Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1897, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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Omaha Man Secures the Carpenter Work on
the Liberal Arts Bnilding.
CoMfrnrln Xotv l.ri for .Six Prlnrlpnl
i\liiinlilini ItiillilliiK * , All ofVlilch
\VI11 He Coiniilclril liy Xoxt
I'cliniiir- .
The contract for the carpenter work on the
Liberal Art building was let last night to
\Vnllaco II. Purrlth of Omaha and he agrees
to complete the frame work of the building ,
ready for the staff workers , within ninety
days from the execution of Ills contract. This
makes six of the main bulldingR of the ex
position on which contracts have now been
let. viz : Administration , Manufactures ,
( Mines and Mining , Machinery and Klcctrlc-
Ity. Agriculture. Liberal lArts. All of these
buildings arc under contract to be completed ,
Including the staff and finishing , before Feb
ruary 1 , next year. This covers all of the
largo buildings , the ones yet remaining being
Btimller In size and requiring less time for
their construction.
The executive committee held a special
meeting t > t the ofilco of the Department of
Uulldlngs and ( Ironnils last night to open
bids for the Liberal Arts building and awar.l
the contract. Ten bids were received for the
carpenter work and t-vo for doing the staff
-.York. The carpentry lld In detail were nn
follows :
It. A. UHtcll , Omahn , W2SStf&deduct \ for
jillliiB If Oonu by exposition , Jl.OOO ; deduct
If gallery Is omitted , Jl.OOO : deduct If cor
ner puvlllon Is omitted , J1UO ; time , Hlxty
Hamilton Uros. , Omaha , $2.1,700 ; deduct for
piling , JSOO ; deduct for painting and dazing ,
Jxoo ; deduct for gallery , Jl.&W ; deduct for
pavilion , JIM ) ; time , 120 days.
Clwln & Ilcndcroon , Omaha , J2r > ,7CO : deduce
for piling , $1,3M ( ; deduct for painting- and
KliultiK , V X > ; for KiilU'i-y , J2XXIJ ( for puvlllon ,
jr. ; time , 120 d y .
W. II. I'arrlsh , Omaha , J2i,2fifi ; deduct for
piling. KM ; for painting and Blazing. $7uO ;
for gallery , ! .3UO ; for pavilion , JCO ; time ,
ninety iluyti. . . . . , ,
John Ua mii4seii. Omaha , $21.41 . ; deduct
for piling , J77r , ; for painting and glazing ,
$ SOO ; fur gallery. Jl.HW ; time , 130 day ,
George II. King , Council llluff.i , $ ll9 ! :
deduct for piling , JW ; for painting and
Khtzlinr. $723 ; for gallery , $2,1W ; for pavil
ion , J1UO ; time , ninety days.
CoiiRi-ets Construction company of Chicago
cage , $22tOt ! ! ; deduct for piling , $ ! , ; for
painting and glazlnc , $ Srt ) ; for gallery , W.lOO ;
for pavilion , $100 ; time , ninety days.
AVostliike Construction company of St.
Louis. $22.1M : bid HOtit by telegraph ; other
Items not covered , but notice given that
formal bid had been mailed.
Hubert lluilko of Omaha , J23.TOO ; deduct for
piling , JC20 ; for painting and glazing , $7',0 ;
for gallery. J2S7r > ; for pavilion , $ SOO ; time ,
120 ilnVH.
William Uoldlu & Sons , Chicago , $20,740 ;
deduct for piling. $630 ; for painting and
glazing1 , JSOO ; for gallery , $1,500 ; for pavilion ,
$100 ; time not stated.
The bids for the t > .taff work were as fol
lows : Smith & KaBtman. Chicago , $7.300 ;
tlmu , thirty itays ; John L. Nelson & llro. ,
Chicago , $6.400 ; tlmu not stated.
After the bids were opened the commit
tee decided that the gallery In this aiulldlng
should be omitted and this decision made
ParrlRh the lowest bidder , his figures for
the gallery without the building being $10.-
nfiC. The contract was thereupon awarded
to him and he will bo called upon to execute
It at once.
No action was taken on the bids for the
staff and plaster work , as there was no great
haste about this matter. Nelson's bid is
the lowest , but this same firm was also
lowest on the Agriculture building but have
not responded tn , a notice to appear uj. once ,
and enter Into-ii contract for , the .Agriculture
' ' " '
build Inc. * 'V - . . <
Ciililli.V SIIIIH Sny Tln-y AVI11 He
Itt-inly fur SInlVi > vt Month.
The contract for the construction of tlio
Agriculture bulld'ug ' has been closed with
Goldl'e & Sons of Chicago , the time limit of
eighty "lays specified In the bid having been
cut down by Mr. ( loldle to seventy days.
The his building will be ready for the staff
workers November 27.
A report has been ciirrmt that Mr. Goldlc
Intended to bring a large force of carpenters
and other workmen from Chicago to work on
this building. Mr. fioldle was questioned
ycstordny regarding this report and ho
denied most emphatically that It was true.
"I will not bring more than five or six men
nl most from Chicago , " said Mr. Goldlo.
"Thojo will ho our foremen , who liavo been
In our oninlov for years , but the workingmen -
men and carpenters who will be employed to
do the work will be employed right on the
grounds. Wt > will not bring any men from
Chicago oilier than those 1 have specified ,
but wo will put a largo force of men a !
work just 11 H soon as possible and the work
will be pushed at a rate which may surprise
pome of the- Omaha people who are not ac
quainted with the manner In which Iheac big
exposition buildings are erected. Wo have
the largest buildings on the grounds and ivo
do not propose to let any gra s grow under
our feet. We will put our own mill ma
chinery In tlu < Mines building just as soon
ns the floor Is ready for It and from tbut
moment the wood will lly. "
.Moilfli nC Mliu-H anil Snii-llcr * ( o UP
mi i\lilliltlon.
The people of the Illaek Hills are holding
frequent meetings for arranging for the ex
hibit which the IllllR ilUtrlot Id to make at
the exposition. A Uendwood paper on Thurs
day contains three columns of an account of
si meeting hold In the. court house at Dcail-
wejiid Wednesday of this week , at which rep
resentatives wtiro prt'Hfnt from nearly all of
the counties In the Dlack Hills district.
The pliniH of the exhibits were discussed and
the various represcntatlvi'H Indicated the
general nature of the exhibits which will be
made by thulr respective districts. The
famous Wind Cave of the Hot Springs dis
trict will probably bo reproduced on a small
ttcalc. Mini models of famous in I ties In the
hills will bo on every hand together with
models of HiuelterH , stamp mills , etc. One
general plan which was generally fuvored
consisted of a stone wall surrounding the
I'lillre exhibit upacc , the wall to.he con
structed nf the various kinds of building and
ornamental stone to bo found in the hllU , In
cluding onyx , quartz , pyrltic ore , galena ore ,
copper ore , etc. Inside this wall will be In
stalled the exhibit of grain , grasses and other
resource * of the bills
It was the general sentiment of the meet
ing that no stona should be left unturned to
inakp the mineral exhibit the finest of that
nude by any section of the country , and
many suggestions were made regarding It.
, II wan declJed to apply for 0,000 square feet
of xpuce as a beginning , 'although It was
conceded that this would not he enough and
that fully 10,0000 feet would ba required.
i\IMlnltloil : Nlltt'N ,
\ formal application has hern received from
the Dlack Hills people for 0,000 square feet
"For fifteen yccj
my daughter stif
fereil terribly will
inherited Eczema ,
Shu received the best medical uttcii.
tlon , was Riven many patent me ill.
oiiu'H , and used ; various external
applicationsbut they had no effect
wlmtovcr. S. S. S.
was finally given ,
and it promptly
reached the seat of
the disease , BO that
slio is cured sound nnd well , her
skin IB uerfcotly clear nnd pure ,
nnd nho hna
been saved from
forever. " E. 1) .
Jenkins , Lithu-
nia , GU ,
0. S. 8. is guaranteed purely vegetable ,
Snd id the. only ottru for deep seated
blood diseases.
of space for n exhibit of the resourced of
the IJUck Hills , S. U. . district.
COlTV ( _ ( > ! MISMIMitS ( ) SIP.KT.
l'rnii | lliin ID Vote I'oorPnrni Hr- ,
fiinilliiK HnnilMVIII lie Snlitiilllril. 1
The Board of County CommlMloners will
flubmlt to the voters of Douglas county at i
the next ficneral election a proposition to
Issue the bonds of the county In the sum .
of J180.000 to fund the Judgments nnd claims '
now pending against the count ) on account |
of the attempt of a former board to sell a .
part of the old poor f rm property for city |
lots. The bonds proposed to be Issued will |
run for twenty years and bear Interest at the
rate of 4'j per cent per annum , payable ;
teml-annually , ami shall not be sold for less '
than par. They are to be Issued In dcnom- ,
Inatlon * of $1,000. '
A resolution providing for the submission
of this preposition to the voters of the county
was Introduced at the meeting of the board
yesterday by Commissioner Klcratcad ,
who explained that this proposition did not
contemplate any Increase In the county In
debtedness , but was a means for avoiding
nn excessive levy of taxes tn pny at oncu the
Judgments and claims now standing against
the county , on which the holders arc now de
manding payment.
The question was raised whether the bond
proposition should be printed on a separate
ticket or placed at the bottom of the general
county ticket. It was stated that the lat
ter method would be fatal to the proposi
tion , as many people would think that If
they voted a "straight tlckot" they would ,
by the same act , vote In favor of the bonds ,
whereas this would not bo the case. This
question was referred to the special attor
ney employed by the board In the poor farm
Councilman Stuht appeared before the
board as a special committee from the city
council to ask the county to bear the bur
den of the registration of voters In Omaha ,
hauling the booths , etc. Ho was accom
panied by City Attorney Connell , who ad
dressed the board on the question. He re
ferred to the fact that no city officers are
to be elected this year , and to the condi
tion of the city funds , as reasons why the
county should bear the burden.
The city ofllcers received very cold comfort
at the hands of the commissioners. Com
missioner Hector said this was the experi
ence South Omaha had been having every
year slnco the registration law had been In
force , as their election had always been
held In the spring , and no city officers elec
ted In the fall. 'Mr. Hector turned the
tables on the city officials by reverting to
the old question of the amount due the
county from the city on account of boarding
city prisoners at the county Jail.
Commissioner Klerstead said the city offi
cers had squandered the funds of the city
and now asked the county to help them out
because the commissioners had been care
ful and economical.
City ( Attorney Connell hinted that the city
might refuse to move the election booths or
take any part In the election.
In reply to this Chairman Stenberg callnd
attention to the fact that when the booths
referred to were purchased It was agreed that
the cltv and school board should each pay
one-fourth of the purchase price and the
rountv ehould pay one-half , the city agree-
Inc to care for the booths and move them
to the points required at all general elections.
Mr. Connell asked for the reading of the
contract. The record was produced and read
aloud by the clerk , showing that the city
agreed to move the booths at all elections
in which the city and county should take
part , special exception being made In the
case of special elections held by any parly
to the agreement.
A protracted discussion ensued over the
ronitructlon which should be placed on this
clause. Mr. Connell claimed that the city
was relieved of responsibility In elections
where it had no IntereJt and Chairman Sten-
herg Insisting that the city was morally and
locally bound to carry out the spirit of the
A motion was made to refer the matter
In the finance committee and Mr. Stuht re-
nuested that the committee take action be
fore the next meeting of the council. There-
uuon Chairman Stenberg said the board could
settle the matter Instantcr and Commission-
era O.strom and Hector moved that the re
quest of the city be denied and that the city
be called upon to carry out Its portion of
the contract.
This motion was adopted without delay and
Mr. Stuht departed.
A proposition was presented to the board
by Connell and Ives , In which they offered
to act as special counsel for the county In
the canea which have been pending In the
courts for several years against the Pullman
I'alaee Car company and the Belt Line Hall
way company for taxes which each company
refuses to pay. The proposition stated that
no charge would bo made for services unless
the county was successful In the suits , and
In CUSP of success It was provided that the
decision of the board fixing the conmensa-
tion would be final. The matter was re
ferred to the finance committee.
County Treasurer Helmrod submitted a
report of fees collected by him during July
and August , this year , amounting to $1)9.73. )
County Surveyor McHrldo requested au
thority to employ one extra man to keep
the olllce open while the entire force Is in
the Held and an extra team for field work.
Ho was authorized to employ one man from
September 20 to November 1 at $3 per day
am ! WHS authorized to hire an extra horse
and buggy during the same period at the rate
of $30 per month.
The board adjourned for one week.
Arnold's Itromo Celery cures headaches.
lOc , 23c nnd [ > 0c All druggists.
W. K. Kurtz of Wood Illver Is stopping at
the Marker.
J. I ) . Harrison and wife of Sioux City are
stopping at the Darker.
John A. Crclghton has gone to Chicago to
be absent for several days.
N. A. Knlin has gona to Colorado Springs
on a buslneso trip of a week.
II. M. Shaeffer nnd G. G. Furnaa of Lin
coln can ho found at the Barker.
Hon. J. M. Woolworth Is in Topcka at
tending the stock yards case there.
Major T. S. Clarkson has gone to Chicago
nn a business trip of several days.
"Colonel" Sharp left yesterday on an ex
tended vacation to be passed at Burlington ,
Kilward Stringer and family have moved
from 2210 Harney street to 2C22 Cnldwoll
Mrs. J. I ) . Dovoy left last night for Chicago
cage , where she will visit friends for a short
Miss Kthel Tukcy of this city will leave
for Lincoln tomorrow to enter the State uni
Jules Lumbard left yesterday on an eastern
business trip which will extend as far as
Alfred 8. Cooley , deputy United States
Marshal , of Lincoln , is registered at the
Qcorga Rreen , who has been passing a
week with friends In St. Louis , returned
home yesterday ,
J , C. Callahnn left yesterday for Chicago ,
whom ho will Join his family , who have
been visiting there ,
The Nebraska Brigade band of McCook
will arrive at t :35'a. : m. and make Its head-
quniteis at the Barker.
Archlo W. Carpenter left last evening for
Ithaca , N. Y , , bo will Mulsh his course
of studies nt Cornell university.
L. C. Chapln. Lincoln ; G. M. Whetford ,
Arlington , and L. L. Gaghagen of Lincoln
are registered at the Darker.
W. K. Brown. George E. Klnley. W. A.
Webb , W. K. Houchln nnd John Mills of
Geneva are stopping at fha Darker.
Mrs. 13. Iu ) I'nls and Miss Anna Early of
St. Joseph are the guests of Mrs. Charles
A , Jlutherford at 200 South Thirty-first ave
"Mm. Harry T. McOormlck of rarV lde ,
Wyo. U In the city and will visit at the
home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs , T. II.
Fonda ,
George 0. Donnell , general advertising
agent for the Heck Island , who has been
In tun city for a tbort period , left yesterday
for bis home In Chicago ,
rVivo D. Lewis , traveling passenger dgeut
for the Motion route , with headquarters In
Chicago , left for home last night , After a
kho'rt sojourn In Omaha.
I ) , Hawkiwortb. general superintendent of
the Burlington shops at 1'lo.iuuiouth , who
han t'etm over tbe western Huts of the corn-
l > antt6 In the city yesterday.
Stte Fair Visitors
% $8-50
The li at lirnmls of ckar * to b found In the -
city arc to be obtained hrrc. ami they me kfpt Popular nnd Progressive
rlltht. .You won't nnd them dry nn.l lirlil.r ,
> >
. In Rood
lth wrappers broke. They are nlnay *
condition. UeMJei we ell nt Cut 1'rlccn. VISIT THR
Is our price on Until Coat You OMAHA .VKI1.
Concha Kltcnnten , 3 for JOe
rerfrctos. 3 for ISC can place your order now far
Perfectu Sublime * , each City Steam Laundry c vi * uii.u DIMM TIHS \ \vrKn. .
should It.
x.\\ox. future delivery nud
Ponrrm Itelnan , 3 for . . . . . . . 200 BO down before the conl is delivered Ourpopulnr and orliinnl ( rflturrv commend Ihn
fnprlvls. 3 for . . . J4o IX TllH CITY. order to Ifliornbln contldrrtttlon ,
JIUHC1IAXTS CMTIl , livered your bill will KO down
llonuet 3 for . HVJ but If It goes up your prloo SSOO to SU.OOO HcncIUs at Death.
Itosa I'erfecto. 3 for SSc Out-lhundry has been established 21 years . .
\V. .1. nnil ' ( A the oldest , largest and most com * will bo only JS.50. ( Irni'.wl nfjcjMnrnt rntf . A J100 moniinitiit
Nevada 3 for . . ! 3c plelb'laundr ' In the city. Wo cnll for and jilnco.1 nt tlie grate of every < lcc pil member ,
, >
cioi.nn.N cmnv.v. 1'nyiiifnts of nmriifmcnU nmt due * ce o nt tl > *
de rarK 3 for TOO deliver goods free of charge to nny pnrt of rml of M to M yenrncooMliiR tn UK * nt jnlnlnc ,
the city also Fair Grounds. Kinn-BPiicy fund kerp ni"tiuitnrntH nt minimum.
. . . fii.wrt infinl > ers. $1. \ * tmlil unit over
VRi.t.o\v KID n n .
$ 'X ' ) momimrntii erected to tlnto.
CAII1NKT . / | f\n
STEUI.1NC1 . I / l"l I City Stenm Laundry Co. , 20 ! ) S. KJth St. Hi-own Hlock. . ) . C. HOOT , Siivi < r lwti ( 'iniiiiiiiiiilrr.
or JOHX T. Y.VTUS , SoviTolKii Clorlo
Morris' Cut Price Cisar : Store , Slioi'lry lllork. OMAHA , XIMJ.
l-IOtl I\Vlt\AM STIU3KT. Telephone 231. 211 S. llth St. Telephone 402.
' Visitors to the Fnir can secure their monls nt
Russia Calf BALDUFFS
Plittiibittg English Toe Shoes
The only first class short order
Is the name that's sometimes Riven to The latest out no such house in Omaha , patronized by
plumbing that tins been slighted nnd
skimped where 'twont show too soon It's value ever before produced our best people , . . .
dangerous plumbing dangerous to the '
bciilth of the family dangerous to the duced in a man's shoe BALDUFr , C/AiJCKCK ' , flnelio Ices and Cream Conlcctlom , Wnler ,
reputation of the plumber for some dav
it "leaks out" If we did Hc.imp plumbinc for so little money it's 1520 Furnani St.
how long would our reputation for doing
the right thine last ? a special with us at $3.50
Tel. 1270. 1110 I'arnant. 1517 Douglas St.
Only You will not find
. Any heavy dosipns
a New in our jewelry. Wo do not
bellovo in carrying awkward
Location styles whan tlio daintier pat
terns are just as durable.
Our designs are not of the ordinary
The same old firm the same pop
ular prices but inoro room nnd a dinary kind. They have a
larger stock style of their own. Wo believe -
We sell a 20c Coffee that's never liovo in artistic jewelry.
been equaled elsewhere at the Solid Silver Hut I'Ins . l5c' !
Solid Silver Sulvo Iloxes . OOe
price Solid Gold Venn , pearl han
dles . Olc
OMAHA TEA AND COFFEE CO. , Polld Sliver Teaspoons , ( sotti ) 3.00
Leading Jeweler. N. E , Cor. i6th & Farnam.
( Not Dodge uny more. )
Be Your
, 'Will tell you that the new
AND DECOHAT12 YOUIt STOUE WITH tariff has advanced the price
' of woolens wo can bo your
Ak-Sar-Ben Flags
' at the old prices for
"nd Bunting. iivro boupht our largo stock
. 'of high quality Trench , English
We nre headquarters Manufacture Flags
lish and Domestic Fabrics
of the best fust color goods Can supply
you with any quantity or size and our before the advance
prices are way down.
GiveUR nn order i-nrly.
Omaha Tent and Rubber Co. , Tailors and Furnishers ,
iUl ; KAIl.NAM ST. 14O4 Pnmora St. , - OMAHA.
Have you caught on ? SAVE MONEY
Wo have a bad case of cramps
cramped for room to Hhow goods o JL e
cramped for money to buy more
everything cramped but oilr bar
gains our liberality in thia line It costs no more-
It lasts twice as long-
knows no bounds wo handle the It wont crack
It Mliincs
host of everything wo can and
Guaranteed the best paint made
will save you money.
Carter Hardware Co. ; J. A. FULLER & CO. ,
Solo Ancnto.
14-th and Douglas Sts.
1405 Douglas St.
Railroads Take Advantage of Break Between
Union Pacific and Short Line.
\cw " .Mlilliinil II on IP" SrlH nil lixiini-
ple Which Mny lie Viillnwpil hy
Uthri-H of < luWiNtiTii
Trunk Linen.
The announcement that the Colorado Mid
land would tuke advantage of the break be
tween the Union Pacific and tlio Oregon
Hallway and Navigation company to establish
through Pullman car service between Den
ver and Portland has not only created much
interest in railway circles but has caused
other railroads to consider tt similar propo
sition. It is understood that the new service
or the "Midland Uoute" from Denver to
Portland will Include both first and second
class Bleeping cars. It will form the west-
em outlet for the combination o ( the Mil
waukee and the Hock Island , and Is ex
pected to prove quite a card.
Asked If the Ilurllngton would establish
thruugh car service between this city and
Portland via the Oregon Railway and Naviga
tion company line , General Passenger Agent
Krancls of the II , M. yesterday said :
"I shouldn't be at all surprised. The mat
ter is under consideration , but we haven't
ijulte made up our minds whether to put In
through car service over the Short Line
and the Oregon Hallway and Navigation com
pany or not. We already liuvu one route to
Portland , via nilllu&a and the Northern Pa.
clllu railroad , but It U possible that we may
open up another. "
Should the Ilurllngton decide to establish
another line of through car service between
here ami Portland it would be via these
lines : Ilurllngton from Omaha to Denver ,
Denver & HIo Grande from Denver to Grand
Junction , HIo Grande Western from Grand
Junction to OgOen , Oregon Short Line from
Ogdcn to Huntlngton , Oregon Halluay and
Navigation company from Huntlngton to
Portland. This would be In competition
with the I'nlon Pacific's line to Portland
via the "Shasta Houte , " with the Mil-
waukeo-Hock Island-Midland route , and
with the liurlington'8 cthrr route vlu 1111-
llneft and tbe Northern Pacific.
Thu through tourlit car service which li
noon to be established between Plttsburg and ,
San Kranclsco , via Omaha , Is In effect an
extension of tourist car service 600 miles
further eastward end railroad men who are
familiar with the progress of the move
ment consider It likely that extensions of
western tourist car service will be made still
further eastward. At present the rules of
the Joint Tradlc association prohibit the run
ning of tourist cars In New York , but the
rules of that Institution have been so badly
fractured during the last year that it Is not
at all Improbable that this rule will soon be
honored more In tbe breach than In the
Apropos the Inauguration of tourist car
rnrvlco from Pennsylvania to California
through Nebraska It may be well to cell at
tention to the length of the runs of tourist
sleeping cars on foniu of the new lines ,
The run via what has been termed "The
Midland Ilouto. " Including the Pennsylvania ,
the Milwaukee , the IVyik sland , the Colorado
Midland , tbe HIo Grande Western and the
Southern Pacific railroads , Amounts to no
less than 3,001 miles. " *
The run from PltUburB to San Francisco
via St. Louis Instead ref via Chicago and
Omaha , whlch will go 'lnto ' effect October
1. will include the Penasylvanla lines from
PlttdburR to St. Loils ; , ( he Missouri Pacific
to Colorado Springs , ilicnco the Colorado
Midland , the HIo Gfaliije Western and the
Southern Pacific , the distance via these lines
figuring 2.7G4 miles. J '
Loneer Ftill Is therj'n | of tourist sleeping
inrs from Washington , ) to Sin Francisco ,
amounting to 3.C33 mllee 1 divided as follows :
Mll < - .
Southern Hallway \VOnliinKton to Allnntii CIS
AtlantaVst I'olntirAtlanln t Mom-
Boincry . . . . . . . . 175
I/niUvllli' & NuElirlllft-Uontgomery to New
Orleans . , , . 321
.Southern I'aclllc New Orlrann to San Frnn-
cUco . 2.159
Total . ' . . JcM
Hut all three of the lines heretofore men- ,
tloned fall in the matter of long dlstenco i
runs of tourist sleoplng cars when compared I
with that from Pittsburg tq the Pacific coast
via the southern route. That figures out a :
mileage of 3.737. or 73C miles longer than
the route between the same termini via
Omaha. The mileage of this , the longest
run , Is as follows :
MI ! K.
Ilaltlmore & Ohln J'lltaliurK In Cincinnati SKI
Haltlmorw ft Ohio Koutliwutuin Cincinnati
tn Ixmlaville . H >
Illinois Central UiuUivlll to New Oll.-allu. . TMI
buuthcrn I'aclllc New Orleans to Pun Kran-
cluco . 1.489
Tvlat . 3,757
Aiiniinl Klri'lloii of ( lir
MILWAUKEE1Sept. . 18-At the annual j
meeting of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul Itallwa ) company , held In this city to
day at the office of Secretary P. H. Myers ,
the following directors were elected : Philip
D. Armour , Chicago ; Augimt Delmont , Frank
S. Homl , Charles M. Coster. Chnrlos 1) .
Dickey , Jr. , Peter Geddcs , Charles W. Hark-
ncBH , Joseph Mllbank , William Rockefeller ,
Samuel Spencer , all of New York ; Frederick
Layton , Milwaukee , nnd Roswell G. Miller ,
Chicago. The directors elected officers n
follows : Hoswell G. Miller , president ; Frank
S , Dond , vice president ; A. J. Karllng , second
end vice president and general manager ; W.
G. Collins , general superintendent ; P. II.
Myers , secretary ; J. M , McKlnley , C. H ,
Ferry and II. C. Weston , asslfitant secretaries
and transfer agents ; F. G. Uanney , treasurer ;
W. N. D , AS'lnno , general auditor ; George
O. Peck , general counsel ; Burton Hanson ,
general solicitor.
Outside the annual election of directors
and olllcers only routine business was trans
Trial Act In Union Tin-Hln mill Short
U n iConflict. .
As previously Indicated , the natural se
quence of the Union Pacific's break with
the Oregon Hallway & Navigation company
has appeared In the order to cancel all
freight and passenger tariffs existing be
tween the Union Pacific and the Oregon
Short Lino. Notices that such tariffs will
be withdrawn on Friday , October 1 , were
ycsterdsy filed with the Interstate Commerce
commission. After that date there will be
no through tralfic. cither freight or passen
ger , via the Union Pacific to points on tli :
Oregon Short Line and on the Oregon Hall
way & Navigation company's lines.
This Is the result of the New York con
ference among officials nf the Interestel lines.
It Is believed that General Manager Dickin
son , Freight Traffic Manager Munroe and
General Passenger and Ticket Agent Lomax
of the Union Pacific will return from the
conference within a few days. Until then
the subordinate officers of the reid here
can give out but little Information on the
disruption of all traffic alliances between
the Union Pacific and what was once Its
branches. The result will be ta divert busi
ness from tlio Union Pacific to other western
lines for delivery to the Oregon Short Line.
Mnlir ll Kltfct Hull.
The special train of the Kantua City. Pitts-
burg & Gulf railroad bearing President Still-
well and inrty , which left Kansas City on
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clork. arrived at
Port Arthur. Tex . on the following afternoon
at 3 o'clock. The run of 78S mile * wai made
n twenty-four hourj This Is en average of
thirty-three uillet an hour , mdudUig all
stops , changing of engines and wee ! ng of
other trains. The fastest previous run from
Kaunas City to Port Arthur wan thirty-six
hours , Hie same time used by the express
trains between Kansas City and Galvrstcni.
Itnllwiiy > OK anil I'l-rnoiiiilN.
Chief Clerk Huminell of tht > Union 1'acillc'n
patscnger office In Denver , and formerly con
nected with the department In this city ,
was In the city yesterday.
General Passenger and Ticket Agent Townsend -
send of the Missouri Pacific system has
sent out a bulletin to the rfleet that no
tickets shall ' ,10 sold to points In Louisiana
on or via that line until further notice.
J. H. Tapp has bctn appointed traveling
passenger agent of the Louisville , Kvaim-
vllle & St. Louis Consolidated railroad.
Ills territory will bo the country west of
the MlHsloslppl river , with headquarters In
Kansas City.
W. D. Prultt. a prominent real estate } aar.
of Arnpahoe , Is In the city with n line
agricultural exhibit. It will bo first dis
played at the State fair , and then taken
to Jolit the I ) . & M. traveling exhibits at the
county fairs of Illinois and Indiana ,
Superintendent Hathburn' of the Missouri
Pacific Is tn the city perfecting arrange
ments for train service between Wclmtor
street station and the fnlr grounds this
week. Ho la accompanied by Fred GUI
dings , city engineer of Atchlson.
Traveling Passenger Agent Stiles of the
Union Pacific will Imvn charge nf the pas
senger traffic between the Union depot and
the fair grounds thlu week. AH was done
last year , clerks from various department *
In the headquarters of the company will be
employed during state fair week as con
ductors for the state fair trains. ICaeli
clerk will be assigned to one car , and will
merely look after the tickets In that car.
This will allow the train conductor to 'give
his whole attention to the running of the
Suxpri'lH III O.IIMII'X | .Sun ilny Ilolilnji
Ari < Ili'li-iiHpil ,
The two young men who were arrested on
suspicion of being connected with the daring
holdup \\hlch occurred in Ed Qulnn'u saloon
lart Sunday were discharged yesterday nftor-
r.oon by Judge Gordon. The prisoners , Carl
llcuner and George Price , when placed on
trial , succeeded In proving a complete alibi
hy means of their parents , who testified
they were both at homo an hour previous tn
( lie time the affair occurred. As It Is at
present the pollen ure completely at sea an
regards the perpetrators of the Job.
HIIIIM nf VrlrrniiM.
The Sons of Vetrrana are all fltlrrcd un
over the coming national convention , which
In to bp held hero diirliiK the oxponltlon
nnxt year. Frank 15. lilooiv * camp No , 21
hail u most eiitlnislatUlc meeting last
Weiliu'Hilny night , during wnlcb Hcverul new
number * were Initiated. Thin camp ban Ju t
organized a military company , wlilrn In to
bo under the rllivc'lon of an able drlll-
rmiKti'i1 , and the company will bd fully
armed and equipped , and have the usual
complement of otllrcrH. The cliaiu-os are
that the militia company will bo known ax
tbe Monrt-M Illlli'.i , In honor of .Mayor
Frank I ! . Moort.s.
< : oi iTiit : mini's ins m\Tir.
I'/IM from n U'lmloiv nnil lli-i < i > l t ex
InjurlcHVlil.h Prove Falnl.
George A. Coulter , former superintendent
ol' the fire and police alarm sy&tem of the city ,
l > ut more recently In the employ of tlm Ne
braska Telephone romimiy , died Friday night'
shortly after 8 o'clock ut the Presbyterian
hospital OH n result of Injurlrx ho received
at U o'clock Friday afto-noon by f.illlni ;
from the third Htory of the llrown block at
Sixteenth und Douglas treotH.
Immediately after tlio Demise the remain *
were taken to the morgue , where an Inqum
was held yesterday. Tim verdict of thu
jury was that the man nad cnme to hu
death In the manner heretofore mentioned ,
while performing the duties of liln position
with the telephone company. Thu funeral Ute
to ocur tlih afternoon at i o'clock
from Hurket's undertaking rooms. In.
termcnt being In Forest Lawn cemetery ,
The funeral will be under the aiiBjjiccH ( if
the Modern Woodmen of America , of which
Koclety the deceased was u member. lln
loaves a wife , but no children. The deceased
was 15 years of Pge , and wan bum In Cum- '
bridge , N. Y. Hi > removed to
this city In the early ' 70'H und
was fint employed us a nircct car driver ,
Shortly afterward lie entered the Ire de
partment and htlil a position in It iinf.l 1873 ,
when he was absent from the city for a
few months. When he returned again ho
again enler.'d the btrvlee and leinalned In
it until February. 1S9S. Ilo was appointed
superintendent nf the fire xnd police aliirm
system In ] S 7 and was holding that posi
tion at the tlmu he wax discharged to mao ) ;
, way for u successor. Coulter In-
I diluted this system , and \va also Invvntur
of the electrical dovlci'u uiml ut the piowm
tlmo In the department of the city. When
he WHS dtseliEirKed hn was put on the pen
sion roll and drew a petition of J.S7H , a qnaiv
lor of his salary iu niiperlnlcmlcnL Wncn
tlio Ncbratka Teli-flume cmnpany tooK hold
of the firu and p lno nmrm t > )8'ciu of the
city June 1 , la > ' , lit van employed jy tint
company , principally In iluconnlrur 'in da.