Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1897, Part III, Page 20, Image 20

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20 THE OMAHA BATT/T 11313 : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 10 , 1897.
? f-VVti vVVV * * 3 t'
A. well defined ami cxpindlnc movement
for a illtinlon of llio I-caRiio of Am rican
Vv lic-ehiien annual meet receives unexpected
mipport In tlio cast. The Idea Is to hold two
national mo Is one In the east ami otic In
the west. OHO of the oITIrcrs of tlio KmpK
state division la quoted by the Now YntV
Sun ai follows-
" 1 am In favor of the league holding two
national inrets. The mouib-rsliip of our ot-
Cinlratlon o\cr mfh n iitt urrltorj
nnd unr aniiual mcot , acconlii ! ! < to llio pics
cut custom. In purely such a. local affair , that
two meet * . < vltli a dlvhlnn of the champion
ship raccH HtrlKes nr as an I'trolloit Idea
Thn refjlHtratlon fottirns at the rcei-nt mcct-
' ins held In Philadelphia aiono.1 that oui
-thrcu-ipiartris of the \Ultois cuno from
' 'l ' > olnt * 'lthln a radius of 100 to 400 mtltE
of Philadelphia. Thus It was evident lint
few of oilr western members attcnlod the
annual aflilr. The chniliic , ao sinsesled.
will ennblo all the mcinb fs In each rectlan
to-enjoy Kfatcr chancen of attending the
meet. >
"T meets lll to some n-c---nt do naj
\\lth thti proit nt eimpetlton ! for the ntinnal
JI\turo. and 1 am In hopes that such i move
ment \\lll be IntroJucod anil earrted at t'tc
next m.cotlliK of the national assembly. "
Tlio Imaginary phjslcal damages charged
to lliri blejcl are Increasing In nunibei
The blcjclu fare , thu blcjelo hump and tlr
blcyclo hand ar ( > now inpploinmitGil wlih th-
bicycle foot TliH List Impodlmunt Is pot
notlroable outside of a bill room. It It
'lnlm d that the pumping motion of the feet
In wheeling produrci a halting exprcsslo i
of tlio oxtiumltlpR when cjcllsti of ellhet
fiox attempt to walls The poetry of mo
tion BO oft pi-lured In the dance Is dcstiojtd
and In Iti plai-e lit a movement resembling
the ecjulne disease called the "lift. " It l
too early In the season to dcteimhic lion
mutli truth there Is In the last adllrtlon of
the \\heel. but admitting that It is as bid
as painted , some consolation may bo diavui
from the fart that , the "lift" Is no ropectoi
of sex. If n ° rcssar.v wheelmen and wheel-
women can Hock by themsclvos ami waif till
their heads snlin.
Another unpardonable offense Is charged
to the wheel , whereat the i\erago
should icjolcc. New York's Conej Island
soasou Just closed WOH a financial failure
and every fakir , ropirin ! , psfidbagger and
lionpciy chaiRo the fall ) g off In business I'
the blc > clc erayc. A large pirt of the mult -
twin went to Coney on wheels , but did not
"blow" themselves with the abandon of
former jeais Wheieforo tlio wheeleis are
entitled to congratulations and a high CM edit
While about It , Just chalk up anolhe.
credit mnik for the wheel A distinguished
London phjclclcn gives It out that the whee'
la one of the most effective rented c-i for
asthma. It Is not the assertion of a thcoij
but a dcnnintrated fact He < loeates ! tint
blcyclo rldl g Is a better relief for nhthmi
than anv of the drugs usually prescribed to
Klvo the patient relief It is alto declaim ! to
bo supcrloi to any of the heretofoio tiled
forms of phvs'cal ' oxere'se ' which have of
late jears cnmo to play a most important
part In tlio treatment of the ailment.
Until now the favorite form of Miel- e\erelBo has been mountain climb
ing wherever mountains could bo found
within reach of tlie ratlent Such o\eiol < t
caforcet deep brcithlng , anil that above all
things lu < uldcs Is the thing to secure In the
sufferer from asthma , nicjcle riding , ho -
cvcr , bilngs.loop breithing about more nat-
urallyi and to a larger dcgieo thsri even
mountain climbing At Hist the benefits do
. not appiOr to the pitlcnt to be so nnrKeu
I1 3
: ! as he bad been led to suppose On the con-
tiary , he Is moio Inclined to legard the
remedy asVOIBC than the dls ase He llnd
hlm elf out of Inealh before his wheel has
made man > i evolutions. H's heart boats as
If It would burst at eveiy pulsation Rur-h
Inconveniences as these speolllv disappear ,
however. 'Ihe rldpr In tlrctlvely tikes In
laiger volumes of air in etch Inspiration
Ills blood is neil aerated and a unrkcd 'm- '
rirovcment Is speedily noticeable In bis ge i-
cral condition Creat ! Is the blcjclc
An Important denunrt In 18S ! ) will bo foi
hubs with the bear'ng ' adjustments locked
Independently of the si.le axle nuts It h
one of the most nemled conven'c. ' ces thai
tan be addel to a wh > l It allows a hear
ing to be idjiutod before the vvhtol is
placed In the frame , which means
considering ! hn Ineonvi-nlemo of tinning tin
adjusting cones in the hubs of moat bcjchs !
without a Bpeeial or spanner. Bui
lt greatest advantngc Js that the wheel nn >
bo tiKen out. and put lack In the fiame
v , Itliout < iUtuil'iig ' the adjustment.
Accoii'lng to advices received from San
Trancliio all doubt as to the success of 'he
California Associated TV cling clubs Is now
n thing of the pist Tl'C death blo\v has
bl ui dcilt to the Lnague otrnoi lean Whcel-
ineiKon the Pacific coact President Svvaln
of tun association rorontlj returned fiom a
inlsaionary pilgrimage thrnughout the norlU-
ncat and thtoilgh his efforts the new or-
ganlratlon now picbcntR an unbroken front
nlong the entlro coast fiom San Diego to
llrUlbh Columbia The climax linn boon
reached with the recognition of the California
oiganl/ation bv the fanadlin Wheelmen's
association and the pi Iv liege granted by the
latter to ililcis of the- associated clubs xo
compcto at all Canadian meets
The noted riders In Kiiropa are lepoited to
bo eainlng large- Incomes thlp > en The
Important raci-s nio divided up between sif
or I'lijut ] iiofcB.sloiials. who aocure tlie linn B
slmiu of all tjm big pnnet Matih tind hm -
( lla'aiiao i.icjng h comcilcd to bt the m.i.i
rcmunci'.ttlve pastime Klnton is saul ti
have siveU ! > 2u 00f > In the pist two > cam finm
the Inoonio ho derived from lULlng. The
lionm profe-stonil incitig hah received MI
a'ranca Is leiipoiulblo for the generous mnsi
offefod. A bU I'om ' to the foit'lgn rldert
tonkins of the moneyt , thn.v receive finn.
the bloclt ; and tiio maunfuLturcrfc who an
/ruit aiipportt-ra of racing estimating tl f
e.irnlliKS of ( lift leadins men In nngtanrt
this jear , a well known authority gives the
following flgurrsJ W Stocks. 110.000 ; T
' -'Illr.tosi , } 0.t > 00 ; I'latt-Iletts. $5.000j T. \ \
Oblnu JS.SOO ; 0 r. Haiden. JJ.OJO.
A whrelman of Corunna. Midi. , hat. 10
Uianlv a mousi' for the addition of ninety
eight mlles to his cyclometer record. Mo
liung ! IH blcypln fiom hh cellar colling fie
other evoiling , not fai from a swinging
bhclfvlcir : > food was kept A mcniso bent
on supper reucbed th ? nholf. and when ho
bad H'linpUd the viand" , leaped to thu tire
of the front wheel That Imnudiatoly begin
to revolve , nncl the niuiih mtinallj lan to
the blRhcst part of It. U couldn't sta > on
the top of the tlie , and It couldn't get
enough foothold to Jump to llio vail. So It
i an round and nmn'd the revolving wheel
nnd the no\t morning was found , almost
exhausted , but still running , with nliiftj-
eluht mlles to Us credit.
The amazing speed of which tlie blevclr
la capable Is shown less by Its
A Cartload of
"H you dumped a
cart-loud of gold ut my
fret It would nut bring
such joy and plndnoss
Into my life. " bo vv I Jto
, \ pr in.iivnt man oftei
\ ( ni ( tin method of
ili treuimcnt tl -i lia
icbturrd so mini ) men
whn had ln'rn vvrcikcd
1) > e iitc. . . ovr work
nr evil ImlntJ of ) outh
A 111 tic book tlmt
it nil plain mav tchad withe n clLirso
by wrltinc THE ERIE MEDICAL CO. .
64 Niti/urn bt , Huffulu , V. Y ,
Kol * O , P sclit-tue : no patent we Jlclnet-
Jun vho book under plain UtUr seal.
al shnrt distances , In which It lus not yet
n irpassed the running horse , tlun by the as
tonishing long-distance records ihat are now
bflnt ; made , which shows an average spctS
hardly slower than the mlle recolds. It Is
only a few jcars since It was being de
bated rathcr'skc'ptlcally vvhtthet a blejcllst
would t'vcr rltlo a mile In two minutes , and
many hold that while a quarter mlle might
be ridden at that pice , htlinin uudtiranco
could net hold out for the full distance of
a mile. Yet the other day n rider In Hug-
land rode 1(10 ( miles In only six minutes more
thin -00 minutes The curious may llgurc
out how many horses would Lc killed In
dying to accomplish the feat on horseback.
rum or TIIU \ \ 111:1:1. .
V IVu I'lilnli-rx fur TlioMAVIio llo
Nut Know It Alt.
If the rider desires to try his own hand
at the Job he had better start at the nnln
bearing In the bottom bracket. As bcirlngs
and ball cups are now made In such a
vailety of r.tjlcs and adjustment. In no two
machines are nllke , each rider will be gov
erned by the rultH sat down b > thu manu
facturer of his own machine for loosening
the coin's , lit some makes the ball case Tm
the movable cone nldo will bo merely nn-
si-rewc'd a tun ; or two ; In others the small
dog catch must be tapped free from the ad
justing ratchet. dUc ; In others the small plu
undeineath bracket must bo icleased to ad
mit of cups being drawn asunder ; and jet
agiln , In wheelmhaving the tue-plcce crank
and axle , thu cones can be exposed Instan
taneously. futio ! } | matter what the stjle
of hijrkut bcariiM. the Idea Is , In cleansing ,
not to remove thelontlto bcailng If It can be
avoided , but to loossn the cones so that
when the n.flchlnci lies on lift side , .1 half
pint , or If neressiry , u pint , of keribene or
Celine can be Injected Into the bearings
irom a Hvrlngo or large oil can with spring
bottom , such na enginceis use. This will
geiit'ially bo suHlrlcut to force all grit and
dirt out of a bearing , and In a few moments
lie cavllj will dr > out , v.Ucu a few drops
of good lubricating oil may bo Injected and
the bearings tightened up agjln. The sime
taitlcs hliLiild bo followed In the case of the
wheel .i\ie and steeling head bearings , upper
and lowei , and , If the work Is done care
fully the machine should run as smoothly
as If it had been sent to a repair shop If
It does not , then the beorlugs have either
been budlj adjusted by the amateur , or the
I'alls 01 tones have toughened up , or , ma >
bo , thcie ib a ball or two broken. In such
. > eiBe. of course , it will bu necessary to re
move the beatings fiom the frame and make
requisite icnewals. Before taking out a
bciu Ing , unit as ball retainers aie used , a
large piece of thick cloth or llanncl should
bo spiead on the flooi underneath the bracket
to catch the ballb or other small parts ; and
it Is alwajs 'veil to count the balls as they
are temoved from each side , to that the
proper number will be put back again where
thev belong. There ought generally spe.ik-
Ing to be the same number each side , but
in somi- cases the .assemblers do not think
It necessai ) to adheio to this rule , indeed ,
sometimes , and cspcclall > In cheaper ma
chines , the lilting of the cones will not ad
mit of It. In putting balls back Into cases
be sure to use a little vuscline It holds
them trgcther and In alignment until the
cups .110 screwed Into place If this Is not
done In putting pedals togctbi'i , the smaller
coin's push u tiny ball up out of place , and
U gets jammed , the pedal In revolving stick
ing at one point , > ct moving easily at an-
oihcr In some makes the crank hangers
.no hollo\ved out and open to tubing , and
svluue this Is so , If first Kerosene and then
oil Is poured down the seat post tube , the
main bearing can be Hushed out very thor
It is a good plan to remove both sprocket
wheel and chain , ami drop them both Into
a shallon pan tilled with kerosene , then
knock a nail or hook Into the floor , hitch
the flialu to It , and stretch It across the pan
nnd bciub It with a hard brush , moving the
pan toward > ou as you work back along
tht- chain Then let It soak a bit more , hang
up chain over pan to dry , then diop It Into
the inn , vvUlch can now bo filled with
lubiicatlng oil. Wipe chain off , clean
sprocket and put all back on machine , tub
chain with graphite and , if the frame is In
lli.e and sprockets true , absolute nolselcbs-
titSi will ipfciilt when running. If chain Is
found to be worn on one side , It Is u good
plan to turn it over so as to picsent an even
surface to the' i-proekct teeth. In some ma-
chini'H , too , the sprockets themselves can
be turned but If there Is a bad cloaking
when not up , put the chain back UK It uj
original ! } , and be satlMled that your wheel
nanta truing up. or a new chain Is In older.
If join wlicel limb arc much out of true
don't tr.v to put them Into line yourself im-
Khs you know the inle for bo doing and
have a pioper band vise nr spoke tlghtcii-
li g tool to work with Handy little wheel
tilling machines are bold nowadays , and will
be found lellablo and verv useful , . nil given
ordlnar ) Intelligence any amateur ought to
bu sble to pet a ilm Into a perfect circle
U'ttei than many of the so-called profes-
hlomil wheel tiuurs In some fchops The
work Is quite simple If > ou work systematic
allv b > sections , stalling v.'lth bo-ue particu
lar * i > nk < ' and tilling gradually around to
It Hut It jou have nevt"- done such voik
bt'foro H good pluii Is to practice on some
othei fellow'b vvliiel and seihl j-our own tea
a lliot-cl.ibs shop It Is worth twice the
c'\pon.s > > to av'oldj&n unplcisant evporlence.
'lining up will genoraly obviate trouble-
fiom or.u'Kcl rims , but the lattei should
al njR bo gone over with glue or Tim
ci'iHiiit. and then vainlthc-d over A badly
vvn'pod ' lim t'lat ' will not answer to the spoke
Is i dPlnuonand ! a snare to bo avoidtd
JH jou would , a cracked fiaiuitube. . Un
mount tho/vv'/ieol ' / at once , ami hnvo It u-
lusemb'cd ' ou''a nev , nm
\ll nufi that have been tonipoi.uily forced
on with Llacksmlth s tools or other roadside
Implements to get jou homo on ouiv tin-
luckv tilu Mimilil be leplaccd by now OHLJ ,
and all cra'nK keys that nuy have woikeii
lonc ( , nul been hamnu'ied In to the limit
hhould be dealt with in the same manner ,
rills should be done If jou urc going to store
the ' hecl , bccatuic you may want to bell
thenmrhliio when ( lib time COIIICEI to haul
it out again , and tlirs' . < little things uro
what v.Ill count foi or ugatnat Its sale ,
T.i : INSI itn : .
It ! H Nul /Innjs In H
Jti-Mrd On.
'Ihorc Is ,1 lav j'fr In New York , according
to the Pun who has no patience' with the
fakir \\lio icHorls to ( lie old confidence guiles
when the popularltj of the hUjcle otters
such a wide Held for genteel swindling op-
i-atloi.B In conveimtlon with a blejclo
doiler the other day. the lav.-jer told of ono
foi in ot uwlndllng. Sa'd ' he"A nun came
Into my o'llco the other day to see what I
could do for him He had Insured himself
and Ills bicycle In \\cMom conceia. The
policy cost $1 a scar. Ho limned the hi
cycle for $100 Ho was to get JG a week it
he w * > ! > laid up by liJurl".J ! received In an
ac-cldont r.ot duo In li' ' own negligence while
tiding on a bicycle , and If he died within
thirty daj i of the effects of the accident
his heirs -vveie to receive $300. And there
wore various other clnutcs la the policy
which promlHul him sums from ? 2
to VJDO for permanent Injuries. He end bis
wheel had Lccn damaged about $10 worth ,
the concern wouldn't pay , aril he was hot
about It because he bad been told that the ] '
concern never did pay anjthing to anybody 1
r il > look In IIIBII V from bicyclists at thu
late of $1 apleto We11. I wrote on f1 the !
nnccin In the -rest , falling on them to sit- I
tie up , ard the > simply wrote bark thet they ,
weren't ratified that ( lie accident wsiin't |
due to lil own ncgl'gcrcc. and If he thought [
he lint a geol rase , why lie could come on |
and mie an I welcome ln-du U I
' rhcio 4 no wa ) cif tcnchlui ; thecon1
i-ein In tliU'slttcH w uld Iwe coil $200
or * i'VJ ' to KO Mvvivt \ nud nij frtho $10 , ) I '
wtluro dlJn't tceui ti DC aiijthiug mom ,
to do. My client vva olmplj out $1 , ami
bid gained aomu eipwlouce. Uut the affair
struck me as exhibiting an easy way cf
making money. " "There are blcyclo In-
euranco conce.ns llko that , " Raid the blcjelo
dealer. "I knowof another that dots pay
sometimes , jutt the same as policy dealers
do pay sometimes when a customer makes
a hit. This concern Issues a policy tint pur
ports to Insure against damages to the bl
cycle caused by collisions It seems to read
nil right , but when a friend of mlno called
upon the concern to do some fixing to his
wheel , made necessary by a pile-up on the
Coney Island cycle path , they askcl him :
limited It to collisions with 'public vehicles. '
and when ho asked whit they meant they
showed him a clause In the policy which
limited It to collslons with 'public vehicles , '
and explained that a public vehicle was n
trolley car , for Instance. 'Hut you pretend
to Injure against collisions of any kind , ' my
f i lend remonstrated. 'So wo do,1 they re
plied.Ve will iimtre you against collisions
with public vehicles , hansom "cab" , cows , sin
gle wheels tandems , or anything jou llko
to choose. Hut jou have to choose jour ac
cidents In advance. You couldn't expect
us to ln u'o jou against everything for a
dollar , jou know. ' And that appeared to set
tle It. "
i'nitricT : nnvnt , ciut.
Tivi-iilj Coiitiuitili-M Viilil to Hold
\lilcrlciin HlKlils.
Tips on the future of the bevel-gear have
been brought Into Chicago by U. M. Jaff-
ray. business manager ot the Hcfcrce. Mr.
Jaffray is fresh from the prcsanco of big
wheel makers who will control the bevel-
geared machine , having closed the ocean
with them. Ho hoard Irvel geirs discussvl
until ho was convinced tlio manufactiiiois
thought they were In a "good thing. " "Tho
chalnlcss wheel will be on tlie market soon , "
Mr Jaftray said to the Chicago Htcord man.
"It will bo after the stjle of the old league
chalnless Manufacturers have studied bevel
gcais constantly , cxpcilmontlng with them
In Krance and Holland Twenty American
firms have been granted permission to manu
facture the wheels by the holder of the
American rights. "
It has developed that the bov el-gear com
bination trust consists of ono man alone
His product will bo rushed tlumigh the fie
toilet and placed on sale at $100. At the
same time he will not ovo-look the chain
wheel , which will go for $75. During flic-
last cjcle show In Chicago a certain manu
facturer was asked : 'Have jou found a sat-
l&'actory chalnlesa wheel. He replied
"No , and until 1 do there will not be llfty
of our make on the maikct. " In search of
chalnless perfection ho went abroad and re
mained by the slle of his bobby until he
siw In fancy the chains drop oft all the
wheels In the country. Then ho took his
hat and came home. Ills arrival on Sunday
was the signal for all wheel makers to won
der what was brewing In the option of
many the chalnless wheel will bo tried first
by the enthusiastic wheel people the cycling
club men Some vv 111 mount them out of cu , 1.
osltjothei s to learn the real merit and the
rtst through novelty.
"American blcjcle products arc growing In
favor In Knglaiid , " claimed Mr. Jaffray , "but
I believe the bevel gear will make little
advance there. "
lIUITliri I , I'l NCTt'HUS.
Boston Transcript : Hicks Did you ever
ride a bike ? They sajs It Is a graud ex
Wicks No , sir ! I get all the exercise 1
want holding my wife onto her wheel when
she Is taking lessons.
Truth"What do you regard as the most
Important event of the centurj 1" asked
the philosopher. "Well , " ansv > ered the
wheelman , "the finish Is about as satisfac
tory as any part of the run. "
Chlcigo Tribune : Gous'n nube had come
to town riding a safety bicycle of the pat-
tein of 1S8S
"Thoj's one thing I couldn't understand , "
ho said , In talking ot hLs visit afterward
"Wherever I went the bojs was all hollerln'
'Ice ! ' an' bj- gum , they wasn't no Ice
novvher's ! "
Chicago Record : "What are all UIOEC rib
bens hanging on the chandelier ? "
"Those are not ribbonsthey ; are necktie ?
I've pulled oft different men when I was
learning to ride a wnccl. " *
Detroit Journal : "You are a thorn in my
path ! " repeated the hero , scornfully.
"Aj ! and worse ! " thundered the \lllaln ;
"blcjcle crank that jou are , I will be a
tack In ' "
youi' path !
Chicago Post : "What was the tiouble be
tween Svllcomb and bis wife ? "
"You know ho used to keep a fine horse ? "
" "
"And that he traded It for an 1S97 bicycle !
for his wife ? "
" "
"Well , he got up one night In his sleep
and went out to the barn and cunled the
bicjcle. "
Detroit Free Press : She felt bis breath
upon hei check.
"Sir , " she protested , "jou arc too
far ! "
That was what his breath would Indicate ;
but according to the cyclometer their tandem
had covered but a paltry 431 miles since
thcj started.
Xnj' , c'hlde him not , though s.ulness he
reveal ;
Nor s-ek him out nml nsk him to be guy.
He paid n hundred dollars for a wheel
Wlirw-e ptioe went down to s-evcnty next
SCHUYU2H , Neb. . Sept. 17. To the-
SportlnK E < liter of The nee : . What runs , if
anj. In following amo Of crlbbago : A plays
I , B I , A C , n 1 , A 3 , n 2. A 5 A , 4 , C , 3 , 5 ;
H , 4 , 1 , 2 ; A playing first' A Header.
Ans. A makes a run of C , U run of 3.
TAMA CITY , Ja. , Sept. 10. To the SportIng -
Ing Rdltor of The fieo- Please state In
Sundnj's Issue whether a problem In chess
Is the .same as a regular game and oblige
an old subscriber. Hemy .M , W.
Ans. Hules governing the practical play
In chess are observed In problems , too , yet
the lattei form an entirely separate tie-
paitment In the game Positions KVen |
In problems are not likely to occur In actual
) djy , jet the combinations aio of a pretty
fclmllni character In both. A game , even a
brilliant one , docs baldly stand comparison
vvlth the beauty of a pioblem. In the for
mer the nnponent offers icslstanco , and a
win cannot ho brought about In a perfect
waj. In the latter ono , the composer has
fico. scope According to his own Ingenuity
and ability ho can arrange the forces In
such waj tlmt a certain subtle combnatlon
v. Ill win In finished stjle A problem thus
Is an artificial beauty , It Is usually termed
the poetry of chess. Solving a problem Is
often very clllllcult. An expert plajer who
experiences lint little dllllculty In penetrat
ing a position for several move's In actual
play finds himself pu/ylod cinlto fioqucmtly
with a problem that works In two. . or three
moves Hut persistent effort nearly alwavs
liadd to succohs and surely the more difficult
the pioblom Is the morn satisfaction and
pleasure Is derived from mastering Itr
"S\vrolest \ nut hath tourost rind. "
TRKAMAH , Neb. , Sept. 17. To the Spoil
ing Kdltor of The Dec A , II am ) C are
playing casino. 21 points for game. IJ Is 19.
makes big casino and says he has a right
to count out without regard to how the
others finish. A and r rlajm cauls and
spades go out first C AtlschUlm.
Ans H Is correct. > / % *
AUXANDIUA. ; Neb. SCJVI..14. To the
Sporting Editor of TheTippr - " Will you
pleato answer In Sunday's Heo ( he following
question ! , (1) ( ) Who holds the state record
for 100-yaids' sprint , also the time (2) ( )
When and where did Hernird Wefeis make
HIM record of fl& II U Terry
Ans. (1) ( ) There Is no state record. (2) ( )
Wc-frrs nnver made a rrrnrd of 9 } ;
LINCOLN. Sept 10 To the Sporting Kill-
tor of The Ueo : Pleaio Htato In nvxt Sun-
daj's sporting columns xvJio is tha all-round
champion athlete of the United Stateu7 MBO
what IP the longest running broad Jump , ar < i
by whom madeUn vornlty Novice
Ans(1) ( ) It A Carpenter. (2) ( ) 21 feet 11
Inches bj J I' Watson of Toronto , Canada
OltnSTON , la. Sept 15 To the Siortlng
Keillor cl The Hoe. Please onuvver this ami
oblige a tegular Sunday reader- How did
Bab Kttrulnimons win the nilddlcw eight
rhamplcmiblp , and caii he hold both middle
land heavjwelght championship ! ' When do
t'roocioi ) aril Mt'C'oj meet , ami did Jerry
Hi : nil 1 1 , dectaxfd In New York City last
week , ever vvlilp Solly Smith ? H. H. Waters.
Ans. tl ) IJy defeating Jack Ucmpsey , (2) (
Yd. (3) ( ) Never , McCoy bag flunked. (4) (
Visitors to the fair ns well as the o
who live In Oinnha now linvo au op
portunity of seeing the largest display
of Jewel cook stoves nnd steel ranges
ever Inought together-It's not nt tlio
fair grounds however but nt our store
the Jew el cook stoves have large squat o
ovens nearly n.s wide nt the top a.s nt
the bottom the lire box nnd linen mo
placed light for economy In fuel llio box
so arranged tlmt It can easily ho
changed for burning wood and above
nil quick bakers nml perfect In opcia-
lion these stoves may bo MCII by all
who call this week pi lees range fiom
$ lt.00 ! up.
1514 Far it am St.
We open tlio pile during fair week
that all may liavo an opportunity of pur
chasing tlio highest grade pianos and or-
giuis at prices that will clear our lloor
before Saturday night Our stock com-
prNes such well known makes as the
Knnbe Klmball Ilallett & D.ivls Kra-
n I eh & Hitch-Whitney Illnxo-aml the
cheaper makes all go In this lair week
sale nt our Inimitable oa\v teimVo
always have what we advertise and do
Just as wo s.iy wo will.
WC Oflfl flfl. 1513 Douglas
After you have been to the fair and
seen all different exhibits woant you
to come to our stoie and see the grand- display of fall carpet ings and cur
tains ever shown in the west all ot tlio
newest designs and patteins are grouped
together heto making one giand p.tna-
iiimii of coloiings the qualities of llu'se
goods arc the best the nuikots of the
world produce the prices are the lovvoht
over offered on like qualities you will
enjoy the vl-lt and we will be glad to
sco you if yon buy or not.
1515 Dodge St.
If anybody had tole me dat dls kid an'
his dad's live-cent Sloeekor cigar had
de reputation dev _ must have out in ile
state I'd never believed dcm I never
seun de like of how dem fellei hunt up
my dad's smoke house to buy de
Stoucker cigar and dey keep comin'
agcn nu'.ngun-Kiii' I'm thudiuau -ilem
out I don't know as I'll git ter go to
de fate at all I wish dey all need
dat dey dliln'b have ter cum to
my dad'.s ter get dem fur most all de
dealets in dis hole town hell du StoecKer
1404 DOU6L4S.
Xo , Smith beat Ilarnett In five rounds In
New York In March , 1890.
NELSON. Neb. , Sept. 15. To the Sporting
ndltor of The DeeWill > ou kindly answer
the question in next Sunday's Hoe : (1) ( )
When playing poker and using the Joker ,
loose in straights and flushes will the ten ,
nine eight , sK and joker make a straight
( lush ? (2) ( ) Does not a royal ( lush have to bo
all natural cards and from the ace down ?
J. II.
Ans (1) ( ) Yes (2) ( ) Yes.
OMAHA , Sept. 17. To the Sporting Editor
of The Hee : Please answer In Sunday Hco
the best mile record of Star Pointer and Joe
I'atchcn , and oblige. Constant Header.
Ans. Star Pointer , 1-BDV4 ; Joe 1'atchen ,
2.01 % .
SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 17 To the SportIng -
Ing Editor of The Boo. Jf jou will answer
the following questions In Sunday's Hee you
will oblige mo very much. What year did
J. L. Sullivan and Charley Mitchell fight In
France ? How many rounds did they fight ?
Hbvv many rounds did J. L. Sullivan and
Jake Kill-Bin fight' . J. Smith.
Alls (1) ( ) 1S8S ; (2) ( ) : ! 3 ; (3f75. (
Tor riillilri-ii UN Well an \ < lullN.
Some time ago a little bottle of Chimber-
laln's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhoae Itemed )
fell Into my hands , Just at a time when my
tvvo-year-old-boy was terribly aflllctcd His
bowels worn beyond control \Vo had tried
many remedies , to no purpose , but the little
battle of Colic Cholera ana Dlarrhoao Rem
edy speedily cured him. William F. Jonts ,
Oglesb ) , Ga ,
Chicago I'cst : As the man In the white
Hannol suit went by she turned away and
albo turned up her now
"Ho doesn't amount to anything as a ten
nis player , " she said contemptuously
"How do you know ? " demanded her coun
try cousin , who was not ported In such
"Why. he doesn't tutn up the bottoms of
his trouart , " hc replied with conviction.
run Tii\vii.i\ . \v.
iiln : Wlieclor Wllcox.
First In the pionilecl car is he to offer
ThN tr.ivUIng man unhonored and un-
The lie p ild for to some woman youn ;
Or old .ind vvriultlod ; llrHt Is he to proff. r
Something , a trllle from tils samples niajbt ,
To please the fancy of u oiylng bal ) > .
lie lifts tlio window or ho drops tlio em-
For unaccustomed hands. He ] em1 < bis
To bolster up a sleeping child , not coitaln
Hut Its mamma will frown him In the face.
So unxloiHly some women seek for dangei
In every courteous act of every stranger.
Well versed Is be In nil those ways con
To comfort , wheie least comfoit can be
found :
He tuniM tlio peat unasked , vet unobtrusive
His little decdH of thoiiKlitfillness abound ,
IB glail to please > ou , or to huvo you pit-use
Yet take's It very calmly If you fioezo him.
He smoothes the Jovc-IIko frown of some
15y injlog fine for one who cannot piy ;
True niodoHtv he knows from artificial ;
Will "flirt , " of coijrse , If you're Inclined way ;
And If you mo. be mire be dcti'ots > ou.
And Ifoil'ro not , be biiro , tl-at be jenpccts
The soirows of the moving world dHtuss
him ;
Ho never fnllH to lend what nld ho c-an
A thousand heaitu today have cause to
bless him
TliH much abused , mlnused comtnoiLlal
I do not stilvo to c-iiHt n Imlo 'round him ,
Hut speak of him precisely n I found him.
Running sore : . Indolent Hirers end similar
troubles , even though of many yean' stand
ing , may bo cured bj using DeWltt'o Witch
Hazel Salve , It soothes , strengthens and
hcalu It U tlie great pllt > cure.
if ix
$100 "BUSINESS" WHEELS for $35.
These aP3 ' 97 jntterns morbrn in every point of
eonstruotion Never bai'ora was it possible to buy
suoh vvh9ol > for so little money. We carry the
larg-estand most complete stoek of wheels west of l
.i/ Cliicigio ; We rent wheels by h'our , day or wesk.
Sjcond 'hand wheels at your own price .
GEO. E2 MICKSL , Wgr. 15th and Hnmey.
I Have you seen our Chainless Whsel ? ,
- *
& & & &
Pros I * Slioomnn will bo on duly nil
week either til tin1 full1 ground * or help-
hiK twIIIi our < nlo of men's pntont
leather shop * -jou're coltij : to the Ak-
Sar-IliMt ball of lenther
shop- * meliut you'llnnt we're the
liondquiu toix-KiuH nte nil the newest
styles ami toes no fancy prices Just be
cause yon nnmt have tli'Mii but the same
piollls as on our oilier Mi HM \ \ hleh ovory.
boily know.H mighty small 1)rex 1 *
Shoonmu wnnts all ) ifo fi lends that conic
to tin' fair to mnko his store lipiulqunr-
leis lie's pot ample room for ami will
take euro of your
Drexel Shoe Co ,
1111) Fnrntm : Stixct
You may SH- exhibits at the State fair
but to .i e a butter making exhibit jou
should come to our ci cautery at It'.lit
How aid slteet We malaItutter ovoiy
moinlni ? between 7 and S o'clock
you aie always welcome We just 10-
eclu'd it telegram fiont the old man ho
-old his buttermilk for Ice civ.uii when
he leached Klondike anil Is shipping the
gold back In the barrcls-Our butter Is
nritle fioin sweet cream that makes
flood buttetmilk and jon don't want to
forget that you can pet It fiesh every
day the year louml at our creamery.
Creamery Ass'n
Fivsh Buttermilk.
While yon ate In the city waiting for
a street car you had better .st.-p Into our
store and have our expel t eye man make
u practical and thorough fiee examina
tion of your ejes that h-.iilache you
have so often may be caused by over-
woiked or defective eyes and pioperly
lilted glasses will give you immediate
icllcf we aie mannfactuieis and grind
tlie lenses light heie to Milt the ease in
hand the frames aie fitted with an ex-
netiios.s that assuies yon the full benellta
of your glasses our \\oik Ib all guar
anteed to be the best that can be pro
Columbian Optical Co
AUTISTIC , M'lnM'iriO VM ) I'ltAC-
TIAIj Ol'CTICI VSS. , OM\IIA , ic v \scrrv ,
1C ID Champa 211 S. ICth St. 015 AIulu.
If you aie going to the fair tomoiiow
you'll no doubt take a lunch with yon-
it won't do much good though If your
twill ate gone or biokeii good teeth
mean pet feet health and Urge appetites
we make good teeth out ot bad cues
if they're not be.\ond lepair if they are
we'll furnish yon new ones perfect ami
natural no one would C\MI smpcct them
of being aitillelal our elastic platen are
light , yet durable tit perfectly and com-
foitably fiom the Hist we gnaiautee
them for $10.00 l.uly visitors to the fair
can be assured of a hub attendant.
JCIli mill I'ariiitni.
lit Yearn : td Plixir 1'axluii Illlc.
Out on the fair giojpuls jcm can buy
The Dally Hee ah soon as it gets , off the
press-it will contain all the news about
the fair will tell you what inces and
oilier happenings will laKe place the Ttf
ne\t day and keep you posted In gen > ? v
eral when the fair'n over and jou'vc
seen what a good paper it Is-yon can
leave your eider tor the Ually at the
olllce ? S.OO a yearpay.s lor It seven dnjH
In the week The Weekly nee Is just
the paper for those that can't get to the
postnllice every clay and haven't time to
lead the Dally < ! . " > cents a M'.ir to any
addiess in the Tniled Stale- ) .
The Omaha Daily Bee
Circulation Department
17tli and Farnam. Bee Building
In order to ncli all our ' 07 model new
wheels before vvu got oni lilg stod ; of ' 53
milker , we will Hell at the follow Inn low
prices :
$50 Wheels for $19.75
$60 Wheels for $24.75
Our finest 'OS inoJr-l
high grade will go for
We soil Illcycles IO to J'.o < ciper than
any house In Oinuh.i.
Tires , Repaifiog , Renting ,
Bioyo ! ® Go.
i : . T. iinvDKN , MBI- . ,
S. E. Cor. 16th and Chicago.
Are cordially invited
to visit the largest
house in the west.
, Cor I5fh ami Howard Sfs.
P. E.VniitlonlimrK , Manager-
'National , Victor ,
Luthy , Sterling ,
Orient Agents.