jVffifte * ' * HBW"WW * THE OMAT1A HAITjV 1VKK : TtTKS SEPTRMBE1 ? 2t. 1807. I COUNCIL 'BLUFFS DEPARTMENT MINTIOX. : fir fchrlver dentist , Merrlam blk. , room 24G. M -s 0 M Dodge lias relumed from loa- vrr Snuko Oll'o's Choice , 1023 Soulh Main s'rrot ' Mrs J It IMmumhon In vlnltlng In Mount I Icimr.t , In. 1,3' I" Siitlro has gone to Marblehcad , Mags. , to aIt-mi phool. Pied I'rnclor of Tekatnah , Neb. , U In the city on hiiBlnePS Ms ( < - Uniirki * of Ornml Inland IB the guest ftf Mrs < 3 T McAtee. Hrodo II Davis , a Chicago otlorney , li \i3illng friends In the city. Mlsi Ilesslo Siillro | has gone In North-imp- Ion. Ma s , to allend tcliool Miss Illla Nlcholmm of Atlantic Is v lull ing trlunclR and rclitlvcs In thecity. . Satlsfapilnn guaranteed st the reliable Bluft City strim Inundiy Phone 314 Miss Hello IlnrkncM and her grandmother , MTH Conklln. left jesterday for Deliver 11 H Pufdi of Sioux City U vlsItltiR In the clt > and attending the Nebrnnka Slate fair. MIS U M. Usbnnrn of Chicago Is In the clt } ' the guest of her hi other , Mr Arnold. Harry Mot chouse1 Icnvrs today for the cnst whenh" vv'll attend a srhool of dcntlstrj Wanted experienced laundrofs by the month Ai/p'y ' at once at W. C A. hospital Mrs I M Trevnor nnd Mr McKiniu le.ne thin wii-k foan extended visit In Cloahcsi IndJ J H Dilfliner of Clailnda will lodge Hi the city this week and attend the' fair at Omaha John 11 Miller , rr jnesontilig the Imperial Quartoi Coneert conipanj of Chicago , Is In the Pity County Auditor Matthews has returned ( torn Ir Mollies , vvheie1 he v\as nttendlug the fair lny ? riiciman of Ulnnelmd Is visiting CoMiii'll DlufTs friends and attending the fair nt Omaha Mi'ivln Gould han hoen elected leader of tin Apollo clnl1 and rcgtllai jiraetlce has been iitahllshe ] Mrs K H Hurst of Cioston Is the of Mrs r \ Darker. She will also visit tile Omahi fai1" H II Schmldllng , advuicc agent of the rompanj tint plajs here the latter pnit of the w el. Is in thecltj. . K J Uawnlng and daughter have gone to Maple Itlver Junetlun , la , where tliey will fitte-nil i rotnllj i ( union \\ullo II Itotheit han letiirncd to Gal lauclcl collofif Waslilngton , D C. , where he will graduate ; this jour. Mis S M Casej has guiie to Albion , Xc'.i In lespoiibL' to thu mes-ingc nnnonnelng the death of he'i eon at that place Mm and Mlts IIIEPISOU of Sioux Clly arc the guests ol Mr. and Mis. Ucorgo Vai : Orlcr ot the Union Tmnsfer hotel Mrs W 12 Laudorville and Mis Pnnl. I eahy of Vull , la , aie the guests of Mrs O Jj Gorniin and ton of Maillson avenue \ W bloaini one of the Indlng photop- raphers of Des Molne ! , , vv.is In ralrmnunl pirk "uuiliiy taMng snap shots nt the crone and scenery. Sen I join v\orc to the populai Eagle lain drj , whole jou get elran , crisp , i-iiow-wluti work and best dellveiy service. Telepho' . " 157. 721 Ilwnj H.j \ Woodmnn ii'e and Andicvv HamniocK of Macedonia .tie unking Council Hlult their hcndou irtors and attending the Nt biasUi State fair. Mrs N'3i < i Van Nostrand of 1110 Ponrtl nve'iitie v\lll entertain th" members of thi Wom.in's Ilclltf corps Krldaj afternoon. Al inembets niu 11 quested to be present 1 * . A lilxby has retired fiom the manage niont of the Globe-Democrat and the eill torlal mil liunlncss nunagi'incnt of tlic papei vvlll be undertaken by C. V. Chase who huc heretofore had charge of Iho editorial co1 unini Mrs George W. White , who has been ti rlonsly 111 for some time has been tran = ferrei to St. Bernard's hospital and had a siugLa operation tieifoinied She I * resting caslb since the opciatlon , and there are large hope1 of hoi ic'covciy A telogiim was iccelved jestcrduy fron ; Poit Dickeison N Y , announcing the deull : of James L Heche Tlio both v 111 br brought here for Interment Mr. Heebe wa 88 jears old. He waci the fatl.et of H < Heebe ot this city Mabel , the Infant imnghter of Mr and Mrs Prank I'oterson , died at theii residence , Vine street , jestordaj afternoon , aged I months The funeral will be held from thr , residence at 2 o'clock this nftemonti In tetnient In Walnut Hill cemetcrj. A paity of jonng people ) numbeilng abou thlrtj' secured the use of u carryall Sundaj and visited the farm of Nick Lelek aboil ton miles southeast of the cltj' . A clde press ai.il ple'iity of apiilfs were at ham and the joung people thoroughly enjojei themselves. A bountiful dinner and stippe were also bervcd. Colonel Dunlop organized last evening thi Woman's Veteran Holief union , Shlloh No 1 This Is auxiliary to the Union Voter 11 iinlCLi reo i tlj organized in this elty. Tin olllcors elected were 1'realdent , Mrs Hell Hlco , senloi vice , Mrs Sarah Watts ; jnnlo vice , Min. S Mlnnlei roster ; chaplain , Mrs Trankle roster The eoinmand starts ou vvlth fourteen charter members. There wll bo a special meeting on Wetlnesdaj after noon at 2 . ! 0 , held in the parlors of th Ogden house , to which the wives of nl Boldlers n d sailors whose luisbTidH scrvcc six months are eligible and are cordlallv in vlted to be present Colonel G U Fond Is making arrangements to put In eoinmand of the Union Veterans union at Oakland Cirsrui ci d Avoca In Iho near future Tt new ordci Is growing verv lapldly and I proving very popular a-nnng the old soldicro " C II , Vlavl fio. , fenml" ren eiy , ootisultntln friw Ollleo hourt , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 Healt book furnlfahed S.'C S27-32S Merrlam blocl , N , Y. Plumning oomp&nv rel. 260. iNtntc 'ri'iui r TN. Tlio following transfers are iiportel froi the title , and loan olllce of J. W. Squire , 10 Pearl street1 John J Hens am" v'lfe to T CascI , vv'fc of svvU nu'4 33-75-43 , vv d . J1.2C AuniHt Jonesem-lt and vvlfe to Julius Kraft S feet vvldo off w end of sen mv',4 27444 , d . . IlelrH of W. II WMtaker to Hann ih Whltakur , lot 2. bloe'c ' 11 , and lot 1 block 17 , Meredith's add , ' 1 e' . Ioulne Hcu'k to Com. id W Bock , lot 5 licick's fiib.llv , w d . , Louise Boek to 'Vlllle P Bock , lot 2 , Boek's HUbdlv , vv d . . , I.oulso Hock to Charles C Boek , lot 7 Itoek't ) subdlv , q cd . I oul'4 ] lloek o Ivoulrt II Bock , lot G , Hoek'H xiibdlv , q e d . . lla nu WhltakT to Thomas Mere dith , lot 1 , block 17 , Meredith's add , r ' ' Louise iVo'ck 'to Loulxo Grnhl , lot S , Boek's HUbdlv , q o . Nine transfers , total J1.4 Whether Itching , biiniliic , bleediriR , scaly , cnntud , plm | > h , or blotchy , vihcthcr simple , ecrofiilousirbcrjdllaryfrom Infancy toage , epcodll ) cured by warm Inths with CITICUIIX BoAr.gi-iitlo anointings withCimcuuAoint- ( niiiiit ) , the great aUn euro , and mild closes of Cimcuni RusOLVi a , greatest of blood purifiers and humor cures , icura IiioMthioBlchotitthiworld. COBT , rol < rrofx , llMtoo. cr "How la Uun titrDlood llamor"fr . CHOC UIIMHDQ r < iunf Hiir d n.br num. rnbC numUno uuw PASSES BOTH ORDINANCES City Council Gets Rid the Motor Company Franchises. AKES ONLY MINOR MODIFICATIONS linnui-n Adoptcil VlTrct tin1 SCMHIP < > f tlu > CliiuUTH but l.ltllc and Lot 'I lifin ( in for Plfljarx. . The city council at the special session old > estcrday afternoon passed the two ltd tar franchises after some slight amend- lentt ) nnd eliunge ? had been made In them nd the } aio now In the hands ot Major Car- on , awaiting his signature to become op- rallvc The BctBlou began at 2 o'clock and held 111 after C. In the earlj part of the scs- iou the council chamber and the halls of iio city building were crowded with spec- alors , but ton ard the last Interest seemed o fag and when the final votes were taken licro were no more people present than or- rn time slneo the agitation began the coun- 11 was favored by the pieseiico nnd the ex- iresslon of thu opinions of the citizens who avi1 favored the ordinance from the stirl. Ai'ter eomn minor matters vvcro fixed up he citizens vtho favored the ordinances were .slicd to speak Dr P S Thomas was .moiig the ( list who responded and ho grew omevthnt personal In his remarks J.V 'crrier sharpl ) criticised the motives of the acn who were Icadltig and voicing the oppo- Illon He denounced as unwise aul vicious hu policy of these men Thoj had driven way the stock jnrdi and killed two chances r gelling a union depot. Two of the larg- l tigrlcultuial Implement bouses , he said v re on the > point of leaving the city owing 0 this undercurrent of hostllltj This In- ormatlon was mot b } exclamations from ho hick pjrt of the loom 'Let 'cm go" \\r \ \ reirlcr used very imlnted language. \V. I ? Wares nnde an appeal to the coun- ell to pass the oidlmnccs and gave as his r asons thai the ordinances as thej now stand nro as good for tht > clt > as Ihey could possibly be short of embracing the populistlc ilra of seizure of the companj 's propertj ind Us opeiallon b > the people um'UDU'ins Tiin SHNTIMCXTS. Sir SlniB bpoke biletlj on the other side and assfi t d th it he did not belong to the crowd of obutructors denounced by the pre cedini ? speakers , for the icason that the hliiKH complained of transpired before he ami to ttio city Ho wanted to disavow Toi the cltl/e'iis' ; commltlce all rcsponslblllly foi the > adoptiu i ot the icsolutloii in ones of ho street incetlngK dcnounclni ; the aldc > rmcn and albo to repudiate the sentiment that was elioed from tilt back put of the room , which initiated n desire to drive away the ngilctil- turnl Implement houses I.uclus Wells said lie hoped to live In the cltj fl't > jeira longer and reap all of the that t'i ' ° papsage of thcso ordinances mil the adoption of metl oils encouraging all itlier entcrprlees would confer upon the eitj lie was pained lo hear Iho eiho from the street meellng fiom th hick part of the oem and he hoped that the gentlemen were liyionnt of the full Import of their words he spoKe of the wholesale houses that had 1)6' n dilven out of the cltj and ho deplored the cultivation of anj policy thit soughl inj ihlng elss than the upbuilding of the cltj He spoKc is a citizen who had paid nanv Ihousanlh of dollars In taxes and who had tried for sKteen jears to draw trade to the cltv and for an interest tint had 1 raw n tr.idc for 100 miles east and 1,500 WFStM. M. r Ilohiei spoke In favor of the ordl- } nances nnd deelared thai he had paid at least $ " 0,000 as taxes Into the city treasury. 12. H Merrlam ot David Bradlej & Co said that he had left bis business to come before the counell and uige HIP adoption ot the franchises. He > believed that each member would vote as he eonscientiously believed to be light and he was certain that they would be sustained by the people. Alderman Chsper questioned each of the sieakcrs and got some sharp replies. Spencer Smith made a final effort to prevent the passagu of the ordinances and quoted n lot of financial htalemenls showing the earn- Ingt of the motor company and Its bildgo speeches > vero made by a few others and iho oidinanccB weie taken up for final ac tion. TWO 1-ITThE AMENDMENTS Alderman Mctcalf prosenlcd an amendment to section 4 of the motor compinj's ordi nance protidlng that the pcilod which the company is lequlred to opeiuto each aller- natc train mound the Plerte street loop bo Increased fiom one to five jearp Aldermin Casper wanted all conditions removed and , vas supported byldertnan Atkins The aimt dtnent provides that each alternate Omaha car until Maich 31 , 1003 , shall pass around the loop On roll call all of the aldermen with the exception of Casper and Vtklna voted ajo City Altorney Ha/elton presented an amendment to section 5 requiring the com panj to carry the members of the council ind the cltj ofllcero , malt i g It read , "when- cvei such offlcers could by law collect ex penscs for such transposition fiom the cl'y " He cxplalneJ lhat the courts might hold that this section as orUinnllv drawn was meant as a biroe for the council to pass the ordi nance. The amendment was agreed to. This comp'eted the consideration of the imrndments n d the Manawa oidlnanco was akcn up The amendment offered providing for the extension ot the N'lnth slrcet or orig Inal frauchliie of the company , ic ardless of the fate' of the remainder of the line , tt ts taken up and passed The companj nn a compromise volunlarllj offered n amend ment to rectlon 5 requiring the company to abandon the' use of steam on Its Manawa line af'er Maj 6 1U0.1 or forfeit all its rights en this anl all other portions of Its lines mak ing , In fact , the whole franchise dependent upon tills requirement The amendment was ippiovcd. Section 9 was sought to be amended ti piovhlo a forfeiture of tno charter on failure to eomplj with anj ot the provisions of eon- trol girnted by agreement to the council hut the aldermen concluded this was amply overed In otlur spc'ons rid refused IT rancur , Alderman Casper alone vollng for iho aimndment The amendment suggested bj the city at- torno provhllig for the tranannrtntlon of i he nldunurn , wan Incorporated anil both were made Mcntlcally alike The orllnan'-o was then nud for the third time and passed On roll call all of the aldermen except Casner voted for the ordinance Casper explained his vote by sjjlng that ho was In favor o' granting all public Improvements , but ho Mil nmdo up hi mind never to vote for any llftj-jcar fr-nchlse > , and could not conslst- uilly vote for 1'ils one POP IT THUOl'OH The (1ml ( work on the Omaha & Council Hlulfj fraccl'Ise ' was qulcldj fnlshed The clerk performed Iho duty of reading It bu dU It as rapidly as he could nefnrn dolnr , ' so anil while It was still V a condition for amendment Alderman Atkins endeavored to have the period of running the Omaha earn around Iho lo i Increased to fifteen jears end waa HUP orled bj Casper In a lengthj speech he announced that ho could i ot vote for the ordinance , although ho was heirtl.y In favor of Us pcssage , unless this condition was Hgrred to A vote 01 h's amendment was taken and hia own and the vote of Mderm i Casper were all that were rojordel 'n ' Its favor T'ui fcrmalltj of reading the ordi nance the- third time was gone through and It was put U'on Its passage The roll call lesultcd In Alilrrmcn d rain in PJCP Metcalf Pajle.i. Shubert and Hrough voting ajc , ami Casper end Atkins i ay ThU c'nOEd It and the two ordinances were finished If the major declines to slni the ordl- nancts and takrs advantage of his coiistltu tlonal limit of fourteen ilajs to vote them , It will carrv It bpvond the tlmo when the council can pass them over his veto After October 1 that power will bo token from It Minor Carstn Is nrricoinmlttal Ilrlelly , thu Omaha & Council niulTa motor ordinance provides for thn Issuance ot a thtrtj-rlde commutation ticket , good for thirty d > i , for { l.SO. U pro\Uci ttiat each Omaha train Stirling "t G and " o'clock In the morning shall start from the jxtreme eastern end of the Pierce street loop ami the trains returning at correspond ing hours In the evening shall complete the trip at that point This docs away with dclajs and transfers at the Peirl street junction These Important changes and that providing a C-cctit fare for the clclks and vvorklngmcn go Into effect Immediately after the publication of the ordinance , which will bo made as soon ns the major puts his signature to It. Strictly pure boiled Unseed oil , 45c per gal ; 43 cents by the bbl. $1 00 Sarsaparllla , 50c. ? 100 Cclcrj Compound , 65c. 25e Tooth Wash , 16c. 25 I.lltlc Liver Pills. ISc. 25c Talcom Powder , 15c. At Ucctken & Whaley's drug store 41C Broadway. George 3. Davis now has the prescription fllo of A. I ) Foster and Pi G. Schneider ami can refill any prescription wanted nt any time , 200 H'waj' . MIITIMJ : or mmm OK nm fvnov TmiNiircrV Hci | < irt SliowliiK Condi tion of ( he I'liliiln Intloileil > At the regular meeting of the Doard of Education the ntinual address of Superin tendent Sabln to boards of education nil over ' the state was read H contained the usual icmarks and suggestions concerning school ' management nnd staled some of Ihe cftectB of the new school laws , which go into effect with the revised code on Octo ber 1. He urged the board to make use of the opportunltj given by Iho new laws for thu appropriation of $25 for the purchase of a school library In each schoolroom. Chairman Spruit reported that the teach ers commltlce had appointed Miss Tullcy as a regular U'ncher from the substitute ! list , and the board approved. Her salary will bo fixed bj the flnnnce committee. Mr. frult rcpoitcd that his committee wca not ready to report the rules on course of studj and was given more time. The committee reported that a contract had been entered Into with Olm ft Co for the term of live jears to furnish the Speers' arithmetics adopted by Iho board I'llure was BOIIIC disposition to cut down the term to three jears , bul there vvns no change and the president and secrctarj vteio Instructed to Glacially complete the contract. 'A bond of $500. was exacted from thu book publishers for the faithful per formance of the contract. Chairman Robertson , from the committee on buildings and grounds , reported lhat the scaling in four roonm in the High school should be changed to avoid itijurj to the eyes of the pupils , and submitted a report of an oculist that the present arrangements of seats was detrimental , for Ihe pupils were compelled to face a slicing light , and he recommended that the seats be changed to face one of the dead walls Tha report was approved and the changes ordered. The contract with the Carbon Coal com panj for supplj Ing fuel for the ensuing jnr was submitted and accepted and Ihe bond of 11,500 approved. Mcmbur Slmo leported nurchaso of live Websler s Internallonal dlcllonarles for the High school. The treasurer's annual report shovveci thai Micro was on hand In the teachers fund $84,88090. Of this amount $2020368 was a balance from last year , and the fund hac been Increased bj the receipt from district tax $50,221.27 ; from semi-annual apportion ment , IS O'JTC ; other sources , ? 1 25 The report showed that there had been paid out to teacheis $58.10141 , leaving a balance on hand of $26,008 52. In tlie school house fund there was on hand at last report $2S3S 11 ; received from laxes , ? llJ'Jb b6 ; from oilier sources , $5 384 making a lotal of $19,619 77. There had been paid out on school house sites $4,524.75 ; or bonds and Interest , $7,57295 ; on hand $7,522 07. The contingent fund showed a total re ceived of $32,940 , from which had been paid out foi Insurance and Janitors $18,46029 ; for secretary and treasurer , $300 ; for records and apparatus $21C 16 ; free text books , $2,0bl 61 general supplies , $1,76 ! 97 ; other supplies $60830 , leaving balance on hand ot $9,62969 The report of the secretary was also sub- mllled. The reports of the secretary and ticasurer were leferred to the finance com- mlllee. The board then proceeded to the election of a secretary. 1) E. Stow art , J. C. Grason and C. P. Altchibon were voted for and on the second ballot Grason received all the votes W. E Haverstock was rc-electet treasurer , there being but one dissenting veto , which was east for H. D Harle The salary of the seciclary was fixed at $23 per month and that of the treasurer at nothing The bond of the treasurer was made $100,000 and that of the secretary $2,000. D. W. nushnell was again elected cus Indian of school books and supplies. Ills bond was fixed at $3,000 Slrlclly pure boiled linseed oil , 45e per gal 43 cents by the bbl. $1 00 Saisaparllla , 50c. i $1 00 Oelorj Compound , 65c. ' li 25c Tooth Wash , 15c. I 2r. Little Uver Pills 15c. 25c Talcom Powder , 15c. At Dectkeu & . Whaley's drug store , 41C Broad u ay. Money to loan In anj amount , at reducei rates on approved securllj. James N. Gas ady , Jr. , 236 Main street. OKIHIUS V T1KH'S\M CIKCl I.\IIS iccudMroinniHU'c of n\iionnioi \SSIM-llllloil lllllllH II MfftlllK. The TransmlsslBslppl Exposition assocla lion executive1 committee held an ndjournei meeting jesterday evening In the counci chamber of the city building. Secretary Judson ot the committee of olll cers ou incorporation , reported that th question had been talked up and had me with genual favor , but on account of othe business the ccmmltlee had been unable t hold a meeting and take any definite action In the matter. The committee was given further time Pi of Snwjer referred to a previous reso liitlcn of the association ordering a circula printed belling forth the advantages o Council Illuffs as a convention cltj , nm stated that the work had not been done Ho ofered a motion ordering 1 000 of th circulars to bo printed today to be sent I C H Warren , who Is now In Columbus , O attending thu national convc'iitlon of th Union Veteran Legion. Thu circulars ) are i bo distributed through the convention to Iho purpose of securing Iho convcnllon fn Council IJludH in ih'JS This conventlo would bring fwvuial thousand pcoplo t Council DlntTa , and with the aid of the rlr eulars It la thought thu convention can b hi ought here Some objection was ralsei as to the ad\ Inability of incurring any mor expi use until after the corporation had bee formed , but on vote It uaa decided lo Imv the circulars printed and sent , provided th work could bo done todaj H W Hinder of thu committee on loca tlon submitted a number of rooms for con eldcratlon and iccommemlcd the renting o the room non occupied by Ml Mlnnlck i the south end of thu Grand ho-el , whk can bo procured foi six months at $15 pc month On motion the teport was acccptci iho CRsoclatlon concurring In Ihe reeommen datloi. which was left for further action flu ) association adjourned to Thursday u\cn UK , feiuember JO SlirliiirMlll litnt slum ( Ily , SIOUX cm * . Sept. 20 ( Special Tele gram ) A grand mcctl'ig of Shrliu-rs will b held In this cltj Octobei 7 and It U cvjicctc'i that ftillj 1.000 hhriners will be in the ol parade on that date Austin A Hrown , p tei'Utu of El Kahlr temple , and HeeorJc John Gulgcr uf Cedar Hapldii cainu to tha eltj todaj and the mcc'ing was settled Tau Cedar Itapldi team will all bu on turn ! and also large delegations from WeL-'er Citj and other town : slum ( ll.t rimlx SIIIIH'V liter , SIOUX CITY , Sept , ! -Special ( Tele Kttm ) Sioux Cltj Is now safiS from the water fimlno that was stating tbo people In the face Tor over a week water bai not been obtainable for more than one hour In t | day A strike of water has been made In u new well at a depth of 575 feet and U Is jlcldlng 200 Gallons per minute. ilANTS DOWN THE ORlOLhS 'hoy ' Are Able to Hit th& Ball When Men Are on Bases. ' U3IE HAS A SHADE THE BETTER OF IT to Mini llii > ( Jiiino l VlttUliiu ; u lilt unil HrliiKltiK Cili'umjii lloini- ItiiNtuii HOCK .Nut I'lnj. Now York , 10 ; Unltlmorp , 9 rhllitlclphln. 2 ; WnshltiKton , l Uostoii-Hrooklvn. no same ; rnln. Detroit , 7-5 ; ImllnnnpolK 11-0 Columlnii , 12 , Gruml ItuplUx , fl -MIlwiuiktH' , 7 ; iMInncapolK G. NEW YORK , Sept. 20. Tlio New Yorks ook the first game ot the closing series from ho Champions because they were able to tilt .he ball when men were on bases , llotli iltchersero hit hard , but Kusle had a Ittlo the better of It. Tlio last Inning \\as iliyed In the darkness , with throe men on > aes. Iluslo vson the game by making n ill and bringing In Oleason. Tlio R.I me v.na wiled on account of darkness t the end of he eighth , Kelly disputed a decision of the umpire In the first Inning and was put out of the game Score : Ni\V YOHK. | IIAI/TIMOUH It 11 O A n.1 II HO A K. /'Hnl'n , cf 1 2 4 1 0 Mcdrnw. 3ti 1 1 1 0 0 Urnaii , If 2 4 1 0 0 Keeler. rf . . 1 2 0 0 < > > ce , Qb . 2 1 4 1 0 lenlmiBS , us 2 1 I 2 0 lettli ? , 2b OS011 Kelley , If . 0 0 0 0 0 Jlensun , F 2 1 1 1 2 o Ilrlrn , If. 1 2 1 1 n I'Cre'rj. if 1 2 1 0 0 Strnzel , ct. 2 3 1 0 1 link. Hi 00100 Dojle , Ib. . 1 4 S 0 0 \nrner , c . 2 1 401 llcltz , 2b . tll'lo. | > . . 0 3 0 1 0 llnblnnon , C 0 2 8 1 0 Wllmot , ucorliett , p. . 0 1020 Totuli 101524 7 4 TotuH . . . . 9 K'M 3 2 Mlin for Oettli ; In the elRlith T\vn out whin Bfime \ \ called. N'e York . . 1 10 Baltimore 005200020 1 Kirnoil riino. Now Yotk , 2. lliltlmnre . " Stolen Insos McOrnw (2) ( ) , JiMinlnK"Vnrinr , ' ) o > le. < * lnrk Uoiililt * pla > s : riink ( uim ststuil ) , teltz to i\lc(3rnw , O Itrlcn to Itohtnwn I'lrpf ia t on eriori New York , 1 , llnltlmorc 3 llnse nn Imlls Off llu le 4 off forliplt 4 lilt b > pltilieil Imll. I'Inik iiiulnrnor. . Strtiek out Hj Hunk1 4 , li > I'orlietl fl I'iseil bulHi ! toiln ) nn 1 Winner , 1 Left on basts Ne York. 13. Italtlimiro 12 Sat rlllco lilt' Mc'- C'nerj lime. 1\\n IIOIIM ami tlilrtj live mln- Hit I'mplres. llurst itiul C.uiitntcr. Attend- ince : 2 400 PHILADKhPHIA , 2 ; WASHINOTON , 1 I'llII.ADnblMIlA , Sept. -I'hllnelelphla lefeited Washington today In nil Interest- US Kiimc Tajloi pitched supoib ball. Mc- J.imes vva > ! effective when men were on uses , but pave eight passes fourteen of he lee il men \\eiu left on basts Dowel's biso running was one of the features. At tendance. 1,100 Score : WASHINGTON I'mLADlH.I'HIA UIIOA.C. ItHOAU. Leahv , If . C'ooley , rf . 0 1 1 0 0 Oettmnn , rf 1 2000 Uowrt , cf . . 1 1 0 0 0 IXniom , 2b 0 0 0 2 ( i I ) I'M ntj. If 1 1 100 Farrcll c . 0 1 8 i (1 l iJnlc , Ib 0 1 11 0 0 Tuclti-r , Ib 02010 SluiRim B 0 0 4 6 0 Drown , cf . 0 0 2 1 from , -b. . 0 - ' 2 2 tt Htllb 2b NlnOl , 31) . . 00310 Wrlitlo , ( .1 0 1 J 5 0 Husk , i , . Me lame * , p 0 0 0 0 0 Tnldi , J > . Totals 1 C S4 n 0 Totals 2 9 27 11 U Wnt-lilliRtnn . 0 0000001-i IMillulclplili -2 Kirnccl runs' VV'.isblnKton I , I'Ml.uUlpM i 1 Two base hltr. Pnrrell lellmrt > , lt : > > li Sto ei haiesDowd (5) ( ) , e'ro't Ift on banes : Wasli- InRton 5 , Phlladolplila 14 Struck out. H > Me limes C , by Tioloi 3 Double pills : I'nrreli to Tuclier to Fnircll , Cio a to I. lole 1 list base on balls Off Mi Unit , s S. ! off Tlaj lor , 1 Wild pltib McJames I'mplro nms , ! ! ? STANDINn OF THK TRAMS Pla\cd. Won. I > ost. I'.C lialtlmoie 122 S7f 35 713 Hoston 121 . S7 SG 707 New York 122 7S 44 638 Cincinnati 121 6S 53 502 : level mil 123 n CO 512 \Vahhltifiton 12J EC' ' bS 459 Plttsburg 121 631 65 4" . . " HrookUn 12.1 50. . 67 435 Chicago , i 12T CT. 6S ,417 Philadelphia 12r 53 72 424 I-ouKUlle I2o 51 74 40 S St. Louis U'l IS PC 226 Games ted i > : Boston at Brookljn ; Ililtl- inore .it Now York ; Washington at Phila delphia Cincinnati at Plttsburg ; Louisville at St Louis ; Chicago at Cleveland HOSTON , Sept 20 The baseball game scheduled foi today between Hrokljn and Boston was postponed on account of rain. Hrnnns > r TIII : WHSTUHN MV < JII : . Di-tritlt SliulH Oll ( liiillitniiiiiiliH III. tin- Scroiul ( > iuii < * . DHTHO1T , Sop . 20 McCaulej's pool woik lost the first game to the Indians today. It win pitched a verj Uevei game and with fall support would hnvci won But live In nings weie plajul In the second , ovlns to told weather. Hahn was In line fettle and scored a shutout against next j ear's th im pious. Scoie , first game : Dinroit 140001100-7 Indlinapolla * -ll Base hits : Detroit. 11 , Indianapolis , C 1 > - rois. Detroit , 6 , Indianapolis , d Hitterles : Detroit , Iiwln .mil McCauley ; Indianapolis , GOTT and Wood. Second gime. Detroit 0040 1 5 Indianapolis 0000 0 0 li iso hits : Detroit , fi , Indlin ipolls , J llr- rors Detroit , 4 ; Indl inapoli ? , i Bitterics- Detiolt , Hahn and Trost , Indianapolis , Kel- liun iiiul Kalioe COLUMIU'S , Sept 20-Tho final series , \lth Oiand Haplds WHS trinsferred to this city and the first of three gimes plajed this afternoon. Score : Co'.umbus 0 0 0 2 1 3 2 4 0 12 ( liand IlapIdH . , . . 0 B ise httH : Columbus , 17 ; Grand Haplds , ! i Krrors. Columbus , 1 , Grand Haplds , 5 Bat teries' Columhui , llvaiis and Plsber ; Grand llnpldx. Ilathboiitn an-i Donov in .MlLWAUKCn , Sept. 20-James J , Cor- bett pi ijeil llrit bisu today for the Bruvvorh and won the game In the ninth inning , vvhtn with one man out , the Hcort a tie and tlii bt.ses full ho lilt a hot one to short whleh Ball could not Inmlle , bringing In the win ning i un The Breweis plajed i ngged fielding game , but succeeded in winning out bv tlmub bitting Stern : Mllrtaukee 010300012-7 .Minneapolis 6 Base hits- Milwaukee , 13 ; Minneapolis , U KtrorH' Milwaukee , 7 , Minneapolis , 1 Bat- tciles. Milwaukee , Papp ilau and Spen , Mln- JK.ipolls , riggcme'Ier unil Keefe STANDING OP Till : T13AMS I'll veil. Won. Lost. PC Indlinapolls . . .132 ! I7 .15 7.15 Columhus ! ! 4 S7 47 f3 2 St Paul 1J7 Sii 51 (2S ( Mllnailkie Ill M 51 Cl 'I Detiolt HO 70 tfi 61 ' Minneapolis 138 43 95 312 Oi.iml Kanids . Ill 40 91 oO 1 K.msis City . , , . 140 41 09 293 Q lines toda > Indianapolis at Detroit ; Co lumbus at Gland HaplcU ( two games ) ; St. Paul nt KaiiHat ) CItj , .Mlnntapolls at Mil U'eNtern \Hndellilloli > < i > < > r < > N. Qt'lNCY. Ill , Sept. 20.ii.ffcW Qllliu-y . 2 ( T 0/0 1 0 0 0 1-4 D s Molncs . 1 S I1 1 0 1 1 0 1-7 Base liltw Qulncy , Iflr Dt's1 Molnen , 7. Kr- lora. Qiilncv. 4 , Des MHInos , . ! Batterleh Q n I in-j , Haekett and Drlivuit , Det , .Mollies , M-nick ii"d I.oilman i . Ill'ftLINGTON , la , Sjjjit. 20-Sec re. But Inston . 3 0 , fl. 0 0 0 2 0 I 6 St Joseph 0 -1.2 0 i 7 * -19 Base lilts' Burlington , fi St Joseph U Knors Huillngton , U , St. Joseph , I Bat. Itr'et Burlington , Hodrmrn and MeHiner , St Joseph , Meredith aniLJLtuseii liUCKPOUn. Ill , Kept : o-Scoje Iloekioid 1 fi 0 1 0 0 1 O-'l DubiKiiP | 0 4 { U 0000 0 1 Bib" hits H.ckfoid , ll'Hlbufiiie | , 10 rort. Huikfoid , U , OuliMild 7 Batteries Itoilvfoul , I'nderwoul ( j ( a Tla > , Dubuqui Sull'v-n Ji-il W 'verton.H a CIDAH : HAPIUS ia./Stpt -FCOK- - Cedar Hapldn 0 0 ' 6 0 1 0 0 0 3 I IVorl-i 7 Ba hit ? Ceilai Itnplila , 10 Peorla S inor : Cedar ItiipUlii , J ; Peorlu 1 Bat teries Ced.ir Hap'ds MtP.irlancl and Kal vr , Pe-orlu , Heath and Se'e ev Kli-lnirilM Hexl . CINCINNATI , Sept 2(1 ( Joe Stlireh of Ojil- cage anl Dav < KU hauls nf Clm Imutl weie to fight fifteen i omuls tonight for the 105 For Infants anil Children. pound eh implon hlp of Amoilea under the nu pler i of the N'onpireil Vthlotlc oltib Thr light ended In the tenth round with Ulchnrds knmki'd out , bclntt Indlj Imttero , ) tip The iur o was $1WO , Mp i or TIU : uvii\ : \M\nrns. \ \ i-s ( Point. : t-t Soulli ( linnlin , 7. rnsr POINT , NVII spt : o-isperui Telegram 1 The game licio todaj between South Omnhu indVc t I'oint was a farce , \\'c l Point PcorltiK as It pleaded Score1 West Point 1 ft 11 5 S 1 f. 0 0--32 South Omnhn 0500 1 00 10-7 Hasp hits West Point , W , South Omnha , 9 Threo-bape hit1 ? Corbett , Crawford , Uelti- hnrdt. Two-base hlis Camp , Corbett , Craw ford , Mnhnffj1 , I.ncej Urtors West Point , 3 ; South Omnhn , 6 Hiitlerles West Point , Slnnnffv nnd Corbott , South Omnho , llrovvn and I'Mtrgernld Cmplro. Koil llrpnorwlii ni Crolo. CRIiTK , Neb Sept SO-Special ( Tele- grnni ) Crete vvn- defeated heie todiy bj the rremont Hi ewers. The features of the rame were Jaincron's batting Nolej's pitching - ing nnd Trobnugh' " work nt < hott for the visitors. Score Crete 000010100-2 1'reniont 3200tOO 0 12 In * > hit * : I'rcmont , It ; Crete , 5 Three- base hits , Jame on. Homo run1 Jameson Errors : Crete , S , rremont , 2. Hatterlcs Crete , Iicland nnd Abbott , Piemont , Nolej and Jnmeson. incvrijii men Minr vr KIVHMY. : Sllrr Sniiih VVInil Mono InlorforoM ltli ( InSIIOOOSM of lluOronslon. . KUAUNMJY , Nell , Sept 20-Special ( Tolo- grnmThc Keatnej meet of the Nebraska circuit was hold here this nftcrnoon and VVIIH a success In evetj' respect There wns n verj- good attendance nml with Ihe exception of n sllff soulh wind hlovvlnir pirt of the tlmo It vvns nn Ideal dny foi blcvelo inclni ; The Hack was also in good condition ind theto were no accident * to mat the pleasure of the occasion Tlio first event was a one mile novice There woie fho oltttles nnd the lice vv is won by Cljdo Smivelv In 2 4 ( > 'i. The ne\t vvns a half mile ptofoxsloml with sK entries and was won bv Woodlief of Ot tawa , Kan , In 1.01 % , with MoCall second nnd Jllorsteln third , both of Oilman The third event n nnarter mile nmiteut w.is won by S'nrblrl of Topeka , Kin , In 0 , ! " > flat , with y.lmmnrm in and Them inson both of Keatnej , second and thlul , 10- spec'ttvely This was followed bv1 n one mile profe - sloiial with a lime limit of 2 2" ! There vvoro five1 starters and o.u h rider vvns to show up llrst at least once The llrsl mlle was no i.ii-o , us Iho best time w is m ulo bv St er of Dcnvoi In 2 3i ! Havm.in of Or ind Inland vvns shut out on nc-ronnt of not showing up first In the t-econd attempt Steer won In 2 Ut , MeC.ill spponcl and Woodllef third The fifth event was n half mile am ttonr with eight entries , but six were ill nu illllod ns they failed to show tip first ilnrliiT th 1 ice The race vvis won liv Stnrblrel in 1 ll'i , with Them inson second In the tince mile lip lace Sinor won with twontj-olght points in 7 VH4 , Woodllif see end with twcntv-four polntn mil MeCill tlilrd with nine points to their orcdlt The seventh event was i one mile nimtetir nee with n time limit of 2 " 0 It ' ns won bv Starbird In 2 27 , Zimmerman eeond nnd The i m inson third. The Inst regulir event vvns n three mile lip i ace , amateur , and was won bv Star- bird In S 1S % with Iwenty-flvp points y.\m \ merman second with twentj-one points and Them inson third with sixteen points T\o special features were t'len Introduced The first was nn attempt bv McCall to lowi r the st ito imp teed h ilf mile record of lot for $13 In gold , but on account of a Miff vvlivl In his fierut the "t irt and finish 1 01 wn1- the best he < otlld do Tne second was in attempt bjMelrh eln to lowci the stito un picod quarter mile reeoiil of 0 2'1 , but he made It In CO 2- " . , , The prizes were In cash and ranced all the way from } 2" > for llrsl prize to $3 for third and were pild In currency from the fudge's si ind is soon as Ihe decision was an nounced This evening a ball and reception was tendered the visiting wheelmen and no words of complaint have been he ird bja single ridei concerning his treatment or the rc- sulls announced Tvicntv HoinnlN lo u IrnTV. XI3W YOHK , Sept. 20 At the Greenpolnt Alnlellc club of Hrooklyn tonight Tominv Hutler of Hrooklyn ami Tommy Hjan of Philadelphia fought twenty ounds at ITi pounds nnd af'er each h id exhausted himself to a standstill the referee decided the bout a draw. . .ninint Cricket. IIA , Sept. 20 The cricket match between nn Kngllsh elc-ven cap tained bj P. P. Warner and 22 "Colts , " se lected from various crleket clubs In Phila delphia , ended this , afternoon in a draw Fame. COM. IS SCVHCI3 IN SIOLY CITY. Piit-dirloH Mm lln\ - < o Clost' lion 11 for \Vanl of Kuol. SIOUX CITY , Sept. 20 ( Special Tele gram ) SlouClly Is beginning lo fool Ihe effects of the great coal strikes In various parts of the country and unless some relief comej before long it will cause a shutdown of some of the manufacturing plants Dealers In this city have alwajs shipped In large miantltleb of soft coal from Des Molnes , but cwlng to the situation there this is now Im possible As jet the dealers have not ad vanced the pilco of soft coal and It is hoped they will not do so , but If the supply Is hhort this will surelj follow. POIirJCVST 01' TO1)\VS Pnlr In NcIiriiNUa mill \Vnrnior In tin * IlnisUTii Portion. WASHINGTON , Sept. 20-Porecast for Tueulay : Per Ne-brnska Pair ; warmer In east por- t'o * : 'onth winds Tor Iowa Pair , warmer ; llfeht southerly w'ndti increnfc'nff Per South Dakota Generall > fair ; variable vv IndH Per Missouri nnd Kansas Fair , warmer , cist to southeast wlndi , Poi Wjoi'f.ig Fair , warmer In east portion tion ; south winds. tlM V M I f 1 11 l > HT I I P O I 11\ RAUM , Al lllh STAlh I1 AIR Opening Day's ' Event ? Dnw Very Little Sporting Attention ! ONE NEW STATE RECO 0 ESTABLISHED \ \ UKnirx Hie Tu . eni-tlltl Mile In tll ! ; t-t iiiulliin HU Itacv In lll'MlM , Yesterday , being the opening day , w Ith Its attendant preliminary work , the attemlinio nt the Stile fait was moderate both In point of cnthuslmm and numbers HIP wenthct was admlrnblo and track good. HIP ofllcUlH of the- afternoon were Hon. W. 1' McCrcciy , 11 ( stings , Ktiitot , H Palmer of Uraml IsUind , J. C. Kestcrson of Pnlrbur > uiiil Oeo so Swt- girt of Onnha , judges , nnd 0 II HI11N , Hugh McCnfftcy and S. 0. Crouch , Omcihi , timers The first event v\ac the L'-jeir-old trot putfo , ? 300 , with the following entries Lewis Wllkcs b s , C 12 CotUn , S\raeu e ) , Neb , Clnjrango , b g , C 13 Holland , Seward - ard , Neb , Plcet Poor , b m , J H ltobln on Scrlbner , Neb. , Intail , ch c. , Clnilfs Kipp , Ciiiicfon , Mo ; The HI hop ch s , Kejstoue1 Stock fn m , OtiMha Plcet Pool w < n scritched Ihp hoiscs qot ( ix\iv on the -u on trial , Lewis WHKos Immcdlatclj going to Iho front and leniiinliiR theic i llj t > thu finish , latin te-cinui , The lllshop third nnd Clnvrango dlstin ed. Wllkcs was nbu it the enl > hot u in the raie and 10lucid tile- ffatu iccoid from ' . ' 27M to 2 Jl"i Pat L was She former lioldei of tne leeoid Iho second heat w i a tepellUim of the llttt Lewis Wllk"s winnliiK nn he ii'diBed ' lime J 2.1 U. Wllkes also took the thlul. Sum- mar ) l. ws | Wllkes 1 1 I linn J 2 2 1 be1 Bishop . i J . ( Cluv Lingo . . . . Dls Time J . ' 1 % , 2 21J 0 > t ONLY ONI : IIOHSI : IN ir. The se-ccind e'\cnl was the 2 lu pieo puu ? 400 , with the following slitters Lulu Lahnsco , b m , Mlko 1'lmoie , Alll ance , ithel : G , b m , K U Ueiituei l < alls Clt > ; Nellie' i : , ch m , 1) Knsmlugei ail- man , In , Sam A , s s V Mulibv Uniahn , Antiillne , b f , Woadllnc Parm , Cnrter Mc- Orcgor , Al UtUbell , Omaha , Lulu Cnllawaj b m . A Thomson , Omaha , ngbtrtlue b m , Victoria stables St Paul Minn , Chailej O. b f , , A W Snider , Osceola Neb After ropea-ed scorings i good seiidofT as secured , with Lulu Callaw ij showing the waj to the Hist quarter where she mule a "Jump up" nnd Nellies K exchanged plncu , with hei , and v\ns never he-aded On the three-quarters Bgbertlne' . Annnllnu and Lulu Labnsco showed their heels to old Adam's bay mare Nellie n , winning In a Jog Time 2-lSl . The field was strung out a trifle on the start in the second but eve r > horse was on his stride and going well Carter Mc- Giegoi held the van to three-qiurtcis , when Hgbertlne and Nellie pulled up , and , run ning Into the sticteh , passed him with Nellie L3 lending It was quite n horse race down to the wire between Nelllo and I'gbottlne , ho former winning b > n nose Tiiae 2 1C'4 ' I'gbertlne made two bad breaks l'i the third , which Uiorouehlj threw her out of it Anniltne and Sam A gelling the plitcu Siuuni.il j : Nellie i : l 1 l Hgbertlne 2 2 I Annn'lre Cuter Meiegm ( ! S , i 1 Ham A 1 G ,1 Lulu Lab isco 4 4 C nthel l , I , 7 Dr Lulu CalHway r. Dls Charlie G DIa Turn i IS'2 ' W 4 > , J.lS'j. ' Following the pace Clinton llrigg- . ' big roan stallion , Alatnlto , driven bv K C Hckcr , took a shy at hia record , 2 13Vi , whleh he duplicated to a dot. Ho reaehod the flrsl Qiinrter In 0 IU , the half 1 0"i. throo- qtiarlcrs In 1 35 and the milein 2 13'4Had ho maintained his gait on the last quaitor ho would have materially lessened his rec ord. ord.Iho Iho closing event was a running race half mile and repe.it , pur = o $100 Glador won , Emerald second , Nell K thiid Time 0:19 : % . Annlo King , Ladj M and Ilarrj Bluff nlho ran. The second licit Hnierald won , Glador second , Nellie K third Time 0 ID l. Cmcrald and Glador fought it out In the third , Hmcrald winning In 0 43U. , Nellie K taking third nionej. Piogram for this afternoon Pacing , 211 class , pun-o JwM : McShedl , ch. " , Jack. Cutey , Hed Oak , la , Nell Ciif- fre > , blk m , Mllui Klmoie , Alllime , Nfb , Hapi > > Ma > , b in , 12 1C Keutnci , Pill'i Cit > , Neb MIs Kloppiiu b n ll * > mj Kloppln , ; Wavne , isen ; Pi luce P , I g , C. D. Hibblns , Spokane , AV isli . IJlhiin H , b t , , Bud Latta. T'l'nrmh , Neb , Ciptiln Hare , b h , I S D.ullng , Strang , Neb ; Well A Head , b. s . Kellv A. Bibb'ns Pcriv , la ; Bell Acton , J B Chandler , Wichita Kan ; Maggie bliiMl > . b m , W 11 Sla'cle , Peoili , 111 , Tom Lee , ir s , 1 . II Nnith , Columbus Neb ; Churando" , b , g , A H Patiiek , Oumtiii. The Wlrml , b g , Cllnlon II liilggs , Omaha Tiotting J-jc.ir-o'ds , 2 " 0 class : Anna P b in , Jack Cuny , lied Oik , In , Ki'jst ne , b g , Kev-tone Stoek faun , Or .aha , Ilartv S. b. n , D T. Mount , Onnha , May Niir'li ch in , M C Ke'th ' , North Plitlc. Nrb Clnss 2 10 , trotting , put e $400 Mai } Stoddaid , p m , C 13 Cjtton , Svrniu p Neb ; 'Lilly IIo , b m. G W BurarhtM Aubun , Nrb ; Pi lines Consul b s , C IJ Holland , Seward , Neb Lucj C'ott n , b m , i : K Ketitner , Falls City N l , D Ojlev , b g , Mrs nmnm PMcjid Omnlin Ueveoe , b r , 13 12 I'aulkne'i Lin coln , Neb Illi-etiIcily , 1)in , Br > it Cartel , Crrston la ; llespei , Charles Tipp St Jo eph , Mo Noith Slat , b e CD Mor ? , Columbus NP ! > , Malnca , b s. , SI Joseph ftables , St Josr-ph. ? lo r i | of KnotcpV SUIItf. BHOCKTON. Mass , Scpl 31-The big strike of las'ers Is .settlid and i ! is nt- pirenlly a vletory for the Htrlkei" GOLD IH'ST. Don't Go to FOR fe All Grocers Sell It. Cleans Everything. MAOH ONIV nv THE N.K.FAIRBANK COMPANY , Chicago. SULouls. New York. Huston , Philadelphia lTt > l ere.ntVfSrtttb9 ! vuallz rthepreiierl- | tlunof a famouil reneh l > li/eldanHlll qulckl > euio > oiiof all nir. vom or Uism cn of tineeuerutlve nrtrum , Mich ni J.ust WanliMiil. Insoiniiu , I'ulimlutlie JlaeU.beuilnal J.mlsamiiH , .N < rvoiii ji.'billu J'lmples , Uniltncss to .Slurry , J-iliaiistliu : Driilne , Vaikfuilo r d Constipation. It stopi all Ic , spi hj < lny or iilgi.1. J'rpvcnts n l ( nrsM of dlscbargp , wlilcU 1 1 not clic rlcrd li mis Hi hprrmiitiirrlucu un J nil the horrors t Impolfnc- . I'l'll iVKrleat.6e : tlieiJivef , tua L.jn.jgatKltliBiirlnarycirBainaJalHoiiurlUC3. | . drcnsensanresorfSi'maHCttiirjoi. Ilio r i moil Rurrcri rn nre nol ctireil bj' Dorinrs Is IIPC.IUEB ninety per cent nro trouble * wl ! ) | Ivcu > tnllll , CUriIiXU la tli only know n ri'incilv tu euro without un op < mllon ( rtoimiininil \T. \ A urlt'onciiirHmi'e. Riven anil pioney returned If clz Ixixendoca nut tlTtet u i > Cf umucut euro , ? UX ) i IIOT , BIX fur { WO. liy mail. Bond for rnci. clrci lur oad testimonials. AfMre'ia I > AV' < Ij JIIiDIt'INK CO. , 1 % O. Jjcu JU78. Bon Trn-idcco , Cat fbrKilet" MVnilfa.lJIJ/N UI'.L'G CO , B E. 16TH ANI" 1'AltNAM 8TJIEKT8. OMAHA , NEB. After July rst my father , Dr. 12. I. Wood bury , will have clmi'ifo of the plato work in my olllco and I will fjivo my ontlio attention to Operative Dentistry , Urovvn and Hridgo Work. No. 30 Pearl St. , H.A.WOODBURYD.D.S Next to Grand Hotel. . . , . . THU KISS OP DtUTII. Consumption It abto.id in tbr land nnd I dentil mny link in n Of cotiisc It Is ] nbiutd to Riippoie that I as lotijc ns love ruin the world , people will Mop U sltiE That 'leaves ' only one protec tion against consump tion If tlic blood is pure nnd the tissue- * sound and licalthy , the de-adly Rcrms of ciiiistiinptioti nrc Immlcss Dr Vlercc'a ( olden Medical Iicovcrv is the Rtcat blood puilficr nnd tissue builder. It makes the liver active , the digestion perfect , nnd the appetite keen It drives out nil disease Rcrms nnd builds solid , hcnllliv flesh There is another and craver diugcr that threatens \\otn.m in thenmritnl tcliition. It is the peril that attends uiatcinity. No vvimmu can safrlj become n mother who suffers fioui weakness or ill health of the delicate organs tint bear the burdens of child beating : I'r IMerce's l-'avoritc 1'ic- scription robs tmteniity of it umintumt terrors. It imV.cs a woman ' tiotiR and \iu- oroits where she moU needs PltciiKth and vi or It binishcs the nnnovauccs of the period of antlcipition and nnkts the little stramjcr's advent easv and almost julnlcss. Good dniRtjists sell both the 'Golden Mcd- ic-il Discovcrv " and the " l-'avoritc Pre scription" anil will not li > to substitute in ferior preparations. "I .mttrcd with n bcintiR down pain In my pcUis nnd n lnntitniu niv luck nnd loln ripe- clnllv whenever I expo rd niNMlfiir tool , cold " wiitcsMrs lillie CiiniiiiiKlmiii \VilrLhoctiw t.o , Mi-is "I took Dr 1'irrcr > . Mvnrllr Pre scription ind Onllcil Mulieil Ii e-ovrrv Tor thie't inontlis mil inn now Mitnm mid well nnd nil niv bid feellns lmcdis.ippe vrc-l liillous tittnclvS and constipntion nrc surclr , spccdilv and pc-rm month eurcd by Dr 1'icrcc's I'lcnsanl Pellets Vhcv rcgu- Hie and invipornte stotmch , liver and bow els One little "Pellet is identic laxative , and Ivvo a mild cathartic Thcv never ijnpe An honest diuuinst will not oPTcr some vvoilbless substilule for ptofil's sike con svriin.ii ? ) AVrlUcn Ouniaiilci- Cl'ltP. KVF.KY CASK MOMY isr.ri M > KI > . Our cure f i critinnoat RIM ! not a i np tip tipuliiltrn t JK K liaMMUMi Minn MiiiiiiiiiiMnro. lu il urllilnitjoiii mi * liilljr we on In if jou lij iimll. mul Kit o tlu iiiiC"tiiiiiKMmi ! > i loiuicoi irluiul all molten riic'i * who in rkl ti > oit ) ( lieu for tutit * nn nl ntulosuiiml ( will i lailnmil Imt. twIU t\aj ntul liali I lilll "liiliIn IP ( I c mil In riireVtinal - ltiiL.1 tin woilil loraiitMtlmi mi lnule II < uu ily nlllhlteuin WlIU lur lull I "Illi nlm * mill Kit Iho Ftlilinir VVpknuwtliRl tdilnltifkii tl ill Jlinlj luloo , nr tin. niO't tnilnint iilithklaii- lure IIIMI linn nblo loKttt inoi e1 hail Inn i ol an lellfl In nil unjeitra ptncllct llh thl < lni.l Itoiunlx It lm lnt li li-t | ; illllit nil tumrirunwtlii I icjuillie iMilnt nil siiealltil ldllli llul uiiiki mil Hi IIK k'uiiuiiiln tnu tlioiilil liotlii < llali to 'ry II I'leliuill V i u litkt nuelinmp bt lu-liu vtitir inono vto cii ' nt in UUP nr rrluiiil r\ut ilnli.r nnJ ax nc liKtp H n lulittlnn to proteit , aliu llniiliiltl haikhiL of r.llll.OIIO. II 1 pufrrlly kafi tiinll tthuulll tryllm lltH.iiiint lUlttotutejiiu lm\e Im n luiltlnR lip mill pnjliik' out join nionej ror iltltm nl llentiiienlpnn I ollliniiph ton HI i nut ji lellliil nn oiio li pilil Imok tour mom j l > o not \titi-le liny inorrtiiniit ) nnlll tim fry iH tllil ( .Inutile ueeiM teil in-i > uiieil In lull It to nine ! j days IntrMlKittn out ilnanrlnl utamllnK our tiiiintlun | nn lni lne nun. Wrltu u roi niuiiiK uril iulilii > MM r thuco we lmt dmilholiatt Kiveu | K.ttnNlon tnnltrto tne it. It unto ) nn mil ) | 0 iiilft t > ilillll l II UUat ( > o I f > Mini lol hiilHilhi ; lloiii UK nlnlMinln , iniliryoil lu tnui l I"J hat may > o n oil | iln ul'tl llitutijh ytlT ounni clliieiui I Ifjmu i > yiiiiloiii | > iiu < | ilni | Imoii lacp , COIL Ihroat. IIIIICUIM lutihii- inoulli ilicininllMU In IjoncMitnl JoiiitB linlr fulllnp out eintloli8 | on anj rmtor Hit Iiodt feillnnol ( .incmlilrpu lon puiimlll lipailor lonc jou Imte no Unitlo ihli 1 lions lie nil ( enl ntlj laklnn intlxuit mil lolash flmilHl ills- lonllnuoli. cun-tatit u-i or HUM ] < lnnr will mrilj In I UK oi i IP ml lallnir uUtln In II" ( ml Don I lallto ttilli- All cuiuMiimlpntP Hit matpil In plain uitil ; oiVVelntltftlit | ino i ilk'lil liitmtiiratlou ana will Uonlllnuut power tonltl jou In H. .dddicbs , OOOK REHEDY 00 , , Chicago , III S , S DO YOU KNOW DR. FELIX I.E BRUN'S Steel | PenDyroyal Treatment J 3 ia the original nnd only rRENGII , / T enfo nnd reliable euro cm the mar. ' " irket. Prim. $100. ucnt by mail. ( ioniuno nold only by M > ers Dillon Drag Co , S I' e or Kth und Tar- nan btrotts ninlin > ; en Are cordially invited to visit , the largest and BICYCLE SUNDRY house in the wosi. [ I CYCLE CO. Cor ISih and Howard Sis. F. 7-3.Vandenlmrg , Manager UEADQUABTERS FOR , National , Victor , Luthy , Sterling , Orient Agents. TAISIME A AJAX TAISI ! . , * CUUB "tint * I ulilnif Mam. < ) " t.tfp fii i o Hitto , CUUMM ! i I ,14 JIIIUPVi.i * i oihir 1 unKBtiM unit Juuls * f&L IIB'IOII ' t f" it * / ' * ' ' / ' * > ntnf tttrtlu J JI * IOIH f i V i'lilii in ulil ur JCJUD , ftoa 'i Ht a mull /nr t I ! > u iHtna or nmrr'ng ' * . . . ' Irrvtut tut , , i i in I ( nnnunii lion If iHa .i in limit ihtiir "M ) liOM iiim i , it * luiurortt. inriii mill efffi it u CUIIJ ! w'.crn.i ' I > hrrn tail In i .t uixm Imrini ; tin tini im /.in * .lalJlctu 'Iha/ tiuTiicuiHtl thouHtiniUnn I III m t ) ouo Rlvo a frfjiitivo written ( iiuriiniiN to rRn jLutuIn iiich cufco or fi lunif Oie rianay J'nrufiC i | cr , ucku.'Hur it puikiuut Ifull truaiincml i"i W ft ily inall.la iiliuii wruT | ' inn imeli c/i i i Irculnr fro AJAX RI5iYin > Y C'l i.M.b.r.yi. Tor calo In Omaha by JIIIIICM for > lti , 202 N , J6lh . Ku in K Co IMtl anil btriPla. Ct'Rt IOURSELF ! I'x Mia > tor iiiiuaturii * IrrllilluiK ur ulceratfan * uf miiruuii uiuutrauei , l' ' .ilcii > n I nol jilrla. fn or IIHIIIIUUI lo "f r jr. ncpaid. fotf m. or 3 oott rcul r UM SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFPS WANTS' I'HUU , KAI.il ANU UAUULN Uctu for o ur KUU Uuy & iltu , ail J'eotl