right foot got caught ho- tween the draw head bars and was Mdly cm-hod The Hock Island freight department gave notice that commencing ye-Hlorday It would protect Its oonl rates on shipments from Chicago to southwest Ml sourl liver points , Including Omaha. The effect will bo to reduce soft coal rates to the hard coal basis on shipments from Chicago and cast tiiereof to points between Newton , la , and Omaha. Tor Ohllilrcii UN 'Ui'll nn VilnllN. Some tlmo ago u ilttlo bottle of Chimbcr- laln's r-ollc , Choleia , ind Dlinhoie Hemcdy fell Into my hands , just at a time when my two-yoar-old-boy was terribly nllllcted. Jlla bowels woie- beyond control. Wo had tried many remedies , to no purpose , hut the Ilttlo bottle of Colic Cholera and Dlarrhoao Hem- cdy speedily cured him William K. Jones , Oglcsby , Ga. CTION POIt lllltDS AM ) 1'ISH. till * lllSl I llf'l lOHM. A wcll-dtcFhcd , sharp-eyed man called on Atslstant General Kretlglit Agent Wood of tlio Union Pacific ji-ste-rday , and , after Introducing hlmte-lf as the game warden , proceeded to tell the railroad olllclal that under the provlblrrm of the new game law of the state of Neluasl.a , now In effect , shipments of game shot In thlx Male des- t't cd for points in the state and points otib of the btato nn the Union Pactllc and all other railroads must at once ccanc U appears Hut the vailons spoiUnion's clubs In thn state have started u ciusadn against the railroad comiunlra and against the e-xpre-bs companies tliat handle hlilp- inents of game shot or caught In Nr'iaski , It IH stated that an exception may ho made In the laso of a ln.i Ismail who desires lo send a few bliils tu his own homo aflor hav ing HlioU thorn , hut till siii-h Hilinn-ntn ) | intMt be ai coinpanled by an ufildavlt to tin- effect that the gainei Is nut lo lie buld. Whether shipments of ( , ' .11111' lo the hportamen'H frlenela maj 'be nuilu IH a monied point. The desire Is lo break up Ihe big shipments of giima and llHli caught for the m.ukrt. The rail- roada and the express companies have Just been warned thai If they act as carriers foi"- any bliiiincnln | of this character they w 11 be compelled to pay a line for every bird shipped on their lineMen after gunner * will bring their own lilrdi In with them , or else icinaln cii the hunting ground and cat the feiivU on the epot. WINI3 Cook's WINi : Imperial WINi : Champugno. Pl-IIIHT < il-lN III ) . JtllK , Henry I'onner , a resident near Twenty- accond and Cumlng strec-tn , ehowed a couplei of dogcatclicrs a lime about his premlsoj at 7 o'clock yesterday morning Lewis I'rlco and J. 11 llrown , deputy potimlmautcrH , wcrn coiivolng an animal which Pc-nner hail been caring for a couple of days lo their vva on , vvhc-n the latter interfered. Ho Insisted that thc-y had 10 uliovv thi'lr commissions an deputies bcforo they eotild lake the animal , but the dogcatchers thought otherwlao The result was a row In which thu dogcatcherJ appeared to have rict'lvel Iho vvout of It , as thty caused I'enner's a i rest on the diargo of aH.nault and battery. Penner wus ills- charged "after a trial. The Incident ended to his satisfaction , IB ho got his dog back. Running eiore ? , Inloient ulcers ami Irouljliu , i > ven though of many yean1 eUnd- Ing , may bo cured by u Ing DeWltt's Witch Hazel Sxlvc. It soothes , strengthens -jnj heals. 1' la the greal pile mrc. DlnruiiN lri'i | VV'lillT. The Ilcal nutate exchange he-Id a meeting yesterday and dlHcumcd tint trip tu thu le-vp Water convention In Texas on October 2. There Is a hitch In the arrangements and a ( omin'ttii ' , ionslstlni { of MembcrH Haundcrs , Tavior and ( Je-or o was appointed to stntUh'oii the nutter out ivruul I i Krj.i.u lirj i r < ' 'i ' ' jQj < { , > l Uru