Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1897, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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    TTTT ? fVMATTA IIATP.V KPVHAV. RT'Prn5VM"miyi ! ? 1O. 1SO7.
Tawnuo Oounty Parties Intend Bringing a
Test Ctiit.
.Aln In rriilin-c of tin- \ rtSlntlilc
\HlK'l 'll UN lIllUIIIIHtlllllllllllll It )
( In1 llnliler of mi
MNCOLN , 5001. IS ( Special-The ) con-
ftrltiiMonallty of the new ochoul land law Ute
to be tested 111 the lourtd , the prcllmlnar >
fctt-ps to that end having been made by Con-
Ity rulton , atton e ) of Pawnee City
The ) will bring the cane In the name of
T 1'altcrgon ot I'autue count ) , who resides
on notnu school land and desires to buy It
Ticlr contention will be that a man holding
a lease ot land uniltr the old law also had
the right to buy the land from the state ,
ri d that to long as he holds the lease the
light to purchase rannot bo taken from him
by legislative uiac.tmr.nt. The new law
piovlded that after July 'J , 1397 , the sale of
school 1-uuli should toaec. When the new
milt \\KR ( nought to the attention of the
land commissioner It was ascertained that
the land held by Patterson nas In another )
man t , name , an nsslKnment made xomo
vcais aj-o iot having been recorded , nml
the full record will have to bo made before
Patterson can K" nlleatl with the suit. It
IB learned similar cnscn have lieen talked
of from olhrr parts of the state , but the
l'a nee paitles nro the flrat to make a de
cided move towards testing the new law
The Co-operative Creamery company of
Illverton , with a capital stock of $ : iGOO , has
m filed articles of Incorporation The stock
holders are Isaac1 Shcpherdson , T N Moolo
nml HiiKcne Ilu tcr
The State Printing Honnl held a meeting
jeitenlny afternoon to consider the bill of
the State Join ml comptny for the printing
of 1 U90 copies of volume xllx , Nebraska
Htito Ueporto Thu amount claimed was
Jl-'l ! ) for the printing and $17 for thlrtj-foui
horns overtime In making corrections The
bond decided to dlsallo-v the bill. This WAS
ilonu In order to compel tbo Journal company
to bring suit for the collection of the claim ,
and thcioby prove In couit whether or not
there Is a binding contract between the com
pany and the st.ito for t'lie printing of the
n ports. Tuo years ago the State Printing
Hoard lit the contract to the Journal com
pjny foi the printing of eight volumes of
the supreme court reportn The present
hoard at a meeting last spring decided that
In making mich a long-time contract the old
hoard exceeded ItH nutborlt ) , and a move
vsas made to advert Ho for now hlds The
Jonrnil company got out an injunction to
pievcnl the hoard from ndvortlBlng for bids
The action of the board iuatcrduy will com-
pnl the Journal to piove that a pi luting
luutd may make contracts that will ho bind
ing In rt-gnid to work that cornea up during
the administration of a futuic board.
The silver republican wing ot the fusion
party has ( lied a design of Its emblem at the
offlco of the secretary of htate U is a picture
of a hell with a crack In one side , and the
\vnid "Liberty" printed across near the lower
edge of the bell. The cut from which the
design was printed id also on flic It Is a
trifle nvci ono anil one-half Inches In bight
The silver republicans have not. yet filed
tholr cortincntes of nomination
The nuprcnio court bai docket containing
the assignments for the September term ha !
boon Issued The Ilrst sitting of court wll
bo Tuesday , September 21 , when the follow
ing cases will he called.Volls against
Stocki-lberg Ilalrd against \Vonclard , Chicago
nurllngtoii R. Qulncy Tlnllvvay Compati )
against Ntbiaska City Catrnn ngalnct State ,
Hema against State , Muss r against State
Mills against State , Miifser against State ,
ngalnst Mooros , State ex rol liroitch agalnsi
Moorcs Whitney ngalnst State , State ox rf >
Snijth agilnst Magney , Hartley against
State Iluilburt ( tsalnst State , Giaiifiei
ngalnst State , Kazda against State , lohnsoi
against State , Plshor against State , McKIn *
les'-Launlng Investment Company ngalnsl
Hamcr ( three cases ) , Slohodlaky agalnsl
Phoenix Insurance Company , 'SValnwlight
agiln t Sattcrileld , Amlcifan against Hoc
man , Hubbard against Knight , Anhmiso -
Ilusch Brewing A'soclatlon against IIlp >
McKee against Ilalntor , CunnlnRham against
Wahath , Orotna State Hink ngalnst Grabou
Lapp against rerbracher , Trey against Cui-
tla , Olllllan against Iladen , Ferguson against
The now long distance telephone Ime be
tween Lincoln and Chicago was opened ti
the public today.
At the last meeting of the city schoo'
hoird the rate of tuition far residents ol
Lancaster county , outside of the city , wr
fixed at $2 per month In the High school am
? 1 per month In the graded schrols. The rale
will be $1 higher than this for students fron
outside the county.
At about noon today It was noticed thai
the 41r was full of grasshopper * , the clout
of flying Insects being eo thick as to obscutv
the sun for a time. Nona of them were
observed to light In this Incnlitj.
Tlie principals of the different schools o
the city have been holding meetings every
day this week the purpose being to schoo
the teachers In the now BJ stems ot read
ing and arithmetic adopted by the bean
this summer , and to make other prcparA'
tlons for the opening of the schools , whlcl
occurs next Monday.
John II rarwcll. a Lincoln boy , has beet
appointed private secretary of Un'trd ' S'atss
Consul McGIII at Tamplco , Mcx , and wll"
leave for the south November 1.
Mlfis Louise Pound , the tennis champion
arrived home from Chicago jesterday evcn >
Church IIowo has been hero this week , at
tending the reunion He expects to sail fron
Now York about October 1 , and will go dl
net to Sicily to assume his duties.
Prof. II , K. Wolfe , late of the Unlvorslt )
of Nebraska , will leiture nt the Unlver
nallst church tomorrow forenoon , his subjcc !
being Hall Calno's now book , "Tho ChrlS'
tlan. "
Beginning next Mondn ) evening there wll
A .Nn llrmt'il } AVIili-h Will Do K
Chronic djspcpsla Is considered by many
ppoplo lo bo nearly If not quite Incurable
No good reason can bo given why thu )
think HO except that perhaps they Imvo trice
various remedies without much , If any ben
ntlt. lint the progtess In ovcry branch o
medicine has been such that among utho
things a lasting euro for Indigestion In It
clronlo form as well as temporary has beei
discovered a'ld ' Is now placed before tin
tubllc etrlctlv on UK merits as a perinunon
euro for all stomach troubles or dllllcultle-
with the digestive organ * .
This now treatment Is called Stuart's Djs
nupsla Tablctd , being put up In tablet fern
BO as to bu easily taken and also to prescrv
KB good qualities for an Indeflnlto length o
ThU remedy has produced surprising cf
facts In the \vor t forms of Indigestion , am
In many cates where ordinary remedle
failed to glvo even relief , Stuart's I ) > spepsla
Tablets have fully curcil
The splendid lesulls from using this prep
nratlou are ottlng to the met that It Is pre-
inred anil Inteiuled for lyape | > ila and atom
> irh troublt-'i only , U U not a cure-all Ilk
so many ndvertlseil rcmodles , claiming t
i tire ovcrjihlug under the sun , but It I
claimed that It U a certain euro for Dy
Dsutla ami an > ono stifforliifi from any torn
of Indigestion cannot fall to gut permanen
lulluf and euro from Us use ,
It in so prepaid ! and thu Ingredients are o
fetich a nature ( hat when the tablets are take
In tenthu stomach they digest the food n
matter whether thu stomach Is In good work
IIIK order or not. You get sustenance tin
strength to mind and body by reason of th
food being properl ) digested and at tbo snin
tlmt > the much abused stomach U allow e
to rent and recuperate.
Notwithstanding the great benefits to b
derived from Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets , th
price U but & 0c for full sired package an
11 druggists Belt them ,
A lUllo book on Stomach Diseases malle
free by addretslni : the Stuart Co. , Marshal
10 a four dajn' bible conference at the
nlted Presbyterian church It In uncleJ
omlnntlonul , nndwill be conducted by Dean
L C Peik , Hold ncrrctnry of the Christian
ml Missionary nlllanco , and Hev. Adiilson
Uanohard , pantor of the Second ConRrega-
lonnl church of Denver
Omaha people at thn lintels At the Lin-
ellV II Johnson George T Duller , vvlfo
ml daughter , L T Sundcrland , KJ Henry ,
, W Snow , M 13 King At the Lincoln
? . 13 Yfflt , P J McShatie , MM H. J. Me-
Jormlck. T H. Tomla Jr , Joseph Uarkor ,
\sa Shlverlck. Charles T. Miles , H. C. Ora-
1 If KivlsTTl3 MMI3I ) .
lilllllilli'llliiiiiilnrcM \ \ hlllll VlllU-o
n Him for Oilier.
NIOBHARA , Neb , Sept IS ( Special Tele
gram. ) The republican convention nominated
i full count } ticket , as follows. J C Hass ,
reasurer ; C A. Armstrong , clerk ; John
lurns , sheriff , It F Chambers , Judge , Miss
Gc-na Berg , superintendent of schools , C. A
Nlppoll , surveor ; Dr J. D Bates , coroner
Che convention was In every v oy harmonious
and the ticket onu of the strongest nnml-
latcd for several } ears.
SYRACUSE , Neb , Sept. 18 ( Special Telegram -
gram ) The republican county convention
net today and placed In nomination a win
ning ticket. The convention was entirely
mrmonlous The following are the nomi
nees Kor register of deeds , Clnrles Brant ,
Nebraska City , treasurer , Henry Wollen-
slck , OMIRO , sheriff , William Browcr Ne
braska City ; county judge , M. C. Joyce ,
Syracuse ; count } clerk , II. R. Christy ; sur
veyor , M. C Rccil , South Branch ; coroner ,
Dr C. N. Karstons , Nebraska City , county
school superintendent , C G Elwanger , Ne-
irrska City ; commissioner Third district ,
Charles Dorman , Russell The populists and
free silver republicans will hold their con
vention October 6 , , . ,
RUSHV1LLE , Neb , Snpt. IS ( Special Tel-
i-lSiam. ) The republican county convention
icld an onthus'astlc and harmonious session
today The p oposltlou to fuse with the dem
ocrats has been discussed considerably lately ,
but when the delegates got together It soon
hecamo manifest that the sentiment against
fusion was overwhelmingly In the majority ,
KO a straight republican ticket was put In
the Held. Ringing icsolutlons were allRpted
endorsing President McKlnlcy's administra
tion nnd congratulating the country upon
the return of prosperity hi ought about by
the faithful fulfillment of pledges Follow
ing Is the ticket- County judge , Chailes
Breasc , county clerk. D F. Van Vleck ;
treasurer , David Mortal , sheriff , William
Lister ; coronet , L W. Gorton ; superintend
ent of schools , J B Brown There was no
nomination for surveor.
MINDEN , Neb , Sept. IS. ( Special Tele
gram ) The republicans of Kearney county
held their convention toda } and nominated a
full county ticket. It Is considered the
strongest and best c er nominated Resolu
tions VVCTO adopted Indorsing the present ad
ministration and the Dlngley law. also de
nouncing theft by trusted public officers.
The Gazette , the only republican paper In
the county , was Indorsed for the good work
donu for republicanism J L MePheeley
made n rousing speech nnd the convention
adjourned with great enthusiasm.
OM3 M VX hl'0ll7s\FLSIO.N 1M , W
llesnlt I ] tlmt Two SIlMT Tli'UrlM Are
\iiniei ! In Hiiniilo Count } .
KEARNEY , Neb. , Sept. IS ( Special Tele
gram ) The populists met In county con
vention at the court house hero today and
the democrats met lu the supervisor's room
at the Lame tlmo. Soni after convening
the democrats appointed a committee to wait
on the' populists and try to agree on terms
for fusing Several propositions were sub
mitted and , after spendtag nearly all day
In wrangling It wes agreed to fuse and give
the dcmociats two places on the ticket. This ,
however , was not agreeable to Linan Carey ,
the present cointy tieasurer , and the popu
list preference for re-elpctlon , and he spoiled
the anongetnont by standlmg strictly in the
mlddlc-of-tho-road and refusing to allowli3 \
name to be used on a fusion ticket This set
tled the matter and the mlddle-of-the-roaders
had everthing their own way nd two full
tickets were placed In nomination
The pcpullst nominees are as follows-
Treasurer , Lyman Care } ; register of deeds ,
R H Mathcson , county clerk , W. T. Kcs ;
sheriff , D AVotk ; county superintendent , H.
F. Carson ; county Judge , J A. Miller ;
coroner J. II. Penn , and sun e } or , C. B
Channel !
The democrats nominated Charles Bessie
for trcabiircr , W L Keller register of deeds ;
\ V Hava , cleik ; P Fit7gerald sheriff ; J.
M Coslello , ; J. B Carr , count }
Judge ; C B Channel ! , survcor , and E. L
Lenncr superintendent.
The populist delegates were nearly equally
divided between fusion and anti-fusion , and
a merry tlmo was had from first to last. They
adopttil resolutions demanding government
ownership of public enteiprises , postal sav
ings banks , nstrlctlons , of lands belonging
to monopolies and Insisting on the Initiative
ami referendum. There Is war to the knife
between the populists and the democrats and j
the clnnces for republican success arc en
tin- state run
LINCOLN Sept. IS ( Special. ) The state
rrntral committees of thu three free silver
uarties met here last night for the purpose
of nrranclne for the campaign , n. E Leo
Ilerdman becretary of the democratic com-
nlttee. pre lded In absence of Chairman
I C. Dahlman. It was agreed that the
< -haliiran. seciclary and uxecullve committee
ohculd have cnaigo of the campaign. Head-
quarteis will bo at the Llndell hotel , Lin
coln. The game rooster emblem adopted by
the state convention was endorsed.
Frank T Ransom , chairman , hold the reins
aver thu fre-o sllvor republican committee.
A. II. Gleason of Lincoln was selected as
secretary and the campaign management was
turned over to the executive committee
Headquarters will bo at the Lincoln hotel.
The populists will also make their head-
charters at the Lincoln hotel , but will have
a branch headquarteis In Omaha. Confer
ences were held between the committees on
plans for pushing the campaign and further
ing the candidacy of Judge Sullivan.
SWIM > I.IS TIM : ou > ser mniis.
TcllH ii IMaiiNllile Story mill Secure *
Vloiic } from S > mimthl/iTN.
FREMONT. Neb , Sept 18. ( Special. )
Several members of the Grand Army of the
Republic hero have been swindled by a man
giving his name sometimes as Miller nnd
other times as Bnchnian nnd who claims to
have been a lieutenant or captain In the Third
Missouri Infantry Ho Is a Gorman and
speaks broken English. His plan Is to go to
some well-to-do German veteran and on the
pita that lie owns a largo farm usually In
the southern part of Butler county , hat , been
away on business nnd nerds some money to
gel homo on , gal a loan of a few dollars
That Is the last they hear of him till In-
formud that tonieono olsu has been caught ,
by the same game Ho Is a tall , well dressed
man about CO } cars of ago , wears a full :
grajlsh broun beard and Is slightly stoop-
M-liujler I , iicnl
SCHUYLUR , Neb , Sept 18 ( Special. )
Rev. L. R. Do Wolf , who has been absent to
attend ( he theological school In Ion a dur
ing the last year has returned and on Sun
day will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist
Blackleg has appeared among the cattlu
In this vicinity and In sumo localities many
fatalities aru reported. Hog cholera Is
prevalent alee , being very scve'ro In sonm
parts of the county.
Rev. Peter Holler , who has been pastor
of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church
hero during two } eara , expects to leave
soon and go with bin family to India to
work as a missionary.
George F , Xerzau , a uaduatc of the North
western university In chemistry and phar
macy , has guno to Chicago to attend Rush
Medical college ,
Will llf Trloil ou InolluT
O3CEOLA , Nub. , Sept. 18. ( Special. )
Court has been In session for the past week ,
Judge Dates presiding. The trial of James
Lovejoy and Joseph Bush was concluded last
night and after being out all night the jury
brought In a verdict ot not guilty. The
sheriff of Flllmoro county wag here and took
them to that county , where they are to be
tried for robbing a bank at Ohlowa. Captain
Ollllngaly and hit partner , Green of Lin-
col u , Hera her * and defended In the case ,
John G. Wooloy Ur es Christians to Ar se
and Orush Out the Sa'on ,
Dr. Spem-er of l'lilliiitelililn | ( ! ! M-M
liltcri'Ktlnu : rienren to Nclirnili
MellmillNtN on I InImrrh
i\tetiRlnti .Sin-let j' * \\orU.
YORK , Neb , Sept. 18 ( Special Tele
gram ) The subject of the address given by
John G Woolloy jestertlay afternoon nt the
Methodist conftrcnco was "Christian Citizen-
ship" Ills principal thoughts wore on the
duty of the Christian at the ballot box and
of his giving tostlmon } of the faith nml
power ultliln him. lie laid down the state
ment that the liquor quest'on ' Is about the
most one-sided question before the people.
Nearly all sides of n question Imve their ad
vocates i\cu sla\cry hid Its advocates ,
and many of them were honest In their opin
ions Hut the saloon Is without an excuse.
"If that's so , why docs not It die ? " he said
"Tho reason Is It does not want to die and
} ou Christian \oters have not the poncr to
kill It. There are 6,000,000 or 7,000,000 of
church voters , but they ha\o no power
Power Is what you ticcd. The bible saja
that ho has power who lus the Holy Ghost
within him , but I 1m o seen preachers who
talk long and loud of the Holy Ghost , who
pri ch It and teach It and pray It , but wlio ,
on election day , nro never suspected , of hav
ing any such a spirit within them when It
comes to the ballot box. The church move
ment for better citizenship has been side
tracked while the saloon train goes by. The
saloon keepers ha\o the road and the cnurch
members are hustling out of the way. Theru
Is one thing about the saloon keeper that
commands my admiration He always know 3
how to vote. He votes just one way and
that way Is In the lutorcsts of his own busi
ness. Ho has more respect for his business
than the church member has for doing right.
Tbo excuse the chinch member has for not
voting the way his conscience tells him Is
that his vote will bo of no avail. Hut It
Is Important that the Christian vote right ,
not so much for carrying ; an election , but to
glvo testimony of the faith that Is In htm. "
In the evening the church extension so
ciety anniversary was celebrated Dr Hal-
stead of Lincoln , Rov. Mr. ICemper of Seward -
ard and Dr. W A. Spencer of Philadelphia
spoke Dr Spencer's address was the prin
cipal event of the evening. Dr. Spencer Is
the corresponding secretary of the national
organization. His address was full of In for
mation as to the great work the society la
carrj Ing on. The object of this society , as
Its name Indicates , Is to establish churches
In new and unsettled portions of the country
During thlrt-ono years , up to Julj 1 , 1897 ,
the board of church extmslon has received
and disbursed over $5,857,000. About two-
thirds of this amount passed through the
general fund , available for donations to
churches , anil one-third through the main
fund , of which over $1,017,000 Is permanent
capital , for use onlj by loans With this
amount the board has aided over 10,000
churches scattered throughout the United
States aril territories. The receipts have
steadily Increased until the last four jears ,
but the demands foi aid have grown more
On the first day of July of this jear there
worn on file granted applications , promising
donations of $42,000 , on conditions with
which the churches to be aided must first
comply , mak tig the completion of the
enterprise a reasonable certainty. Hut July
1 , 1897 , the general fund was overdrawn
$1,000 , requiring to meet promises already
made on additional $4r > ,000 There were on
fllo at that date appllcst'ons not yet consid
ered , asking donations cf $14,000. The board
of extension Is behind the present need of
funds for donations to the amount of $59 000.
Dr. Spuicer said that the Nebraska confer
ence had given to the board over $12000 ,
Imt had received In donations over $100,000.
A meeting of the local corps of the Grand
Army of the Republic was held last night
at the court nouse In honor of the old sol-
Iler members of the conference A good
rousing tampllro was held , at which persci al
reminiscences , humorous rnd sad , were given
jy many of those present
The principal feiture of this morning's
session of the conference was the address
delivered b > Bishop Nlndo 'before ' the candi
dates for admittance In full connection
There were five admitted to deaconshlp Tour
others , who had already been admitted to
leaconshlp were admitted to the conference
In full connection. Their characters were
passed The words of the bishop were lis
tened to with clone attention by all He
spoke on the rcsponslbillt } of the mlnlstrj
and of the necessity of fellowship and com
panionship in and oni of the conference
Great care should ho exercised , thought the
speaker , In chocs i g the ministry as a life
work. No man should he In the
Methodist ministry who did not he-
long there and \ - ho did not adhere to
all Its tenets The bishop further touched
on the work of the minister. He should
preach Instructively , Impressively nnd per-
inaslvely. Whrti a minister falls to keep his
audience awake It Is because he is not
preaching to them In the right way. Give
the congregations new Ideas , get them to
thinking as to pastoral work , bo companion
able , but be discreet " .cry pastor ought to
he exceedingly caieful In his relations with
the womun. Many orders have been grlev-
oubly dlsticssnd through scandals brought
or. b } tadlficretlcn of pastors Associate with
business men and people outside the churcji
but do not iirceeljtc
The anniversary of the Woman's Home
Missionary society was celebrated this after
noon. ThP corresponding secietary of the
society , Mrs J. R Woodcock of Tecumseh
and Dr. Halstead of Lincoln gave the ad-
This evening Dr. Mason , assistant secre
tary of the Frecdmcii Aid and Southern Edu
cational society , spoke In behalf of that or
siis in : SHOT IN
Filmier Kill * 11 \ < -lKlil > or nml
lip ( o till * 1'ollee.
LEXINGTON , Neb , Sept. 18. ( Special
Telegram ) Slvcstcr Wiseman was shot
and killed this afternoon In Kcnnobcc pre
cinct , about fifteen miles from here. Tom
Maudlin has given himself up to the sheriff
and says ho did the shooting tn self-defense. .
Wiseman had had serious trouble with his
wife , leading up to an application for dl-
voice , and blamed Maudlin for advice ho had
given Mrs Wiseman Maudlin sas that
WUeman drew a knife and that ho shot and
killed Wiseman In self-defense The bullet
wont In at the top of the head and came
out at the back of the nork , Both men were
well-to-do farmers.
IleniN fi-oni WIN | I'olnt.
WEST POINT , Neb , Sept 18 ( Special )
Hov. W A Llpo atlonded the English Luth
eran synod at Dakota CU >
Joe Chada left jesterday for Omaha , where
ho will bu engaged during the Slate fair as
ono of the special policemen on the grounds
Colonel HeUtermai ) , who attended the na
tional reunion of the Grand Army of the Re
public nt Buffalo , returned Saturday
The Cumlng county exhibit for the State
fair left } csterday in charge ofV R , Art
man and Frank Peterson
VliuijMilriintH | for Kuril Olllt-e.
HASTINGS , Neb. . Sept IS ( Special. )
Thu populists have called their county con
vention for Saturda } , October 2 U will b
held at the court house , and a lively tlmo U
expected , as the democrats and free silver
republicans Intend to fuse with the populists
and each pait > has several candidates for
each otllce , Unless thu leaders get together
before the convention convenes theru will bo
lots of excitement and many disappointed
olllceseekers at the convention.
I'lfiiNiinl Vu'lnl A IT u I r.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Sept. IS. ( Special )
Miss Elenor Kir by entertained last evening
lu honor of her friend , Miss Ellzabsth Brown ,
leo of Illinois , Various games were plajed
and Miss Grace Dillon captured the head
prUe. Those present were : Miss Effle Me-
Intyre , Miss Wllhelmlna Cameron , MUs
Georgia Fowler , Mls Mary PlcVcna , MUs
? p.une , MISI ( Men Dillon , Mm Mar
ti ct Hi kens Miss yllhbeth Biow nice , MUs
I lora risher , Thomas iMhm , rharles M'uhl.
nulst George Work , vriiliam Hjno . Ernest
Turdale , AlcxjnJer Tokens Frank Schautcl-
berg r Thco lorn Knapp
MnlorlM I'll Mir * v'unitiel
BEATRICE Ncbr. Sept IS ( Special )
The republicans heli thtlr primaries today
In the Beatrice district * to select delegates
to attend the Superior convention Monday
evening A majority of the wards chose
lelcgatcs favorable UoiSamuel Blvcns and
hero Is no doubt ot his nomination Mr
livens was a member ot the board under the
: ownshlp organization sjstcm and gave pel-
fect satisfaction
g _
HIM man I'ostnmMcr lli" > lnnw.
HERMAN , Nob.iSopt 18. ( Special ) J
' ntch. who was appointed under the dem
ocratic administration as postmaster at this
ilncc , has tendered his resignation Al
though Mr. Pitch has been postmaster In
lame , the ofllce has been run by the former
republican Incumbent , W S Richards. Mr
Pitch has over a jear before his time ex
lillcrnr ) Soi'lctt Hlpc'ln Ollleer * .
BEATRICE. Neb , Sept IS ( Special ) At
the regular annual meeting of the Beatrice
Literary society , held last evening , the fol
lowing officers were elected President , A
Green , vice president W H Hoffstot , sec
retary , C V Cole ; treasurer , 0 II. llralnard
t was dtcldeil by the club to furnish Beatrice
with a lecture course during the coming
t'lilon VlrtliiitllNt t'lllilp Mrctlnfr.
HERMAN , Neb. Sept. 18. ( Special ) A
union camp meeting of the Methodist
churches of Vacomn , Rose Hill , Glendalc
anil Herman opened > cstonlay morning In
llaver'a grove on York creek. The meeting
la under the charge of Rev. J P. Poucher
and will continue today and tomorrow.
( 'rnNslioiipiT * rij .Smith.
SCRIBNER , Neb. . Sept. IS. ( Special )
The air Is thick today with grasshoppers
Ivlng south. The town Is full of people and
iho old settlers arc recalling the time , twen-
ty-flvo jears agn , when their crops were
ilestrojod by the grasshoppers
I.OMCH tinllntlri * Arm.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Sept. 18. ( Special )
Carl M. Peters , who accidentally shot the
forepart of his right arm oft josterd.iy while
out hunting , was compelled to have the entire -
tire limb amputated last night.
llrnfrlcc I'-opli- \\il\ HiHere. .
BEATRICE , Neb. , Sept. IS. ( Special. )
The prospect Is that there will bo a much
larger attendance at the State fair from
Beatrice this jear than during any jear since
Us location at Omaha.
South Omaha News
A number of counctlmcn met at the olllco
of Superintendent Holland of the flro alarm
service jesterday afternoon to discuss the
question of chopping down the rotten motor
poles on Twentj-fourth street. Some tlmo
ago Superintendent Holland was directed , by
resolution of the council , to Inspect all of
the poles sustaining motor wires ou Twenty-
fourth street and make a report. Before
Holland had a chance to Inspect the poles
Superintendent Tucker of the street car com
pany showed up and agreed to remove the
decayed poles In a short time , substituting
iron poles In the Business part of the city ,
and wooden ones In the residence portion
Color was given to this statement fiom
the fact that workman were at that time
engaged In replacing docajed poles on Six
teenth street just north of Vlntoa street.
Yesterday several of the councilmen
learned that the street car company was
stringing a heavy feed wire along the poles
on Twenty-fourth straet , thus adding to
the weight the po\es \ were already sustain
ing This caused a meeting of the com
mittee on streets and allejs and fire and
water , and Superintendent Holland was In
structed to go ahead with the inspection
of the poles on Monday moinlng. He was
furthei Instructed not 'to allow nnj statement
the street car people might make Interfere
with the performance of this dut > . Some
of the councilmen said that unless tbo de-
cajcd poles were replaced at once thej
would be chopped down and the motor com
pany would then be compelled to put up
good , substantial poles
Will Vxk for n Friiiiulilnp.
The Eastside Improvement club Is greatly
gratified at the Interest manifested in the
proposed now street car line. At the meet
ing of the club , which was held Friday
night , there was a largo attendance of out
siders as well as membeis of the organ
ization. Letters were read by the secretary
from "well known capitalists assuring the
promoters an abundance of money as soon
as the franchise was granted. Picparatlons
are balng made to lequcst tho-city council
to submit the question of another franchise
to the voters at the election to bo held on
November 2.
Dr. Kerr of the Bellcvue college- attended
the meeting , and assured the club of the
hearty support of the educational Institu
tion of which ho Is the head. The doctor
said that with a car line between South
Omaha and Bellevue the attendance at the
college would be more than doubled. He
figured that at least fifty students would
come down from Omaha In the morning and
retuin in the afternoon. Besides this there
would bo considerable going back and forth
by the residents of Bellevue , which would
"sslst materially in paying the expenses of
the propose 1 line.
President Breen of the Improvement club
Hajs that he Is receiving encouragement
dally from citizens hero who desire better
street car service , and slnco all the money
needed has been pledged ho Intends to work
from now on for the franchise. This can
only bo obtained by a vote of the paoplo , and
on account of the desire for additional street
car service by a majority of the residents
It Is not thought that the council will re
fuse to submit the proposition to tbo voters.
South PinMIii In ( lit * I'nrnilPM.
Marshal W. B. Cheek , who Is In charge of
the South Omaha division of tbo Ak-Sar-Ben
parade has announced his staff as follows ,
Frank A. Broadwell , Major J. W. Cress ,
James G. Martin and Mlas Daisy Rogers
The McCook band has been engaged for the
occasion and will follow Marshal Check and
lls staff In the parade Tuesday night. The
organizations which have agreed to partici
pate aio * Stock Yards Equestrian club , Phil
Kearney post , Grand Army of the Republic ;
drill team. Ancient Order of United Work
men ; drill team , Modern Woodmen ; drill
team , Tel Jed Sokol , Sons of Veterans , South
Omaha letter carriers. Ancient Order of Hi
bernians , Poresters ; Dannehrog society , Mod
ern Woodmen In regalia , Ancient Order of
United Workmen In regalia. It is estimated
that there will ho from 300 to < IOO men In
line In this divisloh All organizations are
requested to meet at the corner of Twenty-
fourth and N Htroett ut > C 45 o'clock Tuesday
evening in order toho , > pn hand to take spe
cial motor trains for Omaha , vhlciiwill
leave at 7 o'clock t harp The South Omaha
division will form at.Slxteenth and Izard
stretls and the marching clubs from this
city can remain on the bars until Seventeenth
.Mid Izard streets are reached.
MoriItooin for I'lipllx ,
Tbo Board of Kducatlon held an adjourned
meeting last night. Contractor McUn aid
was allowed an estimate on the nddltirn
now being built to Ha > Ythorne school. The
question of providing moro room for the
school children In the Second ward was
taken up and dltcuuied at eomo length
It was decided to construct a two-room ad
dition on the north of the present school
building Secretary Tal'jot was Instructed
to advertise for bidQ for the erection of
this addition , the Intmtlon being to have
the work done * at once , In order to provide
sjat * for all of the scholars The addition
will bo constructed of brick and In the sains
substantial manner as the main building ,
AfriiIil of ( lit * Vliidnut.
A great many people hero are mill worrj
Ing because the street car company persists
in running Its cars across the Sixteenth
btreet viaduct. A number have stated that
unless the cars are run around by Thirteenth
street next week they will not go to Omaha
to witness any of the paradet , Only yester
day a woman asked a conductor to glvo her
a truusfcr to the Thirteenth street line when
Made Up From Remnants , New shapes in P.irlor T.v
i l A _ . J efcW Bring the size of your rooms ( blcs Mahogany or the new
and sec if we can fit them. The Golden Oak Finish .
, $5.50 , $5.00
saving on these is from \ to i and $3.75.
regular prices. We quote a few Solid Mahogany Marquetry
prices Inlaid Table , $6.75.
Brussels Rug 8-3x10 3 , $1 J.OO Quarter Sawed Oalc Library
T \ f T"r \ 4 " I * * f * f\t \ Table fluted
Brussels Rug 8-3x12 , $15.001 , heavy legs , bcaw-
Vclvct Rug S-3xJO-6 , $17.00 tifully finished , $10.75.
Best Body Brusszls Rug 8-3x Fine Oak Library Table ,
11-6 , $16.50. with rope legs , $13.50.
Moquette Rug 8-3x10 6 $16.50 Extra Large Library Table ,
Bigelow Axminstcr Rug 8-3x Hand Carved Top an elegant
12 , $22.50. piece of furniture ; $20.00.
Wilton Vcfvct Rug 10-6x12 , Coblcv or Saddle Shaped
$22.50. Wood Seat Rocker , oak or ma- *
NEW CARPETS. Best Body Brussels Rug 9x 1 2 , hosrany finish , price $3.50.
Special Sale Ingrain Carpet. $18.00. Large Arm Upholstered
50 patterns bought before advance Wilton Velvet Rug 10-6x12-3 , Spring Seat Rocker , oak or ma
vance , at 50c yd. $17.00. hogany polish finish. $4.50.
BODY BRUSSELS. Special Large Arm UphoI-
LARGE SIZE RUGS. stered in Leather Spring Seat
No advance of while
Rocker , oak fin-
this early lot lasts. Best Amer- Our assortment of Oriental or mahogany - *
ish , $5,50.
and English makes of goods and American ,
can Rugs , in large Morris Chair
at $ J.OO , $ UO , $ U5 , $1.25 sizes , consists of the latest pro chair with loose cushions large , easy
and $1.35. You will pay 20 ductions. cral styles upholstering. ,
per cent more Japanese , 12x9 feet , $13.00
J,000 samples Brusselsf Mo- COUCHES andIRON
$10.00 and $7.20.
quette and Axminster Carpets IRON BEDS.
Byzantine , 12x9 feet , $18.00.
from 1 to 1 i yards , suitable for
Kensington Art Squares , 12x Corduroy , 28
Rugs at 40c , 60c , 75c and $1.00 in. wide button
9 feet , $9.60. , top , several colors -
each. Ingrain Samples , 1 yd. , select from . .
German Saxony Rugs , 10- ors to , $8.50.
J5c each. 10x8-8 feet , $24.00. 30 inch Biscuit Tufted Couch
MATTRESSES and Smyrna Reversible Rug , 12x made to order , covered in
SPRINGS. 9 feet , $27.50. lour or corduroy , $12.00.
Full 4-6 Mattresses , good Imperial Reversible Rug , J2x Full Turkish Shape Couch ,
ticking , SJ.50. 9 feet , $37.50. best steel spring and well up-
Combination Mattresses ( cot Wilton ( genuine ) Rugs , 12x holstcrcd in selection of covers/
ton and excelsior ) , S3.50. 9 feet , $40.00. $18.50.
Moss Mattresses , 1 or 2 Axminster Rug , 12x9 feet , PARLOR FURNITURE.
parts , 40 Ibs. , SS.OO , $27.50.
Curled Hair Mattress , 35 Ibs. , Its all right in suits this sea
sn.oo. WINDOW SHADES. son , either 3 pieces or 5 pieces to
Fine Hair Mattress ( black Cloth Opaque Shades , 6 ft. by match. Prices start at ? 25.00
hair ) , 1 or 2 parts , SI8.50. 3 ft. , with spring fixtures , complete for 3 piece suits and $30.00 for
Woven Wire Springs , full 5 piece suits.
plete ready to hang , Any Cole )
size , SJ.50. We are selling a solid ma
Steel Spiral Springs , $3.00. 25c.Shades hogany 3 piece suit , beautifully
Shades made to order any carved , upholstered in fine silic
BED ROOM FURNITURE. size of ' 'King's Sun Fast Scotch damask , $49.00.
Folding Beds , $14.00 , $16.25 , Holland" and Double Faced Odd Upholstered Chairs $4 50
$25.00 , $29.00. Hand Painted Opaque. and upwards.
Newness in Furnisliiiig-s.
the car reached Sixteenth andVlnton stieeth ,
she preferring to walk across to Thirteenth ,
street rather than taKe chances of an accl-
dent. The conductor refused and the pas-
enger alighted at the houth end of the big
bridge nnd walked across Another woman
asked for a transfer that would entitle' her
to a rldo on the car following In order that
she might walk across the viaduct ; this re
quest was also refused. An effort Is being
made to induce the Mlhbourl Pacific to run
trains between Omaha and this city next
week In order to accommodate the crowds ,
and also for the accommodation ot people
who prefer not to patronise the street car
company as long as the trains are allowed
to cross a bridge which has been condemned.
HiillilliiK u .Sliletrnek.
Engineers Iii the cmplo } of the Union
Pacific Railway company were engaged yes
terday in setting stakes for the sidetrack
which is to bo built to Schllt/'s warehouse
at Twcat-seventh and L streets. Dan Han-
11011 has been engaged for three das past
In remov ug the old frame building on the
west end of the lots purchased by Schlltz ,
and In a few days the ground will bo
cleared. It is the Intention now to allow
the frame building at the corner of Twenty-
seventh and L elreets' ' to remain until next
spring , when It will bo replaced by a brick
structure The architects of the company
are expected here this week from Mil
waukee , and then the work of building the !
big storehouse will commence.
Mnurle Clt ; r.oNxIii.
Dr , Aberly , 23rd and M streets. Tc ! . 175
Cuddlngton & Wllcox sell coal. See them.
Packers' National bank. Capital , $100,000.
Get Hannon's prices on coal 2518 N st.
Mrs. A. K. Ueeco , Nineteenth and I streets ,
is quite Hick.
Jeff egg has gone to Ottumwa , la. , on a
business trip.
Charles Clark of the Hammond offlco force
la on the flck list.
W , L White of Hrlgham City , Utah , U
hero attending to business matters.
Place your order for hard coal , $8.60 per
ton , with Christie Ilros. , 2420 N street.
Mr and Mrs d N McDoncgal ol Junlata ,
Neb. , are In the city visiting relatives
The Infant child of Mr and M-s Patrick
IIan , Thirtieth and T streets , Is quite sick
Hcst anthracite coal $8 50 ton , price guar
anteed P A. llroadwell & Ilro , , 2418 N
Mrs. C P. Hodman has returned from
Long Pine , where she visited far a number
of w enks
Hev Oeorgo Van Winkle will preach at the
Kit at Paptlst church both morning and evenIng -
Ing today
A business meeting of the congregation of
the Christian church will bo held at 11
o'clock today '
Miss Jennie Graham returned jestenlay
from Clarlnda , la. , wheie she spent a couple
of weeks visiting friend. "
An Important meeting of Phil Kearney
post will bo held at Grand At my of the Re
public hall Monday night
l.cota Ilomlngci , 11 years of ago , fell down
a Might of Htalrs at her homo on N street
jcslerday nfternoon nml broke her right forearm -
arm ,
\V M Geddes , editor of the Sun , has se
cured a IIOUEO at Twenty-fourth and 1)
streets , and will remove1 hU famllj hero fiom
Grand Island
Mrs George Drawer , Twcnt-eecond and
N itreetu , enteitalned a number of Irlcmls
lait night In honor of Miss May Drunur
of Now York
A cordial invitation Is extended to Htrang-
< T8 to attend the Christian Hndeavor ten ken
this afternoon and evening at the 1'lrst
Presbyterian church.
"Homo Mlhslons" will bo the morning
topic at the Kirst Presbyterian church today
lu the evening Dr. Wheeler will preach on
"What Uo Vo Moro Than Others ? "
A meeting of Germans will be held at
Henry Oest's , Twentieth and Missouri ave-
ntio , this afternoon , for thepurpono of or
ganizing a Gorman village company for the
j' Trnnsmlssisslppl exposition. The intention
Is I to raise $25,000 and have a Gorman vlllago
blmllar i to the ono at the World's fair.
Henry Kuhn bus bce'n arreste-d again , this
tlmo on complaint of Linn Hoth Ho was
bound ; over last night to keep the peace
The Hoth woman alleged that Kuhn had
threatened to kill her.
Din Hannon tried to break the tin seal tea
a car of coal at his > ard yesterday afternoon
and cut the lingers on both hands so bndl )
that a doctors services were necessary he-
fore the How of blood was stopped.
VTUIvTi > h\\n nv.s
Cflcliralf I litTil fin > -PI ft linnli < -r-/
Hlirj of OMOHI-'H llolif"-
The twentj-fifth anniversary of the acces
sion of King Oscar to the Swedish 'throne
was appropriately celebrated in Omaha last
evening bj exercises hold In the liojil thea
ter and attended by over l.OOJ Swedlsh-
Aincileans The anniversary exercises woio
held under the auspices of the Swedlsh-
Amoilcan Transmlssifalppl association of this
city , of which C. O Lobeck Is the president.
The theater was gall ) decorated with Hags
of the United States and of Sweden and with
bunting of the colors of both nations. Prom
inently displaced on the stage were largo
pictures of King Oscar and Queen Sophia
On the stage weru scaled the members of
the associated Swedish church choirs and of
the SangforcMiingen Nordcn Among the.
prominent Swedish citl/cns seated on the
stage wore the following C. O. Lobeck ,
Uov. C. 0. Karlson , Hov , C. K. Giving , C.
A , Jacobson , Prof , P , M. Llndbcrg , Hov. Rm-
manuel Ucrg. Prof. A. Rdgron , Frank liur-
man , C. r. nrlcbon , Gustav Andrecn , John
K , He'll n and Messrs. Dahlstrom and Nord-
wnll of Omaha , and Albert SJobcrg of Lin
coln ,
The exorcises were opened with a chorus
by the choir This was followed by the ad
dress of welcome by C. O. LohecU , The entire -
tire audlftico thnn sang a pbalm , and Hov.
C. O. Knrlson made a prayer , Corlnnc Paul
son rendered a piano solo In an admirable
manner The choir , under the lemdeishlp of
John S Hulgrpn , sang a patriotic bong. Hcv
C , I ? living tnailo a brief spe-ecli. C A
Jacobean hang a bass solo ; Anna S. Holm-
qulst delivered it declamation The Sang-
forc'iitngen Norden under the leadership of
Prof A Kdgren , sang another patriotic e-
Ifctlou and then Prof P M Llndherg de
livered the principal address of the e\cnlng
There wan more singing by the associated
church choir and Hev Rmmanucl Derg made
a brief speech
An Inteicstliig fcuturn of the festival and
jubilco was the bending of a tolcgratn of
congratulation to King Oscar upun the HUC-
ei ss that has nttc ndcd his reign The tele
gram was HlEiic'd by a committed of tlneo
Swcdlsh-Amcileans of this city Thu juhlUu
exorcises were concluded with the heart )
singing of "America" In English The rest
of the program was romleicil In the Swedish
Siifiril < ' int1i'i-l ,
A saercd concert will bo t-Mveii In the linn-
teem Park MethoiIUt Kplscopal chinch thlrt
evening The followIHB N the piogiarn.
Organ Voluntary Praje-r , Lohe-tigrln
Quintette Sing Alleluia Forth Dudley Ituck
JIrn Oharhs I'npjlmrt , MUs Clmfice , Will
Stevens , K. H Thatcher
Solo Fear Ye Not , O Imaol. Dudley Uncle
Mm Charles Uniulmrt.
QtiurtottP-Holv Cltj . . . . Shelley
Own Offertolro Herct'uHo Nevln
Violin Solo-n , Bong Without Wonls .
, . MeniicIeHihn
b , Itonmnce . . Itulnnstulii
Charles JlcConmll
Solo . Selected
Mr O W Johiirton
Postludc I'relsl March . Meiuleluaohn
* Mtaa Josephine Thatcher oii-anlut.
.VfdT Ilin Aiilliiiuil iiiriiiiiiiiirnl. |
At the regular meeting of encampment
No 121 , Union Veteran Ltglon , held Irr
Myrtle Hall annex lu the Continental block
Saturday evening , the following resolution
was utmiltnoubly adopted
He-solved , That thu cleleyuten from thin
encampment to the national encampment
ol thu Union Veteran Let-Ion , to be held al
I Columbus O , September 21 J2 21 nml 24 , bs
anil mi1 lidil ) } IliMnu tul to eo-oper.itu
with the ili'lpatcn fiom < neiimpment Xo ,
| S to senile thiI'leetioii of Council IJItiffH ,
la , as the pine of meeting of the ji itlonal
eue inipnii lit lu l&'iS
ui-rinii iMi\
\rronls I'lnHOJH ! : : i rnueil In I'lit-
\i\K \ ! " < > < Hull.
Yc'sterda > afternoon a crowd of small boS ,
composed of Wllilo Onlbnillh. Gaj Ilnnly ,
Ft .ink Njbtrom , lUymond Quealey and Paul
Wernher wore pla > lng foot ball In a vacant
lot near Tweiitj-nlnth and lllcknrj stiooio.
i Adjoining the1 space of ground Is a house
which has been vacant for Homo time It hi i
served as the lodging place foi tiimps for
Beverul months past.
Onicer Inda , who has the ILinscom park
beat , placed the bojs undci ancst Notwllli-
standliiK the fne-t that thoj are nil BODS ot
hlghl ) icspe-tod leslilcn's of thu west slilu ,
they we're accorded a ildn In the pirtol
wagon and locked up nt the nation , together
with the ovcij-day flotsam nml jetsam of
criminals Onicer Inda maintained In mak
ing the nuest that the IIOJH wile ticspaii-
slng when using the vacant lot and also
that they had broke'ii Into the houe and bait
maliciously broken doors and windows of
the hame.
The bojs In turn dnnlod this charge tn thn
o ( Ilcer and told him plainly that tliey hail
not been In the house All the Juvenile prls-
onorswere released shortly after beliis
placed under arrest by their parents giving
bonds for tholr appearaneo In the pallco
couit Monday.
The fathers of the boys state Ihoy will
Institute proceeding ngnlust Inda for falsa
Impilsonmcnt , as the nrit-bt was wholly 1111-
called for Inda has figured a number ot
times In the arrest of so-called Juvenile of
fenders against ( ho law and In every l3slanca
has failed to provo a case agalnnt his pris
oners. }
.TinlKi * KlliioriI'll In 1 1. v III ,
AHDMOnn , 1 T.Hipt 1S r H Kllgor < \
I'nlted State * judge of tills illstilct and ox-
conpiesHinHii from Tuxns , Is orltlcillv I'.l
heie The ntlcnilliiK pliyHlc limn tnls mornIng -
Ing Kuve up all hope of ) IK ! t'covuy ftut-
Int , " that It * * may llvo n wee.t , possibly a
iiiuntli , but that diiith IN llke'y ' tn occur ut
nnv hour Judge Kllgoio is MJT. ( ring fi * n
The Stomach
Tno Btomnoh in just bolovv the Chest ,
and nbovo the Alilnnii'iitho poptilitr
idea IH. it is uitutitcd louut' dovvn uiid
mnny who have DyopoiHla , tliink they
htuo Clii'st or L\in \ ti-oiihlo. If yin
liuvo puiii , fcorcnoSH , Binkln 01 ilibtiuas
In the region of the Chest , ti dn o of No ,
10 will i-uliovu , and UN continuud tiso ,
euro. This Is quickly duinoiioti'iitcd In
Hmokci-H1 Henri-burn vvlion tlio rollol
la inutiintuncuus.
.No , 10 lu on hiUe ut every ilnu toro from
Ciuuiilu toO.-ipo Horn , Is oven inniu vvliloly
dlstilbuioil than Dr. lliinipliiDy * '
' 77 " COLDS
Dr. Iluinphrayh' llomcojmtlilc Miinunl of
DUeufeus lit your Drum1 ! * ! * or Mutlod 1'roe.
holilliy ( Iruzgloty , or mint on receipt of 25 < ! | H ,
50rt < orfl Humphreys' Mud Co , Cor. Vill *
Hum .ind Johu tits , Now York ,