TltE OMAHA DA FLY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 10. 1807 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE Prpient Trndo aa Well as Fnturo Prospects Are Qood. COUNTRY COLUCTIONS ARE EXCEIL'NI lilMTH mill VIniiiifue.'ttirrr llusy _ 'I In- ( oiiiliiKrrl I'rolittxr * to lie I InllcM So fur Til IN MI-IINUU. Jobber * ami nunufnctinoM of Omaha have been ncliv ly rnsnitcit tlic last week In tnrctlnq the rciimrempnls of country custom-era , though It wim expert" ! that thcru wmild IMS tame falling ciff In the Inlying , us so many mtrclnnts were rxpectlni ; to visit the cltv durlni ? f lr week mid would mturnlly defer placing orders until tlii > > could ninko personal selections nf Roods , llowuvcr , tin1 ciminimlnc ilemnnd In tin" country IH of such n clminUtr Hint nuiclinnlB arc forced to | ilnco orders to keep | ncc wltli the require ments nf palronx , un 1 Hint fnct has had much t ( > do with the continued activity observed In johhlng clrcl.s , Thu turning week In expected to bo the IjfSt , so far UK volume of Mies la concerned , In several } etir pisl. A Veiy Inrue number of merchants Imve- signified th.-r Intmtlon oflulling the illy within the next few days nnd the expco tnllon l tlmt the Krent mijotlty of them will li ? liberal buyers Jobbers Invu tnadc every ur- ranKi.iiK.iU possible to pioperly entertain them niiil Hie ttavellng men will nil t > off nf the road to look alter tha wants of their ppecltl customer * All tint the JobbefB nsk IB reasonably - bly itood wenlhfr. COOl.lill WnATlIlUl NiiOin > . The retail trudo of Hie city Ims suffered some what fiuni thu veivMirm weather. as buyers hhnw u MiuiiK Inclination to rein tin In diem dur.iiK the hot weither , especially no ns there Is n > pressing niccBslty for Imiiwdlale shopping It U imw too I Hi- fur any tiude of Importation In hot weather KuudB , mill the demand far fall im-iehalidl" ! ' cinnot be expected to show murh lire until the comlnic of cooler and more fall- like Weather A week of cool or wet Neither Would ultliniit doubt develop a j-ood full buying , liut B ) Mr th < ro have only been two cool dajs to letnlnd cnnsumeis of the approach of winter , ihu Increased number of people llndlnR em- ploynunt In stint Improvements and In tin currying on ofarlous new enterprises that aic und > i way lm nuidu considerable difference with thu retail trade of the city and collections me notlecnbly linproud To film It all up In n few words , the whole tnuli : Kltuatlon l In a most sallsfactory condi tion Not inly ID this true of thlH Immediate- louillly , but It applies equally well to the whole Wist , and In a somewhat lesser decree to the east IIH well. 'Ihu fainura of tin : west sec such u eonillllun n tin y have nc\er before- known Ihey Ime often had abundant crops liut novel liavo they hail quite n temirkahle combina tion us Hie present Is. of wonderful crops und iin extiaoiillnary demand The millions of dol- lais whlrh will BI > directly Into the pockets of tlio farmeiH of the west cannot belli but stimu late business In very clmnnel to u great tli qree 'Die demand for money Is still well below the mipply and rulis have not yet advanced ma terially 'Die Increased demand , however. Is aa certain to come IIH anything can be In the bunt- nenH world iv ry thins Is on the upward turn and the west IH leading In the procession. Mom : .MOMV uor.s ivio IIVMCS. Kn In Oninliii IiiorcaxliiHr at n Itnplil Itute. W H Hoborson , Bpeaklntr of tndo from the fitniiilpolnt of 11. O Dun & Co's Mercintllc URcney mys : "The bank deposits In Om ihu mo Imn iilnt ; at a rapid rote. Hits In a very unun * al condition for this season of the yeai nml IH largely due to the enormous wheat crop , but It IH probable that part of the cusli can be tiaced to thu Increitcd Ineome of wage tamers In thecity. . One of our leading bankers told me there was no t-peclal demand for money , and lie would be glad to loan half a million dollars up'm propt r security "It inift be concided by this time that the long-expected wave of prosperity Ina nnlvcd. Home over cautious people fear a n action , but when we cinxlder the conditions this hardly BceniH | H ) Bllile. Tor four years our people have btcn prictklng an enforced economy. Stocks nf meichandlsu and necessities and comforts li : the honfi fi Invc tieen reduced to the minimum 'Jhey must be mippllcd , and fortunatelj the when withal Is provided for replenishing al nlont ; the line Tin- normal c. Misuinpllon of this country will maintain n very active trade und It will take a year or two for the people at largo to satisfy their normil demands "JnclclentH Illustrating Improved conditions uro contlnu illy brought to the attention of persons In touch with local trade The Union Stock Yards company on Thursday of this week handled more car > > of stock and merchandise on Its stock yards lines than on miy day since the tracks were equipped A traveling Implement raleBiuan. who makes Onmli i his headquarters , Infoims me that , beginning on luly 3. he sold n carload of wagons on each of twenty-one con bccutlvc days and that the trade of his house for July and August was something beyond com parison Agricultural Implement dealers are the llrst to feel the Improved condition among the farmers , who have been limiting tielr purenuvcj for these many ytais , until now their demands Mill crowd the power of the Implement houses to keep up the supply of goods "It Is well , In view ot all that has been said In the part uncomplimentary of Nebraska , to keep well In mind the fact that this yeir's crops are not only mormons In quantity , but Im mensely valuable In cash Any funnel will say that an average corn ciop In Nebraska of thirty Imshcls to the acie Is not by any meins large 'T le beit authorities agree tint over S WO OOC iicrc were planted and at thirty bushels to thf- nere this would mean n hnrve-t of .MO OCO OOC bushels Not \its \ than 100 OW.OOO bushels or ol rorn still remains In the cribs Assuming Chicago price of 2 > cults n ImMicI for this cortv tnakes It worth JSu.OOO 000 In Chicago No one liovv disputes that our wheit yield reached 40 000000 bushels , und It Is certilnly worth J30 000 000 These two cereals , therefore , contribut enough In actual valic to the state's worth to \varrant the expectation of u renewed Interest In developing the agricultural demands of the state Mills of course means an Increittvil population nml Increased trnde In all the cominerclil < emirs "Ixiciil n tall trade Is Improving , lluslness a Roilth Omaha continues veiy active , and rea estate men are counting upon an excellent bust tusH through thewinter. . " TilADi : fiMMMMiS OK THU STIIKUT Someof tlic 'I'll In KM HiiHliifNK Men Vr Doliiur mill TillUliiK Mioiil. ' The Amerlenn Ilandewed Shoe company re ports bUBlniKH In a Jobbing way very active , es peclally In mbbei goods The Willow hpilngs distillery Is recelvln cnltle for fall nnd winter feeding They wll feed nt lenst 1,100 and possibly us many u Mnnnfaelurers of print eloths nre expeetln n good di mind all throuK i Die wlnlcr , ns slock In the county ! nre light , nnd there has beei HOIII talk t tat prlees would go hlKher , I , . O I'oup , whose lounBe facloiy was le cently ilamaBed by fire , has leased the building lit 111 houth 'lenth street nml will convert ' Into u lounge nnd mattress fnctory. If nny one In Omaha wishes ti * convince htm elf thai prosperity Is really here , he can d rii by visiting the Jobbing district and not In the number of buyers , nnd Ihe large shipment of goods II * ne & Co. are preparing to operate a clgn factory on I he fair grounds during fair weel for the purpose nf phoning how cigars are mad nnd paeked 'Iheir factory last yeur pioved t lie one of the most ntlractlvo features In the Manufactures building. II. r .Marshall , of the Marshall 1'aiwr torn Jiany , has been In Iowa the pist v > eek Mr Jvatz of the Katz-N'evlns company says that the trouble with trade n ( the present time IH that inrrrtunts all want goods nnd want them quickly , In fact > iiulekly that It U hard woik to keep paee with the demand. The demand for rubber goods Isv cry large an 1 the JohhrrH of the eounlry arb taking the goods us fast as Ihe fae torlei ran turn them out 1 * > eal Jobbers hnvu been pretty fortunate In vecilllnir Kiuuls , but lluv have had some orders turned down and ft looks as if It would be a struggle for Homu time tu keep pace with the consuming demand * * 'Ihe eiittnn tlluntlon Is nt prevent legnrded vllh eoimldernbU * Interest , not only hy eun turners eif the Maple , hut nlKo by * Inventors and ppevulators , who 111 view of the advance In xcvernl other eoinmeulltlrs , nre naturally avkliiR themteluH the question whether or not enttnn is to advance from Its present loinpatiitlvely low level The yellow fever scale In the ) south , by cut ting off the ill mind for salt infill * , caused a brink In tie provision market and In eonte- quence Nebraska farmers lire not reeelvlntr quite as muc-li for their hogs us they were tflllt the prlre U snlllUently high lo be iUlle | re munerative , Karntst efforts me making In Colorado for the erei of n beet sugar factory Iheie and tha production nf u st'jllelent supply of beets for It. The Purt Collins Argus has bren dlseunelnc the mattei most rninently for come weeks pint nnd resiling the various advantages that would nttaeh to Ihe location of a be'et nn.-ar factory tn 1'ort Collins , One of the largest 11 ml8 In the live stoik com- mUslon butlners In a reeent Chicago ilrcular referred tu i-'oiuh Omaha as fallows : "Whllu there bus bern a fulrly good Imiuliy for weMtrn fetdetM , this elans U telling tu decidedly better nJvantd e nt South Omaha , as the snlrs made l > y our llrm there this vve k veo plainly show nnd In our opinion rangemen should send that class there wherever practicable" The llHurmann Vinegar romimny has put elovin 10000 bushe-U Of eurumbei plcklpu , vvhleh it can- viderablv lr > than was expected for this year'H rn > p. 'Ihe pickle crop nil over I lit' crmnlty U ihorl und manufnrlurer'if urn Ju t waking up tu the fart that there In txiund to tua u big * ourclty of p'ekles tli' yeur 'Ihe result Is I hat pilres Imvu udvanre-d till per barrel during the last two weeks , or In other word * , 75 pei cent. Ihe honlery nnd undeivvear manufacturers of the country met In New York the putt week and screed la advance price * 15 to 40 per cant , which they figure will be neccnury to cover the Increased ce t of the raw material , They further acrted to carry out their reiolvt , ev n If It ( houIJ Lfcomu ntceHary to clo.o down th In erJur to limit yroUuctlon ana thui mnlntnln price * As was pointed out | n the e columns rome lime OHO values on this class of merchandise huve been very low nnd It wn only Krsfonnble to expect a ctinnge of come kind In the ntor future. I.oeal shoe men have rceclved copies of the fall trade edition of the Hoot nnd Shoo llerorder of IliMon nnd they do not hetltnte t < pronounce It the grentent achievement In trndc Journalism In dale The MS pages nrr > printed on the ( Inert paper nnd nre replete with mntter of the greatest Interest to hoe men. One of the feature * Is n well executed hnlf tinge picture of the Manufac ture ! ! building to be erected for the Trnnsmls- sls-slppl Imposition , the building that will contain the shoe nnd leather exhibit. Alwul the nolrest place nnd busiest place In Jmnlin these days Is the Omnhn butter tub aetory. locntcd nt Twenty-sixth ilrecl nnd the 'nlon 1'ncinc tnllresd Porty men nnd bays r" employed , the mist of the work being done y machinery. The white n ) i stnves nre brought rom Arkansas nnd the blnck nub hVPS from Ilchlgnn , In the rough. There nre shnvlng nnchlne * planing machines , sandpapering ma- bines nnd machines for sawing out the top nl iKiltom nnd for culling the grooves on the nclde of the slnves When nil the machines hro .1 work It Is n busy scene OMAHA ( JiSiitAI , .MVIIKUTS. ; oiullloii of Trnile anil Quotation * ) on Minnie nml I'nnoy Produce. IC1(1S : Oood slock , weak nl 12c. IlUTTnil-Common to fnlr. 74Q8c ; choice U nncy , 1012o separator creamery , ISc ; gath- red creamery. 14fJ15c. VHAICholcc fnt. 80 to 120 lb , quoted at 8c ; nrgc nnd coarse , 4fiEc. MV13 TOUIvr-UY liens. o ; cocks , 3 T4e ; tprlne ihlckens. per Ib , So. ducks , c , turkeys , 1 8c. rial ONS Live , " 5f90c ; dead pigeons not , anted , 1IAUpland. . J5. midland , 14 50 , lowland 4 ; rye straw , J4 , color makes the price on my , light bales sell the best , only top grades ring top prices IIUOOMCOIIN Extremely slow sales new crop , ellvereil on trnck In country , choice green sclf- sorklng cnrpet per Ib , 2 2'4e ; choice green , unnlng to hurl , 2H2'ic ; common , lV4c. vnar.TAWis CANTALOUPE" ? I'er do ? 350&OC TOMATOns-Per hnlf bu basket. 400500. ONIONS-per bu . WflGOe. LIMA lIHANS-Per Ib 3c nnANS-IIand-plcked navy , per bu. , 1 JO. CAIIIIAC.n-Hmne grown , Ic. WATnil\lii.ONS-Crnted , per do ? , 1 15S1.39 POTATOES Home grown , COCCSc. rilUITS APPLHS-Per bbl , Jl 6'n2 CO NATIVI3 PLPMS Per basket 20fJ35e. OTtAPns Cnllfornla $1 25 < fl GO fiOUTIIHIlN PKACHKS-Per H bu , SOflfOc. CALiroilNIA Pi\ClItS-Per cnsc , Crnw- ords fOe clings 70676c PRAns-nartlett , per cno. $2 00. Utah Bart- tls Jl 7/iffl / FO Huerre Hardy , $140-31.CO - HOMi : OIIOW.V aflAPHS-Per basket 12e. CALironNIA PLUMS Per cape 1 OOJT1 21. " -C pe Coil , per bbl , 1780. TROPICAL rnuiTq I Medltetranenn sweets , $423(2420 MJMOVS Messlnas , SI EO , choice Callfomla , 4 Oflii 42" II \ \N'AS Choice , large stock , per buncli , IC00223 , medium-sized bunches Jl r,0i2 00. MISCCI.I.ANUOUS NtTT"3 Almonds , California , per Ib , large Ilrazll * per Ib , 10o ; nnglli-h walnuts > er Ib . fancy toft shell , 12ifl3c , standards lo ® lo filberts , per Ib . lOc , pecans polished , large , STIOc Jumbo llrtlSc. large hickory nuts. Jl 23 > er bu cocoanuts 4Ue each riOS Imported fancy , 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes , 2o. 5 crown 50-lb boxes. 13814c. IIONnV Choice white. 13c Cinnn-Clarined Juice , per half bbl , M , per < hl . J4 OOtf 4 15 MAPU2 SYHUP rivc-sil cans , each $225 , gal cans. pure , per doz. J12 00 ; half-sal , cans. 6 25 quart cnns. $3 60 rnnsit MFJATS nKEF Good native steers 400 to .00 . Ibs , 7o. good forequarters steers fc ; good ilndquarterB 9p , western steers. r/TOijc ; fancr lelfers. Sc , good heifers 6Hc , good forequnrters lelfers Be. good hindquarters heifers , Sc good cows , C c ; fair cows fi ic , common cows , 5'5cj cow forequarlers , 4151350. cow hindquarters , 7'4 5l So SoHinr Hinr Ct'TS Tenderloins ISc- boneless strips 9c , stilp loins 7c rolls Oc , sirloin butts He : shouIJer clods , 6c rump butts , rc , steer cluiclo ; c cow chucks , 4'ic , boneless chucks , 4Hc ; con ilntes , 3c , steer plates 3'c flanlt steak C'Se. nlns. No 1 14c. loins. N'o 2 10'tp ; loins. No S 8'4c ; sirloin ends. No I. DC , ribs , No I , lie ! ribs No 2 , 8'4c , ribs. No 3 CVfcc steer rounds , "lie. cow rounds , 7c , cow rounds off , SHc. trim- nlngs " , 4c beef fhanks , 2V4c , brains , per do ? , 3"c : sweetbreads , per Ib , 12e sweetbreads ; cHlvo ) , per Ib 40c ; kidneys , per do ? . Kc ; ox alls each 3e , livers , per Ib , 2c , hearts , per Ib , 2c- tongues , per Ib . lie. roillv Dressed pigs , fc , dre"Cd hogs , C' < c tendetloins 13c , loins , 7o ; spare ribs 4c ; hnm sausage butts , Cc shoulders , rough CUc ; shout- lers skinned , Cc , trimmings , 4'j.c leaf'lard , not rendered Cc , heads , cleaned 3c , snout and car le , backbones , iuc , cheek mcnls. 3e ; neck jones l'4e ; pigs' tails. 2c plucks , ench fc , ehlttci lings. Bo , hocks 4cr henrts per rtoz , 23cj stomachs , each 3c. tongues each 7c ; kidney a , icr doz , lOc ; brains , per doz , 15o pigs' feet , per doz , 2"c , livers , each 3c MUTTON Lambs , S'So ; sheep 7'5c market racks ( long ) , 9c , holel racks ( short ) , 12e legp and saddles. Sc ; lamb legs , 9c , breasts nna stews , 3c , tongues , ench Ic Hinns. TALLOW , rrrc. IIIDHS No 1 green hides , Cc ; No 2 green hides 6V4c , No 1 salted hides 8c , No 2 green salted hides , "c No 1 veal calf. S to 12 Ib * b'ic. No 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lb , 8c No 1 dry nint hide ? 10 fl2c. No 2 dry Hint hides. 9010c : : No 1 dry nnlted hides 9S10c. part cured hide- , ' c per Ib lees than fully cured SIIKCP PI3LTS Orcen snlted. each 23iffCOe ; green snlted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ench lie ; dry fheaillngs ( ehort woolert early fklns ) , No 1 , ench fc elry ( lint Kansn- nnd Nebratka butcher wool pelts , per Hi , actual weight , 4' 5c , dry flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 3iJ4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelte. per Ib , actual weight , 4T3c , dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts per Ib , actual weight 3tj4o ; feet cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on them , M. I.oliIn 4ii'iie < riil Mnrkrtff. ST. I.OUIS. Sept J8-n.OUH-I.ower. patents , 14 90B3 00 straights , $4 SO&t 70 , medium. J3 COST 375 \ \ Hi : V.T Higher , closing with September and De'eember nnd May % o nbove yesterday , December opentd ' 40 lower , Improved ' c , de clined Ic nnd from that nlvanced ITnC , closing strong , with buyers nt the toppot ( , loner , No. i led , cash , cleintor , 9lc bid , trn , k , 93fjl7c , No 2 hard , cnsh , S75J8SC , September , 93ic , December , 93'to bid May , 93V6e. COIIN rutures fluctuated about ns wheat , but closed under yesterday bpnt , dull and lower , No 2 cuth , 2bVAr > ntked , September. ZCiJo aeked , December. 27l,027c , May , SOVc bid OATS Futures , weak and lower1 , spot , dull nnd heavy. No 2 cafh elevator. 11150 track , 20Q-2014C , Ho 2 white , 22S22".c. May , 22'ic bid. HYI3 I.oner nt 43e. ( XIIN MHAI Steady nt 11 fO IIHAN Dull nnd easier , sacked , east track , salable nt 47c I'LAXHnKD-Lovvcr at 1 o : TIMOTHY SiKD Prime , $270. HAY Dull but llrm , prnlrie , J600g SO , tim othy , $7 OOif 10 00 lIl'TTril Strong creamery , 14'4ifI9c ' ; dairy , MHOS rirm nt lie. POITI/1HY Chickens , nrm ; old hens , 7e ; springs , SUi9'4c ; ducks , springs , Cc , geese , springs , Co , turkeys , spilngs , 9c. WHISKY-J1 21 COTTON ' 1IIIS C3e. . METAI.S Irfad , higher , $4 17'4ff4 20. Spelter film $40- t. PIIOVIBIOV8 Pork , steady ; standard men Jubblng , $7 85 I. aril higher prime steam $4 f2 < i , choice , $4 CO llacon ( boxed lots ) , extiu short clear and ribs , J6 50 , shorts JG C2'5 Dry salt meats ( boved ) shoulders Jl 37'i , extra shor clear un 1 libs , $0 , shorts , $4124. HECEIPTS Klnur , & .OM bbl * . wheat , 70,00 ! bu , corn HOC" ' * ) bu outs 40000 bu , BHIPMKNT8 Flour , 9000 bills , wheat , 21.00C bu , corn , 24,000 bu , oils , 10,000 bu. HuHlinorc HAI.TIMOHE , Sept 18 KIXUn-Steady ; re cclpts H.401 bhli , exports. C 611 bbls WHEAT Steady at a decline , spot. 95UOCo Dfccmber 9GtO 7c. steamer , No 2 red R9Jif f9'vc ' ; receipts 90,777 bu , exports , 278,142 bu soi them wheat by sample , 90Q97c ; on grade 9Ui9i > COIIN Hull and lower , spot , MWOSS .c , No v ember or December new or oil 3l 403l st inner mUed 3I"44J315 c receipts J31 421 bu exports , 175,711 bu , southern white corn , 3S OATS-Klrm. No 2 white Kc No 2 mixed 2.'Sf 1o , receipts 43,134 bu , exports , none , HYE Easlir No 2 western , E3c , receipts 501 bu exports , 8 200 bu HAY bit-ally . choice timothy. W OOO13 M. CHAIN PHEIOIirS Qulft und um hanged 1H"1 1EH rirm , fancy creamery , 15c , rfltlK Steady nnd unchanged CHEESE steady ami unchanged I.lviTiiool ( i nil n mill Prov | NOIIN. I.IVEHI'OOK Sept 18 WHEAT No S iff. western winter steiidv 7s Hd , No 1 red nortl ] rrn spring , steady , ! s 7'4d COIIN Amerlean mlxe < l spot , new , easy 3s I'ld ; American mixed spot , old quiet 3s i ! September 3s Id , October , SsJSd , November quiet 3s 2VI rUJI'H-Ht Liuls fancy winter , dull , 10s 3d HOI'S At /mil. I . in 5n PROVISIONS lleef , extra In 111 mess , Cs d Pork , prime mess fine western firm f-Os prim mess medium western , firm , 4Gs 3d , Hams , shor cut , dull 37s llacon , short ribs , steady , 33a long clear light , 31s , clear bellies 12 to 14 Ibs steady 37s Shouldurs , square , steady , l"J < I.llJ spot , steady , S4s , i e-HIJESE-Oolored. dull. 5s TM.UnV-Prlme city , nrm. Ifs. OI1.S Cottonseed , I.Kcri > < il refined sleady < * V > d Turpentine snlrlts , tlrm , s 3d , llotil cuinmon , dull , 4s lUd 1C a u Kim City SlurKe-ln , KANSAS CITY , SM > t UHEATVer Irregular , N'o 1 hard tee. No 2 , C2Wn. No 3 77 WUc , No , J red , BOr9H.c. N > . 3 , 8l JJc. No 4 , S2 iS3c , No. S sjirlUK SlCliSc. No 3 7 u03c. CDH.S'-MoM , lower : No 2 mixed JIMl c. O\Th-blu , lower. No 2 while , ISUQWe. IlYt-V-Weak. No ! . 44844bc. HAY Firm , choice timothy , $7009750 , cholc pralile. $37M < 0 llt'TTBH Itecelpts , lltht ; demand Inrreailng market very llrm ; creame-ry , ICVstilSc ; dairy , ] 014e- EelOS Firm on Increased demand ; Mltsour ml Kansas 10f < UUCEIPTS Wheat , Z46.000 Xu.j corn , M.OOO bu . oats 1 ! OriO bu. SHIPMENTS Whea.t , UTW ) tu.i corn , 15,800 bu. ; eaU , 7,000 bu. i / , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL rain and Provisions Recover from a Severe Early Tumble. WHEAT CLOSES A HALF CENT HIGHER Corn IN Very Active , but MnUe * a SninU NeI.OSM mill Ontn .Vino ( iiion llovv n Slightly 1'rov | NOIII ! CHICAGO , Sept. 18 All grain and pro- lilon markets ( started \vtak and closed trong today. The strength of wheat \vns Imlted to the last thirty minutes , when utslde buying started shorts to covering , vhlch caused a recovery of the early de- line nnd W/ic besides. The action of corn itnd oats wan similar , but closing prices vere nt declines of U0c for corn nnd Hoer or onts. Provisions were strongerthan , nny > f the grain markets , doling at 7Q17Hc n < J- nncc. Wheat continued In the direction of the ovvnwnid Impetus. . gUen to It yesterday pencil today at from 01'4c down to Sl ic. December closed yesterday nt P2H92Uc nnd t barely touched P2c a second later nnd hen began rolling over nnd over down hill until It got to 91c , which point It reached about an hour from the opening- The Lher- > eel market came In line with the decline lore , showing the following declines In utures. September , ' 4el ; October , IVid , nnd December ! Bfcd per cental. With the temper jf the leaders of the local speculators strongly Inclined to the bear side , the de cline nt Liverpool was all the further Urging hey needed to unload , nnd during the early nornlng they did so with a xongonnce. Jlearances ofwheat und Hour from both coasts for the week , us reported by Brad- street's , were the heaviest but one In nny \eek In the statistical recollection. They amounted to the great total of 6.379,000 bu. Heerbohm'9 cabled that the world'K shlp- nentt for the wek to Kuropo would prob- lUly be found to amount to 8,000,000 bu , but n \levv of the heavy American shipments , ha llgures nre expected to be considerably arger. Argentina reported no wheat this veek , nnd according to accounts that coun- ry Is engaged In a vigorous tontestwith ocusts to enable It to get some to ship aftei lanuary next. Chicago receipts for the day vere 216 cars. Minneapolis and Duluth got ,143 car * , compared with 1,131 a year ago I'he Atlantic port exports ; for the day equaled 7-I5.WO bu In wheat and Hour , Cbl 000 bu. of the total being In the raw gtaln. The decline to 91c satlslled the bear contingent , for the time , but when they tried to buy in short wheat at that they found row "ellers. Minneapolis und St. Louis sent large buy Ing onlers here , the result was a sciamble among both bullq and those w ho prev lously vere bears for the limited offerings Under such a competition the price lapldly re cover all its previous decline nnd shot up to 82 ic , nnd it rested nt 92HC. Corn was active. There was some llQtildn ilon , enough to cause a % c decline , while wheat was weakest , but the market ns n whole wns stronger thnn expected. It was he general opinion that the crop was too well advanced to be Injured by frosts Ca bles were \ery weak. The week's shipments were 300,000 * bu Argentine shipments were nothing , compared with 1,500,000 bu last year. Receipts wcie > > 80 cars ! . Shorts cov ered actively during the latter part of the session and a great part of the decline was recovered Decembet opened 'i V : lower at 29530c ' , sold between SOVnC and 2 closing at 29' & < i730e. Oats sympathized with coin and ruled weak from the start , but became firm to- vurd the end. Trading wns small nnd unlm- jortant. A feature was the modetate sell ing of May , some 200,000 bu. being offered jy one prominent firm. Receipts' were lib- eial , 401 car * , nnd acted as a bear Influence. December ranged from 20'4c to .lO' c , closing at 20V4C , a decline of He. Speculative business In provNlons was not neavy , but the tone was htrong. The openIng - Ing was nt a slight advance on the con tinued disturbing jellovv fever news Shorts covered actively , pork being In especially good demand , nnd as offerings were light , prices moved upward easily. At the close becember pork was 17Hp. higher at IS DO ; Decembei lard , 714'RlOc ' higher at $4 I 70. and Decembei ribs 7'c hle-ber at $4 85 i/irel gained luc , closinc at J3 37'i Estimated receipts Monday : Corn , 1,130 cars ; oats , 425 cars ; hogs , 30,000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows : Articles I Open | Hl/h | Low. I Cloaa lYostd'y ! . " . OIH 02H am 9sy < naan Dec. . 01 May. . . 01 Oik Corn- Sept. . 28 Dec. . . L'OJS- ) 2014-aO May. . . Oatb bept. . . 18 if-M III in Uec. . . . 204 May. . . 2J' ' < 23HSJ4 I'orfc- Oct. . . . 8 22Sj 8 224 8 42H 8 25 Dee . . 8 30 S 50 8 JO b DO 8 3. Lard Ccl. . . 4 00 4 7. ) 4 574 4 70 4 O'JH Deo. . . 4 70 4 774 4 liJH , 4 77H 4 70 Mi'UUbR bept 37 S 5 22i Oct. . . . 0 JJH 5 10 0 iiO fi 20 S . ' No. 2. Cash quotations vvcie ns follows : rLOt'll Steady , winter patents $5000510 straits , $ l"OiI48T , spring specials , $800 , tprlng patents. $1 10QS 40 , stralls , $4706490 , bakers S3 rtOfi''l 20 WHEAT No 2 spring. 92'4c , No. 3 spring , 90VjS lHc , No J red 93MiT9l'ic. COIIN No A SffJS'iC OATS-NO i 19 % t o i > . NO s white. 22140 , No 3 white , 20' KYB No 2. 4t , ; il7c. 1IAKLCY No i , nominal , No 3. 32JJ4UC , No 'SIJKDS No 1 naxsecd , $1 0581 07'J. Prlmi timothy H ed $2 C" I'UOVIblONfv Mess pork , per bbl , $ S 4ff8 4o Uard , per 100 Ibs , $4 C7V4 < 3 > 4 70 Short ribs sides ( loose ) , J3 20CT3 45 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) 6'4O5c. short clear sides ( boxed ) , 6Hft3 ! c. WHISKY Distillers' llnlshed goods , per gal . - . " . . _ cui | mf ( | 390 ; granulated , $527. Articles. Hccolpw Shipments Flour , bblb. K ODD U'hcal. bu. . (10,000 ( Corn , bu . . . end ooi Oilsbu , , , , ' Kye.bu so'ooi . a ooo On the Produce exchange today the butlc market wns llrm. Cieamerles , ISftlSo ; dairy , 9 { | 15e , Cheisc , easy , Sfi'Jc. Eggs , llrm ; IJVsc. Llv poultry , quiet , tuikeys , ( illDr. thickens , fc'sc chickens , springs , SJU'ic , ducks , 7'iiiSc. ionic < ; IMH\I. MAUKIT ( ( uotiitloiiN of tin * Day on ( ie-iie-rn ConililoiIMIe-M. NEW -iOUK , hepl 18 rLOl'It-Ilecelpts , IS , 187 bbls , exports , 16,138 bb' . , quiet and weaker winter patents , J5 35ai CO , winter straights , J4 S 0500 , Minnesota patents , J5 40175 70 , Minnesota baker * , J4 40if4 M , winter low grades , J3 25ff3 40 Itye Hour , dull , faney , J335fi37u UUCKWHEAIQuiet nt M (55o CORNMiAIQulrt , yellow western , ' 70e. HYE Dull ; No 2 western , &H c HAHI.EY Quiet , feeding. Jl'ic HAHLUY MA -Nominal , wertern , 55 < a65c. WHEAT lleeelpts , 171,100 hu , exports. 70.11 bu ; spot , weak. No 2 red , 9i\c Option opened easier und declined sharply follow Int , weak rabies , big spring wheat lecelpts an liquidation , closing with a slight rully on tuv ering at Sfi c net decline , September , 9SS98ijC cloied , 98V , December , S5 l-CiJli5'c , closed 5 > .c. COHN-UecelplB , 437 650 bu exports. 81 152 bu fpot , weak , No 2 , 34\o Options opened weak under llquh'Atlon and loner cables , milled 01 covering anu closed ? .c net lower , September 33833'io : clohed , J3Hc , December , 31 15 1003 ,0 eloted , 35t > c. * OA1S ItecelptB 197 100 bu , exports , 146,7:0 bu spot , weaker No i .N'ic Options moderulel active and laxlcr with eorn ut ' o net decline Septemher eloted 24Vsc , December , 2J < iiiJo > 4c closed. JSVie- HAY Dull , shipping , 14 COiT4 50 , good to choice J5WHI700 HOI'S Steady . state , common to choke. 1S9 irop , C'ijSc. HJ7 rrop , K&13CPaclllc coast 18" crop , 3 4e , 18"i6 crop 6j9o , ISitl erop , Ii'al3c I.BATIIEIl-Steaely , hemlock kale llueno Ay res llfclit to heavy weights , I ! i4/:0'o PUOVIHIONb Heef steady , family , 9 OOff 1050 , extra mess J750Q8M ) , beef Immt , J27 50 Cut meats , sleady , pickled bellies J7 5ftS50 pickled shoulders , J3 25 bid , plekled hiinn , )8 iV * j 150 Laid , nrm , nestein strain J5 , lellnnl quiet Pork , llrm , old mets. J9 0039 50 nev menu , J9 75010 25 , short clear , J1050M300. family ! H 50012 Of ) Tallow , nominal ; elty , 3'j a'.c country , Jijc OILS Petroleum dull , Pennsylvania crude no muiket , nominally S5o Ilonln steady strained , ronunon Jl 45Q1 50 Turpentine , Urn Coltonnefd , quiet , prime trude , nominal , prim i rude , fob , mill , nualnal. prime nuininf yellow 27027'ic. off milliner yellon , 22f25c but ter grades , 31fi3Jc , prime summer while , 30t/31c prime winter yellow i3'-jli3c. HlfK I'lrm. domentU , fair to extra , 4 > Q6'1c Japan , 4l4JiJ' c MOLAbSEB-I'lnn. New Oileani , open kettle good to eholee , 25 31r PllEIOHTS TO UVEItPOOI btrons , cotto by steam. J32S1 , grain by fleam , J4 IJUTTEll-ltecelit . ! DC2 pkus. , strong west ern creamery , 13019'tv ' , Jiulm , lS' c , factoi-y CHEKhE-IUcelpts , ! 69S pl > gs ; Heady ; larit white , 9Uc ; small white , &Hc ; laree colored 9'io ; small colored , ii c , part kklmj thil'7c klms SH Hc. Eaas-lUc lpt . 8,774 pkg ; Brm : itate an Ptnniylvunla. UOlSc ; neitcrn , 16H017C. UETALS-4'ig Iron , firm ; icutterc , | 10 , north rn , JiOMO12to Ceipper , firm ? ' " T rokcrs , ill to , strong , trokfrs , J4 Tin'plate' . Heady. - I ! H Jlnrke-t , NEW OHIJ-JANft. Sept. IJ HOO PleODrCTfl Meady. Pork , old , Sv c. Lard , .refined tierces , nc Ikixed mcnts , dry nlt'shoulder * , S'Sff'Hoi ildes , BSc Hnoon , elenr tlta tides , CSc. llnm , iholce sugar cured , Sff9 < ic f * CorrKK Illo , ordinary If , , lnw , fair. * 3 OCtf rLOUn-Stendy' extra "fnrlcy , tl 7004 SO , mlenli $ 'MSSri.W .Us ; _ lllUN-Qillitu'M& ! ( 0 % ' 1 ( "J ' ' UHEESE-lFl'rm. , > ' < < I'eMirlu PEOIIIA. Sept , 18 COJlNt-Casy nnd lower' S'O. ! . 27 4C. r OATS Easy nnd Irregular ! > * o 2 white , 21HO WHISKY Mnrket nrm ! basis for finished good * . $1.21. Hece-lpts Corn J6.1W bu , ; oals , I'.COO bu ; rye , none , \\hliky. 1M bbls , wheat , COO bu Shipments - ments- Corn , 11coo bu , onts 21,100 bu j rye , none , whisky , l 123 bbls vvhent , none. Tolrilo Ifnrkrtn. TOLEDO , < 5ept. 15. WHEAT rirm , cash nnd September , 94'fco. December , 9 ( > 4c. COIIN Lower , "No. " S mixed , 29c. OATO-Slendy , No. 2 mixed , IV. HYE Dull nnd wenk ; No 2 , 47c. CLOVEIt EED Dull nnd stendy prime cnfli and October , $3 > H ; December , $3 63. IMilluilcliihlii Proiliice iltjAnCUMUA , Sept. ISc- nnd Ic higher , fancy western rrcimery , EOaS-Qulet but steady ; fresh ncirby , 16 > { l7c ; fresh western. WIC'ic. CIIErail-Steady. _ Clnoliiiintl llnrltrlx. TINCINNATI , Sept 18 HOOB Aellve ; J3 50 ® 430. 430.CATTI.KSteady ; J2 Miff ! 75 , MIEP-P-Slcady ; J2 2304 00 Limbs , sleady , J3 75f5 50. _ Suit PrnnclntMVliout < ( iioaloiiN. SAN KllANCISCO , Sept. -WHEAT-PIrm ; December , Jl 55'i. .STOCIvS AMJ IIOMIS. Connollilntril Sliovrji Hciniirknlilc Ac- tl\ltj Prlci-N < ; ciicriill > lllurlier. NEW 1OHK. Sept. IS The feature of the dealing nt today's brief session of the Slock ex change was the extraordinary gyrations of Con solldated stock. The stock had been compara tively steady , nbout 240 since Its Jump of 20 , 'olnts early In the week. Dut It took a violent fall today of over 10 points fiom the opening and jumped up and down on the recovery like soiling water In n glass tube. The vnrHtlons In price on the down grnde were ns high ns 3 ? olnls between con ecuttve sales and upon th recovery Hie fluctuations Jumped over several points at a time | n the most erratic und unstable manner. Tne stock closed at. 233 , a net decline of 6 points Its eccentric movement served to Jnscttlo the whole market nnd dl couragc trad itiB generally , aha market , sagged somewhat. Thete was nn undertone of heaviness In the speculation nil day. whatever strength was ap. pirent being In spots , though. not always with special caubes to account for It the Indications supplied by the bank statement that rates for money would rise further1 In the future served as a check on speculation nnd helped Pie decline In the final hour. Manhattan suffered a sharp decline of 2H per cent on the authoritative df- ital of any projected Irunsfer to surface railway Interests and of nny projected change In motive liowcr. The coalers reacted somewhat from yes terday's advance Delaware &i Hudson ro = e 1'J- but ) lost practically nil the gain Chicago Oreat Western manifested strength In Its August state. ment and Burlington was carried above St. Paul , but closed a fraction below. Union Pacific was under pressure of Uondon selling to realize Ualtlmore & Ohio rose a point nnd reacted nnd Baltimore g , Ohio Southwestern preferred rose over 2 polnte nnd retained. prirtlcally all the gain Plltsburg- Cincinnati & . t. I-ouls pro. f erred advanced 2 points nd ilxike Erie nnd We t rn preferred H ; Whreitoe A Lake Eric preferred , after declining nenrl > * < i point , tallied lo nbove list nlgit's does tub Northern Pa- clflo stocks vverf heavy throughout the day The close showed ! prices generally below last night's clofe The confidence of the bears that the long ex- pectej re-ictlon was due has been augmented from time to time this week , and n Fhort In terest has shown Itself In a somewhat uggres- slvo mood several times The bears vveie not much encouraged by th lr efforts Monday , and on Tuesday they were routed as - \ result of the sharp fall In exchange and the prediction tint n gold Import movement woul ) Immediately set In Tor the rrst of the week tie imrlvet was Irregular , nnd advnnces becurred In dlffeient stocks throughout the list , while the leading stocks remalnel at an unchansed level Thorp was heavy liquidation In progress , nnd the fpeod of absorption was a testimony' tb the fontlnued breadth and strenglh of the xunpoit Some of the most remarkable of the advances have been well jrrtulntil ( ind the le el ofd the market la decidedly higher than a week ago The high prices of many stocks aVe ba ed on expectations of Increased dlv Idends There-Is good ground for the argument that prices have advanced to n higher level , hov ever , than Is warranted The argument U made on the other hand that the rate of return on Investment has reaehed a per manently lower basis The long continued stag nation In the money market has tended to the same conviction Today's bank statement how evei , gives evidence of the rapid ah orptlon of I lie money by the growing nee Is nf commerce4 nnd Industry. It Is evident , also , from the ac tion of the exchange market that the expindlnc balance of trade stands as a sifeKimd a < ralnst any stringency In our market. Net changes for the week , In the majorltv of leading stocks , arr small , hut n few stocks show large gain * ) The business In bonds has been heavy , but advances were not so marked an during recent periods Deillnts In government bonds have I een dull nnd prices are unchanged except for the new 4s which are H lower , The Evenlmr Post's London financial ra tile- gram f-nys : "The block nnrkets were quiet to day , but the outlook Is llrm birring nny < lls- tuihlng political news Amerleans were active. although nine out of every ten men cannot toll how far the buying here Is on Nevv York or English account Undoubtedly operations here are milnly on Nevv York account , although En glish realization on high-priced shares contin ues and cheap shares are still bought here Those who nre most singulne apparently base their view mainly on the Idea th it New York Is to run London emt of stocks Hence the best key to the po-ltlon Is fiirn | bed at each settle ment The discount imrket Is barely steady American bills to arrive ten davs hi > nce are quoted at 2 per cent , or (4 ( lowir than yesterday A considerable amount pf gold Is now being shipped to India " Th following were the closing quotations on Ihc leading stocks of the New York exchange today : _ Atchlnon . 10H bt Loum.tS _ dopfd . 10 donfd 12H IllltlmoroA. Ohio. , 10W St.Paul nil ; ) Cannrt i Pacific . . . . 7.1i Ui ) pfd HfiM CinaiU Southern . 01 St P. k. Om H8 rontr il Paclllc . 1U * < do pfd 14B dim i.Ohlo . 20 St V M * .M . . . . 121 Chicago .v Alton. . . . in 1 So. Paclllo U1W C..I ! &Q . 101' < So Uallway. r.VE i . ooi do pU C C. C ft St L . . . . 40 > < Texas * Picldo . . . l.'IU dopfd . S4' ' < Union Paclllo . 'JIM Hudson . 1VOH U. P. D &a . ll' ' < Del. I , k W . . . . 1IUX Dm. A Rio G . ll'li do pfd . ' . do pfd . 4UM Wheel k 1 > B . 2H KrlMnanr ) do pfd . 1 IK KrlnUtpM < I' Adanm Kx . 1C7 Kt Wavna . . .170 Amcilcin Ex . . . . 110 OrcatNorthornpfd 140 United Sntess Ex 41 Hoelclne V.allov . . OH We.llnF.arKO Ex . . .100 IllinoisCentril . . . 104 A. Cot Oil . 24 LaltoKrlo iW. . . . 1 do pfd . 77 ilopfd 7HU Am'n SplrllH . 14v < LakoShort 17U do pfd . 31' ' < l.ouUIllo , V Nuali OIH Am Tobacco M.anlnltan L ItMl'l dopfd Mot Tracllon , . , .12T < Chlcag-o G.m . 107' < Centril I10' ' Conn ( Jan . ' 'S ) Minn ASl L I H Co'ii fablPCo . , .170 dolBtpfd . Col.F , .V Iron . . . . ' .MIV Mo Paclllo . , do pfd . HO Mobile A Ohio HKII Electric . 4 ! > H Mo K It T . . " " " IlllnolnStnol . 4fi do pfd . ; . iOJi MCletdu Gas . tS Now A It ) & Chi. . . . 11 Leid . 41W ilo pfd 10' < do nfd . 107 N.J . . . .10 ' < NnkUn. Oil . 18 N. Y.Oenlral . . . ,1H l'anlcMull. | ( . . . : I7 ! N.Y. Chi. A St. It , 17 PiUlmnPal . 1R4V ilolnt pfd SD'i ' Silver Lc rtlllcatoft 57 elo'.Mpfd 4''K Norfolk A Western 10 I do pfd IIH No Amur Co , , , , . . , BK T. \ tif\jii. . . . . , , ii > m No.l'aclfic ' ' " "Pi U. S J.oather . . . PH elo pfd . . ! ! . . . nsM do pfd Ontario & W . . . . 1UH IB Ore , It. ANav . da pfd . ODW Ore Short Line . 20h Woulcru Union , , . Oil1 ! Pllthbuig . IPO Oi.l | at Wustorn . Ill'/ Hoadlng . . . SH JVorlbvVi-stern Itoclc | H | mil . . H5H .11)4 ) Total sales of stocks today 'WPre 246 014 chares Ineludlng Atchlt > on. 11,400 ; | retwrcd. 10203 , Lin clnnatl A ; Ohio 7,770luctpu > , nurilngton & Qulncy , 1C CM , Manhattan , 10J , ) , Missouri Pa cine , 6 COO. Northern Paclild lirltfi-rred. C 5CO , On tarlo & . Western , 4 070 , Heading 13.5UO , Hock Island 3,500 , bt Paul , 5j 7Ui Southern Uallway prefirrrd , 3400 , lexas & PmiWIc , 3,310 , Union Pacific , 8,295 , Union Puelllc. J > enver & ( lulf 8335 Hay State ( las 3 'limsolldated ( | : Qae 7kW , hugar , 5,270enterH L'lllan , 3,400 , Chlcn IJus , 11,520. > r { t YorU illnlnK < liiiitntlon . NEW YOItK. Sept , -The follow Ing are th eloslng mining quotations ; Chollar , . . . ( JO Onurlo 300 Crown Point , , 40 onmr . . . . , . . . 101 Con Cal ti Va . . ISO Plvmoutti 15 Dead wood IOO . . . . . Kll Oould i. Curry . UO old , 16(1) ( Hale A. Notvross IDS sierra Novell . 120 lloine' laku . . . ' . ' 000 Standard . . , lno Iron Sliver . . . IM Union Can . . CO Mexican . . . . 60 Yellow Jaclcct . . . 40 I , nil tin n Slock Qiiotiitloin. LONDON , Bept. 1S.-4 p , in closing : ConBoli.iii'r. . , l'lU < fM'eStcan ordluaryl 20. . Coimolij ace t . . . 111U sul'ml common. . Him Can Pacific . . . 1B > ( IN Y.Central. „ IIH Krlt ) . . . 10'iFenn | vlvanU. . . oo hrlelbUDfel 4(1 ( Koadjn ; H.t III Ccn Ira l limlMo * . l/Vu now4i. 0 > HAH fillA'En-Steady at 26'id- ' . MONEY-'i per cent. Ihe rate uf discount for short and Him months' bills U 115-16ii ! | < r cent Gold U quoted at Uutnoa Ayrrs today at 191 30 at Lisbon , 17 ; tit llome , 105 35. AVeeUly Ilnuk Statement. NEW 1011K , e 8t. U. Th. weekly bank statement show * the follow ni clmip i Surplus re ne , decrease $ t,773 ! t3 > , loan * . Inrieiue , $7 ( W M , rpecle decrease $3l .5rti legal tenitr decrease , $7 , 720eV d prMl dei lease , | l 1M 4) } circulation , Incrtajp , lull IPO. Vorlt Muiit > r NEW YOIIK Pfpt 15 MONEY ON CAM. Nominal nt W2 ? per cent PH1ME MEHCANTll.i : PAPnil-lfflU rtr ( nt. STEIILINO EXriIANOU-Dull nnd steady , vvltii dual business hi ImnXerV Mils at $1 MMI43 or demand nnd nt II S1V4 < M W'4 for sixty days ; Histod rnten , JI.ST.fil $4 nnd 14 Sf.mjI.iO'i ; coin. morclnl bills. JI.Sl'kfTl.s : 11AII SII.VEU-57 > , c. MKXH'AN notl.AIl 1340. SILVER CEHTIPR'ATHS-Closeil nt J7C5V STATE DONDS-qulet. ItAILUOAD UOND1' rirm OOVEUNMENT DONDS-btcady Cloilne quoifttlons un Umdi wore aa follows ; J S novvls N.J r.fis . . . T , s. now 4 eoiitiPJt N a n . . . I S 4 reg linAi N.C 4s . J. S. 4Rcotip.liati 14 No PiclHo 1 H U. S H. rei US No Pncltla .Is . . 01 U.S Ss.res , .114l { No I'iollie In . . U-1L4 I. S f > s coup . 114 l N Y C A St n 4- .lll ) < N .VW. UB . . .1U3 Ala , class V. . , N. W Consols . .141 Ala .class 11 . 1011 N. W. Deb Ss . mm Aln , class 0 . OS Ore Ntv.tHts . . . .U1- Ma. Currency . tw Ore Nav. 4s . 1 > 1M Atchlson4B . 8HH O S. 1. OB , t r. . . . . 110 ? * AtchlBon nelj 4n G0' ( O 9 U fis. t r , . . 1)2 H O Imp iHtH. t r . 101 C..VN P. tr 5s . 47 4 O Imp Cs , t r . , . H C. & O As . lim Pacific ha of'93 . .1111 ! 0. 1I..VD. IHs . . ,104 > i Heading 4s MH < ) AH Q. IBIS , , \11 ft. C ) West lull . . . 8m 2 ill O 4s . . .DO SI I , ft I. M Con li l)0 < < astTenii. Ists , losi bt. t , A , 3 K.Oijii 0 110 : roUen | JB . . , . 7I 91 P Consols 142 tW. . & I ) In. t r 71 st 1' 0 V P. 1MB Sen. Blec. Bit . bt P. C A P. 09 . . n H AS A UK S C iionfuiid . . l < II. A S A Ms 100 sotithoni Ry On . 01 I. AT. Cent iis . UU s U .v.T. IIH . . . . 704 I. AT. 0. con 09 10IJ Teiui , new sot Is . . HO Inw.i C. InlH . . . DS Tex Pic L O.lsts nn K P. con t r. .101 Tex Pic Uff id3 ! I'J ? . P IMS t r . 1IH U. P Ists 101 L.I Now Con 4s . 0 I U. P I ) .V ( Ists 0' ' { : * AN. uni. is. . . . ttr.u \Viib Ihtfis 107H illssourl IN . 100 Wlb 2tl8 . . . . HO hi. K.I. T Id9 ! . . . ( ITn West Shore Is . . . ,10H d. K XT. Is . . . 87V * Va Centuries . . . 074 N. Y C 1H1H . . . 110 Va dofenvd . . . . . 4 Smi l rnnclnro Illnlnir SAN PIIANCISCO , Sept 18 The olllclal closns | quotations for imn'ng stocks todivy were ns fol- ows : Alia 14 llnlci. Not-cross . 11,1 AlnlnCon 20 Julli 4 Andes ' 'J Jnmico ID Belcher . . . . H Ivcntnckv Con . . . . U lcnt& Uolchor . . . 71 ! Mcxlc in f > 4 iilllon n Occident li Con. . . . S'Jil "ile'doma 01 , Ouhlr UK ) hiillengeUon. , . . 47 Overman ; O ; 03 Potoni 40 onfidence llf snvaro i 40 'Otl ' Cftl.&Vl 155 Scorpion 0 'on. Imperial. . . 4 Sierra Novalt. . . . 110 3011. Neiw York . 5 Sllvir Hill 4 Jrown Point 37 Union Con Till Exchequer. I ) Utah Con . . . . ' 'i - - - 02 YellowJiatot . . 4 < Silver bars , f6s c , Mexican dollirs , 41314'ie Drafts , slgnt , Do , telegraphic , 7'to Ileiston stock ( itiotntloiin. rtOSTON , Sort -Call loans , 514133 per cent time loans , 10-414 per cent , ( . 'losing prices for stocks , bonds and mining shares : .A'S $7. 17 ; To > \Vla Cent . 1 American Su ar. . 1.VJ4 FA Ulea 111 . . . . 130 Am Siirir ufd . . 11M Con. Eles ntd . . . 87 Bell Telephone . . 27111 * Atchlaon prd . 'IS BoBtonA Albanv. 21H Atchlnon 4s . . . 87 noBton i Maine . Hi , " > Alloauz Mlnliiir O3 I C..H. &Q 101W Atlantic . SOW Fltchbure 05 Iloston .v , M jnttn k 1 u Hi Oeneral Eloctrlo. . 4.0li Hnttu.V ; Uostcn. . . . 30'i [ IhnolH Stiul . . 48V4 Ciliiiuotfc Iloel-t. . 401) Mexican Coutrul. . UKi Centennial . MH N. Y.Jt N.K HO O S L Bl Oicuola . 40U Rubber 18H Oulncv . WO Onion Pacific. . . . 2IH Tain iraolt . 141 West God , US Wolvertna . _ 17' < Aiiirrli-iin Si'cnrltlcn In London. LONDON , Sept. IS The market for American securities , nfter a moJcrate fluctuation , weak ened on n desire among holders to realize. The tone was bately bteady and the demand mod- crnte1 I'liiline'lnloten. . IIOSTON Sept. IS Clearings , $18 01,31' ; bnl- imees , $1,811,800 PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 18 Clearings , $12336- 850 , balanLes , $1,4S4&G2 NEW 1OIIK 'Sept 18-Clearings , $153,090218 , balances , JC,1C7,228. NEW OIILEANS. Sepl IS-Clearing. $ TG2S9. Nevvork exchange , bank par , commercial , $175 per $1,000 discount. ST LOt'IS Sept. 18 Clearings , $3 fSi 580 ; bal ances , $4Cti,107 | money , 4i7 per cent , Nevv "iork exchange , COc discount bid , 40c discount asked CHICAGO , bept 18 Clearings , $13,710 412 , New York exchange , 40c discount , hlerllng excnange , steady ; posted rates , $4 83 nnd $4 blVi Stocks again very active nnd strong ; closing : West Chicago , HO'g , North Chicago 244 , blriwboiird , 29'i , City Hallway , 240 , bouth Side L , 59 4 , Diamond mend Match. 161. Lake Streel , 21' , Nevv York Ulscuit , G2 , Metropolitan U 7'4 Pore-IK u Pliiiiiiolnl. HERLIN , Sept IS Exchange on London , 20m 3'pfgr for checks 1'AIHS , Sept. IS Three per cent rentes , 103f 4714c for the account LONDON , Sept IS The nmonnt of bullion withdrawn from the Hank of England on bal ance today was 118000 COT'IO > MAK1CKTS. Prices Start Out IIlKlie-r , but Fall Oft nml Cleixi * lit n Uci-lliio. NHW 1OHK , Sept 18 The news from the Liverpool cotton maiket was less unfavorable than expected In view of the slnrp decreabe In prices which occuned yesterday In this market , The market opened steady at an advance of 2ifJ3 points , vvlthu further advance of 2ff3 points bhorts coveted quite fiecly for n time , but liter thr market made n break of S4T14 points from the top pilecs of the rooming under ( julte active- llqeildatlon. which cnuted prices to fall to n point that brought out cotton held on ptop or ders. The market was llnally steady In tone , with the net decline reduced to 3 < JS points , the market having ralllej jtft before the clofc on covering by the more prudent shorts who vvele afraid of dlnilnirhed receipts and favorable cables Monday. Cloning prices ; January , JCC1 , Tebruary , 1664 , March , JO 67 ; April. JC 7(1 Mny , JC74 , September , J6 57 ; October , J6 54 November , JGM , December , J6 G6 Spot closed quiet , mid. elllng uplinds , C7c middling gulf , 7Nc , mid dllng , 6'6c , net lecelpts , none , gross. 6,47) bales , forwarded 2,194 bales sales , 2uO biles , all i-pln- nera , Block , 48,861 bales Total today : Net re ceipts , 7,474 bales exports to Gitat llrltaln , 5,305 hales , exports to the continent , 9(00 ( bales , stock , J70000 bales Total since September 1 : Xet receipts , 329 554 bales ; txportH to Great Urltaln , .4.182 bales to I'ranee , 14,105 bales , to the continent , 38,004 bales. LIVIJItPOOL , Ssjit 18 I OTTON Spot , quiet , jirlcps eisler , American middling , 4 1-lCd The H.ilca of the day were 6 WO bales , of vvhleh WO biles wore for ( peculation und Included 5800 biloH American Utcclpts , 5,000 bales , Including 4,800 bales American Futures opened easy , with a modi rate demand and doped quiet , American middling , September. 3 58 6183 f9 64d , Fellers. September ami October 3 SO-C403 31-Clil , hellers , October and November , 3 44 6 d , buyers , Nnvfin her and December , 3 41-64d , sellers , December and Jnnuniy , 3 40 C4d , sellers , January nnd rebruuiy. J 40 64d , sellers , February and March , 3 4 0-64 j | > 3 41-Clil , sellers ; March and April 3 41-CW , Horn , May and April , 3 4. 4d , cdlers , May nnd June , 3 45-641J3 43 64d , buyers , June and July , 343610 3 44 64d , buyers Ni\V : ORLHANS. Sept. 18 COTTON Good middling , M < c , middling fair , 7c , reeclnts , 4 574 balcv , stock , 43,464nlcn \ Futures , steady ; sales 2)300 bales , September. 1650 bid , October. 16 23ff 621 , November , J6 i4t6 | 25 , December. J6 2fl 6 27 , January. J62CfW35 , 1 ebruary , J6d3S634 , Match , JCJ7IUC38 , April , } 640J642 BT IX3U1B. S.-pt -COTTON- - Quiet , no hales reported , middling , 6 llOGc , lecelpls , 372 bales , shipments , 391 bales , stock , 7 J rolTe-c NKW YOIIK. Sept . 18 COlTKiOptions : opened steady at an advancu of from 10 to 15 points , ruled generally llrm , Hamburg anilllavro markets shoulng hlghevr quotatfomt and Luro- pean buying being a feature with llrn/.ll ml- vices Baying that lh weather IH unfavorablu for present crop Closed steady at net gain of from If , tj > Vi points hales 1S,2 0 bigs Including * Bcpte-mber , J6 25jG 85. December , JO 65fl 75 bpot coffee , Illo , steady. No 7 Invoke J7 , Jobbing. J7fO Mild , steady , Cordova , J10 50816 M Totil warehouse deliveries fiom the I'nlted States , 12,4Si bars. Including ll.S'K ) bigs from N w York : Nevv ) ork ftruk today , 318,142 hags , I'nltid States stnck , 431 141 bags , nlloit for the I'nlted States , 347CHM bugH , total visible fur the I'nlted Mutts , 779144 bags , against 441,793 bags last year and 573,461 lugs for 1M ' SANTOS Sept -COl'I'i : ! : Quiet. good aviragu Santos 200 n'ls , lecelpts , 44G , > ] Imta , etoek , 1,023 OU ) brigs IIAMI1UHO , bept 18 COPPIJIJ-Opencel nt ' 4 flVil'fK ' higher , closed unchanged , i-ales , 16,000 bags 1IAVH1J , Sept 18 COrKIJi : Opened nlfady ut ' f higher , elosed Hf net advane , sihs , H.WO "llIO 1)i : JANIIIHO , Sept 18 ( XJPPIJIV-U-rely steady , No 7 * , * " lels , ixchange1 , 7Sd , receipts 8 , two bags , cleared for the United Stutes 16VO bugs , elcarcd foi iuroi : > c , ti,0 < K ) hags , stock , 447e j ) bags. MiirUi-tH. NHW YOItK. Sept -SUOAU-naw Him : fair refining 3Hn. centrifugal , % ten , 3 15-1C 4o , mold A 5 5-16c. standard A. 4 15 Ibc , onn- futlonen- , 4 ! 5-16c. cut loaf , 6 11 ICc crushed , 5 11-ltic , powdered , 0 15-16C , granulated 5'i , cubes 5 5-lCc NHW OIILUANS , Sept. 18 HI'OAH-Qulet open kettle , - W1fe ernlrlfugut granulute-d 4 > ( )49-lCo , whites , 3 15 1CB4 3-16c , yt-llow , 3'i ' Hc : seconds , 2j3'4c ' Cullforiila llrteel rrnllM. NK\V lOItK , Sfpt 18-CALIPOIt.NIA DIUHD 1'Jll'lTS Firm evaporated apples prlma wire nuy , t\d'o , wood dried , prime 6'ic choice , " ' o , faney. 7'ic I'runro , 3V4tt7'4e ' pei lujund , us to size und quality. Apricots royal , "t. Moor park , lie , Pcachen , uniieeled , "UlC'c peeled , ll'il I4'tc. Ne-vv Voik IniiiorlN anil I'iiioi-n ( NIW YOUK fcpt ISThe exports of specie from tha port of New Yolk for the wce-k amounted to J745.320 In silver and > 7 CSj In old Tha Imports for the week were flold , > > 515 silver. JJO.vXn , dry Koodj and f5 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Wcok Winds Up with Very Light Receipts All Around , CATTLE TRADE DEVOID OF FEATURE TT OITprliiRi rctt-li Slcnilr I'rloro nml IIIIKIIC | NSoon I'nils . HIIKM Active- unit n 11 IK i Dime SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. IS.-nccclptf for the days I ml I en ted vvcie- : Catllo. HetRs Sheep Her cs. September IS . . . . Pfi4 4,217 1,370 20 September 17 3.011 4,657 2.S20 . . . . September 16 4fi7 4,376 1.8SO 27 September 15 6.704 6.MS 3.MJ1 20 September 14 4.SOO 5,050 1,121 September H . . . 5.6S4 1.217 3W3 C9 September 11 1,531 f.,290 4G5 September 10 4.RX1 W.63 20 September 9 4.77S 6,9V > 2,703 September S 3,241 0.407 September 7 MOS C.S'ig 2,16fi 1 Spptember B 7,075 1.4S3 1,178 6 September 4. . . . [ W 4,675 1.2WI Hecelpts for tlic \ veclclth comparison' : Cnttlc Hoes. Sheen. Week cnfllnR Sept IS. . . . 24.G17 2iHW HS7i Week endlni , ' Sept. 11 . . 20.53T 32,591 6,722 Week enillnK Sept. 4 . 2,1.465 31,116 9,791 The olllclnl number of cars of stock brought In toelny by each ronel wn-i : Cattle. H'jr * . Sh'p H'ses. C. , M. i St. P. lly 1 . . . . Mo. 1'nr. lly 1 Union Pacific System. . O. & . N.V. . Uy 1 ! ' . , H & . M V. U H. . . 1 24 C , , St. P. . M & O lly .1 9 H. X M. U. U. U It 19 C. , U. & Q. lly 2 2 . . . . U. , H I. .t P. lly. , east 2 4 C. , H. 1. & P. Uy. , W. . 2 . . . . Total receipts 23 71 5 2 The disposition of the day's receipts wns ns follows , eiich buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Hnjers Cattle. Hoc * Shee p Omaha Packing Co. . , . . . 431 . . . . The G. H. Hammond Co. . 27 7'M ' 1M Swift nnd Company 102 Ilo7 1,2 7 The Cudaliy Packing Co. . 17(1 ( 951 R Becker and UcRan ! > - Lolimnn & Hoth.Bch.lld9. . . . 191 Huston .t Co 33 Squires -IS1 PlankltiRton P. Co , Mil waukee , \Vls 401 Other buyers 215 . . . . 1 Left over 100 Total * S3G 4,326 1,379 CATTlVIIt wns a regular Saturdav/i market lluht receipts and featwelcss and that statement embraces about till there Is to Biy retfurdlng the subject. The few cornfed cattle here sold nt just about steady prices , one bunch of pietty decent stuff frolnpr at $4 85 The few COVVB and helferi offeiedcro sold early and nt steady prices. The trade In feeder , as usual on n Sat urday , > vns small and without feature Uepresentatlvo sales : NATIVES. IlEEP STEERS No Av Pr. No. Av. IT. No Av I'r. 2 . . .13r , $100 15 .1133 $4 40 53 117. ! 54 70 17 . . 9VS 4 SI n . .107C 4 40 25 . . 13Z2 < > 18 . . . 993 4 35 D4 . 1243 4 70 COWS. 1. . , . 830 171 1..1040 300 1 .137) .1 lri 1 . . .1040 2 7r 9. . .783 310 J9 1101 .11) 1. . . SCO 273 15. 9S9 315 1. 1420 350 HEITEHS 1. . . . MO 2 rO 1. . 9I 3 40 2 . . . 4SO 4 00 1 . . . 940 3 40 1 . 10-0 3 45 DULLS 1..11CO 2oO 1 . . . 640 300 1..1120 320 CALVES 1. . . . ICO 5 7" STOCKEItS AND FEEDERS 3 . . . S63 3 00 1. . . . MO 3 S"i 4 . . 51"i 4 00 1 . 490 3 2 > 4 . . . 577 4 00 4 . . . G73 4 10 1. . . . SCO 3 23 WESTERNS. No Av. Pr. No Av. Pr. 1 cow 1010 2 ro 94 feeders. . . . 90 ! J to 2 cuvva 1120 2 S3 S3W1OMINO. W1OMINO. N. licaton. 3 cows 1076 3 25 12 feeders . . 1187 4 25 1 con 1000 3 S5 15 fiedera , . .1J43 4 Jj 7 feeders . . .1211 3 S5 J KtilibrldKC 1 feeder 12",0 3 f0 I feeder. . . . 1010 3 R1 1 feeder MJ 3 75 3 feeders . . 1151 3 S5 2 heifers. . 12"5 3 73 S feeders . . .1144 4 10 5 feeders . . .11SO 3 K 2i feeders . .12JS 4 4J MONTANA. 1 bull . . . . 940 . CO 1 feeder 470 3 IX ) 2 bulls 13Ri 2 7r B feederx . . .1T2 3 TO 2 heifers . . . E61 3 00 40 feeders. . . . 599 4 11 23 heifers. . . . G7 3 45 HOGS The picKers wanted hews this mom Inn and the yellow fever acato In the south vvts not stilllclent to Keep values do\vn 'I he < nrly provision market v\as also BtronB , which Kave tone to the IIORT m irlect. As i result the IIOR market opened active and lOc higher. The most nf the hoes said < m that h isls anil the offerings vveie all taken early Later on the provision market cased off. anil had there been any late arrivals of hogs they would probably have mild loner One B" d load of light Wrights Hold up to M0714. with mlTHd loads largely at Jl 151(4 ( 00 llf vy vvclshtB broiilit J3 85 13 93 The pales averaged 9'4c higher than ycBtenlay. The hoff market of the papt wtek was In pretty fair hhape , though It w is the low vvreU of the month to dale micturitions n n mil * , viorc Binall , the only very marked change t iking Place at the clone of the week While thi'io were low days , the aveiage price on Mondiy being the lowest of the month so far. the general trend ( if values was upward , nnd the week clo = pd lOftlSe higher than It opened The demand was KOOI ] all the week , and the lecelpts vvcie. kept well cleaned up Ilepiesentatlve wales. No Av. Sh. Pr. No Av. Sh. Pr. 21 . . 876 . . . J375 32 110 SO 13 S5 16 . . . 303 80 3 80 ' 9 . 2S2 SO 1 15 10 373 . . . JSO DO . . . .2S > f ! 9 > fl . . . . 240 l.'O 3 81 34 . . . . .WO SO 3J3 47 . . . 333 ICO 1 8- 66 201 SO 3 9i CO . . , 3o3 . . . 38- M. . . 154 U-0 ,195 S3 . . . .318 80 381 61 . . /75 . 891 SI 317 120 3 S ° 5 I 67 . . . 278 . . . 395 fl 312 120 3 67'/4 ' 62 . 267 80 3 ! lfi 63 303 3--0 3 87'4 40 309 SO 395 66 32S 120 S S7U G2 . 276 SO 3 9S 62 2S1 . . . 3 S7lJ 60 . 283 SO 3 ft f6 309 160 3 90 f,7 . . . 94 SO 3 91 66 . . . .295 40 3 90 69 . . 271 . . . 1 95 69 . . 2fS 160 3 'lO N . 287 . . . 3 < r 65 . . . . SOS . . 3 90 7J . . . 213 . . 3 'II 64 276 IV ) 3 90 60 , . . .3M . . . 3 9" 67. . . . 314 . . . 3 60 69 . . 2n6 120 3 97" CO . . . 294 J 10 48 310 . 4 00 65 2 160 3 M 2J3 310 SO 4 CO rS JS5 160 39) M 277 40 4 M 48 346 160 3 90 C6 .2fO 40 4 00 59 277 60 3'10 7r . 219 . 4 M 40 40r. .390 72 . . . 2S1 120 400 46 , , , . 318 . . . 3 W 61 . . . . 220 120 4 (10 ( 61 . . 199 320 3 90 Cl . . . 244 4 00 CO 257 . 3 ) CO . . . . 2VJ SO 4 (0 ( 39 . 2f8 3 'I2V5 71 . . . 275 40 4 00 65 . . 279 SO 3 1 14 C7. . 211 . . 4 00 C1 . 292 120 3 tiy C8 . M SO 4 VI 60 . . 2S6 200 3 S'4 S3 . , . 229 . 4 fO 74 . . 165 200 3 111 C4 2 7 SO 4 W 63 . . 278 .3 13 61 2C5 . . . 4 021 i 61 . . . , 27ri 80 3 95 63 . . 271 , . 4 01 0 . . . . 2',3 . 393 74 224 . . . 40714 C9 , , .232 .3 n PIOa-OODS AND 1-INDS. 8 . , 100 . . . 2 7 ? 6 . . . J2I . . . 3 SO 3 , 253 . . . 3 80 3 . . . 321 . . . 3 SO 3 270 . . . 3 80 | 3 . 1/JO . . . 3 90 6 301 . . . 3 m 6 . . ' 71 . . . 3 90 T M5 . . . 3 80 1 . . .130 . , 3 95 2 4.0 . . . 3 ! / ) hlinni' Receipts of theep were quite liberal ngaln today , und the inntket was slow and lower Representative eaten ; No Av Pr i3 Utah e > w < s 99 5310 100 Utah < ncs 99 310 61 Utah lambs . . . .61 4 23 305 Utah lambs . . . . 61 4 25 ruieujo i.i vii STOUIC MAUICHT ( ieioil Snluriliij Him of ( 'ntllc SH \\rllIIOKN KlrinSlirei Ae-llic. CHK'AOO. Hept Ik A inn of cattle abou t ! co the voluinu of an ordinary Haltirduy FUJI ply met a fair demand today and all the fair ; were made ilote to Friday's values Most o the anlval were western rangers , which noli tn canning concerns , and for feeders at frcm 13 25 to fS 49 a load of good 998-pound nicer u a | j M A good many small loin of native butch em' stock1 were at hand , whleli went rathe KloMly Veal ruhm were scarce und prlceti ubou fie highest eif the seafon Trade In hog * had a llrm tone , many goo. . heavy hogs selling 5r higher nnd all good grade t 11 bout Iho | i st prices of the vveik I'ew heitv had lo sell below 13 90 , prime big heirs going a hlkh as II 5 , best butchers up to { 4 30 , and fane Laton pljH ut M 37'4 Iwite trade thovved weaker tendency u t'ood many plain heavy lot selling around 13 K 'there was u good demand for the offerings o n.iffp and lambs A band of neatly 600 guo 91-pound western muttons went at 1305 und 10 fair 16-pound feeders at $350 A few mean llttl lots of lambH rold at from 13 DO to { 3 SO , nbou lie ( fuln 72-pouml lambs at $4 SO and a tmall lo of choice SI pound lambs at $5 40 Good t choice feeders wei In urgent demand at froir $3 SO to $3 SO and $4 was pdld for email lots o choice natives ItllcnilTH-e-'attle , 700 head , hogs , 12,000 head sheep , 10,000 bead M , Ioil I it II vc Slorlc , BT I.OIJ1S Sept IS - C'ATTMne head , > hlpnu.nts , 700 head , market eteady , fal to fancy nutlve uhlpjiliiK and < xport rterrs ! 3520 , bulk of salts , (47085)0 ) drrnted beef un butcher ulcers , > l OOQ4 90 , bull , of pule * $4 400 475. steers under 1,000 pounds , $3 754 40 liulV of rules. $1 0034 25 , stackers and feeder ) , t ! 60 { 425 , bulk of tales , J3MftlW > . cows mid heifers 12003460 , bulk of cows (2&OQ3U. cumitn cows , | UCC.39 , bulla , ) : .0i&3 (0 , Xtxat aa * lfr , | 250fl410 ( cows and helfern , tltt HOlM Receipt" SWfl liends fhlpment , J.OOO lead , miiikel 5c lilchrr. llsht $1 tM SO , mixed , 3 OU4 . heavy. 3Wfl41i ) " 4111:1:1' : Receipt * WO head Khlpnifntn. 1 too lend , market > lrdy . natlvf mutton ? IJ.10ST < S , Klocktrs , M2Mf32V lambs , J3 7S MO. ICnnsiiK 0t ( > tiUr Stnok MnrUi-t. KANSAS CITyept -CATTI.K-llrrrlpt * . " 00 hefl , mirkel teadv , inichaiiKed , emly rttnll rude Te < tn itecr , $2 7MH lo , Tcxos cows , $ J. I1. 5 , nutlvo fteer , $3.40f. ai , native cows nnrt iclfers $1 ! 5ff4 00. Mpcktm mid feeder * , $3.IS J W , bulls , ll.lotf ! 10 1UX1Sliecelpls , 3 MO head , market Uront to > c hlpheri bulk eif oaks Jl ( Mf4.07H , hrnvles , 3 OOJ71 < 3 , packers. Jl (11.0:14 , mixed. $1 COO 10 , light , $3 - . 4.oi iorkcrs i , II ( V. ( ,0ii ! Ics , $3.40173 W MIIKKP Ilr lit | < 1 ( V > head , market iitrons ; ambs , $3 iiyj xa , tnulton . $ ! 7\H3 75 \e-vv Voi'U l.lveStoolc. . NKW YORK , Sept -HKiVU : 5-Rfcelrts. "W head , no change In cables , exports , 1.M9 eeve , Jij quartern of be-ef OAI.VKS Receipts , R1 head , qulel ) Kenfrallr ovverenls ; , $1.i04i7 75. Rnisstrs nnd butter- illks $3 notT4 M S1IHKP ANO IMIIRecelH . 800 hf d | iefp $1 ( xigs ! ' , Iambs $5 00jj6 M llOOS-Recelpts , lrsi hei\d , llrm nt II 301M U. U III lluht. Keoord of receipts of live sleiek nt thA four principal inatkets for September is. Cattle Hogs Bhefp. Omalm m 4117 IS79 Chicago . . . , , 700 12.WX1 10,000 Kalian * City 20 > ) 3.SCH1 St I/nils . . . . lei ) S.OK ) Totals . ue 11,879 > < > York DIM CooilM MnrUct. NP.W YORK. Sept -There was the nlf holiday quietness In the dry Rewds market iday Very few trnn actlon were made In nny f the departments The print cloth reports for he week were less satlxfnctory thnn they hava oen for gome time. Iho stock at I'nll River as Increased almost :0KX ( ) pieces owliiR to light ales The total gales at I'nll River wtre < 151 COO leces of which 141 ( too were odds nnd 10 COO Ixty-foiir squares The piodtictlon was 230OCX ) leccs , the dollvcrle's ISI.WW At Providence > 000 pieces spots were sold The ptoducllon vvni J 600 Pieces. Wool MnrK.'l. NiW : YORK. Sept 11 WOOt-rirm. domes. Ic fleece tOftiMc , pulled , No 2 extra :7f40oi exas , ISc ST. 1.OUH , Sept -\\OOI/-SIIOI1K ! , with oed demand , but unchanged , medium UT21c | Icbt line ljM8c , heavy line9aiO'4c ' , tub vushed , 215J30'4c on M M i-u < ( > . Oil , CITY , Pa Sept II-Credit bUaiiVf" , flc ; ( 'irtlllcatcs , no bids , tin re was one sale at 70c | shliiments and runs not reported. i vicn snviu'ii ron coons. ) i'I'"tlrH Ilre-nU Into n Iloiino nml rupture Mimj Xrtli'H'is. CINOIN.VATI. Sept 18. The Commerclnl- Trlhuno's special from Osgood , 1ml , , Bays : t was femul last nlttht tlmt there would ) e moio bloodshed hero than at Versailles Tuesday night , when live men wore lynched. Sheriff HushoiiK sent twenty-fives deputies lere to search the houses of the ynched men nnd the others for stolen goods. The only search vv at runts known to bo Is sued were for the houses of Mis. Hltten- louse , who was suspected of ImvtnK a 'fence , " and of Jenkins , one of the victims. Mrs. Hlttcnhouso and her eon had been called to Versailles before the Brand Jury nnd the deputies broke Into her house nnd aptured many goods It Is Raid she can irove from whom blip purchased most ot hcso goo Is , but the deputies took them. Mis Hlttenhouse and hei son vvero nfter- waid ancsted , but released on their own recognizance and left for North Vcrnnn to irevcnt trouble The citizens say thu depu- Ics made a mistake In going through the louse of Mrs Hitlenhoiibe in her nWnco and taking her goods Merchants In this place say they will identify them as purchased fi'om them and lot the bootj of the Lev 1 gang. The depu ties say they found silverware and other articles that were questionable ) In the house of the late William Jenkins , but they ill it not take anything from that place. Excite ment runs high heru and trouble Is pre dicted. The feeliiiK between the residents of Versailles and Osgood Is moro intense than ever. Small MutifrN from Itlx'Hoil. niVRttTON. la , Sept. 18 ( Special ) Wednesday night a te-am belonging to N. Clinney btoke fiom the liltclirailc at the park xvhcre the free bllvci camp meeting la jelng held and ian nvvay , breaking the juggy considerably. Thursday afternoon n couple of "sports" engaged Ih a llhtlc encounter near the giomuls and were ancsted. Ono of them wan fined $1 Thursday afternoon W. Ingram was ex ercising one of his horses near tcwn , when the animal got awav from him and ho was thrown violently to the ground and severely liurt. Shot III li Pcrnlliir Milliner. UMjAIUC , O , Sept. ISAt Centcrvllle , iieilmont county , Nora , wife of Rev. A. A. Hrovvn of West : Qulncy , Mac3 , while xvalk- njr nlnner the street met with n terrible ac cident ChurUu Cartel of C'.leiicoc was walk- ng a Hhort distance behind c.irrylng a Bun. He stumbled nnd fc'.l and the nun was dlw- h'if'i-d Iheslio * took effect In MrH. Urovvn's egs at the knees. She will bo crippled for Ifo. _ run IIIAIT\ INSTUUMRNTS placed on record Saturday , September IS : WAHUANTY DHRDS nilsrabeth Herman to 1211-sa Shelly , RV4 of n 44 feet of lot 1 , bloik r.'J , Omaha. . $ 71 S V Van fnmo nnd lumband to Hall & .McCulloeh. lot H block 8 , and block- 11 Van Cnmp'M add . . * . 1,000 T Drake and wife to H D aibb , nndlv ) * of lot C , bloek r , ; lot 3 , block 5 ; lots 3 nml 5 , block 1 ; lot 14 , block 3 , Dr.iki'H add . 2 Htlrs of ISyroti Hted to Himo , undlv Vi of lots I .111.1 r > . block 1 ; lot 19 , block 1 ; lot G , block ( J , Ui.iko'H iidd . 2 If. D Glbbs to J. A. IVrklnat nl. trustees , uinllv n of lot 3 , block ! i , Dnike'H add . 2 hrcsten Hansen and -wife to nmmii Kear , lot 2. b'otk 23 , Kountzo Place ; H Jl feet of n 02 feet of lotH fi and 7 , bloek 3 , Meycrw , U & T.'H add . 150 QUIT CLAIM DIKDS. Llz/lo Fisher to M O. IXixon , lot 21 , block 2 , AmcB ) I'laco . . . . . . . . 433 oiins Sheriff lo I.l77les FlHher , lot 24 , block 2 , Ames 1'lacu . 420 Total amount of transfers . (2,012 JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Tclcplionc 1030. Omalin , Neb. COMMISSION- GRAIN : PROYIblOXS : AND : STOCKS IIOAItll OK TIIADK. Direct wlrei to Chicago and New fork. Corr SDond Dt : John A , XVarrtn A co > CHRISTIE-STREET CQMMiSSBON GO. fnillt.ll , Ifr.D.OOd. Klllly I'lllll , Stocks , Grain and Provisions , Itooill 111 1Ileiaril uf Trillin Illillf. ( Tel 11,95) C. C. CHRISTJIS PrCBlelcnt B. J. BTUUI7T Vice Preuldenl O , W. KUNNJ2V Berrutary DavlU T ncaib , Pre t. No 3CS7. F. I * . Ncal.Vlie Pres I ulon Anllonul Ilnuk Gliaa , H. V. Lewis , Catb. Capital. JCOO.OOO. KANSAB CITY. Mo . April U , 1897. U' hereby etrrtlfy that tha Chrletlc-tlrcet Commuilon Company has this day coinmn < ced Ijuelncm with ur by depntltlni ; Plfty 'Ihoueand Dollars ( lid 000 00) ) In eath ( Dictated. ) CUAItl.r.S H , V , LUWIH , Cashltr. C. H. MAG DON & CO. COMMISSION BROKERS Stocks , Grain and Provisions. . 314 South 15th St. - NEU