Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1897, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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.Prosperity of Nebraska Farmers Indicated
by Ezhlbita at the State Fair.
Building * nn ( lie ( Iroiiniln Wholly
liindc < | iialf to Arpntiintodnti * Hie
Jinny UxhlhKN llrutiKht lo
( lie Slnto I'nlr.
The second ilay at active prcpamtlon for
Kchrnska'g blRRCst State fair gives such
promise of great results that the management
Is fairly Jubilant. The last twenty-four hours
has furnished ocular evidence that the fair
will he the K.ratest exposition of agricultural
and stock-raising resources ever scon west of
Chicago. It will be Immensely superior to
any previous gtatc fair nnd eotncililnK that
Nebraskans may bo proud of. The exhibits
have been coming In at a tremendous into
nnd already the resources of the grounds
liavn lieen exceeded. List year the hog show
TURK generally admitted to hu the biggest on
rccoid. but It Is already eclipsed. Bvery pen
was taken enrly yw-torday and Supcrlii
tendunt Ilarger notified the inftiiaKomc-nt that
n lot of now ncns must bo built at once to
hnld tlin additional exhibits that were com
Ine In on every train.
The cattle show will also bo a frccord
breaker. Imagine the cattle exhibits of the
lant five years combined In one big bovine
symposium ana you have this year's show.
More cattle have bean entered this year than
In the previous live years combined and to
Ihnsb who arc Interested In good cattle this
loam re will bo an exixi'ltlon In Itself.
The far.l. that cattle have become a paying
InvoJtment hns aroused the breeders to the
desirability of getting their herds advertised
and nearly every breeder In the west will bo
rcwcpented at the Nebraska fair. The horse
exhibit wilt show a less decided Increase for
obvious reasons , but there Is every indication
Hint It will bo somewhat larger than It has
iu'cn In previous years.
It Is In Agricultural hall that thp re
newed prosperity of Nebraska farmers Is
most In evidence. There Is already dis
played a profusion of luxuriant production
that would challenge compailson with that
of any state In the union.
Men who have been attending the fairs
of this nnd other states for the last quarter
of a century declare that they have never
seen anything that even approached the ex
position the Nebraska farmers are put
ting'up this year. The exhibits are not only
endless In quantity , but the quality of the
products displayed Is of extraordinary merit.
The big building Is too small to accommo
date the show and Immense quantities of
material nro being left out on account or
the Inability of the exhibitors to obtain
EUlIlcIcnt space to hold all that they want
to show. John II. Taylor of Waterloo pre
cinct came In yesterday with a thirty-six
foot car Jammed full of products , but only
n part of this can be used on account of
lack of space.
James Walsh , who has general charge of
the Douglas county exhibit , says that he
could easily nil half the building , and , as It
Is , the county will make the biggest show
that It has ever furnished.
The fanners are morn enthusiastic this
year than they have ever been and there Is
apparently no end to their contributions.
They say that they want this year to show
Bomethlng of what they Intend to do at the
exposition , and the result Is an effective ob
ject lesson In eastern Nebraska resources.
In the other parts of the building the
exhibits are also beginning to assume form
ind In nearly every Instance they are Im-
m'e.ivselv .surierlor . , to _ th'n best exhibits of
previous Years' , llor'e 'artistic skill Is also
fiDoarent In the arrangement and decoration
And most of the -'designs are entirely new.
Very fine exhibits from Frontier , Dundy , Klll-
mnro and Knox counties arc already nearly
completed and the aisles and corridors of
the building arc piled high \vth the ma
terial which Is rapidly being worked Into the.
exhibits of a score of additional counties. A
iforco of men Is also rapidly Installing the
Canadian exhibit , which promises to be an
pftrniitlvu feature , and' the Hock Island rail
road | s putting In nn exhibit of the products
of Kansas. Oklahoma ami Texas.
"While It would be hard to add anything
to the poultry show of last year , Superin
tendent LcwellltiK expects that the present
exhibit will excel In a number of features.
A number of breeders have exhibits who
bavo never participated In Nebraska fairs
before and some who have had comparatively
limited exhibits have made far more liberal
entries. One Wisconsin breeder simply tools
the premium list and returned It with every
item marked as an indication that he pro-
noses to enter fowls In every class. One big
tbop of dark Drahmas came In yesterday
from ' Mlddletown. N. J. , and quite n number
o'f exhibits are on the way from points nearly
a faf east. '
The manufacturers ciul merchants nrc nn
dilatory as usual In getting their exhibits
Installed , and it Is not expected that the biff
improvement that Is realized In other de
partments will bo equaled here. The show lu
these buildings will be very similar to that
o'f previous years , the only difference con
sisting In tlie new designs In decoration and
arrangement. The great difficulty with the
manufacturers Is that they are all too busy1
t'p take the , time to put In.exhibits. Secre
tary Holmes of the Manufacturers' and Con
sumers' association has received letterH from
dozens of firms that would otherwise exhibit ,
Btatlng that their establlshmctitH had more
orders than they could nil and It would be
absolutely Impossible for them to spare the
tlmo necessary to put ! n a satisfactory ex
The placing of exhibits In the Art and
Floral buildings began yesterday , but ha ?
not sufficiently advanced to Indicate ho\v
these features will compare with previous
years , There are liberal entries In the tex
tile department , and It IH expected that this
tnilldlng will nlso show a decided Improve
ment. The Alfalfa palace Is In process of
construction , and the headquarters of the
Dougjas County Agricultural society was
opened this morning.
There will ho a slight falling off In the
number of dining halls as compared with
the two preceding years. Last year the bad
weather played havoc with the flnanccH of
the restaurant people and they are rot to
much disposed to overcrowd the business , ai
formerly ,
The State Horticultural society makoH a
larger nnd better exhibit thaiv last season
about 1,000 plateu of fruit of excellent quality
and great variety. In addition to the usual
display of apples-pears , peaches , plums and
grapOH , lu tempting quality and form , they
have pawpaws from Nemaha county , butter'
nuts and chestnuts from Washington county.
Iluffalo county nemlH In a flue display of
peaches , showing that the area suited to
poaches Itnot limited to the eastern or
southern portions of the state.
The Inside of the hall Is decorated with
evergreens and bunting In Ak-SarJllen colors.
The very fu-e use of evergreen branches nn
the celling and walls , with the. largo pine and
Douglas spruce ( roes planted outside , Is In
line with the forthcoming report of the so
ciety , which U devoted to forestry , landscape
gardening and evergreens ,
Among the larger Individual exhibitors are
C. 11 , Barnard , Table Hock ; Youngcra & Co. ,
Geneva ; J. J. Cole , Dcllolt ; Q. M. Whltford ,
Arlington , and Paul Stoltenburg , Florence ,
Husscll & Co. of Wymore , as usual , make a
tlno exhibit of peaches. This firm has re
cently planted 125 acres at peach orchard
near Lincoln , giving them now over 200
acres. J. W , Stevenson of North Hend makes
n credltabla oxhlblt ; also Clans Holnver of
Wort Calhnuiij Amm , | 'Miller of ArllDjt9n ( and
Frank ? . Martin of Omaha ,
Among the more notable county exhibits
are : Washington , In care of 0 , M. Whltford
and Annul Miller ; Nemaha , In care uf Messrs.
Dovol , Phrlsty and Titus ; Sarpy , In care of
IJupan , SalUburv end Hell ; Douglas. In care
if John Armour of Florence ; Hall , York and
Uuffalg have smaller exhibits ,
In canned frulle the exhibits are double
those of previous years , there being over COO
entries , In quantity and quality the N'e-
bratkn show of fruit la In advanrfl of the
Iowa fair and arranged with exceptional ! )
good taste and skill.
Floral hall presents Its usual tasteful arra >
of plants , palms , turns and two very large
exhibits of cacti , Cut llower * wilt be
Tutmlay afternoon and remain until the end '
of the fair. Among the exhibitors ares
lencdlct Haas , Eighteenth and Vlnton
( reels , Omaha , with a large display ; also
flno exhibits by Paul Floth , Thirty-first and
lurt streets , Omahaand Peterson Brothers of
South Fifteenth street , Omaha. Dr. George
lobcrts of Crelghton and Louis Henderson of
South Omaha' make fine exhibits of cacti.
n.v HAM ,
T. 1 * . riiHwrlRlit & fii. Ilciiiliitinrtrrfl
for tin * .Hitnollimcil Slylm.
The special Importation of gentlemen's
'nil ' dress shoes for the Ak-Sar-Bcn ball
brlngn out the very swellcst thing In the
way of R patent leather ever shown In this
city. To say that they have either cloth
or kid tops and a now style In buttons tells
jut a very small part of their goodness.
They are emphatically new In design and
ar excellence the best full dress patent
eathers made.
Thn ladles have not been forgotten either ,
'or there Is nn assortment of beautiful slip-
) ers and patent ieathcr boots , the equal of
which Is rarely seen.
Of course those who come early will have
a choice of the newest wrinkles.
Wo have secured two very sandsome styles
at this price. Wo had them made to our
special order and In many respects they
are the equals of five-dollar shoes , and no
where else will there be a four-dollar shoe
that can compare with them.
One l a dark tan , extra heavy sole , with
modified bull dog toe , trimmed up In the
atcst style.
The other Is a black box calf , and made
exactly as the tan ; they arc perfect beauties.
Nothing cheap about them but the price.
Wo have marked them $3 , they ought to
bo $4.
Ilcsldcs our men's $3.00 shoes our new
fall lines of shoes for men are now com-
[ ileto and we can show you goods at fl.HO ,
$2.00 $ and $2.50 that wo are willing to stake
our reputation upon as being well worth
the price. Also the new styles In fine shoes
at $4.00 , $4.60 , $5.00 nnd upwards , with the
makers' and our own guarantee behind every
[ ) olr you buy. A splendid assortment.
We ore cutting out all odd sizes In our
men's summer tan shoes. We don't want
: o carry over a single pair If we can help It.
Tomorrow we will make the price so low you
cannot help but buy. Over 20 different styles
to selectfrom. .
Cor. Douglas and IGth Sts.
MlHNiinrl I'ncilUHulMvny. .
I Special Trains
' to the
Fair Grounds ,
September 21sb to 24th , Inclusive , 1897.
Leave Webster Street Leave Fair
Depot , Omaha : Grounds Station :
9.20 a. in. 9.55 a. in.
9.40 " . 10.15 "
10.20 " ' 11.00 "
10.40 " 11.30 "
11.15 " 12.01 p. m.
11.40 " 12.15 "
12.40 p. in. 1.15 "
* 1.20 " \ 2.00 "
1.40 " 2.15 "
. -
2.20 " < 3 05
2.35 " ' 3.30 "
3.25 " 4.00 "
3.45 " 4.30 "
4.15 " 4.55 "
4.40 " 5.20 "
5,10 " * 5.50 "
5.35 " 0.20 "
C.05 " * 7.00 "
* TraIns leaving Omaha at 10.40 a. m. and
1.20 p. m. , and trains leaving Fair Grounds
at 5.20 p. m. , 5.50 p. m. . G.20 p. m. and 7.00
p. m. , will stop on the Belt Line as fol-
lowe : Oak Chatham. Druid Hill , Lake Street ,
Walnut Hill and West. Side Junction.
For further Information call at city ticket
office , northeast corner 13th and Farnam
streets , or at ticket office , west gate of the
Fair Grounds.
Dr. Ilallentlne's Homeopathic Remedies ,
15c. J. A. Fuller &Co. , 14th and Douglas
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , eclectic and mag
netic physician ; special attention to diseases
of women and children and all obscure and
loiig-etsndlng diseases. 119 N. 16th St. , II. ? .
CliuiiKrr ttt Time.
On Sunday , September 12 , the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Ily. will make the
following changes In the train time between
Omaha and Chicago :
Train No. 4 , "Chicago L'mltcd ' , " now
leaving Omaha at 6:35 : p. m. and arriving
at Chicago at 9:25 : a. m. , will leave Omaha
at 5:45 : p. in. and arrlva at Chicago at 8:15 : ,
a. m.
Dally train No. 3 , "Omaha-Chicago Ex
press , " now leaving Chicago at 10:25 : p. m.
and arriving at Omnha At 3:25 : p. m. , will
leave Chicago at 10:00 : p. m. and arrive at
Omaha at lf : > 0 p. in.
F. A. NASH. Gen'l Western Agent.
Sam'l Burns has Just received a car load
of hotel and restaurant china , on which he
Is making low prices for fair week.
IliumScckiMM' I'Xcnr.sloim.
Tuesday , September 21 , to points In Arkan
sas , Kansaa , southwest Missouri , Oklahoma ,
Texas ; also to certain points In Virginia ,
Tennessee , Kentucky , Alabama , Mississippi ,
etc. For further Information call at city
offices , northeast corner 13th and Farnam sts.
J. O. PHILLIPPI , P. & T. A.
A. G , F. & P. A.
Are Vou Colnii'
To California , Mexico , New Mexico , Arizona
or Texas ? If so , write E , L. Palmer , pas
senger agent Sante Fe route , for lowest
rates and full Information for rqund trip
or cue way tickets. P. 0. box 65 , Omaha.
Oi.iuhu to State Knlr ttriiiuiiln vlu Tin-
Union Puclllc.
Jewelry of all descriptions ehespcr than
ever , 13th and Douglas. A. B. Hubermann.
ltI(1.1)5 ) to Clili-ilKo.
Tuesday and Thursday of this week.
Take "Vestlbuled Flyer. " Finest train
out of Omaha. New from end to end.
Leaves Union depot 5:05 : p. m. Berths and
tickets at 1502 Farnam street.
Ilrli-Ulii j < TH.
All members of Omaha Bricklayers' union
are ordered to be at their hall Tuesday , Sep
tember 21 , at 7 o'clock p. m. sharp.
O , P. SCHRUM , Sec'y.
| M. W. . \ , Attention.
All Neighbors of Omaha camp No , 120 are
urgently requested to meet at their ball at 7
o'clock next Tuesday evening to participate
In the military und civic parade.
G. D , RICE , C.
Attention 31 ml IT \Vocnliiirii ,
All members ofB , & , M. camp No , 2,722
are requested to meet at their hall at 1:30 :
p. m. Sunday , September 19 , to attend the
funeral of Neighbor George Coulter.
W. E. CADY , V. C ,
A , D. T. Co. , Messenger * lurnUhcd ; baa-
gage delivered. 1302 Douglas St. Tel. 177.
The time for filing bids for the erectlco
of the Nebraska building of the Traiismla.
alsslppl Exposition closed yesterday noon. At
that tlmo eight bids had been received ,
They will be opened at the meeting of the
.Nebraska commission next Monday night ,
il's Opeij ! 'venlnT ( .
Monday evening our store will be open as
long as trade demands. During the lo-
malndcr of the week wo will keep open till
the parftden begin , closing promptly at &
o'clock , W. It. HBNNKTT CO.
Dr. Hippie , dentist. 200 Bcp Building. ,
E , llubcrmanu. Furrier. 10 No , JSth.
Tbo congregation of Balth Amedrosh
Agodol are going to celebrate In the opening
tervk-t'a of Ihelr new synapOKUc on Sunday ,
September 1 $ . at 2 p. m . fet 1109 South
Thirteenth utitet. Everybody welcome to
tome , /
Allogotl Reason Why an Omnha Attorney
Quietlj Loft the City.
I. P. Mini I r MI OntciiNltily l.ciiri-N for 11
Trip t < > \ < MV VurU , lint Tivu
IOTVII Women Tli Ink
Differently. ,
Barrister I. F. Madlem , who occupied room
425 In the Ramgc block , has sold his office
furniture for $14 and has departed from the
city. He gave It out that he was going to
New York on a business and pleasure trip
and that he would be back In three or four
weeks , but two Iowa women , who are lookIng -
Ing for him , have reasons to believe that ho
has gone , not to the great metropolis , butte
to some quiet , secluded spot , and that he will
never return , unless the strong arm of the
law ytmks him back.
The two women who desire to lay eyes
on the lawyer are Miss Clara Hollcy of At
lantic , la. , and Miss Grace Hayncs of Perry ,
la. If a market value could bo placed upon
their respective wishes to do so , Mes ! Holley's
would be quoted nt $119 and Miss Haynes'
at $65. These women allege that Attorney
Madlem collected those amou-ts of money for
them , but Instead of turning the coin over he
appropriated It to his own use.
The women came to this city over a year
ago and secured employment with a local
collection agency. When they severed their
connection with the establishment there was
duo to Miss Holley $119 and to Miss Haynes
$65. They could not collect the amounts
and they therefore employed Madlem to suu
the dim. Madlem brought suit In a justice
court , and In due course of tlmo secured a
Judgment. In the meantime the girls went
back to their homes.
Judgment was secured about a year ago ,
but Madlem represented to the girls by
means of letters that he was unable tn col
lect. Miss Haynes got tired of waiting for
the matter to bo settled , and this week she
came to the city to see what she could do.
She went to the office of the collection com
pany and demanded her money. The col
lection people at once showed her a receipt
for the amount and another for the sum
that was due Miss Holley. Both receipts
were signed with Madlem's name.
Miss Haynes lost no time ! n getting to
Madlem's office , but when she arrived ho
was out. She made several attempts to see
him , but press of business apparently kept
him out. Finally she consulted John T.
Gathers , for whom she had worked , and he
took up the case for her. After several at
tempts Mr. Gathers finally met Madlem , and
whin the matter was explained the latter
promised to send the money to Gathers'
office on Thursday. Thursday pcesed and no
money came , and then Gathers Informed
Madleiq that If the coin was not forthcoming
by Friday noon he would be arrested.
When Friday noon arrived Madlem had
sold his office furniture to a local auction
company for $14 and had gone. He said his
destination was New York and he would be
back In a few weeks , but this announcement
Is now being taken with a large grain of
Madlem undertook to settle his account
with Mies once , It Is said. About
eight mouths ago his wife sued htm , for di
vorce and obtained a decree. The attorney
at once cast about for another wife. Under
the circumstances the ibest scheme was to
marry one of the Iowa girls and thus not only
secure a wife , but also wipe out a part of
the claim against him.
A few weeks after his wife secured a
divorce Madlem wrote to Miss Haynes that
he had secured a position for her and told
her to come to Omaha. She came and when
she arrived , iladlem offered her a place In
his office as stenographer and Intimated that
he would pay her with the wealth of his af
fections. Miss Haynes gazed a moment , at
the physiognomy of the barrister ! and at
once decided that she. was not looking for
a husband. She turned her backi rechecked
her baggage to hot Iowa home and took the
first train out of the city.
Madlem during the early part of this year
gained some newspaper notoriety. He waa
retained as attorney In a case In which a
widow accused a man of swindling her out
of her property by means of forged Instru
ments. The man was located In Denver
and Madlem went there to arrest him. The
man heard of the move , and when Madlem
reached Denver he could not locate the
party. The Individual turned up again In
Denver last January and once more Madlem
went after him. Instead of arresting the
man , however , the man had Madlem arrested
on an alleged trumped up charge. Before
Madlem could secure his release , the maTi
once more disappeared and Madlem again re
turned to the city empty handed. i
Dr. Wllcox. dentist , room 501 , Brown Blk.
Union Pacific.
"The Overland Limited. "
train west of Mlesourl River.
Twelve hours quicker than any other train
to Pacific Coast.
Call nt Ticket Office. .1302 Farnnm St.
Bicycles checked at the fair grounds for 10
cents. IMde your wheel.
IteeoiiHtruetlon of .Sixteenth Street
Vluiliiet II ml IT CoiiNlilerutlon.
There was a conference on the subject of a
new viaduct across the railroad tracks at
Sixteenth street lasting over two hours in. the-
office of the city engineer yesterday.
Those present were : City Engineer Rose-
water. Chief Engineer Weeks of the B. & M.
mid Assistant Chief Engineer Huntley of
the Union Pacific.
No decision regarding the tearing down of
the present viaduct and the construction of a
new and substantial ono In Its stead was
reached. City Engineer Rosewatcr said after
the meeting , when asked for the results of
the conference : "There were no results. The
railroad enclnccrB must report back to their
respective general managers before anything
can be done. This will take some time. Noth
ing definite In regard to the nutter can be
announced until the general managers of the
two roads Interested , the Union Pacific and
the Burlington , have pasted upon the matter.
This may bo some time. "
Celelirnlloii Ileeliireil OIT.
( A celebration of the opening of the
Eleventh street viaduct , which was to have
occurred yesterday under the auspices of the
South Side Improvement club , has been In
definitely postponed. Tills action was taken
because It was feared that If complications
over arose over the repairs that have been
made the railroads might contend that a
right to object was waived when the citizens
practically accepted them 'by celebrating
over the opening ,
Tel. 1307. Office and yards llth & Nicholas.
Pattern Hats , Turbans
and Bonnets , , . .
Imported and Domestic
No Cards , all arc welcome all week
F. M. SCHADELL , & CO. ,
1522 Douglas St ,
Spi-clnl llnrKiiIti Ktilr In Silvern-lire ,
\VnlchvH , UlnmntfrtlB nml Jcm-lrj- ,
Jiut received the -finest fflectlon of
watches , diamonds , feUVtrwarc and silver
no\eltlcs the latest fAll. styles and prices to
suit the times. Obscrvo our array of special
bargains for this week :
Solid silver flle , "Sc ; value Jl.fiO.
Solid ellver top hair combs , 7Cc ; value $2.00.
Solid silver btittonihonks , T5c ; value JI.50.
Solid silver hatpins,1 20c ; value 7Bc.
Solid silver salve boxes , GOc ! value $1.00.
Solid gold pearl lundlu pens , OOc ; value
Solid silver hairbrushes , $3.00 ; value $5.00.
Solid silver scent bottles , $1.00 ; value $2.00 ,
Holers (1847) ( ) tea npoons , set of six , $1.25 ;
value $2.00.
Solid silver state fair spoons , $1,25 ; value
Solid silver tea spoons , set of six , $3.00 ;
value $6.00.
All other Roods sold nt the same reduced
prices. Kvery article warranted as repre
sented. Watches nnd Jewelry repaired ana
warranted by practical workmen.
Extra help enRaged to wall on all.
A. MAND13UBEUG , LoadltiR Jowclcr ,
N. E. Cor. 16th and Karnam Sts.
Excursion * .
Tuesday. September 21. To ipolnts west ,
southwest , northwest. Ono faro plus $2 for
the round trip. Nebraska , Kansas , Colorado-
Utah and Texts are n ly a few of the states
to which on Tuesday you can buy tickets
at Just about half rates.
Tickets at 1502 Karnhm street.
AI.IJ cnooKs Aim TO in : , j.viiin.
Charm-torn to lie Pounced
Upon Till * Week.
Suspicious characters whom the police pick
up during the coming week as possible
ctooks will bo kept In jail until the State
fair Is over , In order to prevent them from
preying upon the thousand ! * tot visitors who
will be In the city during the coming festivi
ties.The first batch of suspcctH. a half dozen. . In
number , were arrested Friday nnd were
arraigned In police court yesterday on
the charge of being vagrants and suspicious
characters. All pleaded not guilty. Upon
the request of the police officers , the trial
was set for September 2E7. the Monday after
the State fair closes. The prisoners re
monstrated against the continuance , but they
were all taken to the county Jail for safe
Tliu police say that there are few
strangers In the city who are sus
pected of belonging to the crowd
of burglars , pickpockets , petty thieves and
other criminals who flock to a large city
when big crowds are attracted , aa they will
bo next week. The authorities anticipate ,
however , that the usual number will ar
rive Tjefore the week ends. In fact , they
expect many arrivals today and tomorro.w
from DCS Molncs , where the Iowa State fair
was held last week.
Friday a man who gave the name of
George Parker visited the police station and
Informed the authorities that a pang had' al
ready come to the city and that the members
had committed fourteen burglaries and "house
lobs" and one holdup. Parker stated that
he had assisted the authorities of other
oltles In apprehending thieves during state
fairs and other such occasions and was wlll-
Init to do the same'thing * here. The police
look upon the man either as a faka or as
having some motive 'In becoming acquainted
with police olllcc'rs. At any rate they do
not put much faith In his statements , ac
thev assert that not one of the alleged
burglaries has been reported to them.
The only Incident of the nature of a holdup
reported Friday night , was that when Leon
Turner , n farmer who lives about a mile
west of Irviugton , told a policeman that he
had been robbed of $23. ( He was Intoxicated.
He first said that threeime'n wjth clubs had
made him disgorge on Fourteenth street
near tho" Dellono hotel , later he said that he
was robbed In a saloon , but he could not
llrcct the detectives to the . 'place. ' The po-
Hco think that -Turner was robbed It was
while he was asleep In same saloon.
The police wish'-to Impress upon the citi
zens of the city the necessity of secreting
their valuables and securely barring their
residences If nOOno [ Is left about their prem
ises this week during the parades. The
biggest part of thei police force will be on
duty on the downtown corners and therefore
the outlying districts of the city will be
left with little police protection.
It you have ever seen a lluie child In a
paroxysm of whooping cough , or If you have
been annoyed by a constant tickling in the
throat , you can appreciate the value of Ono
Mlnuto Cough Cure , which gives quick relief.
Thursday ,
Friday and
Saturday ,
September 22d , 23d and 24th.
The largest display of imported and
domestic pattern Hats over brought to
this city.
VUltora lo the State Fair will nnd It to their
advantage to visit the "MIDDLK OF TJIB
IIU3CK DHUG STOKE , " where they are sure of
finding everything In 'he drug llnr. Thousands
of articles to lie found In no other Htorc In the
city , AUo prices below all competitors. All
Vrlces quoted are for ca h only ;
tl.OO I'nlno's Celery Compound we cell Ko
J1.09 llood'H Sarraparllla we pell MO
1.00 Stern's Wine Cod Uver Oil we sell. . . . 74c
$1.00 Scott's Krnulslon we sell C7o
Jl.OO I'lerce's Favorite iTercrliitlnn we hell , . I2e
Jl.flO Plnklmm'8 Vegetable Compound we sell 7Ho
J2.00 fhlchesler's Pennyroyal J'llls we tell. 11.49
11.W ) Kilmer's Swnmp Hoot we hell 740
We Outlpura Salve we sell
23o futlrura Soap wai * ell , J3o
Wo Gem or lllrney's Catarrh Powder we tell 33e
EOc Infant Foods ( all lUlnde ) we sell SSc
Sherman aifleConnell Druguo
1513 Dodge. St. , Omaha , Neb ,
Most Comfortable
fttio * v ROUTE
Trains Leave Union Depot Every
For a Starter
Mury hud u llttlu lamb
She put It In a bpw |
And nmdo It Into nlcu rich soup ,
\Ylth Famous SHERIDAN
VIGlOe WHITE , 1605 Fdflld .
Tolophcn ) 137 ,
The 99-Ceiit Store ,
The Latch String is Out
. A cordial , whole soulcd invitation to every visitor
to Omaha. Be perfectly at home in this great
store , Roam around at your pleasure. Stay as
long as you will ; there is no one to aslc you to buy ;
there are plenty to answer your questions ,
Z/mnps Recently we helped out the salesman
Some Kai'G of one of the largest importing houses
Good. .News in the country ; took his whole sample
line at u fourth to half their cost ; saved
him breakage and moving worries. So here they are , no two
alike , a'though ' a number at these prices , 740 , 990 , $1.29 ,
$1.48 , $1.98 , etc. They're all worth double ,
GrGfit Dainty dinner ware
Chinn Haviland China
ClifiiiOG and of course
handsomaly deco
rated. Odd bits at trifling prices ,
IDC for decorated sauce dishes , was
250. zc for decorated jugs that
were 500. ? 5C for sugar and cream
sets. 25c for decorated cracker jars worth $1.00.
GrJSSTVtZe A manufacturer's stock at 500 on the dol-
fit 13rolfGii lar of real value. 50 each for Tumblers
Prices worth ice. ice for imitation cut Vinegar
Cruets. 250 for fine imitation cut Sauce
Dishes. 250 for Lamps complete , worth 5oc.
T llOiiiglit If you're likely to
it Over Yet ? buy a bicycle and
if you don't investi
gate the amazing cut in prices that we've
.made you'll miss it as sure as you're
( alive you'll miss the best opportunity _
that's apt to tnra up for years. Those are ( he priee > s for next week. ISO" Barnes
White Flyers , the kind Eddie Unhi makes Ills records on. $50 , usually ? 100. 3807
Faleons , J:57.r : > 0 , the $7..00 kind. 1807 Leagues , ftio.OO , usually sold at $00.
Others down to $10.00.
For tliG Toys ,
LsittlG ones Books.
.G 11 in e s
and Novelties , the greatest varlnty of
new proodp over shown in Omu'ha.
C'lilua Bolls at 5c , 10e , Ific and 'J5e.
Kid Body Dolls at lOe , lkl ! , We and up.
Dressed Dolls atMe , HOe , -lOc and up.
Boys' Wagons at"e , . ' ! 0e.IDc and up.
VelodpedoR , JjU.-JS , $1.08 and up.
Tlioiwandu of Roods to select from In
our Toy Department for lioys and
Out- Tell the story of the interior of the great
SliOW store the choicest production of tin's and
\Vinclo\vs other countries are brought to your door
months in advance of the u-sual time so that
the good people visiting the fair can have a glimpse of a
truly metropolitan store. Bs sure to bring in your friends
and show them around.
The 1319
99 Cent Fnrnatii
Store 'Street
Klne Dongola Lace $2.00
. $1.53
Fine Dongola Button J2.50
. $1.93
" ' " '
Fine vicl"kld 'ilace"'w.60
Solid Grain J1.33 School
Fine Dongola J1.75 School
Fine Vlcl Kid Lace $2.00
, 5 us
Solid Grain $1,25 School
Flno Dongola $1.00 Button
Men's fine D Calf Lace $1.73
Shoes . ' $1-3
Men's Fine Satin Calf Lace and
Congress $2.00 Shoea $1.50
Men's Fine "Austin Calf Lace and
Congress $2.50 Shoes $2.00
Men's Fine , Hex Calf , heavy sole
Lace $3.50 Shoes $2.50
Hoys' Fine B Calf Lace $1.73 Shoes , $1.23
Boys' Flno Satin Calf Lace $2.00
Shoes $ H5
Shoe Department.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiKiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii
Piano Buyers
IJoiil' DA'//.MJI ) AMI DECI3IVI3D by no-cullril TearliiK
Down and remuvnl SulcH , or by dlniiluy of roil llnirn on ivlilcli : r :
the iirltu-n uru innUi-cl UI > u often n iiini-Ucil DOWN. We Iinve
iiothliiic but Urxt fliiNN limlruiiirntN null flvll Iliriti nt itrluc-M nbxo-
lulely belorv competition. Dull null he oouvlurvil.
Large Chlckcrlng Upright , only . $130
Flno Rosewood Upright , only . $123 \
Souarc Pianos at . $22 , $45 and $7r.
Organs at . $18 , $27 , $35 and upward
WATKHI.OO OltOAXS , nolrt only by
105 S. 15th St. , Opp. 1 . O. _ , _ _ .
A. C. .Ml.'I.I-Hn , I'lnuo Tuner Tel , lUIifi.
Kor tlm lifnellt if Slnto Pair vlxltnw < will
liavc nn I'xIilMton In > mr lu > w window 111 * Atntr *
Irnn Ilcauty Tills will nmfcp one of thp mont
Muprnilmiii ntlrnrtlxiix to lii > rrrn thlvf < - kin
in it In thp Kix-nlp't womlfr nt the n o. Thoue-
iinils will l > p ilfllKlucil l < > ttf thl * beauty on
rxliltilllim ilny mul o\cnlng timing inlrfok
IMIn 'H Celery Oi.mixMiiul tjo
Hood's 9nrflMrllln 6)0 )
Cnrtcr's I.Uer I lll 12a
SUmrt's Dyptirtmln TiiMi-ln so
William's rink I'llli 5c
Wnrntr'n Safe CMro , Me
Syrup of Klro SJo
Illinry's Cntnrili 1'owilor 3V
IMffce'n Pnvoille I'rppcilptlon. . , , , . . , No
llorllrk's MnllPil Milk SSe. 75c nnJ JS.mi
AlMvor' I'll ! Aiinrmle Pink aso
Hurry's Mull Whl k y SOo
Vine Kolnfru , fo
1 iloi , 2-Rraln quinine cnisulo | Ni
1 ilnz. 3-f < rnlii iinlnliu' onpMiIrn , , , To
1 ilnz. 8-Rndn quinine capsules IDo
No-To-ltnc We
l.ydla rinklinnr ronipouml 75c
Jnynes' Kxpectornnt ? 5
Kennedy's Mrilli-nl Discovery 11,15
I'e-ni-nn tfa
I'yrnmlil rile Cure SSc
Melnclml ft\j
CnslorlB , . . , , no
M. S. H 75o
Kilmer's Swntnp Hoot THe
HnaieUer's lllllers ? 0a
1'VllottH ] | yt > li ( < . | > lillos $1.0i )
Al.I. OTHHttS AT CVT ritll'KS.
C < ir , KUli mill Ultlfimo Sin.
Gives Real Pteasure-
Mrs. M. M. Pugli , lender of Household
KeonomlcH Department , Utnnlin Woman's
Club , suys : "After thoroughly testing
It gives mo pleasure to any It dopg
exactly what you claim for It. An nrtlclo
thnt lightens the labor of washday nnd les-
seiin the drudgery ( if tired woman is to be
highly commended. "
The more you use It the better you'll like It.
Laundroid Ga < , MCC..OUO. .
Teeth Extracted 25 Cts.
Painless DR. CUSSONS ,
2tl Floor Brown Block ,
16th and
GOLD KILLINGS . 81-00 up
HRlDtlKTEKTIl . 85.00
Itrliife thin . - Vculojiy. .
This sentiment np-l
There is peals to the bent' '
Instlnets of our nn- ]
No Place
tuiv , but all HI
I itrr * ment IM Icmt forf
J-/1KL , 1 those who pay rent. |
Promntes Homo Itulldlnc nnd lloniul
( loUinc by enconrnuliiK tlm thrifty to' '
save u purlnf tliolr tnconio every month.
Pays G per cunt \vltlilrn\MiIa ( until
intich lurKer riitut. to ihu persistent inoinI I
lur Several deslrablo liamos for salu for
u trlllo more ibun font.
G. Pi Nattinger , Sec'
J7OI I'liriiiun .St. , Met !
For SI.5O During Fair Week.
Don't wait until you net time
10 attend to vour teeth.
The expense and bother will
b much less now than next
year or next mouth.
Absolutely Painless Ex
traction If'f
Silver Fillings U
Pure Cold Killings $1 up
Set Teeth $ " > . )
nest Teeth $7 < " ' "
No charge for examination
Lady attendant.
Olilco In Iuxnnan'K ! ! Hlock , IGlli
-.nil Unugliir . > ' r CMrtwrlBlil *
Shoe Store. Open ovenlngH.
'IK n KM M Kit "M r
Claiming to be a gentle
man should know how
to Swim , Carve and
Shave himself.
Now ! We can't tcaeh you
how to Swim , but we can liulp
you to do K"01' ' work in Curving
or Shaving yourself.
nre our specialtkH.
ji Jas. Morton & Son Co.
I 1M I Dodge St.
19. HLIKiCSS ,
. Telephone 1910 .
Fnlr week Commencing- -
KtiKnBcmont clo . . with Sutimlay rni.tlnco. .
l Saturday
Kloor , 50e ; balcony , fc e. _ _
Piton X Durqe
Matinees Wednemlny and Baturdn/
\ .tiiiiif wurris i > 'iA j.
Prices25c , M . 75c , Jl.OO. Matinees- < aw
or door We , balcony Me. _ _
Mr , and Airs. Morand'K dancing
school is now open for children ,
lessons Saturday 10 a. in. for be-
{ inners advance 2 or I p. in ,
Adu'ts Tuesday and Saturdays , H
p. in. Please call for particulars.
< J .NTUAhl V li JOVT. ? | ) .
piiin , WW per day up.
Kurupcan ptan , tl.fJU pur dny up.
J. U. ilAHIClit , Jt bO.V , 1'roim.