Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1897, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    TUB OMAHA DAILY 11 ft ft : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 10 , 185)7 ) ,
Dr. Shrlver , dentist , Merrlum blk. , rnorn 240.
Satlsfictlon guaranteed t the reliable
niiiff City tcam laundry Phone 3H.
Wanted , cxpcrlcnrcd laundreig by tlio
month. Apply nt once at W. C. A , hospital.
John M. Ualvln , who bait been dangcroualy
411 , wan alilo to appear on the utrccts yen-
The Kpworth league ot the Fifth Avenue
church will comluct ncrvlccs In Cochran park
nt 6:30 : p. in. tnilay.
Kan r'arrrll or Lake City. Colo. , was 1n
the city yesterday en route to Oubuquc ,
where his mother la lying at the point of
John Ooliiny ban been elected to the office
of first vlco president of the Iowa 1)111 ) I'ost-
firs' aisoclatlon at the mooting liclj In 'Dos
Send your work to the popular Baffle laun
dry , where you got clean , crisp , snow-whlto
work and best delivery ecrvlcc. Telephone
157. 724 IJway.
Miss Sylvia Mesmorc , who Is teaching In
the public schools of lllvcr Sioux , came homo
ye tcrday morning to upend Sunday with her
parents at the Ogdcn.
Mlnnes Kfflo and Susie Kills went to I.tttlc
Bloux to take In a home talent minstrel en-
( crtnlnincnt to bo given thcro tonight. They
will return this evening.
Leo C. Smith of Madlxon avenue left Fri
day evening for Champaign , 111. , la study In
the university library , In order to fit himself
( or the position ot librarian.
Wanted ( Itrl or woman for general house
work at fruit farm of W. S. Kccllne , 3 miles
east ot city. Good wages to right party.
Address 1133 East 1'lcrce street.
A quartet hag been organized In the Cen
tral church and will bo known as
the Harmonlco Male quartet. The members
a'ro : First tenor , V. I ) , llrown ; second tenor ,
J. F. Stagcman ; baritone , N. I. Wilson ; bass ,
Arthur Wilson.
Charles H. Warren of the Chicago & North
western railway local freight ofllce goes to
Columbus , O. , this evening to attend the
annual convention of the Union Veteran Le
gion as a delegate from No. S of this city.
Ho will endeavor to have the meeting ot 1S9S
held In Council HlutTs.
Three casea of contagious diseases were
reported at the city building yesterday.
Whooplnn cough was reported at the homes
of George Rockwell , 1B03 Avenue C , anil
John Hedgowood , IM02 South Seventh street ,
and a care of scarlet fever at the residence
Of Hiram Main ) , 339 Mynster street.
Mrs. It. N. Johnson of Avenue D has re
ceived the sail news of a disaster which be
fell her son , who resides on a farm In Texas.
LuHt Sunday before daybreak a tidal wave
on the gulf rushed over nls land , carrying
all the property before It and sweeping the
baby right out of Its mother's arms.
All desiring to take the course ot reading
marked out for the Equal Suffrage-associa
tion of this city are requested to meet with
thn association at the home ot Mr. and Mrs.
TI. A. Uallengcr , 721 Willow avenue , on Mon
day evening. Arrangements will bo made
{ or pursuing the studies in neighorhood
Mrs. George W. White , who has been lying
critically 111 at her home on Harmony street ,
was transferred to St. Bernard's hospital yes
terday morning and a ( jurglcal operation per
formed at S o'clock. Mrs. White rallied from
the shock and yesterday afternoon was re
ported to bo In a condition favorable for
early recovery.
The attorneys for the Milwaukee Hallway
company have not abandoned the hope of
s'ccurlng the transfer of the- big damage suit
against It 'by Deere , Wells & Co. from the
state to the federal court. Notice was given
yesterday that a transcript of the cane would
bo filed In the federal court and the petition
for removal be again submitted to Judge
Woolson. They hive strong hopes that such
a motion will be entertained.
C. D. Vlavl Co , , female ren.eay ; consultation
free. Omce boufh , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. Health
book furnished , 32G-327-32S Mcrrtam block.
* N. V. FlumuitiK company. Tel. 250.
Money to loan In any ainouni at reduced
rates on approved security. James N. Cas
ndy , jr. , 236 Main street.
Iliiinl COII < MT < Tmlny.
At Falrniouut park this afternoon the Ne
braska Urlgado band , Uniformed Hank ,
Knights of Pythias , will render music from
2 until 0:30 : p. m. Omaha trains will run
direct to the park , also a number of local
trains from Pearl and Hroadway. Program :
March "Columbian Phonograph".Burton
Overture "Tnncre" Ilosslnl
Cornet Duct "Kindred Souls" Kllenberg
I21y nnil Heach.
Gnvotte "The Vint Heart Throbs"
Waltz "Newport" . . Tobanl
"Evening Chimes In the 'Mountains".Hehr
March "The Homu Guard" Stuhl
Selection "Olfenbachlana No. 2".Hoettgor
" " Tobanl
Patrol "Crack Heglment"
Fantasia on ' ' .My Old Kentucky Home" , .
Piccolo Solo "Polka Caprice" Damm
Hey Smith.
Descriptive Down the Mississippi..Puerner
Synopsis Klatboat going down thu river
nt night ; balled from the shore ; anmvered
from the boat ; boatman's song ; whistle ot
uteamboat heard In the distance ; steamboat
approaches and passes llatboat ; old-fash-
lor.ed buck dance ; the boat Is again hailed ;
nriMVt-rs "All'H well" and disappears In tno
PAUT lit.
Medley March "A Hot Tlmo".Chattnway
Caprice Hcrolqnc "I.e Ilcvll du Lion"
( "Awakening of tlio Lion" ) Kontskl
Waltz "Sounds from Krln" llcnnett
llurltona Solo "Whirlwind Polka" Levy
R A. Pennell.
fin volte "Captivating" Tobanl
Descriptive "Village l.lfo In the Olden
Time" , Le Thlerc
Synopsis Night ; sunrlsc-i astir In the vil
lage ; children going to school ; the black-
nnilth shop ; the May queen ; Maypole
dunce ; curfew bell : choral by the village
choir ; moonlight and lover's serenade ; flnulc.
Wanted A good shoemaker ; must bo
rapid , a good workman and sober ; utcady
work the year round at Sargent's fcboo
At Mueller's , 103 Main street , la the place
where you want to buy your pianos and
organs , or anything In the music line. First-
class goods , low prices and courteous treat
ment. It will pay you to call before buying
elsewhere. Wo can duplicate any prices and
ave you money.
ICIiTfloiiViiH for .Votlilnir.
Judge .Mncy decided yesterday that there
hall not be organized at the present time an
Independent district for the town ot Woston.
Lent summer a special election was held for
thu purpoHo of voting on the question , and
the proposition carried so nearly unanimously
that thcro were only two votes recorded
against It. The trustees , however , foiled , or
refused , to glvo the required legal notice
calling a mee-Mug of thu directors to prop
erly organize the imw district , and the mem.
l > crs of thu board who were favorable to It
and some of the taxpayers appealed to the
district court for a writ ot mandamus to com
pel the recreant mcmbera to discharge their
duties. The application was set for hearing
yesterday , and the evidence- Indicated a con
dition ofana Irs that did not warrant Judge
Macy In Issuing the writ. He denied It upon
the grounds that the board had not properly
defined the boundarl'ti of the new district
before submitting the question to the voters.
Another election will bo ordered and thu de
fect cured.
OlTIIII l-'Ull ,
On sale Monday : Lobsters , flounders
Spanish mackerel ; also full line fresh water
llsh. Sullivan's Grocery. 'Phone 161.
George S. DivU now has the prescription
file ot A. I ) Foster and P. G , Schneider and
can refill any prescrlpttcti wanted at any
time , 200 Bway.
Hfiil KNluti * TriuiNffrx.
The following transfers ure reported from
the title ii nd loan olllee of J. W. Squire , 101
Pearl street :
I < aulse Bock to Benedict Hogg ; lot 4 ,
Bock'a milnJIvlsIon of out lots 1 and 2 ,
Hope's extension , w. il. . . . J 1
Melvlii A. Cog-lay to John J , Hess ;
swV4 ne'i 33-75-43. w. il . 3,000
Henry Leonard to l oMars Building &
Ix > an association ; lotuMK , 19 , 20 , 21 , In
1S > , Baylies' Third addition , w. d. . . . SSI
Three transfer * , total. , . .
Jr. and Mrj. A. S. Bonham Oolcbrate a
Novel Anniversary.
Short Skrteli of n Couple \Vlui Have
Slieiil MoriTli n n M'hrcc Suurc
YrnfN In Iloultlu
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Braibam's celebration
ot the sixty-second anniversary of their wed-
ling was one of the remarkable social events
ot the week , Mr , and Mrs. Bunham were
he center of a happy crowd , numbering
several scores of grandchildren and great
grandchildren , while many of their neighbors
and frhiulu joined In extending their con
gratulations. The handsome home of the
mtrlarchal couple on East Pierce street
was a blaze of light and overflowing with
lospltallty until a late hour on Friday night.
The old people walked through the crowded
rooms , received their friends and chatted
ilcasantly with all who called until a late
lour and , although both are past 82 years
of age , neither appeared to be fatigued with
he exertion of conducting a rather elaborate
loclal function. They were married Septem-
) or 17 , 1835 , In Fleming county , Ky. Two
'curs later they moved Into the wilds of
Illnols and In 1854 found their way to Coun
cil Bluffs , where they have skico continued
o rookie. They have seen the town grow
rom a wilderness Into what It Is now.
Jmalia has conic Into existence and reached
Is present great proportions under their
eyes and within the period covered by the
Ives of their children. Both are flue looking
ind singularly well preserved , and cither
ooks to be ten years younger than the rec
ird shows. Both take a deep and Intelligent
ntercst In local and national affairs , Both
mve read The Bee every day for nearly
wenty years and , although they can look
mckward over a period of many happy years
i d contemplate the past with keen satis
faction , they are not living like most aged
leople , In the past alone , but are as keenly
nterested In all of the current events of
ho day as are their grandchildren , who
lave reached the prime of life.
Mrs. Mark Duryea has returned from an
all summer's visit with her parents at Mar-
on , la. When she returned she found a
jcautlful home .prepared for her at 726 First
i venue. For a number of years past Mr.
ind Mrs. Duryea have made their home
at the Grind hotel.
Miss Eva Peck has gone to Grlnnell , la. ,
where she has entered college.
.Mrs. W. W. Maynard entertained at dinner
Wednesday cvcn'ng Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Maynard tnd family of Omaha.
Miss Jessie Massenburg left Wednesday
evening via the Burlington route for Tacoma ,
Wash. , for a visit with friends.
Miss Mary Barclay left on Thursday for
Lincoln , where she will resume her studies
n the university.
Mrs. H. S. Lynn , who has been visiting
Captain and Mrs. 0. M. Brown , has returned
to her homo In Kansas City.
Miss Florence Shoemaker of Watertown ,
3. I ) . , spent Sunday with Miss Jennie Chese-
brough in the Merrlam block.
Mrs. John G. Cudworth , who has been
spending a. week with her friend , Mrs. J. D.
Srockwell , has returned to her home In
Cedar Rapids.
Mrs. Swang of North Dakota , who has
aecn visiting friends In this city , has gene
to Orange City , Neb. , from which point
she will go to Minneapolis before return
ing to her home.
Mrs. Spangler of Walnut , who has been
visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Williams of Washington avraue , has re
turned home.
Ono of the most Interesting and pleasant
events ot the week was the marriage of Mr.
Paul C. DeVol to Miss Bessie Harkness ,
which occurred at the residence of the
jrldo's mother on Willow avenue at 8 o'clock
on Wednesday evening. It was Interesting |
: ecause both of the young people were born
and reared In Council Bluffs , and the dcslro '
of a great army of their friends to take advantage - i
vantage of the occasion to testify to the high
esteem In which they are held made It a
pleasant social event. The young people
were almost overwhelmed with substantial
tokens of this ceteem , and the gifts almost i
filled the room In which they were deposited '
as the messengers delivered them. The ceremony - !
mony was performed In the presence of a I
largo number of friends and relatives. Rev. '
W. S. Barnes of the First Presbyterian
church ofllclated. After the marriage rite
had been celebrated and the congratulations
showered upon them , Mr. and Mrs. DeVol
left the city , for a brief -wedding Journey In
the west.
On Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock
Rev. W. A. Longnocker of Boston and Mlts
Grace Mayno were united In marriage. The
ceremony took place at the home of the
bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mayue ,
on Park avenue. Mr. and Sirs. Longnecker
will make their home In Oraaba after a
short wedding Journey.
Miss Grace Richardson of Omaha was the
guest of Miss Sina Olson on Madison avenue
during several days of the week , Mies Rich
ardson will leave this week for St. Louts ,
where she has secured a position.
Miss Clara Bcdlsou Is In North Platte ,
Neb. , the guest of Mrs. Fred Bishop.
Miss Maude Cavln has secured the position
of stenographer at the olllco of the Union
Transfer company.
Miss Uohany has resumed her position In
the iBoston store , after a vacation of several
Mrs. Uewey and daughter of Michigan uro
the guests ot the former's sister , Mrs. J. P.
Mrs. W. R. Huntlngton and children of
Orange. N. J. , are the guests of Alderman
Pace and family.
Mrs. J. W. Bell has returned from a brief
visit with friends In Dunlap.
Mr , and Mrs. J. B. Beard left yesterday on
their return , to their homu In Iowa Park ,
Tex. They have bean visiting friends hero
for sovt-ral days. They will stop In Denver
and other Colorado points for a short visit
before returning to their home ,
W. S. Wright , general manager of the gas
company , returned yesterday from a month's
visit In the mountains of Colorado. He re
turned In the most vigorous health and
boasts of the fact that he only slept liv a bed
onu night after ho reached Colorado.
Miss Nelllu Dunn has gone to Sycamore ,
III , , where she will enter a seminary and ro-
nmln foi at least a year. A number of her
friends gave her a farewell party on Wednes
day evening.
Miss Georgia Evans of Ute , la , , Is visiting
her cousin , Miss Grace Barr.
Clarence Colburn Is once more able to be
around after a two weeks' sickness ,
Miss Fannie Brook has returned from a
visit with friends In Indiana.
Mr. and Mrs , Fred Lyons have returned
from St. Joseph , where they were called by
the Illness of Mr. Lyons' mother.
C , E. George and family of Fremont , Neb , ,
will stay In thu city this week to attend the
fair in Omaha.
Mrs. Cash 'Moore ' and Mrs , George Patter
son are visiting their parents , Mr. and Mrs.
L. W. Humphrey of Avoca this week ,
Mrs. I * . T , Mayne of Gretua , Neb. , Is vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mayne.
A children's party Is always interesting
and even the moat blase society goer finds
It dlfllcult to maintain the professional look
to Indicate the required amount of boredom
In the presence of the happy-hearted little
people. Ono of the prettiest of these little
folks' parties was that given by Mrs. Horace
Everett In. honor of the sixth birthday of
her little grand-daughter , Ethel Waddell of
Kansas City. The spacious shady lawn and
the cool retreats ot the house afforded ample
scope for the pretty amusements provided
for the entertainment of the dozen little
women composing the party. The dainty
anniversary feast was served In the dining
room of the house and W H a symphony in
pink. Cakes , Ices and decorative trifles ,
from roses to tapers , were all of delicate
shades of pink , and the scene when thu little
ones were enjoying It was fatry-llko. At the
conclusion of the luncheon the caudles sur
rounding the birthday cake wer lighted and
each guest wan accorded an opportunity to
blow one out , at the same time making
omo wish for the happlncsa nud well-being
of the little hcstces. Those present were :
Marlon Tyler Marlon Tllton , Oladjs Hsrt ,
Amanda and Cora Buckmnn , Hazel llauiun
Florence Otis , Rachel Parmalce , Ada Sar
gent , Martha Rlckman and Marlon Micrsc.
Mr. and Mrs , B , T. Smith give their llttlo
daughter Hazel a party Saturday afternoon
In honor of her Cth birthday at their lesl-
dence , 212 Eighteenth , avenue. The after
noon was spent In games , after which the
little folks partook of a delicate luncheon ,
which was served on the lawn. Among the
little guests were Louisa Wlnthcral , Charles
Anderson , Ralph Anderson. Ruth Anderson ,
Eva Jones , Cecil Jones , Harry Kcgan. Bud
Kegan , Hazel Kegan , Mable Trcet , Maud
Trect , Hazel Waltermycr , Grace Waltcrmyer ,
Bertha Waltermycr , Stella Dalton , Clifford
Dalton , Florence Langmadc , Howard Wil
liams , Clarence Rontlr , Hcrtlo Taylor , Bur-
nice Runlon , Zora Runlon , little Mytlnger ,
Dertlo Rico of Weston , la.
Miss Nannie Mulick of Lead City , S. I ) . , Is
visiting her cousins , Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Marshall , at 1710 High street.
Saturday evening Mrs. Roslc Cochran ot
North Seventh street was happily surprised
by a number of her friends , who -came In to
remind her that It was her birthday. Music ,
games and refreshments were enjoyed until
a late hour. They presented her with a
handsome china bcrrj act and hand painted
spoon In honor ot the occasion. The follow
ing were present ; Messrs. and Mesdames
Rawllngs , R. R Cochran. F. G. Hitchcock ,
J. A. Booth. E. E. Asplnwall , A. C. Lane.
Frank Scanlan , Will Cochran , E. B , Edger-
ton and James G. Bradley , Miss Tilda
Vogclcr. Mr. E. S. Fisher.
On Saturday afternoon Master Arllgh
Haney-Rue entertained a number of hla
young frlctuls at the home of his parents ,
Mr. and 'Mrs. ' . W. B. Hue , adjoining Ban
croft terrace , AJparagus beds and fields of
goldenrod had been despoiled to add to the
beauty of the house and grounds. 'A trcllla
ot goldcnrod extended across ono corner of
the lawn. In the evening the grounds were
brilliantly Illuminated with Chinese lan
terns and colored lights. A pretty little
program of a llghb musical and literary
character was provided. The music was fur
nished by a mandolin club and Miss Cora
Hitchcock , who his won o number ot school
prizes In elocutionary contests gave * a num
ber of her beat selections. The evening was
passed In games that young people delight In.
Ice cream , cake and trull were daintily
tcrved. Arllgh was the recipient of Several
fine presents. After wishing him many re
turns of the lupur day the guests departed ,
all declaring Arllgh a royal host. . Those
prc'ont were : Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ewlng ;
Misses Marie Contlcr , Babe Beecroft , Nellie
Beecroft , Lcona Benner , Nlta Boqiiet , Emma.
Case , Ellle Case , Cornelia Stevenson , Daisy
Howe , Cora Hitchcock , Ethel 'Bonlum and
Edith Haney : Messrs. Lett Bonhnm , Walter
Harris of Ottumwa , Willie Aylesworth , Wal
ter Stevenson , Elmer Long , George Du
quette and Ross Abdlll.
A hunting club has been organized by a
number of young women , and shooting at
Manawa and Big lake will be among the
fashionable pleasures of the season. A party
of four ot the young women went to Manawa
at an early hour yesterday morning and
banged away at the pretty llttlo teal ducks
that forgot to fly when the huntresses ap
peared. One of the young women returned
with a well filled game 'bag and all of them
were more or less successful after they over
came the natural repugnance and fear or
the guns. Several members of the club arc
accomplished wheclwomen and have ar
ranged to make an early morning trip to the
lake this week with their guns strapped to
the frames of their wheels.
A very pretty wedding occurred on
Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. R. II. Pettlbone , when their daugli-
ter , Lydia A. , was united In marriage to
Walter C. Spooner of this city. The parlors
were handsomely decorated with palms ana
cut flowers. The ceremony took place at 3
o'clock , conducted by Rev. W. S. 'Barnes ' , In
the presence of only the immediate relatives.
After light refreshments had been served
the bridal party left on the evening train
for a short wedding Journey in the cast ; On
their return they wilt be al home to their
friends at 120 Glen avenue. The bride and
groom are both well known In this city ,
having been born and reared here. Mr.
Spooner Is bookkeeper for John G. Woodard
& Co.
A letter received by Mrs. R. N. Johnson of
Avenue D from her son , who Is living on a
farm near Port Arthur , Tex. , announced that
ho and his family serious sufferers
from the late cyclone. A tidal wave Inun
dated the farm and destroyed a number ot
the buildings. The saddest feature of the
calamity was the drowning of their Infant
son.A marriage license was Issued yesterday to
Christian P. Christoffcrson , aged 23. and
Mrs. Mary Johnson , aged 10 , both of Shelby.
Judge Macy yesterday ruled on the de
murrer filed by the motor company in the
personal damage suit instituted against the
company by Mrs. Emma Holman , who wants
$10,000 for Injuries received while getting oft
a motor train at Twenty-sixth street a couple
of years ago. The court sustains the de
murrer as to the first count and overrules It
on the second.
Attorney Clem Klmball will glvo the ad
dress this afternoon In the hall of the Pa
triotic Sons of America. It will be the
usual "Plain , Practical Talk on Patriotism. "
Gladys , the Infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles II. Burke , died at their resi
dence , 226 Scott street , yesterday of Inani
tion. The funeral will bo held from the
residence at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Assignee W. W. Wallace has been directed
by the court to sell the stock of groceries
In the possession of W. S. Homer at the time
of his failure.
Jane Richardson has brought suit against
Joseph A. WIncbargcr for the collection ot
a board bill amounting to $200.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Patterson arrived
In the city yesterday and will make their
home hero In the future.
The criminal docket of the district court
will bo taken up on Monday morning. Yes
terday the prisoners who have been Indicted
and arc under arrest , were arraigned before
Judge Macy. They were Andy Baling , L. E ,
Stubbo and Wesley Green , Each asked for
longer timeto plead.
'H CIINP < ! < u-H Over.
Isaac Dlckcrson will not have to undergo
the strain of a trial at this term of court
In connection with the failure of the Cars
County bank , His attorneys submitted a
number of affidavits In presenting the mo
tion for a continuance to Judge Macy In the
district court , and they appeared sufllclently
strong to Justify the court In sustaining the
motion. One of the affidavits alleged that
his daughter was lying at the point of death
without hope of recovery , and the attorneys
maintained that It would be Inhuman and
needlessly cruel to tear the fathfr from the
bedside ot his dying child. Other affidavits
showed that the health of Dlckerson himself
was so frail that the strain of the trial
would result In death. The case was takfn
from the calendar and continued until next
term ,
Hmrrlne IK JlUnlnw.
Gcorgo Emerine , who was Indicted by the
grand Jury for criminal assault upon the
young daughter of Mrs. H , D , Carbee , Is
again being hunted for by the officers. After
hU Indictment ho was admitted to ball in
the sum of $300 , part of which was cash.
When the case was called In the district
court yesterday the court officers were obliged
to announce that Emorlno had disappeared
and could not be found , HU bond was de
clared forfeited and a bench warrant was
tcsued for his arrest as a fugitive from jus
tice , It Is confidentially whispered by come
of Emerlne's friends that ho has left the
country never Jo return , and If the officers
find him they will have to go a long way
from homo.
Slim I ' " ! of Afrrfi-liiK.
There Is n a nedlate prospect ot the
special committee appointed by the city coun
cil to confer with M , F , Rohrer and his at
torneys for the purpose of compromising the-
Sixteenth avenue trouble coming to an agree ,
inent. Aldermen Casper and Metcalf have
been In conference with Mr. Rohrcr and hU
friends , but their discussions have developed
a wide difference of opinion as to the value of
the strip of land fifty feet wide and a block
IOUK which the city desires to acquire for
the purpose of widening the avenue and
making It conform to the width clsowhere.
Tlio difference expressed In dollars Is about
$2,1)00. The council' * III order ihe strip con-
dunned and acquired In the usual way.
Cliiirrli SrrvltM-H T iilnj'
The following Council Bluffs churches will
have services today :
Christian Tahcrniejoj' corner Scott and
Mynstcr Streets Srjilylj ocrmon at 11 a. m.
for od ! people. Suycrt , "Shall We Ki ow
Each Other In Heaven ? " Sermon , 8 p. m. ,
"Almost Porsuaded.'i-Uthcr services at usual
hours. Soloist and leader , Prof. H. A.
Easton of .Danville , iljlr f
Trinity Methodist , Qorner of Fourth Street
acd Ninth Avenue Sctmon * by pastor , 10:30 :
a. m. ; subject , "Self Examination ; " 8 p. m. ,
subject , "Tho World's Final Census. " Rev.
C. W. Brewer , .pastor .
St. John's Evangelist Luthcrtn , Willow
avei tie and Seventh Street Pastor , G. W.
Snyder preaches morning and evening.
Subjects. "Tho Call to the Lord's Side" and
"The Right Heart. "
Congregational Rev. J. W. Wilson , pastor.
Preaching at 10.SO a. m. and 8. p m. by
First Baptist Subject , morning sermon ,
"Ruth ; " evening subject , "Be Heady. " V. C.
Rocho , pastor.
Christian Science Services In Beno's hall
at 10:45 : a. m. Elevator entrance on Pearl
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ , Pierce
Street , near Glen Avenue Morning sernun
by pastor , Rev. T. W. Williams. President
Joseph Smith will speak In the evening.
Central Christian Services In iiudltoilum
of Odd Fellows' temple. Preaching morn
ing and evening by Dr. Carter. The Har
monlco Male quartet will sing at the even
ing services.
Second Presbyterian , Harmony and Logan
Streets , Rev. Alex Lltherland. Pastor MornIng -
Ing subject. " " 'Love Is the Fulfillment ot the
Law ; " evening subject , "Sanctified Cou-age. ' "
, Fifth Avenue Methodist , Rev , G. P. Fry ,
Pastor Morning subject , "The Accuracy of
Typfs ; " evening sermon al 8 o'clock.
Epworth Methodist Sermon by pastor ,
Rev. G. P. Fry , at 3 p. m. Sermon at 8 p.-
m. by Rev. T. P. Nugent.
Broadway Methodist Sermons at 10:30 : a.
in. and 7:30 : p. m. This Is the last Sunday
In the conference year. A full attendance
Is desired.
Burglars went through the residence of
George Langmade , corner of Avenue A and
North , Eighth street , last evening and made
a valuable haul. All of the members of the
family , were out for a short time and the
raid was made during their absence. Amons
the articles taken were a lady's solid gold
watch , a black onyx chain set with pearls ,
a valuable cameo ring , one amythyst and one
smoky topaz , ring and" a heavy gold broach
set with diamonds. On a table In the room
where the greater part of this Jewelry was
found Mr , Langmade had left his own fine
gold watch and $100 In cash , which the
thieves fortunately overlooked.
c.nti. is cn.viuii > WITH FOIUKHY.
n C ii lilriu'ji-
l < > Send Her to tin * I'l-iillcll < Inry.
RED OAK , .la. , Sept. 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) On May 15 the Bank of Elliott , a
small town twelve miles north of here ,
cashed a check for$75 ( which afterwards
turned out to be forged. The check was
presented by a young woman who appeared
to be 25 years of ageauil who possessed an
Intellectual countenance and a ladylike per
sonality. Last week the grand Jury Indicted
Miss Anna Hanuer , yho lives with her
parents In Red Oak-fih'd iollows the profes
sion of teaching musc , fqr forging and pass
ing a forged check. pJhe fase was called for
trial Tuesday and three days were consumed
In taking evidence and In the arguments ot
oi'nsd. When It was learned that Smith
McPherson , one ofthe most eminent law-
jers in thp state , had been employed by the
prosecutors , public Interest was aroused.
County Attorney iMllls Is himself an able
prosecutor , and surprise was expressed on
ovrry hand that It was thought nec-
easjry to employ expensive * outside
assistance. Later ' this sentiment de
veloped Into a well defined and
cpenly expressed public opinion that there
was a personal enmity behind the effort to
send a young woman who has heretofore
borne an unapproachable character to the
penitentiary. Witnesses for the state swore
to having ecen Miss Han nor at Elliott at
the time designated' ' In the Indictment , while
fully as many for the defense testified to
having seen her at the same time near Red
Oak. Rumors ot all kinds passed around the
streets and after the first day many ot the
society women of Red Oak were found seated
In the court room and sympathy for the
unfortunate girl and Indignation for those
who were going to such extreme measures
'to deprive her ot her character and liberty
were openly expressed. That somebody forged
and passed the check and that It was a
young woman who did It very few doubt ,
bit ) rib effort Is made to conceal the belief
that aeldo frorfi any desire to punish who
ever committed the crime there Is some
hidden motive far wishing to place Miss
Hanner behind the bars.
This evening the streets are crowded with
people awaiting the verdict of the Jury and
nothing else Is discussed.
Property ( MvncrH ( Incivtloii < lie Valld-
. Hy of Annexation
DBS MOINES , Sept. 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Residents on Grand avenue , the
fashionable street of the city , including many
of the most wealthy popple In town , have
united forces end will bring a suit to test
the legality of the annexation law of eight
years ago , when DCS Molnes annexed a large
number of suburban towns. If the action
succeeds It will dismember the city and
re-establish the original municipalities. The
occasion for the movement Is the disaffection
ot the property owners on the avenue because -
cause of the city's action In ordering a largo
amount of paving several years ago. The
matter got Into the courts and after long
delays the supreme court held that the con
tracts must bo carried out , although the
price was excessive. The constitutionality
of the annexation law was questioned In this
suit. The state supreme court held that the
law was unconstitutional and Irregular , but
ruled that It could not now be set aside
because of the requirements of public policy.
The expectation Is that In federal court , to
which the case will now be transferred , th&
question of public policy will not be taken
Into consideration and that the annexation
will be declared Invalid , City officials are
greatly concerned , as previous suits have
developed serious weaknesses in the annex
ation proceedings and thcro \ llttlo doubt
that It could bo set aside If a court would
leave out of consideration the question of
public policy. * .
CJrcnt WrNtornrlli Secure1111 ICn-
tr u n IT Over loivu Con I nil TrneUH.
MASON CITY , Ia. , ; e'p . 18 , ( Special Tele-
gram. ) It Is announced here on good au
thority that the Grcati.Westcrn railroad will
bo running Into thllj clly by October 1 ,
Trains will bo run fVoni Manlcy over ten
miles of Iowa CcntraJ'j trackage. The Wells
Fargo Express company and the Postal Tele
graph company will comewlth It.
OliooKt A no III IT' ' CM nil III lite.
SIOUX CITY , Sept. ' 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The democratic/ county central com
mittee of Woodbury county met this after
noon to choose a successor to C. S , Argo ,
who was nominated as ; one of the candidates
for representatives hut who afterwards re
signed to go to Klondike. The committee se
lected V. C. Sherman of the law firm of
Kean & Sherman , who will make the race
this fall. Mr. Shermen has never been In
politico In this county and Is'qulto a youni )
man. Several other men were anxious to
make the race , but did not receive much
recognition at the hands ot the committee.
Ttvo HoblierM Arc Si'iit < * neil ,
CRESTON. la , , Sept. 18. ( Special. ) Judge
Towner has Imposed sentence upon Al Bald-
ergon , convicted of tbo crime ot burglary ,
and John Calnoy , who pleaded guilty to the
charge of highway robbery. Baldcreon was
sentenced to servo eighteen months In the
penitentiary at Fort Madison , and John will
remain an Inmate for three years. Another
charge ot burglary la Uunglog over Balder-
son , for which he will probably be tried at
the expiration of hl present semence. The
August term of the district court Adjourned
Stnlr 1'cilrrnlliiii Piano to Oruaiilr.o
All tlio WorUlnniiU'ii of limn.
DBS MOINES. Sept. IS. ( Spscial Tele
gram. ) The executive committee of the
State Federation of Labor met here today
and adopted Important plnns looking to the
organlzitKn. of the laboring people' of the
state. The committee consists of J. F.
Byrne , president , Ottumwa ; I. S. Kejm , DCS
Molnrs ; Thomas J. Grant , Miueatlne ; A. S.
Llnburncr. Dubuquc ; George E. Shaver , lies
Six organizers will be put In the Held at
once. The federation at presMit represents
about 20,000 men. The new plan of or
ganization will carry It In.o all the cities
and towns , and Is expected to bring 120.000
men Into the federation. The next
meeting of the federation will be held In
Dubuquc , and Important matters will be
considered. A plan will bo presented , and
petitions prepared In Its favor , asking the
legislature to abolish convict labor by con
tract and to put the convicts at work on
the highways , ns Is done In North Carolina.
Another nutter which will be recommended
to the legislature Is the abolltUn of the
poll tax , to which working men arc unani
mously bltteily opposed.
CI.OSI2 I10VI'Oll \V.\XT OF Kl'KI , .
Several llutiilroit Alon Thrown Iitlr tin
tinUfxiilt of HitCoul Strike.
DES MOINES. Sept. 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The coal strike situation. . In this dis
trict has reached .the acute stage. Today all
but ono of the big paving brick manufactur
ing companies In the city announce that they
cannot continue opcartlons longer tor want
of fuel , and will shut dotfn for an Indefinite
time. This action throws several hundred
men out ot employment and other plants will
have to take the same course In a very short
time unless mining Is resumed.
The miners will send a delegation to
Ccntcrvllle , Oskaloosa , Swan 'and other min
ing centers Monday to confer with the miners
there In the effort to prevent coal being
shipped Into DCS Molnes. The local coal
supply has been kept up by shipments from
these places for a week. Th United Mine
Workers' union will be appealed to and the
effort will be made to Induce miners to
threaten to strike If their coal Is sent to DCS
Molnes. The miners ore hopeful of winning
and the local labor organizations 'have ' all
tendered them financial aid whenever llfcy
need It to enable them to prolong the
Klrc Itovuril for n liny.
CRESTON. la. , Sept. 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Crcstou suffered from a disastrous
fire this afternoon which for a time threat
ened the entire business district. Corning
and VIlHsca were telegraphed to bo In read
iness to send aid. The lire started In the
basement ot Mackemcr & Steam's furniture
store , and was difficult of access. Three fine
brick blocks were gutted , more than a dozen
business and professional firms being burned
out. It Is estimated that $50,000 worth of
property was destroyed , with Insurance at
$30.000. The firms burned out and their
losses are : Mackomcr & Steam , furniture ,
loss , $12,000 ; Insurance , $4,500 ; R. N. Jones ,
dry goods , loss , $9.000 ; Insurance. $5,000 ;
J. B. Schiiaubcr , Jeweler , loss , $6,000 ; in
surance , $3,000 ; Dr. Sprague , dentist , loss ,
$1,500 ; Insurance , $500 ; James Harrlck , real
estate , loss , $500 ; Popjoy Sisters , milliners ,
loss , $200 ; Dr. Groves , loss , $2r.O ; J. E. Birn-
grovcr , real estate , loss , $500 ; E. Weber ,
photographer , loss , $300 ; Insurance , $500 ;
Horton & Danlelson. furniture , IOFS , ? 200 ;
James Leach , drug store , loss , $200. Sev
eral other firms had goods damaged by
smoke and water. The buildings are dam
aged to the extent of $15,000.
.Tilill 1 > N Into the Oilnr Itlvi'r.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Sept. IS. ( Special
Telegram. ) C. Howard of Rockford , 111. ,
who has been here for the last three months
In charge of the business of the W. A.
Wards Installment company ot Minneapolis
and DCS Molnes , committed suicide early
this morning by throwing himself from the
Northwestern bridge into the Cedar river.
It Is supposed he was short In his accounts
and became despondent. Ills father was at
one time Internal revenue collector for the
southern district of Iowa.
nvoiibllcau Ilnlly for CreMoii.
CRESTON , la. , Sept. 18. ( Special. ) The
republican campaign for the Eighth district
will be opened In Creston September 25 ,
when Congressman Dolllver will deliver an
address. He will be supported by other able
orators , and thousands of voters are ex
pected from all over this section , the Inten
tion being to make it a district rally.
Fred White , silver candidate for governor ,
delivered a political speech here yesterday to
an audience of 306.
Convention of ChrlMtliui Churchcx.
ORESTON , la. , Sept. 18. ( Special. ) The
Christian churches of Union and Adams
counties are holding a three days' session
at Brooks. The convention met Tuesday
evening and will close tonight. Delegates
are present from all ports of the county
and Interesting and profitable meetings are
being held. All departments of church work
arc receiving attention.
Nlno-Dolliif Conl at .Sloiix City.
SIOUX CITV , Sept. 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The hard coal dealers of Sioux City
have decided to advance the price of coal
and no sales uuder five tons will be made for
less than $9 per ton. Last year the maxi
mum price of hard coal here was $8.50.
Ktrrijii ; < : s FOR TIM : KI.OXDIKKHS.
Ncorutnry Alter Will Soiul Tlifiu In
oil n Ioconiollv < - Slcil.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 18. Secretary Algcr
Is now engaged In an attempt to solve the
question of hew to get supplies Into the
Klondike gold regions and thereby prevent
the threatened starvation of many miners.
The great Yukon river , which has formed
the main reliance ot the miners an a means
of getting their supplies up to Dawson , Is
without doubt already closed to navigation
by boats and the mountain pusses via Chll-
koot are almost Impassable , The problem
Is a hard one , but It In believed by the sec
retary that by means of a novel character
transportation for supplies Into the gold
country may bo provided , even In the midst
of an Alaskan winter. Ho has opened a
correspondence Indirectly with a Chicago in
ventor who makes a locomotive sled , de
signed originally for use In logging camps ,
but which It Is hoped may bo readily adapted
to the navigation of the Yukon -when It is
troton thickly. With a few of these ma
chines placed on the river It Is hoped that
a sufficient supply of food and other nccec-
nary stores may bo carried up the Yukon to
relieve all distress among the miners. The
secretary has already had some experience
with this kind of locomotive , so that the
scheme Is not EO radical an experiment as
It would at first thought seem to be. When
engaged In lumbering In the northwest ho
tried the engine practically and found tint
It was capable of pulling many tons of logs
on sleds at a good speed , oven as high as
twelve miles an hour , Tlio engine Is boxed
In llko a freight car and the engineer and
fiteman thereby protected from the rigors of
the winter ,
110111111117 tin * I'll mi inn Kiillroail ,
NEW YORK , Sept. 18. The attorneys for
the Panamerlcan lUllroad company placed on
record today a mortgage bonding all the
property , rolling stock , steamships , wharves
and other appurtenances of the Panama rail
road In the sum of $4,000,000 , the Central
Trust company of New York and William
Nelson Cromwell , who act at , trustees , ad
vancing the money. The mortgage Is given
to secure the 4'/ & per cent sinking fund gold
bonds Issued , A clause In the mortgage ro-
cltes that In the event of the opening of
the Panama cunal , then the bonds will be
payable at the expiration of four months
after notification by the railroad company.
The money borrowed U to be used In Im
provements and securing subsidy bond * given
to the Columbian government.
Dully TrriiMiiry Slali-ini-nt.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 18. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury shows :
Available caeh balances , $217,352,067 ; gold re-
tcrvc , JHC(435 , 32.
Auditor of South Dakota Discovers a Lot of
Cp of Aiiillliir'n Oilier In
.South llnUntn Iont In n Slli-
Nhoil .Mittitit-i' KoiidnK frnni
tinIllliner Ineurroel.
I'lBRRE , S. 1) . , Sept. IS. ( Spcclal.-Slnco )
the report of Public Examiner Taylor , charg
ing a shortage In few In the Insurance de
partment , was filed the auditor has been nt
wo k on the books of the ofllce to find where
the > .rror has been nude by the public ex
aminer. The work Is not yet completed by
any means , but. enough errors have been
found to completely confound the report ot
the examiner. The probability Is that the
balance ot the report Is as faulty as that
portion which has been put to the test , and
In that case all the alleged shortage be fully
accounted for. In going over the otllce ledger
from which the examiner took his fig
ures , there were found In three rompanlts
taken at random from the list discrepancies
OB follows : The ledger account showed footIngs -
Ings ot $1,911.08 ; J1 , ! 29.0S and $2,081.54 as
the receipts from tno sovcral companies ,
same companies , In a list asserted to
have been copied from thu same
ledger , at Jl.S71.Ol ) , $1,005.08. $2684.54.
It will bo seen by a comparison of these
figures that there were errors both for and
against the olllee In these three companies ,
and other eoinpank's In the same line of
work will balance all discrepancies. These
footings cover the transactions ot the ulllco
for the full time nf the examination with thu
companies whose accounts were compared.
The figures given \\ero from footings made
personally and compared exactly with footIngs -
Ings of the same accounts made by the of
Besides this It has been discovered that
receipts In the treasurer's otllce , given
directly to the companies for funds which
never came Into the hands ot the auditor at
all , have been charged to the auditor , thcsti
alone amou'iitlng to al considerable sum , and
having much to do with the alleged < ! !
creprncy. The attorney general went over
a number of the lodger accounts and com
pared them with the report , to find whether
the report WOK of any value In commencing
the suits recommended by the examiner , and
after frdlng discrepancies In every account
he examined , has decided that the report ls <
worthless so far as any suit Is concerned , and
will take no action until he has some bettor *
evidence on which to work than anything yet
available , providing any such can be dis
PtEItKE , S. I ) . , Sept. IS. ( Special Ti-lo-
srnm. ) The force 111 the nudltor'e ofllro hns
completed an abstract of the errors In the
Taylor report In I he ledger account nlono
and finds that In 141 accounts flfty-onc are
erroneously shown In the report , the total
dlrTnreuco being $71)9.22. These errors are
both for and against the olllee. The ledger
account was the simplest and easiest one
to deal with , and Its examination , as cou-
ducted , should have been the most free from
John Hondo ( o IIIilvrii ti HcnrliiK nl
Hoi Sprlimn III 11 FPWVrKn. .
RAPID CITY , S. D. Sept. IS. ( Special. )
AntnlereKtlngcasoiuabout to come up in the
fall term of court at Hot Springs. About two
months ago a Mexican named John Hondo
shot and killed a half-breed named Benja
min Tlbblt , about two mile * from the Pluc
Ridge agency. Hondo was arrested by the
agent , but the government authorities re
fused to have anything to do with the ease
because of Judge Garland's decision In which
ho hold the United States courts have no
Jurisdiction' 'over others than full-blooded
Indians , and that criminals among half-
breeds and all others on the reservation except - I
cept full-bloods must bo prosecuted by thr 1
state courts In counties adjacent to the re
serves. Until last week no county wished
to volunteer to try the first case and entail
the expense. Finally Fall River county hns
made a move and Sunday Hondo was ar
rested and brought to Hot Springs. The
Fall River authorities will prosecute the
case , but in return claim the right to levy
a tax on all cattle and personal property be
longing to the residents of the reservation
other than full-bloods. If they arc able to
make the case win It will be a big thing for
the county , for there are many thousand
head of horses and cuttle across the Chey
enne on the reserve which are never taxed.
Lively ( 'IiiiNion tli < * llciulVa ( TH of
tinMoriail KiulM In n Killing.
PIERRE , S. D. , Sept. 18. ( Speclil Tcla-
grim. ) A report comes In here todny that
the cattlemen on the head watets of the
Moreau started after a band of cattle
rustlers last Tuesday and finding three of
them had o running fight In which one was
killed , ono captured and thu other i-scapcd.
The captured man was lynched. The men
who bring the report do not know the names
except that the man lynched was known as
ClK'.vemif Club AIIIIOIIIKTI-H IIiiilillcllpN.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Sept. 18. ( Special. )
The handicapping committee for the Chey
enne club races on Saturday have submit
ted the following handicaps : Five minutes ,
C. N. Potter , A. D. Adamson ,
Lieutenant Huthers , Captain Pitcher ;
4:30 : , i. a. Pratt , C. W. Uur-
dlck , H. O. Hay , H. W. Breckons , J. A.
Breckons ; 3:30 : , Pitt Covert , (3. W. Rlner ,
J. W. Hammond ; 3 minutes , Louis Kirk ,
Max Meyer , A. II. Trocxcll ; 2:30 : , J. H.
Loomls , Roger Robins ; 1:45 : , J. H. Conway ,
1:30 : , 0. P. Johnston , J. A. McDcrmott ;
scratch , A. J. Johnson.
The race will be a five-mile at
the State fair grounds , the proceeds to bo
donated to the Ladles' Relief association.
The prize Is a magnificent silver cup offered
by the Cheycnnu club and Is to be won two
successive years before becoming the prop
erty of the winner. The cup was won last
year by J. A. McOermott In 15:51. :
Illil 'I'llI'll1'iiNtor FiiriMVi-ll.
CHEYENNE , Wyo , , Sept. 18. ( Special. )
Hov. J. A. Johnson , who has been pastor of
the Methodist Episcopal church In this city
for the last five years , closed his work here
Wednesday evening , A largo number of his
friends from all denominations gathered at
the church to ay goodby. Father Conway
ot the Catholic church , Bailie Brown of the
I'rcsbytcrlan , Dr. Raftrr of the Kplsco-
p IUn , and others with n largo number of
the members of their conRrpRathns worn
present. The odlclal board of the
church presented Mr , Johnson with a sot
of resolutions expressing their appreciation
of the work of the retiring pastor. In which
they recite that hi addition to his pastoral
duties he has been an efficient financier ,
raising during the past five years over $ lfi-
000 In paying debts and finishing the church
building ; that during the past five years 130
members have been added to the church
and M.SOO expended In church bcnevolcncp.
Rev. Mr. Johnson will take a charge In
South Omaha.
Oltloorn for AtiinUn ( Miovou.
CHEYENNE. Wyo. . Sept. lS.-Specl ( l
Telegram. ) Colonel Randall , detailed to tafc
a military expedition to Alaska , today de
lected LtpuUiiints UM1 and Walker of ( he
Eighth Infantry to accompany him. Ho hn
requested the War department to bo allowed
to take n full company of men Instead o !
twenty-five , as originally planned. The ex
pedition will be toady to leave bore Monday
for Seattle.
I.KH AXI > TIIH IMtHSIIlliM' roXI.'ltll.
CoitMil ( icncriil IK I'rKpTTtii Hplnrii < o
WASHINGTON. Kept , is. General Fltz-
hugh Leo , consul general to Cuba , had a
long consultation with the president at the
White house today. It was the first time
General Lee had seen Mr. McKlnley slnco
the former's return ) to this country about a
fortnight ago. He saw the president by
special appointment and all visitors were ex-
eluded during the progress of the confer
ence except Secretary Algcr , who came over
from the War department and remained un
til after General Lee's departure.
The conference was a long one , lasting al
most one hour. General Lee fully reviewed
the situation In Cuba and explained at
length all points upon which either the
president or Secretary Algor asked for In
formation. General Leo gave his own vle
very freely to the president , but after the
Interview was very reticent about the na
ture of the report he had made. He said
the president had not given him an outline
ot his policy. It Is evident , however , that
the president U deeply Impreiiud with the
critical character of the situation as de
scribed by Geuerjl Lee , us It Is understood
that at the conference he strongly urged
Consul General Lep to retain his nfUce. at
least for the present , and to return
to Havana at his earliest conven
ience. As It hat ) been strongly Inti
mated for fcvcrnl mouths that ex-Congress
man Aldrlch would succeed General Lee at
Havana and that the latter probably would
not return , the president's action today Is
construed to mean that he thinks It Inadvis
able to make a change at this juncture.
General Lee left hero this afternoon for
Covington , Va. , but before his departure ad
mitted that he would return to Cuba as soon
as ho had arranged lin ! private affairs , prob
ably about the middle of October.
In private conversation with close personal
friends General Lee has expressed himself
vigorously as to the situation In Cuba and
has been very emphatic In his condemnation
of some of General Weyler's methods.
HiisliifMH TroiililfM of ii lny.
BENTON HARBOR , Mich. , Sept. IS. The
First National bank ot this city did not open
for business today , and National Bank Kx-
aailner George II. Caldwell Is In charge.
About $90,000 Is due depositor" , and It la
generally believed tlmt 75 per cent will be
about as much as will bo realized. Thu
suspension Is not wholly a surprise. De
posits have decreased about $50,000 the past
three months. The bunk's capital stock was
550,000 , with a surplus of $40.000. James
Bailer , cathlcr. makes no statement except
ing that In his opinion depositor will bo
paid In full. There is a crowd of small de-
Liosltors about the door. They attribute tha
bank's embarrassment chiefly to bad loans.
Woman may crown
herself with good
health if she will.
By so doing she will
insure her own at
tractiveness , make
her husband and her
home happy , and
protect the
health of
her babies.
Health is the
most glorious
crown that n woman may wear. To wear it
she must take proper care of herself , and
see to it that the delicate organs that ore
distinctly feminine are always healthy and
strong' . Thousands of women fall short of
good health in this one respect , and as a
result soon become but wrecks of Hjeir
former selves. A woman cannot long- retain
her general health who is Miflcrinp from
weakness and disease of the organs that
make wifehood and motherhood possible.
Dr. Pierce's ' 37avorite Prescription acta
directly on these organs. It makes them
well and strong. It prepares a woman to be
a wife and mother. It docs away with the
discomforts of the expectant period and
makes baby's advent easy and almost pain
less. All good druggists sell it.
"I am glnd. " writes Mrs. Louisa Arthurs , of
Ostwalt , IrcdellCo. . N. C. , "to express my urall-
tilde to you fur the benefits I have received from
your medicines. After the birth of iny second
child I wan stricken with derniiRemcnt of the
ctomncti nud liver nud n full line of female weak
nesses , I'or seven yearn I suffered untold misery.
Tlien my husband , J. H. Artlr.irs , sent for n cony
of your ' Common Sense Medical Adviser. ' The
book described my sulTcrlnys so plainly that I
purchased bottles of your' favorite Prescription *
and ' ( Joldeti Medical Dincovcry' mid n vial of
Tleasant PelleU. ' Our doctor pronounced my
case hopelcsii , and laid aside your iiiedlclau ,
calling them nostrums mid Tor Fix months 1 lay
uuder bis disgusting treatment. Al the end of
Ibis time I commenced tnkinuyour tiicdlcliieainl
improved very fast. I WHS noon ithle to do my
housework. My baby thrived fast , and is to-day
the healthiest child I have. Your medicine caved
my life. " My recovery was nstnnlDlting , I rec
ommend your medicines constantly. "
Dr. I'iercc'a Pellets cure Constipation.
* * /wwv/v/wv\x\/wwvw\ \y\/\\/
Until ( or ulu < > r xiit. JJuy & Hunt , 'ii > I'earl
for steuin boIlui'H , fnrnacos , etc.
This pnito IH boint ; lur ely Ubo-1
In jiaulcliitf lioiihfjrt , broworicH ,
inillB , BtiHiu'i lumtiiiLf pluntH or iiny
iilut'u wliero Btuuin hulloi'B uro bo-
Irifr iihed. Tlioy iiru tbo moat
cconiimliiiil , iltirublu and olllclcnt
Blinking trrato nuulo anil will isiiv-
fool. Write for < ilrculiira dcscrib *
ing jjrutos , giving fuller Infonnu-
tion to llio
Orate Go
10th Ave. and 12th St
Council Bluffs In.
DR. H A. WOODBURY After July ist my father , Dr.
. , . , E. I , Woodbury , will have chnrtfa of
DENTIST. tlia plitto work In iny olllco and I will
. give my entire attention to Opurutlvo
Dontlbti'v , Crown uml Hrtdgo Work.
No. 30 Pearl St. ,
Next to UninU Hotel. H. A. WOODBURY , D.D.S