THE OMAHA DAILY JJEE : WEgNKSDAY , SEPTEMBER 15 , 3SOT. CRICSBV WAiNTS TO KNOW fonth DakoU'a Attorney General Doubli lint There i n Shortage. WANTS TO LOOK UP MATTER FOR HIMSELF Will I'ri.crr.l li > l.nn If lit- rind * One lo ilMVltl : > "t llrlnu Suit to KIMMMCT for mice S1OLX PAULS. S D. , Sopt. 14. ( Special ) Attorney UtMieral OrlgM ) ) luft last night , tut Plorro to look up tile report of I'ubllc Ux- ainlner r < ! ) lor , In which liu declares that a Kho.rtn.RO oxlstn hi the accounts of Auditor Mayhew anil ex-Auditor Hippie. The at- tonic ) Kcneiat said tonight that hi * had been Instructed liy Governor Leo to begin an action ugalnst these ollkers lo recover tlie amuiint of tliu alleged Bhortage , but that ho would not do o until ha hail llrst cTimlncd thu books and accounts I'lnnelf. " 1 du not take any stock In the icportcil nboitagc , " Bald hi " 1 know Mr. JUpplu and I do not belltvu It will ho roil nil that he has ( ailed to turn Into tlio trwisuty any inunoy which proorly | belongs to the xtntc. The public examiner would not InUntloimlly mlsrepro- Mill tlii ) ( acts , but It v. on hi bo quite an easy niittcr to bo inlilaken , mid I Jo not propose to use in ) ollkitil position ( or any other pur pose than that ( or which 1 was elected. Nor do I Intend tn Institute ! an ) nulls In the name of thu state uinl at the expense o ( the state , tu iccovci nionoy ( or Insui ance companies If companies ha\u ticun oveKhnigLd their o\\n ctton.ujH can b.lnij suit. It In not the buslines of the attorney gcnerjl to collect civil claims ( ot private parties , nor for toiparations What I may do In this matter \sMl depend entirely on what my In- vestlgatlon develops " : STOCK IS IXUNtt IWIU.I. . II < ni > SIilpiiH IIM llmo Vlrciuly Ilceii CoiiiiniMirril from ( "liiiiiiliprliiln , CHAMHKULAIN , S. D. . Sep . 14. ( Special. ) The hottest weather that has ever prevailed In this section at this senHon ot the year Blnce It hns been settled by white * ban been experienced ilurlnt ; the laltet part of August and thus far this month. With tlio exception ot aery ( ow days the thermometer laiiged from 100 to 101 In the slrule , during the tieal of the dn ) , for over two weeks Itnngo stotk Is tuk'ng ' on Mesh more iapl01 > than at any time this se.iton. due to the fact Iliac the gnus Is i Ichor aiid more nutritious when cured than \\hlle gieen A tralnioad of stock belonging to Maslngalc Iloss nnd the Hake outhl. has already been shipped from Ihls polait and nt this writing COO In ail of ratlin belonging to James Phillips manager ot the Mlnncbota and Dakota Cattle company , are on the way to Chamber lain for shipment. Several other laige stock. men on upper Had river aio nt pieaent en Kaged In rounding up their beef cattle , am ) expect to ship from Chamberlain In Ihe near future HIJ VVY siuiMinvrs or \TTi.n. . TrnliiM I.I HC Sc irnl of ( In1 Illiirk. IIIIlM 'I'nrt us Kneh In > . UAPID CITV , S. D. , Sept. 14. ( Special ) The cattle shipment' ! from the Illack Hills ranges have been unusually luavy during the pa t week Per ten das iiast seven trains a daj have left Hello rottrcho and an equal number from Itrennan nnd Oelrlch on the Elkhoni. Each Irrtln Is inndo up of ten cars down as far ns Chadron , where the trains are double 1 up and one engine pulls from twenly to twenty-five cars Into market. Uach car contains from twenty to thirty fat steers , each of which will bling from f.r 0 to J65 In Chicago anil Omaha Each car car ries stock valued at from $1.000 to | 2,000 The largest shipment recorded this season was from the southern hills Seventeen trains of twenty-two cars each passed T given DOlnt nt IMgi'inont In fourteen hours Houghl } cstlnmtlnK. J5CO.OOO worlh of stock was Irnnsported lo the cistern market. HOY POl Ml Mil UDKIIIJI ) IN A C in. Ciiiniiiinloii 1'iuli-r Arrc-Ht ClinrK wUh tinIvIHIiiK. . rAKQO , N. D , Stpt. 14 A boy 17 jears old was miirdoreil west of this clt ) last night It Is thought to bo the work of tramps Ills body wns found In a cnr with a bullet hole the abdomen. Walter Douglass , who says he was his pirtner , states tbat an unknown mar committed the crime and made his escape Douglass states that the murdered bo's name Is John Qulnn and that his homo Is Sin rranelsco , where his relatives are well- to-do. The story of Douglass Is 'hardly credited , and he has been arrested , charged with the cilme Tlio surroundings of the murder show signs of a slrugglo There are eight or rilno bullet holew in ( ho car. and as many reports form a gun had been heard by neighbors around the place. STILL IHSUOI'lls OK 1VINMNG. Attiirno > for roiiiinlNNloii INCUNKH | JuilKf Curliinil'M Dfclnloii. HUHON , S. 1) . Sept. 14 ( Special ) He- fcrrlng to the decision of Judge Carland In the South Dikota railway commission case , lion. Thomas II. Null of tliii city , ono 01 the attorneys for the commission , says "Tho ruling of Judge Carland on the ap plication for temporary Injunction slmpl ) means that the matters Invoked shall re main as they aru until n regular trial can bo had The decision so far Is In nowUe an Intimation of what the court will do when thu case Is reached on Its merits. In fact the commission Is as confident aa ever anil will pioceed with the fight. " Iy ) this II would boom thai no special session of Ihe IiKlslaluro will bo necessary to provide ( or enforcing the now railway law iuNtrrii Mil ) or * After I HURON' , S. D. Sept 11 ( Special ) Haln hero and over most of the state Sunday night and Monday closed the Icngest and most severe - vero heated term ever experienced In this noctlon In September Corn Is quite rlpo and much of It Is In shock The potato croj Is being harvested and Is of excellent quallt ) and much larger than at first supposed Eastern buyers are hero to contract all they can get. Mnny Alti'lli'iiiilH fur OHloo , BIOUX KALLS , S D . Sept. 14 ( Special ) The Crow Creek Indian agency Is coveted by thrco good republicans , and the assistant United Statea altoniojalilp Is another posi tion that la much sought after. About ever ) town In the state Is leprcsentcd In thu Us of applicants for this place The olllco of gurvojor general Is being sought by the wist sldo ot the river , and Is likely to go there. NIMV Oliiir li nt I'liiiiKliilon , PLANKINTON. S. D , Sept , 14 ( Special. ) Thn contract lias been let ( or the cwiatruc- tlon ot a new Catholic church here The tnaln portion of the structure will bo 32xCO feet. The building will bo elaborately finished , and , when completed , will be onu of tbo best church edifices In Aurora county TO CUHK A COLD IN ONB DAY Take LaxatUo Ilromo Qtilnlno Tablets All drugglstH refund the money If it falls to curu. " 5e. „ HrtiirnliiKfriini ( InVtnt. . Tom Lowry , the great Htrrot rnllwn > inaRituto of ( Minneapolis , accompanied by C , Morrison , also ot Mlnnenpolls , passed throUKh the city ycslerday In Ihelr private car. They v\ero enroute homeward from i trip to Colorado Springs , Mr. I.o.vry was RCfompanU'il on the western trip by Ills daughter , Sirs. Theodore IfaKKormann , who has In ! en visiting her parents In Mlnnu.ipolls during the summer. DlmiKroriui'iil lli-l Tii lliirlii-m. Uan Kursh , a barber nt 2 * > 5 North Six trrnth street , and Vrnnlr Arniiintola , a rival tonsorlal artist -wjio conducta an es InblUhment about a block way , got tno ; a dlsputi ) last night over the voliimo of bust ness tninsncted by their respectUo pltceo Kl ! tB nnd shampoo bottles were being freely Bhuken In each other's facts , -when the pollcu arrived and vlaced them both under arrest tor dbtuiwlnff the peace. tcot.vrzu ) in : ins riunt s.\uiMi IM Nnthlni ; Andicntlo from Mjtlit'x llurrlentie < In iireaklng ot the severe storm that swept orcr Port Arthur and Sablnc Pass , TCT , Ut Sunday night , Herman Kountzc , prcH- dent ot the First National bank In this city. nil the leading representative ot the banking rm that Is largely Interested In the build- rg ot n new guU port at Sablnc Pass. > es- erday said : " 1 received a telegram ( rom ur manager a * Sablnc Pasi lat night , ctat- ng that the storm had blown down a number ( lightly built hcitisoi there and that It was cnorted there that three men had been ruwncd , Nu further Information has been ecelved. "I do not know- positively whether any lives were lost at Sablno Pass or not. Until I re- elve so mo more dcflnlto news I ( prefer not a give out ony telegrams for publication. " South Omaha News Preparations are being made for a red-hot meeting of the liiatshlo Improvement club at llelimko's hall , Twentieth and Missouri avenue , Friday night ot this week. The prlnclpil topic ot discussion will bo better street car facilities It Is understood that ho officers ot the club have a number ot otters from capitalists asking for informa * .Ion about the electric car line which It Is proposed to build Onn wealthy Omaha man offers tu put JIH.OOO Into tlio scheme pro vided the franchise which Is to bo asked for at the fall electlrn Is secured. Members ot the club am quietly working among the oters and are dally receiving much en couragement. It has been suggested that tlio electric street car plant at Jleatrlco bo purchased This plant Is lied up In litigation and has not been In use ( or some time. Interested lartles think that this plant could be bought for a reasonable price , and If HO , tlio line could bo placed In operation In a short time after the franchise was granted. Quite a lumber of land owners south of this clt ) lietween hero and Hcllevue are becoming In terested In the proposed line , and a number iiavo oftOrcd to take stock In the enterprise. In case the franchise hero Is granted the plan Is to build a line to tap Uellovuo and Fort Crook. Ynnl MiiNtrr UMKH | * . C. D. Tungalo , night ) ardmastcr at the Union stock yards , resigned Monday night on account of a lack of harmony between the department over which ho presided and thu new management. Mr. Tungato has been with Iho rallioad department of the stock jards company for a number of years and Is considered a first-class railroad man. On account of Tungate throwing up his Job the yards were- blocked for several hours , all out-going trains. Including thu fast meat train , being from two to live hours late. The Iracks were blocked wllh Incoming slock trains and It was well along In the forenoon before the jards were cleared The stock jards company refused to accept Mr Tun- gate's itsignatlun and Is dickering with him in hopes lhat ho will reconsider and return to work Slnco July 1 quite n number of the older employes of the conipnnv have resigned on account of the policy of the new manage ment. Thlnlc the Vliiiliiot DiiiiKfroiiN. Protests are being made b ) the citizens licio against the running of street cars across the Sixteenth street viaduct since that strucliiro has been condemned. It Is claimed that thu bridge shakes nnd trembles every llmo a cai crossts It , especially Is this uo- tlceablo If the cars arc heavily loaded The people here , or some ot them at least , seem lo think that during the fair week when the tialna are crowded the Thirteenth street route should be used In order to avoid possible accidents during the llmo when Irafllc will be the heaviest. May Orilrr Truck Ki-nccMl. Mayor Hnsor stated last night that ho would today order the stock > ards company to fence In the new track just built by the Cudahy Packing company. The mayor said that he had received a number of complaints from people who use the streels over thai way , and ho considered the unprotected track dangerous , as It runs through deep cuts for a considerable distance. The track , the mayor sas. Is not In use nnd ho therefore considers It a nuisance the way it Is "Mil jo iI'm iloiiN 1'rlNiinrrn. Yesterday afternoon two banana peddlers were tried In police court for selling without a license Judge Chrlstmann heard the tes timony and sentenced the peddlers to ten days In the county Jail. An effort was made by the atlorney for Ihe peddlers lo have the the judge accept an appeal bond , but Chrlst mann refused. Then the attorney told Ihe troubles of his clients to thu major , and that ofllclal pardoned the prisoners before they had been taken to the county jail. Finnic Clt ) CiiMNlii. Miss Clla Werner of Kansas City Is hero visiting relatives. John Yager of Atlantic , Ia. , > Is In the city attending to business matters. Superintendent Mtinro reports the enroll ment of the public schools as L',398. Mrs. H D. Faulkner of Hucklcn , Mo. , is visiting her sister , Mrs C. B Scarr. Aa Important meeting of Knoxall council , Hoyal Arcanum , will be held tonight. Major Cress goes to Lincoln today to at tend a Grand Army of the Republic reunion John O'Urlen has recovered from his recent Illness and resumed his duties at Swift's > cs- lerday. The college at Ilellcvuo opened ycslerday wllh a larger attendance of students than over before. Miss Hlla O'Connell , stenographer at the Drovers' Journal olllce. Is confined to her home by Illness John Anderson has taken out a permit to build a $200 addition to his residence at Twenty-second and K streets. P. n Grayson , formerly a resident of this city , but now located at Ch'yenne , Is hero looking after business nntlcrs. Miss Anna Tubbs returned to her home at Perry , la , ) esterday after hiving vlslteJ with Mrs A J Plorco for a few da > s. John L Carson has resigned as assistanl cashier of the Union Stock Yards National bank to accept a position as financial manager of a local commission firm. The Nebraska Telephone company has Is- suoj Invitations tn a number of prominent people hero requesting their presence at the opening of the long dlstanco lines between Omaha and eastern cities A committee has been appointed by the Union Veterans' Republican club lo inquire Into the differences now existing between the iwo factions of the republican parly hero and make an effort to adjudicate the matter A business meellnB of Iho congregation of the First Chrldtlnn church has been called for next Sunday at 11 o'clock to discuss the question of grading the church property to prepare for the building ot a parsonage , Tha present pastor , llev Howard Cramblet , will also bo re-elected. Dan iMontagut * of this city , who went to Now Mexico as thu representative ot the Transinlsslsslppl Exposition , writes that ho was on thti ISanta Fn train that was wrecked at Emporla some days ago As Mr Mon tague was In Iho last car 1m escaped with out a scratch Fortunately ho had hla bag gage with him In the car. otherwise It would have been destroyed when the baggage car burned. 111-.IIruI < i i < li > ty MrrtN. The Omaha Medical society held the firs I of the fall and winter sessions * at the Com mercial club last night. Among- the papers read and discussed wero. "Tho Opium and Cocaine Habits , How Formed .mil How Cnrcd , " by Ur. J , M AlUen ; "fhiiishol Wounds of Ihe Liver. " by Ur. J. 13 Sum mers , jr. . and "Diseases of Ihe Middle , " by Ur V 3 OACH. About llfty members of the profession were prefoit. i in u 11 lliiiiU Clo r Up. 11OCKFOHU , III , Sepl , . The Hank of Uurund , III , , assigned today und Ihe fail ure of Ihe hardware linn of Geary . Christ' nan of Durand Immediately followed No statement Illed. There are people In Mlllard unkind enough to cay that Iloyer never Intended to commit suicide , but that Iho whole thing was a bluff on the girl. They believe that Boyer simply pretuoJed to be dead the second time. CITY COUNCIL PRUGEtDINGS Two Reports Are Submitted from Finance Committee on Prospective Deficit * MEMBERS VOTE IN FAV03 OF ECONOMY rir < - I'll nil Will HITCH r SunnItrllcf , but Other Dcinirtiiiotit * Muni Out MIIIIK : Illi Mont * ) mi It n ml. The city council held an old-fashioned ses sion last night at which the oratorical ac companiment that has been largely dispensed with of late was again In evidence. Major Moorcs called the attention of Iho council lo thu fact that ordinance licensing nlckcl-ln-tho-.slol machines was contrary to aw Ho recommended that the ordinance bo repealed and the fees that had been paid bo returned. The message was referred and later In the session an ordinance carrying the recommendations ot the major Into effect was Introduced by Itcchcl and referred to the committee on judiciary. There were two reports from the finance committee on Ibc matter ot prospective de ficits In the municipal funds The majority report , which was signed by Uurklcy and Loheck , attcr brlclly slallng the situation , recommended thai no large bills bo Included In the next appropriation ordinance , but that the balance In the general fund bo reserved for salaries with the exception of a trans fer of $5,000 lo Ihe fire fund It recom mended a rigid economy In each depart ment and the passage of the resolution lim iting Iho expenses of the Hoard ot Public Works , which was Introduced at the previous meeting. The minority report , which represented Iho sentiments of Sluht and City Attorney Council , dealt with , the situation wllh more excess of detail , but recommended no defi nite mctsurcs of economy. ECONOMY IS IMPERATIVE. This report was to the effect that a city department which expended three-fourths of Its annual levy during the first six months ot the joir must expect to appeal to the clt ) for aid in the lasl six months , which cannot bo given wilhout a direct violation of the charter nnd making the members of the city council liable for the action. II said lhat an Investigation Into the amount of money which might be available to the general fund from Interest on certain mono ) belonging to the cltj had shown that It was yet Impossible to determine the exact amount to be so derived , but tint enough was learned that the fire fund would receive little benetlt It suggesled that -warrant might bo drawn on the geneial fund for Ihe relief of Iho fire fund , nnd Ihe clly treasurer reall7o the money on this warrant. It ad mitted that this action would bo evading Ihe Intent of 'ho law , but asserted that some thing radical must be done or the city would bo left without proper fire protection. In calling nteutloii lo the lirgo amount of mono ) spent on the fire depirtment , alien- lion Is called lo Iho facl that the Insurance companies had not made the reduction In Insurance premiums which had been prom ised , and suggested that the Insurance com panies might help out the fire fund or re duce piomluniB. It closes with the stalement that It Is Imperative thai a vigor ous i eduction must be made In the expenses of all departments ot the city government. Uurkley criticised the minority report for la ) Ing the blame on the fire department which laigely belonged to the council. He quoted figures to show that the flro depart ment had expended less money than during the corresponding period of last jcar , and staled that It was spec'iflcally provided when the annual levy was made that 2 mills should bo tiansferred from the general to Iho lire fund Stunt declared that any transfer of funds was Illegal and the fact tint It had been done by previous councils would not excuse it In this case. The minority report was adopted. Ajcs 'Becnel , Karr , Mercer , Mount , Stuht , 5. Noes Hurkloy , Burmeister , Lobeck , President Bingham , A. The mayor's notice of the receipt of an in vitation to atlcnd the meeting of mayors and councllmcn at Columbus. O , was re ferred to the Judiciary committee. The communication of Police Judge Gor don iclatlve to his salary , which has been previously published , was received and re ferred to the Judiciary committee. PREPARE FOR HOLLN TRIAt , A resolution by Hurkley directed Deputy Comptioller Wcttllng and Chief Clerk Pcad of the treasurer's olllco to render such serv ices to the legal department as might bo necessary In view of the approaching trial of the case of the city against the IJolln bondsmen , and authorised the comptroller to temporarily 1111 Mr. Wettllng's position. It was adopted. A. Li Schaeffcr , whoso appointment as en gineer In the city hall was turned uown at a previous meeting , was again appointed by Custodian Scdgwltk. This time Mercer changed his vote and the appointment was confirmed. Aes Burkley Lobeck , Mercer , Mount , Stuht 5. NaS Bechel , Burmelstor , Karr President Bingham 1. Stuht took the financial difficulty by the horns by Introducing a resolution which directed the city attorney to prepare ordi nances abolishing the olllces of gas Inspector , special agent and custodian of the city hall It was referred to the Judiciary committee. On a committee recommendation the ordi nance ordering the construction of a vladucl over the Burlington Iratks at Twenty-fourth street was placed on Hie On recommendation of the committee on police Lobcck's wine-room ordinance was placed on file. Burkley and Lobeck voted " " "No A riHolutlon dl ectlng the committee on public property and buildings to have the election booths put In shape for the revision I ot registration btought before the council one of the undesirable features ol the new char ter. Stuht declared that this was a county elecllon in which the city was In no way In terested. It would cost a couMde able amount to repair the booths and place them In position and this the county should be compelled to pay. EUQITV DORSN'T COUNT City Allorney Council agreed with Stuht as far as the equities ot the. ease were con cerned , but stated that under the law- the cxpeiibu must bo paid from thu general fund of Iho clly. The resolution was referred to the Judiciary committee and the city at torney. The same controversy was repeated on Illngliam's resolution that the registrars of election bo appointed at the next regular meeting. This was adopted after a vigorous debate , Stuht wus designated as a committee to sea the Board of County Commissioners with a view to Inducing It to consent to a division of the expense An ordinance providing for Iho submis sion of a proposition to vote $75,000 In sswcr funds and $ J5,000 In Intel section bonds at the coming election was Introduced by Bechel and referred Just before adjournment fiercer asked to be excused for a week , but the council re fused to grant his request. 'He ' then movnd that the vote by which A L. Schaeffer was confirmed bo reconsidered by way of gelling even and this led to n lively encounter In which Lobeck , Stuht and Mercer partici pated The motion to reconsider was passed b ) a vale of 5 to 4 with Mercer's as sistance , but the council flnall ) decided to put an end to personalities by adournlng and the Schaeffer appointment was left on the clerk's desk without action. Uuiii'liiK l'nrl > nnil Soi'lnl. The Young Ladles' Pleamiro club gave a dance and entertainment at Patternon hall List evening , which filled the hall with n , * crowd of tnerrymukeis A program of eighteen dances , prefaced by selections and concluded with refresh ments were tbo features ot the evening Miss Lizzie MeUne.iry .iclcd as master of ceremonies , and WHS ably assisted by u reception committee composed of Misses Jennie Piwt , Nettle Gibson , Carrie Ander son und Moria tMcEneary. MlH'lilM < : iuli MrtlliK. . The eighth W.ird Lincoln Republican club held thu second meeting" since its formation at Sinder'a hnll , Twenty-fourth and Cum- Ing street" , last evening U. II Allen pre sided , with . r Sillier as secretary The sct-glon vvnn devoted to the adoption of a constitution and bylaws und the election of an executive committee , Owing1 to the fact tl'.U there were but few present no speeche-3 were made. JOBBERS F\ND \ Of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. f ininger & u Co. WHOLESALE DKAMIUS IN Agricullvrat Implements. nml Carriages Cor th and Pacific Sts Implement Go. ttrorguitiicil Wagons , Drills , Buggies , Etc. Ninth niul Pacific Streets. & Kadin Go Jobbers of Farm Machinery. nnd llupglcs - Cor Oth nnd Jones. heT.G.KortoallCo Wholesale Dealers lu Agricn Itn rt il fin pi em cuts , KAdONS AND IIUGOIHS , lltli niul Nicholas St. ART GOODS T Picture Moldings. Mirror , Frame * , Backing nnd Artists' Materials BOOKBINDING , ETC ees FrinfiGi Co. J'JtlbTIXU AMI mtOJi Jll.MiltiCt. Eleventh nnd Howard Sts. BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , Sewed Shoe Go M'frs | Jobbers of Foot Wear -STrilV AOK.NTS FOIl The Joseph Bauigau. Rubber Co. F H. Sprague & Go. , V " = Rubbers and Mackintoshes. oMIuiin , rv f.P-Ji Boots , Shoes and Rubbers Salesrooms 110M10M10C llarney Street. Boots , Shoes , Rubbers , AT WHOLESALE Ofllce and .Salesroom 1119 21-23 Howard St. ompany Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers Western Aecnt Goodyear Glove Rubber * , 1114 Harney Street. . Lindsey , WIIOLKSALB RUBBER GOODS Owner of Chief Drand Mackintoshes BAGS | emis Qmaha Bag Co Importers and Manufacturers BAGS 614-16-18 South > nth Street BAKING POWDERT-rrEXTRACTS. Parrel ! & Co. , SYRU'PS ' , Mca ! Be , Sorghum , etc ( I'/Cjierves and Jellies Alto ( In cans and Japarihed Uare. Million ni : vi.niti ; , fl'u Will Illllll II Still.JIO tlllK U Tl- \ < -Xl ; ' 'f < ' ' 0 t The 1,200 saloon keeper and liquor dealers In the state are to bo Invited to hold a con vention In tlila city on October 14 to complete the organization of the proposed Nebraska Protective Liquor Dealers' association That was decided upon yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the temporary organization formed a couple ofveeks ago. The primary object of this convention at present la to consolidate the liquor Interests of the state to secure the. 169S meeting of the National Hetall Liquor Dealers' associa tion , ulilcli meets this year at Indianapolis on October 19 This gathering U bound to bring a considerable number of delegates and visitors to the city If It Is secured. At tbo convention to be held In this city delegates will bo selected to go to Indianapolis to work In this city's Interests. A , committee was appointed to correspond with all the retail dealers In the state to secure their attendance at tbo proposed con tention. Another committee was also ap- CHICORY he American I Chicory Co. Growers and mrxmifnctmors of nil forms of Chicory Omahn-frcmont-O Nell CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Jttiliortti' mid Jobber Crockery. Chtui , Glassware Silver Plated Ware. Looking OHsscst. Chan deliers , Lamps , Chlmncx. Cutlery , Etc. 1 lilt PVIl.NAM M' . CREAMERY SUPPLIES The Sharpies Company v - ' " - ' _ ' _ _ . . . Creamery filachincry and Supplies. Uollcrs , niiRlncH , Teeif Cookers , Wood Pul leys , Shafting , Heltlnr ; , Huttcr Pack ages ot nil hinds. " > 07-r09 Jones St. COAL. ) heridan Fuel Co. OfTlco 1C03 Parnam Street. SHERIDAN COAL. C N nicl7 , Prulilent Ooitld DIM * . " * ; & Trei CONFECTIONERY CIGARS Mannfactm ing Confcct oners , And Jobbers of 1'orcinnnncl Domestic I'ruits , Nutt , Cigars nnd Crackers. /JOS'-/ ( > /foil lltl > , ST DRY GOODS. E. SmitED & So , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods AND NOTIONS. DRUGS. 902-906 Jackson St. J. C. RICHARDSON , Preat. C. P. WELLCIl. V. Prcst. E. Bruce & Co. Druggists and Stationers , "Queen Bee" Specialties , Clears , Wlniu and IJr.imIles , Corner 10th and llarney Street * . Chemical Go. ' ' atantlnril 1'ltarnnioviillcal ' 31'f'ra 1'rfpara- tlons l < i > erlal t'oiiniilitf I'lrpuiril to Oi il < r .S ( ( "Iur Catalnfiue. Uitioratorj , 1112 Honard St , Omaha ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. \A/esfern Electrical vv Supply Co Electrical Supplies. Electric Mining Bolls and Gas Lighting C. W. JOIIVSTOV , Pf es. 1B18-IS17 Howard. Supply Co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ISM Parnam St , FRUIT-PRODUCE. & Go , WHOLESALE Commission Merchants. S W. Corner 12th and llownnl Htn Membera of the National League of Commls lon Merchants of the United States. Fruit and Vegetables STOCIALTIKS Strawlwrrl * , Apples , Oranges , Lemon * , Cranberries , I'otatoeg , 1017 Howard St. FURNITURE Hewey & Stone Furniture Go tVHOLUSALU Furniture Draperies 1115-1117 Tarnam Street. pointed td Interest all the saloon keepers lu the city In the project and in the associa tion. Another mcutlng will bo held In two weeks at 112 South Fourteenth street. Another object of the new association la In to ) | interests of homo Industry In the liquor line. It Is belleNcd that If the dealers In the towns and cities In the state can be Induced to attend the convention In this city they can bo shown that It would be to their advantage to trade with the wholesale llqudr firms of this clly , A good many are buying from Chicago and St. Louis houses , and it Is stated that they can obtain goods of equal quality In this city at cheaper prices on ac count of the saving In freight rates. The brewers and wholesale liquor dealers will therefore bo Interested In the coming conven tion and will bo expected to stand their share of the expense attendant upon the entertain ment of the Usltora The objects mentioned are the two biggest that aru now before the temporary associa tion that was formed , but It Is proposed to make the new state body a permanent ono and strong enough to discover some remedies for grievances that the saloon keepers of the state have. GROCERIES. eyer & Raapke , FINE GROCERIES Teas , Spices , Tobiccs nnJ Cigar * . H03-1W7 lUrney Street- MicCord-IBrady Go. UHli and Lcuvcmvorth St. Staple and Fancy Groceries IEA AND COIftt ROVSHRS , Lie. YMiMHt'rniis. corpiu no vsinus AND JOII1IING CHUCnUS. Telephone "S2. HARNESS-SADDLERY VKtS , .S.I ! > / > /.t A / ! > COI.T. IIM olilx t s of I nitlirr , .s < uJill i'/ | //uiifii inr , lie. Wn > .ollclt jour orders 1315 Howard Et , HARDWARE. Pector & Wiihelmy Ce V Wholesale Hardware , Oiutiha. | ee Wholesale Hardware. Itlcycles nnd Sportlnc Goods. 1219-U1-23 Har tley bticet. HATS-CAPS at ® City Hat Co. 1100 nnd 1111 Howard St W1WI.I.XAI.R JUTS , CAi't > , oi.orix. .I/ITT/IAS Owners of Cnte City , Peerless. Damascus and Transmlsslsslipl | brands of lulls LIQUORS. ioise & Co \ \ HOLP.SAU : LIQUORS. Proprietors of AMERICAN CIGAR AND QI.ASS WAIti : CO 2H-21G buutll 14th St jler's Eagfe Gin East India I3itters Golden Sheaf Pure R > e nnd Bourbon Whiskey. \ \ lllow springs Distillery. Her & Co. , 1112 llarney Street. prick & Herbertz , Wholesale Liquor Merchants , 1001 Karnaiu Street. Piley Brothers , Wholesale Liquors and Cigars. 1118 Parnam Street. WHOLESALE Wines , Liquors and Cigars. 413-415 S 15th Street. LUMBER C hlcago Lumber Co. WHOLESALE DUMBER . , . 814 South 14th St. 9 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER Olllce and Yardi 13th and California Htn LOM ; nisTAxn : 'IIIII : > IIOM : I.IMJ. I'nriunllr Ojiunnl In I > ri-Mi-nui > of n Small Pnrly. The American Telegraph & Telephone company's long distance telephone llnea have reached Omaha and cltl/ens of this town may now converse with their friends lu almost any town In the east or south with as much facility as they would call up their grocer or butcher. The practical operation of the long dlstanco line was exemplified last night at the telephone - phone company's building < A transmitter was stationed at one end ot a room and on a table In tbo center of the room twenty recoUcra had been connected , with the main line , O. C , Drooks and George Yorko ot Chicago and Grcnvlllo Howard of St , Ixiuis , representatUos of the company , were In charge of the Instruments and explained their operation to a small gathering of electricians and representatives of the press The visit ors were put In communication with the Chicago and New York olllcts and conversed with thu managers in those two cities , and were ulso connected with .Milwaukee and listened to the playing by a band lu a roof LUMBER : Qeo.fl. joagtanj Wholesale Lumber , Lime , Etc. " 11 - ' n vi > i s sts. Lumber Go 6th and Douglas Sis. Tclcphon" jpr. OILS-PAINTS int Co. Air Floated M irral Paint And 1'nlnti of Mi ICl'Uti l'iitt > , Ktc. 101 ! > nnd 1017 Jones St. 111 Co. J . \ . MolTct , lat Vice rm I , . J Drake , Ocn MCT . . . .OJLS. . . . Cintn.lnr , Tuipcntliip Axle ( Ironic , nto. Omnli i llrunch and Actncle * . John II Kutli Mcr. OYSTERS KING COLE OYSTERS , cni.nuv ANU roi I.TIIY int. , itinnl St PAPER-WOODENWARE. Printing Paper , Wrapping Paper , Sfaliotieryt Corner 12th and Howard streets. Paper Co. WllOl.rSAI.E Paper and Stationery. ; 0 < i-210 212 S Eleventh St. Co. Wrapping Paper , Stationery , Woodenware. 1107 Hatncy Street. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. T Photographic Supplies , St. SASH DOORS BLINDS. & Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Etc , 12th and I/ird Sts. STEAM-WATER bUPPLIES. C JOM-lOKi Douulas Htrcot. Manufacturers and Jobbers of Steam. Ga nn Water Supplies of AH Kinds. ited States u /ioS-iiTO Uarnev St. Stcnm Pumps , Knslncs nnd UollerH , Pipe , Wind MIIlM , Hli'iiin and Plumblne Muterlnl. IJcltini' . Hose , lUc. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. H Hardy & Co Toys , Dolls , Album * and FANCY GOODS. I /louse rurnlBhlriKs ChliJren'n Carrlagti , Eta < 1319 I'urnam btrett. TYPE FOUNDRIES. Great Western Type Foundry Superior Copper Mixed Typo U bint on the market II.ICTUOTYPI : : : rot'NwiY. ' 1114 Howard BlreU garden in the city which has titcn mac ! famous by the quantity of beer It turns out. A mini-public entertainment will be given tonight at the telephone company' * Imlldlna to which Invltatloim havelmw Issued Num erous dlstJiit polntH will bo thrown Into ) the circuit and a most enjoyable and novci entertainment will bo afforded those for * tunato enough to bu present. Pr.'Hliytcrlan Tlii-olouh-nl Hi-inlimry. The Hoard of TIUHIGPH for the Pre by seminary held u regular meeting jcatirduy und complrted the do- tulla of thu InislueHH rorinected with t1 o openlni. of the fall term of the uchool They ulcctcd Dr John Ooidon to a full pro * foKuoruhli ) In the gonilnary In the uhulr of church history. The ( lUtxtlon ot the removal from th city of Itov H I ) McUormUk , preKldtnt of thu Ht'inlnary , wus ( onxldcrod , and It v > a * decided to retain him tu Unit position. The trnuteca report the outlook gocxl for an IncrcaseJ attendance this year , No man or woman can enjoy lite or ac complish much In thte world nhlle nifUrlnu from a torpid liver , DeWItt'e Little E rl/ j Illicrs , the plll that cleane * that quickly.